The Wave-Particle Duality is a Classic Observer’s Dilemma

“Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say that the world exists ‘out there’ independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld.” Physicist John Wheeler

“For that reason, everything observed is a selection from a plenitude of possibilities and a limitation on what is possible in the future.” — Werner Heisenberg

In the quantum world, reality takes on a paradoxical nature because at the heart of this enigma lies the duality of particles. Something that can exist as both a particle and a wave, a phenomenon known as wave-particle duality. Yet, the most intriguing facet of this quantum realm is the indispensable role played by the observer in shaping the fabric of reality. This intrinsic ambiguity challenges our notion of reality, prompting us to rethink the nature of the fundamental building blocks of our universe. At the heart of quantum theory lies the wave function, a mathematical construct of a probability distribution about a particle’s position and properties. The duality between particles and waves extends beyond mere theoretical speculation; it is experimentally validated through phenomena like interference patterns in the double-slit experiment.

One of the most iconic experiments in quantum physics, it serves as a gateway to understanding the role of the observer in shaping reality. In its simplest form, the experiment involves firing microscopic particles, such as electrons or photons, through two closely spaced slits onto a screen. Here, if we imagine particles as big as marbles, then classical intuition would lead us to expect two distinct bands on the screen corresponding to the two slits. However, these are tiny particles, and being in the quantum state, they exhibit an interference pattern on the screen reminiscent of the behavior of waves.

Now I am sure, some time or the other, in your childhood days, you must have enjoyed throwing stones into the still waters of a lake or a pond, haven’t you? If you have observed the ripples produced by the impact, you might have also observed how the waves spread and interfere, creating a pattern on the water’s surface.

In the double-slit experiment, similar to the ripples in the pond, each particle behaves like a wave. The two slits serve as points of origin, each akin to the end of the impact of the stone hitting the water and thereby generating the waves. Though we actually sent individual particles towards the two slits, particles being particles, they tend to exist in the probabilistic state.

When these particle waves pass through the slits, they interfere with each other, just like the ripples in the pond. The interference creates an intricate pattern on the detection screen, similar to the way observed on the water’s surface. This interference pattern is crucial when microscopic particles are not directly observed.

Here is where our key when understanding has to take a quantum turn – so to say. This analogy takes an intriguing turn when we introduce the role of observation, akin to scrutinizing the pond’s surface. When we present a measurement apparatus to determine which slit a particle passes through, the interference pattern vanishes! To put it scientifically, this act of observation collapses the quantum wave function.

However, the act of observation in the double-slit experiment disrupts this wave-like behavior, highlighting the profound impact of the observer on the outcome, mirroring the idea that the act of measurement in the quantum world plays a crucial role in shaping the observed reality. In their quantum state, the particles simultaneously exploring multiple paths collapsed from a wave to a particle.

This phenomenon underscores the participatory role of the observer in the quantum narrative, challenging the notion of an objective reality independent of observation.

Our classical world is like an already collapsed wave function – because of us – the observer. Our consciousness exists in a quantum state, exploring multiple options simultaneously. Thus, do we exist in both states simultaneously? Both forms are conjoined by our strain of thoughts, which leads to the observation effect that shifts us from one state to another. We might exist in a quantum form if we are too lost in thought. Only a conscious observation brings us to the Now – the collapsed state, where physical reality manifests.

Thus, the implications of the observer effect extend beyond the confines of the quantum realm, infiltrating our broader understanding of reality. If observation fundamentally shapes the nature of particles, one is compelled to question the stability of an objective reality. This realization echoes the sentiment expressed by physicist John Wheeler.

Indeed, the observer emerges as an indispensable architect of reality, weaving the fabric of existence through the act of measurement. The wave-particle duality, encapsulated by the wave function and illuminated by the double-slit experiment, challenges our preconceptions and beckons us to question the very nature of perception and reality.

The quantum world is an enigma to us as observers, but one thing should become clear. What we see is not necessarily what we get, and the observer is an inseparable part of the cosmic dance that unfolds at the smallest scales of existence.


Now, let’s leap from tranquil ponds to the mind-bending world of quantum mechanics. Brace yourself for a wild ride – because what you see is definitely not what you get.

So, let’s start off with a few basic Quantum concepts.

Picture this: tiny particles, electrons, or photons playing a cosmic game of hide-and-seek. You’d think, “Okay, I can track where they are, right?” Wrong. Enter the quantum world’s favorite pastime – superposition. It’s like saying these particles can be simultaneously in multiple places, like you are both at home and work. Wrap your head around that!

Now, the plot thickens with entanglement. Imagine you and a friend each have a magical coin. No matter how far apart you go, your friend’s coin instantly shows the same result when you flip it. Spooky, right? That’s entanglement – a quantum connection where particles influence each other faster than you can say “teleportation.”

Hold onto your hats; we’re diving into the holographic universe. Physicist Juan Maldacena’s brainchild is mind-blowing. He suggests our universe is like a 3D movie projected from a 2D screen. It’s as if our reality is a shadow of something deeper, a cosmic version of Plato’s cave where shadows on the wall hint at a more profound truth.

Now, let’s toss in the holographic principle. This cosmic gem says the information about our universe can be squeezed onto its boundary, like writing an epic novel on the back of a postage stamp. Imagine the universe as a giant cosmic postcard – more real than the 3D movie it creates. What you see is just the tip of the quantum iceberg.

So, here’s the kicker: your observation changes the game. Quantum particles are like shy performers; they prefer the backstage until you shine the spotlight on them. When you watch, they behave. Stop watching, and they go back to their quantum playground. It’s like being caught peeking behind the curtain during a magic show – the trick changes when you’re not looking.

But hang on, we’re not done. Quantum mechanics loves surprises. Like a coin flipping and landing on heads or tails, particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously. Only when you peek, do they decide which state to settle into. The act of observation isn’t just watching; it’s a backstage pass that influences the show itself.

Now, let’s warp into time. Time isn’t a ticking clock in quantum land but a spatial dimension. Imagine time as a highway and space as the landscapes it passes. The holographic principle says, “Hold up, let’s squash these three-dimensional scenes onto a two-dimensional billboard.” It’s like turning your favorite movie into a 2D comic strip.

Talking about billboards, enter the celestial sphere – a cosmic mystery where space and time take a nosedive. This imaginary sphere hints at a cosmic joke where our usual rules of space and time don’t quite play along. It’s like realizing your GPS stops working beyond a certain point, and you’re left navigating by the stars.

Alright, let’s get real – or not. Testing the holographic principle is like hunting for invisible treasure. Scientists are looking for “holographic noise,” tiny quantum tremors that might reveal the hidden dimensions. Think of it like searching for a secret code in the static of an old TV screen. Some say they’ve spotted it, but the scientific jury is still deliberating.

Another attempt involves a device called the Holomoter. It’s like a cosmic truth-detector, seeking a fundamental limit to the information packed into spacetime. Imagine trying to weigh the universe’s secrets on a cosmic scale. However, only some agree it’s the golden ticket to proving the holographic principle.

Now, let’s plunge into the philosophical abyss. The holographic principle whispers that our universe is a mirage, a projection from a deeper, more mysterious reality. It’s like finding out your favorite movie isn’t just a story; it’s a glimpse into a grander narrative hidden in the cosmic vault.

This cosmic philosophy spills into our minds. Imagine if your thoughts and feelings aren’t just the brain’s dance but a cosmic ballet with that deeper reality. Suddenly, moods become weather patterns in the quantum landscape, and intuition is like a secret handshake with the universe.

In this quantum rollercoaster, you see just the opening act—quantum particles frolic in superpositions and entanglements, making reality a kaleidoscope of possibilities. The holographic principle challenges our sense of space, time, and reality itself, suggesting that our universe might be a cosmic illusion.

So, buckle up and embrace the uncertainty. The quantum world is a topsy-turvy ride where the rules of the game change with every observation. What you see might be just the shimmering surface of a much deeper quantum sea waiting to be explored. Welcome to the enthralling quantum circus, where what you see is not what you get, and reality is a kaleidoscope of cosmic wonders.

Part III: Our Wave Function is already in a Collapsed State

 “We are not down to a single, unique universe, but our findings imply a significant reduction of the multiverse, to a much smaller range of possible universes” ~Stephen Hawking.

The concept of wave function collapse in quantum mechanics is fundamental to understanding quantum particles. The wave function of a quantum particle describes its state in a mathematical form. It is a solution of a wave equation, a second-order differential equation. The wave function can’t tell you what you will find out about a quantum object when you observe it – whether it’s over here, over there, spinning this way, turning that way. Instead, it gives you up-to-date, thoroughly reliable odds on which of many possibilities you will see if you take many measurements of identical objects.

The wave function collapse is the process that changes the state of a quantum particle from a superposition of states to a single state. It is a critical concept in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. It states that looking at a quantum object “collapses” its wave function, jolting it from a shadowy netherworld into a definite reality.

So, when we say, “We are particles, and our wave function is already in a collapsed state,” it means that our physical existence, as particles, is already in a definite state. This results from the wave function collapse, where our wave function has already collapsed into a single state. This does not mean that our form is fixed or unchanging. We are still in a part quantum state, and because of this, we are evolving. The state of a quantum particle can change due to interactions with its environment or other particles.

It is our daily interactions, our experiences, our desires, and our efforts that keep changing and help us to evolve, thus moving us from one state to another. At the moment, in the state of observation and as observed entities, our wave function collapses. From moment to moment, we change, and we are still quantum beings.

To clarify things, consider a photon moving towards a photographic plate. When it hits the scale, it’s absorbed by an electron in the container. With this interaction, its position is definite. It’s no longer simply a set of possibilities. It has changed things in the physical universe. Information has been created and recorded by the photographic plate. This can’t be undone. The wave function has decohered. Decoherence has occurred. It is in a state of NOW!

The concept of wave function collapse is not, therefore, definite. If we interpret his phenomenon in another way, the wave function never collapses but continues to evolve. In the Many Worlds interpretation, for example, the wave function encounters many atoms. Each atom has strong electric fields, which affect the evolution of the part of the wave function near it. There are many states that the electron could enter, each describing the electron after encountering a different atom. The actual electron state is a superposition of all of them.

Let’s consider the holographic nature of the universe. The universe we currently see and observe is just a hologram. It is possible that similar universes that are a result of the many other outcomes can exist simultaneously, and we are a part of each – or, to put it precisely, we are in each. However, our act of observing pertains to just this holographic projection. So, observing constricts our probabilities to just one definite outcome – and that is what we see.

In an actual holographic projection, a 3-D image is encoded on a two-dimensional surface, such as in a hologram on a credit card. This can then be projected into a 3-D image. This would prompt us to say that the entire universe is encoded in some two-dimensional field. But where is that field? Now, for a moment, if we digress and think about it, we realize that we are the one who is projecting. Our existence is part of the observation that creates the universe around us. We are part of a higher-dimensional existence. As we know, understand, and perceive our existence, it is a 2-D surface. And we are integral to the creation of the universe around us.

In deep contemplation, we find ourselves positioned within a higher-dimensional existence. In our current state of consciousness, we are navigating through the dimensions of space and time. Our role in this cosmic drama is not just passive; we are active participants, shaping the reality we perceive through our actions and observations.

Our surface thinking will likely tempt us to search for a specific location in the outer universe, but a more profound thought can give us an understanding that the field transcends spatial constraints. It’s not a tangible place in the way we traditionally understand space; it’s a space that underlies and permeates our entire reality. It is the space of the inner being from whom or where the projection is initiated.

Therefore, we are not mere spectators in a predetermined play; we are active participants and contributors to the ongoing projection of the cosmic hologram.

Part 4: The Quantum Uncertainty – Can We Wear Socks with Sandals to Reshape Our Destiny?

As we unravel the enigmas of the quantum world, we encounter a principle that can be considered the very fabric of the quantum world – the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, a principle as elusive as the particles it seeks to unveil. This principle is not just a rule, it shapes the way we perceive and understand the tiniest building blocks of our universe. This rule says you can’t know everything about a small particle. Well, it’s not like trying to figure out, at the same time, exactly where your friend is and how fast they’re moving.

This principle goes beyond the ordinary constraints of everyday observations. In our macroscopic world, trying to track your friend’s exact position and speed with absolute precision simultaneously might seem straightforward, but in the quantum domain, the rules dramatically shift. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle asserts that probing the intimate details of a tiny particle comes with inherent limitations – you can’t grasp every nuance at once. Indeed, this rule defies our classical intuitive understanding.

Let’s unravel the mystery by delving into the heart of quantum measurement – a concept that challenges our classical notions. “The measuring apparatus itself changes the property of a quantum particle.” Imagine you’re trying to capture the essence of a firefly’s dance in the dark. When you shine a light, you disturb its rhythm, much like the interaction between a quantum particle and its measuring apparatus. This interaction, fundamental to quantum mechanics, reshapes our understanding of measurement. It’s a cosmic tango where observation isn’t passive but an engagement that alters what’s observed.

Now, let’s stroll through the quantum garden, where uncertainty reigns supreme. It’s like this rule in the quantum world: you can’t know everything about a tiny particle. This uncertainty is not a flaw in our understanding but a fundamental feature akin to the unpredictability of weather. Just as forecasting the exact weather conditions remains challenging, predicting a particle’s position and momentum simultaneously proves elusive. Quantum particles, like capricious meteorological phenomena, defy deterministic expectations.

Can we connect this uncertainty thing to our life philosophy? If life is a stage where uncertainty takes center stage, then can the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle become the script? Can we embrace life’s unpredictability with the same fervor we embrace the dance of particles? These poignant questions transcend the boundaries of quantum realms and human existence.

In life, we encounter a paradox. “I might not know what’s going to happen, but I can still decide to wear socks with sandals if I want.” The simplicity of choosing unconventional footwear becomes a metaphor for the freedom that uncertainty offers. Just as measurement in quantum mechanics introduces uncertainty, life’s choices introduce variability into our narrative. The tension becomes a canvas, inviting us to paint our strokes.

As we wear our metaphorical socks with sandals, we realize this freedom extends beyond the quantum stage. Our decisions, like the act of measurement, create ripples in the fabric of reality. Quantum uncertainty and human choice, seemingly disparate, converge into a harmonious narrative that defines our existence.

In its apparent simplicity, wearing socks with sandals can become a life-changing choice. This seemingly simple choice becomes a metaphor for the freedom of choice amid life’s uncertainties. Amid all life’s unpredictability, our options echo the autonomy intrinsic to the quantum world. It’s the only connection between the known and the unknown, a script where we are both actors and playwrights.

But can we connect these quantum insights to our daily lives? Can we navigate the shadows of uncertainty present in our personal lives? For in the backdrop of the apparent delay in life, the choices we make mold the contours of our narrative, and thus, do we find solace in the freedom to make choices, to wear socks with sandals in the face of an unpredictable world?

Thus, life, inspired by the quantum world, can become a journey of self-discovery. The steps and decisions we take become the choreography of our existence. Each decision and action contributes to the evolving narrative of our lives. In the shadows of uncertainty, we unearth the beauty of our choices, discovering that life’s unpredictability is not a hindrance but a canvas waiting to be painted.

So, do we uncover a profound truth that, maybe, just maybe, we’ve got a bit of wiggle room to shape our own story? Life’s weird, and so is this quantum stuff. But within this weirdness lies the beauty of possibility, the power to shape our narrative amid the cosmic dance of uncertainty. And who knows, in the dance of life, wearing socks with sandals might be the unconventional step that makes the journey extraordinary.

2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

Over 2,500 Cops Have Quit The Job In Blue City Just This Year

Over 2,500 police officers have left the New York Police Department (NYPD) so far in 2023, according to data analyzed by the New York Post.

At least 2,516 officers have left the department in 2023, the fourth highest number over the past ten years, the New York Post reported, citing pension data from the department. The department saw over 1,000 officers decide to quit before they became eligible for their pension after 20 years of service.

“The workload is a leading factor driving people away from the job,” Police Benevolent Association (PBA) President Patrick Hendry told the Post. “If the NYPD is going to survive these staffing reductions, it cannot just keep squeezing cops for more hours.”

Democratic Mayor Eric Adams of New York City announced Nov. 16 that the NYPD would freeze hiring in order to address the city’s mounting migrant crisis, two days after he said the city would not hire a class of 250 school safety agents currently being trained.

The NYPD responded to 69 antisemitic attacks in October, a 331% increase in the figure from September in the wake of a deadly terrorist attack launched by Hamas against multiple locations in southern Israel.

“I keep in contact with the guys that I was in the police academy with and we all have the same notion,” one police officer told the New York Post. “I think maybe 95% of us are planning on leaving.”

The exodus began after the 2020 death of George Floyd in police custody, and has seen over 10,000 cops leave, according to the Post, which cited NYPD pension data.




RELATED ARTICLE: New Cops Reportedly Boo Democratic Mayor At Graduation Ceremony

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

FLORIDA: Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus Group Sides with Hamas Terrorists

No surprises below – “Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus invited two organizers with the Florida Palestine Network to speak at a recent virtual meeting.”

The Democrat Party in Polk County is aligned in every respect with the Democrat Socialists of America and their anti-American agenda.

Democrats in Polk County are no different than those in power in D.C. – they are lawless; anti-American; anti-Israel; anti-nuclear family; pro-LGBTQ agenda and anti-Liberty as defined by our Constitution and our God granted Rights!

Those of us who have attended PCPS School Board meetings know this all too well.

The answer lies in electing local, state and federal officials who are truly conservative and love our country and its God given rights under our Constitution. This includes meeting the goals of Project 17 locally; primarying out establishment RINOs at state level and re-electing POTUS Trump in 2024!

Gary White Lakeland Ledger | USA TODAY NETWORK

At a time when elected officials almost uniformly support Israel’s military action in Gaza, advocates for Palestinians recently addressed a group affiliated with the Polk County Democratic Party.

The Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus invited two organizers with the Florida Palestine Network to speak at a recent virtual meeting. Lamia Moukaddam and Tamara Yousef shared a presentation titled “What’s Happening in Palestine and How To Be an Ally” for about a dozen participants.

The Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus is one of at least six affiliated with the local Democratic Party. Another is the Polk County Democratic Party Jewish Caucus. Veysel Dokur, president of the Progressive Democratic Caucus, unsuccessfully ran against Sen. Colleen Burton, R-Lakeland, in the 2022 election.

The appearance by Moukaddam and Yousef came amid Israel’s continued military offensive in the Gaza Strip, in response to a coordinated raid into Israel on Oct. 7 by Hamas, a Palestinian militant group based in Gaza. That assault largely targeted civilians, including children.

Hamas attackers reportedly killed about 1,200 Israelis and took about 240 hostages.

The Israel Defense Forces have repeatedly bombed Gaza, destroying many of its structures and leaving more than half the population internally displaced, according to media reports. The Hamas-run health ministry claims that the military campaign has killed more than 13,000 in Gaza, including at least 5,600 children, while Israel disputes those figures.

Moukaddam and Yousef described the current conflict as a continuation of the Nakba — or displacement of Palestinians — that began with the creation of Israel in 1948. More than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled their homes or were expelled by Zionist forces during the 1948 Palestine war.

Gaza, a strip of 141 square miles with a population of about 2 million, is an autonomous region bordered by Israel, Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea. The political division of Hamas has governed the region since 2006.

In an interview before the meeting and during the presentation, Moukaddam, a Lebanese-American who identifies as nonbinary, labeled Israel’s military action a genocide and said its leaders are engaged in ethnic cleansing.

Yousef, a Palestinian-America, told those on the Zoom call that more than 7 million Palestinian refugees are scattered across the globe, making them the world’s largest refugee population.

Israel is a long-established American ally, and President Joe Biden has repeatedly expressed support for the country, though his administration has called for humanitarian pauses in the military mission to allow aid to reach Gaza residents. Members of Congress and the Florida Legislature have shown almost undivided solidarity with Israel.

“A lot of folks are talking about what happened on Oct. 7 and since then, but this history goes far, far beyond that,” Moukaddam said during the presentation. “And so, we really want to discuss the root causes of the ongoing genocide and kind of how we got here today.”

Moukaddam declared that Zionism — the movement for the creation and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel — is “the equivalent of colonialism and, frankly, an ethno-state as well.”

That term refers to a sovereign state in which only members of a particular racial or ethnic group have full citizenship.

Yousef described Hamas’ actions on Oct. 7 as “a resistance movement to obtain liberation from the Israeli occupation” and called the Israeli military response as “a U.S.-funded genocide.”

“It’s not a war,” Yousef said. “It’s a genocide and ethnic cleansing and an apartheid. Vocabulary matters. What we call this matters — it’s a genocide. And simply put, anti-Zionism is not antisemitic or anti-Jewish.”

Some politicians have suggested that expressions of support for Palestinians amount to condoning terrorism or that any criticism of Israel’s military action equates to antisemitism. Interviewed before the meeting, Dokur said that the Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus does not support Hamas, the group labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State, a description he also used.

“This is not support for Hamas,” Dokur said. “This is support for humanity and calling out our human side. The Palestinian people are not Hamas; they are the Palestinian people. Hamas is not the Palestinian people; they are separate.”

Dokur noted that some Israelis, including the group Jews for Peace, have protested the military action and called for a ceasefire. Jewish groups in the United States have also demonstrated against the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

Dokur said he denounces both antisemitism and “anti-Muslim hatred.” Identifying himself as part of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Dokur stressed that some religious organizations have demanded a ceasefire in Gaza.

After Israeli forces struck two schools over the weekend affiliated with the United Nations, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was “deeply shocked” and repeated his call for “an immediate humanitarian cease-fire.”

In an interview, Moukaddam did not explicitly condemn Hamas for the Oct. 7 attack.

“Everyone is so focused on Oct. 7, and they’re not looking at the fact that this has been a 75-year-long genocide and illegal occupation,” they said. “And every time the oppressed fight back, every time brown or Black communities fight back, they’re considered the terrorists, versus the oppressed. And so, when people ask me to condemn Hamas or the (taking of) — what was it, 190 hostages? — what about the over 2 million hostages in Gaza right now?”

Demonstrations in support of Palestinians have occurred throughout the world in recent weeks. Police clashed with protesters gathered Nov. 15 outside the offices of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C. In Florida, a group rallied outside the state Capitol in Tallahassee to demand a ceasefire.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican candidate for president, has called for disbanding pro-Palestinian student organizations at two state universities, prompting a lawsuit claiming violations of free-speech rights.

Moukaddam was arrested Nov. 9 during a protest organized by the Florida Palestine Network outside the C4 Advanced Tactical Systems warehouse in Orlando. They joined about 40 demonstrators who chanted in criticism of the company for supplying explosives used by the Israeli military.

Moukaddam said they were peacefully protesting while standing in a crosswalk when five sheriff’s deputies slammed them to the ground, causing injuries. Moukaddam was charged with resisting an officer without violence, a misdemeanor, after they refused an order not to block a roadway, according to the arrest affidavit.

Gary White can be reached at gary. or 863-8027518. Follow on X @garywhite13.

Read full article.

©2023. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘You Can’t Hide’: Biden Berated By Pro-Palestinian Protesters At Christmas Tree Lighting

Dem Presidential Candidate Dean Phillips Says ‘It’s Delusional’ To Think Biden Can Beat Trump

Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota said in a tweet Saturday that claims that President Joe Biden could defeat former President Donald Trump were “delusional.”

Phillips cited Biden’s declining poll numbers, sharing a report by Politico in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Saturday morning. Trump led Biden in polls by NBC News, Quinnipiac, Fox News and Morning Consult.

“As a member of House Democratic Leadership, I supported and promoted the Biden agenda,” Phillips posted. “I campaigned for him, voted for him, and respect him. But how can anyone read this and conclude he’s positioned to defeat Donald Trump?”

“It’s delusional,” Phillips concluded.

Phillips announced his bid to challenge Biden Oct. 26, citing concerns about Biden’s age and ability to win the 2024 election. Writer and self-help guru Marianne Williamson also is challenging Biden for the Democratic nomination.

Biden has suffered some falls, including one at the Air Force Academy June 1. He also fell down while on his bike in June 2022 and stumbled on the steps of Air Force One on two occasions. Biden now takes a different set of stairs onto the VC-25 used as Air Force One, among other concessions to his age.

Biden also faces third-party challenges from more liberal candidates, including environmental advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and professor Cornel West, who are running as independents, while 2016 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein announced she is seeking that party’s nomination in 2024.





Things Are Going From Bad To Worse For Joe Biden, Polls Show

‘You Can’t Hide’: Biden Berated By Pro-Palestinian Protesters At Christmas Tree Lighting

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Lack of ‘Affirmation’ Is Child Abuse: New Biden Rule Applies Transgender Standard to Foster Care

Transgender orthodoxy may soon become a litmus test for parenthood, according to the logic of a new policy working its way through the Department of Health and Human Services under President Joe Biden.

A new rule in HHS’ Administration for Children and Families would apply the idea that any lack of “affirmation” constitutes a form of child abuse to foster care placements. Once that idea takes root in foster care, child protective services agencies might start applying it more broadly.

The rule would reinterpret the Social Security Act, which requires agencies to ensure that each child in foster care receives “safe and proper” care. The rule would lay out steps agencies must take to meet that requirement for “LGBTQI+ children,” defined as kids who “identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, as well as children who are non-binary, or have non-conforming gender identity or expression.”

Before agencies place a child with a foster parent, known as a “provider,” that person must “establish an environment free of hostility, mistreatment, or abuse based on the child’s LGBTQI+ status;” receive training “to be prepared with the appropriate knowledge and skills to provide for the needs of the child related to the child’s self-identified sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression;” and must be able to “facilitate the child’s access to age-appropriate resources, services, and activities that support their health and well-being.”

As the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Rachel Morrison pointed out for The Federalist Society, the rule does not define “hostility,” “mistreatment,” or “abuse.” However, it does clarify that “a provider who attempted to undermine, suppress, or change the sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression of a child, including through the use of so-called ‘conversion therapy,’ would not be a safe and appropriate placement.”

The proposed rule cites medical associations such as the American Psychological Association to claim that efforts to “undermine, suppress, or change” sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression “are not supported by evidence and have been rejected as harmful.”

The rule does not acknowledge that gender ideology has infiltrated these medical associations and that many doctors—including those who once embraced gender ideology—have warned against confusing children on their gender and putting them on a path to mutilating their own bodies.

Dr. Stephen B. Levine, a psychiatrist and early proponent of transgender medical interventions, joined and briefly helped lead the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, which later became the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, the central medical group that organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association rely upon.

A member from 1974 to 2001, Levine served as chairman of the eight-member International Standards of Care Committee that issued the fifth version of the standards. He ultimately resigned his membership in 2002 upon concluding that the organization “had become dominated by politics and ideology, rather than by scientific progress.”

In a document opposing the use of Medicaid funding for experimental transgender medical interventions for children, Levine explains that “there is no consensus or agreed ‘standard of care’ concerning therapeutic approaches to child or adolescent gender dysphoria.” He notes that gender identity “is not biologically based” and “empirically not fixed for many individuals.”

Levine also warns that social transition “is a powerful psychotherapeutic intervention that radically changes outcomes” and makes it far less likely that young children will “desist” from a transgender identity.

Contrary to the transgender activists’ claims, many doctors have raised serious concerns about the long-term effects of “gender-affirming care.” Cross-sex hormones can weaken children’s bones and make them more prone to heart disease. So-called puberty blockers, often billed as fully reversible, involve introducing a disease into a child’s body and make puberty harder to start again, should the child change his or her mind.

European countries, long considered more “progressive” than the U.S., have found a lack of evidence for medical interventions on children and are recommending a “watchful waiting” approach for minors.

Ultimately, gender ideology rests on the claim that a nebulous gender identity is more important than an individual’s biological sex. If a biological male claims to identify as female, society must consider him a woman and allow him to enter women’s restrooms, prisons, and sports teams, even though some men pose a threat to women in intimate situations and enjoy biological advantages in many sports. Similarly, this ideology encourages bodily alterations to make a male appear female and vice versa, despite the lack of evidence that such interventions actually improve well-being over the long haul.

This idea is particularly harmful for children who are just learning what it means to be male or female. If a boy likes to play with Barbie dolls, that does not mean he is really a girl. If a girl likes to play with G.I. Joes, that does not mean she is really a boy. Yet the ideology behind transgender identity urges parents to abandon all sanity and declare that such kids are transgender.

Before you object, think about how nebulous “gender identity” actually is. It doesn’t rely on a specific set of standards that may be verified objectively. Instead, it relies on an individual’s claim that he or she experiences painful and persistent dissonance between an “identity” and his or her biology. Any attempt to resolve this dissonance through mainstream talk therapy is ipso facto a form of “conversion therapy” to be condemned as “harmful.”

Yet Levine argues that “affirming” a transgender identity is a “powerful psychotherapeutic intervention” that will set kids on the path to mutilation and sterilization—long before they have any concept about what their own fertility means.

Under Biden’s proposed new rule, any potential foster parent who aims to protect a child from this confusion and damage may soon face expulsion from the program. That means the process will be designed to weed out guardians who actually would take good care of the kids and enable guardians who would assist in harming them.

In this topsy-turvy world, biology takes a back seat to a child’s insistence that he or she is really the opposite sex, even if the child might just as well identify as Queen Elsa of Arendelle or a Tyrannosaurus rex.

The rule justifies this by claiming that kids in the foster care system are more likely to identify as LGBTQI+, i.e. to face gender confusion. This means they are more vulnerable to the damage of gender ideology, not less. They need someone to protect them from “gender-affirming care,” and Biden seems dead set on preventing that.

Sadly, the HHS rule is not the first time Americans have faced this type of policy. In my home state of Virginia, state Del. Elizabeth Guzman, a Democrat, supports a bill to expand the definition of “child abuse” to include disagreement with gender ideology.

California’s Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, signed a bill turning California into a “sanctuary state” for “gender-affirming care,” which the law defines as an absolute right. The law gives California courts the ability to award custody over a child if someone removes the child from his or her parents in another state in order to obtain such “care” for that child despite the parents’ disagreement.

Ultimately, Americans cannot have it both ways. Either it is child abuse to deny a child’s transgender identity, or it is child abuse to encourage experimental medical alterations that will leave that child stunted, scarred, and infertile.

Those on the Left seem hell-bent on forcing gender ideology in the name of safety, and Americans need to stand up and say, “No.”

Thankfully, HHS’ Administration for Children and Families must read every single written comment that concerned Americans send in on the rule. Americans may make their voices heard by submitting comments at this link.

This story has been updated to accurately reflect Rachel Morrison’s affiliation.


Tyler O’Neil is managing editor of The Daily Signal and the author of “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center.”


Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email , and we’ll consider publishing your edited remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature. Remember to include the URL or headline of the article plus your name and town and/or state.

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

Transgender Suspect Threatens to Rape Christian Girls, Inject HIV in People Wearing Crosses, Copycat Nashville Shooting

Another shocking news story the media won’t cover because the perp is a member of the left’s protected client class.

Transgender suspect threatens to rape Christian girls, inject HIV in people wearing crosses, copycat Nashville shooting: Feds

By: Blaze, November 24, 2023:

A transgender individual threatened to rape Christian schoolgirls, inject HIV into people wearing crosses, and carry out a copycat of the Nashville Christian Covenant School shooting, according to federal authorities.

Jason Lee Willie – a biological male who identifies as Alexia N. Willie – was charged on Nov. 7 with 14 felony counts of interstate communication of a threat to injure.

Willie – a 47-year-old from Nashville, Illinois – allegedly made the macabre threats in online videos and during streaming video calls.

In a ghastly threat from Illinois to Virginia, Willie purportedly vowed to commit a school shooting.

“We’re out here walking into your school, shooting your children, and I’m going to tell you right now, I’m gonna be one of them and the FBI isn’t gonna stop me, but I’m gonna kill your children out here,” Willie declared, according to the indictment.

“There’s a lot of transgenders out here that are tired of being picked on and we’re going to go into the schools and we’re going to kill their f***ing children out here, and that’s the end of it. We’re at war,” Willie reportedly said.

Willie allegedly made a subtle threat to carry out a copycat shooting like the one executed in March by a transgender individual who killed three children and three adults at the Christian Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.

“A person in Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot up a bunch of your Christian daughters,” Willie purportedly said. “That’s not the last of them…..

Continue reading.




Progressive City Plans to Hand Out ‘Guaranteed Incomes’ To Transgenders, Illegal Immigrants

The Hidden Epidemic of Transgender Indoctrination

TUCKER ON X: Transgender, Inc. Genital Mutilation is Not Just a Fad. It’s a Full-Blown Industry.

SICK: Transgender Coach Strips in Front of Teen Girls in School Locker Room

Muslim Stabs Teachers and Children at Dublin Catholic School, Media Covers It Up

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

‘Innocent Palestinians’ freed by Israel immediately don Hamas headbands

What are the odds that they will return to the jihad?

Oh, about 100%.

Netherlands: Geert Wilders calls for recognition that Islam is a violent ideology

Will he become prime minister? I expect that the leftist socialist establishment will now move heaven and earth and resort to all its dirtiest maneuvers in order to prevent that from happening.



UK teachers ‘censoring their lessons over fears of offending Muslim pupils’

CNN: Freed ‘Palestinians’ aren’t terrorists, one ‘sentenced for attempted stabbing attack’

USC bans tenured professor from campus for criticizing Hamas

Austria: Islamic ‘moral guardians’ brutally beat non-Muslim teen for relationship with Muslim girl

UK: BBC bans journalists from going to march against antisemitism, yet many BBC employees attended pro-Hamas rallies

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

Ken Paxton Amidst a Witch Hunt of Legal Storms and Political Crossfires

This is nothing but a witch hunt, and yet again, Ken Paxton, Texas’s Attorney General, finds himself at the epicenter of a protracted legal saga.  But Paxton stands resilient. Beyond a victim’s perceptions, Paxton himself contends that these charges, dating back to 2011, are fabricated. As the narrative unfolds, and as a keen observer navigating through the storm, my perspective sheds light on Paxton’s position as both a victim of political attacks and a target of an insidious agenda, challenging the prevailing narrative.

At the heart of the controversy lies the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, a foundational principle of our justice system. Rather than viewing legal challenges as evidence of wrongdoing, they are seen as an integral part of a fair process, underscoring the importance of due process in pursuing justice.

The absurd claim is that Paxton defrauded investors by allegedly encouraging them to fund a tech startup. The twist lies in the assertion that, unbeknownst to the investors, Paxton was receiving financial compensation for promoting the venture. Despite these serious allegations, Paxton has pleaded not guilty, maintaining his innocence in the face of legal turmoil.

Paxton unequivocally asserts that the charges against him, which have lingered since 2011, are entirely fabricated. Despite the passage of time, he contends that the statutes of limitations on certain issues have been exceeded while simultaneously arguing that the laws in question were never applicable to him in the first place.

Instances of politically motivated attacks form a pervasive theme in the landscape. Paxton, targeted for his political stance, finds himself entangled in a web of calculated assaults that go beyond genuine legal concerns. The sheer number of these instances paints a vivid picture of a political battleground where Paxton is a key player.

Beyond the legal intricacies, Paxton’s tenure as Texas Attorney General is marked by positive contributions that extend far beyond the courtroom drama. His impact resonates in policy initiatives, legal actions, and positive outcomes attributed to his leadership, offering a nuanced perspective that transcends the legal battles.

Amidst the legal maelstrom, concerns loom large regarding fair treatment in both the media and the legal system. The bias witnessed in public discourse becomes a rallying point, fostering a sense of solidarity among those who perceive Paxton’s treatment as unjust and influenced by a narrative that borders on a subversion of facts.

Beyond the courtroom battles, Paxton’s legal disputes are viewed as instruments in a larger political game, part of a broader effort to undermine him politically. This perspective unveils a strategic dimension to the legal challenges, shaping the narrative of a political chessboard where Paxton is a major player ensnared in an unjustified imbroglio of deceptive moves.

Paxton’s resilience and determination, far from mere persistence, are hailed as defining traits. His ability to continue serving despite legal challenges is seen as a testament to his capacity to overcome adversity and emerge stronger. In the context of heightened scrutiny, these traits take on added significance.

Amidst the legal intricacies and the specter of a witch hunt, our trust in the legal process remains a steadfast guiding principle. We fervently hope for a fair resolution where truth prevails, shaping our overall perspective and influencing how we interpret the unfolding legal proceedings against Paxton.

Moreover, in an email circulated to his supporters shortly after the charges were made public, Paxton expressed confidence in his eventual vindication. Anticipating a thorough examination of the case, he articulated his expectation to be fully exonerated once the complete facts come to light.

As the legal odyssey unfolds, Ken Paxton has introduced a layer of defiance against the accusations. From his vantage point, these charges are baseless and part of a broader narrative that he expects will ultimately reveal his innocence. In the complex interplay of legal intricacies, political attacks, and the currently unfolding saga, Paxton remains resolute in his plea of not guilty, awaiting a full examination of the facts to clear his name.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s tireless campaign and forthright exposition of his vision assure the electorate and voters that the best-qualified public servant is at the helm in the office of the Attorney General. We can’t allow him to stand alone at this crucial moment.

And as the Court of Criminal Appeals takes center stage, the narrative of defending Ken Paxton is not just a legal battle; it’s a resolute belief in the innocence, resilience, and positive contributions of a public figure navigating a storm of unjust controversies and, of course, a political witch hunt.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

The Theatrics of American Politics Reeks of Reality TV

Power dynamics, policy debates, and public perception intertwine in the conundrum of American politics, where, I believe, there is a persistent undercurrent of skepticism regarding the authenticity of political discourse. It might be possible that politicians, regardless of party affiliations, may share language coaches, orchestrating a grandiose performance akin to a reality TV show. This extreme thinking might challenge the conventional understanding of political dynamics and, therefore, posit that the adversarial nature of American politics may be nothing more than an elaborate charade.

Now let’s have a peek at the shared language coach puzzle with a perception that unveils the intricacies of political discourse and invites us to question whether the carefully crafted communication strategies employed by the new crop of upcoming politicians like Vivek Ramaswamy contribute to a more nuanced understanding of politics and governance or serve as a veil that obscures the true nature of their intentions and behind-the-scene collaborations.

On a hunch, both Democrats and Republicans may be engaging in a collective effort to refine their communication skills through shared language coaches. This notion raises questions about the apparent animosity displayed between political opponents. Could these individuals collaborate to craft a compelling narrative beneath the surface, playing different roles in a carefully choreographed spectacle?

To understand what’s currently unfolding in American politics, or perhaps what has been present for a long time, we need to examine the Good Cop, Bad Cop perspective with a discerning eye, recognizing the hidden interplay of political strategies, alliances, and the potential shared objectives that may lie beneath the surface of apparent ideological conflicts.

The concept of politicians playing “good cop, bad cop” is not new. Still, the idea of it being a coordinated act adds a layer of intrigue to the current political landscape, including what’s happening in Texas right now. Thus, do we need to understand that politicians alternate between roles, presenting the illusion of fierce ideological battles while secretly working together behind closed doors? This dynamic could be a strategic maneuver to maintain public interest, perpetuating the illusion of a divided nation while concealing a more unified reality.

The notion of a reality TV paradigm in US politics arises from a video that has surfaced, where Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican presidential candidate, is seen plagiarizing Barack Obama’s speech during a GOP debate. The line in question is: “So let me just address a question that is on everybody’s mind at home tonight: who the heck is this skinny guy with the funny last name, and what the heck is he doing in the middle of this debate stage?” Ramaswamy said this line at the beginning of the debate.

The line was originally from a speech Obama gave at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. Obama spoke about hope in his speech, which would become the centerpiece of his White House bid. He said: “The hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too.”

Reality television has become dominant in modern entertainment, shaping narratives, manipulating emotions, and blurring the lines between fiction and reality. What if American politics, too, has, by design or otherwise, adopted elements of this genre? From what I see happening all around, I do get the feeling that politicians are not just participants in the political process but actors in a grandiose reality TV show, where the stakes are not just policy decisions but the perception of power and influence.

This is all about the allure of spectacle, where the orchestrated drama, scripted narratives, and theatrical performances within the political arena try to keep the audience captivated, shaping perceptions and overshadowing substantive issues. The allure of spectacle distracts the public from underlying issues and fosters a sense of unpredictability, keeping viewers engaged in the ongoing political drama.

While the idea of American politics as a shared reality TV show may seem extreme, for now, it raises important questions about the nature of political discourse and the authenticity of public narratives. Evidence supporting such a theory may need to be made clearer. Still, the observed understanding challenges us to reconsider the motivations behind political actions and the potential influence of entertainment culture on the political landscape. Whether this theory holds water or not, its very existence underscores the need for a critical and discerning public capable of seeing through the interplay of politics, media, and entertainment in the 21st century.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

Watch as hundreds of Muslims in Gaza cheer and whistle as 2 Muslim men are hung upside down on a metal pole.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” —  Joseph Goebbels,  Nazi propaganda chief.

We are here to teach the West to stop using nonsensical terms like “radical Islam,” “Islamist,” and “extremist,” when referring to the well-substantiated, doctrinal teaching of Islamic luminaries including, Mohammad, Hassan al-Banna, Youssef Quradawi, Sayyid Qutb, Ismail Haniyeh, Hassan Nasrallah, Yahya Sinwar, Yassar Arafat, Mousa Abu Marzook, Usama bin Laden and many millions of other true believers.

Hamas and its members are true believers. Their own manual is titled “A Document of General Principles and Policies” published on August 18, 1988 is a “Hamas Covenant” with Allah.

The links are simple: Mohammad = Hamas, Hamas = Jihad, Jihad = Islam.

Islamic jihad, by its own actions, uses cruelty and brutality even against its own people.

Members of Palestinian armed groups in the West Bank city of Tulkarem have reportedly executed two men accused of spying for Israel.

Pictures on social media show the bodies of the two men hanging from an electricity pole.

Watch how Hamas executes it’s own citizens.

Thankfully most Muslims DO NOT follow their own mandated teaching on Jihad but it only takes a small number of Islamic jihadis to create global chaos as September 11, 2001 and October 7, 2023 scream from the video tapes.

Watch this video of J.P. Watson on the Dublin, mostly peaceful protests, against a Algerian Muslim migrant who stabbed 3 children and 2 two women at a Catholic school in Dublin. A 5-year-old girl was receiving emergency medical treatment.

For the record, we DO NOT hate Muslims, we hate JIHAD… and so should you!

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Suspect in Dublin stabbing was charged with knife possession in May OF 2023… but never convicted

WATCH: FITNA – Geert Wilders’ Unedited Film


WATCH: The Fall of Minneapolis

Alpha News is proud to present “The Fall of Minneapolis.”

This documentary is provided free of charge due to generous donors.

The film is based on Liz Collin’s Amazon bestseller, “They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd,” which exposes the holes in the prevailing narrative surrounding George Floyd’s death, the trial of Derek Chauvin, and the fallout the city of Minneapolis has suffered ever since.

The documentary features more than a dozen interviews with the people directly involved, including exclusive interviews with former officers Derek Chauvin and Alexander Kueng who spoke to Liz Collin from prison. The families of Chauvin and Kueng also speak out publicly for the first time.

The film also features current and former Minneapolis police officers who tell their harrowing stories from the riots, recount the planned surrender of the Third Precinct, and explain why so many of them left the job.

WATCH: The Fall of Minneapolis

The crowdfunded movie was produced by Alpha News journalist Liz Collin and directed by Dr. J.C. Chaix. Cinematography by Josh Feland.

Please consider a 100% tax-deductible donation to support our work and help promote this film:

©2023. All rights reserved.

POST ON X: Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer who imprisoned due to the George Floyd arrest was stabbed in jail and is in serious condition right after “The Fall of Minneapolis” was released:

VIDEO: How to Name the Enemy

HAMAS—Good Muslims or Bad Muslims? To understand please watch this very important discussion between Tom Trento and Clare Lopez on how to “name the enemy.”

WATCH: Don’t say “radical Islam,” Mohammad = Hamas, Hamas = Jihad, Jihad = Islam

The purpose of this video discussion between Tom Trento and Clare Lopez is to teach the West to stop using nonsensical terms like “radical Islam,” “Islamist,” and “extremist,” when referring to the well-substantiated, doctrinal teaching of Islamic luminaries including:

Mohammad, Hassan al-Banna, Youssef Quradawi, Sayyid Qutb, Ismail Haniyeh, Hassan Nasrallah, Yahya Sinwar, Yassar Arafat, Mousa Abu Marzook, Usama bin Laden and many million others.

According to these folks, Islamic Jihad is at war with the Judeo-Christian West.

This is nothing new, it has been going on, in various degrees in various places since the inception of Islam, 1400 years ago.

When Muslims believe they are in a position of strength, the war becomes kinetic, guns, bombs, knives and physical destruction, to strike fear in the hearts of the unbelievers and DOMINATE.

When Muslims are NOT in a position of physical strength the ongoing war becomes CULTURAL, through immigration without assimilation and efforts to destroy America’s miserable house, from within.

Doctrinally, Islam has a GLOBAL mandate to subdue the world, either through conversion (by the sword if necessary) submission of the infidel or death for those who reject conversion or submission.

Go read Usama bin Laden’s writings if you want to start your research on Jihad, the Holy War of Islam against all unbelievers, starting with the Jews and then the Christians, as those two groups did not follow Allah, so he had to send Mohammad to clean up the mess.

Thankfully most Muslims DO NOT follow their own mandated teaching on Jihad but it only takes a small number of Islamic jihadis to create global chaos as September 11, 2001 and October 7, 2023 scream from the video tapes.

NB: As we make clear in the video, our truthful description of the system of Islam distinguishes between those Muslims who follow the doctrine of Jihad and those Muslims who do not.

For the record, we DO NOT hate Muslims, we hate JIHAD… and so should you!

Please share this video and support our work.

WATCH: FITNA – Geert Wilders’ Unedited Film


EDITORS NOTE: This The United West video is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

Communist Cuban Dictatorship Embraces Hamas

The Communist dictator of Cuba, President Miguel Díaz-Canel led a march along Havana’s boardwalk on November 23rd 2023 demanding an end to the war between Israel and Hamas and freedom for Palestinians.

Díaz-Canel was accompanied by Cuba’s Communist dictatorship administrators including Prime Minister Manuel Marrero and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez.

None of these people have been legitimately elected in free elections by the citizens of Cuba.

It’s interesting that these Communist Cuban dictators are marching for freedom for people other than for their own citizens who are prisoners of the Cuban Communist Party which they represent.

So the Communist government of Cuba supports Palestinian freedom of religion while it has a tight control on all of its own religious institutions and closely monitors and controls individual freedoms of religion in Cuba. Such hypocrites.

The Communist dictatorship of Cuba also arbitrarily detains Cuban citizens and harasses critics and jails and censors political opponents. Much like Hamas does in the Gaza Strip. Much like the Biden Administration does in the United States.

This march was not in support of freedom for Palestinians it was in solidarity with Hamas an evil malfeasance, a satanic force intent on wiping out the Jewish population from the face of the earth.

Cuba’s dictatorship has a serious problem with Jews

On Oct. 7 Hamas terrorists killed more than 1,300 Israelis, wounding over 3,360, and launching over 6,300 rockets. Hamas raiders entered Israel, murdering, raping, and kidnapping civilians.In a formal statement released that same day, the Cuban Foreign Ministry blamed Israel and its “accomplice,” the U.S., for the violence. In so doing, it continues to spread a false narrative that originates in Soviet-era anti-Israel propaganda.Cuban officials have been meeting over the last year with high-ranking officials from Iran and Hamas. Iran’s Foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian visited Cuba and met with Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel on Feb. 5 “for talks on issues of mutual interest and international topics,” according to a statement from the Islamic Republic’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On Feb. 25, Middle East Monitor reported that a Hamas delegation publicly visited the Cuban Ambassador in Lebanon. In that meeting, Ambassador Jorge Leon Cruz recognized “the legitimate right of the Palestinians to defend their land….The Palestinians are fighting for a just cause.”

On June 15, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi publicly met with his Cuban counterpart, Miguel Diaz-Canel, in Havana.

In short, both the terrorist group Hamas and its chief patron, Iran, have close relations with Cuba’s communist regime. The Cuban dictatorship aids terrorists in the Middle East, allows Hezbollah to maintain a base in Cuba, and provides intelligence to Hamas.

The Cuban dictatorship also has a history of domestic antisemitism. Cuban officials in 2019 barred Jewish children from wearing kippahs in school. Fidel Castro in 1994 prohibited the importation of kosher meat into Cuba, despite allowing Halal food, which complies with Islamic dietary laws. Castro supported the 1975 UN resolution equating Zionism with racism and opposed its repeal in 1991.

Read full article.

©2023. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.

‘Astonishing’: DCNF Reporter Details How Rural America Is Being Overtaken By Chinese Illegal Marijuana Grows

Rural Maine has been taken over by roughly 270 suspected Chinese illegal marijuana grows and law enforcement doesn’t seem to be heeding the communities’ calls for help, Daily Caller News Foundation Jennie Taer said on Sky News Australia.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned about the grow operations that could be making an estimated $4.37 billion in revenue, which can be used for more crimes or are sent back to China, the DCNF exclusively reported in August. The DCNF visited dozens of properties identified as suspected Chinese illegal marijuana grows by DHS and The Maine Wire.

“What we found is just an astonishing situation, where you have these operating in plain sight in rural Maine and the communities there have alerted law enforcement to this issue, but no one seems to be doing anything about this,” Taer said.

The marijuana from the illicit operations is often smuggled through Interstate 95, which provides a route all the way to Florida and to other areas of the county, according to the DHS memo.

“The memo came out over the summer, that was the federal government that was warning about this, and then, of course, local police and local sheriffs know about this issue, but all of these sites seem to be still active from what we’ve seen,” Taer added.

Mainers voted legalize marijuana recreationally in the state in 2016, while medical use has been legal since 1999. In 2020, the sale of recreational marijuana officially became law.

Maine residents who are at least 21 years old can grow up to three mature plants and 12 immature plants for personal use, according to the state’s Office of Cannabis Policy (OCP).

“One of them was across the street from a daycare and reeked of marijuana. They’re taking up the rural power supply, causing blackouts for their neighbors, they’re doing all kinds of things that are making the community feel very insecure, but they also feel forgotten because no one is heeding their warnings or their calls for law enforcement to go after these people,” Taer said.



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: Chinese Nationals Are Illegally Crossing The Border In Record Numbers, New Data Shows

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

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Elon Musk To Visit Israel Next Week

Officials in Israel are preparing for a visit by Elon Musk next week.

He is expected to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Herzog.

He is also planning on visiting the scenes of the Hamas massacre in Southern Israel


RELATED ARTICLE: 80 Percent of Americans Back Israel

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.