Shirley Teter Sued Project Veritas, Lost, and is Ordered to Pay Veritas’ Expenses


Shirley Teter, a woman who sued Project Veritas for defamation because of a bombshell investigation into the political action group, Democracy Partners, has been ordered by a federal judge to pay Project Veritas’ legal expenses.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Shirley Teter, who sued Project Veritas for defamation stemming from a 2016 investigation into political organization, Democracy Partners, has been ordered by a federal judge to pay for the non-profit journalist organization’s legal expenses.
  • Democracy Partners has previously worked with former President Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton and the DNC.
  • Teter, who was represented by a cadre of experienced lawyers from around the country, claimed that she was “indigent” and therefore should not have to cover Project Veritas’ legal expenses.
  • But last week, U.S. District Judge Martin Reidinger ordered Teter pay for Project Veritas’ expenses calling her claim “so weak that it did not survive a motion to dismiss.”
  • Judge Reidinger also noted that Teter “was represented by six attorneys in this matter, all of whom were from outside of this district, and one of whom was from out of state.” That was inconsistent with the claim that Teter was “indigent and therefore cannot pay the costs of litigation herself.”

You can watch the video HERE.

The order is a reversal of a previous decision by a court clerk who accepted Teter’s claim that she was “indigent” and therefore incapable of covering the legal costs Project Veritas incurred for defending itself against her defamation suit.

Democracy Partners was exposed by Project Veritas Action Fund for promoting violence at Trump rallies in 2016 and has been seeking revenge through litigation ever since.

U.S. District Judge, Martin Reidinger, overruled that decision saying Teter’s claim was “so weak that it did not survive a motion to dismiss.” Judge Reidinger also noted that Teter “was represented by six attorneys in this matter, all of whom were from outside of this district, and one of whom was from out of state.”  That was inconsistent with the claim that Teter was “indigent and therefore cannot pay the costs of litigation herself.”

The Judge also expressed bewilderment over why a baseless lawsuit was brought by several “pro bono” attorneys from around the country, one of whom was quick to protest, without being asked, “we’re not paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign or by the Democratic party or anything like that.”

“Mr. Sasser only raised more questions by his unsolicited statement specifically disclaiming that the lawsuit was being funded by the Clinton campaign or the Democratic Party,” said Judge Reidinger.

“Mr. Sasser’s rush to assure the Court that certain political organizations are not involved begs the question of whether some other organization was involved,” he added.

Teter will have to pay just under sixteen thousand dollars.

Read Judge Reidinger’s full order here.

The message here is simple: anyone who sues Project Veritas WILL PAY US IN THE END.

We neither break the law, nor do we commit any wrongdoing, in our investigations. Teter is now the FOURTH INDIVIDUAL being ordered to pay Project Veritas after suing us.

The truth prevails.


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: How Voter Fraud Works, Ballot Harvesting and Zuckerberg



Hans von Spakovsky is an attorney and a former member of the Federal Election Commission (FEC). He is the manager of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative and a senior legal fellow in Heritage’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. President Trump named him to be a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

TOPIC: How voter fraud works.


Dan Gainor is the Vice President for Business and Culture for the Media Research Center and a veteran editor whose work has been published in more than a hundred publications and who appears regularly on news and commentary programs. We will discuss with Dan the Democrat’s call for unity. Do they actually want unity? Or do they just want the Right to close their month and fall in line?

TOPIC: Senate hearings involving Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and FaceBook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.


Craig Huey is a business owner, marketing expert, author, speaker and former Republican Party candidate who owns two direct marketing companies as well as several websites that provide guidelines for voting. Considered an expert in direct response and digital marketing, Craig will discuss how massive mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and traditional voter fraud contributed to a very close election. Likewise, Craig will discuss how Biden targeted the evangelical Christian vote to limit Trump’s support and suppress that vote.

TOPIC: Ballot harvesting opens up elections to massive fraud.

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

Trust me! Our gas prices are high by Democrat design.

For this insidious administration to blame Trump, Russia, oil companies and the goats mother for the state of our high gas prices is purely and simply a lie. A huge and deliberate lie they hoped their traditional cohorts, the MSM, would embellish and promote.

Their cow-towing to the extreme left members of what is left of the old Democrat party as it morphs into the New Socialist Democrat Party, is treasonous and designed to collapse this constitutional republic into a country our founding fathers would not recognize. Heck, one I wouldn’t recognize.

The gas prices we see today are a direct result of the lefts agenda which is an irrational attack on the very life blood of this country and its economy. Fossil Fuels. Everything they say contrary to that is a lie. Period.

They say it is about Green Energy. Another lie that is easily disproved. Not one single country on this earth produces oil as clean as we do here in the good old US of A! So by cutting our ability to drill, to move the product via efficient and safe pipelines and refine it we then become dependent on our enemies for oil. The production of oil in the Middle East, Russia, OPEC, Venezuela et al is produced with more filth and pollution and without as much care to the global climate as that produced at home.

As this evil and Satanic Administration get closer to what promises to be a disastrous mid term election, the more they panic and therefore the more they lie.

The recent decision by Biden to release 180 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Reserve is not about anything other than reversing another Trump want and wish decision. ( 1 million barrels a day for six months ) A decision that he made with our countries security and well being in mind. After all, unlike Biden, Trump loves America.

In March of 2020 President Trump asked for $3Billion to fill the strategic reserve. He saw oil prices very low and decided it would be financially beneficial at that time to fill the reserves to the brim. The DemonRats stopped it. Even bragged about it. They called it stopping a “big oil bailout.”

Environmental groups like Friends of the Earth and Green Peace called it a huge victory against evil oil. The Trump plan was wise. It was no bail out to big oil. Not at those prices. It would have given America another layer of security.

Biden’s plan to drain off a million barrels a day from the SOR is being done to try and improve critical and terrible poll numbers. The price at the pump means nothing to him. The Strategic Oil Reserve is designed to be an emergency domestic supply of oil in the event of war or disaster. By him recklessly depleting our reserve, Biden is crippling our capability to withstand any future oil crisis. He is also endangering our national security. Something he has always done without care.

America consumes over 20 million barrels of oil per day. A total in excess of 3,690 million barrels over the six month period of this latest Hail Mary from Biden. He is releasing 180 million barrels over the same six months! Do the math. A drop in the ocean but one they are trying to make into some magnificent decision from a caring and understanding President. What a freaking joke! Personally I am not sure he has the cognitive wherewithal to even understand what he was told to read!

The reason we are paying record high prices today are 100% Bidens’ and the lefts energy policy results. His stoppage of the Keystone XL pipeline, stopping drilling on Federal Lands and putting so much red tape in front of oil producers making it unviable on some leases to drill are why we are where we are. Oil prices are set on the international energy futures market and not by oil companies.

Buying oil from our enemies, such as Iran and Venezuela etc. will only endanger the entire world security as these evil countries and their leadership get rich enough on our dollars to produce weapons of mass destruction and build up their militaries. Just as Biden and his gang are weakening and destroying ours.


©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

How ’emergency declarations’ & crises are being used to bypass democracy to implement Green New Deal

Watch: Morano on Tucker Carlson on how ’emergency declarations’ & crises are being used to bypass democracy to implement Green New Deal

Morano on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight: “They know the Green New Deal won’t pass…The solution to the Russian invasion is the same solution to climate change, it happened to be the same solution to COVID too — which is more working from home, less driving, less freedom, more restrictions on your liberty. Regardless of the crisis, it always empowers the administrative state, the bureaucrats, and those in power. …

They are going to rule by emergency declaration, by crisis management. This is how they want to do it. The COVID emergency declaration gave us, particularly in blue states, some red states, every governor became a dictator virtually overnight as they imposed whatever mandate they felt like. Whether it was masks, kids, vaccine passports, you name it, they could do it because they were empowered.”

Rough Transcript:

Tucker Carlson: There’s a reason they are focused on Ukraine and it’s to give you the Green New Deal whether you want it or not. Marc Morano is the author of “Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse than you think. He joins us tonight.

Marc, thanks so much for coming on. You’ve written and thought so much and reported so much about the Green New Deal. No chance Congress would ever pass anything like that because nobody wants it, but a war into which we are now being drawn because of their policies is a perfect cover for giving us the Green New Deal whether we want it or not.

Marc Morano: Yes, it is. They introduced the green new deal in Congress and never scheduled hearings, votes, there were no town halls, there were no constituent services. No one wanted, they didn’t want to vote on it. They didn’t need a vote. Biden declared that every cabinet agency would be a climate agency. One of the biggest things about our energy that a lot of people miss is the defunding of our energy industry. Through the banking system, through the SEC. They are now forcing climate disclosures on everyone. They now have their claws — federally regulators — in every aspect of pretty much of any business going forward if this keeps up, without a vote of Congress. That’s what they’re looking for.

And they know the Green New Deal won’t pass. The Covid lockdowns actually gave them many aspects of the Green New Deal with the immediate lockdowns, but now going forward, they are doubling down, using the Russian invasion.

The solution to the Russian invasion is the same solution to climate change, it happened to be the same solution to COVID too — which is more working from home, less driving, less freedom, more restrictions on your liberty. Regardless of the crisis, it always empowers the administrative state, the bureaucrats, and those in power.

Tucker Carlson: That may be the point of the crisis is to do that and this is not a civics show but I hear the word “democracy” roll off the tongues of virtually every authoritarian in Washington. Is this how democracy works? You use a diversion to get massive societal changes around the legislature and impose them by force? Is that what democracy is?

Marc Morano: No. What they’ve decided as they are going to rule by emergency declaration, by crisis management. This is how they want to do it. The COVID emergency declaration gave us, particularly in blue states, some red states, every governor became a dictator virtually overnight as they imposed whatever mandate they felt like. Whether it was masks, kids, vaccine passports, you name it, they could do it because they were empowered.

Look back in history, the fall of the Roman Republic into an empire was due to the abuse of emergency powers. So was the centralization of power in the middle ages.  The German republic, 1933, 12-year (state of emergency) declaration in Germany led to of course all the abuses in Germany.

Now we’ve got the Patriot Act,(due to 9/11’s 2001 Declaration of National Emergency), through this kind of crisis management. Now they are using, right after the Covid crisis, they’re going to pile on with this. People would not volunteer to give up their cars, or their SUVs. But now you have reports like International Energy Agency calling for stopping the driving of cars on Sunday, they want to do odd/even license plates for when you can drive, lowering speed limits, SUV taxes. Because we are in this energy crisis. They are achieving policies that they could never get through the elections.

Tucker Carlson: The people who will tell you the oceans are rising are buying $30 million houses on the beach. I don’t believe you anymore!
[Laughs] Marc Morano, we are out of time but I appreciate you coming on.

Marc Morano: Thanks, Tucker.


Intl Energy Agency report urges ENERGY LOCKDOWNS: ‘Banning use of private cars on Sundays…Reducing highway speed limits…more working from home…cutting business air travel’ & SUV ‘tax’

Climate Depot’s Morano: “COVID 2.0 has arrived?! The 2022 International Energy Agency’s (IEA) report sounds an awful lot like an energy version of COVID lockdowns. Instead of opening America back up for domestic energy production, we are told to suffer and do with less and are prescribed the same failed lockdown-style policies we endured for COVID. It is odd how COVID ‘solutions’ also allegedly helped the climate and now the same solutions are being touted to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  As a bonus, IEA tells us these measures will also help ‘achieve vital climate goals.’ Let’s simplify this: The proposed ‘solutions’ to climate change, COVID, and now the Russian war are all exactly the same — hammer the poor and middle class with more restrictions on travel, less freedom, and even more surrendering of power to unelected government regulators.

This new 2022 report from IEA comes follows their 2021 report urging a form of climate lockdowns to battle global warming. The 2021 IEA report called for ‘behavioral changes’ to fight climate and ‘a shift away from private car use’ and ‘upper speed limits’ and thermostat controls; limits on hot water & more!.

‘Every agency is a climate agency now’ – ‘How Biden could use his whole government to take on climate change’ – Education Dept to fund teachers ‘to raise awareness of climate’-‘ A whole-of-government approach’ – Climate will touch ‘every single piece’ of Biden’s budget

Dem Sen Majority Leader Schumer urges Biden ‘to call a climate emergency’ – ‘He can do many, many things under the emergency powers…without legislation’

Alert! Covid 2.0?! Biden urged to ‘essentially nationalize private industry’ to ensure lower energy prices & ‘a tool to combat climate change’ – ‘Invoke Cold-War Powers’

From COVID Emergency to ‘Climate Emergency’: House Dems want Biden to declare national ‘climate emergency’
Nation Mag: ‘The Case for Declaring a National Climate Emergency’ – ‘There is no greater emergency’The BBC featured an analysis in 2021 examining how “when governments abuse emergency powers.” “History shows that during times of crisis, politicians tend to reach for more power,” wrote Luke Kemp, a research associate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge.

Copyright © 2022 Climate Depot, All rights reserved.

Environmentalists Want Us to Freeze, Starve, and Die

Every now and then someone pipes up to point out that if environmentalists really want to lower carbon, they’re going to have nuclear. And they’re promptly buried in a tsunami of outrage (nuclear, do you want us all to die) and spin (look at this blog post sponsored by a solar panel company about how well solar panels work). The obvious answer is that environmentalists, like all lefties, don’t actually care about the things that they claim to care about.

Eric Levitz at New York Mag has the latest such entry showing exactly how enviros have zero interest in “saving the planet”.

 In 2019, when the city put its ambitious climate goals into law, the Indian Point nuclear power plant provided the bulk of its carbon-free electricity and 25 percent of its overall power. The plant was profitable and met the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s exacting safety standards. Nevertheless, environmental groups had been fighting to close it for decades, arguing that its proximity to both New York City and the Stamford-Peekskill fault line created an unacceptably high risk of a nuclear disaster.

The catastrophe at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in 2011 bolstered their cause. In 2021, New York closed down Indian Point. At the time, the conservationist organization Riverkeeper argued that Indian Point’s electricity could be fully replaced by renewables.

Alas, wind and solar power are neither sufficiently abundant in New York nor sufficiently reliable to replace the emissions-free energy that Indian Point once produced. In May 2021, the first full month after the plant’s closure, carbon emissions from electricity generation in New York State shot up by 37 percent. In New York City, fossil-fuel producers’ share of the electric grid rose to 90 percent.

Fortunately, the state has a plan to reverse this baleful trend. Last fall, Governor Kathy Hochul announced plans for constructing a pair of new transmission lines, one bringing wind- and solar-generated electricity from upstate into NYC, the other transporting hydroelectric power from Quebec. Together, the two transmission lines are projected to yield a 51 percent reduction in downstate fossil-fuel generation by 2030.

But a motley coalition, comprised of natural-gas producers and environmental organizations like Riverkeeper and the Sierra Club, has a good chance of killing that plan.

Environmentalists don’t want to provide more energy or “cleaner energy”.

What they want are a dependency on energy sources that they don’t like, constantly push to phase out with green subsidies that don’t work, and with the goal of having that fail so that the public is faced with skyrocketing energy prices and unreliable energy prices.

Or to simply, they hate us and want us to freeze, starve, and die.

At best, they want to have outrage fuel and a basis for their movement. What they don’t want is to fix any of the problems they invented in any kind of even nominally workable way. The moment that any workable fix arises, they shut it down.

The old enviro conspiracy theory is that car companies had a car that ran on water, but then hid it to protect the oil industry. The reality is that if a car ran on water, environmentalists would be the first to shut it down because it would lead to exactly what they don’t want, people enjoying their lives guilt-free.


RELATED ARTICLE: UN chief calls for ‘urgent transition’ from fossil fuels to renewable energy 

EDITORS  NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Marxists Are Killing Each Other to Control America’s Cocaine Market

The deadliest Marxist guerrilla force is fighting the biggest socialist regime.

“Socialism, this is the path to save the planet, I don’t have the least doubt. Capitalism is the road to hell,” Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez told the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference.

Rhetoric like that won the socialist dictator the admiration of socialists from Barack Obama to Noam Chomsky. But the dirty little secret of the socialist revolution in Venezuela was that it was a front for a massive drug smuggling operation. Chavez and his successor, Nicolas Maduro, gutted Venezuela’s rich oil resources and turned the country into a socialist drug cartel.

“Venezuela and its revolution will endure under the proven leadership of vice president Maduro,” Sean Penn promised. The population has fled or is starving, but the revolution endures.

In 2020, Maduro and top officials of his regime were indicted in the United States as leaders of the Cartel de los Soles for conspiring with FARC to smuggle tons of cocaine to the United States. Venezuela’s biggest asset was its border with Colombia. Cuba, which had backed FARC and other narcoterrorists in Colombia, scored a big win with the socialist takeover in Venezuela.

FARC, a Marxist-Leninist narcoterrorist group, coordinated with Venezuela’s government to smuggle drugs to Cuba and from there to the United States. Every day planes take off from Venezuela delivering hundreds of tons of Colombian cocaine each year meant for America.

Hugo Chavez once claimed that capitalism destroyed Mars. There’s no word on that, but his brand of socialism certainly destroyed Venezuela taking it from prosperity to starvation.

And it’s destroying the rest of the region.

Marxists smuggling cocaine aren’t exactly showcasing an ideal alternative socialist economic system to free enterprise. The Colombian-Venezuelan drug route is being threatened, not by Colombia which was pressured by Obama into giving in to FARC, but by two groups of Marxist-Leninist coke fiends who are fighting it out over the drug trade like filthy capitalists.

The National Liberation Army (ELN), a Marxist-Leninist terror group set up by the Cubans, has been fighting a FARC splinter group known as the 10th Front or the Eastern Bloc. Both leftist terror groups are Marxist-Leninist in orientation, although ELN has a lot more liberation theology in the mix, and both make their money from drugs and the occasional kidnapping.

ELN and the 10th Front aren’t fighting over ideological differences, but over drugs and money.

A fawning article in Jacobin magazine describes ELN as a “group of students” who were “inspired by the Cuban Revolution, Che Guevara, and Liberation Theology”. The four page article never mentions cocaine even though that’s what ELN actually does. Last year, Colombia seized $300 million in cocaine from the Marxist-Leninist narcoterrorist organization.

Che would be proud.

After FARC’s implosion as a viable force, Venezuela’s government formed a drug smuggling alliance with ELN. That drew it into a conflict with the 10th Front which is now conducting a guerrilla war against Venezuela. After a long alliance, FARC and Venezuela are fighting each other with the most fearsome Marxist guerrilla force in the region fighting the leading Socialist regime. The same forces that had terrorized Colombia for so long have turned on each other.

Venezuelan soldiers are dying in border clashes, and invading Colombia to terrorize local villagers in the hopes of shutting down the ELN’s Marxist drug rivals. They’re getting blown up, ambushed, and shot up when they’re not being hit with human rights violations complaints.

It’s socialism at its finest.

The 10th Front is allied with Brazil’s Red Command which was born as a prison pact between Communists and criminals under the slogan, “Peace, Justice and Freedom”. Red Command is involved in Brazil’s drug trafficking at every level from slum dealing to club parties for the children of the elite. The Red Command helps the 10th Front remain in the field even though Cuba is on the side of Venezuela and the ELN narcoterrorists that it had originally set up.

Neither side is even bothering to pretend that this is about any kind of ideological differences.

What’s at stake here is a simple matter of market economics. Americans spend about $25 billion on coke every year. Moving drugs through Central America to the Caribbean provides a piece of not only the American, but the European cocaine market. The rival Marxist drug smugglers are competing to be the exclusive suppliers of Colombian cocaine to that huge market.

Think of it as the cola wars, but with actual cocaine. The glorious Marxist revolution is down to two groups of Marxist-Leninists killing each other to make a killing on cocaine in California.

It’s like Coke vs. Pepsi if both companies were run by Marxist druglord terrorists.

When Obama pushed Colombia to cut a peace deal with FARC and then cut off the flow of Cuban refugees, he also helped restart the flow of cocaine to America from Cuba. The subsequent collapse of Venezuela’s economy and its oil industry has left it few options. Smuggling cocaine takes a lot less skill than refining crude or running a country. And Venezuela’s military makes it the best armed drug cartel in the hemisphere, if not the planet.

Which other drug cartel in the region has its own attack helicopters to deploy in the field?

But Venezuelan soldiers are paid with food and worthless scrip. FARC and ELN recruits are often local peasants who are kidnapped and drafted into the fight. The real money goes to the elites on both sides of a drug war that is now a cocaine civil war between narcosocialists.

Karl Marx claimed that capitalism was destined to destroy itself. Instead, Marxist regimes and movements hold the world record for self-destruction. South of the border the Marxists who once won the hearts of the American Left have become drug dealers shooting it out in the jungle over who gets a cut of the cocaine that ends up in the noses of their Yankee comrades.

Marx had metaphorically called religion the opiate of the masses. Marxism has become the actual cocaine of the masses. Just ask the Marxist-Leninists kidnapping, torturing and killing each other to socialize the cocaine market.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


NY state attorney general threatens counterterror org at behest of Hamas-linked CAIR

Biden’s handlers considering granting demand that Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps be dropped off terrorist list

China Demands U.S. Rebuild Afghanistan So It Can Make Money

Environmentalists Want Us to Freeze, Starve, and Die

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Court Declares Unconstitutional California’s Racial, Ethnic, LGBT Quota for Corporate Boards

(Washington, D.C.) – Judicial Watch announced today that a California court ruled unconstitutional the state’s racial, ethnic, and LGBT quota for corporate boards of directors (Robin Crest, et al. v. Alex Padilla, in his official capacity as Secretary of State of the State of California (No.20ST-CV-37513)). The court granted Judicial Watch’s motion for summary judgment in its taxpayer lawsuit asking the court to declare the quota scheme unconstitutional under California’s constitution.

This lawsuit was filed October 2, 2020 by Judicial Watch in the Superior Court of the State of California County of Los Angeles on behalf of three California taxpayers (Robin Crest, Earl De Vires and Judy De Vires) to prevent California from enforcing Assembly Bill 979 (AB 979). The bill requires that boards of directors of California-based, publicly held domestic or foreign corporations satisfy a racial, ethnic, and LGBT quota by the end of the 2021 calendar year.

“This historic California court decision declared unconstitutional one of the most blatant and significant attacks in the modern era on constitutional prohibitions against discrimination,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “In its ruling today, the court upheld the core American value of equal protection under the law. Judicial Watch’s taxpayer clients are heroes for standing up for civil rights against the Left’s pernicious efforts to undo anti-discrimination protections.”

In ruling on behalf of the taxpayers, the court agreed with Judicial Watch that any expenditure of taxpayer funds or taxpayer-financed resources on AB 979 is illegal under the California Constitution. As Judicial Watch noted in motion for summary judgment:

Laws that explicitly distinguish between individuals on racial or ethnic, sexual preference, and transgender status grounds fall within the core of the prohibition of the equal protection clause.

Indeed, a Senate Floor Analysis produced during deliberation on the legislation concluded the bill draws distinctions based on race and ethnicity, and therefore, it is “suspect” and that “the existence of general societal discrimination will not ordinarily satisfy courts.” Also, according to the Assembly Appropriations Committee, AB 979 “will result in ongoing costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to gather demographic information and compile a report on this data on its internet website.”

Judicial Watch’s attorneys also argued:

AB 979 and Defendant’s justifications also plainly “embody stereotypes that treat individuals as the product of their race, [ethnicity, sexual orientation, or transgender status] evaluating their thoughts and efforts—their very worth as citizens—according to [] criterion[s] barred to the Government by history and the Constitution.” In the end, AB 970 is simply a numerical set-aside that amounts to racial, ethnic, and LGBT balancing. ([“Racial balancing is not transformed from ‘patently unconstitutional’ to a compelling state interest simply by relabeling it ‘racial diversity.’”].)

Judicial Watch completed a trial in a separate lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court on behalf of California taxpayers to prevent the state from implementing a 2018 law (SB 826) requiring publicly-held corporations headquartered in California to have at least one director “who self-identifies her gender as a woman” on their boards by December 31, 2019 (Robin Crest et al. v. Alex Padilla (No.19ST-CV-27561)).

In January 2021, Judicial Watch filed a public comment with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to a proposed rule change requiring race and gender quotas on the boards of corporations listed on the Nasdaq exchange. The proposed rule would require a self-identifying female and a self-identifying member of certain listed racial backgrounds, or an explanation from the company as to why it does not have at least two directors on its board who self-identify as such.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WARNING: D.C. Swamp Creatures on the Loose

Swamp creatures are on the loose, being sighted all over Washington, D.C.

At the White House, a medical technology CEO and friend of Joe Biden who donated to Biden’s campaign was rewarded with a White House post on the President’s council of science advisors and given millions of dollars in federal contracts. Critics call it cronyism, and neither the CEO nor the White House is answering questions.

General Motors hired Joe Biden’s niece to work on environmental sustainability goals.  Joe Biden wants to spend big on green energy and electric vehicles. General Motors is moving into the production of electric vehicles, big-time. What could possibly go wrong here? See how this works?

The Biden administration is racking up federal ethics waivers, more than 50 so far.  A watchdog group is having a devil of a time getting the details, as six agencies have not responded to the group’s Freedom of Information Act requests.

At the Capitol, Congress critters are giving Biden administration swamp creatures a run for their money.

A Republican Congressman from Nebraska was convicted of lying to the FBI about a foreign campaign contribution.  He resigned – good riddance.

A Democrat congressman from New Jersey boasted in campaign ads he wouldn’t take corporate PAC money so they wouldn’t ‘own him’, but he has now been caught taking tens of thousands of dollars from business special interest groups and corporate lobbyists.

A watchdog group found five Senate committee staffers own stock in industries that could come before their committees, in violation of Senate rules.  For example, a banking committee staffer owns stock in three financial institutions, including Wells Fargo.

But the fish rots from the head down. A new report shows 49 members of Congress failed to properly report their stock trades as required by law. There are stories of members of Congress or people they know trading stocks after congressional meetings.  That’s called insider trading and can be against the law.

Democrat Congressman from Texas Henry Cuellar used almost $100,000 in campaign cash to fund a private plane.  His home was raided in January in a separate ethics probe.  He’ll be in a run-off primary election in May so, Texas voters just remember, you get the government you deserve.

A private plane – that’s nothing.  An Illinois Democrat in the House apparently used campaign funds to bribe a rival candidate to stay out of her primary election by giving the rival a job.  She’s not talking.  I don’t blame her.  Congressional investigators say this is illegal.

Nepotism. Bribery. Selling your office. Using campaign funds for personal expenses. Phony promises to refuse special interest money.  What’s next – orgies and cocaine parties in Washington?  Naw, couldn’t be.  Our elites could not possibly be that corrupt, could they?

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Biden calling Putin a ‘war criminal’ is like the pot calling the kettle black

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. said of Putin’s mass slaughter of civilians by Russian-controlled troops in the town of Bucha, northwest of Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv, “He is a war criminal…This guy is brutal…I think it is a war crime…He should be held accountable.”

On Feb. 18, 2022 the New York Times reported, “President Biden said Russia would target Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, in the coming week. The Russian president said earlier Friday [February 18th] that he [Putin] was still open to diplomacy.”

In a February 17th, 2022 video (below) Biden states that there is a “high risk” of an invasion but that he “has no plans to call Putin. I won’t call Putin.”


If Putin is a war criminal then so to is Biden.

Both Biden and Putin must be held accountable. Biden for his inaction and Putin for his actions.

Appeasement starts wars. Weakness starts wars. Inaction starts wars. 

Biden was weak and Putin knew it. Biden is the Neville Chamberlain of our time.

At least Chamberlain met with Adolf Hitler over the Nazi’s intent to seize the Sudetenland. At a meeting in Munich, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain negotiated what he famously called “peace for our time.” In the end Chamberlain allowed Hitler to dismember Czechoslovakia, which eventually led to the invasion of Poland from September 1st, 1939 – October 6th, 1939 and the beginning of WWII.

Biden is the third “progressive” president who will start yet another world war.

Biden is worse than Chamberlain in that he is not openly confronting Putin. Biden won’t go mano-a-mano with Putin, even by phone. Why? Because Biden is weak.

Today, due to Biden and his administrations weakness, war crimes have been committed. Both Biden and Putin have blood on their hands.

What did Biden expect a peaceful turn over of Ukraine to Russia like Chamberlain turned over the Sudetenland to Hitler?

Remember after Hitler saw weakness from Great Britain, America, and France he decided to invade Poland.

Today it’s Poland and the Polish people who are doing more to help Ukraine and the Ukranian people than Biden, the European nations and NATO.

We predict that our other enemies China and Iran will take advantage of a feckless Biden and his incompetent administration.

Iran already has the advantage with Biden’s Iran Nuclear Deal which includes taking the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) off of the U.S. terrorist organizations’ list.

The Bottom Line

In an April 4th, 2022 CaucusRoom post Connie Weiss wrote:

Border Patrol is expecting so many illegal crossings after Biden lifts Title 42, the administration is considering deploying a “pre-screening” app as an “easy way for folks to get in.” Under this plan, illegal immigrants would enter with “minimal biometric data and vetting” and without even confirming the right name or date of birth before being released.

Once Title 42 is lifted the Russian Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB), China’s Ministry of State Security and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) militants can use Biden’s new “prescreening app” to expedite their collective invasion of America.

The GOP Times reported,

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned that if peace talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin fail, it will mark the start of ‘a third World War’.”

Fecklessness on the part of America always leads to a world war.

History tells us so as two progressive presidents stood on the sidelines. The first was Progressive Party President Woodrow Wilson when Germany started WWI and Democrat Party President Franklin D. Roosevelt when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, nearly two years after the invasion of Poland.

WWI started because of militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism. Russia, China and Iran are displaying to the world their militarism, Russia/Iran/China have formed a long time alliance, Iran and China, along with Russia, have imperialist objectives and are all radical national socialists. In the case of China and Russia they are radical Communist nationalists. In the case of Iran they are radical Islamic nationalists.

These same ideologies are happening today and Biden is not addressing any of them with his foreign policy positions. Thus history may repeat itself.

Gird your loins. The 2022 Russian invasion of the Ukraine looks eerily like the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland.

WWIII may start soon, followed by WWIV in the Middle East between Iran and a Arab/Israeli alliance, and WWV between Taiwan and China in the Pacific theatre.

Biden is letting all of this happen while he fiddles and watches the world burn This is why we believe that Biden is a war criminal.

Gird your loins. Hell is coming our way and there’s no one in Washington, D.C. doing a damn thing to stop it.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED TWEET: Why is Biden kneeling? Is he surrendering?


The Shrinking U.S. Navy – The Biden budget would build nine ships next year but retire 24.

The Marines Are Reforming to Prepare for War With China

RELATED PODCAST: When will Biden’s invasion turn violent?

Google Docs Will Flag ‘Discriminatory’ or ‘Non-Inclusive’ Language

Remember all those classic stories about computers watching your every move. We live in that best of all possible worlds. Unfortunately, our tech overlords are human and they keep programming the computers to police our behavior and our thoughts.

On that note, Google Docs will now “flag” language that isn’t sufficiently inclusive or that the lefty corp deems discriminatory.

You’ll see suggestions when there are opportunities to structure a sentence with an active voice or when a sentence can be more concise, helping to make your writing more impactful. Potentially discriminatory or inappropriate language will be flagged, along with suggestions on how to make your writing more inclusive and appropriate for your audience.

Conflating grammatical and political corrections are typical of the way that the Left tries to embed its agendas by associating them with real problems.

And since lefties these days reject grammar in the name of equity, all that’s really left is politically correcting writing.

For now this is a “nudge”. It prompts the millions who use the service to reshape their writing to comply with Google’s political views. Down the road, the nudges become mandatory.

That’s how it works.

Enjoy a future in which you won’t be allowed to write, save, or email a document that an algorithm has flagged for political correctness.

If you think that’s an improbable conspiracy theory, let me remind you that censorship on social media began the same way with ‘nudges’, prompts and flagging, and then escalated to constant monitoring, flagging, and deletion.

They will go there.


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Face to Face with Soviet Fascism

The world has been shocked by Putin’s war on Ukraine: it was unexpected and confusing. Only a few who knew Stalinism, his ideology of Soviet fascism and Vladimir Putin grasped the events. Russia is a Terrorist State.  To understand this war, knowledge of Russian history and her Intelligence is imperative. The world is captivated by this war, but not well informed. We have horrifying images and witnesses of slaughter of innocent civilians and ruthless devastation in Ukraine caused by the Russian Military. This war is beyond Ukraine and to absorb the world predicament you should know that Putin is a devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov and their ideology of Soviet Fascism. Putin has known the top-secret Soviet Defense Council Decision of 1955 and been preparing this war for the last thirty years…

When I learned that Russia is bombing Vinnitsa and Zhitomir in Ukraine, I almost lost my conscience: Zhitomir is a birth place of my Mother and every year we had spent the summer in Vinnitsa, the location I met German fascism face to face in June 1941. It is hard to perceive that Ukraine, an epicenter of Europe is again a focus and target of land destruction, civilians’ murder, mass graves, and propaganda ploy. The number of refugees from Ukraine is threatening–the global catastrophe-calamity looming… That is the reason, I want to tell you about my heartbreaking meeting with Fascism:

I am a survivor of Nazis Fascism in WWII. You can read the story in my book: Baltic Winds testimony of a Soviet Attorney, XLIBRIS, 2002, pp. 335-340. I am also a survivor of Soviet Fascism living half of my life in Stalinist Russia. The Soviet people called Stalinist Soviet Socialism—Stalinism. I called Stalinism—Soviet Fascism and dedicated thirty years of my life to show how Russia is fighting the Truth, describing it in my books and columns. The ideological system of Soviet fascism is very well familiar to the modern world today—it is an endless KGB’s Operation Disinformation to divide and conquer. The Russian Military and the KGB Mafia/Army are intertwined and inextricably tied.

The Terrorist Countries of the “Axis of Evil”

I have been describing the Operation Disinformation, a form of warfare exercised by the KGB Mafia/Army for decades. In fact, it is a restrictive, corrupt, abusive, and lawless ideological system of Stalinist Socialism spread to North Korea, China, Cuba, Syria, Iran and Venezuela. All those countries act together and have a unified agenda—destruction of the West. The term Socialism is itself a deceptive twofold term: the implementation of Socialism has been done by the KGB Mafia/Army during the 20th and 21st centuries. Mentioned countries I named the “Axis of Evil” under Russia’s umbrella. Russia and China related by an umbilical cord of the ideology of Socialist/Communist, as both had been established by Stalin. The objective of the KGB Mafia/Army was and is to demolish the target from within. Though the Chairman Xi is a senior-partner, Stalinist agenda stays.

​The Russian war on Ukraine has been agreed and coordinated with China by the Russia/China energy deal. Donbas region is the official title of the territory, but Putin called it the Independent Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk—a pretext to have a Probable Cause to start the war. Donbas known to the world as a territory with an abundance of COAL Mines. By the Russia/China deal on coal, China will support Russia financially paying for the coal. The Russian decision to start the war on Ukraine was known to China in the beginning with their coal agreement. Disinformation is the blood-life of the ideology of Soviet Fascism. Both countries exercised it to deceive you and the fate of Taiwan depends on the events in Ukraine.

You can see every day Russian bombardment of peaceful cities in Ukraine and Putin’s lies about Ukrainian/Russian friendship. Let me give you a short description of the country’s capital. Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine is an exceptionally important and noteworthy—the city was built in the First century as a symbol of Slavic Orthodox Faith. People of goodness had been occupying this city for ten centuries before Moscow was born. Kyiv is a museum under open sky: the Churches, historical artifacts, and many monuments in Kyiv are the precious symbols, testament-values of Western civilization. Their destruction proves Putin’s Soviet fascism relation to Ganging Khan—the heart of the “Axis of Evil.” Please, learn the Truth about Kyiv and Ukraine by reading my column: The KGB’s Roots and Pedigrees, Oct 19, 2017.

Evil Has Taken Over Our Nation

Yes, fascism never sleeps and it has come to America to divide and conquer. When President Joe Biden entered the White House in January 2021, he increased the social cost of carbon from $7 per ton of emissions to $51. This was part of his and the radical left Socialist agenda of “climate change” and “green new deal”— a unity against American capitalism. The actions were illegal. Biden’s executive order was challenged by 10 GOP states that argued that Biden didn’t have the authority to make that type of change. The court procedure took almost thirteen months and the price of oil has grown 40% in America, because the oil supply was deliberately shrunken—the capitalist law of supply and demand was broken. That gave Putin a direct upper hand and it has become cheaper to buy Russian oil than produce it. Biden has killed our American energy independence, sabotaging national security a year prior to Russian invasion! You are watching Biden’s demonization of Oil and Gas Industry today!

​President Zelenskyy is right appealing to Israel to stand up against Moscow as its aggressive war on Ukraine is similar to the Nazis WWII. Yes, it is similar in content, design, calculation and objective—fascism is fascism, it’s undermining the entire world’s stability! Watch the real face of Russian Military and their atrocities in Ukraine and you will be stunned by how history repeats itself eighty years after WWII…When people of Finland and Sweden want to join NATO, it says they have a good memory—the scenes in Ukraine of indiscriminate killing of children and women, destruction of the land, and mass-graves reminds them the Nazis crimes—Europe has woken up. It also reminds them of Vietnam and South Korea where the Soviet pilots participated in the killings of Americans, spreading Stalinist Soviet fascism: If it is impossible to have the whole country, then divide it and have a half. The same kind of war is going on in Ukraine today…

I purposely use the term the radical left. For decades I have been warning you about Socialist Charlatans, the term that explains further the linguistic form of warfare exercised by the KGB. Some of Socialist Charlatans are KGB members, some recruited by the KGB. It is Socialist, because they have the agenda to take over our Constitutional republic and implement Socialism in America: Charlatans, because they hide the real agenda by deceiving you. Alas, my intent has no effect. America continues using the term the radical left. By doing that we are helping Operation Disinformation to deceive us. The appropriate language is helping to perceive the Evil of Disinformation that destroys us from within. The radical left is a narrow and shallow term, it does not pinpoint the enemy’s ideological intent. The term Socialist Charlatans does just that, it’s capacious, illustrating how Socialist forces have battled capitalism, exposing the actions of our current administration…

Pay attention to the Biden administration, I am afraid that to save the Democrat Party vanishing off the face of the Earth for the treason its leadership has committed, Joe Biden adapted the Russian classic  Disinformation system and practiced it quite theatrically, reading and deceiving you. Watch Biden’s administration’s open borders policy and you will notice a constant usage of the Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceits, fabrications, and fraud. Listen to Brandon Judd, the president of the NBPC, exposing the management to legalized thousands migrants-foreign nationals. Don’t be surprised by the night flights and busing migrants to different states. Read my books and columns to learn the variety of fronts and locations battling capitalism and our functional democracy by the Democrats. They destroy our sovereignty. Remember: Control and Power is the agenda of the so-called Democrats…

On Biden’s foreign trip, an emergency session of NATO was supposed to produce a strong Public Declaration against Putin’s war in Ukraine, while describing the American mission. Instead, we had more questions than answers. We had a confusing Biden’s presentation with contradictions and mix-messages on “deterrence” and “sanctions”. Moreover, Biden showed hesitancy to answer the question of Russia using the VMD, but revealed some national security information. Don’t you feel Biden’s inability to run the country? Do you remember his answer about “minor insurgence” in Ukraine? “Biden’s cognitive decline is a national security risk.” Sen. Rand Paul. The Senator is right, but Biden’s staff knows that the world watches and they can’t play a war game. Help to Ukraine will be stressed to divert your attention from an un-American actions by the Dems leaders.

The WH comments correcting the President of the U.S. are quite strange— they show some inconsistency, a mismatch between words and actions, incompetence, and ideology. Who determines the foreign policy in the WH? I don’t trust the current WH. In my opinion, expressed in my several columns in August 2021, we are dealing with deep infiltration by the forces of the KGB Mafia/Army into the White House. Don’t believe the Democrats have no communication with Putin’s Russia, it is pure lies: Brothers Podesta of the Clinton Mafia had it for the last three decades. It means today Russia knows what has been sent to Ukraine, where and how. Check my column WARNING: Evil is Attacking America August 22, 2018.

​I am not alone warning you about the Clinton Mafia. “The Clintons, that’s a crime family,” declared former New York FBI chief James Kallistrom: The Clintons are a ‘crime family’: ex-FBI big By Daniel Halper and Bruce Golding October 30, 2016. Though China is the most visible military danger to the U.S. yet, Russia presents an existential threat to America, covertly destroying our republic from within. The first Manchurian President has left his legacy for the next two. You are witnessing that legacy today. I am also right to warn you about Stalinist ideology of Soviet Fascism. Poll: 71% of Americans have little confidence in Biden on war. Learn the Nazis Germany and Stalin’s Russia of the 1930th and you will recognize the events in America created and promoted by the Democrat Party today. Just watch Stalinist handwriting in Putin’s war strategy of violence and atrocities…

There is more. The ideology of Soviet fascism has certain patterns: the main actors profiteering, but don’t want to show their money. The Hunter Biden story comes back for a reason: the truth sooner or later will show up! The New York Times is proving it by the login of reality. Joe Biden is the recipient of all Hunter’s monetary foreign dealings. The FBI investigation of Hunter Biden money laundering and tax evasion can result in indictment. The question is why did the FBI sleep for three years? Who are the fifty-one representatives of the CIA lying and helping the FBI to cover up for Hunter? We will never find Putin’s name as the owner of the $700K yacht in Italy. The leaders of the countries under Soviet Fascism are using their families to cover up their money.

I am under the impression that the current WH doesn’t want Ukraine to win and Putin to lose. Biden’s deterrents failed in Ukraine—too little and too slow. I know this is true, because Biden had a long-term teamwork with Putin in Ukraine to kill democracy there. Describing Vice President and Hunter’s Burisma/Dealing, I called Biden’s family a Mafia/Clan then. I know when Biden changed his official policy and why. The Biden State of the Union speech on March 1, 2022, was prepared by his staff. But… the day prior to that, February 28, 2022, I published my column, describing Putin’s Soviet Fascism and shaming Biden for talking about “minor incursion” and the Democrat Party as an anti- American Socialist Party engaged in un-American behavior by buying oil from Socialist dictators. Biden’s staff monitors my computer and Biden changes his State of the Union speech…

All of that explains the WH reluctance to strongly emphasize and advocate help to Ukraine before March 1, 2022. There was disconnect in providing the weapons to Ukraine and I believe Zelenskyy, not our WH and DOJ. If Donbass is taken by Putin, Chairman Xi will have a lot of Coal and this is definitely not American interest. To revive the Iranian Deal is not an American interest either. Don’t forget, we are dealing with the “Axis of Evil” under the Russian umbrella and Russia represents us in the Deal. Think about it. Russia is a Terrorist State. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a war against Western civilization, a moral test of our time. The Ukrainian people will fight to the last drop of their blood—they know Soviet Fascism…

The Major Achievements of the KGB Mafia/Army in America 

The best and shortest way to show the KGB Mafia/Army achievements in America is to list to the Americans what they don’t know about Russia:

  1. In 1955 the Soviet Defense Council under control of the KGB enacted the first formal and top-secret Soviet decision to launch a war against the Bourgeoisie and especially against American capitalists: “Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this global strategy. …First was the increased training of leaders for the revolutionary movements—the civilian, military, and intelligence cadres.”

“The second step was the actual training of terrorists. Training for international terrorism actually began as ‘fighters for liberation’…The third step was international drug and narcotics trafficking. Drugs were incorporated into the revolutionary war strategy as a political and intelligence weapon to use against the bourgeois society and as a mechanism for recruiting agents of influence around the world.”

All of that has been described by me during the last thirty years, but to deprive you from reading the Truth, the FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court and the court made me a Foreign Agent in 2002. Since then, having probable cause, the FBI has banned my writings. Please, now translate the term “the mechanism for recruiting agents of influence around the world” into the 21st century and you will have the radical left that I called Socialist Charlatans. Today you know when and where the drugs are coming from and who Socialist Charlatans are.

  1. The familiar to you current terms “Mexican drug cartel” and “MS-13 international criminal gangs” had come from the same place and at the same time. Read my columns about the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 and Stalin’s participation in the war. After defeat, Stalin brought thousands of Spanish children to Russia. They lived in special dormitories under the KGB control and trained for many years. In the 1950-60s those Spanish-speaking individuals had been sent as agents of influence to Mexico and Central America. The picture should be familiar to you—Soviet fascism has very steady patterns and terms—Socialist Charlatans subverting countries and changing the world. We are dealing with the “Axis of Evil” under the Russian umbrella today. The Caravans in our Southern border has been design and executed the same way “the Muslim Invasion” to Europe designed by Putin’s “Axis of Evil” in 2015.
  2. The attacks on 9/11 had been designed, calculated, and coordinated by the Putin’s KGB Mafia/Army in Russia. Twenty years after the events, we still don’t know the Truth, conveyed in all my books and columns. All those years we have been dealing with Putin not knowing that he is a terrorist. I hope the wonderful and peaceful city of Mariupol where people are spending their vacations will tell you the Truth you have missed for decades. Now you can see live TV illustrating the Evil and horror of Soviet Fascism—Putin’s regime in Russia. Mariupol is wiped off the face of the earth, the citizens are killed or fled. This territory is a center of gravity for Putin…
  3. The real American tragedy happened within the Democratic Party. Truman’s party has been infiltrated and turned to Socialist Party by the KGB Mafia/Army. I have been describing the details of that for thirty years. The America created by our Founding Fathers based on individualism, life, liberty, the Constitution and free enterprise of capitalism, is on the way to become a Socialist State. Our culture has drastically changed: it lacks the system of values, integrity, and backbone. The Americans have lost faith and trust to our school system, government, courts, and to the agencies that were supposed to protect and defend us. All America’s problems of 2022 derived from Russia/Democrats collusion lasting for decades.
  4. The media has lost its position as the fourth branch of the government. This has happened for the same reason mentioned above. Reading any of my books or columns, you will learn about the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov, a devoted disciple of Stalin and his definition of information. It was him designing to simultaneously infiltrate the American FBI, CIA, and the media by the KGB Mafia/Army. As you can see today, it has been done very successfully. Like Stalin was turning people into Ginny pigs, the KGB is experimenting the same on Americans. You will be disgusted to find out that BLM, Antifa, CRT, and LGBT are the crops of Putin’s KGB Mafia/Army, intentionally inflicted upon American minds. The January 6 Committee is also the KGB’s great achievement against their target– Republican Party. Read about George Stephanopoulos, assigned by Bill Clinton to transform our media.
  5. Coming to conclusion that Russia can’t win militarily, the Russian military creates chaos with the mines in Ukraine. It focuses now on the East and South of the country. If they can’t win militarily, I am afraid they can use the VMD. There are two Ukrainian nuclear powers, one in the North, Chernobyl, and the second in the South next to Mariupol. Putin’s main target is the Ukrainian people: To kill a lot of them Putin can use those nuclear powers. Fascism has learned to kill cheaper in the 21st Be ready, but don’t be afraid of Putin, he is a war criminal and his army is guilty of Genocide in Ukraine. A Nuremberg-like tribunal should punish war criminals and make Russia fully accountable for its atrocity. The International Tribunal must render a verdict to end the ideology of Soviet Fascism and expose and free the world from the “Axis of Evil.”
  6. Who is responsible for the treacherous behavior of the enemies of the American republic? The answer is simple: those who had a duty to defend and protect us: the FBI, CIA, and DOJ. I don’t trust all three. AG William Barr didn’t know Russia and her Intelligence. It has resulted in the years of Putin’s disinformation, which cost tons of human energy, trillions of dollars and finally Trump rigged the 2020 election. In my columns or books you can read in detail how the KGB Mafia/Army has infiltrated the Biden team and gradually was demolishing the American Constitutional republic, while implementing Soviet Style Socialism, which is in fact Soviet fascism.
  7. To grasp the scale of Disinformation policy used by both Presidents Biden and Putin, I will give you two documents. The column American Fascisti: Looking for Fascism in All the Wrong Places, by Dr. Rich Swier, March 10, 2022. The second is the statistics of the deep brainwashing over the American population. Please, learn it from Prime Time by Jesse Watters, March 29, 2022, Fox News. You will be stunned by the vast success of the KGB acting in concert with the Democrat Party. Their lies, deceit, cheating, and fraud seriously and deeply affected the American mentality. It is time to act and provide Americans with the reality of the Truth to save our Constitutional republic.

To be continued and at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

New Iran Nuclear Deal Will Permit Iranian Terrorists into U.S.

The Democrats present the gravest threat to this great nation.

New Iran nuclear deal could allow Iranian terrorists into US

Removal of sanctions on IRGC will permit terror-tied Iranians to enter the country.

By Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon

The Biden administration’s new nuclear accord with Iran is likely to include a loophole that will “allow Iranian nationals linked to terrorism to enter and stay in the United States,” according to a new Republican-authored policy analysis circulating on Capitol Hill and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

With negotiations over a revamped nuclear deal inching closer to completion, the Biden administration is considering a concession that will remove Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) from the U.S.-designated terrorist list…

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Islamic Nationalist Revolt’ in Israel has Begun

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: President Donald Trump’s Electrifying Rally In Michigan

Every decent and rational American must get behind the re-election of President Trump. If this country has any chance of being saved, President Trump must be re-elected in 2024. America cannot withstand a second term of the Biden Administration. #Trump2024!

Watch: President Trump Rally in Washington Township, Michigan, 4/2/2022!

Former President Donald Trump will rally his Michigan supporters on Saturday

By Michigan Radio, April 1, 2022

Former President Donald Trump returns to Michigan Saturday for a rally with his supporters in Macomb County. The former president will share the stage with several Republican candidates, including two running for two statewide offices.

Before Trump speaks, Kristina Karamo, who’s seeking the Republican nomination for Michigan Secretary of State, and Matt DePerno, who’s running for the GOP nomination for state Attorney General, will address the crowd gathered at the Michigan Stars Sports Center complex in Washington Township.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden wish for Trump prosecution leaked as Democrats mount pressure campaign on DOJ

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Florida’s registered Republican voters outnumber Democrats by over 100K for first time

Keep in mind that Governor DeSantis barely defeated the hard Leftist Andrew Gillum in 2018. Today, the once swing state is now solidly conservative. DeSantis has made Florida the envy of the nation. And other nations as well.

Florida’s gubernatorial election in November will not be close like it was 2018. We can expect the great governor to be re-elected in a landslide this November.

Then it is on to 2028. #DeSantis2028!

Florida’s registered Republican voters outnumber Democrats by over 100K for first time

Republican voter registration in Florida hit a net gain of over 363K since 2018

By Fox News, April 2, 2022

 A red wave is brewing in Florida as registered Republican voters now outnumber Democrats by over 100,000 for the first time in the state’s history, according to data obtained by Fox News Digital.

At the end of 2021, Florida GOP’s voter registration numbers officially overtook the state Democratic Party, giving Republicans the lead in a state steadily shifting red.

RELATED ARTICLE: DeSantis Announces $1,000 Bonuses For First Responders For Second Consecutive Year

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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LANDSLIDE! Orbán Wins in Hungary Despite Massive Biden/Soros Assault

Hungary’s Trump. Clean elections yield real results.

Clean elections yield

Orbán Wins in Hungary! Despite Massive Soros Assault

By Richard AbelsonGateway Pundit. April 3, 2022:

In the face of massive opposition from the Biden Regime, the EU and George Soros, Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz Party seems to have triumphed in Hungarian national elections.

Speaking in Budapest, Viktor Orbán said, “We’ve won a victory so big that you can see it from the moon. You can certainly see it from Brussels. Don’t be afraid, hold on, the motherland is with you.”

According to current vote counts, Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz Party has won 61% of the seats in the National Assembly.

It was a tightly contested election, as the EU and Open Society spent millions to dethrone Europe’s most respected conservative voice.

Read more.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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