The “D” in Democrat stands for “Delusional”

A friend sent me the following in an email:

When one tries to “reason” with a lefty democrat, remember you are dealing with a person that believes that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man and that such a delusion should be encouraged, not discouraged.  Discouragement of the delusion is considered immoral and bigoted. Thus our society has unnecessary dilemmas concerning bathrooms,  athletic competition at all levels, and “pronoun” controversies subjecting ourselves to all manner of laws, rules, regulation and more needless government control.

Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous gender ideology and denial of biological reality.  President Trump should make a declaration that he is identifying as a woman.  The left will have to admit the absurdity of their gender ideology or accept and celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman President, thus beating Hillary, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand to the glorious goal of one of their “female firsts”.  Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania he will also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. He will also be the first lesbian president married to an immigrant! What a most glorious event for the democrats to celebrate.

This, in a nut shell, explains just one of the many delusions that have become part of the Democratic Party’s platform. Ask any Democrat, and even some Republicans, about “gender identity” and you will get as many different answers as their are gender pronoun choices on Facebook.

Why there’s even going to be the second annual International Gender Pronoun Day on October 16, 2019. International Gender Pronoun Day, seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.”

One can lose their job, be arrested and even be fined up to $250,000 for addressing someone by the wrong gender pronoun.

Science is clear, there are two sexes XX (female) and XY (male). There is no gay gene.

But science only counts when Democrats want it to count, like in climate change.

The Delusion of Gender Politics

I recently wrote about identity politics. Identity politics began with Black feminists in 1977 as a socialist movement to further the “destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.”

Gender politics has the same goals but adds to it the destruction of scriptural beliefs of the three Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Here are quotes from the Old Testament, New Testament and Qur’an on homosexuality:

  • Genesis 19:4-7 Before they could lie down, all the men of Sodom and its outskirts, both young and old, surrounded the house. They called out to Lot and asked, “Where are the men who came to visit you tonight? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!” Lot went outside to them, shut the door behind him, and said, “I urge you, my brothers, don’t do such a wicked thing.”
  • Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
  • Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.) has said: “Sodomy is a Greater Sin and carries punishment when a man mounts upon another man but does not penetrate. If he penetrates, it is kufr”.

Destroy God and replace Him with government is the ultimate goal. One of the minority groups (less than 4%) that want to destroy every culture and its religious foundation are gays. They do it in the name of “equal rights.” They use words such as “pride.”

Equal rights, pride and gender pronouns are oxymoronic.

The LGBTQ community wants equal rights for them but not for you. The LGBTQ and their allies (i.e. Antifa) protest against straight pride parades being held in cities like Boston. The LGBTQ community wants you to guess what is their preferred pronoun and if you get it wrong they want to punish you.

Each of these oxymorons violates the U.S. Constitution.

Destroy the U.S. Constitution bit-by-bit and you will eventually destroy America. Once this is done you can then fundamentally transform the culture as you wish.

Making personal pronouns commonplace requires that the idea of heterosexuality be erased.

Just as identity politics has destroyed the nuclear family (especially in the black community) so to does gender politics destroy the traditional family, defined as marriage between one man and one woman.

Destruction of the traditional family means that the new patriarchy is government.


The primary outcome of this socialist/LGBTQ identity politics is the destruction of the nuclear family.

Delusional right? But happening.

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Government Shouldn’t Force Teachers to Use Transgender Pronouns

No ‘gay gene’: Massive study homes in on genetic basis of human sexuality – Nature: International Journal of Science

Student Group Flags Top 5 Instances of Campus Censorship of Conservatives

Ruling in Minnesota Wedding Videographers’ Case Properly Prioritizes First Amendment Rights

The Black Roots of Identity Politics

Identity politics began with the the 1977 publication of the Combahee River Collective Statement. The statement was written by “black feminists” with this goal:

Above all else, Our politics initially sprang from the shared belief that Black women are inherently valuable, that our liberation is a necessity not as an adjunct to somebody else’s may because of our need as human persons for autonomy.

The Combahee River Collective Statement reads:

We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy. We are socialists because we believe that work must be organized for the collective benefit of those who do the work and create the products, and not for the profit of the bosses. [Emphasis added]

Merriam-Webster defines identity politics as:

politics in which groups of people having a particular racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity tend to promote their own specific interests or concerns without regard to the interests or concerns of any larger political group.

The Democratic Party has fully embraced identity politics in all of its forms.

Those who embrace identity politics are fickle and can, and many times do, either turn against one another or their political party. We are seeing this happen since the 2016 Presidential election.

My Way or the Highway

My way or the highway is a predominantly American idiom that dates back to the 1970s. It is an ultimatum like “take it or leave it.” You’re either with me or against me.

Identity politics is tearing the Democratic Party apart.

Identity politics died on November 8th, 2016 according to the Left Voice’s Albert L. Terry III. In his column A Few Words on Marxism and Identity Politics Terry wrote:

The year 2016 will be remembered as the year that identity politics, as it is commonly understood, began the long descent into irrelevancy. The first Black President that saw conditions grow worse for Black Americans and Clinton’s corporate identity politics saw electoral defeat. We must build a Marxist identity politics, which recognizes the special oppression that comes with race and the consequent importance of fighting racism head-on. [Emphasis added]

Terry says identity politics is irrelevant but believes that only Marxism will help restore identity politics to its glory. What Terry wrote on January 8, 2017 is coming true today in the Democratic Party.

The Black Rot that has Infected Identity Politics

The key question: What are the outcomes of the effort to “liberate” the black feminists.

According to according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data:

The share of U.S. children living with an unmarried parent has more than doubled since 1968, jumping from 13% to 32% in 2017. That trend has been accompanied by a drop in the share of children living with two married parents, down from 85% in 1968 to 65%. Some 3% of children are not living with any parents.

The Pew report notes:

More than half (58%) of black children are living with an unmarried parent – 47% with a solo mom. At the same time, 36% of Hispanic children are living with an unmarried parent, as are 24% of white children. The share of Asian children living with unmarried parents is markedly lower (13%).

The primary outcome of this socialist/black feminist/identity politics is the destruction of the nuclear family.

Socialism, true to form, equally shares the life long misery of single parenthood. We are now in a time when there is no real liberation, rather there is government patriarchy in the form of welfare programs. Welfare is dependence and not freedom. Only jobs, created by capitalists, and a Constitutional Republican form of government can defeat imperialism.

The single parent family is neither valuable nor autonomous, rather it is dependent on government largess. 

The black roots of identity politics has infected the entire family tree, which is now rotten to its core.

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RELATED ARTICLE: About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent

RELATED VIDEO: Bill Whittle – Racism – Democrats and Republicans switch sides?

Why do so many Muslims murder in the name of Allah?

A neighbor of mine was listening to the day’s headline news. It was about an Afghani immigrant in Paris who went on a knife wielding rampage against numerous people waiting at a bus stop. He had been shouting the Muslim war cry, Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greater) as he plunged the knife into one victim after another. The horror prompted my neighbor to ask, “Why do so many Muslims murder in the name of Allah?” Why indeed!

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted in the book, Gandhi: The Power of Pacifism, by Catherine Clement, as follows:

“While Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees and Jews, along with several million adherents of an animistic religion, all coexisted in relative harmony, one religion that would not accept compromise stood out from the rest: Islam.”

Gandhi was referring to the experience during his lifetime in the Indian sub-continent, but the growth of Wahhabism and the current resurgence in Islamic triumphalism since Gandhi’s death in January 1948 now poses an increasingly existential threat to the West, to Judeo-Christian civilization, as well as to Hindus, Buddhists, and members of other faiths or no faith.

The question repeatedly asked is how and why so many Muslims, young and old, living in the West and enjoying all the material and educational benefits bestowed upon them — are committing hideous acts of terror and perpetrating atrocities upon non-Muslim innocent civilians, even against their very own neighbors. Those Muslim Arabs, who call themselves Palestinians, frequently murder Jewish civilians. Thousands have died and been maimed as victims of the blood soaked hands of Palestinian terrorists including just this week when a young Israeli girl, who had just celebrated her 17th birthday, was brutally murdered while hiking with her father and brother.

The Times Square bombing attempt on May 1, 2010 by Pakistani-born, Faisal Shahzad, and the 2009 Fort Hood massacre of unarmed members of the military by Major Nidal Hasan are well-known. So was the attempt at terrorism by a Somali immigrant, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, who had come to America at the age of five with his family as a refugee from the hell that is Somalia, yet who attempted to kill thousands during a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon. Mohamud arrived about the same time that the fiendishly anti-Semitic Somali ingrate, Ilhan Omar, arrived and who now pollutes Congress as a Democrat member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Since the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers and part of the Pentagon by the 19 Saudi Arabian Muslim hijackers, in which 3,000 people were murdered, a long and depressing list of atrocities have been perpetrated by other Muslim ingrates.

It was the baleful President Carter who undercut the shah of Iran, an autocrat who jailed and restricted the jihadists and Islamic groups, but who was nevertheless a supporter and ally of America. Just like President Obama, who equally undercut Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the subsequent void was quickly and gleefully filled by Islamic fundamentalists and the Muslim Brotherhood who imposed barbaric sharia law and raised the banner of Islamic supremacy. This is the same Obama who gave $150 billion to the mad mullahs in Iran and horrifically provided them with a roadmap to obtain a nuclear arsenal.

With the shah’s fall came the Ayatollah Khomeini from his exile in France, and almost immediately Carter’s catastrophic act resulted in a seemingly endless and humiliating imprisonment of American Embassy staff in Tehran. Since then Iran has fed the flames of Islamic terror around the globe, arming, and funding terror organizations such as Hamas and Hezb’allah.

Ayatollah Khomeini preached violence to ultimately conquer “the land of the infidel.” By that he meant not only Israel, but Christian European states and Britain, the United States, and the entire non-Muslim world. His fanatical followers throughout the Muslim and Arab world have all endorsed the legitimacy of jihad against what they call the “enemies of Islam.” Islamic martyrdom operations – specifically blowing up soft targets like the spectators at sporting events – are guarantees to paradise for the jihadists, even if their victims are women and children.

So the answer to my neighbor, and to those talking heads in the media who endlessly ask why so many Muslims commit such atrocities, can be seen both in Koranic passages and in, for instance, the sickening hate indoctrination found in the regime-controlled Palestinian schools and TV and radio broadcasts.

Here are some of the grisly passages from the Koran:

“Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191

“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123

“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 3:85

“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.”… Koran 9:30

“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Koran 5:33

“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19

“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Koran 8:65

“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Koran 3:28

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12

“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” Koran 8:60

And here are some examples of the Palestinian broadcasts that sow hate among children as young as three years of age, spawning yet another generation of terrorists and destroying hope of any true and lasting peace with the embattled State of Israel.

For example, the children’s show, The Best Home, included a scene in which a young girl recited a poem filled with messages of hate and other libels demonizing Jews. The poem made the vile and fantastic assertion that Jews, “Allah’s enemies, the sons of pigs,” defiled the Quran and Jerusalem, “murdered children,” “cut off their limbs,” and “raped the women in the city squares.” Here is the twisted example of the very horrors carried out by the Islamists and jihadists being falsely ascribed to their victims.

In our politically correct world, members of the fake media and commentators often seek to distance Islam from so many acts of horrific violence, using terms of alleged distinction such as “radical Islam” or “moderate Islam” and so on. But let us reflect on the words of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the close friend of both Iran’s genocidal Ayatollah and its president.

In reply to the term “moderate Islam,” which was apparently quoted to him by a Western journalist, Erdoğan erupted and said: “These descriptions are very ugly; it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam, and that’s it.”

Certainly, attempting to constantly give, as liberals and the Left do, a free pass to Islamic abuses; to play down its violent ambitions of world conquest; to ignore the evident threat to Judeo-Christian civilization from sharia law and imposed dhimmitude merely encourages the violent tendencies of the followers of what was so presciently called by Winston Churchill, “an ideology wrapped in a religion.”

The two Chechen brothers, as with so many other Muslims, thus almost certainly succumbed to the hatred towards non-Muslims which proliferate in Islamic texts, on Islamic websites, and in Islamic social media. And they are not alone as that knife wielding Afghani proved so horribly in Paris.

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INTEL REPORT: Israel-Lebanon, Israel-Egypt-Hamas, Japan-America


Last week we reported that the Foreign Minister of Bahrain, Shaykh Khaled bin Ahmad bin Muhammad Aal Khalifa, tweeted that Israel has a right to defend itself, in response to the flap over the two Israeli drones that violated Lebanon’s airspace, one of which carried explosives and took out an Hizbollah office in south Beirut.  In this context, the Bahraini FM stressed that since Iran “has declared war against all of us,” implying that any attack against any of their IRGC entities, their Lebanese Hizbollah, their “popular mobilization” militias in Iraq, or their Houthi arm in Yemen, constitutes “self defense.”

This week, according to, the Bahraini FM has doubled down by directly accusing Hizbollah of escalating the situation by attacking Israel (in reference to Hizbollah’s taking out an Israeli military vehicle this weekend).  Then he took it a step further by accusing the Lebanese government itself of being complicit in the escalation.  This would stem from the fact that the “Lebanese government” (which includes Sunni and Christian members) is essentially hostage to Hizbollah).

Therefore, according to the Bahraini FM’s reasoning, the Lebanese government is responsible and “any aggression by one state against another is forbidden by International Law” and is subjecting its citizens to the subsequent danger.

The Foreign Ministry of Bahrain then issued a formal statement ordering all of its citizens in Lebanon to leave immediately.

The above statements by the Bahraini FM were also reported on the Saudi-owned TV, a day later.


Israel sharing sensitive Counter-Terrorism (CT) intelligence with its arch enemy, the terrorist entity of Hamas?  Ridiculous!  Or is it?  According to an article published by

al-Monitor, a Washington, DC-based news entity founded by a Christian Arab-American from Lebanon/Syria, that is exactly what is happening.  The author of this al-Monitor article is one Shlomi Eldar, an Israel-based journalist who for the past two decades has covered the Palestinian Authority and Gaza for Israel’s TV channels 1 and 10.

Here is how this has come about:  Israel and Egypt have been sharing intelligence information for several years.  At first this intelligence information included CT on Hamas, which both countries considered to be a terrorist group.  Egypt had declared the Muslim Brotherhood to be a terrorist group in 2013 with former General as-Sisi assuming the presidency of Egypt’s nominally civilian government.  Since Hamas was founded as the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Hamas was automatically included in that designation.

Furthermore, Egypt has been having trouble with Hamas in terms of cross-border smuggling of weapons, drugs, and jihadis.  As a part of this Egypt-Hamas contention Egypt had closed its border with Gaza and joined with Israel in enforcing an embargo on it.  Egypt had also accused Hamas of aiding the anti-government protests and terrorist activities in Egypt’s Sinai.

So, what gives?  What led to both Egypt and Israel altering their positions on Hamas? Or vice-versa?

For one thing, according to Mr. Eldar, Hamas has been moving closer to Egypt in order the get the embargo eased.  Egypt, for its part is wanting to woo Hamas to get its aid and cooperation vis-à-vis the ongoing CT war in the Sinai, and beyond that, to entice it on board a possible future pan-Palestinian peace deal with Israel.

However, as Hamas has moved closer to Egypt, including pretending to disassociate itself from the mother ship, the MB, in order to please Egypt, a note-worthy splinter group has declared Hamas to be a “traitor” to the “Arab-Islamic-Palestinian” cause and has begun conducting car bombings and other terrorist acts against the terrorist group Hamas!

The name of this splinter group is bayt al-miqdis, which in Arabic means “The House of Holiness” and is a name for Jerusalem.  This term also refers to an Islamic prophecy contained in the ahadeeth referring to a massive Islamic army that will march out from Khorusan (an area in SW and central Asia including Afghanistan and parts of Iran, Pakistan and other Central Asian countries).  This army, it is said, will bear the “black banners” and will reconquer bayt al-miqdis for the Muslims.  Most Palestinians believe that when this Latter Day army reaches their region that they will become the vanguard, the spearhead, of this army as it destroys Israel and takes over Jerusalem.

Hamas, consequently, fears that this bayt al-miqdis organization will out recruit it and become a major threat to its hold on power in Gaza.  Thus its acceptance of CT intel from Israel, the very entity it has vowed to destroy.  But, of course, it can’t admit to itself that it is doing so.  This is where Egypt enters the equation according to Mr. Eldar.  This bayt

al-miqdis group is the primary group causing Egypt headaches in the Sinai, and so, as Hamas has recently moved closer to Egypt, it and Egypt are now sharing CT intelligence on bayt al-miqdis and “inadvertently” as Hamas accepts CT intel from Egypt among that CT intel is intel Israel has provided to Egypt.  Egypt, for its part, passes along Israeli CT only that intel agreed upon by Israel.  “The very essence of a paradox” says Mr. Eldar. “The relationship between Israel and Hamas is tangled and complex, with all sorts of remarkable twists and turns.

This paradox also underscores two age-old adages:  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” (at least temporarily), and “politics makes for strange bedfellows.”  Frankly, Egypt, Israel, and Hamas all in bed together is about as strange as it can get.  Welcome to the modern Middle East.


Over the weekend, and immediately after the G-7 meeting in France, Japan hosted the Japan-Africa conference.  Egyptian talk-show host ‘Amru Adeeb reported on this conference for his al-hakaya (The Story) show as a vehicle for boasting about Egypt’s importance.  Mr. Adeeb first beamed with pride over President as-Sisi’s hobnobbing with the world leaders of the planet’s major powers, then flying directly to Japan to represent the entire continent of Africa as this year’s president of the Organization of African States.

According to Mr. Adeeb, Japan has pledged to invest some $20 billion U.S. in Africa, in hopes of competing with China for Africa’s allegiance.

Homosexuality and Catholic Decline

David Carlin: To approve of homosexuality is tantamount to saying that the Church has been teaching a false sexual morality for 2000 years.

Many factors have contributed to the 50- or 60-year decline of Catholicism in America, but one of the most important – and in recent decades THE most important – is the sympathy felt for homosexuality among many priests, bishops, and laypeople, especially liberal or progressive laypersons.

I’m not talking only about those who are homosexual in their orientation or have been homosexual in their conduct.  I’m talking also about a more general sympathy, the sympathy felt by those who say something like this to themselves: “Well, it’s unfortunate, but it’s not really horrible – at least not when they refrain from molesting underage boys, a dreadful thing that has little to do with homosexuality.  It’s hard not to sympathize with gay priests when one remembers that they are in all probability born that way.”

“Born that way.” The LGBTQ movement, one of the great manifestations of present-day atheism, has had no more effective propaganda slogan than this.  It has played a major role in persuading most Americans, including Catholic Americans, to drop their traditional moral (and aesthetic) antipathy to homosexual conduct. Among Americans in their late teens and twenties, there is now something close to universal approval of homosexual sodomy.  Only homophobes, it is held, could possibly disapprove of that kind of love.

The reasoning goes like this.  A decent person, above all a decent Christian who believes that “love your neighbor” is the greatest commandment, doesn’t blame somebody for a trait that he or she is born with.  And so we don’t blame a person for being born with dark skin. Therefore we shouldn’t blame a person for being born with a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex. And while it is not totally unfair to ask persons with same-sex attractions to abstain from acting on those attractions, it is pretty unrealistic to do so given how powerful are the human drive for sex and the human need for intimate affection.

And so (feels many a Catholic) the Christian thing to do is to feel sympathy for people of this kind, and especially for priests of this kind.  Further, they claim, we should remember that there is such a thing as “development of doctrine.”  And thus it may well be that Catholic moral doctrine is now developing in the direction of giving its stamp of approval to homosexual conduct – provided, needless to say, that it is done in a loving way, the two lovers genuinely caring for the well-being of one another.

But the “born that way” thesis has been conclusively “proven” only by means of an obviously fallacious bit of reasoning.  It is argued that there are only two possibilities: (a) gays and lesbians are born that way, or (b) they choose to be gay or lesbian.  But since it is obvious that nobody chooses to be homosexual (for why would anybody wish to endure the hostility that homosexuals have to endure?), it follows that they are born that way.  But there are more than two possibilities; and so the conclusion doesn’t follow.

As a recent large study has shown, there is no single “gay” gene, and scientists believe a complex interplay of multiple genes may account for as much as one-third of the same-sex inclinations. (Scientists strongly sympathetic to homosexuality conducted this study so the data will have to be carefully checked.) But even this tells us that environmental factors are at least twice as strong as the biological factors.

What might those be?

(1) A child is socialized to believe that homosexuality is a fine thing – and often is these days because all sexual “choices” are deemed equally good.

(2) A maturing child mimics the attitude of a liberal parent – or turns to homosexuality as a way of rebelling against anti-homosexuality parents.

(3) A teenager is homosexually seduced or raped by an older teen or an adult, e.g., a Catholic priest, finds the experience pleasant, and after further experiences becomes addicted.

(4) Even if you don’t choose the end result (homosexuality), you may choose those things that lead to homosexuality – just as you may not choose to be a drug addict yet choose those things that lead to drug addiction, e.g., bad companions, risky experimentation.

(5) Despite the popular notion that nobody in his right mind would choose to become homosexual – the social penalties for homosexuality being so great – this notion is almost certainly not true. Perhaps nobody chooses it the way one chooses a meal from a restaurant menu.  But there are such things as “deep choices,” that is, unconscious or barely conscious choices made in the depths of our hearts and minds – for example, the choice of a vocation or a spouse, or the choice of whether or not to be an honest person or a devoted parent.

It is not hard to believe that one of these deep choices has to do with whether to be heterosexual or homosexual.  Most of us choose the former, or rather in our choice we simply ratify the choice that nature itself made for us.  But some of us, rebelling against nature’s plan (that is, God’s plan), choose the latter.

It used to be the case that Catholics were good at logic – back in the days when Catholic colleges insisted that their students take a course in elementary logic.  That so many of today’s Catholics would fall such an obvious fallacy as the false dichotomy of “born-that-way versus choice” (the kind of choice one makes when dealing with a restaurant menu) shows that the Catholic mind has become illogical.

Whether it is fallacious reasoning or something else, perhaps something even worse, a widespread sympathy for homosexuality is helping to ruin the Catholic Church in America – for to approve of homosexuality is tantamount to saying that the Church has been teaching a false sexual morality for 2000 years, and this in turn is tantamount to saying that Catholicism is a false religion.

This is not the “development” of doctrine.  It is the destruction of doctrine.


David Carlin

David Carlin is a professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2019 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

How 50 Years of No-Fault Divorce Gave Us a Throwaway Culture

Fifty years ago this week, Ronald Reagan made what he later admitted was one of the worst mistakes of his political life: As governor of California, he signed a bill bringing no-fault divorce to his state.

California was the first state to take the plunge, but by no means the last. Reagan’s signature unleashed what became a national divorce revolution.

Within five years, 44 states would follow suit and pass some form of no-fault divorce.

Many lawmakers who pushed for it had fine intentions. At the time, the divorce regime had become a sham that made a mockery of the legal system. Because a judge had to find “fault” in one spouse to grant a divorce, spouses would often make phony allegations against each other, sometimes even working in tandem to fool a judge into granting them a divorce.

Obviously, this was a problem. Some lawyers called the trend “institutionalized perjury.” They thought it would be much better to lower the barriers to divorce and thus remove the incentive to make phony allegations.

Yet 50 years later, the perverse incentive to commit perjury seems utterly miniscule when compared with the wreckage that came from the divorce revolution.

The consequences of no-fault divorce are almost impossible to overstate. It was like dropping a nuclear bomb into our nation’s social ecosystem—the blast wave has hit millions of families, and the fallout is worse than we could have imagined.

The Blast Effect

As one might expect, the nation saw a spike in divorce rates following the enactment of no-fault divorce laws. Between 1960 and 1980, the divorce rate more than doubled and remained relatively steady into the 1990s.

Generation X was the first of the collateral damage. Roughly half of all children born to married parents in the 1970s saw their parents divorce, a massive increase from just 11% of kids born in the 1950s.

Two of those Gen Xers were named Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus. They later would become the lead singers and the guitarist and bassist, respectively, for the popular punk band Blink-182.

DeLonge and Hoppus were both born in the 1970s in Reagan’s California. By the early ‘90s, they had both felt the sting of their parents’ divorces.

Their song “Stay Together for the Kids” captured the cry of a generation reeling from divorce. The song’s original music video pictured a wrecking ball destroying a house—a visual metaphor for the chaos divorce brought to their homes.

DeLonge later explained: “You look at statistics that 50% of parents get divorced, and you’re going to get a pretty large group of kids who are pissed off and who don’t agree with what their parents have done.”

He added: “Is this a damaged generation? Yeah, I’d say so.”

And the damage continues. Each year, 1 million U.S. kids see their parents get divorced. Half of all children at some point will see their parents split. And the most common reason now given for divorce? Lack of commitment, at 75%.

In a positive sign, Gen Xers and millennials seem to have taken lessons from their parents and are getting divorced at lower rates. Between 2008 and 2016, the divorce rate actually dropped by 18%.

But this comes as fewer people are choosing to get married in the first place. Many millennials are choosing to cohabitate rather than get married—a path that leaves divorce off the table from the outset.

But ironically, cohabitation offers them less security than marriage. It may keep one’s options open and eliminate the legal hassle of a divorce, but it makes bailing on a committed relationship that much easier.

Defining Marriage Away

One hallmark of a healthy and stable country is that contracts are enforceable. If two people sign a contract, one person can’t just bail without paying the consequences.

A contract has to be binding on all parties. Otherwise, it’s worth nothing, and people will stop making contracts altogether.

No-fault divorce essentially made void the contract of marriage. It told either party that they could break their vows and get divorced on the basis of “irreconcilable differences.”

Those vows derive from what our society once understood marriage to be: a permanent reality that, once joined, takes on a transcendent quality that places it beyond the reach of any human whim. This transcendent vision of marriage was the basis of its legal recognition, and the children that resulted from the union made its stability all the more important.

But no-fault divorce cut ties with this vision. Marriage vows were reduced to mere poetry for a romantic ceremony and evacuated of any legal substance.

For all legal purposes, “as long as we both shall live” became “as long as one of us doesn’t change our minds on a dime.” Spouses could no longer depend on courts to enforce their marriage vows because, legally, marriage was now severed from those vows.

People often think of same-sex marriage as the great Rubicon moment that changed America’s view of marriage forever. That’s not true.

No-fault divorce is the original rupture in our view of marriage. Same-sex marriage was just the latest mutation to an institution long robbed of its original meaning.

Millennials are onto something when they reject marriage as it’s widely understood and practiced. They see it for the contradiction that it has become. Better to shack up and take no vows, they say, than to take vows that won’t be kept.

Reckoning With the Throwaway Culture

Easy divorce is part of what Pope Francis calls the “throwaway culture.” We throw away unwanted trash, unwanted babies, and unwanted spouses. Such is life in a culture that rejects the transcendent, the idea that we owe duties to each other by virtue of being human—and by virtue of our word.

This throwaway culture is the great cost of our contemporary religion, which is self-actualization. The creed of our day is that each person’s private happiness and self-actualization is the ultimate good. Kids, the unborn, and spouses we no longer love must bow the knee to our own personal quests for happiness.

But this contemporary vision shows signs of weakness.

For all our secular disenchantment, we still crave the transcendence and permanence offered by marriage as it was once understood. We long for bonds that don’t break.

Being spiritual creatures, we ache for solidarity, and we seek it, even if from 77-year-old politicians promising to “bring people together.”

No-fault divorce sent us looking for permanence and transcendence in all the wrong places. The irony is that while many of us decry the wreckage of divorce, it’s not clear we are willing to realign our values to rebuild what’s fallen apart.

For those who are willing, the solution is available: We must begin to prize fidelity in relationships over our ever-evolving desires for self-actualization.

Legal changes to reverse no-fault divorce should come as well, but above all, we need a culture that prizes fidelity—and shames infidelity. Spouses who seek a divorce for weak reasons need an obstacle in their path, one that isn’t just legal, but cultural. It should be socially costly to break our vows.

Fidelity is the only thing strong enough to rebuild the basic blocks of our society. It’s what the Bible calls “covenant faithfulness,” and in the long run, it’s the most beautiful life available to us.

It’s also the most rewarding, because self-centered happiness is a fool’s errand. We don’t ultimately find joy in creating our own reality, but in finding our rightful place within it.

Relational bonds are much more easily torn apart than melded from scratch and maintained. We live in the aftermath of 50 years of bond-fraying, and it now falls to us to rebuild.

It may be that in the 21st century, the most heroic act for a young American will be to play a small but faithful part in this rebuilding effort—to get married and cleave to one’s spouse, till death do they part.


Daniel Davis is the commentary editor of The Daily Signal and co-host of The Daily Signal podcastSend an email to Daniel. Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: How the Sexual Revolution Gave Us Identity Politics

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Crimes by Illegal Immigrants Widespread Across U.S.

The decision by a California appeals court Friday overturning the conviction of an illegal immigrant who shot and killed Kate Steinle in San Francisco in 2015 once again put the national spotlight on the serious problem of crimes committed by people in the U.S. illegally.

The appeals court in San Francisco overturned the conviction of Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate on a charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Garcia-Zarate was earlier found not guilty of first- and second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and assault with a semi-automatic weapon.

Garcia-Zarate said he unwittingly picked up a gun, which he said was wrapped in a T-shirt, and it fired accidentally. The appeals court overturned his conviction on the firearm possession charge because it said the judge at his trial failed to give the jury the option of finding him not guilty on the theory that he only possessed the gun for a moment.

Opponents of federal efforts to enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress repeatedly claim that illegal immigrants are “less likely” to commit crimes than U.S. citizens—and thus represent no threat to public safety.

But that’s not true when it comes to federal crimes.

Noncitizens constitute only about 7% of the U.S. population. Yet the latest data from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that noncitizens accounted for nearly two-thirds (64%) of all federal arrests in 2018. Just two decades earlier, only 37% of all federal arrests were noncitizens.

These arrests aren’t just for immigration crimes. Noncitizens accounted for 24% of all federal drug arrests, 25% of all federal property arrests, and 28% of all federal fraud arrests.

In 2018, a quarter of all federal drug arrests took place in the five judicial districts along the U.S.-Mexico border. This reflects the ongoing activities of Mexican drug cartels. Last year, Mexican citizens accounted for 40% of all federal arrests.

In fact, more Mexicans than U.S. citizens were arrested on charges of committing federal crimes in 2018.

Migrants from Central American countries are also accounting for a larger share of federal arrests, going from a negligible 1% of such arrests in 1998 to 20% today.

Critics will try to downplay the importance of the Justice Department’s report by pointing out that the majority of crimes in the United States are handled by prosecutors in state and local courts.

But even there the data is shocking.

A recent report from the Texas Department of Public Safety revealed that 297,000 noncitizens had been “booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2019.” So these are noncitizens who allegedly committed local crimes, not immigration violations.

The report noted that a little more than two-thirds (202,000) of those booked in Texas jails were later confirmed as illegal immigrants by the federal government.

According to the Texas report, over the course of their criminal careers those illegal immigrants were charged with committing 494,000 criminal offenses.

Some of these cases are still being prosecuted, but the report states that there have already been over 225,000 convictions. Those convictions represent: 500 homicides; 23,954 assaults; 8,070 burglaries; 297 kidnappings; 14,178 thefts; 2,026 robberies; 3,122 sexual assaults; 3,840 sexual offenses; 3,158 weapon charges; and tens of thousands of drug and obstruction charges

These statistics reveal the very real danger created by sanctuary policies. In nine self-declared sanctuary states and numerous sanctuary cities and counties, officials refuse to hand over criminals who are known to be in this country illegally after they have served their state or local sentences.

This refusal to cooperate with federal immigration officials suggests that state and local officials supporting the sanctuary movement believe it’s better to let these criminals return to their communities rather than being removed from this country.

Not all of their constituents would agree.

The Texas report is careful to note that it is not claiming “foreign nationals” commit “more crimes than other groups.” Whether that is true or not—and it is certainly true when it comes to federal crimes—is irrelevant.

What is highly relevant to the current debate about immigration policy is that the Texas report “identifies thousands of crimes that should not have occurred and thousands of victims that should not have been victimized because the perpetrators should not be here.”

We know that in Texas and around the country some individuals would be alive today—and their families would not be mourning their loss—if we had a secure border and an effective interior enforcement system.

Instead of trying to obstruct enforcement of our immigration laws, state and local officials should do everything they can to help the feds reduce the very real—and all too often fatal—dangers posed by criminal illegal immigrants.

One of the worst recent examples of a state official who refuses to help federal immigration authorities carry out their duties is North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper.

The Democratic governor recently vetoed a bill that would require local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Cooper did so just days after Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents captured an illegal immigrant charged with first-degree rape and indecent liberties against a child.

The man arrested in that crime was on the loose because he had been released from custody by county officials, despite the existence of a federal detainer warrant for him.

Politicians who declare their jurisdictions to be sanctuaries for illegal immigrants who commit crimes are needlessly endangering their law-abiding citizens. That is shameful.

Originally published in Fox News


Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues—including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform—as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative. Read his research. Twitter: .


D.I.C. (Democrat Inspired Criminals): 6 suspects in brutal stabbing of Maryland man are MS-13 members in US illegally, ICE says – Fox News

Criminologists Mislead Us

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Democrats go full Marxist: Officially embrace the “religiously unaffiliated”

Democrats are now officially the party of the nonbelievers. Merriam-Webster defines a nonbeliever as “especially an atheist.”

How did this happen?

Karl Marx wrote in Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right:

Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.

Democrats Come Full Circle on Going Godless

Remember that during the 2012 Democratic National Convention delegates opposed adding language on God and Israel’s capital to their platform. Watch this Fox News report:

On January 30, 2019 The Epoch Times  reported that a key House of Representatives committee has voted to remove the phrase “so help you God” in an oath used in its proceedings. Watch:

In a press release the Secular Coalition for America notes:

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) this past Saturday embraced American nonbelievers for the first time, adopting a resolution that recognizes their contributions to society and to the Democratic Party.

This move by the DNC, which was unanimous absent one abstention, demonstrates that they are living up to the big-tent inclusive values they regularly espouse, though it also shows they recognize the value of courting the largest, fastest growing religious demographic in the nation.  It was first passed in the DNC’s Resolutions Committee on Thursday [August 26, 2019]. [Emphasis added]

DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE: Resolution Regarding the Religiously Unaffiliated Demographic states:

WHEREAS, nonreligious Americans made up 17% of the electorate in 2018 and have the potential to deliver millions more votes for Democrats in 2020 with targeted outreach to further increase turnout of nonreligious voters; and

WHEREAS, a record number of openly nonreligious candidates are running for public office;


1. The value, ethical soundness, and importance of the religiously unaffiliated demographic, a group of Americans who contribute in innumerable ways to the arts, sciences, medicine, business, law, the military, their communities, the success
of the Party and prosperity of the Nation; and

2. That religiously unaffiliated Americans are a group that, as much as any other, advocates for rational public policy based on sound science and universal humanistic values and should be represented, included, and heard by the Party.


The Democratic Party is no longer the party of Thomas Jefferson. It is now the party of Karl Marx.

Thomas Jefferson the founder of the Democratic Party wrote:

“Under the law of nature [God], all men are born free, every one comes into the world with a right to his own person, which includes the liberty of moving and using it at his own will. This is what is called personal liberty, and is given him by the author of nature [God], because necessary for his own sustenance.”

The Democratic Party may have just signed its own death warrant.

According to Pew Research Center’s data on Religion & Public Life the five largest religious groups that are Democrat/lean Democrat are:

  1. Historically Black Protestant – 80%
  2. Buddhist – 69%
  3. Jewish  – 64%
  4. Muslim – 62%
  5. Hindu – 61%

Affiliated (religious “nones”) are 54%.

The denial of God, in order to garner votes and create a Socialist/Marxist state, is now the official policy of the Democratic National Committee. What is most interesting is that Muslims (62% of Democrat/lean Democrat) can never accept religious “nones.”

You can’t make this stuff up. We have truly entered the Democratic theatre of the absurd.

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Democrats say ‘nones’ are largest religious group, warn against religious liberty claims

DNC Resolution Celebrates Religiously Unaffiliated

Today’s Democratic Socialism Versus the Age-Old Version: A Comparison – Law & Liberty

Trump Pushes Back Against Anti-Christian Bullies and Bigots

Ted Cruz Launches a Tweetstorm on Alyssa Milano Over Guns, Bible 

Democrats Put Their Faith in the Faithless

How the Sexual Revolution Gave Us Identity Politics

The Left Can’t Stop Lying About the Tea Party

Second Holocaust or road to oblivion?

American Jews should acknowledge that they are mired in an existential crisis that is largely self-inflicted.

When Israeli Minister of Education Rabbi Rafi Peretz recently likened intermarriage in the US to a second Holocaust, he was roundly criticized by liberal Jews, including the ADL and representatives of the Conservative movement.  Some claimed his remark was contemptible or somehow constituted “Holocaust denial.” But despite the outrage and continuing controversy over his stark analogy, liberal and non-Orthodox organizations may really have been angered by the implicit indictment of their apparent inability to ensure Jewish continuity among their followers.  Their indignation was incongruous, moreover, considering how often progressives misapply Holocaust imagery to the US southern border crisis or falsely compare the Trump administration to Nazi Germany.

Instead of condemning Rabbi Peretz, American Jews should perhaps acknowledge that they are mired in an existential crisis that is largely self-inflicted.  Though assimilation and intermarriage are certainly not genocide, they could if unabated decimate Jewish culture just as surely. And no matter how strenuously Jewish liberals might disagree, they cannot alter the fact that the progressive philosophy they cherish so dearly has been enabling assimilation since the days of Voltaire – a confirmed anti-Semite – and subverting Jewish tradition and national aspirations to the present day.

Anger at the messenger should not negate the seriousness of his warning, which merely echoes the findings of the Pew Research Center survey showing a US intermarriage rate of 58% overall and 71% among the non-Orthodox.  The collective rate is significant in unaffiliated, Reform, and Conservative demographics, suggesting to many a correlation with lower or alternative standards of observance and education.

The real picture might even be worse given Pew’s finding that “intermarriage is much more common among Jewish respondents who are themselves the children of intermarriage” and that “among married Jews who report that only one of their parents was Jewish, fully 83% are married to a non-Jewish spouse.”  Specifically, because those who identify by patrilineal descent are not Jewish according to Halakha (Jewish law), their marriages to Halakhic Jews would also constitute intermarriage.  The situation has probably not improved since these data were first published in 2013, as Jewish literacy remains comparatively low in secular and nontraditional populations.

The likelihood of intermarriage clearly increases as observance and educational standards decline.  For Reform Jews, this may stem from their movement’s early rejection of the mitzvot (commandments) as binding, its ambivalence regarding the divinity of Torah, and the conflation of Judaism with progressive ideals.  Such themes distinguished the Pittsburgh Platform of 1885, which contained among others the following statements of principle:

“We recognize in the Bible the record of the consecration of the Jewish people to its mission as the priest of the one God…[and consider] the Bible [as] reflecting the primitive ideas of its own age, and at times clothing its conception of divine Providence and Justice dealing with men in miraculous narratives…

“We hold that all such Mosaic and rabbinical laws as regulate diet, priestly purity, and dress…fail to impress the modern Jew with a spirit of priestly holiness; their observance in our days is apt rather to obstruct than to further modern spiritual elevation…

“We recognize in Judaism a progressive religion, ever striving to be in accord with the postulates of reason…”

Though the movement tempered its initial radicalism somewhat over the years, its discomfort regarding traditional observance and Judeocentrism continued to mold Reform thought and practice – and influence assimilation.  Indeed, many in the Reform rabbinate acknowledged and attempted to address the problem twenty years ago by advocating greater observance; however, their recommendations were ineffective because they viewed the commandments as advisory rather than mandatory.  And while Reform clergy have continued to bemoan intermarriage within their congregations, they have little authority to discourage it now that 84% of them officiate at such unions, as reported by the JTA last year.

The Reform movement’s inability to assure Jewish continuity was perhaps inevitable given its heterodox educational standards, enforced primarily through part-time Hebrew schools and youth programs that teach little in the way of substantive Jewish language or traditional law and ritual.  Indeed, curricula often emphasize progressive political values (which frequently regard ethnocentric loyalty and attachment to homeland as antiquated or intolerant), but fail to impart traditional basics or the linguistic skills necessary for understanding sacred text.

The Conservative movement has not fared much better, particularly as it has become more identified with progressive political causes since the 1960s.  Whatever its standards of practice may have been fifty years ago, most congregants today are nonobservant and lead ritual lives indistinguishable from their Reform contemporaries.  The majority do not keep kosher, observe Shabbat or speak Hebrew, and many identify as “social justice warriors” first and foremost. Moreover, congregational leaders are often neither observant nor well-versed in traditional rabbinics.  Conservative day schools are no match for traditional yeshivas, and twice-weekly Hebrew schools (where most education occurs) are ill-equipped to teach substantive Jewish law and text. Few students of such supplemental programs can read or understand Tanakh (Jewish Bible) in the original Hebrew.

The non-Orthodox movements tend to equate political activism with ritual observance and sanctify progressivism as innately Jewish despite its frequent conflict with normative tradition.  And many of their members praise unbalanced criticism of Israel while portraying Jewish nationalism as chauvinistic. Though Reform and Conservative stalwarts would disagree, the institutional embrace of liberal politics has not advanced Jewish thought or practice, but rather has alienated many followers from their roots.

Paradoxically, nontraditional Jews often seek acknowledgment of their movements’ legitimacy from Orthodox institutions, though it seems that genuine confidence in their rectitude would preclude their need for approval from a religious establishment whose standards they reject.  And while they demand recognition from the Orthodox, they do not regard Torah or Halakha with the same degree of reverence, but instead discount subject matter that offends their political sensibilities.

Their disregard for Torah content inconsistent with their partisan worldview is illustrative.  They are troubled by Parshat Zachor (Devarim, 25:19), for example, wherein Israel was commanded to obliterate the Amalekites for their surprise attack in Rephidim after the Exodus, because it defies the concept of progressive universalism.  Likewise, they minimize the significance of Parshat Acherei-Mot (Vayikra, 16:1–18:30), which prohibits certain sexual relationships, because it undermines their sanctification of such relationships today. However, they cannot selectively disclaim portions of Torah while claiming to affirm its eternal values or divinity.

The nontraditional movements seem to have traded normative Torah beliefs for political and temporal priorities that are extraneous to Judaism.  And they are abetted by secular communal organizations that emphasize political virtues over Torah values and by Democrats who attack conservatives while defending anti-Semites within their party.  However, those who promote progressivism as the sine qua nons of Jewish existence are often not familiar with classical Torah principles; for if they were, they would have to acknowledge that much of their partisan agenda contravenes traditional Judaism and enables assimilation.

Nevertheless, the tendency to intermarry does not necessarily signify self-rejection, but is often a passive outcome for people with weak Judaic backgrounds who never internalized the value of cultural self-preservation.  They may not consider intermarriage a goal, but neither do they view it as unacceptable or undesirable.

Distinct from such passive assimilationists are those who willfully renounce their heritage in favor of non-Jewish belief systems.  This demographic includes people raised with little connection to traditional practice or spirituality, who seek to fill the void with supernal substance of any kind.  Some are drawn to so-called “messianic Judaism,” which is nothing more than evangelical Christianity falsely portrayed as “Jewish” despite its fundamental incompatibility with Torah law and belief.  Others succumb to the blandishments of missionaries who target poorly-educated Jews for conversion.

Those who embrace other religions generally have limited Jewish education and possess neither the knowledge nor skills to withstand spiritual predation.  They typically do not understand Hebrew, are unfamiliar with Tanakh, and thus are incapable of countering evangelists who misrepresent, misquote, and mistranslate the Jewish Bible.  In particular, they are unable to compare original Hebrew text to supposed “fulfillment citations” frequently cited by Christian missionaries to see that none comport with what Hebrew Scripture actually says.  They are also unaware that theological concepts like trinitarianism and vicarious atonement are irreconcilable with Torah law.

Similar naivete characterizes secular progressives who claim that Jewish tradition validates leftist social policy, but who are unable to articulate why because they cannot read or understand Hebrew Scripture or Rabbinic literature.

The American Jewish community is clearly in crisis and Rabbi Peretz was correct about the danger, regardless of his choice of metaphor.  The risk of spiritual and cultural decline – whether through intermarriage or the adoption of heretical beliefs – is very real. Thus, rather than attacking him, US Jewish leaders should be heeding his admonition and reorganizing their educational and ritual priorities to prevent exile from turning into oblivion.

RELATED VIDEO: Bill Whittle on President Trump’s statement about Jewish people and the Democrat party.

EDITORS NOTE: This Israel National News column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

More on the Democratic Socialists of America [Videos]

Posted by Eeyore

Earlier this month, we posted a video which should be shaking foundations in Washington and across America about the real nature of the DSA. A Marxist-Leninist group which intends a total take over of America, and in true Marxist fashion, not just in the political sphere but a total and complete and probably never ending negation of Western culture in every aspect of American life, from culture to business.

Now, RAIR Foundation has released its second video on the DSA:

RAIR’s article on the contents of this video can be found at this link.

Earlier video on the DSA speaking at a gathering of European Communist organizations. (Comintern)

For anyone wishing to have an in-depth understanding of the communist groups now in ascendance in the West, at the strategic level, please consider committing time to reading this report, even if it is just a few pages a day.

But if you want a basic hint on some of the chief machinery being used by communist groups to enforce the replacement of law and order with a Hegelian-Marxist narrative, you can watch this short speech from earlier this year with the Secretary General of the United Nations:

Direct link.

Of Workers and Wealth

Pope Leo XIII: Whether we have wealth or lack it makes no difference. What matters is to justly use what we have, especially if we are rich.

The great mistake made in regard to the matter now under consideration is to take up with the notion that class is naturally hostile to class, and that the wealthy and the working men are intended by nature to live in mutual conflict. So irrational and so false is this view that the direct contrary is the truth.

Just as the symmetry of the human frame is the result of the suitable arrangement of the different parts of the body, so in a State is it ordained by nature that these two classes should dwell in harmony and agreement, so as to maintain the balance of the body politic. Each needs the other: capital cannot do without labor, nor labor without capital. Mutual agreement results in the beauty of good order, while perpetual conflict necessarily produces confusion and savage barbarity.

Now, in preventing such strife as this, and in uprooting it, the efficacy of Christian institutions is marvellous and manifold. First of all, there is no intermediary more powerful than religion (whereof the Church is the interpreter and guardian) in drawing the rich and the working class together, by reminding each of its duties to the other, and especially of the obligations of justice.

Of these duties, the following bind the proletarian and the worker: fully and faithfully to perform the work which has been freely and equitably agreed upon; never to injure the property, nor to outrage the person, of an employer; never to resort to violence in defending their own cause, nor to engage in riot or disorder; and to have nothing to do with men of evil principles, who work upon the people with artful promises of great results, and excite foolish hopes which usually end in useless regrets and grievous loss.

The following duties bind the wealthy owner and the employer: not to look upon their work people as their bondsmen, but to respect in every man his dignity as a person ennobled by Christian character. They are reminded that, according to natural reason and Christian philosophy, working for gain is creditable, not shameful, to a man, since it enables him to earn an honorable livelihood; but to misuse men as though they were things in the pursuit of gain, or to value them solely for their physical powers – that is truly shameful and inhuman.

Again justice demands that, in dealing with the working man, religion and the good of his soul must be kept in mind. Hence, the employer is bound to see that the worker has time for his religious duties; that he be not exposed to corrupting influences and dangerous occasions; and that he be not led away to neglect his home and family, or to squander his earnings.

Furthermore, the employer must never tax his work people beyond their strength, or employ them in work unsuited to their sex and age. His great and principal duty is to give every one what is just. Doubtless, before deciding whether wages are fair, many things have to be considered; but wealthy owners and all masters of labor should be mindful of this – that to exercise pressure upon the indigent and the destitute for the sake of gain, and to gather one’s profit out of the need of another, is condemned by all laws, human and divine.

To defraud any one of wages that are his due is a great crime which cries to the avenging anger of Heaven. “Behold, the hire of the laborers. . .which by fraud has been kept back by you, crieth; and the cry of them hath entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.”

Lastly, the rich must religiously refrain from cutting down the workmen’s earnings, whether by force, by fraud, or by usurious dealing; and with all the greater reason because the laboring man is, as a rule, weak and unprotected, and because his slender means should in proportion to their scantiness be accounted sacred. Were these precepts carefully obeyed and followed out, would they not be sufficient of themselves to keep under all strife and all its causes?

But the Church, with Jesus Christ as her Master and Guide, aims higher still. She lays down precepts yet more perfect, and tries to bind class to class in friendliness and good feeling. The things of earth cannot be understood or valued aright without taking into consideration the life to come, the life that will know no death.

Exclude the idea of futurity, and forthwith the very notion of what is good and right would perish; nay, the whole scheme of the universe would become a dark and unfathomable mystery.

The great truth which we learn from nature herself is also the grand Christian dogma on which religion rests as on its foundation – that, when we have given up this present life, then shall we really begin to live. God has not created us for the perishable and transitory things of earth, but for things heavenly and everlasting; He has given us this world as a place of exile, and not as our abiding place.

As for riches and the other things which men call good and desirable, whether we have them in abundance, or are lacking in them-so far as eternal happiness is concerned – it makes no difference; the only important thing is to use them aright. . . .

Therefore, those whom fortune favors are warned that riches do not bring freedom from sorrow and are of no avail for eternal happiness, but rather are obstacles; that the rich should tremble at the threatenings of Jesus Christ – threatenings so unwonted in the mouth of our Lord – and that a most strict account must be given to the Supreme Judge for all we possess.

– from Rerum Novarum (1891)

The NFL is flailing as its racial strife strategy backfires

The NFL just can’t seem to get out of its own way. After years of inaction on racial strife caused by the Colin Kaepernick-led protests, it delayed a rule requiring players to stand for the National Anthem while sending $90 million to organizations with left-wing social agendas. It let players claim America is a racist nation without consequences, but muzzled Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones because he wanted players to stand for the Anthem.

We at 2ndVote thought the NFL might have gotten its act together after the racial strife protests dribbled to almost nothing in the 2018-2019 season. We were wrong. Instead, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and rapper Jay-Z buddied it up at a press conference earlier this month. They announced a social justice partnership which will give credence to Kaepernick’s racial strife and have Jay-Z perform at the Super Bowl Halftime Show.

Talk about a nice two-fer – Jay-Z gets to justify race-baiting while getting on the most-watched stage in the country. He’s clearly a savvy businessman. Meanwhile, the average NFL fan gets to be lectured yet again that America is allegedly a racist nation where police routinely target black men for death.

Jay-Z clearly got the long straw while fans got the shaft. But the NFL hasn’t exactly gotten itself out of the race hole it has dug. It is under attack from both sides of the political spectrum. First, it was Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren. Then it was Carolina Panthers safety Eric Reid – a Kaepernick supporterformer ESPN host and race-baiter Jemele Hill, and NBC’s Monte Pool who blasted the NFL from the left. Reid, Hill, and Pool say the NFL isn’t doing enough to stand up for Kaepernick and the racial strife he supports.

The NFL could have avoided all of this had it just stuck to business – putting great games in front of millions of fans. As it is, the league will continue to alienate much of its fan base, many of its corporate sponsors, and some players. 2ndVote Americans should let the league know that you want them to stick to football – or you’ll stick it to the NFL.

Contact Roger Goodell by clicking here.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2nd Vote column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: How to destroy women’s sports

In his book, “Make Anger Your Ally” , clinical psychologist Neil Clark Warren says that the initial anger response is a physiological reaction that involves a shot of adrenalin and a heightened state of awareness. He underscores with, “You are never more alert than when you are angry”.

Warren goes on to explain that this physiological reaction occurs, almost instantly, when we are faced with fear and/or pain (physical or emotional) and/or frustration.

All that said, I have a question for you:

How do you prevent ANY one from trying to do ANY thing?

Answer: Just set it up so they know they cannot succeed, no matter what. Simply show them it is a no-win situation.

The young lady in this video was bumped from her regional championship by 2 transgendered “women” taking the two top spots and she is risking her athletic career and her social safety by doing only so much as speaking out against the disparity.

These young women are so concerned about the backlash that the others who spoke were nameless, not on camera AND their voices were altered so that they would be unrecognizable but they all speak of anger and frustration.

As this young and accomplished athlete says, as regards biological men competing in women’s sports, “… no matter what, your best is never going to be enough.” [to compete with an equivalently aged/trained/healthy/motivated biological man]

After all, when winning is no longer even on the table, why bother to even try? Why would ANY one, knowingly and willingly, put themselves or, more importantly, their daughter, into a position of fear, pain or frustration?

If you want to find out how most people handle that “shot of adrenalin and a heightened state of awareness”, that these young women face daily, you’ll have to read Dr. Warren’s book. I can tell you this much. For most of us, it’s not pretty.

You want talk about a “social construct” and gender???… Forcing biological women to physically compete against biological men is one totally and ridiculously foolish, to the point of insanity, actual social construct and doing so will destroy women’s sports, from the ground up.

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How the Sexual Revolution Gave Us Identity Politics

There Is No ‘Gay Gene,’ Comprehensive Scientific Study Finds

Saving Sex for Marriage is Good for Marriage

A few weeks ago, there was a professing Christian lady on the television reality program, “Bachelorette,” who has been fooling around.

One headline, for example, stated: “Christian ‘Bachelorette’ Star Hannah Brown Eliminates Man She Had Sex With Four Times On The Show.” When I see that, I think “Ouch.”

The Bible says we should save our sexuality for marriage—of course, heterosexual marriage.

Writing recently for, John Fleenor quotes the “Bachelorette” contestant, who said, “Guess what? Sex might be a sin out of marriage, [but] pride is a sin, too, and I feel like this is like a pride thing.” She was reacting to someone who wanted to save intimacy for marriage.

She added, “I have had sex, and, honestly, Jesus still loves me.” The Lord’s love for us is not up for debate. He loves us so much He went to the cross on behalf of sinners and took upon Himself our guilt and shame to bring salvation to those who believe. But those who place their faith in Him are to live lives of holiness. We’re not perfect, but we strive to please Him in how we live.

God’s rules are not optional and a way to go from better to best. Those who persist in sexual immorality (and a plethora of other sins, described in 1 Corinthians 6 and Ephesians 5) “will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” But the good news is we can be forgiven and be set free from these things.

If someone is sexually promiscuous before marriage, what is to keep them from being promiscuous after marriage? Studies have shown that couples who live together before they get married are not so much preparing for marriage as they are preparing for divorce.

For example, the reports: “In the United States and in the UK, couples who live together are at a greater risk for divorce than non-cohabiting couples.”

Stable marriages are a part of God’s plan. Divorce and remarriage are not His best. Divorce is often the wellspring of much misery. His rules don’t come about because He’s trying to withhold good things from us.

How pleasing it is to be happily married—year after year, growing old with your best friend. Enjoying children and later grandchildren. In this culture, we struggle with loneliness big time. But the Bible says, God has put the lonely in families.

I belong to a men’s Bible study where most of us are now in our 60s. A couple of months ago, it was noted that we collectively represented “centuries of marriage.” For example, by the grace of God, I have been married to my wife for 39 years. The Bible study leader has been married even longer.

In the culture at large, this kind of record stands out. Even in the church, it is not always the norm these days. But stable marriages have led to a lot of happiness for us.

The Bible is very practical on the matter of purity: “Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers. May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.”

But our television programs, movies, songs—the whole culture—promotes sexual anarchy and promiscuity.

There’s a great need for purity in our time. Purity is not the same thing as innocence. Sexual sin can leave us feeling as unclean as lepers. Understanding the difference between innocence and purity can give us courage to live God’s way, no matter what we have done in the past.

Billy Graham once said, “you can’t unscramble scrambled eggs.” That is to say, you can’t undo the sin in your life prior to the time you came to Christ. Or even if we’ve blown it as a Christian, we can’t undo our unholiness of the past. We cannot become innocent again. But we can, with God’s help, work toward being holy in the present and future, which is purity.

Ironically, casting off God’s rules leads to less sexual and relational happiness. A massive study on intimacy in America was conducted many years ago under the auspices of the University of Chicago, and it even made the cover of TIME magazine. It was written up in the book, Sex in America.

The researchers discovered that women with no religious affiliation reported far less satisfaction than “conservative Protestant women”—cutting against the typical media portrayal of religious women as repressed and uptight.

In short, committed Christians, following God’s rules, generally have the best sex lives. That’s a message I wish young (and old) promiscuous “believers” would grasp. Amazingly, holiness and happiness are corollaries.

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The College Decision Needs Stronger Price Signals

Money cost saving for goal and success in school, education concept : US dollar bills / cash in burlap bags, a black graduation cap or hat, a certificate / diploma and a book on basic balance scale.

Last week, I compared the risk of a college football bet against the odds of an “investment” in a college degree paying off. Multiplying the following data points together yields just a 35 percent chance a student will both graduate and find a job that justifies the investment:

  1. A March 2019 NPR report showing only 58 percent of new students in 2012 had earned a degree six years later.
  2. An August 9 Wall Street Journal story revealing 40 percent of recent college graduates were working “jobs that typically don’t require a degree.”

After reading this, Congressman Paul Mitchell (R—Michigan) called to tell me of a bi-partisan idea that—if implemented—might put a serious dent in this national problem.

Obviously, some students in some programs win their bet on the college investment. But choosing between different colleges and different academic disciplines is currently too much like a wager and not enough like an investment, because we don’t know precisely where the college degree bet is failing.

That’s a costly failure, as Americans currently spend $559 billion per year on higher education. If spending in the higher education sector were a country it would be one of the world’s 25 largest economies. As I wrote last week, this can give colleges and their staffs influence in excess of their value to our culture:

Where all that money goes should already be a cause for concern. According to the American Association of University Professors, the average, full-time faculty member enjoys a six-figure-salary. Don’t forget that these professors also enjoy tenure and are all but secure in their positions for life.

Spending that $559 billion more wisely is the idea behind the “College Transparency Act” (HR 1766). Introduced by Mitchell, plus fellow U.S. Reps. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), and Josh Harder (D-CA), it has 49 co-sponsors. Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana introduced the U.S. Senate companion (S 800) which was cosigned by a large bi-partisan team that includes left-leaning Democrats such as Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

The College Transparency Act requires the U.S. Department of Education to share individual student data collected from colleges with the U.S. Department of Treasury, which already has all the income and career data for all of us filing a tax return. This will allow Treasury to merge the data, compile aggregate statistics regarding graduation rates and income for every school and every major, and return the aggregated data to the Department of Education. (Importantly, of course, Treasury will retain all individual and personal data regarding tax returns, so this would not be an additional privacy violation in excess of what the IRS already gets away with.)

With Treasury’s help, the National Center for Education Statistics (an agency within the Department of Education) would be able to report accurate statistics regarding the graduation rates and salary outcomes specific to every major at every college in the nation. Prospective students would be able compare the exact historical return on investment between similar programs at different schools (i.e.: “Which history programs offer me the highest graduation rates and best average salaries?”) and different programs within the same school (“Wow, I love the journalism program here at Central Nowhere University, but it looks like I’ll eat better if I switch to nursing”).

The proposal is supported by organizations such as the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities and the American Association of Community Colleges. Like their prospective students, schools apparently don’t want to be in the dark regarding both their failures/redundancies and their successes.

Collecting the data for all individual student outcomes is a potentially revolutionary change. At present, colleges must try to collect the info themselves through such methods as alumni surveys. In addition to being costly and difficult for the schools to do, this method is open to severe selection bias and other statistical flaws. The journalism graduate who became an anchor for CNN is much more likely to keep in touch with the school and report her earnings and job title than a fellow classmate who never got a media job and is now selling sodas at 7-11. The result is a false perception of success for a new student trying to weigh her options.

Mitchell wrote in an April 2019 Detroit News commentary: “College classes should be challenging, determining the best college options should not be.”

What he’s talking about is a price signal, an essential component of every functioning market. But government has grossly distorted that signal for higher education by flooding the market with subsidized student loans and grants. This problem has been compounded by misleading data regarding college outcomes. The result is a severely malfunctioning price signal telling us all college is inherently and generally valuable while obscuring the truth that some degrees for certain students are valuable, even though others are not. The College Transparency Act—though far from a total solution—will at least empower millions of students to help solve the problem and personally dodge the worst of it.


Ken Braun

Ken Braun is CRC’s senior investigative researcher and authors profiles for and the Capital Research magazine. He previously worked for several free market policy organizations, spent six…+ MORE BY KEN BRAUN

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