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1081 search results for: voter fraud


Desperate Democrats Test Run Diabolical Mid-term Election Fraud Scheme

“What you are about to watch is a nightmare. It is not meant to be prophetic, it need not happen, it’s the fervent and urgent prayer of all men of good will that it never shall happen. But in this place, in this moment, it does happen. This is the Twilight Zone.” —  Rod Serling […]


Constitutional Sheriffs to Hold Summit to Encourage Elected Officials to Fight Ballot Fraud Ahead of 2022 Midterms

In order to avoid civil war, we must have free and fair elections. It is incumbent upon every American to ensure we the people choose our leaders. There are no casual observers or fence-sitters in the war against Americanism. You are either with us or against us. Constitutional sheriffs to hold summit to encourage elected […]


Election Fraud: Turn Over the Rocks and Watch the Bugs Scurry Underneath

A flood of new stories shows we have widespread problems with our elections.  Let’s start with the individual cases: A former Congressman pled guilty to stuffing ballot boxes for the Democrats in Pennsylvania elections from 2014 to 2018.  A Republican councilwoman in New York pled guilty to submitting multiple absentee ballots in her reelection bid last year.  A Democrat […]


Democrat Ex-Congressman Ozzie Meyer’s Pleads Guilty To Fraudulently Stuffing Ballot Boxes

For Democrats, it systemic. Ex-congressman ‘Ozzie’ Myers pleads guilty in ballot stuffing case Associated Press | June 6, 2022: PHILADELPHIA — A former congressman from Philadelphia pleaded guilty Monday to charges related to fraudulently stuffing ballot boxes for Democratic candidates between 2014 and 2018. Federal prosecutors said former Democratic U.S. Rep. Michael J. “Ozzie” Myers pleaded […]


My Streaming Services Have Boycotted ‘2000 Mules’ the Election Fraud Exposé!

I was speaking with a friend and he brought up that he will be watching the 2020 election fraud exposé “2000 Mules” to try to understand what, if anything, actually happened. I decided to watch it on my streaming services. So I began looking for it on Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBOMax, Hulu, the ROKU Channel, […]


Election Fraud a Misdemeanor?

In Evansville, Indiana, a local Democrat elections office worker, Janet Reed, was indicted and tried in a so called court on charges of sending illegally pre-marked mailings to voters ahead of the 2020 primary elections. Democrat operative Janet Reed arrested for forging absentee ballot applications. This fact check admits that it is true. A lot […]


What are the Federal and Florida Laws and Criminal Penalties for Election Fraud?

As we approach the 2022 mid-term elections on November 8th, 2022 it is important for citizens to understand the specific federal and recently revised Florida laws, and accompanying criminal penalties, for voter and election fraud. Why? Because voter fraud has now become a “multi-dimensional interference” in elections. Every illegal ballot or ballot cast by an […]


Democrat County Supervisor Indicted on 82 COUNTS In ELECTION FRAUD Scheme In Virginia

Democrats can’t win. So they cheat. It’s the only way. Without election integrity, the country is over. Election Fraud Scheme Uncovered In Virginia, County Supervisor Indicted on 82 Counts By: Gregory Hoyt, Red Voice Media, May 2022: BUCHANAN COUNTY, VA – A Democrat Virginia Board of Supervisors member was reportedly charged with 82 felony counts relating to election […]


The Big Lie Is ‘There Is No Election Fraud’

Yesterday, 204 legislators from various states called for a 50-state election audit, decertification of results where indicated, and possible convening of the U.S. House of Representatives to reconsider the 2020 election.   Even if you believe anyone still questioning the outcome of the 2020 presidential race is telling a Big Lie or tilting at windmills, there are plenty […]


$200 Million in Somali Welfare Fraud Paid for Trips to Mecca

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s favorite restaurant claimed to be feeding 6,000 kids a day. Feeding Our Future, the Minnesota food charity sponsor whose offices have been raided by the FBI over allegations of massive fraud that some estimates have placed in the hundreds of millions of dollars, claimed that it wants to make “the world a […]


VIDEO: “2000 Mules” Exposing Ballot Traffickers Who Stole the 2020 Election in MASSIVE Election Fraud Bombshell

This is the smoking gun. Jim Hoft is reporting that True the Vote has been working on a bombshell movie that uses footage they obtained of ballot boxes in key states across America to steal the election in 2020. No wonder they stopped the challenge on January 6th with a bogus fed-instigated ‘insurrection.’ WATCH: And this, multiple ballots in […]


Gallup Shocker: GOP Now Leads Democrats in Voter Affiliation

What’s shocking is that any rational American would affiliate with the diabolical Democrats. Gallup Shock: GOP Now Leads Democrats in Voter Affiliation By Charlie McCarthy | Newsmax | 17 January 2022: Americans’ political party preference during 2021 shifted from Democrat to Republican in the largest move since Gallup began regularly measuring party identification and leaning […]


Republicans Make Florida history, Pass Democrats in Voter Registration

YUGE! The residents of Florida see the chaos in Democrat run states and want none of it. The peerless Governor DeSantis will be re-elected in a landslide in next years gubernatorial election. Then it could be on to 2024 for the governor. Watch Democrat-fascists dump millions of illegals in Florida. In 2008, Democrats had 700K more registered […]


Hit the Courts and Fight Hard! Without Vote Fraud, Ciatarelli Wins New Jersey HANDS DOWN

  It won’t be news to many that New Jersey is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. This extends, of course, to its electoral system. Thus can it be said assuredly that without vote fraud, the remarkably corrupt and fairly stupid Garden State governor, Goldman Sachs guy Phil Murphy, would have lost Tuesday’s election […]


Abrams: GOP Voter Integrity Laws Are Like Jan 6 ‘Assault’ Happening ‘Again and Again’

Wednesday on CNN’s OutFront, voter fraud enthusiast and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams claimed falsely that Republican state lawmakers putting forth election integrity legislation is a continuation of the January 6 Capitol Hill chaos she calls an “assault on our democracy.” “My responsibility is to do what I can to ensure that no matter who you are, and no […]