Foreign National Attempts Entry To Ft. Bragg, N.C.: Why So Little Media Attention?

The incident that caused the Special Operations Facility to briefly close its gates happened a week ago today and according to the Fayetteville Observer the illegal alien arrested that day is expected in court today.

A week ago and we just learn about it this week! 

And, as of this morning the only media outlets reporting are the Fayetteville Observer and now Big League Politics.  Very strange!

The Observer has a very thorough report on the incident (thanks to reader Cathy for directing our attention to the puzzling news).

Here is a bit of what the Observer said about the suspicious incident,

The man who caused Fort Bragg’s All American gate to be closed for several hours Tuesday has been arrested and will have a detention hearing at 9 a.m. Tuesday in Raleigh to face charges related to obstruction of justice.

Nouran Ahmad Shihab Sueidan was seen by a magistrate of the U.S. District Court of North Carolina on Wednesday.

An affidavit presented to the judge from the investigator of Fort Bragg’s Military Police Investigations and Provost Marshal Office states at about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday that Sueidan attempted to access Fort Bragg.

Sueidan allegedly refused to provide identification to gate guards.

“The gate guards informed Sueidan that he could not enter Fort Bragg without producing identification, at which point he insisted that he needed to enter Fort Bragg,” the investigator said in the affidavit.

Sueidan later provided an expired Jordanian passport, an expired Texas driver’s license, expired vehicle registration and no proof of vehicle insurance.


“When Sueidan was informed that he would not be able to enter Fort Bragg, he insisted that he had a foreign military identification and that he needed to make entry to the installation to “take a tour of the Special Operations facility to identify if it was worth his time,’” the investigator wrote in the affidavit.

The investigator said Sueidan became agitated and insisted that all he wanted to do was tour the special operations facility.

Officers at the scene detained him for his safety and the safety of others, the investigator said.

He said some very strange things and resisted efforts to handcuff him.

Continue reading here.

ICE has lodged a detainer against Sueidan signalling that he is in the country illegally.

Readers need to know that North Carolina has been attractive to Muslim migrants for decades (KSM went to college there!) and it is also consistently a top refugee resettlement state.  See my extensive North Carolina archive here at Refugee Resettlement Watch with stories going back a decade.

What do you do? As we continue to note, the mainstream media is not doing its job and so it is up to you to send stories like this out widely to your social media networks.

LOL! By the way, I just saw news yesterday about how Facebook and Twitter identify you as a conservative to be watched on social media.  They have buzz words and phrases that they set algorithms to flag.  One phrase we use that tags us as America Firsters is “mainstream media.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission.

Attack on Tucker Carlson’s Home: ‘Suspected Hate Crime’

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today released a police incident report from the November 2018 attack on the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson by the Antifa-linked group Smash Racism DC.

Judicial Watch obtained the Metropolitan Police Department incident report in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

According to the Washington Metropolitan Police Department report:

On the listed date, [Susie Carlson] heard loud banging and pounding on her front door. [Susie Carlson] went to investigate and saw a large group in front of her home. They had a bull horn and were chanting loudly. She retreated to a room in the rear of her home and summoned police. MPD arrived on scene and found a group of approximately 20 people. It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home. The signs made reference to [Tucker Carlson’s] political affiliation.”

The report classifies the incident as “suspected hate crime” with the “hate bias/motivation” being “anti-political.” Also, the report says that six “hand-written posters” were seized as evidence. A handwritten note included with the report says that the “suspected group is Smash Racism DC.”

Tucker Carlson told The Washington Post that the mob had blocked off both ends of his street and carried signs that listed his home address:

“Tucker Carlson, we are outside your home,” one person could be heard saying in the since-deleted video. The person, using a bullhorn, accused Carlson of “promoting hate” and “an ideology that has led to thousands of people dying.”

“We want you to know, we know where you sleep at night,” the person concluded, before leading the group to chant, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”


Carlson said the protesters had blocked off both ends of his street and carried signs that listed his home address. The group called Carlson a “racist scumbag” and demanded that he “leave town,” according to posts on Twitter. A woman was also overheard in one of the deleted videos saying she wanted to “bring a pipe bomb” to his house, he said.

“Tucker Carlson wasn’t merely ‘targeted by protesters,’ as some media reported. His family was terrorized by a mob of 20 people who vandalized his property,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

Judge Jeanine Pirro Suddenly Silenced – Can You Hear Me Now?

Cross the line? Your gone. Those that have seen me speak or have read my books and blogs perhaps now have a greater affirmation about FOX NEWS. FOX news was created to give us the illusion that we have a voice in the media. An overwhelming majority of the media serves the left wing globalists agenda. After all the government media complex is owned, run and controlled by six major corporations. GE, NewsCorp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS. Did you know that according to Breitbart News, that Fox News Corp Is a Major Donor to the Clinton’s?

Ex CIA Kevin Shipp will tell you that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the private corporate sector who have signed the same secrecy with immunity agreements as the intel. organizations such as the CIA, FBI and NSA. Why? So they can carry out the deep states’ deeds, that is why. Cross the line? You end up like Judge Jeanine Pirro, suddenly silenced. You wait and see. There is a plan and perhaps Tucker then Sean are next. Keep in mind, as a related topic, that advertisers are pulling away in a coordinated orchestrated plan to strike yet another blow to the rights voice. If you are a World Net Daily or a Breitbart for example, between censorship, Google and FB algorithms, and corporations pulling revenue from sites and programs, the battle rages on.

Back to FOX. Those of us who have been at this a long time recall when FOX NEWS did this to Judge Andrew Napolitano back about ten years ago. The Judge began discussing the Federal Reserve and the rigged elections and in a flash, he was gone. Fast forward to the new media purge and silencing of the voice on the right, we saw Alex Jones of INFOWARS, and then Bill O’Reilly vanish in the night. If you read the blueprint for deligitimizing Trump and any of his supporters in the scathing once confidential report by media matters (Soros and Brock), this will come as no surprise.

FOX NEWS in My Opinion

FOX NEWS. FOX was created to give us the illusion that we have a voice in the media. FOX was created back in the day so that they can drip out opposing views to the left but only so they can keep us engaged, enraged and fighting based upon their spoon fed talking points to us. FOX operates insidiously. There are far too many methods they use in their programming. As we argue among our selves they destroyed America. Slowly but surely FOX has shifted to the left over the years yet increased its “conservative” viewership. They got you! Of course they always feature the left lunatics like Alan Combs, Juan Williams, Shepard Smith, Megan Kelly and many others which have come and gone. But watch carefully. Here is what they do.

Sure we like Judge Pirro, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Jesse Waters, Greg Gutfeld, Laura Ingram etc. In the main, it is my opinion that these individuals care about America and are truly supportive of Trump. So here is what they subject us to each night on the evening news. After the monologue, they begin by running segments from the left media (CNN,  MSNBC etc.) showing you all the lies, hate, propaganda, half truths and attacks against President Trump and this great nation.

They report the tragedy du jour, without ever labeling it as FALSE FLAGS, which many of them are. In fact two Ex-CIA members Kevin Shipp and Robert David Steele to name but two, will tell you events like the recent New Zealand, Synagogue in PA,  the recent mosque massacre, school shootings, Sandy Hook, La Vegas, 911 and so on are indeed all False Flags. So watching “newstainment” (or better yet “entrainment” (look that one up) by FOX perhaps does more harm than good. How does that daily does of insanity make you feel? Not so good. You are under the illusion that we are in fact losing and not winning. You have been bombarded with propaganda and kept void of any real truths. We are winningand promises are being kept. I am not glib. I get it. I understand quite well the battles and extreme danger that we as Americans (and all of humanity) are facing as America’s second revolution heats up as we try to restore our Constitutional Republic with God and Trump on our side. I wrote all about this in my book “Trump and the Resurrection of America”.

Let’s get back to FOX programming. So then, the FOX NEWS commentator after running the clips from the left will bring on someone from the left and argues about the “issues” mostly talking over one another. You accept this as news? I for one do not. Then you may watch the next FOX NEWS commentator and are pretty much fed the same platform. Then you go to bed not feeling so well and believing we are losing the fight to resurrect America. Change the Channel.

Don’t get me wrong here, I like many of the names on FOX that I just mentioned but remember they work for the big six listed above. They have signed contracts. Cross the line and they smear your reputation. You cross the line you get sued. You cross the line, you get fired (Napolitano, Pirro, O’Reilly etc.). You cross the line they can do far worse as we have seen a lot of dead bodies that had dirt on the Clinton’s as well as dead bodies of truth revealers in the health care industry. Garbage in – garbage out. Wake up. Watch the four videos posted on the right side of my blog page here on my website. Get the news behind the news in the age of Trump. In the Trump era, real change is underway but not without a battle. Get grounded. Stay grounded.

The Future Looks Bright From Here

FOX is good for partially right leaning entertainment and to see what they are injecting into the masses at large. In today’s world, intel. rules. Citizen journalism. Alternative sources for data. Yes this is the wild wild West as we are only in the beginning stages of exposing then seizing control over news and media. Zuckerberg of FB is under investigation now by the Federal Government. Google too was called in by congress for a hearing. These and other silicon companies are censoring our free speech. Their days are numbered. This battle will go on for years. So we have 95% of news being reported to us by the enemies of freedom and then we have censorship of what little voice we have taking place by FB, Google and many others. So where to go for news?

Intel? Start with Q. That’s right QANON. In addition to Q, there are some very good Q de-coders like X22 ReportPrayingmedic for example. Or citizen journalist’s like Dr. Dave Janda.  Follow Ex CIA Kevin Shipp and Ex CIA Robert David Steele as additional sources of Intel and commentating. Steele for one, is working on procuring the funds for a “Truth Channel” to give FOX News and NBC a run for their money. Learn more here.There are scores and scores of existing and emerging alternative sources in our quest for truth. I have written about this in the FREE E-BOOK you can request below. Venezuelans are starving for food. Americans are starving for truth.

There is a great awakening taking place. There are three things cannot long be hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth. Seek and ye shall find. WWG1WGA. Get on board!

RELATED VIDEO: They are out to destroy Judge Jeanine and Tucker Carlson America First with Sebastian Gorka – America First with Sebastian Gorka

RELATED ARTICLE: Donna Brazile Joins Fox News, Immediately Launches Vicious Attack On Viewers

My Media Archives

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Ethics, Justice and the Media

When the News becomes the News

De-legitimizing Trump

We are going to Resist the Normalization of Donald Trump

Media Matters Fighting to Destroy Trump

The Devil’s Radio

I’m Running Against the Media

Propaganda Hyperbole Regurgitations Facts

A Nation Led by Lies Dies

Common Sense Commentator

Scalia, JFK And The Government Media Complex

Media Circus

Young People’s Embrace of Socialism Shows Why We Shouldn’t Lower the Voting Age

The left really wants to give kids the right to vote.

This idea is so popular on the left that a majority of House Democrats voted in favor of lowering the voting age to 16.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., endorsed the idea as well.

Why would Pelosi and others on the left want to give high school children—hardly known for deep wisdom and sound judgment—a vote?

A new poll perhaps demonstrates why.

The Harris Poll, released exclusively by Axios, shows that roughly half of young Americans say they would prefer living in a socialist country.

It also reveals that many young Americans think the government should provide free health care, education, and medicine, among many other things.

This is very much in line with a poll released in late 2017 by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund that found similar support for communism among young people, along with widespread ignorance about what communism is.

Most of those surveyed couldn’t define communism or socialism. Many believed, for instance, that President George W. Bush killed more people than Josef Stalin, the ruthless Soviet dictator whose regime murdered tens of millions.

The fact is, socialism attracts widespread support from millennials and members of Generation Z who at the same time are ignorant about socialism.

It’s no wonder that left-wing groups are desperately trying to find ways to get children to vote or be used as useful tools for their agenda, which now appears to include outright socialism.

While young people embrace at least the word “socialism” in disproportionately high numbers, Americans as a whole find the term toxic, as far as who they’d be willing to vote for.

According to a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, just 25 percent of respondents found “socialist” to be a desirable trait for a presidential candidate. It was among the least-liked traits in the entire poll.

Perhaps America’s older cohorts simply have a better understanding of what socialism is, having lived through the Cold War and faced the existential crisis of the Soviet threat to our country.

Young people, born after the fall of the Berlin Wall, have less of a real-world example to draw on in relation to the evil that socialism creates for a society that adopts it in total.

It’s clear that in the debate over socialism, education is where we have failed. A generation or generations of young Americans are falling under the impression that socialism, whatever they think it is, will bring more prosperity.

History, of course, demonstrates the opposite.

The reason America is so prosperous, and why it remains a place where so many people around the globe aspire to live, is because it rejected these ruthlessly collectivist doctrines.

Our nation held tightly to the ideas of the rule of law, private property, and the Constitution, all of which do far more for the common citizen than the doctrines of socialism, which put absolute power in the hands of a few.

Yet, our education system is failing to transmit those basic ideas to upcoming generations, a failure that this country desperately needs to change if we are to remain a free country.

In a recent survey of how Americans perform on a basic citizenship test, most failed and young people fared by far the worst.

This ties back into the the current debate over voting age.

It’s a good thing that young people participate in politics, develop an instinct for informed citizenship, and take the future of the country seriously.

However, we shouldn’t fetishize youth as itself an advantage, especially when it comes with such a disturbing lack of understanding about history and civics.

The left has a sort of Rousseauian concept of young people as being free from the shackling norms of civilization, as being capable of drawing from wisdom unclouded by the built-up prejudices of experience.

But the demands of citizenship are not fulfilled by mere youthful energy. They require an education in civics, an understanding of our institutions, a certain independence of thought and action.

At the same time progressives demand the lowering of the voting age, we increasingly infantilize young Americans, who are not really seen as “adults” until the age of 26, long after most graduate college.

From smoking to gun ownership, progressives are stripping the rights and life choices of young adults.

Meanwhile, they demand that we put increasing power in the hands of 16-year-olds to determine our leaders and laws.

This has things entirely backward.

Noah Rothman said it best in Commentary magazine:

At a time when society seems inclined to indulge young people’s desire to languish in an extended twilight childhood, it’s revealing that voting is the only adult responsibility for which Democrats think children are prepared. When it comes to just about any other condition of maturity, Democrats seem to think the proper course is the exact opposite.

So lowering the voting age is both reckless in its ethos to put voting power in the hands of people who are not ready for responsible citizenship, yet also is reduced to a mere palliative.

“Democracy” is expanded as liberty recedes, making democratic participation worth little more than a pat on the back.

While this may seem fine for generations raised in the milieu of the “self-esteem” movement, it’s hardly a recipe to strengthen the republic or produce better leaders.

Further lowering the voting age—which at 18 is already quite low—degrades the positives of democracy in America and turns it into the sad caricature of mob rule that the Founders feared.

Let us do more to create responsible adults and citizens rather than perpetually apply “democracy” in places where it is unwarranted.


Jarrett Stepman

Jarrett Stepman is an editor and commentary writer for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast.Send an email to Jarrett. Twitter: .


House Democrats Block 19 Times Vote on Bill to Protect Babies Who Survive Abortion

Senate Democrat Says He Can’t Support Equality Act in Current Form

Dear Readers:

Just two short years after the end of the Obama administration’s disastrous policies, America is once again thriving due to conservative solutions that have produced a historic surge in economic growth.

The Trump administration has embraced over 60 percent of The Heritage Foundation’s policy recommendations since his inauguration. But with the House now firmly within the grips of the progressive left, the victories may come to a screeching halt.

Why? Because they are determined more than ever to give the government more control over your lives. Restoring your liberty and embracing freedom is the best thing for you and the country.

President Donald Trump needs all of the allies he can find to push through the stone wall he now faces within this divided government. And the best way you can partner with him is by becoming a member of his greatest ally in Washington: The Heritage Foundation.

Will you activate your membership with a tax-deductible gift today?


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission.

‘Welcome to Neo-Stalinism’: After Trump’s tweet Google erases Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Moore from enviro group’s history

President Donald Trump touted Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore’s statements earlier this week that “the whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science.” Moore made his comments while appearing on Fox & FriendsSee:Trump touts Greenpeace co-founder declaring ‘the whole climate crisis’ is ‘fake science’ – Video & Point-by-point rebuttal to Michael Mann’s Newsweek smear of Trump, Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Moore & Princeton’s Dr. Happer

But now, Google, with the help of Greenpeace, is revising Greenpeace’s history to erase Dr. Moore from his role in co-founding the environmental group. But Greenpeace’s own website has previously featured Moore as one of its “founders.”
Moore on March 16: “Oh my! Google has removed my photo and name from the ‘Founders of @Greenpeace’. It was still there 2 days ago but now I am erased. Tech Tyranny!!”

Patrick Moore@EcoSenseNow
Oh my! @Google has removed my photo and name from the “Founders of @Greenpeace“. It was still there 2 days ago but now I am erased. Tech Tyranny!!
1st image a few days ago screen shot.
2nd image this morning.
Both were Googled “Who are the founders of Greenpeace”
10:27 AM – Mar 16, 2019

12.9K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Moore continued: “1st Google image a few days ago screen shot.”

2nd Google image this morning.

Both were Googled “Who are the founders of Greenpeace”
View image on Twitter

Patrick Moore@EcoSenseNow
While I was with Greenspirit Strategies consulting on environmental issues I wrote a detailed article on “Who are the Founders of @Greenpeace“. If you are interested in a historically accurate account, with many references. here it is: …
I am under the “P”.
11:42 AM – Mar 16, 2019


BUSTED: GREENPEACE’S OWN WEBSITE LISTED PATRICK MOORE AS ONE OF ‘THE FOUNDERS OF GREENPEACE’ – MOORE CALLS OUT HIS FORMER GROUP FOR ‘HISTORICAL REVISIONISM’ – Greenpeace’s website listed Moore among its “founders and first members” before quietly removing it around 2007. Moore is only listed as a member of the group’s 1971 maiden voyage to oppose nuclear testing.

BUSTED: Greenpeace own website used to show Patrick Moore as one of “the founders of Greenpeace” – Via Anthony Watts – Watts Up With That

Moore explains: “I was listed as a founder of Greenpeace on their own websites for 20 years after I left. They only disowned me when I came out in favor of nuclear energy.”

By Jo Nova

Donald Trump quoted Patrick Moore this week — the skeptic with an ecology PhD who was once a Founder of Greenpeace. So Greenpeace leapt to do some damage control on their brandname and created more damage instead. They promptly tweeted that he was never a founder and is a paid lobbyist. (And what is Greenpeace anyway if not paid lobbyists?)

If they’ll lie about their own history, what won’t they lie about?

Thanks to Anthony Watts for finding the tweet and reminding us of things we posted long ago.

Greenpeace tweet in 2019:


Patrick Moore was not a co-founder. Greenpeace Tweet.

Greenpeace history page in 2007:

Patrick was not only one of the first five, but he was their only scientist.

The Greenpeace site on February 25th, 2007.  (Click to Enlarge) @Greenpeaceusa

For 40 years of Greenpeace history Patrick Moore was called one of the five founders of Greenpeace. He traveled on the first Greenpeace boat trip. Thanks to the Wayback Machine we know that sometime in March 2007 he fell off the Founders list.

Just Greenpeace copying their Soviet idols.

Greenpeace disappears a founder, much like ‘The Commissar Vanishes’ in Soviet Russia – It’s just like the famous communist propaganda photo series The Commissar Vanishes

The old Soviet practice under Joseph Stalin saw photos of commissar’s who fell out of favor with the Party, later had their photos doctored and the now unpopular commissar was made to disappear.

Patrick Moore@EcoSenseNow
· Mar 16, 2019

Oh my! @Google has removed my photo and name from the “Founders of @Greenpeace“. It was still there 2 days ago but now I am erased. Tech Tyranny!!
1st image a few days ago screen shot.
2nd image this morning.
Both were Googled “Who are the founders of Greenpeace”


welcome to Neo-Stalinism …

10:43 AM – Mar 16, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

How Stalin’s propaganda machine made people vanish from pictures (PHOTOS)

Not only did many of Joseph Stalin’s political rivals lose their lives – all traces of their existence were wiped off the face of the planet, including any photos of them.

49 people are talking about this

For more on Stalin and ‘The Commissar Vanishes’ see here.

Dr. Patrick Moore is featured prominently in the new skeptical book, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.”

Arizona/Mexico With Border Fence — Then No Fence — Illegals Come Right In!

Tom Trento and The United West team went to the Cochise County Arizona border with Mexico to gain a full understanding of our countries border situation.

In this video you will see how vital it is for America’s national security interests to have a completed 24-foot border fence/barrier.

Mexican cartels are utilizing our porous border, as seen in this video, to illegally bring in cocaine, fentanyl, marijuana, and human cargo. I say cargo because these illegal immigrants pay the cartels $6,000 per person to have the cartels provide a ‘coyote’ to deliver them across the border.

If an illegal can not pay the cartel they will have these individuals pay off their debt as sex slaves, mules, or any services the cartel wants of their human slaves. You will see how easy it is to breach our borders in some areas.

The problems of drugs and human trafficking have reached epidemic proportions endangering U.S. Citizens living on the border, putting law enforcement at risk, and the illegal aliens who become victims of the cartels.

There are no winners here and a strong border security system will help not only us American’s but also the exploited illegals not willing to immigrate legally to the United States.

Now you’ve seen the border without filtering so you can make up your own mind.

VIDEO: Ilhan Omar is Fundraising for a Hamas-support Organization

Ilhan Omar will fund-raise for CAIR next week. This means she is fundraising for a Hamas political propaganda machine in America.

CAIR is the American Muslim Brotherhood, an umbrella organization for Hamas, a designated terror organization.

Before entering Congress, Omar was a CAIR Board Member.

So you have someone sitting on the US Foreign Affairs Committee who fully supports and promotes an Islamic organisation with direct links to Hamas, an Islamic terror group.

CAIR and Omar are not only at war with Israel. They are now officially at war against AIPAC in America in a battle for the hearts and minds on Americans.

It is also a power battle for budgets and votes for foreign causes within the US Government.

When Omar was about to be condemned for her repeated anti-Semitic remarks, it was CAIR founder, Nihad Awad, who led a delegation, including the noxious Linda Sarsour, to Congress to protect Omar and to pressure the Democrats to back off criticism of Ilhan Omar for her anti-Jewish remarks, and instead push Islamophobia – which had nothing at all to do with the issue of Omar’s Jew hatred – front and center in the adopted Democratic statement.

Jews got shafted by appeasing Democrats. They got shafted by the anti-Semitic CAIR organisation that supports the elimination of Israel.

View this video to understand what is at play here.

Please view and share before Ilhan Omar appears before an adoring CAIR Conference on March 23 in Los Angeles, and causes further damage within Congress.

VIDEO: DivestU

It’s no longer a secret that many college campuses today are nothing more than leftist indoctrination camps. But what can we do about it? Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, offers a simple and effective solution.

RELATED ARTICLE: There’s Rampant Academic Fraud

EDITORS NOTE: This video was made possible by a generous grant from Colorado Christian University. Learn more at


Year after year, Americans pour billions of dollars into colleges and universities.

I’m not talking about the outrageous tuition costs, living expenses, and fees – the debt pit students fall into. And I’m not talking about the tax money – our money – colleges and universities get from federal and state governments. I’m talking about the money Americans are handing over to these institutions of their own free will.

In 2017, that number was $44 billion. $44 billion in donations in one year from alumni and other donors. And for what? To enhance the education of America’s youth?

Do you really think our college graduates are better educated, more literate, more versed in classical philosophy and American history than they were ten, twenty, or fifty years ago?

If your child goes to college and spends four years partying, skipping class, and playing video games, consider yourself lucky. It’s when they actually listen to their radical professors that you’re in trouble.

So what have our institutions been doing with all this money?

Well, the University of Michigan’s Vice Provost of Equity and Inclusion makes $400,000 a year. The university spends close to eleven million dollars annually on diversity and inclusion staff and programs, according to a recent report.

What do you think Vice Provosts of Equity and Inclusion (and almost all schools have one now) do all day? They, and the small armies they supervise, spend all day, every day, looking for racism, sexism, classism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia and any other phobias they can dream up. If they don’t find some bias somewhere, they’re out of a job. So, guess what? They find it – even where it doesn’t exist.

The University of California at Santa Cruz now has an “activist-in-residence.” His job is to mint new leftist activists – as if we have a shortage.

Why are we voluntarily giving billions and billions of dollars to hopelessly corrupt institutions that overcharge, underdeliver and undermine the most basic values of Western Civilization? We should be starving this beast. Instead, we’re feeding it.

Are there exceptions to this rule? Colleges that are actually dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom? Of course, there are – and they are worthy of your financial support. But you can count them on two hands. The rest have a different mission. And they have more than enough coin to carry it out.

The aforementioned University of Michigan has an endowment of 12 billion dollars. But that’s small potatoes compared to Yale’s $30 billion or Harvard’s $40 billion. And donors keep giving them more.

It’s time to stop.

You’d be better throwing your money into a bonfire. That’s just a waste. But when you donate to your average university, you’re actually hurting your society.

You’re the reason kids – maybe your kids – are coming home:

• Loving socialism and hating free market capitalism; • Believing male and female don’t objectively exist; • Excusing rockets being shot into Israel, then blaming Israel for defending itself; • Romanticizing Che Guevara and reviling George Washington; • And dismissing America, arguably the most decent country ever created, as racist, genocidal, imperialist, white-supremacist, hate-filled, and misogynistic.

Your children are being fed a steady diet of this nihilism in grade school, middle school, and high school. But they have to come home for dinner every night.

College is where the leftist deal is sealed. They’re free of your influence and under the sway of their leftist professors and leftist peers.

Stop supporting institutions that don’t support your values; that, in fact, despise your values. And, believe me, they despise you when you’re back is turned. The only thing they love about you is your money.

Oh, you might say, I would never give money for all that diversity, equity, and inclusion nonsense! I designate my donations to the business school or the medical center. If you think that, you’re fooling yourself. Money is fungible. You can designate it for anything you want, but you can’t control what the university does with it.

I travel around the country every week trying to rescue kids from the leftist cult that is college. It’s bad enough that I have to battle administrators, professors, and leftist student bodies. I shouldn’t have to fight you, too.

College has become a big business. Most indoctrinate rather than educate. The best way to force them to change is to take away their cash. Your cash. Start today.

I’m Charlie Kirk, founder and president of Turning Point USA, for Prager University.

Sodom: The Official Guide

Brad Miner on a book by a French author claiming the Vatican is 80% “gay” and asserting the pope needs to change theology because of it. Nonsense.

Although there’s nothing in it about Roman weather or the various sites you might like to visit on a trip to the Vatican, French journalist Frédéric Martel’s In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy is a curious sort of Baedeker to the ins and outs of the Vatican City State. To read it is a little like stepping through the door of Professor Lewis’s wardrobe, except it’s not Narnia you enter but Sodom.

Mr. Martel’s book purports to be an objective exposé that is the result of “1500 interviews in the Vatican and in 30 countries” over four years, during which Martel and his team of 80 “researchers, correspondents, advisers, fixers and translators” spoke to “421 cardinals, 52 bishops and monsignori, 45 apostolic nuncios and foreign ambassadors.” All were in-person interviews. (A note of skepticism: there are currently just 222 living cardinals, so unless Martel was doing séances . . .)

Nearly all those interviewed are members of what, according to Martel, they themselves call “the Parish,” which is what Pope Francis, in that famous (“who am I to judge?”) interview on the flight from Rio to Rome, denied even existed: a “gay lobby.” According to Martel’s accounting, it’s not just a lobby, it’s a small city.

How large is it? Martel says the Vatican has a homosexual “community” larger than the Castro neighborhood of San Francisco. Not for nothing is the book’s French title Sodoma – no need for translation.

Look, I’ve been so wrong about this “lavender mafia” for so long that I’m tempted to think Martel may be right, although his purple prose threatened to make my eyes bleed. To wit: “Never, perhaps, have the appearances of an institution been so deceptive; and equally deceptive are the pronouncements about celibacy and the vows of chastity that conceal a completely different reality.”

And then, referring to papal selection, my hemorrhage:

Many cardinals and priests who officiate at the Roman Curia, most of those who meet up in conclave beneath the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo – one of the most grandiose scenes of gay culture, peopled with virile bodies, surrounded by the Ignudi, those robust and beautiful naked young men – share the same “inclinations.” They have a “family resemblance.”

If from that paean to pederasty you surmise that Martel is homosexual, you’re right. The text of his gossipy book is remarkably self-referential and self-congratulatory. I quipped above about the book being a guidebook, but it’s really a manifesto.

And the author has chutzpah. Many “gay” activists want to change culture and have succeeded as well as any revolutionaries in doing so. But Martel isn’t interested in simply normalizing homosexuality by exposing the hypocrisy those who hide the fact that they are “gay.” No, his book seems intended to force the pope to realize the extent of homosexuality in the priesthood and, therefore, change Church teaching to accommodate that fact.

Of course, that is what you would want if you are homosexual and believe same-sex activity is equal in every way to heterosexual activity. Martel clearly believes so. But he’s a fantasist if he imagines Pope Francis either will or – more to the point – can revolutionize Roman Catholic moral theology just because the Parish, on Martel’s reckoning, controls pretty much all the dicasteries.

And this is typical of the Left: they want to democratize everything, but they look to powerful individuals to accomplish the leveling – to men like President Obama or Pope Francis – who are (or might be) willing to trample on the will of the people or obliterate law and tradition.

But it’s all for the good! As Martel writes, with the robustness of a moral anarchist, “the Vatican is the last bastion still to be liberated!”

As people have talked and written about In the Closet of the Vatican, a phrase frequently pops up: “if only half of what Martel writes is true . . .” Half? Homosexuals comprise between 1 and 5 percent of the population. So, if you found that 10 percent of clergy were “gay,” you’d be curious to know why. At 25 percent, you might begin to be alarmed; 50 percent, you’d conclude there’s a crisis. Martel claims that for priests in Rome it’s 80 percent and that the higher a man rises in the Church, the more likely he’s homosexual.

Martel is hardly the first to seek exposure of the Vatican’s “gay” cabal. Panorama, an Italian magazine controlled by former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi (Italy’s Donald Trump), did a similar exposé in 2010, complete with entrapment and hidden cameras. Martel’s work is different only in its scale and advocacy. (One insider interviewed by Panorama put the number of Vatican homosexuals at a literally incredible 98 percent.)

But without naming names (except for a few men who were already “out”) – without sources speaking on the record – you might as easily assert that 80 percent of priests are space aliens.

Martel describes the “stains” that have besmirched the Church: Humanae vitae’s dismissal of artificial contraception; the “rejection of condoms . . . and the strict obligation of celibacy on the priesthood;” not to mention the disavowal of liberation theology; the Vatican-bank and Vatileaks scandals; misogyny in the hierarchy; Benedict XVI’s resignation (caused by the Parish); and the right-wing rebellion against Pope Francis.

He admits that rampant homosexuality in the hierarchy explains the coverup of sex abuse but also claims it’s behind the attacks against Francis. How? Because, of course, the pope’s critics are closeted: “Those conservatives, those traditionalists, those ‘dubias’, are in many cases the famous ‘rigid people leading a double life’ of whom Francis speaks so often.”

Those space aliens again.

Of course, the pope’s closest advisers often say – with similar implausibility – that the attacks arise, especially in America, because of his opposition to capitalism, not his ambiguities and departures from doctrine and discipline.

A fair summary (in his own words) of Martel’s thesis is this: “Have the pope and his liberal theologians [not] realized that priestly celibacy was a failure?” But, Monsieur, celibacy hasn’t failed; faithless priests have.


Brad Miner

Brad Miner is senior editor of The Catholic Thing, senior fellow of the Faith & Reason Institute, and Board Secretary of Aid to the Church In Need USA. He is a former Literary Editor of National Review. His new book, Sons of St. Patrick, written with George J. Marlin, is now on sale. The Compleat Gentleman, is available on audio.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2019 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Open Borders Push Americans To Socialism: Democrats seek total control over America.

My dad sagely told me that you could turn a capitalist into a communist overnight, simply by taking away his/her money.

In the beginning, it was the Republicans who wanted open borders to provide their political base, the business owners, with cheap and compliant workers.  As more foreign Third World workers entered the labor pool and brought with them Third World expectations of drastically substandard wages and working conditions, these wages and working conditions became the new standard.  This forced American workers to settle for less money and fewer benefits if they wanted to keep their jobs.

For the greedy and immoral exploitative employers, the bottom line is the bottom line.

Decades ago the Democrats resisted this push for foreign workers because the Democrats understood that their base, Americans workers, wanted to be  protected from the unbridled greed of their employers.  Unions also promised to protect their members against unscrupulous employers.

Essentially the scales were balanced.  The Republicans represented business owners and the Democrats represented the workers.

However, the labor unions began pushing for the rights of illegal alien workers as the number of Americans who joined unions dropped.  The union leaders simply “did the math.”  More members meant the union had more political leverage and more members paid more union dues.  This was a “win/win” for the unions and a disaster for the American workers they purported to represent while encouraging ever more foreign workers to come to America.

When I was a new INS agent I was more than a bit surprised that when I participated in raiding garment factories, literal “sweat shops” and arrested many illegal aliens, often the labor unions would send bail bondsmen to our office who arrived nearly as soon as we arrived with our illegal aliens in custody.  It was clear that the unions did not care whether their members were U.S. citizens, lawful immigrants or illegal aliens, only if they joined the unions and paid their dues.

In recent years the Democratic Party came to the same conclusion reached by the labor unions years earlier.  Flooding America with alien workers, both legal and illegal, would ultimately increase the numbers of voters who would likely vote for the Democratic candidates, not unlike the unions, cynically claimed that they would protect their jobs and wages.

Commentators frequently opine that the Republicans want cheap labor while the Democrats want those new voters.

While that simplistic assessment has merit, what is being missed is that as more foreign workers enter the United States, either legally or illegally, the wages for American workers is suppressed.  Labor is, after all, a commodity.  When you flood the marketplace with any commodity, the value of that commodity is decreased.

This would negatively impact millions of Americans who would be forced to vote for the party of the hand-out, the Democrats.

A massive increase in H-1B visas for high-tech workers greatly lowers the wages for workers in those industries.  Therefore the Republicans who are eager to placate their constituents have sought to greatly increase the numbers of those visas.

As noted above, the Democrats are also eager to increase the numbers of those visas as well.

My recent article, Open Borders Facilitate America’s Race to the Bottom included a quote from Alan Greenspan the former Fed Chairman when he testified at a hearing before the Senate Immigration Subcommittee on April 30, 2009 at the behest of Chuck Schumer, the then-chairman of that subcommittee on the need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  He was referencing the need to drastically increase the number of H-1B visas to meet the demands of Microsoft’s Bill Gates.  Greenspan’s prepared testimony included this outrageous assertion in which middle class workers were referred to as the “privileged elite!”

Greatly expanding our quotas for the highly skilled would lower wage premiums of skilled over lesser skilled. Skill shortages in America exist because we are shielding our skilled labor force from world competition. Quotas have been substituted for the wage pricing mechanism. In the process, we have created a privileged elite whose incomes are being supported at noncompetitively high levels by immigration quotas on skilled professionals. Eliminating such restrictions would reduce at least some of our income inequality.

In other words, the solution to “wage inequality” is to destroy middle class wages!

When huge numbers of Americans lose their jobs or face wage suppression they will invariably vote for the (Democrat) candidates who promise to provide financial assistance.  After all, it is an established fact that voters vote their wallets.

In addition to flooding America with foreign workers, America’s non-secure borders also floods America with narcotics.  Americans who are addicted to drugs frequently lose their jobs and their ability to be hired.  This adds to the huge number of unemployed Americans.

Of course Americans who are convicted of crimes lose their right to vote.  Is it any wonder that the Democrats are attempting to pass laws around the United States that would enable convicted felons to vote?  Those felons, because of their economic hardships are virtually guaranteed to vote for Democratic candidates.

Do you still wonder why Democrats want to legalize marijuana, the gateway drug to heroin and cocaine, or not secure the borders to prevent the entry of drugs or illegal aliens?

If you doubt the impact all of this has on the United States, on March 11, 2019 CBS News’ 60 Minutes aired a wide-ranging interview with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.

In addition to noting the impact of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and globalism Powell also turned to the current opioid crisis:

PELLEY: This builds on a conversation that we were having a short time ago. You mentioned the opioid crisis. It’s that big a problem in the labor force?

POWELL: Yes, it is. The opioid crisis is millions of people. They tend to be young males. And it’s a very significant problem. And it’s part of a larger picture of low labor force participation, particularly by young males.

PELLEY: I mean, you seem to be talking about part of this generation being lost, unattached from the rest of the economy.

POWELL: That is the issue. When you have people who are not taking part in the economic life of a country in a meaningful way, who don’t have the skills and aptitudes to play a role or who are not doing so because they’re addicted to drugs, or in jail, then in a sense they are being left behind. And there are too many of those people. And I think bringing them into the labor force would enormously benefit our country. We’d grow more strongly. And I think it would be good for the economy and good for the country.

These disenfranchised Americans are potential Democrat voters if only they were able to vote.

The Lunatic Left’s new darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stunned her audience when she said that we shouldn’t fear robots because people who have no jobs would be able to pursue their interests.

What has been missed by those who ridiculed her is the fact that the goal of the Democratic Party Socialists is to unemployed as many Americans as possible.  Without paychecks they would be entirely dependent on the handouts offered by the Democrats.

The obvious long-term goal of Ocasio-Cortez and her cohorts is a one-party government.

The Democratic Party.

EDITORS NOTE: This FrontPage Magazine column is republished with permission.

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘Captive State’ — How, Via Coercion, Distant Autocrats Take Control of Humanity

Captive State is a film about control, total control of humanity by global government. Our contributors have written about the effort to create a global government (a.k.a. One World Order) under the United Nations’ program titled Agenda 21.

Rolling Stone magazine reporter  describes Captive State perfectly saying, “The largely unseen Legislators rule not through the gee-whiz space-age power of laser beams and whatnot, but via the traditional coercion of distant autocrats.”

Simply stated, the only way UN Agenda 21 can work is to have “distant autocrats”, using coercion, to deny private citizens of their private property rights. If you own nothing you are nothing. Hence a Captive State is where the people, with the aid of technology, become the “property of the state.”

Well now there is a film that portrays how this comes about. Take out the “aliens” and put in the United Nations autocrats who implement Agenda 21 at the city, county, state and national levels and you have the theme in Captive State.

Watch the trailer:

Captive State is about how the leaders of every country voluntarily submit to global governance run by the “Legislators.” Sound familiar (BREXIT)?

According to the Focus Features Captive State website, “After 10 years of occupation, some chose cooperation, others chose resistance.”

Today we see this playing out in the fight between those who hold dear their national identities (nationalists) and those who want a world without borders run by autocrats (globalists).

As Ayn Rand wrote, “The basic issue in the world today is between two principles: Individualism and Collectivism.” Rand defines these two principles as follows:

  • Individualism – Each man exists by his own right and for his own sake, not for the sake of the group.
  • Collectivism – Each man exists only by the permission of the group and for the sake of the group.

There is a growing resistance against the globalists in places like France, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Brazil and Venezuela. And yes, in America as well. Globalists embrace collectivism. Nationalists embrace individuality and freedom.

Captive State is about the individual versus the collective.

This Is CNN Facing a $275 Million Lawsuit

The family of Nicholas Sandmann is suing CNN for $275 million.

Sandmann, who is a high school student from Kentucky, was waiting for his bus after March For Life when the students began to receive taunts from a group of Black Hebrew Israelites. Soon after, Nathan Phillips, a Native American activist, walked into the crowd of students.

A video of the incident soon circulated and various media outlets, including CNN, portrayed a story that appeared to show Sandmann instigating a confrontation with Phillips. As the complete story has come out and the whole video has been circulated, a very different narrative has developed–clearly, Sandmann was an innocent bystander trying to avoid escalating a tense situation.

Nicholas Sandmann’s co-counsel, Todd McCurty, released this statement via Fox News :

“What CNN’s tagline is, is, ‘facts first,’ and what we believe their reporting was in this circumstance was, ‘lies first, cover up second,’ and facts not yet determined by that organization.”

Mccurty went on to say:

“without any reasonable investigation, they took something straight off Twitter that had been in essence manipulated so that it told one story and they reported it as the truth.”

Now, CNN has been criticized often for left-leaning bias in reporting. However, what should also be noted is CNN’s history of funding the liberal activist organizations. While the Sandmann story and subsequent lawsuit is just one example of biased, and apparently downright dishonest, reporting, the situation does serve as evidence as to how corporate activism may infect c company’s ability to conduct business.

CNN scores a 1.7 because they fund groups such as the World Wildlife Fund, HRC, and LULAC among many others. All of these groups are leftist organizations, so how can we expect CNN to report unbiased news?

If you want to see for yourself exactly what organizations CNN supports, you can see that here. If you would like to reach out to CNN and tell them why you do not watch their programming, click on the button below.

Contact CNN!

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VIDEO: Election Theft — Voter Fraud — Judicial Injustice

At the Sarasota Patriots for Trump monthly forum the guest speaker was Mark Adams. The title of his presentation was “Election Theft – Voter Fraud – Judicial Injustice.”

Please watch:


Mark Adams has a law degree and an MBA, and practiced law in Florida. In 2006, Mark won the first and only injunctions getting a third party candidate into televised debates. Mark has also handled more Congressional election contests than any other attorney, and unlike the other attorneys who have handled election contests, Mark gathered proof that the election results were manipulated in 2006 and 2008. Mark has also exposed corruption in our judicial system.

Mark discusses solutions to these very critical issues. Mark has done extensive research on the Framers, the Constitutional provisions that they thought would ensure liberty and justice, and how the Constitution has been subverted in order to allow our country to be pillaged and our liberty to be stolen. Mark will explain the fundamental rights which were supposed to enable us to maintain a Constitutional Republican government which was controlled by the people and how those fundamental rights have been stolen.


Of Tweets and Termites: Intersectionality and the Mainstreaming of Anti-Semitism

Albert Einstein once observed, “If my theory of relativity is proven correct, Germany will claim me as a German and France will declare that I am a citizen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say that I am a German and Germany will declare that I am a Jew.”

Why are Einstein’s words uttered some ninety years ago so relevant today? Because anti-Semitism, like some ancient Bacillus frozen in Arctic permafrost and defrosted, has again reared its ugly head; not just in Europe but around the world. This “new form” of anti-Semitism claims to be different from the traditional racial and religious images. Its adherents say that they are anti-Zionist, NOT anti-Semites. But listen very carefully to what they are saying and you will hear accusations that could easily come right out of the pages of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

Just recently, in the Belgium city of Aalst, a parade took place which featured a float whose ludicrous depictions of Jews were virtually the same as those seen in the pages of “Der Sturmer.” The float featured grotesque distortions of several Jews in religious garb complete with sidelocks sitting atop bags of money with a rat perched atop ones shoulder. It was anti-Semitism of the most virulent obscene kind that Julius Streicher himself would have been proud of. What makes this sickening display even more alarming is the official sanction given to it by the Mayor of Aalst; Christoph D’Haese who stated that “It’s not up to the mayor to forbid such displays,” and that the carnival participants had “no sinister intentions” . . . NO SINISTER INTENTIONS? I suppose one could say that Adolf Eichmann had no sinister intentions either. After all, he himself had no part in the actual killing process; he merely organized the transports to the death camps. He was just a man doing his job; no different from Mayor D’Haese of Aalst.

Here in the U.S. we have our own anti-Semitic scandal. Newly-elected Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim immigrant from Somalia, has been tweeting a series of anti-Semitic tropes, which she has refused to apologize for or retract, and which has caused a great deal of controversy. What is extremely alarming is the inability of the Democratic party and its leadership to in any way try to condemn, censure or remove her from her position on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Indeed, just the opposite has occurred with Democrats from around the country, and even a number of Jews themselves, rushing to her defense. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi herself stated that “Her words were not based on any anti-Semitic attitude.” Really! Not too long ago, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan declared, “People call me an anti-Semite. Please. I’m not an anti-Semite; I’m anti-TERMITE.” One cannot help but wonder if Speaker Pelosi would say that Minister Farrakhan’s statement “was not based on any anti-Semitic attitude.” In refusing to repudiate Omar, Pelosi and the leadership of the Democratic party has unofficially endorsed her anti-Semitic tweets. Their silence is deafening. Defenders of the party will point out that Congress did pass a resolution condemning anti-Semitism . . . as well as condemning Islamophobia . . . and ALL forms of hate against Hindus, Seikhs, LBGTQ’s and all people of color. But there have been no reported statements by any member of Congress against any of the aforementioned groups, except ONE . . . Ilhan Omar’s tweets concerning Jews. What would normally in the past have been a “no-brainer” for any Democrat, is suddenly taboo in this new age of political correctness, identity politics, and radical ideology. This is an indication of how far to the left the Democratic party has moved and attests to the nexus that exists between the radical left and Islamists.

As the Democratic party continues its lurch to the left, and all indications are that it will, invariably becoming even more anti-Zionist and by extension anti-Semitic; inevitably embracing the policies of organizations such as the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) Movement. To add insult to injury, there is a motion in the UN that was introduced in Jan 2019 by the Palestinian Authority to reinstate UN Resolution 3379; first adopted in 1975 and later revoked in 1991. That resolution declared that “Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.” There are no other people anywhere in the world, at any time in history that has this dubious distinction. When South Sudan gained its independence in 2011, after years of bloodshed, did ANYONE at the UN propose calling the national aspiration of the South Sudanese to their own homeland racist? The Kurds, an ethnic group indigenous to the Middle East whose population is scattered between Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey also aspire to their own national homeland, and NO ONE has called them racist. Only Israel and the Jews have that distinction. Make no mistake: Anti-Zionism IS anti-Semitism. The two terms have become conflated together. If you agree that Israel is as evil and repugnant as they say, then the ONLY possible remedy for such a racist apartheid fascist state is its TOTAL destruction; its Jewish population either exterminated or exiled.

This is how it begins. Slowly, surely, irrevocably, methodically, step by step, removing the constraints away from what was previously thought of as unacceptable. Get the population used to seeing and hearing various forms of anti-Semitism from parade floats to rhetoric on an almost daily basis. This normalization of Jew-hatred coupled with the refusal of politicians both here and abroad to seriously address the issue and choosing to defend the perpetrators, along with a left-wing media’s reluctance to adequately report on these events, makes the acceptance of anti-Semitism by the general public inevitable. Anti-Semitism has now gone mainstream. Look at what is happening in Europe today. In France, home to the 3rd largest Jewish population in the world, Jews are leaving in ever increasing numbers in response to a new wave of anti-Semitic incidents. In Britain, the openly anti-Semitic Jeremy Corbyn, head of the left-wing Labour party, is eagerly anticipating his own accession to power while Prime Minister Teresa May laments on how sad it is that British Jews feel they no longer have a future in Great Britain. American Jews, for their part, seem almost blissfully unaware of the tsunami of anti-Semitism that is engulfing Europe and will sooner or later make its way here with the same intensity we see in Europe. “We are safe here,” is a commonly heard refrain. “We are a civilized and cultured country with laws that protect us,” they claim. So are Britain and France. So was Germany during the two world wars. Germany, during the 1920’s and early 1930’s was generally regarded by many as the most advanced country on the planet; scientifically, culturally, and artistically. This was the country of Beethoven, Bach, Goethe, and Heine. German Jews considered themselves to be patriotic Germans. More than 100,000 of them had served in the German army during the first world war; some 30,000 of whom were decorated for bravery; yet, when their time came they walked into the gas chamber along with all the others. Many American Jews are almost totally ignorant of this fact. They continue to cling to their ancestral ideology; a combination of Progressivism, ultra-Liberalism, neo-Marxism, and the Jewish concept of “tikkun olam.” They ardently believe that the main threat to Jews today comes from the neo-Nazis and the KKK. While it is true that these groups do exist, they comprise only a small percentage of the population. Of course, there are both leftist Jewish and non-Jewish groups who would disagree with these statistics. They choose to lump all Republican Conservatives and anyone who disagrees with them into the category of neo-Nazis and right-wing hate-mongers. They ignore the real threat today that comes NOT from a maligned and numerically inferior neo-Nazi and KKK Movement, but from an unholy alliance of convenience between the radical left and Islamists; a fact most American Jews cannot and will not accept.

The radical left of today is playing for very high stakes. Ultimately, it is all about power and control. They will continue to spread their message of identity politics, victimhood, social justice, racism, anti-Zionism, and anti-Semitism in order to achieve these goals. They will continue to practice what has become known as the doctrine of intersectionality; which allows them to make common cause with any other group they perceive as “oppressed.” This is why you see anti-Israel and anti-Semitic signs displayed by just about every radical left group at demonstrations throughout the country. It is why a few years ago, activists in Ferguson, Missouri carried placards saying, “From Ferguson to Gaza; the struggle continues.” The vast majority of American Jews have gone along with these policies in keeping with the belief system of their forebearers. They are unable or unwilling to comprehend that their Progressive, Liberal, Neo-Marxist ideology has shifted its allegiance to those who seek the destruction of the Jewish state and by extension – the Jewish people.

American Jewry today is at a crossroads. In all probability the vast majority of American Jews will continue to cling to their ancestral belief system. It is what they are familiar with. It is what their parents and grandparents believed in. It is all they know. To change now would be to deny everything their family members and they, themselves, have lived for. But before they bury their heads in the sand once again, they should at least hear these simple truths. When our enemies came for us during the Holocaust, they did not ask if we were Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or secular Jews. Neither were they interested in any past service we may have rendered to the state. WE WERE JEWS! That was all that mattered; and if history repeats itself . . . when our enemies come for us once again in the future; they will not ask if we are Israelis or Zionists. They will not care that we marched in the Civil Rights Movement; protested against apartheid in South Africa; supported equal rights for women; advocated for the LBGTQ community, and campaigned for Hillary or Bernie. You will be a Jew – and that is all that will matter!

The anti-Semitism that has been unleashed today by the radical left and their Islamist allies is of a kind that is so visceral; so virulent; so vile; so vicious, and so vitriolic that it can no longer be justified under the guise of anti-Zionism. In form, content, and message, it is EXACTLY the same as that which was seen and heard during the heyday of the Third Reich. It is what made the Holocaust possible. What begins with a parade float in Aalst, Belgium, inevitably ends in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Treblinka. This is the fate our enemies have in store for us. This is why Grand Ayatollah Khameini in Tehran rejoices that more Jews are moving to Israel; it will make it easier to find and kill us all when the time comes.

As for the Jews themselves, most of them will continue doing as they have always done, confident in the assurances of their religious and political leadership that “we are safe here.” They will continue to vote for, support and finance the party and the ideology that will ultimately lead them down the pathway to their own destruction and that of the state of Israel. Vladimir Jabotinsky was quite correct when he wrote about them decades ago: “The Jew learns not by way of reason, but from catastrophe. He won’t buy an umbrella merely because he sees clouds in the sky. He waits until he is drenched and catches pneumonia.” History may yet prove that when it comes to the Jews, Jabotinsky, was an optimist.

College president Rejects Motion to Suspend Israel Study Abroad Program backed by Antisemitic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib

“Students and faculty of California’s Pitzer College voted Thursday to suspend the study abroad partnership with Israel’s University of Haifa, but college president Melvin Oliver is declining to take any action on the program, calling it an “academic boycott of Israel.”

In a slap in the face of Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and her antisemitic followers the President of Pitzer college rejected a move backed by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib to suspend the Israel abroad study program. This is more than the Democratic controlled Congress did in the face of Tlaib’s antisemitism. Thank you President Melvin Oliver.

Read the Free Beacon column:

College President Rejects Motion to Suspend Israel Study Abroad Program

Anti-Israel Pitzer College proposal backed by Rep. Rashida Tlaib

BY: Brent Scher

Students and faculty of California’s Pitzer College voted Thursday to suspend the study abroad partnership with Israel’s University of Haifa, but college president Melvin Oliver is declining to take any action on the program, calling it an “academic boycott of Israel.”

The anti-Israel proposal, backed by radical leftist groups and Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, won the support of the Pitzer College Council in a Thursday vote taken by both students and faculty. Oliver says the vote amounts only to a recommendation to the president and is declining to take it.

Oliver made numerous arguments against the proposal in a Thursday message to the academic community, including that it was “prejudiced” against Israel, would “curtail academic freedom,” and that it is not the school’s role to take political positions.

“Although some claim that this is not an academic boycott of Israel, I disagree,” Oliver wrote. “The recommendation puts in place a form of academic boycott of Israel and, in the process, sets us on a path away from the free exchange of ideas, a direction which ultimately destroys the academy’s ability to fulfill our educational mission. I categorically oppose any form of academic boycott of any country.”