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590 search results for: Critical Race Theory


House GOP Demands Investigation into Russian Influence in U.S. Environmental Groups

Foreign actors have been funding the destruction of the American energy sector under the guise of green/clean climate hoax propaganda. House GOP demands investigation into alleged Russian influence in US environmental groups “Unlike the Russia hoax, Putin’s malign influence on our energy sector is real and deserves further investigation,” Jim Banks said. As many Americans […]


Biden’s SOTU Address: Hated by the Media, Elon Musk, Catholics, Democrats, and Many, Many More

Well, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. stood in the U.S. House of Representatives chamber and gave his 2022 State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress and to the American people. Working class Americans see that the State of the Union under Biden, his administration and the Democrat controlled Congress, as a total […]


MIT Scientist Warns Parents NOT TO GIVE CHILDREN Vaccine, Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease In Young People

This is a crime against humanity. Worse, it’s children. ‘It’s outrageous to give these vaccines to young people. It doesn’t make any sense.’ [Children] “have a very low risk of dying from Covid.” For young people, the benefits derived from the vaccines do not outweigh the risks, according to Dr. Seneff. “When you look at […]


47 Studies Confirm Ineffectiveness of Masks for COVID & 32 More Confirm their Negative Health Effects

Masks are ineffective. They are no longer a medical precaution – they are a symbol of acquiescence to totalitarianism. The unmasked are the new sub-class. 47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects Young children being forced to wear masks is of particular concern. LifeSiteNews Jul 23, 2021: […]


‘Loudoun County Protects Rapists’: Students Stage Walkout In Protest Of Loudoun County’s Alleged Sexual Assault Cover-Up

UPDATES: Tucker Carlson Blows The Whistle On Virginia School Walkout Protesting School’s Protection of Rapist. Loudoun dad calmly told the school board to resign tonight and “end the mockery you have brought on this great county” — Matt Wolking (@MattWolking) October 27, 2021 Students at a Loudoun County high school staged a walkout in […]


Courage. Now.

Well done. They’ll try to destroy this woman and smear her good name – like they’ve done to my colleagues and me. Protect her – at all costs. We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage Say no to the Woke Revolution By Bari Weiss A lot of people want to convince you that you need […]


Who is Really Running the Destroy-America Biden Regime?

“Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country.” – Bill Ayers, Weather Underground founder (Oct. 7, 2021) “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” – George Soros, hedge-fund billionaire. In today’s chaotic political landscape, it is obvious that the Democrat Party in power is comprised […]


Judge in Case of Anti-Trump Clinton Lawyer Who Fabricated Russia Hoax Is Married to Attorney for Ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page (Who Was Having Affair With Deputy Director Andrew McCabe)

Hard to keep up with the nepotism but the corruption is breathtaking. How can decent, rational Americans expect a scintilla of justice? The deck isn’t just stacked, it’s locked and loaded. U.S. Special Counsel John Durham has released an indictment [pdf here] of Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann for lying to federal investigators in 2016 […]


The Catholic Church’s Deadly Indifference Towards Truth, Islam, and Other Faiths

“The Catholic Church is in crisis,” writes Crisis Magazine Editor-in-Chief Eric Sammons in his highly informative new book, Deadly Indifference: How the Church Lost Her Mission and How We Can Reclaim It. Since the Catholic Church’s 1962-1965 Second Vatican Council (Vatican II), a spirit of relativism has undermined the Catholic Church’s commitment to divine truth, with particularly negative effects upon the relationship of […]


To the woke, the Stars and Stripes spell oppression — but for Cubans it means freedom

Why can’t the White House mention Communist oppression? Since the weekend, Cuba has seen widespread, once-in-a-generation protests that may foreshadow the end of the Communist regime’s 62-year grip on the island nation. Thousands took to cities across Cuba, chanting “We are not afraid!” and “Freedom!” Many were filmed gathering outside the Communist Party Headquarters shouting, […]


Schools vs. Parents: Va. Locals Expelled from School Board Meeting

A Virginia parent is arrested after opposing Critical Race Theory in Loudon County The Marxists are feeling the heat. Keep the pressure on. Don’t let these tyrannical bigots win. RT! — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 23, 2021 Parents across the country are waking up to the indoctrination happening in public schools. Whether it’s over the […]