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1081 search results for: voter fraud


VIDEO: Proposed Bill H.R.1 Gives Congress Total Authority Over Future Elections Codifying Election Fraud

The Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution is in Article I, Section 4, which reads: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the […]


NATIONWIDE ELECTION FRAUD: Totalitarian Democrats Reintroduce Bill for Nationwide Mail-in Voting

The Nazis are on the march. Mail-in voting should be BANNED. This would enshrine totalitarian rule for the foreseeable future. Democrat Lawmakers Introduce Bill for Nationwide Mail-in Voting: Necessary to ‘Make Real Progress’ By: Hannah Bleau, Breitbart News, 28 Jan 20211,649 Two Democrat lawmakers introduced a bill on Thursday, dubbed the “Vote at Home Act,” […]


TREASON: Democrats’ First Bill of 2021 Is to Lock In Fraudulent Elections Forever

Like a third world dictatorship – we’ll need the military to step up and stop the communist takeover of America. The actual bill here — “For the People” — Yes, for the People of Communist China. SHOCKING: The Democrats’ First Bill of 2021 Is to Lock In Fraudulent Elections Forever By Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, January 24, 2021: […]


ELECTION FRAUD: San Antonio Election Democrat Arrested for Widespread Vote Harvesting and Fraud

Stolen. A woman has been arrested in connection to alleged election fraud and illegal voting, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Wednesday. According to Paxton, Rachel Rodriguez of San Antonio was “exposed in a Project Veritas video” ahead of the 2020 election regarding vote harvesting and acknowledged what she was doing was illegal. In an […]


Ten Absolute Truths About the 2020 Election and Election Fraud That Every American Should Understand

Writing “10 Absolute Truths” on any subject could be considered bold, overly ambitious, or just downright arrogant. That becomes even more a consideration when writing on a controversial subject such as election fraud. Nevertheless, there are some important lessons from history, including the most recent election, that coalesce into powerful truths that we will have […]


Radical Stacey Abrams’ Sister Blocks Georgia Officials From Removing 4,000 Voters From Rolls Before Election

VIDEO: Exclusive: Exam Indicates Georgia Tabulating Machine Sent Results to China.  The once respected state is a a cesspool of corruption. Hey, that’s what Democrats do. Destroy. Stacey Abrams’ Sister Blocks Georgia Officials From Removing 4,000 Voters From Rolls Before Election By Howard Roark, CPT, December 29, 2020 A federal judge on Monday ordered two […]


Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to Spy Agency ISI

By G-d, it gets worse and worse. We are counting on decent, patriotic Americans and congress people to right this horrible wrong. Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to ISI By Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, December 28, 2020: Catherine Engelbrecht is […]


POLL: 78% Of Republicans Believe Presidential Election Was Fraudulent

78% of Republicans believe that Joe Biden was illegitimately elected president, a USA Today/Suffolk University poll that was released Thursday found. When asked if they believed Joe Biden was legitimately elected president, 96% of Democrats said yes, while only 20% of Republicans said the same. Just 3% of Democrats said that they did not believe […]


Open Letter to Florida Senators Rubio and Scott to Contest the Electoral College Vote and the 2020 Election Fraud

Dear Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, We haven’t heard from either of you doing anything about the leftist criminal election fraud which has taken place.  Will you do the right thing and join others, like Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz,  in refusing to confirm the Electoral College vote in Congress? We are urging President Trump […]


Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Case Before SCOTUS is a Gamechanger

Late Friday, Powell and her team filed a request with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking it to take up a case previously filed in a Detroit federal court, in the hopes the U.S. Supreme Court will take up their case before the Electoral College votes. Sidney Powell’s team acknowledges in its filing it would be […]


Analysist Identifies ‘Phantom Voters’ Used to Dilute Legal Votes in Several States

Fake people who cast votes. In Arizona alone, he identified as many as 300,000 of these voters. Analysist Identifies “Phantom Voters” Used to Dilute Legal Votes in Several States By: Dr E, Washington Pundit, December 15, 2020: Enthusiasm is contagious and Bobby Piton has no shortage of it. Piton became an instant success after his appearance at […]


Arizona Senate Will Hold Official Legislative Hearing Into Election Fraud, Complete With Subpoena Power

We are the majority. Act like it. VICTORY: Arizona Senate Will Hold Official Legislative Hearing Into Election Fraud, Complete With Subpoena Power Members of the Arizona Legislature are finally working to expose voter fraud within the state By: Jack Hadfield, National Pulse, December 10., 2020: The Arizona Senate will hold an official legislative hearing on election […]


VIDEO: Our Constitutional Republic Depends on Fighting Electoral Fraud

The Center for Security Policy Founder and Executive Chairman Frank Gaffney hosted a critical webinar on mounting evidence of fraud in the 2020 presidential election and the implications of this fraud for the future of our republic with Colonel Phil Waldron, U.S. Army Retired, and the Center’s Senior Analyst for Strategy Dr. J. Michael Waller. […]


A Worst [Suit]case Scenario for Fraud

When the president touched down in Georgia on Saturday, his legal team was already on the ground. Thanks to the “smoking suitcase video,” documented irregularities, and witness testimony, the Trump campaign thinks it has more than enough evidence to challenge the state’s election results. Only this time, the team doesn’t just want a hearing — […]


Election Fraud Eyewitnesses Harassed, Threatened, and BEATEN

Sidney Powell Claims Some Of Her Witnesses Have Been ‘Threatened’ And ‘Beaten Up’ By: Martin Walsh, Conservative Brief, December 2, 2020 Sidney Powell, the prominent defense attorney who is fighting in courtrooms across the country to expose alleged voter fraud, made a few startling claims this week. During an interview Monday night on Fox News, Powell […]