Justice Alito Tells Dems To Pound Sand, Refuses To Recuse Himself In J6 Cases

Justice Samuel Alito refused Democrats’ calls to recuse himself from pending cases Wednesday over two flags flown on his property, which they argued created an “appearance of impropriety” and doubt about his impartiality.

After The New York Times published stories about an upside-down American flag briefly flown outside his Virginia home and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag flown for a time at their vacation home, which it claimed were both symbols associated with Trump supporters in January 2021, Democratic Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Dick Durbin of Illinois urged Alito to recuse himself from cases relating to Jan. 6 or the 2020 election. They sent a letter to Chief Justice John Roberts requesting a meeting to discuss “additional steps to address the Supreme Court’s ethics crisis.”

“A reasonable person who is not motivated by political or ideological considerations or a desire to affect the outcome of Supreme Court cases would conclude that this event does not meet the applicable standard for recusal,” Alito responded Wednesday. “I am therefore duty-bound to reject your recusal request.”

The Supreme Court is expected to release decisions this month on Trump’s appeal of his bid to dismiss his election interference case based on presidential immunity and a case considering the scope of a statute used to charge Jan. 6 defendants.

Alito cited the section of the Supreme Court’s code of conduct governing disqualification, noting the incidents “do not meet the conditions for recusal.” Both flags were raised by his wife, he noted, a private citizen who “possesses the same First Amendment rights as every other American.”

“She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so,” Alito wrote. “She has made many sacrifices to accommodate my service on the Supreme Court, including the insult of having to endure numerous, loud, obscene, and personally insulting protests in front of our home that continue to this day and now threaten to escalate.”

Reiterating what he said in previous statements to the media, Alito explained that his wife displayed the upside-down flag as a signal of distress after “a very nasty neighborhood dispute” he was not involved in.

“A house on the street displayed a sign attacking her personally, and a man who was living in the house at the time trailed her all the way down the street and berated her in my presence using foul language, including what I regard as the vilest epithet that can be addressed to a woman,” Alito wrote.

He further explained that neither he nor his wife were aware of the “Appeal to Heaven” flag’s association with the “Stop the Steal Movement.” The flag was flown during the American Revolution and commissioned under George Washington’s authority.

“The use of an old historic flag by a new group does not necessarily drain that flag of all other meanings,” Alito continued.




RELATED ARTICLE: Supreme Court Justices Appear Skeptical Of Biden DOJ’s Broad Use Of Statute To Charge Jan. 6 Defendants

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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FBI Director Met With Hamas Supporters Asking Him to Lock Up Jews

The FBI has gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them.

Islamic pro-terror groups reacted to the Hamas terror attacks of Oct 7 not only with riots and public pressure campaigns aimed at politicians, but also by privately meeting with top federal and state law enforcement officials to demand that they lock up Jewish political opponents.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s investigative arm exclusively reported last month that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamist group whose leader had celebrated Oct 7, had been meeting with attorney generals around the country trying to convince them to arrest journalists and activists who had been investigating and exposing Hamas supporters.

Based on our past history with CAIR, the Freedom Center could be one of their targets.

Now, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), has been caught meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland and senior Department of Justice (DOJ) officials, including FBI Director Christopher Wray and Associate Attorney General Lisa Monaco, to also discuss targeting Jews.

The meeting, originally reported by Militant Islam Monitor, represents another part of what appears to be a larger effort by Islamist groups to weaponize prosecutors against their critics.

On May 22nd, top Department of Justice officials and the FBI Director met with Arab American Institute boss James Zogby and MPAC founder Salam al-Marayati. Both men had been accused of supporting terrorism , including Hamas, in accusations going back decades.

Zogby, a Lebanese Arab activist, had described Hezbollah, which was responsible for the murder of hundreds of Americans, as “the Lebanese armed resistance”.

“By criminalizing attempts to send money to Hezbollah or to support it, the FBI is confusing and alienating people here who could be allies in the war on terrorism,” he had warned the FBI.

Hezbollah’s crimes included the torture and murder of Colonel William R. Higgins, whose castrated body was found near a mosque with the”skin on his face partially removed.”

When Hezbollah terrorists hijacked TWA Flight 847, they tortured Robert Stethem, a Navy diver, by “jumping in the air and landing full force on his body. He must have had all his ribs broken.”

“They put the mic up to his face so his screams could be heard by the outside world,” a stewardess described.

But rather than expelling or arresting terrorist supporters, the FBI was meeting with them.

Salam al-Marayati had defended Hamas, blamed Israel for 9/11 and claimed that Hezbollah was not engaged in terrorism, but “ legitimate resistance… that could be called liberation movement.” When Hezbollah bombed the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut killing 241 military personnel, he argued that “tt was a military operation, producing no civilian casualties.”

(Al-Marayati was not telling the truth. The attack also killed Lebanese employees in the area.)

“Yesterday’s terrorists in the Middle East are today’s leaders,” he had argued and “Hamas in terms of its social and educational operations is doing exactly what the PLO was doing 35 years ago, as well as its quote unquote military operations.”

MPAC, the organization Al-Marayati had co-founded, had issued policy papers calling for the removal of Hamas and Hezbollah from the list of terror groups. At a meeting of the Palestine Committee’ of Hamas supporters in America, MPAC had been described as a “sympathetic” group that could be used as “an entry point to use them to pressure Congress and the decision-makers in America.” Was that what MPAC was doing here?

Normally, the FBI should have been interrogating MPAC, but instead MPAC was interrogating it.

Salam al-Marayati filmed a video outside the Attorney General’s office in which he falsely claimed that the Hamas campus encampments had been “peaceful” and that the violence had come from the police, and urged an investigation to “hold law enforcement accountable”.

But at the meeting arranged by Zogby, Al-Marayati, based on MPAC’s account of events, went even further off the rails and claimed that Muslims were under attack by Jewish “terrorists” allied with the “Proud Boys” and demanded that the FBI do something about them.

This bizarre screed should have ended the meeting, but instead the DOJ and the FBI took it seriously. And that is every bit as troubling as meeting with terrorist apologists in the first place.

Al-Marayati’s only example of Jews fighting back against Hamas supporters occurred at UCLA when after a Jewish female student had been knocked unconscious and multiple Jewish community members had been assaulted, with no response from the university, campus police or the LAPD, some young Jewish men showed up and took on the terrorist encampment.

Nevertheless, according to the MPAC account, FBI Director Christopher Wray said that he would pass on the case to the FBI Los Angeles field office. This is troubling because a previous exclusive Freedom Center investigation found that the FBI LA office had treated assaults against Muslims and by Muslims against Jews very differently.  Any FBI investigation of UCLA prompted by Islamists to focus not on Muslim antisemitic violence, but only on the response to that violence by a small handful of young Jewish men, would be a civil rights violation.

Attorney General Garland and the DOJ leadership should be fighting Islamic terrorism. Instead they’re meeting with groups like MPAC that have a history of defending Islamic terrorism. And not only are they meeting with them, they’re taking cues about investigations from them.

The DOJ and the FBI have gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them.

CAIR’s efforts to influence state attorney generals and MPAC’s attempt to manipulate the United States Attorney General and the FBI to target political and religious opponents, especially Jews, is in line with Islamist supremacist groups who, in their own home countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, routinely lock up opponents and repress non-Muslims. But that should have no place in America. The Biden administration has opened the doors of the federal government to the worst possible extremists in the hopes of winning another term in office.

Had Al-Marayati not filmed his video, we might never have known what the Biden administration was doing. Instead, a private meeting has gone public and the investigative arm of the David Horowitz Freedom Center will continue monitoring the secret alliance between Islamists and government officials, exposing their events and holding them accountable.

Even as the Biden administration promises that it is fighting antisemitism, it’s holding covert meetings with antisemites who demand that the FBI go after the Jews.



Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah Agree: Hey, These Students Protesting Against Israel Are Terrific

Video reveals Hamas indiscriminately shooting civilians in Gaza, brutalizing residents and stealing property

NYC: Muslim migrant screaming ‘I’m gonna kill all the Jews’ tries to run down Jewish students

It Began When the Jews Fought Back

Israeli Writer Dina Rubina Replies to Pushkin House

Pro-Hamas College Protests are a Rich Kid Movement

Italy pledges millions to UNRWA and Gaza initiative

ABC SF Bay Area affiliate KGO showcases Hamas-linked CAIR’s attack on Berkeley High School

‘Innocent Civilians’ and the War of the Words In Gaza

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Fight Terrorism, Not Terrorists

Sounds absurd? Why? All kinds of well-meaning and not so well-meaning people who are alarmed with Islam Mayhem and Murder, Inc. have been proclaiming that their fight is with Islam and not with Muslims. Who knows what motivates these people and how their system of logic runs.

Geert Wilder says that his battle is with Islam, and he does not hate Muslims. No one, please, should take my criticism of Muslims as hating them. I certainly am critical of their belief and feel that Muslims must wake up to the destructive nature of their creed. The Muslims not only need to leave Islam, they owe themselves and the rest of humanity to actively work at putting an end to one of humanity’s most harmful dogmas.

In my thinking, Islam is the problem because there are Muslims who take its holy book, the Quran, as gospel and carry out its divisive and deadly provisions. Without Muslims, Muhammad’s Quran would be just another historic relic sitting on library shelves, next to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, gathering dust, and criminals of the world would have to find other instruction manuals to guide their activities.

What good is it to burn the Quran or desecrate it? The fire from burning the Quran only energizes the already zany fanatical believers of Allah to further engage in their world-dismembering acts.

People who keep proclaiming that they have nothing against Islam but that their battle is with Muslim terrorists are an enigma. Perhaps these people are the politically correct, the delusional who rearrange reality to their fancy, or the naïve who are incapable of dealing with facts. These people are either incapable or do not want to see that it is the Muslims, the active jihadists, as well as their masses of supporters who are and remain culprits committing much of what is repugnant and harmful to civilized humanity.

If the fight is with Islam and not with Muslims, then in the interest of fairness, we must apply the same standards to other criminalities.

We should condemn arson, but not arsonists: Rape, not rapists: Theft, not thieves: Murder, not murderers; and all other forms of crimes, but not the people who commit them.

Terrorism has no external reality without terrorists. For as long as there are people who cling no matter how loosely or tightly to Islam, humanity, including Muslims, stands to suffer the consequences. Yet, sadly, many Muslims refuse to recognize the fact that it is their sickly belief system that is at the core of leading them astray and inflicting great harm to all.

It is foolish to wage battle against beliefs that promote mayhem and murder while giving a free pass to those who adhere to those beliefs and carry out their dogma.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore, strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Quran 8.12

I fully realize that not every Muslim is a card-carrying, hell-bent jihadist. Yet, by being a Muslim, the individual, willingly or unwillingly, directly or indirectly, empowers the zealot jihadist Muslims who live and die to further the cause of Islam.

In what way does your average peaceful Muslim support the work of the not-too-insignificant cadre of Islamist terrorists, you may ask? In multiple ways. For one, by paying his religiously required tax known as Khums (one-fifth of his income) to the imams and mullahs. What do the Islamic clerics do with the funds? They make a very good living by not breaking a sweat day and night, preaching hatred of non-Muslims, and training wave after wave of impressionable young as soldiers of Allah.

These clerical parasites are equal opportunity haters and promoters of violence. They do not limit their campaign to only non-Muslims. They even exhort their just too-happy jihadists to wage war against each other whenever it suits them, and they can get away with it.

Just look at what is happening these days in the lands of the religion of peace. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Pakistan, Bahrain, and even the Islamic showcases such as Egypt and Turkey. Repression and slaughter are in full operation.

Syria’s in-power Alawites and their Shiite allies are engaged in the shocking butchery of the Sunnis, even under the eyes of the impotent United Nations observers. In one recent brutal attack by the Alawite forces of President Bashar Assad, some 90 people, including many children, were murdered.

I hardly need to tally the criminality and horrors of these Muslim-inspired regimes. Peace, tolerance, and respect for others are alien to the followers of Muhammad, no matter which sect they belong to and irrespective of where in the world they live. No sooner in power, in any place, they shamelessly and brutally begin their mayhem and murderous practices.

This primitive chauvinistic creed is custom-made for the savage male, where women are systematically abused in every imaginable way. Not only are women officially worth one-half of a man, but they are also to serve as a man’s property in the tragically ordained manner. Four women to a man in regular marriage and as many women as a man wishes in temporary marriages. Woe upon a woman who thinks of herself as an equal-rights human and violates these Islamic draconian laws. Honor killing awaits the fate of any woman who steps outside Islam’s misogynistic boundaries.

Give the ringleaders of this creed of violence credit. They have perfected their skills at their trade of spreading Islam, the means of making their parasitic living.

These so-called clerics make “good” use of the funds they extract from their followers. For one, they buy the ever-ready-for-purchase politicians to further their cause through legislation that would muzzle freedom of expression by any voice that dares to expose Islam for what it is.

For yet another, with their coffers flush with funds, the clerics enlist lawyers and launch lawsuits to destroy any person who speaks the truth about their barbaric beliefs and practices.

In addition, they honestly report intimidating businesses that fail to toe their line by boycotting their products and services. They force other businesses to withdraw their advertisements from any print or electronic medium that may honestly report the horrors of their beliefs.

Tolerance is a great social virtue that becomes a vice if extended to those who do not practice it and to criminals who take advantage of this noble human attribute. Muslims are the most oppressive and intolerant people in the world, and they justify their intolerance on the teachings of their holy book, the Quran.

The persecution of religious minorities in Islamic states is a legend. Yet, these very intolerant people come to the welcoming Western countries and demand one-sided tolerance from their hosts. Over time, these Muslims increased their demands to the point of aiming to subvert the civilized hosts and transform them into their failed savage system ruled by the Sharia Law.

Remember that Islam operates by stealth when not quite powerful, just as Muhammad did. Then, it gradually builds its power to the point that the soft approach is no longer necessary to subdue others and impose its will.

The stealth soft strategy is presently playing out in the United States. Islam’s tentacles are expanding into the body of this free and welcoming nation. In 2000, there were 1209 mosques in the United States of America. By 2010, the number has almost doubled. By 2021, the number had increased to 2769.

Islam is a bad idea, and Muslims are guilty of living by it and promoting it. Some Muslims take up arms, following the examples of Islam’s founder, Muhammad, in their aim to vanquish the non-Muslims. Other Muslims empower the frontline jihadists by supplying them with material support and manpower. In the same manner that an army can’t fight without the essential logistics supplied to them by civilians, the soldiers of Allah will be incapable of waging their death and destruction campaign without the support of the generality of Muslims. It is long overdue that Muslims be held accountable for the so-called religious belief that controls their actions: actions aimed at destroying anything and anyone non-Muslim.

It is imperative that we see reality and deal with it. No euphemism, no sugarcoating, no politically correct posturing. It is time to abandon all pretenses and place the blame where it belongs. It is the Mayhem and Murder Islam, Inc. that is breeding terrorists. Without Islam, there would be no Islamic terrorists.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

This is where the War in America will start!

Mentioned below are some comments regarding the briefing “Where War in America will start.”  Directly below my remarks is the actual link to the briefing by former 24-year veteran Border Protection Assistant Director JJ Carroll.

If you go to my national show ARIZONA TODAY, you will watch an interview and conversation with Gen. Flynn and me.  I have been truly privileged to have met Mike shortly after he left the White House and Trump Administration.  We enjoyed (at least I did, he might suggest otherwise) many phone conversations.  As I stated during my show and in writing when I distributed the show, Gen. Flynn and I talked with no microphones, no cameras, no other people around in ear shot, and this gentleman was sincere, real, not pretentious or pompous, and truly a lover of God and this nation.  He was not putting on a show, as there was no one around.

Six months ago, Gen. Flynn shared concerns with several of the extremely real possibility (probability) that severe civil unrest is looming come late July into August and even September.  Said civil unrest appears to be developing in 16 cities across the country, all of which are controlled by socialist agenda promoted by socialist believers holding elected office or high appointed offices like City Manager.  At the time of the briefing cities of such as Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Phoenix were mentioned.  Secondary threat assessment strongly shows hard core criminals from Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico even Middle Eastern released from prisons having been imprisoned for serious acts of violence, including but not limited to murder, rape, severe bodily injury assault, child sexual engagement.

The gangs delivered into our country have set-up operations in the aforesaid cities and are in the process of developing “turf zones” they claim they own!!  This fact now comes into direct opposition to the locals (Americans) who have lived in those areas their whole lives.  As stated in the video report I distributed narrated by former Senior Border Protection Assistant Director JJ Carroll, all that is needed to ignite a serious and explosive with firearms, etc. incident is for an illegal to push a local or business or community and a flash point shall ignite.  Depending on the severity of said ignition and reaction by locals, other named cities could follow most quickly.  These incidents shall be shooting conflicts along with severe damage to any remaining businesses in the areas, and even destruction of infrastructure.

The situation in Chicago is so serious that the Democrat National Convention is now looking to either relocate their August convention or to place it online or zoom.  For the most part none of this is being reported publicly by any media.

With appreciation,

Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.


SUBJECT OF BRIEFING: Armed conflict Scenario to erupt mid to late summer


J.J. Carrell, 24-year Border Protection Official, releases detailed information during tour in Chicago with a Black Community Leader, Mr. Mark Carter.  Carrell deliberately chose Chicago given his knowledge of illegals being deliberately dispersed across America.  Former Agent Carrell began his briefing with these words, “Chicago is a war zone and Trump described this a forgotten America.”

I will not go further allowing the briefing you are about to hear instruct you.  The video presentation is 22 minutes.

“THIS is where War in America will start… right here!”

©2024. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Is America Ready for ‘Degrowth Communism’?

Watch: Morano on Lou Dobbs Tonight talking Biden draining Strategic Petroleum Reserve to juice election & who will replace Klaus Schwab

Watch: Morano on Fox on Sec. Pete’s claim that airline turbulence is linked to ‘climate change’ – ‘This is unscientific claptrap’

Wash Post’s ‘climate solutions’ reporter touts taking ‘cold showers’: ‘You should embrace using cold water’ because ‘heating water’ leads to ‘more planet-warming emissions’

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends: Biden admin knew their green mandates would raise energy costs – ‘This is the remaking of America to fight the the ‘existential threat’ of climate change

‘Say goodbye, perhaps, to hamburgers, SUVs, & your annual cross-country flight home for the holidays’

The Atlantic – May 28, 2024: By Christopher Beam – Kohei Saito’s theory of how to solve climate change is economically dubious and politically impossible. Why is it so popular?

Excerpt: The crazy idea is “degrowth communism,” a combination of two concepts that are contentious on their own. Degrowth holds that there will always be a correlation between economic output and carbon emissions, so the best way to fight climate change is for wealthy nations to cut back on consumption and reduce the “material throughput” that creates demand for energy and drives GDP.

The degrowth movement has swelled in recent years, particularly in Europe and in academic circles. The theory has dramatic implications. Instead of finding carbon-neutral ways to power our luxurious modern lifestyles, degrowth would require us to surrender some material comforts. One leading proponent suggests imposing a hard cap on total national energy use, which would ratchet down every year. Energy-intensive activities might be banned outright or taxed to near oblivion. (Say goodbye, perhaps, to hamburgers, SUVs, and your annual cross-country flight home for the holidays.) You’d probably be prohibited from setting the thermostat too cold in summer or too warm in winter. To keep frivolous spending down, the government might decide which products are “wasteful” and ban advertising for them. Slower growth would require less labor, so the government would shorten the workweek and guarantee a job for every person.

Saito did not invent degrowth, but he has put his own spin on it by adding the C word. As for what kind of “communism” we’re talking about, Saito tends to emphasize workers’ cooperatives and generous social-welfare policies rather than top-down Leninist state control of the economy. He says he wants democratic change rather than revolution—though he’s fuzzy on how exactly you get people to vote for shrinkage. This message has found an enthusiastic audience. Saito’s 2020 book, Capital in the Anthropocene, sold half a million copies

Is America Ready for ‘Degrowth Communism’?

By Christopher Beam

Kohei Saito’s theory of how to solve climate change is economically dubious and politically impossible. Why is it so popular?

Excerpt: Kohei Saito knows he sounds like a madman. That’s kind of the point, the Japanese philosopher told me during a recent visit to New York City. “Maybe, then, people get shocked,” he said. “What’s this crazy guy saying?

The crazy idea is “degrowth communism,” a combination of two concepts that are contentious on their own. Degrowth holds that there will always be a correlation between economic output and carbon emissions, so the best way to fight climate change is for wealthy nations to cut back on consumption and reduce the “material throughput” that creates demand for energy and drives GDP.The degrowth movement has swelled in recent years, particularly in Europe and in academic circles. The theory has dramatic implications. Instead of finding carbon-neutral ways to power our luxurious modern lifestyles, degrowth would require us to surrender some material comforts. One leading proponent suggests imposing a hard cap on total national energy use, which would ratchet down every year. Energy-intensive activities might be banned outright or taxed to near oblivion. (Say goodbye, perhaps, to hamburgers, SUVs, and your annual cross-country flight home for the holidays.) You’d probably be prohibited from setting the thermostat too cold in summer or too warm in winter. To keep frivolous spending down, the government might decide which products are “wasteful” and ban advertising for them. Slower growth would require less labor, so the government would shorten the workweek and guarantee a job for every person.Saito did not invent degrowth, but he has put his own spin on it by adding the C word.As for what kind of “communism” we’re talking about, Saito tends to emphasize workers’ cooperatives and generous social-welfare policies rather than top-down Leninist state control of the economy. He says he wants democratic change rather than revolution—though he’s fuzzy on how exactly you get people to vote for shrinkage.This message has found an enthusiastic audience. Saito’s 2020 book, Capital in the Anthropocene, sold half a million copies. He took a job at the prestigious University of Tokyo and became a regular commentator on Japanese TV—one of the few far-left talking heads in that country’s conservative media sphere. When we met up in April, he was touring the northeastern U.S. to promote the new English translation of the book, titled Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto, and planning to appear on a series of panels at Georgetown University to discuss his ideas. One day during his New York stint, we visited the pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University, where a young protester named Tianle Zhang spotted him and waved him over, telling Saito he’s the reason he’s applying to graduate school. They took a selfie together, and Saito posted it on X.Saito’s haters are just as passionate as his admirers. The right-wing podcaster James Lindsay recently dedicated a three-hour episode to what he called Saito’s “death cult.” Liberals who favor renewable energy and other technologies say Saito’s ideas would lead to stagnation. On the pro-labor left, Jacobin magazine published multiple articles criticizing degrowth in general and Saito in particular, calling his vision a “political disaster” that would hurt the working class. And don’t get the Marxist textualists started; they accuse Saito of distorting the great man’s words in order to portray Marx as the OG degrowth communist.It’s understandable that Saito provokes so much ire: He rejects the mainstream political consensus that the best way to fight climate change is through innovation, which requires growth. But no matter how many times opponents swat it down, the idea of degrowth refuses to die. Perhaps it survives these detailed, technical refutations because its very implausibility is central to its appeal.

[ … ]

For Saito, the long-term alternative to degrowth communism is not green growth but “climate fascism,” in which countries lock down, hoard their resources, and disregard the collective good. Faced with that prospect, humanity will make the right choice. “As a philosopher,” he said, “I want to believe in the universality of reason.”

Saito does propose a few concrete fixes: Ban private jets. Get rid of advertising for harmful goods and services, such as cosmetic surgery. Enact a four-day workweek. Encourage people to own one car, instead of two or three. Require shopping malls to close on Sundays, to cut down on the time available for excessive consumption. “These things won’t necessarily dismantle capitalism,” he said. “But it’s something we can do over the long term to transform our values and culture.”

[ … ]

Support for this project was provided by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Christopher Beam is a writing fellow at The Atlantic.Copyright © 2024 Climate Depot, All rights reserved.

Big Abortion Defeated, Border Patrol Atrophying, and Hunter Biden’s ‘Perjury’: 5 Stories You Missed

With patriotic Americans preparing to commemorate the brave soldiers who sacrificed themselves in our nation’s battles — and the rest of America preparing to take a day off work — it became easier to miss news stories. But even if you gleaned the headlines like prospectors panning for gold, some stories went underreported in the last full week of May: Big Abortion suffered a setback at the ballot box; Border Patrol suffered (yet another) setback under Joe Biden; Hunter Biden suffered a setback from (allegedly) perjuring himself before Congress; the legacy media suffered a setback with viewers; and all Americans suffered rampant setbacks from inflation.

  1. Big Abortion’s Big Defeat

Nonpartisan state elections that take place in the middle of the year receive little media coverage — but the media made an exception this month, when a Georgia Supreme Court race briefly became a national bellwether for abortion. Then, as soon as the results came in, the media shrouded the results in studied silence.

Democrat and former five-term U.S. Congressman John Barrow decided he could win a seat on the Georgia Supreme Court by launching into an extended abortion monologue against Justice Andrew Pinson, who was appointed by Governor Brian Kemp (R) in 2022. Although three other high court justices ran unopposed, Barrow explained he specifically targeted Pinson because, as state solicitor general, Pinson defended Georgia’s heartbeat law — a pro-life protection shielding unborn babies from abortion once doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat, usually around six weeks.

During an interview with The Hill, Barrow summarized his candidacy with a triple-redundant mission statement: “I’m running for the Supreme Court of Georgia because I believe that women today have the same rights under the state constitution that they used to have under Roe vs. Wade, before it was overturned with the help of my opponent, and that’s why I’m running[,] and that’s why I’m running against him.”

No one had any doubt about the thrust of the campaign. Planned Parenthood and abortion lobbying groups endorsed him. “A state Supreme Court race in Georgia puts abortion on the ballot,” proclaimed MSNBC.

Barrow remained so committed to centering his entire campaign on abortion that, when the Georgia Judicial Qualifications Commission told him he was violating judicial ethics by announcing how he would vote on cases that had yet to come before him, Barrow sued to keep talking about abortion. (A judge dismissed the case.)

How did Barrow’s single-issue campaign come out? He lost by a 10-point spread: 55% Pinson vs. 45% Barrow.

The Southeast campaign director of the abortion lobby group Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America), Alicia Stallworth, pronounced the group “deeply disappointed” at the results. Christian conservatives celebrated. “The Democratic strategy of placing abortion at the center of the 2024 campaign utterly failed” last Tuesday in Georgia, said Ralph Reed, Faith & Freedom Coalition chairman and founder. Barrow’s loss “calls into question the entire Democratic strategy of eking out a victory by scaring suburban voters with abortion.”

The word sadly trickled out in local media. “Incumbent Georgia Justice Andrew Pinson defeats challenge from John Barrow focused on abortion rights,” stated Atlanta’s public broadcasting station WABE. “Justice Pinson wins court race that became referendum on abortion rights in Georgia,” reported Georgia Reporter, a publication of States Newsroom (a left-wing organization posing as a news organization, as we described earlier this month).

Curiously, that’s when the previously top-watched race fell off the national radar. The story made the national media thanks to Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner, who called Barrow’s defeat “perhaps the biggest electoral win for the pro-life cause since the fall of Roe v. Wade.”

It bears repeating: The narrative of the undefeatable abortion monologue had failed. Pro-life candidates should campaign accordingly.

  1. U.S. Border Patrol Has Lost One-Quarter of Its Agents during the Biden Administration

It’s no secret that illegal immigration — a simmering, slow-motion crisis that has been percolating for decades — has reached its worst extent thanks to the malign neglect of the Biden administration. Fewer stories have featured the morale-sapping impact his policies have on those who signed up to keep America’s borders secure.

One out of every four Border Patrol agents has left the agency since Joe Biden took office, a new review of the statistics has found. That’s an attrition rate far higher than his predecessors.

The Border Patrol employed 19,357 agents in fiscal year 2022.

During the Trump and Obama administrations, the agency lost an average of 996 agents a year — or 3,486 agents during a comparable 42-month period.

But since October 2020, the Border Patrol has lost a grand total of 4,281 agents: 3,665 in fiscal years 2020-2023, and 616 in the six months after the end of FY 2023 last October. That averages out to 1,222 agents annually in the Biden years.

Much of that atrophying came from experienced agents deciding they have had enough of Biden’s policies. Early retirements more than doubled during this period, from 257 a year (2014-2020) to 529 during this administration.

Biden lied that two Border Patrol agents in Del Rio, Texas, “whipped” illegal immigrants from Haiti who attempted to run past the agents into U.S. territory. “Those people will pay,” Biden vowed, before an investigation had formally taken place. As I explained at the time, “In reality, Border Patrol agents don’t carry whips, none of the photos showed their reins touching anybody, and agents would swing their reins to prevent people from getting hurt by their trampling horses.” The story proved as comprehensively false as any story can. The administration quietly dropped the case — but used the false story to prevent agents from patrolling the border on horseback. Competent agents decided they did not want to become the next one singled out for national humiliation by the president of the United States on the grounds of a baseless allegation.

Clearing out a federal agency of competent, dedicated civil servants accomplishes a dark, double policy goal for Biden: It removes agents who might pose administrative obstacles to his lax border policies and makes room to replace them with “diverse” new hires committed to his open borders agenda.

  1. Hunter Biden Committed Perjury?

It’s hardly news that the legacy media suppresses stories about Hunter Biden. Not only did major news outlets refuse to cover his laptop (after receiving a briefing from the intelligence community that such a story would be leaked by a foreign power), but they publicized a statement organized by Democratic officials from former intelligence agents insisting the whole thing smacked of perfidious Russian disinformation.

Well, they’re at it again.

The House Ways and Means Committee announced last Tuesday the release of more than 100 pages of obtained evidence from IRS whistleblowers that Hunter Biden may have committed perjury before Congress on February 28. Hunter Biden famously flouted his defiance of a congressional subpoena by storming out of a hearing and demanding a public interrogation, before retreating to the safety of a closed-door deposition.

The evidence shows that he lied under oath three times, House Republicans say. They say Hunter lied about a text he sent telling a Chinese official he and his father would use all their power against the company unless they received payment for services rendered. “I sent the text to the wrong Zhao,” said Hunter, claiming he texted a man who had nothing to do with the Chinese energy company and probably had no idea what the texts were about. The committee released WhatsApp records showing Biden contacted only one Zhao, named Raymond Zhao, whom he stayed in touch with for months. Zhao facilitated the release of $5 million from China to the Biden family.

They also say Hunter Biden fibbed when he claimed a shell company he set up with friend Devon Archer, Rosemont Seneca Bohai, was never “under my control nor affiliated with me.” The committee released a document signed by the president’s son stating, “I, Robert Hunter Biden, hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC.”

Biden also denied trying to help any foreign business associates obtain a U.S. visa. “I’d never pick up the phone and call anybody for a visa,” he said under oath. The committee released an email from Devon Archer stating, “Hunter is checking with Miguel Aleman to see if he can provide cover to Kola on the visa.” The individual in question, “Kola,” is Nikolay Zlochevsky, CEO of Burisma.

“Lying during sworn testimony is a felony offense that the Department of Justice has prosecuted numerous individuals for in recent years, and the American people expect the same accountability for the son of the president of the United States,” said Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.), chairman of the powerful committee.

Curiously, this blockbuster revelation has made few headlines, as the media instead repeat the most salacious details of Donald Trump’s trials which, arguably, are not criminal. This jaundiced coverage may explain why …

  1. Americans Keep Fleeing the Legacy Media

After years of repeating the “Russia collusion” narrative and covering up “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests, the legacy media continue to lose readers and trust. Two former titans of the legacy media announced last week they have taken on water.

The most influential newspaper in the nation’s capital, The Washington Post, has officially lost half of its subscribers since 2020. The subscriber plunge cost the newspaper $77 million in revenue in just the last year. “To speak candidly: We are in a hole, and we have been for some time,” Post publisher Will Lewis told employees during a meeting last Wednesday.

But the Post has plans to turn around the slide by rolling out tiered membership plans, as well as (in the words of the Post), “launching a product focused on the relationship between the climate and the economy.” It’s not clear how that will help, since voters ranked “dealing with climate change” 18th out of 20 issues presented to them as the most important crises facing America in a Pew Research Center survey earlier this year. (“Strengthening the economy” came in number one.) “I hope in the future you see this day as a significant day in the history of our company,” Lewis told employees.

Good luck with that.

Readers are not just giving up on newspapers: They’re also turning off left-wing news outlets. During the week of May 13-19, CNN averaged the lowest viewership among its most coveted audience in 33 years. CNN averaged only 83,000 members of the “targeted demographic,” which consists of people between the ages of 25 and 54. That’s its lowest share since 1991. CNN won a total viewership of 494,000 — less than half of rival MSNBC and less than one-quarter of Fox News Channel’s two million total viewers. That comes after CNN lost $100 million in revenue in 2022.

The driving force of much legacy media also took a step backwards. The left-wing group Media Matters for America (MMFA) — founded by Hillary Clinton ally David Brock and funded by George Soros — created miniature media feeding frenzies by wrenching soundbites of conservative commentators out of context. The legacy media often did no original research before breathlessly repeating their press releases.

The turning point came last November, when Elon Musk took MMFA to court for defamation after the group claimed major advertisers’ slogans appeared next to Nazi and white supremacist symbols and slogans on the social media platform X. But it appears MMFA “researchers” simply created accounts that followed only the most offensive accounts and major corporations, until its feed artificed results that would never occur organically.

Facing the music, Media Matters announced mass layoffs last Thursday. “We’re confronting a legal assault on multiple fronts and given how rapidly the media landscape is shifting, we need to be extremely intentional about how we allocate resources in order to stay effective,” said MMFA President Angelo Carusone.

Apparently, there is a price to pay for churning out bad journalism.

  1. Inflation Is Canceling Many Summer Vacations

Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial beginning of summer, but too many Americans cannot afford a family holiday this year thanks to Bidenomics.

A new survey released by Fox News last week found that 55% of Americans will not be taking a summer vacation this year — and 73% of those respondents say high prices and the poor economy make it impossible. A total of 72% of travelers say prices affected their decisions about taking a vacation. One told the Associated Press that the crime-riddled city of Philadelphia “was not our original destination, but we chose here because it was cheaper.”

At the same time, families are having a harder time having a staycation in their own homes, because home ownership has crept increasingly out of reach due to rampant Bidenflation. The figures tell the full story: The average person needs to earn 80% more today than in 2020 to buy a home — $47,000 more than in 2020 — yet average wages increased during that time only 23% in nominal terms. “In 2020, a household earning $59,000 annually could comfortably afford the monthly mortgage on a typical U.S. home,” explained Zillow. “Now, the roughly $106,500 needed to comfortably afford the mortgage payment on a typical home is well above what a typical U.S. household earns each year, estimated at about $81,000.”

Inflation does not just impact vacation plans: 86% of small businesses say “inflation has hurt their businesses in the past year,” according to a survey produced by Alignable. More than three out of four small business owners also cited “tax policies” (79%) and “regulations” (76%) as “major hurdles” to their success. “In particular, many said taxes are just too high,” reported Alignable, “especially since interest rates and inflation have reduced their cash on hand.”

The fact is, you aren’t being told about inflation, but you don’t need to be. You’re living it.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Louisiana Blazes Trail to Classify Abortion Pill as ‘Controlled Substance’

The abortion drug regimen of mifepristone and misoprostol is advertised by abortion giants such as Planned Parenthood as “safe” and “effective.” But researchers have unveiled evidence that proves these pills, which work together to end the life of an unborn baby, are not safe.

And yet, the use of chemical abortion is spreading. As reported in March, it took just six months for three of California’s colleges to carry out over 420 abortions with the abortion drug. In an effort to combat this increased usage of these harmful substances, states such as Louisiana have put forth legislation to criminalize obtaining mifepristone and misoprostol without a legitimate prescription.

The Louisiana state Senate and House recognized the dangers these drugs present and have chosen not to take those risks lightly. Last week, SB 276 was passed with overwhelming support in the state Senate (27-9), with a 63-29 vote in the state House. And on Friday, Governor Jeff Landry (R) officially signed the bill into law, making Louisiana the first U.S. state to enact legislation that classifies chemical abortion pills as “controlled substances.”

As The Daily Wire reported, the bill “adds both mifepristone and misoprostol to the state’s list of dangerous controlled substances and creates punishment for coerced abortions,” including potential prison time and fines up to $5,000. The law, sponsored by Senator Thomas Pressly (R-La.), will take effect October 1, 2024. “This is a huge piece of legislation,” lauded Jody Hice, former congressman and guest host Friday’s episode of “Washington Watch.”

Pressly, who celebrated the legislation being signed into law, expressed how the motivation behind the bill was personal. “[M]y sister was the victim of a horrible domestic violence attack,” he told Hice. He explained how she and her husband “were going through some marital issues,” and in the heat of their disagreements, her husband “tried to poison her seven times with [mifepristone]” by crushing it up and putting it in a drink he then gave to his pregnant wife. Catherine, Pressly’s sister, noticed what her husband was attempting to do and “was able to take the abortion reversal pill and able to save the life of my now 22-month-old niece,” the senator shared.

“Thank God,” he added, Catherine and her baby girl are “alive and doing remarkably well, considering the circumstances … during the first trimester of pregnancy.” Ultimately, Pressly emphasized, the danger of chemical abortion “was a personal issue for me.” And it’s his sister’s story he now hopes can aid in protecting “other women from having this horrible attack happen to them.”

Hice expressed how “there’s so much fear mongering from the abortion industry about this legislation.” As he emphasized, “Some tell us [mifepristone is] no more dangerous than Advil or some other similar drug.” But according to Hice, these criticisms clearly “missed the mark,” as “this is a huge problem across the board.”

“Oh, it truly is,” Pressly stated. “My goal in this is … to ensure that we are protecting life.” Additionally, the goal of the Louisiana law, as the senator described, is to allow “health care professionals to do their job and ensure that these pills are being used in a proper way that is not for elective abortion,” which Hice stated was “a great step in the right direction.”

Hice asked, “How can other states follow Louisiana’s lead on this extremely important issue?” According to Pressley, the first step in helping other states follow suit is to educate them on the dangers of chemical abortion. “[W]hen you look at the risk to the public,” Pressly pointed out, “not only to the unborn babies, but also to the mothers who could be poisoned with these pills as my sister was … it’s untenable that we don’t do more to protect women and protect the unborn in these situations.” But what it boils down to, the senator continued, is that “we’ve got to put more protections in place,” which is “exactly what we did in Louisiana. And I hope that other states will continue to follow our lead on that.”

Pressly explained how the Left will portray this law as something negative, as conservatives “not caring for women.” But the senator wanted “to be very clear” that this legislation does have both the well-being of the mother and the child in mind. He concluded, “We’re simply saying that it should be a doctor that’s making a … prescription and allowing it to move forward when it’s not for abortion. But in Louisiana, we do not allow abortion.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: School-Based ‘Health Center’ Offers Seattle Students Hormone Drugs

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Johnson: ‘If Just One out of Every 100’ Illegals Vote, It Will Change the Outcome of the Election

Democrats are good actors, but they aren’t that good. After three and a half years of Joe Biden’s wide open borders, the president’s party wants voters to believe they suddenly care about the crisis. Good luck, Senator John Thune (R-S.D.) wrote. The only thing they care about, he argued, is their own political vulnerability. And while Americans have made it quite clear that they want to end the lawlessness, it’s doubtful that they’ll “hire the arsonists to put out the fire,” Thune jabbed.

After last week, when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) reintroduced his failure of a border bill, no one is convinced Democrats can pull off this charade — or negotiate in good faith. The legislation, which is all part of a “new stunt” to “impersonate Republicans,” Thune argued, bombed by even bigger margins the second time around. That was no surprise to the policy’s critics, including House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who insisted the Democrats’ proposal “would actually make the problem worse.”

On “This Week on the Hill” with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, the Louisiana leader pointed out that the Left’s solution is to make “President Biden’s crazy policies” law. It was a “show vote,” he said, “to give cover to some vulnerable Senate Democrats,” but it would do nothing — zero — to stop the flood of migrants overwhelming U.S. cities.

“Listen, we’re coming up on an election now,” Johnson explained. “We’re six months out, and this has gone on for three and a half years. We documented, as you and I have discussed, 64 specific executive actions that President Biden and his administration took since the day he walked into the Oval Office to open that border wide. They did it intentionally,” he pointed out. “It was designed that way, and that’s why they’ve never closed it. As we sit here today, President Biden has the same exact executive authority to close and secure the border that he’s had since the day he walked into the Oval Office, but he’s done the opposite. He’s refused to use that authority. Now they’re panicking. You know why? Because it’s the number one issue around the country.”

The speaker, who’s traveled to 110 cities in 28 states in the last six months, hears more about this one issue than anything else. “I’m telling you, everywhere we go, it doesn’t matter where I am geographically in the United States, [people’s] first [concern] is that open border, because every state is a border state. The Democrats are in panic right now because they know that. And they’re feeling that even in deep blue districts, in blue cities, they’re feeling it. So many of the candidates, Democrats, are clamoring to try to show somehow that they actually care about the border when their votes show the opposite.”

Schumer’s “pathetic ploy” to hold a vote “is a fool’s errand,” Johnson insisted. “I think the voters understand that.” The real problem, he wanted people to know, is what could happen if illegal immigration isn’t addressed. “We’ve been saying this for quite some time. I was accused when I started saying this a couple of years ago of engaging in some sort of conspiracy theory — but very clearly, they want illegal immigrants to be turned into voters. That’s patently clear.”

And, to most people’s disgust, it’s already happening. “Some municipalities are doing it, including right here in the District of Columbia, which we have legislation to address,” Johnson said, referring to the SAVE Act that will require proof of citizenship to vote in every state for federal elections, which Congress has jurisdiction over. “That is a really important principle,” he continued. “Only American citizens should decide American elections. But not all Democrats agree with that. And they want to affect the census in six years by putting people around and changing the congressional map. And they want to affect elections between now and then. We’ve got to stop it.”

As it currently stands, anyone who lives in the District for at least 30 days can vote in local elections. All you have to do is go to the local welfare office or DMV and fill out the paperwork. There’s no way to verify if people who check the box, “Yes, I am an American citizen,” truly are. But, Johnson vowed, “We’re going to ensure that the D.C. City Council’s crazy agenda to allow illegals to decide American elections is not allowed to stand. I think that’ll pass in a bipartisan vote. Sadly, I wish all Democrats would be with us, but I think many of them won’t be. And that’ll be a very telling thing when you see that voting record and determine how you vote for your elected member of the House this fall.”

Right now, reports estimate that there are as many as 17 million illegals in the country — an astronomical number that could absolutely affect the election, the House leader warns. “Just think of it. … If just one out of every 100 of them tried to vote in a local election — because they’re spread all around the country — you could change the outcome of the presidential race or certainly congressional races.”

The stakes, Johnson points out, have never been higher. “These are expected to be tight margins this year, so we have to make sure that the sanctity of American elections is protected.


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Trump Vows: I Will Rip Up, Throw Away WHO Pandemic Agreement

President Donald Trump has put the issue of world government at the forefront of the 2024 presidential race, vowing to “protect American sovereignty” and the U.S. Constitution from the designs of unelected global bureaucrats.

President Trump took aim at global governance institutions in general, and the World Health Organization (WHO) specifically, on Saturday, promising to shred and annul the WHO Pandemic Agreement unless Joe Biden submits the document to the U.S. Senate for ratification, as required for treaties.

“As we speak, Joe Biden’s minions are in Geneva, secretly negotiating to surrender more of our liberty to the World Health Organization,” President Trump told the Libertarian Party National Convention, eliciting a fulsome chorus of boos. “Drafts of the agreement show that they want to subjugate America to foreign nations, attack free speech, [and] empower the World Health Organization to redistribute American resources.”

Multiple drafts of the proposed accord show the WHO limiting national sovereignty by demanding nations follow its regulations on “routine immunization” and “social measures,” turn over 20% of all vaccines for global redistribution, and abide by the agreement’s terms even after they withdraw.

“They’re going to take our money and send it all over the world to other countries that we need for our own citizens,” in the event of a pandemic, Trump told the crowd in Washington on Saturday, warning that a pandemic “could happen again” in the United States. His comments came just days after the Department of Health and Human Services took the first steps to deny future federal grants to the EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based NGO which funded gain-of-function research at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology before the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I will protect American sovereignty from the creeping hands of global government,” promised Trump. By contrast, the Biden administration has signaled its desire to sign the agreement, which WHO downgraded from a “legally-binding treaty” after Biden realized the U.S. Senate would never ratify the controversial document.

“I am hereby demanding that Joe Biden submit these monstrosities to the Senate as treaties,” declared Trump on Saturday. “If he does not, I will rip them up and throw them out on day one of the Trump administration.”

Opposition to the WHO pandemic treaty-turned-agreement has spread throughout America, including all 49 Republican U.S. senators, two dozen Republican governors, and 22 state attorneys general.

“The globalists are making a run over American sovereignty,” said Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) on the most recent episode of “This Week on the Hill,” hosted by Tony Perkins. “We can’t allow these global organizations to dictate to us what our policy is going to be.”

Although the body tasked with drawing up the agreement, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, failed to finalize its text before the World Health Assembly commenced its annual meeting in Geneva on Monday, WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus insisted the globalists would eventually prevail. “I remain confident that you still will” complete the global power transfer and have it adopted, he told delegates Monday. “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

But the internationalists compiling the sovereignty-destroying agreement will proceed from a radically government-centered philosophy alien to the American founding, experts say. “Some of these nations come from a very different governance perspective than the United States,” one which “says it’s normal to look to the federal government to deal with these problems,” Travis Weber, vice president for Policy and Government Affairs at Family Research Council — who is currently in Geneva monitoring the WHA proceedings — told guest host and former Congressman Jody Hice on “Washington Watch” Tuesday.

“Constitutionally, there are areas enumerated to the federal government under our Constitution. If they’re not, the issue in theory should be left to the states,” Weber told Hice. “We have a philosophy of government going back to our founding which depends on a self-governing, moral, and religious people. So, this really sets the stage for people in the United States to say, ‘Why should the federal government be tackling [this] issue in the first place?’”

President Trump also cited constitutionalist themes in his pitch for libertarians to endorse his candidacy at Saturday’s convention.

“I unbound the United States from globalist agreements that surrendered our sovereignty. I withdrew from the Paris Accord. I withdrew from the anti-gun U.N. Arms Treaty. And I withdrew from the corrupt and very expensive World Health Organization,” said Trump, emphasizing that any institution of global governance is “not a good thing, not a good thing.”

Trump delivered a message precision-targeted to libertarian concerns. “Marxism is an evil doctrine straight from the ashes of Hell,” said Trump. “We believe that the job of the United States military is not to wage endless regime change wars around the globe.”

“We will shut down our out-of-control federal Department of Education and give it back to the states and local governments. I will return power to the states, local governments, and to the American people. I am a believer in the Tenth Amendment,” said Trump. “I will always defend religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms. And I will secure our elections.” Trump also pledged to put a libertarian in his cabinet and in senior posts of his administration.

“What you’re witnessing under Biden is a toxic fusion of the Marxist Left, the Deep State, the military-industrial complex, the government security and surveillance service, and their partners all merging together into a hideous perversion of the American system,” he said. “The great liberation of America begins on November 5th, 2024.”

Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle also invited Joe Biden and Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to address the convention. RFK Jr., who has said the WHO Pandemic Agreement “should be dead in the water,” delivered extended remarks to the delegates Friday afternoon. Biden demurred. Former Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy, former Congressman Ron Paul, and Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) also spoke at the convention.

Trump vied for the party’s backing, quoting at length a Deroy Murdock article, “The Libertarian Case for Donald J. Trump” and encouraging delegates to nominate him — but only “if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years.”

The 3.3% of the 2016 vote, won by former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (R), actually represented an outlier for the Libertarian Party, which typically claims to 0.5%-1% of the presidential electorate.

Ultimately, the collected Libertarian Party delegates nominated Chase Oliver, an Atlanta-based activist who describes himself as “pro-police reform, pro-choice,” as well as “armed and gay.” Oliver supported COVID-19 lockdowns and mask mandates, opposed bills protecting minors from transgender injections and surgeries, and posed with a drag queen. The Georgian, who forced a run-off in the 2022 Senate race that saw Democrat Raphael Warnock defeat Republican Herschel Walker, plans to gear his campaign toward young people, “in particular those who are upset with the war going on in Gaza.”

Some hope liberty-minded voters will ignore the Libertarian Party’s official endorsement and support Trump out of prudence. Walter Block, an economics professor and prolific libertarian author, urged libertarians in swing states to vote for the 45th president this November. “In Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, we could make the difference,” wrote Block in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Tuesday.

He reminded readers that “Libertarian nominee Jo Jorgensen received roughly 50,000 votes in Arizona in 2020, when Mr. Trump lost the state by about 10,000 ballots.”

Absent a more conservative government, America may be yoked to the WHO Pandemic Agreement without Senate ratification, circumventing the democratic process. “It only breeds more public distrust when people are not able to fully share their concerns and air their grievances,” Weber told Hice. “The people of the United States need to be heard in terms of their concerns about the WHO, about the way the COVID-19 pandemic was handled, about the way their health information might be distributed or shared, or given over to some government program.”

FRC Action has created a form allowing voters to contact their senators, urging them to oppose the WHO Pandemic Agreement.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

VIDEO EXPOSÈ: If White men are the biggest threat to our country, why do Marxist black, Muslim and Hispanic women marry them?

If White men are the biggest threat to our country, why do Marxist black and Hispanic women marry them?

Check out the two white men that Whoopi Goldberg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Kamal Harris, Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson have married.

Oh, and take a look at Don Lemon with his queer partner!!!

Kind of like if the USA is the most evil, oppressive white supremacist country in world then why are multi-millions of migrants, especially illegal aliens and bogus asylum seekers, clamoring to get in and invade our country?

©2024. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

Enjoy the meltdown! Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ‘Warns Public Schools Might Close’

YES! Public school systems are deservedly losing students to school choice options.

Duval, Broward and Miami Dade are three of Florida’s largest school districts that have lost substantial numbers of students.  Broward alone lost 49,000 students.  Across Florida private school attendance has increased by 50,000 and Home Schools by 50,000 last year.  Scholarships have increased by 217,000 for school choice.

Competition is the answer to better educated; less indoctrinated students.

Teach Florida’s youth how to think, not what to think!

One of biggest problems in public education is the negative influence of teachers unions like the National Education Association and local affiliates who are not concerned with student performance but rather with teacher benefits and support LGBTQ agendas.

Politico Panics: FL Gov. Ron DeSantis “Wildly Successful” In School Choice, Warns Public Schools Might Close

Posted by 

American public schools have been declining for decades. We used to score at or near the top in the world for education in maths, the sciences, reading comprehension, writing skills, etc. Now? We trail behind (among other nations) China, Estonia, Korea, Finland, and Singapore.

American students actually graduate high school unable to read or write at the sixth grade level. But don’t worry, we’ve been long assured by the ludicrous left: students just need to be coddled, not taught; they need to achieve their best by ‘being’ and by discussion and group struggle sessions, not boring old lectures; they need to be embraced for their feewings about maths (2 + 2 = purple is just as correct as, say, “4” because feewings and ‘felt experiences’). Besides standardized tests are racist and scary . . . unless you actually know the freaking material and can answer the questions posed.

Add on the American public school teachers’ unions, the activist ‘teachers’ being churned out of activist campuses, and you have a clear recipe for disaster in terms of American public education.

Florida governor Ron DeSantis is having none of it. He’s not allowing DIE to kill Florida’s schools and colleges, and he’s not letting teachers’ unions kill Florida’s children’s futures. Instead, he has fought for years to allow parents to decide where their children are educated, to make the right and best choices for their children’s futures. Parents—finally given a choice—are deciding, in droves, that failed federal government-run public schools are not adequate for their dreams and hopes for their children’s future.

In keeping with his promise to stand with Florida’s families, to defend them against the federal government’s and public teachers’s unions assault on public education, DeSantis has championed school choice, vouchers, and homeschooling. He has remade the K-12 education system in Florida so that parents are free to choose what kind of education their child or children receive. This is wildly popular in Free Florida.

It’s not so popular at Democrat hactivist site Politico.

Continue reading.

©2024. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Left media Bemoans Success of FL School Choice Program

RELATED VIDEO: New Documentary “Audacity To Dream”

Reasons Why The DOD is Having Trouble Recruiting and Retaining Today’s Military Personnel

Recently the Supreme Court ruled that Affirmative Action is illegal for use in admitting students to civilian colleges and universities but not the U.S. Military Academies.  This is absurd to the Nth degree.

To understand please read this column: CRT/DEI and the military – American Thinker

Military Academies — Army West Point; Navy/Marines-Annapolis; Air Force Academy CO Springs; Coast Guard Academy ; Merchant Marine Academy — admissions should be based solely on merit and not by race or gender.

This is a deliberate attempt to weaken our military over the long run.

Obama and now Biden have already done so with all the social engineering our military is subjected to (see below). 

Combat readiness and ability to deploy have been replaced with priorities for Climate Change; CRT/DEI; LGBTQ+ Agenda; and Affirmative Action.

Following are reasons why this Administration and their “WOKE” Generals and Admirals are having trouble recruiting and retaining today’s military personnel.

  • Exemptions from Deployment for up to a year for pregnant females and even military spouses once baby born
  • Field Laxtation Stations
  • Opening Every military position including close combat to women
  • Time Out Cards during basic training
  • Mandatory instruction on Critical Race Theory
  • Changing Chaplain’s Corps to entirely non-denominational
  • Terrible Rules of Engagement for those in combat in Iraq & Afghanistan & elsewhere resulting in unnecessary deaths and maiming
  • Afghanistan pull out travesty
  • Allowing transgenders to serve and paying for sex change operations
  • Facilitating Nation Building rather than Combat Readiness
  • Islamization of our military
  • Promoting traitors like Alexander Vindman
  • Allowing enemies to capture our fully armed gun boats and run rings around a fleet of our combat ships
  • Training emphasizing Diversity, inclusion and equity rather than combat operations that leads to such disasters as 2 modern destroyers colliding with merchant ships on the high seas and resulting in deaths of sailors
  • Promoting a policy allowing military to refuse assignments based on perception they will be discriminated against because of LGBTQMxyz or other tendencies
  • Renaming every military post named after Confederate Generals (despite fact that Congress enacted a law stating that those who fought on side of south are considered US veterans) Following Civil War I (AKA the War of Northern Aggression, the war between the states etc.) our people’s representatives made a conscious decision to name many of our military installations after CSA generals in an effort to amicably re-unite our nation.  At the time, our national wounds were still fresh and this effort was made to honor the bravery of the CSA military.  The signs at the gates are set with steel posts in order to be permanent.  The name of the installation is not fastened with Velcro(tm) and should not be changed just because a bunch of people who have no understanding of history, decided to throw a hissy fit
  • .Following guidance that Climate Change is the #1 threat to national security
  • Relieving Commanders for displaying views against LGBTQMxyz
  •  Going soft on traitors like Bergdahl whose desertion in combat resulted in deaths of 6 US soldiers looking for him
  • Changing physical fitness standards to gender neutral thus reducing any kind of reasonable standards – Reducing the standards and requirements for graduation from tough combat courses such as Rangers, Force Recon, Special Forces, Crucible, SEALs, etc. so that women could pass and be “qualified”
  • USMC using rainbow colored patches and bullets in celebration of “Pride Month”
  • Suppressing information on sexual harassment in military where the leading suspects are not heterosexual males.
  • Ridding the service of “toxic masculinity” and replacing many former warriors with pajama or pillsbury dough boys.
  • Cancelling the culture of the former military that most of us were proud to serve and replacing  the “warrior spirit ethic/ethos” feared by our enemies with something we are hard pressed to identify with that is no longer feared by our enemies
  • Mandatory experimental gene therapy COVID shot rendering over 40,000 sterile.-
  • Armed Services Committee complained to the Army that too many women are not passing the pt test. They have told the Army to change the PT Test for women to measure the things women can master. Yep, that will make them combat ready
  • Recruiting and retention stats are at an all time low.

Here’s other reasons why.

  1. The constant headlines about sexual assault and sexual harassment looms large in the eyes of parents and potential recruits.  People fear being at the mercy of sexual predators.
  2.  The discussions about transgender individuals in the dorms and locker rooms….
  3.  Some women believe they will be pushed into the combat arms.
  4.  Unisex uniforms
  5.   There are some things about openly serving homosexuals that the current generation will tolerate but not embrace.
  6.  Trust has eroded and must be earned back.
  7.  The humiliating route in Afghanistan weighs heavily.
  8.  Wesley Manning and Bo Bergdahl get more media coverage than the highly decorated heroes.
  9.  There is no perceived challenge for the Alpha Males in mixed sex recruit training.  The average 18 year old males does not take well to a screeching Harpie Army drill sergeant.  Indirect Physical intimidation by leading by example simply will not work when the Drill Sergeant can not even pass your PFT.  ( a linebacker team captain leads differently from a QB team captain.  At the entry level the Tennis team captain cannot lead the linebackers.)
  10.  The full scale entry of the Flag ranks (mostly retired) into the political fray has been an out and out disaster on every level.  The perception is that they are partisan political, grossly self serving, corrupt and incompetent all at once.
  11.  Being accused, almost daily, that you are racist, privileged, homophobic, sexist and that your values are toxic does not help recruit.

I have been recommending since the stolen election that the state of the military is terrible and that I would not want anyone to join the military for any reason. Today, we have immoral leaders at the highest levels. No sense in becoming cannon fodder, or worse yet, having to give up all morality to become successful.

I’m sure you can think of other ridiculous military polices in place under  O’Biden, Austin, Milley, etc. which have grossly undermined morale and the ability to fight and win in combat.

I know we still have brave, strong soldiers in the trenches today, serving honorably but for how much longer under these circumstances?

Army Opens its Doors to Recruits Who Fail to Meet Initial Body Fat and Academic Standards Amid Recruiting Crisis | Military.com

I think there is even more.  Facts are secondary. Impressions and perceptions matter.

  1. The constant headlines about sexual assault and sexual harassment looms large in the eyes of parents and potential recruits.  People fear being at the mercy of sexual predators.
  2.  The discussions about transgender individuals in the dorms and locker rooms….
  3.  Some women believe they will be pushed into the combat arms.
  4.  Unisex uniforms
  5.   There are some things about openly serving homosexuals that the current generation will tolerate but not embrace.
  6.  Trust has eroded and must be earned back.
  7.  The humiliating route in Afghanistan weighs heavily.
  8.  Wesley Manning and Bo Bergdahl get more media coverage than the highly decorated heroes.
  9.  There is no perceived challenge for the Alpha Males in mixed sex recruit training.  The average 18 year old males does not take well to a screeching Harpie Army drill sergeant.  Indirect Physical intimidation by leading by example simply will not work when the Drill Sergeant can not even pass your PFT.  ( a linebacker team captain leads differently from a QB team captain.  At the entry level the Tennis team captain cannot lead the linebackers.)
  10.  The full scale entry of the Flag ranks (mostly retired) into the political fray has been an out and out disaster on every level.  The perception is that they are partisan political, grossly self serving, corrupt and incompetent all at once.
  11.  Being accused, almost daily, that you are racist, privileged, homophobic, sexist and that your values are toxic does not help recruit.

Recruiting will not improve until DoD reviews their own message and image.  The current leadership seems incapable of that.

©2024. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

President Donald J. Trump ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’

We thought it would be important to look at what President Donald J. Trump did during his 4-years in office.

As people go to the polls on November 5th, 2024 it is important to compare and contrast what Trump did in his time in office and what Biden has done while in office.

This information comes from the White House archives:

Foreign Policy

President Trump restored American sovereignty at home and American leadership abroad, partnering with strong and responsible nations to promote security, prosperity, and peace. Instead of sending American troops to fight in endless wars or giving cash to terrorists in countries like Iran, the United States under President Trump used bold, creative diplomacy to secure peace deals with our allies across the world.

With the same “peace through strength” foreign policy that President Reagan once used to win the Cold War, President Trump rebuilt American deterrence power to hold our adversaries accountable. Perhaps most important, the Trump Administration reversed Washington’s decades-long, bipartisan refusal to confront China over its unfair trade practices, intellectual property theft, and more.


President Trump kept his promise to build a wall on our southern border between the United States and Mexico. With 450 miles complete—and many more in progress—illegal crossings plummeted over 87 percent in areas where the wall went up.

By enforcing America’s immigration laws, President Trump made major gains toward ending the humanitarian crisis at our border; keeping criminals, terrorists, and drugs out of our country; and protecting American workers and taxpayers against job loss and misuse of the welfare system.

National Security & Defense

President Trump rebuilt the United States military after eight years of decline and neglect under the previous Administration. He revitalized our defense industrial base, secured the largest pay raise for our troops in a decade, and created the sixth branch of our Armed Forces: the United States Space Force. President Trump also became the first American leader since Ronald Reagan not to start a war.

On President Trump’s watch, the world’s most notorious terrorists were brought to justice; the ISIS territorial caliphate was completely destroyed; and violent, corrupt regimes were held accountable through a mix of sanctions and targeted military action.

Economy & Jobs

Before the Coronavirus spread from China across the globe, President Trump helped America build its strongest economy in history. Median household incomes rose to their highest level ever in 2019, while the poverty rate hit an all-time low. Under the Trump Administration, more Americans were employed than ever before—160 million—and the unemployment rate fell to a 50-year low. The unemployment rates for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Americans without a high-school diploma all hit record lows, while the Trump “Blue-Collar Boom” saw wages grow faster for workers than for managers or supervisors.

After COVID-19 forced a temporary economic shutdown, President Trump signed the largest relief package in American history to protect workers and families from economic devastation. Under President Trump’s leadership, the American economy surged back to life within months, seeing record growth and job gains.


Before the Coronavirus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy

  • America gained 7 million new jobs—more than three times government experts’ projections
  • Middle-class family income increased nearly $6,000—more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings
  • More Americans reported being employed than ever before—nearly 160 million
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest level on record
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly three decades

Delivered a future of greater promise and opportunity for citizens of all backgrounds

  • Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows
  • Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years
  • Nearly 7 million people were lifted off of food stamps
  • Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached record lows
  • Income inequality fell for two straight years—and by the largest amount in over a decade
  • The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth
  • Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue-collar workers—a 16 percent pay increase
  • African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent

Brought jobs, factories, and industries back to the USA

  • Created more than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs
  • Put in place policies to bring back supply chains from overseas
  • Small business optimism broke a 35-year-old record in 2018

Hit record stock market numbers and record 401ks

  • The DOW closed above 20,000 for the first time in 2017 and topped 30,000 in 2020
  • The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have repeatedly notched record highs

Achieved a record-setting economic comeback by rejecting blanket lockdowns

  • An October 2020 Gallup survey found 56 percent of Americans said they were better off now than four years ago, even in the midst of a global pandemic
  • During the third quarter of 2020, the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent—the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded
  • Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost
  • Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery
  • Unemployment fell to 6.7 percent in November, from a pandemic peak of 14.7 percent in April—beating expectations of well over 10 percent unemployment through the end of 2020
  • The 8 percentage point decline in the unemployment rate from April to November is the largest seven-month reduction ever recorded
  • Under the previous administration, it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent to under 7 percent, compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration
  • Since April, the Hispanic unemployment rate has fallen by 10.5 percent, Asian-American unemployment by 7.8 percent, and Black-American unemployment by 6.4 percent
  • 80 percent of small businesses are now open, up from just 53 percent in April
  • Small business confidence hit a new high
  • Homebuilder confidence reached an all-time high, and home sales hit their highest reading since December 2006
  • Manufacturing optimism nearly doubled
  • Household net worth rose $7.4 trillion in Q2 2020 to $112 trillion, an all-time high
  • Home prices hit an all-time record high
  • The United States rejected crippling lockdowns that crush the economy and inflict countless public health harms and instead safely reopened its economy
  • Business confidence is higher in America than in any other G7 or European Union country
  • Stabilized America’s financial markets with the establishment of a number of Treasury Department supported facilities at the Federal Reserve

Biden has undone everything that President Donald J. Trump did and has hurt the American people more than any other president in history.

Please feel free to comment below on this column.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

WATCH: Fatah brags it took part in October 7 slaughter. [GRAPHIC IMAGES]

Fatah brags: “We killed [them]… and stepped on their heads … We had a prominent and clear role.”

Fatah released a video in which terrorists of Fatah’s terror wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, are seen participating and bragging about their role in the October 7 slaughter of Israelis.

The video was publicized on the day of the massacre, in which terrorists murdered over 1,400 Israelis. The faces and voices of the terrorists were blurred and muffled by Fatah to hide their identities.

The video opens by showing Fatah terrorists with yellow Fatah headbands firing Kalashnikov rifles at an Israeli kibbutz. Screams of “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is greatest”) are played in the background.

Fatah terrorist: “We have plundered from them… Today we broke into the military post Nahal Oz, (sic., It is a civilian kibbutz) and we hit what we hit, we took as plunder what we took,  and we killed soldiers and stepped on their heads.”

PMW has blurred the picture of the Fatah terrorist stamping on the head of a murdered Israeli. Fatah released it without blurring to maximize the horror.

Another Fatah terrorist gloats that the video of the dead Israeli will be seen by Israelis:

“You [Israelis] will see this with your own eyes, Allah willing.”

Another Fatah terrorist continues to brag about Fatah’s participation in the slaughter:

“Allahu Akbar and praise Allah… From the heart of these temporary [Israeli] settlements, Allah willing, we had a prominent and clear role.”

The Palestinian Authority, Fatah, and Hamas all describe all of Israel as “occupied territory” and all Israeli towns and cities as “settlements.” Here Fatah boasts that the “settlements” of southern Israel are “temporary.”

The final picture shows a Fatah terrorist raising one finger – symbolizing Allah –  standing in front of a burning Israeli vehicle.

The video carries the logo of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, which includes this quote from the Quran: “So fight them and Allah will punish them at your hands, put them to shame, help you overcome them, and soothe the hearts of the believers” [Quran 9:14, Sahih International translation]

The posted text on Telegram that accompanied the video: “Your brothers – the fighters of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (i.e., Fatah’s military wing)/Fatah from the battlefield.”

Palestinian Media Watch exposed another video in which Fatah’s terror wing bragged that it helped Hamas “behind enemy lines” and praised the massacre as a first step to liberate all of “Palestine.”

As noted above, Fatah’s attack was on Nahal Oz, an Israeli civilian kibbutz, not a military post. In addition, Hamas and Fatah terrorists murdered mostly Israeli civilians in the massacre, not soldiers.

PA Chairman Abbas’ Fatah Movement has been very outspoken about its support for Hamas’ terror war on Israel and the terrorists’ massacre on Israeli civilians. Palestinian Media Watch exposed that:

  • Fatah’s terror wing urged Palestinians to “strike the sons of apes and pigs… slaughter everyone Israeli”
  • Fatah’s Student Movement has called for murder of Jews and terror in the West Bank
  • Fatah sees Hamas’ atrocities as a “heroic operation” and the massacre brought “a morning of victory, joy, and pride”

About Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades 

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades was established by Fatah during the Palestinian Authority terror campaign (AKA, intifada). It was very active during the years 2000 – 2004, murdering hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings and drive-by shootings.

The purpose of the Brigades was to enable Fatah to take an active terror role yet be able to claim that Arafat and the PA were not involved in terror.

In recent years the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades have become active again with numerous branches throughout the West Bank participating in terror. PMW has documented, that numerous terrorists from Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades also had positions in the Palestinian Authority Western-funded security services.

PMW has confirmed that Fatah’s Bethlehem Telegram Channel which released this video documenting and celebrating the participation of Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in the October 7 massacre of Israelis, is directly connected with Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah Movement.


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RELATED VIDEO: Hamas Chief: Israel is only the first, the world is our target!

EDITORS NOTE: This Palestinian Media Watch column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

American Muslims for Palestine Top Dog: ‘We Are Going to Change this Country Forever’

We warned you. And we were smeared, defamed, libeled for telling the truth.

This has long been the plan. In a strategy paper for the Muslim Brotherhood, often referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in a 2007 terrorist funding case in Texas, describes the group’s U.S. goals, referred to as a “civilization-jihadist process.”

“The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions,” it states. This process requires a “mastery of the art of ‘coalitions,’ the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

Success in the U.S. “in establishing an observant Islamic base with power and effectiveness will be the best support and aid to the global movement,” it states.

One only has to look at Europe for a glimpse into this dark future. Malmo in Sweden, for example, is a Muslim immigrant majority city. It’s now more dangerous than Baghdad in Iraq.

American Muslims for Palestine top dog: ‘We are going to change this country forever’

By: Robert Spencer, May 26, 2024:

When this endeavor becomes obvious to everyone, some will complain that there was no one who ever warned them. Actually, there was, but the warners were vilified, smeared, demonized, demonetized, blocked, shadowbanned, and silenced.

“Executive Director Of ‘American Muslims For Palestine’ Osama Abuirshaid At George Washington University Encampment: We Will Take Back America, Just Like We Will Take Back Palestine; You Will Be The Past, We Will Be The Future,” MEMRI, April 25, 2024:

Executive Director of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) Osama Abuirshaid said at an April 25, 2024 speech at the George Washington University encampment that protesters will change America forever. He said that Zionism will be a dark moment in history, and the generation of the participants in the encampment will bring this “disgrace to an end.” He concluded his speech, saying: “We will take back America […] You will be the past, we are the future. Assalam Alaykum.”

The video was posted on Osama Abuirshaid’s Facebook page. Abuirshaid posted on his Facebook page videos of other speakers at George Washington University on April 25, one of whom was Rafiki Morris, who said in a May 2023 Nakba Day rally in Washington D.C. that the only good Zionist is a dead Zionist and that America is a Zionist country and it must be destroyed.

Osama Abuirshaid: “They know they are going against the force of history. They are trying to destroy you before you succeed in bringing this imperialism to an end, before we bring this poison of Zionism to an end.


“Now, we know what America stands for. We know what these elite colleges stand for. They are only structures in an imperial project. Israel is only another structure in an imperial project. Zionism is no less evil than white supremacy or any sort of supremacy.


“We will stand with our morality and we will maintain our future in terms of our professionalism and in terms of how we are going to change this country forever. They are lying to us about American exceptionalism.


“Zionism will be a dark moment in our history. Any sort of supremacy will be a dark moment in our history. It is you, it is your generation, that will bring this to an end. It is you that will bring this disgrace to an end.


“You don’t need to be a Palestinian, or Arab, or a Muslim to stand with justice and to stand with the Palestinians. Had this been done to our Jewish brothers and sisters, we would all be here with you. But Netanyahu does not speak for you. Israel does not speak for you, and this administration, and the corrupt structure, and the establishment in this country does not speak for us.


“We will take back these colleges as we will take back America, as we will take back Palestine, as we will take back our humanity.


“You will be the past, we are the future. Assalam alaykum!”



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Biden’s Half Billion U.S. Built Pier in Gaza is SINKING

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.