Tag Archive for: ISIS

Arrest the Widow, Investigate the Family

The Orlando jihad mass murderer was anything but a “lone wolf.” My latest in FrontPage:

Noor Salman, the wife of Omar Mateen, the Orlando gay nightclub jihad mass murderer, has gone missing, and with good reason: she explodes the idea that Mateen was a “lone wolf” terrorist. She should be arrested – but now she is gone.

Salman witnessed him selling his house to his brother-in-law for $10 – a clear indication that the couple knew jihad was in the offing. She has admitted to law enforcement authorities that she and her husband had recently been “scouting Downtown Disney and Pulse [the nightclub where the jihad massacre took place] for attacks.” Mateen texted her during his massacre, asking if she had seen the news; she responded that she loved him.

As authorities deliberated over whether or not to arrest her, Salman herself showed more dispatch. Last Wednesday, the killer’s father, Seddique Mir Mateen, told reporters that Salman was “no longer here.”

No one seems to have asked Seddique Mateen himself where she has gone, but he probably knows. There are, after all, numerous indications that he may not be as upset about his son’s jihad massacre as he has claimed: he is an open supporter of the Taliban, and the morning after the murders, he posted online a video in which he claims that he was “not aware what motivated” Omar to “go into a gay club and kill 50 people,” but then he adds: “God will punish those involved in homosexuality,” as it is “not an issue that humans should deal with.”

Despite Seddique Mateen’s professed puzzlement over his son’s actions and denial that Omar had been “radicalized,” is it really any wonder that a man who grew up in a household in which the Taliban were held up as positive role models would turn out to be a jihad terrorist? Omar Mateen is known to have cheered at school when al-Qaeda flew planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001; is it likely that his father, a supporter of al-Qaeda’s allies and collaborators the Taliban, rebuked him for doing so?

While not revealing where Noor Salman is, the family issued a statement saying: “Noor is completely innocent and [was] unaware of the attacks.” It added the claim that she is unable to comprehend “cause and effect.” The mainstream media, always anxious to exonerate Islam from responsibility for the crimes done in its name and in accord with its teachings, even dragged out Salman’s middle school teacher to say: “Noor had difficulty with retention, she had difficulty with conceptualizing, understanding, all challenges to her. She tried hard. She was very sweet.”

All that may be so, but Noor Salman is an adult now, and her difficulty in middle school is irrelevant to whether or not she aided her husband in preparing for his jihad massacre. She should have been arrested, and the whole family needs to be investigated. Former Department of Homeland Security official Philip Haney responded trenchantly to common media claims that Mateen was “self-radicalized”: “As though nobody knew anything – that’s completely preposterous. If you know anything about the Islamic worldview, family and community is ultimately central to everything they do. The concept of operating alone is anathema to the Islamic worldview. They just don’t do it. So, self-radicalization – what does that even mean any more? Nobody is self-anythingin this world we live in.”

Yet the feds let Noor Salman slip through their fingers – and whatever Muslim community in which she is hiding now isn’t calling the police to alert them of her whereabouts. Was the FBI too complacent in its politically correct dogma that Muslims in America all hold to a benign, peaceful form of the faith, and that any Muslim in the U.S. who becomes a jihad murderer must have been “radicalized on the Internet,” to be too concerned about the possibility that Omar Mateen’s family was complicit in his attack? How long will it be before Seddique Mateen and the rest of the family absconds, as did Noor Salman?

The Orlando jihad massacre was eminently preventable: the FBI questioned Omar Mateen but deemed him unworthy of close scrutiny, even after a gun shop owner reported him; agents didn’t even bother to visit the shop. This was after Mateen bragged to coworkers about jihad ties, but the FBI called off investigation, dismissing the coworkers as “Islamophobic,” and after Mateen threatened to kill a sheriff and his family, and the FBI dismissed the threat. Now they have let Noor Salman slip through their fingers. Would it have been “Islamophobic” to arrest her? And how many more Americans have to die before the politically correct fantasies that hamstring law enforcement today are discarded?


Islamic State jihadi: “Do you think you’re at war with a small group of Mujahedeen in Iraq, Syria, Libya and other places?”

Report: “A Peaceful Muslim Majority in the U.S. Tarred by Acts of a Few.” Huh?

VIDEO: Donald Trump’s presidential speech in New York City on 6/22/16

On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 GOP nominee Donald Trump gave a speech at Trump SoHo in New York City. The speech addressed a number of issues facing America. He laid out his policies to address these issues, both domestic and in foreign policy.

Here is Mr. Trump’s full speech:

RELATED ARTICLE: GOP Senate Debates Gun Control Instead of Real Measures to Fight Terrorism


Hillary Clinton Middle East donors

VIDEO: Kindergarten graduation in Gaza – growing soldiers of Allah

A kindergarten graduation ceremony in the Gaza was professionally filmed and placed on the internet.

tip2You will watch 5-year olds role play what they have been taught, and you will notice how well these children are trained and indoctrinated to become soldiers of Allah (Jihadists).

Film does not lie unlike adults who know how to spin a story.  You will notice near the end how you are told what you just observed is for peace purposes.  This statement would be laughable if it were not so pathetically false and damning with sobering repercussions the west is just now awakening to.

Click on the link provided and see indoctrination of children, and you get a glimpse of what Americans cannot bring themselves to believe, much less prepare for in our country as Jihad now turns its’ force in our direction.

The following video is a translated report by Israel’s Channel 1 News of a kindergarten graduation party held in Gaza, courtesy of the Islamic Jihad movement. This is but one of many examples showing the anti-Israel incitement and indoctrination prominent in various sections of the Palestinian public.


New Report Confirms IPT Analysis on Spread of Islamist Terror by Pete Hoekstra

The Face of a Dying Nation: Germans Get Angry When Told the Truth About Islam and Muslims

Anatomy of the terror threat: Files show hundreds of US plots, refugee connection

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of children are trained in the settlement – based jihadists Turks originating from China and Central Asia near the town Tzisr Al Sagkoursti Syria, which recently got the jihadists by government forces.

Muslim Terrorists Behead 4-Year Old Girl

There is nothing that Islamic terrorists do that surprises me. They burn people alive, they behead men and women, they rape children, they throw homosexuals off of buildings, they kill American military personnel, and today I read an article that they beheaded a 4 year old innocent child. Although the hate and violence conducted by Islamic terrorists in the name of Allah and Islam does not surprise me, the people who support the beheaders of 4 year old children often does surprise me. In America liberals from all walks of life support Islamic based terrorists each and every day. But now a few liberals who are homosexual are beginning to see that Islamic terrorists do not care about them.

People must begin to realize that Islam itself is the enemy and until this ideology can be branded as dangerous, the world will continue to suffer at the hands of the people who worship and praise Allah in mosques across the world. Of course there are some people who identify with Islam who do not want hate or violence, but these pseudo Muslims are not in the mosques. If a person attends a mosque they are aware of what Islam advocates today and 1400 years ago. If a person attends a mosque that advocates killing homosexuals then that person is just as much a part of the problem as an ISIS fighter. The hatred of Christians, Jews, and homosexuals is not a radical concept within Islam. It is a basic fundamental belief just as within Christianity we have basic beliefs within the 10 Commandments.

People need to ask themselves why liberals to include the media, law enforcement, politicians, and millions of other Americans would support an ideology that is filled with hate and violence and Islamic leaders and their followers do not stand up against it. I have been to over 280 mosques in America. In each of these mosques it is taught to hate Christians and Jews, and it is taught to kill homosexuals anywhere you find them. There are liberals who despise conservatives because of their belief that homosexuality is not honoring Christianity. Yet these same liberals will fight tooth and nail for Islam. People have a right to believe what they feel is morally right and what is not, but they cross the line when they advocate killing people for acts such as homosexuality.

There will continue to be bloodshed in the name of Islam in every corner of the world. The murder of innocent 4 year old children by worshippers of Islam will continue. When will it stop? The answer is it will never stop. Islam has put so much fear in people that they will continue to support an ideology that is dangerous in the hope that they will be sparred. No one will escape the hatred and violence of Islam. Please read the below article.

Isis beheads 4-year-old girl then forces mother to soak hands in her blood ‘swearing to Allah’ By: William Watkinson

Sick jihadists from the Islamic State (Isis) beheaded a four-year-old girl then forced her horrified mother to soak her hands in her dead daughter’s blood. The latest shocking incident is said to have happened in the Daesh (Isis) de-facto capital of Raqqa, in Syria.

The extremists are renowned for their shocking punishments meted out by their feared al-Hisbah police who enforce their strict version of Sharia Law on the towns and cities they conquer. Often the punishments are handed out for seemingly minor infringements and their latest example shows just how brutal they can be.

According to reports, a jihadist overheard a mother ‘swear to Allah’ that she would behead her daughter if she did not return home from playing. Instead of ignoring the throw-away remark the woman was reported for what she said.

It was decided that as she ‘swore to god’ she should carry out the act. The mother however refused to kill her child so the jihadists decapitated the defenceless little girl as ‘punishment’ for her mother’s behaviour.

Not content with taking the child’s life they then forced the mother to soak her hands in the girl’s blood after she died. The shocking tale was revealed by a woman who escaped from the terrorists who told the story to the Iran-based Al Alam International News Channel

She said: “A mother told her four-year daughter to go home and she refused. And then the mother told her unintentionally ‘go home and I swear to God that I will behead you if you don’t.'”

“But they beheaded the little girl and soaked her mother’s hands in her daughter’s blood,” the woman added. The woman, who wished to remain anonymous through fear of reprisals, told the news agency that the beheading took place in the notorious al-Naeem square.

The square is said to be filled with the heads of those slaughtered by jihadists who have become adept at scaring civilians into submission. “They rape women, take children to war, loot houses and threaten people in Raqqa with beheadings if they don’t agree with their daughters’ marriage with the Isis members,” the woman continued.

Although the woman’s story could not be confirmed by IBTimes UK, a number of other similar petty executions have been reported from their self-declared caliphate. Only last week the extremists crucified three men in the street after giving them 70 lashes as punishment for breaking their Ramadan fast.

The jihadists are known for their brutal interpretation of Sharia Law and sick beheadings.


Sec. of State Kerry visits “Jihad Central” to celebrate World Refugee Day

Sesame Street partners with Muslim refugee contractor, International Rescue Committee

ISIS beheads 4-year-old girl then forces mother to soak hands in her blood after ‘swearing to Allah’

U.S. won’t make Syrian resettlement goal this year say refugee contractors

VIDEO: ‘See Something, Say Nothing’ — connecting the dots from 9/11 to Orlando

Philip B. Haney Press Conference at the National Press Club titled, “See Something, Say Nothing.”


PODCAST: Former DHS Agent Philip Haney – ‘Words have Meaning

See Something, Say Nothing

Video from the School of Selwyn: Orlando, Trump and Muslims

After the Orlando terrorist massacre, are we going to be politically correct? Or are we going to be wise?

RELATED ARTICLE: Document Reveals Omar Mateen’s Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups by Abha Shankar

EDITORS NOTE: Since this video was made Donald Trump has called for the profiling of Muslims similar to what Israel does. In a column posted on Yahoo News titled “Israeli minister unapologetic for security ‘profiling’ hailed by Trump” Dan Williams reports:

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – A senior Israeli official justified the “profiling” of Muslims as potential security threats on Monday after U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump said Americans should adopt Israel’s disputed practice.

Arabs, who make up a fifth of Israel’s population, and Palestinians living under Israeli occupation have long complained of being singled out for scrutiny and searches at security checkpoints when going about their routine activities.

Trump, the Republican front-runner who has been buoyed by Americans’ worries about Islamic militancy, said on Sunday he believed that “profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country”.

“You look at Israel and you look at others, and they do it and they do it successfully,” he told CBS’ “Face the Nation”.

Asked about the remarks, Israeli Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz declined to discuss the U.S. election campaign but was unapologetic about Israel’s methods.

“Ultimately these (security) apparatuses … must build a profile of characteristics as to where the danger comes from and locate it,” he said in a briefing to foreign journalists arranged by the Israel Project advocacy group.

“It is not the whole population, but sometimes when there is a specific form of terrorism, you can seek out Islamic terrorism only among Muslims.”

Trump has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, a suspension of immigration from countries with “a proven history of terrorism” and for greater scrutiny of American mosques.

Read more.

VIDEO: Florida Candidate for U.S. Senate Wilcox “Eliminating the Islamic State”

ORLANDO – Todd Wilcox, combat veteran, former CIA case officer and businessman today released his first ad, “Eliminating ISIS,” a web spot highlighting his strategic approach to combating radical Islamic terrorists.

“Terrorists have brought this fight to American soil and it’s time we get serious about eliminating ISIS once and for all,” said Wilcox. “ISIS can be defeated, but it’s going to require American leadership and a real strategy to win.”

“Eliminating ISIS” Transcript:

Arab Sunni Muslim Terrorism is a threat to all of Western society. If we don’t take the fight to ISIS now, we’ll be fighting them here at home. We should use every pillar of American power to destroy ISIS – diplomacy to create an Arab coalition, Special Operations Forces to lead, equip, train and advise them and NATO to provide close air support, intelligence, and logistics. Our cyber power can shut down the ISIS social media machine and use our economic power to cut off their revenue. ISIS can be defeated, but it requires American leadership and a real strategy to win.

RELATED ARTICLE: Meet sniper, CIA officer, Green Beret millionaire Todd Wilcox, a candidate for Florida’s open Senate seat

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Todd Wilcox and his strategic plan to eliminate the Islamic State, may visit his website by CLICKING HERE.

VIDEO: Predicting the Next Islamic State Attack in America — ‘Day of the Dead’ Part Deux

Can you imagine 10, 20, 50, 100 Orlando-type shooters, all battle-hardened Islamic State fighters attacking southern California through the Mexican cartel drug tunnels?

Hard to imagine, not so, says Captain Dan Gordon of the Israel Defense Forces Reserves. In fact, Captain Gordon, who also just happens to be a Hollywood A-List Screenwriter, has detailed the attack in his current book, “Day of the Dead, Book Two, America!

Don’t miss this fascinating and frightening interview that I have with Dan, as Dan goes step-by-step through the attack scenario.


Orlando Terrorist Worked at Company Hired by DHS to Transport Illegal Aliens

ISIS Fighter Slaughters Parents for Refusing to Hand Over Brothers

Berlin Imam Gets 2.5 Years for Glorifying ISIS

New ISIS Video: DC, New York, Orlando to Face More Attacks

Hit ISIS So Hard They Wonder Why Allah Left Them

Missoula, MT refugee arrivals could begin in August, most will be Muslims

EDITORS NOTE: Dan’s novel, set in real world conditions is available, along with the companion book, “Day of the Dead, Book One, GAZA,” at Amazon.com.

Will America Face Reality?

Aristotle’s law of identity plainly states that A is A, a thing is what it is.  In 1979 the Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei of Iran declared Islamic war against the West, primarily the United States and Israel. Since then Muslims of all stripes have been acting out on that declaration of war.  Unfortunately, America and the West have not consistently met the challenge and have emboldened the Muslim Islamic Jihadists through years of inadequate challenges to the Islamic onslaught.

The Muslims have correctly recognized the irrational progressive American mission of politically correct appeasement at all costs and are taking full advantage of it.  It used to be that if one nation or group of nations declared war upon another and followed through on that threat, there would be a strong response from the threatened nation with an effort to defeat that enemy.  Of course, there were exceptions to that rule.  One was Great Britain during the earlier part of the second world war.  The British Empire paid the price for taking it’s sweet time to engage the threat of Adolph Hitler and his legions of German Nazis and rocket blitzes.  Germany was focused on dominating the world and eliminating the Jewish population, while Britain’s Neville Chamberlain was endangering England through appeasement with Hitler.

Similarly, today we regularly witness the atrocities being waged against civilization by barbaric Muslim brutes, just as the Islamists have been doing for 1,400 years.  In the Quran’ Muslims are instructed to either convert or kill non-Muslims.  They are also persuaded to invade other nations and if possible use their legal systems and freedoms against them.  Also, as soon as Muslim population reaches up to five percent then more violent measures are carried out with increasing frequency.

It is both sad and immoral when elected government officials who either swear or affirm to uphold the United States Constitution and are expected to govern on behalf of U.S. interests but do not.  President Berry Obama is the premier example of refusing to do what is best for our nation’s best interests.

For you Berry Obama fans who refuse to see the facts, right after a cowardly Muslim terrorist wreaked havoc in a gun free zone by gunning down scores of people at a Florida nightclub, Berry exposed where his real interests reside.  Instead of exhibiting strength and resolve after a cowardly Muslim terrorist wreaked havoc in a gun free zone by gunning down scores of unarmed victims, he chose to apologize to Isis Muslim terrorists who should be hunted down and destroyed.  It was Donald Trump’s accurate remarks concerning Isis terrorists that drew the pansy like ire of Berry, not the murder of 50 partiers in an American night club.  What an insult to the American victims of dedicated Muslim terrorists who are trying to bomb the world into a dark age of Muslim domination.

One has to wonder how in the world can a president and other officials of this nation be more upset over Donald Trump’s invigorated response to a Muslim massacre than the actual murdering Muslim rampage?  Among a number of things Trump said “The thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families when you get these terrorists, you have to bomb the hell out of them.”  Kentucky Senator Rand Paul responded to Trump by stating “Realize that there’s something called the Geneva Convention.”  I hate to be the one to break the news little senator Paul, but the Muslim terrorists never, ever, ever conduct terrorist tactics according to Geneva Convention rules.

If the Muslim terrorist madness is going to be stopped, they must be destroyed unless they have a real come to Jesus moment.  For them it is simply do or die.  Thus it is high time for civilized nations accommodate them by militarily escorting them to their eternal reward.  Right on the heels of Islamic terrorism in Orlando, Florida, once again Paris, France was hit with another dose of Muslim Jihadist terrorists who simply went to Paris to kill, steal and destroy.

On Monday June 14th Berry Obama gave a very telling speech.  It conveyed to all objective listeners his true feelings about the nation that twice elected him to the presidency.   Obama stared into the camera and declared “it was America’s fault for the tragic loss of life.”  He was blatantly defiant in his decision to “not now and not ever,” place blame on radical Islam participants for the tragedy in Orlando.  It was yet another premier example of Berry Obama’s anti-American leanings.

Let us never forget that president Obama said in the past that if it came down to a war with Muslims he would side with them.  America is a nation at war whether you wish to recognize it or not.  We must take the Muslim challenge to our existence as one nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.  If not, history will not be kind.

May we seek providential guidance and wisdom before it is too late.  Deep in my heart, I believe that our republic will arise from her current doldrums and once again be that shining city on a hill nation.

This final note, I would like to honor the greatest person I ever knew, my Dad.

Before departing this life when I was twelve years old Dad taught me of the importance of doing the right thing and the dos and don’ts of life.  Dad was also fun person to be around and for the most part very patient and encouraging as well.  Dad also made sure that I was well acquainted with God and never ceased in his desire and effort to lovingly care for and guide his family.  His love for America and knowledge of her great history was second to none and inspired me to appreciate not only our great republic, but more importantly God and family as well. Thank you Dad and thank you heavenly Father for such a great Dad.


House GOP Leaders Set To Endorse Obama’s Failed Anti-JIhad Strategy

Why can’t Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

Obama Only Knows How To Stand Down

Not only has Obama essentially issued a stand down order to our entire federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies when dealing with the increasing Islamic war occurring on American soil, but he implies a passive response from all Americans as he would have us lay down our arms in response to an attack.

With every passing Islamic jihadi attack, he proves the only position he expects from us all is to submit to Islam and take the violence they dish out as discipline for our overly Islamophobic responses to their peaceful culture and our freedom to own and use guns to protect ourselves.

The Stand Down order is a military order given to put a halt on offensive actions. In Benghazi the same order was given to those brave security operators who were told to do nothing in the wake of an Islamic group attacking the Americans at the US diplomatic facilities. This order to withhold life-saving assistance in Libya was given even as the operators were armed and ready to defend their fellow Americans. Thankfully they broke those orders and acted on their conscience or 25 Americans would be six feet under today.

The same order has been implied from the Commander in Chief to our law enforcement departments and agencies including the DHS and FBI. There have been numerous occasions of the FBI initiating investigations on individuals with either terrorist ties or expressing their allegiance to Islamic State, Al Qaeda and others only to have the cases closed or agents reportedly receiving reprimands for pursuing those who are Muslims.

Look at Orlando’s jihadi, Omar Marteen. He was questioned three times and investigated twice by FBI agents for having terrorist ties and making contact with a suicide bomber, but the case was closed with no charges filed. Why?

According to Philip Haney, former member of the National Targeting Center’s unit, whose job was to filter through information on people for possible terrorists or weapons used by them, the FBI didn’t use the same analysis that he used to connect the dots from Marteen to the Fort Pierce Mosque he attended.

According to a WND article,

“As a member of one of the National Targeting Center’s advanced units, Haney helped develop a case in 2011 on a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaat, as he recounts in his new book “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”Within a few months, the case drew the “concern” of the State Department and the DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office because the Obama administration believed it unfairly singled out Muslims. The intelligence, however, had been used to connect members of the movement to several terrorist organizations and financing at the highest levels, including for Hamas and al-Qaida.”

Haney correctly uncovered connections between different Islamic terrorist organizations yet the way the DHS and the State Department reward him is to discarded some 67 reports related to information he compiled that would enable the FBI to identify possible terrorist threats as well as the loss of his job.

Clearly the message goes out from the top down that you will not be tolerated for linking Muslims with terrorism. Obama’s livid response to Trump calling him out on his glaring omission of the term radical Islam is indicative of his protective stance of Islam.

When you have the President leading by stating, the guns are the enemynarrative after every Islamic terrorist attack, why would you engage an enemy that is never named. A stand down order is what can be taken from his lack identifying our enemies are Islamic terrorists, but instead an inanimate objects…guns.

Moreover, the focus for Obama’s entire presidency has been one of empowering the Islamic narrative inside the White House and among his administration. What we have been experiencing for the past eight years is trickle-down Islamophilia that has colored our national security department’s and law enforcement’s response to Muslim suspects.

How else can one explain the insulting response of Mayor Jim Kenney, who said of the execution-like attack on one of his police officers back in January by a man dressed in Muslim garb and later admitted pledging allegiance to Islamic State and following Allah,

“The shooting had nothing to do with Islam. It does not represent the religion in any shape or form or any of the teachings.”

The denial about the motivations of jihadists by Obama has affected many in leadership positions and according to Gen. Jerry Boykin has definitely touched our law enforcement officers. He said,

“people at every level are gun-shy about dealing with Muslims. There is tremendous pressure to show Muslims favor and treat them differently than others, based on information that I am getting from my contacts. The Jihadist[s] have us right where they want us. We are going all out now to pander to the enemy and to appease the same people who are here to destroy us,”

Americans need to take a lesson from the Benghazi warriors and act with our conscience in the face of Islamic terrorist attacks. There is no winning from a Stand Down position. Obama is telling us to lay down our weapons while Islamic leaders are screaming at Muslims to pick up theirs. He has placed himself 180 degrees in opposition to his oath of office and deserves nothing less than to be tried for treason. See video:


House GOP Leaders Set To Endorse Obama’s Failed Anti-JIhad Strategy

Why can’t Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

The Obscene Narrative: ACLU Staff Attorney blames ‘Christian right,’ GOP for Orlando massacre

“You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” ACLU staff attorney Chase Strangio tweeted on Sunday morning. Does the illustrious Strangio actually believe that Omar Mateen was incited to commit mass murder in the gay nightclub in Orlando by an “anti-queer climate” created by Christian conservatives? He probably does, since, as a Leftist, he knows that non-Muslims are always and everywhere to blame for atrocities that Muslims commit.

Chase Strangio

Chase Strangio

“ACLU lawyers blame ‘Christian right,’ GOP for Orlando terrorist attack,” by Joel Gehrke, Washington Examiner, June 12, 2016:

Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they “created this anti-queer climate,” according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys.

“You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” ACLU staff attorney Chase Strangio tweeted on Sunday morning.

About 50 people were killed last night by Omar Mateen, a U.S. citizen born to Afghan parents suspected to have “leanings toward extreme Islamic ideologies.” The FBI is investigating the attack as a “domestic terror incident.”

But Strangio — who “spend[s his] life fighting Christian homophobia while being loved & supported by [his] Muslim family” — and his colleagues connected the shooting back to Christians and Republican politicians who oppose gay marriage. “The Christian Right has introduced 200 anti-LGBT bills in the last six months and people blaming Islam for this,” Strangio tweeted. “No.”

Another ACLU attorney who specializes in religious liberty issues scolded Republican lawmakers who tweeted out their condolences. “Remember when you co-sponsored extreme, anti-LGBT First Amendment Defense Act?” the ACLU’s Eunice Rho tweetedat Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and other Republicans,

House Speaker Paul Ryan was careful not to jump to conclusions about the attacker on Sunday morning. “We pray for those brutally attacked in Orlando,” Ryan tweeted. “While we must learn more about the attacker, the victims & families will not be forgotten.”…


Trump: Obama should resign, Hillary withdraw over refusal to say “Radical Islam”

Facebook removes SIOA page; Reddit bans users who say Orlando jihadi was Muslim

Orlando Muslim shooter: A registered Democrat who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State

fatawa Islamiyah book coverThe Fatawa Islamiyah (Islamic Verdicts) provides the Islamic ruling regarding homosexuality in Volume 6, p. 199. The Ruling on Sodomy and the Punishment Thereof states:

“What is the ruling on sodomy in Islam and what is the punishment?

“The shameful act of sodomy is one of the most repugnant of shameful acts and we seek refuge with Allah (from it). Because of it, Allah destroyed the people of Lut, peace be upon him, and punished them with a terrible punishment, turning their homes upside down and raining stones of baked clay upon them, layer upon layer, (as Allah said): “marked from your Lord and they are not ever far from the wrongdoers.”

“It has been reported from the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, that the punishment for one who does that or allows it to be done to him is that he be killed. Or, tobe burnt or to be stoned. Or, to be thrown from the highest point (mountain, tower, lofty building etc.), then to follow it with stoning.

“This is because of its corruption of morals, customs, and because of its violation of the natural human state, and because the abandonment of lawful marriage by those who practice.

“Ibn Jibreen” [Emphasis added]

More information is coming out about Omar Seddique Mateen who entered the Orlando Pulse club then slaughtered 50 homosexuals and wounded 53 others, some in critical condition.

According to records (screen shot below) from St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was a registered Democrat who listed his race as “other.”

omar mateen democrat registration

On April 6, 2016, Tom Trento from The United West (TUW) posted a warning about a speaker at a mosque in Orlando, Florida. The Muslim speaker stated, “Death is the sentence [for gays]. We know. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence.” TUW then posted the video below on YouTube to warn the general public:

On June 12, 2016 Patrick Poole reported:

Sources are telling the Daily Beast that suspected killer Omar Mateen had previously been investigated by the FBI in 2013 and 2014, making this yet another “known wolf” terror attack:

Omar Mateen of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, came to the attention of federal authorities twice prior to being identified as the gunman in the Orlando nightclub mass shooting, a senior law enforcement source told The Daily Beast.

Mateen 53 people and shot more than 100 in total at the Pulse gay nightclub early Sunday morning, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.The senior law enforcement source reports that Mateen became a person of interest in 2013 and again in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Investigation at one point opened an investigation into Mateen but subsequently closed the case when it produced nothing that appeared to warrant further investigation.

“He’s a known quantity,” the source said. “He’s been on the radar before.”

Mateen was a U.S. citizen; his parents are from Afghanistan, CBS News reports.

In the article Florida Pulse Gay Bar Mass Shooting was in a Gun Free Zone, Dean Weingarten reports:

It is clear that Florida law prohibits people from legally carrying guns into:

florida concealed carrry law

Bars are one of a long list of places that Florida establishes as gun free zones.

Read more.

This is the most deadly attack by a follower of Mohammed in Florida and perhaps in the United States, to date. Some news outlets are calling Mateen homophobic. Others call him a devout Muslim.

We report, you decide.


Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of ‘Compassion’

Worst mass shooter in U.S. history – NYC-born ‘Islamic extremist’ Omar Mateen, 29, who shot dead 50 and injured 53 in Orlando gay club massacre was homophobe ‘who got angry when he saw two men kissing’

RELATED VIDEO: Imam Musri Mosque in Orlando Funds HAMAS. Islamic Faith Based Adviser to former Florida Governor Charlie Crist in 2009 is caught funding terrorism via George Galloway, a self-admitted Hamas fundraiser, and Imam Mahdi Bray, a public Hamas supporter.

The Islamic State Made $2.4 Billion Last Year — Stronger than ever!

The Islamic State has diversified its income streams by increasing taxes and does not look like it will collapse soon, according to analysts.

The Islamic State made $2.4 billion in 2015, making it the richest terrorist group in the world by a substantial margin, according to the Center for the Analysis of Terrorism as reported by The Economic Times reported.

Despite losing territory and suffering airstrikes against its oil refineries, the group maintained income by increasing taxes on the estimated eight million people under its control from $360 million to $800 million in 2015. The Islamic State’s income for 2015 was $500 million less than its income the previous year.

The report’s authors concluded that “ISIS’s military defeat is not imminent … as things stand, ISIS economic collapse remains some way off in the mid-term.”

The Islamic State continues to brutally assert dominance over its dominion. On Thursday, 19 Yazidi girls were publicly burned alive in iron cages in Mosul, according to ARA News. “They were punished for refusing to have sex with ISIS militants,” local media activist Abdullah al-Malla told ARA News.

Nor are the Islamic State’s activities limited to the territories it controls in Syria and Iraq.

An alleged sleeper cell consisting of four Syrian men planning terrorist attacks in Dusseldorf was arrested on Thursday. One of the men had turned himself into authorities in Paris on February 1 and provided evidence against his fellow conspirators. It took German police four months to gather enough evidence to arrest the other three.

One of the suspects had filed for asylum. But the head of the German Police Trade Union has said that to run background checks on all refugees entering Germany would be unaffordable and that such a policy is too late.

“It would have been useful in the second half of last year to create conditions for background checks on all people who came to us, in fact, before they traveled [to Germany]. But that is past history now, as we cannot afford it,” he said, according to Russia Today.

At the moment the German Justice Ministry is investigating 180 terror suspects who have either returned from or have links to Syria.

For more information about the Islamic State, see Clarion Project’s Special Report: The Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) 


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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of The Islamic State’s gold dinar.

VIDEO: Islamic State will attack America — 100% Guaranteed!

Day of the Dead Book Two AmericaLt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, testified on Capitol Hill in May of 2016 that the Islamic State, “will probably attempt to conduct additional attacks in Europe, and attempt to direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016.”

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated, “ISIS leaders are determined to strike the homeland.”

In a shocking new book Day of the Dead: Book Two – America by Dan Gordon, a Major Hollywood Award winning playwright and veteran of several military encounters with terrorists, details how such an attack will occur.

“They will use Mexican Drugs tunnels from Tijuana and the attack will most likely occur in San Diego, California,” Gordon recently told TheUnitedWest.org a counter-intelligence expert based in Florida.

“San Diego is a target rich environment and federal authorities, local law enforcement and the military will be unable and ill-equipped to respond in the timely fashion to prevent a mass casualty attack from ISIS,” Gordon stated.

The United West recommends you read Captain Gordon’s book Day of the Dead: Book Two – America


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Terrorist Training Camps in the U.S. | Military.com

Meet the former college student now female warrior fighting the Islamic State

Meet the female political science student who ran away to fight the Islamic State. She says militants are ‘easy to kill.’ Joanna Palani has described the brutal horrors she witnessed in the war-torn country – from child sex slaves to her comrade being shot dead next to her.

Joanna Palani

Joanna Palani

Sophie Evens from the UK Mirror reports:

A young woman who travelled to Syria to fight jihadis on the frontline has revealed how ISIS thugs are ‘very easy to kill’ and children are rounded up to be sexually abused.

Joanna Palani, then 22, gave up her life as a college student to become a Kurdish fighter in the war-torn country, where she came face-to-face with murderous militants.

With the knowledge of how to shoot a gun, she spent a year battling ISIS on the frontline, teaching other girls how to fight and witnessing the brutal horrors of war.

Now back home, Joanna has told of her experiences from her time abroad – and the striking differences between the Islamic State and President Assad’s ‘killing machines’.

Joanna came face-to-face with murderous militants in Syria and Iraq.

Danske Joanna Palani forlod i November 2014 Danmark for at kæmpe mod Islamisk Stat i Irak og Syrien.

“ISIS fighters are very easy to kill!”

“ISIS fighters are very easy to kill,” she told Vice, laughing. “ISIS fighters are very good at sacrificing their own lives, but Assad’s soldiers are very well-trained and they are specialist killing machines.”

Joanna, from Copenhagen, Denmark, left college in November 2014 to ‘fight for human rights for all people’.

Read more.

WATCH: All-female combat unit hungry for revenge against Islamic State