The Deep State’s #1 Priority is to Legalize Anal and Vaginal Sex with Underaged Boys and Girls

“The deep state goes from the school house to the White House. It exists in classrooms and in every corporate boardroom in America. It is now in control of our culture and more importantly our children’s sexual future. Parents who disagree are now being criminalized.” — Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D.

Since Joseph Robinett Biden, Jr.’s inauguration it has been the priority of the deep state to legalize anal and vaginal sex with underage boys and girls.

Let’s look at some recent examples of this fundamental transformation of how we have taken away the taboos of having sex with underaged children and made is not only legal but mandatory.

The Californication of America

A California bill would charge any parent who doesn’t affirm transgenderism with “child abuse.” Bill AB 957 was a recently amended California bill would add “affirming” the sexual transition of a child to the state’s standard for parental responsibility and child welfare—making any parent who doesn’t affirm transgenderism for their child guilty of abuse under California state law. AB 957 passed California’s State Assembly on May 3, but a co-sponsor amended it after hours in California’s State Senate on June 6. Assembly Member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, wrote the bill and introduced it on Feb. 14. State Sen. Scott Weiner, D-San Francisco, co-sponsored it. Wilson’s child identifies as transgender.

Senator Scott Weiner, a homosexual, in 2020 passed a bill to lower penalties for sodomy with 14 year olds and is pictured in the below Tweet celebrating Pride Month:

Even though more Americans identify as socially Conservative the deep state will not stop this transition of our children into sexual objects for use and abuse by perverts, pedophiles and pederasts. This is an ongoing effort to reclassify pedophiles and pederasts as “minor attracted persons” and which ultimately allows for them to rape children both boys and girls.

There is a global movement to mainstream pedophilia. This effort has the goal of re-branding pedophiles as “minor attracted persons.” Pedophiles are attempting to join the LGBTQ movement.

It began with Alfred Kinsey and his use of underaged children as lab rats to be sexually abused by pedophiles and pederasts. He published a chart showing how quickly it took his pre-adolescent lab rats to orgasm while be sexually abused by pedophiles, one of which was a Nazi.

WATCH: The Secret History of Kinsey’s Paedophiles.

A reader sent is a link in 2022 to the Hoover Institution’s interview with Senator Benjamin Sasse with Peter Robinson to discuss his book The Vanishing American Adult. Our reader BL stated, “One of the most remarkable videos we have seen in years.”

The Vanishing American Adult is a 2017 book by United States Senator Ben Sasse published by St. Martin’s Press. In the book, Sasse describes Americans as “a drifting and aimless people — awash in material goods and yet spiritually aching for meaning.”

We fully agree. It’s time for every American to hear what Senator Sasse said in 2017. Why? Because the cultural war against manhood is happening now and it must be stopped.

Please watch the Hoover Institution’s interview with Senator Benjamin Sasse:

We have written about how a war is being waged against manhood and womanhood. In our January 22nd, 2022 column “America’s Sissy Problem” we wrote:

A reader of ours sent a link to a very interesting The American Mind article titled “China’s Sissy Problem—and Ours” by John Mac Ghlionn.

We have been concerned about the “sissyfication” of America’s boys, and girls, for some time.

Claremont Institute researcher and essayist John Mac Ghlionn wrote:

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has made a concerted effort to banish so-called “sissy men” from society. “Morally flawed” men are no longer welcome. Men, we’re told, should look a certain way—no makeup, no high heels. Moreover, they should have resilience and a desire to seek meaningful employmentSome prominent authors argue that Beijing’s effort will backfire. Will it? Possibly, but when it comes to crackdowns, the CCP is frighteningly effective. If in doubt, just look at what is occurring in Hong Kong, a sprawling, once free-wheeling city with a population of 7.5 million, where free speech has died a swift and brutal death.

But perhaps worse we are now seeing free speech dying a swift and brutal death here in America, with a population of 330 million. Social media has now censored the truth about gender being binary and have banned it, because it doesn’t fit their narrative, as being against their collectivist social justice “community standards.”

This has led to our youth growing up not understanding what is happening to them culturally. In America today young boys are being neutered via verbal fiat.

Generation Z boys, and girls, are growing up without strong male, and female, role models.

The Sissyfication of America

Ghlionn in his column China’s Sissy Problem—and Ours notes:

It’s important to make clear that this piece is not an attack on homosexual men; it’s an attack on sissies. There is a difference between the two. In his latest special, Sorry, Louis CK finished the show with a joke about American men. Today, according to Louis, gay men carry themselves with an air of authority, purpose, and meaning. They keep themselves in good shape and dress appropriately. Straight men, on the other hand, have become notably weaker, both physically and mentally; many of them lack the characteristics that we would have associated with previous generations of men. They are sloppy, weak-willed, and overly apologetic. They dress terribly. At the end of the joke, which is much funnier than I just made it sound, the audience applauded and let out a collective roar. Why? Because Louis’s joke resonated. He articulately expressed what so many of his fans were already thinking. The United States, too, has a crisis of masculinity—one even worse, perhaps, than China’s.

QUESTION: Aren’t gays by definition sissies?

Actually if you go to a gay pride parade you see men dressed as sissies, wearing chains, in dresses with heavy make-up and acting effeminate. Not sure who Louis CK is referring to.

QUESTION: Are Ghlionn and Louis CK afraid of being labeled homophobic? So, does this make Ghlionn and Louis CK sissies?

We are seeing more and more films featuring gays and lesbians. We are seeing non-binary (a.k.a. gender queer) athletes competing in women’s sports. We are seeing men dressed up like a woman reading books to elementary school students. We are seeing graphic under age sex oriented books in public school libraries. And we have reported on the growth of Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) clubs in our public schools.

This is all part and parcel of the culture war against boys in general and manhood in particular.

Mainstreaming Pedophilia

In our column “CULTURE WAR: The Mainstreaming of Pedophilia by Targeting Your Children” we warned:

Sadly we have seen the mainstreaming of pedophilia. Most recently we have seen pedophilia:

We have reported on efforts by groups such as B4U-ACT and the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to indoctrinate children into believing that sex with men by children is not only normal but encouraged.

Dr. Judith Reisman in her 2016 column “They’re mainstreaming pedophilia!” wrote:

Alfred Kinsey’s ongoing sexual anarchy campaign has no end in sight.

Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17 [2015]. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Adhering to the Kinsey principle of lulling “straights” into a false sense of security, pedophile dress was largely conservative – short hair, jackets, some ties and few noticeable male ear piercings.

Matt Barber and I sat in the back of the meeting room among roughly 50 activists and their “mental health” attending female enablers. “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” keynoted “Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., as founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.”

However, the sex clinic was initially founded by John Money, Ph.D., to give judges “leeway” to keep child molesters out of jail. Money (deceased), a pedophile advocate, also called for an end to all age-of-consent laws. Dr. Berlin was his disciple.

Sissies and Soy Boys

We do have men, real men, who carry themselves with an air of authority, purpose and meaning. Most of these men are active duty military, in law enforcement, are first responders and veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Today instead of real “alpha” males we have “soy” boys.

As Ghlionn reported:

For generations, the sissy has been a frowned-upon character in American life. Only recently it has become a respected, even institutionalized lifestyle. California’s Silicon-Valley stereotype of the “soy boy”a demasculinized consumer of a meatless, synthetic diet, is now national. [Emphasis added]

Sadly, since the end of the draft, those who serve are all volunteers and make up about 1% of our male population. The other 99% have never sacrificed themselves in service to the nation. The problem lies in the group of Gen Z boys that have never become real men by serving, rather they are demanding bigger government to serve them regardless of their needs to work for a living. Because Gen Z boys vote for a living.

Sissyfication and Single Parenthood

Today we have seen manhood, and womanhood, denigrated to the point where if you mention that gender is binary you are ostracized from society. We are seeing men competing in women’s sports. We are seeing the normalization of sodomy to the point that sissy men dressed as a woman are reading books to grade school students.

But there’s something deeper going on in America.

As Ghlionn points out:

[A]ccording to a Pew Research Center study, rates of children living in single-parent households have never been higher. In fact, the U.S. now boasts the highest rate of children living in single-parent households in the world. As the study notes, “3% of children in China, 4% of children in Nigeria, and 5% of children in India live in single-parent households.” In the U.S., meanwhile, the rate is a staggering 23 percent. At least 80 percent of the country’s single-parent homes are headed by single mothers.

Absolutely nothing good comes from father absence—which, according to a report published by the U.S. Department of Justice, “has a strong and significant effect on both female and male levels of violence,” including “homicide and robbery.” Children look to their fathers to lay down the rules and enforce them, and learn to do so through imitation.

The Bottom Line

On August 10th, 2019  reported:

Beyond the main point of the signatures of the founders and main thinkers of the French, postmodern philosophers all demanding that pedophilia be made legal, these guys make a lot of good points.

Also, it is food for thought about how similar the push to make little boys into drag queen strippers for adult men mirrors Afghan Muslim culture.

H/T Xanthippa

So there you have it.

Pedophiles are looking at recruiting the next generation of your children as their perverted sex slaves.

They will brainwash your child into thinking first that he/she are neither just male or female (binary) but they can choose their (non-binary) gender pronoun at will. If this doesn’t emasculate our boys, and girls, I don’t know what will!

Then they push your little boy, and girl, into the LGBTQ+ community where by then they’re to far along to resist.

If parents and grandparents fail to stop this then our children are lost for ever!

It’s time to man up.

Ditch the soy, stop being a sissy. Take charge of your lives or we will see Generation Z sissies take over our nation.

We need real men, and women, to take charge in our families, communities, culture, society and nation.

Cowards don’t lead and leaders aren’t cowards.

Edmund Burke wrote:

 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Sissies are evil. We need good men!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


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Why is Bill Gates releasing 30 million genetically modified mosquitoes into 11 countries including the U.S.?

Well this is interesting. Presidential Democrat primary candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. posted a tweet that asks why Bill Gates’ Columbian mosquito factory is releasing genetically modified mosquitoes into 11 different countries including the state of Florida.

In August of 2022  Bill Gates wrote on his blog an article titled “This factory breeds 30 million mosquitoes per week. Here’s why.“,

These mosquitoes are allies in the fight against dengue and other deadly viruses.

Bill Gates | August 15, 2022

Inside a two-story brick building in Medellín, Colombia, scientists work long hours in muggy labs breeding millions and millions of mosquitoes. They tend to the insects’ every need as they grow from larvae to pupae to adults, keeping the temperature just right and feeding them generous helpings of fishmeal, sugar, and, of course, blood.

Then, they release them across the country to breed with wild mosquitoes that can carry dengue and other viruses threatening to sicken and kill the population of Colombia.

This might sound the beginnings of a Hollywood writer’s horror film plot.

But it’s not.

This factory is real.

And the mosquitoes being released don’t terrorize the local population. Far from it. They’re actually helping to save and improve millions of lives.

Read more.

Futurism in an article titled “Bill Gates Funded the Company Releasing Gene-Hacked Mosquitoes” reported,

The Gates foundation funded Oxitec’s work to design gene-edited mosquitoes


The British biotech company Oxitec is moving ahead with its controversial plan to release hundreds of millions of gene-hacked mosquitoes, an experimental new form of targeted pest control, in the Florida Keys.

The goal is essentially to introduce a new genetically altered version of the Aedes aegypti mosquito — which can spread diseases like dengue and malaria — that can only hatch male, non-biting offspring, in order to gradually reduce the population.

A connection that has gone mostly unremarked during the experiment’s rollout is the involvement of Microsoft co-founder and public health philanthropist Bill Gates in the funding of the company, confirmed by Oxitec back in 2018, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Based on past reports, it seems that the Gates Foundation pledged about $4.1 million to Oxitec in 2018 to develop a new mosquito that would target malaria in the Americas, South Asia, and eastern Africa. Oxitec was also reportedly awarded $5 million for its Aedes mosquitoes — the kind set for release in Florida — through the Gates Foundation’s Global Grand Challenges initiative in 2010. Meanwhile, Science Magazine reported in 2010 that the Gates Foundation had dished out $19.7 million for a project in which Oxitec took part.

We’ve reached out to both Oxitec and the Gates Foundation for clarification about the relationship.

Gates’ involvement complicates the already much-criticized initiative. On the one hand, the experiment could lead to an extraordinary way to control disease, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of lives per year. But critics say it could fail, backfire, or open up the doors to more troubling applications of the technology. And the idea that one of the world’s wealthiest people can help push through gene-editing experiments that are unleashed on the open ecosystem is, to say the least, a touchy subject.

[ … ]

READ MORE: Gates Foundation and Oxitec Fight Malaria with Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes [Labiotech]

More on Oxitec: Residents Furious at Release of 500 Million Gene-Hacked Mosquitoes

Read more. [Emphasis added]

We agree with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s questioning why? As RFK, Jr. stated, “Should Bill Gates be releasing 30 million genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild? Part of the mentality of earth-as-engineering-object. What could possibly go wrong?”

A lot can go wrong and may already have!

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

California Bill Would Charge Any Parent Who Doesn’t Affirm Transgenderism With ‘Child Abuse’

And you thought the Democrats couldn’t get any sicker. The Democrat who introduced the bill previously passed a bill that lowered the penalties for sodomy with children.

BREAKING: California Bill Would Charge Any Parent Who Doesn’t Affirm Transgenderism With ‘Child Abuse’

By: Tony Kinnett, Daily Signal, June 09, 2023:

California Bill AB 957 would classify gender-affirmation for children as essential child care. Pictured: Police officers observe a protest of parents and progressives at a Pride Month event at a Los Angeles elementary school.

recently amended California bill would add “affirming” the sexual transition of a child to the state’s standard for parental responsibility and child welfare—making any parent who doesn’t affirm transgenderism for their child guilty of abuse under California state law.

AB 957 passed California’s State Assembly on May 3, but a co-sponsor amended it after hours in California’s State Senate on June 6.

Assembly Member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, wrote the bill and introduced it on Feb. 14. State Sen. Scott Weiner, D-San Francisco, co-sponsored it. Wilson’s child identifies as transgender.

Originally, AB 957 required courts to consider whether a child’s parents were “gender-affirming” in custody cases. Wiener’s amendment completely rewrites California’s standard of child care.

AB 957 post-amendment “would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child,” altering the definition and application of the entire California Family Code.

California courts would be given complete authority under Section 3011 of California’s Family Code to remove a child from his or her parents’ home if parents disapprove of LGBTQ+ ideology.

By changing the definition of what constitutes the “health, safety, and welfare of [a] child,” schools, churches, hospitals, and other organizations interacting with children would be required to affirm “gender transitions” in minors by default—or risk charges of child abuse.

AB 957 could also expand which organizations provide “evidence” of gender “nonaffirmation” to California’s courts.

Because of the addition of “gender affirmation” to the qualifications of California’s standards for “health, safety, and welfare,” California’s courts would now be able to accept reports of gender “abuse” from progressive activist organizations—as long as they claim to provide “services to victims of sexual assault or domestic violence.”

In essence, a boy could report his parents to his local school’s Gay-Straight Alliance club or other LGBTQ+ organization, who could then report the boy’s parents for child abuse.

Incredibly, the bill provides no definition whatsoever of what would qualify as “nonaffirming” to a child’s gender.

As Susannah Luthi of The Washington Free Beacon points out, “The bill makes no distinctions regarding the age of a child, how long a child has identified as transgender, or affirmation of social transition versus medical sex-change treatments.”

Keep reading.


RELATED ARTICLE: Poll: More Americans Identify as Socially Conservative Than in the Last Decade


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Grounds to Immediately Dismiss All Charges Against Trump

The tyrannical indictment is 49 pages long. Trump faces a whopping 100 YEARS in prison if convicted of all charges and given the max on each one. This would mean he would die behind bars, which is what the Regime wants.

WATCH AS TRUMP PUNCHES BACK: ‘They’re Trying to Destroy a Reputation So They Can Win an Election’

The moral rot and  extraordinary corruption and criminality is fast destroying the greatest country in human history. So exceptional was America, we will not see the likes of it again.

A destructive Trump indictment do prosecutors understand the forces they are unleashing?

Tom Fitton: Classified Docs Case Against Trump Is “A Lot Of Noise,” Grand Jury Testimony “Was Like Being On MSNBC.”

his is just a lot of noise to try to generate pressure on Trump, or pressure on the Justice Department to go after Trump. There’s no there there. How do I know that? Because I went before the grand jury and was harassed for four hours, where we argued about this Clinton-Sakharov case.

[ … ]

You go into the grand jury room, I don’t have a lawyer, so your lawyers are sitting outside. So if an issue comes up in the grand jury you have to consult your lawyer about, you have to leave the jury room. It’s a smallish room, 23-25 people sitting in there, it was full. And I had three prosecutors asking me questions about this issue about the records, the disputes about the Biden election, and my response generally is, “I don’t understand why you’re going after Trump when you protected Bill Clinton” and “Doesn’t the first amendment protect the ability to dispute elections?”

So it was a debate, it was like being on MSNBC for four hours.

FOX BUSINESS HOST: Did they try to intimidate you?

FITTON: They sure did, that’s how I took it. At one point, one of the prosecutors said, “Do you plan to talk about this testimony, what happened here today?”

I said, “I don’t know, maybe to my lawyers.”

And then he asked me again, “Do you plan to talk about it?”

I said, “I don’t know, it’s out there publicly.” And then he asked me a third time and i said I don’t know.

And then he said, “By the way, you are allowed to talk about it.”

I said to him, “You know, given your questions, it’s a little bit chilling.”

And so, he’s trying to get me to swear before a grand jury not to talk when I had every right to talk. That was so abusive and I’m still ticked about that. We may follow up on it.

Former top Department of Justice official blows up Jack Smith’s case against President Trump with one tweet

A key piece of information in the indictment is grounds for a quick dismissal proving Biden’s corrupt DOJ was the source of leaks RATHER than President Trump’s attorneys. Former DOJ Attorney Jeffrey Clark states that this finding is grounds for granting a motion indicating jury pool poisoning and dismissing the indictment.

[ … ]

Here are the relevant parts of the tweet:

I’m beginning to read the indictment against Trump. But even three pages in, it’s clear that the leaks that preceded the indictment are far too close to what is actually being pleaded by DOJ to be a coincidence.

For example, in paragraph 6a on page 3, we hear about the recording of the Bedminster call, which the MSNBC’s of the world have been beating a dead horse about for quite a while based on such leaks.

This means that Trump lawyers could not possibly be the source of the leaks.

Ergo, the leaks are coming from DOJ. They must be investigated and punished.

Also, this is grounds for granting a motion highlighting jury pool poisoning and dismissing the indictment before it reaches even its one-month birthday.

All of this is so outrageous; it shocks the conscience. It’s fundamentally anti-American.

Keep reading.



Trump Indictment Fails Crucial Test: Dershowitz

Authenticated Leaked Video Shows D.C. Cops Were ‘Rioters’ and Instigators at J-6 Protest

RELATED VIDEO: Equal justice under the law is out the window: Mark Whitaker


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.



Sarah Idan, Miss Iraq and Ardent Zionist, Now Running For Congress

Sarah Idan is a former Miss Iraq who, at the Miss Universe pageant in 2017, met and became close friends with Miss Israel, Adar Gandelsman. She took a selfie of them together, and posted it on social media, with the caption “Peace and Love from Miss Iraq and Miss Israel.” To make matters worse, in the swimsuit competition, she appeared in a bikini. Both these transgressions — the selfie with Miss Israel, and the bikini she wore — caused a terrific backlash from angry Muslims; Idan was stripped of her Iraqi citizenship, and was deluged with death threats. Her widowed mother and siblings were forced to flee Iraq. The two beauty queens continued to meet and post joint messages, with photos, on Instagram. The accounts of both girls were, of course, hacked.

In June 2018, Sarah Idan accepted Adar Gandelsman’s invitation to visit Israel. After all, once she had received thousands of death threats, a few thousand more weren’t going to stop her from traveling to Israel. In for a penny, in for a pound. She fell in love, she says, with Israel, and with its people, who greeted her in the market of Mahane Yehuda like a movie star. In Israel, she said later, she felt right at home in an environment that was strangely familiar: the sights and sounds of a Middle East open market, so much like what she had experienced in Baghdad and Damascus.

While in Israel, she spoke with many Jews from Arab countries, and learned about the 850,000 Jews who had had to flee Arab lands during and after the 1948 war. She posted photos of herself visiting Israeli sites, and eating Iraqi food in Jerusalem restaurants. Later she reminisced about her trip: “It actually felt weird—the people look like my people. And the city looks like Damascus, like Syria, and I’ve been there, so everything seems familiar to me.”

In August 2019, she testified on behalf of Israel at a meeting in Geneva of the UN Human Rights Council, in what must have been a most uncomfortable appearance for the Arab and Muslim delegates.

In December 2019, at the invitation of Israel’s UN ambassador, Sarah Idan attended an event held at Israel’s UN Mission to mark the expulsion of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East following the establishment of the State of Israel. She spoke feelingly about what she had learned about this issue when she visited Israel, according to a report in Algemeiner“I was very surprised and especially touched by the experience of visiting the Babylonian Heritage Museum in Or Yehuda — which serves as a center to honor the heritage and history of Iraqi Jews.”

She said she felt a strong bond with Iraqi-born Jews in Israel: “I was born in Baghdad and felt very connected to the Iraqi Jews I met in Jerusalem, who welcomed me with open arms and with so much love, even though my country treated them unfairly. I was overwhelmed when I saw pictures of Iraqi government stamps on their passport saying ‘one-way exit — not allowed to return.’ I told them I was utterly ashamed.

Sadly, the 3,000-year chapter of Jewish life in Iraq, along with the larger Middle East and North Africa, came to an abrupt and traumatic end – and much of this is the result of antisemitism,” she said.

She has become a kind of unofficial ambassador for Israel, speaking up passionately for the Jewish state from her unusual perspective as a Muslim Iraqi. She believes the conflict is perpetuated by “the belief systems taught in Muslim countries, which are antisemitic” and is reinforced by biased media.

Idan had worked as an interpreter for the American army in Iraq, and as a result she was given a green card. She moved to America, and in 2015 became an American citizen. She is now living in California.

In March, she announced she would be running for Congress in 2024, as a Democrat, from the 30th Congressional District. She should win in a walk. She’s made all the right enemies. She’s already had a few exchanges on Twitter with the unbearable Ilhan Omar, responding to one of Omar’s tweets with this:

I don’t stand for your anti-American, antisemitic, Muslim Brotherhood agenda, using this democracy to further your…Islamic socialism goals of dividing and weakening our country.”

And in announcing her candidacy for Congress, she said: “I would just be the opposite of Ilhan Omar. I’m a Democrat and liberal, but I don’t think like her – I don’t hate this country.” Idan has said she wants to make war on “wokeism.”

And once in the House, her intelligence, her knowledge of Iraqi Muslims and Israeli Jews, her clear-eyed fury at antisemites, and – let’s face it — her good looks, will be a nightmare for Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and the sour-faced crew at CAIR. Ordinarily I wouldn’t have any interest in a liberal Democrat from California. But for Sarah Idan, I’ll happily make an exception.



SPLC names 12 parent’s rights orgs as ‘anti-government extremist groups’

EU reaches deal on ‘more equitable refugee hosting,’ Poland and Hungary refuse

Israel, What Have You Done For Us Lately? (#754 in a Series)

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Air Force Tweets Airman Saluting Gay Flag — Gets Blasted by Veterans

The U.S. Air Force Twitter account posted a tweet celebrating pride month with an image of a soldier saluting the alphabet rainbow flag.

Read some of the comments WOKE Air Force received on this official tweet they sent out.

So bad that the U.S. Air Force shut off  all comments.

Additionally, Congressman Ryan Zinke (R-MT), a former Navy SEAL, sent out an email when he learned that the U.S. Navy platformed a “drag queen influencer” to attract youth to the military stating,

 I can guarantee that this would have never happened under President Trump. But sadly, our nation falls under the authority of a different Commander in Chief, President Joe Biden. So far, in his unending displays of weakness, Biden has made a mockery of our armed forces and has effectively turned our military into a breeding ground for wokeness.

Meanwhile in ChinaRussiaNorth Korea and Iran, ruthless dictators are ruling their own militias with an iron fist, preparing for war and continued invasions of sovereign nations like TaiwanUkraineSouth Korea and Israel. And very soon, after enough demonstrations of weakness in our own national security, the United States will become a target of foreign aggression itself.

I hate to make our beloved armed forces about politics but the Radical Left has overplayed its hand, and now it’s time to respond. Joe Biden is failing as our Commander in Chief and should immediately resign from his post.

If you agree, please join me in calling for Biden’s immediate resignation from office of President of the United States:

©2023. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

DeSantis’ D.C. Fundraiser Hosted by Big Pharma, Chinese Communist Party and Puberty Blocker Lobbyist?

For your information — read The National Pulse article below — not good if accurate!

The DeSantis campaign should be asked to explain and deny this!

DeSantis’s D.C. Fundraiser is Big Pharma, CCP, & Puberty Blocker Lobbyist.


Click here to view the June 23, 2023 DeSantis for President Host Committee invitation

One of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s top D.C. fundraisers is a highly paid lobbyist for Big Pharma firm Moderna, and is advertising $1,000 tickets for access to DeSantis at his firm’s office a few blocks from the White House.

The Daily Mail broke the story of lobbyist Marc Lampkin, one of the hosts of a DeSantis fundraiser in the swamp, on June 23rd.

Lampkin has lobbied for Moderna since February 2021, and worryingly has also represented AbbVie – which makes puberty blocker Lupron targeted at “transgender” children – as well as the Chinese Communist Party-linked Fujian Jinhua – a semi-conductor manufacturer sanctioned by Trump in 2018.

The DeSantis campaign failed to provide the Daily Mail with a comment, when requested, though Trump spokesman Jason Miller fired a shot across the bow of the DeSantis campaign, stating: “It’s no surprise Ron DeSanctimonious would do a fundraiser with a lobbyist for a Chinese semiconductor company considering his globalist masters at the Club for No Growth have a China First trade policy. DeSanctus’ hypocrisy surrounding the COVID vaccine, and his willingness to accept money from a representative of a company manufacturing puberty blockers, also show that DeSanctus is willing to sell out for anything if the price is right.”

The news comes just one day after it was revealed that an Anheuser-Busch (Bud Light) lobbyist is a major donor and bundler for the DeSantis campaign.

Read more.

©2023. Royal A. Brown. All rights reserved.

Judicial Watch Statement on Trump Indictment

Washington, D.C. – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the indictment of former President Donald Trump:

This day will go down in infamy. The unprecedented and corrupt indictment of President Trump is built on sand and is brazen election interference. It is an indictment about nothing. Biden’s further transforming of the FBI and Justice Department into political enforcers in order to jail his leading political opponent could lead to the end of our constitutional republic. The indictment has followed years of prosecutorial misconduct, harassment, and abuse victimizing Trump. Not only is Trump innocent but he is a crime victim. 

Joe Biden wants to distract from his own personal corruption and join the ranks of foreign dictators by trying to jail and turn Trump into a political prisoner. Congress should act immediately and do everything possible under the law to undo this attempt to wreck our republican form of government. Every candidate for public office should denounce this attack on our elections.

Let’s hope the courts recognize this sham indictment for what it is and shut it down. In the meantime, Judicial Watch will continue to hold the Biden administration accountable for its role in the worst corruption scandal in American history – the effort to abuse and destroy President Trump!


Prosecutorial Misconduct in Abuse of Trump!


‘17 Recordings’: Bombshell Audio Of Bidens’ Ukraine Bribery Phone Calls

Tom Fitton’s Weekly Update: Trump Indictment Crisis

HUGE: Impeach Biden for Abusing Trump?!

Judicial Watch: Supreme Court of Delaware Hearing in Lawsuit for President Biden’s Senate Records at Univ of Delaware

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Since January 20, 2021 Each and Every Day is a ‘New Day of Infamy’

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever. ” ― George Orwell, 1984

It seems that not a day goes by that we read more and more bad news about the state of our people and our nation.

We see daily that our governments from the school house to the White House and those from the school room to the corporate board room have become tools of the state.

We the people are being told to comply or else.

Many who are addicted to big government, from elected officials, to a growing number of government employees to those dependent on government largess are complicit in what we are seeing take place right before our very eyes.

Every day there is a new infamy, an evil or criminal act, taking place against we the people. From a former president under indictment to those who attend a peaceful rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2021 imprisoned, to many who have lost their jobs and incomes because they aren’t “politically correct” and would not embrace the current myths of diversity, inclusion and equity.

A reader sent us the below commentary that hits the proverbial nail on the head:

“June 8th 2023, A NEW DAY OF INFAMNY! I regret to say after many years of flying our Great Flag, I took it down today and put it in storage until the day this country comes to its senses! With schools, and college campuses spewing out communist teachings. With we Americans allowing children to be taught anal sex and perversions in school. With our open boarders allowing some of the worlds most heinous criminals and trafficker’s of drugs and child sex cartels to pour into our country. With the insane sports world allowing and promoting the farce that one can change their sex with the mere act of proclamation, allowing men to compete against women. With a two tiered unjust legal system and a socialist news media (for the most part). With most businesses wanting the US to become a Globalist entity stripping away our ability to prosper as a FREE NATION! NOPE, I can no longer fly our flag with pride. THIS IS A NEW DAY OF INFAMNY – hopefully it will pass, SOON! One MUST be willing to die for freedom – like many Americans have over the years…Forgive me.” —  Mike

Today we legal Americas and and our government are now officially enemies of one another. We’re more divided as a nation than ever before.

Our government officials, departments like the FBI and even our elementary school teachers have, since January 20th, 2021, become weaponized against we the people. Parents are now labeled as “domestic terrorists” and the 78.2 % of the white population, who live in America, are called “supremacists.”

New policies, mandates, regulations and dictates are harming us daily. Regularly we’re seeing ourselves as pawns being used to promote an agenda that is against our fundamental values and taboos.

Tucker Carlson explained it succinctly in his second video titled “Cling to Your Taboos” posted on Twitter. Watch and listen carefully to what Tucker is saying:

We now have a new ruling class in America called “homo utopianus.” 

Retired professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America and, most recently, Three Sexual Revolutions: Catholic, Protestant, Atheist David Carlin wrote,

If you loved cruelty and power, some instinct would draw you to utopianism.  As you tortured and murdered, you could rebut your critics by pointing to the glorious finale that lay somewhere down the road, and you could say to yourself, like Jack Horner, “What a good boy am I!”

From the point of view of a man of the tyrant/sadist type, one of the great beauties of the utopian dream is that it has a very strong appeal to another perennial human type, the soft-hearted fool.  And so homo utopianus comes in two main varieties, the tyrant and the fool.

David lists the following as the “ideological package” of the homo utopianus class consisting of tyrants and fools:

  • Anti-Christianity
  • Sexual freedom
  • Abortion
  • Homosexuality and “marriage equality”
  • Transgenderism
  • The sexualization of children
  • Recreational drugs
  • Euthanasia
  • Standards of intellect, morality, manners, beauty, etc. are forms of oppression
  • Anti-Americanism
  • The USA is an incorrigibly racist society
  • American whites are racist almost by nature
  • All group inequalities are the result of race discrimination
  • Police forces should be eliminated or at least defunded
  • Prisons should be emptied (except for the prison holding Donald Trump)
  • Disapproval of Israel and of American Jews who support Israel
  • Totally open borders; invite the Third World to move to the USA, thereby diminishing the percentage of whites in the population.

David Carlin concludes, “All these ideas are promoted by our would-be tyrants and, after a certain lapse of time, they are also embraced by sentimental fools.”

Today we are seeing President Donald J. Trump facing the possibility of 100 years in prison. Corporations like Anheuser-Busch, Nike, Target, Alaska Airlines, Allstate, Comcast, CVS Pharmacy, Ford, Kohl’s, Kroger, Marriott, Mattel, Pfizer and many others who are under the thumbs of the federal ESG policies that force them to ignore their customers and instead kowtow to government bureaucrats.

Today, big government, and their ideological package, has become the opiate of the “homo utopianus people.”

As Ulysses S. Grant wrote in a letter to his father, “There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.

Today we have a homo utopian boot stamping on our faces. They want to keep us under their collectivist utopian boots—forever.

We stand with the patriots against the homo utopianus traitors.

God help us all.

©2023. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE/VIDEO: Authenticated Leaked Video Shows D.C. Cops Were ‘Rioters’ & Instigators At J-6 Protest

Trump Faces 100 Years: The End of America

UPDATE: 11 Brand New Biden Family Scandals the Networks Are CENSORING

So, the great achievement of Western civilization – consensual government, individual freedom, rationalism in partnership with religious belief, free market economics, and constant self-critique and audit has died a pathetic death. (“The Thinnest Veneer of Civilization”)

There are assassinations and then there are political assassinations. Guns are how a civil war ends… politics Is how it starts.

Trump, a great American hero and patriot has been hounded and persecuted for the crime of standing for the American people and the foundation of our once great republic, the Constitution. For this, he has been indicted, impeached, smeared, defamed. libeled etc. This while the Democrat party celebrates murder, rape, child mutilation, domestic terrorism (BLM, Antifa), rioting, looting and the wholesale destruction of once brilliant cities.

Once we could count on elections to see our way clear of political tyranny and criminality. Those days are gone. Gone with integrity of our election systems.

You can look away and pretend that this is not happening but you cannot avoid the horror, chaos and consequence of looking away.

Trump faces 100 years

Third-world abuses of power

By: Techno Fog, Jun 9, 2023:

After Trump indictment claims, Democrats lean into “more serious” case

There are political favors. And then there are assassinations.

The Biden Department of Justice has indicted Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner – and Biden’s greatest opponent – for the 2024 presidential election. Trump faces 100 years, if convicted.

Read more.

Welcome to Your New Country

The Editors • The American Mind

The news that former president Trump has been indicted on federal criminal charges related to his alleged mishandling of documents after leaving office marks a new milestone in America’s depressing descent to politics in the style of Peru or Turkey, where departed presidents and political opponents are put in prison as a matter of routine.

The regime appears to be so besotted with Trump-hate that it is desperate to fling charges and indictments at him, for virtually anything. Following two inane and failed impeachments—the first one of which was so obscure it is hard to find anyone who can even remember the charges, much less describe them lucidly; the second of which occurred after he left office and covered events he was not present at and which he discouraged—we have been treated to a “flood the zone” legal harassment campaign unrivaled in American history. Trump’s enemies—comprising more or less the entire federal government and its many penumbras; the media; academia; most of the corporate world; and a large portion of his own political party—have concocted a series of criminal and civil allegations so absurd that even the prosecutors bringing them have trouble containing their smirks.

Tish James, the feckless attorney general of New York, threw the weight of the most powerful state office in the country against Trump and his businesses, managing only to convict his accountant of having not reported some corporate perks as taxable income. This is normally a civil matter, and almost never prosecuted at the state level, but the executive in question was actually sent to jail.

New York State then passed a law giving adults who were sexually assaulted at any time in the past a one-year window to sue their assailants. This law was specifically targeted at Donald Trump, as its sponsors boasted. Roberta Kaplan, a powerful Democrat lawyer (who, incidentally, helped to defame Andrew Cuomo’s accusers) enlisted E. Jean Carroll, a former advice columnist, to swear that Trump had raped her in Bergdorf Goodman at some point in the nineties. When Trump denied having met Carroll, and derided her claims, she sued him for defamation, too. Manhattan juries found for her in both cases.

The district attorney of Manhattan, Alvin Bragg, has indicted Trump on criminal charges of falsifying corporate records for recording his payment of extortion money to a porn star as a legal expense, rather than as a campaign contribution, though indeed the payment was made through his lawyer. Because the corporate records in question were those of the privately held Trump Organization, this charge is tantamount to writing a check made out to CASH and filling in the “Memo” line incorrectly. Even the New York Times had trouble making it sound like the charges were worth making.

The Democrat DA of Fulton County is evidently trying to put together a RICO-conspiracy case against Trump for encouraging the secretary of state of Georgia to “find” more votes for him following the 2020 election. In the new electoral environment, where it often takes weeks for votes to be counted as tens of thousands of mail-in ballots trickle into the polling places, Trump’s request sounds prudent and reasonable. But we are now in a political climate where selective quotation, innuendo, and dark glances from CNN anchors mean more than actual circumstances.

The federal indictment over the allegedly purloined documents is the stupidest of all the investigations against Trump, and thus, in this Swiftian atmosphere, the most serious. Trump’s office was engaged in what appears to have been a normal and routine back-and-forth with the National Archives over the disposition of some of the papers he took with him upon leaving office. The FBI, apparently under the direction of Attorney General and denied Supreme Court appointee Merrick Garland, staged a raid on Trump’s residence, seizing the documents in question. The FBI leaked photos of empty folders marked CLASSIFIED and TOP SECRET. Television commentators expressed anxiety about whether the absence of documents from the folders indicated that Trump had already sold their contents to Russia.

Soon after, it emerged that President Biden had stored boxes of government-owned documents in his garage. The same special prosecutor investigating Trump promised to look into the question of Biden’s documents, too—though there was no raid on his house, and media reports indicate that there is no rush to resolve the case, certainly not before November, 2024, anyway. Some observers with especially long historical memories may recall that a former secretary of state who ran for president in 2016 had an issue with a private server in her house that maintained highly sensitive information, which was later determined to have been illegal, but not worthy of prosecution.

We are deep in Lavrentiy Beria land, now, the province of Stalin’s top cop, who supposedly remarked, “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.” America is no longer governed by even the pretense of the rule of law. The assault on Trump may be designed to neutralize him as an electoral force in 2024, or in some extraordinary way it may even be designed to solidify him as the besieged leader of a fractured Republican Party and elevate him as a martyr in the eyes of his deplorable legions. Either way, it is clear that American history has been split—between republic and tyranny—and we are somewhere in time near the cleft.

Keep reading.


RELATED VIDEO: The TRUTH Exposed About the War on Trump



Trump’s Indictment Shows Its Time For Republicans To Fight Fire With Fire

Poll: More Americans Identify as Socially Conservative Than in the Last Decade

FBI Document Shows $5 Million Bribe Paid To Joe Biden By Ukraine Burisma Exec

“Guns Are How A Civil War Ends… Politics Is How It Starts”

Who is Jack Smith? Why did he indict President Donald J. Trump?

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


WHO to proceed with EU Covid passport to usher in Global ‘Digital Health’ System

Globalists are not finished using COVID to destroy individual freedoms. Note also how open-door migration policies and the millions flooding into Western countries illegally were not subject to the COVID vaccine mandates that were imposed upon the general population. This exception was made despite the fact that some illegals bring along other contagious diseases. These facts should give anyone pause, as diseases do not discriminate between the politically desirable and the truly marginalized. The fact that illegals were not obligated to be vaccinated should have caused an outcry, but it did not. Had COVID been been a disease like Ebola, there would have been greater expectations placed upon illegals.

Meanwhile, the Left immediately slammed and shunned other options to stop COVID, including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Note also how Canadian pastor Arthur Pawlowski was treated and made an example of by police and the justice system. Churches were also shuttered. Yet there was mostly radio silence in the mainstream media everywhere when it came to mosque gatherings, unless, of course, they were in full compliance with COVID rules, which wasn’t the case. The Islamic call to prayer, however, was permitted during COVID. That call declares “Allahu akbar” (Allah is greater) six times; “I testify that there is no god but Allah” (three times); and “I testify that Muhammad is Allah’s prophet” (two times).

The EU’s Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, claims in the article below that “the EU certificate has not only been an important tool in our fight against the pandemic but has also facilitated international travel and tourism.” Yet coerced and forced vaccinations on the populace did not facilitate tourism, but damaged it. Here we see the willful ignorance of those in power regarding the people who opted not to receive the mRNA vax. Those people refused the vaccination on the grounds that it was an experimental vaccine that was forced upon societies, and many doctors paid a heavy price to their reputations for valid warnings about it; people still got COVID despite the vaccinations; and studies found serious reasons for concern about vaccine side effects.

It is worthwhile to remember that in every historical era when atrocities were committed, there were people who issued warnings amid the the voices that were shouting them down by proclaiming their warnings to be “conspiracy theories.” Authorities answered few, if any, questions; they just demanded compliance. COVID mandates did not match historic atrocities in magnitude. It is necessary, however, to ask questions in the face of the inconsistency and heavy-handedness of government officials. As Dennis Prager said, societies were subjected to “’experts’-induced, destructive, irrational, police-state lockdowns.”

It is critical to support the freedom of thought, the freedom of expression, and the freedom of religious assembly. They gave way, however, to fear. Fear is a powerful and effective tool, particularly when government authorities and an activist media wield it. If globalists have their way, there will be another wave. Brace yourself.

W.H.O. to Adopt EU Covid Passport for Global ‘Digital Health’ System

by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart, June 6, 2023:

The World Health Organization will adopt the EU’s digital COVID-19 certification in order to usher in a global digital health system for “ongoing and future health threats”.

On Monday, the European Commission and the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) announced the launch of what they described as a “landmark digital health partnership” in which the digital vaccine passport-style system developed by Brussels during the Chinese coronavirus crisis will be extended throughout the world.

The partnership, which will begin this month, will see the EU’s digital COVID-19 certification system be adopted as the “first building block” of the W.H.O.’s Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN), which is set to introduce a “wide range of digital products” to supposedly protect against future pandemics…..

The EU’s Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, who has been a leading force behind the online censorship movement in Europe, said: “With almost 80 countries and territories connected to the EU Digital COVID Certificate, the EU has set a global standard. The EU certificate has not only been an important tool in our fight against the pandemic but has also facilitated international travel and tourism.

Read more.


RELATED ARTICLE/VIDEO: White House Mandates Masking And Social Distancing For Unvaxxed “College Athlete Day” Guests

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Jersey: Judge says Muslim with ‘jihad’ journal accused of stealing school bus not competent to stand trial

Of course. Judge Mike Hammer doesn’t have the first foggiest idea of what jihad is, so he ascribes Bader Alzahrani’s words and actions to mental illness. In this, he stands firmly within the contemporary mainstream.

Man with ‘jihad’ journal accused of stealing school bus not competent to stand trial, judge says

by Sarah Cassi, Lehigh Valley Live, June 8, 2023:

A Saudi national accused of stealing a school bus in New Jersey and driving it to Pennsylvania before getting caught in the Poconos is not mentally competent to stand trial, a U.S. federal judge has ruled.

Bader Alzahrani, 22, is facing charges from incidents in January, including receipt of a stolen vehicle transportation of a stolen vehicle in federal court, and motor vehicle theft, burglary, theft of moveable property, criminal damage and criminal trespass in New Jersey court.

In an order signed March 27, federal Judge Michael Hammer said based on a psychiatric report sealed by the court, Alzahrani has a mental disease or defect that makes him unable to understand the court proceedings and properly participate in his defense….

Alzahrani was in the U.S. on a student visa and was attending an unidentified university, but he left the school in October and was reported missing, an FBI agent wrote in court papers.

On Jan. 15, a home break-in was reported in Livingston, New Jersey, and a backpack found inside with Alzahrani’s Saudi Arabian passport and a journal with writings about jihad and threats against Jews and police officers, prosecutors said.

The journal, with entries in Arab and English, had phrases including, “Why didn’t you slaughter the police officer who threw the Quran?,” “Blood, blood, destruction, destruction. Allah,” and “Destruction of the new world and the earth will be destroyed from all sides,” according to court records.

There were also derogatory remarks about Jews and white people and other violent references, records state.

Read more.



Antony Blinken At AIPAC Deeply Disappoints

Canada: Edmonton teacher lambastes Muslim student for eschewing school Pride celebrations

Sweden: Muslim migrants beat Swede, threaten to kill him, force him to dance naked, sentenced to youth supervision

Obama Judge Says 14th Amendment Gives Muslim Migrants the Right to Invade America

Homesh and the ‘Two-State Solution’

France: Muslim soccer player tries to strangle his 15-year-old sister to death

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Who’s to blame for the massive wildfires in the Northeast? Canada!

Who’s to blame for the massive wildfires festooning the Northeast in smoke?

CFACT’s Marc Morano puffed a cigar on Jesse Watters to illustrate the point that the fault lies not with your energy use, but with bad Canadian government policy!

“This is Canadian natural disaster mismanagement,” Marc said, “and now they’re trying to blame global warming, which makes it what? Our fault! It’s our SUVs, it’s our gas stoves!”

Marc Morano released a report on wildfires today, saying, “The media and climate activists are again weaponizing wildfires and linking them to climate change. Wildfires, both globally and in Canada, have been declining significantly. Better forest management, cracking down on arson, and improved fire impression practices are what is needed, not the Green New Deal.”

The WSJ summed up the fundamental disconnect between left-wing energy policy and informed forest and climate management perfectly, writing:

“A study this spring in the journal Science estimated that burning boreal forests in North America and Eurasia in 2021 released 1.76 billion tons of CO2, nearly twice as much as global aviation that year… Government land management policies that prevent wildfires from spreading out of control, such as prescribed burns, would reduce CO2 emissions more than offshore wind or electric-vehicle mandates. Alas, this doesn’t fit with the climate left’s book of Revelation.”

The Greens decreed decades ago that forests should be left uncleared and fires allowed to burn.  Fires are an important part of the life cycle of the forest, but in today’s world fires can be controlled and managed.  Yet for the misanthropic left, better a tree burn than be harvested.

Frank Lasee posted some key facts, including some good news at  Despite the worst Green efforts to turn back the clock, wildfires overall are in decline worldwide.  The United States saw it’s worst wildfire in 1871.  Frank points out that the worst fires occur where Green ideologues leave forest brush uncleared.  That would be California and the federal government for starters.

There is nothing natural the warming-Left won’t seize upon to advance their narrative.  However, in the case of wildfires, there is a man-made element to blame.

In this case, blame poor Canadian government policy which means, blame the left.

For nature and people too.


Craig Rucker

President and co-Founder, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Of Big Ben, Goat Herders, and Hope

One sometimes wonders how some groups of Homo Sapiens can be so clever while other Home Sapiens are so clueless. For example: Prior to WWII, it was the custom of the BBC Worldwide Service to broadcast live the sounds of Big Ben, London’s famous clock, marking the first minute of each hour. The comforting chimes suggesting worldwide, “There will always be an England.”

But, during WWII, some clever Nazi physicists detected that changes in the temperature and the relative humidity/dew point in downtown London altered the sound of Big Ben’s massive bell. If the temperature and relative humidity/dew point numbers were far apart, the night skies over London were probably clear and perfect for Luftwaffe bombers. But if subtle changes in the bell’s tone signaled that the temperature and the relative humidity/dew point numbers were the same, London was probably fogged in.

Eventually alerted to the Nazi’s scientific feat, the Brits stopped the live broadcasts of Big Ben, switching to a recorded version. Presumably, the recorded version sounded like Big Ben on a dark and foggy night, suitable only for Jack the Ripper. Not for Nazi bombers.

For an illustration of Homo Sapiens stupidity, fast forward to an Associated Press report of May 30, 2023. California state labor regulators decided that California’s Peruvian guest-worker goat herders must be paid overtime. But since the goat herders are with the goats 24/7, that means their pay will shoot up from $4,000 per month to $14,000 per month. That’s on top of the free food, housing and cell service already provided by their employers who use the goats to clear out hard-to-access underbrush that provides fuel for California’s frequent wildfires.

Targeted grazing is part of California’s wildfire mitigation planning. By using goats to graze hard-to-access slopes California has less need to use hazardous chemical sprays applied by costly helicopters. Apparently, California’s wildfire agencies and its labor regulators do not communicate.

Also, the state labor regulators must not be aware that the goat herders only work when the goats need to be relocated and that the goat herders are, otherwise, free to sleep, eat, recreate, and use their free cell phones to speak with their needy relatives back in Peru.

The private companies that bring in the Peruvian goat herders on temporary work visas say they cannot afford to pay uneducated goat herders $14,000 per month. Consequently, hundreds of goats are going to be slaughtered for meat, the workers will be sent back to Peru, and no longer able to provide money for their loved ones.

Meanwhile, this winter’s heavy snow and rainfall will produce even more underbrush to dry out when the summer heat returns, providing an abundance of accelerant for the life and property-consuming wildfires for which California is infamous.*

One wonders how the Brits and the Nazis of the 20th Century could be so smart and California’s labor regulators of the 21st Century can be so stupid. But then, California’s labor regulators are only waging economic war on poor Peruvian goat herders, not bloody war on all of humankind. So, after all, maybe there is some reason for hope.

*Citing natural disasters in recent years, Allstate and State Farm halted sales of property and casualty insurance in California.

Suggested reading: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari, 2014.

©2023. William Hamilton. All rights reserved.

Putin and his KGB’s Mafia/Army—A Global Evil Doer

The American people are very kind and generous and their wonderful human qualities have been abused for a hundred years. If the name of the agency in the title is not known to you, I understand why. It is the name of the Soviet/Russian counterintelligence agency I have been writing about for forty years. My preceding column has been deliberately titled The Democrat Party: A Party of Disinformation and Fraud. The column is inextricably tied to this one, because we are dealing with the cause and effect. Do you remember how forty years ago the Democrats were soft on the Soviets? It was the beginning of a toxic phenomenon called today “Disinformation,” Russian “Disinformation.” This is the reason I started informing you about the agency named the KGB. As a former Soviet defense attorney, I know the KGB pretty well and want you to know it, too.

Unfortunately, America missed the chunk of Russian history of the 20th century, the era of the Joseph Stalin Dictatorship, the time the KGB had been fostered. A leader of the Russian Socialist Revolution 1917, Vladimir Lenin had been assassinated and died soon after it. Joseph Stalin has become an ultimate ruler of the Russian Empire spread eleven time zones. He had begun building his system of Soviet Socialism that people of Russia called Stalinism. Stalinism is the ideological composition, a model of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. It is a system of political control, abuse, and corruption consisting of two parts: Socialist economy for means of production in conjunction with the apparatus of punitive agencies. Without the punitive apparatus the Soviet System couldn’t exist. For full control and power, Stalin weaponized and politicized the court system and Law Enforcements as well…

A hundred years ago, to hide the Truth, Stalin introduced his Political Correctness, brainwashing three generations. Read my several columns under this title. Stalin’s devoted disciple Vladimir Putin, having already Socialist modus operandi, has changed the term Political Correctness in the 21st century. The main methods of the system to hide the Truth had become “Disinformation” and Socialist modus operandi, yet, invented and perpetrated by Stalin; both methods continued to be aiming at hiding the truth. “Disinformation” is a direct word doing that, Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication, and fraud are the actions to achieve that. Stalinist ideological system established roots of the cause for all detrimental problems in any society that attempts building Soviet Socialism.

History shows that the leadership of any political movement plays a crucial role in shaping the outcome of a revolt–Stalin is the prime example of that concept. Any revolt was used by adventurers, charlatans, and criminals to acquire power, to fool, mislead, manipulate, and then to abuse, corrupt, exploit people around the globe. The leader who had all the negative human characteristics mentioned above was Joseph Stalin of Russia.

Ironically, despite not meeting the requirements of Marx’s four postulates, the first Socialist Revolution took power in 1917 Russia. And despite failing to meet Marxist requirements, and on the contrary by perverting all of them while at the same time using Marxist rhetoric of Socialism and Communism to further his ends. In fact, Stalin has established a criminal syndicate, a totalitarian terror-machine called Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism…

For the century the aggressive and expansionist ideology was corrupting, abusing, and defrauding people of the world, for at least three generations and continues going in the 21st century… Putin’s leadership in Russia will quadruple it, because Vladimir Putin and the KGB are inseparable. It had been the KGB’s ascent for the century. That is the reason, I am deliberately giving you a prelude to Russian history: Stalinism is alive and well in Russia and America today… As I pen this column, there is another terrifying voice warning you:

Franklin Graham sounded the alarm on this bone-chilling scheme against Americans. Renewed May 29, 2023.

Reverend Franklin Graham is worried about the state of the country: “I believe there’s a coming storm that we’re all going to [have to] be ready for,” Graham said. “It’s not going to be good. The world is deteriorating so quickly. It seems like every demon in Hell has been turned loose.”  And he added:

“We’re living in a canceled culture, and [big corporations] want to destroy Christian organizations,” Graham explained. “They want us to shut our mouths. They don’t want to hear from us.” Franklin Graham is right. However, it is more than big corporations, the entire ideology of Soviet Socialism, implemented by the Democrat Party, allowed the weekend and undermined the entire infrastructure of America in the 20th century when the soft attitude to the Soviets had brought masses of bad actors to America. Knowing Soviet Socialism, I recognized it and wrote that the cancel culture or the Woke are not mysterious phenomena, both are aimed at the Sovietization of America. I noticed it in my book The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism, XLIBRIS, 2006. I knew then–The KGB would target America…

It did, and now, forty years later, it has become the KGB’s Mafia/Army. You can read in details about its long bloody way to become a Global Evil Doer and reach the U.S. Today, you are witnessing a desire of Biden’s White House to implement Soviet Socialism, to spend as much our money as possible to bankrupt American capitalism. The KGB is doing its “job”. I can give you the facts confirming it. “Climate activist group slashing SUV tires to be active in 18 countries, including U.S.” OAN’s Brooke Mallory June, 2023. Living in the Soviet Russia, I had slashed tires dozen times: arsons and robberies are another two typical crimes of Soviet Socialism. There is more explanation you can read:

“A far-left international organization has expanded its operations to 18 nations while encouraging a crowd of climate activists to puncture sport utility vehicles (SUVs) in an effort to “fight global warming.” The U.K.-based organization known as the Tire Extinguishers has taken credit for tire- deflation operations in a number of American cities, including Boston, New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco, as well as cities in England. Canada, France, Spain, Germany, and Italy among others.”

This one quotation, its choice of the words, repeating mine, and the list of targeted countries has validated all books and columns written by me: climate activists, 18 nations, encouraging crowds, “fight global warming.” The last one is an old KGB’s narrative-propaganda trick of 1980, described in my first book Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, XLIBRIS, 2002. What international organization is the quotation talking about? Only knowledge of Russia, its Intel, and Security Apparatus can answer.

The current task of “Disinformation” was to destroy Law and Order and make America a country of lawlessness. The Democrat Party did it with the help of Putin. The chaos in the world started and answering the above question can only my books and columns by the saga over forty bloody years. From Marxism, which I studied for four years at the Law School to Stalinism, I have lived under for fifty years. From the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism to the KGB’s fraud-production of Trump/Dossier. From the American Manchurian Presidents to the infiltrated FBI and CIA. From the Soviet/Russian KGB’s Mafia/Army–a Global Evil Doer to coup against the Republican Party, Trump presidency and the political system of American republic, left to us by our Founding Fathers. Read my latest book: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction Part III 2022

The current FBI’s Drama has a long and tragic past—the Soviet/Russian past. Without knowledge of that past, directly addressed in my books and columns, the Congress won’t be able to solve the Drama. I have already introduced you to several Russian terms: the Soviet Mafia, Socialist modus operandi, and Soviet fraud. Watch Biden’s government and you will find all three, which are exercised by the Dems White House. I also warned you about Putin’s design of the Afghanistan surrender in August 2021. His victory in Afghanistan over the White House opened the door to the aggressive war against Ukraine. Today, two years later, we have more evidence that Putin’s KGB Mafia/Army—a Global Evil Doer is running America. Yes, to protect American interests, a Global Evil Doer should be known, as it represents the Russian/Chinese inseparable Intel Apparatus of the Socialist/Communist enemies.

Look at the American republic and the drastic cultural changes occurred in our country: Target plans to remove mountain Rushmore!!! Can you believe it?? Our educational system failed the American children. Parents don’t realize the Soviet levels of indoctrination their children are receiving.” Elon Musk. He is right. Do you know that Joe Biden and the Russian Cartels in Mexico are colluding on the Southern border as a hand and a glove aiming at bringing millions of illegal migrants to America? They have been pretty successful—6-7 million of the illegals were dissolved on the American soil. Joe Biden has been colluding with Putin in Burisma since 2013. There are no Mexican Cartels, the Dems and social media deceived and misled you. Comrade Stalin established those Cartels in 1950-1960s in Mexico: the MS—13 and other gangs have been the bases of all Cartels under the supervision of the KGB’s Mafia/Army—a Global Evil Doer since.

America is rapidly declining under the Putin/Biden conspiracy. Alas, the Republicans are trapped in the vicious circle of “Disinformation.” They have hibernated for thirty years and allowed the Dems to altered American Capitalism to Soviet Socialism. I have the impression that I was transformed back to Russian Soviet Socialism in America. Have you heard House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries calling Republicans the “extremists?” He is copying the behaviors of hateful, nasty and heartless Soviet Bureaucrats by using Stalin’s legacy: “Never admit crime committed, instead accuse your opponent of that exact crime.”   House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries is doing just that, while actually the Dems sponsored the real extremists: “Squad,” Antifa, BLM, and other criminal groups, trained by the Russian Intel…

Judge the Dems by their actions as well. They were using a method of harvesting ballots in the 2020 and 2022 elections. If you want to know where they learned the dirty trick, I can tell you—they have been educated by Putin’s elections. Read my column: Russian/Chinese Intel: Carousel and COVID-19 in America December 21, 2020.

When I am writing those words, the TV reports about Biden’s bribery scheme and Trump’s indictment by Federal Court. This is a serious moment of American history. I have to postpone my thought process until the next column. Sorry… But before leaving you, please, remember two quotations, the first is my definition of WWIII: Recruitment and Drugs, Infiltration and Assassinations.

The second one is Joseph Stalin’s prediction of the American future:

“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is Threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual Life. If you can undermine these three areas, America will Collapse from within.” — Joseph Stalin

My fellow Americans!

We are at the threshold of the 2024 election, which will determine America’s future. If you love this country, defend it. We are in the midst of the Socialist Revolution in America. Learn the role of the KGB’s Mafia/Army in that Revolution. Educating yourselves you will save America!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued at and

©2023. Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Tucker Carlson Episode 3 — America’s Principles Are At Stake


1.   The new shocking crime is targeting the American cities and towns. Social media reports about the criminal gangs from Chili, South America.

The endless stories of the UFO danger have been continued.

The UK movement: us Stop Oil