Illegal Immigration and Crime: The stunning numbers that no one can refute

On December 21, 2017 the Department of Justice issued a press release, “Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on Incarcerated Aliens—94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in DOJ Custody Are Unlawfully Present.”

The initial statistic cited in the title of that DOJ press release shows that there is a truly significant distinction to be drawn between aliens who are lawfully present in the United States and aliens who are illegally present in the United States, either because they have entered the United States illegally or they have violated the terms of admission after entering the United States via the inspections procedure at ports of entry.

The press release begins with the following statement:

President Trump’s Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States requires the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to collect relevant data and provide quarterly reports on data collection efforts. On Dec. 18, 2017, DOJ and DHS released the FY 2017 4th Quarter Alien Incarceration Report, complying with this order.  The report found that more than one-in-five of all persons in Bureau of Prisons custody were foreign born, and that 94 percent of confirmed aliens in custody were unlawfully present.

Although immigration anarchists have consistently manipulated language, engaged in tactics of bullying and intimidation and, when all else failed, flat-out lied about every aspect of immigration, the Trump administration is providing the truth.

The DOJ press release, upon which my commentary today is based, lays out the cold, hard and unequivocal facts. It is significant to note that the title of the press release included the phrase, “confirmed aliens in DOJ custody” because all too frequently aliens who face deportation make false claims to United States citizenship to avoid being deported.  Therefore there may even be more deportable aliens in federal custody, while the actual number of such aliens in local and state custody are unknown and unknowable particularly in Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary States.

Here is an excerpt from the press release that provides some quick statistics and a paragraph that addresses the lack of information about aliens in city and state facilities.

A total of 58,766 known or suspected aliens were in DOJ custody at the end of FY 2017, including 39,455 persons in BOP custody and 19,311 in USMS custody. Of this total, 37,557 people had been confirmed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be aliens (i.e., non-citizens and non-nationals), while 21,209 foreign-born people were still under investigation by ICE to determine alienage and/or removability.

Among the 37,557 confirmed aliens, 35,334 people (94 percent) were unlawfully present. These numbers include a 92 percent unlawful rate among 24,476 confirmed aliens in BOP custody and a 97 percent unlawful rate among 13,081 confirmed aliens in USMS custody

This report does not include data on the foreign-born or alien populations in state prisons and local jails because state and local facilities do not routinely provide DHS or DOJ with comprehensive information about their inmates and detainees—which account for approximately 90 percent of the total U.S. incarcerated population.

For decades, the truth has been carefully kept from Americans by globalist politicians from both political parties.  They have been far more concerned about doing the bidding of the globalist special interest groups that fund their campaigns, than they have been about the threats that open borders and immigration anarchy pose to public safety and national security.

On April 19, 2016, towards the end of the Obama administration, the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security conducted a hearing on the topic, “The Real Victims of a Reckless and Lawless Immigration Policy: Families and Survivors Speak Out on the Real Cost of This Administration’s Policies.”

I wrote about that hearing in an article which also included links to statements made by Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Chairman of the subcommittee, who opened the hearing with his statement that set the tone for what would follow. used one of Rep. Gowdy’s statements as the title for their article, “Trey Gowdy: More Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Crimes At Large in the U.S. Than The Population of Pittsburgh.”

At that same hearing Congressman Lamar Smith noted that although it has been estimated that illegal aliens account for about 3% of the U.S. population, they account for 30% of all murders — making illegal aliens 10 times more likely to commit murder than anyone else. Adding that huge number of at-large criminal aliens to the huge number of criminal aliens who are incarcerated in prisons provides a measure of the true scope of the immigration crisis that can only be solved by ramping up efforts and resources to secure our nation’s borders and enforce our nation’s immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.

The blunt honesty of Chairman Gowdy and Representative Smith contrasts directly with the propaganda spewed by globalists such as Jimmy Carter, the originator of the Orwellian  term “undocumented immigrant.”

Beginning with Carter’s administration, the globalist immigration anarchists have embarked on a campaign of deceit.  Their goal was to erase America’s borders and flood America with a virtually unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable workers, an unlimited supply of foreign tourists and foreign students and ultimately new voters who would be indebted to the politicians who made their presence in the United States possible.

To further obfuscate the truth, Carter demanded that all INS employees substitute the term “immigrant” for the term “alien” even though the term alien is an integral part of the immigration laws of the United States and is defined by the Immigration and Nationality Act simply as “Any person, not a citizen or national of the United States.  Under his campaign of deceit, illegal aliens were be referred to as  “undocumented immigrants” as though all that these illegal aliens lacked was a piece of paper. The truth is that aliens who run our borders are not undocumented, they are un-inspected.

Here is a bit of clarity: the difference between an illegal alien and an immigrant is compared to the difference between a burglar and a houseguest.

Today so-called sanctuary cities betray America, Americans and immigrants and pose a clear and immediate danger to public safety and national security as their leaders resort to similar Orwellian propaganda to justify their dangerous illegal policies. Those cities should be referred to as “magnet cities” because they attract transnational criminals, fugitives and terrorists and flood the labor market with illegal aliens who displace American and lawful immigrant workers and undermine wages and working conditions.

This past year Congress conducted hearings about America’s gang crisis, particularly MS-13, once again disclosing the deadly impact of failures of immigration law enforcement.

Today immigration anarchists continue to tell lies. They say that if local police were to work in coordination with immigration law enforcement authorities that illegal alien victims of crime would be fearful of coming forward to report crimes committed against them.

In reality, visas are available for illegal alien crime victims that would enable them to remain in the U.S. if they cooperate with police in identifying the criminals.  Other visas are also available for illegal aliens who, although not the victims of crimes, nevertheless provide actionable intelligence to law enforcement to combat criminals and terrorists and the organizations to which they may belong.

Throughout my career with the INS one of my key areas of responsibility was to use my authority as an INS agent to cultivate informants and cooperating witnesses within ethnic immigrant communities to assist in criminal investigations on the local, state and federal levels.

This was particularly true when I was assigned as the first INS representative to the Unified Intelligence Division of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and subsequently promoted and assigned, as a Senior Special Agent, to the Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement Task Force.

Indeed, this was one of the critical elements of my annual evaluation.

If advocates for Sanctuary Cities were truly concerned about “immigrants” why in the world aren’t they providing information about the visas that are available to illegal aliens who cooperate with law enforcement authorities?  The answer is self-evident- they don’t care about the immigrants, only about promoting their false narrative.

Another deceitful claim is that through implementation of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” our authorities would be able to get all of the illegal aliens “out of the shadows” so we would finally know who is here.

In reality, terrorists might avail themselves of the opportunity to acquire new identities if their biometrics were not on file while those alien criminals fugitives and terrorist aliens who know that their biometrics are likely on file, would simply remain in the shadows.

CBP (Customs and Border Protection) has more than 60,000 employees, including inspectors at ports of entry and Border Patrol agents.  If, as immigration anarchists claim, it does not matter how aliens enter the United States, why do we need to continue to fund CBP?

The answer, of course, is self-evident.

President Trump understands the truth and is acting appropriately.  All rational Americans should be appreciative and supportive of his efforts to protect America and Americans.


The ‘Dreamers’ Have No Right to Demand Anything.

Acting ICE Director: Let’s Charge Sanctuary Cities for Violating Federal Law

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

Back to Work Everyone. The Trump Agenda for 2018!

With President Trump’s relatively successful first year in the books it’s time to set the agenda for 2018 that builds on the conservative principles and American priorities approach that really took hold in the final months of 2017.

This is particularly important because the opposition party seems to have an empty idea tank for 2018. Their entire agenda is undermine Trump, smear Trump, run against Trump, impeach Trump and remove Trump, while whipping up division and anger based on race and wealth. That’s it and it’s not attractive.

In this complete vacuum of ideas and principles, President Trump and Republicans have the fantastical opportunity to continue to shape the landscape and show what real, solid, foundational principles can accomplish for all Americans — black, brown and white; rich, middle class and poor; men and women — and not just for the ones whose votes you want to get.

This is not pie in the sky. Look past the media coverage of 2017 for a moment at some very real facts. Pew Research places Trump as the most popular president in modern history among Republican voters. (Of course, the opposite is true among Democrat voters, but that is in large part media driven.) Further, and critically important on the ground for the 2018 midterm elections and reflecting the bases in each party, the Republican National Committee saw record-breaking fundraising during 2017, crushing the pace of Democratic National Committee fundraising during the first year of the Obama presidency, and actually pushing the DNC today into debt. No, you don’t read much about that.

Given this opportune moment of Democratic nothingness and Trump-Republican momentum, here are five agenda ideas for President Trump and Republicans to pursue in 2018 that are good for all Americans and put even more distance between the party of ideas and the party of division and strife. These are in order of importance.

1) Immigration

This starts with building the wall on America’s southern border and reforming immigration throughout the system to protect America, Americans and American ideals, forming a system that brings in people who are good for America and Americans and who believe in the American ideals encompassed in the U.S. Constitution.

The Wall was a primary rallying cry during the 2016 campaign as it highlighted the frustration of many Americans with millions of illegals streaming into the country, taking jobs, depressing wages, increasing crime and straining hospitals, schools, prisons and other taxpayer-funded programs. Americans understand innately this is a terrible system and support Trump’s efforts.

Beltway Republicans have been less enthusiastic to do anything and Democrats howl at racism or some such thing.

However, Trump has real leverage on this one because the Democrats have promised their base to have a fix for DACA — Deferred Action and Childhood Arrivals — program that grants legal status for all the children who came here illegally. And Trump understands leverage. He tweeted this Dec. 29:

“The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect our Country at all cost!”

But if Republicans can do it without granting legal status to the so-called “Dreamers” under the Obama-reelection legislation, all the better. Not surprisingly, the DACA program is ripe with cheating and corruption as perhaps half of the people on it obtained their permits fraudulently. Just build the Wall. But if there must be a DACA fix — repeal it. That fixes it.

2) Welfare reform

This is imperative for America’s long-term (and maybe not-so-long-term) financial viability. Because the truth is, we are on an unsustainable fiscal path even if we took 100 percent of the top 1 percenter’s income. Don’t let anyone claim it can be fixed by raising taxes on the rich. It cannot be.

The problem is entirely on the spending side and if we don’t correct it, the system will collapse and millions of Americans will be hurt. This has to be done despite the fact that Democrats will demagogue it like they do every time with commercials against Republicans pushing grandma off a cliff and making grandma eat dog food. Just shameless. But someone needs to look out for Americans and not just personal re-election.

Social Security has got to be on the table at some point. However, that can’t work in Congress in an election year, because of the aforementioned demagoguing. But someone needs to step up and make sustainable the unsustainable. Kicking this can down the road is irresponsible.

So the talk has largely been about programs such as Medicaid, Food Stamps and Housing Assistance, which all need major reforming. Trump said in November: “We’re looking very strongly at welfare reform, and that’ll all take place right after taxes, very soon, very shortly after taxes.”

The Trump administration’s goals are to make welfare programs a short-term safety net aimed at getting Americans back to work and out of poverty. So changes strengthening work requirements and getting freeloaders off the dole could get some crossover support from Democrats — although in this atmosphere, it’s hard to be optimistic.

3) Public education liberation

Freeing poor and minority children from the prison of failing public schools through robust school choice and public vouchers is right and might be — with the right messaging campaign — more popular than is known, as the media skews reporting on this toward public schools and teachers unions. The numbers on the success of this for inner city kids are indisputable.

It’s a straightforward battle between what is best for poor children’s education and what is best for public school unions — one of the largest Democrat special interests and financiers. That should be a winning framing of the issue. But it is cast instead through the lense of taking money away from public education, rather than letting money follow students.

So many Americans still need convincing on this. The numbers are overwhelming that vouchers and private school choice work for students and even in improving nearby public schools. But people glaze over with facts, particularly when the media can always find some study somewhere that shows the opposite.

Putting faces on this issue is the key to winning public support. There should be a broad public information campaign featuring inner city children (and their parents) who were failing or learning nothing at their public schools and are now thriving students at charter or private schools through vouchers. And maybe include what happened to some students after Obama and Democrats caved to the unions and took away vouchers in Washington, D.C., sentencing those children to dangerous, failing schools.

This actually is one of the few areas where it would be possible to see strong minority support for a Republican agenda item.

4) Housing reform

It’s past time to get the federal government out of the home mortgage business by totally reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

“I am determined that we have housing reform and that we come up with a permanent solution for Fannie [Mae] and Freddie [Mac] so that they’re not in the current form, which is essentially owned by the government,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said to the Economic Club of New York.

Mnuchin believes this will be done on a bipartisan basis, but that seems unlikely.

Don’t expect such reform to win a lot of votes from Democrats, who will be tempted to demagogue it like they do everything. But this is necessary to avoid the 2006 mortgage meltdown and to keep the American taxpayer from being on the hook for trillions of home mortgages. Mnuchin of course is talking about reforming when he probably should be talking about ending, but…baby steps.

5) Infrastructure focused on transportation

Trump is determined to pursue infrastructure investments. This makes sense as a businessman, maybe particularly a real estate developer. It’s just hard not to be skeptical of any government infrastructure spending after Obama blew about half a trillion dollars in 2009 to “stimulate” the economy. Government generally does all things badly.

But the one area where it does makes sense is in transportation, specifically airports and water ports, which account for so much economic activity. But this could also include roads and bridges and perhaps digital connectivity infrastructure. Trump’s plan to be released in January or February is expected to spend at least $200 billion in direct spending over a decade, which will probably leverage more from the private sector.

While complicated by the tax reform package that could add $1.5 trillion to the national debt — although such estimates are notoriously wrong on tax cuts because of the static model analysis that is used — an infrastructure bill could get real bipartisan support. In part that is because individual congressional districts will get projects and in part because it is more in line with progressive concepts of government doing stuff.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao outlined a conceptual program where states and municipalities compete for government funds based on the most innovative and future-looking projects.

The order in which this agenda is pursued

The order in which these issues are pursued makes a difference. Success tends to breed more success and create legislative momentum. That momentum — and lack thereof — is surprisingly important.

So, here would be the best order for this agenda based on most likely to succeed legislatively and create momentum.

1.) Infrastructure

2.) Housing

3.) Immigration

4.) Education

5.) Welfare

Some of these agenda items are a much bigger lift than others. But getting any two will be a good year and track record going into November. Three or more would be awesome.


Whatfinger is a Drudge Alternative for the New Year
When it Comes to Harry and Barry, the Media Dupes Us Again
America’s Most Amazing Year — Not Fake News Edition
America: The World’s Only Entity That Is Truly Too Big to Fail
Susan Rice Unwittingly Makes the Argument Against Globalism

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

War in the Classroom

The year was 2011, and a freshman in Newton South High School, in Newton, Massachusetts, asked her father if it was true that the “Israeli occupation forces” had “imprisoned, tortured and killed” hundreds of Arabic women who had been “active in the Palestinian resistant movement.”  Her father, Tony Pagliuso, asked for the source of this misinformation.  It was her 540-page Arab World Studies Notebook, a highly explosive textbook filled with fabrications, shown to contribute, at least in part, to the marked decrease, from 84 to 57 percent, in student sympathy for Israel. In another textbook, The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, a question reads, “If a Palestinian suicide bomber kills several dozen Israeli teenagers in a Jerusalem restaurant, is that an act of terrorism or wartime retaliation against Israeli government policies and army actions?”  These are not unique.

The editor, Audrey Park Shabbas, employed by Arab World and Islamic Resources and School Services, authored the volume to improve the Arab image because the truth is unpalatable in Western society, and the Israeli image is scapegoated in the process, consistent with the 1400-year Islamic war against Jews and Western civilization.  Schools also distribute Scholastic’s maps that omit Israel from the modern Middle East.

Other education sources used across America are the Internet’s Flashpoints: Guide to World Conflicts, which identifies Jerusalem as the capital of (the non-existent) Palestine; handouts that omit the numerous and deadly Arab terrorist attacks on Israel; and A Muslim Primer that presents a deceptive, sugar-coated version of the subjugated Muslim woman’s life.  Biased textbooks in use throughout America are World History: The Human Odyssey; World History: Human Legacy; World Civilizations: The Global Experience; A Muslim Primer: Beginner’s Guide to Islam, and more.  I have personally reviewed four textbooks and written exposés accordingly, and many concerned professionals and members of the public are working hard to combat the manipulation of our youth, but the disinformation continues to proliferate.

More than 10,000 teachers attended Shabbas’s hundreds of three-day teacher-training sessions from 2000 to 2006, and were thus persuaded and made skillful at reaching and indoctrinating more than 25 million students over ten years.   Additional corroboration comes from visiting biased speakers, such as the notorious anti-Israel Noam Chomsky, an aficionado of the Iran-supported, world’s most powerful terrorist group/army, Hezbollah, responsible for large-scale bombings and suicide attacks on Americans and Israelis; Linda Sarsour, anti-Semite, jihadi and proponent of FGM (Female Genital Mutiliation); and academia’s Paul Beran, then-director of Harvard University’s Outreach Center, now leader of SHARIAsource, recognized for promoting BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) against Israel to the Presbyterian Church.  

It took alert parents and involved citizens and intense investigation and reports by The Massachusetts Board of Education, Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT), the American Jewish Committee and Verité Educate to expose Newton High’s ethical violations and unacceptable practices and to finally have the school admit the Outreach Center’s strong influence.  Key criticism was leveled at Harvard International Review’s Hatem Bazian’s fallacious portrayal of Palestinians as the indigenous victims and Jews as the colonialists; at the textbooks for their academic dishonesty through inaccuracies, false information, plagiarism, deceptive editing, and hate-filled, religious-proselytizing websites; assignments designed to prejudice students toward a suicidal one-state solution for Israel/the West Bank/Gaza, revealed in Miriam F. Elman’s “Palestinian Propaganda is  Infiltrating US Public Schools”; and biases against Israel and the US while sanitizing Islamic ideology and terrorism, explained by Rafael Medoff in Breaking Christian News.

Examples of other schools across the country that inculcate Islamism and unfairness in the classroom include Bellaire High, in Houston, Texas, cited for extreme claims about Israel’s history; Carlmont High in Belmont, California, which invited Linda Sarsour and other anti-Semites to advocate BDS and tutor radical positions against Israel; and La Plata High, a Maryland public school that forces the children to learn about Islam, memorize the Five Pillars of Islam, and recite the Shahada, the Islamic oath of conversion.  By contrast, there is a considerable lack of parallel information being taught about Christianity and Judaism because Islamists precedently announced their aversion and umbrage.  This generation of children is being fed an egregiously biased version of an ideology that is incompatible with democracy and corrosive to our beliefs, morals, and ideals.  Let us be clear: their ultimate purpose is the conversion of our children.

The Intense focus on Islamic subjects is carefully selected.  For example, the status of women is profoundly misrepresented, the origin and purpose of their sharia-compliant clothing falsified and unsupported by scholarship.  One author asserts that “Islam and the Quran created major improvements in the status of women,” when the truth is otherwise.  The worst conditions for women are concealed, including the practices of genital mutilation and honor killings; accusations of adultery and stoning; their treatment as property and legal inferiority; endorsed beatings by their husbands; the fact that a woman may have no rights to show her face, walk alone, drive a vehicle or attend schools. International speakers and experts who offer genuine facts, such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Anni Cyrus, Brigitte Gabriel, and Noni Darwish, are not among the invitees.

John Esposito

The textbooks elevate Islam over Judaism and Christianity, one being John Esposito’s Islam, the Straight Path, in which he declares that revelations given to the Jews and Christians were false. By contrast, he cites as truth, rather than belief, that God sent Muhammad as his final messenger and that God’s sacred language is Arabic.  Students write about Moslem pilgrimages, including to Jerusalem as “your homeland,” when Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran.  Many textbooks explain the rise and spread of Islam as being a successful acceptance of ideas, rather than the result of persecution and wantonly destructive conquerors who beheaded the non-believers, kidnapped the women for forced conversion and sexual slavery, and enriched themselves with appropriated bounty.   

The textbooks’ definition of jihad varies from the benign, the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin, to the traditional, the struggle against the enemies of Islam, but the goal is always the same – that of bringing the whole world under Islamic law, as explained by Bernard Lewis. Omitted is the account of hundreds of members of the Jewish Meccan tribe, the Quarayza, beheaded in 627 AD for rejecting Muhammad as Prophet, and the more than 109 verses in the Quran that decree violence and death to Jews and Christians, and the destruction of Israel. 

Not found in textbooks is Israel’s history – not 1948, when five surrounding Arab states declared war on the new state of Israel and lost, or 1967, when the Arabs again attacked Israel and lost, leaving behind Arabs who stayed and accepted Israel citizenship and Arabs who fled and remained as stateless pawns, neglected by their brethren.  Mislaid is the number of Jews – between 800,000 and one million – who fled for their lives from Islamic countries, and were absorbed by Israel.  Missing are a timeline that would verify Israel’s attacks as retaliatory to the Arab leaders’ calls to annihilate Israel, and a correct definition of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as “religious,” as declared in the Quran, confirming that anti-Semitism is integral to the Moslem culture. The textbooks do not explain Islamic terrorism and radicalism as religious precepts of jihad, or the incitement to hate that permeates Palestinian and Islamic society. Palestinians extol terrorism, praise terrorists as heroes and deceased murderers as martyrs after whom streets, cultural events, and public squares are named, and for which parents are handsomely rewarded – with “humanitarian aid” funded by UN countries. Anti-Semitism is endemic to the Koran, and none of this is mentioned.                  

The correct definition of Islam, with its religious, legal, political, economic, social and military components is a 100% system of life, and the greatest threat to the world.  There are organizations that work to free our schools of Islamic propaganda, but the programs of study have been bought and paid for by the Saudis, and theirs is the agenda.  Hence, the lessons are plagued with poor scholarship, revisionism, and blatant anti-Israel bias, and supported by a corrupt media that fuels the skewed perspective.              

It is now evident that we are at war, a war that is being waged in the classroom, with its weaponry aimed at our children’s minds.  The diligent work, “Indoctrinating our Youth,” by CAMERA, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, has resulted in the removal of some curriculum materials, but not all.  Despite parental rights to know what their children are learning, teaching staff does not provide full disclosure.  And, for every school that removes falsehoods, there are a hundred more that are continuing its use, now beginning at 3rd grade level.  It is up to us to pursue what must be stopped for the sake of our survival as a republic.

Go to or call CAMERA, at 617-377-6911.  To quote a popular phrase, “If you see something, say something.”

RELATED VIDEO: What are Newton students really learning.

VIDEO: The Cure for Toxic Masculinity Is Real Masculinity

Don’t ask us not to be men. Ask us to be real men.

Since the #MeToo phenomenon hit, I have started asking my female friends directly about their everyday experiences with men. For example, what proportion of men that they “meet” on a dating app send utterly inappropriate communications, and how often in everyday life does a guy disrespect them in a way that’s overtly or implicitly sexual?

While I am sure that my circle of male friends isn’t fully representative of the population of men at large, I was shocked to discover from my unscientific survey how many men have no clue about how to behave. Based on the combined responses of several women I trust, the number of men who say or do something offensive to a woman they don’t know on a dating app, almost right out of the gate, may be just shy of a majority.

And many a young woman can, if you ask her, relate tales of men making inappropriate remarks, shouting out of a car window as she walks down the street, whipping out his genitalia after one too many drinks, or being opportunistically crude at a coffee shop, even as she sits there with a very young child. (These were all stories I was told.) For some young women, these things seem to happen on a more or less monthly basis.

My recent conversations with female friends about the matter has led me to this question: what the hell is wrong with these men, and why are there so many of them?

What Has Happened to Men?

To me, this is not a question about sexual harassment. It’s a more fundamental one: an old-fashioned idea called manners. My female friends’ experiences with men have surprised me because they have to put up with a lot more, and a lot more often, than I could have expected based on the evidence available to me as a result of my interactions with other men.

Even though I have robust views about not calling gittish and crass people “predators” or those on the receiving end of rude behaviors “victims”, it must be horrible to have to put up with so much boorishness. I don’t think I’d have the patience for it.

How have we let this happen?

If you’re male and reading this with the same limited appreciation of the matter as I had before I started asking my female friends to list examples of ill-mannered, sexually-loaded behavior, you may be skeptical. I urge you, however, to do the same thing as I have done and ask a cross-section of your female friends to give you examples of their personal anecdotes of such behavior from the last few months. They may well provide more than you expect.Thinking on all of this, and being appalled by bad manners anywhere for any reason, I have started considering what I, as a man, should be saying to other men, if anything, about this problem. My long-held opinion (stated elsewhere) that Western culture is suffering a crisis in masculinity may well find sympathy among many of those who have been fervent in driving the #MeToo phenomenon, but I suspect my prescription for solving this crisis may be more controversial: I believe we need more masculinity, not less, and we need it because what the Louis C.K.s and the Weinsteins of this world have been doing is not an expression of masculinity in its true sense at all.

I’d like to see us turning to these men and asking them in a very disappointed tone, as opposed to a dramatic and scandalized one, “How pathetic are you — and why?” Because that question in that tone conveys the important message that their behavior doesn’t make them more manly; it makes them less so.

Toxic Masculinity Is the Problem, Not Simply Masculinity

Scientifically trained, I generally take care to get out of my own subjective way in my political articles, but this time, I’ll make an exception and happily admit that what follows is a subjective, almost intuitive suggestion offered in the hope of inviting constructive discussion.

The true masculine, or the “sacred masculine” if you prefer, is kind, honest, controlled, disciplined, heroic, protective, strong, rational, and even clever. Throwing out the baby of masculinity with the bathwater of disrespect is absolutely the last thing we need to be doing. Telling men that masculinity is inherently flawed or dangerous is to tell a lie born of misdiagnosis. The moral vacuum in which Weinstein and Franken and others of their ilk operate can only be filled by a celebratory masculinity that is held up as something to aspire to.

If there is such a thing as a spiritual law, none is more certain than, “What is focused on is made bigger,” so let us define that highest version of masculinity as an invitation to men – a north star, if you will, to guide them as they interact with others. That would enable those aspects of men that are gendered, sexual, and desirous to be integrated into the highest versions of who they are, rather than denied or pathologized only to be expressed in distorted ways that can, indeed, reasonably be called “toxic.”Treating toxic masculinity with real masculinity and pointing to the difference between the two has the benefit of engaging the irrepressible male ego on the side of good — of aligning maleness with manners rather than against them.

Perhaps most importantly, a culturally normalized notion of proud and positive masculinity would allow mothers once again to be able to say to their sons, “This is how you treat a woman, and, in so doing, this is how to be a man.” Boys want to be men, so we can surely only improve them by appealing to that desire rather than suppressing it and thereby creating a vacuum to be filled by a distorted and hollow replacement.

Attention: Men. Don’t Be Stupid.

Shocking as they are, it’s not all the male bad manners that astonished me most about the stories I’ve recently heard. It’s male stupidity. After all, if I were a man who wants any kind of sexual satisfaction or affirmation from a woman, and the most sophisticated play I had was to shout out of a car window, rub up against her on a train, or ask her if I can masturbate in front of her, then you’d hope that I’d eventually work out that my method isn’t all that effective.

How deficient, one may ask, does a person have to be to be unable to assess the results of his actions against his goals, especially as the results (or lack thereof) repeat themselves over and over? Indeed, a need for sexual affirmation or activity that is so great that they would cause me to leave my manners at the front door should, even if I were a sociopath, motivate me to start collecting the data. (Rationality is supposed to be a “masculine trait” too, isn’t it?) How long, then, before the thought hits that being rude to every second woman that I find faintly attractive isn’t getting me what I want from them?

In reaction to that level of stupidity alone, I can’t help but feel that men should be asking other men, “What is this nonsense?”

That would be an approach to making better men that makes more of true masculinity, not less of it. It’s an approach that says to those who are toxic in their approaches to women, “That’s the opposite of masculinity. That’s what you do when you’re not a man. That’s what you do when you haven’t got the basics.”

Holding the Feminine and the Truly Masculine Sacred

I love the polarity that exists between the masculine and feminine. Long before #MeToo, I was writing that no one benefits when men can’t be men because masculinity itself has almost become taboo. Men who can’t be, and feel like, real men cannot give women the pleasure of feeling like real women.

I stand by all of that, but when I first wrote it, I was missing something: there are a bunch of men out there on dating apps and shouting out of car windows who actually are making women feel very much like women – but not the kind of women they want to feel like being. You could say, rather, that toxic male approaches are causing women to have a toxic experience of their own femininity. How dare we do that to something so exquisite and delicious?

So, my message to men who are disrespecting women is that you are making it harder for the rest of us. By giving women good reason to be wary of any kind of male approach, you’re making all the women out there skeptical of me and the decent examples of my gender. And I’m not ok with that.But I also have a message for mothers. Mom, it’s okay to make your son a man. It’s okay to use that word. Only once you’ve used that word can you turn around and say, “This behavior isn’t masculine; it’s pathetic. And by the way, son, if you actually want to get with an attractive woman, here’s how not to do it. Don’t disrespect her; don’t throw crude one-liners out of a car window, and don’t send a picture of your genitals to her on a dating app. If you want to get the attractive women, the smart women, the kind of women you’re going to enjoy — and you should — then why don’t you learn a little bit about them? Indeed, why don’t you learn a little bit about the difference between them and you?”

And that last piece is so important because I have a sense (and I could be wrong) that many people who have been pushing the #MeToo phenomenon hard are of the more third-wave-feminist persuasion, wanting to collapse that distinction between men and women. (It’s all socialization, they say.) But I’m suggesting the exact opposite approach to solving the problem out of which #MeToo has arisen.

Why not tell our boys what’s great and beautiful about masculinity so that once we’ve built them up in what they are, they have no need to feel threatened or intimidated by learning about the feminine other — that other that will drive them through life in more ways than they will ever consciously realize? Let’s spend more time promoting models of positive masculinity than on telling guys, young and old, that, and why, we’re all awful. (We’re not.) Let’s talk up the good alpha-males: those who are comfortable in their masculinity — assertive while respectful, confident while polite, ambitious while kind. They exist in all areas of life. The next time you’re about to talk about Al Franken’s shenanigans, how about talking instead about one of those real men, who gets what he wants through respect? And draw the contrast between them explicitly.

Spoiler Alert: Sex Is Amazing. So Seek It Properly.

Then, as we start celebrating healthy, robust masculinity, let’s not slip back into thinking that the problem we are trying to solve has anything much to do with sex. As Oscar Wilde famously said, “Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.”

That applies here and now – albeit not in quite the way Wilde meant it.

The unacceptable sexual behaviors of men who exhibit toxic masculinity are rooted in something to do with power – but not primarily in the conscious exertion of sexual power over another. Rather, their disrespectful treatment of women for a sexual prize (which they invariably fail to win) is reflective of a lack of inner power as men which leaves them resorting to aggressive behavior and exploiting the immediate superficial and circumstantial power that exists by virtue of a professional relationship or particular social or economic context.Men shouldn’t behave disrespectfully toward women not because there’s anything wrong with their sexuality, their desire, or their masculinity. No; they shouldn’t do it because no one should disrespect anyone, ever. Period. End of story.

We have to take care, then, that we don’t misdiagnose the disease just because it is more easily seen in certain situations than in others: disrespect from men is disproportionately observed in the sexual domain because the male sexual imperative is never really turned off, and it necessarily manifests in ways that are directly seen and experienced by women (assuming the men are straight).

Women, please help us good men police our own by talking up positive masculinity – the masculinity that you want more of. Celebrate the polarity between your femininity and the masculinity of the men you like. Tell us that it’s ok to be sexually assertive and thoroughly masculine – but only in the right context. And explain to us that that context always involves the prior establishment of mutual respect, a sense of safety, and trust. We are basic creatures. You, ladies, are gatekeepers. So let us know that respect and social competence will open that gate much more easily than will crude attempts to bash it down.

In short, don’t ask us not to be men. Ask us to be real men.

Robin Koerner

Robin Koerner

Robin Koerner is British-born and recently became a citizen of the USA. A decade ago, he founded, an organization of over 200 volunteers that translates and posts views about the USA from all over the world, works as a trainer and a consultant, and recently wrote the book If You Can Keep It.

Trump Should Rescind Work Authorization for H-4 Visas

Meaningful border security and effective enforcement of our immigration laws are anathemas to globalists who see in America’s borders impediments to their wealth.

While U.S.-based globalists routinely spout globalist propaganda, often disguised as “news reports” by American journalists, comparable globalist propaganda spewed by foreign journalists is rarely reported in the United States.

On December 18, 2017, Quartz India published an article, under the category of Back In Limbo, “Under Trump, Indian H-1B wives fear becoming second-class citizens again.”

The title of the article was not only illogical but also apparently sought to blur the distinction between American citizens and aliens.

Beneath the title of that article was the image of the hands of a newly naturalized citizen holding an American flag, accompanied by a brief description of the naturalization ceremony where the photo was taken.

There was no explanation, however, as to why the photo taken of an American flag at a naturalization ceremony is somehow to be conflated with a report about nonimmigrant aliens working in the United States.

The obvious question, certainly not asked or answered in the article, is how could any alien, particularly a nonimmigrant alien, complain about “becoming a second-class citizen?”

Simply stated, aliens are not citizens — first-class, second-class, or any class at all.

In point of fact, aliens must be acquire lawful immigrant status in order to ultimately be eligible to come United States citizens provided that they meet a number of prerequisites. Nonimmigrant aliens, by definition, are aliens who are admitted into the United States for a temporary period of time and must, after the period of admission expires, return to their native countries.

H-1B and H-4 visas, the focus of the Quartz India grievance, are nonimmigrant visas.

Furthermore, it is a crime for an alien to claim to be a United States citizen. Under the law (18 U.S. Code § 911) any alien who makes a false claim to being a United States citizen is committing a felony that carries a maximum penalty of up to three years in prison.

Use of misleading language is a major element of the campaign waged by immigration anarchists and globalists who seek to eradicate America’s borders.

In the Orwellian world of immigration Newspeak, aliens who enter the United States without inspection are referred to as entering “undocumented” a fabricated term to obfuscate the truth that these aliens are illegally present in the United States.

By eliminating the term “alien” from the vernacular where any discussions or debates about immigration are concerned, a tactic initiated by President Jimmy Carter during his administration, set the stage for the bogus assertions that anyone who believes in securing our nation’s borders against the entry of criminals, terrorists, and other aliens who would pose a threat to best interests of America and Americans are deemed to be “anti-immigrant” when, in reality their position should be referred to as “pro-immigration law enforcement.”

This use of language to control the debate was the topic of my recent article, “Language Wars: The Road to Tyranny is Paved With Language Censorship.”

The article published by that publication, complaining that their citizens are not being treated in a manner equal to United States citizens, is simply yet another step along the path to immigration anarchy and the destruction of American sovereignty by confounding logic and reasoning in pursuit of a political agenda.

Bad as the title of that piece was, the article itself goes on to hammer the United States for its policies, and we have Obama’s anarchistic immigration policies to thank for this.

Consider the opening paragraph of the article:

Rashi Bhatnagar gave up her career as a journalist when she left India in 2009 and moved to the US on an H-4 dependent visa. For years, she struggled with frustration because her visa status did not allow her to work in the US. But in 2015, she saw a sliver of hope after the erstwhile Barack Obama administration allowed the spouses of H-1B workers awaiting green card approval to apply for work permits of their own.

The article then noted that on December 14 of this year the Trump administration announced that it would reconsider the Obama policy of permitting certain H-4 aliens to be granted employment authorization and how unfair this was.

The article went on to report:

Since 2015, over 104,000 spouses were granted EADs. A large number of these would likely be from the sub-continent as Indians receive a major chunk of the H-1B visas every year.

Let’s take a moment to consider the issues.

The alien referenced in the first paragraph of the article came to the United States voluntarily knowing full well, before she even set foot on U.S. soil, that she would not be permitted to work in the United States. Nevertheless, she willingly came here and found the conditions to be what she knew that they would be before she boarded the airliner.

Many of Obama’s globalist policies ended the day that he left office and still more of his policies are under review by President Trump so that he can truly put America and Americans first, a clear and unequivocal element of his campaign for the presidency.

Providing tens of thousands of aliens, who were admitted with H-4 nonimmigrant visas, with employment authorization runs contrary to the best interests of American workers by enabling these nonimmigrant aliens to compete with American and lawful immigrants for jobs.

It is to be expected that President Trump would take a hard look at this program and, hopefully, terminate these policies.

Of course citizens of India and other countries could not care less about the well-being of America or Americans.

Incredibly, adding to this problem is the fact that for decades we have had a succession of administrations that apparently shared their disdain for Americans. Mr. Obama, undoubtedly led the charge creating policies that eroded American sovereignty that undermined national security and public safety.

Furthermore, the problems with the employment of these nonimmigrant aliens also has an economic component. Money earned by aliens is wired out of the countries by foreign workers, whether they are legally or illegally working in the United States. That money is permanently lost to the U.S. economy and contributes to our national debt and to an adverse balance of trade.

On October 3, 2017, the World Bank issued a report, “Remittances to Recover Modestly After Two Years of Decline.” It included this paragraph:

Among major remittance recipients, India retains its top spot, with remittances expected to total $65 billion this year, followed by China ($63 billion), the Philippines ($33 billion), Mexico (a record $31 billion), and Nigeria ($22 billion).

India has been leading the charge of countries receiving remittances sent home by their citizens who are working in countries around the world. Of course, not all of the money remitted to these countries came from the United States, but America is a leading country where the flow of remittances is concerned.

The egregious article upon which my commentary today is predicated also addressed the issue of remittances and quoted Poorvi Chothani, managing partner at an immigration law firm LawQuest.

Chothani had the unmitigated chutzpah to whine that Trump policies would prevent these nonimmigrant aliens from realizing their “American Dream.”

The “American Dream” for nonimmigrant aliens?

Incredibly, the term “American Dream,” and one that has become over the past several decades, ever more elusive and indeed, illusory for American citizens, has been misappropriated by globalists to purportedly justify providing millions of illegal aliens with lawful status and a pathway to U.S. Citizenship under the failed “DREAM Act” and now apparently for nonimmigrant aliens who voluntarily enter the United States on nonimmigrant visas.

Additionally, the article makes a contrived claim that since, according to the article, 90 percent of the H-4 visa holders are women, the Trump policies are unfair to women. And while the H-1B visa holders may be sending remittances back to India, their wives who cannot work in the United States are unable to send money to support their families because the wages paid to the H-1B spouses are insufficient to meet all of their needs, in the United States and back home to help their families.

Of course the law firm is likely concerned that their profits will suffer if the number of aliens who would come to the United States is reduced because of President Trump’s policies of putting American workers first.

It’s easy to see the damage that has been done to America — just follow the money.

Because of the globalist policies of the Obama administration and previous administrations, the globalists have been literally and figuratively “making out like bandits.”

Thankfully, since the election of Donald Trump, there is truly a new sheriff in town.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on

Why doesn’t Pope Francis view Islam as his namesake St. Francis did — As Christianity’s mortal enemy?

St. Francis of Assisi

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Pope Francis and his namesake Saint Francis of Assisi have totally opposite views on Islam.

In a column titled “PBS Broadcasts Crusade Myths & Falsehoods” Andrew E. Harrod writes:

The Crusades were a Christian reaction to centuries of Islamic jihadist aggression that directly targeted the Catholic Church and Francis’ followers. Frank M. Rega, a Secular Franciscan and author of Francis of Assisi and the Conversion of the Muslimshas noted that an army of 11,000 Muslims sacked Rome itself in 846 and desecrated the tombs of saints Peter and Paul. Rega’s fellow Secular Franciscan Vail noted that Muslims later in 1240 attacked the Franciscan Poor Clare monastery in Assisi, which the order’s founder herself, St. Clare, successfully defended.

Contrary to Moses’ claims, Rega has observed that “unreserved support of the crusade had become normative in the Order” of St. Francis. Rega’s book noted Francis’ praise for “holy martyrs died fighting for the Faith of Christ.” Vail also observed that “one leader of later crusades was St. Louis IX, the king of France, a Franciscan tertiary who is now patron saint of the Secular Franciscan Order.”

Francis personally reflected such sentiments when he crossed the front between the Christians and Muslims fighting around Damietta, Egypt, on a personal evangelization mission to the sultan. Rega noted Francis’ words to the sultan: “It is just that Christians invade the land you inhabit, for you blaspheme the name of Christ and alienate everyone you can from His worship.” Francis’ frank words reflect that he “was fully prepared for martyrdom” and initially experienced rough treatment in Muslim hands, as the film portrays. As Rega’s book has noted, al-Kamil had vowed that “anyone who brought him the head of a Christian should be awarded with a Byzantine gold piece.” [Emphasis added]

Harrod states:

Francis’ behavior exemplified the common practice of his order in which friars often sought martyrdom by direct rhetorical challenges to Islam. Reflecting the negative judgment of Catholic saints upon Islam throughout history, Francis in Rega’s book tells the sultan that “if you die while holding to your law [sharia], you will be lost; God will not accept your soul.” As Notre Dame University Professor Lawrence Cunningham has observed, Francis “saw himself and his friars as Knights of the Round Table fighting a spiritual crusade.” [Emphasis added]

Saint Francis of Assisi sounds more like President Donald J. Trump than Pope Francis. President Trump during his Speech to the Arab Islamic American Summit said:

Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear: Barbarism will deliver you no glory – piety to evil will bring you no dignity. If you choose the path of terror, your life will be empty, your life will be brief, and YOUR SOUL WILL BE CONDEMNED. [Emphasis added]

Perhaps Pope Francis should read what his namesake said about Islam. How his namesake was part of the 5th Crusade and tried to convert Muslims to Christianity?

Sadly those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Especially Pope Francis.

If the Islamic Republic is Falling, It’s Because of Trump

When one strong individual stands up, others follow. My latest in FrontPage:

In 2009, Iran was swept by demonstrations, just as it is now. But at that time, the protesters were shouting “Allahu akbar,” and there was no indication that they wanted anything but reform of the Islamic regime, not the end of the regime itself. This time, however, the protesters have been chanting: “We don’t want an Islamic Republic!” “Clerics shame on you, let go of our country!” Some have even chanted: “Reza Shah, bless your soul!”

What has changed? Donald Trump.

Reza Shah was the Shah of Iran from 1925 to 1941 and the father of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah who was overthrown in the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Reza Shah admired Turkey’s Kemal Ataturk and set Iran on a similar path of Westernization and secularization. In chanting this, the protesters are emphasizing that they do not just want economic reforms, as has been the line of the establishment media in the West. Nor do they want an Islamic Republic that is less corrupt. They don’t want an Islamic Republic at all.

Now why would Trump have anything to do with this? Because he has been singular among the leaders of the world, and the Presidents of the United States since 1989, in demonstrating his readiness to stand up to violent intimidation. President Trump has already made it clear in so many ways, most notably by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Clinton, Bush, and Obama all spoke about Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, but backed off from recognizing the fact as official U.S. policy, for fear that Muslims would riot and kill innocent people, and that such a recognition would jeopardize the chimerical and fruitless “peace process.”

So should terrorists decide where our embassy should be? Trump was not willing to concede this point. And when one man shows that bullies can be confronted and stood down by people with courage, others are inspired to make the same kind of stand. This new Iranian uprising came just weeks after Trump’s Jerusalem announcement, after the threatened rage and riots of Muslims worldwide in response to that announcement proved to be largely a fizzle.

Is it a coincidence that the Iranian people have stood up to the forces of jihad intimidation just after the President did so? Maybe. But if so, it’s a marvelous one, and in either case it’s illustrative of the power of courage in an age of cowardice.

For here again, even if the Iranian freedom movement has nothing to do with Trump, it is certain that these demonstrations would already be over, and may never have begun, if Hillary Clinton were President of the United States right now. Confronted with those 2009 demonstrations that did not go as far or demand as much, Barack Obama betrayed the demonstrators to every grisly fate that the mullahs could devise for them in their torture chambers. Bent on concluding the disastrous nuclear deal that lined their oppressors’ pockets with billions and set the world on a path to a catastrophic nuclear attack, Obama ensured that the U.S. government didn’t lift a finger or offer a word of support for the protesters, even as they were being gunned down in the streets.

But now the man who is setting the tone is a different man. Trump has come out strongly in favor of the protesters, tweeting: “Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad. Iranian govt should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching!”

In a similar vein, State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said: “Iran’s leaders have turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos. As President Trump has said, the longest-suffering victims of Iran’s leaders are Iran’s own people.” Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders added: “There are many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with the regime’s corruption and its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad. The Iranian government should respect their people’s rights, including their right to express themselves.”

For the people of Iran, with help from Donald Trump, this could just possibly be the dawning of a new era of freedom. Even if the regime remains in power this time, it has been shaken to its core. It cannot afford to be as openly repressive and bloodthirsty as the Chinese at Tienanmen Square. Not, we can hope, with Donald Trump in the White House.


Maldives: Human rights activist gets death threats from Muslims after charges she committed blasphemy

Overall death toll in Iran freedom protests rises to 17

The History of Fake News in the United States [+Video]

Walter Duranty, the Times Moscow bureau chief, won the 1932 Pulitzer Prize for Correspondence for his 1931 series of articles on the Soviet Union. Pulitzer in hand, he proceeded to perpetrate perhaps the worst incident of fake news in American media history.

VIDEO: The New York Times and the Ukrainian Holocaust

Fake news isn’t suddenly ruining America, but putting government in charge of deciding what news is fake will.

In the wake of President Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election, numerous media outlets ran stories claiming that many websites had published false stories that helped Trump beat Hillary Clinton.

Since then Left-leaning opinion writers have called for a solution to this alleged epidemic. The New York Times reported last January that Silicon Valley giants Facebook and Google will team up with legacy media outlets to fact-check stories and curtail the proliferation of “fake news.”

However, intentionally misleading news has been around since before the invention of the printing press. In fact, our Founding Fathers grappled with this very issue when they created our system of government. They saw that while it was tempting to censor fake stories, ultimately the truth was more likely to be abused by an all-powerful government arbiter than the filter of unimpeded popular debate. Attempts to weed out factually incorrect news reports can quickly morph into fact-checking and manipulating differences in opinion.

Fortunately, there have been few serious calls in the United States for official censoring of political news or media, in contrast to most of the world, including Europe. Freedom of thought, freedom of the press, and even the freedom to be wrong make America great and exceptional. In addition to preserving liberty, our free-wheeling tradition gives the United States an edge in adapting to the increasingly decentralized media landscape that is a natural product of the Internet Age. Most importantly, it produces a more critically informed populace in the long term.

The Founders and the Free Press

The Founding Fathers were well aware of the power of the press, for good or ill. After all, many of them, such as Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Paine, were newspapermen and pamphleteers. The revolutionary ideas they disseminated throughout the colonies found eager readers, putting them high on King George III’s enemies list.

Three years after the Constitution was ratified, the American people amended it by adding the Bill of Rights, which included the First Amendment and its protections of the media. However, the Founders understood that a free press was not an entirely unqualified blessing; some had reservations.

Elbridge Gerry, who was present at the Constitutional Convention, lamented how con artists in his home state were manipulating the people. “The people do not [lack] virtue, but are the dupes of pretended patriots,” Gerry said at the convention. “In Massachusetts it had been fully confirmed by experience, that they are daily misled into the most baneful measures and opinions, by the false reports circulated by designing men, and which no one on the spot can refute.”

The Founders saw that while it was tempting to censor fake stories, ultimately the truth was more likely to be abused by an all-powerful government arbiter than the filter of unimpeded popular debate.

Benjamin Franklin also warned about the power of the press, which the public must put so much trust in. In a short essay, Franklin explained how the press acted as the “court” of public opinion and wielded enormous unofficial power.

For an institution with so much influence, Franklin noted that the bar for entry into journalism is remarkably low, with no requirement regarding “Ability, Integrity, Knowledge.” He said the liberty of the press can easily turn into the “liberty of affronting, calumniating, and defaming one another.”

The Founders wrote constitutional protections for the press with open eyes, as their written remarks record. Yet, the evils that come through the occasional problems of a free press are heavily outweighed by its benefits. Lies may proliferate, but the truth has a real chance to rise to the top.

Thomas Jefferson said that the most effectual way for a people to be governed by “reason and truth” is to give freedom to the press. There was simply no other way. He wrote in a letter to Gerry:

I am […] for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents.

Liars and scandal mongers may occasionally have success in a system without censorship, but truth was ultimately more likely to be found when passed through the people as a whole. Jefferson wrote:

It is so difficult to draw a clear line of separation between the abuse and the wholesome use of the press, that as yet we have found it better to trust the public judgment, rather than the magistrate, with the discrimination between truth and falsehood. And hitherto the public judgment has performed that office with wonderful correctness.

Despite full knowledge of the media’s often unscrupulous power over public opinion, the Founders chose to grant broad protections to a decentralized press, opting to place their faith in newspapers checking one another with more efficacy and less risk of bias than heavy-handed government crackdowns.

When the Federalist Party passed the infamous Alien and Sedition Acts under President John Adams to clamp down on “false, scandalous and malicious writing” against the government in the midst of the “Quasi War” with France, there was an immense backlash. A few journalists were arrested, but the governing party was crushed in future elections and ceased to exist shortly thereafter. In the United States, press freedom would become an almost unquestioned element of American culture and policy.

Things worked out differently across the Atlantic. In France, a popular uprising, stoked by a rabid press, led to mob violence, tyranny, and oppressive censorship. Revolutionary scribblers initially brought an end to the Old Regime and the royal restrictions on speech, but freedom of the press didn’t last. After the monarchy was crushed, the revolutionaries censored the press even more ruthlessly than had the Bourbon kings. The radicals argued that press freedom was leading people astray and impeding their revolution.

Maximilien Robespierre, leader of the Jacobin party, called journalists “the most dangerous enemies of liberty.” Robespierre and his allies in the French government created a state-sponsored newspaper to counter what they saw as the media’s lies. Then, seeing that even that was not enough to prevent alternative opinions from growing, began to arrest and execute those who opposed the policies of the government. Robespierre’s “Reign of Terror” gripped France for more than a year, during which 16,594 official death sentences were handed out.

In the mid-20th century, the American press became more centralized and the country opened its media sector to many of the same problems that had plagued European media.

Calls for liberty ended with censorship and ultimately the guillotine for unbelievers. Clearly there was a difference between the American and French regimes and cultures, both nominally standing for liberty, but arriving at radically different ends.

A Frenchman who was a keen observer of both systems explained why freedom of the press worked out so differently in these sister republics.

Tocqueville, the United States, and France

Alexis de Tocqueville caught on to why liberty of the press worked so much better in the United States than in his home country. One system was almost entirely free from suggestions of government censorship and the other perpetually in danger of falling prey to the “instincts of the pettiest despots.”

Americans understood, wrote Tocqueville in his book “Democracy in America”, that creating a government body with the power to assess the truth in media would be far more dangerous than any system of press freedom. They instinctively knew that:

Whoever should be able to create and maintain a tribunal of this kind would waste his time in prosecuting the liberty of the press; for he would be the absolute master of the whole community and would be as free to rid himself of the authors as of their writings.

In other words, the creation of such an official “court” to oversee media truth would logically end in absolute tyranny. Tocqueville concluded that “in order to enjoy the inestimable benefits that the liberty of the press ensures, it is necessary to submit to the inevitable evils that it creates.”

Fortunately, America had a diverse and highly decentralized press from the beginning. Not so in France, which had a highly centralized press both in terms of geography and number of media organizations. Therefore, Tocqueville wrote, in a centralized media environment such as France, “[t]he influence upon a skeptical nation of a public press thus constituted must be almost unbounded. It is an enemy with whom a government may sign an occasional truce, but which it is difficult to resist for any length of time.”

France never really changed. It continued a cycle of crackdowns on the free press as new regimes took power. Instead of decentralizing the press of the monarchical regime, each successive set of revolutionaries seized the central apparatus for their own purposes. In 1852, when the Second Empire under Napoleon III took power, the government said
that censorship would be implemented for public safety.

A petition message to the legislative body concluded: “As long as there exists in France parties hostile to the Empire, liberty of the press is out of the question, and the country at large has no wish for it.”

Though President Trump has caused concern by calling members of the press “enemies of the people,” his threats against the press come through mockery and rebuke rather than official sanctions. Presidential media hating has been around since George Washington was in office, but there have been few serious proposals to actually crack down on reporting.

By contrast, the press is treated quite differently in France, where citizens are placed on a 44-hour legal media blackout on the eve of elections. As USA Today reported, in the days leading up to the French presidential election, the media were warned not to report on data leaks from candidate Emmanuel Macron’s campaign. The French election commission said that the leaks likely contained some fraudulent data, i.e. “fake news,” and any reporting on it or even passing it along on social media could lead to criminal charges.

Jim Swift of The Weekly Standard pointed out the obvious: “This is censorship, plain and simple. In the Internet Age, reporters and citizens around the globe can share information—be it about the Macron hack or not—on Twitter, Facebook, or on their websites. The French press and citizenry? Repressed.”

But The New York Times praised the reporting ban, and emphasized the benefits of the centralized French system over the more freewheeling ones in Britain and the United States. In a recent article, The Times noted:

The contrast may have been amplified further by the absence of a French equivalent to the thriving tabloid culture in Britain or the robust right-wing broadcast media in the United States, where the Clinton hacking attack generated enormous negative coverage.

“We don’t have a Fox News in France,” said Johan Hufnagel, managing editor of the Left-wing daily Libération, according to The New York Times. “There’s no broadcaster with a wide audience and personalities who build this up and try to use it for their own agendas.”

A similar scandal occurred in the United States when Wikileaks published thousands of emails from the Democratic National Committee that cast the Clinton campaign in a negative light. Yet, there was no censorship of the information; the American people would not have stood for it.

Who has the better system? Since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, France has gone through five republics, two empires, and four monarchies. Despite the bumptious nature of American politics and media, it would be foolish to bet on France’s fifth republic outlasting America’s first.

Americans have been lucky to have a decentralized media through most of their history and a culture that strongly embraces the idea of a truly free press. Those arrangements have had a long-lasting impact on American institutions and have made the country resistant to authoritarian impulses. However, in the mid-20th century, the American press became more centralized and the country opened its media sector to many of the same problems that had plagued European media.

Some glamorize the era in which a few television companies and big newspapers became media gatekeepers, similar to the model that currently exists in France. This nostalgia for “more responsible” journalism ignores the fact that some of the most egregious fake news blunders were perpetrated by an unchecked centralized press. Perhaps the worst offense of all came from The New York Times.

The New York Times and the Fraud of the Century

Today, a 30-foot-long bronze wall stands in Northwest Washington, D.C., and on this wall is the simple image of a wheat field. It is a monument to the victims of The Holodomor, a monstrous genocide committed by one of the most ruthless and authoritarian regimes in human history.

In 1932, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, frustrated that he could not crush Ukrainian nationalism, ordered that grain quotas for Ukrainian fields be raised so high that the peasants working the fields would not be left with enough food to feed themselves. NKVD troops collected the grain and watched over the populace to prevent them from leaving to find nourishment elsewhere.

As a result of these policies, as many as 7 million Ukrainians died of starvation in 1932 and 1933.

But while Stalin was conducting an atrocity with few equals in human history, The New York Times was reporting on the regime’s triumphs of modernization.

Walter Duranty, the Times Moscow bureau chief, won the 1932 Pulitzer Prize for Correspondence for his 1931 series of articles on the Soviet Union. Pulitzer in hand, he proceeded to perpetrate perhaps the worst incident of fake news in American media history at a time when Americans relied on the Times and a handful of other large media outlets to bring them news from around the world.

Duranty’s motivation for covering up the crimes taking place in Ukraine has never been fully ascertained. However, it undoubtedly gave the Bolshevik sympathizer better access to Stalin’s regime, which routinely fed him propaganda.

While privately admitting that many Ukrainians had starved to death, Duranty sent numerous reports back to the United States praising the good work of the Soviet government. He reported that there had been some deaths from “diseases due to malnutrition,” but called the suggestion that a widespread famine was taking place “malignant propaganda.”

These reports were highly influential in the United States and had enormous impact on U.S.-Soviet relations. Historian Robert Conquest wrote in his book, “The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine”, that due to the perceived credibility of The New York Times, the American people accepted the fraudulent accounts as true.

Sally J. Taylor wrote in her book “Stalin’s Apologist” that Duranty’s reports helped convince President Franklin D. Roosevelt to extend official diplomatic recognition to the Soviet government in November of 1933. She wrote: “[A]lmost single-handedly did Duranty aid and abet one of the world’s most prolific mass murderers, knowing all the while what was going on but refraining from saying precisely what he knew to be true.”

Though Duranty’s reporting was a lie, The New York Times never questioned its authenticity and dismissed charges that their reporter was cooking up false reports. Famed British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge wrote of this willful self-deception in his autobiography:

If the New York Times went on all those years giving great prominence to Duranty’s messages, building him and them up when they were so evidently nonsensically untrue […] this was not, we may be sure, because the Times was deceived. Rather it wanted to be so deceived, and Duranty provided the requisite deception material.

In the more centralized national media landscape of the mid-20th century, a fraudulent story like that published in the Times was both more likely to be believed and less likely to be debunked.

The Truth Cannot Be Centrally Planned

But America’s evolving media landscape is again moving toward decentralization. And, fortunately, the First Amendment is a mighty weapon against the suffocating and stultifying suppression of speech that frequently occurs in other nations.

The system the Founders created and intended for the United States was one that they hoped would lead our civilization to the truth. We have acquiesced to the fact that there will always be a great deal that the smartest and the wisest simply don’t know. No earthly, impartial arbiter has the capacity, or should have the capacity, to determine absolute fact for us—especially in the realm of politics, philosophy, and man’s relation to man.

For all the uncertainty and chaos that an unfettered media seem to engender, Americans have been best at ultimately veering closer to the truth than any other people. The First Amendment is one of the greatest of many gifts the Founding generation bequeathed us and has been a truly defining feature of American exceptionalism with few comparisons around the globe.

Through all the angst over fake news, fraudulent journalists, and media hyperbole, the American republic will survive. In the end, fake news peddlers will only damage their own reputations and bring doubt on their reporting. Fortunately, our freedom isn’t dependent on the musings of the White House press corps. It hinges on the Constitution and the liberty it was created to protect.

This article originally appeared in the fall edition of the Insider.


Portrait of Jarrett Stepman

Jarrett Stepman is an editor for The Daily Signal. Send an email to Jarrett. Twitter: .


The New York Times Left Socialism’s Role Out of Its Report on Venezuela’s Devastation

The Reason the Left Gives Communism a Pass

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VIDEO: Israel’s Prime Minister wishes Iranian people victory in their ‘noble quest for freedom’

World Israel News reports:

Mocking [Iran’s President] Rouhani’s claims that Israel is behind the wave of protests in Iran and slamming the European countries for their silence, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wishes the Iranian people success in their fight for liberty.

The Curious Progressive Love of Islam

Among present-day American leftists (who prefer calling themselves progressives), a curious characteristic is their sympathy for Islam. They deplore what they call Islamophobia, regarding it as a sin as bad as racism or sexism or homophobia or transphobia; and they are horrified that a man they consider to be an Islamophobe, Donald Trump, should be in the White House.

Why is this sympathy for Islamic “curious”? Because no religion could be more at odds with progressive ideas than Islam. For one thing, Islam believes in God, an all-powerful God who controls everything in the created world. Progressives, on the other hand, tend to be atheists or at least semi-atheists.

For another, Islam has always taught that women must be socially inferior to men; it is a strongly patriarchal religion, and progressives hate few things more than they hate patriarchy. Islam also puts a strong emphasis on chastity, condemning adultery and fornication and – especially – homosexuality. And it considers monstrous that progressive favorite, same-sex marriage.

Of course, many Muslims (Muslim men, that is, not Muslim women) have over the centuries violated these pro-chastity values, but the religion nonetheless affirms the values. By contrast, although they regard sexual prudence as a good thing (and sexual prudence often bears a resemblance to chastity), progressives laugh at the idea that chastity is a virtue.

Why, then, are progressives sympathetic to such an anti-progressive religion and its adherents? Ask this question of a progressive, and he or she will tell you, “Because we believe in freedom of religion and in diversity.”

Maybe so, but I’m not convinced. For one thing, if they truly believed in freedom of religion, they would be at least as sympathetic to Christianity as they are to Islam. But they aren’t. They would never dream of compelling Muslims, against their conscience, to eat pork.Yet they are quite willing to force a conservative Christian baker to participate in the celebration of a same-sex wedding (by baking a wedding cake specifically designed for that wedding) even though this goes against the baker’s conscience.

And they are quite willing to compel a Catholic employer to pay for birth control for his female employees even when the employer’s conscience tells him it is wrong to do so – even when the birth control in question is an abortifacient. If an employer says with regard to the abortifacient, “I believe this is homicide,” the progressive replies, “Do it anyway.”

Of course, the leftist will tell you that Christian morality, correctly understood, has no objection to same-sex marriage, to contraception, or to abortion. For Jesus commanded his followers to love their neighbors and to judge not. Moreover, he never condemned homosexuality or abortion. Therefore, by compelling Christians to violate their erroneous consciences, we are doing nothing wrong, they say.

Now, leaving aside the exceedingly dubious qualifications of progressives to pronounce on what counts as true Christian morality, it is an ancient Christian teaching that a person is obliged to follow conscience, even an erroneous conscience provided that it has been arrived at carefully and sincerely.

As for the progressive contention that they are sympathetic to Islam because they are great believers in diversity; the more diversity the better – here again, I have my doubts.

Let’s suppose a purely secular organization, reacting to the excesses of feminism, appears on the American scene advocating the social inferiority of women. Such an organization would certainly be a contribution to that glorious thing, diversity – that thing which, according to progressivism, has made America great. Will our progressives demand that this organization be given respect by all diversity-loving Americans? Of course not.

I suspect there is something else behind this curious progressive sympathy for Islam, namely hostility to Christianity. Not all Christianity, to be sure. For progressives are not hostile to liberal Christianity, which, being barely Christian, in large measure supports the progressive agenda of abortion rights, LGBT values, and so on. No, this progressive hostility is directed at conservative Christianity, e.g., Catholicism, old-fashioned Protestantism, Mormonism.

From the progressive point of view, one of the great merits of Islam is that it has been, ever since its inception in the first half of the 7th century, an anti-Christianity religion. And since, as the old proverb has it, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” progressives are able to look on Islam as a friend (ally) in the great battle against Christianity.

Being pro-Islam is an indirect way of being anti-Christianity. When Christianity is sufficiently destroyed, the progressive alliance with Islam can be dissolved, just as the USA-Soviet alliance was dissolved after Nazism had been destroyed; and then progressivism can turn to the task of destroying Islam – if Islam does not destroy progressivism first, which is the more likely outcome.

But Islam is hostile not just to Christianity but to Judaism as well. This is another of its great merits in the eyes of progressivism. For progressivism is strongly anti-Israel. And being anti-Israel (or anti-Zionist) is the most modern and up-to-date form of Jew-hatred; it is today’s fashionable form of anti-Semitism.

What’s more, being anti-Israel is an indirect way of being anti-American. Much of the Israel-hatred that is so common among European and American leftists (including, weirdly, leftists who are themselves Jews) is motivated by a hatred for America. Israel and the United States having been so closely connected from 1948 to the present, he who hates Israel hates America.

This is not to say that American progressives hate America pure and simple. No, they hate America as it has been up until now. They wish to do away with the old and bad America, and replace it with a “new and improved” America, a progressivized America.

By being a pro-Islam progressive, then, you win a trifecta. You get to strike three blows at once: one against Christianity, another against Israel, and a third against the “old and bad” America. For a progressive, what could be better?

David Carlin

David Carlin

David Carlin is professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America.

EDITORS NOTE: © 2018 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.orgThe Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

The Global Spy Ring

It is getting muddy and muddier in Washington, D.C. as an obvious war waged by Democrats continues to break down the presidency of Donald J. Trump, accusing him of collusion with Russia. The top players within our Intel apparatus are on the side of the Democrats. We are witnessing a paradox of incompetence, which has been used by our enemies in an attempt to dethrone an American President. In fact, Russian collusion has been taking place in the heart of the Democrat Party for the last several decades. Alas, we missed it due to incompetence of our Intel, all of our seventeen agencies. Here is my version of the real events.

Russian Dossier on Trump

While watching the so-called Trump/Dossier document, it did not take me even ten seconds to realize that it was Russian “fallshivka” in front of me. Everything in the Dossier exposed the KGB’s handwriting: an arrogant manner of presentation, method, character with an aggressive and salacious tone to denigrate President Trump, the Republican Party, and to influence American opinion. It was a vivid picture of the incredible dirt on Trump, a typical Stalin’s legacy of demonizing and attacking the opposition leader, used by the KGB since Stalin’s death seventy years ago.

Yet, none of the officials or politicians mentioned nor indicated the presence of the KGB on American soil. I was stunned—our Intel did not know the real Russia and its KGB and Democrats have continued their war against Republicans. According to The Washington Examiner, officials from the FBI and DOJ have made stunning statements regarding the dossier. Both the FBI and Justice Department have stated “they cannot verify or corroborate any of the claims of collusion made in the dossier.” That was it: a dry, inconclusive, unsettled, and unsatisfying statement for two major agencies with the duties to defend us from enemies foreign and domestic.

Moreover, the infamous Dossier, a document that appears to have been fabricated and bought by the DNC and Clinton campaign—“was one of pieces of ‘evidence’ used to as a reason for government spying against President Trump’s staff.” Dossier Records Unsealed: Clinton Firm Caught Red Handed, CT, and November 22, 2017. And again, nobody mentioned the presence of the FSB (newer title for the KGB) in the activities of the aggressive actors. Yes, an aggressive anti-Trump cabal that later in December 2017 revealed the real players. In my opinion it is much more than anti-Trump bias—it is an attempt to coup detente, about which I have been writing for the last two years…

In December, 2017 we got plenty of information about the anti-Trump club. They are allied top leaders of the Obama FBI, CIA, DOJ, DNC, the Clinton campaign, Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele, a former British spy—they are all Democrats or on the side of Democrats. Then Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigating the Trump/Russia collusion joined the cabal—Obama’s Deep State had revealed its agenda, format, and techniques. I had an impression that the investigation of Trump/Russia collusion was initiated and run by the KGB…

A more substantive statement had appeared and confirmed my opinion on December 7, 2017: “I think we now know that the Mueller investigation is illegitimate and corrupt,” Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said on Sean Hannity’s self-titled show. Jarrett continued:

“Mueller has been using the FBI as a political weapon, and the FBI has become America’s secret police: secret surveillance, wire-tapping, intimidation, harassment, and threats — it’s like the old KGB that comes for you in the dark of the night, banging through your door. Ask Paul Manafort. They came for him and broke through his front door.”

It was only one man, Gregg Jarrett, who recalled the methods of the old KGB. The rest of the media has no clue that we are dealing with the Russian KGB Government today, like 30-70 years ago…

As a matter of fact, a lot of Socialist and KGB methods have been implemented in the U.S. during the last three decades, especially the last eight years of Obama’s administration. The Democrat Party has become America’s Socialist Party embracing all the methods of Soviet Socialism. Just watch their methods and secrets as it was reported by The New York Times that Mueller’s lead investigator and FBI counterintelligence section Chief Peter Strzok was quietly removed from the probe after he was found to have sent anti-Trump text messages. Strzok was also found to be the center of other controversial FBI investigations, including that into Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized use of a private server to send classified emails.

If the FBI used a salacious dossier funded in part by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign to launch an investigation into President Donald Trump that “clearly would be off the charts bad,” Rep. Darrell Issa, the former chairman of the House Oversight Committee said Dec. 7, 2017. Strzok has gained national attention for his text messages with his mistress in which the pair repeatedly bashed Trump. Many Republicans feel the texts show that he was unable to be neutral in his investigating. I agree with all these quotations, and would add another one of a professional federal prosecutor Tray Gowdy: “This was a level of bias that you rarely see, frankly.”

I would argue that the definition of anti-Trump’s activities as bias is erroneous for the agencies that are supposed to be neutral and guard us from enemies foreign and domestic. Judge Jeanine is right calling it a “criminal cabal.” I agree, this is a plot to break down Trump’s presidency. In fact, we are at war:  America’s Socialist Democrat Party is fighting Capitalist Republicans using Soviet Socialism as a model. That entire war was a major topic of my two latest books, telling you how Obama implemented Socialism in America and finally transformed the Democrat Party to Socialist one. Those exact combined forces are fighting Trump today and I am afraid that Russia is running this plot as well.

I am ill and my doctor has limited my computer-work to one hour a day. Considering my broken language, it takes me several weeks to complete an article. Watching my writings constantly the Deep State is acting accordingly and suddenly former British spy Christopher Steele admitted that the dossier was merely “possible,” not fact, and based on unreliable information and “limited intelligence.” After that came the Papandropolos story with Australia. I don’t trust both actors and confirm my statement—the Russian FSB’s people had produced the Trump Dossier. I’d like to remind you that Putin and his FSB (former KGB) are the mortal enemies of America and President Trump. Putin never helped Trump to win, it is a manufactured fake production of Obama’s Deep State Democrats to cover-up their behavior and treasonous actions of many years…

The Axis of Terror—Global Spy Ring

I wasn’t shocked reading the following: Shock Revelation: Obama Allowed Terror Group To Smuggle Drugs Into The U.S. All To Protect Iran Nuke Deal – Hezbollah, Report: Barack Obama being asked to return his Nobel Peace Prize after allegations of aiding Islamic terrorists December 20, 2017. Politico presented a well-research article—“the report claims that the Obama administration obstructed a Drug Enforcement Administration task force in its efforts to prosecute suspected drug and weapons traffickers linked to the terror group Hezbollah.” This group is a proxy of Russia and Iran, and Iran is a proxy of Russia. The author was deprived the opportunity to read my books and columns to see how Russia delegated its own criminal drugs trafficking to their satellites—the Axis of Terror in action!

The Obama collaboration with Iran had not surprised me; we are dealing with the “Axis of Terror” whether it is Iran or Stalinist North Korea—they are all under Russian umbrella and all collaborated and acted in behave of Russia as well, as Obama did. If you remember that Russia was running all terrorist groups, you will understand that Obama and Putin have the same agenda. Russia is also manipulating Iran, if you remember about the “Axis of Terror,” described in my book: Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders. Xlibris, 2016.

Let me give you some history, a paragraph from my other book: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012.

“The effects of drugs were analyzed by scientists from the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the conclusions were that the drugs trafficking would be extremely effective and the most vulnerable countries would be the United States, Canada, France, and West Germany. This study was approved in 1955 by the Soviet Defense Council. It was the first formal Soviet decision to launch narcotics trafficking against the bourgeoisie and especially against the American capitalists:

“Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy       is a sub-component of this global strategy. …First was the increased training of leaders for the revolutionary movements—the civilian, military, and intelligence cadres…”

The information about my books and columns was blocked by the FBI. I don’t know the person who did it. Now, when the exposed names are discussed, it could be McCabe, Comey, Mueller, or any anti-Trump activists of the FBI. Yet, I do not know the probable cause to submit my name to the FISA Court and make me a foreign agent. In addition to incompetence, the FBI has Russian moles, who suppressed my books with extremely valuable information about Russia. I hope, a new FBI by investigating my case will find the mole and much more…

Meanwhile, our Ambassador to the United Nations Haley said: the U.S. has “concrete evidence” that Iran supplied missiles to Yemeni rebels, in violation of U.N rules. The missiles were used in an attack on an international civilian airport in Saudi Arabia. For your information are two facts: the KGB has built the Revolutionary Guard of Iran imitating its own structure and Russia has been targeting Yemen since 1973 to install Socialism there; now Russia is using his satellite Iran to do the same and to attack Saudi Arabia…

My readers know Obama’s agenda, yet they told me that I was linguistically mistaken calling it Obama/Putin Joint Venture, though I named it Destruction of the American Republic. Perhaps, they were right and the word Alliance would be more appropriate—Obama/Putin Alliance. At any rate, the idea of Obama/Putin collaboration was introduced completely in my two books, talking about ongoing WW III. And that war is the crux of the matter—Obama has brought the war waged by Soviet Socialism on our American soil, by making his party a Socialist one.

Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs and Assassinations

I am a former Soviet defense attorney and am eager to share my experience and knowledge with Americans to prevent any upcoming disastrous events. A lot of Socialists and KGB’s methods have been implemented in the U.S. during last three decades and for many years I wrote about Russia vis-à-vis America. The main subject was an ongoing World War Three, an asymmetrical war waged by the Socialists/Communists against Western civilization and the world—all my writings were dedicated to this topic. The title of this segment was taken from the Chapter 7 of my book What is Happening to America?

I don’t want to repeat this main subject again, yet I’d like to present the part of actions done by Obama/Putin Alliance—a military collaboration. Here is a list of military collaboration under Obama/Putin Alliance during all eight years:

  1. Killing of bin-Laden
  2. Invasion of Libya, conspiracy of Obama, Putin, and French Pres. Sarkozy.
  3. Benghazi, murder of the U.S. ambassador Stevens.
  4. “On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan. The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American specialists … Fifteen of the Navy SEALs that were killed were members of the Naval… “
  5. The return of deserter Bergholt from Afghanistan to release five Taliban’s commanders.

The Afghanistan story, I have explained in my preceding columns, Russia was working with Taliban and needed back the famous commanders imprisoned in America. This is the answer to the manufactured deal by Obama using the family of a mentally unstable individual.

Besides military collaboration, the KGB had a green avenue to act freely on our soil during last three decades and especially the last eight years of Obama administration. Pay attention to the Trojan Horses that have infiltrated all strata of our society. One of them is George Soros, who is harming and damaging our country for over thirty years and our FBI is incapable to stop his criminal activities. Here is an objective information of the events:

According to The Daily Caller, the Middle East Forum has uncovered the fact that Soros-linked organizations have funneled cash into the coffers of Islamist front organizations like Islamic Relief Worldwide. Report: George Soros caught in illegal scheme to make Ireland abortion-friendly December 21, 2017. This is only two events involving Soros, however please, remember, Soros is sponsoring 180 different organizations including Unfortunately, we and the world have many Trojan Horses, I identified them. Please, read my book The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism, Xlibris 2006.

To perceive the scale and consequences of the infiltration by the KGB and GRU around the globe, let me give you another name of a Trojan Horse– Nouri Kamal Mohammed Hasan al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq 2006-2014. The man was recruited by the KGB many years ago, when he had lived in Iran. Can you imagine the harm and damage inflicted to the world by this man? Don’t be surprised by the victorious march of Iran throughout Iraq and Syria the last decade—this is a Global Spy Ring in action. Where were our FBI and CIA when our boys and girls were slaughtered in Iraq? Their death is a direct result of our Intel’s incompetence!

Europe now has members of the KGB in some parliaments and there is another facet to the Russian connection. As you know, recruited in 1957, Arafat is dead, but we have mini-Arafat–Mahmoud Abbas. The connection with the Kremlin stays the same. He is literally a student of Moscow with Soviet “academic credentials”; his dissertation had denied the Holocaust. Look at Arafat’s corrupt people surrounding Abbas: the same corrupt structure plus Hamas and Hezbollah under Russia’s supervision, ready to wipe Israel off the world map. Don’t expect a peace on the Middle East—the KGB is there!

The latest example of our Intel’s incompetence is the Vegas massacre…It took me a couple of days to learn the details from the news and the picture of the shooter was clear to me, while our FBI is still looking for and researching the motive!? Knowledge is Power! Our Intel, including all seventeen agencies don’t recognize an ongoing World War Three, waged by the Russian KGB, I have been writing and cataloging about for almost thirty years! The deadly result of that incompetence you are witnessing today in the end of 2017 and the beginning year 2018!

“It’s not just the Democrats,” said Roger Stone, “the never-Trump Republicans and the deep state — according to one report, President Donald Trump is facing resistance from members of own cabinet.” . Former Trump adviser: Cabinet members are plotting to remove Trump, CN, and December 27, 2017

Very possible to be true; and I’d like to add that in my opinion the KGB and GRU are running and coordinating the entire effort through the Deep State to break down the Trump presidency. So, there are two types of people committing betrayals in America: those who do not like the system established by our Founding Fathers– they are currently collaborating with the KGB to destroy America, and those politicians who have no clue about the KGB, hence becoming their accomplices. I hope this column will help you to identify both types of traitors in America, remembering words of Denis Prego: “Putin is as Socialist as Brezhnev was.” We are on the threshold of a monumental exposure of the so-called Democratic Party. There will be another Watergate, this time—a quadruple and international one

To end this column, I’d like to tell you a story with a picture, which is worth thousand words. As I have already written, Socialism like a cancer, it is a Parasite-system, which needs a healthy body to use, survive, and appropriate Capitalism’s money. Socialism adores money. There is the KGB, Romeo Department that trains women and men to seduce the opposite sex. Do you remember a rich man Aristotle Onassis? After his death, his daughter, Christina Onassis was heiress to the Onassis fortune. She was the only daughter of Aristotle Onassis and… she married an alumni of the KGB Romeo Department. Furthermore, you were witnessing another alumni of the KGB Romeo Department on the screen of your TV in the end of 2017, you just did not know about this alumni and the KGB Romeo Department.

And again, it took me a second to recognize a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskay for what she was. An often visitor of our Embassy in Moscow, she suddenly appeared in Washington D.C. As the KGB is always pushing for connections, to destroy the target from within, she got Trump Jr.’s attention. He talked with her for twenty minutes and left, finding nothing there worth his time. There was a lot of ‘nosy news’ about nothing, concerning Trump Jr. yet the importance and the sign of the KGB was missed. Only one man from the real media got it correctly—Rush Limbaugh, he called the woman Natasha Honey-Pot. Look at the picture of Senate Hearing of Russian Probe: The Russian lawyer, Natasha Honey-Pot came wearing a white dress, tied on her bust and showing the size of it and she sat next to our Ambassador.

Please, look at the eyes of our Ambassador to Russia, they express his entire feeling of shame and embarrassment. Moreover, the picture itself tells the logical story as well: The KGB is sending its very valuable cadre to establish a connection with the Trump family, which means the KGB had no prior ties with the target! Knowledge is Power, and here is the answer to the Trump/Russia collusion—it was a manufactured Fake Production by the Obama/Putin Alliance …

To be continued

Refugee Numbers are Low for First 3 Months of Fiscal Year

As promised, below are the stats for the first three months of fiscal year 2018 (it began on October 1, 2017).

President Trump set the CEILING for the year at 45,000 refugees. That is the lowest CEILING since the Refugee Act of 1980(Kennedy/Biden) was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter.

Somalis in Columbus

Columbus, Ohio second only to Minneapolis for its number of Somalis. Columbus received 245 refugees from 11 different countries, including Somalia, in the first three months of the fiscal year. It was followed by Akron as the second most ‘welcoming’ city in the state with 139 ‘new Americans’ in the last 3 months.

I capitalize the word CEILING because I want to get it into the heads of reporters that a CEILING is not a target to be achieved. It is a cap that the President cannot exceed without consultation with Congress.

There is nothing in refugee law that says he can’t come in with half of the proposed CEILING.

And, if the present rate of resettlement were to continue for the year, that is about where we will come in.

According to Wrapsnet, as of today, we have admitted 5,323 refugees over 13 weeks.

Extending that same rate out for 52 weeks would put the number at just under 22,000 for the year. 

I know, to many readers, that 22,000 is too many, but you can be sure the low number of paying “clients” (refugees) will wreak havoc with the budgets of the nine federal contractors which could (optimistically) in turn force a complete review about why we have such a dysfunctional system where ‘non-profits’ are paid by the head to place refugees (in as much secrecy as they can muster) into towns and cities in 49 states.

There is never an incentive to slow the flow in overloaded communities with such a system where nine contractors*** are literally bidding for bodies.

Here is where the 5,323 have been placed as of today:

Screenshot (118)

Data available at the Refugee Processing Center (Wrapsnet) for October 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.

The top ten ‘welcoming’ states are: Ohio, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, California, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan and North Carolina.  California is normally first or second so who knows what that is all about.

Top ten countries from which we admitted refugees since October 1, 2017:

Bhutan (1,535)
DR Congo (1,154)
Burma (655)
Ukraine (487)
Eritrea (428)
Russia (132)
Somalia (128)
El Salvador (113)
Ethiopia (102)
Afghanistan (81)

NOTE: Iraq (77), which has been in the top three or so for years, didn’t make the top ten.

The percentage of Muslim refugees is way down. 

In the final Obama years we were admitting close to 50% Muslim refugees and now (all Muslim sects combined) we admitted 726 Muslims in the last 3 months which amounts to about 14%.

I am concerned to see that 199 of the 726 were Muslims from Burma (Rohingya).

*** These are the nine federal refugee contractors. I like to post this list once a day (if I remember!) so new readers can begin to get the list memorized! They have hundreds of subcontractors working for them.  If you visit their websites you can find out which, if any, are operating where you live.

VIDEO: Iranians Call for Freedom and Death to Terrorist Organization Hezbollah

StandWithUs published the below commentary and composite video of the Iranian spring:

BREAKING: Iranian protests against the Iranian government continue into their third day. The Iranian people are rising up against an oppressive terrorist supporting regime, calling for an end to the dictatorship, and chanting “Death to Hezbollah.”

Since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the Iranian leadership has brutally oppressed its own people and become the world’s biggest funder of terrorism worldwide. The regime also consistently threatens to “wipe Israel off the map.”

Violence against protesters is already being reported by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Now, all eyes are on Iran.



What the U.S. Should Do as Protests Escalate in Iran Against the Islamist Regime

Revolution in Iran

VIDEO: ABC Debate Covering President Trump’s Accomplishments

A live debate recapping President Trump’s 1st year of accomplishments on ABC. Debate featured Republican State Committeeman Christian Ziegler and prominent local Democrat Frank Alcock. The debate was heated at times, but covered a lot of the WINNING that has been going on.

Click on a topic below to jump to that portion of the debate:

1:15Discussing The Positive Effects Of Trump’s Tax Reform Bill  
4:07Defining Trump’s Legislative Accomplishments & The Media’s Bias 
5:54Russia, Russia, Russia, Democrats Can’t Stop Talking Russia
8:29“Purging” The Deep State 
12:13Trump Foreign Policy Successes 
14:10ISIS Being Exterminated By Trump, Mattis And Our Brave Armed Forces
15:47Jeff Flake & Establishment Grasping To Maintain Control & Power

Supporting Documents:

Download President Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments Of 2017


  • Tax reform
  • Cutting regulations
  • Appointment of judges
  • Exterminating ISIS
  • Much, much more.

Download Your Copy Now

44 Page Comprehensive List of President Trump’s Accomplishments In 2017

Featuring President Trump’s Successes In:

  • Record economic growth
  • Cracking down on illegal immigration
  • Restoring law & order
  • Putting America First around the globe

Download Your Copy Now

RELATED ARTICLE: 138 things Trump did this year while you weren’t looking – Politico

The Fractal Wrongness of Leftist Ideology

What is fractal wrongness? Let’s begin with a fractal. A fractal is a geometric pattern that repeats itself at every level of magnification.

Mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot introduced fractal geometry in 1975 and defined a fractal as “a geometric shape that can be separated into parts, each of which is a reduced-scale version of the whole.” This means that a fractal is a self-similar never-ending pattern that repeats itself at different scales.

The famous Menger sponge is a fractal in math. Fractals in nature are trees, rivers, lightning bolts, and crystals. Russian nesting dolls are fractals. In computer science fractals are images that are the same at any level of scale which means that it is impossible to determine how much the image is zoomed by simply looking at it.

Fractal wrongness is the state of being wrong at every conceivable scale of resolution – the person’s entire worldview is wrong. The political Left has decided that anyone who disagrees with their platform of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism is fractally wrong. Fractal wrongness explains why the Left views the entire worldview of conservatives as wrong, deplorable, and contemptible.

Leftism, like any orthodoxy, has embraced its tenets with religious zealotry and a tyrannical demand for conformity that ignores obvious contradictions in its own narrative. Leftists, who pride themselves on being tolerant, are hypocritically intolerant of anyone who embraces a world view that differs from their own. Leftist faux tolerance only tolerates those who look different – it does not tolerate those who think differently. This presents a philosophical inconsistency that Leftism solves with Leftist Newspeak, the official language of the Left.

Newspeak is the language of George Orwell’s dystopian city Oceania described in his classic novel 1984. Newspeak is the language of official propaganda in Oceania that was created to replace Oldspeak – standard English. Newspeak replaces the meaning of a familiar word with its unfamiliar opposite. The key to translating Newspeak is thinking in opposites.

Leftist Newspeak is the language of opposites that imitates taqiyyah – deliberately lying or obfuscating to further Islam. The Islamic world understands the word peace to mean when all the world is Islamic. The Western world understands the word peace to mean pluralism, tolerance, and the absence of conflict. Leftist Newspeak interprets peace as manifest when all the Western world embraces Leftism. Taqiyyah and Leftist Newspeak share an intentional replacement of one set of meanings for another. Leftist Newspeak is the language of contronyms.

A contronym is a word with two opposite meanings. The word sanction is a contronym that can mean to ratify or its opposite to penalize. The word oversight can mean to supervise or its opposite to overlook. Speaking the ambiguous language of opposites can be very misleading politically because words matter.

Barack Obama deliberately transformed standard English from Oldspeak to Newspeak and made Leftist Newspeak the official language in America during his eight year anti-American, pro-Muslim, pro-socialist tenure. The years of Obama’s administration were the years of language ambiguity. Americans are still bewildered by the use of language that no longer means what it used to mean. Leftist “tolerance” means intolerance because it does not tolerate differing ideas. Leftist “free speech” means hate speech because it does not tolerate opposition speech.

The confusion, divisiveness, and chaos created by ambiguous Leftist Newspeak is itself a fractal.

Let’s review. Fractals are self-similar complex patterns that are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Self-similarity is the essence of fractals and the foundation of Ben Rhodes’ infamous echo chamber used to market Obama’s anti-American pro-Muslim Iran deal. The mainstream media deliberately advanced Obama’s deceitful deal in a never-ending pattern that repeated itself on television, radio and the Internet in an ongoing feedback loop. Obama’s Leftist echo chamber is a fractal in politics.

The divisiveness and bifurcation of America along political lines has been advocated by Obama’s fractal socialist politics and the insistence that any opposition to his Leftist narrative is fractally wrong. The irony, of course, is that acceptance of the Leftist narrative requires acceptance of the presuppositions of Leftist Newspeak – the language of opposites. This is how it works.

Obama’s campaign promise for hope and change was not spoken in the familiar language of Oldspeak understood to mean the American dream. Obama was speaking Leftist Newspeak – the language of opposites. Obama’s hope and change was Newspeak for the radical socialism codified in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Obama’s Leftist intention to destroy the capitalist infrastructure of American democracy and replace it with socialism requires acceptance of the Leftist assumption that the current capitalist infrastructure of the Constitution/democracy needs to be replaced.

If conservatives allow the Left to continue to frame the debate then conservatives are always playing defense because they have been snared by Alinsky’s Rule #12: pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. President Donald Trump is the chosen target that Obama’s ongoing Resistance movement has taken collective action to mobilize against. Further, conservatives cannot allow Obama’s minions to frame the debate because the Leftist assumptions are fractally wrong.

Our Founding Fathers demanded the separation of Church and State to prevent religious discrimination. The Founding Fathers defined Church and State as distinctly separate entities. It was inconceivable in 1776 that a political ideology could ever or would ever be embraced as a religion.

Leftist socialism has rejected the authority of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and substituted its own political ideology as the new religion and source of authority for millennials in America.

Once Leftism was embraced as a religious ideology there was no longer any requirement for facts or objective reality because religion is faith based and not discredited by factual inconsistencies, glaring ambiguities, or the absence of verifiable proof. Leftism had freed itself from the confines of rational scrutiny and could unapologetically proselytize its tenets of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism.

Leftism is a religion disguised as a socio-political movement. Islam is a socio-political movement disguised as a religion. Both are tyrannical totalitarian movements demanding cultish conformity to their tenets. Both are using the language of contronyms to solidify their base and confuse the opposition. Both are determined to destroy America from within and take control of the country.

The pluralism envisioned by our Founding Fathers embraced differing thoughts, ideas, and behaviors within the legal confines and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. American pluralism did not embrace the fractal wrongness of Leftist socialism, Islamic supremacism, or any other competing ideology designed to destroy America from within.

Leftist Newspeak and Islamic taqiyyah are political attempts to disguise the seditious Leftist/Islamist goal of overthrowing Constitutionally elected President Donald Trump. President Trump is very aware of both deceitful languages and intentionally uses his Twitter account to bypass the mainstream media and speak directly to America in the clarity of Oldspeak. President Trump is the target of vicious personal attacks for using Twitter because the frantic Leftist mainstream media is no longer able to control the political narrative using its preferred Leftist Newspeak.

Even if the combined efforts and attacks of the Leftist/Islamist axis succeed, Leftism and Islamism are both supremacist ideologies that will necessarily battle each other for control. So, here are the choices facing America today. Do Americans want to live as slaves in a secular Orwellian society ruled by the Leftist political elite? Do Americans want to live in a religious Islamic theocracy ruled by imams and Islamic supremacist sharia law? Do Americans want to preserve and protect their individual freedoms and liberty guaranteed by the wisdom of our Founding Fathers in our Constitution?

America rejected the fractal wrongness of supremacist ideologies 241 years ago. We are the United States of America bound by the ideals of liberty and justice for all – the fractal rightness of the American dream. We must recommit ourselves to the ideology of one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We must reject the languages of contronyms and recommit ourselves to Oldspeak so that we can understand each other and openly debate any and all ideas freely and without fear of reprisal particularly on college campuses. Let us remember our roots and remain the land of the free and the home of the brave.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Goudsmit Pundicity.