PODCAST: Iran: Hardliners vs Moderates! Illegal Alien Impact on 2020 Election! National Guard Bans Trail Life USA Troop!


Lt Col (R) Saris Sangari is a retired US Army Colonel who saw extensive combat in the Middle East as a Special Operations Forces soldier and who, after retirement, continues to advise the fledgling Assyrian Christian Army in Iraq known as Dwekh Nawsha with his military expertise.

Topic – Iran: Hardliners vs Moderates on shooting down the drone!

Frank Vernuccioeditor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, providing objective coverage of key issues facing the United States today. Frank is the co-host of the Vernuccio/Novak Report, nationally both on broadcast radio and the web at amfm247.com. FRANK also co-hosts of the “The American Political Zone,” Broadcast on cable in eastern Connecticut.

TOPIC..Illegal Alien Impact on 2020 Election!! 

Mark Hancock CEO of Trail Life USA. Mark began his career founding a national advertising agency and running it for fifteen years. His conversion to Christ led him into ministry as a Youth and College Pastor, Associate Pastor, Homeless Ministry Director and Global Event Director for an international ministry, organizing events on five continents. He holds two Masters Degrees in the Mental Health Counseling field, having spent a number of years in private practice, and has taught at secular and Christian colleges.

TOPIC…National Guard Bans Trail Life USA Troop!!

INTEL REPORT: Egypt, Algeria, Iran/Africa, Turkey’s Dead Body Problem, The Saudi View — plus Analysis


The host of the sin’at al-mawt (Industry of Death) program on the Saudi-owned al-arabiyya TV channel interviewed an Egyptian Counter Terrorism expert on 21 June.  The Egyptian guest claimed that ISIS leader al-Baghdadi has recently urged his supporters and cells to escalate their attacks.

In this context, the Egyptian CT expert, in answer to a question as why it is taking so long for Egypt to quell the terrorist uprising in the northern Sinai, also claimed that ISIS is inserting “highly trained operatives” into the Sinai.  These operatives are then supplemented and supported by the local terrorist infrastructures already in place.


That answer still leaves me unsatisfied.  The population of the Sinai is not that great that they could continually replace the terrorists being killed by the Egyptian military with an endless supply of new terrorists–even if ISIS is infiltrating a few “highly trained” operatives into the Sinai now and then.  My guess is that pro ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood types from among Egypt’s general population are travelling to the Sinai, and then slipping away to join these active terror cells.


A new development in the Arab Spring 2.0 movement taking place in Algeria is the Berber Amazigh people beginning to raise their voices anew.  The Berbers, or Amazigh who speak an Hamitic language they call Tamazigh, are distantly related to the Ancient Egyptians, who also spoke an Hamitic language.  The Berber, or Amazigh, people live throughout all of North Africa, in Libya, Algeria, Mali, Niger, Morocco, and Mauritania, with their largest concentration being in Algeria.  And, they are the area’s original pre-Islamic inhabitants going back even before Phoenician and Carthaginian times in the 2nd millennium B.C.

Over the years since the Islamic conquests of the 7th century they have all converted to Islam and have been subsumed politically by Arab-Islamic rulers, first by the Caliphate, and more recently by the Arab dictatorships that have gained power in North Africa with the withdrawal of European Colonialism.

During the Algerian war for independence from France, the Amazigh began to dream of a governing system allowing them parity with Arabic-speaking Algerians, only to be squelched once again by Arab overlords.  But now, with the Arab Spring 2.0 in full swing, and the days of the Arab military dictatorship numbered, the Amazigh are once again raising their voices not just for language parity, but for a more decentralized state allowing them more autonomy.


According to the Saudi-owned al-arabiyya TV, Iran’s IRGC al-quds force is currently training “sleeper cells” in Africa in order to attack Western targets in response to the U.S. boycott.  Some of the countries mentioned include Sudan, Chad, and Niger.

COMMENT:  This would be in line with Iran’s current policies of:

One, to push the envelope vis-à-vis the U.S. as far as they can, to create as much confrontation as they can without causing a full-scale U.S. military attack.  This is supposedly to shore up “patriotism” at home in light of the Mullah’s sagging popularity.

Two:  Iran believes that it can avoid a direct attack by the U.S. by using “proxies” to do its dirty work:  The Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Hashd (Shi’a militia in Iraq that lobbed missiles near the U.S. embassy in Baghdad), and now “sleeper cells” in Africa are examples of these proxies.


On 21 June al-arabiyya TV reported that Turkey has sent warships into the Aegean Sea “to protect” the two Oil/Gas drilling ships they have operating in waters the economic exploitation of which Cyprus claims was allotted to it by International agreement.

Egyptian media has reported that Egypt is considering boycotting Turkish goods.  Popular Egyptian TV talk show host Amru Adeeb has called on Egypt and all of its Gulf allies to boycott Turkey over this and other issues.

Meanwhile, there are indications that the Trump administration may side with the planet’s number one state sponsor of terrorism.  The U.S. Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt, in a 15 May 2019 speech at the 7th annual Hellenic Air Force Academy Air Power Conference, made comments that sent shivers up and down all Greek spines.  This speech made the Greeks fear that the Trump administration will force Greece and Cyprus to accommodate Turkish drilling in Greek and Cypriot waters.


Mr. Pyatt is an Obama appointee, so there is the possibility that he was exceeding his authority in this speech.  However, I personally fear that siding with Turkey against the Greeks would be of a piece not only with the Trump administration’s recent behavior, but with the entire West’s behavior vis-à-vis Turkey over the last several hundred years.

It was Trump, who last December invited Turkey to invade Northern Syria so it could rape, rob, and exterminate all Kurds, Christians, and Yazidis who didn’t want to be ethnic cleansed.  It was Trump who tried so hard to sell F-35s and other weaponry to the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism.  So, why not let the Turks also abuse the Greeks?

The excuse, of course, is to keep Turkey in NATO, which is, of course, the exact opposite of what we should be doing.  Instead of being afraid that Russia might lure Turkey out of NATO, we should be encouraging, and celebrating the Russians pulling Turkey out of NATO.  Heck, we should even pay the Russians to pull Turkey out of NATO–since we don’t seem to have either the guts or the brains sufficient to push them out ourselves.

As long as Turkey is a member of NATO Russia is helpless to attack its 800-year worst enemy.  A Russian dismemberment of this terrorist-supporting state would be a huge gift not only to the Greeks, but to the world as a whole.  But, as long as Turkey is a member of NATO, any Russian attack against it would force the United States and the rest of NATO to come to the aid of this terror state.

There is a misguided view in Washington (on the part of both Republicans and Democrats) that Turkey’s current “rogue” behavior is entirely the fault of its current leader Erdogan, and that once Erdogan is out of the picture, Turkey will return to its “normal” self as a loyal, peace-loving, member of NATO.  I hate to disillusion all the inside-the-beltway experts, but Turkey’s current behavior is its normal self.  With the break-up of the Soviet Union, and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in all of the surrounding countries (as well as within Turkey itself) turkey can’t help but return to its normal self as a vile, arrogant, expansionist, jihadi state.

For example, in 1974 when the pre-Erdogan Turkey was a “good” NATO member, they invaded Greek inhabited Cyprus which wanted to re-unite with fellow NATO member Greece.  The U.S. and the rest of NATO all looked the other way as Turkey raped, murdered, and ethnic cleansed its way across northern Cyprus–irrespective of the fact that the Greeks had been living there for 3,000 years, 2,000 years before the Turks left their yurts in east central Asia.

The point is that seven decades of pretending to be a “good” NATO member cannot erase the seven centuries of Islamist Jihadi expansionism exhibited by Turkey’s Ottoman empire–and the lust to return to those glory days.  Furthermore, Turkey has something “going for it” other than Islamofascism, and this is an ideology of Turkish racism that makes Hitler’s Nazism look like boy scout stuff.

Yet, the West has always kowtowed to Turkey.  Trump’s predecessor, Obama, openly sought to aide Turkey in reconstituting the Ottoman Empire.  During the 19th century Russia tried twice to dismember the Ottoman Empire so as to give the Christians of the Middle East some breathing room, and to give Constantinople back to the Greeks–as well as to eliminate the constant threats to its own southern border.  But in each case Britain and other Western powers came to the aide of the “sick man of Europe.”

In the 16th century when the Turks were raping, murdering, and ethnic cleansing their way across Catholic and Eastern Orthodox central Europe (even besieging Vienna in 1529), the protestant states of Western Europe sided with the Turks with no less a person than Martin Luther saying that “the Sultan is far preferable to the Pope.”

The result of European inaction against Turkish aggression, and pro-Turkish bias, is the checkerboard nature of the Balkans which led to the disastrous WWI (which in turn led to WWII), as well as the  Balkan wars of the 1990s.


Writing in the London-based, and Saudi-owned ash-sharq al-awsat newspaper, the Saudi journalist Mashari azh-Zhaayidi expressed a more optimistic view in his 24 June essay:  bi-itijaah seqout mihwar turkiyya  w-iiraan w-qatr (towards the fall of the Turkey, Iran, Qatar axis).  In this regard he pointed to symbolic “defeats” by each of these terrorism supporting states.

Qatar’s alleged “defeat” came with the victory of General Muhammad wold al-Qhazawaani in the Mauritanian elections to succeed the previous president Muhammad wold  ‘Abd al-‘Aziz.  He also pointed to the fact that a couple members of the U.S. Congress have questioned Qatar’s influence in the United States.

Iran’s alleged “defeat” comes at the hand of the U.S. embargo and other pressures being placed on the Iranian regime.

Turkey’s alleged defeat, according to azh-Zhaayidi, came with Erdogan’s AKP candidate losing the recent election for mayor of Istanbul.


We would be wise to not breakout the Champaign bottles just yet.  While the Mullahs in Iran are losing popular support and are sitting on a deteriorating economy, they are still very capable of causing mayhem around the world with their support of terrorism, and the use of proxies to do their dirty work.

As for Qatar’s “defeat,” the Qatar-supported opposition in Mauritania is threatening an Arab Spring type of resistance.  And, while a couple members of the U.S. Congress may have recently been made aware of Qatar’s shady influence on our media and politics, most of their colleagues in both parties actually applaud Qatar’s influence.  So, don’t hold your breath over the possibility that anything might be done about it.

Finally, Erdogan’s defeat in the local Istanbul elections do not constitute a rejection of Erdogan’s aggressive foreign policy.  These results do not reflect the feeling of the majority of Turks nationwide, nor do they even reflect the feelings of Istanbul voters on anything other than the deteriorating economy in Turkey.  Turkey’s Islamofascism and overt racism are still intact, in Istanbul as well as in the countryside.


For most of the past year all we’ve heard from Turkey and their al-jazeera cheerleader is how Saudi Arabia should be severely punished for having killed one of their own (Saudi) citizens (Jamal Khashoqji) on Saudi territory (the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul).  Well, now, it so seems that Turkey has killed a Palestinian they had thrown into a Turkish jail in Istanbul.

The Turks claim that he was arrested for spying on behalf of the United Arab Emirates, and that he committed suicide.  The story out of Istanbul is that Zaki Mubarak was found hanging from the bathroom door in his one-person cell in Silivri prison when guards arrived to give him food.  The Turks said that Zaki Mubarak was a 55-year old retired major general and a “senior intelligence official.”  But the dead man’s brother asked how can anyone who doesn’t speak Turkish be a spy in Turkey?  The family also soundly rejected the idea that Zaki would commit suicide.  This view is supported by Turkey’s refusal to let them see the autopsy report.

COMMENT:   I think that Zaki Mubarak really was a spy, and here is why:

Zaki Mubarak’s family has given numerous conflicting accounts as to exactly what Zaki Mubarak did, and why he was in Turkey.  His son said he had gone to Turkey to look for a job.  A brother, named Zain ad-Din, said that  Zaki had gone to Turkey to open up a restaurant.  Zain ad-Din, on another occasion said that Zaki was a “respected lecturer.”  Another family member said he had a PhD in political science, but his daughter said he told her to “study Chemistry and become a doctor like him.”


The fact that Zaki Mubarak’s family had so many conflicting accounts of what it was that he did is a sure marker that he was in intelligence and wanted his family to be kept in ignorance of that fact . . . for their own safety.

I have pieced together the following from the family’s scattered accounts, and from other sources:

Zaki Mubarak, a resident of Gaza (where his family still lives), was an intelligence agent for the Ramallah-based Palestinian authority until 2007.  In 2007 Hamas won the elections in Gaza and brutally cracked down on PA employees and supporters.

So, Zaki Mubarak (an outspoken critic of Hamas) then “escaped” to the UAE.  Once in the UAE, rumors have it that he hooked up with one Muhammad Dahlan, a Palestinian who now resides in the UAE.

The Muhammad Dahlan story is a fascinating one that deserves to be summed up here.  He started out as a Fatah activist in his youth.  As such he was arrested by the Israelis no less than 11 times.  During his multiple stays in Israeli prisons he became fluent in Hebrew, and also grew into a more “mature” world view, one that had no room for the radicalism of Hamas.

Resuming his Fatah connections, he became a security wonk and at one time had 20,000 men under his command in Gaza.  In 2003, he was appointed as the Palestinian Minister of State for Security, though he was replaced the following year due to PA political infighting.

With the Hamas take-over in 2007-08, Dahlan relocated to the west bank.  For the next several years, Dahlan was in and out of PA politics, and in and out of the PA security apparatus.

Throughout his early career in Fatah politics and security matters, he was the darling of the Arab media.  He was young, vigorous, handsome, and articulate, in contrast to the gerontocracy that dominates Palestinian politics.  Everyone saw him as the leader of the future for the Palestinians.  The Bush administration, and the Europeans, applied pressure to have him appointed as the successor to PA leader Mahmoud Abbas.

That may have been too much for Abbas to handle.  To make a long story short, Dahlan soon fell out of favor in PA politics.  His Palestinian enemies accused him of aiding the Israeli Mossad in taking out a couple of Hamas operatives.  He was expelled from Fatah in 2011 when Abbas accused him of murdering former PA leader Yasser Arafat.  So, Dahlan hightailed it to the UAE where he became employed as a security and intelligence advisor.

Throughout his career he had been a vitriolic critic of Hamas, calling them nothing but a bunch of “murderers and theives.”  He had also shown a willingness to work with Israelis and Americans.  He is said to also be close to Egypt’s President as-Sisi, and I suspect that Dahlan may have played a key role in brining the UAE and Israel closer together (even if only under the table).

Which brings us back to Zaki Mubarak.  Like Muhammad Dahlan, Zaki Mubarak was an outspoken critic of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.  As a PA intelligence operative in Gaza (pre-Hamas days), he would have known Muhammad Dahlan very well, in fact probably worked for him and/or with him.

Thus, it should not be surprising that two former PA intelligence and security types, who share a hatred of Hamas, and hold the same “moderate” political views, and who both found exile in the UAE . . . I mean, it would be bizarre if they didn’t hook up in their new digs.  I think it safe to say, then, that Zaki Muhammad was a spy, and that he was working for and with Muhammad Dahlan on behalf of the UAE.

Therefore, the Turkish accusation that Zaki Muhammad was in Turkey to spy on Arab Islamist radicals was probably true.  Turkey is the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism, the godfather of ISIS, and the home of thousands of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood operatives.  So, if one wanted to spy on Arab radicals, Turkey is a good place to be–even if he didn’t speak Turkish.

Turkey’s ruling AKP party is a clone of the Muslim Brotherhood, so it would only be natural for them to want to arrest anyone spying on their Arab terrorist clients.

But, what is not natural is murdering captured spies while you’re holding them in prison.

Civilized countries like the U.S. and Russia (and its USSR predecessor) all hold/held captured spies for a possible later trade–because you know that sooner or later your opponent will pick up one or more of your spies.  Civilized countries exchange spies.  Turkey kills.

Now, with all of Turkey’s creating a storm over Saudi Arabia’s handling of the Khashoqji affair, and the Saudi’s refusal to turn Khashoqji’s body over for an autopsy, guess who refused (for weeks) to turn Zaki Mubarak’s body over to his family so they could have it autopsied?  Guess who refused to send an autopsy report to the family?

And this, raises another question.  Where is the American media on all of this?  The U.S. and European media, and politicians, have all taken Turkey’s, and the Muslim Brotherhood’s side on the Muslim Brotherhood member Khashoqji’s murder (with the exception of President Trump), but are entirely silent on Turkey’s handling of the Zaki Mubarak case.

Could the double standard in U.S. media coverage possibly have to do with Khashoqji’s being a Muslim Brotherhood operative (and therefore being a darling of Qatar and al-Jazeera), and Zaki Mubarak’s being an opponent of the Muslim Brotherhood (and therefore one of the “bad” guys in the view of Qatar and al-Jazeera)?

The Endless Third World Invasion of the United States

You can be in the country illegally, you can have an extensive criminal history, you can have multiple criminal convictions for serious offenses, and there is nothing that we can do to touch you. – Chris Crane, president of the ICE Council, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents’ union

A country isn’t sovereign if we can’t control who comes in and who’s allowed to come in. – Phyllis Schlafly

Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them. – Thomas Sowell

57 percent of all households that are led by an immigrant (legal or illegal) are enrolled in at least one welfare program. – Michael Snyder

To hell with sovereignty, justice and the safety of America’s citizenry.  Open borders allow cheap labor for American corporations, especially Koch Industries.  Libertarians Charles and David Koch bequeath massive election donations to many Republicans, and now to some Democrats, to keep our southern border a sieve. Enriching Republican coffers allows Koch Industries to be able to hire cheap foreign labor, whether legal or illegal.

Tucker Carlson recently had a six-minute segment exposing the Koch brothers. They consider controlling the border as racist, the notion of “America first” as fascist, and that drugs should be legalized, but what he didn’t tell you was that these Libertarians are devout pro-aborts, and heavily fund organizations promoting a new Constitutional Convention. Link and Link.  Statesmen like the 55 delegates who attended the 1787 Convention would be impossible to find today.  Amnesty remains the Koch brothers’ top priority, anathema to America’s citizenry and job security.  The Koch brothers hold views that have no resemblance whatsoever to what most conservative Constitutionalists believe.

Criminal Invasion

Our Senate Republicans are now weaker than Barack Obama was on the border. The criminal element, including child sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, drug cartels, terrorists and third world country diseases, long ago eliminated in America, are just collateral damage to those who profit from illegal aliens.

Department of Homeland Security documents produced for the House Oversight Committee revealed that in October of 2018, the Customs and Border Patrol’s Office of Intelligence tracked one caravan with approximately 8,000 migrants who arrived just south of California by December of 2018 and established that 660 of the migrants had U.S. criminal convictions, and at least three are murderers.

President Trump declared a national emergency in February of this year to divert funds from the Pentagon to build a border wall, yet the Democrats are fighting him at every turn.  Congress also refuses to change the dangerous asylum laws attracting these migrants.  New voters…draining the country’s taxpayers dry.

Third World Diseases in America

It’s not just mumps, measles, scabies, the flu, strep throat, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, different viruses, polio, Chagas disease, tuberculosis along with the possibility of typhus that border agents have to deal with, now it is the deadly Ebola virus from African illegals.  They made their way to the U.S. via Ecuador.  Hundreds of illegals from the Ebola ridden Congo and Angola have been dumped in San Antonio, Texas with 350 more on the way.  They made it across the Rio Grande River more than two weeks ago.

After being placed in San Antonio, the illegal immigrants are bused to a destination of their choice by local charities who spend “roughly $14,000 a week on bus tickets.  Interim Assistant City Manager Dr. Colleen Bridger said another 2,300 from the Congo and Angola will be coming to San Antonio and it’s overwhelming the city.  When she asked Portland, Oregon to take some of them, they refused, saying they were already overwhelmed.

The World Health Organization said one in four Ebola infections in the Congo are going undetected and that the country is experiencing the second-worst Ebola epidemic on record.  Yet, we are transferring these illegals throughout our country.  Ebola spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
The virus may linger in men’s semen for more than two years; a new study suggests, but none of these Congo illegals are tested for disease.

Even if Ebola isn’t an issue, there’s plenty of other contagious diseases from other parts of the world that are almost unheard of in the US. And right now, immigration agents are so overwhelmed with the sheer number of migrants that it’s difficult for them to conduct full-blown medical screenings.

The situation underscores the need for the federal government to put proper medical screenings in place to ensure that no one slips through the border undetected with a contagious health condition.

During European immigration to the U.S. through Ellis Island, if anyone was ill, they were quarantined for 40 days. Back then, if it was a spreadable disease, they were sent back to their country of origin to protect America’s citizens. Ellis Island was opened in 1892, and shut in 1954.

Legal immigrants receive medical examinations before they can enter the country, but not the illegals flooding our border and pleading asylum. In Texas, 550 African migrants were just caught and the Texas DHS head says they aren’t being screened for Ebola.

Who Funded the Trip?

Why isn’t the media asking who funded the airline trips for these people, and the food and necessities for this long trek from the Congo? Who is organizing these massive cross-continent trips aimed at helping hundreds of refugees to cross over our border, and if they are legitimate arrivals, what medical vetting is taking place before they make the trip?  None!

They didn’t swim across the Atlantic, that’s for sure.

Watch this French speaking Swiss journalist asking the Congolese illegals how they got here and who paid for it, despite the fact they have rolls of hundred dollar bills in their pockets.  They would not answer him as you can see in this five-minute video.

Note that these Congolese are saying, “Now we’re here, give us money to survive.”  They are given a paper telling them not to cooperate with ICE, that they are the police from the government.  Portland, Maine is being repopulated with these illegals and can’t accept more.

Los Angeles, California

Typhus, and even bubonic plague are showing up in Los Angeles.  Why?  In October of 2017, former California Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill that made all of California a sanctuary state.  According to the California Hospital Association, in 2014 health care for illegal aliens cost state taxpayers well over $1 billion a year. Eighty-four hospitals across California have already been forced to close because of unpaid bills by illegal aliens.  Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona have a crisis equally as dire.  The Texas Governor recently ordered 1,000 National Guard troops to the border.

Trash is a growing problem for residents in Los Angeles and as the garbage piles up, so do the rats, fueling concerns about flea-borne typhus, according to reports.

But the real problem is illegal alien homelessness and the trash and excrement from them living on the streets.  Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor, told NBC4 she was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches.  Greenwood believes she contracted typhus from fleas in her office at City Hall East. Fleas often live on rats, which congregate in the many heaps of trash that are visible across the city of LA, and are a breeding ground for typhus.  Last year set a new record for the number of typhus cases, 124 in LA County for the year, according to the California Department of Public Health, and this does not even consider the health risks from mountains of human feces in San Francisco.

Dr. Drew Pinsky predicts a major infectious disease epidemic in filthy Los Angeles this summer, putting at risk thousands of lives.  Even the New York Times admits these Democrat run cities are unlivable.

Acting Homeland Security Secretary McAleenan

Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Tom Homan accused McAleenan of resisting ICE and leaking about upcoming raids to the media prior to their taking place.  The nationwide operation was aimed at over 2,000 who have defied orders of removal and are remaining in the country illegally. The Washington Post and other media have reported that McAleenan doesn’t support the operation.

Five officials who spoke with the Washington Examiner confirmed McAleenan’s decision to go rogue and stymie the operation was what prompted the White House to call off the operation.  They said ICE was set to begin raids with court-ordered removals in 10 cities, including Houston, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles.  Trump now says Congress has two weeks to reach a solution. Good luck with that!

One official claimed McAleenan “cares more about what liberals, the media, and ‘Never Trumpers’ in Congress think of him than achieving the express mission of his department.”

McAleenan needs to hear, “You’re fired.”

Tom Homan said he was glad when President Trump tweeted that the ICE agency would begin “removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the U.S.”  He said, “I’ve been pushing for months for ICE to conduct a nationwide deportation operation like the one the president has announced, to include family units that have been given their due process rights at great taxpayer expense and have been ordered removed by a federal judge.”

Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) claims Trump’s pledge to begin “removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States” is being received with skepticism by former and current Trump supporters who have been alienated or disappointed by Trump’s numerous broken campaign promises on immigration.  They believe Trump’s tweet is also new posturing designed to pressure Democrats into joining the Trump-Kushner-Graham Amnesty deal for millions of illegals about which ALIPAC is working to warn Americans.

Easy Access and Benefits for Illegals

News reports have indicated that Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been allowing migrants to board flights using a ‘Form I-862, Notice to Appear,’ which informs a released illegal alien of when to appear in court and is not one of the 15 forms of identification TSA accepts for air travel,” the conservative lawmakers wrote in a letter to DHS. “The safety and security of the American public should always be our priority.”

The Center for Immigration Studies states that the cost in 2018 per illegal alien was $69,570, or $69.6 billion per million illegal immigrants.  I would guess there are 60 million or more now in our country, how much is that costing us?  The American taxpayer is being raped by lawbreakers.

Democratic presidential candidate Kirstin Gillibrand wants to expand Social Security to people living in the United States illegally.  She is an immigration hawk and wants illegals to have the same rights as citizens.

Nancy Pelosi has actually thanked the parents of “Dreamers” for illegally bringing their children to America.

Since an illegal immigrant under former President Obama’s executive action can now get a Social Security number, the immigrant road map is clear, they may receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) without ever having paid taxes.  The EITC is the one that is responsible for billions in fraudulent refunds.

Judicial Watch reports that transgender illegal aliens get special treatment and hormone therapy, which isn’t cheap, under a policy started by Obama and continued by Trump’s Border Czar.  ICE gives transgender illegal aliens their own detention center in New Mexico that offers hair and makeup classes, a recreation area, gym, television rooms, a lab and pharmacy.

Just this month, the New York State Assembly passed a bill that would allow illegal immigrants in America to obtain driver’s licenses.

The Supreme Court has ruled that an immigrant living in the U.S. illegally who had a gun, a crime, can’t be prosecuted if he didn’t know he was in the country illegally. Huh? In a 7-2 decision the justices said in a crime where the status of a person is the “crucial element” to the offense, the government must prove the person was aware of that. Otherwise, it might just be an innocent mistake. The ruling could affect thousands of previous convictions.

Top all this off, with the National Review’s defense of birthright citizenship.  Neo-con founder William F. Buckley was a CFR member, a Yale Skull and Bonesman, and a CIA Agent, so this is not surprising, although there is nothing in the 14th amendment that guarantees birthright citizenship.  The anchor baby scam was invented 35 years ago by liberal zealot, Justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the children born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens.  Unconstitutional poppycock.


Laws are meaningless if there are no consequences or deterrence for violating them.


Syrian Muslim Plotted to Bomb Black Church! Where is the Outrage?

Reps. Dan Crenshaw, Mike Johnson Share How They Want to Tackle Border Crisis

Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Decriminalize Crossing The Border

Illinois: Men convert to Islam, plot jihad mass murder, talk of dropping gays from Sears Tower

Where did Joseph D. Jones and Edward Schimenti learn about Islam? Has their local mosque been investigated? Why not?

“Two suburban men guilty of providing support to Islamic State,” by Jon Seidel, Chicago Sun-Times, June 20, 2019 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The FBI descended on their north suburban home in a raid two years ago that began with a “boom,” neighbors said.

Then, the feds unveiled a 77-page criminal complaint in April 2017 that accused Joseph D. Jones and Edward Schimenti of sharing gruesome Islamic State videos online, fantasizing about the ISIS flag “on top of the White House” and, crucially, collecting cellphones they thought could be used as detonators by terrorists overseas.

Now, the 37-year-old Zion men have been found guilty of a conspiracy to provide material support to the Islamic State. A jury convicted them Thursday after more than a day and a half of deliberations, ending their roughly three-week trial.

The jury also found Schimenti guilty of lying to the FBI about a matter involving international terrorism. Both men face significant prison time at sentencing hearings that have not been scheduled.

Schimenti and Jones looked sullen after U.S. District Judge Andrea Wood read the verdict Thursday afternoon. Jones’ lawyer, Patrick Boyle, later told reporters he was disappointed. It’s rare for a terrorism case to go to trial at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse. And in the lead-up to this one, defense attorneys convinced the judge they should be allowed to present an entrapment defense to the jury….

Prosecutors said Jones shared Islamic State videos that depicted the deaths of people who were beheaded by a child soldier, drowned in a cage, and blown up by a rocket-propelled grenade while locked inside a vehicle. Another video demonstrated various ways to stab someone. It was titled, “Some of the Deadly Stabbing Ways: Do not Forget to Poison the Knife.”

Still, their lawyers argued, “this is all protected speech, [no] matter how morally objectionable it may seem. Supporting distasteful, objectionably horrible groups is in and of itself not a crime. In fact, it is protected by the Constitution.”

Schimenti crossed paths with one of the FBI’s confidential informants in November 2016, records show. He was led to believe the man was from Iraq and had a brother in ISIS. Schimenti told him he supported ISIS and, when the man said he wanted to return to the Middle East to fight for the group, Schimenti introduced him to Jones.

Schimenti also met the man at a gym for physical training exercises, records show. There, Schimenti told the man about ISIS videos and how their fighters trained hard, even “jumping through fire.” He told the man, “inshallah [God willing] the brothers will just have me be the one to cut the neck.”

Ultimately, Schimenti and Jones helped that man collect cellphones they thought would be used as detonators, introduced him to an undercover fed they believed would get him overseas, and then drove the man to O’Hare Airport to begin his journey on April 7, 2017.

Schimenti allegedly told the man to “drench that land with they, they blood.”

During the investigation, an undercover fed asked Jones if he ever thought about joining ISIS. Jones replied, “every night and day,” court records show. Schimenti also fantasized about how, under Islamic law, they could put gay people “on top of Sears Tower and we drop you,” according to the feds.

“I want to see blood flowing, whatever way,” Schimenti said….


Illinois: Muslim migrant worked at O’Hare Airport, sent tactical gear to ISIS, wanted to “bury unbelievers alive”

Glazov: Our Self-Deception in the Face of Jihad

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

How the major social media platforms stifle free speech or push a political agenda

Yes – one of the tremendous contemporary battles for individual freedom of the press is being managed in cyberspace.

For example, Facebook frequently allows real hate speech while prohibiting websites that expose this speech.

Recently, political, journalistic and corporate are under the process of trying to control and even rewrite “story lines” of history, those current events with which they might disagree, and that they see slipping through their fingers.

We are going to highlight the specific portion relating to the speech and explain how this applies to the online community.

Do You Know What the Restrictions On Speech Are?

We argue that the government may impose few restrictions on speech to make sure that research meet standards of integrity & quality, and the most important that policy messages conveyed to the people are consistent. However, any restrictions on speech should be implemented carefully & cautiously to avoid undermining government acts.

A Philosophy of Freedom:

Freedom of Speech is three words that get thrown around & written about so often that the right to freedom of expression, and these expressions applies to the ideas which might be strongly offensive. But many numbers of people believe that it can be legitimately restricted just because it becomes with several responsibilities.

We’re seeing that people who work in a growingly online environment would never fly in the “real world.” Social psychologists possess a field day picking apart like status updates, tweets, and social network posts.

You see that people will say anything! Justified or not, the fact behind this, many people perceive safe in their cocoon of online anonymity.

According to the First Amendment, there is no right to say whatever we want, whenever we want, to whomever we want. But this Amendment doesn’t stop people from thinking otherwise.

More Facts You Need to Know:

Even more problematic is that social media platforms are free to delete the pages and posts of users anytime, and according to them, they’ve rights concerning “community standards.”

Yes, no one will own the public square, including of all social media platforms that are merely used for transporting members of that public to internet square.

What Speech Is Protected by the First Amendment?

The right to freedom of speech means you have permission to express yourself without interference or constraint by the government. And when this term seems very broad, the U.S. Supreme Court was involved in this debate & has decided that the government can restrict both the content of speech & the ability to engage in speech until the government has “substantial justification.”

What is NOT Protected Speech?

Fortunately, the U.S Supreme Court has mentioned several categories of speech which are not afforded protection. Means such types of speech are subject to prohibitions.

Types of speech That Isn’t protected By First Amendment:

  • Obscenity
  • Fighting words
  • Defamation (including libel and slander)
  • Child pornography
  • Perjury
  • Blackmail
  • Incitement to imminent lawless action
  • True threats
  • Solicitations to commit crimes

The Town Squares of the Internet:

You can and can’t say in the town squares of the internet:


It is the speech through which people offends or attacks any individual based on ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, national origin, gender, disability, disease, or other traits.

According to the First Amendment – this type of speech protects from government censorship until hate speech incites or is likely to incite imminent lawless action.


Obscenity is often hard to define, and it is the content which refers hardly offends the prevalent morality of the time.

According to the First Amendment – the obscenity protects from government censorship until it’s obscene. Whether obscene has any literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, and whether any factor is obscene depends on contemporary community standards – but nudity is just not enough to make it obscene.


Maybe you familiar with this term, it refers to unwanted behaviour that makes anyone feel degraded, humiliated or offended. We can’t define harassment to include true threats of violence, which are banned by all of the social media platforms and that are not protected by the First Amendment.

According to the First Amendment – the true threats “serious expressions of intent to commit acts of unlawful violence doesn’t protect from government censorship. But there are few anti-bullying laws which struck down for violating the First Amendment.

How Free Speech and Social Media Fit Together – You Needs to Know!

There are a different number of roles in social media platforms – As a business professional, there you might be monitoring several social platforms, possibly you’re an entrepreneur utilizing social networks to grow your business, or as an in-house employee or for clients.

It doesn’t matter whatever your role; it is straightforward that you are frequently on the front end of making & evaluating a variety of speech & expressions, both outgoing and incoming. Now, the point is that how to create rules and policies that don’t encroach on another’s rights.

There is Need:

  • User-Generated Content
  • Employee-Generated Content
  • Managing Defamatory Speech
  • Protecting Intellectual Property


Yes – community building & social engagement are imperatively important to increasing business. While there should be a goal to get users, community and customers member talking, not all speech is created equal. When it comes to social media platforms, it’s not easy to highlight a list of what is or is not protected speech. The contexts that may indulge other areas of law limiting your right to silence detractors, there online speech & expressions are highly interwoven. Overall, though, censorship in corporate social media is often a necessity.

Ultimately, there should be the ability to discuss ideas that without fear as it is the only way to protecting the citizens of U.S. No doubt, if we neglect our freedom of expression on the internet, means we lose our democracy.

BREAKING: Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent ‘Trump situation’ in 2020

Another brave insider has stepped forward to Project Veritas.

This time, our insider is from Google.  The biggest tech company in the world.

In fact, there are nearly 65,000 “googles” on this search engine every second.  And it’s very likely you’re probably contributing to this statistic.

Google has been universally regarded as a trustworthy search tool and source – but is that trust well-placed?

New undercover video, leaked documents, and insights from an insider reveal that Google appears to be using their size and status to affect the outcome of elections.

Our journalists spoke with Jen Gennai, the Head of Responsible Innovation and a 12-year Google employee.  Here’s a snapshot of what she told them:

“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’ve rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.

“Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”

You can watch Project Veritas’ explosive new video HERE.

This is the third video that Project Veritas has released featuring an insider from big tech. Our Google insider is incredibly courageous, and he’s risked his career to show you the truth.

If you’re on the inside of tech, media, education, unions, or government – you can become a Project Veritas insider by contacting us at VeritasTips@protonmail.com.

If you’re considering coming forward, but unsure about the repercussions, here is a quote from our Google insider that you may find inspiring:

“I mean, this is a behemoth, this is a Goliath, I am but a David trying to say that the emperor has no clothes. And being a small little ant I can be crushed, and I am aware of that. But, this is something that is bigger than me, this is something that needs to be said to the American public.”

Be Brave!


Inside Google’s Microaggressions Newsletter: Pronoun Problems, Soy Police, And A Deaf Person Told To Watch Her ‘Tone’

Google Employees Sure Are Covering Their Tracks Now That Their Censorship Scheme Has Been Exposed

BREAKING: New Google Document Leaked Describing Shapiro, Prager, as ‘nazis using the dogwhistles’


Senator Cruz Grills Google Executive Over Insider Story

Tucker: Google wants to hack 2020 election

The Vortex — The Dam About to Burst


Since Church Militant aired our special report last week on Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich failing to report a case of sexual abuse of a minor involving his predecessor, Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, we have received numerous contacts with much more information.

The Chicago archdiocese for the past 30 years has been able to keep the wraps on Bernardin’s evil with a series of threats, payouts and cover-ups — that is, until now.

For the first time ever, one of Bernardin’s sexual assault victims is going public about his abuse at the hands of the homosexual cardinal.

He is on the record — and is none other than the same victim of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick whose testimony last summer brought down that homopredator.

RELATED ARTICLE: McCarrick: Many Grave Additional Questions

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission.

Fact-Checkers Of Trump’s Orlando Speech Show AOC-Level Ineptitude

A PolitiFact fact-check of President Trump’s campaign launch last week in Orlando that was run in newspapers nationwide went horribly, embarrassingly, laughably wrong on the one count in which they ruled Trump was “wrong.”

PolitiFact did their usual number after Trump’s speech, supposedly fact-checking the President. In it, there are assumptions made that highlight the normal bias.

But the only fact-checked statement these intrepid journalists ruled as “wrong” — they got totally wrong.

Here’s what PolitiFact wrote that Trump got wrong:

(We passed) “the biggest tax cut in history.”
Trump often repeats this point, but three tax cuts were larger. In inflation-corrected dollars, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 cut $321 billion per year. The Tax Relief Act of 2010 cut them by $210 billion per year. And the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 reduced taxes by $208 billion a year.

The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act cut taxes by $150 billion a year.

You, like me, might be shocked to find out that Obama signed much larger tax cuts during his administration. Twice! Seems like that would have been pretty big news — and pretty out of character. But a quick google of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 finds the details at Investopedia.

The truth? Neither was a tax cut.

They were both a continuation of the Bush tax cuts that were set to expire. So if they had expired and the tax rates reverted to their higher levels, it would have been a tax increase. But they did not. This supposed “tax cut” actually did nothing more than keep taxes at the exact same level as they were.

Maintaining tax rates at the same rate is definitionally not a tax cut. Unless, that is, you are simply trying to make the President look like he was wrong.

Further, this supposed “tax cut” that is the American Taxpayer Relief Act actually raised taxes.

ATRA’s passage prevented the expiration of most of the major tax cuts enacted between 2001 and 2010. It made permanent the tax savings included in the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. ATRA extended through 2017 the tax cuts built into the American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009. Along with these extended tax cuts, ATRA raised payroll taxes for many Americans and reversed cuts for the highest earners that had been passed with the support of the George W. Bush administration.

Well, what about The Tax Relief Act of 2010, which cut taxes by $210 billion per year as PolitiFact’s claims?

Nope. Same thing. According to Wikipedia, it extended the tax cuts from 2001 and 2003 for two years.

The Act centers on a temporary, two-year reprieve from the sunset provisions of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA) and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA), together known as the “Bush tax cuts.” Income taxes would have returned to Clinton administration-era rates in 2011 had Congress not passed this law.

So this “tax cut” also merely kept the Bush tax cuts in place for two years. It did not cut taxes. In fact, this mere two-year reprieve of the taxes being increased is what led to the 2012 one above.

Both of them kept rates the same. They did not cut taxes.

The Reagan tax cuts might have been higher, it’s hard to find firm, inflation-adjusted numbers there. But the last line in PolitiFact has the most interesting twist.

Did the Trump tax cuts actually only cut $150 billion? I could not find that number and PolitiFact did not cite it or provide a link — which is pretty sloppy for a fact-checking outfit. I did, however, find plenty of much higher numbers by liberal outfits painting the picture of how irresponsible the tax cuts were.

One of those, the Tax Policy Center, said the tax cuts amounted to $275 billion — much more than expected. Of course, they were making the case then that the tax cuts were not paying for themselves as the GOP had promised, so the much higher number was convenient for that.

So it looks like on every, single element of their conclusion that Trump was wrong on the tax cuts, they were wrong.

But we should totally trust PolitiFact.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Modern Slavery in America: Promoting pedophilia, pederasty, prostitution and human labor trafficking [Videos]

The U.S. Department of State released its 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report. Secretary Michael R. Pompeo in the introduction writes:

Human trafficking is one of the most heinous crimes on Earth. Right now traffickers are robbing a staggering 24.9 million people of their freedom and basic human dignity—that’s roughly three times the population of New York City.

The report defines human trafficking:

The United States considers “trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery” to be interchangeable umbrella terms that refer to both sex and labor trafficking. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended, and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime describe this compelled service using a number of different terms, including involuntary servitude, slavery or practices similar to slavery, debt bondage, and forced labor.

There has been much discussion of reparations by some of the Democrats running for President of the United States with Senators Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren leading the way. Senator Warren has introduced a bill to give reparations to homosexual (i.e. same sex) couples. What none of these candidates, nor those who support reparations, talk about is “modern slavery” or white slavery. Modern slavery takes many forms, is color blind and affects every American citizen. Modern slavery is big business. Just look at America’s southern border to see modern slavery in full view.

Today those who are promoting modern slavery include public schools, colleges and universities, American corporations, politicians, organized crime, pro-illegal alien organizations and sanctuary cities, counties and states.

Promoting pedophilia, pederasty, prostitution

Definitions Merriam-Webster:

pedophiliasexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

pederasta man who desires or engages in sexual activity with a boy

prostitutionthe act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money

The Trafficking in Persons Report notes:

In the United States, traffickers prey upon children in the foster care system. Recent reports have consistently indicated that a large number of victims of child sex trafficking were at one time in the foster care system.

The United States Institute Against Human Trafficking website states the following:

There are an estimated 4.8 million victims of sex trafficking worldwide, with the United States leading all other nations in driving demand – i.e. the U.S. is the biggest consumer of sex worldwide. The demand for purchasing women, men and children for sex is continuing to escalate due to our hypersexualized society, and the demand for sex with even younger children is increasing.  This is attracting more sex traffickers to the industry who see a financial opportunity to cash in on the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world.

One of the best ways to drive the demand for sex “with even younger children” as a society is to start as early as possible in our public schools. Watch this video titled “The sick pedophile agenda at the heart of ‘sex education.’” WARNING: Discretion advised. Deeply disturbing.

Where and when did this all start?

Dr. Judith Reisman, former principal investigator for the U.S. Department of Justice, in her March, 25th, 2016 column titled “They’re mainstreaming pedophilia! wrote :

Alfred Kinsey’s ongoing sexual anarchy campaign has no end in sight.

Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17 [2015]. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Adhering to the Kinsey principle of lulling “straights” into a false sense of security, pedophile dress was largely conservative – short hair, jackets, some ties and few noticeable male ear piercings.

Matt Barber and I sat in the back of the meeting room among roughly 50 activists and their “mental health” attending female enablers. “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” keynoted “Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., as founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.”

However, the sex clinic was initially founded by John Money, Ph.D., to give judges “leeway” to keep child molesters out of jail. Money (deceased), a pedophile advocate, also called for an end to all age-of-consent laws. Dr. Berlin was his disciple.

In 1973, our “post Kinsey era,” a small APA committee of psychiatrists, quite terrified by homosexist public harassment, agreed to rely on Kinsey’s fraudulent human sexuality “data” to redefine homosexuality as normal, removing it from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of mental disorders.

The APA decision was hyped in college textbooks, law journal articles, judicial rulings, and by 1974 pitched as high-school sex education. Soon the homosexist lobby would sail into primary schools and kindergartens by agitating recurring AIDS “prevention,” “bullying” and “hate” panics.

In July, 2010 the Harvard Medical School published “Pessimism about pedophilia” made these key points:

  • Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and unlikely to change. Treatment aims to enable someone to resist acting on his sexual urges.
  • No intervention is likely to work on its own; outcomes may be better when the patient is motivated and treatment combines psychotherapy and medication.
  • Parents should be aware that in most sexual abuse cases involving children, the perpetrator is someone the child knows.

The Catholic Church and Boy Scouts of America

The impact of pedophilia, pederasty, prostitution on key institutions is now coming to light. According to USA Today the Catholic Church could be investigated by as many as forty-five states for pederasty (adult gay priests having sex with younger boys) or sex abuse. The Boy Scouts of America is facing bankruptcy since it has allowed gay scout masters.

The Federalist published an article on January 2nd, 2019 titled “The Boy Scouts’ Bankruptcy Is Not Just Financial. It’s Moral” by Alfred Siewers. Siewers wrote:

What’s left of the Boy Scouts of America (now operating as Scouts BSA) is on the brink of declaring bankruptcy, according to recent news reports. With estimated assets of more than $1 billion, Scouting’s problems go beyond the financial, deep into the problems with America’s civil culture today.

[ … ]

The old American Boy Scouts might as well be filing for moral bankruptcy, having lost both its base and elite cultural capital. What used to be an organization designed to help boys become men has now been re-fashioned in line with the new gnosticism of American culture, accepting LGTBQIA ideology, while abandoning its traditional ascetic position about sex and its opposition to atheism.

Church Militant has done a series of videos on gay priests and bishops (pederasts) in the Church and their coverup of abuses of underage boys and seminarians. Here is one interview by Michael Voris from Church Militant on a priest in hiding for exposing pederasts in the Church:

In a March 18th, 2019 The Catholic Thing column titled “Sodom: The Official Guide” Brad Minor did a review on a book by a French author claiming the Vatican is 80% “gay” reporting:

Mr. Martel’s book purports to be an objective exposé that is the result of “1500 interviews in the Vatican and in 30 countries” over four years, during which Martel and his team of 80 “researchers, correspondents, advisers, fixers and translators” spoke to “421 cardinals, 52 bishops and monsignori, 45 apostolic nuncios and foreign ambassadors.” All were in-person interviews. (A note of skepticism: there are currently just 222 living cardinals, so unless Martel was doing séances . . .)

Nearly all those interviewed are members of what, according to Martel, they themselves call “the Parish,” which is what Pope Francis, in that famous (“who am I to judge?”) interview on the flight from Rio to Rome, denied even existed: a “gay lobby.” According to Martel’s accounting, it’s not just a lobby, it’s a small city.

How large is it? Martel says the Vatican has a homosexual “community” larger than the Castro neighborhood of San Francisco. Not for nothing is the book’s French title Sodoma – no need for translation.


America has a serious modern slavery problem in its educational institutions, churches, communities and culture. Even magazines like Teen Vogue are promoting prostitution (i.e. modern slavery). The only way to stop the tsunami of pedophilia, pederasty, prostitution and human labor trafficking is to become a “moral people” again.

in a column titled “Restoring Civilization: We Can’t MAGA Unless We MAMA” wrote:

They can sense it. They can feel it. Something is seriously wrong in our civilization, and many people know it.

[ … ]

Years ago I had a brief “state of the nation” discussion with a very fine, older country gentleman. While no philosopher, he did offer the following diagnosis. Struggling for words and gesticulating a bit, he said, “There’s…there’s no morality.”

Most believe morality is important both personally and nationally. We generally agree that an immoral man treads a dangerous path; of course, it’s likewise for two immoral men, five, 53 or 1,053 — or a whole nation-full.

Echoing many Founders, George Washington noted that “morality is a necessary spring of popular government.” The famous apocryphal saying goes, “America is great because America is good, and if she ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” For sure, we can’t MAGA unless we MAMA — Make America Moral Again.

We must MAMA or else devolve into a nation driven by modern slavery of the sexual kind.


Drag Queen Story Hour Held At University of North Florida Library

Washington State MassResistance directly confronts and exposes another hideous “Drag Queen Story Hour”

PBS Is Indoctrinating Our Kids. It’s Time to Defund Them.

Draining the rainbow swamp

What the UK’s Orwellian Gender Policy Gets Wrong About Men and Women

Teen Vogue Encourages Children To Explore Prostitution As A Career

Human trafficking in America among worst in world: report

They’re mainstreaming pedophilia!

The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves

“Transjacking” sports

Gay reparations? Elizabeth Warren introduces bill to pay certain same-sex couples

Vermont Poised to Let Kids, Not Parents, Make Gender Decisions

Top 6 Issues Facing Education For 2019

Although the universal learning model has undergone some major changes in the past decades, there is still lots of room for enhancement. Even in 2019, issues related to different spheres of education remain relevant and actively discussed all around the world.

Relevant Educational Issues In 2019

What are the biggest challenges that modern educational facilities are facing today? There are much more issues than any of you could imagine. However, in this article, we are going to discuss the top six that seem to be the most acute of them.

  • Lack of funding

Unfortunately, this major problem is still unsolved, though we are facing it every single year. In 2019, many schools, colleges, and universities are still lacking equal funding, which leads to a number of additional problems. Tuition fees keep going up with so little opportunities for getting an affordable and high-quality education. This increases the number of students who give up on continuing education.

  • Program irrelevance

Another major challenge that stands on the way of education today is the irrelevancy of the existing educational programs in terms of a long-term perspective. Let’s look at an example to clarify this point. Let’s say a student enrolled in a university a few years ago and majors in business. Keeping in mind the rapid progress and change that takes place in all spheres of our lives, by the time he graduates, his knowledge will become irrelevant. The old business models given him three years ago will not work in the modern world. And that’s only one example of the irrelevance of educational programs.

  • Poor career advice

In order to make a real change in the way we obtain education and in its quality, schools and colleges should finally incorporate a big share of career advice into the students’ curriculum. At this point, most students lack relevant career advice and guiding, and this is a big problem.

  • Standardized testing

For a few past decades, there’ve been too many discussions and controversial opinions regarding this matter. Yet, the problem remains unsolved. Many people have already realized that measuring all students’ knowledge based on the same set of standards can’t do any good, and there are several reasons for that. First of all, because of such testing, every school and college seems to be focusing solely on teaching students to pass their exams, while it should be giving in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject. Let’s look at a vivid example of the detrimental effect of such an approach. Teachers provide the knowledge needed to pass an exam and make a main focus on this. As a result, school pupils successfully score on tests but don’t have any real theoretical or practical knowledge. Then these students enroll in a university or college with a very unstable knowledge base, so they struggle to get the work done. Eventually, they start seeking the help of classmates, tutors, and services like EssayPro to get their assignments done. However, they still manage to pass exams since they were taught for them. As a result, we have a big pile of “specialists” who lack actual knowledge. As you can see, the issue is real!

  • Lack of personalization

The pros of integrating a more personalized approach into the educational process are quite clear. Such an approach ensures better understanding and perception of the material by all groups of students, considering their natural skills and initial knowledge base. Unfortunately, we still have a huge gap here. Although there are some promising attempts made by different learning facilities, personalization is still missed out by most facilities.

  • Resistance to change

It sounds odd, but even in 2019, despite numerous positive changes that took place in the 21st century, there are still quite many people who are not willing to adopt innovations. Unfortunately, this year, we can observe lots of school authorities showing resistance to change, and this seems to be a real issue. On the one hand, we have a reliable, familiar, and time-tested model of education that brings results. However, on the other hand, we have plenty of space for improvement and integration of new approaches that can bring numerous benefits.

Integrating technology in the educational process will allow us to deliver more precise, interactive, and personalized knowledge that can only do good. However, schools are still not ready to initiate change. Most teachers and school leaders just see this kind of experimentation to be outside the scope of their duties. Besides, adjusting the outdated but proven effective learning methods is difficult and risky, when done on an individual basis. Thus, for successful change, we need to encourage a global acceptation of new models.

Final Words

Although there are still so many issues that require solutions and so much resistance from the schools, global education seems to be changing step by step. This is a good tendency, and it gives us hope that somewhere in the future educational programs will finally develop to be more relevant, personalized, and effective. However, now, all we can do is to encourage and initiate change!


College Costs Are Out of Control. Here’s What Can Be Done.

Blaming the Wrong Culprit for Rising College Costs

Hawaii: It’s the Economy, Stupid

by Tom Yamachika, President, Tax Foundation Hawaii

“It’s the Economy, Stupid” is a catchphrase made famous by Bill Clinton when he ran for president in 1992 and won.

Recently, we have been getting lots of news about our economy here in the islands, and none of it has been good.

The national site WalletHub has pegged our economy 48th out of 51 (including DC). We eked out a victory over only Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alaska.

The University of Hawaii’s economics organization,  UHERO, also came out with a somber assessment. “Over the past year,” it said, “there has been a broad slowing of growth across the four counties. To varying degrees, each has seen a falloff in tourism activity and a slowing of employment growth in a number of sectors.”

The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism publishes a quarterly forecast. The  most recent one for Q2 2019 predicts modest growth in the gross domestic product for the state, with annual increases a little less than 4%.

In the meantime, our county governments are passing record-busting budgets.

The City and County of Honolulu recently passed a budget 8.8% higher than last year, which included tax hikes on hotel and resort properties and in non-owner occupied “Residential A.” The Mayor’s chief of staff was quoted as saying, “The additional revenue will be used to remedy Honolulu’s unfunded healthcare and retirement liabilities, and to prepare us for future rail operations and maintenance.” Prepare us? Uh-oh, it looks like we have more revenue woes to come.

Maui County passed the largest budget in county history, including tax increases in almost all property classifications including residential. The budget proposes to spend $823.5 million, 8.6% more than fiscal 2019.  “The council opted for economic investment in Maui County, rather than austerity,” the council chair stated in a news release. That’s easy to say when the money being invested isn’t theirs.

Kauai  adopted a $278 million budget, a 7.75% increase over the prior year. “With a new Mayor and Administration onboard, the Council carefully set out to provide the Administration with the tools needed to innovatively improve systems, services, and functions Countywide,” the County Council said. Now someone needs to use the tools.

And the Hawaii County Council passed a $585 million budget, which is more than 13% over last year, adding 95 positions. “We’re demonstrating to our constituency and taxpayers that we’re watching the bottom line,” one council member is quoted as saying. Maybe someone needs new glasses.

So, let’s now ask the question. If the economy isn’t growing as much as the rate government is spending, what’s going to happen?

There is an engine in our society which we call the economy. Businesses provide goods and services to people and other businesses. Those businesses can’t do it alone, so they employ people. The businesses themselves need goods and services to perform, and their employees need meals, shelter, and other goods and services. Our tax system takes a piece of each of almost all these financial transactions. So, if our economic engine is running and spinning, our government is taking in money. That taking acts as a brake on the engine, but if the engine is running fast enough it won’t slow down so much. But what happens if the engine is just sputtering along and government demands more anyway through tax rate hikes?

Lawmakers, if you don’t know the answer to that question, just listen to a few of your constituents who were forced to dip into savings, sell household goods or the family home, or even leave our sunny shores for greener pastures—or at least pastures where the taxes are lower. If it gets bad enough for them, they might exact retribution at the ballot box. Like how George H.W. Bush lost to Bill Clinton because of “the economy, stupid.”

Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again

A congressional hearing was held on a bill to study reparations for blacks as payback for slavery. Reparations is simply another worm Democrat presidential candidates will put on the hook of their fishing rods to catch black votes.

I am a black man who is proud, grateful and understands how blessed I am to be born an American. My response to the Democrats’ reparations scam is, “Please stop!”. Please stop telling black Americans that we are crippled, inferior and are helpless children who can only succeed via government handouts, lowered standards and special concessions. Just stop it!

The Civil War effectively ended slavery in 1863. After 8 years of Americans making a black man the leader of the free world, Democrats are absurdly claiming blacks are suffering the negative repercussions of slavery and deserve a check. These people (Democrats) are evil, divisive, race-baiting and race-exploiting con artists.

In Maryland in the early 1950s, my late dad was among a handful of blacks who broke the color barrier to become Baltimore City firefighters. Despite humiliating racism within the fire department, Dad won “Firefighter of the Year” two times. Dad didn’t desire reparations or insulting lowered standards. All Dad and his fellow young black trailblazers desired was an opportunity to compete.

In the 1980s, I was promoted to supervisor of the art department at WJZ-TV, ABC affiliate TV station in Baltimore. Democrat friends attempted to rob me of the pride and dignity of my achievement. They demeaned my promotion, claiming it was due to affirmative action. I was insulted. My promotion was the result of being the most qualified. No brag. Just facts.

But this is what Democrats relentlessly do to blacks; always sending us the subliminal message that we don’t quite measure up. For example: When Democrats say requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises black voters, Democrats are really saying we are stupid, inferior to other Americans. Black Americans should be outraged.

Metaphorically, Democrats want to keep blacks barefoot and pregnant. Democrats despise and seek to destroy self-reliant, self-motivated and independent blacks. I am referring to extraordinarily successful blacks like Herman Cain, Justice Clarence Thomas and Dr Ben Carson to name a few. Because these blacks took the traditional road of education, hard work and making right choices to achieve success, they expose the Democrat and fake news media lie that blacks can only succeed in racist America via lowered standards and government programs.

Democrats and fake news media celebrates multimillionaire blacks like Danny Glover, Oprah Winfrey, Spike Lee, Colin Kaepernick, Samuel L. Jackson and others who sell blacks the lie that America is a hellhole of racism against them.

Over the years, I have sparred with hosts on CNN a few times. I would be a highly sought-after regular CNN guest if I said, “I am a victim in this awful racist country”. CNN would be thrilled for me to absurdly say Republicans and conservatives are responsible for blacks murdering each other in record numbers. It is whitey’s fault that epidemic numbers of blacks are dropping out of school. White racism is the cause of over 70% of black kids growing up in fatherless households. Spewing such nonsense would make me a CNN rock-star.

In response to Democrats clamoring for reparations, one could argue that electing Obama was reparations, payback for slavery. Obama was the least vetted presidential candidate in US history. As a matter of fact, digging into Obama’s past, his health records, his college records and even his birth certificate was declared racist by Democrats and fake news media. Millions of whites voted for Obama solely because he was black. They sincerely wanted to send the message that we as a nation had moved beyond our sin of slavery.

Naive American voters had no idea that Democrats and their fake news media operatives would use Obama’s skin-color as a bludgeon to beat Americans into submitting to every anti-American insane policy of leftists’ dreams. Obama’s black skin exterior made him leftists’ perfect Trojan Horse. Outrageously, anyone who opposed Obama’s socialist, anti-American and unconstitutional policies was swiftly and viciously branded racist.

One could also argue that the 620,000 lives lost fighting the Civil War to free blacks from slavery was reparations, payback for slavery.

For decades Democrats have purchased black voters’ loyalty with ineffective dependency programs and welfare checks. Reparations is Democrats’ latest scam to purchase black votes with a government check. Blacks have received nothing for their loyalty to Democrats. The same issues which plagued urban blacks 40 years ago are worse today.

My late dad’s historic black church is located in a declining black neighborhood in Baltimore city. At 89, my dad, Dr Rev Lloyd E. Marcus, led a handful of residents one day a week. They marched their neighborhood carrying signs pleading with black youths to “Stop the Killing!” Dad told me that senior residents were living in fear, disrespected, harassed and assaulted by thugs.

There are sections of Baltimore that you simply dare not enter after dark. Fifty years ago when I was a kid, Baltimore was rough, but no where near as violent and out-of-control as it is today. Hellholes of black on black crime such as Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore have been run by Democrats for decades. Reparations are not the solution.

If Democrats and wealthy black celebs really cared about their people rather than furthering a leftist socialist political agenda, they would call for blacks to take full responsibility for their lives. They would encourage a return to biblical morality. They would encourage traditional marriage, bringing fathers back into households. They would encourage black youths to exploit the wonderful blessing of being born in America; the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for their dreams.

I love this line from the movie, “Blazing Saddles”. “We don’t need no stinkin’ badges.” I say to Democrats, “We don’t need no stinkin’ reparations!”


Forget Reparations. Money Won’t Solve Black Community’s Problems.

When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

Inequality Has Surged Since 1989, but the Lifestyle Gap Has Shrunk

Trump Calls Off Strike Against Iran — Here’s the Bigger Picture

President Trump called off a retaliatory strike against Iran after Iran shot down a highly sophisticated American drone flying over the Strait of Hormuz.

The president revealed that three strikes were planned against targets in Iran but before giving the U.S. military the go-ahead, the president asked the general in charge how many Iranians would be killed as a result of the strikes.

After hearing that 150 would be killed, the president decided that such a price would be too high to pay and disproportional to the destruction of an unmanned drone.

The president reiterated that not only did the U.S. currently impose crippling sanctions on Iran, but that more were coming – and the military option was still on the table for the future.

Most foreign policy experts agreed with the president, including on both sides of the political divide.

“Trump is still imposing crippling sanctions on Iran,” Michael Doran, a former White House official in the George W. Bush administration, said. “The big fight, the strategic fight, is about keeping those sanctions in place until we win on the nuclear question. Tit-for-tat over a drone is minor by comparison.”

The president emphasized that the U.S.’ problems with Iran are not about keeping the Strait of Hormuz open, as the U.S. is the largest producer of oil in the world. Closing the Strait would harm China the most, as well as Japan and Indonesia.

Rather, the entire issue is about Iran not acquiring nuclear weapons – a red line for Trump.

Meanwhile, Clarion will continue to keep you informed and give you the bigger picture about the developments in the Middle East as they unfold.

Below is an infographic that lets you quickly see the extent and magnitude of Iranian provocations against the U.S. and our allies the last month.

Let us know what you think about Trump’s decision to hold off on a strike against Iran by clicking here



May 12, 2019 – Explosions in the United Emirates Port of Fujairah burn 7-10 oil tankers

June 13, 2019 – Two oil tankers struck in Gulf of Oman. Iran attempts but fails to shoot down American drone surveiling the attack. U.S. later presents detailed evidence Iran was involved, including fingerprints.

June 14, 2019 – U.S. releases video showing Iranian special forces removing unexploded mine from damaged oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman.

June 20, 2019 – Iran shoots down highly sophisticated American drone over international waters in the Strait of Hormuz. Trump back off attack calling it an accident.


May 14, 2019 – Drone sent by Houthis, Iranian proxy militia in Yemen, bombs two pumping stations in Saudi Arabia on strategic oil pipeline in Dawadmi and Afeef.

May 22, 2019 – Drone launched by Houthi fighters strikes Saudi arms depot in Narjran Domestic Airport.

June 7, 2019 – Two car bombs target the Saudi city of Jeddah (home of the U.S. consulate) causing injuries.

June 11, 2019 – Saudi Arabia’s air defense forces intercept two drones launched by Houthis targeting Khamis-Mushait.

June 12, 2019 – Cruise missile hits Abha International Airport outside of the Saudi city of Khmais-Mushait injuring 26, including three women and two children in arrivals terminal.

June 17, 2019 – Saudi forces intercept two explosives-laden drones – one targeting a civilian area in Saudi city of Abha and the other in Yemeni airspace as it approached the kingdom.

June 19, 2019 – The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen says missile fired by Houthis landed near a desalination plant near Saudi city of Jizan. Houthis say it was a cruise missile aimed at power plant in Jizan.


June 6, 2019 – U.S. drone shot down by Houthis in the Yemeni western coast of Al Hudaydah.

June 17, 2019 – Iranian experts, along with Houthi militants, Killed in failed attempt to launch a ballistic missile outside of Yemeni capital of Sana’a at the Al-Daylamit air base.

June 19, 2019 – Drone sent from Yemen to Saudi Arabia intercepted by Saudi air defenses over Yemen’s Hajjah province.


A New Strategy Toward Tehran: Exploit Iran’s Fear

Five Days, Four Attacks on U.S.-Related Targets in Iraq

Will Iran’s Cat-and-Mouse Strategy Backfire?

How Far Will Iran Go to Poke the American Bear in the Gulf 

Trump’s Sanctions on Iran, Hezbollah Causing Geo-Political Shifts

New York Times Writer does Hit-Job on Americans in St. Cloud, MN

Well, I should say a hit-job on white Americans; the Somalis there are pure as the driven snow.

But, did anyone expect anything other than a hit from the New York Times? 

Anyone who raises any questions about how many migrants we should admit to America or asks what it will cost taxpayers, or any other sensible question is a racist, Islamophobic xenophobe especially if a reporter can link critics of uncontrolled migration to Donald J. Trump.

For the record, I don’t respond to requests from the likes of the NYT, the Washington Post, the LA Times etc. for an interview because no matter what you say, biased reporters will cherry-pick your words and paint you in the worst light as obviously reporter Alstead W. Herndon did here.

He went to St. Cloud with an agenda!

Herndon proves once again that Donald Trump is right about the media.

But, it isn’t all bad because a whole lot more people in America now know there is a big problem, a social upheaval going on in St. Cloud, and maybe they will think twice about putting out the ‘welcome’ mat to third world refugees.

Here is how reporter Astead W. Herndon begins his story.

In the first five paragraphs he has worked in all the vital words any good Leftist anti-Trump reporter needs to tell readers what they are to think about these ‘Islamophobes’ in Minnesota!  (I’ve hi-lighted his buzz words in hot pink.)

‘These People Aren’t Coming From Norway’: Refugees in a Minnesota City Face a Backlash

As more Somali refugees arrive in St. Cloud, white anti-immigration activists have pressed an increasingly explicit anti-Muslim agenda.

ST. CLOUD, Minn. — John Palmer, a former university professor, has always had a cause. For decades he urged Minnesota officials to face the dangers of drunken driving and embrace seatbelts. Now he has a new goal: curbing the resettlement of Somali refugees in St. Cloud, after a few thousand moved into this small city where Mr. Palmer has lived for decades.

Every weekday, he sits in the same spot at Culver’s restaurant — the corner booth near the Kwik Trip — and begins his daily intake of news from xenophobic and conspiratorial sites, such as JihadWatch.org, and articles with titles like “Lifting the Veil on the ‘Islamophobia’ Hoax.” On Thursdays, Mr. Palmer hosts a group called Concerned Community Citizens, or C-Cubed, which he formed to pressure local officials over the Muslim refugees. Mr. Palmer said at a recent meeting he viewed them as innately less intelligent than the “typical” American citizen, as well as a threat.[BTW, if you don’t read Jihad Watch you should.—ed]

But for others, the changes have fueled talk about “white replacement,” a racist conspiracy theory tied to the declining birthrates of white Americans that has spread in far-right circles and online chat rooms and is now surfacing in some communities.

“The very word ‘Islamophobia’ is a false narrative,” Mr. Palmer, 70, said. “A phobia is an irrational fear.” Raising his voice, he added, “An irrational fear! There are many reasons we are not being irrational.”

In this predominantly white region of central Minnesota, the influx of Somalis, most of whom are Muslim, has spurred the sort of demographic and cultural shifts that President Trump and right-wing conservatives have stoked fears about for years. The resettlement has divided many politically active residents of St. Cloud, with some saying they welcome the migrants.

There is much more if you care to read it.

My  point is that this reporter, in the run-up to 2020, wants to make it very clear that everyone who has a concern about a large increase in the number of migrants to a community (even when those ‘new Americans’ take jobs African-Americans need or might be ISIS lovers) is a Trump-supporting racist.

(See my post about the Pittsburgh terrorist bust and note that the black community there is a little nervous about the refugees flooding into their communities. Are they being racist and Islamophobic, Astead?)

For a laugh, you really need to see Herndon’s (thin) bio when he joined the NYT in 2018.

Here is one mention of an important story in his career.  (BTW, Did he write the bio?  I see a typo in it.)

And then there was the story where Astead spent a day trying to eat every food at a county fair, downing a three-layer chili parfait, deep-fried peanut butter and jelly, and bacon covered in s’mores.

Wow! Impressive!

This post is filed in my ‘Media fraud’ category.

RELATED ARTICLE: New York Times Reporter Falsely Labels Segregationist Senators Republicans

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

WATCH: 2016 Bulgarian Documentary on Deep State support of ISIS under Obama

Posted by Eeyore.

When our Bulgarian translator, Tanya T., did this for us, we uploaded it to YouTube and it vanished in minutes with no explanation. No CR infringement or other reason, it just was taken down.

Then we tried the other traditional platforms, LiveLeak etc. and the same thing happened on all of them. Stunningly, even on minds.com, although it reappeared there after some time.

It initially lasted an hour or so at Minds.com if I recall correctly.

After the 2016 election, we tried again with more success. It was not pulled as fast or at all from some platforms but I wanted it out there on a torrent based one like d-Tube.

Now that it is clear that the Obama administration knew that the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi was an Al-Qaeda/nascent Islamic State attack, and, they they knew it was coming 10 days before it happened, what you see in this documentary becomes more than interesting. It becomes obvious.

Clearly the Obama-Clinton Kabul was running weapons and supplies to the Islamic State or the proto-groups that made it up in Syria and Iraq as The Baron at Gates of Vienna speculated at the time.

What I did not know until half an hour ago in another interview with Brad Johnson that will be posted tonight, is that the killers of Ambassador Stephens, who was murdered in the US embassy in Benghazi, paraded his corpse around the city naked, with a stick up his behind.

This was also covered up by the Clinton Crime cartel.

Brad will discuss this in the interview to be posted as soon as I have it uploaded.