VIDEOS: Black Pigeon Speaks on the State of Things on YouTube

BY Eeyore

There is also D tube, where a lot of our videos are now being uploaded.

Once the migration to Bitchute hits a point where it is also a threat to the tyrants and crony-capitalists, they will implement DNS poisoning like they have in Australia so people cannot see Bitchute without a VPN, or learning how to change DNS.

D Tube, and whatever the people at are cooking up, is a genuinely distributed system and its an excellent alternative to single server platforms which seem to be vulnerable in a lot of ways, to the new crop of tyrants.

(I know nothing about PJW’s new platform, but I would go with D Tube, Bitchute, and Jordan Peterson’s new venue when it launches. These have track records and the technology will defeat censorship for now.)

RELATED ARTICLE: Social Media Drops The Hammer On Conservatives Crowder, Rose, Beck

VIDEO: The Vortex — ‘Corrupt Mafia’


Archbishop Viganò has come right out and said that a corrupt mafia is running the Church.

That was just one in a string of nuclear charges he set off in his recent interview with The Washington Post.

The full interview is well worth the read, hands down. But we would like to concentrate this Vortex on one specific area the archbishop zeroed in on: the failure of the media to fully expose all this current evil.

Here is what he said in response to a question about  how he thinks the media have done so far investigating all this: “With few exceptions, and those belonging to peripheral organs, the media have failed to tackle the ‘crime behind the crime’ and put the obvious questions to the obvious people.”

He went on to say, “Journalists should be digging for the facts, interviewing the victims, following the money and promotion trails, and uncovering the corrupt networks.”

When I read those words, I was deeply moved. First of all, Church Militant, in comparison to giant secular media outlets — as well as those supported and promoted by a corrupt hierarchy — Church Militant is a peripheral organ.

A few million people each month consume our content, but that is far less than the hundreds of millions who see and read the leftist propaganda of the mainstream media, as well as the public relations machine of the Catholic establishment media.

I’m going to put this question right out there, as a man who has been a professional journalist my entire life, with very minor exceptions, is there another entity in the Catholic media world who has done what Archbishop Viganò says needs to be done more than Church Militant?

I was deeply moved because here, from the shadows from his hiding place, was a complete and total vindication of all that we do here from the very man who sees everything going on in the Church.

And not just vindication for reporting for the last year, but for what we have been reporting for nearly 10 years now and have been crucified for by multiple bishops and their staffs and their sycophants, that the institutions of the Church are controlled by a corrupt mafia fueled by a homosexual current.

We have been shouting that from the rooftops since Obama went to Notre Dame in 2009.

We said in multiple reports from Rome and the Vatican, from all over the United States in dozens and dozens of talks, in hundreds of Vortex episodes, in scores of various investigations we have done over the years.

We don’t care about being pilloried for reporting facts. We have a very thick skin.

What we care about is that the motivation behind the attacks, even from fellow Catholics in the establishment media, has been to keep the truth from being revealed. Sorry, but we don’t play that.

As Viganò himself said in his original testimony last August, we have to stand before Almighty God when we die and give an account of what we have done, but also what we have not done.

That goes for every one of us, including current influencers in the Catholic establishment media. Why do establishment so-called “reporters” get interviews with the various bishops? The answer is obvious.

The bishops know they will never get a hard question, a probing question, a follow-up question that lays bare a lie.

Can you imagine Donald Wuerl or Blase Cupich or Joseph Tobin sitting down for an interview with Church Militant? The entire agenda would be exposed instantly, and they know it.

Heck, James Marin would not even agree to a debate with us, which we have extended multiple times. Three times he told Fox News he would not appear on air with me when producers proposed it.

Church Militant will never back off telling truth, no matter how many people don’t like the style, no matter how much filth is revealed. What is being covered up is resulting in death — death of the body and the soul.

Homosexual priests, active in their mortal sin, are being kept in active ministry all over the country.

Your children and grandchildren are being exposed to these letches, these devils and the prelates who protect them. This death grip of evil, which has driven a good archbishop into hiding for fear of his life, this death grip which is destroying souls must be exposed and defeated.

What Viganò says is true. Every single point he has put forward has been proven true.

And among the “peripheral” media organs, Church Militant is devoted to the investigations, asking the hard questions, following the money trail, getting our hands on the document.

The Faith is being twisted and perverted, and any Catholic who has a hope to attain eternal life had better step up right now at this time and place in history.

Let the consequences be damned — which is eternally preferable to being damned ourselves.

Thank you, Archbishop Viganò.

Cato and St. Paul

Note: Many people think that the Church in America is in crisis because of sexual abuse by priests and bishops going back decades. That’s true, but after the bishops’ meeting in Baltimore this week, at least beginning to be resolved. A deeper and perhaps more long-lasting crisis is the Church’s weakness in proclaiming Catholic faith and morals in a hostile world, as David Carlin explains today. Sinners we will always have with us, but the failure of courage and faithfulness and holiness ultimately does far more damage everywhere, inside and outside the Church. Speaking truth is one our primary missions at this site and we’re not shy about doing so. But we also need support – spiritual, social, and financial – from you if this mission is to continue. I’d like to wrap up this campaign but that depends on our receiving the resources we need. Please, if you are a faithful reader, do your part in making sure that not only TCT but the Catholic thing that has shaped our whole civilization remains present in a world sorely in need of what we can give. – Robert Royal

David Carlin: Modernist Catholicism is tainted by the very widespread reluctance to denounce homosexuality as the Church traditionally has.

We all remember the ancient Roman Cato the Elder and how he was in the habit of concluding every speech he made in the Roman Senate, regardless of the subject matter, with the words, “Carthage, it seems to me, must be destroyed.”

Well, it seems to me that every Catholic priest in America should end every homily he gives, regardless of the subject matter, with the words, “Our Catholic religion regards homosexual behavior as a great sin, and has always regarded it as a great sin since the time of the Apostles.” (You might even say, “Since the Jews gave us the law of Moses.”)

Why do I make this suggestion?  Because in the United States, Catholics are on the verge of forgetting this ancient moral truth.  Increasingly, the average Catholic feels that homosexual conduct is at worst a minor sin or perhaps no sin at all.

Consider some of the evidence.

1. Although nobody is quite sure how widespread homosexual practice is among our clergy, almost everybody agrees that it is far more common than it is among the general population.

2. Rare is the priestly sermon denouncing homosexual practice. I myself, an old man, have heard homosexuality mentioned only once in a sermon; and in that case, not to remind the congregation of the Catholic teaching, but to remind us to treat gays and lesbians with respect (okay, so far as that goes).

3. The likelihood is great that a priest who gives a sermon of denunciation would annoy, or even infuriate, some parishioners. A few years ago, I remember, at a Catholic school not many miles from where I live, a priest got in trouble with parents for telling students that homosexual practice is a great sin.

4. There is a widespread feeling among Catholics that the expression of disapproval of homosexual behavior is un-charitable, hence un-Christian; for such expressions cause pain to gays and lesbians and their atheistic fellow travelers.

5. Among students attending Catholic colleges (many of these colleges today no more than nominally Catholic), it is not easy to find a student who disapproves of homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

6. Though Church leaders have been willing to acknowledge that priests and even some bishops have been guilty of sexually molesting minors, they have generally been reluctant to acknowledge that homosexuality has been at the root of about 80 percent of that abuse.

7. Church leaders, while pledging to put a stop to clerical sexual abuse, not just of minors but of “vulnerable” adults (this latter category including adult men well into their twenties), have not pledged to purge the priesthood of its homosexual members. Who can be surprised if many Catholics have come to feel that the official attitude is: We don’t mind if a priest is homosexual provided he doesn’t “abuse” anybody, especially kids.

8. The pro-LGBT book written by the well-known Jesuit, Fr. James Martin, Building a BridgeHow the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity, has been a best-seller among liberal Catholics.

9. Martin’s book has received favorable reviews from such Church luminaries as Cardinal Kevin Farrell (a high-ranking Vatican official), Cardinal Joseph Tobin (archbishop of Newark), Bishop Robert McElroy (of San Diego), and Archbishop Wilton Gregory (of Washington D.C.).

10. There is the appalling history of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was allowed to rise to the College of Cardinals despite many high-placed clerics, including bishops, knowing of his homosexual proclivities.

The Catholic Church in the United States, I contend, is on the verge of forgetting that homosexual sodomy is an atrocious sin. That’s how St. Paul (remember him?) evaluated it in the first chapter of his Letter to the Romans.  And that’s how the Catholic religion has evaluated it for the subsequent twenty centuries.

But today’s conventional moral wisdom – a secularist wisdom, be it noted, indeed an atheistic wisdom – tells us that Paul was homophobic, and tells us too that the Catholic religion he did so much to shape has always been a homophobic religion.  In other words, if Catholicism strongly disapproves of homosexuality, it is not because God has revealed his strong disapproval of homosexuality (e.g., in Mosaic law); it is because we Catholics are haters.

And therefore (we are told by the fashionable moral arbiters of our day), our religion contradicts itself; for while proclaiming that love is the greatest of all virtues, Catholicism encourages the practice of hate against LGBTQ persons.

It is not surprising that most American Catholics are more American than they are Catholic.  That was not terribly alarming when America was a predominantly Protestant country.  But that is no longer the case.  America’s opinion leaders, including those who are opinion leaders on questions of morality, are now persons who are atheist or near-atheist in their beliefs and values.  Today, unlike in the days prior to the 1960s, the decade in which Protestant cultural hegemony in America went into decline, if you’re a Catholic who is more American than Catholic, you are strongly tinged with atheism.

What do I mean by persons who are “near-atheist”? I mean persons who feel a kind of gravitational pull toward atheism.  They find modern-day atheism (which ordinarily sails under the flag of “secular humanism” or “progressivism”) attractive, but they are not quite willing to go all the way, at least not yet.

These near-atheists fall into three categories: (1) agnostics, who are virtual atheists; (2) liberal Protestants, who are virtual agnostics; and (3) liberal Catholics, who are virtual liberal Protestants.

American Catholicism has been significantly tainted with this atheism and near-atheism, and nowhere is this taint more obvious that in the very widespread Catholic reluctance to denounce homosexuality the way St. Paul was in the habit of denouncing it – a reluctance found among both laity and clergy, even among bishops.

Are we modern Catholics wiser than Paul?  Do we understand the nature of Christian morality better than he did?  Are we afraid to say what Paul said?


David Carlin

David Carlin is a professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2019 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

FLORIDA 3-YEARS AGO: Jihad at the Pulse Nightclub and what preceded it! [Videos]


Through The United West’s Research and Investigations… we look back and see 2 very disturbing events that took place around Florida in the prior months leading up to the Jihad attack.  Promoting Jihad and Sharia!  And to clarify… Jihad is NOT a “personal struggle”as is always presented to non-believers (Kafirs).  And Sharia is NOT the superior law to enforce, it is barbaric!

For the Kifir to understand Jihad and Sharia, read their authoritative documentation. One that is approved by Islamic Scholars from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, Reliance of the Traveller.  It documents the REQUIRED practice of Sharia, and defines Jihad (pg 599 – 605), a requirement of all who follow Islam.

Now on to that Timeline…  Take a look at these events:

April 6, 2016 – JIHAD AGAINST GAYS

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque – WFTV 9 Orlando Report

The United West attended this event at the Husseini Islamic Center, 5211 Hester Ave, Sanford, FL 32773.  The Husseini IC invited Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar to speak at their Mosque and Dr. Sekaleshfar says the killing of homosexuals is the compassionate thing to do.   Watch this 3 min video.


Florida Muslim Professor Defends ISIS Chopping off Hands!

The United West attended this event at the campus of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL.

The university’s Muslim Student Association’s hosted a so-called Islamophobia panel discussion. FAU Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor Bassem Al Halabi was included on the panel of these distinguished experts and he made the incredible statement about the case to be made for Sharia Law and it’s provisions of capital punishment, including the cutting off of hands. Watch this 3 min video.

Tom Trento Exclusive – Just After The Attack:

June 12, 2016 –  Florida Democrat Senator ‘Cannot Tell With Certainty’ Orlando Shooting Was Jihad.

Then Senator Bill Nelson of Florida reiterated to reporters in front of Orlando’s Pulse nightclub Sunday night that the shooter responsible for the deadliest mass murder in American history at that club Sunday morning was a “lone wolf,” and he could not confirm “with certainty” that Islamic jihadist ideology led the shooter to perform his crime.

“It’s hard to be 100 percent when you are dealing with a lone wolf,” Senator Nelson told reporters before being approached by Tom Trento of the United West, who asked the Senator plainly whether “the ideology of Islamic jihad” drove Omar Saddiqui Mateen to attack the club during LGBT pride month.


The 2 events presented to the general public that Sharia is good, along with Islamic examples why… AND, statements made that Gays MUST be killed!  AND nowhere was it referenced that these are only the “extreme actions” of Islam.  Kafirs are continuously told that Islam isn’t violent!  These events were public, think about the private events where Conservatives have  been refused entrance. As well as inside Mosques and Islamic Centers.

Did either of these 2 events have an influence on Omar Mateen?  Maybe not directly, but remember these events are prime examples of what Omar Mateen was taught his entire life!   And the results speak for themselves… the Jihad attack on the Pulse Nightclub!

Florida is NOT the only state holding events like these, just one of many that are allowing Islam to continue to threaten and act on the requirements of Sharia and specifically, Jihad!

BREAKING VIDEO: Pinterest Insider Speaks

He exposed one of the biggest tech giants in Silicon Valley.

He risked his career to show you censorship of Christians, conservatives, and pro-life groups.

And now — he’s speaking out.

Meet Eric Cochran.  He’s a pro-life activist and a twenty-five year old software engineer in San Francisco.

Last night Eric went on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Show to share Pinterest’s censorship tactics with the world.  Now, he’s sharing his story with Veritas and he’s inspiring more like him to come forward.

“You can do anything.  Willpower is indomitable.  You take that first step then people have your back.  Come to Project Veritas for sure . . . the tech companies can’t fight us all.” 

If you would like support this courageous young man, you can contribute to his GoFundMe Account HERE.

If you work on the inside of tech, education, media or government — you can reach out to Project Veritas HERE.

Be Brave!

RELATED ARTICLE: Texas Town Outlaws Abortion, Declares Sanctuary City for the Unborn

Cuba Implements Food Rationing as Its Economy Enters Crisis Mode

While it is fashionable to talk about Venezuela and its notorious shortage of basic goods such as toilet paper, flour, and milk, Cuba is now implementing a rationing program to combat its very own shortages of basic goods. A CBC report indicates this program would cover basic items such as chicken, eggs, rice, beans, and soap.

What has caused these shortages has been a subject of debate. Cuban Minister of Commerce Betsy Diaz Velazquez blames the Trump administration’s stiffening of the trade embargo with the island nation. Others contend that decreasing aid from Venezuela has contributed to Cuba’s newly emerging rationing dilemma. Over the past few years, Venezuela has provided Cuba with subsidized fuel and other forms of aid in order to keep its basic infrastructure intact.

Although these explanations do have validity and will be touched upon later, there is another factor that is not being considered. The lowest common denominator in the Cuban economy during the past five decades is excessive government control.

When Fidel Castro took control of Cuba in 1959, the Cuban state maintained an iron grip on the economy. For decades, the country has been a communist garrison state with very little respect for property rights and civil liberties such as free speech. More than 140,000 Cubans perished under the Castro regime, according to certain estimates, while millions of Cubans fled to the United States to start a new life.

During this timespan, economic stability was never really an option in Cuba. Because of the economic dislocations caused by state control of many industries, the government has had to provide citizens with Libretas de Abastecimiento (supply booklets) to ration out basic goods like rice, sugar, and matches. This system was established in 1962 in response to the economic sanctions the American government placed on Cuba which caused shortages of food, medicines, and supplies. From a free-market perspective, these sanctions should be condemned. They not only infringe on the rights of Americans who wish to do commerce and travel to Cuba, but they also do very little to topple tyrannical regimes.

But in the case of Cuba’s economic problems, there is a reason to believe they go beyond America’s embargo on the country. Jose Alvarez of the University of Florida does initially concede that “Cuba was forced to establish a rationing system for basic food and industrial products. This has brought serious limitations to consumers and their choice availability” after the initial blockade by the U.S. government.

However, Alvarez adds that solely pinning the blame on sanctions is misguided:

To blame US economic sanctions for the existence of a rationing system of basic food products is not a very sound argument to justify Cuba’s socialist system. It is an admission that Cubans cannot even produce what grows very easily on Cuban soil. If one lists the food products that have been rationed since 1962, it becomes evident that almost all of them were in abundance before the 1959 revolution and were produced domestically.

Alvarez also notes that even with the Soviet Union effectively serving as Cuba’s sugar daddy, the country still had to ration goods and services:

It is interesting to recall that, when the Soviet bloc was subsidizing the Cuban economy to the tune of five billion dollars per year, food was still rationed in Cuba.

U.S. sanctions on Cuba have generally allowed exemptions for humanitarian aid and basic products. The Trade Sanction Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 permitted the sale of certain foods and medicine, albeit to a limited extent. Even with sanctions in place, Cubans have found ways to bring goods to the market, but the Cuban state has remained an obstacle.

This was most clear during Cuba’s Special Period when the country could no longer rely on Soviet Union aid to prop it up. The country began to open up its markets to a limited degree by trading with other countries and making lukewarm attempts towards privatization. However, the government still stood in the way of allowing Cuba to have a functioning market, which Alvarez also points out:

Granted, some Cubans have been unable to consume a wide variety of food products because of the high prices under the rationing system, but there have been periods in which the abundance of several products have demonstrated the feasibility of returning to a stable and ample food supply. Examples include the proliferation of FrutiCuba (a chain of government stores) which was devoted exclusively to selling fruits and vegetables in the mid-1960s, free farmers’ markets in the 1980s, the free agricultural markets after 1994, and the new food outlets. These testify to the ability of Cuban farmers to produce abundant food supplies despite US economic sanctions, that could do away with the food rationing system.

The embargo on Cuba only affects current trade relations with America and the island nation. Cuba can still trade with other countries to acquire some of the rationed products. Indeed, Cuba does have a track record of not making debt payments. And when it’s no longer receiving aid from Moscow or Caracas, Cuba’s economic flaws stick out like a sore thumb, which generally makes it an unattractive trading partner.

Cuba’s recent political behavior indicates that the country’s leadership still does not get basic economics. In the midst of Hurricanes Gustave and Ike in 2008, the Cuban government responded with price controls. On top of the damage that the hurricanes dealt with Cuba, these price controls created even larger shortages than expected according to Reuters.

But Cuba’s price control forays did not end there. According to Agencia EFE, Cuba enacted price controls in May 2016 with the aim of increasing the stockpile and sale of highly demanded agricultural products.

Food staples such as plantains, beans, and mangos were covered under these price ceilings. Basic economics demonstrates that price controls cause shortages. When a price ceiling below the market rate is imposed, artificial demand ensues. In turn, suppliers, who look at the government-imposed price, act accordingly by not supplying as many goods to the market, which often causes shortages.Based on its most recent actions, it’s clear that price controls are in the Cuban state’s toolbox of economic tricks and likely won’t be going away anytime soon. The Cuban people will continue to suffer as a result.

The Cuban’s regime despotism is well-documented and merits private condemnation. However, this does not mean that top-down regime change nor sanctions are the best means of getting Cuba on the path towards markets.

Although Cuba’s economic ills are largely self-inflicted, U.S. sanctions aren’t making things better. There are some caveats to consider. Broad-based sanctions like the ones the U.S. has imposed on Cuba provide the regime political cover. They can now scapegoat the U.S. government for all of its problems. Ryan McMaken notes in an article dealing with Venezuela, that non-interventionism, both in terms of military action and economic sanctions, is the best approach to take for enhancing freedom. The same logic applies to Cuba. More meddling will embolden radicals within the regime and give them another boogieman to scapegoat.

When sanctions are taken out of the equation, it becomes clear to the populace and reform-minded figures within the government that their economic malaise is home-brewed. Even China, which featured one of the most heinous cases of democide under Communism, made a decent transition to a nominally capitalist economy in the 1980s under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. However, this would have never started if it wasn’t for Nixon’s visit to China in 1972, which normalized trade and diplomatic relations between the two nations.

America can have a role to play in Cuba’s economic revival, but it will do so by removing sanctions. This will remove any doubt as to whether it’s the U.S.’s punitive economic policies that are making the island nation more impoverished. Getting rid of this confounding variable is key for the country to move forward. More punitive measures, like the “highest level” sanctions that Trump promised to impose on Cuba in April, will reduce the influence of reform-minded individuals within the regime. It’s simply too easy for demagogic leaders to turn to radicals within a government who are eager to scapegoat foreign countries and stoke up the nationalistic sentiment against America.

However, the ball is still in Cuba’s court. After more than 50 years of embracing socialist governance, Cuba will have to learn that it needs to stick to the basic economic principles if it wants to break free from its long-standing cycle of poverty.

This article is reprinted with permission from the Mises Institute.


VIDEO: Walls Work – and We Can Prove It!

I recently returned from our trip to Israel to see first-hand what walls can do to keep a country safe from war, invasion and worse.

What I saw was amazing.

Our Israeli hosts took us on a tour of their wall in the south that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel – a wall that has cut terrorists from crossing the border to kill Israeli farmers, families, and government officials by an astounding 99.9%.

I’ve posted a short video on our YouTube channel of our visit to the Gaza Wall – the kind of wall we need on our own border with Mexico to get our illegal immigration crisis under control.

As you may know, Hamas terrorists who control Gaza have been financed and armed by the radical Imams who run Iran – the same Imams who chant “Death to America” as a national motto.

In the north, my team and I went right up to Israel’s border with Lebanon where Hezbollah – also financed by Iran – has launched attacks and rockets into Israel’s interior. Thanks to Israel’s comprehensive border security systems, including the highly effective Iron Dome, these attacks that have been reduced to nearly zero.

Nevertheless, Hezbollah keeps digging attack tunnels under the border and Israel keeps finding and destroying these subterranean roadways into northern Israel communities. Through the direction of Iran, Hezbollah has exported their tunnel technology into Mexico and work with the drug cartels to tunnel into the United States!

This is not acceptable!

And now that the international community led by President Donald Trump has officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved our Embassy there, walls and strict control of border crossing points has shut down efforts by homicide bombers from inflicting terror on civilian populations.

WARNING: The dangers of ‘negative identification’ and the tyranny of blaming others for what you are doing

I came across a very insightful clip of Jamie Glazov speaking about “negative identification.” Please watch:

I found this clip profound in that it explains the sadistic nature we are seeing played out today globally. Rape, incest, sodomy, hate, lies, torture and murder are headline news every day.

In my column Democratic Party Candidates for President Are Promoting the Seven Deadly Sins I noted:

As the Democratic field of candidates for president expands we are beginning to see what policies they are promoting. As we read their public statements of things that they promise they will do if elected it brought to mind that they fit into neat categories. These categories are the the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins are: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Each of these can lead to a state of self negative identification.

Another outcome of those who embrace one or more of the Seven Deadly Sins is “projection.’ Projection is, “a form of defense in which unwanted feelings are displaced onto another person, where they then appear as a threat from the external world. A common form of projection occurs when an individual, threatened by his own angry feelings, accuses another of harbouring hostile thoughts.”

What we are seeing is words thrown about at the highest level of our government and lowest parts of our street culture that blame others for what one actually does. Whites calling other whites “supremacist”, blacks calling other black “Uncle Tom” because they hold conservative political views and socialists calling others Nazis, when in fact the Nazis were socialists.

As I have written these Seven Deadly Sins have now become public policy, at least in one political party in the United States. Here’s the list:

  • Lust – to have an intense desire or need. Each of the candidates for president has a lust for power over the masses. This lust for power (big government) is demonstrated by the turn of Democrats toward “Democratic Socialism.” In a 1989 television interview Senator Bernie Sanders described himself as a “socialist.” As the author of ‘From a “Race of Masters” to a “Master Race”: 1948 to 1848‘ A.E. Samaan wrote “Democratic Socialism devolves into totalitarian Socialism and eventually into full on Communism as people resist statism.”
  • Gluttony – excess in eating and drinking. Democrats work hard to portray the Republican Party, and President Trump, who support the free market system as gluttony. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said in 2015, “Let me say a word about that. You are looking at a candidate who does not represent the agenda of corporate America. Who does not represent the agenda of the billionaire class.” According to Celebrity Net Worth, as of 2017, Sanders is worth an estimated $2 million. According to Business Insider, “Sanders reportedly owns three homes, including a four-bedroom house in Chittenden County, Vermont, that he bought with his wife, Jane, for $405,000 in 2009.” Senator Sanders is considered one of the poorest of those running for president. For example, according to News Week Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, “O’Rourke had a net worth of about $9 million in 2015…O’Rourke also married into wealth. The woman he married in 2005, Amy Hoover Sanders, is the daughter of real estate tycoon William Sanders, whom The New York Times called a billionaire, but his net worth was closer to $500 million, Forbes estimated in November [2018].”
  • Greed – excessive or reprehensible passion in acquiring money or material things. See Gluttony.
  • Laziness – disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous. Democrats support two policies that promote laziness. The first is the $15 minimum wage ($15 Now). Raising the minimum wage without merit promotes laziness. Why work harder when a Democratic Party controlled government is going to raise every ones hourly salary anyway? The second is promising a job to everyone. Senator Cory Booker, D-N.J., released a plan that would create a pilot job guarantee programs in 15 communities where unemployment is particularly high. NPR reports, “Proposals like a job guarantee, Medicare for all and tuition-free college have moved from the policy fringe on the left toward the mainstream in the Democratic Party, embraced by some of those interested in challenging Trump as the party tries to give voters a clear, memorable outline of what Democrats stand for.” Getting something for nothing is the definition of laziness.
  • Wrath – strong vengeful anger or indignation. Anger, indignation and hate permeates the Democratic candidates. They cannot fathom that there are Americans who voted to make Donald J. Trump president and will do so again in 2020. Timothy P. Carney in a Washington Examiner column titled “Can Democrats love the voters Hillary hated?” wrote, “Democrats took over the House of Representatives in part by picking up dozens of seats in upper-middle-class suburban districts. The new bragging point for Democrats is that they are the party of the highly educated and the successful. It allows for the self-serving explanation that people who know the real deal vote Democratic, and only the clueless bitter clingers vote Republican.” The use of terms like racist, bigoted, hateful, misogynistic, Islamophobic and homophobic against those who support President Trump are key indicators of how wrathful Democrats and their supporters have become. What is also on the rise is the wrath of the Democratic Party against Jews. Anti-Semitism is now their official policy.
  • Envy – painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage. Democrats hate success (see Gluttony, Greed and Wrath). Democratic candidates for president are by all definitions successful people. However, they envy those who are as or more successful than they are. They want to tax those with wealth at a rate of 70%. It is most interesting that Democrats are fully embraced by a litany of Hollywood millionaires, corporate billionaires (CEOs of Facebook, Google, Twitter) and multi-millionaire sports and media personalities.
  • Pride – quality or state of being proud – inordinate self esteem. Democrats embrace the term “pride” but pride in what exactly? Are they proud to be an American? Do they take pride in making America, and thereby Americans, great? Their stated policies would show that they hate America. Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder stated on MSNBC, “I hear these things about ‘let’s make America great again’ and I think to myself, exactly ‘when did you think America was great’?” Another example of pride is former President Barack Obama referring to himself a record-breaking 392 times in his April, 2019 Berlin speech. Democratic pride in deed and words.

When some say that the November 2020 Presidential Election is about the soul of this nation, they are spot on.

PODCAST: Mexico — Proof that Tariffs Work, Millennials Donating to GOP, Iran Will Have The Bomb in 6 Months?


Robert Romano is the Vice President of Public Policy at Americans for Limited Government. He grew up in a suburban Long Island township, Rocky Point, where he graduated from high school. He studied and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Stony Brook University with the Class of 2008.

TOPIC: Trump’s deal with Mexico, proof that tariffs work!

Kenny Cunningham is a political and communications professional, and the Executive Director for Maverick PAC, the top national donor network for conservative professionals. Over the last decade, Kenny has worked on Capitol Hill, on numerous political campaigns, and has advised companies, non-profits, and political influencers.

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Sid Roth, a former account executive for Merrill Lynch. In 1977 Sid started a ministry called “Messianic Vision” and a nationally syndicated radio broadcast by the same name. But the Messianic Vision is more than a ministry or a program; it is a desire to reach out with the good news of the Messiah, “to the Jew first” (Romans 1:16). This is not just God’s historical order for spreading the gospel, but also His eternal spiritual order.

TOPIC: Iran Six Months Away from an Atomic Bomb.

Elites Have No One to Blame for Populism but Themselves

What is going on with the unending Brexit drama, the aftershocks of Donald Trump’s election, and the “yellow vests” protests in France?

What drives the growing estrangement of southern and eastern Europe from the European Union establishment?

What fuels the anti-EU themes of recent European elections and the stunning recent Australian re-election of conservatives?

Put simply, the middle classes are revolting against Western managerial elites. The latter group includes professional politicians, entrenched bureaucrats, condescending academics, corporate phonies, and propagandistic journalists.

What are the popular gripes against them?

One, illegal immigration and open borders have led to chaos. Lax immigration policies have taxed social services and fueled multicultural identity politics, often to the benefit of boutique leftist political agendas.

Two, globalization enriched the cosmopolitan elites who found worldwide markets for their various services. New global markets and commerce meant Western nations outsourced, offshored, and ignored their own industries and manufacturing (or anything dependent on muscular labor that could be replaced by cheaper workers abroad).

Three, unelected bureaucrats multiplied and vastly increased their power over private citizens. The targeted middle classes lacked the resources to fight back against the royal armies of tenured regulators, planners, auditors, inspectors, and adjustors who could not be fired and were never accountable.

Four, the new global media reached billions and indoctrinated rather than reported.

Five, academia became politicized as a shrill agent of cultural transformation rather than focusing on education—while charging more for less learning.

Six, utopian social planning increased housing, energy, and transportation costs.

One common gripe framed all these diverse issues: The wealthy had the means and influence not to be bothered by higher taxes and fees or to avoid them altogether. Not so much the middle classes, who lacked the clout of the virtue-signaling rich and the romance of the distant poor.

In other words, elites never suffered the firsthand consequences of their own ideological fiats.

Green policies were aimed at raising fees on, and restricting the use of, carbon-based fuels. But proposed green belt-tightening among hoi polloi was not matched by a cutback in second and third homes, overseas vacations, luxury cars, private jets, and high-tech appurtenances.

In education, government directives and academic hectoring about admissions quotas and ideological indoctrination likewise targeted the middle classes but not the elite. The micromanagers of Western public schools and universities often preferred private academies and rigorous traditional training for own children.

Elites relied on old-boy networks to get their own kids into colleges. Diversity administrators multiplied at universities while indebted students borrowed more money to pay for them.

In matters of immigration, the story was much the same. Western elites encouraged the migration of indigent, unskilled, and often poorly educated foreign nationals who would ensure that government social programs—and the power of the elites themselves—grew.

The champions of open borders made sure that such influxes did not materially affect their own neighborhoods, schools, and privileged way of life.

Elites masked their hypocrisy by virtue-signaling their disdain for the supposedly xenophobic, racist, or nativist middle classes.

Yet the non-elite have experienced firsthand the impact on social programs, schools, and safety from sudden, massive, and often illegal immigration from Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia into their communities.

As for trade, few still believe in “free” trade when it remains so unfair. Why didn’t elites extend to China their same tough-love lectures about global warming, or about breaking the rules of trade, copyrights, and patents?

The middle classes became nauseated by the constant elite trashing of their culture, history, and traditions, including the tearing down of statues, the Trotskyizing of past heroes, the renaming of public buildings and streets, and, for some, the tired and empty whining about “white privilege.”

If Western nations were really so bad, and so flawed at their founding, why were millions of non-Westerners risking their lives to reach Western soil?

How was it that elites themselves had made so much money, had gained so much influence, and had enjoyed such material bounty and leisure from such a supposedly toxic system—benefits that they were unwilling to give up despite their tired moralizing about selfishness and privilege?

In the next few years, expect more grassroots demands for the restoration of the value of citizenship.

There will be fewer middle-class apologies for patriotism and nationalism. The non-elite will become angrier about illegal immigration, demanding a return to the idea of measured, meritocratic, diverse, and legal immigration.

Because elites have no answers to popular furor, the anger directed at them will only increase until they give up—or finally succeed in their grand agenda of a nondemocratic, all-powerful, Orwellian state.


Portrait of Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and author of the book “The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won.” You can reach him by e-mailing Twitter: .


Problematic Women: Women Are Increasingly Embracing Socialism … but Why?

Mass Homelessness Exposes California’s Political Dysfunction

Why Volkswagen Workers Should Be Wary of Unionizing

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Trump Eyes More US Troops for Poland, Easing Poles’ Visa Travel to US

President Donald Trump announced plans Wednesday to possibly station 2,000 more U.S. military troops in Poland and to add the country “fairly soon” to the Visa Waiver Program.

“It’s a complex situation, as you know,” Trump said of finalizing a decision on the Visa Waiver Program. “But we are getting very close. We allow very few countries to join, but Poland is one we are thinking about allowing in, probably in about 90 days.”

Polish President Andrzej Duda held a joint news conference with Trump on Wednesday in the White House Rose Garden.

The Visa Waiver Program allows the citizens of the current 38 member states to travel to other participating countries for up to 90 days without having to obtain a visa. If approved, individuals are authorized to travel within a two-year period for up to 90 days at a time.

Duda said he was optimistic this time, inasmuch as previous administrations have considered adding Poland to the list.

“This is the first U.S. administration that has treated this in such a serious way and such a comprehensive way,” Duda said. “Covering Poles with the Visa Waiver Program is going to be possible before the end of the first term of President Donald Trump.”

Under the program, extensive vetting and background searches still take place through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization.

Duda’s visit marks the 20th anniversary of Poland joining NATO. Trump noted that Poland and the United States are among the eight countries—out of 28 NATO members—that pay their full NATO dues, spending 2% of the country’s gross domestic product on defense.

In a move that was unusual before the press conference, an F-35 flew over the White House.

This month also marks 30 years since Poland, a former communist country, held its first free election since the end of the Cold War.

Moreover, September will mark the 80th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland, which began World War II.

A Polish reporter asked Trump if he would formally announce Poland’s inclusion into the Visa Waiver Program during his expected visit to Poland in September.

“I think it’s a very good idea. Thank you very much for giving me that idea,” Trump said.

Before the Rose Garden press conference, the two leaders addressed a smaller group of pool reporters in the Oval Office, where Trump announced the increased U.S. military presence in Poland.

Despite rumors it would be called “Fort Trump,” the president stressed he would have nothing to do with naming the military station.

“I have nothing to do with naming it. Fort Trump?” he said. “It’s up to them. They can name it whatever they want.”

Trump added, “We’re talking about 2,000 troops, taking them from Germany or moving them from another location.”

The president said the action was not intended to pressure Germany to pay its full share of defense spending in the NATO alliance.

Asked about his Polish counterpart’s since-rescinded policy of trying to require some Polish Supreme Court judges to retire at 65 rather than 70, Trump responded that he didn’t support such an effort.

Duda explained that some of the judges sat on the court during the Soviet era.

“I was surprised to discover that, in the Polish Supreme Court, there was a whole group who were issuing sentences—members of the Communist Party—before 1990, who were even passing sentences during the martial law [period in the early 1980s] sentencing people to prison,” Duda said.

“When I was asked if the Supreme Court needs to be reformed, I said ‘yes.’ If Poland is supposed to be a truly democratic, free, and sovereign country, if it is supposed to be the country we want it to be for our children—for the generation who were born after 1989—then for God’s sake, those people have to leave. They have to retire,” he said.

The Duda administration ultimately backed away from the policy after a clash with the European Union in 2018.

The Polish leader explained that freedom of speech and democratic principles are protected in his country.

“Poland respects all constitutional standards, just as in the United States. The right to assemble, the right to freedom of speech. There is free media in Poland,” Duda said. “ … Poland today has a quite conservative government, and that government has got certain standards of action. Not everyone subscribes to those standards, especially people of more leftist views. But this is the nature of democracy.”

During the Rose Garden press conference, Duda also took a question about whether he considered Russia an ally or an adversary. He provided a long history of Russian aggression against Poland.

“I would very much like Russia to be a friend of Poland,” Duda said, but added Moscow continues “showing it’s very unkind, imperial face.”


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.”Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


Remarks by President Trump and President Duda of the Republic of Poland in Joint Press Conference –

How the US Is Promoting Religious Liberty Around the World

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: ‘Extraordinary illegality’ — MI5 accused of storing personal data in ungoverned spaces

This entry was posted in EnglandGalloping statism by Eeyore. Bookmark the permalink.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger’s Catholic.

Chameleon Man Vs Trump. Genuineness In The Age Of Fakery

A lot of Americans do not like President Trump’s vulgarities, the name-calling, petty Twitter feuds and previous adulteries. But they love the flag-hugging, make-America-great-again, straight-talking President Trump that is presiding over an awful lot of good in the country and clearly puts American interests first.

He’s not a global community kind of guy. He’s America first.

And it points to a powerful but underestimated strength of President Trump: His genuineness. He doesn’t poll test and run focus groups to figure out which policies are popular and which phrases to use like so many politicians do.

He doesn’t (very much) kowtow to what is popular in his Republican Party to win points. If he did, he would not be waging tariff wars to get more fair trade agreements or going to the mat to secure our southern border — both of which are intrinsically part of MAGA and that genuine love for America, but make a lot of Republicans quiver.

He’s most definitely his own man. His unpopular personality traits and his authenticity all flow together to create a public man who is the same as the private man. People can actually relate to that.

Americans like straight-talkers and not two-faced political hacks who will say anything to get support.

Which brings us to the front-runner in the Democratic presidential race.

Joe Biden is the epitome of what Trump voters despise about politics, politicians and Washington, D.C. in general. In a word, he’s a phony. (In this sense, Biden acts as a sort of stand-in for everyone running in the Democratic Party right now, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders. And let’s be honest, a lot of Republicans do the same.)

Biden morphs into whatever his wet finger in the wind tells him voters want him to be.

It’s his sole superpower: He’s Chameleon Man!

Biden stuck with the Hyde Amendment that blocked direct federal funding of abortion for decades. It was not popular with the NARAL crowd, but many in the Democratic Party and certainly most of Americans agreed with the principle.

For 46 years he supported the very “principle,” or so he said, that taxpayers morally opposed to abortion should not be forced to pay for them. But the Democratic Party has been reactionarily radicalized in the age of Trump and now heavily supports dumping the Hyde Amendment. NBC News did a story on Biden’s long support of Hyde and reported staffers saying he still did. The base represented by Alyssa Milano erupted in horror and slammed him, as did his Democratic opponents.

Cue Chameleon Man! Within 24 hours of the non-issue becoming an issue, Biden flipped on his 46-year “principles” and abandoned Hyde.

The Hill reported:

“By the time he was preparing his remarks for a Democratic Party fundraising event that night, even Biden realized there was no plausible way forward beside switching his previous position.”

Poof! No principles, just the wet finger. This is of course totally expected of politicians. But it’s actually not something Trump does. In such a situation, he punches back and punches back. It can look ugly and petty, but he rarely flips, and certainly not on any of his big issues.

Biden had already donned his Chameleon Man outfit over the crime bill he helped champion during the Clinton administration. The bill, with its mandatory minimum sentences and other points was in response to crime spiraling out of control and Americans’ frustration with judges continually letting bad guys go with a slap on the wrists. It undoubtedly was a major contributor to the decline in the crime rate. More bad guys were locked up for longer, less crime was committed. Math. Biden used to be proud of it.

But to the current left and Democratic Party, it caused a “mass incarceration crisis” because a higher percentage of the more bad guys locked up were minority, specifically black. And blacks vote Democratic at 90 percent. So the crime bill that lowered crime is now seen as a bad thing.

Shazaam! Chameleon Man leaps to the mic and flip flops on his long support of his own crime bill. He now considers it well-intentioned, does not really want to admit the mass incarceration language, but says they should have done differently and he would not do it again. He’s like a fish on the boat floor, flipping and flopping everywhere.

And then there is the really slimy thing he did with Vice President Mike Pence. Biden called him a “decent guy” but then went on to criticize him on a number of issues. Well, the “decent guy” part got him hammered on social media because Pence is a Bible-believing Christian and actually believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman — like all of history until five minutes ago.

But to the heavily influential LGBTQ+ segment in the Democratic Party, Pence is Satan — if they believed in Satan. Chameleon Man to the rescue! Biden came out the next day and “clarified” that there is no room for bigotry regarding LGBTQ+ rights. No more talk of Pence being decent.

Reuters writes of Biden and his new climate change proposal, and flip on the Hyde Amendment, in the normal language of simply accepting this is reality among politicians: “(Biden) was courting the groups he needs to consolidate his grip on the nomination: the activists, progressives and millennials who right now have the louder voices in the party.”

No principles. No authenticity. Just a big, sloppy wet finger in the wind.

Biden has been an empty vessel for a long time. He was caught lying in the 1980s when he claimed he marched with Civil Rights protesters in the south. When he was caught in the lie, he said he meant marched in spirit with them. He also was caught heavily plagiarizing a paper in law school, and also on stump speeches in his 1987 presidential campaign, while additionally actually lifting experiences from other people’s lives and using them as his own.

Far left Slate magazine wrote of Biden’s troubling problems with both the truth and flip-flopping:

“What remains concerning about that history is Biden’s tendency to enthusiastically claim life experiences that aren’t his own, whether because it’s politically advantageous or rhetorically exciting to do so. He didn’t just use hefty chunks from a published law review for a 15-page paper in law school. He didn’t just lift some phrases from Bobby Kennedy. In 1987, Biden started borrowing not just language but biographical details from U.K. Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock, citing nonexistent coal-mining ancestors and wondering aloud why he was the first in his family to go to college (he wasn’t). Biden also lied—repeatedly, and despite being repeatedly corrected—about marching for civil rights.”

This is just who Biden is, and always has been. He is a principle-free empty vessel into which Washington politics has been poured. In this sense, Biden acts as a sort of stand-in for possibly everyone running in the Democratic Party right now, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders.

Trump is a totally different animal. You may not like what Trump says or his policies. But he won’t cave to various special interest groups or flip on issues because it will help him pick up a few votes.

When Trump walked on stage to give a speech at CPAC in March and spontaneously hugged the American flag with that big old grin on his face, everyone knew that was genuine. And they liked him for it — not just the core conservative crowd, but a lot of non-Democratic Party Americans. It wasn’t just that he obviously loves the flag and the country, which is a sharp departure from his predecessor, but that everyone knew he really meant it. This was no poll-tested flag hug.

There is a lot of “code” attributed to Trump. But that is obvious nonsense. Donald Trump is constitutionally incapable of being subtle, at least in the public arena. To the chagrin of some, he usually says exactly what he thinks. But that separates him from pretty much all of the political world.

And many middle Americans may well be placing greater value on authenticity than they used to.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission.

The Effort to Add God to the WW II Memorial

Now that the dust has settled from the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, it’s interesting to reflect on a piece of unfinished business related to our remembrance of that historic event.

Presumably in a nod to the political correctness that currently blinds this nation, the World War II Memorial unveiled in 2004 noticeably left out any mention of thanksgiving to the Lord for His aid. Yet President Franklin D. Roosevelt repeatedly called on God’s help in the conflict. William J. Federer, the bestselling author and speaker, documents this in his book, The Faith of FDR.

In a recent radio interview, Bill Federer told me, “The World War II Memorial has absolutely no mention of God. And those that fought in the war were men and women of faith,” who are often disappointed by this omission, as they come and visit the memorial.

Federer also noted: “I read through all [FDR’s] public addresses, and I was shocked at how many times he mentioned Christianity and the Bible.”

Here is a small sample of things Roosevelt said in his speeches:

  • “I know that there is not room enough on earth for both German militarism and Christian decency.” (3/1/45)
  • “The world is too small…for both Hitler and God…the Nazis have now announced their plan for enforcing their…pagan religion all over the world—a plan by which the Holy Bible and the Cross of Mercy would be displaced by Mein Kampf and the swastika.” (State of the Union Address, 1/6/42)
  • In a radio prayer heard live by most Americans: “With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemies.” (“D-Day Prayer,” 6/5/44)

Perhaps the biggest omission of God at the WW II Memorial is any mention of the FDR’s “D-Day Prayer,” from which that last quote comes. It is estimated that 100 million Americans (out of a population of 138 million) tuned into that radio broadcast the evening of the largest military invasion in history.

Here are portions of what FDR prayed that night:

“Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.

“Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith….

“Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom….

“Many people have urged that I call the Nation into a single day of special prayer. But because the road is long and the desire is great, I ask that our people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer….

“Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogancies. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister Nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.

“Thy will be done, Almighty God. Amen.”

The “racial arrogancies” no doubt refers to the Nazi plan to create the Master Race, to speed up evolution, to remove from the earth those deemed of inferior stock—the Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, etc. The first group killed in the gas chambers were about 200,000 handicapped people, including World War I veterans with severe wounds.

In 2014, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law a bill to add the complete text of the FDR D-Day Prayer to the World War II Memorial. The only catch is that this legislation will expire within the next year, and the project is still “under development.”

Bill Federer and Chris Long, president of the Ohio Christian Alliance, who has been spear-heading this effort, are raising private donations for this cause. More information can be learned at D-Day Prayer Project.

Federer told CBN News last week: “You go to Normandy, what do you see? Crosses – 9,000 of them – and Stars of David. These were men and women of faith. And so it’s only proper that there should be some acknowledgment of faith at the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.”

In an age of political correctness run amok, the D-Day Prayer Project is a worthwhile goal to help us get over what I call our “American Amnesia”—where we continue to forget God, despite all His help. As FDR observed, “If the spirit of God is not in us, and if we will not prepare to give all that we have and all that we are to preserve Christian civilization in our land, we shall go to destruction.” (Speech at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, September 2, 1940)

Dear Governor DeSantis: What is Florida Doing to Insure Its Voter Rolls are Squeaky Clean?

Ever since the 2000 George W. Bush vs. Al Gore recount Floridians have been sensitive to voter fraud in the Sunshine state. As Floridians look forward to voting in the presidential primaries in 2020 the question is: Are Florida’s voter rolls squeaky clean?

Why is this a concern for Floridians?

Let’s look at some areas that continually resurface every election cycle in Florida and in other states:

  1. People (i.e. snowbirds) with legal residences in two states who vote in both states.
  2. People who have passed away voting. Charlie Kirk in a recent tweet stated: According to a data specialist who independently audits voter rolls: Current Florida voter file received as of election day: 7,001 people born between 1900 to 1916; 516 born 1900 to 1908; 80 born 1900-1903; Plus 16 from 1886 to 1899.
  3. Illegal aliens voting (Florida has the fifth largest illegal alien population in America. (in 2012 election 200,000 illegals voted?)
  4. 275 convicted felons illegally voting in 2018?
  5. Refugees illegally voting. According to the Refugee Resettlement website, “Since 2002, 47,960 refugees from 62 countries have resettled in Florida.”
  6. Do the sixty-seven Supervisors of Elections fully follow the laws in insuring voter rolls are squeaky clean (remembering Broward County)?

VIDEO: Tom Fitton on CBN: 3.5 MILLION ‘Ghost Voters’ on Voter Rolls–‘That’s where you get fraud’:

It is illegal to cast a fraudulent vote in Florida

According to A Compilation of The Election Laws of the State of Florida:

Fla. Stat. Ann. §104.18

Prohibits voting twice within the state, or for the same office.

The following persons shall be deemed guilty of an election fraud: (5) Every person who, at any election, votes or attempts to vote in the name of any other person, living or dead, or in some fictitious name, or who, having once voted, votes or attempts to vote again, or knowingly gives or attempts to give more than one ballot for the same office at one time of voting;

According to the Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Cases database since 2010 only 15 cases of election fraud have been filed in Florida.

What must happen in Florida?

  1. Every Florida Supervisor of Election must insure they follow the law.
  2. Every citizen of the Sunshine state must vote.
  3. Every city, county and state elected official must support the ideal that only legal ballots are cast.
  4. Every citizen of Florida must report suspected voter fraud to their local Supervisor of Elections.

Every illegal vote cast negates a legal vote. Vote in 2020.