Pelosi Was the One Who Pressured Milley to Take Action Against Trump

Stealth coup, America has been overthrown – are we going to go quietly into the cold, dark night or are we going to fight for the greatest nation in human history.

It Was a Coup: Pelosi Was the One Who Pressured Milley to Take Action Against Trump

By: Editorial Staff, September 15, 2021

U.S. General Mark A. Milley is accused of treason due to a new report.

A report in The Washington Post details how General Mark Milley engaged in a military coup by thwarting President Trump and secretly conspiring with senior military leadership and foreign actors to usurp and undermine the President’s power.

Milley is the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the nation’s highest-ranking military officer.

Milley was reportedly “so fearful” that the president’s actions “might spark a war with China” that he secretly called his Chinese counterpart before the election and after Jan. 6 in a bid to avert armed conflict.

This “astonishingly improper action” was done without the knowledge of President Donald Trump, RedState reports.

What really prompted Milley’s treasonous action?

On January 9th, just days after the Jan. 6th riot, it was widely reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Gen. Milley seeking to have the Pentagon leadership essentially remove Trump from his authorities as the commander in chief.

Reports at the time said “Milley appears to have made no commitments.”

It would have been unconstitutional for Milley to defy legal orders from the commander in chief despite Pelosi’s encouragement to remove Trump

itary was bound to follow his lawful orders.

Military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal, but they cannot remove the president from the chain of command.

This would amount to a military coup, the officials said at the time.

Here’s a look at the phone call from Pelosi:

After the call, Milley ordered that any nuclear decisions have to go through him.

This was reported on Jan. 8:

More from RedState:

So, in other words, Pelosi was indeed fomenting a coup with the military against Trump, and Milley actually took concrete steps to interfere with that presidential authority.

They were committing the very insurrection/coup of which they accused Trump. Will the GOP finally act on this? This is intolerable and completely unconstitutional.

Here’s what was reported back on January 9th:

A coup. She’s encouraging that and a violation of the Constitution to consolidate her own effort against the president. This is an abuse of her own power to undermine her political opponent and a violation of the separation of powers. She has no right to interfere in the military chain of command. Yet, guarantee it, there will be no action taken against her and it will all be excused.

Somehow the president is supposedly responsible for what people do at a protest, but Pelosi isn’t responsible for her own actions? But you know that’s how the left will spin it. No, she doesn’t have the right to suggest such things.

Pelosi is of course trying to impeach Trump again, with 11 days left and they were reportedly trying to get him through the 25th Amendment as well.

At what point do you call all that they have tried over the past four years honestly what it really has been – a coup? But this latest actions is brazenly unconstitutional, with this effort with the military.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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SHOCKING FRAUD: CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated

To falsify data. The Democrats have destroyed the most venerable and trusted institutions in the world. Hellzapoppin.

Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaSeptember 15, 2021:
  • According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you’re not counted as fully vaccinated until a full 14 days have passed since your second injection in the case of Pfizer or Moderna, or 14 days after your first dose of Janssen, despite the fact that over 80% of deaths after the vaccines occur in this window. How convenient
  • Anyone who dies within the first 14 days post-injection is counted as an unvaccinated death. Not only does this inaccurately inflate the unvaccinated death toll, but it also hides the real dangers of the COVID shots, as the vast majority of deaths from these shots occur within the first two weeks
  • The CDC also has two different sets of testing guidelines — one for vaccinated patients and another for the unvaccinated. If you’re unvaccinated, CDC guidance says to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40, known to result in false positives. If you’re vaccinated, they recommend using a CT of 28 or less, which minimizes the risk of false positives
  • The CDC also hides vaccine failures and props up the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” narrative by only counting breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death
  • Hospitals are still also reporting non-COVID related illnesses as COVID-19

While public health officials and mainstream media claim the COVID-19 pandemic is now “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,”1 we now know this claim is based on highly misleading statistics.

In a July 16, 2021, White House press briefing,2 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky claimed that “over 97% of people who are entering the hospital right now are unvaccinated.” A few weeks later, in an August 5, 2021, statement, she inadvertently revealed how that statistic actually came about.3

As it turns out, the CDC was looking at hospitalization and mortality data from January through June 2021 — a timeframe during which the vast majority of the U.S. population were still unvaccinated.4

But that’s not the case at all now. The CDC is also playing with statistics in other ways to create the false and inaccurate impression that unvaccinated people make up the bulk of infections, hospitalizations and deaths. For example, we now find out the agency is counting anyone who died within the first 14 days post-injection as unvaccinated.

Not only does this inaccurately inflate the unvaccinated death toll, but it also hides the real dangers of the COVID shots, as the vast majority of deaths from these shots occur within the first two weeks.5 Now their deaths are counted as unvaccinated deaths rather than being counted as deaths due to vaccine injury or COVID-19 breakthrough infections!


According to the CDC,6 you’re not counted as fully vaccinated until a full 14 days have passed since your second injection in the case of Pfizer or Moderna, or 14 days after your first dose of Janssen. This is how the CDC defines a vaccine breakthrough case:

“… a vaccine breakthrough infection is defined as the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from a person ≥14 days after they have completed all recommended doses of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized COVID-19 vaccine.”

In other words, if you’ve received one dose of Pfizer or Moderna and develop symptomatic COVID-19, get admitted to the hospital and/or die from COVID, you’re counted as an unvaccinated case. If you’ve received two doses and get ill within 14 days, you’re still counted as an unvaccinated case.

The problem with this is that over 80% of hospitalizations and deaths appear to be occurring among those who have received the jabs, but this reality is hidden by the way cases are defined and counted. A really clever and common strategy of the CDC during the pandemic has been to change the definitions and goalposts so it supports their nefarious narrative.

For example, the CDC has quietly changed the definition of “vaccine,” apparently in an attempt to validate calling the COVID mRNA gene therapies vaccines. In an August 26, 2021, archived version7 of vaccine, the CDC defines it as a “product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”

But a few days later, a new definition appeared on the CDC’s website,8 which now says a vaccine is a “preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” The differences in the definitions are subtle but distinct: The first one defined a vaccine as something that will “produce immunity.”

But, since the COVID-19 vaccines are not designed to stop infection but, rather, to only lessen the degree of infection, it becomes obvious that the new definition was created to cover the COVID vaccines.


It’s not just the CDC’s definition of a breakthrough case that skews the data. Even more egregious and illogical is the fact that the CDC even has two different sets of testing guidelines — one for vaccinated patients and another for the unvaccinated.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the CDC has recommended a PCR test cycle threshold (CT) of 40.9 This flies in the face of scientific consensus, which has long been that a CT over 35 will produce 97% false positives,10 essentially rendering the test useless.11,12,13

In mid-May 2021, the CDC finally lowered its recommended CT count, but only for patients who have received one or more COVID shots.14 So, if you have received a COVID injection, the CDC’s guidelines call for your PCR test to be run at a CT of 28 or less. If you are unvaccinated, your PCR test is to be run at a CT of 40, which grossly overestimates the true prevalence of infection.

The end result is that unvaccinated individuals who get tested are FAR more prone to get false positives, while those who have received the jab are more likely to get an accurate diagnosis of infection.


Even that’s not all. The CDC also hides vaccine failures and props up the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” narrative by only counting breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death.

In other words, if you got your second COVID shot more than 14 days ago and you develop symptoms, you do not count as a breakthrough case unless you’re admitted to the hospital and/or die from COVID-19 in the hospital, even if you test positive. So, to summarize, COVID breakthrough cases count only if all of the following apply:

  • The patient received the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna shot at least 14 days ago (or one dose in case of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose injection)
  • The patient tests positive for SARS-CoV-2 using a CT of 28 or less, which avoids false positives
  • The patient is admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 and/or dies in the hospital


If vaccinated and unvaccinated were not treated with such varying standards, we’d probably find that the vaccinated now make up the bulk of hospitalizations, making the COVID pandemic one of the vaccinated. An August 30, 2021, exposé by The Epoch Times reveals what’s really happening on the front lines:15

“After a battery of testing, my friend was diagnosed with pancreatitis. But it was easier for the hospital bureaucracy to register the admission as a COVID case … The mainstream media is reporting that severe COVID cases are mainly among unvaccinated people … Is that what’s really going on?

It’s certainly not the case in Israel, the first country to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against the virus. Now it has one of the highest daily infection rates and the majority of people catching the virus (77 percent to 83 percent, depending on age) are already vaccinated, according to data collected by the Israeli government …

After admission, I spoke to the nurse on the COVID ward … The nurse told me that she had gotten both vaccines but she was feeling worried: ‘Two thirds of my patients are fully vaccinated,’ she said. How can there be such a disconnect between what the COVID ward nurse told me and the mainstream media reports?”

The heart of the problem is that the U.S. is not even trying to achieve an accurate count. As noted by The Epoch Times, “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have publicly acknowledged that they do not have accurate data.”

So, when you hear that cases are rising, and that most of them are unvaccinated, you need to ask: “Are these people who have had one vaccine and gotten sick, two vaccines and gotten sick, or no vaccines at all? Without more details, it is impossible to know what is really going on,” The Epoch Times says.16

All we do know, according to one doctor who spoke with The Epoch Times, is “the vaccines are not as effective as public health officials told us they would be. ‘This is a product that’s not doing what it’s supposed to do. It’s supposed to stop transmission of this virus and it’s not doing that.’”


On top of all of that, hospitals are still also reporting non-COVID related illnesses as COVID. As reported by The Epoch Times:17

“Health authorities around the world have been doing this since the beginning of the COVID crisis. For example, a young man in Orange County, Florida who died in a motorcycle crash last summer was originally considered a COVID death by state health officials …

And a middle-aged construction worker fell off a ladder in Croatia and was also counted as a death from COVID … To muddy the waters further, even people who test negative for COVID are sometimes counted as COVID deaths.

Consider the case of 26-year-old Matthew Irvin, a father of three from Yamhill County, Oregon. As reported by KGW8 News, Irvin went to the ER with stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea on July 5, 2020. But instead of admitting him to the hospital, the doctors sent him home.

Five days later, on July 10, 2020, Irvin died. Though his COVID test came back negative two days after his death and his family told reporters and public health officials that no one Irvin had been around had any COVID symptoms, the medical examiner allegedly told the family that an autopsy was not necessary, listing his death as a coronavirus case. It took the Oregon Health Authority two and a half months to correct the mistake.

In an even more striking example of overcounting COVID deaths, a nursing home in New Jersey that only has 90 beds was wrongly reported as having 753 deaths from COVID. According to a spokesman, they had fewer than twenty deaths. In other words, the number of deaths was over-reported by 3,700 percent.”


In a June 29, 2021, interview,18 Fauci called the Delta variant “a game-changer” for unvaccinated people, warning it will devastate the unvaccinated population while vaccinated individuals are protected against it. Alas, in the real world, the converse is turning out to be true, as the Delta variant is running wild primarily among those who got the COVID jab.

The Delta variant contains three different mutations, all in the spike protein. This allows this variant to evade the immune responses in those who have received the COVID jabs, but not those who have natural immunity, which is much broader.

In a June 30, 2021, appearance on Fox News (video above), epidemiologist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough pointed out that “It is very clear from the U.K. Technical Briefing19 that was published June 18 that the vaccine provides no protection against the Delta variant.”20

The reason for this is because the Delta variant contains three different mutations, all in the spike protein. This allows this variant to evade the immune responses in those who have received the COVID jabs, but not those who have natural immunity, which is much broader.

Even so, the Delta variant is far milder than previous variants, according to the U.K.’s June 18, 2021, Technical Briefing.21 In it, they present data showing the Delta variant is more contagious but far less deadly and easier to treat. As McCullough told Fox News:

“Whether you get the vaccine or not, patients will get some very mild symptoms like a cold and they can be easily managed … Patients who have severe symptoms or at high risk, we can use simple drug combinations at home and get them through the illness. So, there’s no reason now to push vaccinations.”

Contrast that with the following statement made by President Biden during a CNN town hall meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, in late July 2021:22

“We have a pandemic for those who haven’t gotten a vaccination. It’s that basic, that simple. If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, not going to the ICU unit, and not going to die. You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

However, Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency doctor and visiting professor of health policy and management at George Washington University’s Milken School of Public Health in Washington, D.C., contradicted the president, saying he had led the American astray by telling them you don’t need a mask if you’re vaccinated, or that you can’t get it or transmit it. As reported by CNN Health:23

“In particular, Wen took issue with Biden’s incorrect claims that you cannot contract Covid-19 or the Delta variant if you are vaccinated. ‘I was actually disappointed,’ Wen said. ‘I actually thought he was answering questions as if it were a month ago. He’s not really meeting the realities of what’s happening on the ground. I think he may have led people astray.’”

CNN added that Wen had told their political commentator Anderson Cooper that “many unknown answers remain related to Covid-19, and that it is still not known how well protected vaccinated individuals are from mild illness … [or] if you’re vaccinated, could you still be contagious to other people.”


The U.K. data showing the Delta variant is far milder than previous SARS-CoV-2 viruses deflates the claim that avoiding severe illness is a sign that the shots are working. Since the Delta variant typically doesn’t cause severe illness in the first place, it doesn’t make sense to attribute milder illness to the shot.

But if Delta is the mildest coronavirus variant yet, why are so many “vaccinated” people ending up in the hospital? While we still do not have clear confirmation, this could be a sign that antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) is at work. Alternatively, it could be that vaccine injuries are being misreported as breakthrough cases.

Whatever the case may be, real-world data from areas with high COVID jab rates show a disturbing trend. For example, August 1, 2021, the director of Israel’s Public Health Services, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, announced half of all COVID-19 infections were among the fully vaccinated.24 Signs of more serious disease among fully vaccinated are also emerging, she said, particularly in those over the age of 60.

A few days later, August 5, 2021, Dr. Kobi Haviv, director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, appeared on Channel 13 News, reporting that 95% of severely ill COVID-19 patients are fully vaccinated, and that they make up 85% to 90% of COVID-related hospitalizations overall.25

In Scotland, official data on hospitalizations and deaths show 87% of those who have died from COVID-19 in the third wave that began in early July were vaccinated.26

In Gibraltar, which has a 99% COVID jab compliance rate, COVID cases have risen by 2,500% since June 1, 2021,27 and in Iceland, where over 82% have received the shots, 77% of new COVID cases are among the fully vaccinated.28

Data from the U.K. show a similar trend among those over the age of 50. In this age group, partially and fully “vaccinated” people account for 68% of hospitalizations and 70% of COVID deaths.29

A CDC investigation of an outbreak in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, between July 6, 2021, through July 25, 2021, found 74% of those who received a diagnosis of COVID19, and 80% of hospitalizations, were among the fully vaccinated.30,31 Most, but not all, had the Delta variant.

The CDC also found that fully vaccinated individuals who contract the infection have as high a viral load in their nasal passages as unvaccinated individuals who get infected.32 The same was found in a British study, a preprint of which was posted mid-August 2021.33,34 This means the vaccinated are just as infectious as the unvaccinated.

Interestingly, a Lancet preprint study35 that examined breakthrough infections in health care workers in Vietnam who received the AstraZeneca COVID shot found the “viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020.”

What’s more, they found no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels and viral loads or the development of symptoms. According to the authors:

“Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people.”


As if all of that weren’t enough, there’s yet one more confounder. Just because you got the COVID shot does not mean you’ve been confirmed as having gotten the shot. You’re only confirmed “vaccinated” if your COVID injection is added to your medical record, and this sometimes doesn’t happen if you’re going to a temporary vaccination clinic, a drive-through or pharmacy, for example. As reported by CNN:36

“If you are among the countless people who didn’t get the doses at a primary care doctor’s office, there may not be any record of the vaccination on file with your doctor.”

To actually count as a “confirmed vaccinated” individual, you must send your vaccination card to your primary care physician’s office and have them add it to your electronic medical record. If you got the shot at a pharmacy, you’ll need to verify that they forwarded your proof of vaccination to your doctor. Primary care offices are then responsible for sharing their patients’ immunization data with the state’s immunization information system.

Patient-recorded proof of vaccination is only accepted for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines, not COVID-19 injections.37 What this all means is that, say you got the shot several weeks ago at a drive-through vaccination clinic and get admitted to the hospital with COVID symptoms. Unless your COVID shot status has actually been added into the medical system, you will not count as “vaccinated.”

This too can skew the statistics, because we know the CDC ascertains vaccination status by matching SARS-CoV-2 case surveillance and CAIR2 data using person-level identifiers and algorithms.38

As noted by John Zurlo, division director of infectious disease at Thomas Jefferson University, “the lack of reliable vaccine records complicates efforts to precisely understand vaccine effectiveness and determine how many local hospitalizations and deaths are resulting from COVID-19 breakthrough infections.”39


In closing, it’s worth remembering that the COVID injection campaign is part and parcel of a clinical trial. As noted Dr. Lidiya Angelova in a recent Genuine Prospect article:40

“Many people are unaware that they are participating in the largest clinical trial test of our times. It is because World Health Organization, healthcare authorities, politicians, celebrities, and journalists promote the experimental medical treatments (wrongly called COVID-19 vaccines) as safe and efficient while in fact these treatments are in early clinical research stage.

It means that there is not enough data for such claims and that the people who participate are test subject.”

As shown in a graph on Genuine Prospect, under normal circumstances, clinical research follows a strict protocol that begins with tests on cell cultures. After that comes tests on animals, then limited human testing in four phases. In Phase 1 of human testing, up to 100 people are included and followed anywhere from one week to several months.

Phase 2 typically includes several hundred participants and lasts up to two years. In Phase 3, several hundred to 3,000 participants are tested upon for one to four years. Phase 4 typically includes several thousand individuals who are followed for at least one year or longer. After each phase, the data is examined to assess effectiveness and adverse reactions.

The timelines for these stages and phases were not followed for the COVID “vaccines.” Most Phase 3 trials concluded by the end of 2020, and everyone who got the shots since their rollout under emergency use authorization is part of a Phase 4 clinical trial, whether they realize it or not.41 And since the trials are not completed, you simply cannot make definitive claims about safety, especially long-term safety. As noted by Angelova:42

“When I worked at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) … I went to the course Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research … The first rule we learnt was ‘Clinical research must be ethical’ … All ethical aspects of clinical research are dismissed with the COVID-19 vaccines.

People should know that nobody can require such to participate in everyday activities like using public transportation, shopping, going to school and even hospital. People should know that they should not be punished for refusing to take the experimental medical treatments.

COVID-19 vaccines mass use and COVID-19 measures are an infringe[ment] of the Articles 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, 28 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).”

RELATED ARTICLE: New Study Reveals Disturbing Thing That Happens Months After Receiving Vaccine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Arlington, Virginia GOP slammed as ‘racist’ for calling out anti-Americanism of AOC and Ilhan Omar

The two Congresswomen are above criticism, because any and all negative words directed to them will be categorized in the establishment media as “racist,” and condemned as leading to death threats. In this way, the Left is moving to stigmatize and silence all opposition to its agenda.

In Racist Attack, Virginia County GOP Suggests Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Omar Go Work For Taliban

by Ryan Grenoble, HuffPost US, September 14, 2021 (thanks to Henry):

In a racist tweet Monday that was promptly ratioed into the shame museum, the Arlington County Republican Committee in Virginia suggested that two Democratic congresswomen of color should retire and go work as lobbyists for the Taliban.

The remark, directed at Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), came in response to a BBC report on the Taliban’s dire financial situation ― resulting in an apparent desire to hire a lobbyist in Washington, D.C.

The Arlington GOP responded by tweeting: “Well, if @AOC or @Ilhan retire from Congress, there’s a revolving door opportunity for them.”

The tweet drew immediate criticism, prompting the Arlington GOP to defend itself by pointing to an opinion piece in The Washington Post about Omar not being sufficiently supportive of Israel. That article was written by Marc Thiessen, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank.

“This tweet isn’t about race ― it’s about the Squad’s constant support for anti-American sentiment abroad,” the Arlington GOP tweeted…

Ocasio-Cortez told Vanity Fair last summer she receives all manner of threats, often seeing a swell after far-right lies and attacks are amplified by conservative media.

“I used to wake up in the morning and literally get a stack of pictures that were forwarded by Capitol police or FBI,” she told the magazine. “Like, ‘These are the people who want to kill you today.’ ”


Oklahoma GOP versus CAIR Final Score: OKGOP 6, CAIR 1 (Participation Point)

Afghanistan: Taliban to remove subjects contradicting Sharia from university curriculum

Minnesota high court tosses murder conviction of Muslim migrant cop who killed unarmed woman

UK ISIS bride Shamima Begum apologizes for saying Manchester jihad massacre was ‘justified’

Danny Lewin, the First Hero, and Victim, on 9/11

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Arizona Becomes First State To Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandates

Arizona sued the Biden administration Tuesday challenging recent rules forcing both private sector and federal employees to receive COVID-19 vaccinations.

The state argued that the vaccination requirements are unconstitutional because the federal government hasn’t announced similar requirements for migrants crossing the southern border, according to its complaint filed in the U.S. District Court of Arizona. Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich said the Biden administration’s policies reflected an “unmistakable” favoritism in favor of illegal immigrants over American citizens.

“The federal government cannot force people to get the COVID-1a9 vaccine. The Biden Administration is once again flouting our laws and precedents to push their radical agenda,” Brnovich said in a statement. “There can be no serious or scientific discussion about containing the spread of COVID-19 that doesn’t begin at our southern border.”

“Under our Constitution, the President is not a king who can exercise this sort of unbridled power unilaterally,” the attorney general wrote in the complaint. “And even George III wouldn’t have dreamed that he could enact such sweeping policies by royal decree alone.”

Arizona’s lawsuit is the first of its kind challenging the recently-announced vaccination rules.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden introduced a series of new measures that he said would curb the increasing number of coronavirus cases nationwide. The president notably ordered the Department of Labor to develop a rule mandating “all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis.”

Biden also ordered millions of federal executive branch workers and contractors to receive a vaccination.

Following the president’s announcement, multiple state attorneys general and governors immediately threatened legal action.

“Biden’s historic overreach on vaccine mandates will not stand in Missouri,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt tweeted. “We’re at a crossroads in America — who we are and what we’re going to be. We must fight back.”

The vaccine mandate announcement has also been met with protests. The mandate was applauded by big business interest groups, but criticized by small business organizations.

Biden and several other senior administration officials are listed as defendants in the complaint.




RELATED ARTICLE: ‘See You In Court’: Republican States Say They Are Reviewing All Legal Options On Biden Vaccine Mandate

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

At Google, the Fix Is in for Silencing Pro-Life Messaging

Use of the abortion pill is surging. Reports indicate that almost 40 percent of all abortions are now carried out using the abortion pill. But as FRC and many other pro-life organizations have been pointing out, the abortion pill carries with it substantial risk to the health of women.

In response to this concerning upward trend in chemical abortions, the highly effective pro-life organization Live Action recently launched an ad campaign on Google informing women about a safe and effective medical procedure known as abortion pill reversal (APR). According to Live Action, Google had previously approved their APR ads, which the organization had already spent $170,000 on and which had been running for over four months.

But yesterday, Live Action reported that Google not only banned their APR ads, but all of their other ads as well, including one that simply showed animation of human development in the womb, on the basis that the ads contained “unreliable claims.”

Why would Google suddenly reverse course and ban ads that had previously been approved and running for over four months? The answer is clear: the ads were too effective. As Live Action has noted, APR has so far “saved the lives of over 2,500 children and has a 68 percent success rate.”

While this is great news, many more lives could be saved if more women were simply informed about their options if they regret their decision to take the abortion pill. This is the need that was being filled by Live Action’s APR ads — to inform women about, which provides a free helpline and information about the abortion pill and how it can be reversed.

Women like Rebekah Buell are pointing out that many women are intentionally not informed by abortion businesses about their options if they regret taking the abortion pill. Ironically, Buell discovered from a frantic Google search on her phone in the parking lot of a Planned Parenthood facility after she regretted her decision to take the abortion pill. The doctor she was eventually connected with referred her for immediate progesterone injections, and seven months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Buell’s story along with hundreds of other women who have successfully reversed the abortion pill’s effects and given birth to perfectly healthy children attest to the fact that Google’s “unreliable claim” excuse to ban Live Action’s APR ad is verifiably false. As National Review’s Alexandra DeSanctis has written:

“Though abortion providers and activists often claim that APR is unsafe, the science behind it is perfectly sound — a high dose of progesterone that can help halt and repair the negative effects of the first chemical-abortion pill. In the largest case series studying APR, nearly 70 percent of women who received the treatment were able to undo the effects of Mifeprex and carry healthy babies to term; none had an increased risk of complications or birth defects.”

What’s particularly galling and tragic about Google’s censorship is that it flies directly in the face of what should be a firm principle of internet public services: free choice. Google has instead chosen to side with an abortion industry that claims to be “pro-choice” while at the same time desperately attempts to keep women in the dark about their health decisions by hiding and distorting information about abortion pill reversal.

Back in 2018, Google removed its well-known but unofficial motto “Don’t be evil” from its Code of Conduct. It was a telling move. Whatever shred of credibility about being a neutral search engine and online advertising service that Google has tried to maintain has long since been lost. It’s way past time for conservatives to move to other platforms like DuckDuckGoProtonMail, and other online services that still maintain credibility.


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is the Managing Editor for Publications at Family Research Council. His writing has appeared in such outlets as National ReviewThe FederalistFirst ThingsThe StreamThe Christian Post, the National Catholic Register, and others. Before joining FRC, he served with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, where he worked to promote vocations to the clergy and religious life. His previous endeavors included serving as Associate Editor of iPhone Life Magazine and also in conference implementation at the Food and Drug Law Institute. Dan received a B.A. in English from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons, freelance writing about music and culture, reading, golf, and playing guitar.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

SecDef Austin Refuses to Testify on Afghanistan Debacle

Both Republicans and Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including chairman Bob Menendez, expressed mounting frustration Tuesday with the Biden administration after Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin refused to appear before the Committee to answer questions about the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, according to Breitbart News.

“I’m very disappointed that Secretary Austin declined our request to testify today. A full accounting of the U.S. response to this crisis is not complete without the Pentagon, especially when it comes to the complete collapse of the U.S.-trained and funded Afghan military,” said Menendez.

The Pentagon issued a statement Tuesday claiming that Austin wanted to attend the hearings but was busy with other “commitments.”

“I expect the secretary will avail himself to the committee in the near future, and if he does not I may consider use of committee subpoena power to compel him and others over the course of these last 20 years to testify,” Menendez warned.

“There’s questions that we really need to have answered, and it’s disheartening that they declined to testify,” added Sen. James Risch (R-ID), ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee.

It’s more than disheartening; it’s suspicious. Considering the magnitude of the Biden administration’s foreign policy debacle in Afghanistan, Austin’s evasion speaks volumes.

Lloyd Austin

26 Known Connections

Addressing the Matter of “Racists and Extremists” in the Military

During that same confirmation hearing, Austin vowed to rid the U.S. military of the many “racists and extremists” that allegedly had infiltrated its ranks. “The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies,” he said. “But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.” Austin made those remarks with reference to the infamous January 6, 2021 incident where hundreds of unarmed people, claiming to be supporters of President Trump, had temporarily occupied the U.S. Capitol building in Washington to protest what they viewed as a stolen presidential election. Austin and his allies in the Biden Administration voiced concern regarding the fact that about 50 of those individuals were, as CBS News reported, “current or former military members.” But that seemingly ominous statistic was not nearly as significant as it may first have appeared, because only one of the 50 was an active-duty service member at the time, and just four were current part-time troops in the Army Reserve or National Guard.

On February 3, 2021, Austin began to make good on his promise to crack down on “racists and extremists” in the military when he announced a 60-day staggered pause and review – known in the military as a “stand down” – during which commanders and leaders across every branch of the Armed Services could search for evidence of domestic “extremism” among uniformed personnel. This process would include interviews with every service member vis-à-vis their experience with, and their observations of, extremist ideology and behavior among their peers.

To learn more about Lloyd Austin, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Pfizer Says COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Weakens Over Time!

So, in light of the recent data supplied by Israel, the country the New Democrat Socialist Party loves to demonize, Pfizer has just come out in agreement. Now, this is not out of honesty or ethics but because they are trying to get the CDC and FDA to agree to everyone who has had their vaccine to get the third booster shot within 6 months! It’s getting shorter! Next they will recommend an annual or biannual shot to boost immunity against a Chinese made viral weapon and guess what? Yep!! Huge profits!! Great for their bottom line! ( Follow the money!! )

They are suggesting that their vaccine loses its potency over time and hence say their booster shots will make it more effective. Despite the fact that many who have taken this experimental vaccine have caught Covid again, passed it on and been hospitalized and in many cases died!!

Now, the FDA and the WHO agree after a study that the booster need not be given to the general population. The link to that study is below.

FDA Officials, Other Scientists Say Most People Don’t Need Vaccine Boosters

Pfizer is saying to the CDC and therefore to the complicit Biden administration that those breakout cases of Covid, i.e. those who were vaccinated and now got Covid, are those ‘guinea pigs’ ( my words ) that received the vaccination early in the campaign.

Therefore, Pfizer says without any monetary motivation ( NOT ) that all people need to be vaccinated plus get the third shot earlier than the previously suggested 8 months. Now it’s 6 months. Next 4????

Pfizer has a meeting this week, Friday actually, where they will make the case that apparently the vaccine protection against the China virus ( again my words ) dropped from 88% in the first month of getting shot #2 to a low 47% after 5 months!! Great vaccine huh? ( let’s not mention real science effects of natural immunity here guys! )

The company will be meeting with the FDA who have already said that booster shot is unnecessary so I will wait with baited breath to see if Pfizer, not known for it’s ethical business practices, manages to change their hearts. If so I suggest a full financial audit of every single person who attended that meeting from the federal government and see if they suddenly got richer or maybe took their family on a luxurious vacation!! How about a lie detector test for each with a direct question like “were you influenced in your decision by monetary or other actions by Pfizer?” If they were it should be jail time after firing and taking their federal pensions!!

Two honorable senior FDA officials have already resigned due to the administration not listening to the real science but preferring to listen to the CDC puppets who have forgotten their real duties, that of being health authorities and doctors, and are towing the socialist party line – to heck with that silly old Hippocratic Oath! Money, power, position etc. are so much more useful to these traitors and criminals.

The WHO and a report in the lancet has stated clearly that the third shot is not needed and the vaccine is better used in poorer nations than here on pretty much useless third shots. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

“I will not stay silent when companies and countries that control the global supply of vaccines think the world’s poor should be satisfied with leftovers, because manufacturers have prioritized or been legally obliged to fulfill bilateral deals with rich countries willing to pay top dollar, low-income countries have been deprived of the tools to protect their people.”

Let’s watch what happens Friday. It should be interesting.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID… and I CAN PROVE IT

RELATED VIDEO: Summary of findings of the Corona Investigative Committee 15th Sept 2021


North Dakota: Somali Refugee Charged with Murder of Young Mother

Such a sick, sick story on many fronts.

North Dakota has been roiled with refugee tensions over the years as I reported extensively at my other blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch.

I visited the state in 2016 to get a feeling for the situation there mostly a result of Minnesota Somalis spilling across the border into the state, but some refugees have been directly placed there by a Lutheran resettlement agency.

And, as you read this news, keep in the back of your mind that Biden will this month be making the decision on the refugee ceiling for the new fiscal year that begins on October first.  Among the 125,000 he has so far indicated would be arriving, thousands of Somalis will be among them.

But, that isn’t all.

The refugee industry is pushing for the number to be 200,000.  Those tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees beginning to arrive may end up being in addition to 200,000 from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East—all will be needy people looking for the generosity of the US taxpayer!

Here is the bare bones news story from Valley News Live:

Manslaughter charge amended to Murder in Grand Forks shooting

GRAND FORKS, N.D. (Valley News Live) – Grand Forks Police have identified the victim of a weekend shooting as 28-year-old Megan Lea Gustafson.

The manslaughter charge originally filed against 26-year-old Ahmen Mohamed Abdullahi has been amended to Murder.

Abdullahi is also charged with one count of unlawful possession of a firearm and theft of property.

Grand Forks Police say the shooting happened just after 1:30 Sunday morning at a home in the 1300 block of 8th Avenue North. Officers responded to a report of a suspicious man in the area, they knocked on an apartment door and talked to Megan Gustafson.

Officers walked away and shortly after, they heard an argument coming from inside the apartment.

Court documents say officers saw the door open; Gustafson was standing in the doorway with her back toward the street and Abdullahi was facing her.

Officers heard a single gunshot, heard Gustafson scream, and then saw her run into the lawn and fall to the ground.

Abdullahi walked out of the apartment holding a handgun, according to court documents. Officers were able to detain Abdullahi without incident.

Police say Gustafson had a gunshot wound in the chin/neck area.

They tried to save her, but she later died at Altru Hospital.

Court documents also say the handgun found at the scene was reported stolen from a vehicle in Grand Forks in September 2020. Abdullahi is prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm due to a felony terrorizing conviction in Grand Forks County in March 2021.

Diversity is not beautiful!

As I have said here on many occasions, more young women might be alive if the mainstream media wasn’t chicken to publish stories like this one!

You will see, this won’t go beyond the local news.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ®All rights reserved.

INSURRECTION: General Milley Conspired With China Against Trump

Told Military Officials Not to Take Orders From President Trump In Real Coup.

The Democrats have made treason pedestrian.

The news gets bigger and more profound every day, so much so that it’s like a kick in the belly and you lose your wind. Today’s story about Miley is unprecedented in the apathy of the body politic. It’s not even news, not really. None of it is, least of which 13 dead Marines the Democrats left  behind. I’m just so ashamed and worried.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley single-handedly took top-secret action to preempt then-President Donald Trump from ordering a military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to a new book. According to Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley was worried that after the January 6 Capitol breach, Trump could “go rogue” and called a secret meeting on January 8 with senior military leaders. During that meeting, Milley instructed senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center to not take orders from anyone unless he was involved, according to a write-up of the book by CNN.

Report: Gen. Milley held top-secret meeting to block Trump’s nuke access; told staff to disobey all but his orders | American Military News

The book also revealed that Milley had two back-channel phone calls with China’s top general to reassure him that the U.S. would not attack, even promising to give him a heads up if it did.

Gen. Mark Milley Held Secret Pentagon Meeting, Told Staff Not To Take Orders From President Donald Trump Regarding Nuclear Weapons

According to a write-up by the Washington Post, Milley — four days before the 2020 presidential election — assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, that the U.S. would not strike.

Tucker Carlson on Tuesday unleashed one of his darkest monologues ever on the dangerous state of “democracy” in the United States.

“We almost never use the term Deep State on this show,” Tucker Carlson led in. “There’s something about it that sounds paranoid, even a little nutty. As of just a few years ago you mostly heard the phrase from relics on the far left, the kind of people who lecture you about the United Fruit Company and the toppling of Mossadegh.”

“The term then and now suggests that our democracy is fake,” he went on. “Elections and domestic politics are just a sideshow no matter who you vote for in the end, the same people still run everything.”

“That is a pretty dark understanding of the American system,” Carlson continued. “If you are a normal person who grew up here it is the last thing you want to believe about your own country. It seems crazy.”

“Then you read stories like this one,” Tucker said. “According to reporting this summer, in the days after last November’s election, Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, held a meeting with senior military officials at the Pentagon.”

“Milley wanted to inform them of what he described as a ‘serious threat’ to national security,” he went on. “A threat so grave it imperiled, quote, ‘the stability of the republic.’ That threat, Milley said, was the sitting President of the United States. Donald Trump had dared to question the election results. For this, Milley explained, the U.S. military might be required to use physical force against the U.S. president.”

“We’re the guys with guns,” Milley said. “Apparently he had been preparing for this moment,” Tucker added. “Milley had had conversations with the head of the CIA Gina Haspel and the NSA Paul Nakasone. He had also spoken directly to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump’s chief political rivals.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved,

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Ted Cruz Slams Blinken over Afghan Child Brides: ‘You Brought A Crisis to America’

Watch Senator Ted Cruz grill the incompetent Secretary of State Antony Blinken over America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Ted Cruz slams Blinken over Afghan child brides: ‘You brought a crisis to America’

By New York, Post, September 14, 2021

Sen. Ted Cruz confronted Secretary of State Antony Blinken about child brides being brought to the United States from Afghanistan amid the chaotic withdrawal by the Biden administration, demanding to know what guidance the State Department has been provided to rescue minors among the evacuees that have been victims of sexual abuse.

The Texas Republican argued that the Biden administration has failed to properly vet Afghans who were evacuated and brought to the United States following the fall of the country’s government to the Taliban, potentially bringing “a humanitarian crisis to America.”

“Not only did you fail to evacuate Americans and green card holders who were there, but you also brought in tens of thousands of Afghans who had wholly inadequate vetting, bringing many of them to the United States.,” Cruz charged during an often heated Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing Tuesday.

“And one of the things that has done is that has brought in a humanitarian crisis to America. Child marriage and domestic abuse tragically are widespread in Afghanistan,” he said.

Cruz noted that the World Health Organization reports that more than half of the women in Afghanistan are married as child brides, and 90 percent of women are subject to domestic abuse.

“On Aug. 27, according to public reports, you distributed internal documentation, highlighting numerous instances and intake centers of sexual abuse, in which much older grown Afghan males appeared with children, young children, claimed they were their brides, claimed they were their wives. And the documents said the State Department urgently requested guidance.”

Cruz then demanded answers on whether the State Department had received the requested guidance or could provide information on whether there was a plan to prevent the sexual abuse of minors.

“My question is as follows: Did you receive that urgent guidance? How many children have been subject to sexual abuse? What have you done to rescue young children from illegal and abusive relationships after being brought to America by the State Department?” Cruz said.

Blinked said he was unaware of the “specific guidance you’re referring to,” but “happy to look at it,” adding that the officers are looking into cases of concern.

“Across the entire government, everyone involved in the evacuation effort whether it’s at a transit point, in one of the countries that we negotiated with, whether it’s here in the United States at Dulles, or Philadelphia, or the military bases, we have all of our officers at extreme vigilance to look for and to deal with any cases or concerns that arise,” Blinken replied.

Cruz went on to press Blinken on the level of urgency the State Department had toward addressing the matter and the number of cases it was aware of.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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The Greatest Existential Threat to America

The news gets bigger and more profound every day, so much so that it’s like a kick in the belly and you lose your wind. Each day worse than the next. The story, for example,  about Miley is unprecedented not just in scope, but in the apathy of the body politic. It’s not even news, not really. None of it is, least of which 13 dead Marines the Democrats and the thousands  left behind. I’m just so ashamed and worried.

The Greatest Existential Threat to America

Black Lives Matter’s ignorant racist attacks on America’s Founding.

By: David Horowitz, September 13, 2021

Our Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin – a leader who presided over the worst, most incompetent, most humilitating military defeat in the history of our nation – is black. Of course, he’s black. He was appointed by Biden to display the wonderful diversity of the most progressive president in history. He wasn’t chosen because he was a brilliant military leader (obviously). He was chosen because he was a political hack ready and willing to embrace even the most suicidal left-wing policies. (Note: Left-wing policies are by their very nature suicidal because the defining characteristic of the left is that it hates America and wants to “dismantle” it and replace it with the left-wing fantasy of a socially just future.)

In February 2021 – with the deadline for withdrawal in Afghanistan a bare three months away – General Austin was not ordering a military alert to prepare for what was going to be a major humanitarian and military reckoning. Instead, he was ordering a military “stand down” to indoctrinate all America’s troops in Black Lives Matter hate white people and hate America propaganda.

In passing may I note that 85% of the troops who gave their lives in Afghanistan to protect the American homeland and to give the Afghan people and especially women the right to breathe free – were white. So much for real diversity.

Diversity Training as it is practiced, is a racist scam whose promoters have the hateful mentality and low I.Q. level of the Jim Crow bubbas of the past. Their goal is to demonize white Americans and (white) America, and to promote an anti-American agenda that strikes at the heart of a soldier’s military oath to defend the Constitution and the nation it created.

Here is a dose of the beliefs that our soldiers were being indoctrinated in during the two-month stand down during the run-up to the Afghanistan debacle:

“that the country was founded by racists, that the country has always been racist,

“that the Constitution’s ratification codified white supremacy as the law of the land,

“that whites are inherently racists (whether they realize it or not), and that the country must transform and become something altogether different than what it was and is.”

We know this is the diversity training curriculum because a courageous patriot, former Lt. Colonel Matt Lohmeier – a commander in the Space Force and head of a unit tasked with identifying ballistic missile launches – experienced it first-hand. Lohmeier had the personal courage and love of country to tell the non-military world about the rot that is eating away the confidence and patriotic dedication of the military. He did so in a learned, self-published book called Irresistible Revolution from which this passage comes.

For this gesture of patriotism and dissent, the Space Force removed Lohmeier from his command and then kicked him out of the military altogether. They then stripped him of his pension, earned during fifteen years in the armed services. From his testimony we know that to criticize the Marxist, insurrectionists and pathological liars of Black Lives Matter or their poisonous doctrines is forbidden in today’s military, presided over by diversity commander-in-chief Lloyd Austin.

What is the impact of these doctrines on the troops? How do you take an oath to defend a Constitution that institutionalizes “white supremacy”?

Lohmeier tells you. “[It] is wrecking young people’s motivation to serve in the US military, regardless of their political leanings. Many of those who believe these false narratives are finding their motivation for continued service shattered. Many of those appalled by the accusations are likewise demotivated. These narratives are teeing up a lose-lose scenario for the uniformed services and for the American people. I know because I am hearing about it all the time from people at my own base and elsewhere.”

In October 2020, Lohmeier attended a discussion group, set up as part of the military’s indoctrination program. It was led by a black female officer who assigned a book by Ijeomo Oluo called, So You Want to Talk About Race. Oluo is a Nigerian and a Black Lives Matter star. Her book has been widely read and praised. Here is its wisdom as Lohmeier reports it: “The book teaches that the United States is ‘a white supremacist society’ that must be ‘dismantled piece by piece.’ It teaches that speech that makes ‘people of color feel unsafe’ is ‘an act of violence,’ but that if whites are uncomfortable, ‘do not allow [them] to be treated as if harm has been done to them.’” Could Oluo’s mind-numbing racism be any clearer?

This racist garbage would be of little consequence if it were not the dominant theme in America’s culture today, promoted by the White House, the popular culture itself, and corporate giants like Google and Apple who have instituted the same racist indoctrination programs for their employees and everyone within their reach – which is everyone.

What makes these doctrines sinister is that the Marxists who devised them always had the goal of dismantling America in the process. Their success in Afghanistan should be a code blue warning to every American who loves their country.

America’s current corrupt leaders are always talking about “the existential threat to America.” And their answer is always the same “white supremacist domestic terrorists.” And where are they exactly? Our leaders deploy this fiction for one reason, and one reason alone: to empower their witch-hunts against patriots and conservatives like Matthew Lohmeier who is a prime victim.

But any patriotic American not seduced by the Black Lives Matters’ lies knows that the opposite is the truth. Anti-white racism, and ignorant attacks on the American founding – these constitute the greatest existential threat to America. The fact that Black Lives Matter’s racist fictions make up the crippling doctrine of our military leaders should awaken everyone to the menace we face. There never has been a greater threat to our patrimony and freedom since the darkest days of the Civil War.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Apple, Google, Amazon Spying On You, Lawsuits Filed

Voluntary fascism from America’s biggest corporations.

Apple, Google, Amazon spying on you, lawsuits claim

All 3 tech companies have voice assistant features and claim that they do not retain the user’s conversations

By Brooke Crothers, FOX Business, September 14, 2O21:

A federal judge has given a green light for a class-action lawsuit claiming that Apple’s Siri voice assistant violates users’ privacy.

Earlier this month, U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White said the plaintiffs would be allowed to move forward with lawsuits trying to prove that Siri routinely recorded their private conversations because of “accidental activations” and that Apple provided the conversations to advertisers, according to Reuters. The plaintiffs claim that Apple violated the federal Wiretap Act and California privacy law, among other claims.

Separate lawsuits against Google and Amazon make similar claims about voice assistants. One of the most common claims cited in the lawsuits is that conversations were recorded without user consent and then used by advertisers to target the plaintiffs.

This is happening against a backdrop of surging smart speaker sales.

As of June 2021, the installed base of smart speakers in the U.S. reached 126 million units, jumping from 20 million units in June 2017, according to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP).

Amazon has the biggest slice of the installed base, with 69% as of June of this year.

“The installed base of smart speakers grew considerably during the COVID-19 pandemic, adding over 25 million units in the past year,” said Josh Lowitz, CIRP Partner and Co-Founder in a statement.

Amazon, Apple and Google all offer smart speakers that use variations of voice assistant technology that is activated when users say key words such as “Hey Siri” for Apple devices or “OK Google” for Google products or “Alexa” for Amazon smart devices.

Amazon devices store that data when activated with a key word or so-called wake word. “No audio is stored or sent to the cloud unless the device detects the wake word (or Alexa is activated by pressing a button),” an Amazon spokesperson told FOX Business in an email.

“Customers have several options to manage their recordings, including the option to not have their recordings saved at all and the ability to automatically delete recordings on an ongoing three- or 18-month basis,” the spokesperson added.

If you don’t want to be recorded by Alexa, in the Alexa app go into the “Privacy” menu. Then go to “Manage your Alexa data” then “Choose how long to save recordings.” Then select “Don’t save recordings.”

Amazon collects and uses voice recordings to deliver and improve services, according to the company. This includes helping train Alexa to better understand different accents and dialects and to provide the right response to requests.

Amazon also said it “manually” reviews data but does not sell it to third parties.

“To help improve Alexa, we manually review and annotate a small fraction of one percent of Alexa requests. Access to human review tools is only granted to employees who require them to improve the service,” the Amazon spokesperson said.

“Our annotation process does not associate voice recordings with any customer identifiable information. Customers can opt-out of having their voice recordings included in the fraction of one percent of voice recordings that get reviewed,” the spokesperson said.

By default, Google doesn’t retain your audio recordings, José Castañeda, a Google Spokesperson, told Fox Business. “We dispute the claims in this case and will vigorously defend ourselves,” Castañeda said in a statement.

However, if you want to confirm that the Google setting is off, go to your Google account and then to “Data and Privacy” then “Web & App Activity” and make sure the box is unchecked next to “Include audio recordings.” The default setting is unchecked.

Apple no longer retains Siri recordings without user permission, according to an Apple statement made in 2019. Siri will only retain your data if you choose to opt-in via settings on Apple devices.

Amazon would not comment on the lawsuit, and Apple has yet to respond to a request for comment.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Natural Immunity IS Better Than Any Vaccine. Proven!

God developed our bodies to be able to naturally fight diseases and viruses and to be able, after that battle, to be able to better resist those strains naturally without any vaccine.

Now, the vaccine that this government is pushing for the China Virus and trying unconstitutionally to force us or shame us to take is truthfully not tested. The guinea pigs here are everyone who succumbs to taking it. Think about that. Vaccines normally take 10+ years to develop and test before being submitted to the FDA for approval. We have ZERO idea of what will happen down the road say four years away? What reactions will we have? Our children are now being targeted by these evil beings. Places like New York want to begin vaccinating kids as young as 5!

Vaccines previously developed have stopped viruses and diseases. This one not so much. First it was one dose, then two and now boosters every 8 months or whenever these dictators decide their serfs ( Us ) need to put more of that poison into our bodies. We can still get Covid, pass Covid and die from Covid after receiving the vaccine. Hmmmm. The FDA and the CDC are not even in agreement on the booster. The FDA says no but the CDC says yes. The evil cheating traitors running this Administration are only listening to the CDC and several high ranking FDA leaders have resigned because Biden and his handlers refuse to listen to them. You see, the FDA is not towing the political line of these leftist extremists while the CDC does.





The producers of some of the world’s COVID-19 vaccines continue to raise prices on these inoculations, with Pfizer and Moderna set to charge the European Union more than $23 and $25 per dose, respectively. A recent study by the People’s Vaccine Alliance found Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are charging governments as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production. That is BILLION.

Follow the money America.

Pfizer’s bottom line boomed as a result of its China virus vaccine, and they reported $10.5 billion in net profit income in the first 6 months of 2021 — up $3.6 billion more from the same period in 2020.

Follow the money America.

I am going to supply you here with the proof of what I am talking about. It is an article by Zachary Stieber, a reporter at the Epoch Times featuring Dr. Robert Malone. As always the link will be added at the bottom of this blog.

What amazes me is that the CDC and the FDA seem incapable to gather information, data and stats on any thing to do with Covid that doesn’t follow the extreme leftist party line. We have to rely on Israel and even Pakistan for our information and data for goodness sake. There are tens of thousands (30,000+) of employees in these two federal agencies doing what? Eating, surfing the net, calling their families, scratching their asses?? One thing they are not doing is following the science or gathering accurate true data.

The CDC website states for instance that if you have had chickenpox you must not take the chickenpox vaccine but they seem to have adapted the opposite direction for Covid. An adaption designed to match the evil leftist ideology of the extreme left party running this country illegally today. Not the science. It seems that the federal government doctors will tow the party political line as opposed to talking the truth and telling people the true medical facts about this China Virus vaccine. They need to be in prison.

Remember the following information too!

The Nuremberg Code of 1947 – refusing the vaccine


The right to avoid the imposition of human experimentation is fundamentally rooted in the Nuremberg Code of 1947. has been ratified by the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and further codified in the US. Code of Federal Regulations. In addition to the US regarding itself as bound by these provisions, these principles were adopted by the FDA in its regulations requiring the informed consent of human subjects for medical research. It is unlawful to conduct medical research even in the case of an emergency unless steps are taken to secure. informed consent of all participants. Article 6, section 3: In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent. Clearly, mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations fail this test on multiple fronts. In Doe #1 versus Rumsfeld 297 F. Supp. 2d 119 (2003) a federal court held that the United States military could not mandate Emergency Use vaccines for soldiers :”The United States cannot demand that members of the armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs”. ( Thanks to Bill Smith for this info.)

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Natural Immunity Longer Lasting Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Malone.

The immunity conferred by recovering from COVID-19 is better than the protection afforded by COVID-19 vaccines, a prominent vaccine inventor says, citing in part a recent study from Israel.

Israeli researchers found that people in the country vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot were 13 times more likely to contract the Delta variant of the CCP virus and 27 times more at risk of symptomatic disease, compared to those who had recovered from COVID-19.

“It’s now been shown in that paper and others that the breadth of that immune response in terms of T and B cell memory populations is more diverse and more long-lasting than the breadth of immune response elicited by the spike-based vaccines alone,” Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the class of vaccines based on messenger RNA, said on Epoch TV’s “American Thought Leaders” program.

While antibodies reduce over time, T cells, a type of white blood cells that protect against infection, and B cells can last for a lifetime.

Federal health authorities acknowledge natural immunity exists but have continued to claim that the protection from vaccines is better, pointing to a different set of studies, including one from Kentucky published by state and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers.

Authorities continue to urge everybody, regardless of prior infection, to get a vaccine.

Some other scientists, though, say the growing body of evidence on natural immunity must play a larger role in policy discussions on vaccination amid the pandemic.

“Natural immunity is pretty darn good. We would be best to focus our efforts on people who are both unvaccinated AND have not recovered from prior infection,” Dr. Vinay Prasad, a professor at the University of California–San Francisco’s Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, wrote on social media over the weekend.

The Israeli study, Malone said, “seems to indicate that the breadth and durability of the immune response was superior with the natural infection in recovery.”

“There’s also evidence that there’s a significant—depending on the timeframe—six- to 20-fold improvement in protection from infection and disease associated with the natural immunity acquired from prior infection compared to that conferred by the vaccine.”

Malone says the newer data is a key piece in what he described as a social contract between members of the public and government health agencies.

The public “is faced with a situation where they had been told that natural immunity was not as protective, that they can’t rely on that; that if you’ve been previously infected, you should still get both doses of vaccine; that this vaccination would provide broad durable protection, it would protect you and it would protect your elders from you potentially spreading disease to them,” he said.

The CDC didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The agency has told The Epoch Times in the past that it doesn’t comment on papers that aren’t authored by the agency and that officials “continually evaluate the science that leads to our guidance, and if it needs to be changed, we will base that on our own research and studies.”


ICU Nurse Turned Whistleblower Exposes SHOCKING Truths About Doctors and Jabs

Natural Immunity Longer Lasting Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Malone

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO:  Vax is a chip.


Biden’s Damndest Disasters So Far . . .

Well Joe Biden has been in the Oval Office since January 20th, 2021. We are now into the 9th month of his administration. Each day we the people are seeing more onerous government overreach. The ideals of  life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are being replaced with do as I mandate or else!

What  Biden Hasn’t done for America?

Here’s a list of what we call Biden’s Dammed Blunders. Please feel free to add to this list in the comments section, if you wish.

  1. The Afghanistan Disaster. Biden has done his best to leave Afghanistan in such a mess that even our staunched allies are abandoning him.
  2. The Vaccine Mandate Disaster. Biden’s vaccine mandate has inflamed the people who are now striking back at his unconstitutional power grab. Over half of state governors are looking to stop his mandate.
  3. The Economic Disaster. Inflation is on the rise. When Trump was president regular gasoline was at $2 a gallon. Under Biden it has risen to $3 a gallon. People are beginning to feel the pinch.
  4. Tax and Spend Ongoing Disaster. The Democrats in Congress, with the encouragement of Biden and his handlers, are doing everything they can to tax and spend at historic levels.
  5. The Undoing Everything Trump Did Disasters. Biden from day one undid President Trump’s executive orders and by doing so has made America less safe, less prosperous and less democratic. We are fast approaching a dictatorship.
  6. The Biden is a Laughing Stock Disaster. Biden has made himself, and with it his office, a laughing stock on the international stage. His policies in the Middle East have empowered our enemies (e.g. the Taliban, al Qaeda and Iran) and put in jeopardy our allies including NATO, Israel and other friendly gulf nations.
  7. Destroying America’s Energy Independence Disaster. Biden has gone full tilt green. Biden and Democrats have fully embraced the Green New Deal and are working to destroy our ability to be energy independent. It started with the canceling of the Keystone pipeline and continues to this day.
  8. The Immigration Disaster. Biden has made immigrating Afghans a priority, without vetting them a properly, over extracting American citizens from Kabul. The same goes for illegals crossing our Southern border. No vetting, no testing for Covid and other diseases.
  9. The Ongoing Border Disaster. The Southern border crisis coincided with the inauguration of Biden and continues to this day. Illegal aliens are flooding the Southern border and Biden is doing nothing to stop it. This means that illegals are getting more and more benefits and care that American citizens.
  10. The Woke Military Disaster. Biden and his Department of Defence has gone on a woke offensive. They are targeting those who are white and support the U.S. Constitution. Wokeism is the new normal in our military, degrading our war fighting capabilities to become more “inclusive.”
  11. The National Security Disaster. The only security under Biden is to protect our enemies (i.e. Iran) and harm our allies particularly Israel. National security is not a priority for Biden and his handlers. Biden’s priority is controlling the American people.
  12. Biden’s Damn Lies. Biden promised to unite Americans but his actions have divided us. Biden and his spokespersons are pushing the big lies of Covid, vaccines, white supremacy and it’s all Trumps fault. And the media is not only encouraging these lies but is actively supporting each and every one.
  13. Biden’s Dammed Dementia. It is clear that Biden is not mentally up to the challenges of being president. He is heavily scripted and given only the words that his handlers approve for him. He is not spontaneous and certainly not clever. If anything Biden is at best a puppet and at worst a very sick man.
  14. Biden’s Actions Speak Louder Than His Damn Words. Biden makes promises and then fails to meet or keep those promises or worse does the exact opposite of what he promised. The people are now seeing the impact of his actions and they have lost confidence and trust in him and his administration.
  15. The Abortion Damnation. Biden claims to be a Catholic but fully supports abortion for any reason. The Catholic Church is absolutely anti-abortion.
  16. That Damn Second Amendment. Biden is, like the Democrat Party, against the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Disarming citizens is a key step toward a totalitarian state.


Actions always speak louder than words and promises kept are more important than promises made.

During his inaugural address President Trump stated:

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.

[ … ]

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country, will be forgotten no longer.

Biden said the following during his inaugural address:

This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward.

Which President told the truth? Which President by his actions has kept his promise?

Trump kept his promise to insure that the people became the rulers of America, again. Biden, by his own actions, has shown that it is his way or the highway, the American people be damned.

Are you as an individual, or America as a nation, better off today under Biden than you were under President Trump?

I think not.

We have just over three more years of Biden. Heaven forbid!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Maricopa County Canvass Report — Prepare to be “STUNNED!”

Step by step the examination of the 2020 vote, at least in Maricopa County, Arizona, makes clear that absolute fraud occurred removing President Trump from office. There are many who still hold the belief no voter irregularity occurred. That is their right, but pain staking work has been accomplished to at least determine if significant irregularities did occur in the last election, and could those irregularities be corrected so there exists no doubt about the integrity of our electoral process moving forward. Yet there are those regardless of political affiliation who see even that exercise as a waste of time, not necessary, political theatre, grand-standing or at the least sour grapes over a legitimate election loss.

Final Election 2020 Grassro… by Jim Hoft

The Maricopa County Canvass Report will provide you with more ammunition regardless of which side you proclaim. You may also wish to consider the following from the partial findings of the Formal Forensic Evaluation submitted to the Arizona State Senate (the Final Forensic Report of Findings is to follow shortly, and has been submitted to the Senate for review).

  • 168,000 on-demand ballots were ordered on election day – this alone goes against a Court Order that no one was permitted to vote if not registered on or prior to October 15th.
  • 3,981 individuals did vote but were registered after the court order previously stated.
  • 18,000 votes were removed from voting rolls after voting.
  • 74,293 mail-in ballots with no clear indication as to who was the proper and legal registered voter were found.
  • 11,326 people did not show up on voter rolls on November 7th, but appeared on December 4th.

The Maricopa County voting system was not properly maintained or secure, and the anti-virus systems were not updated since August 2019. There was tremendous vulnerability at forensic examination. The Maricopa County Supervisors did finally come forth and reverse all their statements about voting integrity and security stating a breach did occur to the server, but this acknowledgement came in January 2021, well after the election. Likewise thru public records examination the election process was compromised, and discovered that the Registration Server had been breached. Furthermore, it was demonstrated for forensic examination purposes that it only took 10-minutes to breach and access the voting system.
Another major revelation upon full forensic examination showed that Maricopa County Officials did not have access to the voting machines, did not have the passwords to access, nor had they been able to access in any manner – only Dominion had access to their own machines. At forensic examination it was shown that on February 5th, 37,646 requests for passwords on the voting machines were made by four users, and all of this occurred during one day.

In November of 2020, days after the election, Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem sought answers, especially after a Maricopa Superior Court allowed for a random sample of ballots to prove authenticity of said ballots. It was shown that from 100 random ballots 6% were considered a “highly unlikely match” which equated to a possible 199,980 highly questionable votes. Biden won Arizona by only 10,457 votes. Thus began the quest to get to the bottom of questions brought by hundreds of citizens, and quickly reaching into the thousands, who demanded answers. A Joint Legislative Public Hearing was held on November 30, 2020, in downtown Phoenix, Arizona where Mayor Giuliani brought subject-matter specialists and constitutional attorney specialist, Jenna Ellis to appear before the Joint Legislative Committee over a ten hour day of testimony and evidence. While many elected officials in both parties still refused to acknowledge a problem, painfully slowly a case was made for a complete and formal forensic evaluation with the findings made public through the Arizona Senate. By God’s grace this has been accomplished, and we now wait for the full and complete Formal Forensic Report of Findings.

If, what I believe will be forthcoming happens, we will see a new dimension appear to the highly questionable November 2020 Election. The new dimension will be a proven fraud of the election in at least Maricopa County, Arizona, which will lead to the question of “Decertifying the Election for President of the United States” in at least the Great State of Arizona. Once again, and as I have said on my show ARIZONA TODAY, we have been sailing in unchartered waters, no map, no history to guide us, and if the forensic findings come forward proving a fraudulent election process and results in Maricopa County, then we move to a potential Constitutional crisis.

©Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.