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2157 search results for: climate change


NYC Pays Al Qaeda Terror State $200,000,000 to Rent Hotel Rooms to Illegal Aliens

Paying for your own destruction. The Roosevelt Hotel claims that it’s the place “where classic elegance meets contemporary luxury”. Classic elegance and luxury at the midtown Manhattan hotel looks like busloads of migrant invaders arriving and camping outside the golden doors. The scene is no better inside where 41 migrants have been arrested for beating wives, girlfriends […]


The Greatest Threat to Science is from Within

A Progressive tips his hand about how they are trying to undermine Science. One of Lincoln’s most powerful speeches is the Lyceum Address. The key message is that we should not be so worried about overseas enemies, as corruption from within is our most serious threat… “At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? […]


All in good time, but people of faith are going to inherit the earth

Intrepid demographer Lyman Stone is at it again, breaching the bounds of political correctness with an astute, thought-provoking analysis, Religion and Fertility in Canada. His conclusion: Canadian women who attend religious services at least monthly desire to have more children, spend more of their life married, and ultimately have more children than nominally religious or nonreligious […]


Mfume Rants That a Weaponized DOJ, FBI, and IRS ‘Keep Democracy in Check’

During a heated hearing before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, Rep. Kweisi Mfume had a meltdown in which he defended the corrupt, politicized, Deep State operatives of the FBI, DOJ and IRS as agencies that “keep this democracy in check.” “Now, here’s what galls me. I don’t like these attacks on the Department of Justice, the […]


CONSOLIDATION OF POWER: The Great Reset Goal—The Triune Antichrist, WEF, UN and the WHO

“In the Third Reich evil lost its distinctive characteristic by which most people had until then recognized it. The Nazis redefined it as a civil norm.” —  Hannah Arendt “There is no denying that Hitler and Stalin are alive today… they are waiting for us to forget, because this is what makes possible the resurrection […]


MADMAN: Biden Orders U.S. Military to Deploy to Europe

Biden orders selective U.S. military reserve units to active duty for deployment to Europe. What happened to checks and balances. Where is the Congressional vote? When did we mutate into this unhinged dictatorship? A presidential action posted by the White House on Thursday revealed that the President, under his authority as Commander-in-chief, is calling up US military units to deploy […]


The Creativity Crisis: Are Schools Killing Creativity?

 A Sign is an object, action, or event which, when put together, creates a pattern. It is the ability to connect signs and create patterns that enable people to anticipate, prepare and become self-reliant, enabling people to make fewer mistakes. In business, we are taught the one who makes the least mistakes wins. The […]


Just 3 Companies Are Leading The Charge In The Marxist Takeover Of America

For nearly nine out of 10 companies listed on the S&P 500 stock exchange, their largest single shareholder is one of the “Big Three” investment firms: BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. Managing more money than most small countries, these firms have an invisible foothold in virtually every sector of American society. But how did these […]


‘Dead Without Water’: Massive Desert Solar Projects Are Sucking Up Groundwater, Angering Locals

Massive solar development projects in Southern California have strained local water availability, threatening desert ecosystems and angering residents who have been impacted by the strain on the water supply, according to an Inside Climate News report. The small communities around Desert Center, California, depend on naturally-occurring underground water reserves, known as groundwater aquifers, but the […]


Community Says Public Sex Acts Are Getting Out Of Control

A graphic video has emerged of public sex acts that neighbors who live near the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard in Boston say are a familiar occurrence. The intersection, otherwise known as Methadone Mile or Recovery Road, serves as the crossroads of a government program “to transform how the City of Boston cares for its […]