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1233 search results for: Green New Deal


U.S. Business Execs Give Chinese Dictator Multiple Standing Ovations During Exclusive Dinner

Following President Biden’s and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s summit on Wednesday, the communist dictator, whose government has perpetrated extensive, well-documented crimes against humanity, was warmly received with multiple standing ovations at a lavish dinner that evening in San Francisco attended by prominent U.S. business executives and government officials. The dinner, which was hosted by the U.S.-China Business Council […]


Biden Admin Doubles Down On Climate Cooperation With China As Xi’s Economy Goes On Coal Binge

The Biden administration announced on Tuesday that it is doubling down on efforts to work with China on climate change. The State Department unveiled a comprehensive strategy reaffirming the administration’s commitment to taking on climate change as a global problem alongside China, even during a time of rocky relations between the two nations and clear signs that […]


There is No Moderate Jihad

And that’s why co-existence is impossible. Civilized nations have spent generations trying to convince themselves that the primary religious and national impulses of the Muslim world come down to more than conquest and mass murder. The horrors of the past few years in Afghanistan and Israel both came down to the mistaken belief that you […]


Compromise is the ‘Art’ of Losing Slowly—Hold the Line!

“Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them.” ― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged. In a compromise, you would expect each side to give a little to make a deal. Except in politics. Compromise most often favors the leftist, a.k.a. the Marxists, Communists, Islamists, gender Queers, Democrats, anti-Americans. QUESTION: […]


The Key to Peace In the Middle East Rests With The Iranian People

A Reckoning with the Past and a Call for Action As protests in Iran persist, demanding greater freedom and a transition to democracy, the United States needs to reflect on its past actions, particularly about Iran, and decide on a course of action. To clarify: The Iranian people have been yearning for change, and the United […]


1 in 10 American Jews Support Hamas

Jews for Jewish Genocide. On October 18, Hamas supporters stormed the United States Capitol and rallied in the Canon rotunda against the Israeli campaign to stop the Islamic terrorist group. While many of the insurrectionists were Islamist and non-Jewish leftist activists, the event was linked to two veteran anti-Israel organizations: Jewish Voice for Peace and […]


Two Dozen U.S. Soldiers Injured in Iran-Backed Attacks Last Week

The ayatollahs are getting impatient that their $6 billion check hasn’t arrived. The ayatollahs are getting impatient that their $6 billion check hasn’t arrived in the mail. And they do like celebrating the 40th anniversary of their great triumph… the Marine Barracks bombing. So they spent a little time trying to kill American soldiers. Again. At least two-dozen […]


Clarion Re-Releases Its Documentaries About Hamas, Iran and Foreign Funding

The American public is watching as violent pro-Palestinian demonstrations around the country celebrate the murder, capture, and torture of Israeli citizens by Hamas terrorists. Americans are watching in horror as our own communities are once again falling victim to acts of homegrown Islamic terror. Who is Hamas? Where did they come from? What drives their […]


Biden Would Sooner Grovel Before Dictators and Mullahs for Oil than let America Produce its Own

Democrats hate America but more than that, hardworking Americans.  Biden would sooner kneel before dictators for oil than let America produce its own Deals with Maduro and the Mullahs show how going green weakens America By: David Blackmon, The Telegraph, 24 October 2023: An oil refinery in California. President Biden’s green plans to shut down the […]


We The People Are Still Fighting America’s Communist Sympathizers 68 Years After the Vietnam War

For those of us who fought and served honorably during the Vietnam War there is still a struggle going on for the hearts and minds of the American people. There is a rebranded form of Communism being fed to the American public by our government, the media, on social media, in our public schools, colleges, […]


‘Totally Inappropriate’: Trump Rips Biden For Sending $100 Million In Aid To Gaza

Former President Donald Trump blasted President Joe Biden Wednesday for sending $100 million in humanitarian aid to Palestinians, calling the move “totally inappropriate.” Biden announced the aid Wednesday, just days after the United Nations Relief and Works Agency posted on X that Hamas stole fuel and other relief supplies. Hamas attacked multiple locations in southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing […]


How Vittorio Arrigoni Went to Gaza Hoping to Die

“Bit by bit, decorate it, arrange the details, find the ingredients, imagine it, choose it, get advice on it, shape it into a work without spectators, one which exists only for oneself, just for the shortest little moment of life.” —Michel Foucault, describing the pleasure of preparing oneself for suicide. The Italian cheerleader for Hamas, […]


Biden’s Choice To Drain Key Oil Reserve Leaves U.S. More Vulnerable To Rising Risks Of War, Experts Warn

President Joe Biden’s decision to release oil from the strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) ahead of the 2022 midterm elections has left the U.S. in a potentially precarious position now that war has broken out between Israel and Hamas, numerous energy experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The SPR now holds about 17 days of […]


Switzerland to BAN Electric Cars to Reduce Energy Consumption

It’s to laugh, it’s to cry. The real world consequences of leftists hoaxes and lies. Switzerland plans to BAN electric cars from the roads and order games consoles turned off during power shortages in a bid to reduce energy consumption Swiss have drawn up emergency plans to deal with energy shortages this winter In emergency […]


Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America: The Stalinist Mexican Cartels

“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: it’s patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual Life. If you can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” — Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Under this title I planned to publish my fourth book in […]