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871 search results for: Antifa


BLM — Made In China

Made in China is a mutating phrase depending upon its political context. At one time, made in China inferred precision manufacturing and low prices. If clothing was made in China the stitches were precise, uniform, and accurate. Tools, computers, sports equipment, shoes, furniture, virtually anything made in China was considered high quality low price. What happened? A simple […]


Americanism vs. Communism

America is being ripped apart by two diametrically opposed worldviews – Americanism and communism. These contending forces are locked in a savage death match. They are so incontrovertibly incompatible that they cannot peacefully coexist. At the end of the day, only one flag will wave over the United States. It’s our duty and mission as […]


THE BELIEVER: The ideology behind the lust to tear America down.

To get the whole story on the Left’s destructive and suicidal political odyssey, read Jamie Glazov’s ‘United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror’: CLICK HERE. EDITORS NOTE: As we witness the Marxist revolution currently transpiring right before our eyes in America, a vital question confronts us: what yearnings lie inside the members of […]


Leftists Are Using Race to Push an Anti-American Agenda

Our country is under attack from radical leftists. Mobs rampage through our streets, monuments are being destroyed, and the very law and order that ensures our communities’ peace and security is being undermined. In far too many instances, those bent on destruction have hijacked protests, creating violence and division, and ultimately attacking the very foundation of our nation. For […]


VIDEO: Blue Lives Matter, Too

Police are now the top targets for terror in America. Taking advantage of the anti-police anarchists currently wreaking havoc on America’s streets and neighborhoods, both a jihadi Islamist and white supremacists targeted and killed police officers recently. The attackers, spurred on by the protesters, activated their own personal ideologies justifying the murder of innocent men. […]


President of Libertarian Think Tank Supports the Mob

Jerry Taylor, President of the Washington, DC Niskanen Center which is often described as left-libertarian (promoting an “open society”) tweeted in support of the mob in the case of the St. Louis homeowners who protected their home and property earlier this week from an Antifa mob that broke into a gated community headed to the home of St. Louis […]


Armed Homeowners Confront Protesters

UPDATE: St. Louis man who went viral defending his property speaks out on ‘Tucker’.  Armed homeowners greeted protesters marching through private property in their upscale neighborhood in St. Louis. The couple, Patty and Mark McCloskey who are both personal injury lawyers, shouted at the protesters to keep moving while brandishing a handgun and an AR-15. A couple has come out […]


I spent decades as a covert CIA operative – this is my new mission.

An op-ed published by American Military News . As someone who spent a career in the shadowy world of intelligence, I have a deep understanding and respect for the value and importance to our national security of espionage and the intelligence community. After retiring, I now have a new mission and I want to explain […]


Criminals are Now Destroying our Country

When historical monuments and buildings are vandalized; when citizens are killed and injured by various groups of criminals in the big cities of the country; and when one Party in the parliament is behind all of that, promising to defund the police, Vladimir Lenin called the predicament—a “revolutionary situation”. He was right—the 1917 Socialist Revolution […]


VIDEO: In their own words the Democrat Party’s “Plan”

CatholicVote published the below video to help understand “The Plan” of the Democrats in their own words. WATCH:  The Plan includes, but is not limited to: Impeaching President Donald J. Trump. Spying on the Trump campaign and anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign. Pushing the hoax that the Russians stole the 2016 Presidential Election. […]


VIDEO: America, The NOT Racist

Thinking Americans might rightly ask: Why are we so hyper focused on anti-racism right now? Deadly serious. Because the actual evidence is that America, in 2020, is not only the least racist that it has ever been in our history, but it is almost assuredly the least racist nation ever. Yes, ever. It’s actually pretty easy […]