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2157 search results for: climate change



“In the Third Reich evil lost its distinctive characteristic by which most people had until then recognized it. The Nazis redefined it as a civil norm.” —  Hannah Arendt “There is no denying that Hitler and Stalin are alive today… they are waiting for us to forget, because this is what makes possible the resurrection […]


The WHO Takes Next Step Toward One World Government

WHO Launches Digital Health Partnership With Europe  Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  STORY AT-A-GLANCE June 5, 2023, the World Health Organization and the European Commission announced the launch of a digital health initiative in which the WHO will establish a global COVID-19 vaccination certification system based on the European Union’s (EU) already existing Digital COVID […]


Putin and his KGB’s Mafia/Army—A Global Evil Doer

The American people are very kind and generous and their wonderful human qualities have been abused for a hundred years. If the name of the agency in the title is not known to you, I understand why. It is the name of the Soviet/Russian counterintelligence agency I have been writing about for forty years. My preceding column has […]


Everything is Connected; Nothing is Random; Everything is Planned; All Plans are Based on Lies

Republicans, snatching defeat from the arms of victory. Are you confused about why our government can not come up with clear policies? Why no one takes responsibility for their actions? Why there is a lack of COMMON SENSE? Lack of clarity? Why all the bills are designed to make the middle class poorer. Policies that […]


STUDY: Only 12% of Atmospheric CO2 Added Since 1750 Is Man-Made, ‘Too low to be the cause of global warming’

The Man-Made Global Warming Myth Debunked. Devastating for the climate narrative. Carbon-14 dating shows only 12% of atmospheric CO2 added since 1750 is manmade. ‘Much too low to be the cause of global warming.’ Truth is the enemy to the left. They are destroying civilization, our very way of life, in their pursuit of a dark, […]


How Biden’s sanctions are funding Putin’s war against Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, the first day in the new chapter of the Putin’s aggression against Ukraine, President Biden pledged to destroy aggressor with his package of ‘severe’ sanctions: Today, I’m authorizing additional strong sanctions and new limitations on what can be exported to Russia. This is going to impose severe costs on the Russian economy, both […]


Looking for answers to the autism epidemic in all the wrong places

According to the Atlanta-based U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest statistics, in 2020 one in 36 children (approximately four percent of boys and one percent of girls) was estimated to have autism spectrum disorder, estimates that are significantly higher than those in all previous years. White children are about 19 percent more likely […]


The Queen of Queer Hill

David Carlin: Transgender ideologues are nothing less than monsters.  And the very worst monster of this kind is the parent (usually a mother) who encourages her little boy/girl to believe that he/she is a girl/boy. Just as there are degrees of hot and cold, so there are degrees of political leftism, some very mild, some stronger, […]


Biden Vetoes Bipartisan Attempt To Repeal EPA’s ‘Waters Of The United States’ Rule

President Joe Biden vetoed a bipartisan bill Thursday that would limit his administration’s broad interpretation of the “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule that grants the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) significant new authority. The president rejected the bill, arguing that his administration’s new rule provides “clear rules of the road” to protect both economic […]


EARTH4ALL: Celebrating Extinction

Earth4All is an environmentalist public policy group that is an offshoot of The Club of Rome. In layman’s terms it is a strident “environmentalist” lobby. Earth4All describes itself as “a vibrant collective of leading economic thinkers, scientists, and advocates convened by The Club of Rome, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Norwegian Business School.” It […]


Biden Admin’s Sweeping New Rules Would Let Green Groups Lease Federal Land Away From Oil, Ranching

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) proposed sweeping new rules Thursday that authorize leasing federal land for conservation efforts similar to leases offered for mining, grazing and other projects. While the move was broadly praised by environmental groups, it drew criticism from the Center for Biological Diversity for not going far enough, according to […]


The Claim That ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Saves Lives Is Falling Apart

Monday’s tragic shooting at The Covenant School, a Presbyterian private school in Nashville, Tennessee, is exposing the sobering reality that what is being marketed to the public as “gender-affirming care” is not doing what we were told it would do­­­­ – alleviate mental health issues and gender confusion. In the past few years, several mass […]


Government Officials are Conspiring Against We the People? Time to Expose and Punish Them All!

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” ― Frederick Douglass, American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer and statesman.  “The trouble with conspiracies is that they […]


How Government Lost 15 Million Acres of Public Land in the United States

Non-market allocations of resources are doomed to result in catastrophic waste and mismanagement, evidenced by a recent New York Times story exploring how ‘millions of acres of public lands aren’t really open to the public.’ Leave it to the United States Government to lose track of almost three states worth of public land. Only an […]