Tag Archive for: violence

Was Mohammed a ‘True Muslim’?

Follower of Mohammed.

In the wake of every terrorist act there is the same argument. The voices-in-the-wilderness right will say, insofar as they’re not muzzled with hate-speech laws, that Islam is the problem. In contrast, a leftist drumbeat of media and mainstream politicos will assert that the Muslim terrorists aren’t really “Muslim” terrorists, that they’ve perverted the faith. As to the truth, it’s as with any other debate over a thing’s true meaning (e.g., the Constitution): it only makes sense to look for answers in original sources.

This brings us to a simple question: Was Mohammed a true Muslim?

It’s a rhetorical question, of course. As Islam’s founder — the religion was born of revelations he supposedly had in the early seventh century — Mohammed was the very first Muslim. Moreover, since Muslims view him as “The Perfect Man,” the ultimate role model, he’s not just the truest Muslim but the yardstick by which other Muslims may measure themselves.

So what was Mohammed’s “perfection”? He was a warlord who launched approximately 30 military campaigns, many of which he led himself. He was a caravan raider (a bandit) and captured, traded in and owned slaves (by the way, will liberals suggest slave-owning Mohammed be diminished, as they’ve done with our founders?). He ordered massacres, used torture and had dissidents assassinated. In 627 AD, he beheaded more than 600 men and boys of the Qurayza tribe in Medina, Arabia, thus wiping it off the map. He also was a polygamist and made it lawful for masters to have sexual relations with their female captives.

So, clearly, if today’s Islamic jihadists aren’t true Muslims, neither was Mohammed. But since we know the Perfect Man was the truest of Muslims, then…well, you can finish the sentence.

Yet when analyzing Muslim motivations, the influence of Mohammed’s character is generally subordinated to that of Islamic teachings (most of which come from Mohammed). And even here, people generally make the mistake of focusing only on the Koran, unaware it’s a mere 16 percent of the Islamic canon. The majority of it comprises the Hadiths and Sira.

This is noteworthy because while 9 percent of the Koran is devoted to jihad and political violence, 21 percent of the Hadiths is and a whopping 67 percent of the Sira is devoted to it, according to Bill Warner, Director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam. This is why Turkish journalist Uzay Bulut wrote in 2015 that “violence and domination” are “deeply rooted…and sanctioned with promises of rewards” in Islam, and, consequently, “fundamentalists will always find people to excite and people to persecute.”

The distribution of violent injunctions in these books helps explain something else. A German study involving 45,000 teens found that while increasing religiosity made Christian youth less violent, increasing religiosity made Muslim youth more violent.

This makes sense. A nominal Catholic may know a few verses from the Bible, but only a devout one scours it and, in addition, will read his catechism. Likewise, a casual Muslim may know a little bit from the Koran.

A serious one will soak it all in and delve into the Hadiths and Sira as well — and be exposed to all the violent injunctions therein.

Even more to the point here, however, these two sets of works together comprise the majority of the Sunnah, which is, as Islaamnet.com explains, “The legal way or ways, orders, acts of worship and statements of the Prophet, that are ideals and models to be followed by Muslims” (emphasis added). It is all about Mohammed’s words and deeds.

The significance of this cannot be overemphasized. Virtues (and vices) are caught more than they’re taught; actions speak louder than words. Thus are Christians more likely to ask “What would Jesus do?” than “What does the Bible say?” Thus are they more likely to counsel “Reflect Christ” than “Reflect Matthew 22:37.” Oh, the Bible is wonderful, and Matthew 22:37 is one of its most memorable parts. But examples are more powerful than instructions.

Muslims’ role model, their “Perfect Man,” is very different from Jesus in type of influence but not in degree of influence. As Warner points out, “The Koran says 91 different times that Mohammed’s is the perfect pattern of life. It is much more important to know Mohammed than the Koran.” Thus is “Mohammed” (and its spelling variants) the world’s most common male name, belonging to approximately 150 million men and boys. And there’s a reason why pious Muslims write “PBUH” (“Peace be unto him”) after his name and why they’ll riot if he’s portrayed in a cartoon. He is, in a sense, the human face of Allah.

Islaamnet.com makes this clear, writing that “when Allaah says: ‘Whosoever obeys the Messenger [Mohammed], has indeed obeyed Allaah’ (Surah An-Nisa 4:80), it should be clear that one has obeyed Allaah by obeying the Messenger.”

Islaamnet also informs that Allah commanded, “‘It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decreed by Allaah and His Messenger to have any choice in the matter. If anyone disobeys Allaah and His Messenger he is clearly astray’ (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:36).”

This Messenger is, again, that warlord, bandit, mass murderer, employer of torture, polygamist and slaver trader and master. Worse still, it’s not that Muslims always rationalize away or attempt to whitewash this history. The truly devout ones may consider these actions — when directed toward non-Muslims — to be “good” because the actions have been sanctioned by their perceived author of right and wrong, Allah, and his messenger.

So people sometimes talk about “reforming” Islam, but this would require reforming Mohammed himself. How? You cannot resurrect him and have him live his life over.

Among the founders of extant major or quasi-major religions/philosophical systems — Lao Tzu, Confucius, Buddha, etc. — Mohammed stands alone, being a tyrant-cum-teacher. Of course, he doesn’t stand alone in history; Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane and many others paved similar bloody paths. As with them, he was largely a man of his time and place. But to more than a billion people, he’s also the perfect man even in our time and place.

And that’s the point. After all, if someone told you Attila the Hun was the perfect man and his role model, would you turn your back on that person?

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

Mitchell’s ‘Enhanced Interrogation’: ‘Violent jihad is the religious duty of every True Muslim’

enhanced-interrogation-book-coverThis is installment #4 in my series on the important book by James Mitchell: ‘Enhanced Interrogation.

See previous posts herehere and here.  In my first post we told you that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said that Islam will dominate America one day through demographic change—through the Hijra (migration!) and by out-breeding us—because they can’t get the job done entirely through violence.

I think everyone of you should know what was learned by using ‘Enhanced Interrogation Techniques’ on “high-value” detainees.

Get the book!


Continued to the next page….


Infidels! Make it a new year’s resolution to learn more about Islam!

Government report: Homosexual lifestyle is ‘extremely violent’

Michael F. Haverluck, reporter for OneNewsNow.com, writes on a new Center for Disease Control study:

After conducting an extensive study on homosexual behavior, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that those involved in such lifestyles experience a far greater amount of violence from one another than those in heterosexual relationships.

CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey is a first-of-its-kind study geared to determine the difference between the victimization of men and women by sexual orientation.

The results show that men and women involved in homosexual behavior undergo much higher rates of sexual violence than men and women who are heterosexual.

Surprising to many, homosexual women experience more violence than men. According to the study, a whopping 44 percent of lesbians were either raped, experienced physical abuse, and/or were stalked by their intimate partners during their lifetime. Even more shockingly, 61 percent of bisexual women endured such violence from their partners.

It is also reported that 37 percent of bisexual women indicated they were stalked, which is more than double the rate that heterosexual women experience from their male partners.

Furthermore, the CDC found that 37 percent of bisexual women were injured during the rape, physical violence, and/or stalking that they experienced at the hands of their sexual partners.

[Emphasis added]

Read more.


Almost Everything the Media Tells You About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Is Wrong

LGBT Activists Fight State Law That Protects Believers Against Gay Marriage

PARENTAL WARNING: Hulu Running Homosexual-themed Ad during Family/Kids Programming

New York: Timothy Cardinal Dolan’s Homosexual Sex Scandal

The good homosexual versus the bad homosexual — Assimilation versus Radicalization

A Sad Day for Free Speech in America

The day after a horrific shooting spree by what appears to be a radicalized Muslim man and his female partner in San Bernardino, California, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a Muslim advocacy and lobbying group that she would take aggressive action against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”

Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use ‘Anti-Muslim’ Speech That ‘Edges Toward Violence’:

Lynch failed to describe what constitutes speech that “Edges toward violence”. No one wants to see incitement to violence. But the non-standard enunciated by Lynch is so ambiguous that  anything Lynch or the Obama administration decides they don’t like may be defined as “edging toward violence” and could subject a person to prosecution. This is also a violation of the standard enunciated by the Supreme Court in the case of Brandenburg vs. Ohio 1969 which held that free speech is protected unless the speech leads  to “Imminent Lawless Action” or is a “Clear and Present Danger”. Edges toward violence does not meet this standard. It is no standard at all. Under Lynch’s non-standard the Obama administration could find it actionable if a person notifies the authorities that a Muslim might be involved in terrorist activities but it turns out to be inaccurate.

This is a sad day for the rule of law and free speech in America and only used to happen in totalitarian countries.

The FBI and police are already overwhelmed by the number of Muslims under investigation. Allowing Muslim refugees and other Muslims into the country without more thorough and accurate vetting than in the past will only exacerbate the problem. It is sad that Muslim clerics and the Muslim population don’t publicly call for changes in the interpretation of their ‘Supremacist Religion’ and expose Radical Islamists before they act.

It is no secret that Radical Islamic terrorists generally live and emerge from the bowels of the Muslim population. They are the only ones who can effectively fight extremism.

Read more: Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use ‘Anti-Muslim’ Speech That ‘Edges Toward Violence’


Egyptian TV Host On California Terror Attack: Americans Should Stick Obama On An Impalement Rod

Muslim bangs on cockpit door, threatens to down plane, “wanted to see Allah”

Robert Spencer in Italy’s Libero: “Occidente remissivo fino al suicidio”

What is your Religion?

On 26 Nov 2008 at a tourist hotel in Mumbai India, a group of Islamic terrorists murdered 266 innocent people and injured over 250 more.  Their common question to the tourist’s at the hotel was “What is Your Religion”?  Christians and Jews were murdered because of their religion.  Muslim for the most part were allowed to live. Islamic terrorist’s Murder Jews and Christians

On 1 Oct 2015, Chris Harper-Mercer entered a community college in Oregon and murdered 9 people and injured many more.  He asked students, “What is Your Religion”?  Article by Pamela Geller Oregon Shooter Islamic Ties

Have you heard any discussion on the major news outlets about Chris Harper-Mercer’s religion or his ties to Jihad support?  Have you heard any Oregon law enforcement discussing Harper-Mercer’s ties to Islam?  Anything from the FBI or our pseudo President Obama?  No and you will hear little of anything about Harper-Mercer’s ties to Islam and his support of jihad (murder) against non Muslims at the Oregon community college.  You will only get such information from great people like Pamela Geller.

America will continue to have Islamic supporters murder our children in their schools for many years to come.  I have written several articles since 2003 about Islamic terrorists who have openly stated they will target our children in America.

What can be done.  In reality very little can be done to prevent these type murders because our senior law enforcement and politicians led by America’s number one Islamic supporter (Obama) will not allow common sense security measures to be implemented.

It is common sense that if one military force has an enormous supply of weapons and the other side has virtually none, the more heavily armed will conquer their foe.  This is why we give billions of dollars to Iraq and Syrian rebels.  We want them to be on the same playing field and have an equal chance of defeating ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

The same common sense concept needs to be applied in America.  Instead of limiting the number of people and guns that American citizens can own and legally carry/store in their homes and to be allowed to carry openly and concealed in public must increase.  Obama and the media (to include FOX News) will never advocate or encourage every lawful American over the age of 18 to carry a firearm with them at all times.  This means at schools, work, sporting events, and yes even our military on U.S. bases and recruiting centers.  Seems strange we should even have to discuss U.S. military personnel being allowed to be armed in America.  Seems common sense to me.

The vast majority of Americans are law abiding and the number of mass murderers are minimal.  If every lawful student in the Oregon college had a firearm do you think the murderer would have been able to kill nine and injure even more?  If criminals knew every American homeowner had firearms, every student in higher education schools had a firearm, every person in a bank had a firearm, every person at a sporting event had firearms, and every teacher and administrators in our elementary and high schools had firearms, do you think they would second guess themselves before planning a criminal act using a firearm.  Of course they would.

Islamic based terrorists and their supporters at all levels will continue to attack and murder innocent Christians and Jews around the world, and yes there will be more school type attacks in America.  Unfortunately there will continue to be Islamic terrorist supporters at the top level of our political chain who will continue to provide more rights for Muslims than they will for Christians and Jews.

America needs a leader who is strong such as Russia’s President Putin.  We need someone such as Donald Trump, otherwise America will fall just as Rome fell many years ago.


Why gun laws miss the mark – The Orange County Register

Oregon aftermath: America needs God

Muslim woman reads Qur’an, leaves Islam

“It’s about hating and killing those who disagree with Islam. It’s about conquering. Mohammed, he was immoral. He was a bloodthirsty man. He was terrible man, and Muslims can read that in his biography—what he did to Jews, how he raped women, how he killed people. I mean, he killed everyone who didn’t agree with him.” How did Mona Walter miss all the love and peace in the Qur’an and the biography of Muhammad that is so obvious to non-Muslims such as John Kerry, David Cameron, Pope Francis, the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and all the rest? How did she come to misunderstand Islam in the same way that greasy Islamophobes do — and after reading the Qur’an, that noble book of peace, no less? It’s an outrage! I trust that Bishop McManus is on his way to meet her right now (not driving, I hope), to set her straight about what Christians really ought to think about Islam — and to warn her of the ostracism and defamation that come from Christian leaders to those who dare to dissent on this point.

“‘Islam all about hating and killing’: Muslim woman turns to Christ after reading Quran,” by Andre Mitchell, Christian Today, September 26, 2015:

Mona Walter grew up in Somalia, believing in the Islamic faith, but without actually having read the holy book of the Muslims, the Quran.

At age 19, Walter went to Sweden as a war refugee. She recalled getting excited about being in a modern European nation, primarily because finally, she will be able to read the Quran.

“I discovered Islam first in Sweden. In Somalia, you’re just a Muslim, without knowing the Quran. But then you come to Sweden and you go to mosque and there is the Quran, so you have to cover yourself and you have to be a good Muslim,” Walter shared.

Walter’s excitement, however, immediately turned into sadness and disappointment, when she began reading the Quran. She said that going over the holy book of the Muslims made her realise that Allah, the god she believed in for almost two decades of her life, is a god of hate, and that Islam is not a religion of peace.

“It’s about hating and killing those who disagree with Islam. It’s about conquering. Mohammed, he was immoral. He was a bloodthirsty man. He was terrible man, and Muslims can read that in his biography—what he did to Jews, how he raped women, how he killed people. I mean, he killed everyone who didn’t agree with him,” she explained.

Her disappointment with Islam and the Quran prompted Walter to briefly become an atheist, until she discovered another book that will change her life forever: the Holy Bible.

A family member encouraged Walter to read the Holy Scriptures. While leafing through the pages of the Bible for the first time, she read Matthew 5:44, where Jesus said: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

Walter immediately recognised the difference between Christianity and Islam.

“It was very strange for me to ‘love your enemy,’ because in Islam it is ‘kill your enemy.’ ‘Kill your enemy and anyone who refuses Islam.’ But Jesus Christ was all about love and peace and forgiveness and tolerance, and for some reason, I needed that,” she said….


Pope says 9/11 caused by “inability to find solutions which respect the common good”

Canada revokes citizenship of Toronto 18 jihad plot ringleader

Another Thrilling Episode of Blacks Behaving Badly

My brother texted me in Florida reporting from Baltimore, our hometown. He said the thugs have gotten crazy and need to be dealt with. My nephew who is a video journalist said it was appalling witnessing local black ministers arguing over street corners for their group of protesters, jockeying for position for the TV cameras.

A friend called interrupting me watching Bizarre Foods TV show, wanting to know if I was watching the coverage of the Baltimore riots. Upon turning the channel to watch the mainstream media coverage, I had to turn the channel away from it. It was too much to stomach.

All I saw was people behaving badly; from Baltimore’s insanely liberal mayor to black talking head liberal operatives spewing idiotic excuses to domestic terrorist thugs turning the city into a war zone.

I thought, I have seen this stupid evil horror movie before (Ferguson) and I “ain’t gonna” watch it again.

The media is reporting that some black leaders are calling for peace. Well, I am sorry, but that is too little too late. How do you expect black youths to react to the Left’s orchestrated campaign to convince them that white Republicans and conservatives are racist and out to get them; white cops murder them at will, the rich got rich stealing from them and business owners are selfish and evil?

These lies have been sold to black youths by the highest black voices in the country – Obama, Oprah, Democrats, Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus and assorted other race exploiting scumbags. If I sound angry it is because I am.

What was that mantra George’s dad on Seinfeld used to keep calm? Oh yeah, he said, “Serenity now! Serenity now!”

Enough with this hogwash that Christians should not get angry. The bad behavior destroying peoples’ livelihood in Baltimore and the nuanced response to it should make decent honorable people angry.

The Baltimore riots and other incidents of black mob attacks and assaults on innocent whites across America are the result of the Left’s hoax that blacks are victimized in America; perpetrating hate for political gain. Such evil should make decent Americans angry.

When Jesus turned over the tables of the crooks in the temple, he was angry. Jesus even called evil doers names, “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” Jesus pretty much expressed my thoughts regarding modern day black so-called civil rights leaders.

I am not advocating bad behavior from our side. The Bible says, be angry, but sin not. I am advocating that we stop putting up with it. These thugs do this stuff because they can.

I still can not wrap my head around the mayor of Baltimore saying the thugs must be protected and given space “to destroy.

In essence, the liberal mayor is saying that taxpayer businesses are acceptable collateral damage. I mean, who cares? Most of the trashed businesses are probably owned by rich white racists. Their ancestors probably owned slaves. So, they deserve it.

I am sick of it folks, liberal officials, liberal talking heads and liberal media justifying, tolerating and even celebrating bad behavior.

My brother asked if I noticed that all the blacks heralded as modern day civil rights heroes are criminals? I said, “Great observation grasshopper”, impressed by my low-info-voter brother.

Trayvon Martin was shot while attacking George Zimmerman. I remembered watching a YouTube video of Alabama State marching band honoring the thug, spelling out “Trayvon” on the field. I thought, you have got to be kidding me.

Equally frustrating is that all the black outrage, anger and violence is based on lies. For example. It has been proven that witnesses lied about Michael Brown after robbing a Ferguson convenience store and assaulting the clerk had his hands up in surrender to police. Brown was shot while attacking a police officer. And yet, from the Grammy Awards to pro football players running out of the tunnel with their hands up, the lie, slander of America’s police and hatred was furthered and nurtured.

Serenity now! Serenity now!

Meanwhile, truly extraordinary black role models such as retired black neurosurgeon Dr Ben Carson continue to be rejected and despised by black civil rights leaders. Only blacks who hate America with victim mindsets need apply for membership in their black civil rights movement club.

Blacks angry because of high black unemployment and poor economic conditions need look no further than their messiah (small m), Obama and his job killing policies and mountain of new outrageous regulations.

So please forgive me folks, my blood pressure can not take getting sucked into watching 24/7 sympathetic media coverage of this latest episode of Blacks Behaving Badly, Baltimore edition.

If the mayor of Baltimore and liberal media are going to take a don’t-make-the-black-kids-angry approach to dealing with white bystanders being brutalized, businesses being destroyed, looting and chaos in the streets, there is nothing I can do about it. Someone said voters get the government they deserve. Baltimore is notorious for electing liberals.

While I pray for my former hometown, I must emotionally sit this one out.

Baltimore: Well Scripted Riots

A good presentation demonstrating what is slowly becoming confirmed through multiple means; primarily, the riot in Baltimore is similar to the one in Ferguson, Missouri in that they are well organized.

Furthermore, multiple outside groups comprising of angry anti-American activists combined with Islamic elements bent on delivering a caliphate have come together to destroy the Rule of Law, create economic and social chaos, physically damage and overwhelm law enforcement so even greater steps will become necessary to restore social order. In a separate report, I will have Intel discussing some of the known groups joining forces to bring chaos to American streets, not stopping in Baltimore, but returning to Ferguson and going forward igniting even more chaos and planned destruction.

Law enforcement and Baltimore Community leaders have acknowledged that outside the community individuals and groups are in key positions creating agitation causing anti-civil groups to become embolden.

It’s not accidental, it’s not a mistake – nor is it coincidental. It is a well scripted “social jihad”

Baltimore Maryland erupts in riots, looting and civil unrest – and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings goes on television to thank the Nation of Islam for their support:

Pictured above -yesterday- are the “Bloods” and “Crips” gangs, together with the Nation of Islam (guys with red bow ties) in Baltimore. Note the Nation of Islam giving the extended forefinger salute representing allegiance with ISIS.


Isis soldiers in Syria


ISIS salute 3

ISIS salute 4
Ferguson/Saint Louis 2014 (Pictured below)
saint louis flag burning 2
Valdosta State University 2015 (pictured below)
eric sheppard flag

AS PREVIOUSLY OUTLINED – The leader of the student group (pictured above) who was originally protesting, Eric Sheppard Jr., remains wanted by police for violent threats and firearms violations. Weapons were found in his backpack on the school campus. Sheppard fled the campus before police could arrest him. It is rumored Eric Sheppard is in hiding amid several organizations sympathetic to his ‘Islamic radicalization’ cause.

The sunlight upon the campus recruitment for Islamic Radicalization has brought an uncomfortable discussion into the back-story surrounding the events. According to local speculation the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party sympathizers are assisting Sheppard in avoiding law enforcement.

Read more.


CNN’s Marc Lamont Hill on Baltimore: ‘This Is Not a Riot’ But ‘Uprisings’ Against ‘Police Terrorism’

Sally Kohn: ‘Police Violence’ on Blacks ‘Far More Shameful’ than Baltimore Riots

Rachel Maddow: Baltimore Police ‘A Little Out of Control’ During Riots

Ferguson is NOT America

The wounding of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, and earlier in New York City the assassination of two police officers are disturbing events for all Americans as they represent a hostility that threatens a safe, secure society wherever one lives.

Shooting police is an invitation to anarchy. That there have been protests and parades of late advocating this should be a matter of deep concern to all of us, no matter our race.

Ferguson, however, is NOT America if one looks at its population and the incredibly poor governance they have endured. You get the government for which you vote or when you neglect to vote.

Cover - America in CrisisFerguson is atypical of the nation. As James Langston notes in his book, “America in Crisis”, in Ferguson “the growth of the black population relative to whites is a recent occurrence. In 1990, blacks comprised 25 percent of the city’s population but that percentage grew to 52 percent in 2000 and 67 percent in 2010.”

“The demographic transition was not followed by a corresponding transition in black access to political positions, the police force, union representation, and the like. The recency of the demographic transition likely has altered the city in ways that do not characterize other contemporary major cities in the United States, especially those that are majority black like Detroit or Atlanta.”

As noted in the Department of Justice report of an investigation occasioned by the shooting of Michael Brown by a white police officer, local governance was a factor in the lives of its black citizens that has invoked protest and resentment.

“Ferguson,” notes Langston, “is unusual in the degree that the city uses the municipal court system and the revenue it generates as a way to raise city funds. This created a financial incentive to issue tickets and then impose excessive fees on people who did not pay.” For the record, this occurs in other comparable communities.

“Data bears this out. Ferguson issued more than 1,500 warrants per 1,000 people in 2013 and this rate exceeds all other Missouri cities with a population larger than 10,000 people. Ferguson has a population of just over 21,000 people but issued 24,000 warrants which add up to three warrants per Ferguson household.”

Heartland Tax & Budget NewsThis, however, is not that unusual in Missouri. An article by Joseph Miller, published in the March edition of The Heartland Institute’s Budget & Tax News noted that excessive use of traffic fines is not that uncommon in Missouri. “Of the 20 cities in the county with fine collections exceeding 20% of total revenue, 13 are contiguous with one another in a 25-square-mile section” and described this as “a daily burden for local residents.”

What the media has reported regarding the number of blacks killed in police shootings is a bit deceptive. There is no question that “the disproportional number of blacks that are killed in police shootings”, says Langston. “Blacks comprise 13 percent of the U.S. population, but represent 32 percent of those killed by police between 2003 and 2009.” That’s more than double the number of whites killed.

One must, however, consider the greater number of criminal events that bring together blacks and the police responding to them.

Being black in America inherently evokes the historical fact that this nation practiced slavery prior to and since its founding in 1788 when our Constitution was ratified, to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. It wasn’t until 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed, followed by the Voting Rights Act in 1965 that the discrimination affecting the black community was fully addressed.

Two generations of Americans, black, white and other racial groups, have been born since then and these new generations have no living memory of the Civil Rights movement or the riots that occurred in cities like Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Between 1955 and 1977 there were more than thirty race riots in America. Younger Americans did not experience them. Older Americans recall them and the protests in Ferguson evoked disturbing memories.

As reported in a 2007 study released by the National Urban League, “African-American men are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as white males. They are nearly as likely to be incarcerated, with average jail sentences about 10 months longer than those of white men.” Between the ages of 15 and 34, the civil rights group noted that “black males are nine times more likely to be killed by firearms and nearly eight times as likely to suffer from AIDS.” The unemployment rates are comparable to those today, eight years later.

A 2007 report by the U.S. Bureau of Statistics noted that, while only 13 percent of the U.S. population, blacks “were the victims of 49 percent of all murders and 15 percent of rapes, assaults, and other nonfatal violent crimes nationwide.” Significantly, “Most of the black murder victims—93 percent—were killed by other black people” while 85 percent of white victims were slain by other white people.

One might conclude that murder is rampant in America, but the reality is that homicides are at a 50-year low. The peak homicide rate was in 1980. The rate began to grow in the mid-1960s, but steadily dropped by the 1990s. Today’s murder rate is at the lowest point in the past century.

What we are witnessing, however, is the result of cultural issues that afflict the black community. Juan Williams, a Fox News analyst, writing in 2007 noted that “One hard, unforgiving fact is that 70 percent of black children are born today to single mothers.” The school dropout rate is “about 50 percent nationwide for black students.”

“Black youth culture is boiling over with nihilism. It embraces failure and frustration, including random crime and jail time,” wrote Williams.

Ferguson is an example of far larger problems that afflict the black community. Only blacks can solve these problems.

One might have thought—and many did—that the election of America’s first black President was going to make these problems go away. Many blacks have entered the middle class, but the majority encounters the problems endemic to the black community and, until its culture and lifestyle choices change, those problems will be around for a long time to come.

With a black President, a black Attorney General, black members of Congress, black mayors and others demonstrating how different 2015 is from 1965, laying blame on white racism is no longer a valid excuse.

© Alan Caruba, 2015

RELATED ARTICLE: Ferguson protesters destroy U.S. flag: ‘Burning my flag should result in NO MORE WELFARE’

Remembering Selma, But Ignoring Black Violence

The pat answer for black complaints about events these days is “white racism.” One rarely, if ever, reads or hears anything about black racism, but if you ask, many blacks will acknowledge it.

As the 50th anniversary of the Selma, Alabama confrontation was recalled, there was little mention of a multitude of black violence events that continue to either go unreported or reported to reflect “white racism” even when it is not a factor.

Cover - Don't Make Black Kids MadIn 2013, Colin Flaherty published “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.” His new book, “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and How We Enable It,” was published in February. It picks up from where the first book left off, filled with hundreds of stories of black-on-white violence that, as often as not, did not receive much attention.

By contrast, when a black youth is killed as in the cases of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, the media ignored the violence that led to it. The Department of Justice (DOJ) and local investigations found that both killings were self-defense. Even questions of whether the youth’s civil rights were abused found that they were not.

In early March an 86-page DOJ report about the shooting of Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, confirmed that Darren Wilson, a white police officer, acted in self-defense. Also in February, a DOJ report exonerated George Zimmerman, a white man, for shooting Martin. When a case was brought against him in Florida in July 2013, the jury acquitted him.

The most recent case is the shooting on Saturday, March 7, of Tony Robinson in Madison, Wisconsin. The 19-year-old black youth was shot as the result of an altercation with a white police officer. News reports stressed Robinson was “unarmed”, but downplayed the fact that the veteran officer had been struck in the head and knocked down. Also largely unreported was that Robinson had pled guilty last year to armed robbery and was serving a three-year probation term.

At what point do we begin to ask why black youths are behaving in this fashion toward police officers? Theirs is a culture in serious trouble.

As someone who spent years in the South when “Jim Crow” laws were still in effect I had an understanding of how and why the civil rights movement began in earnest in the late 1950s and gained momentum throughout the 1960s. In 1964 Congress passed a Civil Rights Act and in 1965 it passed the Voting Rights Act. Naively, I and lots of others, white and black, thought it would resolve many of the problems that had afflicted blacks.

A half century since then, however, Flaherty’s new book documents the racially-based animosity that exists throughout elements of America’s black population and how it demonstrates itself in acts of violence. The accounts are often shocking.

AA - Black Rioters“Black crime and violence against whites, gays, women, seniors, young people and lots of others is astronomically out of proportion,” says Flaherty in his new book, following up that assertion with 500 pages of events and pages of detailed end-notes.

A professional journalist, Flaherty opined that “In 2013 more and more people began to figure out that the traditional excuses—jobs, poverty, schooling, whatever—for black crime and mayhem were not really working anymore.”

“Now they have a new excuse. The ultimate excuse: White racism is everywhere. White racism is permanent. White racism explains everything.”

The perception of racial issues in America says Flaherty, involves “A new generation of black leaders and white enablers (who) want to remove black violence from the table and focus on the Big Lie: The war on Black People and how racist white people are waging it. All the time. Everywhere. When just the opposite is true.”

Flaherty’s book documents “black resentment, black hostility, and black racial consciousness that permeates every part of black media, black churches, black families, and black schooling.” Sadly, this also manifests itself as black-on-black violence.

That hostility has also been witnessed in the acts and words of America’s first black President and his black Attorney General. How did Barack Obama get elected and reelected if “white racism” is so widespread?

AA - Obama and Sharpton

President Obama and Al Sharpton.

As Flaherty noted, “The President got in on the act in 2014 when he told the Congressional Black Caucus about a ‘justice gap.’ Where ‘too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement. Guilty of walking while black. Driving while black. Judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.’”

Race has played a role in American history from the day when the first indentured African was brought here in 1654, up to and after the Civil War that was fought to end the slave trade, and through to current times when, based on all the laws that have been passed to protect everyone’s civil rights, one might think that the problems associated with race would have been resolved.

The problems haven’t been resolved because too much animosity exists and, too frequently, as Flaherty documents, it is black animosity toward whites.

Most people, white and black, wish this would end.

Editor’s Note: “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry” can be purchased from Amazon.com and other Internet book outlets. It is priced at $19.72 on Amazon and $6.99 for the Kindle version.

© Alan Caruba, 2015


BREAKING: Two Police Officers Shot outside Ferguson Police Department
Seriously injured…
Protests continue after police chief quits…
VIDEO: Cops taunted helping wounded officer…

RELATED VIDEO: Two cops shot in Ferguson demonstration early morning of March 12, 2015. BizPac Review reports, “Two police officers from nearby departments were shot in front of the Ferguson, Mo. Police Department as a demonstration celebrating the resignation of Ferguson’s police chief was winding down early Thursday morning.”

WARNING: Raw video may be disturbing to some, contains strong language:

No Bark, No Bite

To anybody who missed it, President Obama convened another talking-shop in Washington this week.  Events in Iraq, Syria, Libya, France, Denmark and elsewhere have not after all escaped the President’s notice.  And so he decided to put together a conference to discuss ‘Countering Violent Extremism’.

This term itself is, it should be embarrassingly admitted from the start, a piece of imported British circumlocution.  It was the Labour government in Britain post-2005 that came up with the definition of Jihadist terrorism as ‘violent extremism.’  The thought was that it was both important to de-couple ‘Islam’ from ‘terrorism’ and at the same time give off the message that anybody – of any religion or none – could potentially  turn into a ‘violent extremist’.

Naturally there were whole piles of failure in this concept – both in its thinking, implementation and results.  But it started from the problem that the thought was faulty.  All governments, including the British Labour government, which implemented it first – also know and have stated that our primary security threat comes from Islamist-inspired terrorism.  But another problem was that it didn’t work.  The terrorism problem did not improve.  Terrorists did not put down their weapons and stop plotting in appreciation of the linguistic subtleties of British law-makers.

There is something fiddling in the whole term and in the whole approach – an approach, incidentally, which Britain has been stepping away from even as America has been taking it up.

But there is a mistake happening on all sides here.  Critics of the President are overwhelmingly focusing on his unwillingness to even name the enemy he is aspiring to tackle.  But the larger problem to come out of President’s Obama’s summit is not the failure of language but the failure of action.  If President Obama were intent on degrading ISIS and had a plan to do so then many of his critics would allow him to call ISIS whatever he wanted.  If he had a policy to prevent Libya, on the southern shores of Europe, from turning that country into yet another country where people can be beheaded on camera purely because of their religious affiliation then the linguistic gymnastics might be forgiven.  But he appears to have a plan for none of these things.

It is an embarrassment that the President of the United States cannot name civilization’s enemy.  But what is a catastrophe is that other than holding endless colloquiums, he appears to have absolutely no plan to defeat them.


Robert Spencer in PJMEDIA: How The Western Intelligentsia Denies Islam’s History of War and Crime

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Do We Perpetuate Black Stereotypes?

Many African Americans feel like there has been an unofficial war declared on Blacks, especially young Black males. Just in the past month alone, there have been the police murders of Eric Garner (Staten Island, N.Y.), Ezell Ford (Los Angeles, and Michael Brown (Ferguson, Mo.). Each of these victims were all unarmed, young, Black and male.

In each instance, there were credible witnesses or video recordings that recounted events very differently from the official police version. Based on what we know so far, I think all the policemen involved in these unjustified deaths should be convicted of murder and sent to jail.

As abhorrent as these actions were, they should spark a larger, separate conversation about the images that we have created around Black life and Black culture. To reiterate, regardless of these images, there is no justification for killing those young Black men. Let’s be clear about that.

But let’s be equally clear and courageous enough to take another look at what we are contributing to the misperceptions and stereotypes of us as a race. This is a separate conversation from what happened in New York, LA and Ferguson, Mo., but this is as good a time to hold it as any.

For the past 30 years, we have created images of Blacks in the most negative of lights. For those who would say it’s just music, it’s just a movie, it’s just a reality TV show; I say now there is just another Black body lying in the streets of America.

Before you go to war, the first thing that is needed is to create a psychological operations campaign (psy-ops). This is a tactic that the military uses to marginalize its targeted population so that when the troops are sent in to destroy this group, there is no public outcry.

Just look at how the U.S. military vilified and demonized former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and terrorist Osama Bin Laden before we set out to kill them. Upon their deaths at the hands of the U.S. military, the American people cheered because we had devalued and marginalized them before the American people.

I can’t help but ask the Black community, have we unleashed a psy-ops campaign on our own people?

In the horror movie series Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein did not set out to create a monster; but rather he was a scientist playing around in his laboratory. As a result of this experimentation, he created a monster that neither he nor society could control.

In a similar manner, one could argue that Blacks, specifically in Hip-Hop, have experimented in the laboratory called a recording studio; and by exercising their First Amendment Right of freedom of speech and expression through music, they have created their own version of Frankenstein.

In the beginning, like with Frankenstein, people marveled at this new creation and people were willing to pay to see and hear it. There was “Rappers Delight,” there was “The Message,” and there was “Fight the Power.” Then, the imagery and lyrics took a twisted turn under a perverted interpretation of the First Amendment called “keeping it real.”

Now, the establishment, especially the police, had become the enemy. Hip-Hop became a counter-culture movement that turned into a monster that could no longer be controlled. Women became “bitches and hoes,” men became hyper-sexualized thugs who were only out to force themselves on your daughters and to “get rich or die trying.” When rap music started, it was a verbal extension of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s in the spirit of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; it was about the uplifting of our community and providing a voice to those often without a voice.

Then in the 1990s, rap took a more militaristic tone with the creation of “gangsta rap.” This too, was an verbal extension of the Civil Rights movement; but more in the spirit of Malcolm X on steroids. These artists represented those in the “hood” who felt trapped and abused by the system. They felt like no one cared about them and that life was about the here and now – immediate gratification; so screw the future. They wanted to “get theirs now.” They wanted to live fast, even if it meant dying young.

This ultimately led to the “thug” culture, personified by hit movies like Scarface, New Jack City and Carlito’s Way; each glorified the criminal lifestyle.

Then you had the crack epidemic of the 1990s with the violence that it brought into the hood. All these factors combined to create a narrative that Black life was worthless and Black youth brought no value to society.

It’s too bad the rap world didn’t heed the words of Chuck D, KRS-One, Doug E. Fresh, Heavy D, MC Lyte, Kool Moe Dee. D-Nice, Daddy-O and others on the all-time classic, “Self Destruction,” which had as its chorus, “Self-Destruction, ya headed for Self-Destruction (repeat).”

RELATED VIDEO: Bill O’Reilly defines the root cause of black violence and chaos:

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of SingleBlackMale.org.

The Porn Factor: The Path from Playboy to Sex Offender Is Well Traveled

In December 1953, Playboy magazine was launched and immediately began normalizing a new world order of autoerotic sexual fantasy. Hugh Hefner (until reading Kinsey in college, a virgin like most single young men) pledged that his “romantic” magazine would turn his “Playboy men” into skillful lovers, readying them for lifelong marriage. Yet his monthly magazine ridiculed virginity and marriage while glamorizing adultery and rape and showing consumers ways to trick women and children into illicit sex.

By 1969, millions of Playboy users, struggling with their unexpected, porn-induced “diminished arousal response,” began eagerly embracing the amplified stimuli offered by Penthouse. This gave us another generation of intimacy and potency challenged men. By 1974, millions of Penthouse users, struggling again with a diminished sexual response, turned to Hustler for help. Hello to yet another generation of arousal-challenged pornography addicts, millions of whom became pushovers for internet pornography. And the addicts were not just grown men. In 1979, psychologist Aaron Hass, in his book Teenage Sexuality, reported that Playboy was commonly sought by juveniles for sex information, advice, values, and mores.

Pornography and Pedophilia

From 1994 to 2007, at least 19 state legislatures in the U.S. passed laws named for a raped and murdered child. In my considered judgment, almost every lust-crime is now energized by pornography. There is plenty of evidence to back me up. For instance, in 1984, FBI Agent Ken Lanning testified about pedophiles’ use of pornography at
a Senate hearing on the “Effect of Pornography on Women and Children”:

Adult pornography is also used, particularly with adolescent boy victims, to arouse and to lower inhibitions  …  A child who is reluctant to engage in sexual activity with an adult or to pose for sexually explicit photos can sometimes be convinced by viewing other children having “fun” participating in the activity … A third major use of child pornography collections is [for] blackmail … If the child threatens to tell his or her parents or the authorities, the existence of sexually explicit photographs can be an effective silencer. The pedophile threatens to show the pictures to parents, friends, or teachers if the child reveals their secret.

John Rabun, then Deputy Director of the National Center for Missing Children, stated at one of the hearings:

100 percent of the arrested pedophiles, child pornographers, pimps, what have you . . . had in their possession at the time of arrest, adult pornography. . . . [It was used] for their own sexual arousal . . . [and] particularly for the pedophiles, was a form of self-validation, “it is OK because I see it in other places. It must be all right, it is published nationally . . .”

On September 16, 1987, before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families in the House of Representatives, legal counselor Alan Sears testified:

In child pornography cases in Los Angeles County, police officers testified that since they began to ask the question, over 95 percent of the children involved in that activity had had pornography used as part of the softening up or the inhibition-lowering process to seduce them and induct them into this activity … [A] substantial number of the men who go on to be abusers were abused children themselves. Pornography plays a significant role in the training of our young people to become sexual abusers.

Detective Lt. Darrell Pope, Commanding Officer of the Michigan State Police Sex Crime Unit, testified at the same hearing:

[I]n 1977, I did a research project where I looked at 38,000 case histories [of sex crimes] and found that 41 percent of those reports indicated that, in fact, pornographic materials were used just prior to or during the actual act. (emphasis added).

Pope interviewed hundreds of sex offenders about their porn use, and “almost to a man,” the reply was: “I used it for one of several reasons: One, to encourage me.” Pope went on:

I can remember talking to one young man who was 19 years old; he said, “It excited me and then I got to thinking about it and I wanted to know how it felt.” … He wanted to know how it felt to rape a woman and kill her … And when we arrested this young man and searched his home, we found a pornographic magazine depicting this very thing that he had done.

Feeding Deviancy 

Move up to 1988. In Thrill Killers: True Portrayals of America’s Most Vicious Murderers, Clifford Linedecker wrote:

[M]ost of the killers indulged themselves in violent and sadistic fantasies. Responding to a request to indicate their primary sexual interest, 81 percent of the men put pornography at the top of the list … I found overwhelming evidence of twisted sexual fantasizing, and addiction to pornography in the backgrounds of many of the killers profiled in this book.

By 1990, Dr. W. L. Marshall wrote in Criminal Neglect: Why Sex Offenders Go Free, that “there is mounting evidence that in susceptible men, the material [pornography] feeds and legitimizes their deviant sexual tendencies.”

And in 1997, John Douglas, an FBI serial-rape profiler, reported that serial-rape murderers are commonly found “with a large pornography collection, either store-bought or homemade … [O]ur research does show that certain types of sadomasochistic and bondageoriented material can fuel the fantasies of those already leaning in that direction.”
And in 2003, Vernon J. Geberth, former Commanding Officer of the Bronx Homicide Task Force, wrote the following in Sex Related Homicide and Death Investigations, a book that should be required reading for those involved in sex-crime analyses:

[M]any of these pornographic depictions … were actually the road map to the offenses that the perpetrators of sex crimes were committing. . . . [T]he plan was in the pornography . . . [it is] the fuel that acts as a catalyst for fantasy-driven behavior … [P]ornography plays an important part in violent sex crimes.

A Late Warning

Back in 1986, then U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop dubbed pornography a “crushing public health problem … a clear and present danger … blatantly anti-human. … We must oppose it as we oppose all violence and prejudice.” Koop was ignored. We now have the results of three generations of pornography use, arguably sufficient and necessary evidence to get us to start treating all pornography as a clear and present danger, harmful to women and children.

In the summer of 2013, Ariel Castro pled guilty to kidnapping and raping three women whom he held captive in his house in Ohio for a decade. When asked by a judge how good his English was, Castro replied that his comprehension was bad because “my addiction to pornography and my sexual problem has really taken a toll on my mind.” It also took a brutal toll on the lives of three women.

How much more evidence do we need?

1. The nineteen laws are listed in my book Sexual Sabotage (WND, 2010), pp. 299–300.
2. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session, “Oversight on Pornography, Magazines of a Variety of Courses, Inquiring into the Subject of Their Impact on Child Abuse, Child Molestation, and Problems of Conduct Against Women,” Aug. 8, Sept. 12 and 25, and Oct. 30, 1984 (US Government Printing Office, 1985), Serial No. J-98-133, pp. 43–44.
3. John Rabun, testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice, 9/12/84, pp. 133–134.
4. https://archive.org/stream/womenviolencelaw00unit/womenviolencelaw00unit_djvu.txt.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Clifford Linedecker, Thrill Killers: True Portrayals of America’s Most Vicious Murderers (PaperJacks, 1988).
8. W. L. Marshall. Criminal Neglect: Why Sex Offenders Go Free (Seal Books, 1990), pp. 156–157.
9. John Douglas, Journey Into Darkness (Pocket Star Books, 1997), p. 299.
10. C. Everett Koop, M.D., American Medical News (Oct. 10, 1986).
11. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/26/justice/ohio-castro/index.html?iref=allsearch.

RELATED COLUMN: Federal government funded porn project | The Daily Caller