Border Patrol Busts Hundreds of Adult Migrants Posing as Minors to Dodge Deportation

As if the crisis along the southern border were not bad enough, adult illegal immigrants are posing as minors to enter—and stay in—the U.S. since typically those under 18 are welcomed with open arms. The government refers to them as Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) and hundreds of thousands have entered the country in the last few years. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is charged with caring for illegal aliens under the age of 18 and the agency spends millions of dollars annually to house, medically treat, entertain, and school UAC who come mainly from Central America. Undoubtedly, illegal immigrant minors are almost always allowed to remain in the U.S. and quickly disbursed to a government-funded shelter upon arrival at the border.

The special treatment has led to even more criminal behavior by those already breaking the law entering the U.S. illegally. In El Paso alone, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirms that more than 655 adult migrants posing as minors have been busted in fiscal year 2022. This week the agency announced that the El Paso Sector has recently seen an unusual amount of activity involving adults posing as minors to dodge deportation. In one of the incidents agents identified 10 adults posting as UAC while in custody. CBP has a limited time to transfer UAC to HHS custody once the illegal border crossers are vetted and there begins the journey to stay in the U.S. Bigger criminal enterprises are behind the imposter plots, according to federal authorities. “Transnational Criminal Organizations exploit migrants convincing them to pose as minors in order to be processed as such” said El Paso Sector Border Patrol Chief Gloria I. Chavez. “Identity fraud is a common tactic used by TCOs to take advantage of migrants who do not know the legal consequences of their actions as they attempt to deceive authorities.”

The frontline Homeland Security agency says three adults posing as minors were also discovered recently using counterfeit documentation at the El Paso Sector Central Processing Center in Texas. The illegal immigrants, a 21-year-old female, 22-year-old female and 22-year-old male, are from Guatemala and were part of a group of 13 apprehended by federal agents in the area. “The three were encountered, along with nine unaccompanied children from Guatemala and one adult,” CBP writes in a statement. “These individuals pose as minors in order to avoid expulsion.” In a separate incident this month three males from Guatemala, ages 18, 25 and 26, intentionally posed as minors to remain in the U.S. Federal agents detected discrepancies between their stories and documentation presented in their failed attempt to pass as minors.

In yet another incident made public this month, CBP officers at El Paso’s Ysleta Station, which is responsible for 16.7 miles of international boundary along the Rio Grande River, discovered a group of what appeared to be eight minors later determined to be from Guatemala crossing the border illegally. Two of the illegal immigrants pretending to be underage turned out to be imposters, according to the feds. One was a 22-year-old male and the other a 19-year-old female. As in the other cases, agents, though overwhelmed with an onslaught of illegal immigration, detected discrepancies during interviews. CBP warns that individuals who attempt to pose as unaccompanied children may face charges under American laws that prohibit false statements to federal agents and conspiracy to defraud the U.S.

The last thing the country’s disastrous immigration system needs is more UAC. American taxpayers already spend a fortune to accommodate them through HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which funds and oversees dozens of state-licensed care facilities to house the young migrants when they arrive in the U.S. In fiscal year 2021 ORR housed an unprecedented 122,731 UAC, according to government figures, and this year’s budget is a whopping $8.76 billion. HHS projects that in 2022 it will accommodate approximately 149,000 and between 500 and 600 daily for the remainder of the fiscal year, which ends in September. Last year the overwhelming majority of illegal immigrant minors in U.S. custody, approximately 72%, were over 14 years of age and 66% were male. Nearly half (47%) of the underage migrants came from Guatemala, 32% from Honduras, 13% from El Salvador and 8% from other countries.

RELATED ARTICLE: Lying White House Claims People Aren’t Illegally ‘Walking’ Across Border, Footage Shows Opposite

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Biden’s attacks on religion, organic foods, an American farmer plus Florida’s straight lifestyle.



Dr. Rich Swier is a “conservative with a conscience.” Rich is a 23 year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Valor and Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Dr. Rich now publishes the eMagazine. A daily review of news, views, current issues and commentary!

TOPIC: Biden’s attacks on religion, organic foods, farmers and the straight lifestyle.


Cherise Trump is the Executive Director of Speech First. Cherise brings extensive experience working directly with college students to Speech First, thanks to her time spent serving as program manager of the Alexander Hamilton Society. Previously, Cherise has worked at the Heritage Foundation as their associate director of coalition relations. Cherise is also the host of Speech First’s new live show and podcast, Well Said, where she interviews experts, activists, professors, and students about free speech, higher education, and American culture.

TOPIC: With Student Loan ‘Forgiveness,’ the Racketeers Win Again!

©Conservative Commandoes Radio and AUN-TV. All rights reserved.

Make 1984 Fiction Again

Well, as of last week, it’s official. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has dissolved (at least for now) its “disinformation board.” Some critics have called this the “Ministry of Truth,” as in George Orwell’s classic novel about a dystopian, totalitarian future, 1984.

The agency was to be engaged in “countering disinformation that threatens the homeland, and providing the public with accurate information in response.”

Jarrett Stepman of the Heritage Foundation wrote in May: “It was bad enough that the Biden administration seemingly took George Orwell’s book ‘1984’ as a guide, rather than as a warning.”

Stepman noted that even some on the left were concerned about this board: “HBO’s ‘Real Time’ host Bill Maher said the Disinformation Governance Board had a ‘creepy name’ and noted that the opaque mission of the agency was ‘even creepier.’” Said Maher: “Yes, they’re right to compare this to Orwell and the ‘Ministry of Truth.’ That’s exactly what it sounds like.”

Over the summer, I re-read 1984 for the fourth time. It’s a harrowing read, reflecting a society in which all moral and spiritual realities have been upended, and it has helped introduce important concepts into the lexicon, such as “Big Brother,” “thoughtcrime,” and “Thought Police.”

How bad were things going to be in the years ahead as described in Orwell’s novel? “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

In the totalitarian regime of the future where the novel takes place, words are used to hide reality. Thus, the state declares:




The government authorities seek to control all aspects of life, even seeking to control thought itself, lest one commit a “thought crime.” As the novel declares: “Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull.”

One of the key aspects of life under Party Rule in 1984 is that the past was constantly being rewritten in order to conform to the prevailing ideas of the Party (as in the ascendant Communist Party of Orwell’s era).

The novel notes: “Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date.”

In the novel, Orwell states: “Thus, history is continuously rewritten. This day-to-day falsification of the past, carried out by the Ministry of Truth, is as necessary to the stability of the regime as the work of repression and espionage carried out by the Ministry of Love [a torture chamber] ….The past is whatever the records and the memories agree upon…the past is whatever the Party chooses to make it.”

If one were to incur the wrath of the state (not a difficult thing to do) one might be voided, becoming “an unperson.” The book describes one such man: “He did not exist; he had never existed.” As the Party slogan declares: “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

In this totalitarian vision, the past had to be re-written to serve the future. This reminds me of the ongoing attempt to rewrite America’s past—to erase God from it, and to exaggerate the shortcomings and failings of those who founded America.

No wonder the leftists in our day continually strive to cut us off from the heroes of our past, like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison—and to convert them into villains. Even Abraham Lincoln is not exempt.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin gave me an interview on America’s Christian roots, for my Providence Forum film series, “The Foundation of American Liberty.”

He said that bad things come when we have “isolated people from their background and from their history.” And what happens in American public education? Says Lapin, “We teach children only everything that is rotten and bad that they can find about Americans’ past, isolating children from everything that is glorious and good and noble about the founding of this country.”

The founders of America said that our rights come from God. They are not granted by the state, but by the Creator. The totalitarians, like Stalin and Big Brother in 1984, act as if the state is god on earth. That’s why Communist countries, based on atheism, impose nightmares on virtually everybody. Political and religious censorship is just the tip of the iceberg.

The idea of a federal board that would decide which ideas should be censored in America is frightening to the conservative and the Christian. Christianity is politically incorrect. It always has been. It always will be.

I saw a T-shirt recently that said, “Make ‘1984’ Fiction Again.” That’s a worthy goal. It’s good to hear of the dissolution of the “disinformation board,” which could have put into reality one aspect of what Orwell had written about. That dissolution is a step in the right direction.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

WATCH: Biden Holds Midterm Election Rally in Pennsylvania—And Nobody Came!

Well, well. Joe Biden is on the midterm campaign trail and he held a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on Thursday, August 30th, 2022.

The theme of the rally was a “Safer America.”

Interesting in that this comes after the FBI raid on a former president’s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida and the U.S. Marshals armed raid on organic Amish farmer Amos Miller in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania.

QUESTION: Safer for who, exactly?

BTW, I guess someone forgot to send out invitations to his event because hardly anyone showed up. I guess there aren’t many Biden supporting Democrats in Pennsylvania?

Here’s a Fox News video of the Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania rally:

Notice how few people showed up. I’ve seen bus stops with more people than this. It seems that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. just doesn’t have the power to draw in the crowds that his predecessor did.

I wonder why? Was it gas prices are so high that people decided that they couldn’t afford to drive to Wilkes-Barre?

Maybe it was the cost to enter the event? Did Joe’s people charge for this event to make up for the massive spending to pay for the salaries of 87,000 new armed IRS agents or maybe the cost estimated to be between $469 billion to $519 billion to pay off student loans over the next ten years? Just saying.

Maybe it was the U.S. Marshals raiding an organic farm owned by Amos Miller who’s Amish in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania? Maybe the Amish are boycotting Uncle Joe?

Maybe it was because Biden fearlessly defended the FBI, that he sent to ransack his political opponent’s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida?

Or maybe it was because at the rally Biden pledged to take away every Americans right to keep and bear arms stating, “We beat the NRA. We took on them and beat the NRA straight up. They have no idea how intimidating they are to elected officials. We don’t stop here. I am determined to ban assault weapons in this country! Certainly. I’ve done it before. And I will do it again.

Exactly, Biden clearly understands that an armed citizenry is a direct threat to each and every tyrannical elected official—like Biden.

Maybe its about defunding the police because that what his base, i.e. Black Lives matter wants. But wait Biden stated, “It’s disgusting to see the new attacks on the FBI threatening the lives of law enforcement agencies and their families for simply executing the law and doing their job. I am against defunding the police; I am also opposed to defunding the FBI.

So Biden doesn’t want to defund his private police force—the FBI. Now I get it.

Since the armed raid on Mar-a-Lago the FBI has been held accountable and is under fire by many American for their actions. It now appears that the FBI is nothing more than the enforcement arm, of and for, the Democrat Party, much like the Nazis Gestapo, East German Staci and Russian KGB.

Wait a minute. I don’t know anyone who has threatened any FBI agent or his family, do you? But we do know that the Florida Seminole County GOP office was vandalized over the weekend with the words “eat s*** Fascists” smeared on the windows.

QUESTION: Was this attack in Seminole County directly because Biden called Republicans “semi-fascists?”

On August 25th, Aljazeera reported, “Biden spoke on the need to save the country from the ‘semi-fascism’ of Donald Trump’s Republicans and prevent those ‘extremist’ Republicans from taking control of Congress in the November 8 vote.”

As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis noted in an email, “It’s no coincidence that this vandalism comes after Joe Biden called conservatives ‘semi-fascists.’

Rhetoric kills. Just ask the Jews in Nazi Germany and those anti-Stalinists in the former Soviet Union. Using language like this leads inextricably to violence.

BTW, the media reported that 500 people showed up for Biden’s Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania rally. Looking at the above video it appears to be less than 100 people.

We report, you decide.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


REALITY! Joe Biden Speaks in Pennsylvania, Can’t Even Fill High School Gym

Mass Shootings Sweep Democrat-Run Cities During Labor Day Weekend

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Communism Kills—100 Million Corpses in 100 Years

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, is dead at 91.  He failed to overcome communism’s inherent economic and dictatorial flaws.  Why does it matter?  Because transgender activists, the “trained Marxists” of Black Lives Matter, and others want to bring communism to America.  If you think communism is cute, let’s start with the hundred million corpses it has produced in the last hundred years, and we’ll go from there, OK?

Gorbachev’s programs were called perestroika and glasnost.  They were both big flops.  Perestroika was his attempt to restructure the Soviet economy to rescue it from the lunacy of top-down Soviet central planning.  I have an anticommunism speakers bureau.  One of my speakers spent his professional life for U.S. AID and other trying to fix the ravaged economies of Eastern Bloc countries after the fall of the Soviet Union.  One of the stories he tells about Soviet central planning was the factory that added 10-pound plates to irons so the factory could make the tonnage quota set by central planners in Moscow.  How can you iron a shirt with that?  Pointing out the folly of central planning is important because our current crop of leaders in Washington are hell-bent on forcing us to transition to green energy, no matter what problems it causes.  Just ask Germans and Brits how happy they are with green energy at the moment.  It’s been a disaster for them, and it’s going to get worse this winter.  Oh, and California just passed a law allowing the government to set wages for fast food workers.  Central planning, here we come. Perestroika is the wrong direction for the United States, and everywhere else, for that matter.

Glasnost was Gorbachev’s attempt to reconcile the internal contradictions of the Soviet power structure.  It meant more consultative government and more freedom of expression.

But the communist party lost control after media outlets pushed the boundaries of glasnost and started telling the truth about Soviet communism for the first time.  Gorbachev became head of state in 1988.  The Soviet Union went kaput three years later.  So you see, communism was inevitable until it wasn’t.  The part about freedom of expression is important because every day, now, new stories come to light about tech companies stifling free expression in America, sometimes in coordination with the government, which isn’t supposed to happen.   Facebook just censored my commentary yesterday.   Pravda has spoken.

American socialists dismiss the Soviet disaster completely with a wave of the hand and tell you the Soviet Union didn’t ‘do communism right’.  So much for the Red Terror where Lenin killed his own people by the tens of thousands, the Great Terror where Stalin killed and imprisoned Russians by the millions, and the Holodomor famine where the Soviets took the grain out of Ukraine to finance their own industrialization, starving 7 to 10 million Ukrainians to death in the process.

So who does communism right?  Red China, according to the New York Times’ Thomas Friedman.  So, let’s take a look, shall we?

Mao starved at least 35 million – some say 65 million – Chinese in his engineered famine of the Great Leap Forward.  My Anticommunism Action Team recently held a webinar about what life in China is really like.  The webinar started with a victim of China’s religious persecution and forced labor camps talking about how the Chinese communists nailed people inside their homes during the COVID lockdown in Shanghai earlier this year, where some couldn’t get food and others couldn’t get the medical treatment they needed.  Swell folks, these communists.  The webinar went on to describe life in China without the Rule of Law, what it’s like to live under total surveillance and a social credit system, where freedom of expression is not allowed – no glasnost here, and people are killed on demand for their organs because the state can.  That’s what ‘doing communism right’ means, Thomas Friedman, you ignorant fool.

China’s communist system is producing a younger generation known for ‘lying flat’ – no higher education, no spouse, no children, no career.  They refuse to participate in such an inhumane system any longer.  Chinese communism has also produced 400 million people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party.

Hate to break it to you Leftists, but all these problems are inherent in Marxist theory.  You can’t escape them.  So the more you do communism right, the worse the economy is going to get and the more people are going to die.  What else would you expect from a system that starts out with the dictatorship of the proletariat and, somehow, never manages to move beyond it in the real world?  And you Leftists know it.  You can prattle on about social justice all you want, you just want power – wealth and power for a tiny elite.  Marxist theory is the best excuse for tyranny ever invented, and that’s the horse you want to ride all the way to the bank and to the halls of power.  But I got news for you.  Read your own history.  The revolution always devours its own.  You might think you will be among the last wave of revolutionary leaders standing, but you will either end up like Trotsky with an axe in your head, or like Robespierre with no head at all.  You might want to reconsider.   Your revolutionary co-leaders you call your friends today will be your executioners tomorrow.   Think about that the next time they’re looking at you funny.  Communism kills, and it will end up killing you.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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RELATED PODCAST: Is Biden inciting violence against MAGA?

RELATED ARTICLE: Remembering Mikhail Gorbachev As He Was, Not as the Optimistic West Imagined Him to Be

Truth Social Barred From Google Play Until They Add Additional ‘Content Moderation’

Download it and follow me there at

The Democrat totalitarians will not cancel the truth. These madmen must be stopped.

Truth Social Barred From Google Play Until They Add Additional ‘Content Moderation’

By: Cassandra Fairbanks, Gateway Pundit, August 30, 2022:

However, according to a report from The Hill, a Google spokesperson said in a statement on Tuesday that the platform lacks the “effective” content moderation needed to meet Google Play’s terms of service.

“On August 19 we notified Truth Social of several violations of standard policies in their current app submission and reiterated that having effective systems for moderating user-generated content is a condition of our terms of service for any app to go live on Google Play,” the spokesperson said.

The report says that Google is specifically “concerned” about “policies prohibiting content with physical threats and incitements to violence.”

The Google spokesperson said that they contacted Truth Social and that they are addressing the issues to meet the big tech giant’s conditions for getting in the store.

Appearing on Real America’s Voice on Friday, Nunes said that they are waiting on the company to approve them.

“When are we going to be available on Android?” Nunes said. “Well, look, that’s up to the Google Play Store. I mean, we’re waiting on them to approve us, and I don’t know what’s taking so long.”

The president launched Truth Social after being barred from nearly every major social media platform following the protest at the Capitol on January 6.

“On August 19 we notified Truth Social of several violations of standard policies in their current app submission and reiterated that having effective systems for moderating user-generated content is a condition of our terms of service for any app to go live on Google Play,” the spokesperson said.

The report says that Google is specifically “concerned” about “policies prohibiting content with physical threats and incitements to violence.”

The platform reportedly has over a half a million daily active users, including Trump.

According to their website, Truth Social “is America’s ‘Big Tent’ social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology.”

Read the rest…



UNIFIER-IN-CHIEF: Biden Warns “Brave Right-Wing Americans” They’ll ““Need Something a Little More Than a Gun”

CA Senate Passes Bill that Would Punish Doctors for Telling Truths About COVID

Federal Court Cancels Hearing Over Trump Election Lawyer’s Attempt to Reclaim Seized Phone After DOJ Obtains SECOND Search Warrant

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: Listen to What Ashley Biden Put in Her Diary

“Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers.” — Plautus, Roman playwright 200 B.C.

Ashley Blazer Biden is an American social worker, activist, philanthropist, and fashion designer.

She is the daughter of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and Jill Biden.

Ashley Biden served as the executive director of the pro diversity, equity, equality Delaware Center for Justice from 2014 to 2019.

It is important to note that halfway house resident Ashely Biden “left her diary behind” when she checked out of the facility. The next resident of Ashley’s room found the diary “under the bed.”

Therefore, just like Ashley’s brother Hunter Biden left his laptop in an Apple computer repair store Ashley did exactly the same thing!

Abandoning one’s personal property is the fault of that person, in this case Ashley.

Those who found these abandoned items committed no crimes. Turning over Ashley’s diary to another person or selling the diary to any journalist is not a crime.

What is a crime is when those who found these “abandoned items” are persecuted and prosecuted by the media, politicians and federal agencies.

Anyone who reported, stated or wrote that Ashley’s diary was stolen is lying. That’s called deformation and disinformation.

What is a crime is pedophilia no matter who does it. Pedophilia is perverted and must be punished as no one is above the law.



Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Supports Project Veritas in New Filing by Demanding Transparency in Ashley Biden Diary Case

O’Keefe applauds Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press for doubling down on DOJ transparency

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Yet Another Muslim Journalist Working for The New York Times Praises Hitler

What if Honest Reporting hadn’t revealed anything about Soliman Hijjy? Would he still be working for the Times? Sure. They’re only concerned about this kind of behavior when they get caught.

Unearthed: Another Hitler-Praising New York Times Gaza Journalist

by Ira Stoll, Algemeiner, August 28, 2022:

After the New York Times terminated its relationship with a Gaza-based journalist who said he favored killing and burning Jews “like Hitler did,” the newspaper is looking into additional reported instances of its journalists praising Hitler on social media.

The same watchdog group, HonestReporting, that unearthed the post by Fady Hanona also dug up a 2012 Facebook post by a Times videographer, Soliman Hijjy, who HonestReporting said wrote “How great are you, Hitler.” Hijjy also shared variants of the post again in 2018 and 2020, HonestReporting said.

HonestReporting also expressed concern about social media posts made between 2011 and 2018 by Hosam Salem, a freelance photographer whose work has appeared in the Times.

The Times told HonestReporting it reviewed the concerns and took “appropriate action.”…

And, at least in Hijjy’s case, a video he created for the Times, “Gaza’s Deadly Night: How Israeli Airstrikes Killed 44 People,” was denounced when it came out as a “shocking” “hatchet job.” So the issue isn’t just the social media posts, it’s the nexus between the social media posts and the hate-filled agenda that filters through into the New York Times journalism….



France: Muslim butchers his housemate with an axe, admits he did it because he was Jewish

Nigeria: ‘We are dealing here with a sustained campaign to wipe out Christianity. No Christian is safe.’

UK: Muslim already convicted of spreading ISIS videos on Whatsapp and Instagram convicted of spreading them on Facebook

Iranian journalist: Khamenei’s fatwa against nuclear weapons ‘can be reexamined’

Australia: International media coverage of ‘Islamophobia’ as Lebanese Christian shouts at Muslima, denounces Islam

Islamic scholar: Morocco’s normalization with Israel is ‘mark of shame,’ if king ‘called for jihad, we are ready’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CONNECTICUT: School Hiring Discrimination Ensures ‘Subtle’ Child Indoctrination—The Secret Curriculum


Project Veritas released the first video in its newly launched Education Series today exposing a senior official at a prominent public school.

Jeremy Boland, who serves as Cos Cob Elementary School’s Assistant Principal, was recorded bragging about how he oversees the hiring of teachers who will disseminate “progressive” political ideas in the classrooms.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Jeremy Boland, Assistant Principal of Cos Cob Elementary School: “Believe it or not, the open-minded, more progressive teachers are actually more savvy about delivering a Democratic message without really ever having to mention politics.”
  • Boland: “So, it’s subtle. They [teachers I hire] will never say, ‘Oh, this is [a] liberal or a Democratic way of doing this.’ They’ll just make that the norm — and this is how we handle things, it’s subtle…That’s how you get away with it.”
  • Boland: “The conservative [teacher], who is stuck in her ways. I’ll never be able to fire her, and I’ll never be able to change her. So, I make an impact with the next teacher I hire.”
  • Boland: “Protestants in this area [of Connecticut] are probably the most liberal. But if they’re Catholic — conservative…You don’t hire them.”
  • Boland: “If someone is raised hardcore Catholic, it’s like, they’re brainwashed — you can never change their mindset.”
  • Boland: “For one position, I think we had 30 applicants. So out of all those applicants, I don’t think I interviewed anybody over the [age] of 30…the older you get, the more set in your ways — the more conservative you get.”
  • Connecticut Law, Section 46A-60B1, specifically bars discriminatory employment practices. A violation occurs if anyone refuses to hire or employ people “because of the individual’s race, color, religious creed, age, sex, gender identity or expression.”

You can watch the full video HERE.

The question remains: how many students have been adversely affected by Boland’s hiring practices?

Further, how many schools across the country have administrators just like Boland?


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas exposé is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: World War III Is Here and It’s an Ongoing Psyops to Break America



Scott S. Powell, has been an entrepreneur for 30+ years, founding two companies. He has been a fellow at the Hoover Institution and is currently senior fellow at Discovery Institute. Having been a frequent guest on national radio and TV, he has also published in the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s Financial, New York Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today and many others. He has been called on twice to provide expert witness testimony for the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. His new book, Rediscovering America, has been #1 Amazon New Release in the history genre for eight weeks.

TOPIC: World War III Is Here and It’s an Ongoing Psyops to Break America


Chris Chmielenski is the Vice President, Deputy Director for NumbersUSA, he’s been with NumbersUSA since 2008. Among his duties Chris has been tasked with mobilizing NumbersUSA grassroots activists in all 50 states. He graduated from Syracuse University in 1996 with a B.A. in Political Science and Journalism.

TOPIC: AFGE move to ‘abolish’ labor union for ICE officers spurs call for probe

©Conservative Commandoes Radio and AUNTV. All rights reserved.

A Global Soviet Mafia and the American KGB

When George Orwell was writing his “1984” he had the Soviet Union or Russia as a model before him in the 1930-1940s. The brilliant book will live forever, warning you to watch “Big Brother” and “Ministry of Truth.” It was the time of Stalinist “Iron Curtain,” a time of vast secrecy upon the formation of Stalinist Soviet Socialism, a totalitarian system with weaponized security apparatus. Orwell couldn’t learn the secret terms of the Police State then. “1984” was a literary masterpiece of a real history for humanity.

Fifty years later, my colleague, a famous Russian defense attorney Arcady Waksberg published his book “The Soviet Mafia”, a masterpiece about authoritarian Soviet Socialism and its bureaucracy as an instrument of control and power—The Soviet Mafia. The book can be the current addition and political explanation of Orwell’s warning. Published by St. Martin Press in 1991, it discusses the character of the Soviet leaders, their criminal activities and also predicts instability and destruction in the world.

There are three main concepts in the book:

  1. The Evil Empire may be dead, but not the evil that drove it—the Soviet Mafia.
  2. The book gives us a new definition of political forces and their leaders, previously known as Communists, the KGB, and the Soviets—a new collective identity—the Soviet Mafia.
  3. The Soviet Mafia is a multinational political force and has no particular ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.

“Vaksberg redefines the old terms of Soviet history and points to a new collective identity, the Soviet Mafia, the nucleus of an organized criminal enterprise. He notes that while the former Soviet republics, the so-called New Independent States, have different cultures and religions and speak different languages, all their governments participate in the Soviet Mafia.“ The Soviet mafia, St. Martin Press, p. 53

Knowledge of the written above definition of the Soviet Mafia is imperative to grasp the global predicament in 2022. After the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin and his Oligarchs-friends have created and implemented Crony-Capitalism in Russia. The changes were not substantial as the process, administration and management of the country had been left in the same hands of the Soviet Mafia. The class of Socialist apparatchiks continue to exercise Socialist modus operandi and the Russian Federation has institutionalized the policy of the Soviet Mafia, where the KGB’s Mafia/Army was the tool to proliferate it globally. The Soviet Mafia had reached and infiltrated several foreign countries, you know them by the Soviet style centralized system of government they had installed.

The Soviet Mafia had reached and infiltrated the American government as well with the election of Bill Clinton in 1992. His right hand, George Stephanopoulos helped him to corrupt and transform our social Media. The infiltration has been multiplied by Bush, Obama, and Biden. The source of all America’s problems in 2022 is the same—The Soviet Mafia, we don’t know! The American people don’t know Russia and her Intelligence Apparatus. They don’t know our foremost enemy that has been destroying us for decades. The attacks on 9/11, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and many other terrorists groups had been organized, managed, and supervised by the Soviet Mafia and KGB.

The Russian Federation and the Soviet Mafia

The Russian government and the Soviet mafia are following the common Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication, and fraud—the quintessential techniques of the Russian “Disinformation”. Remember Vladimir Putin’s connection to the KGB’s Mafia/Army for decades. They are tied for life and Putin’s enemy # 1 is Donald J. Trump and America. If you remember the last seven years, please, also remember that the entire cascade of Which Hunts against Trump has been manufactured by the Russian “Disinformation” under supervision of Vladimir Putin. In fact, it was a war against American Capitalism.

The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was unexpected and unprecedented. However it reminded me of the previous Hoaxes and Which Hunts. Then I heard the alarming buzz-words of suspicious activities. The government threatens us with a grave matter of national security, nuclear weapon secrets, and espionage. All of that created a sense of the urgency and danger identical to the activities of the Soviet mafia in Russia, shaped by the Socialist apparatchiks. The Biden “semi-fascism” remark put everything in a proper place: we have been dealing with the Democrat Party run by the Soviet Mafia for decades. Hold your horses!

It is not a “good faith error.” Political connection is the law in a totalitarian state. I have been dealing with the FBI and writing about it for years. In my opinion, the FBI is infiltrated by foreign powers and failed to protect us and the country for many years. To have a probable course to ban my writing, the FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a foreign agent in 2002. If you go to the list of cases rendered by the FISA Court, you will find my name in the year 2002. Hence, the FBI has prevented you from learning the truth since 2002…

How do I know that the FBI is infiltrated? Very simple. Americans do not know the values of my writings. They are unaware that Communists don’t want the truth to come out to the light. They don’t want you to know the Soviet Mafia and other important information about them to be published. Put the logic of those two events together and you will see the foreigner within the FBI: he or she has grasped the danger of my writings to ban it. Moreover, the FBI intentionally misled Zuckerberg with false data to suppress and hide the info about Hunter Biden, days prior to the election 2020, using a Russian concept of “Disinformation.” How do they learn the techniques? The answer is: The Russian operatives of the Soviet Mafia, the KGB Mafia/Army, or Socialist Charlatans helped. We are totally infiltrated by them.

We definitely have serious national security problems. Suppressing information by the FBI prior the days to the election 2020 requires an additional investigation. Besides, the CIA event, when 51experts wrote a letter to defend Hunter Biden should be investigated as well. Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story, NY Post, August 28, 2022. In my opinion all 51 expert inept if not dangerous for the American CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. I don’t trust the FBI and any of those experts. The information about the Soviet Mafia will be absolutely needed to determine the truth before the midterm election.

Stalinism and the Soviet Mafia are Inseparable

Don’t be surprised by the surge of violence and recent assassinations. The Japanese leader Shinzo Abe was assassinated in July 2022. In August, writer Salman Rushdie was assassinated and there is a preparation to assassinate the Republican Mike Pompeo by Iran. We had recently other two assassinations of the Republicans in car accident: a Congresswoman Indiana Congresswoman Jackie Walorski and her deputy. For those who know the Soviet Mafia and its KGB’s Mafia/Army it was the assassinations of two Republicans from the US Congress. The explanation is Chapter 7 WWIII: Recruitments and Drags, Infiltrations and Assassinations. What is Happening to America? Part III. The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction.

The Soviet Mafia has been running the Democrat Party since the presidency of Bill Clinton. Pay attention to the Dems’ unity in fighting the Republicans and Trump for years. Count the corrupt departments, agencies, Colleges, and Universities involved. They have achieved a profound and international transformation of the American cultural values with impunity. Mike Pompeo is right, Russia will infiltrate our midterm, but even he doesn’t know the deep, broad way Russia will collaborate with the Dems leaders, to defeat Republicans. The main location is Biden’s White House, the crux of the matter of collaboration with Russia. Biden and his staff had been cooperating with Putin in suffocating young Ukrainian democracy since 2013-2014. This connection has never been stopped, with the Biden election it was emplaced in the White House, despite Biden’s mental decline.

It is not “the battlefield of love” we are at war and the Dems joined the enemy against the Republicans. I was warning you over thirty years about the war and a lot of Evil action produced by the Dems against Republicans and the American Constitutional republic. Analyze Biden’s actions during his short presidency and you wouldn’t find any steps in favor of the USA. Why does it happen? I have already given you my opinion: Biden is a sick man unable to run the country. His old staff runs the White House and it has links to the past connections with the Soviet Mafia. Some members of the staff don’t know the American law and we have experienced constant violations of the rules, law and order of the American republic.

Biden’s team has spent $trillions not to the favor of the capitalist economy but to bankrupt it with dirty tricks according to Socialist modus operandi and the Soviet Mafia. There is another example connected to the January 6th events. Do you remember the Kidnaping Plot? Several FBI members were there. It is the same model designed by the FBI and planned to execute on January 6, 2021: to do violent acts and to blame the Republicans later. The maneuver-ploy is very familiar to me—it is the usual plotting of the Soviet Mafia against the target. I see Stalinist ploy, imitating the Russian Socialist Revolution with the same strategy and tactics: Biden’s team uses the Russian ploy of “Disinformation” in the 2022 America.

The Biden remark on fascism is evidence that the Biden team read my columns and used the information to save the Dems’ skin. I am the only writer who is debating two terms: Soviet Socialism or Soviet fascism. This is the quintessential subject of my entire writings over forty years. Show me another writer who is discussing those two terms from first-hand experiences?  You won’t find any. Biden’s team uses the major Stalinist postulate—“Never admit crime committed, instead accuse your opponent of that exact crime.”  Biden’s team in cooperation with Putin and his Soviet mafia do just that. It is the repetition of the same Trump/Russia collusion, the same target and the same accusers—a Stalinist ploy, the typical cover-up of the crime the Dems themselves had committed…

If you analyze the foreign policy of the Biden team, you will be stunned by it. Biden’s team spent $billions, helping Ukraine to defeat Russia. At the same time Biden’s team is working with Iranian Nuclear Deal under Russian supervision: the terrorist state of Russia is supervised America in the Deal! Incredible! By that, Biden’s team confirmed my statement: Putin runs America! Another incredible event: the Democrats are targeting people known to us as honest people. Trump made America First in reality. Rudy Giuliani saved a suffocating and dying under crime New York City. Who are the Democrats to fight them?

We have another Stalinist ploy–$billions spent by Biden’s team to help Ukraine. The motivation is clear to use Ukraine to cover-up the crime the Democrats had committed by long-term collusion with Russian Intelligence, while accusing Republicans. Their collusion had been described by me in my books and columns for years. Please, recall seven hundred riots, killings and destruction brought by the Democrat states in 2020. In the best traditions of Stalinism, some of the Democrats are departing Biden before the midterm election to divert you attention from the crimes they had committed for decades. Don’t believe them! They are Socialist Charlatans. Every Democrat should be tied to Biden’s team to become accountable for his or her actions against the American Constitutional republic…

I have several questions for the leading and publicly speaking Democrats: Juan Williams, Jaime Harrison, and Herald Ford from Fox News.

What do you know about the Soviet Mafia?

What do you know about the Soviet/Russian law of 1955, waging a Global Revolutionary War and its narcotic sub-components against American Capitalism?

What do you know about Mexican Cartels? For you information, they are not Mexican. Those are Russian Cartels in Mexico. They were established by the Russian Intelligence in the 1950-1960 to fight the Global War. All of that and many other nefarious events are the legacy of Stalinism, you regrettably are unfamiliar with and missing the Truth…

Russia is a Terrorist State and our foremost enemy, who destroying us from within. The major achievement of the Russian policy of “Disinformation” is that America still doesn’t know Russia and its Intelligence Apparatus. The attacks on 9/11 had been planned  and coordinated under the supervision of Russian Intelligence twenty-one years ago. Today, we are watching the last stage of Putin’s Totalitarian Revolution in America…

My fellow Americans!

We are at a pivotal time in America and we can’t fail. Our children and grandchildren will never forgive us!

Educating yourself, knowledge, courage and perseverance can save the American Constitutional republic.

It is now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued at and

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: FBI, The American Version Of The Gestapo: Setting Up Opposition – “FBI Tried To Plant Child Porn On Journalist’s Husband’s Computer”

How To Intervene In Tyranny?

The Cause

Why do we have massive governments? Because we have insecure people. They don’t know that they have valuable skills and talents to meaningfully contribute to the free market and generate an income. So they look for jobs that don’t require skills and talents. These generally are administrative and bureaucratic jobs that talented people don’t even consider real jobs. They deep down know that their jobs are meaningless and unneeded. But they have to pay their bills, so they keep justifying to themselves why their jobs are important. In the long run, they feel a lack of purpose/meaning in life. They look for something to stimulate them. This is the beginning of addiction. They soon get trapped.

Imagine if every single tax collector found out that he has massive latent potential that can produce him sustainable income. Taxation would end overnight. Imagine if all insurance agents, day traders, and government bureaucrats found out they can live off their natural talents; it would eliminate a lot of dumb jobs.

Imagine if every single priest/pastor knew that he does not have to do what he is doing and he can be much wealthier living off his talents. He wouldn’t have to call people sinners and play mind games with them.

Imagine if every single public school teacher found out he does not need to teach useless things and he can live his life much more productively. Institutionalized education would become history.

Imagine if every single prostitute knew about her natural talent(s). We wouldn’t have prostitution anymore. The same can be said about people who engage in criminal activities.

No one would do dumb, meaningless, and dangerous jobs if they knew that they are sitting on millions of dollars worth of talent(s). Of course, there are some legitimate priests/pastors and public school teachers, but most just want to hold a job. Most of these people are where they are not because of choice but because of lack of alternatives. They would desert their jobs in a heartbeat if they had a better option. This is how we can liberate them. We tell them the truth that they have latent talent(s) that they have inherited as sons and daughters of Earth.

Evidence of natural talents

All plants and animals on this planet are born with whatever intelligence they need. Apple trees don’t need to be taught how to bear apples. Cats don’t need to be taught how to hunt. Horses don’t need to be taught how to run fast. Cheetahs absolutely don’t need instructions to run at 100 km/hour. Bees don’t need to know how to make honey. Birds don’t need to learn how to sing.

Think about a lion in a cage. Even if you knew that the lion has been in that cage his entire life and no one has ever seen him hunt, you would still be afraid to enter his cage. You know that his natural skills and talents can show up any time. You know his latent potential. Most humans are like caged lions, their cage being societal brainwashing.

I myself did not have to learn a lot of things I write about. It is almost as if I was born knowing them. I know precisely when I figured out who all among my peers would be future bureaucrats. It was in 7th grade. I have vivid memories of a fellow student who did good in class. I wondered why he cared to do good when he obviously wasn’t passionate about learning. I sensed immense insecurity from him as if he knew no one would even acknowledge his existence if he was not good at academics. He was short, unattractive (based on societal definitions), and had only a few friends. Sinking in the social scene, academics was his only hope to stay afloat and be visible. I further noted that most guys who did good academically had very uninspiring social lives. I could sense insecurity from them. Instead of cementing better relationships, they studied hard to prove themselves to the world. I felt like they would grow up to do meaningless jobs since they were able to drudge through boring schoolwork and keep up with mean and disrespectful teachers.

Solution: tell the truth

If we go around telling everyone the truth about their natural talent(s), I hope that people would revert to the person they were before they conceded to a meaningless and uninspiring life. Let’s address how we can find our natural talent(s). One simple method I have described here. Just by saying that you are talented, your talents would start to emerge (read more on the link). If you have ever been ridiculed for saying or doing something in school, that might be it. What people don’t understand they laugh at. If some of your good peers noticed something unique in you, that might be it. Your greatest qualities are qualities you have always had. You had them even in your early memories. Chances are, you grew up thinking that there was nothing unique about them, because you did not have to acquire them. When 12-year-old me told his Judo teammates that he could do 50 pushups, he was asked to demonstrate. I didn’t know it was a big deal. I thought everyone could do it.

You can also conduct a thought experiment to find out your greatest talent(s). Imagine your parents died when you were 12. How would you have survived? What talents would you have relied upon to support yourself? This experiment forces you to go back to a time when you had only your natural talent(s) to help you. You had not yet gathered anything significant from school, college, and work. This is important because there is nothing unique about scholastic learning. Most people go through similar curricula and, thus, possess relatively the same knowledge. To stand out, to be possibly the greatest version of yourself, you must focus on what qualities only you possess. These qualities may come out if you try the above thought experiment.

Why people forget their talents

In toxic cultures, it is common for people to not realize their specialty because most people are busy tearing one another down. This is why, toxic cultures breed criminals, prostitutes, and psychopaths. In my case, my parents heavily gaslighted me by telling me I would understand when I grow up and that I had not experienced enough life. Well, after living in two countries, meeting a lot of people, and reading a lot of books, I discovered that I am, in fact, extraordinary, a word that was often used to describe me by my peers and some teachers at school. Most views I expressed in childhood were correct.

As long as we have people who think they are not talented, we will have unneeded bureaucratic institutions living off the working class. Let’s go out and liberate them from their invisible cages. If we do this, all predatory institutions in the world would run out of labour. Big bureaucratic governments can’t function without insecure people looking for a job.


Some think that they can defend against tyranny via the use of force. They can use guns or their judicial systems (law is also an insidious use of force), but tyranny cannot be eliminated without eliminating the spiritual cause of tyranny. How do innocent children, who like noodles and video games, grow up to become tyrants, criminals, and their accomplices? They have to be not in love with life. How can we make them fall in love with life again? As long as spiritual gaslighting exists, we will continue to have insecure people. We must neutralize gaslighting with truth. This is a spiritual war. Our defence is the truth.

Global tyranny was not possible before public education. Young adults used to know real skills like weaving, metal works, farming, carpentry, masonry, shoemaking, etc. Now, these skills have largely disappeared. Of course, corporations have played a role in it. Armoured with massive capital from banks and the stock market, they have artificially outpriced local talents and destroyed their markets. People still continue to patronize them and buy their shares, which only empowers them. As public education expands, and more and more adults grow up to become unskilled but educated, we may have a massive problem at hand.

Suggested readings:

The Myth Of Industrialization

How To Make Shoes

To consult with me, send me an email at

©Ujjwal Anand. All rights reserved.

Is California Going to Kill McDonald’s? The Golden Arches leaving the Golden State?

One Republican state lawmaker says that McDonald’s warned her that they may stop expanding in California or even abandon the Golden State entirely, if a current proposal becomes law.

“Fight for Fifteen” is old news, it would seem. In California, they may soon have a $22/hour minimum wage—at least for fast food employees.

The “FAST Act” is headed to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk after recently passing through the state legislature. As the Wall Street Journal reports, it would “create a government panel that would set wages for an estimated half-million fast food workers in the state.”

“The bill would establish a panel with members appointed by the governor and legislative leaders composed of workers, union representatives, employers and business advocates,” the Journal explains. “They would set hourly wages of up to $22 for fast food workers starting next year and can increase them annually by the same rate as the consumer-price index, up to a maximum of 3.5%.”

Basically, a board of political cronies would actually set wages for the state’s fast food sector. This is a dramatic expansion of the government’s reach and would drastically disrupt what market forces remain. It would have several utterly predictable economic consequences that would far outweigh any benefits.

Like all Americans, Californians are struggling with inflation right now. Food, in particular, has become especially unaffordable. The Golden State’s legislative meddling would make this problem worse.

“In a state that already burdens businesses with countless regulations, adding another layer would simply increase costs that ultimately would be borne by consumers,” the US Chamber of Commerce warned in a statement condemning the legislation.

It’s pretty basic economics that when the government imposes unnecessary costs on businesses, some of it will ultimately be borne by consumers. One study found that the proposal could raise fast-food prices by up to 20%.

What’s more, the pro-business Employment Policies Institute commissioned a poll of economists, most of whom identified as independents or Democrats, and received an overwhelmingly negative assessment of the legislation. A whopping 83% opposed the bill, with a supermajority also specifically agreeing it would ultimately lead to higher prices.

The last thing Californian families struggling to put food on the table need right now is a big increase in prices.

While the California commission may attempt to set the minimum wage for fast food employees at up to $22/hour in their state, they will run up against a painful economic reality: the real minimum wage is always $0. It’s unemployment.

“Making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker’s productivity worth that amount— and, if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed,” Thomas Sowell explains. “Unfortunately, the real minimum wage is always zero, regardless of the laws, and that is the wage that many workers receive in the wake of the creation or escalation of a government-mandated minimum wage, because they either lose their jobs or fail to find jobs when they enter the labor force.”

The simple truth is that many fast food employees do not produce $22/hour in value for their employer.

And, as Milton Friedman explained, to employ someone at a wage above their productivity is “to engage in charity.”

“Most employers are not in a position where they can engage in charity,” the Nobel-Prize-winning economist concluded. “Thus the consequences of minimum wage laws have been almost wholly bad… to increase unemployment and to increase poverty.”

So, while we can’t predict exactly how many, countless fast food employees will lose their jobs altogether thanks to this law that’s supposed to help them.

California is a vast and diverse state. Different parts of the Golden State have wildly different economic conditions, average incomes, price levels, and more. Yet this government commission setting wages would cram a one-size-fits-all regulation concocted by political cronies onto the entire state’s fast food sector.

That’s a recipe for dysfunction. As the Chamber of Commerce put it, “We firmly believe franchisees and other business owners are better equipped to run restaurants in California than unelected political appointees in Sacramento.”

This foolish attempt to commandeer an entire industry would ruin many businesses, leaving their employees and customers worse off as well. It’s estimated that this plan would increase businesses’ labor costs by up to 60 percent, a huge spike that many can’t afford. It doesn’t take an economist to realize that this will lead to store closures, job losses, and economic malaise.

One Republican state lawmaker says that McDonald’s warned her that they may stop expanding in California or even abandon the Golden State entirely. How, exactly, is that supposed to make Californians better off?

The California lawmakers who concocted this proposal might genuinely have good intentions. They may earnestly believe that their plan will help uplift workers. But those good intentions will be cold comfort to the countless thousands of Californians who will ultimately suffer if this legislation becomes law.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

WATCH: Nina Turner’s most absurd communist tweets (Brad Reacts)

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

60 Minutes Highlights Vulnerabilities of the Electric Grid and Biden Administration Inaction

“No one is in charge” of protecting America’s electrical grid, Biden Homeland Security Advisor Dr. Liz Sherwood-Randall told CBS News’ 60 Minutes, during a recent short segment regarding the vulnerability of America’s most critical of critical infrastructures. Sherwood-Randall added that the federal government has no ability to mandate utility companies implement security improvements to the national electric grid.

One of the most troubling aspects of the 60 Minutes segment is that it only scratches the surface of the grid’s vulnerabilities. In reality, the U.S. government has known about these vulnerabilities for more than five decades. The government’s own reports highlighted the cyber insecurity of the critical electric infrastructure since at least 2003; geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) threats since at least 1990the vulnerability of the electric grid to physical threats since at least 1981; and the danger posed by electromagnetic pulse (EMP) threats since at least 1972.

Indeed, the CBS News segment was nearly identical to a previous version which aired exactly six months prior, in February, and featured an expose on the professional assault on a major electrical substation near San Jose that nearly blacked out Silicon Valley, San Francisco in 2013.

Despite consistent recommendations to the Biden Administration and to Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and her advisory board, the White House appears to have done nothing to remedy this glaring problem during the six months that have passed between CBS’ two episodes.

If anything, the Administration has put the electric grid at greater risk over the past two years. On his first day in office, Biden suspended Executive Order 13920 (securing the U.S. bulk-power system) which declared “a national emergency with respect to the threat to the United States bulk power system,” and warned “that foreign adversaries are increasingly creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in the United States bulk-power system.”

President Trump issued E.O. 13920 in response to the discovery in 2019 of hardware back doors built into Chinese-made transformers that are critical to the grid’s operations.  According to Latham Saddler, the former Director of Intelligence Programs at the National Security Council in Trump Administration, “they found hardware that was put into that that had the ability for somebody in China to switch it off.”

One of the experts featured in the 60 Minutes episodes was retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Michael Mabee, who has researched and documented the threat posed by Chinese-manufactured transformers.  Mabee has found more than 300 Chinese transformers in the U.S. grid as of last August and the reversal of E.O. 13920 guarantees many more are on the way. Hopefully, CBS will have the courage to air a future segment highlighting this problem.

E.O 13920 was intended to remedy supply chain vulnerabilities because regulators for the bulk power system – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) –refuse to create or enforce effective regulations with respect to the supply chain and cybersecurity.

Ultimately, neither the government nor the utility industry will accept responsibility for fixing vulnerabilities to the grid until they get the sense that the American people demand it. For example, government and industry forced wind and solar generation upon the grid based on an assumption that these are good for the environment and that Americans want more “clean” power generation. The perception that Americans demand “clean energy” created an environment where policymakers felt compelled to spend taxpayer and ratepayer monies to massively subsidize these forms of power generation.

Currently, there is very little demand by the American people to secure the grid due to an overall lack of awareness about the its vulnerabilities or the reasons these weaknesses persist – namely effective lobbying by the utility industry to avoid government regulation.

For this reason, two film-makers have set out to shine light on this glaring issue. David Womick is producing The Black Sky Event docuseries, featuring short but thorough segments on each of the threat vectors to the grid.

David Tice recently launched “Grid Down, Power Up”, narrated by actor Dennis Quaid and gives viewers the ability to “participate” by sharing the film with others and by taking action to contact the grid’s regulators and our elected officials.

Fortunately, this is a fixable problem and states don’t have to wait for Washington. But not even state or local leaders will act if they don’t recognize the gravity of the problem. Therefore, it’s up to the people – citizens across the nation – to get smart on the issue and get involved.


Tommy Waller

Center for Security Policy Executive Vice President.

RELATED VIDEO: Targeting the Electric Grid

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Woke Corporations Can Abuse Us, But Not for Free

Last week, Texas put the investment company BlackRock on a list of firms that may not get to manage state pension funds because the firms boycott oil & gas stocks.  BlackRock is trying to get off the list, but the story shows you there are starting to be real-world consequences for companies that go Woke.  It’s a mixed picture right now, with some companies still playing footsie with the Wokemeisters on the radical Left and others leaving the field after being bruised in the culture wars.

Communist-inspired transgenderism is still a corporate favorite.  Disney continues to lead the pack with plans for an upcoming show that will fly the transgender flag and spew the outlandish propaganda that men can have periods, too.  Other companies are not far behind.

Crayola posted an ad featuring a transgender model wearing a chain-link bra over outside clothing in order to normalize transgenderism for the masses.  Then there’s transgender Barbie from Mattel, billboards from Ben & Jerry’s pushing transgenderism in children, donations for transgender surgery for children from the Detroit Tigers, transgender appreciation night from the Milwaukee Brewers, and a book from Pizza Hut telling children as young as four how inspiring it is for boys to dress up as girls and perform for adults in drag shows.  No, this is not normal, and interfering with children’s psycho-sexual development is not healthy for children or society.

Woke corporations are pushing other left-wing causes, too.  Kroger removed pro-American merchandise from its shelves after a left-wing crank complained on Twitter.  American Express pledged another $3 billion for diversity, equity, and inclusion events and programs, bringing the total to $4 billion.  It’s also spending money to support climate change advocacy and illegal immigration.

But in addition to Texas, other people are pushing back.  A former employee sued American Express for firing him because he is white and he objected to the company’s “racially discriminatory” policies.  A new Viewpoint Diversity Score ranks companies on how well they respect freedom of speech and religion.  Microsoft and AirBnB are among the worst.  Another 17 Republican-led states joined Texas in sending a letter to BlackRock accusing the company of putting Woke investment criteria above shareholder returns in state pension funds.  An asset management firm in Ohio promises to take politics out of investing and focus on companies that deliver what they should – business excellence.

People are not only fighting back; they’re winning.  State Farm abandoned its support for a transgender book program for kindergartners in Florida after a national backlash.  Paramount refused to cave in to pressure to censor its old films to conform to today’s Woke standards.   HBO welcomed back Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling despite her stance on transgenderism.  And after PayPal froze the account of Moms for Liberty, a parental rights group – preventing it from receiving donations – Florida announced a new initiative to “prohibit big banks, credit card companies and money transmitters from discriminating against customers for their religious, political, or social beliefs.”

So, as you can see, the price of going Woke is going up. How long will shareholders be willing to pay it?

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.