Changing Hearts and Minds


Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

On October 30, 2008, in Columbia, Missouri, candidate Barack Hussein Obama declared to an unsuspecting public, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” It was the promise of a radical leftist to change the culture of America and move the nation from constitutional republic to socialism. John Dewey’s destruction of American minds through progressive education had a partner in Obama and the Culture War president Obama unleashed on America.

To move our constitutional republic to socialism and beyond, globalism’s leftist progressive movement adopted the binary victim/oppressor social structure of cultural Marxism. Classical Marxism identifies the oppressors as the bourgeoisie (owners of production) who exploit the proletariat (workers). The metric of classical Marxism is economics. Cultural Marxism re-labels the participants and defines culture, not economics, as the metric of exploitation. It is one species of the genus Marxism as described by James Lindsay in Chapter 11. In cultural Marxism, white males are the identified oppressors and everyone else is their victim.

Both classical and cultural Marxism seek to replace the existing order with collectivism, each selling its own idealized form of a secular heaven on Earth. Today’s social justice warriors who sign onto this leftist lunacy are ignorant of history, arrogant, and too childish to examine the objective reality of the offer. Leftist ideologues actually believe the fantasy of a Marxist Utopia, and don’t realize that the paradise they advocate is the powerless state of infantile dependence, the opposite of individual freedom. When infantile dependence is advanced into adulthood, it awards the state total control.

Cultural Marxism dominates today’s far left Democrat Party. Author and political analyst David Horowitz provides important historical context to the radicalization of the Democrat Party in America on his website Discover the Networks: Democratic Socialists of America (DSA):[i]

At the height of the Cold War and the Vietnam War era, the Socialist Party USA of Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas split in two over the issue of whether or not to criticize the Soviet Union, its allies, and Communism: One faction rejected and denounced the USSR and its allies…. The other faction, however, refused to reject Marxism, refused to criticize or denounce the USSR and its allies, and continued to support Soviet-backed policies…. This faction, whose leading figure was Michael Harrington, in 1973 took the name Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC); its membership included many former Students for a Democratic Society activists.

DSOC operated not as a separate political party but as an explicitly socialist force within the Democratic Party and the labor movement. As such, it attracted many young activists who sought to push the Democratic Party further leftward politically. Among the notables who joined DSOC were Machinists’ Union leader William Winpisinger, feminist Gloria Steinem, gay rights activist Harry Britt, actor Ed Asner, and California Congressman (and avowed socialist) Ron Dellums.

By 1979 DSOC had made major inroads into the Democratic Party and claimed a national membership of some 3,000 people. In 1982, DSOC, under Michael Harrington’s leadership, merged with the New American Movement to form the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

Harrington’s strategy was to force a “realignment” of the two major political parties by pulling the Democrats emphatically to the left and polarizing the parties along class lines. He expected that this would drive business interests away from the Democrats and into the Republican Party, but that those losses would be more than offset by an influx of newly energized minority and union voters to the Democratic Party, and that over time the Democrats would embrace socialism as their preferred ideology….

Harrington sought to establish DSA as a force that worked within, and not outside of, the existing American political system. DSA draws heavily from the ideas of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci. As the Orange County (California) DSA stated in its February 1984 newsletter, Gramsci’s writings “have…formed a vital part of the ideas that brought about the formation of today’s DSA.” …

In 2008, most DSA members actively supported Barack Obama for U.S. President. Said the organization: “DSA believes that the possible election of Senator Obama to the presidency in November represents a potential opening for social and labor movements to generate the critical political momentum necessary to implement a progressive political agenda.” …

In 2018, 28-year-old DSA member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rose to prominence when, with no prior political experience, she was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Another newcomer to Congress in 2018 was DSA member Rashida Tlaib. That same year, DSA member Julia Salazar won a seat in the New York State Senate.

Using the term Democratic socialism is a deceptive marketing technique designed to put lipstick on an abhorrent political pig, disguising collectivism’s tyrannical core. It advocates a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by purportedly “democratic” means, and is presented with mystical reverence as deliverance of social justice and income equality. Duped millennials argue that old attempts at socialism were not the “real” socialism—democratic socialism is, and this time, they argue, it will succeed.

Barack Obama sold Democratic socialism to America by calling it hope and change. Today’s radical leftist Democrats, still led by Obama, are the “resistance” movement destabilizing the foundations of America.

The Biden regime’s domestic policies are a continuation and escalation of Obama’s destructive socialist policies shattering the established Judeo-Christian values of American culture. Faith, family, flag, meritocracy, and traditional definitions of race, gender, and sexual identity—all are now deemed oppressive. Traditional American norms are being dismantled and replaced with romanticized notions of a globalized world without territorial borders, cultural borders, sexual borders, or any other defined boundary. The nation is being fundamentally transformed, just as Obama promised, and the indoctrination is happening in schools across the country. As I stated earlier, America’s children are globalism’s primary target; everyone else is just in the way.

Freedom in a constitutional republic requires a common denominator for its citizens. Being American is that common denominator. Membership in the American family is not hyphenated. There are no black-Americans, white-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, or Asian-Americans. There are only Americans who are white, black, Hispanic, and Asian.

The same racism that was used against blacks in America is now being used against whites in America. It is being used to turn young children against each other, against their parents, and against themselves in government schools. Critical race theory, discussed in Chapter 12, is the leftists’ divide-and-conquer weapon of choice to create social chaos in America.

The goal of critical race theory devotees and their cancel-culture campaign is to foment race riots and a race war in the United States. This is such a shocking yet critical concept that I will repeat it: The goal of CRT devotees and their cancel-culture campaign is to foment race riots and a race war in the United States of America. How are CRT and its racist white-privilege narrative designed to foment a race war?? Socialist Saul Alinsky provides the answer in his infamous tactical primer, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals.[ii] Alinsky instructs radicals to “Rub raw the resentments of the people…all issues must be polarized if action is to follow.” (pp. 116/133, Vintage)

Race is the simplest division to exploit because it is visible. Fomenting racial hostility is a very effective strategy for dividing and conquering a nation. Rule 13 from Alinsky’s primer continues to guide the leftist Democrat War on America:

Rule 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame. (p. 130)

The relentless ad hominem attacks against former President Donald Trump were, and continue to be, targeted, personal, and polarizing. Rule 13 is the quintessential example of focusing attention on the WHO instead of the WHAT, in order to manipulate public opinion.

Truth is entirely irrelevant for Alinsky and his radical leftist followers. Alinsky writes, “The real and only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, ‘Does this particular end justify this particularmeans?'” (p. 24) According to Alinsky, “The third rule of the ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means.” (p. 29)

Changing hearts and minds is a term used in warfare to indicate an emotional and intellectual method of bringing a subjugated population to the side of the conqueror. Alinsky’s Rule 13 is a weapon of war. The ad hominem attacks on Donald Trump are attempts to change the hearts and minds of Americans—Alinsky style.

It does not matter that Trump is not and never was a racist, or that Trump’s policies were extremely beneficial to the black, Hispanic, and Asian communities in America. Trump and his entire conservative/populist movement must be portrayed as racist in order to foment race riots. Even President Trump’s support of law enforcement and ordered liberty has been perverted by the radical leftists into justification for their own racist attacks on white police officers.

The Democrat outrage over the so-called Capitol “insurrection” by Trump supporters—assisted by embedded plainclothes law enforcement—on January 6, 2021, is pure Alinsky-style political theater. An excellent article on the subject published in Frontpage Magazine, July 15, 2020, by John Perazzo, was titled “Why BLM Yawns at Police-Shooting Statistics.”[iii] Perazzo quotes Alinsky as tutoring his followers to “present themselves as the noble defenders of high moral principles and to react dramatically with greatly exaggerated displays of ‘shock, horror, and moral outrage’ whenever their targeted enemy erred or could be depicted as having erred.”

Congressional Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is the queen of Democrat hypocrisy and Alinsky-style outrage. Her insistence upon an extended military presence in Washington, DC, after January 6, 2021, was designed to validate her own fabricated fearmongering narrative, and to “protect” politicians from white Trump supporters. On March 4, 2021, Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) said on MSNBC, “We must do everything we can to protect ourselves.” Our southern border, under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, is open and unguarded. The racist messaging is that open borders to unvetted migrants of color from hostile foreign countries are less of a threat to the nation than white Trump supporters.

Consider the sequence:

Identify Trump as the target ® attack him as a white supremacist ® continue the attacks on Trump even after he is out of office ® spread the attacks to his supporters ® support reverse racism ® target white police officers ® support violent black supremacist/Marxist movement (BLM) ® involve corporate America in the attacks and the support for BLM ® indoctrinate adults to support reverse racism with the mainstream media echo chamber of CRT ® support defunding the police ® indoctrinate children in CRT with educational curricula that support reverse racism ® foment CRT with governmental policies that create intolerable cognitive dissonance until the fury breaks out into the streets ®incite violence ® blame the violence on white supremacists ® quell the Democrat CRT-incited violence with government violence (military or National Guard) ® present Democrats as saving the country from Trump’s white supremacists.

The sinister political purpose of fomenting race wars in America is the elimination of our constitutional republic and the eventual imposition of one-world government. This colossal humanitarian hoax is being sold to a regressed and frightened American public as deliverance. It is the billionaire globalists who finance the politicians, who fund the radical leftist Democrats, who support CRT, who foment the racial divisiveness and the coming race wars. Follow the money. Always follow the money.

©2024. All rights reserved.

Please visit Linda’s Pundicity page: and her website:

[i]  Discover the Networks: Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

[ii]  Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, Saul D. Alinsky, Vintage Books Edition 1989;

[iii]  Why BLM Yawns at Police-Shooting Statistics

Affirmative Action = Limited Learning for Life Long Labor

The more I study the results of Affirmative Action and its affect on America the more I know sadly I am right. Affirmative Action, giving each child a participation trophy, lowering standards has created a population of individuals who are totally unprepared for life and probably could not function on their own without an electronic device. Noting is more evident that listening to some of the comments about the solar eclipse. Not learning science in school is a horrid thing to do to a child because when that child becomes an adult their lack of knowledge is immense but worse, they could wind up making decisions in the government.  That is a frightening thought but it is happening right now. What do they think?

US Reprehensive Hank Johnson, (D) (2010)  thinks that if Guam is overpopulated, the island will tip over. He is on the House Armed Services committee.

Climate Change Or Tectonic Shifts? NJ Senate Candidate’s Earthquake Theory Sparks Debate And Ridicule because she choose climate change, . Christina Amira Khalil, a Senate candidate representing the Green Party in New Jersey

“The View” co-host Sunny Hostin blamed Monday’s solar eclipse, Friday’s earthquake and the expected cicada breeding season on “climate change.”

US Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D) told students at Booker T. Washington High School in Houston that the Moon is a “complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases.”  Lee serves on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance Committee, Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement Committee, Constitution and Limited Government Committee, and the BUDGET committee.

These people and many more are influencers.  They have large followings and influence others to their way of thinking. No wonder we have so much trouble with congress and the media.

Aside from being ignorant, they are evil. Glenn Beck just did a video documentary call “Bought and Paid For” where the congressmen are exposed for insider trading. You know the trading Martha Stewart went to prison for.  If you subscribe to Glenn Beck watch this documentary. You can also catch it on YouTube

It is quite an eye opener.  We are being fleeced. Please vet your candidates. Stop voting for RINOS.

If you have not seen this, to get a thorough appreciation of the Climate hoax I strongly recommend Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth). The story of the corruption of Science

Affirmative Action, has many names, CRT, SEL, NCLB, ESG to name a few. These programs require you choose a worker based on race not ability. This way of thinking does not just affect science. These functionally illiterate people are in America’s industries as well. Take aviation for example. The incompetence is evident but it is the lack of understanding of precision that gets me. If you are not careful securing a door, attaching a wheel what do you think will happen?

Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senator (D) is afraid: Trump Will Pick Judges Who Think Congress Should Make Policy Instead of Unelected Agency Officials.  How do you answer that?

Wonder why our financial balance sheet is a disaster? According to a OMG interview of the Federal Reserve, James O’Keeffe discovered that Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has promoted ESG issues like climate change and “wants to be remembered in history” “as a savior.” (from Trump).

©2024. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

Biden Regime Demands Israel Stop Attacking Hamas Even If It Doesn’t Release the Hostages

While finding jihad terror through [anti]-humanitarian aid.

Biden Demands Israel Stop Attacking Hamas Even If It Doesn’t Release the Hostages

By Daniel Greenfield, Apr 11, 2024:

A total betrayal.

The grim farce of negotiating with Islamic terrorists always plays out the same way.

The terrorists keep attacking while playing the victim, make escalating demands and once you start negotiating with them, the negotiations never produce peace and don’t even reliably ensure the release of hostages.

The Biden administration initially rejected the Islamist/Leftist demands for a ‘ceasefire’ during which Hamas would be free to attack Israel. Then came around to proposing them in exchange for the release of the hostages. And now adopting the Leftist/Islamist position is just demanding a unilateral Israeli ceasefire without the release of the hostages.

The Spanish-language television network Univision aired an hour-long, pre-recorded interview on Tuesday in which U.S. President Joe Biden criticized Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The U.S. president appeared to state a previously unarticulated public position in the interview with the channel’s Enrique Acevedo.

“So I what I’m calling for is for the Israelis to just call for a ceasefire, allow for the next six, eight weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country,” Biden said.

No mention of Hamas here, but then again it has never abided by a ceasefire anyway.

Israel is expected to stop attacking Hamas.

Hamas is not expected to either stop attacking Israel or release the hostages.

So Biden is dropping the pretense that this is about the hostages or about anything other than the supreme victimhood of the Islamic genociders of Gaza.

The Biden administration has demanded more and more concessions from Israel to Hamas. Even as Hamas keeps rejecting the U.S. proposals as not being good enough.

Much like under Kerry, where the State Department negotiated with the terrorists and then demanded that Israel meet the demands of the terrorists, the Biden admin is doing the same thing, except with Hamas.

Hamas has informed mediators that it rejects the latest U.S. proposal for a renewed hostages-for-ceasefire deal, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing sources as saying that the terrorist organization intends to put forward a roadmap for a permanent end to the war.

The U.S. offer would have seen Jerusalem release 900 terrorist prisoners, including murderers, in exchange for 40 hostages, along with a partial IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the unrestricted return of Palestinians to the northern part of the coastal enclave.

The plan proposed that Hamas would release more hostages at a later stage following the withdrawal of all Israeli troops from Gaza.

Speaking at a women’s event in Jordan late last month, Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal declared that the organization’s leadership is “waging a negotiating battle no less fierce” than the military conflict with the IDF, according to a readout of his remarks posted to Telegram by Hamas.

“Inshallah [‘God willing’], we will defeat them in the field and in the negotiating battle,” said Mashaal, adding that the group is also fighting “intense battles” in the media and on the political battlefield.

The terrorists never win the wars, but when the White House is in charge, they win all the negotiations.

Hamas has no reason not to keep turning down deals since those are its only hope of survival and victory. Thanks to Biden.



Rewarding Savagery: Biden Considers Allowing “Palestinian” Statehood

Hamas Throwing Away International and Israeli Food They Haven’t Sold

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Israeli PM Netanyahu: ‘We are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively’

In response to Iran’s launch of drones against the state of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has released the following statement:

Citizens of Israel,

In recent years, and especially in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for a direct attack by Iran.

Our defensive systems are deployed; we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. The State of Israel is strong. The IDF is strong. The public is strong.

We appreciate the US standing alongside Israel, as well as the support of Britain, France and many other countries.

We have determined a clear principle: Whoever harms us, we will harm them. We will defend ourselves against any threat and will do so level-headedly and with determination.

Citizens of Israel, I know that you also are also level-headed. I call on you to follow the directives of IDF Home Front Command.

Together we will stand and with G-d’s help — together we will overcome all of our enemies.”

Courtesy: Israel Government Press Office 



Two Countries, Four Wars

UK, US, Israeli, Jordanian, and Saudi forces now intercepting Iranian drones over Jordan

US forces intercept Iranian drones in Iraq and Syria

Jordan reportedly says it will shoot down any drones entering its airspace

Yemen Launches Missiles at Israel In Coordinated Attacks with Iran

Iran: ‘The matter can be deemed concluded’

Sirens sound in northern and southern Israel, reports of wounded in southern and northern cities

‘Palestinians’ celebrate at Temple Mount after learning of Iran’s attack on Israel

Canada: Hamas supporters drop talk of ceasefire, celebrate Iran’s attack on Israel

Rashida Tlaib repeatedly refuses to condemn Dearborn ‘Death to America’ chants


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Will U.S. Join Israeli Counterstrike On Iran?

The Commander of U.S. Central Command, General Eric Kurilla, was in Israel on Thursday, as Israeli Prime Minister put in a public appearance at Tel Nof Air Force base to give a pep talk to Israeli F-15 pilots.

Also this week, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had two lengthy video conferences with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, and the Pentagon sent the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and its carrier task force closer to Israel for its current duty station further down the Red Sea.

These are signs of serious preparations underway for a joint U.S. – Israeli strike on Iran should the Iranian regime be so stupid as to launch a direct attack on Israel.

Meanwhile, the CIA is again warning that Iran will strike Israel within 24-48 hours, just as they did a week ago Thursday. For the life of me, I can’t understand why anyone at the Agency with any sense would issue this type of time-stamped warning. It’s just an invitation to be proven wrong — as they were last week.

But then, I guess there are fewer people with any sense at the Agency these days, now that they are working on the real strategic threat to America: climate change. The folks in Langley spend more time on ensuring they get top scores on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion that they do on spying on America’s enemies.

Let me reiterate, however, why I continue to believe that Iran will not strike Israel, despite all its threats that it intends to “punish” Israel for its alleged role in bombing the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1 where war-planning meetings were underway. Even if Iran chooses, say, proxies in Iraq to launch missiles into Israel, the Israelis will see through the subterfuge and take it as a direct Iranian attack. And any direct Iranian attack on Israel green lights Israel to strike Iran.

I said that in this space last week. This week, Israeli minister without portfolio Benny Gantz said it on Israeli TV. (In case you missed it, Benny Gantz is the “moderate” Israeli politician Biden & Co. are trying to maneuver into position to replace Bibi. Take it from me: it ain’t a gonna happen).

Should Iran’s leaders provoke an Israeli counterstrike — or even worse, a joint U.S.- Israeli counterstrike — they will get hit very hard. And they will be incapable of shooting down a single U.S. and/or Israeli plane, a fact that will become immediately obvious. They will appear weak in the eyes of the Iranian people, something I believe could actually serve as a catalyst for a nation-wide uprising against the regime.

I am sure Iran’s leaders understand this. So what will they do? They will attack Iranian dissidents overseas. No price to pay for that!

Just two days before the Israeli strike in Damascus, an Iranian hit team repeatedly stabbed exiled journalist Pouria Zeraati in the back of the thighs just outside his home in London. They made sure not to kill him. Why? they wanted every Iranian dissident to know they can reach them anywhere, which is just about true.

I was invited to an “opposition” conference at the end of this month in Cadiz, Spain. I was concerned because no one could tell me who was paying for my airfare and hotel and that of the other participants. And Spain, really? The Spaniards have never caught a a terrorist that I am aware of, other than their own Basques.

In the end, I turned down the invitation and the gentleman who relayed it to me admitted he was actually relieved, because he knew the Iranians had been trying to kidnap me for over two decades. (I write about those attempts, and my efforts to help bring down the Iranian regime, in an upcoming memoire called The Iran House. I’ll have much to say about the fecklessness of several U.S. intelligence agencies, as well….)

Secretary of State Tony Blinken has asked the Chinese to use their influence with the Iranians to get them not to strike back at Israel, for fear of it escalating into a regional war.

How pathetic. Why doesn’t the U.S. do what a serious power would do and announce publicly what we will do if Iran attacks Israel – and then, do it. That’s called deterrence. It’s an art form that none in the Biden regime seems to have studied, let alone mastered.

I talk about these topics, and the pathetic huffing and puffing of Little Cooke of France about war with Russia, on this week’s Prophecy Today Weekend. As always, you can listen live at 1 PM on Saturday on 104.9 FM or 550 AM in the Jacksonville, Florida area, or listen to the podcast later.

Yours in freedom.

©2024. Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved.


Iran May Attack Israel From Inside Its Territories

Biden says he expects Iran counter-strike on Israel to take place ‘sooner rather than later’


Israel-Hamas war: Iran to attack Israel in 24-48 hours | LiveNOW from FOX

Major Iranian attack on Israel believed to be imminent

Iran deliberates military attack on Israel | Iranian counter-terrorism analyst


Must-Read Vatican Document Slams Surrogacy, Gender Theory, War and Abortion

Earlier this week the Vatican published a 16,000-word document reaffirming Catholic condemnations of a wide range of moral issues, from war to surrogacy and human trafficking. Dignitas Infinita, or “Infinite Dignity”, is both a philosophical and a theological essay, appealing to open-minded people of all faiths and none.

Seldom has there been so much media coverage about a Vatican document which contains so few surprises. It’s no secret that the Catholic Church opposes abortion and euthanasia. Perhaps both the fans and foes of Francis thought that he might open up a crack for sex changes or for surrogacy.

But almost nothing has changed. Under Francis the Church is as severe as ever on life issues. Over at the New York Times, columnist Ross Douthat opined that the Pope’s “style has been to consistently push at the boundaries of his office, testing how far a pope can go in altering Catholic teaching”. He sounded mortified to report that Dignitas Infinita was “a clearer-than-usual line against developments in progressive thought and culture”.

Controversial issues

Here are some notable highlights.

Dignitas Infinita condemns surrogacy, first as a violation of the child’s dignity and second as a violation of the surrogate mother’s. It says:

the legitimate desire to have a child cannot be transformed into a “right to a child” that fails to respect the dignity of that child as the recipient of the gift of life … in this practice, the woman is detached from the child growing in her and becomes a mere means subservient to the arbitrary gain or desire of others.

The document also rejects gender theory. In a few perceptive sentences, it criticises the transhumanist impulse to “self-determination”, describing it as “a concession to the age-old temptation to make oneself God”. Furthermore, it describes the difference between male and female as “foundational”.

In the male-female couple, this difference achieves the most marvellous of reciprocities. It thus becomes the source of that miracle that never ceases to surprise us: the arrival of new human beings in the world.

Sex-change interventions are also condemned. The document quotes the Pope: “creation is prior to us and must be received as a gift. At the same time, we are called to protect our humanity, and this means, in the first place, accepting it and respecting it as it was created.”

One possible innovation in Dignitas Infinita is its approach to war. While lamenting the cruelty and senselessness of wars, the Catholic Church has traditionally supported the possibility of a “just war”. However, with weapons of mass destruction, asymmetric warfare and terrorism, perhaps the nature of war has changed. The document quotes the Pope — “it is very difficult nowadays to invoke the rational criteria elaborated in earlier centuries to speak of the possibility of a ‘just war.’ Never again war!”

Does this mean that requirements for a just war will be updated? Possibly.

Explaining human dignity

Even though there appears to be little novelty in Dignitas Infinita, it was five years in the making. The Pope’s top theologian, fellow Argentinian Cardinal Victor Fernández, explains in an unusual preamble that the document went through several versions, because the Pope had ordered some significant changes. He wanted the list of violations of human dignity to include issues like poverty, the wretchedness of migrants, violence against women, human trafficking, and war.

This is consistent with Francis’s impatience with what he feels is some Catholics’ single-minded focus on abortion and other pro-life issues. Dignitas Infinita endorses the notion that Catholic moral teaching is a “seamless garment” and that abusing migrants and abortion are both horrendous violations of human dignity.

But what is human dignity? The first half of the document offers a very helpful and thoughtful exploration of the topic.

It begins with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights whose 75th anniversary occurred last year. After the barbarism of World War II, the UDHR was a high-minded commitment by its signatories to restore a respect for human dignity. Its opening sentence asserts “the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family”. John Paul II described the UDHR as “one of the highest expressions of the human conscience”.

However, it’s obvious that the concept of human rights has become so muddled that it is almost meaningless. Accompanied by claims to be advancing human dignity, rights have multiplied and morphed. Nowadays internet accessair conditioning and same-sex marriage are claimed as human rights, along with a right to abortion.

Although this is a very complex question, one reason for this proliferation is that people base their approach to human dignity on different foundations.

The Church’s approach is ontological; human dignity flows from the very fact of being a human being created by God. This means that all humans have dignity, not just those who possess privileges like awareness or intelligence or autonomy. Notoriously, Peter Singer (and other philosophers) say that “the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee.”

In a brief, but very insightful observation, Dignitas Infinita analyses Singer’s notion of human dignity (without naming him):

Some people propose that it is better to use the expression “personal dignity” (and the rights “of the person”) instead of “human dignity” (and the rights “of man”) since they understand a “person” to be only “one who is capable of reasoning.” They then argue that dignity and rights are deduced from the individual’s capacity for knowledge and freedom, which not all humans possess. Thus, according to them, the unborn child would not have personal dignity, nor would the older person who is dependent upon others, nor would an individual with mental disabilities. On the contrary, the Church insists that the dignity of every human person, precisely because it is intrinsic, remains “in all circumstances.”

As well, the document deploys a very important concept: that we humans are relational beings. Fundamentally, none of us are individuals. We are all bound up in a web of relations with other humans, past, present and future: “Indeed, there is an ever-growing risk of reducing human dignity to the ability to determine one’s identity and future independently of others, without regard for one’s membership in the human community.”

The document condemns “a self-referential and individualistic freedom that claims to create its own values regardless of the objective norms of the good and of our relationship with other living beings” Unless one grasps this, it may be hard to appreciate why the Church rejects surrogacy, transgenderism, euthanasia and so on.

Dignitas Infinita may contain no surprises, but its clarity and consistency are admirable. It’s a good springboard for responding to today’s ethical challenges.

Does the Catholic Church have anything valuable to say about human rights? Leave a comment in the box below.


Michael Cook is editor of Mercator.


Major UK report throws transgender medicine onto the rubbish heap

Celebrity queer philosopher Judith Butler fights to vindicate her life’s work

Enver Hoxha tried to make Albania the world’s only officially atheist state. He failed miserably


EDITORS NOTE: This Mercator column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The ‘Anachronism’ of Apostasy

Whereas the practice of slavery enslaves the body, the dogma of apostasy ensnares the mind. Whereas slavery is a shameful practice of the past, some shameless religionists still use the doctrine of apostasy to intimidate and severely punish people who elect to choose their own beliefs.

Islam is extremely possessive of its subjects. It is a religion that admits anyone into its fold by the person simply uttering a one-sentence statement of faith, shahada: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s messenger. By so saying, one becomes Muslim for life and surrenders the right of ever leaving it. Anyone who leaves the Islamic fold is murtad (revert), apostate.

The notion of apostasy is best understood within the overall Islamic dogma. Islam forms a binding covenant with the believer. Once a person is Muslim, he and his issues are considered Muslim forever. In this covenant, Islam promises to bestow its beneficence on the faithful conditional on the person’s total and unquestioned surrender to it in all matters. Some of the rewards offered by Islam to the truly obedient believer, particularly the privileged males, are of this world as well as a great deal more promised to him in the next. If a Muslim faithful does not reap the rewards of his devotion in this world, Islam assures him of his inestimably cherished and limitless compounded rewards in the next world.

Islam demands the subjugation of the individual’s will to that of Allah and permeates the thinking, actions, and speech of Muslims by prefacing commitments they make contingent on the will of God (inshallah)

This total surrender and submission to Allah’s will and decree also absolve the individual from taking full responsibility for his conduct or honoring any commitments he may make, for Allah has the unquestioned authority to consummate or contravene any action or promise made by a faithful.

Within this overall framework of complete acceptance of Islam as the perfect living charter for the believer, the rules pertaining to apostasy can be better understood. Islam considers an apostate as a person who unilaterally breaks the covenant he has made with the faith. An apostate is condemned as guilty of turning his back on Allah’s immutable, eternal religion. Anyone who is born to Muslim parents and leaves Islam is stigmatized as murtad fitri (natural apostate) in the sense that he was born genetically Muslim and had rejected his gift of birth. Anyone who converts to Islam and later leaves it is condemned as murtad milli (a person who has turned his back to the Ummah)

The severe stricture against leaving Islam is consistent with other main principle beliefs of the religion. Islam is a faith of surrender and not that of free will. A Muslim is to surrender his freedom of thoughts and actions to the will and dictates of Allah. The very principle of freedom is alien to the Islamic belief system.

With regard to apostasy, the two main branches of Islam, the Sunni and the Shiite, are in considerable agreement. The great majority of Muslim scholars of both major camps agree that the Quran stipulates death for the apostate.

Islam, by its very nature, is an all-encompassing belief system that prescribes every detail of a person’s and society’s conduct. Sharia law, a comprehensive code of Islamic jurisprudence, purportedly is based on the Quran and the Hadith (the reported enunciation of Muhammad and his conduct).

Furthermore, Islamic societies rule by the Islamic laws of Sharia. Any new societal legislation must be harmonious with those of the Sharia, which are conclusively anti-democratic. Sharia law is in explicit contradiction and violation of the foundation of democracy. Sharia law places the dictates and rules of Allah over the sovereignty of the people. It discriminates against non-Muslims to the extreme of disenfranchising them from their rights of citizenship of Baha’is, barring them from jobs, higher education, worship, etc., not only in Iran but also in Saudi Arabia and even Egypt. It is blatantly discriminatory against women, Muslim or not. Men have a greater claim to inheritance, their testimony in the court of law is worth twice that of women, and they may marry multiple women at the same time. It stipulates even different rules and privileges governing free Muslim men as opposed to slave Muslims, implicitly condoning slavery. Saudi Arabia, the flagship of Islam, was finally forced by the free world to abandon slavery, I believe, only in the late 1960s, but it has been reported that it has not been completely abandoned.

Apostasy is defined both in the Quran as well as the Sharia and its punishment is clearly stipulated.

“Those who blasphemed and back away from the ways of Allah and die as blasphemers, Allah shall not forgive them.” — Qur’an 4:48

Islamic law does not allow the freedom to choose one’s religion.

“Let there be no compulsion in the religion: Clearly the Right Path (i.e., Islam) is distinct from the crooked path.” — Qur’an 2:256

The Quran also specifically addresses the issue of murtad milli:

“But those who reject faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of faith, never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray.”  — Qur’an 3:90

The Hadith further restates the Quran’s provision regarding the apostate’s punishment.

The Sharia law stipulates that any Muslim who turns his back to Islam should be given a chance to revert to the religion. For an un-repenting male apostate, death is the punishment and life imprisonment for a female apostate.

“Kill whoever changes his religion.” — Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57

“The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims.” — Sahih al-Bukhari 9:83:17

At present, apostasy is illegal in most Islamic countries. Although execution of the apostate is not common, it takes place occasionally by frequently buttressing the “crime” with additional charges. The Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, often adds the charge of mohareb (one who wars with God) to legitimize its execution of apostates further. A case in point pertains to the treatment of the religious minority Baha’is by the Islamic Republic. A number of Baha’is have been charged as apostates and mohareb, executed and some secretly buried in unmarked graves.

The late Ayatollah Khomeini in his Tahrir al-Wassilah adjudicates how a person’s apostasy is established: “Apostasy is proven in two ways: First, the person himself confesses to his apostasy twice. Second, two and truthful men bear witness to the person’s apostasy. But women’s testimonies do not prove apostasy in any case; either they bear witness individually, in a group, or beside a man.”

The misogynistic nature of Islam is once again evident in Ayatollah Khomeini’s blanket disqualification of women’s testimony solely on the basis of gender.

“Apostasy — or the formal renunciation of religion — is already punishable in Iran with death. But now, Iran wants to make the death penalty for apostasy part of the penal code. The European Union is concerned and has asked Iran to reconsider.”

Who is an apostate according to the legislation?

Anyone in the world, not just Iranians, born to a Muslim parent; also, any convert to Islam who leaves it. Only one parent needs to be a Muslim at the time of conception for Islam to own that child for life. Islam is Ummahist. Islam doesn’t recognize nationalities and national boundaries. And these Islamist zealots are very serious and have no sense of humor. Some say they have no sense at all, and they may be right. What they certainly have is a thirst for blood, particularly for the blood of infidels and apostates.

It is noteworthy that Islam considers the world as its Ummah and overarches national boundaries. Hence, Islamic clerics feel free to issue fatwa and other adjudications regarding any person, group, or nation anywhere in the world. A celebrated case of this practice was the fatwa of Ayatollah Khomeini against the British author Salman Rushdie for his book The Satanic Verses. Hence, individual Muslims anywhere in the world take it upon themselves to carry out fatwa issued by Islamic high divines. In another high-profile case, the killing of Theo van Gough, a Dutch film director, and the recent attack on the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard clearly demonstrates this primitive practice that runs counter to the civilized world’s due process and has a seriously intimidating impact on the freedom of expression.

Free people and nations should not sacrifice their God-given liberty to please the Islamists by muzzling dissenters and even endangering their safety and their lives.

The concept and practice of apostasy is a shameful stain on the conscience of humanity. It is despicable for any belief system to stubbornly cling to the dehumanizing anachronism of apostasy while its counterpart, slavery, is already buried in mankind’s graveyard of past infamy.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.


Thousands Rally in New York for the Release of Hostages Held by Hamas

Hamas Leader Haniyeh Rejoices Upon Hearing of the Deaths of His Three Sons, “The Honor of Their Martyrdom”

Pentagon Chief: ‘No Evidence of Genocide’ in Gaza

The “Death to America” Party

American Evangelicals among ‘the Last Ones Standing with Israel’

The Biden administration is applying a “double standard” to Israel, said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, and “they’ve ramped up their rhetoric and their pressure on Israel” after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) accidentally killed seven aid workers in a drone strike last week. Due to the U.S. government’s desertion, “Israel is standing alone in the world,” Perkins added, and “evangelicals in America are really the last ones standing with Israel.”

By holding Israel responsible for the mistaken drone attack, the Biden administration is expecting more of our allies than of our own armed forces. “On August 29th of 2021, as the United States bungled their withdrawal from Afghanistan … the Biden administration fired a drone attack, and it killed 10 civilians,” Perkins recalled. “And there was no action taken for those involved in that.”

Israel’s isolation is evident from the global opposition to its planned operation in Rafah. “There is a double standard,” Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.), an evangelical himself, insisted on “Washington Watch.” “The Biden administration is putting pressure on Netanyahu to have a ceasefire and to stop and allow terrorists to remain in Rafah when we know there are thousands of terrorists that are literally hiding out in that last spot.”

Rafah has “become a symbol … in the sense that Israel keeps saying, ‘We have to go to Rafah.’ And so the entire world comes down against Israel saying, ‘You mustn’t go into Rafah,’” Center for Security Policy senior fellow Caroline Glick explained on “Washington Watch.” “The fact is that Rafah is the last redoubt of Hamas’s conventional forces, and they have to be destroyed.”

The debate over Rafah has “become sort of a stand-off between Israel and [the rest of] humanity that doesn’t want the Jews to succeed,” Glick added.

To defend its abandonment of Israel, the Biden administration has argued that an immediate ceasefire is necessary to protect the lives of Palestinian civilians. “Obviously, it’s a war time, there’s painful loss of life for civilians that are out there. That’s the painful difficulty of any war in any place,” said Lankford. “We’ve experienced that as Americans, [and] we do everything we can to be able to protect innocent life. Israel is also trying to protect innocent life.”

But Biden is applying pressure on the wrong party, Lankford insisted. “We really need to have pressure on Lebanon to back up Hezbollah [from the border]. We need to have pressure on Qatar. The Qataris could put pressure on Gaza and Hamas today and could release all of those hostages. But Qatar is choosing not to do that.”

While the media and now the Biden administration continually highlight the plight of Palestinian refugees, they neglect to mention that Israeli civilians also continue to face terror attacks and rocket barrages, and tens of thousands have been displaced from their homes. “There’s about 63,000 Israelis that have had to pull away from the northern border because of the constant attacks from Hezbollah,” Lankford noted.

“Israel is our ally. We need to stand with her. We need to help in every way we can, to help in the threat of terrorism that’s coming at them,” Lankford agreed. “We do want to end terrorism. We understand what it’s like to be attacked in a threat of terrorism.”

Besides the fact that Israel is our ally, Israel is engaged in a just, defensive war. Hamas initiated the current conflict by invading Israel without warning, pillaging, torturing, and killing without distinction. During that unprovoked raid, Hamas terrorists deliberately and brutally killed more than 1,200 Israeli civilians and kidnapped more than 200 victims as hostages, many of whom are still in captivity.

By contrast, Israel has not intentionally killed a single Palestinian civilian. While it’s true than many Palestinian civilians have been killed, that is only because Hamas terrorists deliberately surround themselves with as many civilians as possible, in order to maximize the collateral damage when Israel hits legitimate, military targets. It’s impossible to know exactly how many civilian casualties there have been in Gaza because the only casualty numbers reported from Gaza are produced by an organ of Hamas which does not distinguish between military and civilian deaths.

Lankford recently traveled to Israel, where people are feeling “abandoned” by the Biden administration, he said. “The folks in Israel that I talked to are really grateful to see folks on the ground saying, ‘No, there are Americans that do stand with you,’ including evangelical Christians and others, especially a lot of Republicans that are speaking out clearly to say, ‘We’re going to stand with Israel.’”

Not only do evangelicals support Israel for the same reasons liberals used to — basic human rights, national self-determination, etc. — but they have an additional affection for them as God’s chosen people under the Mosaic covenant, the nation of David, Isaiah, Peter, Paul, and Jesus. As the world’s progressive elite continues to unjustly demonize the Jews, American evangelicals are among the last voices in the world who will speak up for Israel, making their support even more essential.


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a senior writer at The Washington Stand.


Trump: “Biden Totally Abandoned Israel”

Biden Demands Israel Stop Attacking Hamas Even If It Doesn’t Release the Hostages

Ukrainian Evangelical Christians Facing Torture, Destruction of Churches in Russian-Occupied Areas

How the New York Times Foments Antisemitism

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

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The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

At What Point Do We Say ENOUGH?

Critically thinking about what’s happening to America.

I posted the first version of this commentary in 2022. I not only have many new subscribers, but also a LOT has happened since then. Since we all are immersed in the minutia of our daily lives, it is helpful to periodically take some deep breaths, and stand back — way back — to get a better perspective as to what is societally going on…

When reviewing my earlier list, I was very surprised (and disturbed) by how many significant changes have taken place in such a short time. Below is my take on where things currently stand on some key issues…

The Big Picture is that Communists (e.g., China) and its allies (including those within the U.S.) are in stark opposition to Democracies (e.g., the US, Europe, etc.). Put another way, the No-God forces on this planet are in a life-and-death war against the Pro-God forces.

Let’s briefly step back and see several examples of where America’s opponents are attackingand what successes they have had to date. Hopefully, this might focus our attention on areas we need to push back against, plus the imperative of working together with other like-minded citizens, in effective ways.…

  • TargetStandards… Strategy: Promote relativism., where there are no standards, as all points of view are equally valid, and truth is relative to the individual.
  • TargetReligion… Strategy: Undermine Judeo-Christian beliefs and morality. Replace these with a new unpublished set of “values,” fabricated by self-appointed puppet masters, and enforced by parties with no legitimate authority to do so.
  • TargetMen… Strategy: Emasculate, feminize, and weaken all men. A significant subset of this is to “de-privilege” white men.
  • TargetWomen… Strategy: Defeminize women, dilute the role of mothers, corrupt the definition of “woman,” allow men to compete in sports as “women,” etc.
  • TargetFamilies..Strategy: Redefine what a conventional family is, and undercut its importance. Promote pornography to undermine healthy adult relationships.
  • TargetEducation..Strategy: Propagandize children. Emphasize conformity instead of Critical Thinking. Undermine Science education (e.g., with NGSS, substituting political science for Real Science, etc.). Promote the insidious SEL, which is about the state controlling the values of our children. Install grade inflation. Etc.
  • TargetInitiative… Strategy: Undermine by awarding participation instead of performance.
  • TargetMerit… Strategy: Devalue competence by promoting people based on historical injustices rather than their skills and commitment.
  • TargetEmployment… Strategy: Replace able-bodied citizens (especially those who are not critical thinkers) with robots and/or AI/ChatGPT.
  • Target: Citizens… Strategy: The collective’s rights take priority over individual rights. Additionally, the planet’s rights supersede those of humans.
  • TargetEconomy..Strategy: Waste enormous sums on foolish political agendas (driven by lobbyists), which are not in the best interest of citizens or the country.
  • TargetFinancial System..Strategy: Undermine the Dollar on a variety of fronts from Bitcoin to CBCD. Bank failures due to mismanagement and Fed policies.
  • TargetIndustrialization..Strategy: Corrupt the electric grid with unreliable, expensive renewable energy, while opposing fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
  • TargetScience..Strategy: Use apostate “scientists” or “experts” to misdirect real Science analyses, and to confuse the public about what Science is.
  • TargetUnity..Strategy: Aware that united we stand, divided we fall, anti-Americans inflame matters like racism to incite discord and distrust among fellow citizens.
  • TargetPatriotism… Strategy: Inject WOKEDEICRT, etc. ideologies in our education system to purposefully sabotage citizen support for their country.
  • TargetKnowledge… Strategy: Utilize mainstream media as a major source of disinformation on societal topics ranging from COVID to climate change.
  • TargetLanguage… Strategy: Numerous examples of purposeful language deceptions because those who control the language, control the narrative. Further: when we destabilize language, we destabilize thought (which is a power tactic).
  • TargetFree Speech… Strategy: Allow social media to be a vehicle that censors citizen views currently deemed not to be politically correct.
  • TargetCommon Sense… Strategy: Trick citizens into questioning their intuition by normalizing non-sensical situations (e.g., there are more than two genders, etc.).
  • TargetCritical Thinking… Strategy: Our opponents’ worst fear is to have critically thinking citizens — so they try to eradicate this on all levels from children in school, to adults in society. They also employ advanced mind control strategies.
  • TargetCivility… Strategy: Establish a new normal of personal attacks on any who dare to express opinions that differ from current political correctness.
  • TargetElections..Strategy: Corrupt the election process so that key legislators are not always elected by citizens. Resist meaningful audits to avoid exposing this.
  • TargetLegislators..Strategy: Promote petty political agendas that take priority over what is in the best interest of their constituents and the country.
  • TargetBorder Security..Strategy: Allow essentially anyone who chooses, to come into the country — including criminals, spies, etc. Then reward these foreign citizens by having US taxpayers pay for their food, housing, health care, etc.
  • TargetDemocracy..Strategy: Work towards Marxism, by getting citizens to be dis-satisfied; disassociate from our traditional values; accept socialism, etc. (See above!)
  • TargetPolitical Opponents… Strategy: Weaponize government agencies (e.g., DOJ, FBI) to attack citizens (e.g., Donald Trump) who have differing political views.
  • TargetMilitary..Strategy: Use many of the above tactics to weaken our military.
After setting the stage for America’s demise, our opponents began carefully doing some checks to ensure everything was proceeding according to plan. For example, consider the following tests — all of which have been successful:
  1. Inject in mainstream media (e.g., comic strips, TV, movies) an incessant message demeaning men. Then verify that few notice and fewer yet object: √
  2. Insert anti-American marketing terms into the vocabulary, to see how many citizens will incorporate them into their vocabulary and communications: √
  3. Assess the public’s resistance to anti-democratic decrees by getting states to mandate unscientific, unreliable, uneconomic, harmful energy sources, like industrial wind energy: √
  4. Arrange for taxpayers and ratepayers to heavily subsidize unscientific, unreliable, uneconomic, harmful — but politically favored — energy sources, and see if there is any large-scale pushback: √
  5. After succeeding with #3 & #4, then get states to force US rural citizens (often against their will) to accept non-sensical energy sources into their community: √
  6. Confirm that teachers, parents, legislators, and conservative organizations are compliant with (or ignorant of) the Scientific Method being eliminated from the K-12 Science curriculum (particularly with the NGSS): √
  7. Verify that parents, legislators, and conservative organizations allow teaching the opposite of Critical Thinking in the K-12 Science curriculum: √
  8. Convince a trusting public that voter ID, machine regulations, meaningful audits, etc. are unnecessary detriments to election integrity. Substantiate their progress by getting a national candidate elected, who barely even campaigned: √
  9. Use their successful climate change script with a manageable virus, to shut down the U.S. economy, and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans (due to bureaucratic, self-serving, and unscientific policies): √
  10. Following #9, ascertain that they can get the majority of US citizens to agree to be injected with an unscientific, unproven, experimental, biochemical concoction, with unknown ingredients, and no long-term safety tests: √
  11. Following #9, affirm that they can convince almost all mainstream churches to voluntarily agree to disconnect from their flock: √
  12. Establish that the military will agree to undermine its strength by complying with political agendas like green energymandated injectionswokeness, etc: √

Etc., etc.

We are like lobsters in a pot where the temperature is gradually increasing. We have been warned before (e.g., see herehere, and here). Had enough yet?

Again, Critical Thinking concludes that almost all of these issues are due to the real war we are all immersed in Pro-God vs No-God forces.

The good news is that God can solve ALL of the above!

One of my primary life philosophies is: “Work as if everything depended on me, but pray as if everything depended on God.” The ball is in our court…

PS — Here is a relevant quote: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” – Edmund Burke, statesman, and writer.

PPS — After I wrote the above piece, I saw this commentary, which makes some superior points: How Nations Slip from Greatness to Obscurity. Read it carefully…

Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:

Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack.

WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not do, on issues from COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2023 Archives. Please send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time – but why would you?

©2024. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Congress must have role in FISA process to prevent future abuse

WATCH: Palestine Movement Above All Else!


In a great display of chutzpah, Hafiza Khalique, who was suspended from NYU for ripping down posters on campus of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas, is suing the university, claiming the punishment was “arbitrary,” “capricious” and “excessive.”



A professor at Harvard Law called the POLICE on a 19-yr-old female Jewish student working at Harvard Law because the professor “felt uncomfortable” because the student was wearing a “Bring Them Home” dogtag. The police actually came! (For a “routine check-up,” they said.)


Let’s get this straight: BDS activist Calla Walsh says people should not join the “Woman Life Freedom” movement which calls for equal rights for women and girls in Iran because we need Iran stay evil to fight the US & Israel.


RELATED ARTICLE: How the New York Times Foments Antisemitism

EDITORS NOTE: This Canary Mission update is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Misplaced Moral Outrage—Moronic, Mendacious, or Malevolent?

Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties, while Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties and use them as a propaganda tool.

“Israel has taken more steps to avoid harming civilians than any other military in history…]S[teps that Israel has taken to prevent casualties [are] historic in comparison to all these other wars.” — John Spencer, Chairman of Urban Warfare Studies, West Point, February 17, 2024.

[Immediately after taking office] Obama authorized two Central Intelligence Agency drone strikes in northwest Pakistan, which, combined, killed an estimated one militant and 10 civilians, including between four and five children. “Obama’s Embrace of Drone Strikes Will Be a Lasting Legacy”, New York Times, January 12, 2016

In recent years we have investigated civilian harm from U.S. air strikes…in Afghanistan, Iraq,  and Somalia, and found that thousands of civilians have been killed or seriously injured…with little accountability.—Amnesty International at US Senate Judiciary Council hearing, |February 9, 2022.

Note to readers: As I was finishing off this article, reports came in of Joe Biden’s designation of Israeli military action in Gaza as “outrageous”. This presumably enhances its newsworthiness, but beyond that, it will show just how outrageous Biden’s “outrageous” slur really is.

The recent accidental deaths of 7 foreign aid workers in Gaza sparked an eruption of anti-Israel vitriol, which highlights the vicious Judeophobic prejudice that is sweeping much of the globe today. This is something that defies all—and any—tenets of morality and reason. Indeed, by any conceivable criterion of human decency, there is no conflict in the annals of recent history, in which the gulf between good and evil, between wanton barbarism and humanitarian restraint, has been so clearly delineated as that between the protagonists in the ongoing war in Gaza.

Painstaking Israeli restraint

The tragedy of collateral damage, and the killing of non-combatants, has been a lamentable element of warfare ever since nation-states began to displace dynastic monarchies as the dominant structural element in the international system—and perhaps even before that.

Indeed, rarely—if ever—has one of the belligerent parties—let alone the victim of a brutal unprovoked attack on its civilians—demonstrated such painstaking care to avoid harm befalling enemy civilians. This is reflected in the unequivocal declaration of the former commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, Col. Richard Kemp: “…I have fought in combat zones around the world including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Macedonia and Iraq. I was also present throughout the conflict in Gaza in 2014. Based on my experience and on my observations the Israel Defense Force…does more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.

In Gaza, the vulnerability of non-combatants is greatly exacerbated by the malicious actions of their leaders, who cynically exploit them by deliberately placing them in harm’s way and coercively preventing them from seeking safe havens. Thus, as a Wall Street Journal piece underscoresIsrael seeks to minimize civilian casualties, while Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties and use them as a propaganda tool.”

“Israel setting ‘gold standard’ for avoiding civilian casualties”

Indeed, the chairman of urban warfare studies at West Point, John Spencer,  described Israel’s achievements in avoiding collateral casualties as “unprecedented,” particularly given the complex combat conditions above and below ground. According to Spencer, Israel is setting the “gold standard” for avoiding civilian casualties.

Likewise, Richard Kemp praised the IDF for its record of avoiding civilian casualties during its operations in Gaza and pointed out that the average combatant-to-civilian death ratio in Gaza is about 1 to 1.5, while according to the United Nations, the average combatant-to-civilian death ratio in urban warfare has been 1 to 9—six times higher!!.

The issue of civilian casualties in Gaza is hugely complicated by Hamas’s heinous practice of exploiting medical facilities as a cover for its terror activities. This includes the copiously documented abuse of ambulances for the transportation of terror-related personnel and materiel.

Indeed, Israeli moderation is underscored by comparison with non-combatant fatalities in other military encounters involving democracies at war. Thus, in WWII, between 1939 and 1945, nearly 600,000 European civilians were killed by Allied aerial bombardment of German cities which were reduced to rubble and ashes. Moreover, cities in other countries in Nazi-occupied Europe were also bombarded—including their non-combatant civilian residents. One of the most grisly and tragic of these events occurred in Copenhagen, Denmark (March 1945) when the RAF was sent to bomb the Gestapo headquarters in the city, inadvertently hitting a nearby school, killing 123 Danish civilians including 87 schoolchildren.

And of course, then there were the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki—neither of which was ever designated as a military target—of whom between 100-200 thousand were incinerated and irradiated by the US in early August 1945.

There is always a cost to defeat a great evil.”

Half a century later (during which hundreds of thousands of civilian fatalities in East Asia (Indo-China), including innumerable non-combatant victims, were killed in the US carpet bombing of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) NATO launched a war against Serbia in response to Serbian excesses in Kosovo and Bosnia. This was done despite the fact that Serbia had not committed any hostile act either against any NATO citizen or any NATO territory. The NATO campaign consisted of high altitude—and hence far-from-accurate—bombing raids that regularly hit civilian targets—including residential neighborhoods, old-aged sanitariums, hospitals, open-air markets, columns of fleeing refugees, civilian buses, and trains on bridges, and even a foreign embassy. When the then-NATO spokesman Jamie Shea was pressed on the issue of the significant numbers of civilian casualties, his response was: “There is always a cost to defeat an evil. It never comes free, unfortunately. But the cost of failure to defeat a great evil is far higher”—which echoes precisely the Israeli sentiment concerning the rationale of the IDF’s operation in Gaza.

But those were not the only post-WWII instances of pervasive human suffering induced by large-scale US-led military operations across the globe.

More Iraqi babies died than in Hiroshima

For example, after Saddam Hussein’s 1991-takeover of Kuwait, the US and its allies imposed sanctions on the Iraqi regime and dispatched forces to repel the invasion. These measures resulted in tremendous suffering to the civilian population, the scale of which can be gauged by a 1996 interview on 60 Minutes with the late Madeleine Albright, former US ambassador to the UN and Secretary of State under Bill Clinton. Albright was quizzed by the interviewer, Leslie Stahl, about the ravages that the US-led measures wrought on the Iraqi population.

Stahl asked:We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?” Albright responded: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it.”

Of course, it should be underscored that—unlike Israel’s post-October response to a massacre of its citizens on its sovereign territory—at this (pre-9/11) time, neither the US homeland nor any US resident had been harmed by the Iraqi regime. But more on that a little later.

“Tremendous human toll…”

In 2001, in response to the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York, in which almost 3000 people died, a US-led military coalition (in which the UK had a prominent role), invaded Afghanistan to topple the Taliban government and uproot A-Qaeda that perpetrated the lethal attack. Here it would be apt to point out that the 10/7 attack on Israel that led to the IDF action in Gaza was—in proportion to Israel’s population—almost 35 times the scope of the 9/11 atrocity—i.e., the equivalent of almost US 50,000 fatalities.

Although reliable figures regarding the toll the war inflicted on the civilian population of Afghanistan and neighboring countries impacted by it, are not easy to obtain, an estimate published by Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs states that “The U.S. post-9/11 wars…have taken a tremendous human toll on those countries” and puts the 1921 assessment of Afghani civilians deaths directly related to these wars at almost 47,000 but adds a proviso that “Several times…more have been killed as a reverberating effect of the wars — because of water loss, sewage and other infrastructural issues, and war-related disease”.

Thousands of civilians hit with little accountability.”

However, US strikes, where clearly civilian targets were hit are a matter of undisputed record. Over the course of the 20-year war, several weddings/parties/processions were struck by drones—inflicting hundreds of fatalities, including women and children. Such strikes took place not only in Afghanistan but in other countries, including neighboring Pakistan and more distant Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and even Somalia.

Summing up the consequences of the US air strikes in America’s protracted “Global War on Terror” a statement by Amnesty International (USA) stipulated: In recent years we have investigated civilian harm from U.S. air strikes and U.S.-led Coalition airstrikes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria  and Somalia, and found that thousands of civilians have been killed or seriously injured by U.S. air strikes (both using drones and manned aircraft), with little accountability.”

Finally. the 2003 invasion of Iraq by a US-led coalition—launched on the dubious (at least unsubstantiated) allegations that (a) Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein was implicated in the 9/11 attacks and (b) he had instigated a program for the production of weapons of mass destruction–wrought untold misery on millions of Iraqi civilians and death on of upward of 300,000 non-combatants.

Why I wrote this article

I wrote this article after a rather sharp exchange with an old school friend of mine, now resident in the US, someone of exceptionally high moral character, mildly supportive of Israel, and fiercely supportive of the Democratic Party. He was very critical of Israel’s conduct of the war in Gaza, appalled by the fate of the Gazan population, and concerned that it would sharply erode support of Israel in the US.

I hope after reading this, he will realize how misplaced his criticism and concern are—and how unfair and unfounded—indeed how outrageous—the current vogue of berating Israel is. Lending it any support or sympathy will only serve to fan the flames of today’s smoldering antisemitism that will eventually engulf the ill-informed, un-informed, and mis-informed diaspora Jews, who naively believe that there is any merit in it.

©2024. Dr. Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

86 Republicans Vote To Allow Warrantless Spying Of Americans With FISA

Watch Tucker Carlson on Mike Johnson’s Fight to Protect the Government Spy Program Used on Trump

Eighty-six House Republicans voted against an amendment to the FISA reauthorization bill, which would have added a warrant requirement to prevent the U.S. government from spying on Americans without their knowledge.

FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, recently grabbed headlines nationwide after conservatives pointed to the intelligence community’s illegal surveillance of the then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election. This surveillance, authorized by FISA, has been criticized for its role in perpetuating the “Russiagate” narrative against Trump’s presidency.

House Republicans believed the amendment, introduced by Republican Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, would serve as a guardrail against the intelligence community’s abuse of power. Among the Republicans who voted for the legislation without the inclusion of Biggs’ amendment are Speaker Mike Johnson, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Majority Whip Tom Emme and Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw.

“Today is a dark day for America,” said Texas Republican Rep. Troy Nehls in a statement after the final passage of FISA. “It is no secret that the DOJ and the FBI have used and abused FISA to spy on not only the greatest president of my lifetime, Donald J. Trump, but spy on everyday Americans. I could not, in good conscience, vote to give our nation’s weaponized DOJ the power to mass surveil the American people without significant reforms, such as a warrant requirement.”


Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, publicly opposed the bill Wednesday, pointing to its illegal use against him and others during his campaign.

After Trump’s public disapproval, Republicans in the House voted down a procedural vote to advance the legislation for a final passage.

However, after winning many concessions from leadership during Thursday’s negotiations, many Republicans agreed to advance the bill. The revised bill now includes a two-year extension of Section 702 of FISA, a change from the original five-year plan.

Read the full text of the bill here.

With the surveillance bill expiring on April 19, Republicans were increasingly under pressure to muster enough votes to pass the law.

The GOP appears divided on proposed reforms, particularly regarding introducing a warrant requirement. While some, aligned with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, oppose such measures, others from the Judiciary Committee stress the importance of preventing FISA from being misused to spy on Americans, as allegedly occurred during the Trump campaign.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) secured a significant victory with the passage of the FISA legislation, overcoming months of discord to broker a compromise between opposing factions on the contentious issue of renewing the executive’s warrantless surveillance authority. However, the vote on tabling the motion to reconsider has been delayed to a future date. Until this vote occurs, the FISA bill cannot proceed to the Senate despite its approval in the House.



Capital hill reporter.


Andrew McCabe Acknowledges ‘Mistakes’ In Trump Campaign Investigation As He Pushes Warrantless Surveillance Tool

‘About To Combust’: Republicans Have Golden Opportunity To End Spying On Americans — But It’s Tearing Them Apart


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Key to Our National Motto

The war on America as founded continues unabated.

As well know, the Francis Scott Key Bridge was destroyed recently, and already the woke elites are calling for it to be renamed.

Key, who wrote what became the basis for our National Motto, was a man of his times. And those times don’t measure up to today’s standards. So off with his head, metaphorically speaking.

The Washington Times noted (3/29/24): “Key’s reputation has taken a hit in recent years along with other historical figures who owned slaves. Key also represented slaveholders in court and was a proponent of racist views….As a lawyer, he also represented slaves seeking freedom and he asserted ‘all men are free.’ But he held eight enslaved people when he died.”

Since many Americans, including prominent ones, owned slaves in the past, does that mean they should be entirely dismissed, or erased from our history?

I am absolutely convinced that abortion is the taking of innocent babies’ lives. Future generations will look in horror at the cavalier attitude toward this evil which should be unthinkable. Will cancel culture in the future cancel us because we allowed such horrors? Will Joe Biden and Barack Obama be erased from our national memory?

As to slavery, note these insights from Michael Farris, the general counselor of the National Religious Broadcasters, from a recent interview he did for Coral Ridge Ministries-TV.

Farris said of today’s war on America’s history: “Now we see many, many forces in our country, the 1619 Project and others like it, that are saying America was an illicit, improper, immoral nation from the beginning. And the reason they do that is because they say, ‘Well, look at July 4th, 1776, and we had slavery; and we had problems of inequality in other areas.’”

Farris added, “Well, that’s like judging a baby’s life on the day it’s born. America was founded on July 4th, 1776 and the ideals should be our judge. And so, have we reached our ideals? Were those the right goals? That’s the question to be asked. Not were we reaching those goals on the day we were born, but were those the right goals? And then the second question is, how are we doing on those goals?”

While we can all agree that Francis Scott Key was wrong on the issue of the great evil of slavery, we should still be grateful for his contributions to the American experience.

Key’s poem, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” was inspired by what he saw and interpreted as the hand of Providence to help our country at a time of crisis during the War of 1812. For two centuries his poem, which became our National Anthem, inspired Americans with gratitude to be a part of our country—one nation under God.

Since 1956, our national motto is “In God We Trust.” Despite the intense secularism of our day, it still is. The origin of this phrase gets back to a phrase in Key’s song, our National Anthem.

Key was on board a British ship (our enemy in that war) being held overnight against his will. He was an eyewitness to the incessant, overnight British bombing of Fort McHenry, which protected the Port of Baltimore. This was in mid-September 1814, a month after the British invaded our nation’s capital and burned down the White House and the U.S. Capitol, which housed the Supreme Court.

Thus, the buildings used by the three branches of government were burned down by the British. But in those days, a much more handsome prize was the older city of Baltimore. Fort McHenry guarded that city and its port.

Hence, the battle that Key witnessed. He helplessly watched overnight as cannon ball after cannon ball was shot against the fort through the night of September 13 and morning of the 14th. Would the fort be standing by the morning? Would the flag on the fort be still waving?

Key was relieved that indeed it was, and he could see “by the dawn’s early light” that “our flag was still there.” In the last verse of his famous song, he notes, “Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.’

Recently, in various sports venues, it has been en vogue to “bend a knee” in protest during the singing of the anthem or to miss it by being in the locker-room instead, as apparently happened with the LSU women’s basketball team recently.

But this is just another example of the war on America as founded. Self-rule under God is the essence of the American experiment. Francis Scott Key turned out to be key in formulating our national motto, which reminds us of that.

©2024. Jerry Newcombe, D. Min. All rights reserved.

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Will feds decimate one owl species to help another?

Nearly 500,000 barred owls in northern California, Oregon, and Washington state will soon be under the gun if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service goes ahead with its latest scheme to save the endangered northern spotted owl.

In November, the Fish and Wildlife Service unveiled its barred owl management proposal, the centerpiece of which is the removal of approximately 500,000 barred owls via the shotgun or other forms of euthanasia from the habitat of its smaller cousin, the northern spotted owl.

“Barred owl removal is not something the Service takes lightly,” Jodie Delavan, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Service, told McClatchy News on March 26. “However, the Service has a legal and ethical responsibility to do all it can to recover northern spotted owl populations.” A final barred owl “management strategy” and a record of decision is expected later this year, Ms. Delavan told McClatchy News.

Since the barred owl is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, killing them — in this case, by the hundreds of thousands — will require a federal permit or regulation. And that is a step the feds appear to be prepared to take.

That the barred owl is covered under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is quite appropriate because the bird — beginning in the early 20th century — began migrating westward from eastern North America. By the 1980s, it was well established in the Pacific Northwest, where it occupies the same habitat as the smaller northern spotted owl. The two species feed on the same prey, with the more aggressive barred owl outcompeting its cousin, sometimes even killing northern spotted owls.

When the problem first garnered public attention in the early 1990s, the preferred explanation from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and environmental groups was that the commercial logging of old-growth forests was responsible for the loss of the northern spotted owl’s habitat and thus was behind the bird’s dwindling numbers. Saving old-growth forests, where Douglas fir and hemlock prevail, was seen by the Clinton administration as the preferred solution, and policies were put in place that restricted logging on federal land in the Pacific Northwest. Those policies succeeded in shutting down many sawmills and destroying timber-dependent communities throughout the region.

The Clinton administration even orchestrated an “Owl Summit” at which federal officials and environmentalists congratulated themselves for caring so much about the fate of the northern spotted owl. Those who pointed out that the problem lay not with old-growth forests but with the encroaching barred owl were ignored.

Over 30 years after the summit and the bird’s being added to the Endangered Species List, the situation faced by the northern spotted owl has worsened. While ignoring the mistake it made in blaming the loss of old-growth forest for the northern spotted owl’s declining numbers, the feds now acknowledge that the problem lies with the barred owl. Seizing the bull by the horns — to mix metaphors — the Fish and Wildlife Service initiated an experiment that involved the killing of 2,485 barred owls with 12-gauge shotguns in five different areas, the Modesto Bee reported March 26.

Having concluded that nonviolent removal of the barred owls was impractical, the feds appear to have settled on a lethal approach. This means showing a preference for one species of owl over another, with the “invasive” barred owl coming up short. But is the barred owl really an invasive species, or is it simply expanding its territory, as many species of birds and mammals are prone to do?
The Owl Research Institute, a Montana-based nonprofit focused on owl conservation, is reviewing the government’s proposal.

“Central to this discussion is the determination of whether Barred Owls truly meet the criteria for an invasive species, or if they represent a more adaptable species capable of natural expansion by themselves, as some have suggested,” the institute said in a March 26 statement emailed to McClatchy News.

The Fish and Wildlife Service is operating under the 1973 Endangered Species Act, a statute that has fallen woefully short in fulfilling its mission of recovering species at risk. In the case of the northern spotted owl, the law was used in the 1990s to curtail commercial logging in the Pacific Northwest. That was a political goal pursued by environmentalists in and out of government. As is now clear, it did nothing to improve the lot of the northern spotted owl.

Today, federal wildlife managers are seriously considering an avian version of ethnic cleansing to carry out their “legal and ethical responsibility” under the Endangered Species Act. The statute allows bureaucrats to play God, even if their policies turn out to be ungodly. If they go through with their plan and shotguns are trained on hundreds of thousands of owls, the Endangered Species Act will have reached a new level of absurdity.

This article originally appeared at The Washington Times


Bonner Cohen, Ph. D.

Bonner R. Cohen is a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, where he concentrates on energy, natural resources, and international relations. He also serves as a senior policy adviser with the Heartland Institute, senior policy analyst with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and as adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Articles by Dr. Cohen have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, New York Post, Washington Times, National Review, Philadelphia Inquirer, Detroit News, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Miami Herald, and dozens of other newspapers in the U.S. and Canada. He has been interviewed on Fox News, CNN, Fox Business Channel, BBC, BBC Worldwide Television, NBC, NPR, N 24 (German language news channel), Voice of Russia, and scores of radio stations in the U.S. Dr. Cohen has testified before the U.S. Senate committees on Energy & Natural Resources and Environment & Public Works as well as the U.S. House committees on Natural Resources and Judiciary. He has spoken at conferences in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Bangladesh. Dr. Cohen is the author of two books, The Green Wave: Environmentalism and its Consequences (Washington: Capital Research Center, 2006) and Marshall, Mao und Chiang: Die amerikanischen Vermittlungsbemuehungen im chinesischen Buergerkrieg (Marshall, Mao and Chiang: The American Mediations Effort in the Chinese Civil War) (Munich: Tuduv Verlag, 1984). Dr. Cohen received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and his Ph.D. – summa cum laude – from the University of Munich.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Arizona Supreme Court Revives Law Protecting the Unborn

On Tuesday, the Arizona Supreme Court put back in place a 160-year-old ban on abortion, The Wall Street Journal reported. “Abortion in the state has been allowed through 15 weeks of pregnancy under a law that the GOP-controlled Arizona Legislature passed in 2022, shortly before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Abortion opponents and some Republican lawmakers argued that the recent law didn’t override one dating back to 1864 — before Arizona was a state — that banned abortion throughout pregnancy except in lifesaving situations.”

The ruling “agreed that the 19th century law still takes precedence,” WSJ added, but the “court delayed implementation of the ban for at least two weeks to allow for additional legal arguments.” In comments to The Washington Stand, Cathi Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy, clarified, “The focus for [this decision] is that the Arizona Supreme Court did what justices are supposed to do: they upheld the rule of law. They did not make policy.”

She continued, “Arizona law clearly stated that if Roe v. Wade was overturned, our pre-Roe law would go back into effect. So, today’s decision was a statutory construction. It was not a constitutional one, and it was not a policy decision. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, so it’s very important to emphasize that this … is how we want judges to rule.”

Herrod went on to share how a proposed amendment called the Arizona Right to Abortion Initiative could nullify the court decision. “That amendment does not reflect Arizona values or where Arizonans are on the issue of abortion,” she contended. The amendment would “bring in unrestricted and unregulated abortion,” she emphasized. “It would overturn most — if not all — of Arizona’s pro-life laws. It would not require doctors to be part of the woman’s decision, examination, or the procedure itself. Moms and dads would have no role in the abortion of their minor daughters deciding whether or not to have an abortion. It would usher in taxpayer funding of abortion.”

But given the dramatic effects of such a potential amendment, Herrod predicted, “When Arizonans read and see what the proposed abortion access amendment really is about, I’m confident Arizona voters will turn it down.”

In light of the decision by the Arizona Supreme Court, Mary Szoch, director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council, shared with TWS, “In a huge win for women and their unborn children, the Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that the law on the books protecting unborn babies from the moment of conception will go into effect. Praise God!”

She added, “Acknowledging what an abortion is, the Arizona law states that an abortionist who kills an unborn child can be punished with two to five years in prison. In recognition of the fact that the intent of an abortion is to kill the child, not to save the mother, actions taken to save a mother’s life that sadly result in the death of the unborn child will not be punishable.”

Szoch concluded, “This ruling is on hold for 14 days, but we should all pray it goes into effect. With this decision, the importance of the upcoming election cannot be overstated. Unborn babies lives will be on the ballot. Pro-lifers must turn out to vote.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

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