Entries by Vlad Tepes Blog

A Significant Collection of Outrages Against Liberty and Truth

1. Canada now subsidizes housing for non whites only. This is not unprecedented here though. In Ottawa and Toronto there are several apartment buildings which are subsidized rent and for Muslims only. This breaks several laws at several levels. Vlad Tepes has reported on this before and with photos and addresses of some of them. […]

Deconstructing the ‘Careful Language’ of a Queer Activist on CNN

Once you understand the language the left uses, you discover that many of them are extraordinarily honest. I mean they know well how we will interpret what they say, and that we will interpret it in a way which is destructive to us. But if you know the language of the left, then its actually, […]

A Little History of Karl Marx and Perhaps the Central Motivation for the Dialectical Method

The following video is a discussion between Jordan Peterson, and a historian who has made it his mission to chronicle the life and motivations of the person credited with inventing communism, Karl Marx. I say credited, because it appears that in fact what he did was weaponize the Hegelian dialectical method. The Hegelian dialectical method, […]

VIDEO: Interview with Michael Stürzenberger after he was stabbed numerous times by Muslim migrant

One of the saddest elements of this interview is how much Michael was concerned about the officer who was also stabbed, but that Michael did not know the officer had died. The officer even at the time of the interview was already essentially dead, but being kept alive on life support for organ viability, and […]

FBI rigs 2020 election by denying Hunter’s laptop was real, but somehow it gets admitted to court as evidence

For once I would like to be Hunter Biden’s lawyer. I would show the 20 minute video of enemy propaganda video pushing the FBI narrative that the Laptop was Russian disinformation. I would then say that to admit the Laptop was in fact saying that the FBI and the executive branch of the U.S. government […]

America’s War with Russia and the Communist Revolution in North America

Creating a hypothesis out of connected dots that probably mean nothing at all… In the past few days, we have posted a couple of videos of Viktor Orbán, warning about NATO setting the stage for a larger and unnecessary war, which will certainly be destructive for all of us in many ways. The interview we posted was […]

VIDEO: Ukraine Attacks Early Warning Nuclear Systems in Russia, Which Alert from the Direction of Iran?

Watch this 13:00 minute video which describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 29th of May 2024. TRANSCRIPT: hello my dear friends you’re in the 0:01 military with summary Channel and this 0:03 short video we’re going to discuss the 0:04 most important events that took place 0:06 during the previous night of the […]

VIDEOS: The Frankfurt School and Its Influence on The Revolution That has Taken the West

These are the videos Stephen Coughlin referred to in his presentation with Vlad Tepes and Sam Dubé  on May 22nd, 2024. Analysis on the Communist ambitions for the European Union: Polish analyst on the communist ambitions of the European Union #2 Marcuse on how a minority can dominate a majority: Frankfurt School’s Marcuse on how minority […]

Growing up Christian in an Islamic State, and the Rationale Behind the Pro-Life Movement [Videos]

Watching a talk given by Campaign Life’s astonishingly good speaker to Action for Canada, Ruth Robert in Ottawa May 17th, there was a couple of surprises. You can read the content break down here at RAIR Firstly, it is that she is such a profoundly reasonable and knowledgeable person on the subject of abortion. Although deeply […]

INTERSECTIONALITY VIDEOS: The ‘Queer Gnostic Cult’ — Factual Content

Perfect example of intersectionality… Two words the dialectical left use we need to understand. “Intersectionality” and “queer.” We understand the word queer to mean gay or better, homosexual. But it has been repurposed by the left to mean a kind of corralling of all deviant sexual identities to weaponize them as battering rams against classical […]

It’s Not Hypocrisy & It Isn’t Corruption

At this point its past undeniable that a communist revolution has taken place in North America, and frankly over a great deal of what was Western Civilization overall. It has become so obvious that the word communism as an adjective for various events and policies, which mere months to a few years ago caused grimacing and […]

VIDEO: Rob Reiner’s dialectic attack on Christianity on behalf of the hidden hand of the COMINTERN

Listen to this carefully and note who funded the documentary and the title seems suddenly less cryptic. The method is dialectical, and that becomes increasingly obvious through this interview, as you hear them point out what they think is hypocritical, and the people who had this made are the COMINTERN agencies we are all familiar […]