Leaked Video of Elon Musk’s Address to Twitter Employees


Project Veritas has published the recording of another internal Twitter all-hands meeting wherein Elon Musk addressed thousands of employees for the first time since news broke of his plans to acquire the company.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • “I think it’s essential to have free speech,” Musk said on the call after describing his affinity for Twitter. He added that “multiple opinions” should exist on Twitter to “make sure that we’re not sort of driving a narrative.”
  • On the call, Musk was asked about his political leanings, his plans for layoffs and the direction of the company.
  • Musk also discussed his vision for Twitter saying that traditional news media is “negative” and that they “almost never” get it right. He added that bots, spam and multi-account users must be contained. “I think an important goal for Twitter would be to try to include as, as much of the country, as much of the world as possible,” Musk added.
  • Musk reacted to the news of Project Veritas publishing the meeting on Twitter, posting “Exactly.”

You can watch the video HERE.

Musk described his political views as “moderate,” noting that he traditionally has voted Democrat but voted Republican for the first time in his life this week — voting for Congressional Candidate, Mayra Flores, in Texas.

He said he believes most of the world favors moderate politics, but that the far left and right should be able to voice their frustrations on Twitter.

At one point, Musk was asked if he would be taking over CEO duties of the company. Musk’s answer was that he “wants to make sure the product evolves rapidly.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Senator Tom Cotton to AG Garland: Resign Over DOJ Inaction on Abortion Terrorism

In a letter Thursday to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) wrote that Garland should resign over the Justice Department’s inaction on more than 50 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and churches in recent weeks reportedly carried out by a “domestic terrorist organization” called Jane’s Revenge.

“Houses of worship and pro-life pregnancy centers are under attack. The Family Research Council has compiled a list of more than 50 attacks against churches, pro-life pregnancy centers, and other pro-life groups in the past few weeks,” Cotton wrote. “A left-wing extremist group called ‘Jane’s Revenge’ has taken credit for many of these attacks, including firebombings and grotesque acts of vandalism.”

Cotton noted how the same group on Tuesday “has now issued a letter declaring ‘open season’ on all so-called ‘anti-choice’ groups, and calls for terrorist attacks against these groups by anyone ‘with the urge to paint, to burn, to cut, [or] to jam.”

The senator included a list of more than a dozen attacks that Jane’s Revenge has claimed responsibility for in recent weeks following the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

“What is the Department of Justice doing to protect Americans from these violent attacks? At a minimum, you should bring federal charges against the perpetrators, where appropriate, and investigate ‘Jane’s Revenge’ as a domestic terrorist organization,” Cotton added. “If you are unwilling to protect Americans from these attacks, you should resign — although, in my opinion, you should resign in any case.”

Merrick Garland

7 Known Connections

Garland Says “Domestic Terrorism” by “White Supremacists” Are Among America’s Leading Problems

On June 15, 2021, Garland announced the unveiling of the Biden administration’s new “First National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism,” an initiative designed to combat what Garland viewed as one of America’s most serious problems: “domestic terrorism” carried out mostly by conservative adherents to a doctrine of “white supremacism.” In some of Garland’s remarks from that day, he: (a) cast the Trump supporters who had breached the U.S. Capitol on January 6 as uniquely evil; (b) warned of the allegedly enormous threat posed by violent white supremacists; (c) likened such people to genocidal Islamic terrorists; and (d) gave anecdotal examples of past terrorist incidents that had been perpetrated exclusively by whites…

To learn more about Merrick Garland, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Public Health Quacks Got COVID All Wrong

For those of you to whom government has become God, you might want to reconsider.  Recent stories about the way public health authorities mishandled the COVID pandemic should make any sane person lose their government religion.

Public health authorities failed to anticipate the negative consequences of the lockdowns.  Latest case in point:  Strict lockdowns in the U.K. caused serious developmental problems in children, putting them five months behind academically and rendering the younger ones not ready for school.  Some couldn’t even say their own name.  In the U.S., the CDC lowered early development speech standards to hide the damage the lockdowns caused.  In stark contrast, there was no learning loss in primary school students in Sweden where schools stayed open during the pandemic.

The lockdowns in the U.S. also weakened kids’ immune systems.  Increased numbers are now showing up in children’s hospitals with multiple flu and respiratory infections, which is not normal and is directly attributable to the lockdowns preventing exposure to common viruses in the ordinary course of things.

The lockdowns also caused more alcohol-related deaths than would otherwise have occurred, as people drank more to deal with the stress of the lockdowns.

Despite a billion-dollar government propaganda campaign, it is now apparent COVID vaccines are not nearly as effective as the government would have you believe.  A recent report from the U.K. showed that nine out of ten COVID deaths were among the vaccinated. Back in the U.S., the protection for children ages 5 to 11 receiving lower doses of Pfizer’s vaccine fell off rapidly, from 68 percent effectiveness to just 12 percent, a study showed.  Moreover, vaccinated 5-to-11 year-olds have a greater chance of getting infected with COVID than the unvaxxed after just one month.  Boosters are also showing what’s called ‘negative effectiveness’:  People getting a booster shot are testing positive for COVID more often than those without a booster.

More studies have come in showing cloth masks are ineffective against COVID.  In fact, one study actually found a “moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths.”

Public health officials continue revising the number of COVID death downwards, now admitting they overstated the numbers for a long time.  The CDC reduced the number of pediatric COVID deaths 24 percent when it fixed a ‘coding logic error’.  Whatever that means, it means they were wrong but quite content to scare the bejesus out of everybody – just like health officials in Massachusetts who had adopted a broad definition of COVID death, only recently deciding they needed a “truer picture” of COVID mortality.  The death count went down by 3,700 after they narrowed the definition, no longer counting positive COVID tests within 31 to 60 days of death as a true COVID death.

The CDC finally gave up on COVID contact tracing, taking an overly long time to realize it was futile for an infectious respiratory illness that would eventually reach most of the population.

Finally, a group of scientists and scholars issued a statement blasting the government for promoting falsehoods about COVID and acting on shoddy research.  The government’s role in all this “shattered the public’s trust in science and public health,” which will “take decades to repair,” they said.

Moral of the Story:  the next time you’re tempted to put your faith in government, don’t.  You’re better off thinking for yourself.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.


W.H.O. Admits Lockdowns Resulted in Dramatic Rise in Mental Health Problems

Remember when adrenochrome was a “conspiracy theory?” Now it’s conspiracy FACT in the form of “youth transplants” – DC Dirty Laundry

23 Pro-Life Organizations Firebombed, Vandalized by Pro-Abortion Activists

As pro-lifers try to protect the unborn from violence, they find themselves in the pathway of Leftist violence. If it isn’t Antifa being violent, it’s Black Lives Matter being violent or Leftists allying with pro-Palestinian activists in violence (campuses and beyond). But the complicit Leftist mainstream media zeroes in on two specific days in the space of four years to attack the right: the Charlottesville protest and January 6, where in both incidents, Antifa was involved. Well now, violence is being directed at pro-life organizations by pro-abortion activists.

Recall in Canada, that even though tens of thousands turned out in Ottawa to support the Freedom Convoy, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stirred fears of violence, and referenced Freedom Convoy supporters as “racists,” “misogynists” and even terrorists. But instead, peaceful, freedom-loving, law-abiding citizens chanted “freedom,” engaged in prayer, distributed food and set up bouncy castles for kids in freezing cold temperatures.

Leftists more readily employ violence, while searching for incidents of violence among the Right.

Most pro-abortion supporters are on the Left. Even the Leftist publication Politico published an article entitled: ”If You’re a Pro-life Democrat … You Know You’re Standing Alone.” 

Though Biden campaigned on unity, he has not condemned a single one of the attacks on pro-life organizations.

Report: 23 Pro-Life Organizations Vandalized, Firebombed by Pro-Abortion Activists in Recent Weeks

by Wendell Husebo, Breitbart, June 2022:

At least 23 pro-life organizations have reportedly been vandalized in recent weeks.

The pro-life organizations have been either firebombed or vandalized by radical pro-abortion activists, according to Catholic Vote:

Hollywood, FL — South Broward Pregnancy Center and Archdiocese of Miami Respect Life Ministry
Asheville, NC — Mountain Area Pregnancy Services
Manassas, VA — First Care Women’s Health
Alexandria, VA — Concerned Women for America
Reiserstown, MD — Alpha Pregnancy Center
Frederick, MD — BirthRight of Frederick
Frederick, MD — CareNet Frederick
Reiserstown, MD — Alpha Pregnancy Center
Buffalo, NY — CompassCare Pregnancy Services
Madison, WI — Wisconsin Family Action
Des Moines, IA — Agape Pregnancy Resource Center
Denton, TX — Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource Center
Austin, TX — Trotter House
Long Beach, CA — His Nesting Place Home for Mothers & Children
Sebastopol, CA — Pregnancy Center Billboard
Eugene, OR — Dove Medical Clinic
Keizer, OR — Oregon Right to Life
Gresham, OR — Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center
Portland, OR — Southeast Portland Pregnancy Resource Center
Vancouver, WA — Options360 Women’s Clinic
Federal Way, WA — Care Net Pregnancy and Family Services of Puget Sound
Lynnwood, WA — Next Step Pregnancy Services
The attacks follow a leaked Supreme Court decision that revealed Roe v. Wade may be overturned this month. If overturned, abortion would no longer be protected by the federal government but would still be legal in many states.

Though President Biden campaigned on unity, Biden has not condemned a single one of the attacks, the RNC reported on Monday. Moreover, many establishment television networks refuse to cover the extremism:

Many of the attacks have been brutal and vulgar in nature. “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” vandals wrote on a Wisconsin Family Action facility…..




EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Putin/Stalin/Biden Machine and its Destruction of America

We the people are not secure until we know the enemy. Not one citizen as not one Justice of the Supreme Court is secure in 2022 in America. The American public has no idea of who are the enemies foreign and domestic, the warning left to us by our Founding Fathers. The absence of that direct information has divided America. When the Democrats were attempting to pack the Court, I knew they were about to demolish the Constitution. But when the word assassination flied around the name Justice Kavanagh, I knew Stalinism had arrived to complete the Socialist Revolution in America.

Unfortunately, the American public and vast majority of decent Democrats and Republicans don’t know Stalinism and its Intelligence Apparatus. They have no clue that they are under the constant assault of Russian Intelligence, which has infiltrated every facet of American society—the government, sports, arts, businesses, courts, the unions, and organized crime. I have been writing about for the last thirty years—the Soviet/Russian infiltration into all strata of our society. Just go to my book What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012. The Chapter 7, WWIII: Recruitments and Drugs, Infiltration and Assassinations is directly listing the methods, tools, devises, and tricks used by the Russian Intelligence to destroy America from within—the usual way they converted to Socialism.

American national security has always been my major concern. Yes, it is WWIII that has never ended. Moreover, it is a very strange war today in 2022, when the Dems’ leadership joined the Russian Intelligence to fight the Republicans. I saw it in 2012 and I updated the book by adding it with my recent columns and republished the book in 2022. You can see it at www.simonapipko.com.   With appalling filling I watched Fox News, The Five and their Debate on June 10, 2022. None of the participants knew about WWIII and the joined forces of the Dems with the Russian Intel confronted Republicans. They had no idea of the facts and therefore we have been trapped in Biden’s America run by the Putin/Stalin Machine.

Naturally, you are not ready for the story, I present; you have never read my books or columns. You don’t know the KGB Mafia/Army and Socialist Charlatans who are destroying America from within. The same happened with Bill Barr, who has betrayed the 45th President by his political ignorance—he didn’t know Russia and its Intelligence. The A.G. who doesn’t know Russian history of Stalinism should be deprived of his law license. I was sending my columns to him, but he ignored them. By his incompetence Bill Barr provided the enemies of America to catapult Biden’s presidency. Like President Trump, I also think that the 2020 election has been stolen. I know that and want you to grasp why I know that. Here is an example of why I know that:

“The events of multiple frauds were not only obvious visually, but they have been very familiar to me, as happened in the Russian election years ago. And I have described them in my books. The Navarro Report is accurate: the stories of the illegitimate ballots in suitcases and ballots driven by truck from New York to Pennsylvania happened exactly the way it occurred in the Russian 2007 election. Please, read a fragment from my book at the time:

“Have you heard the term carousel (roundabout) used in the election to Duma? Do you know what it means? Hearing this word in Russian, I did not understand its application at first. The events that followed had given me the meaning of the word. The United Russia party together with the Kremlin’s administration had organized the youth movement’s groups providing them with a caravan of buses. The vast majority of youngsters were called NASHISTS. I watched them on Russian TV. Young people, wearing shirts with Putin’s portrait, singing with enthusiasm bordering on euphoria, occupied the buses and moved along the streets to the voting precincts one after another. The voting ballots were waiting for them and they all voted for United Russia. Then they left for other voting places where they voted again and again for the United Russia (Party).

I will give you another example so you can fully comprehend what is going on in Russia. A couple of months before the election, the Kremlin had issued an order to all enterprises and offices throughout eleven time zones. The order requested all the workers of the above-mentioned plants and offices, students and teachers to take the absentee ballots from their places of residence and vote in their place of work or study. The heads of all offices were told to watch how people were voting and provide United Russia with the victory. Moreover, the policy of infiltration from the Soviet past became clear in the present Russia.” pp. 191-192, What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012.

Do you get it? Nothing substantial has changed in Russia since. Fraud is openly executed by the government. We are talking about lawlessness under Socialism and seeing the same future under Biden’s America. Don’t be surprised by several Impeachments of President Trump—they were fraudulent attempts, the Hoax of Socialist Charlatans of the Democrat Party like Pelosi, Berny Sanders, George Soros, or McAuliffe to confront the Republicans. The Democrats are now conducting for you the third fraud—the theatrical spectacle of the January 6th Committee.

Aggressive and Expansionist Socialist Ideology

But before the theatrical spectacle, let me continue presenting the joined Socialist forces confronting the American Constitutional republic. I have followed Joe Biden and his actions since 2013-2014, when Obama assigned him as a point man for Ukraine. My several columns have been describing his activities in Ukraine. Biden was on the side of old corrupt Ukraine and he collaborated with Vladimir Putin to suffocate the young Ukrainian democracy. Then, ten years ago, Biden was in his right mind and exposed himself by helping Putin. Biden now has no capacity to run the country. In my opinion, his old staff consisting of Obama’s holdovers and the bad actors from the KGB are running America. That means Putin runs America and Afghanistan was his Order, like I stated it at the time…

Please, analyze Biden’s team actions since the first day of his presidency: they all were directed against the American interests. As a result of that we have a growing inflation, high gas prices, dangerous to our national security migration, surge of crimes, weopanizing national security agencies against the population, and a variety of other patterns of aggressive Socialism confronting the American Constitutional republic and the Republican Party. At the same time we see a lot of team’s direct actions correlated to favor aggressive Socialist/Communist forces of Russia, China, and the “Axis of Evil.” There is no coincidence: those are the participants of WWIII and everything is done by them, done intentionally! They use wrong terms Radical Leftists or Liberals. In fact, those are Socialist Charlatans! The Biden team made Biden himself a typical Socialist apparatchik! The name of Biden’s current disaster is Socialism!

I am a life-witness of Stalinist Soviet Socialism and I can testify that Biden’s America has all features, patterns, conduct and behavior of the Soviet Style Stalinist Socialism, I had lived in half of my life. We can see the same in Biden’s America: demonizing opposition, blame game and secrecy. Biden’s team is regularly lying and deceiving us in respect of their activities like it was done in the Soviet Union, but we still have numbers in America and they don’t lie. I have predicted that Stalinist violence would come to America. Look at the cities run by the Dems. Listen to Chuck Schumer, encouraging violence to the mob and you have a plot to assassinate a conservative Supreme Court Justice. Don’t you see the connection between Dems’ ideology and their actions? The Democrat Party is now a Socialist Party and the enemy of the American Constitutional republic! Republicans must learn it, and expose now the real face of the enemy!

The January 6th Committee Hearing

America is a country of Law & Order, respect of rules and traditions, a country of common sense. All of that was violated in Pelosi’s preparation and creation of the January 6 Committee—she didn’t want the competing voices there and was acting by using the Soviet Style of a one party system. Her actions have stripped COMT from legitimacy. The second leader of the Democrat Party after Chuck Schumer provocative call to mob (2020), didn’t want accountability either. There are more troubles: the media and DOJ are ignoring the plot to assassinate a Conservative Supreme Justice Kavanaugh, let alone Biden’s team transiting America to Socialism. Yet, a cabal of Socialist Charlatans, the COMT wants to establish criminal liability of the former President Trump, following the main Stalinist postulate: to accuse the opposition in the crime they themselves had committed. Now is the Republican’s last chance to save our Constitutional republic before the midterm election. They must expose the Dems’ Socialist agenda now!!!

I am a former Soviet defense attorney and yes, January 6 events must be thoroughly investigated to prevent the repetition. However, the objectivity has been absent since the beginning with—there is no two opposite sides in the Committee to debate, it consist of one monolithic group of the anti-Trump haters in the Congress. It will be the third attempt to Impeach Trump. I suspect canceling the exculpatory evidence by the Dems,’ their propaganda before the midterm election will try to distract people’s attention from the crime the Dems had been committing during decades by colluding with Russia. There will be false narratives and major omissions in orchestrating anti-Trump Show Trial, Soviet Style, we have seen before…

In the climate of surging inflation, high gas prices, and national frustration, all of that has a logical explanation: America doesn’t know the enemy. Allen West counted seventy Socialists in the Congress, all of them are Democrats. There are many more Socialists in our midst undermining the country. Look at the wall behind speaking D.A. Gascon and you will see the word KPCC, the abbreviation of a Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Wow! The KGB agent George Soros is a sponsor of George Gascon and seventy-five of other D.A. Democrats. The words KPCC and assassination are inextricably connected by the Stalinist KGB Mafia/Army, I have been warning you for the last thirty years. Pay attention to Soros, he infiltrates the Spanish radio today.

I’ve been writing about Soros for the last thirty years and can testify under oath—he is the KGB agent. I can do the same concerning Berny Sanders. There are thousands like them demolishing our political system for thirty years with impunity and I know those two well. It scared me, when I heard about the debate between Sanders and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham at the Kennedy Museum. What an irony of incompetence on the part of Fox News and Senator. They demonstrated a poor knowledge of American history and disrespect to the memory of the assassinated President… History is the Mother of all sciences, especially Russian history of Stalinism and Fox News should learn it to survive. Even more repulsive is the behavior of Bill Barr: he collaborates with Socialist Charlatans against a Republican President.  What a shame!!!

Who is to Blame for the Chaos in America?

Who is responsible for the suffering American families today? I have a direct answer—the policy of four recent FBI Directors and the leadership of the CIA. They didn’t know Russia and its Stalinist Intelligence Apparatus and misled the country for the last thirty years. It is no coincidence that thirty years ago Vladimir Putin moved to Moscow. He used the Collapse of the Soviet Union and entered the Yeltsin government as the adviser. The era of Reagan’s knowledge has ended in America and Putin’s monumental disinformation game has begun, including many hoaxes like “climate change” and others. That disinformation game had a goal to divide people of the U.S.A. Putin has achieved his task!!

After watching the January 6th hearing and reading the commentary of Dr. Eastman about “The Electoral Count Act” I suspect VP Pence that he is not aware of the enemies and made a mistake. Trump’s thoughts would be a crime in the Stalinist Russia. There is no coincidence that COMT didn’t touch the DNC, or Pelosi’s obligation to secure the Capitol Hill. Maybe the Dems wanted to have violence in January 6th, like they organized it in the summer 2020? The rest you have seen or can read about in my books and columns. Putin was very successful: you see total criminalization of the Republican Party in America like the opposition in Russia. Knowledge of the Stalinist Intelligence is a MUST to save America from Socialist Charlatans!

The suffering of American families compounded with the current crises. All American problems derived from the erroneous American foreign policy during the last thirty years. Yes, four FBI Directors had been duped, but the recent one is the most responsible for the current crises—Christopher Wray. He watched Putin’s disinformation game and several anti-Trump Hoaxes and he didn’t stop it and probably participated in them. He intentionally misled the public saying: “I don’t think there is any country (but China) that presents a more severe threat to our innovation, our economic security and our democratic ideals,” he was talking to Senators April 14, 2021. The FBI Director was very wrong, because there is another bad actor, who began destroying our country and the Western civilization a hundred years ago—Russia. The machinery of destruction is going on today—it is the COMT that is attempting the third time to Impeach Trump! This is the reality of the world in 2022.

The Chief Prosecutor of COMT Ms. Lofgren didn’t read my books. Does she know this reality? I am afraid she doesn’t. Socialism is her religion and she will serve it to the last day of her life. I heard the Chairman of COMT Thompson. Despite an absence of racism, he was blaming racism in America, by repeating old KGB’s narratives of “White Oppressors,” “White Privileges” and “White Supremacy.” He demonstrated the direct KGB’s influence. While a Black man was speaking I felt his pain about the past, but he didn’t know the Truth …

As a student of history I went for help to the Woodson Center. Robert Leon Woodson Sr. is an American civil rights activist, community development leader, author, and founder and President of the Woodson Center. The Center was researching the history of the Civil Rights Movement.

Bob Woodson: “The Civil Rights Movement I was a part of has been betrayed by a twisted progressive ideology.” I also heard him talking about infiltration of Soviet Intelligence into the Civil Rights Movement and recruitments there. Through the Woodson Center I also found The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor by Paul Kengor.Ph.D “Frank Marshall Davis was a pro-Soviet, pro-Red China communist. His Communist Party USA card number, revealed in FBI files, was CP number 47544.”

The erosion of American democracy by the Soviets began, at least, in the 1950s.

I am giving you this History for a reason: The Putin/Stalin Machine has quadrupled since the 1992 election of Bill Clinton. That story in detail you can read in my columns or in 2022 republished my book: What is Happening to America?  Our experts on Russia and China don’t know the KGB Mafia/Army. That is why the Putin/Stalin Machine is still demolishing our country. I am the only person in America who had lived under Stalinism and as a Soviet Attorney knows the force of the entire Russian Intelligence and Security Apparatus—the necessary knowledge for all Americans. Watch the war in Ukraine, its cruelty in destruction of the land and everything alive. The Putin/Stalin Machine has the same goal for America using the KGB Mafia/Army to covertly destroy us from within…

My fellow Americans!

We can’t fail, our children and grandchildren will never forgive us! Educating yourself, knowledge, courage and perseverance can save America the Beautiful.

It is now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued www.simonapipko.com and at www.drricswier.com/author/spipko/

EXPOSED: 10 of Joe Biden’s LIES About U.S. Economy

Unchallenged by the corrupt and complicit media, here is a list debunking Joe’s latest bald faced lies.

Debunking 10 of Joe Biden’s lies about the state of the US economy

By: James Bovard, NY Post, June 15, 2022

“Inflation is the bane of our existence,” President Biden lamented last week to talk show host Jimmy Kimmel. Unfortunately, he was referring to inflation’s effect on presidential approval ratings, not the plight of average Americans brutalized to pay for gas and groceries.

The president’s speech Tuesday to the AFL-CIO was another Team Biden pity party that hard facts were not permitted to interrupt.

CLAIM: Biden boasted that he “put America in a position to tackle the worldwide problem that’s worse everywhere but here: inflation.”

REALITY: Were Biden’s speechwriters using “Common Core” math that makes all bad numbers vanish? Inflation is 8.6% in America and 5.4% in South Korea, 5.1% in Australia, 6.8% in Canada.

CLAIM: Biden continued blam­ing Russian President Vladimir Putin for price hikes here in America.

REALITY: National Public Radio reported earlier this year that “between 2019 and 2021, the US saw one of the biggest inflation-rate increases in the world, behind only Brazil and Turkey.” Inflation had increased fourfold under Biden — reaching 7% — before Russia invaded Ukraine. Wholesale price inflation last month was almost 11% — signaling worse times ahead for US consumers.

CLAIM: Biden on Wednesday accused US oil companies of making excessive profits. He ordered them to “take immediate actions to increase the supply” of gasoline and diesel fuels.

REALITY: Biden’s own policies have disrupted energy markets. The American Petroleum Institute issued a list of 10 steps Biden could take to reduce supply disruptions, including ending obstruction of permitting on natural gas projects, lifting development restrictions on federal lands and waters and ending Trump-era steel tariffs.

CLAIM: Biden apparently thinks that public raving can restore confidence in his leadership. He literally screamed at the AFL-CIO audience: “I don’t want to hear any more of these lies about reckless spending. We’re changing people’s lives!”

Biden brags that he cut the deficit — but US debt is actually rising, quickly

CLAIM: Biden boasted, “We opened schools and businesses that were shuttered.”

REALITY: It was the teachers unions that did more than anyone else to keep schools closed, and those unions have been an arm of the Democratic Party for decades. Democratic governors were far more aggressive in locking down state economies.

CLAIM: Biden portrayed his COVID policies as part of his economic success story: “We brought down COVID deaths by 90%.”

REALITY: More than 600,000 people have died from COVID since Biden became president, 50% more than died during the Trump administration. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was reporting more than 1 million new COVID cases a day in January. Biden had better hurry with his latest COVID victory lap since the White House forecasts up to 100 million new COVID cases this coming fall and winter.



Biden Admin Quietly Urging Companies To Purchase Russian Fertilizer

Climate-Change Censorship: Biden Regime Tells Big Tech To Remove Posts On COSTS Of Force-Fed Climate Hoax

“It’s A Disaster”: Biden Regime “Wrecking Domestic Air Travel” On Purpose, “System Is Collapsing,” Travelers at Risk, Thousands of Flights Canceled

White House Officials Issue Claim That Biden Has Caused ‘Historic Economic Boom’

Why are gas prices so high? It’s the oil refineries stupid! 

Mortgage Rates Soar To Highest Level Since 2008

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Government PAID To Create List Of Americans Who Questioned Democrat Dogma

On side note, I am sad that I did not make the list but I suspect it’s because Twitter permanently suspended my account with 225,000 followers for … wait for it. Tweeting about election fraud.

The National Science Foundation funded this along with far left billionaires. That means the US Government PAID to have a list made smearing Americans for questioning the validity of ballot harvesting and mass mail-in voting. Think about that. This is what communists do.

Researchers combed through 45 million tweets that sowed doubt on the 2020 election. Here are the “top spreaders”: https://techpolicy.press/researchers-release-comprehensive-twitter-dataset-of-false-claims-about-the-2020-election/


RELATED ARTICLE: EMBARRASSING: DNC Reschedules Kamala Harris Dinner Over Lack of Ticket Sales

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why are gas prices so high? It’s the oil refineries stupid!

“I’m doing everything in my power to blunt [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s gas price hike. We’re going to work to bring down gas and food prices. We can save families money and other items.” − Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., June, 2022

“Half the Democrat leaders want to end the use of gasoline. Did you think that was not going to lead to a run up in prices as supply of the fuel dwindled? We are getting a taste of the absurd Green New Deal future a bit early. Enjoy!” − beerontap comment to Washington Post article on gasoline prices.

Today American’s are seeing the highest gasoline prices in their lifetimes at over $5.00 a gallon on average.

QUESTION: Why is this happening?

ANSWER: It’s the oil refineries stupid!

In 1982 there were over 250 operating crude oil refineries in the United States; that number declined to 132 by 2019.

As of January 1, 2021, there were 129 operable petroleum refineries in the United States a decline of 3 since 2019.

According to Zehl & Associates five of America’s ten largest oil refineries are located along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico.

  • #1: Motiva Port Arthur Manufacturing Complex, Texas.
  • #2: Marathon Galveston Bay Refinery, Texas.
  • #3: Marathon Garyville Refinery, Louisiana.
  • #4: ExxonMobil Baytown Complex, Texas.
  • #5: ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Refinery, Louisiana.

NOTE: If a major hurricane hits the Texas and Louisiana coastline then these refineries will shut down.

The remaining six of the top ten are:

  • #6: BP Whiting Refinery, Indiana
  • #7: CITGO Lake Charles Refinery, Louisiana
  • #8: ExxonMobil Beaumont Complex, Texas
  • #9: Marathon Los Angeles (Carson) Refinery, California
  • #10: Chevron Pascagoula Refinery, Mississippi

These 10 refining facilities alone can process 2.6 million barrels of crude oil per calendar day. Texas, home to four of the ten largest refineries in the United States – including Corpus Christi, Port Arthur, and Beaumont, – accounts for more than 87% of total production in the state of Texas and more than a quarter of the nation’s total production.


Texas has 47 operating refineries, Louisiana with 19, California has 18 and Florida has no refineries. The EPA estimated that Florida in 2020 used a total of 193,841,000 barrels of motor gasoline at a cost of $16,280,500,000.

The U.S. Energy Administration (USEA) has a chart showing the Number and Capacity of Petroleum Refineries. According to the USEA here are the operable barrels per calendar day (BCD) by year:

  • 2016 – 18,317,036 BCD
  • 2017 – 18,617,027 BCD
  • 2018 – 18,598,497 BCD
  • 2019 – 18,802,435 BCD
  • 2020 – 18,976,085 BCD
  • 2021 – 18,127,700 BCD

Note that under President Donald J. Trump the production of oil increased during his term by 658,049 BCD. Also note that since the inauguration of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. the production of oil has dropped 848,385 BCD during the first year of his presidency.

According to June 19th, 2022 OpenTheWord.org article by Dean Smith eleven U.S. gas refineries closed over the past 2 years. Dean Smith reported,

In a recent interview with Fox Business, American Petroleum Institute President Mike Sommers stated that 11 US gas refineries closed over the past two years. Those that remain are running at 94% capacity.

The reasons for those closures are due primarily to governments.

US governments accomplished this through various methods, including increasingly restrictive environmental regulations.

[ … ]

In other words, governments and/or the green agenda are the primary reason for the expensive gas.

Read more…

Fewer refineries, less production, higher prices, environmental regulations, government, the green agenda and perverse incentives are all causing our higher and higher gasoline and diesel prices.

NOTE: President Richard Nixon signed an Executive Order which established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on December 2nd, 1970.

The Bottom Line

Biden has blamed everyone and everything but himself for the highest average price of gasoline in our history. Biden and Democrats, like Elizabeth Warren, have blamed the rise in prices on “greedflation.” You  know those evil companies are gouging their customers by raising prices to make more money. However, this is a myth. The Brad Polumbo looked at two metrics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the latest Producer Price Index (PPI). Polumbo reported,

Well, if companies were truly being greedy and just jacking up prices to make money, we would expect them to be hiking prices for consumers at a rate higher than their own production costs are going up. But these data sets actually reveal the opposite: consumer prices rose 8.6% while producer prices rose 10.8%—suggesting that, roughly estimating, companies haven’t jacked up prices to even fully match the increase in their costs, let alone exceed them.

So oil companies are not raising prices even though their producer costs have risen.

CLAIM: Biden on Wednesday, June 15th, 2022 accused US oil companies of making excessive profits. He ordered them to “take immediate actions to increase the supply” of gasoline and diesel fuels.

REALITY: Biden’s own policies have disrupted energy markets. The American Petroleum Institute issued a list of 10 steps Biden could take to reduce supply disruptions, including ending obstruction of permitting on natural gas projects, lifting development restrictions on federal lands and waters and ending Trump-era steel tariffs.

What we can say is that our American refineries are handling significantly lower numbers of barrels per calendar day since Biden entered the White House.

Why? Because America is producing fewer barrels per calendar day of oil.

The Epoch Times’ reporter Jack Phillips on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 wrote:

Chevron CEO Mike Wirth said in a recent interview that he does not believe another oil refinery will be built again in the United States, saying that government policies are a key reason why, as average gas prices continue to rise as of Tuesday.

One hundred and twenty-one fewer refineries since 1982, dropping production of barrels of oil per day since Biden took office and no more new oil refineries due to government policies are in fact the “key reasons” why we have the highest gas prices ever in the U.S.

It’s the oil refineries stupid!

We report, you decide who is at fault.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

EDITORS NOTE: Add to this the warning that the American electrical grid will almost certainly die… from natural causes. In a Center for Security Policy article titled For the cost of less than 1% of the Biden infrastructure bill we could protect our electric grid from certain collapse Tommy Waller Director of Infrastructure Security wrote:

Most Americans regard the sun as a positive source of energy for the planet – nurturing plant life and powering solar panels to help provide the electricity we need to sustain modern civilization. And while we know that we must be protected from the harmful UV rays the sun produces, which cause injury such as sunburn and skin cancer, most don’t realize that the sun can produce even more powerful effects, damaging infrastructure both in space and on earth.

Unless America takes action to protect against the hazard of solar weather, it is nearly certain that we will suffer a catastrophic loss of our electric grid sometime in the future. The Center for Security Policy’s Director of Infrastructure Security Tommy Waller recently testified before the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) to explain why, and what must be done about it.

Watch the June 2022 Secretary of Energy Advisory Board meeting to understand.


Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis holds Biden accountable for inflation, high gas prices

O’Leary: Biden Must ‘Reverse the Mistake[s]’ He’s Made on Energy Policy

When the CEO of GM Gets Schooled on “Clean” Energy

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Single-Handedly ENDS Biden Blame Game


Millions Died Thanks to the Mother of Environmentalism

Climate-Change Censorship: Biden Regime Tells Big Tech To Remove Posts On COSTS Of Force-Fed Climate Hoax

White House shifts from blaming Putin to oil companies for high gas prices, calls on them to ‘be patriots’

Oil Companies Unload On Biden After His Thinly-Veiled Threats

Less than 1% of the Biden infrastructure bill could protect our electric grid from certain collapse

Voting Machines Continue to Destroy Confidence in Our Elections

Recent stories about electronic voting machines don’t exactly inspire confidence.

We start in Georgia where a headcount in a county Democratic primary showed the machines were off by thousands of votes.  The third-place candidate noticed the machines showed zero votes for her in most precincts.  The hand recount showed this candidate, supposedly in third place, had actually received the most votes.  The Secretary of State’s office admitted making programming mistakes that affected the machine results.  How do you mess up so badly your machines can’t even count and are off by thousands of votes?  And why should we have to rely on candidates – maybe if they’re lucky – finding mistakes in order to get accurate results in our elections?  You might recall voting machines showed Biden with a 3,000 vote lead in Antrim County, Michigan in the 2020 election, but a hand recount showed Trump had actually carried the county by 3,700 votes, a machine-induced discrepancy of nearly 7,000 votes.   There are also reports that machines in Georgia this year awarded votes to a candidate who was not even on the ballot in one race and showed zero votes for a candidate who actually got nearly half the votes in another race.  Like I said, electronic voting machines do not exactly inspire confidence.

A county commission in New Mexico had so little confidence in their machines they just voted to get rid of them before the next election.  An audit in New Mexico had found that Dominion Voting machines could fill in ballots all by themselves.  The same thing was found in New York.  A Dominion executive was caught on video in 2020 explaining to elections officials how to alter votes with Dominion machines and, further, that the machines cannot tell fake ballots from real ballots.  Don’t forget:  the first court-ordered forensic examination of a Dominion Voting machine in Antrim County, Michigan showed the machine deliberately created a 68 percent error rate right off the bat election officials could then fill in any way they want.  Feeling confident yet?

You shouldn’t.  A federal cybersecurity agency found nine vulnerabilities with Dominion voting machines allowing hackers to enter and install malicious code.  While the agency said it had no evidence this has actually occurred in any election, it did find that, once the code was inserted in one machine, it could spread to all the machines in a jurisdiction.

There are federal standards electronic voting machines are supposed to meet but, according to one analysis, not a single voting system testing lab was accredited for the 2020 election and only two are accredited today.  The logical conclusion is most places have no idea whether their machines meet federal standards or not.

Then these manufacturers have the nerve to claim their machines are proprietary and can’t be opened up for inspection.  Elections are the public’s business, but it takes a court order to get inside these machines.  The black box lack of transparency alone is reason enough not to trust these machines, especially when it’s not disputed the same technology has been used to steal elections in Venezuela.

In French presidential elections, voters cast paper ballots that are counted by hand.  There’s no possibility machines will all magically stop counting in key places in the middle of the night with the results the next morning the opposite of what they had been the night before.  It’s hard to argue with counting paper ballots by hand instead of machine.  It’s looking like that’s what it will take to restore confidence in our elections in this country.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Turning Illegals Into Voters.

‘Squad’ Democrats Vote Against Security For SCOTUS Justices After Spending Small Fortunes On Private Security

Democratic “Squad” members in the House voted against a bill Tuesday extending security for Supreme Court Justices despite spending a combined six figures on private security in 2021, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records and House Disbursements.

Missouri Rep. Cori Bush, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, as well as New York Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman are among the 27 Democratic members who voted against the approved security measure. Still, these lawmakers spent roughly $348,000 on private security in 2021.

The legislation comes as Republican-appointed justices get targeted by pro-abortion demonstrators after a leaked draft opinion showed the Court will likely overturn the landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade. It passed in the Senate unanimously over a month ago and was introduced by Republican Texas Sen. John Cornyn and Democratic Delaware Sen. Chris Coons.

Bush, who has frequently called to “defund” the police, spent roughly $200,000 in campaign funds on security in 2021, Fox News reported. Ocasio-Cortez, who indicated she would not support the security bill since she is prioritizing gun control legislation, spent roughly $75,000 on private security in 2021, the outlet reported.

Pressley, who spent $14,000 from her Member Representational Allowance (MRA) in 2022 on security, spent roughly $63,000 of her MRA on security between May and December 2021, The Daily Caller reported. Tlaib spent under $3,000 on security in 2021 and Bowman spent more than $7,800 in 2021, Fox News reported.

“The lack of concern bordering on hatred for the families of the six judges appointed by Republican presidents is scary,” Republican Wisconsin Rep. Glenn Grothman told TheDCNF. “I can never imagine something so callous and uncaring being done if the shoe was on the other foot.”

Offices for Bush, Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez and Bowman did not respond to a request for comment.

A spokesman for Pressley declined The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment and pointed to the member’s remarks after her vote claiming the Supreme Court has “put lives at risk,” alluding to the leaked draft opinion.

“While elected and appointed officials, including Members of Congress and Supreme Court Justices, do in fact already have protections when it comes to their security, abortion care providers and patients—who already face and will undoubtedly face persistent threats of violence and criminalization should Roe fall—do not,” said Pressley, the Boston Herard reported.

On May 5, a left-wing group called “Ruth Sent Us” leaked the addresses of the six Republican-appointed justices. The group, one of the several pro-abortion groups that published the addresses of the justices, claimed Monday it was not responsible for the attempted murder of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh since the man charged was white.

That man, Nicholas Roske, was arrested and charged last week after police spotted him outside Kavanaugh’s home with weapons, including a firearm.



Investigative reporter.


Are Democrats Willing to Assassinate a SCOTUS to Appoint a Liberal Judge?

‘The Squad’ Pushes To ‘Defund The Police’ While Spending Thousands On Private Security To Protect Themselves

Arsonists Firebomb Pro-Life Legislator’s Office In Latest Attack

Biden Approval Rating Drops. Again

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

The Almighty and Abortion

As the debate over abortion rages, with the Supreme Court poised to possibly overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 pro-abortion ruling, I find myself wondering: How can anybody claim that God is in favor of abortion? But some do. Or how can they claim that the issue is important, but not really that important?

Francis X. Rocca wrote for The Wall Street Journal (6/13/22) on the ongoing split between Catholic bishops on the issue of “Abortion Politics.” The issue is: Should Catholic politicians who are strongly pro-abortion, such as Nancy Pelosi, nonetheless receive Communion?

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco thinks Pelosi should not receive it—as Bishop Michael Barber of Oakland puts it, “because it’s really not about Communion, it’s about abortion, the killing of a child in its mother’s womb.”

In contrast, Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego claims also to oppose abortion, but his view (as characterized by Barber) seems to be, that “it’s not wrong enough that you need say or do anything about it or interact with the politicians who are publically promoting it.”

This debate is not among Catholics alone. A few weeks ago the Associated Press (5/20/22) wrote an article highlighting professing Christian leaders who claimed their faith demanded that they support abortion.

They quote Kendra Cotton of the Black Southern Women’s Collective: “We know that Christianity supports freedom, and inherent in freedom is bodily autonomy. Inherent in Christianity is free will. When people talk about the body being a temple of God, you have purview over your body, there is nothing more sacred.” Than what—being able to abort your own baby?

Obviously, what is ignored here is the sacred nature of the unborn child created in the image of God. In Psalm 139, David describes how we are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” even in utero: “you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”

“Thou shalt do no murder” is the 6th Commandment. That directly applies to abortion, the deliberate taking of a human life, albeit in the womb (hidden from view).

Meanwhile, it would seem that the vast majority of Christian leaders in the conservative denominations are clearly opposed to abortion—thankfully.

And why shouldn’t they be? We know more today, scientifically, about the humanity of the unborn baby than the Supreme Court did in 1973, when they gave us Roe v. Wade.

When women see a sonogram of the unborn, they often become pro-life.

Abby Johnson, author (with Cindy Lambert) of the book, Unplanned, was the Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year in the late 1990s. The very next year, at her own clinic for which she served as the manager, she quit shortly after witnessing the sonogram of a 15-week old preborn child being aborted. The poor kid didn’t have a chance.

Today pro-life Abby helps medical workers transition out of the abortion industry into other jobs through her outreach, And Then There Were None.

Another commandment is that we are not to tell lies. But we often forget that Roe v. Wade was built on a series of lies, e.g., that “Jane Roe” was raped. She was not. Well, if you favor killing unborn babies, why would you have a problem telling lies?

Another commandment forbids adultery. Sometimes abortions are committed to cover up the sin of adultery. Abortion could be viewed as violating at least three of the Ten Commandments.

When Lincoln delivered his Second Inaugural Address, he brought out the issue of God and slavery. Speaking about the two sides in the Civil War, he said, “Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces but let us judge not that we be not judged.”

He goes on to point out, “The prayers of both could not be answered—that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. ‘Woe unto the world because of offenses for it must needs be that offenses come but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh.’”

And we would ask today: How can any true Christian accept the direct violence of dismembering an unborn child simply because the mother has been deceived to think this is her only choice in the matter?

Every abortion is an act of violence no matter how sterilely it may be presented in the media. Lila Rose of Live Action has documented that violence.

Those who claim God is on the side of the abortionist are not only supporting a terrible evil; but they are likely violating the Third Commandment by taking the name of the Lord God in vain.

©Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. All rights reserved.


Abortion Activists Soaked in Blood-Stained Clothes Protest Outside Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Home

Joe Biden Wants to Drop Natural Family Planning From Insurance Coverage, But Will Pay For Abortions

Bernard Nathanson Became Pro-Life Because He Understood Unborn Babies are Human Beings

Texas Teen Who Wanted Abortion Now Blessed With Twin Babies: “A Miracle From the Lord”

RELATED VIDEO: Senator Ted Cruz: Threats Against Pro-Life Centers Are Happening with the Encouragement of the Democrat Party

We must stop sweeping woke antisemitism under the rug

Ignorance may not be antisemitic, but crafty denial of history is, as is skewing Jewish values to bolster up false claims.

How effectively is the Jewish establishment confronting intolerance?

In a recent editorial, Morton Klein and Elizabeth Berney of the Zionist Organization of America criticized the ADL’s latest report on radical violence, “Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2021,” arguing that it focused on white supremacism but downplayed threats from minority extremists.

Similarly, critics of the secular liberal establishment lament its tendency to understate progressive bigotry and excess. Indeed, politics seems to set the tone for those communal leaders who appear restrained when social justice warriors target Jews and their institutions, leftist professors malign Israel on college campuses, or progressives promote global conspiracy theories on their social media platforms.

This begs the question of whether cultural survival is possible when Jewish identity is conflated with partisan politics. Or whether invoking tradition in name while equating it with modern progressive values – many of which contravene traditional Judaism – will instead facilitate assimilation.

Those who believe political progressivism is synonymous with Jewish prophetic tradition are just as misinformed as evangelicals who claim Jews can only be “completed” by accepting Christianity. Neither view has any foundation in Jewish Scripture or tradition.

The more confounding question is whether activists who equate Jewish advocacy with jingoism or ethnocentricity can honestly claim concern for Jewish continuity. While many liberals pay lip service to heritage, they also support organizations hostile to traditional Jewish priorities. Can they be effective guardians against antisemitism if they ignore Jew-hatred from the left? Is it chauvinistic to rebuke antisemitism in minority communities?

Incredibly, some progressives claim Jews are part of the power structure and that, accordingly, anti-Jewish bias in minority communities is understandable or even justified. The insidiousness of such woke drivel, however, has finally alarmed some within the liberal mainstream and spurred protest resignations from radical synagogues where anti-Israel activists are validated.

And why shouldn’t lay membership be disgruntled by leaders who refuse to acknowledge Jew-hatred on the left or within today’s Democratic Party?

Nontraditional rabbis were largely silent a few years ago when David Friedman was confirmed as President Trump’s ambassador to Israel over objections from Democrats who insinuated he had divided loyalties. Though this pernicious slur echoed the notorious “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a fraudulent work concocted by the Okhrana (Tzarist Secret Police) to promote antisemitism in Russia, most liberal clergy and community leaders said nothing. Some of those who failed to condemn the malevolent chorus against Friedman, for example, later excoriated Trump for moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

It should have been a wakeup call when many Reform congregants pushed back against those clergy who criticized the embassy move. When it comes to anti-Israel hostility, however, woke leadership continues to enable through silence or complicity.

Few if any seemed to care, for example, when Biden’s ambassador to Israel, Thomas Nides, stated during a pro-BDS organization’s webinar earlier this year that “your agenda is where my heart is.” Neither were they alarmed by references to Jewish areas in united Jerusalem (i.e., neighborhoods) as “settlements” or warnings against “settlement growth” in a city that never had an Arab-Muslim majority or served as the capital of a sovereign Arab-Muslim nation.

An ambassador’s endorsement of an agenda that challenges the legitimacy of his nation of assignment would seem to impair his diplomatic credibility. In fact, it should be disqualifying. In this case, however, it dovetails with the antipathy of the President who appointed him, whose White House staff includes many BDS supporters – including a recent Congressional resolution proposed by Democratic “Squad” members to formally recognize “the catastrophe” of Israel’s creation.

And then there’s the President’s deemphasis of the Abraham Accords and commitment to reopening a Palestinian Arab consulate in Jerusalem.

Those who claim BDS only opposes “occupation” in Judea and Samaria are disingenuous or ignorant.

Israel’s control of these lands (which were part of the ancient Jewish Commonwealth) does not constitute “occupation” as that term is defined in the Fourth Geneva Convention. It would be more accurate to say that Israel liberated these lands from occupation by Jordan, which seized them in derogation of international law in 1948. (Only Great Britain and Pakistan recognized Jordan’s unlawful conquest at the time.)

Ignorance may not be antisemitic, but the crafty denial of history is, and it is certainly antisemitic to discard Jewish history in favor of rejectionist narratives lacking in historical substance. Those who validate the BDS agenda cannot mitigate the words of co-founder, Omar Barghouti, stating: “A Jewish state in Palestine, in any shape or form, cannot but contravene the basic rights of the land’s indigenous Palestinian population…most definitely, we oppose a Jewish state in any part of Palestine. No Palestinian – rational Palestinian, not a sellout Palestinian—will ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine.”

According to such skewed perspectives, Jews have no right to sovereignty in their homeland, which historically included Judea and Samaria. But chimerical whimsy does not negate certain historical realities, e.g., that the Land of Israel has a Jewish pedigree going back thousands of years, that no sovereign Arab-Muslim state ever stood within its boundaries, and that there is no record of an ancient Palestinian presence as documented by archeology, culture, language, religion, or national institutions.

Jewish national claims may have no place in the BDS universe, but the myth of Palestine hovers outside the historical record. And yet, secular progressives who eschew the faith of their ancestors embrace the Palestinian Arab narrative with religious-like intensity, despite its basis on a repudiation of their own history.

Progressive rejectionists deflect accusations of prejudice by pointing to leftist Jews who renounce Israel, embrace her enemies, and delegitimize Jewish history. There is no doubt that Jewish self-hatred runs deep, a phenomenon that moved early labor Zionist leader Berl Katznelson to ask: “Is there another People on Earth so emotionally twisted that they consider everything their nation does despicable and hateful, while every murder, rape, robbery committed by their enemies fill[s] their hearts with admiration and awe?”

In his seminal work on Jewish self-hatred, “Juedischer Selbsthass,” German-Jewish philosopher Theodor Lessing similarly chastised acculturated intellectuals who incited antisemitism and sought to “remove the stain of Jewishness from mankind.” Although Lessing grew up completely nonobservant, he nonetheless considered such behavior aberrant, contemptible, and a form of psychosis.

Progressives can rationalize disdain for Israel and Judaism all they want, but they cannot say it represents the Jewish virtues of introspection or self-criticism. Neither can they argue their repudiation of traditional Jewish claims is shared by those among the haredi sector who reject political Zionism. The left is consumed by its denial of Jewish historical yearning, whereas religious critics embrace that yearning while disagreeing with its secular actualization devoid of spirituality.

There were always religious supporters of Jewish national regeneration; and in fact, some of its earliest proponents were Orthodox rabbis and mystics. These “proto-Zionists” included Rabbis Eliyahu Guttmacher, Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, and Yehuda Alkalai, all of whom preached the message before Herzl was born. Perhaps not coincidentally, Herzl’s grandfather was an observant Jew and follower of Rav Alkalai, whose views likely influenced Herzl’s own political evolution.

There is absolutely no ideological similarity between secular leftists and those among the religious who are critical of political Zionism.

The former are motivated by their rejection of heritage, but the latter by their affirmation of it. Whereas the left repudiates the Jews’ right to autonomy in their homeland, religious critics of secular governance continue to pray for the ingathering of exiles and rebuilding of the Temple.

And therein lies the difference.

Though Israeli society might reflect variegated degrees of observance, most remain connected to Jewish tradition in a way that secular Diaspora liberals simply do not understand. Deep down, many secular Israelis would probably agree with Saadia Gaon that Torah sustains the Jewish nation. They may not all be observant, but they aren’t looking to offer strange fire on the altar of progressive politics like their secular American cousins.

It’s a strange fire indeed.

©Matthew Hausman, J.D. All rights reserved.

Fully vaccinated, double-boosted Fauci tests positive for COVID

Fuaci is Covid.

Fully vaccinated, double-boosted Fauci tests positive for COVID

Dr. Anthony Fauci, 81, has contracted COVID-19. The fully vaccinated and double-boosted doctor is experiencing “mild symptoms,” according to the NIH.

By: The Post Millennial, June 15, 2022:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, 81, has contracted COVID-19. The fully vaccinated and double-boosted doctor is experiencing “mild symptoms,” according to the NIH.

“Today, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden, tested positive for COVID-19 on a rapid antigen test. He is fully vaccinated and has been boosted twice. He is currently experiencing mild symptoms.

“Dr. Fauci will isolate and continue to work from his home,” the statement says.

Fauci “has not recently been in close contact with President Biden or other senior government officials,” the statement continues.

“Dr. Fauci will follow the COVID-19 guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and medical advice from his physician and return to the NIH when he tests negative.

Recently, Fauci said that the United States was no longer in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase,” Fauci told PBS NewsHour. “Namely, we don’t have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now.”

“So if you’re saying, ‘Are we out of the pandemic phase in this country?’ — we are,” he said.

“We’re in a somewhat of a transitional phase where the cases’ numbers have decelerated — and hopefully we’re getting to a phase of somewhat better control, where we can begin to start to resuming more easily normal activities,” Fauci would later clarify.

Read the rest…..


RELATED ARTICLE: Fauci Conspiracy??????????????

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Stacey Abrams Helped Funnel Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to an Vicious Antisemitic Terrorist Sympathizer

In order to succeed in the Democrat (Nazi-eque) party, one must be actively and operationally antisemitic. The more vicious the Jew-hater, the higher your prestige and power in the party (ie Ilhan Omar). Every Jew still clinging to the Democrat are evocative of the knuckle-headed German Jews who invited uniformed Nazis to their charity dinners and then their malevolent successors, the kapos.

America’s prominent Jewicidal leaders are perhaps most responsible for the skyrocketing antisemitism in the United States because they refuse to confront our enemies.

How Stacey Abrams Helped Funnel Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to an Israel-Hating Terrorist Sympathizer

By: Washington Free Beacon, June 14, 2022:

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams sits on the board of a foundation that funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to an anti-Israel activist who has praised terrorists and encouraged violence against Jews.

Abrams joined the Marguerite Casey Foundation board in May 2021, business filings show. Roughly six months later, the foundation announced its 2021 cohort of “Freedom Scholars,” a group of “leading thinkers and scholars … in critical fields including abolitionist, Black, feminist, queer, radical, and anti-colonialist studies.” Included in the group was UCLA professor Robin D.G. Kelley, a leading Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) activist who works with groups that collaborate with Palestinian terrorists.

Kelley, who received $250,000 through the program, praised the Palestine Liberation Organization—a U.S.-designated terror group—as “revolutionary combatants” and “models for those of us dedicated to Black liberation and socialism” in a 2016 article. Three years prior, Kelley encouraged Palestinians to use violence against Israelis, calling the notion that Palestinians should only protest non-violently a “bludgeon to beat down Palestinian organizations.” Kelley also advises

the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, a group that operates to advance the BDS movement on college campuses. The campaign’s fiscal sponsor, Al-Awda, works with Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Hamas to grow BDS and routinely hosts convicted Islamic jihadists at its events, the Jerusalem Post reported in 2019.

Abrams’s role in funding Kelley provides a startling window into how the Democrat could handle the BDS movement and larger issues of anti-Semitism on Georgia’s college campuses should she defeat Gov. Brian Kemp (R.) in November. As governor, Abrams would appoint members to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, which oversees the state’s public colleges and universities. Georgia legislators passed a law in 2016 that forbids the state from contracting a person or company that promotes a boycott of Israel, but a federal judge struck that law down in May 2021. Abrams opposed the law as a state representative and reportedly refused to meet with pro-Israel activists at the time.

It is unclear whether Abrams was directly involved with the grant to Kelley. When she joined the foundation’s board in 2021, she emphasized that a major part of her role would be determining “how the philanthropic network targets its contributions.” Neither Abrams nor the foundation responded to inquiries on her involvement with the Freedom Scholars program. Abrams has earned more than $52,000 from the foundation since 2020, her financial disclosures show.

In addition to Kelley’s anti-Israel activism, the professor has called himself a “communist for life” and argued that capitalism is inherently racist. The Marguerite Casey Foundation also awarded $250,000 to a pair of academics—Angelica Chazaro and Ananya Roy—who advocate for the abolition of prisons and private property, respectively.

Read the rest…..



JUDENRAT: New Ben & Jerry’s Employees Forced To Watch Anti-Israel Videos: Report

Capitol Police Shoot Down Most Recent Allegation From The Jan. 6 Panel Kangaroo Court

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Oregon School District Books Contain Pornographic Imagery Of Sex Acts [Warning Graphic Images]

Horrifying. Look at what depraved degenerate authoritarians are exposing your children to.

Yet another unequivocal mandate for homeschooling. Any parent that keeps their child in government schools is unfit. Truly.

Oregon school district books contain pornographic imagery of sex acts, according to portal

An Oregon mom pulled her children out of school over what she called ‘indoctrination’

By Hannah Grossman | Fox News June 14, 2022:

Oregon nurse speaks out against public schools’ indoctrination

Kristen Stevens told Fox News Digital that she took her children out of Oregon public schools in order to avoid them getting indoctrinated.

Oregon schools in the North Clackamas District contain books with pornographic imagery, including imagery of sex acts, according to an online portal schools use to track books available for children to take out at their libraries.

Schools around the country use the program Destiny to track books taken in and out of its library. Fox News Digital obtained screenshots of inappropriate titles and books on gender ideology at most of the district’s schools.

Destiny listed books in at least three high schools, Milwaukie, Adrienne C. Nelson, and Clackamas high schools that actually contain depictions of sexual activities, including oral sex. Some images are so graphic that they are being withheld from this story.

A mother in Oregon pulled her children out of the schools as a result of what she believed was indoctrination in Oregon schools.

“It’s not about how I feel. It’s about that the laws are being broken,” Kristen Stevens told Fox News Digital. “Children are being exposed to sexual content at an age that they’re not developmentally ready to be exposed to this. It actually can cause PTSD in a lot of these children.”

She warned that parents should pull their children out of public schools, else their children become indoctrinated and owned by the government.

“Pull your children out of school, it will not change. Starting next year, it will get worse,” she said. “It’s not worth handing your child over to the government to let them teach them sexually explicit content or to teach them the indoctrination… The next thing you know, you look at your child, and you no longer recognize them because they’re not your child anymore.”
Fun Home – High School

“Fun Home,” written by Alison Bechdel, follows the journey of a lesbian girl getting to know her sexuality. It contains images of lesbian sex as well as masturbation.

The book has made controversy in other verticals as well. When it was assigned for freshman reading at Duke University – a Christian student wrote in The Washington Post that he refused to read it because there is an “important distinction between images and written words… But viewing pictures of sexual acts, regardless of the genders of the people involved, conflict with the inherent sacredness of sex.”

The book was present at Milwaukie High School, according to Destiny.


Fun Home – High School

“Fun Home,” written by Alison Bechdel, follows the journey of a lesbian girl getting to know her sexuality. It contains images of lesbian sex as well as masturbation.

The book has made controversy in other verticals as well. When it was assigned for freshman reading at Duke University – a Christian student wrote in The Washington Post that he refused to read it because there is an “important distinction between images and written words… But viewing pictures of sexual acts, regardless of the genders of the people involved, conflict with the inherent sacredness of sex.”

The book was present at Milwaukie High School, according to Destiny.

Gender Queer – High School

“Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe depicts sexual acts and contains discussions on masturbation. “The more I had to interact with my genitals the less likely I was to reach a point of any satisfaction,” the book said.

In a scene illustrating sex, the caption states, “This would evolve into hip-thrusting while thinking of my latest gay ship.”

This book was present at Adrienne C. Nelson High School and Milwaukie High School, according to Destiny.




How middle schools use aggressive surveys to indoctrinate teachers and coerce them to push the LGBT agenda on students.

JUDENRAT: New Ben & Jerry’s Employees Forced To Watch Anti-Israel Videos: Report

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.