Steve Scalise Endorses Trump For President

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise endorsed former President Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential bid Tuesday morning, saying he believes Trump is the best person for the job.

“I am proud to endorse Donald Trump for president in 2024, and I look forward to working with President Trump and a Republican House and Senate to fight for those families who are struggling under the weight of Biden’s failed policies,” Scalise said in a statement.

The former president has picked up endorsements from seven governors, 18 Republican senators and more than 90 House Republicans. Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson recently said he became an “active Trump support” when the FBI raided the former president’s Mar-a-Lago compound in August 2022.

Trump remains ahead of his GOP primary opponents in all national polling. Several polls also show Trump beating Biden in the general election. President Joe Biden is trailing Trump among Hispanic voters for a potential 2024 rematch, according to a Monday poll, which found that Trump led Biden by 5 points among the crucial voting bloc Democrats typically secure by large margins.



Chief national correspondent. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter.


EXCLUSIVE: Trump Weighs In On Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce Relationship

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Rips RNC, Says They Have To Stop Debates


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BEST INSPIRATIONAL FILM 2023: OUTRAGE: The Life and Times of Al Katz

OUTRAGE: The Life and Times of Al Katz, winner of the World Cinema Awards for BEST INSPIRATIONAL FILM, is the powerful story of the life of the real hero who survived seven years as a Jewish slave in Nazi Europe at the beginning of his life and 70 years later survived human bondage as an elder Ward in Florida’s vast abusive professional guardianship industry along with tens of thousands kept in isolation until their miserable deaths ensue.

As a Jewish slave in his youth, Al Katz was forced into many concentration camps across Europe, starving and working outdoors in frigid conditions of 52 degrees below zero with little clothing; yet, he always kept his faith and knew that he had to survive to warn the world of the depravity of antisemitism.  As a Jewish Ward of the State of Florida, Al Katz once again lost everything – his belongings, house of worship, and all civil rights, trapped in isolation for months, while being forbidden from visits, calls, cards, letters, and all contacts with his family.

Al Katz’s life is an exclusive look into a unique life lived in two worlds of human depravity, unseen and unknown by the masses, and the extraordinary courage to survive with faith in the face of fear and unimaginable terror.  OUTRAGE, winner of the BEST INSPIRATIONAL FILM, will inspire audiences around the world as a once-in-a-lifetime movie of miracles and monsters, hero and unbearable sorrow.

OUTRAGE, by award-winning filmmaker, Stan Moore, has also been nominated for numerous other awards across the globe, including BEST JUSTICE FILM.  Al Katz’s story is featured in the book, Florida Guardianships: Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die? by Dr. Beverly Newman and in the Holocaust education book series, Holocaust Babies, sold in bookstores around the world.

For interviews, book and film orders, and community and school presentations, contact Dr. Beverly Newman,

©2023. All rights reserved.

Claudine Gay Resigns From Harvard

Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned from her position Tuesday after facing backlash over her response to antisemitism on campus and a plagiarism scandal.

Gay announced her resignation “with a heavy heart,” and said her stepping down is in the “best interest” of the university.

“It is with a heavy heart but a deep love for Harvard that I write to share that I will be stepping down as president,” Gay wrote in a statement. “This is not a decision I came to easily. Indeed, it has been difficult beyond words because I have looked forward to working with so many of you to advance the commitment to academic excellence that has propelled this great university across centuries.”

Gay’s resignation makes her tenure the shortest in the Ivy League university’s history, only serving six months and two days in her position, according to The Harvard Crimson, the university’s school paper. It is currently unknown who will be appointed to serve as an interim president in Gay’s place.

The now-former president faced intense scrutiny after attending a congressional hearing over the response to the growing antisemitism on the campus following the barbarous Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel. She refused to answer Republican New York Rep. Elise Stefanik’s repeated questioning on whether actions would be taken to counter antisemitism on the campus.

“Will admissions offers be rescinded or any disciplinary action be taken against students or applicants who say ‘From the river to the sea’ or ‘intifada’ advocating for the murder of Jews?” Stefanik asked during a Dec. 5 hearing.

“As I have said, that type of hateful, reckless, offensive speech is personally abhorrent to me,” Gay said in response.

“What action will be taken?” Stefanik questioned, to which Gay said actions would not be taken against students’ free speech.

She later clarified that students calling for violence against Jewish students “will be held to account” in a Dec. 6 statement, which caused major backlash from the public.

“There are some who have confused a right to free expression with the idea that Harvard will condone calls for violence against Jewish students,” Gay said. “Let me be clear: Calls for violence or genocide against the Jewish community, or any religious or ethnic group are vile, they have no place at Harvard, and those who threaten our Jewish students will be held to account.”

Gay apologized for remarks during the congressional hearing in a Dec. 9 statement to The Harvard Crimson.

“I am sorry,” Gay told The Crimson. “Words matter. What I should have had the presence of mind to do in that moment was return to my guiding truth, which is that calls for violence against our Jewish community — threats to our Jewish students — have no place at Harvard, and will never go unchallenged.”

Over 30 student groups signed a letter placing blame on Israel for the deadly attack carried out by Hamas, and over 100 Harvard faculty signed a letter defending the antisemitic phrase, “From the river to the sea.” Gay released a statement saying the letter does not reflect the stance taken by the university.

The university is currently under investigation by the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights due to the rise in antisemitism, according to The Harvard Crimson. The investigation launched in response to a compliant accusing Harvard of inadequately responding to reports of rising antisemitism across campus.

Gay additionally faced allegations of plagiarizing in her publications and dissertation more than 40 times. The first complaint, published Dec. 19 by the Washington Free Beacon, brought forth charges against seven of her works. A second complaint brought forth an eighth work, a 2001 article that allegedly lifts almost half a page from University of Wisconsin political science professor David Cannon.



Media reporter. Follow Nicole Silverio on Twitter @NicoleMSilverio.

RELATED ARTICLE: Harvard President Accused Of Plagiarism Issues Corrections To Articles Involving ‘Quotation Marks And Citations’

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

At dawn of 2024, Israel’s population approaches 9.9 million

The population grew 1.9% in 2023, with 72% of that growth due to approximately 179,000 babies born. Most popular names: Abigail and David.

Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics estimates the population of Israel on December 31, 2023, stood at 9.842 million — 73.2% Jewish, 21.1% Arab and 5.7% other, including non-Arab Christians.

The population increased by 1.9% in 2023, with 72% of that growth due to approximately 179,000 babies born (73.3% to Jewish mothers, 24.1% to Arab mothers and 2.6% to others) and 28% due to immigration.

This is less than the 2.2% growth rate in 2022, primarily because of decreased immigration. In 2022, 73,000 immigrants arrived. In 2023, approximately 45,000 immigrants arrived, 75% of them from Russia and Ukraine. Nefesh B’Nefesh facilitated the immigration of 3,020 individuals from North America in 2023, ranging in age from three months to 100 years.

Population estimates do not include immigrant citizens (people born to an Israeli citizen abroad who have returned to live in Israel), Israelis living abroad for more than a year, or resident foreign workers.

The bureau estimates about 49,500 Israeli residents died in 2023.

Also released was a survey of the most popular names for new babies in Israel in 2022. For Jewish girls, Abigail, Tamar and Ayala top the list. For Jewish boys, the top names were David, Ariel and Lavi. Muhammad and Maryam continue to be the most popular names for Arab boys and girls, respectively.

EDITOR NOTE: This Israel 21C column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Stay Patient for His return Soaring Like Eagles

As we commence 2024 millions of believers are still waiting patiently for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As we watch nation rise up against nation, earthquakes destroying cities, planes exploding on runways, Communist governments abroad and within our own republic continuing to oppress and crush the liberties of individuals.

It’s important to stay patient while we are waiting for His return which will result in our strength continually being renewed daily as we anchor ourselves for the long haul knowing that the timing of God is perfect.

So as we wait, we soar above these earthly storms looking down on the unfolding chaos created by fallen men and women engaging in self indulgence and self destructive actions and then claiming the cowardly status of victim.

Like eagles we easily soar above the challenges of life with out spread wings rising above the difficult circumstances that must unfold to fulfill scripture written thousands of years ago.

Don’t forget Isaiah promised that even while we run we won’t become weary. 2024 is a year filled with boundless energy and endurance for believers.

It’s amazing how strong your mind and body becomes when we wait patiently on the Lord. This sort of stamina is like an indestructible GPS guiding us through the storms whether economic, political or personal without losing strength.

You are also experiencing a daily walk with God not just running and He will continue to strengthen your mind and body to keep you going. Did you notice you don’t stumble while you are on this difficult path.

My recommendation as you start 2024 is to memorize Isaiah 40:31 and wait patiently.

So do not be full of trepidation as Communist local, state and federal governments in our republic try to dismantle our God given rights. Stay calm as Satan tries his best to crush the world. (His time is short) God is in control.

It’s just a matter of time when the evil forces will no longer be able to continue their oppression and tyrannical actions against Americans and others who are believers. You will soar, run and walk with a intestinal resilience that only comes from God.

Here is your renewed strength for 2024.

God Bless You and your families and Happy New Year.

©2023. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: A predictable “earthquake” – Surrendering our sovereignty to the WHO

A devastating earthquake in Japan yesterday may symbolize a New Year marred by geostrategic tectonic shifts. Some are predictable – and their effects can, therefore, be attenuated if we act in time.

Consider the creation of so-called “global governance” mechanisms that would subordinate us to the dictates of unaccountable international entities like the World Health Organization.

Largely secret negotiations are expected by May to produce agreements that will give the WHO the authority to declare what constitutes a public health emergency here – and what must be done about it. Three Biden administration officials appear to have perjured themselves in testifying last month that would not diminish our sovereignty.

The House of Representatives has voted to cut off funding for the WHO and require Senate approval of any such accords. To prevent irreparable harm to our public health – and America, Congress must concur.

This is Frank Gaffney.


Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Founder and Executive Chairman

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Netherlands: What They Teach in Islamic Schools

To be clear, any Islamic school teaches Islamic scripture. Islamic scripture is in essence, jingoism against the unbeliever. Motivating pep talks to kill, conquer and impose sharia law. So these kinds of videos are problematic only in that it allows people to think they are “extremist” or in some way an outlier. This is Islam in the Netherlands, and everywhere.

Netherlands: Islamic Schools Ban Muslim Children From Befriending Jews and Christians, Teach Non-Believers Should Be Killed (Video)

The impact of these violent and dangerous Islamic teachings is not confined to the walls of these schools. It spills over into society, contributing to a troubling rise in Islamic-driven antisemitic and anti-Christian incidents and threats against public figures critical of Islam.

In a concerning report from 2019, primarily overlooked by Western media, investigations by Nieuwsuur and NRC Handelsblad have brought to light a disturbing trend in Islamic “schools” across the Netherlands. This report unveils a scenario where young Muslim minds are being steeped in Islamic doctrines of violence, hate, and intolerance, deceptively presented to Westerners under the guise of “peaceful” religious education.

A World Apart: The Rise of Salafism in Dutch Education

In a parallel educational universe, thousands of Muslim children in the Netherlands attend Islamic lessons outside the regular educational system. These institutions, deeply influenced by Salafism—a fundamentalist Islamic movement—are propagating Islamic teachings utterly incompatible with Western values and principles. Salafists — who follow what they say was the original Islam practiced in the 7th and 8th centuries — openly state that they want to replace democracy in the West (and the rest of the world) with an Islamic government based on Sharia law. Nieuwsuur and NRC’s investigation found that at least 50 schools exhibit strong Salafist Islamic influences, shaping the outlook and beliefs of the young Muslim students enrolled.

The Dangerous Curriculum: From Isolation to Extremism

The curriculum in these Salafist schools is deeply concerning. Muslim students are taught to distance themselves from non-Muslims, receiving explicit instructions against befriending Jews or Christians. This divisive approach is not just theoretical; it’s ingrained in the educational material. For instance, in a religious textbook for 15-year-olds, students encounter a question about the response to someone who denies one of the Islamic pillars. The prescribed answer is execution for being a non-believer.

These teachings extend beyond social isolation. Students are indoctrinated with strict guidelines on interacting with non-Muslims, emphasizing an ideology of separation and superiority. They are instructed against basic acts like feeding non-Muslims or extending greetings during Christian festivals. Acknowledging these holidays is depicted as a more severe sin than congratulating someone who drinks alcohol.

The explicitness and depth of these Islamic teachings are alarming, focusing on instilling avoidance of any form of friendship or interaction with non-Muslims. This extensive emphasis on divisiveness highlights the insidious nature of Islamic teachings.

Furthermore, the worldview instilled in these Muslim students contrasts sharply with Western society’s principles of tolerance, equality, and freedom. Stemming from Islamic doctrine, these teachings promote a sense of Islamic supremacy and intolerance. Children are also taught to distinguish themselves from non-Muslims in aspects like clothing, further avoiding any interaction with Western culture or its people.

Read full article.


EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Admin Watered Down Vetting Process For Chinese Illegal Immigrants, Email Shows

The Biden administration drastically simplified the vetting process for Chinese illegal immigrants in April 2023, according to an internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) email obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The April 2023 email, which was sent by a CBP supervisor to a “master list” of about 500 Border Patrol agents, instructs CBP officials to radically reduce the number of interview questions for Chinese migrants apprehended after illegally crossing into the country from roughly 40 to just five. The “headquarters guidance” came as border agents were overwhelmed with near-record numbers of illegal crossings.

This scaling back of the interview process fast-tracked the releasing of Chinese illegal immigrants into the U.S. while making it more difficult for CBP agents to identify national security threats, J.J. Carrell, a retired CBP deputy patrol agent in charge, told the DCNF after reviewing the email.

“This policy change has accelerated the time it takes to process Chinese illegal immigrants — this doesn’t make America safer,” Carrell said. “The final result is that dangerous Chinese illegal immigrants will still be released into the U.S.”

“This is just the government covering their ass, so they can say they vetted,” said Carrell. “I believe the government recognizes the threat of Chinese soldiers and spies that are pouring into America, and they want to try and identify these individuals. However, the same government does not want to stop the flow of illegal aliens or Chinese nationals — just the ‘bad ones,’ which is impossible.

While previously agents might spend hours vetting a single Chinese illegal immigrant, the new guidance simplifies the vetting process by reducing the number of questions that agents are required to ask, thereby speeding up the flow of Chinese illegal immigrants into the U.S., Carrell said.

The former law enforcement official who provided the email to the DCNF said human smuggling operations quickly adapted to these new guidelines, coaching Chinese illegal immigrants on how to answer CBP’s shorter list of questions.

“It was almost immediate where [the Chinese illegal immigrants] knew what to say and what not to say,” said the former official, who requested anonymity in fear of U.S. government retribution.

Carrell described smuggling operations as “highly coordinated.” He told the DCNF that illegal immigrants are “coached from the beginning of the journey.”

“The stories are identical,” Carrell said. “The streets and the names they use just differ because of the nations they’re from.”

The April 2023 CBP email also states that Chinese illegal immigrants who pass field agents’ five “basic questions” may be released into the U.S. interior.

“If they do not alert to the above, there is no requirement to further delay current processing pathway — NTA/OR,” the email states.

“NTA/OR” is an abbreviation for “Notice to Appear” / “Order of Recognizance,” according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

In practice, this allows Chinese illegal immigrants entry into the U.S. with a court date several years down the road, the former official said. By November 2023, the backlog of U.S. immigration court cases topped three million, signifying an all-time high.

Since 2022, Border Patrol has encountered approximately 35,000 Chinese illegal immigrants at the border, according to CBP data. Between 2022 and 2023, Border Patrol encounters with Chinese illegal immigrants surged over 1,000%, according to government records.

After answering agents’ “basic questions,” Chinese illegal immigrants are “sent out wherever they go, whether that’s contracted through Catholic Charities or other nonprofits,” the former official said.

‘Basic Questions’

The new guidance directs agents to ask five “basic questions” concerning “Military Service,” “Universities,” “POB/Region,” “Employment” and “Political Party.” All the questions are aimed at determining whether or not a Chinese illegal immigrant poses a national security threat, the former official told the DCNF.

“They’re really trying to see their ties to either terrorism or the government itself,” the former official said.

Questions regarding “Military Service,” “Universities,” “Employment” and “Political Party” are meant to tease out potential ties to the Chinese government, Chinese Communist Party or Chinese military. The question on “POB/Region” relates to terrorism, the former official told the DCNF.

“If there is a Yes to any of the above, they are then referred and transported to [redacted] for an in-depth interview by Tactical Terrorism Response Team,” the April 2023 email states.

The Tactical Terrorism Response Team (TTRT) is “part of the sector intelligence unit,” which is responsible for conducting in-depth questioning for Chinese illegal immigrants with potential terror or Chinese government ties, the former official said.

“Think of TTRT as the vetting unit before an individual is determined to be a national security risk or a terrorist,” Carrell, the former CBP agent, told the DCNF. “If TTRT determines that the individual is a security risk, that individual is turned over to Joint Terrorism Task Force for further investigation and deportation.”

Despite these concerns, DHS’s Special Interest Alien (SIA) list does not include immigrants from China.

SIA are defined as a “non-U.S. person who, based on an analysis of travel patterns, potentially poses a national security risk to the United States or its interests,” according to DHS. “Often such individuals or groups are employing travel patterns known or evaluated to possibly have a nexus to terrorism. DHS analysis includes an examination of travel patterns, points of origin and/or travel segments that are tied to current assessments of national and international threat environments.”

‘Bogged Down’

The vetting system for Chinese illegal immigrants in place prior to the April 2023 email was overwhelmed by the recent surge in crossings at the southern border, the former law enforcement official told the DCNF.

Under the previous system, it took up to four hours to process Chinese illegal immigrants, the former official told the DCNF.

“At the very beginning, what was happening was either at the station level — if they couldn’t get them to the processing center if it was too bogged down — or at the sector level at the processing center, the agent would then have to go through a long list of questions and it was taking almost four hours per person,” the former official said.

Carrell said the CBP vetting process was far more stringent for Chinese illegal immigrants during the Trump administration.

“If I received a Chinese national, we’d input them into the DHS database, look through [the National Crime Information Center] for criminal history in America — and nine times out of 10 these people have never been in America — so they’ll come back clean,” Carrell told the DCNF. “I would then set that individual up for deportation and [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] would fly him or her back to China. Never in a million years would I then process that Chinese national and then just release them into America.”

“Now, that person would be interviewed, put into the database and then just simply street-released,” Carrell said.

The DCNF reviewed a copy of CBP’s longer questionnaire for Chinese illegal immigrants, which the former official also shared.

While field agents are no longer required to vet Chinese illegal immigrants using the longer questionnaire of approximately 40 questions, TTRT still uses that questionnaire to vet those who’ve failed the five “basic questions,” the former official said.

In addition to the five “basic questions,” CBP’s longer questionnaire further directs agents to ask Chinese illegal immigrants about “prior arrests,” the “handling of weapons/firearms,” “smuggling fees,” and various other matters.

DHS and CBP did not respond to multiple requests for comment.



Daily Caller News Foundation investigative reporter, political journalist, and China watcher. Twitter: @LenczyckiPhilip.


EXCLUSIVE: CCP-Tied Firm Slated To Build Massive Facility Near Sensitive US Military Sites

U.S. Service Members Demand Military Leaders Be Court-Martialed Over Forced COVID Vaccines – The Joe Messina Show


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Happy 2024 — The Year of Action!

The Holidays have come and gone. I hope you are all rested because 2024 is the year of action.  The Globalists and will be implementing the things they have put in motion in 2023 to ensure that “You will have nothing.” and they will be happy. Are you ready?

2024 will be quite a year as the Globalists see that lying and force are the only ways they can win. On the international stage more and more countries are beginning to realize the value of putting their countries and citizens first. The people are realizing that open borders, incredible mass migration, multiculturalism, elimination of culture and history leads to escalated crime and destruction of their great nations. On the world stage people realize the propaganda machine of Globalists who are busy making lists of items we must give up, is just a pack of lies. What about Americans? Are they seeing the same or are they still living in a cloud thinking everything will be fine.

For those of us “awake” it is our job to alert others. We have lots of action items that will be presented over the next short 10 months if we are to save our country.  Can you make a NewYear’s resolution to get 5?  Every time an action item is released, can you tell 5 people and ask them to do the same? If we each did that and did our part we could organize an army of patriots spreading the truth no longer relying on MSM.    Once the truth is known and spread, we will win. So pick one item a day. Send it to your 5 and ask them to do the same.  Here are this weeks items:

PLEASE JOIN ME and share:

On Dr. Rich Swier, Dissent TV on Rumble. As usual I had a lot to say about connecting the dots by bringing the past history current.


Please share the DISSENT Television channel with your friends and on your social media sites.

I was also a guest on The Robert Scott Bell Show

I am a contributor to American Statesman on Blog Talk Radio

Time to ACT

Do you want to keep American land in the hands of Americans? Tell the SEC, NO NAC (National Asset Company.) The SEC has extended the comment period so lets comment. the NAC is (A corporation designed to allow anyone or any government to buy America’s assets). No one has the right to sell American land belonging to the people.   More information check out:

Contact your Federal legislators tell them:        



Close the Border or Close the government

NO CR (Continuing Resolution)

No Welfare for Illegals

Free J6 prisoners

Petition from Sen Rand Paul: Support the National Right to Work Act. Eliminate being forced to pay unions to work

Florida: Review these bills and Contact your FL State Legislators

FL House :

FL Senate:

Florida Citizens Alliance has done an analysis of the education bills in Florida.  Over 80% of the students graduate BUT only 47% can read on grade level.  Florida grades on a curve. A score of 241 out of 500 is an A. Pathetic liars.

Read the bills and contact your legislator



Inappropriate Materials Report:

Join a Microschool:

Get your kids out of the public indoctrination centers masquerading as public schools

Defend Florida,

These Election Integrity Bills need sponsors

HB135 – Voter Registration Applications

HB 671 Ballot Boxes

HB 359 – Voting Systems

SB 190 – Ballot Boxes

Are you a registered Republican in Florida unhappy with the RPOF? PLEASE JOIN ME in supporting a FAIR ELECTION for RPOF CHAIRMAN!

SIGN the Petition for FAIR ELECTION, here:


Unhappy with the RPOF Rinos selecting their candidate, want a choice?

check out Peter Feaman for RPOF CHAIRMAN!

LINK to Peter Feaman’s interview with Gene Valentino, here:

FL GOP Chair Candidate Peter Feaman Fights “…To Protect the Heart & Soul of Our Republic” (

Florida: Your presence is needed in Tally.

TUESDAY, January 16, 2024

Defend Florida Voter Integrity Lobbying

Join Defend Florida Zoom Call 1/2/2024, 7PM ET, 6PM CT

Zoom link to join call

Can’t make it read the bills and call your legislators

WEDNESDAY, January 17, 2024 ,

Host/Tour Guide – EVAN POWER, Chairman, Leon County GOP

Santa Rosa GOP Legislative      FIELD TRIP to TALLAHASSEE 

Bus Ride – there and back for $55 (includes Snax & Lunch)

Experienced bill-trackers riding along to help with

BILLS you want to watch!  Information below.

AmericaOutLoud.News launched the new website platform on Jan 1, 2024, at Noon ET. please share


Join us for a Night of Inspiration at the Florida Citizens Alliance Annual Gala!

America First P.A.C.T.  is having a conference in Bradenton FL  Join Us.

Tally Field Trip By Santa Rosa GOP

Wednesday, January 17, Tallahassee FL Capitol

Legislative Session

Hosted by Santa Rosa GOP  — “Tour Guide” RPOF Vice- Chair Evan Power

Good Time Tours Bus Pick Up Times & Locations: 

Escambia/Santa Rosa/Okaloosa & Walton County Stops!! 

5am – P’Cola – 8084 N Davis Hwy by Good Time Tours (NorthCross plaza)

5:15am – Milton – Exit 26 – Loves Gas Station – Park on southside (by Arbys)

5:45am – Crestview – Behind McDonalds in Walmart Parking lot (North of I-10)

6:30am – Defuniak Springs – Exit 85 Behind McDonalds 2370 US Hwy 331

7:30am – Cottondale – Exit 130 – Loves Travel, 2510 Hwy 231 




Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everything has a plan. All plans are lies. All Globalists want is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL Don’t give them yours. Challenge them with the truth. Doing Nothing is affirmation.

Show Link

Show: Sat and Sun 7AM ET and 9PM ET on

Podcasts and Articles:  and at

©2023. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Tucker Interviews Julian Assange at the Infamous Belmarsh Prison.

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell

We are here at citizen journalists. Our mission is to speak truth to power. When one tells the truth is becomes a revolutionary act and those opposed to the truth are quick to react.

A recent examples of speaking truth to power include those who rallied in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2020 and those who have been demonetized and even fired to telling the truth, like Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk.

But we must not forget what happened to Julian Assange when he spoke truth to power.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Visits Julian Assange

Remember what American novelist, short story writer and essayist Flannery O’Connor wrote, “The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.”

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Biden Admin Caught And Released Enough Illegal Immigrants At The Border To Fill More Than 17 Yankee Stadiums

  • There were enough illegal immigrants caught and released into the country in 2023 to fill more than 17 Yankee Stadiums, according to federal data.
  • Not a single year of encounters under the two previous presidential administrations came close to what federal authorities recorded in 2023, according to the data.
  • “In retrospect, 2023 at the border was a progressively worse version of 2022,” former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The number of illegal immigrants caught and released into the country in 2023 would be enough to fill Yankee Stadium more than 17 times, according to federal data.

Border Patrol recorded more than 1.7 million encounters with migrants crossing the southern border illegally in 2023, with more than 824,000 released into the interior of the country with future court appearances, according to the data, which doesn’t account for December. Yankee Stadium has the capacity to hold 46,537 people, according to Ticketmaster.

Federal authorities at the southern border also seized more than 229,000 pounds of drugs, roughly 22,000 pounds of which were fentanyl.

During the Obama and Trump administrations, not a single year reached one million encounters, according to federal data.

“In retrospect, 2023 at the border was a progressively worse version of 2022,” former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Biden continued to double down on his failed border policies, illegal immigration continued skyrocketing to unimaginable levels, the cartels made more money than most people can fathom with less risk than at anytime in history, Customs and Border Protection suspended legal trade and travel to decrease the time in custody for illegal aliens, and the US Border Patrol shut down checkpoints and deployed nearly zero proactive patrols.”

“Biden’s only response was to send Mayorkas and Blinken to Mexico and asks them to control their border,” he said.

The House Homeland Security Committee is preparing to conduct impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas early in the new year, a committee staffer recently told the DCNF.

“The Biden Administration is breaking records everyday and none of them are good. Enough. Time to impeach Mayorkas. No more excuses. This country needs action now,” Homan said.

Despite the record flows of illegal migrants across the southern border, ICE has left thousands of detention beds empty, according to the DCNF’s previous review of agency data. As of Dec. 11, ICE had seven individuals on average in custody each day at its processing center in Adelanto, California, where there is bed space for 640 people, according to agency data.

Court orders limit ICE’s use of bed space in the California facility to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

The situation is only expected to worsen in the coming year, J.J. Carrell, who served as a deputy patrol agent in charge for Border Patrol, told the DCNF.

“We have never experienced this type of invasion in the history of America,” Carrell said. “And when you look at the totality of the data, meaning Special Interest Aliens, Russian nationals, Chinese nationals, terrorists, criminal aliens, major cities crumbling, social welfare, states of emergencies, I believe that when we look back on 2023 from the viewpoint of 2024, I think 2023 is gonna look tame, and that’s scary. I think that should scare America.”



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Breaking Point’: Sanctuary City Mayors Beg Biden Admin For More Help In Addressing Migrant Crisis

RELATED VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Visits Julian Assange


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‘Happy New Queer’: Public Library Set To Kick Off New Year With 6 Drag Performances

A public library in Alaska will hold a winter celebration of all things LGBTQ on January 6th featuring a drag queen story hour for children billed as “Happy New Queer,” the Alaska Watchman reported.

The event, scheduled to be held at the Soldotna Public Library, will feature six “guest drag performers,” including one openly gay man whose drag stage name is “Ivanna Kischacok,” according to the Alaska Watchman.

“Ivanna Kischacok,” otherwise known as Andrew Castelli, wears a blonde wig and has jewels falling into his dress’s fake cleavage, according to He also dons ball gowns, feathers, corsets and thigh-high boots, the website reported.

The drag queen story hour is being organized by an LGBTQ activist group called Soldotna Pride and will be part of a day-long celebration including a performance at a local grocery store and a “Queer Karaoke” event at a bar, the Alaska Watchman reported.

Although the library included a disclaimer in the event announcement that reads the library “does not endorse these materials or viewpoints expressed in them,” it also encourages residents to “Bring the whole family to Soldotna Library from 11-12 pm for Drag Story Hour featuring stories read by Joe Royal Spady, local author: W.B. Clark and our incredible guest drag readers!” according to the Alaska Watchman.

Soldotna Pride has targeted youth in the past, including an event last year that ignited controversy after a video of an Anchorage drag queen apparently showing a man in a miniskirt and thong twerking in front of young children went viral, the newspaper reported. Another video shows the same drag queen gyrating in a leather miniskirt in front of minors, according to the publication.

Must Read Alaska claims the Soldotna Library event is “misogynistic-themed” and reports that “parents who want to steer clear” of the drag event can attend more traditional read-aloud story hours at a local hardware store on Saturday mornings.





Protestors Shut Down Drag Queen Story Hour Event At Library

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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Double Down On Bidenomics’: We Asked Political Insiders What Joe Biden’s New Year’s Resolutions Should Be

With a fresh year ahead and the presidential election in sight, both Republican and Democratic strategists have suggestions for what New Year’s resolutions President Joe Biden should make.

Biden is exiting 2023 with floundering poll numbers that show the president has a low approval rating and is trailing in hypothetical matchups between him and former President Donald Trump both nationally and in key swing states. In an effort to turn things around — or to keep the president on the same decline — Republican and Democratic strategists suggested Biden play into his age, focus on Bidenomics and stay “calm.”

“I think using his age, you know, ‘I’m old, but that means I’m seasoned and wise in the ways of the world. I offer calm. The Republicans offer chaos.’ I think that’s the best contrast he can make,” Brad Bannon, a Democratic strategist, told the Daily Caller, when saying Biden should make it a resolution to stay composed throughout the year.

During 2023, concerns about the 81-year-old’s fitness for office have risen in the polls, partly due to various repeated debunked stories and slip-ups. A majority of Americans believe that Biden is both mentally and physically unfit to serve effectively as president, according to a November George Washington University and YouGov poll.

Biden committed several mishaps throughout the year, including once praising the “Congressional Black Caucus” while giving a speech at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual gala. While honoring the 22nd anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Biden claimed that he was at Ground Zero the day after the terrorist attack. The White House failed to provide evidence to back up Biden’s claim, instead pointing to a trip to the site the president made several weeks later.

Leslie Marshall echoed Bannon’s resolution, encouraging the president to play into his age and harness it through the election year.

“Some people will be like, don’t don’t highlight his age. I’m sure they tell him ‘Mr. President, jog up the stairs.’ You know what I’m saying?” Marshall told the Daily Caller.

“We all trip, I don’t care what age you are. Make light of it. Use it. Use it to his advantage,” Marshall continued.

Aside from concerns about the president’s age, Biden and his administration have faced backlash for their messaging surrounding the president’s economic policies, more commonly known as “Bidenomics.” While the White House continues to claim the economy is improving, even saying that Thanksgiving in 2023 was one of the cheapest ever, the American people are not convinced. Seventy-five percent of U.S. adults said in September that the economy is in a “fair” or “poor” state while sixty-one percent of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck.

Democrats previously warned the administration that the messaging was not working with some even begging the White House to drop “Bidenomics” out of fear that the aggressive push of a booming economy may be upsetting Americans who are struggling.

“I hope he resolves to double down on Bidenomics,” Sean Spicer, host of the Sean Spicer podcast and former chairman for the RNC’s Temporary Committee on Presidential Debates, told the Daily Caller.

“Keep up the good work with oil and gas production in the United States,” Mike McKenna, GOP consultant and MWR Strategies president, told the Daily Caller.

Other GOP strategists suggested that Biden secure the border or take action against members of the administration who protested the president’s pro-Israel stance.

“Fire all the kids who work for him and protested him on his own front lawn,” Scott Jennings, a longtime GOP adviser in Kentucky and veteran of numerous campaigns, told the Daily Caller. “Fire. Them. All.”

Since Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel, Biden has committed his support to the country throughout its war on the terrorist organization. Biden’s unwavering support of the country has come under fire from members of his administration and allies within his own party. Several members of the Biden administration gathered outside of the White House on Dec. 13 to protest the president’s backing of Israel, the Hill reported.

“President Biden, your staff demands a ceasefire,” a sign held by staffers read.

Others thought the president should take notes from the front runner in the 2024 presidential race.

“President Biden’s New Year’s resolutions should be reinforcing the policies from the Trump administration,” Hilton Beckham, communications director for America First Policy Institute, told the Daily Caller. “Reinstating America First principles that empowered citizens economically, ensured community safety, and fortified our porous borders would be a step toward regaining public trust and steering our country back on the right track — away from the chaos created by the Far Left and their destructive policies.”

While seemingly everyone in politics has input on how the president should spend 2024, Biden weighed in Saturday on what his New Year’s resolution is.

“To come back next year,” Biden said while vacationing in St. Croix.

Among serious resolutions touching on hot topics, some offered a bit of humor when suggesting New Year’s resolutions for the president.

“[Biden should] resolve to finally learn which direction the Oval Office is, so when he’s done reading prepared remarks in billboard sized fonts, he doesn’t change directions like a presidential roomba,” Mark R. Weaver, a GOP strategist, told the Daily Caller.



White House correspondent. Follow Reagan on Twitter.


Joe Biden Tells Donors Real Reason He Ran For President, Then Repeats Exact Same Story Minutes Later

Biden’s Inner Circle Is Reportedly Scrambling To Salvage ‘Bidenomics’ Messaging After Months Of Failure

Biden Judicial Nominees Couldn’t Answer Basic Constitutional Questions. Where Are They Now?

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

College Football is a Microcosm of our Society

Who is at Fault for the Transfer Portal Debacle: Colleges, or Athletes, or?

Welcome to my first post in 2024. Hope the upcoming year is rewarding to you.

I acknowledge I’m a fossil. I’m so old that I can remember when: 1) colleges took pride in having quality curriculums, and 2) a large factor in college athletes’ decision on which school to attend, was the academic value that they would get.

Yes, colleges made money on certain sports (football and basketball) but lost money on most others. The deal was that a scholarship football player received:  a) a free quality education [tuition, room, food, etc.], b) free expert training to maximize their skill set, c) free exposure so that if they were good, they could go on further, d) lots of interested girls, e) etc.

But as yet another indication of how bad the entitlement mentality has set in, this wasn’t enough. For example, these privileged students feel they should also get paid. But they already ARE getting paid. The benefits that football players are getting from major schools are easily equal to $100,000 per year (i.e., $400,000 in total)! Plus (to those who have the skills) they are effectively in a farm team for a professional career for REALLY big money.

Another entitlement mentality example is that these pampered students now feel they should be able to switch “teams” (i.e., colleges) essentially at will. In other words, they should have free agency to go to the highest bidder. This is now called going into the “transfer portal.” The current NCAA rules are that there is no penalty to the student for doing this! How many football students are ditching their former college? Last year there were over THREE THOUSAND. This year there is expected to be more.

One of many predictable adverse consequences of this absurdity is that teams who worked all year to get into a prestigious end-of-season bowl game, now show up at the game with a team that is nothing like they had all year! Here is a good list of all 2023 football bowl teams, and the regular players who will not be playing. For example, FSU won the championship of a major conference, and had beaten several top 20 teams during its undefeated season. However, FSU had at least eighteen players who chose not to play in their bowl game (and almost all were in the transfer portal). FSU got blown out 63 to 3!

Whatever happened to such virtues as loyalty or appreciation? Part of the answer is to look at the other side of the coin: the colleges. Some arguments that the schools are mostly responsible for this fiasco:

  1. They set a bad example by changing Conferences. For example, my alma mater (Boston College) was doing fine as an active member of the Big East Conference. However, the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) had negotiated better TV deals, etc. (i.e., more money to each of its members), so BC (and others) switched to the ACC. No loyalty there. Greed continues as this year SMU, Stanford, and Cal will join the ACC. Those schools were extracted from another Conference. (FYI, as another indication of our collective decline in general intelligence, apparently no one noticed that SMU, Stanford, and Cal are not remotely near the Atlantic Coast. Who cares, since, there is big money at stake.)
  2. One of the primary enticements for student-athletes, is that no matter what happened sport-wise, they would get a quality education. However, over the last few decades, college educational offerings have become severely diluted. The simplest assessment here is that: a) Critical Thinking is the most important skill that a graduate can obtain, and b) it is generally NOT being taught in colleges.
  3. Colleges have had no compunction about throwing students under the bus. The best recent example of this is what happened with COVID. These “higher education” institutions should be bastions of real Science. In other words, they have the ammunition (degreed experts, the labs, the research facilities, etc.) to be able to quickly squash political science (e.g., COVID mask and treatment policies pushed by government politicians and agencies). However, instead of defending Science, they capitulated to political pressure. Again, a poor example to students.
  4. Colleges have allowed themselves to become Left-wing breeding grounds due to the huge numbers of Left-wing professors they hired. They are now indoctrinating students with Woke ideology. This includes instilling in them not only a victim mentality (e.g., reparations), but also no loyalty or respect (e.g., distorting Science, American history, etc.). Who would have guessed that they would take these out on the very institutions that instilled it in them? Poetic justice?

There is plenty of blame to go around here. For my money, the adults in the room (colleges) are the primary culprits (see above). Although some people are writing about this calamity — like here — few of them are examining the underlying problems that have led to this mess.

The Bottom Line

This issue is a microcosm of what is happening in society in general. We have departed from the Judeo-Christian standards America was founded on, and are instead emphasizing secular standards like relativism. This philosophy is a breeding ground for entitlement mentalities, every man person for themself, the end justifies the means, etc.

Maybe seeing the horrific consequences of what is going on in “higher education” — and sports academics in particular — might jar us awake before it’s too late to change course?

Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:

Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack.

WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not do, on issues from COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2023 Archives. Please send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time – but why would you?

Rashid Khalidi’s Happy [Brutalized] Dhimmi Jews

The vile, Jew-hating, ingratiating weasel, Rashid Khalidi is not so much an educator as he is a dedicated propagandist for the PLO and its spurious Arab Palestinian so-called “cause”, something that did not exist before 1964 and is based on a conglomeration of lies the size of Jupiter about the history of the Middle East in general and of Israel in particular.

It has been said that George Washington couldn’t tell a lie and that Richard Nixon couldn’t tell the truth, but Rashid Khalidi deliberately refuses to tell the difference.

This puts him in good company with his log time friend Barack Obama as well as Harvard’s president, Claudine Gay, both of whom have a slippery foothold on the truth.

Read on.

Rashid Khalidi’s Happy Dhimmi Jews

By :

“The idea that Jews in the Arab countries have always been subject to persecution culminating in their being forced to flee from the Arab countries is fundamentally false,” stated Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi in a December 14 webinar. Thus, this Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies and former Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) propagandist whitewashed historic Islamic antisemitic doctrines that continue to threaten Jews to this day.

Khalidi spoke to the anti-Israel website Jadaliyya’s as part of its “Gaza in Context: Collaborative Teach-In Series” in an episode on “Colonial Narratives (Part 2).” Jadaliyya’s moderator was Bassam Haddad, director of George Mason University’s Middle East and Islamic Studies Program.

Khalidi propagated the well-worn trope, discredited as the “Happy Dhimmi” myth, that Jews, a subjugated non-Muslim minority, “lived in relative security and with relative prosperity” in Muslim countries across the centuries. Rather, “Europe was the source of antisemitism. Christian doctrine was the source of antisemitism,” he simplistically stated. Jews with backgrounds in the Mizrachi (Hebrew: Eastern) diaspora in the Muslim-majority countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) vigorously refute such one-sided assertions.

Nonetheless, Khalidi superficially claimed that the “situation of Jews in Europe was infinitely worse than in any other part of the world.” Therefore, Jews after 1492 “took refuge as a result when they were expelled in particular from Spain and Portugal in Morocco, in North Africa, in other parts of the Ottoman Empire,” he stated. Sultan Bayezid II’s supposed response to this influx of enterprising Jews into his empire prompted by Spanish royal intolerance has become historic. “Can such a king be called wise and intelligent—one who impoverishes his country and enriches my kingdom?” Bayezid II is recorded as saying.

Complicating Khalidi’s myopic thesis, however, other Iberian Jews fled to destinations in Europe such as Germany or Poland, while Ottoman rule also had its fair share of Jew persecution. Ultimately, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1648) became home to the majority of world Jewry and known as the Paradisus Judeaorum for the religious tolerance Jews enjoyed there. By 1860, 90 percent of world Jewry was in Europe, which raises the question why these Jews did not follow Khalidi’s analysis and move to a supposedly more tolerant Muslim world.

Europe remained a global Jewish center until before the Nazi genocide during World War II, with 57 percent of world Jewry, 9.5 million of 16.6 million Jews, living in Europe in 1939. When antisemitic persecution had arisen in Europe, the New World remained the preferred refuge of Jews, countries such as Argentina, home to about 200,000 Jews by the 1930s, and, above all, America. Accordingly, by the time the United States instituted immigration restrictions in 1924, American Jews numbered some 3.5 million, the world’s second-largest Jewish community after Eastern Europe.

While Jews throughout history have confronted bitter discrimination and oppression in Muslim societies, only in Western countries where citizenship has separated from religion have Jews ever experienced any sense of equality. Precisely for this reason, Jews and other non-Muslim communities in MENA often supported European colonialism, which eliminated Islam’s second-class sharia status for non-Muslims. Meanwhile in the West itself before World War II, for example, Jewish communities throughout Europe were increasingly assimilated while America has become the “golden land” for Jews alongside Israel, the “Promised Land.” Due to immigration from the former Soviet Union, even modern Germany saw its Jewish population by 2010 grow to over 230,000, slightly more than the 195,000 who lived in Nazi Germany in 1939 before the Holocaust’s ravages.

In contrast to the wildly varying historical experiences of Jews in the Western world, Khalidi bases his assessment on MENA Jews, who numbered only about one million in 1945. In the years following Israel’s establishment in 1948, brutal waves of repression against Jews spread across the MENA region, causing a long-term ethnic cleansing. Now only a few thousand Jews remain there in isolated, dying communities.

Such animosity, Khalidi suggested, arose merely because of modern Zionism, which “raised the specter of dual loyalty for Arab Jewish communities.” “There were never any conflicts between Arabs and Jews in Palestine before the rise of modern political Zionism,” he stated, notwithstanding the history of depredations and pogroms endured by Jews there in the nineteenth-century. Jews also “lived completely peacefully for centuries in Iraq,” he added, a ludicrously superficial assessment unsupported by centuries of history.

These views flow logically from Khalidi’s apparently key inspiration on Jewish-Muslim relations, namely Iraqi-born, British-Israeli historian Avi Schlaim, who has become a vociferous anti-Zionist. Khalidi seemed particularly enamored with Schlaim’s thesis that Israel through its Mossad intelligence service organized a bombing spree in Baghdad, Iraq, in 1950-1951 to scare Iraq’s supposedly otherwise content Jews into fleeing to Israel. Schlaim “discovered that the attacks that ultimately led the Jewish community to panic and flee were mounted, most of them, by the Mossad,” Khalidi claimed.

By contrast, all evidence indicates that 110,000 Jews who fled Iraq in these two years needed no incentive to flee an increasingly antisemitic, dangerous Iraq. These bombing incidents remained little-noticed and only claimed four deaths in one instance. While linkages between these bombings and Mossad is flimsy, most analysts think that Iraqi nationalists lay behind the bombings, as with previous anti-Jewish bombings in Iraqi history.

Yet Khalidi continues to suggest that Mizrachi Jews in Israel are just imagining the Islamic oppression they fled. In Israel, these Jews “became indoctrinated in Israel in ways have led them to become in some cases even more extreme in their views towards Arabs than other Israelis,” he stated. He could learn much from what Mizrachi Jews in the United States have felt after Hamas’ October 7 atrocious assault upon Israel from the Gaza Strip. As one Mizrachi Jewish activist noted, “violent imagery coming out of Israel has triggered a wave of anxiety and post-trauma among some of our elders who faced antisemitic mobs and ethnic cleansing” in MENA.

Similarly, Kibbutz Be’eri has become notorious as the October 7 “Ground Zero,” which cost this kibbutz 100 dead, a tenth of the community’s residents. The kibbutz’s founders include Iraqi Jews, who had trekked the desert to the outgoing British League of Nations Palestine Mandate in 1947 after having witnessed the horrors of Baghdad’s 1941 Farhud pogrom. Meanwhile Sderot, a town often targeted by Hamas rockets, developed from an Israeli transit camp (ma’abara) for North African and Iranian Jewish refugees.

Fantasizing about Jews at peace with Islam comports with Khalidi’s embrace of the longstanding trope that Zionism is not truly indigenous to the Middle East. “Zionism is a modern Eastern European nationalist movement transplanted to the Middle East,” he stated, which ignores Zionist traditions among Mizrachi Jews. He also asserted that “about 70 percent of the immigrants to Israel come from Europe and North America,” which might have been true during Israel’s pre-state settlement, but today over half of Israel’s Jews are from Mizrachi backgrounds.

Khalidi also found “questionable” whether Western diaspora Ashkenazi Jews “have any genetic connection to” the MENA region. This invoked the discredited thesis that Jews in the European diaspora merely descended from converts. Contrarily, modern genetics has demonstrated the connections of Jews from European and other diaspora backgrounds to one common Jewish nation.

Israel’s defenders, Khalidi complained, resort to the “last refuge of scoundrels, using power to prevent speech, using power to prevent organization, they have no arguments,” but merely call opponents “antisemitic” and “genocidal.” Yet his denial of Islam’s historically rampant Jew-hatred is not only substantially antisemitic, but only aids and abets the rhetoric supporting the modern genocidal jihad against Israel’s existence. Khalidi is just one more sickening example of how radical ideology has poisoned the Ivy League and wider academia.



In Ishmael’s House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands

When will the ‘happy dhimmi’ myth be discredited?

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.