VIDEO: Taxes Are Killing Small Businesses

Did you know that the livelihood of 85 million Americans depends on the success of small businesses? So you’d think that the government would encourage the creation and preservation of small businesses. Instead, the federal government taxes small business owners at about 40% — not including additional state or local taxes. Watch this week’s video to find out the effect of that tax rate on small business owners, on job creation, and on the economy as a whole.

Our business and economics series is a collaborative project with Job Creators Network. To learn more about JCN, visit


No matter where you come from, what your job is, or where you stand politically, you have to pay taxes. Uncle Sam needs taxpayer dollars to pay for things like schools, fire fighters, and the military.

There are all sorts of different taxes: income taxes, payroll taxes and sales taxes just to name a few. But individuals aren’t the only ones who pay taxes—businesses pay income taxes too.

Businesses that are set up as corporations pay taxes on their income at the US corporate tax rate of around 35 percent—one of the highest in the developed world. Countries like Ireland and Switzerland have corporate tax rates well under 25 percent, which can give companies based there a competitive advantage.

But there’s another taxed group that we’re forgetting…small businesses. There are 29 million of them in the US and they employ nearly 56 million people. That’s a total of 85 million people dependent on the success of small businesses!

Small businesses are most often set up as sole proprietorships, partnerships or another designation called an S-corp. But the money they make isn’t taxed at the corporate rate. The profits earned by these small businesses are “passed through” to the owner and counted as individual income on their personal tax return. That’s why you might hear small businesses referred to as “Pass-throughs.”

These entrepreneurs can pay tax rates as high as 40 percent not including additional state and local taxes, that means many American small businesses are being taxed at a higher rate than businesses anywhere in the world.

Why should you care? Because high taxes hurt small businesses ability to grow and expand, causing them to raise prices or even trim jobs to stay within their budget constraints.

Lowering taxes for small businesses or “pass-throughs” results in the growth of small businesses—allowing them to provide more jobs and boost the economy for everyone. After all two thirds of all new jobs come from small businesses and lowering taxes can have a big effect on the entire economy for all Americans.

So the next time you hear someone supporting an increase in tax rates on businesses, remember that very important group of small business owners and the 85 million people dependent on their success.

VIDEO: Health Care Is a Mess… But Why? by Seamus Coughlin and Sean Malone

You probably know a couple who both work full time to support their children, but even with their dual incomes, they’re finding it more and more difficult to afford health insurance.

Everyday incidents like sports injuries, asthma, and blood pressure, combined with their anxiety over rising premiums, are turning their American dream into sleepless nights.

Why can’t people catch a break? It wasn’t always this way!

Everyone wants health care, but there’s only so much to go around.

According to the Consumer Price Index and Medical-care price index from 1935 to 2009, the health care spending crisis didn’t start until the mid 1960s, around the same time when Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law, and at the same time that we began requiring doctors to go through all sorts of expensive licensing procedures beyond medical school.

Since then, health care spending has doubled, even adjusted for inflation. Why? Well, there are a few reasons.

Everyone wants health care, but there’s only so much to go around. And short supply leads to high prices. Normally what happens in a marketplace is that when prices are high, entrepreneurs try to profit by finding more affordable ways to provide goods and services.

The more people become involved in providing these services, the less scarce they become and the lower the prices drop, so that over time, more and more people can afford them.

This is what happened to televisions, microwaves, computers, cell phones, internet service, delivery services, food, shipping, transportation/air-travel, entertainment, home security, fitness, yoga, massages, and even all the medical technology, like LASIK, that isn’t as heavily regulated or controlled by government.

Can’t government drive down the price of goods and services like the free market?

Let’s look at what happened with Medicare and Medicaid as an example. In 1965, these two single payer health insurance programs were instituted in the US. These programs made the unfortunate less dependant on impartial private charities and more dependant on political institutions and pharmaceutical companies.

On top of that, these programs constantly require tax increases, and because they function more to satisfy the health care industry than the worker, they continually lead to more expensive and wasteful ways of treating patients.

As a result, prices shot up, making it even more difficult for people to afford health insurance. Not only that, but in 1965, government took over the training of new doctors, and in 1997 they limited the number of new doctors they would train at 110,000 per year – and the number hasn’t changed since!

Even worse, our government won’t let migrant doctors from developed western countries practice in the US without undergoing this training. So, not only do experienced doctors from other countries not want to practice medicine here, but the ones who do are taking up 15% of those few 110,000 slots, limiting the supply of doctors even more.

Won’t Obamacare solve these problems?

Unfortunately, Obamacare suffers from similar problems. It eliminated the pricing structure by seriously restricting competition because all providers have to offer the same kinds of plans at the same price. And because that price isn’t really determined by the market, providers can charge the taxpayer way more than they could otherwise. It’s basically just a handout to big insurance companies.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! If we get the government out of health care, more people like those you know will be able to get the care they need.

Seamus Coughlin

Seamus Coughlin

Seamus Coughlin is a comedy writer and animator with a deep interest in politics and morality. A good deal of his work can be found on the FreedomToons YouTube channel.

Sean Malone

Sean Malone

Sean Malone is the Director of Media at FEE. His films have been featured in the mainstream media and throughout the free-market educational community.

Iraq’s Blunder vs. Erdogan’s Turkey Today

By Wallace Bruschweiler & William Palumbo.

Is history going to repeat itself in the worst possible way?

It took the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency to finally begin the process of systematically dismantling the stranglehold that the Islamic State (aka ISIS, aka ISIL) had on ancient region around Mesopotamia.  After murdering and torturing tens of thousands of innocents, razing countless world heritage sites, and destroying innumerable priceless artifacts, their reign of Islamic terror is finally coming to an end.  At least we hope so.

Given the developments in a certain Middle Eastern neighbor of Europe, which we will detail shortly, it will be helpful to recall what birthed ISIS/ISIL and other groups in the first place.

The American Blunder in Iraq

In 2003, following the successful invasion of Iraq, the American government under guidance from Ambassador Paul Bremmer made the fateful decision to institute “de-Ba’athification,” i.e. the purging of Iraqis who were previously part of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party from positions of power.  This included, critically, dissolving the Iraqi Army.   At the time of the invasion in 2003 the Iraqi Army consisted of 375,000 troops.

The dissolution of the Iraqi Army was the single greatest error of the war and subsequent occupation, for it deprived 375,000 men and their families of their livelihood.  Let us undertake some basic multiplication (the exact figures here are not crucial to the basic argument).   Assume that that each soldier, on average, was married with two children.*

  • 375,000 x 4 (soldier, wife, 2 kids) = 1,500,000 people without an income (and food on the table)

The natural inclination being for fathers to provide for their families, these struggling and desperate ranks began to engage in criminal activities – robbery, kidnap for ransom, racketeering, etc. – to replace their lost income.  Desperate people, after all, are fodder for unscrupulous behavior.  As time passed, such activities became increasingly sophisticated and organized.  For an apropos historical reference, a similar pattern emerged in Interwar Germany, as armed gangs, e.g. S.A. (aka “Brown Shirts”) formed following the dissolution of the German Army.

Inevitably, because of financial incentives and logistical means, terrorists in Iraq eventually merged with organized crime.   (The nexus between terrorism and organized crime is well-established in countries as diverse as the United States, Mexico, Ireland, Italy, Russia, and throughout the Middle East, South America, Africa, etc.)  The lines blurred between organized, for-profit criminality and terrorism.

Hence, it is no surprise that by the time it matured into a Caliphate, ISIS had as its commanders some of the Iraqi Army’s “best and brightest.”  The rest, as they say, is history – and we are still paying the price.

The Turkish Redux?

A similar situation may very well emerge in Turkey, as “President” (aka Caliph) Recep Erdogan’s post-coup purges (July 2016-present) leave tens of thousands without a means to provide for their families.  Since coming to power, Erdogan has slowly but surely been turning the clock back in Turkey.  Without getting into the nuances of Turkish politics, suffice to say that Erdogan, who is a devout Islamist, is purging a mix of Gulenists, who are a different flavor of Islamist than Erdogan, and secular Kemalists, both whom he perceives as threats to his power.  The politics, however, are far less important to this argument than practical individual and familial economic considerations.

At latest count, Erdogan’s purge has reached a total of 160,000 people, including members of the following societal groups:

  • Military
  • Judiciary
  • Trade unions
  • Universities and private schools
  • Media
  • Politicians

Assuming similar math as Iraq, these figures render approximately 640,000 (160,000 x 4) people at minimum vulnerable to the sway of organized crime and, potentially by extension, joining terrorists.

ISIS and already has a presence in Turkey; indeed, it was ISIS that claimed credit for the June 2016 bombing of Istanbul’s airport.  As Turkey shares borders with both Iraq and Syria, ISIS has a natural opportunity to project influence and propaganda across the frontier and throughout the Anatolian peninsula.

Aside from the obvious dangers of the Islamic State growing within Turkey and threatening its institutions, there are important considerations that amplify the threat posed to the West when compared to ISIS in Iraq and Syria.  Consider:

  • Iraq is squarely in the center of the Middle East region. Turkey is practically an extension of Europe, separated from the Continent only by the Bosphorus and Dardanelles.
  • Turkey is unfortunately still a member of NATO and it has one of the largest armies in the world. Likewise, it is still integrated into the international security apparatus of the West.
  • Since the end of World War II (when they were neutral), Turkey has served as a buffer between Western and Soviet (now Russian) interests, from Southern Europe to the Caucuses.
  • There are substantial Turkish populations in Europe, particularly in Germany. These links could be potentially exploited by terrorists.

The means (proximity to Iraq and Syria), motive (spreading the Caliphate and terrorism), and opportunity (more than 160,000 purged state and civic employees) are all uniquely in place to enable an expansion of ISIS into Turkey.  A further burgeoning of their presence in Turkey would dramatically destabilize the entire Middle East and parts of Europe.

Will the United States and our coalition partners defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria only to chase the marauding menace into Turkey, which is ripening for radicalization?

What will the United States and our NATO allies do to prevent history from repeating itself in the worst possible way?

Should Turkey remain a NATO member?

Ataturk must be turning in his grave.

* According to the CIA Factbook, the average number of children per Iraqi woman is 4.06.

The Walmart Guy vs Anti-Capitalism Millennials

Though we have never met, I smiled recently seeing my favorite Walmart employee. For over ten years, I witnessed him gathering shopping carts in the parking lot. He is a white millennial who only has the use of one arm, walks with a severe limp and appears slightly mentally challenged. I once saw him leaving work driving a new looking compact car. My wife Mary prepared his taxes when she worked for a tax preparation company. I thought, “Hey, this brother has got it goin’ on — doin’ his thing.”

The Walmart guy could easily qualify for disability; sit home on his butt allowing taxpayers to take care of him. Far too many able-bodied millennials feel entitled, believing government should provide them free everything.

The Walmart guy’s work-ethic, self-reliance and pride in earning his own way is truly refreshing. The Obama Administration practically begged Americans, even non-citizens, to get on food stamps and to apply for as many government freebies as possible. This addicts voters to government handouts and keeps them voting for their Democrat dealers. Disability claims skyrocketed under Obama.

Disturbingly, polls say a majority of millennials reject Capitalism. They believe Socialism is fair and compassionate and Capitalism is selfish and cruel. This explains “yutes” hero worship of socialist/democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Millennials love Sanders’ promise to take the hard earned wealth of achievers to redistribute to lazy pot-smoking losers. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

Socialism always ends up spreading mediocrity and misery equally among the masses while the rulers live high on the hog. Have you noticed that Hollywood Leftists and socialist politicians want government to force us to drive tiny tin-can cars, surrender our guns and lower our carbon footprint? Meanwhile, they travel in gas-guzzling limos and private jets with armed guards.

Capitalism gives everyone a shot at achieving their American dream. I will slap the next fellow black person who whines to me about how whitey has stacked the deck again us. Capitalism birthed America’s first female millionaire, a black woman born in 1867. Madam C. J. Walker was an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a political and social activist. Socialism would have enslaved Madam Walker to the government system, giving her just enough free stuff to get by. Okay, I promise not to slap anyone.

It was depressing hearing it reported that a large number of Americans support taxing income over a million dollars at 100%. First of all, confiscating that money would generate around $616 billion which only covers a third of our annual deficit.

But what is most troubling is the disgusting class envy loser mindset of those who believe it is right for government to take people’s hard earned money. They do not realize that such financial tyranny would kill jobs and the incentive to be all one can be. How dare government place limits on success. Such thinking is un-American, counter to our God inspired founding.

We allowed Leftists’ silent-coup-takeover of public education decades ago. Consequently, Leftists have produced an army of stealth Leftist sleeper-cell operatives against their parents. Remember when Leftists instructed kids to steal their parent’s guns and turn them in to their teachers? Remember Michele Obama instructing students to report politically incorrect speech at the dinner table?

Outrageously, white students are taught beginning in kindergarten that they were born racist. In essence, white students are taught to feel ashamed and hate themselves for their unfair white privilege. The Walmart guy is on Leftists’ excrement list simply for being a working class white male. It angers me envisioning Leftist bullies getting into the grill of my Walmart guy, scolding him about his evil white privilege.

Students support black college student’s demand for free tuition and housing.

Black students also expect academic and behavioral standards lowered for them. I’m a 68 year old black man. I would be highly offended having standards lowered for me. Millennials quickly embrace Leftists twisting everything into evidence of unfairness and white American racism.

Years ago, a white friend shared that her son came home from middle-school in tears about how white men abused everyone; blacks, women, native Americans and so on. Today her son is an America hating Communist who still believes European white men are the greatest source of evil in the world.

Folks, we much turn this mess around regarding Leftists’ indoctrination of our kids. Trump appointing Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education is a major step in the right direction. DeVos favors restoring power back to parents regarding the education of their children.

Oh, we’re out of milk. I’m confident I will see my Walmart guy diligently working.

New Secrets Unlocked: Know The Curse of Sleep Loss to Alzheimer’s

Sleeping less than seven hours makes you tired, woozy, and grumpy. Long-term effects of sleep loss become more dangerous than you ever expected. Scientific findings link sleep deprivation to obesity, heart disease, mood swings, diabetes, sleep disorders, and other kinds of health issues.

You may already know the risks written in a long list, and now you have to include Alzheimer’s disease. Sleep disturbances make you look and feel old. As a neurodegenerative form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder wherein demise of neurons stimulates recession of memory and cognitive functions.

For the past years, no one was able to carry out a study proving the significance of sleep and dementia to each other. Just recently this month, Dr. Yo-El Ju together with her co-researchers in  Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Radboud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, and Stanford University finally found the link of dementia to sleep deprivation.

What the study proves

The researchers examined 17 experiment volunteers at home. They also underwent controlled sleep procedures in the lab of Washington University. They divided the volunteers into two groups and let the half of the sample get into a deep sleep while others were in a shallow sleep.

Dr. Ju stated that “As soon as they got into slow-wave sleep, they got a beep. And the beeps got louder and louder and louder until they came out of the deep sleep. It went on for the entire night. The volunteers did not realize their sleep had been interrupted.”

The volunteers use beeping monitors which disturb their sleep patterns. The sleep monitoring device measures their quality of sleep at home. As a result, those who slept poorly show a significant relationship between sleep and higher levels of the associated brain proteins.

“We were not surprised to find that tau levels didn’t budge after just one night of disrupted sleep while amyloid levels did because amyloid levels normally change more quickly than tau levels. But we could see, when the participants had several bad nights in a row at home, that their Tau levels had risen,” Dr. Yo-El Ju said.

Increase of brain protein levels

Health: Forgetfulness in Men

Forgetfulness in Men

Sleep deprivation for consecutive nights can cause an increase of dementia-related protein levels in the human brain. A good night’s rest prevents too much synthesis of proteins called Amyloid-beta and Tau which causes Alzheimer’s and other memory-related diseases.

When deep sleep interruption happens, Alzheimer’s disease-related proteins increase in the cerebrospinal fluid as new research suggests.

Disruption of slow-wave sleep

A study published in Journal Neurology shows that higher levels of amyloid-beta and tau are due to poor sleep. In fact, they found out that two proteins cause obstruction called plaques in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients.

According to Dr. Yo-El Ju of Washington University School of Medicine, “When people had their slow-wave sleep disrupted, their amyloid levels increased by about 10 percent. I don’t think people should worry about Alzheimer’s disease after one bad night. I do think chronic sleep disruption increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.”

This study tells us that getting enough sleep helps reduce the levels of amyloid and tau.

Treatment contingencies

Five simple tips for reducing forgetfulness.

As recorded, there are approximately 5 million Americans who have Alzheimer’s disease, and the figures continue to grow. Mental-related disorders are hard to cure, and it requires long-term health scrutiny. There is no silver bullet to cure these health issues.

As of now, medications don’t work as what the diagnosis requires. It only serves as sustenance to patients who continue to experience the most common symptoms. Cholinesterase inhibitors namely donepezil or Aricept, galantamine, and rivastigmine are drugs used to avert and slow the dementia-related disorders.

As researchers and medical experts continue to fill the puzzle and unlock its’ secrets, humanity is one step closer to understand this phenomenon completely.

Dr.  Ju’s Theory

File:Characteristics of AD.jpg

Characteristics of AD

Releasing of amyloid-beta is a natural function that human brains perform. It happens whenever brain cells fire its synapse. “It may be that interrupted sleep leads to increased brain activity and increased amyloid production.”

She comes up with an assumption that as people sleep, amyloid secretion stops and regulates the excess protein levels. “When people are in a nice and deep sleep, they get a period when, with the normal clearance mechanisms working, the levels of amyloid decrease. If levels increase over the years, they are more likely to cause the clumps called plaques, which don’t dissolve.”

According to their previous study using mice as a sample, a 10% excess of amyloid can be a source of plaque formation.


Dr. Yo-El Ju, the head of the study, stated that “When people don’t sleep well, their brain cells don’t get the chance to rest.” The guaranteed means of treating Alzheimer’s continues to be half a mystery.

But prevention is still an amicable sheath to safeguard ourselves from health issues, chronic or not. Proper nutrition, sleep hygiene, and brain training can make a difference. Take action before it gets progressively worse. You can browse Focus On Furniture to help you look for the right bedroom design which can help you feel more comfortable while sleeping.


On Sex Robots: Dehumanizing Sin

Some disassembly required.

David Warren: Some seek satisfaction in robot “love,” but automating sex is wrong. We are facing a new “crisis”: an attempt to dehumanize sin. Fortunately, it can’t be done. 

I don’t know who was surprised, but I wasn’t, to read in some electronic tabloid that sex robots can be programmed for rape. Appalled, perhaps – I am often appalled – but hardly surprised. And not being surprised, the quality of one’s outrage is spoilt. One must pretend to be shocked – as people have been doing for as long as they have been having bad sex.

Or so one might say, roguishly. There is a gap – a wide and deep canyon – between what we like to think is common, and what is. The notion of radical evil having been suppressed, in modern “education,” it is now a rift valley.

“How dare you suggest a woman would lie about something like that!”

This is an actual quote I recall (with confidence, word for word) from the critic of a column I once wrote on family court proceedings. I had suggested that it was unwise of the authorities to assume the truth of all female accusations. And vice versa, too, I had noted: men often lie. The human race is generally capable of bearing false witness, and the ability crosses all sexual, racial, and other demographic lines.

True, I had called my critic “Honey,” but that was in a moment of exasperation she had inspired. More circumspectly I tried to explain how law is supposed to work. How it is supposed to entertain the possibility that the accused may be innocent, of the crime specifically alleged. How the law should at least pretend to be blind to just those factors that she, in her feminist enthusiasm, imagined to be crucial.

Give up on principles like that, and the world will become rather as we find it, today: high-tech and crazy.

She said, too, that men treat women like robots. Well, I can remember saying, they must be robots, if they never lie.

Click here to read the rest of David Warren’s column . . .

David Warren

David Warren is a former editor of the Idler magazine and columnist with the Ottawa Citizen. He has extensive experience in the Near and Far East. His blog, Essays in Idleness, is now to be found at:

RELATED ARTICLE: First peek inside Chinese sex robot factory making ‘human-like’ dolls set to ‘GO GLOBAL’

RELATED VIDEO: Top 10 Memorable Female Robots in Movies and TV

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from the film Ex Machina.

Scorched Earth is the New American Politics

We are in a new era in American politics.

It’s impossible to nail down when it started, but we can identify a few steps, and each involved the devolution of a non-partisan media, an increased ferocity on the American progressive Left and a heightening response from the Right.

Let’s start with the early 1990s. During the Clinton administration, the American media launched into actively covering up scandals for an American president because of worldview affiliation. To put it bluntly, the American media had become dominantly liberal at every level and across platforms by the 90s and the election of a Democrat after 12 years of Republicans in the White House displayed this.

The media looked the other way during maybe the most tawdry actions by an American president simply because they agreed with his policies. The Clinton scandals finally became known because of alternative media, specifically the rise of the Drudge Report, bypassing the media gatekeepers. At the same time, the left — including staunch feminists — simply looked the other way when “their” man was sexually dominating women under him. The divide was growing.

During the Bush administration, we saw the emergence of Bush Derangement Syndrome, in which much of the American Left displayed astonishing animosity on a personal level for a truly decent man. There were certainly plenty of policy differences that underlied the opposition, which is right and normal. But opposition was made very personal with Bush and a surprising number of Americans on the Left dripped hatred for him as a man.

Obama’s new level of division

But the Obama years brought a dramatic rise in vitriol and division among Americans — led by Obama but practiced by both sides of the political divide. Obama divided Americans by black and white and Hispanic; by men and women and the newly evolving list of “others”; by gay and straight; by rich and poor; by urban or rural; by favored industry and unfavored industry and so on.

Many of these divisions were well established in the Democratic Party and part of the strategy for winning elections. But Obama, as the first black President, had the unique opportunity to take a large step toward healing national race relations. Instead he made them much worse, and that is true on virtually every front of the divisions he employed. On the other side, some traditionalist Americans found him so arrogant and off-putting (mostly aside from race) that they developed a personal hatred for him, also.

So the poison of dividing Americans by every category possible to pit them against each other for political gain was coursing through the nation’s veins going into the 2016 election.

At the same time, hard-working Americans were sick of the game where everyone pitted against everyone else and policies seemed designed to make America weaker as a nation. And to be fair, that is essentially what Obama wrote in his book. He genuinely thought, and presumably still thinks, the world would be better if America was not so dominant. His policies worked to make that happen.

In this election, however, instead of the Democrats going for the demographic marker of the first black President, they were going for the demographic marker of the first female president. Both were pitched as important boundaries to cross because of the history of much ballyhooed and detested white patriarchal supremacy.

But the Left’s hopes were pinned on a truly terrible and corrupt candidate in Hillary Clinton. And instead of the first woman came an outsider who captured the deep frustration of working, middle America that the progressive and divisive agenda of the Democrats had abandoned. He captured their hearts’ desire with “Make America Great Again” because they instinctively understood that the past many years were diminishing the nation.

They were ready for change, but not the superficial change based on gender, rather a change in the substance of policy and direction. And Donald Trump was offering that in a way they bought.

Trump’s win exploded American politics

But the American Left had expected a continuation of the progressive and divisive policies of the first black president to flow to the first woman president, and probably win the Senate and maybe even the House in the process. When all of that was crushed by a rich, white, real estate developer and reality star — so much of what the Left had been successfully castigating — the Bush Derangement gene mutated into a virulent new, destructive strain.

There is a certain understandability to all this.

The American Left has been fed a distorted view of America for a long time now, through the media, academia and Hollywood. They buy into the grievance culture of every sub group that feels aggrieved by a different group. This all needs correcting, and they have been taught that government — of all institutions! — is the one to do it. They’ve been taught that Christianity, capitalism and whites are the bane of America and many who are in those categories still tend to buy it through a dose of guilt.

Further, President Trump is as off-putting as Obama, in his own way. It is surely not hard to see how people who are disappointed and frustrated with losing what they fully expected to win react even worse by the way Trump handles himself slinging around personal insults. This certainly adds to the vitriol and division.

But it in no way accounts for the myriad of marches against Trump and Republicans, starting the day after inauguration, but planned starting the day after the election. The ensuing temper tantrum by the left is inexcusable, even if their frustration is understandable. Riots in multiple cities, violence against Trump supporters and top-trending hashtags such as #notmypresident were a deeply un-American response.

The Trump-Russian collusion story was promoted while Obama was still in office. His White House disseminated as much potentially embarrassing information on the new President as possible, which has been leaked for months at a rate seven times more than the leaks averaged under Bush and Obama. This also is unprecedented. And it is disturbing.

The media is now an unmasked arm of the Democratic Party, actively working to undermine the duly elected President and destroying itself in the process.

Tectonic changes are long-term

The lead up to this moment demonstrates that the changes in the political and media landscape are not a temporary blip. They’re not simply Trump-driven.

This is likely the new norm.

Think how demonized decent men like Sen. John McCain and Mitt Romney were. McCain was a bonafide war hero and Romney was as squeaky clean Boy Scout as they get, and yet the Left and the media made every attempt to turn them into monsters, the worst of men. And now Trump is worse than a monster. He’s a traitor! A clown! Off with his head!

This unprecedented action by the American Left, including the active involvement by a former President, is setting a new normal for the losing side of a presidential election. Democrats should not think for a moment that when they next win the White House, things will return to the old traditional ways. That will not happen.

What can be expected is that each newly elected President will face a ferocious backlash and well organized efforts to undermine the legitimacy of any actions taken. The Right does not protest and riot like the Left does, but things could change.

This new tradition created by the Left will greatly weaken the country, regardless of who is president.

The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Millennial Problem — and How to Solve It

Today I am releasing a new whitepaper on the challenges the fossil fuel industry faces with its millennial workers.
Here’s a summary.

  • Millennial workers are the future of the fossil fuel industry, and they are extremely concerned with the moral meaning of their work.
  • Unfortunately for the industry, these millennials have been exposed to hundreds of hours of claims that their work is immoral because it is destroying the planet.
  • While many companies are ignoring this challenge and others regard it as insurmountable, in my experience it is possible to overcome the “moral case against fossil fuels” and turn non-supporters into supporters.
  • The key to turning non-supporters into supporters is to reframe moral conversations about the industry in pro-human, whole-picture terms.
  • Companies that give employees a thorough pro-human, whole-picture education about their impact on human flourishing will see tremendous increases in motivation and desire to become “ambassadors” who champion the industry and its freedom.
  • Companies that also give employees an education in reframing energy conversations will see a tremendous increase in the effectiveness of their ambassadors.
  • Given that these forms of education are now freely available, every company should seriously consider offering them to their employees—especially to the millennial leaders of the future.

I hope you’ll read the article.

If you are interested in using my curriculum (including a freely available version of it) to empower your team, you can contact me at or go to the website for more information.

Discussing fossil fuels with The Disgruntled Millennial

I recently appeared on “The Disgruntled Millennial,” a podcast aimed at conservative millennials, for a really interesting, in-depth discussion of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. The hour-long interview covers a lot of territory and includes a number of points I haven’t made elsewhere. You can listen to it here.

COMING NEXT WEEK: My response to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Sequel

ALSO: Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help your organization turn non-supporters into supporters and turn supporters into champions.

1. Fill out the free Constructive Conversation Scorecard to assess where you are and where you want to be in your one-on-one communications.

Email it back to me and I’ll send you my step-by-step Constructive Conversation System that will enable you to talk to anyone about energy.

2. Hold a free Lunch-and-Learn (inside or outside the industry).

This program contains one of my favorite debates along with some “cheat sheets” to help you make the moral case for fossil fuels in your professional and personal life more easily than you thought possible. You can have access to the entire program right now. By the end of the session you and your team will:

  • gain a deeper sense of meaning from their work
  • be able to turn fossil fuel skeptics into fossil fuel supporters
  • learn the secrets to having constructive conversations about energy instead of frustrating fights

3. Hire me to speak at your next event.

If you have an upcoming board meeting, employee town hall, or association meeting, I have some new and updated speeches about the moral case for fossil fuels, winning hearts and minds, and communications strategy in the new political climate.

RED LINES IN SYRIA: Will Turkey’s attacks on U.S. allies stir Washington to action?

Suleymania, Iraq – With Saturday’s bombing of Afrin, a town controlled by America’s Kurdish allies in northern Syria, Turkey appears to have crossed a line.

Turkish artillery pounded the Ashrafiyeh neighborhood near the city center as well as surrounding villages. Reports from the region said the Turkish attack killed five civilians, including an entire family that was buried alive in their own home, and damaged dozens of homes.

“This is considered the first targeting of the city since the start of Turkish preparations” to expand military operations in Northwest Syria last month, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The Turkish attacks were not directed against ISIS or against any other Islamist group. The Turks targeted Afrin because it has become a key political hub for the Democratic Union Party of Syria, the YPD, which Turkey accuses of being part of the PKK.

I spoke with Asya Abdallah Osman, the co-president of the YPD, on the sidelines of a conference both of us were attending in Iraqi Kurdistan. She was visibly shaken when she called home and learned details about the civilian casualties in Afrin.

“We have been fighting [ISIS] because we as women do not want to be subjected to their inhumanity. But we need your help,” she said, meaning the United States. “We need no other. This is war and people are dying. It won’t be resolved by politics, only by hard power.”

She swept aside the Turkish allegations that the regional government of the YPD, and its associated militia, known as the People’s Protection Units (YPG), were controlled by the PKK, or that the PKK was using YPD territory to launch attacks into Turkey.

“We are an independent political party that belongs to Syria and to the Kurds. If the PKK has come to Syria, it’s because Turkey has forced them to come,” she said.

Turkey has long accused the Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK, or fighting a terrorist war against it, but also has been willing to negotiate with PKK leaders when it felt it could reach a deal to curtail the violence.

After Turkey violated a 2013 truce negotiated in Oslo that called for the PKK to remove its fighters from Turkey into northern Iraq, the PKK relocated remaining fighters into the Kurdish areas in Syria, known as Rojava.

Like most Kurds, Ms. Osman believes Turkey and its allies in the region do not want to see a successful democratic self-governing region in northern Syria, because it would encourage their own Kurds to seek greater autonomy.

“They accuse us of not being democratic, but we have allowed all political and ethnic groups to have representatives in the regional government. Our project is for all of Syria, not just Kurds,” she told me.

Ms. Osman traveled to Northern Iraq in a group of 65 Syrian Kurdish activists, representing nearly twenty political groups.

Normally, they would have entered Iraq via a pontoon bridge over the Tigris River at Semalka, in an area that has escaped the current fighting.

But the Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq closed the border recently, forcing the Syrian pro-democracy delegates to make a dangerous 16-hour trek by foot across the only other border crossing into Iraq near Mount Sinjar, which is controlled by Iranian-backed Shiite militias.

“There is no Kurdish Regional Government,” Ms. Osman said dismissively. “There is only the KDP,” the Kurdish Democratic Party, dominated by President Massoud Barzani and his family.

She and other Kurdish activists at the weekend conference believe that Turkey pressured the Barzanis to close the Semalka border crossing in order to further isolate them. “Semulka is our only gate to the outside world,” she said. “When it is shut, we are closed off.”

She attributed claims that the YPD and its militia were controlled by the PKK to Turkish propaganda. “Of course, we have dialogue with other Kurdish parties, including the PKK. So do most Kurdish groups in the region. But we run our party and our administration ourselves. We elect our own officials and they take orders from no one.”

Indeed, I only learned after the conference that a member of the PKK central committee had attended the weekend event, sponsored by the Kurdistan National Congress, where three hundred delegates from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey strategized over a future Kurdish state or confederation.

There were few references to the PKK by the speakers, and the PKK central committeeman himself never spoke. The final declaration of the conference makes no mention of the PKK.

Both President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mattis have warned Turkey not to attack America’s Kurdish allies in Syria. Turkey has blithely ignored those admonishments until now.

Less than a month after President Trump at the White House personally rejected Erdogan’s demand that the U.S. drop support for the Syrian Kurds, Turkey began moving troops to encircle Afrin, the political capital of the Syrian Kurdish region, and other Kurdish controlled areas.

After Turkey started to attack YPG positions in late June, Secretary of Defense James Mattis upped the ante by declaring that the United States might allow the Kurdish group to keep U.S. supplied weapons after the battle for Raqqa to smash ISIS was over.

Some of Erdogan’s erstwhile political allies believe he Erdogan is playing a dangerous game.

Even before the Turkish attacks on civilians over the weekend, former Turkish Foreign Minister Yasar Yakis, who helped found Erdogan’s ruling AKP party, counseled against attacking the Syrian Kurds.

“The best course would be to negotiate a deal with the Syrian Kurds, persuade them not to attempt to change the ethnic composition of the region, and establish – preferably in cooperation with the Syrian government – a multi-ethnic, multi-confessional democratic administration,” Yakis wrote in a column for Arab News.

That is precisely the project Ms. Osman and the YPD have been proposing.

Erdogan showed his arrogance in Washington when he calmly observed his bodyguards cross a Capitol Police barrier in May to viciously bludgeon opposition protestors with truncheons.

But by putting his forces in a position where they could potentially clash with U.S. military units assisting the YPG and the Syrian Democratic Forces, Erdogan has shown a reckless side as well.

Turkey has been warned twice. Will Afrin prove to be the third strike for Erdogan in Syria?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

Marquette University pays for faculty to attend ‘Overcoming Islamophobia’ workshop

It also “will offer a graduate credit for attendees that also submit a written assignment.”

When will Marquette pay faculty to attend a workshop about the ideological and theological roots of jihad terrorism? Why, that would be inconceivable. And so would any honest discussion of the jihad terror threat at Marquette or most, if not all, other universities in the U.S. today, especially Catholic universities. They are radioactive centers of hard-Left indoctrination, not institutions of higher learning in any genuine sense.

The real “Islamophobia” industry, the one dedicated to fooling people into thinking that “Islamophobia” is a genuine problem, operates by deliberately conflating two quite distinct phenomena: vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are rare but never justified under any circumstances, and honest examination of the motivating ideology of jihad terrorists. By lumping the two together, “Islamophobia” victimhood propagandists hope to inhibit all examination of the jihad doctrine, and to demonize and marginalize all those who engage in such examination.

“University Offers To Pay For Faculty Attending ‘Overcoming Islamophobia’ Workshop,” by Rob Shimshock, Daily Caller, July 17, 2017 (thanks to Tom):

A Wisconsin university announced Monday that it will cover costs for its faculty to attend an anti-Islamophobia workshop, and will offer a graduate credit for attendees that also submit a written assignment.

Marquette University will pay the $30 registration fee for faculty that choose to attend “Overcoming Islamophobia: Creating a Positive Classroom Culture,” hosted at Alverno College in August. The fee will also cover lunch at the Islamic Society of Milwaukee.

The event is co-sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Alverno College, the Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition and the Islamic Society of Milwaukee. Marquette University will grant attendees that submit a written assignment pertaining to Islamophobia an Alverno graduate credit….


Muslim cop tells friends, not investigators, he was “startled” by unarmed woman he killed

Boston to hang 50 posters addressing public harassment, “Islamophobia” around city

Trumped 2.0 — 2018

2016 marketed the point at which American voters had had enough and were determined to make a real change in the voting booth. A new American revolution that started with millions of discontented voters on both sides of the political aisle, resulted in the presidential election of the only true D.C. outsider in the race, businessman Donald J. Trump.

The one-percenter at the start of the 2016 presidential primaries swept the largest field of high-profile GOP contenders in U.S. history. He not only came from the back of the pack to claim the GOP nomination, he defeated “sure thing” Hillary Clinton and her massive international war room in the general election.

The natives were more than restless. They were on the war path to remove career politicians from power. That was TRUMPED 1.0… seizing the people’s White House.

Next is 2.0 2018

The same 63 million voters who placed Donald Trump at the helm in 2016, have more work to do in 2018. Trump’s agenda is their agenda… and their agenda has been held up by career politicians on both sides of the aisle. Despite Republican control of the White House, the House, the Senate, a majority of state governorships, most state legislatures and the U.S. Supreme Court, the people’s agenda is moving at a snail’s pace, at best.

The “swamp” is still controlling our country and the current crop of Republicans spend more time fighting each other than “draining the swamp.” So, here comes TRUMPED 2.0 – the Taking of Congress…

It’s a bi-partisan problem

Both political parties are internally divided within… The Democratic Party was literally divided 50/50 in 2016 between criminal has-been Hillary Clinton and the leader of the Marxist movement in America, Bernie Sanders. That massive internal division in the DNC left an electoral college open door for Trump. Party hacks of the past like Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Water and many others, are as unpopular with their own constituents as they are with Republican voters.

Even though many democrat voters were not thrilled with Trump, they were even less thrilled with their democratic alternatives.

However, the Republican Party is in similar sad shape today, internally divided between the all-American TRUMP Revolution contingency and has-been career globalist Republicans like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Members like Rand Paul are emerging as the future of GOP politicians.

The bad news is, both parties suffer from their past and ongoing indiscretions against the people who put them in power. The good news is, this makes every career incumbent increasingly vulnerable in 2018, no matter which party they belong to…

2018 Incumbent Hunting

Clearly, it no longer makes much difference which party a politician chooses to affiliate with… neither party currently represents the will of their constituents. Party loyalty long outlived loyalties shown to voters by the people they placed in power. Just as loyalty to constituents is a thing of the past, so is blind party loyalty.

Because there is no such thing as “3rd party solutions,” the people face the exact same choice today that our Founders faced 241-years ago… and only one of those choices is good.

OPTION 1 – A “Constitutional Representative Republic”

OPTION 2 – A “pure democracy” referred to by our Founders as mere “mob rule”

OPTION 3 – A “multi-party parliament” form of government akin to that of the UK and EU

Our Founders chose OPTION 1 and for very good reasons. In fact, they “guaranteed every state a republican form of government.” Not democratic form of government, or parliamentary form of government… a “republican form of government.”


CONSTITUTIONAL – subject to and governed by the Supreme Law of the land, to include the Bill of Rights.

REPRESENTATIVE – Any form of government which does not represent the “majority interests” of Americans within the confines of the Law of the Land, is not a “representative” form of government.

REPUBLIC – A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. A group with a certain equality between its members.

There is no such thing as a 3-party system. The choice is 2-party or multi-party when it comes to political organizations designed to represent one side or another of the people’s interests. The two sides (parties) were never intended to be “right vs. left.” They were intended to be “right vs. wrong” giving the American people a clear choice between the two.

A no-party system is a “pure democracy,” (mob rule) wherein a simple voting majority makes policy for everyone, without any regard for constitutional guarantees or limitations designed to protect the minority from the mob.

No American should want anything but what the Founders gave us… because everything else is not a Constitutional Representative Republic.

This reality leaves Americans with one political solution to the challenges we face today… Incumbent hunting!


People talk about “term limits” as a solution. Why? House members have a two-year limit and members of the Senate have a six-year limit. Every two years, the American people have an opportunity to fire everyone in the House and 1/3 of the Senate. That means it would take only six-years to fire everyone in Congress… They must be primaried out!

In addition, we don’t “vote out” or “term limit” criminals committing acts of sedition, subversion or treason… we force them to resign and arrest them, filling the vacancy in a special election. We don’t even have to wait two days much less two-years to deal with criminals.


In 2016, the tsunami of angry Americans took back the White House by storm… They will have to take back Congress in 2018 by taking out every incumbent up for re-election.

Time for the entire Federal Government to be of, by and for the American people again. Let the New American Revolution rage on!

VIDEO: Repeal and Don’t Replace Obamacare

Obamacare has led to higher costs and fewer health insurance options for millions of Americans. The 2010 healthcare law has brought the American people rising premiums, unaffordable deductibles, fewer insurance choices, and higher taxes. President Donald J. Trump promised to repeal and replace this disaster, and that is exactly what he is working with Congress to achieve.

Don’t Allow Maxine Waters’ Impeachment Crap to Stick

For our 40th wedding anniversary, Mary and I have been experiencing the grandeur and majestic beauty of God’s creation in Alaska. Did you know bald eagles are brown for 5 or 6 years before their head turns white? I was surprised by Alaska’s bountiful foliage and multicolored flowers. From towering glaciers to skies, mountains and seas painted in gorgeous blues by God, we saw numerous breathtaking beautiful scenes. In 1867, Secretary of State William H. Seward purchased our 49th state for only $7.2 million. It was a Trump-of-a-great-deal. Critics called the deal “Seward’s folly.”

In our cabin, I was jolted back to ugly reality by MSNBC, one of the three available TV news channels. Folks, I continue to be amazed by the level of hate that MSNBC has for Trump and their commitment to removing him from office.

Further blowing my beauty of Alaska high was a press conference in which despicable human being Maxine Waters announced democrats’ plan to impeach Trump for criminal activities. There is not a shred of evidence supporting Waters’ accusations. Watching Maxine Waters stand at the podium lying through her teeth about all of Trump’s supposed crimes was disgusting. Waters and her democrat minions are horrible enemies of the American people and must never be voted back into power again.

Trump has been totally awesome; fulfilling campaign promises and moving the ball forward towards making America great again. In only six months, Trump has dramatically chipped away much of Obama’s mountain of regulatory overreaches; created jobs; opted us out of an anti-American climate deal and restored power back to states and We the People.

Democrats/Leftists are out of their minds with rage, desperate to stop Trump’s swift and steady dismantling of Obama’s legacy of government tyranny.

This is why the democrats and fake news media tag team continue the relentless promotion of their absurd lie that Trump used Russia to steal the election. 1. It is impossible for Russia to tamper with our vote counting. 2. Fake news media either under-reported Hillary’s multiple crimes and breaches of national security or told us they were no big deal. Fake news media thought it had successfully protected Hillary and duped voters, confident she would win in a landslide.

Hillary lost because she was a cold calculating tired old hippie wicked witch Leftist who said it was okay to abort a baby moments before birth. Thank God, this vile woman is not seated in that powerful chair in our Oval Office.

Maxine Waters’ and her minions demanding that Trump be impeached is equivalent to throwing crap against the wall, hoping it will stick. For the Leftists’ impeachment scheme to work, they must destroy Trump’s popularity. Fake news media’s strategy is to flood the airways with empty accusations of criminal activity. They throw character assassination grenades at Trump 24/7. Fake news media bombards us with reports of supposed nationwide protests. Fake news media manipulate polls to create the illusion that Trump’s appeal is sinking. Fake news media is doing everything in its power to sell their lie that Americans regret voting for Trump.

A standard practice of democrats and fake news media is to brand anyone who dares oppose their extreme socialist/progressive agenda a racist, stupid, corrupt or crazy. Leftists claim Trump is obviously crazy and must be impeached. So, because Trump is functioning like a savvy businessman rather that an impotent Republican, Leftists say he must be crazy. Sadly, we cannot count on wimpy Republicans to have our president’s back.

My fellow patriotic Americans, We the People are Trump’s firewall; the only thing blocking Waters’ and her minion’s impeachment crap from sticking. The good news is Waters and her homeys are clueless regarding our rock-solid connection with Trump and why he won our votes in an electoral landslide.

Leftists laughed, mocked and underestimated Ronald Reagan. Fortunately, they are repeating their mistake with Trump as he continues to kick their butts under their upturned noses.

During Trump’s run for the White House, I recorded a parody of the O’Jays’ “Love Train” titled, “Trump Train“. Folks, it is extremely crucial that we who elected our president stay firmly seated aboard the Trump Train.

Fashion in Combat: Military Uniform Evolution that Will Make You Travel in Time

Through hundreds of years, military uniforms go through a radical evolution in clothing and styling. Every prominent regime, US Army uniforms shifted from rags to polished black boots, from blue waistcoat and breeches to camouflage patterns, and from tricorn hat to green combat helmets.

Let’s travel back in time and learn to appreciate US soldiers who fight for freedom and threats under mental and physical challenges, through their fashion revolution.

Revolutionary War

During the early years, soldiers go to war with whatever clothes they have. Washington ordered the Continental Army to wear hunting shirt as a field uniform. However, funding problems hinder the uniformity that put them in the rough situation. They stay on blankets during winter while using rags as a substitute for their crippled shoes.

In the year 1779, uniform becomes standardized to distinguish troops from the British. As the enemy used red clothes, they used blue coats paired with white overalls and waistcoats. Soldier wear coats with various colors to identify their region. Years after, blue coats with red fore became the standard design except for the high ranking officials.

War of 1812

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Caledonia Canada Day Photo commemorating the War of 1812

This time, the uniforms take inspiration to the European soldiers. US army adopted single-breasted coat with black herringbone false buttonholes and gold buttons. The use of boots is only applicable for generals and staff officers. Later in 1814, gray uniforms replaced the standard blue uniforms due to cloth shortage.

US-Mexican War

Southwest conflicts pushed the army leaders to modify the separate field and dress uniforms. In 1833, fatigue jackets, light blue pants, and forage caps served as field dress for cavalrymen. Officers and NCO’s on the other hand, wear blue trousers with white stripes and blue frock coat with silver buttons and white wool laces that indicate infantry division.

They used yellow wool lace for the artillery. Also, worsted epaulets replaced the shoulder wings on their coats.

Civil War

Throughout the mid-19th period, uniform trends embraced practicality and simplicity. In 1851, authorities issued a regulation to wear service uniform using blue wool frock coats while riding troops wear jackets paired with sky blue trousers. Years later, the style for field wear shifted to four-button sack coats and Kepi instead of army campaign hat.

Due to lack of funding, disparity on battleground attires started. Uniforms made differently in each state or privately tailored by women, created variety in the war zone.

Spanish-American War

The trend blue field uniforms lasted in this era. In 1880, soldiers wore drab campaign hat, blue jacket and trousers and brown canvas leggings. Cavalry units wear the new style with ‘neckerchiefs’ like great rough riders. Moreover, officers wear coat sheared with black mohair braid, dark blue breeches and hat, and boots same with cavalry soldiers.

World War I & II


This time, soldiers still followed the Khaki uniform for the field but used olive color instead of blue and put spiral puttees in their legs. War Department imposed changes like replacing black leather with russet, shrinking chevron sizes and revamping insignia and buttons. Also, Airborne forces received cold weather flying jackets and coats.

In 1930, armies started to wear trousers alight with khaki canvas leggings. Years later, Garrison wear began to dominate fashion in combat topped with steel M-1 helmet. Use of camouflage uniform started last 1994 in France, but allied troops confused them with the Nazis, so they go back to olive drab clothing for preferable dissimulation.

Korean and Vietnam War

Image result for Korean and Vietnam War

Korean and Vietnam War

Olive green fatigues remained as the official uniform during both wars. But they made adjustments for Korean winter and tropical Vietnamese weather like pockets for essential items, wind-resistant fatigues, herringbone twill cotton for overcoats and other functional features. Additionally, specialized units long range reconnaissance patrol members wear ERDL patterned uniform.

1981 and beyond

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Photo: Charles Suilen at Sierra Prieta

The woodland pattern created an iconic breakthrough for war outfits. Soldiers started to wear it in service operations in Haiti, Panama, and Grenada in the late 1980s. With the additional armor system, field coat, helmet, and boots which feature camping and hiking gears help soldiers in readjusting with the surroundings.

In 1991, Army issued three-color camouflage as a uniform for Operation Desert Storm. Soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan also used the pattern and body armor. In 2004, universal and digitized gray and green camouflage replaced BDU and DCU designs.

At Present

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Military uniforms of Poland

US army uses operational camouflage pattern, almost same as Multicam, with the cuts based on the ACU. They use buttons to seal leg pockets instead of loop tape and hook to avoid much noise. Army board also removed elbow and knee pads, drawstring in trouser waistband and modified infrared square identification.

Overall, Coyote brown boots and OCP headgear completes the digital universal patterned uniform. The army also issued tactical vest particular for women’s body type who accepts combat roles.


Before, by using horses and guns with bayonets, armies break the road of war with their uniform and accouterments. But now, they ride on military tanks and fighter planes with MOLLE or Flak Vests stuck in their body.  At present, US Military unit follows Operational Camouflage Pattern that aids them to blend in the mountains.

Some army uniforms and fashion evolution remain to be unmentioned due to the diversity of uniform styles. It’s a long story to be told. If you like to spot an in-depth view at US Army uniforms, research for more. Be proud and learn to appreciate soldiers who struggle in the middle of acts of warfare.

EDITORS NOTE: Leslie Wyman is a writer for French Connection.

The Humanitarian Hoax of Raising the Minimum Wage: Killing America With Kindness

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

Obama, the humanitarian huckster-in-chief, weakened the United States borders for eight years presenting his crippling policies as altruistic when in fact they were designed for destruction. His legacy, the Leftist Democratic Party with its “resistance” movement, is the party of the Humanitarian Hoax attempting to destroy American democracy and replace it with socialism.

Raising the minimum wage has been an anthem for the leftist Democratic Party. They rail against the “heartless” Republicans for not caring and having loving kindness for the little people. The Leftist insist the 99% are being victimized by the ruthless 1%. So let’s examine the subjective reality of leftist fiction being propagated by these humanitarian hucksters.

Raising the minimum wage to $13 or $!5 is a great sound bite repeated incessantly by the colluding mainstream media for the hucksters. In objective reality raising the minimum wage to the $13 or $15 threshold has resulted in devastating consequences for the poorest working Americans. Instead of working a full-time 40 hour week the workers’ hours were reduced to a part-time 20 hour week and their benefits were reduced accordingly.

The humanitarian hucksters are not stupid – they are just deceitful. They knew the outcome because there are many educated economists among them who know that businesses that cannot sustain the wage increase will reduce hours to keep their businesses open. So why would the leftist humanitarian hucksters deliberately make such a destructive demand?

The answer is that the goal of the leftist Democratic Party is to destroy American democracy and replace it with socialism. The leftists already know that unsustainable wage increases that result in reduced hours also result in increased welfare roles that will overwhelm the system and devastate the economy. Obama’s mentor radical socialist Saul Alinsky hoped to change American democracy into socialism in the 1970s.

Alinsky’s Columbia University proteges Richard Cloward and Frances Piven devised the strategy to deliberately overload the US welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to “a replacement of the welfare system with a national guaranteed annual income and thus end poverty.” The problem is that the guaranteed annual income is guaranteed to collapse the economy and increase poverty. As Margaret Thatcher so succinctly remarked, “Socialism cannot work – eventually you run out of other peoples’ money.” Demanding the unsustainable raise in the minimum wage was a humanitarian hoax.

What is essential to understand is that socialism may have been the end game for the left-wing liberal lemmings determined to replace American democracy with socialism – but it was never the end game of the globalist elite who actually have the power and intend to rule the world with their own new world order of one-world government.

The Leftist Democratic Party and their leaders are the useful idiots being used by the globalist elite (monarchs, aristocrats, royalty, world bankers, and industrialists) to transform America into socialism. The Leftists are too arrogant to understand that they are participating in their own destruction. They have been indoctrinated to believe that they are fighting for “social justice and income equality” when in fact they are helping to establish the dystopian nightmare of one-world government where there is no middle class, no upward mobility, no national sovereignty, and no individual freedoms. There is only the ruling globalist elite and the enslaved population who serve them.

Socialism with its complete government control is the prerequisite social structure for the globalist elite to internationalize the socialist countries, internationalize the police force, and impose enforced one-world government. One-world government is the new world order that the globalist elite intend to rule themselves. It is unapologetically described in chilling detail in Lord Bertrand Russell’s 1952 book “The Impact of Science on Society.” One-world government is a binary socio-political system of masters and slaves. There is no social justice in one-world government, there is no income equality in one-world government, there are no Leftists or political agitators of any kind in one-world government – only a docile, compliant population of slaves ruled by the globalist elite.

One-world government is the goal and the underlying motive of the campaign to destroy America from within. American democracy is the single greatest existential threat to one-world government and President Donald Trump is America’s leader. If the globalist elite are successful in their efforts to weaken the US military, create social chaos through open borders and illegal immigration, collapse the economy through an unsustainable minimum wage, overthrow the US government of President Donald Trump, and transform America into socialism the next step is globalist conquest and the imposition of one-world government.

After 241 years of American freedom the world will be returned to the dystopian existence of masters and slaves because a willfully blind American public was seduced by leftist humanitarian hucksters promising kind social justice and compassionate income equality to surrender their sovereign borders and freedoms by demanding unsustainable economic benefits without commensurate work. The Humanitarian Hoax will have succeeded in killing America with “kindness.”

RELATED ARTICLE: When It Comes to Helping People, Facts Don’t Care About Your Intentions