Biden Administration Weakening National Security

The Biden administration is weakening national security in a number of ways.  The first has to do with electromagnetic pulse attacks which could knock out our power grid, resulting in the deaths of tens of millions of people from lack of electricity.  Russia now has a non-nuclear EMP weapon that can be delivered on hypersonic cruise missiles or launched from submarines.  Such weapons can fry our nuclear ICBMs in their silos. China and North Korea are also developing EMP weapons.  The Biden administration’s response?   Janet Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, has said she is not concerned about EMP attacks.

Another concrete indication of the administration’s blasé attitude about national security is the blind-eye the Pentagon has turned to the effect of its Woke policies on military morale and recruitment. Who in their right mind would sign up to fight and die for such a horrible rotten country, which is how the Pentagon presents America to its troops  Who, indeed? The Army will fall 20,000 short of its recruitment goals this fiscal year and things look even worse for next year. The reasons include the military’s insane COVID vaccine mandate, which some say is a deliberate purge of conservatives from the ranks.  But the reasons also include the Pentagon’s shoving Woke Marxist-derived policies like critical race theory and transgenderism down service members’ throats.

The Biden administration has also been taking a scissors to the terror group list.  Earlier this year, it removed Gamaat Islamiya from the terror list.  The group was led by Omar Abdel-Rahman, the Blind Sheikh whose followers bombed the World Trade Center in 1993. The administration also removed from the list the Houthis in Yemen, an Iranian-sponsored Jihad group that hopes its missiles will reach New York “in the very near future.”  While we’re on the subject of terrorism, it is undisputed illegal aliens on the terrorist watch list are coming across the southern border, a border made porous by Joe Biden’s open borders policies as I’ve documented in many previous commentaries.

The Senate Armed Services Committee found Biden’s proposed defense budget inadequate for the second year in a row.  The Committee added $45 billion for, among other things, more weapons to deter Russia and China.  Meanwhile, the Navy’s current plans call for the number of ships to shrink from 300 to 280 by 2027.  And an Army general warned Congress America is not ready for chemical and biological attacks.  The food supply is especially at risk. Animal pathogens could be targeted at America, producing food insecurity in the United States.

Experts also warn America’s nuclear deterrent is in bad shape.  Not only have our weapons become old and rickety, but the overall design – to bust Soviet missile silos – is woefully out of date in this age of mobile missile launchers.  Russia has more battlefield tactical nukes, and a different attitude about using them.  We draw a bright line at using any nukes, but Putin has threatened some 40 times to use them in Ukraine.  The use of nuclear weapons per se is not unthinkable to the Russians.  Russia outnumbers us ten-to-one in the tactical nuke category. China isn’t standing still, either.  It is turning express trains into mobile missile launchers.  China will tell you it aims for ‘world harmony’ which really means subjugation of the entire planet under Chinese rule – world domination. Compared to Russia and China, the Biden administration is twiddling its thumbs when it comes to nuclear deterrence.  Forcing electric cars on us to save the planet is so much more important, you see.

Some might argue all of this is deliberate. The Biden administration hates America with a passion and is trying to destroy it.  I believe that but, today, all I have to show you is how the administration’s policies are weakening our national security. That’s bad enough. Whatever the reason, the Biden administration is shirking its duty on Job One – national security – and we are less safe as a result.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Swipe For Tyranny, Oppression and Insane Lies

“The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end, you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up their minds. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such people, you can then do what you please.” — Hannah Arendt

Democrats election and fundraising emails read like a homicidal madman’s manifesto accusing their victims of the crimes they have committed. They accuse us of the crimes they are committing with impunity.

Evil madness. Irrational and anti-real. Their modus operandi. That’s expected. Any American buying into is nothing short of astonishing.

Look at this – it’s evocative of  Nazi party propaganda where the Jews were the oppressors and the Nazis their victims. When you control the press, you can sell anything.

Here is the full text of their election campaign:

The November election is crucial because everything we care about is at stake.

  • Whether abortion is legal – or doctors are jailed and women die
  • Whether assault weapons are banned – or our children are massacred
  • Whether global warming is reduced – or our planet becomes uninhabitable
  • Whether our votes are counted – or we live under a Trump Dictatorship

If Democrats win, we will move forward as a nation. If Republicans win, we will descend into tyranny.

We know we can win because we beat Donald Trump in 2020 by turning out 81 million Democratic voters for Joe Biden – the most votes ever.



Misery Index Spikes: ‘America First’ vs. American Carnage

Food Now Being Kept Behind Lock and Key After Soaring Prices Make It More Expensive Than Ever

Police officer shot and killed during traffic stop in ‘senseless act of violence’

Manchin-Schumer Tax and Spend Bill Raises Taxes on Millions of Americans, Even on Lower and Middle Class

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ARIZONA: Identities Of Maricopa County Election Employees Who Deleted Election Server Files BEFORE Maricopa County Audit

“We are not talking about Fraudulent voting acts. What we are talking about is TREASON. When you coordinate 6 to 10 states using cyber warfare to change the outcome, these are Treasonous Acts.” — Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC)

Non-stop steal.

This is treason.

BREAKING: Bombshell Presentation Reveals Identities Of Maricopa County Election Employees Who Deleted Files From Election Server BEFORE Maricopa County Audit

By Jordan Conradson, The Gateway Pundit, July 31, 2022:

We The People AZ Alliance hosted an election security forum in Maricopa County on Saturday, featuring testimony from expert witnesses and state legislators.

This informational hearing, moderated by investigative journalist Lara Logan, presented evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election and addressed the concerns in the 2022 elections.

As we reported earlier, Lara dropped a bomb on stage, revealing that the Biden regime is now giving social security numbers to illegals at the border.

Election investigator Matt Vanbibber also shared his discoveries from the Maricopa County Elections Department’s public footage. He finally revealed the identities of individuals who illegally deleted elections files from the Elections Management Server in April 2021.

This data was deleted before the voting machines were delivered to Senate auditors in compliance with a subpoena.

Federal law requires these files to be kept for 22 months.

Maricopa County officials previously admitted that these files were “deleted” in a Congressional hearing but later walked it back and said that the files were “archived.”

This was one of the many law violations discovered by the Arizona audit and other Maricopa County’s 2020 Election investigations.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on footage of the individuals deleting the files, but their identities were redacted from the public to maintain confidentiality.

On Saturday, it was revealed by Vanbibber that Maricopa County election Database Administrator Brian Ramirez was granted unauthorized entry to the server room on multiple occasions, and he deleted the files.

Ramirez does not have the required credentials to access the server room. However, Vanbibber discovered that he falsely used the identities of individuals who were authorized access.

Vanbibber matched the server room entry logs to the video footage and found Brian Ramirez using others’ cards to access the room.

Vanbibber: So basically, you have Brian entering the server room, and remember I told you he does not have badge access. We The People actually collected server room logs from Maricopa. So I went through all this video footage and matched it with the logs. What you see is Brian has Passarelli’s card in the server room, and he also has Charles Cooley’s badge as well.

Logan: So, Brian is accessing the server room using the identities and cards of other people.

Maricopa County policies also require two people in the server room whenever someone is using the keyboard video monitor, however, Brian was alone on multiple occasions.

Vanbibber then played the video of Brian Ramirez accessing the server room after he was let in by Assistant Elections Director Kristi Passarelli, at the same time that the server logs were deleted.

Keep reading…..


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Iranian Impunity in the U.S.? Man Arrested with AK-47 Outside Brooklyn Home of Iranian Dissident

On Thursday, a 23-year-old man named Khalid Mehdiyev was arrested in Brooklyn outside the home of Masih Alinejad. She is the astonishingly courageous Iranian dissident who so enrages the mullahs who lead the Islamic Republic that they mounted an audacious plot last year to kidnap her in New York and take her back to Iran, where she would have faced unimaginable horrors. Was this a second attempt by the Iranians to rid themselves of one of their highest-profile and most trenchant critics? If so, it highlights yet again Old Joe Biden’s appalling weakness. Weakness, after all, invites aggression.

According to the New York Post, Mehdiyev (which is a common Azeri name; there is a sizable Azeri minority in Iran) had a loaded AK-47 and over a thousand dollars in cash, and had been hanging around Alinejad’s home for two days before he was finally apprehended. The federal complaint  “makes no explicit connection between Mehdiyev and Alinejad but says the accused had focused on an unnamed Brooklyn ‘residence.’”

Mehdiyev showed all the signs of a determined and potentially lethal stalker: “Law enforcement observed Mehdiyev sitting in a gray Subaru Forester SUV with an Illinois license plate for several hours on Wednesday and Thursday. Feds said he ordered food to his car and looked inside of the windows and attempted to open the front door of the residence he was parked outside of.” Finally, on Thursday, Mehdiyev had the poor judgment to run a stop sign and was stopped by the NYPD, which found that he had no driver’s license.

When cops searched his car, they found, apparently along with two days’ worth of takeout cartons, “the loaded AK-47 with multiple magazines, additional rounds of ammunition and a suitcase full of cash. Two other different license plates were also found.”

But Mehdiyev insists that his odd and suspicious behavior was entirely innocent: he “told police he had been staying in Yonkers, but the rent was too high there and he was looking for a new place to live in the Brooklyn neighborhood. He said he had tried to open the front door of the residence so he could knock on an inside door to ask if he could rent a room.” He apparently didn’t explain why he sat outside the place for two days, and he had no plausible explanation for anything else, either: “He initially told officers he had borrowed the car and he didn’t know anything about the gun and said the suitcase was not his.” Yeah, you know how AK-47s can just appear in your car without your knowledge or consent, and what can anyone do about that?

Later, apparently realizing how ridiculous his initial story sounded, Mehdiyev “confessed that the gun was his and he had been in Brooklyn ‘because he was looking for someone’” — an ominous statement when you’re carrying an AK during your search.

Masih Alinejad is a particular thorn in the side of the mullahs because she highlights on a daily basis the pettiness and cruelty of the Islamic Republic. She routinely posts videos that have been sent to her (at tremendous risk) from inside Iran, showing Iranian women risking multiyear prison sentences for the crime of taking off their hijab, the arrest and torture of women who have done so, and the Iranian regime’s determination to punish women who dare to resist their oppression. On Wednesday, she posted a video showing the “unspeakable cruelty” of the Iranian regime in killing over 1,700 stray dogs. (Dogs are considered unclean in Islam, and Muhammad, the Islamic prophet, ordered that they be killed.)

In a shame/honor culture, Masih Alinejad is doing something that the Iranian mullahs likely consider worse than death: she is humiliating them. And so it wouldn’t be in the least surprising if it turns out that they sent Khalid Mehdiyev, as they sent the kidnappers who were foiled last year. Old Joe Biden presents such an image of fecklessness and lack of control that it’s easy to see why the mullahs would think that this is the perfect time to strike within the United States: if Masih Alinejad were ever abducted or killed, Joe will stumble and mumble through some paper-tiger statement and continue his indefatigable pursuit of a new Iranian nuclear deal. So for the mullahs, there is no downside to continuing to try to get her in their clutches. The only people who would pay a price, as always with Joe’s actions and inactions, are the free people of the world.



Iran’s Attempt to Kidnap a Dissident in the U.S. Highlights Biden’s Extraordinary Weakness

Iran: Father kills his 16-year-old daughter because she ‘wanted to live without restrictions’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

STUDY: Human ‘Pee a Problem Pollutant’ You are pollution!

1) You are the pollution they want to eliminate! Study: Human ‘Pee a Problem Pollutant in the U.S.’ – ‘Can contribute to warming’

Scientific American: “In the U.S., people eat more protein than they need to. And though it might not be bad for human health, this excess does pose a problem for the country’s waterways. The nation’s wastewater is laden with the leftovers from protein digestion: nitrogen compounds that can feed toxic algal blooms and pollute the air and drinking water. …

Once it enters the environment, the nitrogen in urea can trigger a spectrum of ecological impacts known as the “nitrogen cascade.” Under certain chemical conditions, and in the presence of particular microbes, urea can break down to form gases of oxidized nitrogen. These gases reach the atmosphere, where nitrous oxide (N2O) can contribute to warming via the greenhouse effect and nitrogen oxides (NOx) can cause acid rain.” … Patricia Glibert, an oceanographer at the University of Maryland, suggests consumers could switch to a “demitarian” diet—an approach that focuses on reducing the consumption of meat and dairy..”

[ … ]

Climate Depot’s Morano: “They will not give up. They will continue to scare you about climate change in every, and any conceivable way. Now when you pee, you are allegedly a human pollution machine that is heating up the planet. The voiding of your bladder must be curtailed for the sake of the planet! So says ‘The Science’!”

Read more.

WATCH: Your pee is pollution.

2) World Economic Forum calls to reduce private vehicles by eliminating ‘ownership’

WEF: “More sharing can reduce ownership of idle equipment and thus material usage,” the group argued, pointing to statistics that show the average vehicle in England is driven “just 4% of the time.”

Calls for ending private car ownership are growing:

Owning a car is outdated ’20th-century thinking’ & we must move to ‘shared mobility’ to cut carbon emissions, UK transport minister says

Irish Times: Future of people driving around country in private cars is ‘fantasy built on cheap oil’

‘Climate Emergency’: Ireland Set to Ban Private Cars

Climate lockdown: ‘It’s Time To Ban The Sale Of Pickup Trucks’ – ‘Shift away from relying on private vehicles entirely’

Business Insider mag: ‘Electric vehicles won’t save us — we need to get rid of cars completely’

2021: Climate lockdowns!? New International Energy Agency’s ‘Net-Zero’ report urges A shift away from private car use’

Climate Lockdowns: British Medical Journal Study Calls For ‘Substantially fewer journeys by car

Gates, Soros funded Professor: Prepare for the Coming ‘Climate Lockdowns’ – ‘Govts would limit private-vehicle use’

Flashback: Dem presidential candidate Andrew Yang: Climate Change May Require Elimination of Car Ownership – Suggests ‘constant roving fleet of electric cars’– “We might not own our own cars.”

3) Al Gore touts climate pork-barrel spending bill as ‘single largest investment in climate solutions & environmental justice in U.S. history’

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano:  “Sen. Manchin caved to utter climate nitwittery that has real consequences for the U.S. economy currently being starved of energy by a wacko ideology that is dominant within the Democratic Party. Now Al Gore is claiming that this bill, which is just a much larger rehash of Obama’s green stimulus, will somehow save us from a pending climate ’emergency.’  Meanwhile, in the real world, this new Orwellian named ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ will have no impact on global emissions — let alone the climate. Even fellow climate activists and democrats are admitting this, calling the deal ‘a baby step‘ and a ‘minimum’ impact on climate change. Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. analyzed the climate bill’s impacts and found that Biden’s 50% emissions-reduction target for 2030 would have an undetectable impact on overall global emissions.


Morano: “But never fret, the bill will have massive impacts on American energy, the economy, and inflation and it may solve racism.” See: ‘$60 billion in climate reparations’ – Dems’ New Spending Bill Imposes Methane Tax To Fund ‘Environmental Justice’ Programs – Morano: “Somehow the ‘solutions’ to climate change have morphed into including $60 billion in climate reparations in the name of ‘equity.’ Anyone who drinks milk or eats meat will now be paying reparations. Will the $60 billion actually help solve racism? Anyone who thinks this climate bill has anything to with the climate has not been paying attention.”

Sen. Manchin caves to climate agenda – Agrees to ‘abrupt deal’ deal w/ Sen. Schumer – Will raise $739 billion in taxes, spend $369 billion on ‘climate initiatives’

4) Analysis: Biden’s 50% emissions reduction target for 2030 (if achieved) would have a ‘nearly unmeasurable’ impact on overall global CO2 emissions

“Dr. Roger Pielke ran the numbers and found that, even if it achieved Biden’s 50% emissions-reduction target for 2030, which it almost certainly won’t, the impact on overall global emissions would be nearly unmeasurable.”

5) You Will Own No Land & Be Happy?! UN, World Economic Forum Behind ‘War On Farmers’ & Ending Private Land Ownership

Alex NewmanEven private land ownership is in the crosshairs, as global food production and the world economy are transformed to meet the global sustainability goals, U.N. documents reviewed by The Epoch Times show.

One of the earliest meetings defining the “sustainability” agenda was the U.N. Conference on Human Settlements known as Habitat I, which adopted the Vancouver Declaration. The agreement stated that “land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset controlled by individuals” and that private land ownership is “a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”

“Public control of land use is therefore indispensable,” the U.N. declaration said, a prelude to the World Economic Forum’s now infamous “prediction” that by 2030, “you’ll own nothing.”

6) Watch: Morano on Newsmax TV on pending ‘climate emergency’ declaration: ‘Biden will have literally 130 new executive powers’ & ‘This is a COVID-like power grab for the climate’

7) Watch: Morano on Jesse Watters Primetime on Fox News: Gore is ‘absurd’ to compare ‘climate deniers’ to do nothing Uvalde cops – There has been a ‘99% drop in climate-related deaths

Morano: “Gore is trying desperately to say something provocative to make himself relevant which is how he came up with the Uvalde school shooting analogy which is absurd.” See: Watch: Gore claims ‘climate deniers are really in some ways similar’ to cops at Uvalde shooting who sat idle – ‘They heard the screams, they heard the gunshots, & nobody stepped forward’

Morano: “Due to fossil fuels, due to our energy that Gore has been fighting for decades, there has been a 99% drop in climate-related deaths since 1920. It is a success story and mostly credited to fossil fuels which fuel development, which fuel economic growth, which fuels safety from extreme weather events. So Gore has it wrong. The people blocking him (the ‘climate deniers’) are the ones saving lives.”

After 100 years of climate change, ‘climate-related deaths’ approach zero – Dropped by over 99% since 1920

8) ‘$60 billion in climate reparations’ – Dems’ New Spending Bill Imposes Methane Tax To Fund ‘Environmental Justice’ Programs

Morano: “Somehow the ‘solutions’ to climate change have morphed into including $60 billion in climate reparations in the name of ‘equity.’ “Anyone who drinks milk or eats meat will now be paying reparations. Will the $60 billion actually help solve racism? Anyone who thinks this climate bill has anything to with the climate has not been paying attention.”

©Marc Morano, Climate Depot. All rights reserved.

Our Military is Getting Desperate

Our WOKE military is getting desperate.

I can remember when the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores for most Miitary Occupation Specialties (MOS) had to be at least 70+ and now they’re accepting those with scores of only 31.   Additionally, the body fat percentage is over the standard by as much as 6%.

Army Opens its Doors to Recruits Who Fail to Meet Initial Body Fat and Academic Standards Amid Recruiting Crisis

By Steve Beynon

The Army is giving new recruits who exceed body fat standards or failed academic entrance standards a chance to serve as the service faces a daunting recruiting crisis.

In August, the service is set to launch two pilot programs at Fort Jackson, South Carolina: one for recruits who are slightly too overweight to serve and another for those who did not score high enough on the SAT-style exam required to enlist.

New enlistees who exceed body fat standards by as much as 6% will be placed into a training program for up to 90 days that includes exercise and dietary training. Every three weeks, the recruit may have their body fat measured and, if they can get to only 2% over the Army’s limit, they will be allowed to move on to basic training.

A separate academic camp, also up to 90 days long, is for recruits who score between 21 and 30 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB. A 31 is needed to qualify for any job in the Army. Lower scores tend to place soldiers in combat arms or roles that are generally less technical. Higher scores typically qualify troops for roles such as administrative and intelligence jobs. Soldiers have the opportunity to retake the ASVAB every three weeks as part of the program. During the camp, soldiers will receive extra schooling on topics covered by the ASVAB, which include literacy, high school-level math and logic puzzles.

“The young men and women who will participate in this pilot have the desire to improve themselves and want to honorably serve their country,” Gen. Paul Funk II, the commanding general of Training and Doctrine Command, said in a press release. “[It’s] a great way to increase opportunities for them to serve without sacrificing the quality needed across our force.”

Read more.

©Royal A. Brown, III, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.). All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Army Swiftly Backpedals on Policy Dropping High School Diploma Requirement

PODCAST: Trump’s ’24 Plan to Drain Swamp & public trust in the media is approaching rock bottom.



Dick Morris, really needs no introduction. He’s a political author and commentator, pollster, political campaign consultant, and general political consultant. He has a new book out “The Return”

TOPIC: Trump Has ’24 Plan to Drain Swamp!


Timothy Head is the executive director for the Faith & Freedom Coalition. Tim has extensive media experience in over 100 outlets and publications such as Fox News, National Review, Christian Post, Washington Examiner, The Hill, The Jerusalem Post and many more. Prior to joining Faith & Freedom, Tim worked in public policy as the district director for a member of the Texas congressional delegation. He also has served as chief of staff and as policy advisor to members of the Texas Legislature and worked on the Republican Party of Texas’ 2010 Victory Texas effort.

TOPIC: Public’s trust in the media is approaching rock bottom!

©Conservatives Commandoes Radio—AUNTV. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: PJ Watson Comments on the Arrest of a Middle Aged Veteran for Retweeting a Joke about ‘Trans’ People

Man complains of ‘Orwellian police’ after tweet investigation

A man has described police as using George Orwell’s novel 1984 as an “operating manual” after he was investigated over alleged transphobic comments posted on social media.

An officer from Humberside Police interviewed Harry Miller by telephone after the force received complaints over his posts on Twitter.

One tweet questioned whether transgender women were real women.

Mr Miller said he was “utterly shocked” to be questioned by a police constable.

“He said even though I had committed no crime he needed to check my thinking,” said Mr Miller.

Read more.

The entire arrest video:

EDITORS NOTE: Vlad Tepes Blog commentary posted by is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Texas Now Produces More Oil Than Every Country in the World Besides Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq

This “energy miracle” in the Lone Star State has to be one of the most remarkable energy success stories in history.

As a result of the impressive, “eye-popping,” and ongoing surges in Texas’s oil production over the last decade, the Lone Star State recently surpassed Canada’s oil output for the first time this year (except for a few previous outlier months when production in Canada dropped sharply, see chart below), and now produces more oil (4.6 million barrels per day) than all other countries except for Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq (see map below).

And if the recent year-over-year output increases of 25-35 percent in recent months continue in Texas, it won’t be long before the state’s crude oil production tops Iraq’s daily output (of 4.7 million barrels), and it will only be Russia and Saudi Arabia that out-produce the Lone Star State.

The near quintupling of oil output in Texas, from about 1 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2008 to what will likely be more than 5 million bpd by the end of this year—ranking the state as the world’s No. 4 oil-producing “nation,” fueled by 35 percent annual increases in recent months—has to be one of the most remarkable energy success stories in history.

And this “energy miracle” in the Lone Star State has nothing to do with Obama’s recent delusional claims of his alleged contributions to America’s new position as the world’s No. 1 oil producer, and everything to do with the contributions of free-market capitalism, Yankee ingenuity, technological innovation, revolutionary drilling and extraction techniques supported by modern Made-in-the-USA equipment, and, most importantly, the contributions of America’s many risk-taking “petronpreneurs” who are the real “miracle workers” in America’s amazing energy success story.

This article is reprinted with permission from the American Enterprise Institute.


Mark J. Perry

Mark J. Perry is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

UN Deletes Article Titled ‘The Benefits of World Hunger.’ Was It Real or Satire?

The author of the article in question told FEE it was not a parody.

UN Chronicle, the official magazine of the United Nations, recently deleted a 2008 article titled “The Benefits of World Hunger.”

The article, which now leads to an “error page,” was written by George Kent, a now retired University of Hawaii political science professor. In the article, Kent argued that hunger is “fundamental to the working of the world’s economy.”

“Much of the hunger literature talks about how it is important to assure that people are well fed so that they can be more productive,” Kent wrote. “That is nonsense. No one works harder than hungry people. Yes, people who are well nourished have greater capacity for productive physical activity, but well-nourished people are far less willing to do that work.”

UN Chronicle deleted the article after it began to cause a stir on social media. The magazine said Kent’s article should not be taken literally, contending that it was a work of parody.

“This article appeared in the UN Chronicle 14 years ago as an attempt at satire and was never meant to be taken literally. We have been made aware of its failures, even as satire, and have removed it from our site.”

At first glance, there seems to be little reason to doubt the United Nations. As some writers have noted, previous works written by Kent include Ending World Hunger, The Political Economy of Hunger: The Silent Holocaust, and Freedom from Want: The Human Right to Adequate Food.

These titles hardly suggest that Kent sees global hunger as a good thing. In light of this, some contended that he was taking an approach not unlike Jonathan Swift, whose famous essay “A Modest Proposal” cheekily argued that Irish families should alleviate their mean condition by selling excess children to the wealthy for food.

After reading the UN’s tweet, Yahoo’s report, and several other pieces of commentary on the subject, I initially agreed that Kent’s article likely was written as satire. However, closer examination and a brief conversation with Kent revealed that is not the case.

First, it’s important to note that Kent himself denies the article was intended as a form of satire.

“I don’t think the UN would have published it if they thought it was satire or advocacy,” Kent told Climate Depot in a recent phone interview.

In the interview, Kent explains he was not advocating global hunger but was intending to be “provocative” by saying certain individuals and institutions benefit from global hunger.

“No, it is not satire,” Kent told Marc Morano, founder and editor of Climate Depot. “I don’t see anything funny about it. It is not about advocacy of hunger.”

I reached out to Kent and asked if the quotes were accurate, and he told me they were, adding that he intends to publish a paper this fall that will further detail his views.

“Marc understood me very well,” Kent told me in an email. “I hope my current paper on who benefits from hunger helps to make my position clear to everyone involved in this discussion.”

Additionally, the article’s concluding paragraph supports Kent’s claim that the work was not designed as either satire or advocacy. A careful reading of the text suggests Kent is being quite literal when he writes that some people benefit from global hunger.

“For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields?” Kent wrote. “Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.”

One senses in these words disapproval. The global poor exist because the wealthy require them to exist. Global hunger exists because humans are simply not doing the moral and necessary things to eradicate it.

But what are those things? A glimpse at Kent’s 2011 Ending Hunger Worldwide offers a clue. In the summary of the book, readers are told the keys to tackling global hunger are “building stronger communities” and challenging “dominant market-led solutions.”

In Kent’s view, one gathers, global hunger is not a complex problem that is being addressed by free market capitalism; it’s a moral one that requires empowering intellectuals like Kent to solve it.

It’s also worth noting that reviews of Kent on Rate My Professor—which gives him a rating of 1.9 out of 5—suggest he’s, well, perhaps a bit of an ideologue.

“Avoid this man with your life. Very opinionated and if your opinion differs, you will fail. He’s the worst professor i’ve had,” one reviewer wrote.

“Horrible professor if you are not politically aligned with his values you WILL FAIL,” another contended.

“Very opinionated and unhelpful,” opined another. “Very critical and extremely boring. Unsupportive and irritating.”

Whether Kent is a good professor or not, or whether his article was satire or literal, are questions that ultimately do not matter a whole lot in the larger scheme of things. What does matter are the policies that cause global hunger and the policies that alleviate global hunger.

And on this front, there has been stunning progress in recent decades. As Our World in Data shows, the percentage of undernourished people in developing countries has plummeted in recent years, falling from 35 percent in 1970 to 13 percent in 2015.

How this happened is not a mystery. As economist Bob Murphy noted in, the proliferation of free market capitalism has “gone hand-in-hand with rapid and unprecedented increases in human welfare.”

“As the World Bank reports, the global rate of ‘extreme poverty’ (defined as people living on less than $1.90 per day) was cut in half from 1990 to 2010. Back in 1990, 1.85 billion people lived in extreme poverty, but by 2013, the figure had dropped to 767 million—meaning the number of those living on less than $1.90 per day had fallen by more than a billion people.’”

Ironically, no better example of this can be found in recent decades than China, which has achieved nothing short of an economic miracle in recent decades. China saw its percentage of underweight children fall from 19 percent in 1987 to 2.4 percent in 2013. As recently as 1990, 66 percent of Chinese people lived in extreme poverty. By 2015, that figure was less than one percent.

How did China achieve this economic miracle? By pivoting to privatization following the death of Party Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976), as I pointed out in 2019.

In 1979, China adopted its “household responsibility system,” giving many farmers ownership of their crop for the first time. This was followed by Communist Party leaders opening China to foreign investment, curbing price controls and protectionism, and implementing mass privatization of its economy.

The “market-led solutions” that Kent has disparaged have worked wonders for hunger alleviation. The same cannot be said for initiatives hatched by the central planners at the United Nations, the organization that published Kent’s controversial article on hunger.

Sri Lanka’s current food crisis stems directly from an effort to shift the country’s agriculture sector to organic farming, which saw the import of fertilizers banned and led the country to become an importer of rice instead of an exporter virtually overnight.

Many writers and thinkers are blaming Sri Lanka’s crisis on the global rise of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), which was started in 2004 under the auspices of—you guessed it—the United Nations to encourage “sustainable development.”

And people are right to blame ESG. Writing for the World Economic Forum in 2016, economist Joseph Stiglitz said “Sri Lanka may be able to move directly into… high-productivity organic farming…”

Sri Lanka did. By doing so, the nation earned an ESG score of 98/100—and caused a food crisis that resulted in one president’s resignation and food insecurity for millions of people.

This is a tragedy. And while George Kent is clearly wrong—there are no benefits to world hunger—one begins to understand why his 15-year-old article published by the United Nations is suddenly sparking so much interest

It’s not just Sri Lanka, after all. The NetherlandsCanada, and other countries are all making headlines with food schemes that are likely to goose their ESG score—but cause serious problems at a time when global hunger is on the rise for the first time in decades.

In light of current global policies, anti-population rhetoric, and the track record of twentieth century collectivist food schemes—HolodomorCambodia, and Mao’s Great Leap Forward, which saw tens of millions starve to death because of government policies—George Kent’s “The Benefits of World Hunger” article hit too close to home.

(Editor’s Note: We’ve posted George Kent’s 2008 entire article below since the United Nations removed the article from their site so readers can determine for themselves Kent’s purpose in writing the article.)

We sometimes talk about hunger in the world as if it were a scourge that all of us want to see abolished, viewing it as comparable with the plague or aids. But that naïve view prevents us from coming to grips with what causes and sustains hunger. Hunger has great positive value to many people. Indeed, it is fundamental to the working of the world’s economy. Hungry people are the most productive people, especially where there is a need for manual labour.

We in developed countries sometimes see poor people by the roadside holding up signs saying “Will Work for Food.” Actually, most people work for food. It is mainly because people need food to survive that they work so hard either in producing food for themselves in subsistence-level production, or by selling their services to others in exchange for money. How many of us would sell our services if it were not for the threat of hunger?

More importantly, how many of us would sell our services so cheaply if it were not for the threat of hunger? When we sell our services cheaply, we enrich others, those who own the factories, the machines and the lands, and ultimately own the people who work for them. For those who depend on the availability of cheap labour, hunger is the foundation of their wealth.

The conventional thinking is that hunger is caused by low-paying jobs. For example, an article reports on “Brazil’s ethanol slaves: 200,000 migrant sugar cutters who prop up renewable energy boom”. While it is true that hunger is caused by low-paying jobs, we need to understand that hunger at the same time causes low-paying jobs to be created. Who would have established massive biofuel production operations in Brazil if they did not know there were thousands of hungry people desperate enough to take the awful jobs they would offer? Who would build any sort of factory if they did not know that many people would be available to take the jobs at low-pay rates?

Much of the hunger literature talks about how it is important to assure that people are well fed so that they can be more productive. That is nonsense. No one works harder than hungry people. Yes, people who are well nourished have greater capacity for productive physical activity, but well-nourished people are far less willing to do that work.

The non-governmental organization Free the Slaves defines slaves as people who are not allowed to walk away from their jobs. It estimates that there are about 27 million slaves in the world, including those who are literally locked into workrooms and held as bonded labourers in South Asia. However, they do not include people who might be described as slaves to hunger, that is, those who are free to walk away from their jobs but have nothing better to go to. Maybe most people who work are slaves to hunger?

For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

$2.1 Million Worth Of Meth Seized At Texas Border Crossing

Texas border patrol agents seized $2.1 million worth of liquid methamphetamine from a vehicle attempting to enter the U.S. from Mexico, according to authorities.

The seizure took place at the Rio Grande City Port of Entry, and the total weight of the liquid drug amounted to 110 pounds, CNN reported.

The bust allegedly occurred last Sunday after a 2012 Dodge was stopped by federal officials for further inspection while attempting to cross the border.

Federal agents at the entrance point unveiled the hidden stash via “non-intrusive inspection system” technology and brought in K-9 units as well, according to New York Daily News.

The alleged driver of the vehicle was an unidentified 41-year-old American citizen, the outlet added.

Both the drugs and the driver were handed over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for additional investigation.

Earlier this month, San Diego County, California, experienced one of the biggest drug busts in U.S. history.

Officials followed a suspicious commercial-sized truck that crossed the border from Mexico, seized five thousand pounds of meth and arrested four men that hailed from Tijuana, Mexico.





Iranians Caught Trying To Cross The Southern Border As Part Of Migrant Caravan

Trump Says Southern Border Is ‘More Dangerous Than It’s Ever Been’ Under Biden

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

POLL: Biden Just Set A Record For Dismal Job Approval

President Joe Biden has completed his sixth quarter in office with a historically low average approval rating of 40%, according to a Friday Gallup poll.

This average represents the lowest sixth-quarter (which spans April 20 to July 19) results for a first-term president, and comes on the back of a July poll by Gallup which found Biden’s approval had fallen to 38% that month. Biden’s approval amongst independents fell to the lowest levels on record, with only 31% approving of his tenure, and his 78% approval among Democrats is tied for his lowest score with them, according to Gallup.

These results come as a USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll finds that 50% of Democrat voters would prefer a presidential candidate other than Biden in 2024.

It would be extremely unusual for Biden to make significant gains in the seventh quarter, as the only president to do so was President George H. W. Bush, according to Gallup.

Biden’s approval amongst Republicans remains in the single digits at 5%, which is comparable to opposition-party approval among recent predecessors President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump, according to Gallup. 87% of Republicans and 43% of independents strongly disapprove of Biden’s tenure, while just 6% of Democrats strongly disapprove.

Overall, 69% of those polled either moderately or strongly disapproved of Biden’s tenure, according to Gallup. While Gallup does not always ask about the intensity of approval or disapproval, 87% represents the highest “strongly disapprove” rating by an opposition party on record.

Only 83% of Democrats strongly disapproved of Trump, while 81% strongly disapproved of President George W. Bush at the height of their disapproval, according to Gallup. In contrast, only 75% of Republicans strongly disapproved of Obama at the peak of their disapproval.

Gallup stressed that the question of intensity is not regularly asked, being asked six times during Trump’s term and only four times during Obama’s first term, so it is “unclear if a party group has ever held more strongly negative opinions of a president than Republicans now do of Biden.”

“I understand that they’ve got a tough job,” said 44 year-old independent Clifton Heard, who voted for Biden in 2020, speaking to The New York Times about the Biden administration. “He wasn’t prepared for the job”

The Gallup poll sampled 1,013 adults, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and had a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

The White House did not immediately respond to a Daily Caller News Foundation request for comment.





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‘Remarkable Record’: Axios Co-Founder Says Biden Is Doing A Great Job, Compares Him To Reagan

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Editor Daily Rundown: Americans Turn To Dollar Stores During Biden Recession

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Biden’s Border Policies Veer from Insane to Berserk

The Biden administration is closing gaps in the border wall in Arizona, despite Joe Biden’s promise he would not build “another foot” of Trump’s border wall.  Wouldn’t you love to know why Biden wants to build the wall, especially since Democrats have called the wall ‘racist’, making the Biden administration racist for building it?  I would like to know, too, but all we get out of the White House is gaslighting.  They’re not building the wall, the White House press secretary insists.  They’re ‘cleaning up a mess left by the Trump administration.’  If you can figure out what that means, let me know.

Building the wall represents an about-face for an administration that has instituted numerous policy changes to open the border, changes I’ve documented in previous commentaries.  The administration might be building the wall, but it’s still making policy changes to open the border at the same time, which makes absolutely no sense at all.   The administration just confirmed it will be giving identification cards to illegal aliens.  Border-jumpers should be detained and deported but, instead, the Biden administration is releasing them into the interior and now making it easier for them to travel by plane and access government benefits with a secure ID card. The administration’s recent announcement it will allow illegal aliens to apply for asylum online from anywhere in the world has been heavily criticized.  One Senator called it an ‘open invitation to Chinese spies to enter the U.S.’.

The consequences of the new online asylum system have yet to be seen, but the consequences of earlier policy changes are already visible, and they are ruinous.

The masses of unaccompanied children pouring across the border have led to contracts costing hundreds of millions of dollars for a facility to house some of them in North Carolina while they await resettlement.  The facility has rock climbing walls, an 8-lane swimming pool, mental health counseling, legal services – the works.  I remember that a similar facility considered by the Obama administration during a previous alien child surge was canceled due to public outrage.  Not this time.

Out of 30,000 catch-and-release aliens targeted to receive court summonses for failing to appear for immigration hearings, only 600 have been served.  Officers call the exercise a “complete waste of time.”  I call it a joke.

Federal air marshals had to be called in to help with the influx of illegal aliens at the border caused by Joe Biden’s open borders policies.  The marshals escort aliens from processing facilities into the custody of border agents for release into the interior.  Why authorities even bother with this step when the escort is for all of 50 yards is beyond me.

All this laxness has given rise to human smuggling operations inside the U.S.  Last week, ICE found 73 illegal aliens living in six homes operated by smugglers in a wealthy area of Washington, D.C.   It’s not clear who the cocaine found during the raid was for.

Building the wall in Arizona, while letting the alien invasion continue in Texas.  Releasing aliens into the interior with summonses not worth the paper they’re written on while giving them secure ID cards.  Continuing to tell the public the border is secure when obviously it is not – none of this makes any sense.   But if you expect rationality from wild-eyed left-wing ideologues who hate America with a passion, you’re not going to get it.   Who knows what the latest reversal is about, but it’s certainly not about admitting Trump was right, after all.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Is Monkeypox the Next HIV, Planned Out 5 Years Ago?


  • By the third week of July 2022, some 16,000 cases of monkeypox had been recorded across 75 countries, with the vast majority of cases occurring among homosexual and bisexual men. In the U.S., recorded cases were around 3,000, including two children
  • July 23, 2022, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilaterally overruled this panel of advisers and declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC). Ghebreyesus made the decision to declare a PHEIC even though the WHO’s advisory panel opposed the declaration 9 to 6
  • According to Ghebreyesus, “for the moment this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners. That means that this is an outbreak that can be stopped with the right strategies in the right groups”
  • At present, the PHEIC appears to be financially motivated. Moderna is testing an mRNA injection for monkeypox, and in addition to the two smallpox vaccines already approved, Aventis Pasteur also has a smallpox vaccine that, while still investigational, could receive emergency use authorization
  • Disturbingly, in February 2022, the Wuhan Institute of Virology published a study in which they describe creating a portion of a monkeypox genome from scratch in order to develop a PCR test for monkeypox diagnosis. The National Institutes for Health in the U.S. also began studying a monkeypox drug in 2020

Ever since the first European cases of monkeypox were confirmed in early May 2022, many suspected smallpox or monkeypox would become the next global pandemic to justify continued tyranny and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.

Indeed, in early December 2021, media started signaling that smallpox might be the next pandemic. As it turns out, monkeypox1 is the same family as smallpox,2 but is nowhere nearly as lethal.

By the third week of July 2022, some 16,000 cases of monkeypox had been recorded across 75 countries, with the vast majority of cases occurring among homosexual and bisexual men. In the U.S., recorded cases were around 3,000, including two children.

As we saw with COVID-19, health authorities claim many of the infections have no known source of infection, suggesting it may be spreading in unknown ways. With COVID, they blamed it on “asymptomatic spread,” which was always a complete fallacy. Time will tell what they come up with here.

Monkeypox Declared a Public Health Emergency

As reported by The New York Times,3 as of late June 2022, World Health Organization advisers still did not recommend issuing an emergency declaration for smallpox, in large part because “the disease had not moved out of the primary risk group, men who have sex with men, to affect pregnant women, children or older adults, who are at greater risk of severe illness if they are infected.”

One month later, the panel was still deadlocked in disagreement, with six supporting a declaration and nine opposing it.4 Despite the lack of consensus, July 23, 2022, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilaterally overruled this panel of advisers and declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC).5

That same day, the National Coalition of STD Directors also urged President Biden to follow the WHO’s lead and declare monkeypox a national public health emergency, and to allocate $100 million in emergency funding.6

According to Ghebreyesus, six versus nine “is very, very close,” and “Since the role of the committee is to advise, I then had to act as a tie-breaker.”7 In the real world, six versus nine is not “a tie.” So, clearly, the director-general was driven to act based on something else, and this silly justification was all he could come up with.

Importantly, the “public health emergency of international concern” declaration gives Ghebreyesus a number of distinct powers, including the ability to recommend how member states should respond to the outbreak, which of course includes the recommendation to mass vaccinate. As reported by The New York Times:8

“The WHO’s declaration signals a public health risk requiring a coordinated international response. The designation can lead member countries to invest significant resources in controlling an outbreak, draw more funding to the response, and encourage nations to share vaccines, treatments and other key resources for containing the outbreak.”

Monkeypox Virus Made by Wuhan Institute of Virology

In other words, “here we go again,” as predicted. And, as with COVID, there’s evidence that we may not be dealing with something that arose accidentally and naturally.

As discussed by Dr. John Campbell in the featured video, the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China and the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. have coincidentally been working on the monkeypox virus and its treatment9 for some time.

The NIH, which has identified monkeypox as a potential bioterrorism agent, is currently studying the safety and efficacy of an antiviral called tecovirimat for the treatment of monkeypox. The study in question began September 28, 2020, and will run through the end of September 2025.

Meanwhile, the WIV published a study10 in February 2022, in which they describe creating a portion of a monkeypox genome from scratch in order to develop a PCR test for monkeypox diagnosis.

As explained by Campbell, they created a section (fragment) of the monkeypox virus’ genome in order to use that as a quantitative polymerase chain-reactive (qPCR) template. Curiously, the paper states that, because there’s never been a monkeypox outbreak in China, “the viral genomic material required for qPCR detection is unavailable.”

So, they created a version of the monkeypox genome on their own, using synthetic techniques such as viral DNA recombination. They basically built a new genome by stitching it together using a variety of (presumably known) gene sequences. The new DNA construct is then reproduced by growing it in yeast, and that yeast is subsequently used to assess the veracity of the PCR test.

Why did they choose this route? The monkeypox virus is readily available in several laboratories around the globe, most notably Africa, but also other countries, so why didn’t they just get it from one of those? As noted by Campbell, the idea that they have to synthesize their own virus because it’s unobtainable is simply not believable, and therefore raises a number of concerns.

What’s more, the paper even warns that “this DNA assembly tool applied in virological research could … raise potential security concerns … especially when the assembled product contains a full set of genetic material that can be recovered into a contagious pathogen.”

Now, to be clear, they did not create a full-length genome in this study. The genome fragment they used was only one-third of the full genome of the monkeypox virus, and this was supposedly done to prevent the accidental reverse engineering of an infectious virus. Still, it raises concerns about the risks inherent in creating synthetic viruses.

Prepare for Another Round of Fearmongering — and Vaccinations

Not surprisingly, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is already urging those who may be at high risk for monkeypox — including those who attended the “Daddyland Festival” in Texas over the Fourth of July weekend — to get vaccinated.11

New York City started administering the smallpox vaccine in late June 2022. That’s not a typo. There is no specific monkeypox vaccine. They’re using the smallpox vaccine under the assumption that it might work because the two viruses are in the same family of pox viruses, but there’s very little evidence for this.12

The idea that smallpox vaccines may be effective against monkeypox comes from a 1988 non-randomized observational study13 in which 0.96% of vaccinated close contacts contracted monkeypox, compared to 7.47% of unvaccinated close contacts.

Two of the biggest problems with this assumption are that a) the vaccine used in that 1988 study was a first-generation vaccine that is no longer in use, and b) the current strain of monkeypox has undergone many mutations since 1988. So, there’s really no telling whether the vaccine will have any benefit at all.

As noted by Ira Longini, Ph.D., a biostatistician at the University of Florida and a WHO adviser, “The truth is, we don’t know the efficacy of any of these monkeypox vaccines.”14 Such facts notwithstanding, by July 22, 2022, some 18,000 New Yorkers had already received their first dose of smallpox vaccine.15

Two Types of Smallpox Vaccines in Use

There are currently two types of smallpox vaccine available in the U.S.:16 ACAM2000, which contains live replicating but weakened vaccinia virus and Jynneos (also sold under the names Imvanex and Imvamune), which uses a live but non-replicating modified vaccinia Ankara virus.

Jynneos was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2019 and is indicated for smallpox and monkeypox in adults aged 18 and older.17 Since it doesn’t contain replicating virus, it’s thought to be less hazardous than ACAM2000, but there’s no guarantee.

It’s also not supposed to spread the virus, which is something that can occur with ACAM2000 (which is using a live replication-competent virus). Those who receive ACAM2000 have to take careful precautions, for a full month, to avoid spreading the virus to others.

ACAM2000 is known to produce severe side effects, including myocarditis at a rate of 5.7 per 1,000 vaccinees.18 Jynneos is “believed” to have a lower risk for cardiac adverse events, but time will tell whether that’s true. As with the COVID shots, those getting Jynneos are basically volunteers in a vaccine trial, whether they realize it or not.19

Disturbingly, HIV-positive subjects who participated in Jynneos clinical trials saw a rise in HIV virus counts.20 Today, gay men are the primary recipients of this vaccine, and they’re also a group that tends to be more prone to have HIV-AIDS. So, there may be significant risks to this vaccine in this particular group.

The U.S. Department of Health has a stockpile of more than 200 million doses of ACAM2000, and they’ve vowed to provide some 296,000 doses of Jynneos, but it’s unclear which of the two vaccines is currently being administered.

If someone you know has received the ACAM2000 vaccine, be sure to take the same precautions as you would with someone who is infected with monkeypox (see below).

The hazard of live vaccines was recently made evident by a case in which an unvaccinated individual contracted polio from a person who had received an oral live poliovirus vaccine.21 (The U.S. only uses inactivated polio vaccine, but live polio vaccine is still used in many other countries.) So, if ACAM2000 were to be widely used, and people fail to take proper precautions, outbreaks of smallpox could be possible.

Aventis Pasteur also has a smallpox vaccine that, while still investigational, could still receive emergency use authorization.22 It too is replication-competent, and therefore could create outbreaks if used extensively.

At present, the WHO is not recommending mass vaccination,23 primarily because the smallpox vaccine is known to have its risks. According to the WHO, good hygiene and safe sexual behavior are, for now, your best prevention against monkeypox. I suspect that may change in time, however, especially considering Moderna is now working on an mRNA monkeypox injection.24 Preclinical investigation is already underway.

How to Protect Yourself Against Monkeypox

The monkeypox virus is spread via close contact with infected bodily fluids, not through the air, so to protect yourself against it, be sure to:25

  • Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. This includes avoiding kissing, hugging, cuddling and sex
  • Do not touch the rash or scabs
  • Don’t handle or touch the bedding, towels or clothing of an infected person
  • Do not share eating utensils or cups with an infected person
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water, especially after contact with sick people

If you are infected with monkeypox, isolate at home and avoid close contact with people and pets while you have active symptoms, such as rashes. On a side note, Campbell is concerned that the virus may start spreading to house pets and other animals found in suburban areas, such as squirrels, which could result in monkeypox becoming endemic in the West as it has been in Africa.

Interestingly, while monkeypox has historically resulted in painful rashes and pus-filled lesions all over the body, in most current cases, the lesions are localized to the genital and anal regions. So, clearly there are some differences between the current outbreak and the monkeypox of old.

Avoiding sexual contact appears to be a primary strategy to avoid infection at present, and that goes for women as well. While many are dismissing monkeypox as a “gay disease,” doctors warn that “anyone can get it.”26

This makes sense, since not all men who have sex with men are exclusively homosexual. Bisexuals who have sex with both genders will sooner or later spread it to female partners, and children can also be affected through skin-to-skin contact.

According to the CDC, the two children in the U.S. who were diagnosed with monkeypox had contact with “individuals who come from the men-who-have-sex-with-men community.”27 That said, homosexual and bisexual men and their partners are undoubtedly in the highest-risk category. As noted by Ghebreyesus:28

“Although I am declaring a public health emergency of international concern, for the moment this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners. That means that this is an outbreak that can be stopped with the right strategies in the right groups.”

The Financial Incentive Behind Monkeypox

COVID-19 has arguably been the greatest profit maker for Big Pharma of all time, and monkeypox is undoubtedly viewed as a similar future profit maker. The sad reality is, there’s so much liability-free money to be made in pandemic vaccines, they’re not likely to give up on them, and that requires keeping the world in a more or less constant health emergency.

As COVID fatigue is setting in and people are increasingly resisting the shots, monkeypox allows for a brand-new cycle of fear porn to be spun, and for new experimental vaccines to be rolled out. This, I fear, is why Ghebreyesus unilaterally decided to declare monkeypox a global health emergency.

Ghebreyesus may also be trying to push the pandemic treaty forward. Either way, his behavior is a foretaste of what we can expect if that pandemic treaty becomes reality. As noted by Dr. Robert Malone in a July 23, 2022, Substack article:29,30

“Clearly, the WHO committee did not reach the desired decision to declare a PHEIC, and so for some extraordinary reason Tedros stepped in … Tedros’ statements clearly demonstrate that he unilaterally substituted his own opinions for those of the convened panel, raising questions of his objectivity, commitment to process and protocol, and whether he has been unduly influenced by external agents.”

In short, Ghebreyesus is acting like a corrupt dictator, and it’s not difficult to figure out who the beneficiaries might be. In a recent review31 by Pandemics Data Analytics (PANDA), they detail the corruption by the WHO, global leaders and governments around the world during the COVID pandemic. As noted by Malone:32

“This review empowers you with key information to help you assess the WHO’s candidacy as an authoritative global public health organization … It is a must-read by anyone who is interested in public health, the global COVID-19 WHO policies that almost all nations followed, and the full extent of the corruption …”

There’s no doubt the WHO should not be given the sole authority to make medical decisions for the whole world, and Ghebreyesus’ decision to “break the tie” when there really wasn’t one is a perfect example of what can and probably will happen if the WHO is given that power.

Sources and References

Watch ‘Bloody Hill — The Seven Abominations of January 6’ Documentary

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RELATED ARTICLE: Shocker: Harvard Study Clears Jan 6 Protest of ‘Insurrection’ Charges, Exposes Sham Jan 6 Hearings