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1233 search results for: Green New Deal


Pope’s Document on Blessing Same-Sex Couples Will ‘Cause Chaos and Hurt Souls’

Pope Francis caused widespread controversy and confusion on Monday by appearing to allow priests to bless individuals and couples involved in unchaste same-sex marriages and unrecognized civil marriages, a decision faithful Catholics have said will “produce chaos” in people’s lives “and hurt souls.” The pope gave priests in the Roman Catholic Church, the world’s largest […]


TAKE ACTION: The Myth of Gaza’s Innocent Civilians

74% of Gazans and 83% in the West Bank Strongly Support the Oct 7th Sabbath Massacre! TAKE ACTION: Stand with Israel! Poll Shows the Vast Majority of “Palestinians” Supported the Oct. 7 Massacres. Daniel Greenfield | JNS | November 23, 2023 Ever since Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, along with ordinary Arab Muslims from Gaza, […]


COP 28: United Nations Scientists Seek Fauci-like ‘Powers’

Gore and Kerry demand phase-out of fossil fuels – ‘Clothing limited to 3 new items per person’. DUBAI — CFACT’s Climate Depot’s Marc Morano Special Reports from DUBAI COP 28 UN Climate Summit Morano: “This is the 18th UN COP climate summit that I have attended in person since my first in 2004. I have […]


The United Nations is Hosting its “DIRTIEST” Climate Conference Ever in Dubai

CFACT is at the UN climate conference in Dubai which “Simple Flying” reports “will have the highest carbon footprint in history.” They write that “while Dubai is more commonly known as the hub for aviation giant Emirates, its home at Dubai International Airport (DXB) has also seen a flurry of private jets over COP28.” OK, the unique […]


President Of UN Climate Confab Says There’s ‘No Science’ Behind Push To Phase Out Fossil Fuels

Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the president of this year’s United Nations (UN) climate summit, said that there is “no science” behind calls to eliminate fossil fuels to counter global warming, according to The Guardian. Al Jaber also said that getting rid of fossil fuels would not allow for sustainable economic growth “unless you want to […]


Biden Admin Proposes EV Subsidy Guidance That Leaves Door Open For Chinese Companies

The Biden administration proposed eligibility rules for electric vehicle (EV) tax credits on Friday that appear to leave the door open for Chinese suppliers, at least in the near-term. The guidance, released by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Treasury Department, is not yet final, but it will likely reduce the number of EV models that are […]


American Jews Never Learned to Fight Leftist Jew-Hatred

And talking about ‘anti-Semitism’ is part of the problem. After the Holocaust, the American Jewish community, like most liberals, reduced the mass murder of millions of Jews to a problem of intolerance and prejudice. A massive effort was undertaken to educate about what had happened rather than what was happening. While the first Holocaust museums […]


U.S. Police Face Hiring Crisis: ‘I’m Drowning in This Politically-Charged Atmosphere’

Since the George Floyd riots of 2020, law enforcement in the U.S. has taken a hit, with resignations at an all-time high, and recruitment at a dangerous low. In New York City, over 2,500 officers have turned in their badge this year. According to NYPD pension data, this year marks the fourth highest number of police officers who have […]


Muslim American Society, Linked to Hamas, Flooded Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.” “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” — CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad And where better to […]


Hamas and the Jihadist Psychopath

How a barbaric terrorist entity is charming, seducing and devouring us. Introduction: In the aftermath of Hamas’ horrific Oct 7th terrorist attack against Israelis, we have witnessed the standard dynamic emerge: the Jihadist perpetrators portraying themselves as the victims and painting the victims as the perpetrators. Thus, instead of blaming Hamas for its monstrous terrorism – […]


Muslim Stabs Teachers and Children at Dublin Catholic School, Media Covers It Up

A 5-year-old girl was receiving emergency medical treatment. What. Where. Why. You won’t find any of those ‘Ws’ in any story that the media is interested in covering up, rather than covering. Take the stabbing of small children at a Catholic school in Dublin, allegedly, by an Algerian Muslim. You can read entire stories about […]


Sixty years ago JFK was murdered in broad daylight, a moment that shattered the public’s trust in the federal government forever!

There are two dates that many people of my age remember. The first is the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK) in Dallas, Texas on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. CST. The second is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon by al Qaeda on September 11th, 2001 at 10:03 a.m. […]


Short-Circuiting Iran’s Strategy in the Black Sabbath War

The current war between Israel and Hamas is not an Israeli-Palestinian issue, nor should its goals be only the removal of Hamas from power. The Palestinian issue is certainly an aspect of the conflict.  But this is a regional strategic event. It is a major episode in the twilight struggle between Iran and Israel – […]


The Jew Haters in Power Were Very Carefully Taught

In 1949, the trailblazing anti-racist musical “South Pacific”—created by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II—debuted on Broadway to wild critical acclaim, running for over five years in nearly 2,000 performances. A particularly powerful and influential song from the musical, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught,” carried the message that hatred does not arise […]