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1081 search results for: voter fraud


Poll: Majority of Trump Voters Want Red States to Secede from Blue States

Count me among them. It would avert a. bloody civil war. It’s free states versus slave states ….. again. Poll: Majority of Trump Voters Want Red States to Secede from Blue States By: Breitbart News, October 3, 2021: When the survey asked voters who supported then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020, 41 percent agreed with the same […]


INSTITUTIONALIZING ELECTION FRAUD: Gov. Newsom Makes Mail-In Ballots Permanent in California

Mail-in ballots are now permanent and every registered voter in California will now be sent a mail-in ballot. California will never have a legit election again. With his overwhelming victory in the recall election, California governor Gavin Newsom and his backers have consolidated their hold on the state for the foreseeable future. via @joelkotkin […]


Nearly 400,000 Voter Identities Processed in Arizona have NO MATCH with Social Security Administration

Trump won. How do we remove the fraudulent regime? Nearly 400,000 voter identities processed in Arizona have NO MATCH with Social Security Administration By Vianca Rodriguez RSBN Network, September 21, 2021: A shocking report from Arizona last week reveals that hundreds of thousands of new voter registrations had no match within the Social Security Administration database. […]


President Trump: All U.S. States Should Go to Paper Ballots, Same-Day in-Person Voting, Voter ID

Like most countries …… But make no mistake, the democrats will declare civil war if we try to hold free and fair elections. Donald Trump: All U.S. States Should Go to Paper Ballots, Same-Day in-Person Voting, Voter ID By: Matthew Boyle, Breitbart, 2 Sep 2021:BEDMINSTER, New Jersey — Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News that […]


ELECTION THEFT: Voter Group Says ‘157,299 Illegal Ballots’ Cast in Wisconsin Election [Video]

What redress? What is process to righting a coup?  Voter Group Says ‘157,299 Illegal Ballots’ Cast in Wisconsin Election By The Election Wiz August 7, 2021 An election integrity group says an autopsy of the November 2020 election identified over 157,000 illegally cast ballots in Wisconsin, a number that exceeds Joe Biden’s margin of […]


PODCAST: Voter Suppression vs. Election Integrity

 Arguably the two biggest issues facing the American people today deals with illegal immigration and voting. Interestingly, I believe the two are related. However, there are sharp differences in interpretation between liberals and conservatives and reflects a deep divide between the two groups. As to illegal immigration, liberals do not believe in national borders […]


Over 7,000 Affidavits Delivered to Michigan Lawmakers Claim Election Fraud

That’s a hellava lot of conspiracy nuts, eh? Hundreds of people concerned about the integrity of the Nov. 2020 election gathered outside the Michigan Capitol Thursday to protest and deliver roughly 7,000 affidavits claiming fraud and demanding a forensic audit. — The Center Square (@thecentersquare) June 17, 2021 Over 7,000 affidavits delivered to Michigan […]


Phantom Voters, Election Integrity and Amazon Spying on You!

We need ALL HANDS ON DECK to canvass for Election Integrity! We have discovered millions of PHANTOM VOTERS across this country who not only voted in the last election, but some are also receiving STATE AND FEDERAL BENEFITS – yes your tax dollars are going who knows where…Let’s locate and expose all these phantoms and get them off our […]


Rasmussen Survey: Nearly Half Of Voters Oppose Facebook’s Trump Ban

Nearly half of U.S. voters oppose Facebook’s permanent ban of former President Donald Trump from the social media platform, according to a survey release Friday by Rasmussen Reports. Rasmussen found 48% of voters surveyed oppose Facebook’s decision to make Trump’s ban from the platform permanent, while 41% favored banning Trump from Facebook, and 10% of respondents were […]

130 13 Point 2020 Election Fraud Summary

The 2020 Election Integrity Project has updated it’s website. On their website they summarize the 2020 Election Fraud. Ballot counting was delayed in 6 states, all around the same time, on election night for the first time in United States history without any explanation. Five states wanted to decertify and requested more time for audits […]


MICHIGAN: Judge Reinstates Voting Fraud Case Following Forensic Probe of Dominion Voting Machines

A forensic audit of the voting machines would blow up the country. Mich. judge reinstates voting fraud case following forensic probe of Dominion voting machines By: OANN Newsroom, March 7, 2021:A federal judge has reinstated a Michigan County voting fraud case after the county clerk dismissed it.This week, Judge Kevin Elsenheimer issued two separate orders to […]


House Democrats PASS voting bill to enshrine and federalize ELECTION FRAUD practices

This bill represents a fundamental transformation of our election system. If passed the Republican Party may never win a national election. The people of West Virginia must contact Senator Joe Manchin to make sure that he keeps his promise to not end the filibuster. Otherwise this radical legislation will pass the Senate, and be sent to President […]


VIDEO: Judge Orders Election Do-Over after 78% of Mail-in Ballots Proved Fraudulent

 A judge is ordering a new runoff election for the Ward 1 alderman seat in Aberdeen. In the sixty-four-page order, Judge Jeff Weill not only calls for a new election but also finds evidence of fraud and criminal activity, in how absentee ballots were handled, how votes were counted, and the actions by some […]


Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November

So crooked ….. Biden is not legitimate. Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November By: Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, February 2021: Michigan now admits after ‘certifying’ the 2020 Presidential election, that more voters should be removed from their voter rolls than there were votes […]