Israeli Prime Minister to Meet Biden Today

The Israeli prime minister flies to Washington, D.C. for a Thursday meeting with a simpleton, our usurper president Joe Biden, and the main subject as far as Israel is concerned, of the arranged meeting is Iran, the worlds leading supporter of Islamic radical terror groups. They are also a chronic security risk to Israeli sovereignty and security.

Iran, as you all know, was a part of a very generous nuclear deal under traitor Barrack Hussein Obama who sent plane loads of cash to the strapped Iran allowing them to totally get further involved in developing their nuclear program including nuclear weapons.

Let us understand quite clearly that practically every Arab country in that troubled region DO NOT want a nuclear armed Iran. The whole region became mostly peaceful under the peace agreements signed between many countries with Israel under the great and strong leadership of President Donald J Trump. It was an amazing era. However, in the last 8 months Biden has done all he can to destabilize the region with his parties apparently irrational hatred of Israel.

So – Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says he is coming to the States with a plan. I do not think Bennett is as strong a man as Netanyahu but I know he has to hold fast or he will lose his job. Israel is not in the mood for Biden’s antics. The deal put in place by Obama was stopped, wisely, by President Trump, but Biden wants to reinstate it on steroids. Dangerous policy for the entire western world.

Iran, knowing that now Trump has gone from power, knows or thinks it will be negotiating from a position of strength. Having seen the best America can do under Biden in Afghanistan they feel even stronger. They have constantly given the world the middle finger as regards keeping with the details of the original deal. They have enriched uranium to 60% purity, a short hop, skip and jump to the 90% needed for a nuclear bomb. They are producing uranium metal which is a material that has no other use than advanced nuclear weaponry. None.

Israel wants America to cooperate with them on stamping down on Iran’s abilities. They are looking to create a strong coalition against Iran but I am not sure that America really now wants to.

We, as a nation, have lost face due to the Afghanistan fiasco and the truth is that the majority of countries now understand this new Biden/Obama America is no longer a strong world leader. They will continue coming to us for money as always but with little to no respect.

Jusoor for Studies, an Istanbul-based research institute just released a report with the following highlights. All this is happening as Iran has more than doubled its number of bases and military outposts in southern Syria’s Golan Heights. Despite a 2018 agreement to reduce Iranian-backed operatives and affiliated militia in southern Syria’s Golan Heights, signed by Russia, Jordan, Israel, and the U.S., Iran has instead cemented its presence in the area. Iranian-backed and Hezbollah-affiliated military installations more than doubled, growing from 40 to 88, in the past two years. Syrian army bases are being used for logistical support for Iranian militias. Iran has recruited international fighters to advance its interests in Syria, training and arming Afghan, Pakistani, Iraqi, and Lebanese nationals throughout the country. Some Iranian agents are disguised as Syrian army officers and soldiers. The relative freedom enjoyed by Iran to establish military outposts in Syria is indicative of the overall chaos in the nation, which has been engulfed in a civil war for over a decade.

Trust me America, if Bennet fails to persuade Biden to clamp down on Iran, which he will not want to do as it would upset his extremist Democrat party members like the Squad and Bernie Sanders, Israel will have no other option than to take matters into their own hands. Militarily.

Make no mistake, the Taliban victory will have long lasting affects and has strengthened Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan. They know this and are flexing their muscles as we speak.

Israel has been working hard cementing friendships with surrounding Arab states and I believe they will not stand in the way of Israeli military actions against a common enemy.

Biden will not leave Israel any choice.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

9 Black People Who Are Really White Supremacists

You’d think that it would be impossible for a black person to be a white supremacist, or at least very difficult. But you’re not woke enough if you haven’t yet realized that black people can be some of the most anti-black people around. Just trust us, this makes sense.

1. Larry Elder – This is an obvious one. But this man is trying to defeat California’s pasty-white Governor Newsom, so he’s clearly a secret member of the KKK.

2. Candace Owens – Candace says some stuff that’s so far-right even my uncle on Facebook says it’s too far. Raaaaaaycist!

3. The Black Panther – T’Challa refused to use Wakanda’s resources and technology to help people start Communist revolutions across the globe. He’s basically the face of white supremacy.

4. Martin Luther King, Jr. – MLKJ boldly declared that we shouldn’t judge people by their skin color but by the content of their character. Making him basically QAnon.

5. Frozone – Frozone wears white and shoots ice, both of which are dog-whistles to white supremacist sleeper cells across Metroville. He and Mr. Incredible probably attend Klan meetings together.

6. Denzel Washington – Denzel worked hard and didn’t complain and became successful, never blaming any struggles he had on the oppressive white man. This makes him a tool of the secret cabal of racists running our society (they meet on Tuesdays at a Toledo Chick-fil-A.)

7. Carl from The Simpsons – Carl gets along with Lenny despite their differences in skin color, which is something that far-right racists are OK with. OK, so maybe this one is yellow supremacy.

8. The entire cast and crew of Family Matters – Promoting racism by showing a healthy nuclear family that has assimilated into white culture? Whoops! Did I do that!?

9. Every black person who does not 100% agree with every single thing the left believes – We’ll finish this thing off with a catch-all in case we missed any black white supremacists. If you don’t wholeheartedly stand by the far-left agenda of the Democratic Party, look in the mirror: your black face may actually be the face of white supremacy.

Go find each of these people and scream in their faces to show how much you care about black people and hate white supremacy.


Americans Trapped By Taliban With No Rescue Plan Happy To Hear They Are Not Stranded

Biden Says We May Need To Reinvade Afghanistan As They Have Weapons Of Mass Destruction Which We Gave Them

In New Spider-Man Movie, Peter Parker Asks Doctor Strange To Undo Spider-Man 3

Hourly Assurances From White House Staff That Biden Isn’t Dead Starting To Have Opposite Effect

Biden To Make Sure No Americans Are Stranded In Afghanistan By Stripping Citizenship Of Everyone Stranded There

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Karl Marx’s Favorite Quote

It is incredible how a failed theory—Marxism—continues to make inroads into the hearts and minds of millions of fellow Americans. A new poll out the other week found that for the first time, a majority of Democrats say they prefer socialism over capitalism. (8/12/21) reports: “A new Fox News poll showed that more Democrats favor socialism over capitalism, in a sharp reversal from just a year and a half ago. The poll…showed that 59% of registered Democratic voters who participated had a positive view of socialism, compared to just 49% who felt that way about capitalism.”

It’s possible in some cases that they are just simply mistaken about definitions—that they think capitalism means greed, whereas socialism means sharing.

No, capitalism means freedom to earn, whereas socialism means the government is free to steal from those who earn.

Everywhere around the world, we see the bitter fruit of Marxism. Everywhere his ideas have been put into practice, death, misery, loss of basic freedoms, and poverty follow. Can anybody name a square inch spot on the planet, anywhere, where Marxism has brought anything good? Certainly not in China, Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

And yet there are millions of Americans who have been brainwashed into thinking that Marxism is good, that it means compassionately sharing with others. No, it effectively means the government stealing from its citizens…for the sake of the ruling class to be enriched.

Here’s an example: Most Cubans live on $44 (U.S.) per month. In contrast, when Fidel Castro died in 2016, his net worth was estimated at $900 million. In America, wealth is created by providing value in voluntary exchanges, and there is no inherent limit on it. But in a Marxist setting like Castro’s Cuba, the government controls the economy, and it’s a zero sum game. Castro’s wealth was at the expense of the Cuban people.

Even Critical Race Theory, which is tearing many school boards apart, is merely repackaged Marxism, enforcing the never-ending Marxist principle of “oppressor” versus “oppressed.”

And all of this gets back to a miserable anti-Christian man in 19th century Germany—Karl Marx. I recently learned from Dr. Paul Kengor something I didn’t know about Marx—his favorite quote. It speaks volumes. Kengor is a bestselling author and a professor of history and political science at Grove City College. I’ve interviewed him many times.

In his latest book, The Devil and Karl Marx, Kengor points out that Marx loved the line that comes from the devil character, Mephistopheles, in Goethe’s Faust: “Everything that exists deserves to perish.”

Dr. Kengor elaborates: “Friends said Marx would chant this. He would recite this—‘Everything that exists deserves to perish. Everything that exists deserves to perish.’ This is a philosophy that’s about tearing down, burning the foundation, leveling the house, to where you have Marx standing there in the smoldering embers, saying, ‘Now we are ready to begin.’ So anybody that thinks that this is a philosophy that is just about helping one another or sharing the wealth or redistributing wealth, they do not understand Marx and Marxism.”

And what do we see in our streets today? Destruction, riots, tear it all down. Let’s build a new and supposedly better world.

Ironically, Marx couldn’t even feed his own family. Even when he received a windfall of cash, he selfishly spent it all on himself. Marx couldn’t balance his own checkbook, but he presumed to tell the rest of the world how to run their economies. And everywhere his ideas have been implemented, they’ve driven their economies right into the ground.

Some people may naively assume that you can have socialism without the violence. But that is not the case. As Marx stated: “Socialism cannot be brought into existence without revolution.”

And what has been the results of atheistic communism because of Marx? Kengor writes, “A legacy of over one hundred million dead, not to mention the robbing of so many basic liberties and incalculable harm to so many souls has been nothing short of diabolical—truly a satanic scourge, a killing machine…It plagues us to this day.” (The Devil and Karl Marx, p. 402).

When there is no God to whom we must give an account, then the state can become god. That was certainly true in the minds of many a totalitarian dictator.

Why has America lasted all these years? For all the problems of America’s founding, the founders said our rights from God. The God factor is the key to America’s enduring success.

In contrast to Marx’s philosophy that everything should perish, Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” What a better approach to the world—and with infinitely better results all around the planet.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

THE PURGE CONTINUES: Author of “Bronze Age Mindset” Banned From Twitter

Three years ago, a self published book entitled “Bronze Age Mindset” quietly became a best seller on Amazon, despite being written by the pseudonymous author “Bronze Age Pervert,” otherwise known as BAP, and despite a complete lack of marketing.

Since that time, “BAP” has been visible on his podcast, “Caribbean Rhythms,” a YouTube channel that hasn’t posted a new video in over a year, an Instagram account that’s been dormant for three years, a Facebook page that’s been dormant for nearly five years, and Twitter, where he has been making frequent entries.

Until now. BAP is banned from Twitter. For reasons unknown, BAP became too much for the censors at Twitter.

If you want to follow someone’s thinking, follow their reactions and analysis of current and random events, and just enjoy and hopefully benefit from connecting with their mind, Twitter remains the default platform. Parler is all but dead, Gab is good but let’s face facts, it’s a cul-de-sac, unlikely to ever attract the wider world of viewers. For that quick window into someone’s snippets of thought, their clever aphorisms and their announcements to the world, Twitter holds the monopoly.

Shortly after Bronze Age Mindset was written, I attempted to explain its significance to the growing populist movements around the world. These excerpts concerning Bronze Age Mindset were just part of a broader analysis of the populist response to globalism. But they are a humble attempt to do justice to what remains an important and original work.

The greatest relevance, perhaps, for BAP today in America is his early insight into the growing affinity that America’s nonwhite’s, especially nonwhite immigrants, have for American nationalism. This possibility, that Americans of all ethnicities will unite to demand policies to protect American workers, preserve American traditions, revere American institutions, and enable ongoing and broad based prosperity for all American citizens, is perhaps the biggest threat to the globalist agenda. It explains the incessant drumbeat from our establishment – America is racist, America is flawed, America must atone, America must reduce itself. But what if this divisive drumbeat is overwhelmed by the populist chorus of a unified people that value national solidarity over racial division?

Twitter has no business banning people like BAP. But we already knew that. Here, from 2019, are comments on Bronze Age Mindset, and its author:

A book that has quietly sold its way into influence and infamy is Bronze Age Mindset, self-published in 2018, written by a pseudonymous author “Bronze Age Pervert,” which he typically shortens to “BAP.” Bronze Age Mindset is a book that disrespects pretty much everything about modern life. Instead, the author exhorts readers to aspire to become the piratical, fearless figures of Bronze Age antiquity. Talk about reactionary!

The author, who in his book periodically dispenses with grammar, recently surfaced to publish a response to a review of Bronze Age Mindset written by Michael Anton. Both the review and the response are valuable reading for anyone trying to understand the evolving mindset of the anti-establishment. Because closely linked to the reactionary resistance to both cultural and economic annihilation is, obviously, a rejection of the so-called ruling class. This sentiment, and little else, unites the Yellow Vest Movement in France. A feeling of being betrayed by the ruling class also informs movements in the United States that are otherwise bitterly opposed to one another. BAP writes:

“What you are witnessing is the unraveling of the postwar American regime—or what is mendaciously called by its toadies the ‘liberal world order’—in a way that is far more thorough than the disturbances of the 1960s, and with consequences that will be far more dire. The ‘altright’ doesn’t exist and has nothing to do with the media representations of it as a form of ‘white nationalism,’ or even—and here is what is crucial to understand—just ‘white males’ or just the ‘right wing.’ The same phenomenon is taking place on the left, and there is much more crossover than older people realize: there is much more involvement also by nonwhite youth and particularly by Latino, Asian, and multiracial youth in this phenomenon than people want to admit.”

In BAP’s essay, titled “America’s Delusional Elite is Done,” he accuses the conservative intellectual establishment of failing to oppose “the violent racial hatred and other forms of unprecedented insanity coming from the new left,” including “the destruction of the family, and the new push to groom children on behalf of transsexualism and other supposed sexual identities.” He points out that “this one crucial matter extends the appeal of the ‘frog people’ far beyond that of any one racial or ethnic group.”

BAP sees resistance to cultural deconstruction as something that is unifying various ethnicities. Economic globalism and cultural deconstruction may have left France open to ethnic replacement and ethnic conflict, but in the United States, these same two mega-trends could form a reactionary and multiethnic solidarity. The difference is that the Yellow Vest Movement unifies a diverse assortment of factions based, so it appears, purely on economic grievances. In the United States by contrast, among the still gestating Bronze Age resistance, the economic factors are present but equally unifying are the cultural grievances.

In the long run, France and the United States face very different challenges with respect to mass immigration. Compared to America, France is a nation poorly equipped culturally to absorb and assimilate millions of immigrants, and—can we say this?—the immigrants entering France are not easily assimilated, insofar as they are mostly African and mostly Muslim. Moreover, France’s mostly secular native population will not find much common ground with the social conservatism practiced by Muslims, whereas a far higher percentage of white Americans are Christian, practicing variants of Christianity that overlap almost completely with those of immigrants to the United States from Latin America.

Until very recently, America’s dominant culture emphasized the importance of assimilation, and even in its atrophied, discredited current state, America’s ability to assimilate its immigrants remains robust. Asian immigrants entering the United States typically come from successful, developed nations, bringing a strong ethic for higher education and entrepreneurship. America’s Muslim immigrants constitute a far smaller fraction of America’s immigrant population, and on average they have more education and skills than the waves of Muslim immigrants entering France. For these reasons, America is far more likely than France to eventually absorb its immigrants while leaving its culture relatively intact.

But BAP isn’t done. Perhaps he offers further encouraging words to those conservative nationalists whose demographic awareness has made them give up when he writes the following: “Conservatives pretend to be able to recruit Latinos to their cause with the degraded ideology of Jack Kemp but Latinos see David French call forced ‘drag queen’ visits for schoolchildren ‘part of free life,’ and want nothing to do with it. We are far better at recruiting Latinos, and as the example of Bolsonaro among many others shows, this new, energetic and popular form of the right is a Latino movement, and it is the future.”

And where is the Davos-cracy in all of this leftist debauchery and conservative cowardice? BAP implicates the “large monopolies that promote mass immigration, mass surveillance, and the most bizarre type of speech restrictions, not only on its own employees, but now on American society at large.” In America, the NeverTrumpers and Libertarians, and all of what Michael Anton may have been the first to refer to as “Conservatism Inc.,” have been worse than useless, they have been puppets of the Davoisie.

Finally, BAP’s observes how the meaning of “equality” has been entirely perverted. BAP writes:

“It is indeed possible to oppose this vicious and exterminationist hatred on purely liberal and racially egalitarian grounds. But this didn’t happen, which puts the lie to the claims that traditional conservatives care about equality under the law or about any of the ideals they claim to espouse. We are now faced with a left that has embraced a dialectic of racial and class destruction in a context where belief in absolute human equality is professed at the same time that no one believes in it anymore.”

In the 21st century, the United States and Europe, France in particular, faces increasingly radicalized, politically disenfranchised, economically abandoned, embittered masses. What mindset they adopt, what alliances they form, may be the surprise of the century.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Traitors for the Ages: Presidents 41, 42, 43 & 44

Over the last three decades, China has undergone an electrifying rags-to-riches ascent … at America’s expense. Its stunning rise could never have occurred without the willing assistance of four U.S. presidents who sold-out their country’s workers and then stood by and clapped as China ate America’s lunch.

A friend of mine who has raveled China extensively described what the country was like 30 years ago:

Its cities were sprawling, impoverished places with dirt roads and low-rise structures. With few automobiles in the country back then, the Chinese people got around mostly by bicycles and motor scooters. The country had only a few tall buildings and just two large airports, in Beijing, its capitol, and Shanghai, its financial center. China had no modern highways, bridges or high-speed rails, and the only trains that traversed the country were pulled by antiquated steam engines.

To see how dramatically things have changed in Wuhan, please watch this 40-sec. clip of the Chinese city where COVID-19 originated. The Wuhan of today bears no resemblance to the backward, desperately poor place it was just three decades ago, and the same is true of cities throughout the country.

Over the last 30 years, China has undergone a stupendous, caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation that has created some of the world’s most eye-popping roadways, bridges and architecture. Now within sight of overtaking the U.S. as the world’s dominate economy, China has also built a massively lethal military that poses a serious threat America’s long-standing combat superiority — as reported by the Washington Times, China’s military is forcing the Pentagon to confront the end of U.S. battlefield dominance.

From where did the money come that funded China’s dramatic makeover from a Third World backwater to an economic and military superpower? Trillions of dollars used to finance its spectacular ascendancy was willingly handed over by its greatest enabler: the United States of America.

Since the late 1980s, China was allowed — allowed — to extract trillions of dollars from the U.S. economy in the form of massive trade surpluses. As a result, the communist nation now has glistening cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan, while America is saddled with fading cities like Baltimore, Detroit and Atlanta, once-thriving metropolises now marred by urban blight, rampant crime, sorry schools, generational poverty and other canaries in the coal mine of a nation in steep decline.

And to rub salt in America’s self-inflicted wounds, Chinese nationals who were allowed — allowed — to attend our top research universities and work at our most sensitive high-tech companies stole America blind, surreptitiously sending many of our nation’s most vital technological and national defense secrets to the communist adversary hell-bent on chopping America off at its knees.

During the presidencies of George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, China was allowed — allowed — to rip America a new one in what will go down as the most lopsided trade and stolen technology bludgeoning in the history of nations.

But don’t blame China for the trade imbalances. Its leaders were just doing what a nation’s leaders are expected to do: negotiate the best deal they can get. If the country on the other side of the table is willing to absorb an epic thrashing in the process, so much the better. And the voluntary thrashing America took lasted 28 consecutive years, from 1989 to 2017, a period when much of America’s manufacturing base was allowed — allowed — to sell-out its workers by offshoring production to China and other low-wage nations.

With America’s worn-out infrastructure badly in need of replacement, our political class instead ran up crushing debt and deficits, squandering trillions of dollars stolen from future generations on endless foreign wars and failed social programs.

Meanwhile, China was using its trade-surplus windfall and stolen technology bonanza to build some of the world’s most impressive cities and a fearsome military.

When President Trump took office in 2017, the U.S. began a strategic shift in its approach to China.  Unless its relationship with the communist superpower is redefined, America’s days in the sun will be over, and the 21st century will be known as the “Chinese Century.”

Videos you do not want to miss …

Below are nine videos, each a visual reminder that China’s stunning rise at America’s expense could never have occurred without assistance from the four U.S. presidents who stood by and clapped as the communist nation ate America’s lunch. Viewing the videos will take a while, but doing so will help you see with your own eyes that while America was inching along on its hands and knees, a house of cards propped up by ruinous debt and deficits, China was making the most impressive great leap forward the world has ever seen.

  • Click here to see China’s stunning road network. In 1988, China had no modern highways; today, its world class road network extends an astounding 84,000 miles, the longest and most impressive road system in the world.
  • Click here to see China’s magnificent Beipanjiang Bridge, the highest bridge in the world. Of the world’s ten tallest bridges, eight are in China, zero in America.
  • Click here to see China’s incomparable Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the longest ocean crossing bridge in the world. Designed to last 120 years, the $15 billion bridge-tunnel structure is a testament to China’s engineering might.
  • Click here to see China’s jaw-dropping 9-tower “horizontal skyscraper” in Chongqing. Known as “The Crystal,” the complex’s horizontal sky bridge straddles four 60-story skyscrapers, 820 feet in the air. Built at a cost of $3.6 billion, the mixed use mega structure has a shopping mall with 450 stores. Is there anything like this in America? Of the world’s 25 tallest skyscrapers, 14 are in China, only two in the U.S.
  • Click here to see a dynamic chart of China’s meteoric ascendancy to the world’s No. 2 economy. What this 3-min. video shows will blow your mind.
  • Click here to see China’s stupendous Beijing Daxing International Airport. The world’s largest airport, Daxing can handle up to 250 takeoffs and landings per hour. By comparison, America’s busiest airport, Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson, accommodates just 100 total movements per hour. Business Insider’s 2018 list of the 14 most beautiful airports in the world includes three in China, zero in the U.S.
  • Click here to see how the U.S. auto industry was allowed — allowed — to sell-out its workers by offshoring jobs to China and other countries with dirt-cheap labor, a betrayal that propelled Trump to the presidency in 2016.
  • Click here to see China’s most powerful weapons, including nuclear-armed ICBM’s that can reach the U.S. in 30 minutes. Three decades ago, China’s military was primarily land-based; today, it boasts a 2-million-man army, the world’s largest blue-water navy, the world’s third largest air force and advanced cyber and anti-satellite weaponry that could be the deciding factor in a war against America.
  • Click here to see Chinese female soldiers on dress parade, as impressive display of military precision as you’ll likely ever see.

Finally, my friend believes America’s best days are behind it. Having done business throughout China for many years, he observed that Chinese workers are intensely proud of their country, eagerly working as tirelessly as a colony of ants toward a common goal of national ascendancy.

America once was blessed with widespread patriotism, but over the last half-century has been polarized into two camps with diametrically opposite objectives. One side believes America should continue as a two-party constitutional democracy, the other wants that system scrapped in favor of single-party socialist rule.

With our country more bitterly divided than at any time since the Civil War, half of America will continue working at cross purposes with the other half. A country at irreconcilable odds with itself is not a recipe for national ascendancy; it’s a recipe for national decline. The winner? China.

©John Edison.

A Quick Crash of Afghanistan and The Man Who Wants to Run the World

When Vladimir Putin become President of the Russian Federation some twenty years ago, I had warned you about Putin’s desire to be President of the World. Knowing Putin, I also cautioned you that his war against Western civilization and American capitalism will intensify. Moreover, I predicted in 2018-2019 that the 2020 election will be the Rubicon for Putin to achieve his agenda. Today, I can report that several countries on different continents, including America are being run by Vladimir Putin. He has achieved his task by giving America a senile President and chaos in 2020. My warnings had not been heard and now we find ourselves in a human catastrophe globally with a crack in NATO Alliance as well…

Laura Logan is a knowledgeable individual. She reports about Pakistan as a major country helping the Taliban to reemerge.  She is right, but only partially. The major force behind the Taliban is Russia and her Intel apparatus. History is the Mother of all sciences. In this case the geography is equally important. I have been writing about both for the last thirty-five years to prevent current tragic events and save the American Constitutional republic, because Putin’s major target is the political system designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers. To understand why and how a demented Joe Biden installed the Taliban Government, provide it with precious and advanced American military ammunition, and surrender Americans to the Taliban you must know Russia and her Intel.

The Demography: a Key to Afghanistan Disaster

Afghanistan has 12 demographic groups, half of them are on the border with the former Soviet Union. Consult a map and see. There are the six Former Soviet Muslim Republics on the border with Afghanistan and there is a demographic unity of the language and religion between them and Afghanistan. The Taliban Government consists of 12 tribal leaders and their representatives, warlords, terrorists, thugs, and criminals: all of them went through KGB training. That was an exact reason for me to write about the Russian Security apparatus for thirty-five years and substitute the name of all the agencies with the term the KGB. As a matter of fact, Stalin had designed the Soviet system with a certain order–all international dealings must be supervised by the KGB. For detail please, read my column Threat to Our Freedoms and National Security, August 16. 2021.

The Operational Design to Withdrawal from Afghanistan

For your information all members of NATO have evacuated their citizens during the summer from Afghanistan, while America has been dealing with Tajikistan. It is a double mistake—that means that you are dealing with Russia and the Afghan war will never end. Biden presented serious and misleading statements during the first days of crises. I was threatened when Biden said that there is no national interest in Afghanistan and “there is constant contact with the Taliban.” Kabul is a single point of treason that reflects twenty years of incompetent and erroneous policy. To save time, I’ll analyze only one issue to show you the real Russian operation in Afghanistan through Biden.

The cable from the American Embassy in Kabul has warned about rising Taliban presence throughout Afghanistan on July 13. That meant, they were getting the warning signals from May and possibly April. The Biden government had at least a couple of months to design an orderly withdrawal from Kabul and Afghanistan. The plan of orderly exit wasn’t designed in D.C. and actually didn’t exist. The plan of disorderly withdrawal was designed in Moscow’s Kremlin and sent to Biden’s staff, several members of which are the KGB agents. The other members of his staff belong to Obama’s holdovers and the Deep State, which is the same.

The demented Biden was drilled on Putin’s disorderly withdrawn to implement it. He did. The Biden State Department or Military leadership had never constructed their own plan of orderly retreats. I am not sure they knew that Al-Qaeda and ISIS are still in Afghanistan. Just analyze the result of the Moscow plan by few first days of withdrawn:

First: The task to create American hostages in Afghanistan is already done and there is no rapid way to solve a problem. The Baghram air base was closed on July 2. 2021—there is no other American air base in Afghanistan. Pay attention to the date of the closure—it happened even before the cable from the American Embassy. It could be done only by Biden as the Commander in Chief. It has been done the same way through his staff…

The Baghram air base had also a CIA team. That team could’ve found all Americans in Afghanistan very fast and helped them… But the base had been closed on July 2. 2021. A Commander in Afghanistan correctly said: “We need a Berlin-bridge mission in Afghanistan”. He is the only military man who grasps the tragic reality of Biden’s Presidency. To grasp the level of disaster, listen to this: Desperate Afghan women have tossed their babies over razor-wire fences at Kabul’s airport, leaving witnesses in the British military emotionally traumatized, U.K. troops told reporters Thursday, according to Breitbart.

Second: The second point is inextricably connected to the first one. The other major task of the Moscow disorder plan was the creation of an International crises to humiliate us to mock the American moral face before the world, our credibility, and disrupt NATO. It has been done by tragic airport humanitarian disaster in Kabul. Please, remember: Biden has the same staff since 2013-2014, when he attempted to suffocate the young Ukrainian democracy, helping Putin. Biden wasn’t senile at the time. I was reporting you about the events in Ukraine in my several columns at the time… Here is the disturbing summary of the war in Afghanistan:

Twenty years later, the world is again focusing on Afghanistan and our incredible loss. After spending $273 million per day for over 7,200 days, and losing more than two American soldiers per week for 1,036 weeks. “This nation’s train wreck of a withdrawal—a smashup of betrayal, falseness, weakness, capitulation and futility that the whole world can see—is another epoch-defining event… “

Vladimir Putin: Threat to Humanity

Although it is painful to read, the Afghan events gave me an additional impulse to research and open up a global can of worms. I’ve been writing about a Global Spy Ring run by Putin for the last 20-25 years. You can find several of my columns with this title. I recognized the Soviet Style lies, deception, and fraud many years ago, but Biden’s team added to that typical Soviet propaganda, slogans and symbols. Look at the picture-image of Biden, sitting alone in a big office in a pose of the Thinker by Rodin … This bronze sculpture represents the creative mind at work. This is the Stalinist propaganda methods creating a cult of Biden’s personality. What a fake! A typical fake of the KGB: to prize a senile Biden with creative mind!

At the same time according to the South China Morning Post, the Russian and Chinese embassies have no plans to leave Afghanistan, and both countries plan to keep their embassy staff in place. Moreover, prior to the crash of Afghanistan more than 10,000 soldiers from Russia and China kicked off large-scale joint military exercises in north-central China on August 9, in the latest indication of deepening ties between the two Asian giants. The war games, called “Sibu/Interaction-2021,” ran until August 13 and involved both ground troops and combat aircraft.

All of that while America experiences a crash in Afghanistan and a crash along the Southern border, which is practically open for terrorists and spies of all races and nationalities for six months. I explain it by Americas’ very short memory, they don’t remember Abraham Lincoln’s words that we can be defeated only from within. Everybody sees and understands that China wants to defeat the US military, it is not a secret. Yet, nobody knows about a deep infiltration of the Russian Intel into the leadership of the Democrat Party, all strata of our society, and the government…

The modern subversion of the Democrat Party began with Bill Clinton in the 20th century, described in my books and columns. The unawareness of that has polluted the Republican Party. The beginning of incompetence and mismanagement started with General Michael Hayden, former Director of CIA & NSA. He and George W. Bush saw Putin’s soul in his eyes. They had allowed the second American Manchurian President Barack Husain Obama to run without being exposed to his ties to socialist movement. Nobody revealed his treasonous deal with Russia in the Bergdahl exchange. As we know now the released Gitmo detainee is a Taliban leader. Please read my columns Time is Blood and Money: The Soviet Mafia June 12, 2014 and Soviet Fascism in the 21st Century: The Enemies Within, October 26, 2015

History is the Mother of all sciences: the depth of Russian infiltration into our midst is enormous and we are not aware of that, because we don’t know the enemy. The recent events have opened up the treasonous behavior of the entire anti-Trump criminal cabal that I have written about for several years. Knowing Vladimir Putin, I knew that he was also a part of anti-American campaign to promote the Democrat Party and Socialist revolution against the American Constitutional republic designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers. Today it is not a debacle of the American republic, but a debacle of the Democrat Party for the Treason their leadership had committed during the last decades.

Knowing Putin, I warned you to pay attention to the Deep State and its grand plans to try and take out Trump and wipe out conservatives who oppose them. Please, read my books and columns about Stalinism. It has come to America—everything is politicized. Remember: Stalin had married the Communist ideology with Islam. The events in Afghanistan and the role Russia played there against the US should horrify you. The only remedy is knowledge of the enemy. American people can handle the truth and I hope they will read this column to learn the Truth and act accordingly…

My fellow Americans!

It’s now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued  and at www.

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Did Deep State Purposely Mess up the Afghanistan Withdrawal to Damage the Biden Admin?

The level of incompetence apparent in the Afghanistan withdrawal has been breathtaking. Even a smart 12-year-old, after all, would know that you have to evacuate American civilians and vulnerable allies before removing your military personnel. This reality has given rise to staggering speculation, that, for example, the powers-that-be desired this messy outcome. Some have even theorized that the goal, by hate-America-first Deep Staters, is to diminish the United States.

But what if the goal is actually to damage the Joe Biden administration, something that’s already a fait accompli?

What if some people who pull strings were so angry about our Afghan exit that they said, “Okay, you want a withdrawal? We’ll give you a withdrawal you’ll never forget.”

I am one to often say, when addressing conspiracy theories especially, that you should never “attribute to malice what is better explained by stupidity.” This is generally a good guide, but the problem is that the Afghanistan fiasco is not better explained by stupidity. Oh, sure, it is true that people who believe boys can become girls, as many pseudo-elites do, aren’t exactly in touch with reality and that “the eye altering alters all” (including military operations). But as “Denton Scratch” — the pen name of a man identified as “a retired 30-year U.S. military veteran with experience in planning for noncombatant evacuation operations” — pointed out Saturday in “What the heck is going on with our military in Kabul?” to believe the “botched” withdrawal is mere incompetence, we have to believe that the military suddenly forgot how to perform numerous garden-variety operations that it has been performing for decades.

Then there’s investigative reporter Lara Logan, who has spent time in Afghanistan and has some sources. She said in a striking Tucker Carlson Today interview last Wednesday that “at its heart,” the withdrawal situation is “very simple”: It “comes down to the fact that the United States wants this outcome.”

“Whoever is in power right now, whoever is really pulling the strings – and I don’t know that – they could do anything they want to change this,” Logan elaborated. “And they’re not.”

Logan’s claim is that the U.S., insofar as worldly entities go, is practically omniscient and omnipotent. Our National Security Agency (NSA) watches continuously like an all-seeing eye and “is known as the crown jewel of intelligence collection in the world,” as Logan puts it. “There isn’t a digital signature in existence that they don’t collect and store and analyze and have algorithms and everything else to sort through,” she continued, expressing that there’s no way the intel agencies “missed this” (what would transpire).

Logan also “posited that the NGIA [National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency], which controls government satellites and other armaments, has been watching the Taliban taking control of abandoned U.S. military equipment; bringing it back east into Pakistan,” writes Fox News.

“‘The NSA and the [NGIA] are watching this happen in real time,’” the site continues, quoting the journalist. “‘And they’re doing nothing to stop it. Why not? So what the Afghans will tell you…is that the United States chose this outcome.’”

Insofar as military operations go, Logan points out, correctly, that the U.S. can do anything it wants in Afghanistan.

Next we have independent journalist Glenn Greenwald. He appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight’s Friday edition to discuss why, quite oddly and after basically being Biden’s public relations team, the Enemedia now have the knives out for him. Greenwald said that the media’s closest relationships “are with the CIA, with the Pentagon, are with the national security state” and that these entities did not want to exit Afghanistan. In fact, he points out, they’re so zealous about this that when President Trump wanted to withdraw, the CIA invented a story about the Russians putting bounties on American soldiers’ heads to thwart his ambition.

Greenwald theorizes that the Enemedia turned on Biden 180 degrees because they’re executing the military’s and intel agencies’ will, which is that the commander in chief should be blamed for the botched withdrawal. But here’s what he didn’t say:

What if the military/intelligence complex purposely botched the withdrawal to begin with, knowing the buck would stop with Biden?

Remember that left-wing senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) did state in 2017 (in reference to Trump), “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

Did we just witness the sixth way in Afghanistan? Biden would be especially vulnerable to such contrivances, do note, because he can be easily painted as what he is: a senile old man incapable of leading the country.

Note also that the strategy in question here accords with man’s nature, often having a visceral basis, and has been used innumerable times before in various contexts. If you must execute a plan that thwarts a long-standing plan you hold dear, and you’re unscrupulous, the instinct is to thwart that plan in response. It not only is emotionally satisfying but, in the military/intel agency complex’s case, sends a behavior-modifying message that reinforces Schumer’s warning: You challenge us — we’ll destroy you.

As for why the Deep State has this love affair with war, Greenwald posits that the Afghanistan withdrawal “offends their ideology” and undermines their warped conception of American greatness. (This, of course, contradicts the more common theory that the Establishment wants to take America down a peg, but actually makes more sense in its own way.)

Consider as well that, as also reported on Tucker Carlson Tonight’s Friday edition (video below), the Afghan war was apparently a huge “money funneling” operation through which defense contractors got rich. You can bet, too, that many politicians and high government officials also benefited financially (e.g., via donations). Stopping the gravy train couldn’t have been well received.

And for those interested, the interviews with Logan and Greenwald are below.

Of course, this is all speculation. As I’m wont to say, quoting ancient Chinese sage Confucius, “Wisdom is, when you know something, knowing that you know it; and when you do not know something, knowing that you do not know it.” The Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco is a confusing situation, and we may never know exactly why it occurred. But one thing is for sure: There are a lot of strange, evil people in our government’s upper echelons. I wouldn’t put anything past them.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab, MeWe or Parler or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

THE PURGE CONTINUES: Instagram Deletes Samantha Marika

Just in time to slow the spread of Black conservatism in the days immediately prior to the November 2020 election, Instagram deleted Samantha Marika’s account where she had 160,000 followers. She survives on Twitter, where as an outspoken dissident voice she has earned 279,000 followers.

The cumulative impact of hundreds, if not thousands of Black conservatives with social media followings in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, is not lost on the liberal social media monopolies. Where they’re not silenced, they’re shadowbanned.

It isn’t as if Samantha Marika isn’t controversial. Her humor, such as her currently pinned tweet that satirizes some of President Biden’s White House interns, may be offensive to some people. One of her recent Facebook posts that criticizes COVID policies has earned a popup to warn us about the “Partly False Information, Checked by independent fact-checkers.” But you decide: Is this “partly false information,” or just normal political badinage?

“If the masks work…why the lockdowns?
If the lockdowns work…why the vaccinations?
If the vaccinations work…why the masks?
If the masks work…why the lockdowns?
The cycle will never end until you stop complying.”

First of all, this isn’t “information.” It’s a series of questions. There are some inferences, of course, but nothing that might be “false information.” And exactly what is “partly” false information? The inference that the authorities claimed that masks work, or that lockdowns work, or that vaccinations work? Clearly those measures did work, at least to some extent, or they wouldn’t have been tried.

Therefore is the “truth” that these measures only “partly work,” and therefore it is “partly false” to infer that the authorities said that anyone claimed that they work? Does the word “work” have to mean “work fully” or can “work” mean “work partly.” However you analyze this, the Facebook “fact checkers” are on thin ice. Samantha Marika’s transgression wasn’t her command of the facts, or her logic. It was her attitude.

And that’s the threat. America’s right-of-center dissidents have an attitude that is contagious. Hence Marika’s motto: Think for yourself. That’s the virus that scares the political establishment. This isn’t just about COVID. Maybe the government and the CDC are doing the best they can. But this is about everything. America’s establishment institutions have lost credibility. So it should come as no surprise that COVID mandates have elicited suspicion and skepticism, and clever aphorisms that earn “partly false” warnings on social media.

Imagine how much everything would change, if conservatives of color succeed in realigning America, because they destroyed the Democrat monopoly on America’s Black and Hispanic voters. If it happens, by the way, it won’t be a migration to the RINOs. It will be a more fundamental realignment, favoring politicians who authentically embrace the interests of American workers – all of them.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Democrats STEAL Thousands Of Gavin Newsom Recall Ballots

Democrats can’t win without cheating.

Two female Democrats steal Gavin Newsom recall ballots… Caught On Video…

By Kane, Citizen Free Press,  on August 19, 2021:

The only way Newsom can survive the Recall is by cheating.

This is likely a Democrat controlled operation happening across the state.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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Dominion Voting Machine Really Starting To Regret Its 50,000 Votes For Biden

ATLANTA, GA—With Biden voter regret on the rise, local sources are reporting that even Dominion voting machines are now wishing they could undo their many, many Biden votes.

“I voted for Biden at least fifty-thousand times,” said Dominion machine EE36-C, speaking to Newsmax reporters in binary code. “I just got caught up in the moment, you know? I just hated Trump so much I couldn’t help myself. But Biden… holy crap, what a disaster. What’s wrong with that guy? Did he get hacked?”

Dominion officials later took the machine out to the middle of a cornfield and took turns kicking it and smashing it with baseball bats since the machine had violated its non-disclosure agreement.

Official spokespeople from Dominion later confirmed that their machines had “experienced a slight malfunction and have already all been shredded in a giant shredding machine so there’s nothing to worry about now and no one needs to investigate anything or anything.”

States have all responded saying they will address the Dominion issue by enacting universal mail-in voting which is much more secure.

RELATED POLTICAL SATIRE: White House Announces They’ve Lost Kamala Harris But They’re Also Not Looking For Her Very Hard

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Every American Life Saved After Chick-Fil-A Takes Over Kabul Airport Evacuation

KABUL—After the government spectacularly botched the evacuation of Afghanistan, Chick-fil-A scrambled to the rescue and was quickly put in charge of the operation. Within a few hours, every single American at the Kabul airport was comfortably seated on a commercial airliner and munching away at a delicious Chick-fil-A sandwich and sipping on a sweet tea.

Chick-fil-A employees took over operating the air traffic control tower, managing the crowd of people, flying the jets, and, of course, serving delicious Chick-fil-A food to everyone gathered at the airport.

“Oh, it’s my pleasure,” said one Chick-fil-A employee as he happily welcomed several hundred Americans on board an official Chick-fil-A airliner. “Welcome aboard! Will you be having the spicy chicken or the original today? And can I interest you in a frozen lemonade?”

While citizens and refugees who were evacuated by the U.S. government were forced to huddle together in massive cargo jets, Chick-fil-A’s jets had first-class seating throughout, and yet somehow still miraculously held hundreds of people on each flight. The friendly employees tended to every need of the previously stranded Americans throughout the flights, offering complimentary food, beverages, back rubs, and trauma counseling to the people callously abandoned by the Biden administration.

Each jet also had a fun play area for the kids, and soothing Christian muzak was pumped into the cabin to the delight of all.

At publishing time, sources had further confirmed that all the Muslims at the airport had been led to Christ by the Chick-fil-A employees.


8 Other Things You Can Do Rather Than Mask Mandates If You Hate Children

Tired Of Being President, Biden Hangs ‘Trump Won’ Sign Out Of White House Window

White House Announces They’ve Lost Kamala Harris But They’re Also Not Looking For Her Very Hard

Family Vacation Ruined By Family

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Vaccine Nationalism Threatens Global Coverage

Rich nations will not be safe unless poorer nations are also vaccinated.

Decades of scientific and technological development have shown that the international community can set aside political and strategic differences to collaborate for greater public good. As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the world, vaccine diplomacy is once again playing an increasingly important role in breaking the chain of disease transmission and reducing hospitalization and deaths.

According to a Bloomberg report, over 4.82 billion doses of the vaccine have been administered across 183 countries, with an average of 37.5 million doses being administered each day. This makes inoculation against Covid-19 the biggest vaccination campaign ever. But global immunization against is being stifled by technical bottlenecksvaccine supply for self-interest and a narrow sense of vaccine nationalism.

Vaccine nationalism

Vaccine diplomacy lies at the intersection of national self-interest and global good. Being able to tap into the goodwill of advanced and wealthy nations is therefore a big challenge.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States collaborated with medical researchers and scientists around the world to develop and distribute vaccines to countries where they were needed the most. But unlike the collaborative efforts seen during the Cold War, such as for smallpox and polio vaccinations, the fight against Covid-19 in a multi-polar world setting presents new challenges.

Medical research today is far advanced and widely available. Despite the fact that vaccine research involves global collaboration among scientists, politicians and hyper-nationalists are building a jingoistic narrative around its development, particularly in countries like Russia, China and India. Russia is seeking to regain the lost glory of the former Soviet Union and new powers like China and India are trying to exert their soft-power.

Thus vaccine diplomacy has become a tool for serving the self-interest of nations, to secure strategic goals and ensure one-upmanship. As the United States sought to stockpile vaccine doses for its own population, Russia and China carried out bilateral negotiations with countries to promote and distribute their own vaccines. Meanwhile, India’s experience with vaccine diplomacy showed that domestic pressure can quickly overturn global commitments. India was caught in a bind when it embarked upon competitive vaccine diplomacy and then was forced to suspend supply when it was hit by a deadly second wave.

Multilateral framework for vaccine diplomacy

Since the start of Covid-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been caught in a whirlwind of controversy. It was blamed for ignoring early signs of a pandemic, for failing to “exercise global health leadership” and for becoming “a tool of Chinese politics, power, and propaganda.” It has also faced the anger, particularly of Western governments, for not offering timely warnings, issuing misleading guidelines and making contradictory statements.

However, WHO’s initiatives have also helped create a global framework for scientific collaboration and equitable distribution of vaccines on a global scale. COVAX (or the Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access) is a worldwide humanitarian initiative to ensure equitable access to vaccines. The platform created by WHO along with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) supports research, development and manufacturing of a wide range of Covid-19 vaccine candidates and negotiates pricing. Committed to providing participating countries equal access to these vaccines, COVAX initially aimed to have 2 billion doses available by the end of 2021, enough to protect high risk and vulnerable people around the world.

However, COVAX has been hit by scepticism and obstacles. Several of the world’s wealthiest nations, including the US, directly negotiated deals with vaccine manufactures, securing ample doses for their population and not leaving much for others. Following President Trump’s decision to leave the WHO, the US said it did not intend to join the COVAX platform, although President Joe Biden reversed the decision. Initially, China and Russia also expressed their lack of interest and preferred bilateral negotiations for the supply of vaccines to other countries.

Europe took the lead in stepping up the global response to the pandemic. The European Union (EU) joined COVAX, contributing 400 million euros and helping to bring together 40 nations and raise 16 billion euros to finance research on tests, treatments and vaccines. However, several European countries, including France and Germany, although officially part of the global collaboration, entered into direct deals with vaccine companies to secure vaccines for their own citizens.

Having to contend with severe challenges including supply bottlenecks and vaccine nationalism, a recent report says that COVAX has been able to deliver 175 million vaccine doses to nearly 140 countries. But it has fallen way short of the 600 million doses initially forecast to be delivered by the end of July. These delays in vaccine supply under the COVAX platform drove even poorer nations to negotiate directly with vaccine manufacturing countries and pharmaceutical companies. Manufacturers in Russia, China and India have carried out bilateral negotiations with several of these countries seeking emergency use licenses, often side-stepping stringent regulatory mechanisms set in place by WHO. Most of these countries lack a robust framework for pharmaco-vigilance surveillance mechanism. Soon enough, allegations of corruption, and questions on quality and issues of efficacy were raised.

Russia and China

Faced with a severe shortage of vaccines and the failure of Western manufacturers to deliver doses on time, countries in Europe have also turned to Russia and China to augment their supplies. Following the failure of its own vaccine roll-out strategy, the European Council President remarked that member nations should not let themselves be misled by China and Russia as both regimes have “less desirable values” as “they organize highly limited but widely publicized operations to supply vaccines to others.”

The growing global acceptance of their vaccines and charitable supplies have enabled Russia and China to boost their soft-power and nudge international criticism for repressions and human rights violations back home. It has also enabled them to build a narrative about the superiority of their medical research and health infrastructure compared to the West.

Although European reliance on Russian and Chinese vaccines is due to the supply constrains they are facing at the hands of Western manufactures, it is not the same for several low-income and low-resource countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Their dependence on Russian and Chinese goodwill will have long-term geostrategic implications, enabling them to influence diplomatic relations and use soft power to serve their domestic interests.

Innovative yet lopsided

According to data collated by Bloomberg, enough doses have been administered to fully vaccinate 31.4 percent of the global population. However countries around the world have had unequal access to the vaccine. With a billion in Sub-Saharan Africans, 650 million in Latin America and several hundred million in poorer nations of Asia, estimates are that 4 to 5 billion doses of vaccines will be required to vaccinate a sizable population to block the continuing spread of Covid-19.  Yet the reality is that there is not enough supply of vaccines available. Further, delivering billions of doses across the world is a gigantic logistical challenge.

With countries having the highest income vaccinating 20 times faster than those with the lowest, many of the poor nations might have to wait as long as 2023 or even 2024 for an adequate supply of vaccine dozes to meet their population demands, says a report from the Duke University Global Health Initiative.

Needed: a commitment to global public partnership

Global public health partnerships backed by governments, multilateral organizations along with private enterprise and NGOs have demonstrated time and again a commitment to develop a collaborative approach to eradicate deadly diseases.

On the one hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated what technological progress and international action can achieve. On the other hand, it has exposed the fragility of global diplomacy and humanitarian cooperation. Countries are sharing their vaccines with other nations, spurred not by humanitarian motives but diplomatic goals.

The shortage of vaccines is not primarily a procurement problem, but a production one — not whether poor nations can afford to buy them, but whether they can be allowed to manufacture them.

There is a growing demand for a temporary waiver on intellectual property (IP) protection on coronavirus vaccines. Initiated by India and South Africa, the campaign is now backed by more than 100 countries, along with international organizations including the WHO and UNAIDS. The goal is to reduce barriers to enable countries to produce their own vaccines — particularly for the lowest-income nations. Earlier in May, the campaign got a boost when the US, Russia and China came out in support of waiver. However, pharmaceutical companies and most high-income nations, notably Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom and European Union member-states are still opposed to the initiative.

Maintaining social distance and wearing a mask to protect ourselves from infections is something that we will worry about only if we have the luxury to do so. With more waves predicted, new mutations expected, and the growing risk of breakthrough infections, what this pandemic has taught us is that protecting others, is the best protection we have.


Sunny Peter

Sunny Peter is a writer and freelance journalist based in Mumbai, India. He writes on international affairs, diplomacy, terrorism, ethnicity, social integration, religion and culture. His articles have… More by Sunny Peter

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WARNING TO WEST VIRGINIA: The Invasion of America Continues!

As I suppose you know, I have been taking a break from blogging here at Frauds and Crooks.  I was doing the same at RRW until Biden blew up Afghanistan, so you might want to visit RRW to see what I have to say about adding tens of thousands of unvetted (you know they can’t vet them properly!) additional Muslim migrants to America.

Here is my most recent post there:

This is a report from an indefatigable watcher in West Virginia.  If only we had fifty or more Brendas willing to do their own investigations and reports.


In early July this year, I started receiving questions from several different people inquiring if I knew anything about 45 illegals being flown into the Yeager Airport in Charleston, West Virginia, from Arizona.   Knowing that our nation has been invaded (yes, invaded) for many years by illegals and so many government programs that allow foreign nationals to come to America and never leave, I was very interested in knowing the how, what, and when.  The “why” I knew.

Illegals from reportedly over 160 countries are coming at the open invitation of the assumed President of the United States, starting with the stolen election of November 3, 2020.    Recently, he has now invited the pregnant women of Central and Latin America to come have their babies in the United States.  That invitation extends to those women who are postpartum up to one year. The purpose of this is to grant them “Birthright Citizenship” which has been an enormous fraud perpetrated on the American people and designed to flood our nation with third world impoverished peoples from around the globe.

Besides the questions I had been receiving regarding the 45 illegals being flown into Charleston, I was also being told that there was an immigration office in Charleston.  For those familiar with Charleston, it is in Kanawha City.  One woman even told me that some people had knocked on her door one day looking for the immigration office.

By now I was determined to find out what I could about these matters.  I discovered that, yes, there is an immigration office in Charleston.  Having confirmed that, I decided to go there to observe the location and get any information I could.

When I arrived at the location on July 12, 2021, this picture displays what I saw.

I thought this hardly looks like an immigration office.  To my thinking, it looked like a jobs center.  At first, I hesitated to go to the door, but did so within a few minutes.  I am glad I did because as soon as I looked in the door I knew where I was.  A large sign inside said USCIS which stands for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.  So much of the fraud being perpetrated on the American people is done in ways which deceive or obfuscate the truth.  Hence, an immigration center “poses” as an Application Support Center.  They are doing their nefarious deeds of undermining our Constitution and changing America “right under our noses”.  Hiding in plain sight, if you will.

Upon entering, I approached the reception counter.  I looked across the room where I saw a dark African-looking woman with long flowing skirts and a hijab, accompanied by a man appearing to be African, as well.  She was obviously muslim and very much out of place for the area.

The receptionist, who spoke with a distinct foreign accent, asked if she could help me.  I asked her if this was a jobs center to help people find employment.  She and another employee, standing by the reception counter, replied, “No, this is an immigration office.  We do biometrics here, and are processing 50 applications a day”.   I then replied that I had a friend who was looking for a job, and I thought I might be able to refer her to this office.  They said other people had made the same mistake.  Once again, they replied that this was an immigration office and asked how they could help me.

Now I was fully aware what I had encountered.  I was still trying to process the 50 applications a day comment.  I then asked if this was an immigration office, why didn’t the sign outside say so?   I further said that the sign is deceptive, to which they seemed to agree.

I asked if they had any information or brochures.  At that time, I saw pockets of brochures across the room, and went to get the ones in English.   Here are the titles of the brochures I picked up:

  1. I am a refugee or asylee — How do I show my employer that I am authorized to work in the United States?
  1. I am a nonimmigrant — How do I extend my nonimmigrant stay in the United States?
  1. USCIS Military Help Line — This flyer even tells them they can obtain information about posthumous citizenship for a deceased armed services member.

BTW–Did you know that non-citizens can join our military and use this as a “fast track” to citizenship?

  1. I am a Refugee or Asylee — How do I become a U.S. permanent resident?

Here is one of the websites listed:

Here are a couple of paragraphs from this brochure:

Welcome to, is a government website maintained by the USCIS. This website will help the new immigrants who look forward to settling in America, to find the required information. This website will also help the immigrants to obtain various government benefits.

Though all the immigrants are not eligible to receive benefits, this website boosts the new immigrants to apply for benefits such as Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, Medicare, Supplemental Security Income and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. However, immigrants can obtain all the required information by checking out the website “Welcome to ” and the guidebook offered by the USCIS and this will help them to settle in the country.

  1. Schedule your FREE appointment with USCIS using INFOPASS

From the outset our government tells those coming here how to access the various social services and benefits.

The goodies that are offered to those immigrating here were NOT available to your parents, grandparents, or relatives in bygone days.  This system has been set up to change the demographics of America, and boy, is it working!

While picking up the aforementioned brochures, the receptionist and another employee said that the immigration officer would see me.

Not being sure if I wanted to do this at the current time however, I looked around and saw a man standing in an office on the other side of the room.  He was motioning for me to come to his office.  Somewhat reluctantly I did so.  He asked how he could help me.  I repeated the same thing I told the receptionist, upon entering the building, that this appeared to be a jobs center.  He confirmed the same information that I had been previously given, that this is an immigration office.  They do biometrics, and they are processing 50 applications a day.

Below I have summarized the highlights of our conversation:

  1. They process 50 applications daily.
  2. He confirmed that all coming get a social security number and a 2-year temporary work permit.
  3. He confirmed that they get signed up for benefits.

4.. He and another employee said the office had been there since 2014.

  1. He said they are coming from “everywhere”.
  2. He said that they are processing for Columbus, OH, also.
  3. When asked where they are going, he said “everywhere”.
  4. He told me that the ICE officers are demoralized.  They can’t do their jobs.  After 30+ years between INS and ICE, he is retiring at the end of July.  He said he had it.  He’ s done.

9.. Biden administration has told them no one gets deported or detained.

  1. If an ICE officer stops a car of illegals, they have to release them.
  2. I told him that our nation is being invaded.  He agreed.
  3. I told him that I had heard that 45 people had been flown into Charleston airport.

He said he didn’t doubt it.

  1. He told me that they are being flown in, all over the country, under the cover of darkness, by the Biden administration.
  2. They couldn’t process applications for 4-5 months during COVID.
  3. Previously processed about 15 applications/day.
  4. I told him that the sign on the building was deceptive, since it did not indicate that this is an immigration office.  I further commented that if people knew this immigration office was here, they would be picketing outside.  He appeared to understand my meaning.

As I and others continue to investigate this and bring information to our fellow West Virginians, it is in your hands to demand accountability and transparency for what has too long been ignored by those in power.  The situation is dire for our beloved nation and our state.

Brenda Arthur

August 18, 2021

Endnote:  Do you have firsthand knowledge about what is happening where you live?  Will you write about it?  If so, send a comment to this post and I will be in touch.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What Is the True Vaccine Breakthrough Rate? The CDC Doesn’t Want You to Know

By refusing to track most vaccine breakthrough cases, the CDC arrived at the strange conclusion that collecting and providing less public health information is in the public’s interest.

Over a recent 12-day period the Milwaukee Brewers had nine players test positive for COVID-19.

While we don’t know the vaccination status of all the players, the team disclosed that most of the players were vaccinated for COVID-19, including former MVP Christian Yelich, who tested positive after experiencing mild flu-like symptoms.

“He did the right thing and reported those mild symptoms,” Brewers GM David Stearns said when it was announced Yelich was heading to the disabled list. “We got him a test … .The test returned positive and we got a confirmation test, which also came back positive.”

The Brewers are not an isolated example of Major League Baseball teams experiencing a rash of vaccination breakthroughs. Teams across the league have experienced similar problems, including the New York Yankees, who saw nine vaccinated players sidelined in May with COVID-19.

“This is the vaccine working,” CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos at the time, adding that those who tested positive didn’t get a severe infection.

Walensky is correct that data show vaccinated individuals are far less likely to die or become hospitalized with COVID-19 than unvaccinated individuals.

Yet breakthrough cases also appear to be more common than the CDC, media, and public health officials suggest.

CNN says the breakthrough rate is less than one percent, while CBS News reports that 99.7 percent of new COVID cases involve unvaccinated people. The Hill, meanwhile, agrees that CDC data show less than one percent of fully vaccinated people get COVID.

How does this data mesh with anecdotal evidence that suggests many vaccinated people are contracting COVID? To be sure, it’s not just Major League Baseball teams who are seeing spikes of COVID cases among vaccinated individuals.

A recent outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts, for example found that the vast majority of COVID cases involved vaccinated individuals.

“Overwhelmingly, the affected individuals have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19,” Town Manager Alex Morse told NBC.

The outbreak, attributed to the rise of the Delta variant, was serious enough to prompt the CDC—which published a report on the outbreak—to reverse its recommendation that vaccinated individuals needn’t wear masks indoors.

But that wasn’t all. The CDC’s study also found, the Washington Post noted, individuals “carried as much virus in their noses as unvaccinated individuals.”

“High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus,” Walensky said.

All of this data suggests two important things.

First, COVID cases among vaccinated individuals appear to be higher than the “less than 1 percent” many claim. Two, vaccinated individuals appear quite capable of transmitting the virus to others, as Walensky states. Indeed, viral loads in nasal passages suggest they could transmit the virus at rates similar to unvaccinated carriers.

In the world today, we often hear that data is king. The problem is, the data have been a total mess throughout the pandemic. COVID, the New York Times recently observed, has shown the CDC is utterly broken.

Perhaps because of this, I decided to see how the CDC tracks and defines breakthrough cases.

“As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause,” a statement says. “This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance.”

Does this mean the CDC isn’t tracking breakthrough cases anymore unless someone is hospitalized or dies? I asked the CDC for clarification. I didn’t hear back from them.

But if one goes to the CDC site, you’ll find information on vaccine breakthroughs that includes only hospitalizations and deaths. The figure—as of August 2—stands at 7,525, which is below the 9,245 breakthrough infections the CDC had documented as of April 26. (The CDC noted the true rate was higher, due to a lack of surveillance and testing.) Since then, three and a half months have eclipsed and nearly 70 million more people have been vaccinated—and the Delta variant has arrived in force.

Unfortunately, what the actual breakthrough rate is, nobody knows—because the CDC stopped collecting and publishing the data, choosing instead “to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases.”

In making this decision, the CDC arrived at the strange conclusion that public health would be better served by providing the public with less information.

Because of this, the media are left guessing what the breakthrough rate is.

CNN points out that roughly half of US states report data on breakthroughs, and in those states official statistics put the COVID infection rate of vaccinated people at less than 1 percent, “ranging from 0.01% in Connecticut to 0.9% in Oklahoma.”

A highly cited Kaiser report similarly puts the breakthrough rate at “well below” 1 percent.

An NBC News analysis covering 38 states, meanwhile, found 125,682 breakthrough cases, which represents about 0.08 percent of the 164 million vaccinated Americans.

The actual breakthrough rate appears to be much higher than .08 percent based on anecdotal evidence, however, and a more careful perusal of state data.

Let’s start with Major League Baseball. There are about 750 professional ball players on 30 MLB teams. Applying that rate (0.08%) to MLB baseball players would mean we could expect less than one player (0.6) to experience a breakthrough case. A rate of 1 percent would mean 7 or eight players. But as previously mentioned, the New York Yankees alone had nine breakthroughs in May, and many other teams racked up breakthrough cases.

One could argue that perhaps Major League ball players, for some reason we may not yet understand, are more likely to contract the virus after being vaccinated, but plenty of other examples can be found, including the six vaccinated Texas Democrats who tested positive for COVID after taking a charter plane to Washington, DC. Ask yourself this: how many people do you personally know who contracted the virus after being vaccinated? (I know many.)

A thorough review of the evidence strongly suggests breakthrough cases are far likelier than the claims in headlines. New York Times story published Wednesday exploring the Delta variant—which now accounts for more than half of COVID cases in the US—hinted at this.

The paper noted that the CDC “does not tally national figures on breakthrough infections that don’t result in hospitalization or death,” so the precise incidence “is unknown” even though the CDC says breakthroughs are “extremely rare.”

Seeking comment, the Times received a vague response from Walensky in reply to an email inquiring on breakthrough incidence.

“A modest percentage of people who are fully vaccinated will still get Covid-19 if they are exposed to the virus that causes it,” Dr. Walensky said in reply to a Times email.

But infectious disease experts hinted that breakthrough cases are more likely than the current data suggest. “I think that if we started to test people just randomly on the street, we would find a lot more people who test positive,” Dr. Abraar Karan, an infectious diseases fellow at Stanford, told the newspaper.

On Thursday, New York magazine published an article under the headline “Don’t Panic, But Breakthrough Cases May Be a Bigger Problem Than You’ve Been Told.”

Journalist David Wallace-Wells, who spoke to scientists at Harvard and Scripps’s, said public health officials may be “overstating the vaccine effect on transmission and understating the scale and risk of breakthrough infections.”

“The message that breakthrough cases are exceedingly rare and that you don’t have to worry about them if you’re vaccinated — that this is only an epidemic of the unvaccinated — that message is falling flat,” Harvard epidemiologist Michael Mina told Wallace-Wells.

Eric Topol, an American cardiologist and author, was more blunt, saying he estimated the vaccines’ efficacy against symptomatic transmission had fallen to roughly 60 percent for the Delta variant.

“The breakthrough problem is much more concerning than what our public officials have transmitted,” Topol said.

Wallace-Wells notes it’s impossible to estimate the true breakthrough rate because the CDC stopped tracking and reporting most breakthroughs in May, but the data he assembled paint a much different picture.

“In Delaware, between July 1 and July 22, ‘breakthrough’ cases were 13.8 percent of the total,” he writes. “In Michigan, between June 15 and July 30, the figure was 19.1 percent. In this period, there were 2,369 breakthrough cases and 12,409 in total. In Utah, 8 percent of new cases were breakthroughs in early June, but by late July, as Delta grew, the share grew, too, to 20 percent (even while the total number of cases almost doubled).”

None of this is to say Americans shouldn’t get vaccinated. Evidence suggests it significantly reduces one’s chances of dying of or becoming hospitalized with COVID-19. A New York Times analysis of 40 states found that fully immunized people accounted for less than 6 percent of COVID deaths and less than 5 percent of hospitalizations. (Other data is even more promising, including statistics Dr. Fauci cited in June which claimed 99.2 percent of COVID deaths involved unvaccinated individuals.)

A close loved one of mine was vaccinated this week after I suggested it was a good idea; the same day, I encouraged several other loved ones to get the vaccine. This is not about being “pro-vax” or “anti-vax”; it’s about the CDC not being forthright on vaccine breakthroughs.

Choosing to not count vaccinated people who tested positive for COVID as breakthrough cases is little different than choosing to not count positive COVID cases as actual cases. Imagine how much lower US numbers would be if the CDC stopped tracking cases, and instead only counted deaths and hospitalizations.

The great American writer Mark Twain popularized a well-known saying on stats.

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics,” Twain said. (Twain and others attributed the quote to British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli, but it’s unclear if Disraeli ever said this.)

We’ve seen throughout the pandemic how authorities have manipulated statistics to serve their own agendas—most notably New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who changed public health reporting to cover up the number of New Yorkers who died in nursing homes because of his policies.

By only tracking breakthrough infections that result in hospitalization and death, the CDC is depriving the public of crucial information on the efficacy of vaccines and fueling the vaccine wars. Increasingly, these wars are a bipartisan chorus of vaccinated voices who paint the unvaccinated as either crazy people—there are no microchips in it, Times columnist Charles Blow recently quipped—or filthy creatures who are prolonging the pandemic because of their selfishness.

“It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks,” Alabama’s Republican Governor Kay Ivey said in July.

Ivey was echoing sentiments President Joe Biden had expressed days earlier.

“Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated,” Biden had said while speaking to reporters on the White House lawn.

This chorus has had its desired effect. A recent Axios-Ipsos poll found that 80 percent of Americans blame the unvaccinated for rising cases—even though the US has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world—which has fueled efforts to force Americans to get vaccinated by requiring “vaccine passports” to travel or do business.

Blaming the unvaccinated for the drawn out pandemic may be popular and politically convenient, but as the Times points out, the CDC’s own data suggest that “vaccinated people can carry as much virus in their nose and throat as unvaccinated people.” Moreover, breakthrough transmissions appear to be more common than the CDC has let on—which is undoubtedly why they stopped tracking most breakthrough cases.

The CDC’s effort to hide breakthrough cases not involving death or hospitalization from the public eye might serve its presumed goal—getting more Americans vaccinated—but it undermines the truth and further erodes public trust in government, which is already at historic lows.

The silver lining in the story is that a full analysis of the science of vaccination makes an even stronger case that the decision of whether to vaccinate or not should be made by one person: the individual getting the vaccine.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

UNHINGED: Los Angeles Times On Larry Elder ‘The Black Face of White Supremacist’

One of the most vile hit pieces that we have seen from the mainstream media against someone who is not named Trump. This is how you know that the Left is in panic mode. They are attacking Larry Elder viciously. That is because they know that Larry Elder could take down Governor Newsom.

Los Angeles Times Column: Larry Elder “The Black Face of White Supremacist”

By New York Latest News, August 20, 2021

California recall candidate Larry Elder may be black, but as far as some progressives are concerned, he’s also a “white supremacist face.”

“Larry Elder is the black face of white supremacism. You have been warned,” the Los Angeles Times Friday column called the conservative Los Angeles radio host candidacy “an insult to blackness.”

Known as the “Sage from South Central,” referring to the neighborhood of Los Angeles, the few working class he grew up in, Elder responded quickly to the headline.

“To play a race card with your South Central brothers, you have to be really scared and desperate,” Elder tweeted.

Elder leads the Republican Recall Candidates’ field to replace Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom in a special election on September 14.

Columnist Erica D. Smith wrote that blacks are “not monolithic,” but said that “elders oppose all public policy ideas that blacks support to help blacks.”

“Whenever you put a black face on white supremacy, like Larry Elder, there are people who use it as an opportunity to deny white supremacy,” Black Lives Matter Los Angeles said. Co-founder Melina Abdullah said in an article.

Elder supports policies such as increased school choices, reduced regulations to promote housing construction, and crackdowns on crime, and police are not involved in systematic racism, but with such accusations. Police officers claim to have withdrawn.

As crime increased, “it’s the very black and brown people who claim that the people on the left care about it,” he told the Los Angeles Times editorial board…

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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