Liberals DO NOT believe in Freedom For All

This past week end, I spent a lot of time outside working on my landscaping.  The long, hard winter of 2014/2015 looks to be over.  And I would just like to say thank you to Global Warming advocates who are still at a loss as to why this planets climate has not lived up to the desert like conditions promised.

I guess global warming equals record cold temperatures and record snow fall.  Well if that is what global warming is, then I will jump on board because I love living in New England and I sure don’t want another Alaska type winter to befall us.  Note the sarcasm.  But I digress.

While working in my yard this past week end, I got to see some of what makes America great.  The freedom of people to be who they want to be.  I saw people walking in shorts and tank tops. Mind you, although it is warm, to me it is far from tank top weather.

I saw folks riding their motorcycles, big ones and small ones.  Some had flags on the back.

Some were the noisy type.  Some were the fast type.  And some were the big, touring grandparent type. I saw folks taking their convertibles out for a week end joy ride probably for the first time this year.  I saw and heard the younger set with all their windows down and music blaring.  Yes, we can hear you a half mile away and you are going to kill your ears by playing music that loud. But at least in most communities, those young people have the freedom to play their music in their car as loud as they want.

And there it is.  The freedom.  I saw people enjoying their freedom.  Nobody telling them they could not walk in a tank top yet.  Nobody passing a law preventing motorcycles from being ridden at this time of year.  No overreaching ordinances telling young people that in order to be legal others cannot hear your music outside of your car at all.

Now this part of the article is for all of my Liberal friends and haters out there.  This is where I point out how hypocritical you are.  Lets take gay rights for example.  Now this is America.  As some would say, ‘Murica.  And this is the land of the free.  Which, you on the left say, means that gays have the right to live as they please.  They have a right to live in peace.  They have a right to love who they please.  They have the right to have a life just like a straight person.  To which many other Americans would agree. But then you turn the tables on everyone else.  You want laws dictating how others act and react around you.  You wish to stifle or take away the freedom and rights of others just to fit your own selfish desires.  You say you want to be free, but you want big government to dictate how we all live and interact with each other.

It would be like telling the person on the fast motorcycle that he is not allowed to go 65 mph on the highway while allowing cars to do that speed.  In other words, you are not asking for freedom.  You are asking for special privileges.  Privileges in which the rest of the population is not able to avail themselves of.  You are asking to separate the people in to classes and groups. Some classes and some groups get more freedom than others.

That kind of thought is straight out of the pages of the novel Animal Farm.  In this novel there is a passage that says, “some animals are more equal than others” which means some animals are not equal at all.

This is the same thought process used to own and keep slaves.  Blacks were not thought of as being equal to whites.  Now gays want to say that straights are not equal to gays.  And thus a straight person has no right to admonish gays in any way.  However, when you ask the question of gays should they be forced to make a T-Shirt for a Muslim that says “gays are infidels and must die” the fast and quick answer is no way.

Well if you have the right to tell a straight person they must make you a t-shirt that says “being gay is fab” then the Muslim has the right to tell the gay person to make him a t-shirt of his choosing. But in order to get around this, gays would say that what the Muslim wants is hate speech.  So you want to create a law that stops hate speech.  Even though, in this country, the Muslim is free to say what he pleases just like you and I.  But you wish to live your life of freedom by taking the rights of others away simply because you don’t like it.

This is not an issue with Muslims.  I need to say it because some of you out there would point out Muslims should not have a right to say what they say.  To which I reply with a query.  Why?  Sure I find a lot of what they say offensive.  But does that give me the right to deny his free speech rights simply because I don’t agree or like his speech? Does this mean that gays should censor straights because they don’t like the fact that some straights don’t agree with homosexuality?  Does it mean that we force the motorcycle to go only 55 instead of 65 because they are not wrapped in a steal cage?

Who decides who gets special rights and who gets their rights denied?  The point is when you deny someone their rights, you are most likely starting down that slippery road process of denying your own rights.  And frankly that makes us all less free.  And less freedom has no place in ‘Murica.

Soviet Fascism in the 21st Century: The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction 

Russia’s recent strategy worldwide is extremely alarming, showing Russia’s real aggressive face: Russian Government breaches the security of the White House and our State Department, it harasses NATO in the skies, and continues killing people in Ukraine. I have been warning America about Russian ideology for the last twenty years. Alas, all my writings about Stalin’s Doctrine of Soviet Fascism have been blocked by the White House. This is the reason why none of the Republican candidates to the Presidency in 2016 is addressing the threat of Russian ideology. Yet nothing can stop me from warning you as the harm done to us by Russia has brought America to a threshold of a point of no returns. Moreover, the Democrat Party and its left extremism have learned, embraced, and exploited Stalin’s strategy, tactics, and modus operandi in its fight against the Republicans. This is the time for the Republicans to go on the offensive and save America the Beautiful. Hence the awareness of Stalinism is a Must.

Stalin’s rules: Divide and Conquer

The motto of Divide and Conquer came from the ancient world and has been used many times and mostly successful. You saw it in the1950s –Stalin’s war against Korea and as a result Korea was divided. Then Vietnam, Afghanistan and so on–the wars against Western civilization were going on in the 20th century. Yet. as the history illustrates the motto has not always been successful. The victory of Benjamin Netanyahu is a stunning victory of Western civilization in the Middle East in March 2015. Israeli’s media called the election fateful or prophetic to Israel. They were right. The election was also no less a stunning defeat of our enemies, if you know who they are. For the last twenty years, I have been writing about the war against Western civilization waged, handled, and coordinated by our enemies– the Soviets, then Russia for many decades. Isn’t it strange that the American administration and the Democratic Party provided the leftists in Israel with money for the buses to transport the Arab electorate to vote. This exact fact makes Netanyahu’s victory in the 21st century equal to that of President Reagan’s victory over the Evil Empire in the 20th century. Reagan’s foreign policy “we win, they lose” is the litmus test, which produced an incredible result in 2015.

Don’t be shocked by my comparison, it has its logic. Both cases have defeated the same ideology–Stalin’s Doctrine of Divide and Conquer. Have you heard the term carousel (roundabout) used in the election to the Russian parliament Duma in2007? Do you know what it means? Hearing this word in Russian, I did not understand its application at first. The events that followed had given me the meaning of the word. The United Russia party together with the Kremlin administration had organized the youth movement’s groups providing them with a caravan of buses. I watched them on Russian TV. Young people, singing with enthusiasm occupied the buses and moved along the streets to the voting precincts one after another. The voting ballots were waiting for them and they all voted for United Russia Party. Then they left for other voting places where they voted again and again for United Russia. Reportedly, in several cities printing houses reported that 109 percent voted for United Russia. Do not be surprised. Welcome to the country of Soviet Fascism run by Stalin’s Soviet mafia! Look at the famous Reagan’s creed “we win they lose”–Western civilization won, Obama lost in the Middle East. This is the crux of the matter–the Republican idea has defeated Stalinist Doctrine the way Reagan’s victory over the Evil Empire–”we win, they lose.”

Middle East Yesterday and Today

Of course, there are some differences in the mechanism of application: in Russia everybody was aware of the organized buses, in Israel, it was an American covert, underground operation by a group of Democrats from Chicago that costs the Americans taxpayers $350.000. This is a typical Stalinist performance with blaming Netanyahu for the Palestinian issue. The war by America against Israel had begun. Both cases are analogous–Divide and Conquer. Yet, Obama’s war against Israel is also a conjunction with Stalin’s anti-Semitism. I won’t be surprise if the next American accusation of Israel will be espionage, also a Stalin’s obsession. Moreover, there is another caveat of Russian connection. As you know, recruited in 1957 Arafat is dead, but we have Arafat number 2–Mahmout Abbas; the connection with the Kremlin stays the same. He is literally a student of Moscow with Soviet “academic credentials”; his dissertation had denied the Holocaust. Look at Arafat’s corrupt people surrounding Abbas: the same corrupt structure plus Hamas and Hezbollah under Russia’s supervision, ready to wipe off Israel from the world map. Iran (another Russian proxy) is also there and can become our legal ally soon.

The troublesome events in the Middle East force me to return to the history of the region. Go back to the period 1960-1990 and recall the Soviet activities and actions in the region, particularly in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and Iran. It was a time of overwhelming recruitment, infiltration, and radical indoctrination by the Soviet ideology. Stalin’s idea to use the hands of Islam in his war against the West has a long life. Research the time of birth of Hamas and Hezbollah and the Democratic Republic of Yemen building communism in the 1970s then put all the information together vis-a-vis with their connection to contemporary Russia–they are all a product of the same ideology–Soviet Fascism. Don’t be surprised that all terrorists groups, regardless of their names have the same behavior, modus operandi, and agenda. Reading Stalin’s bio, written by me, you will find the explanation for the idea. Stalin was brought up by the Muslim culture and had been an organizer of the Marxists groups in the Islamic part of the Russian Empire–the initial connection of Communism and Terrorism. Stalin had dealt with Sunnis and Shiites and managed to use both skilfully. He worked also in Iran and knew Middle East and Iran pretty well. His political Doctrine and the human capacity for evil have been inherited and used subsequently without any deviations by all Russian leaders who followed him, including Putin.

We, the former citizens of the Socialist countries were growing up in Stalin’s era of hate and bigotry, studying together with the people from Middle East and Africa in the Soviet universities and other educational facilities. The foreign students also got the special training, similar to that received by Arafat in the 1950-1960s. Arafat is dead, yet we have Mahmout Abbas; the connection with the Kremlin stays the same.  Arafat’s corrupt people surrounding Abbas: the same corrupt structure. Look at Yemen, the war started by the Soviet stooges building a communist state in the 1970s never ended there. I expect a more sophisticated global game by Putin with no substantive changes on those places.The only difference is a master-puppet: If it was the Russian supervision and coordination, in the 1950-90s now it is Iran’s–the Russian proxy. The rest is the same–Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Palestinians (Hezbollah and Hamas) under Iran’s supervision, continue threatening to destroy Israel. We have today what the Chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov ( a devoted Stalin’s disciple) had promised to create in the 1970s. According to Andropov:” The Muslims had a taste for nationalism, jingoism, and victimology. Their illiterate, oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch. Terrorism and violence against Israel and her master, American Zionism, would flow naturally from the Muslims’ religious fervor.” Russian Footsteps, by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, August 24, 2008.)

I have been writing about the future of the Middle East in two Chapters 7 and 8. giving the detailed activities and revealing illustration of Soviet Fascism in the 20 century, in my book What is Happening to America? Xlibris, 2012. The 20th century was Russia’s concealed and planned preparation for the Middle East in the 21st century.. Today the Middle East is on a fire and we are witnessing a multi-Russian aggression on the land, sea, and space, putting fear and pressure on the West. The Middle East is only one front of Russian aggression–Ukraine and Europe are the major task for Putin presently. The Middle East, under Iran’s supervision will play a role by diverting attention from the aggression in Ukraine–a typical Stalin’s double-game with the tricks and propaganda threat. “What’s been going on in Ukraine represents a monumental turning point in the balance of world geopolitical/military power. Why? Well, it’s simply this: Ukraine will very likely go down in history as the country where America, the supposed sole superpower in the world, was checkmated and met its match at the hands of the other superpower in the world – Russia.” April 12, 2015 | Authors: Michael Payne | Nation of Change | Op-Ed.This paragraph has some truth in it. I hope you grasp the predicament in the world–Iran is a player, but not the major player, Russia is. Today America is fully invested in the Middle East being challenged by the Stalinist Doctrine.

Who is to blame for the Escalation of Violence in the World.

Unfortunately, American politicians and media downgrade the importance of ideology. It is an elephant in the room and a tremendous force in contemporary politics, which is not being addressed. For twenty years I have been writing about Soviet Fascism and now I would like to add one crucial aspect of Nationalism–Chauvinism. Chauvinism in politics has been identified very clearly, it is an Ideology — “excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one’s own cause, group, or gender” Encyclopedia. Have you ever compared German National-Socialism and Soviet Stalinism?They are identical in cause and means to achieve the objectives. I suspect, you would argue that Stalin did not have gas chambers for Jews. Wrong! He had applied even more barbaric methods to Jews and Christians–66-80 million of innocent people were annihilated. His death in March 1953 had saved the Jews from genocide equal to that of Chechen, Crimean Tatars, and other groups of different nationalities. As you can see Nationalism and Chauvinism are the features common to both Fascist states. Please read my books and articles for a discussion on the subject of Soviet Fascism.

I have dedicated three books and dozens of articles to the subject. Yet, today we discuss Terrorism more than Ideology; that is the reason why I return to the subject of ideology. Moreover, we are not identifying and naming the enemy, therefore we are confused in the beginning with let alone to identify the Ideology. Stalinism is the foundation of contemporary terrorism–Soviet Fascism has animated Islamic terrorist movement. Hence knowledge of the ideology is a primary task to fight the enemy. Do not forget Stalin’s North Korea with nuclear missiles. As I was writing these words, I am hearing news on the radio that Russia was lifting the ban and shipping a contemporary developed defense-missiles system–S-300 to Iran. Now Russia’s real face described by me in my books, articles, and in this column, vividly exposes Stalin’s agenda of One World Government under the Kremlin auspices and WWIII. Putin is and has always been a devoted disciple of Stalin and Andropov: therefore knowledge of Stalin’s Ideology is a Must today.

The motto Divide and Conquer Stalin learned from Machiavelli and applied it also to already existing divisions. Historically the Muslim world was divided by a sectarian war between Sunnis and Shiites for centuries. Stalin was dealing with both very skillfully for many years. Putin continues the policy of using both, depending on the location. Look at Yemen today: Shiites, supported by Iran have freed members of Al-Qaeda from a prison and together are fighting Sunnis, supported by Saudi Arabia. And Obama together with Putin are making Iran a strong leader in the Middle East. Doesn’t it make my idea, expressed in this and other articles more and more legitimate? I’ll give you another event to think about. Do you remember who had committed the attacks on 9/11? There were 14 students from Saudi Arabia known to us as the perpetrators of 9/11. Don’t you think that another violent force behind the 9/11 had purposely orchestrated and coordinated the event to spoil relationship between America and Saudi Arabia? Consider the events at Yemen today and the correlation of forces: the answer is there.

Destruction of the Land and Humanity

You have already being informed by me about criminal methods of Stalinism: recruitment, infiltration, drugs, and assassinations. We also discussed the harms inflicted by the Agents of Influence inside and outside our country. To confirm the existential threat upcoming from Russia, let me give you another story, a story of Turkey and its leader. The geographic location of Turkey makes the country a strategical target for Russian objectives. And this story proves it. Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2003-2014, became the President of the country in 2014.Turkey had a very good relation with Israel in the beginning of the 21st century. However, the relation has changed dramatically somewhere in 2009-2015–Turkey had become an enemy of Israel, joining Hamas and the Palestinian cause.

Knowing the Russian methods, agenda, and a proclivity to mold a Soviet style charlatan-leaders around the world to engeneere the cadres for fifth column,I started researching the events happening in Turkey. I found out something that attract my attention. During a three year period 2002-2005,Turkey had suffered ten earthquakes. I went to the official statistics and got the dates:January 22,2002, January 27,2003, May 1,2003, March 1,2004, March 25,2004, July 1, 2004, July 30,2004,August 11,2004, January 25,2005, October 20,2005. For those who doesn’t understand the significance of the tragic events in Turkey and drastic changes in its foreign policy, I’d like to add that I have already discussed in my books the Russian ability to create and orchestrate earthquakes. The information will also identify the perpetrator of “climate change” mystery.

I hope you can grasp now my ideas of who is to blame for the escalation of violence in the world. Please, also watch the Democratic Party and especially Obama himself, minimizing the threat of ISIS and other terrorist groups and working in cahoots with Putin to make a major sponsor of International Terrorism Iran a legitimate member of the world community. To confirm the truth of my ideas, of this series and in all my books, please listen to the American Admiral talking about changes the course of History: “ The Obama administration has a strategy: it’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood.” Former NAVY CINCPAC, Admiral “Ace” James Lyons, speaking February 11, 2015 in Washington D.C.

To save the American Republic and win WW III, awareness and knowledge about the enemy is imperative.

To be continued

America, Land of Hope Amongst Elitist Hypocrites

The progressives are guilty of what they have often accused others of being. Hypocrites.

So now the elitist progressives have dubbed the support of traditional marriage between a man and a woman as bigotry equal to racism.  It is amazing how with a straight face at least publicly, the progressives actually equate marriage between a man and a woman with racism and bigotry.  Such an argument obviously borders on insanity.  But the mistake would be to laugh it off and act like it is just silly liberals with nothing better to do.

In fact, such statements are part of a massive orchestrated effort to fundamentally change every good aspect of our constitutionally limited republic.  It is the progressives who are actually the bigoted and hateful ones.  It is they who disdain God’s design for man and woman to come together in holy matrimony and raise children in a solid family unit.  One of the surest ways to maintain a strong, vibrant and blessed society is the continuation of the traditional family.  It was my own Dad who would often tell me that a nation is only as strong as it’s families.

The progressives know that to be true as well.  That is why they have burrowed their way into every sphere of influence throughout society.  They wormed their way deep into the entertainment industry, the education system, the news media, the sports industry, corporate America, the military and even mainline Christian denominations to fundamentally turn those institutions away from the more solid principles they had practiced for eons.  For example, someone in academia telling students that a natural marriage between a woman and a man who desire to be together equates to racism.

Thus, the progressives themselves are displaying their own bias against a successful way of life that has served mankind very well for dozens of centuries.  Those in opposition to the many positive institutions (such as traditional marriage) are on a deviant mission to wedge their more troubling progressive policies of destruction into our American society.  Recently, we witnessed in Indiana how big business, big media along with progressive political leaders use their significant power and influence to topple over good proven religious liberty protections.  This cultural cronyism is a coming together of those in power and influence, who like President Obama desire to fundamentally change America.

The elites are so united, that even though the same amount of amicus briefs have been file at the Supreme Court both supporting and opposing state marriage laws, not one single major law firm has filed a brief supporting marriage as the union of a man and a woman. (That little tidbit was supplied by noted writer, Ryan T. Anderson) Most homosexual, environmental and social justice activists all have one creepy thing in common.  That is the changing of the United States of America from a Christian professing constitutionally limited republic into a Christian loathing politically left of center, where big nanny goat government is god.

I must say, that while the leftist progressives has numerous issues they promote, with homosexual marriage being the hot flavor of the month of June for them, I have a question.  If homosexual marriage is so right and meant to be, why can’t they be fruitful and multiply by just mating alone?  ‘We the People” of America must unite and stand against big government abusing and penalizing sovereign citizens who simply seek to live their lives as they legally and morally see fit.  They must not be forced to travel down the progressive road that leads to destruction.

Have you noticed that the further America is dragged away from the building block principles that made her the one time envy of the world, the more she deteriorates in every aspect, including economics, military decision making, etc.?  For those who insist on comparing a Christian photographer choosing to pass on the opportunity to film a certain type of wedding, here is a news flash!  Whether you like it or not, the Bible affirms that marriage (as God intended) has nothing at all to do with race.  But rather it has everything to do with love between a man and a woman and procreation.  From Genesis to Revelation the Bible specifically deals with husbands and wives in many circumstances.

Thus it is most important not to allow the progressive elites to fundamentally change America in order to bully and go after us Americans who simply maintain our belief in the ONE who shed his grace upon our exceptional nation.  God Bless America and May America Bless God.

Open letter to Martin Dempsey from the mother of a fallen Navy SEAL


Marc A. Lee, Navy SEAL

I am shaking and tears are flowing down my cheeks as I watch the news and listen to the insensitive, pain inflicting comments made by you in regards to the fall of Ramadi.

“The city itself is not symbolic in any way” oh really are you willing to meet with me and with the families who have lost a son, daughter, husband, wife, father, mother, aunt, uncle, grandson, or teammate?

My son Marc Lee was the first Navy SEAL who sacrificed his life in Ramadi Iraq Aug 2, 2006. His blood is still in that soil and forever will be. Remember that was when so many of our loved ones were taken from us. You said that “it’s not been declared part of the caliphate on one hand or central to the future of Iraq.” My son and many others gave their future in Ramadi. Ramadi mattered to them. Many military analysts say that as goes Ramadi so goes Iraq.

What about the troops who sacrificed their limbs and whose lives will never be the same. Our brave warriors who left a piece of themselves in Ramadi. What about the troops who struggle with PTS/TBI who watched their teammates breath their last or carried their wounded bodies to be medevac’d out of Ramadi.

I’ve traveled to Ramadi and visited Camp Marc Lee in 2007. I brought back soil from that city where Marc breathed his last. I interviewed Iraqi General Anwer in 2010 when I returned. I asked him “If you could say one thing to the American people what would you tell them? He paused and with deep emotion said “We will tell our children, our grandchildren, for generations to come we will tell them what Americans have done. There is American blood poured out on our soil.” It seems the Iraqis understand the importance more than you do sir.

You sir owe an apology to the families whose loved ones blood was shed in Ramadi. Ramadi matters to us and is very symbolic to us. You need to apologize to our troops whose bodies were blown to pieces from IEDs and bullet holes leaving parts and pieces behind, Ramadi matters to them. You need to apologize to our troops who endured the extreme temperatures and battled the terrorists in some of the worst battlefields in Iraq, Ramadi matters to them. They carry vivid memories of the battles and the teammates whose future is gone, Ramadi matters to them.

You and this administration have minimized that Ramadi could fall, now you are minimizing that it is falling, but you Sir WILL NOT minimize the sacrifice my son Marc Lee made or any of our brave warriors!

Awaiting an Apology

Debbie Lee

Duke Coach Mike Krzyzewski on Obama’s “No boots on the Ground” gutless tactics

Here is a terrific article on College Basketball’s winningest basketball coach, Duke’s Mike Krzyzewski, who just won his 5th NCAA championship last Monday (much to my chagrin. I was cheering for the underdogs, Wisconsin). What a terrific game! Anyway, Coach K hits it on the head with bold his comments towards our Commander in Chief when it comes to that term that turns so many American citizen’s stomachs – “No Boots on the Ground”. And, when I first heard our fearless leader proclaim that “al Qaeda was on the run and that ISIS was a J.V. team, and that we did not need to put boots on the ground to defeat them” – I about lost it…Most of us did…

As I said months ago – “Fighting ISIS without boots on the ground is like playing 18 holes of golf without getting out of your golf cart”. Obama can relate to the latter since that is all he appears to do, but has no clue what it is to go to war against Islamic militants who are destroying this world – one Christian at a time. He still refuses to use the term Islamic Radicals and confesses that Islam is a peaceful religion. But, since Obama is a Muslim, himself – he is afraid to offend our arch enemies in Iran; will not meet with our allies (Israel and Netanyahu); meets with ruthless communist dictators who should have never been taken off the “terrorist list” (Cuba and Castro); and he refuses to play 18 holes of golf without getting out of his golf cart – ISIS will continue to run rampant all over the Middle East, North Africa and will be coming to a theater or Christian church near you if we don’t come to our senses and put boots on the ground very soon…

Being a devout Pro-Lifer all my life, I hate war and any type of violence or torture that comes with it. My heart goes out to those innocent children who live in those war-ravaged countries who have suffered all their lives. I cringe at the mere thought of going to war, but if we are to defend our beloved nation from these radical extremists – whose alibi is that they are doing it for Allah – we will never defeat them by shooting two missiles or dropping a bomb from an airplane once a month on a hopeful target, while possibly killing innocent civilians. Like Coach K says, “You gotta play your best players and not sit out your big men”. Now it’s time to take care of business, put our best big men in, take off those Blue Devil Nike sneakers, lace up those combat boots and put them on the ground…This is not a basketball game, folks – this is a matter of life or death…yours and mine, and those to come after us…

Friends: Until I read this article, I never appreciated Coach K too much. I guess because he is too good a coach and I was always rooting for the underdog. He’s a true perfectionist. Maybe I never appreciated him because I am a former NCAA basketball referee. Maybe because my older brother, Felix, loves them…

Maybe it’s because I had not read this article until now and never realized what an American patriot Coach K truly is. Forget about his 1,000 plus wins and his 5 NCAA Championship rings. Remember and appreciate him for putting his “own boots on the ground” back in 1969 as a soldier in Vietnam so that you and I could live in freedom for all of these years. Fighting the Viet Cong 46 years ago in the rugged jungles of Vietnam was a lot tougher than going up against Wisconsin in the Finals in a beautiful, air-conditioned, state-of-the-art Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

Friends: Today, I have utmost respect for Coach Mike Krzyzewski as we need more role models in the NCAA and collegiate athletics who have their priorities right and care about their student-athletes like he has shown for his nearly 40-year coaching career. Having spent almost 20 years officiating college basketball myself (in the SEC, Atlantic Ten, OVC, TransAmerica Conference, etc.), I greatly appreciate those disciplined coaches, athletic directors and administrators who treat their players like family and care more about them graduating with a degree than winning with a ring. Coach K has done it for nearly 4 decades; has that winning formula down; has an overwhelming number of his players graduating with college degrees; and he does it with class, integrity, honesty and compassion. When you have your priorities right and you rely on GOD for a chance at success – victories will always follow…1,018 of them…

Thank you, Coach K. May GOD continue to watch over you and your beloved Blue Devils.


Obama Stunned When Duke’s Basketball Coach Makes This Humiliating Accusation

It’s not everyday you wake up to a story where one of the most successful men in all of sporting history decides he’s going to slam the President for being a major coward.

Coach Mike Krzyzewski has led the Duke Blue Devils to 5 NCAA championships. He’s also represented the stars and stripes internationally when he served as the U.S. Basketball team Olympic coach. That, and he’s the first coach in NCAA Division 1-A history to net 1,000 wins.

To say he knows what it takes to lead would be an understatement.

And even though he is no politician, he’s still uniquely qualified to speak on issues of foreign policy because of his brilliance as a basketball strategist (and because of his time spent in the military).

Coach K was set to receive an award at the Army awards conference when he decided he was going to use the podium to denounce how Obama has been leading our men and women in uniform.

He sympathized with our nation’s military leaders and acknowledged how frustrating it must be to have a commander in chief who isn’t willing to help keep our nation’s protectors safe by refusing to put boots on the ground to fight ISIS.

“I know it’s upsetting to many of you when you hear ‘no boots on the ground,’” Coach K said. “It upsets me too because that’s like saying I’m not going to play two of my best players.”

Taking a page out of his own book, he extrapolated how his time leading men’s basketball teams to outright victories parallels leading our military.

He articualted, “It’s about letting your opponent know that we are going to use our best players. Now whether you use them or not, that’s up to the coach. You never tell an opponent you are not going to use them.”

Read more.

We’re ALL Out of Africa

I think if we were honest enough to admit it, we are all bigoted in some way. Our gender or religion doesn’t really qualify us as superior to anyone else, but we tend to fall back on these identities and, consciously or not, assume they give us a reason to feel that we are not only in possession of a special truth, but that it grants us the privilege to feel better than others.

When we examine the issue of race, however, the bigotry is inherent because racial groups are inclined to assign superior characteristics to their own. It’s called human nature.

There is something else “human” that we need to address, over and above skin color, eye color, hair and other visible differences.

“All human variants in DNA in all people alive today trace their origins to countless common ancestors, all of whom lived in Africa more than sixty thousand years ago. As humans, everyone is related by common ancient ancestry, and ultimately, everyone is African.”

Cover - Everyone is AfricanThat is the message of a new book by Daniel J. Fairbanks, the dean of the College of Science and Health at Utah Valley University, a distinguished research geneticist and author. “Everyone is African: How Science Explodes the Myth of Race” ($18.00. Prometheus Books, softcover). In a world where race is a component of our lives, Fairbanks says, “Unfortunately, few people are aware of how much is known about the genetic basis of race—or more accurately, the lack thereof.”

“To many, the notion that race is inherited seems self-evident. Yet extensive genetic research has demonstrated that the genetic variation associated with what most people perceive as race represents a small proportion of overall genetic variation. When viewed on a global scale, there are no discrete genetic boundaries separating so-called races.”

DNA1It’s hard to argue with DNA, a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions of all known living organisms. Its scientific name is deoxyribonucleic acid and, along with proteins and carbohydrates, it composes the three major macromolecules deemed essential for all known forms of life. Most DNA molecules consist of two biopolymer stands coiled around each other to form a double helix.

What we take to be “race” traces back some one hundred thousand years ago when our species, humans, all lived in Africa. Those early ancestors began to migrate from Africa eventually inhabiting the entire globe. That makes the “human race” one race.

So much evil has been done in the name of race that much of our history and the world’s stems from the notion that the variations, Caucasian, Negro, Asian, are determinative of various traits we attribute to these and other “races.” If we step back a bit, we will conclude we are talking about cultural differences, often the result of geological differences. As Fairbanks notes, regarding the findings of DNA research, “According to their estimates, people worldwide differ on average by about 0.1 percent, evidence that all humans are genetically quite similar to one another.”

It is hard, if not impossible, to argue with the science involved. “The oldest remains of what anthropologists call ‘anatomically modern humans’ (skeletons with features that resemble modern humans) are exclusively from Africa, dating to about two hundred thousand years ago. By contrast, the earliest remains of anatomically modern humans outside of Africa thus far discovered are about one hundred thousand years old.”

The migration out of Africa is dated to about sixty thousand to seventy thousand years ago “and their descendants, through many generations, eventually populated the rest of the world.”

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, “most of the mutations that became variants affecting skin, eye, and hair pigmentation happened outside of Africa in the distant descendants of people who originally left Africa..” Those variations then spread through their descendants within broad geographic regions.”

Those other people you see around you? You are related to all of them.

© Alan Caruba, 2015

Presidential Candidate Rubio: ‘The Right to Life is Fundamental!’

Hope all is well with everybody as I am still recuperating from Divine Mercy Sunday – two beautiful celebrations on the same sacred Sunday. The first one at St. Clare. The second at St. Ignatius. Thank you, Father O’Shay, Father Downey & Ivonne Sherman. Thank you, Father Tom, Deacons John Beaudoin & Robert Pope & Jim Fabyan. Great job with these two celebrations, respectively, as you helped educate and inspire all those who attended that this Feast Day will one day become a major Feast Day in the life of the Catholic Faithful. GOD bless you all…Jesus, I trust in You…

And, I am also recuperating from a heartfelt, terrific meeting/dinner we held at my Log Home last night. Not much sleep when you go to bed with so many inspirational thoughts, ideas and visions in my mind. In two hours, this group of devout Pro-Life activists covered a ton of ground. From a recap on this past “40 Days for Life” to our next pro-Life demonstration at the abortionist, Daniel Sack’s place to Common Core to speaking on speaker phone with Jerry Horn (Priests for Life’s Father Frank Pavone’s right hand man), to the up-coming Presidential elections. We covered it all – talked the talk – and, now we must walk the walk…and take our visions, activism, enthusiasm and commitment to those who run our churches – our beloved clergy – our Bishops, Pastors, Priests and Deacons…

That is what I took out of this meeting the most – mostly because no Pro-Life Catholic in this country wants to see an “instant re-play” of 8 more years of all the intrinsic evils that we fight 24/7 play out again. Like I have said time and again “If it wasn’t for Obama, I would not have a job”…Known as the most Pro-Abortion President in our country’s 238 year history – every single thing he has accomplished in his 6 plus years in “our” White House is precisely exactly what I fight every day of the year – thus, giving me a full-time job – both running a non-profit ministry (Christian on a Mission) – that fights these intrinsic evils – and serving as a Pro-Life consultant for the ever-Pro-Life organization, SWS…That’s Southern Waste Systems, but I refer to it as “Securing Willy’s Salvation”…I owe them my life…

And, “Salvation of Souls” (SOS), is one of the main topics that we discussed in our phenomenal meeting last night. And, if I can recall from my Catholic up-bringing in reading the old Baltimore Catechism and the Holy Bible – Salvation of Souls is what our Catholic Faith is all about. If there is only one thing we should take from our Faith, it is this most critical topic – Salvation of Souls. That is the basis for the Feast Day of Divine Mercy and why I emphasize the importance of this ever-critical day of mercy that Jesus instituted on the Sunday after Easter. And, Salvation of Souls, my friends, is what every single Catholic priest in this world who took their vows to become a religious for life, should be focused on every day of the year. That is what they should be teaching, preaching and evangelizing about 24/7. We need to hear more about heaven and hell in our churches. Friends: When it is all said and done – Salvation of Souls and Eternal Life – is the only thing that matters…

And, right now is the best time ever for our church leaders – from the USCCB to our local pastors and priests – to make good on their promise and commitment of teaching and preaching about Salvation of Souls and Eternal Life. We don’t need to continue hearing the Parable of the Mustard Seed, the Prodigal Son or even “what’s Caesar’s is Caesar’s, what’s God’s is God’s”. We all know how those stories go. What we do need to hear is about the intrinsic evils that are attacking and persecuting our Holy Catholic Church every minute of the day and trying to destroy the church that Jesus built upon the Rock of Peter over 2,000 years ago…

Just like the bold and very Pro-Life activist/evangelist from EWTN, Doug Barry, did on Good Friday at St. Martin de Porres, we need to hear that 45 minute “Battle Ready” sermon that he passionately laid out to the congregation before doing his incredible Passion Meditation. Beyond description, folks. We need to hear about the atrocities of abortion, the curse of Common Core, the appalling Gay Marriage, the unethical H.H.S. Mandate, the unconstitutional Obamacare and every single liberal issue that attacks our beloved Catholic Church and persecutes Christians all over the world…

And, if we do NOT hear these issues from every Catholic Church in America today – directly from our Bishops, pastors, priests and deacons – and why Catholics have to be Pro-Life and vote against any candidate who endorses the marriage of two men together or the taking of an innocent life – we are going against the basic teachings of the Catholic Church and the 5th Commandment – THOU SHALL NOT KILL…That’s a Commandment – not a suggestion or a topic for discussion. Killing an innocent baby is MURDER – a Mortal Sin and every Catholic in this country needs to know that, needs to abide by that – and needs to VOTE that way!! No more of this “voting with my conscience crap”…NO, it’s voting like Jesus. It’s voting like his followers…It’s voting like a Christian. Can I make it any more clearer???

Friends: Do you realize how sad it is when a Pro-Abortion/Pro-Gay Marriage President like Obama gets elected for two terms as the 44th president of a country that was founded on Christian principles? What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our American citizens? Do you know how sad it is that Catholics in this country actually helped him get elected – 53% of these gutless so-called followers of Christ. And, an astounding 74% of the Catholic Hispanics in this country voted for him twice, not knowing what they were getting into – other than they thought the Messiah was going to bring them to the Promised Land and grant them amnesty. 74%, folks. That’s unheard of! Incomprehensible. And, do you know why?

Because the Catholic Church did NOT do what Jesus instructed Her to do 2,000 years ago – Be Bold for Your Faith, under all circumstances – and teach others the same way. “Be not afraid”, cried out Saint John Paul II. Like the abortion issue and Roe v. Wade Decision in 1973, the Catholic Church decided to remain silent and 56 million dead babies later – the USCCB is still scratching their heads wondering what happened. New York’s Cardinal Dolan hands the baton to Louisville Archbishop Kurtz, who in turn, looks at Cardinal Dinardo for some assistance, while a million babies are being slaughtered every year in our country…and, not a damn thing is being done…And, now, an exasperated Cardinal Raymond Burke watches it all from an estranged island called Malta…

Sure, Jesus was a non-violent revolutionist and He turned the other cheek more than anybody I know – even while being crucified. He spoke in parables. He spoke softly. He spoke the Truth. He even multiplied the fish and loaves. But, when He saw any type of intrinsic evil attack His beloved Church – Jesus was the first one to take care of business. When Jesus saw those tax collectors, money changers and sinners turn the Temple into a house of horrors – a house of ill repute – He did not take a back seat. He did not remain silent…He did not hand the baton to Peter and ask him for assistance…

Jesus actually did what the Holy Spirit & GOD commanded Him to do – stand up for the Faith at all costs – and yes, Jesus lost it…and nobody did a thing to stop Him, only because they knew that this non-violent revolutionist was 100% correct. They all watched in amazement. By over-turning those tables, knocking all of that “blood” money to the floor, tearing down all the displays that these liberal degenerates had set up in the Temple, and knocking over all of those bird cages, allowing the birds to fly free – that is what separated Jesus from the rest. He had guts. He stood for His principles and He was bold for His Faith…He was an activist. He was a rebel – a radical. He was a Christian on a Mission…

What I would give to have Jesus come back on this earth for one day to see what that “other” party is doing and the intrinsic evils they stand for and live by…He would be over-turning those tables all over the place and chasing those liberal, Pro-abortion sinners out with a vengeance…

Our church leaders, Bishops, pastors, priests and deacons know that Temple story all too well. They preach about it quite often from the pulpits. It is part of Bible history. It’s in the Gospels. It’s in our Sunday readings. It is part of the Catholic Church teachings. If our beloved clergy can talk about Jesus being the “First Church Militant” by doing what he did at the Temple in protecting the Faith – why can’t these same church leaders and clergy talk about how important it is for us to imitate Jesus – to walk in His footsteps – when we see injustice, evil, sinning and anything that is attacking and persecuting our religion. If it was OK for Jesus to “lose it” for His Faith in making things right – why can’t we do the same as Jesus followers today – by “losing it” and over-turning the tables of these abortionists, liberal politicians and school leaders who are attacking our beloved Faith, our beloved school children and our beloved unborn? Are we not followers of Christ – or do we have to wait to hear the cock crow three times before we answer that question?

Friends: Please take a look at this powerful article on native son, Marco Rubio, and how he passionately stands for Pro-Life & Pro-Traditional Family at all costs. He proclaimed his view on Pro-Life magnificently back in 2012 (which there is a link you can click on to to read), as that is one of his key issues in his platform. Back in 2008, I sent out an e-mail claiming that “Marco Rubio would be our first Cuban President of the United States” and that statement may just hold true come the end of 2016. Rubio has some terrific qualities and he can boldly speak with the best of them. His views on Pro-Life, Gay Marriage, Common Core, Obamacare, etc., are in line with mine as well as with many of our readers. We need Presidential candidates like Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum – who all feel the same way we do with these critical issues I mentioned above. We need to support them now more than ever…And, we need to be as vocal as we can for this up-coming Presidential election…

We, as lay people, need to step up our activism today and share these e-mails and views with others – especially those who are still sitting on the fence and don’t know how to get down. That barbed wire can wreak havoc on their backside, but voting for abortion will wreak havoc on our society’s most vulnerable. We need to teach them well. We need to become more aggressive and vocal in our evangelizing; we need to become bolder in our Faith – and we need to sit down with our respective Bishops, pastors and priests as soon as we can and share these topics with them. Our clergy need to hear that their parishioners want them to talk about these issues in church every Sunday, and they need to know that we will support them 100%. Just follow what the Great Saint John Paul II said time and again: “BE NOT AFRAID”…And, if it means that we need to clean house every Sunday – so be it. It’s time for a good old-fashioned house cleaning in our churches as the more Judas warm ones that get up and leave during a bold Molgano Homily – the better off we will be and the more room we will have to stretch our legs in our pews, before kneeling before our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ…

Like I have said for countless years and what we clearly stated in our terrific meeting at my log home last night – “It’s time the Catholic clergy take a bold stance for the Faith this Presidential election in 2016 and speak it boldly from every pulpit in every church in America”…That should be the 11th Commandment this season. In GOD They Must…

Friends: Mark my words – “I will see to it that every single one of our 53 pastors in the Diocese of Palm Beach gets this memo in ample time. This is just a “test run”. I can assure you that there will be a lot more to come. It’s time we take back our country and boldly put our Catholic Faith out in the open for all to see every day of the year and I am certain that our beloved clergy will be up to the task”. Are you with me, beloved priests??? I am with you. It’s all about our religious freedom. It’s all about what our beloved Founding Fathers spoke about when they relied on the Holy Bible as their foundation while claiming America to be dependent on our Creator. And, it’s all about the “Salvation of Souls”, which should be the greatest focus that all priests should have every day of the year. You priests have your work cut out, but, remember – We are all in this “Two-Gether” – us and Jesus. We got your back. Jesus has got the rest…Jesus, We Trust in You…

Marco Rubio Announces GOP Campaign for President, “I’m Proudly Pro-Life”

“The Right to Life is a fundamental one that trumps virtually any other right that I can imagine — Because without it, none of the other rights matter. There can be no Liberty without Life. There can be no Constitution without Life. There can be no nation without Life. And there can’t be other lives without Life,” he said in a 2012 speech. – Senator Marco Rubio, 2012

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is the latest to indicate he’s seeking the Republican nomination for president and the pro-life lawmaker is jumping in the race just one day after pro-abortion Hillary Clinton made it official. Rubio is solidly Pro-life and has championed the Pro-life cause in speeches and with his votes during his tenure in office.

Click to Read at


A Typo Tells The Truth

There was a very telling typo in the press release announcing Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the White House. Some poor campaign writer left the word “for” out of a sentence that ended up reading “She’s fought children and families all her career.”

While that’s certainly not what the Clinton camp meant, it’s not far off the mark either…Hillary Clinton has attacked our beloved unborn by way of abortion her entire political career and our beloved school children by way of Common Core these past few years…

Hillary Clinton has championed abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. In 2008, her campaign released a statement saying she “strongly opposed” legislation banning partial-birth abortions and supported taxpayer funding of abortions. She has embraced a radical redefinition of marriage and the family, and supports higher taxes that make it more difficult for young couples to start a family.

Folks, I can go…We do not want a repeat of these 8 years with the other Pro-abortion socialist in the White House. If we think that Obama has been the “most Pro-abortion President in our 238 year existence” – just wait to see what happens if the “so-called, gutless Catholics” in this country vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. It will be the end of the United States as we once knew her…


The Left: Love Means Never Having to Say Anything is Wrong


Christian love!

President Obama shows great respect for Muslims and their holy days and even lectures us to do the same. And yet, a few days after another slaughter of Christians which Obama refused to acknowledge, Obama cavalierly chose the Christian high holy day of Easter to take yet another of his signature shots at Christians. Obama displays a hypersensitive respect for Islam while displaying little sensitivity or respect for Christians while claiming to be a Christian. The Bible says by their fruits ye shall know them.

At the Easter Prayer Breakfast, Obama accused Christians of not acting in love.

This Leftist trick (tactic) has worked on too many Christians for far too long.

Candidly, I found myself in church rolling my eyes listening to a sermon in which the pastor chided his congregation. His rebuke is the LGBT community does not like Christians because we are not loving enough to them. Most Christians I know are extremely tolerant and loving to homosexuals. I sat there thinking, “Brother, that’s not what this is about. Obviously, you have not yet realized the Left’s War on Christianity.” This “ain’t” about homosexuals seeking acceptance. The Left’s mission hidden in plain sight is to force their secular, liberal and anti-biblical agenda down our throats. Some say the Left has already won over a generation of our kids; hijacking their thinking starting in kindergarten with books like “Heather Has Two Mommies.”

Whenever Christians catch wind of the Left’s stealthily orchestrated war on Christians and push back, the Left employs their you’re-not-acting-in-love according to the teachings of Jesus tactic. Insidious and repulsive. These people who despise Jesus dare to reference His teachings to manipulate Christians.

The Left’s narrative is love equals accepting someone just the way they are.

My brother said, “Love does not mean we should co-sign sin.” If your child is a thief, love does not require you to support their illegal behavior. Quite the opposite. Whom the Lord loves He chastens.

As I stated, far too many Christians are manipulated by the Left’s love guilt-trip tactic. In the name of love, duped Christians are ignoring God’s Word to adopt an anything goes mindset. The Bible says hate the sin, but love the sinner. The Left are highly enraged by this biblical command to Christians.

The Left demands that Christians enthusiastically rubber stamp anti-biblical behavior or risk being made an example of; humiliated in the mainstream media, sued and forced out of business. Hello, the Catholic nuns of Little Sisters of the Poor, Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Arlene’s Flowers and Gifts, Elane Photography, Mozilla’S CEO, the Benham brothers who lost their show on HGTV and Memories Pizza to name a few.

The Left’s message is alarmingly loud and clear. To all who do not embrace our mission to kill babies and paint the mark of the homosexual rainbow over the door of your business, we will figuratively bury you.

Loyal to Obama, some black pastors now embrace same sex marriage. I heard a black minister scold his congregation. He preached that Obama is correct in embracing same sex marriage because he is president, not a Christian evangelist. A supposed man of God praising the president for siding against God’s Word.

A black Christian minister friend strongly opposed same sex marriage. Desperate to make Obama good and his Christian opposition wrong, my friend changed. His excuse is you can not legislate behavior. He said his faith does not permit him to attend a homosexual wedding ceremony, but he would attend the homosexual wedding reception. I thought, “What do you say chatting with guests? Wasn’t Harry a beautiful bride?“

Praise God! A coalition of over 3,700 black Christian ministers are pushing back against Obama and the Left’s anti-biblical agenda.

Folks, please listen to this compelling interview on the Joe Miller radio show with John Zmirak. John articulates what the Left has been scheming under the radar of most Christians. Note that John once supported same sex marriage, but has come to realize that it is only the tip of the iceberg of the Left’s scary anti-Christian agenda.

Bottom line, Christian’s strategy of appeasing the Left is in essence allowing the fox to run rampant in the hen house; corrupting the minds of our kids via public schools, Hollywood and the media.

In His love, it is time for Christians to stand up and be salt and light in our culture.

RELATED ARTICLE: Why Do We Need Louisiana’s Marriage and Conscience Act? Ask Indiana Pizza Owners

Blacks Are Begging the Republican Party

In the immortal words of former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, “to every man there comes a time when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a great and mighty work; unique to him and fitted to his talents; what a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the moment that could be his finest hour.”

The Republican Party is currently being tapped on the shoulder and being asked to do “a great and mighty work, unique to them and fitted to their talents.”

They are being tapped on the shoulder by the Black community who are begging the Republican Party to give them a reason to vote Republican in next year’s presidential election.

The Black community gave Obama 94% of its vote in 2008, not just because he was Black; but because he said he was “change we could believe in.”

Obama said he would get the U.S. out of all these “unnecessary” wars; indirectly giving Blacks the impression that he would then redirect the money spent on war to dealing with the high Black unemployment rate, the lack of access to capital for Black entrepreneurs, shoring up the failing schools within the Black community, both secondary and college.

Six and a half years after Obama was “tapped on the shoulder;” he has indeed been found “unqualified and unprepared for the moment that could have been his (and America’s) finest hour.”

By any and all objective measurements, the Obama presidency has been an abject failure for Blacks: double digit unemployment, declining home ownership, shrinking net worth, decreasing college enrollment, especially at Black colleges, and non-existent government contracting opportunities for Black businesses just to name a few.

Republicans still have time to show the Black community that the party is prepared for this moment that could be its finest hour, but time is running out.

They need to start with something very simple: tell the Black community in no uncertain terms, that they are wanted and welcomed in the Republican Party.

Then the Congressional leadership must convene a series of private meetings with “the right” Blacks in education, business, the clergy. This is not to be confused with them meeting with Blacks that they are “comfortable” with.

Republicans have a history of favoring Blacks who will tell them what they want to hear, versus Blacks who will tell them what they need to hear.

Obama has done more to destroy Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) than any other person in this country’s history with the policies coming out of his Department of Education. What are Congressional Republicans prepared to do by way of hearings and legislation to repair this damage?

Government contracting opportunities for Black entrepreneurs has all but dried up under Obama. Banks refuse to loan money to many small business owners. What are Republicans prepared to do by way of hearings and legislation to change this?

The Black church is furious with Obama over his aggressive push for homosexual entitlements and his refusal to protect their commitment to faith if they receive government funds for after school activities for their church member’s kids. What are Republicans prepared to do by way of hearings and legislation to protect a church’s right to freely practice their faith without government interference?

Obama has intentionally done everything in his power to drive a wedge between Blacks and his administration. There is no poll that can accurately measure the disappointment and frustration Blacks have with Obama.

They are literally begging the Republican Party to give them substantive reasons to vote for them. But they first must be made to feel welcomed in the party.

The party must build relationships with the more than 200 Black newspapers in the country and spend advertising dollars with them. The party must stop being afraid to challenge the NAACP and the National Urban League when they are advocating liberal policies that will continue to adversely affect the Black community.

They must establish a surrogate program of “credible Black Republicans” that can represent the party on various radio and TV shows. The party has shown an extreme amount of incompetence and a total lack of understanding when it comes to branding the party within the Black community.

During presidential elections, Republicans average about nine percent of the Black vote. That’s with doing nothing. Just imagine what can happen with a little effort. Realistically it is very doable to get between 15-20% of the Black vote next year; but only if the party starts now with constructive engagement with the Black community, Black media, and Black organizations.

What a tragedy if this moment also finds the Republican Party “unprepared or unqualified for the moment that could be its finest hour.”

The American Dream Is For Dreamers

Over 230 years ago, a group of men had a dream.  They dreamed of a nation of free people.  A nation that existed solely to allow its citizens to live out their own dreams on their own terms with their own God given talent and grit.

They dreamed of a people free from the fear of government oppression.  A people free from tyranny from within and from without.  They dreamed of a people that could not be stopped from achieving greatness.

They dreamed long and hard.  They dreamed of that nation morning, noon and night.  They shared their dream with others who had the same dream.

They would talk about their dream in back allies, in local pubs, in living rooms, in town halls, in their churches, in the streets.

It was a dream that would not die.  It would not relent.  It would burn itself into their very being.  They woke with a burning desire to fulfill this dream every single day of their lives.  They went to bed every single night hoping God would allow them to wake so they could pursue that dream.

It was a dream that was real in their eyes, in their minds and in their hearts.  It was a dream that would lead them to war.  It was a dream that they knew would not become reality easily.  It was an elusive dream but it was an achievable dream.

So these men, these dreamers set out to fulfill their dream.  They fought, they bled and some even died before they could realize that dream for themselves.  But it was not a selfish dream.  It was a dream they believed would become reality even if they would not live to see it.

They dreamed for their children.  They dreamed for their grand-children.  They dreamed for their posterity.  They believed in the dream so much that they would willingly lay down their life if in doing so it would bring that dream to fruition.

It was a truly selfless dream.  A dream to be free.

That dream is still alive today.  That dream that those men fought and even died for became a reality.  That dream became the United States of America.

That same dream is still alive today.  Although it may seem that fewer than ever share that dream.  That thought would be wrong.

Today we are still a bunch of dreamers.  But we are now a strong nation of many dreamers.  More dreamers than those who first had the dream.

Today we dream the same as they dreamed centuries ago.  We dream about freedom.  We dream about pursuing our own happiness.  We dream of little of not government interference.  We dream not only for ourselves but for our children, our grand-children.  We dream for our posterity.

Today, the United States of America still attracts dreamers from all over the world.  They come here in boats, in planes, in cars, even by foot.  The people of the world have had the same dream and they heard the call.  They heard the dreamers call.  They heard the dreamers call from America.  They come to answer the call.

They sometimes risk their very lives to make that dream come true.  They do not dream only for themselves, but for their family, their children, their grand-children and their posterity.

This is a nation of dreamers.  All that we have accomplished that history will consider to be great came at first as a dream.

The great industrialists of the 19th  century dreamed of a nation that was fully modern and full of promise.  The great minds of the 20th century dreamed of fast cars and landing on the moon.

The great minds of the 21st century dream of an intelligent world full of smart devices that help man dream even bigger.

Yes, we are a nation that still dreams.  Yet in no ones dreams is their room or a place for an oppressive government.  There is no dream about sliding backwards.  There is no dream about having someone else take care of us.

Indeed, that would be a nightmare.

Instead we dream of being free to pursue our own dreams.  And we dream of even better days for our children, our grand-children and even our posterity.

That is the American way.  That is the American Dream.  That is the dream we are still willing to lay down our lives for so that others may keep that dream.

That is the American dream.  And that dream is not dead.  It is very much alive.  It is still very vibrant.  And that is what drives others from around the world to risk everything they have to come here.

Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream.  It was a dream of freedom for all.  That has always been the true American dream.

And that is my dream.

Is it yours, too?

Communist member of the Seattle City Council steps down

Goodbye Comrade Sally Clark City Council District 9 Seattle, Washington State. Many thanks for your personal email telling me you are now stepping down from this position. I hope my emails telling you over the years what a disaster you are-were for free markets and capitalism in Seattle helped you pack your little ditty bag and clean out your cubicle.

Your mission to raise the minimum wage in Seattle for entry level non skilled jobs from $9.32 to $ 15 was a huge success. Now you are part of the history books and can be remembered for crushing the Seattle economy and destroying jobs. Karl Marx would be very proud of you but now you are quitting and this is great.

So now your job killing strategy is a success and many workers look forward to the higher pay, while employers are looking for ways to absorb the big increase in labor costs. Some plan on eliminating jobs. Some plan on moving out of Seattle. I say come to Florida to a free market capitalist state free of Communism.

“We’re going to be looking at making some serious cuts,” said Cedarbrook Lodge General Manager Scott Ostrander. “We’re going to be looking at reducing employee hours, reducing benefits and eliminating some positions.” Hey Obama-Romney care did this too…. wam wam double wammy on Seattle.

A local trade group it is going to close one of its two restaurants, eliminating 200 jobs.

The plan has also caused Han Kim — who runs Hotel Concepts, a company that owns and manages 11 hotels in Washington state — to shelve plans to build a hotel in SeaTac. The company already has three hotels in SeaTac, and Kim and a business partner were looking to build a fourth on land they own. More jobs lost. Source Fox News.

“Uncertainty is bad for business, and right now we’re right in that area so we’re just putting everything on hold,” Kim said.

One of the biggest supporters is your friend Kshama Sawant, a self proclaimed socialist-Communist who also won her election to the Seattle City Council. She plans on keeping Seattle a $15 minimum wage city. You won’t have many hotels or restaurants left but who cares right ?

Your colleague Sawant said. “There may be a few jobs lost here and there, but the fact is, if we don’t fight for this, then the race to the bottom will continue,” Really…? The race to the bottom will continue ? My friend in Baton Rouge started out flipping burgers in McDonald’s 30 years ago and now he owns 9 restaurants. You call that a race to the bottom? Typical Communist mentality. Sawant needs to move back to North Korea cleaning the barracks at the forced labor camp.

The American Car Rental Association estimates 5 percent of low-wage jobs will be cut; and another 5-10 percent of those workers will be replaced by more experienced workers.

The owner of Dollar Rental Cars told Fox News she’ll outsource some functions, change schedules and cut some staff in response to the new policy. More jobs lost!

So Ms. Sally there you go, your Communist ideology just put thousands of people out of work but you did probably down size the city as more people move to free states. So as Seattle becomes a ghost town and you plug in your iron from your solar paneled apartment and run it over your Hammer and Sickle a few times before draping it over your balcony, smile.

Much luck in your future endeavors. I know you tried to ban plastic bags too and that failed but keep on trying Comrade. Don’t let the door hit you in your rear on the way out.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of Alan Berner / The Seattle Times, 2014.

Why Natural Born Citizen is Non-Negotiable

Not so long ago, Americans placed little faith and trust in ambulance chasers (a.k.a. lawyers) or politicians, and wisely so according to our Founders who had no faith or trust in any person seeking power and dominion over others. Now, too many Americans place all of their faith in people seeking power and dominion over others, and even worse, a class of people who have already proven most dangerous to the Constitutional Republic and Rule of Law… the lawyer law-makers…

Ever since Barack Obama stole the show at the Kerry Convention in 2004 and rocketed from total obscurity to the most powerful political office in our land four years later, the subject of Article II requirements for the Oval Office has been a subject of great debate, all over three simple words, natural born Citizen (NBC), aka “True Citizen.”

Where did it come from, what does it mean, why did our Founders limit access to only two political offices in our nation to no one other than a natural born Citizen, and what do we do now that we know Barack Obama is not a natural born Citizen of the United States? These questions have been the source of much political debate, confusion and anxiety, now threatening the GOP as a result of numerous potential 2016 GOP candidates also failing to meet the requirement.

Some of the most blatantly insane arguments have been floated…

“Well, the constitution does not provide a definition for the term”… which is of course true, since the U.S. Constitution provides no definition for any word found in the document.

“Our naturalization laws define natural born Citizen” (when in fact our naturalization laws only pertain to naturalized citizens, immigrants seeking basic citizen rights from congress).

“The courts will have to tell us what the term means”… despite knowing that it is the courts that created terms of art like “undocumented citizen” (a.k.a. illegal alien) and “Constitutional Rights for non-citizens and even enemy combatants” (while denying American citizen any constitutional protection of natural rights at all) and “social justice” (the opposite of real justice under Constitutional Law).

Others rely upon “legal scholars” also known as lawyers of the political class in line for political appointments and eager to please those in positions to help them ascend to those lofty positions in the judiciary, ignoring the reality that these scholars have powerful political motivations for the opinions they write, and that no opinion has the power to amend the U.S. Constitution except by amendment process.

The simple truth is that Article II of the U.S. Constitution has only been amended once in U.S. history, by Amendment XII extending the requirements for President to the Vice President as well. It has not been otherwise amended, despite at least eight failed attempts by Congress to eliminate the natural born requirement for high office. Further, no amendment has ever mentioned, changed or in any way altered the original meaning of natural born Citizen as intended by our Founders and ratified by all fifty states.

So, the term natural born Citizen means the same today as it did in 1787 when the Founders placed that requirement in Article II… unless you buy into the notion that naturalization statutes or amendments, or scholarly legal arguments carry with them the legal force to amend the constitution – in which case, the term has no meaning at all, and neither does anything else in our Founding documents.

Before Barack Obama arrived on the scene, the nobody from nowhere with a blank résumé and no verifiable past, not too many Americans ever thought about the term. Most Americans assumed that no one would ever be bold enough to attempt such a massive fraud by falsely claiming natural born eligibility, and they assumed that if anyone ever did make such an attempt, our strict election laws, free press and national security agency oversight would surely catch it, expose it and stop it from happening. These assumptions have proven to be wrong… in fact, such attempts are now becoming common place. Barack was the first, but now there are others…

Most Americans have entered the discussion from a purely political purpose, attempting to either qualify their political messiah of choice, or disqualify another. But the natural born Citizen concept is actually far more important to our society than merely who can and cannot hold the office of Commander-in-Chief.

I was recently asked a question I have been asked literally thousands of times since I started writing on the subject, how do I know for sure what the Founders meant by natural born Citizen?

How do we know what any word or phrase means? Most people reach to their book shelf and grab a dictionary when they want to know the true definition of a word of phrase. Most people have never come upon a word or phrase that they needed a lawyer, or a court, or anything more than a dictionary to properly interpret… I find this to be the case here as well.

People don’t have any trouble understanding the word “born” (the moment of birth) or the word “citizen” (a legal member of a society). The word people seem to struggle with is “natural.”

At this moment, a collective effort is underway to claim that the following three words are synonymous… natural – native – naturalized…. Which would make anyone eligible for the Oval Office, including the courts new citizen class the “undocumented citizen.”

People trying to disqualify John McCain in 2008 decided that natural and native are synonymous terms and people now trying to qualify Obama, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are claiming that natural, native and naturalized are all synonymous terms of art. Before they can eliminate the NBC requirement from Article II, they must first make the term ambiguous, potentially having more than one meaning… of course…

Any dictionary will disagree with these claims…

Naturalized – “to admit (a foreigner) to the citizenship of a country.”

Native – “being the place or environment in which a person was born.”

Natural – “existing in or formed by nature.”

Clearly, these three words have three very different definitions and meanings, only one of which is related to the Constitutional requirement for the Oval Office… “Natural.”

As a simple dictionary review confirms, these three words are in no way synonymous. It is not possible for the following three terms to be synonymous, natural born, native born and naturalized. Yet, many will continue to make the false claim that they are… because they believe these claims to suit their political agenda of the moment.

Many know exactly what natural born Citizen means, and still, for political expediency, they refuse to stand on this truth. Just this morning another “political commentator” wrote me this…

“NATIVE BORN CITIZENS ARE DIFFERENT… .. I see the reference to the father’s citizenship alone as determinING the birthright of the child… BUT YOU KNOW AS WELL AS I DO THAT AINT GONNA FLY today NO MORE THAN DENYING WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE. YOU WILL ALIENATE HALF THE COUNTRY WITH SUCH NONSENSE” – Scott Rohter (exactly as sent to me, yelling caps and all)

As you can see, Mr. Rohter first confirms that he is aware of the truth, before shifting to all CAPS to scream his refusal to stick to the truth, referring to that truth as “nonsense” because that truth will offend some who do not like this truth. It is this practice which has made the NBC term appear “ambiguous,” opening the door for the lawyer law-making political class to enter the discussion with new invented definitions of the term.

As Mr. Rohter confirmed in our exchange, we agree on 99% of the issues… unfortunately, the 1% we disagree on is the most important – of critical importance, especially at this moment in history, when every American must deal only in truth. Mr. Rohter is not alone in his position. Numerous others have made the same false claims for exactly the same reasons.

The Harvard Lawyers are intentionally lying to the people when claiming NBC is synonymous with naturalized citizen at birth. But people like Rohter are also intentionally lying to the people for their set of political reasons. Both are responsible for allowing unconstitutional candidates to seek and hold the most powerful office in our land, that of Commander-in-Chief.

The term natural born Citizen is based on historical concepts as old as all recorded time. If you want to know where and why the Founders borrowed the term for Article II, I cover that in this piece… and if you want to know the true historical definition of the term, I cover that in this piece.

Natural born Citizen is a term based in biblical teachings based upon the concepts of a patriarchal society wherein in the Father is the head of the family unit. The intentional destruction of the family unit has greatly complicated the discussion with scholarly changes in the definition of words like marriage, family and shifting gender roles forced by liberal restructuring of American society, also for political purposes.

14th Naturalization Amendment terms like “citizen at birth” and “birthright citizenship” have been intentionally been tossed into the mix to further complicate the understanding of three basic English words defined in every English dictionary. The purpose of all these efforts is to eliminate the NBC requirement for office by simply redefining the term. But that is not the only purpose…

Setting politics aside for a moment, natural born Citizenship is the inalienable natural right of every child to inherit the country of their natural birth father upon birth, not only due to no application of man-made statute or legal opinions, but inalienable by these means.

When people begin to play with definitions, it is an overt effort to alter our Founding principles and values and Constitutional protections of all inalienable Natural Rights as guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is a much larger issue than who can or cannot occupy the Oval Office, although this is indeed an issue paramount to the sovereignty and security of these United States.

Contrary to the intentional mis-education of American society, we do not enjoy “constitutional rights.” We have long enjoyed “constitutionally protected Natural Rights.”

Beginning in 2008, when folks were trying to disqualify John McCain, born the son of American parentage stationed abroad in Panama on the service of our country with the U.S. Navy, some plucked a single sentence from the proper source of the Founders NBC term, The Law of Nations by Vattel, as if they believe that it was unnecessary for Vattel to take great care to write an entire chapter on the subject, when a single sentence says it all.

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

As already demonstrated above, natives and naturals are in fact two different things, which confirms that the structure of this single sentence is not the definition of any one thing, but rather a general statement about more than one thing… Reference to “parents” does not mean both parents within the family unit, but rather all citizen family units which bear “citizen” children.

Why did these individuals not pluck any of the following single sentences from Vattel, appearing in the same paragraph Section 212 of Chapter XIX of the Law of Nations?

“As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”

Or this one – “as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it.”

Or this one – “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.”

Or even this one – “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”

When trying to sum up natural born Citizen using a single sentence from Vattel, any of the four sentences above would be accurate. So, why didn’t the people who cherry-picked the unrelated general sentence pluck any of these other single sentences from the same paragraph?

There are two reasons… first, the truth did not suit the political agenda, which was to disqualify John McCain on the basis that although he was born to a citizen father (and mother), he was born in Panama, not on U.S. soil – and second, because the progressive shifting definitions of marriage and family, along with gender roles lead many to believe that the original definition and Founders intent of the term are antiquated and outdated. It leads many to falsely think it is some offense to women’s rights…

The Citizenship Act of 1934 pertaining only to “naturalized citizenship” is the cornerstone of today’s effort to destroy the NBC term and thereby eliminate the requirement from Article II. FDR’s Naturalization Act was the result of an international treaty from a Pan American conference of December 26, 1933, essentially agreeing that there should be no distinction between the sexes as it related to nationality under legislative processes. Of course, this pertained only to “naturalized citizenship” under congressional naturalization legislation.

Still, it has since been improperly used to claim that citizenship and even natural born Citizenship can pass from either Father or Mother, as a matter of alleged gender equality. Yet, this claim pertains only to naturalized citizenship, which is mutually exclusive of natural born Citizenship.

As all governmental power in the United States is limited in nature and derived from the people, nothing beyond what which was ratified by the people in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is under the consent of the people. The people have not consented to any alterations of Article II requirements for high office, so no alterations have been legally made.

Why natural born Citizen is non-negotiable

Much more than a political ambition or agenda is at stake here… The Natural Right of every child to inherit the condition of their birth family, specifically that of the Father (patriarch), the head of the family, is a constitutionally protected Natural Right.

Americans must understand that everything our Founders created was based upon inalienable Natural Rights, not man-made laws via legislative process or judicial review. When anyone begins to mess around with natural born, they are in fact messing around the Natural Law and all Natural Rights, the cornerstone of our Founders creation and any form of freedom and liberty.

If a child born to an American Father is stripped of their Natural Right to inherit the country of their Father, what other Natural Rights can be stripped from the child or the parent by mere man-made statute, court interpretation or Harvard Law Review? The answer is all of them…

In my personal opinion, the three most important words in all of the U.S. Constitution are natural born Citizen… because all Natural Rights flow through this patriarchal social concept and the sovereignty and security of our Constitutional Republic are protected from foreign invasion at the highest level by these three simple words, natural born Citizen.

Once any citizen of any type, by any means, including “undocumented citizens” can occupy the Oval Office, then any foreign entity can occupy that office, controlling the future of this nation and form of freedom and liberty itself as Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military force on earth.

Mere momentary political interest is not enough reason to let everything die…

I pray that Americans will cease to be so blind and foolish…. quickly!

RELATED ARTICLE: Media Repression on the Question of What is a “natural born Citizen?”

You Better Bake That Cake

While Christians are beheaded by Muslims and babies are murdered in mass by misguided individuals, the progressives are more concerned about cakes.  Recently, Pope Francis solemnly stated that “martyrs are more numerous today than they were in the first centuries of the church.”  It is difficult to dispute the Pontiffs claims, considering the ongoing day in and day out murdering, raping, burning, crucifying, enslaving, and torturing of Christians by Muslims. They often claim they have a right to do so because their Quran’ instructs them to wipe out non-Muslims, enslave Blacks, abuse women, and torture animals.

Such actions continue non-stop around the world and have been perpetrated here in America as well.  However in the United States, the progressives look the other way when it comes to Muslim atrocities.  Of course they have been overwhelmingly concerned and working to wipe out the right of Christian bakers, who simply choose not to bake cakes in celebration of unnatural marital couplings that go against their religious beliefs.  The hypocritical leftists didn’t even complain when a Muslim baker in Dearbornistan, MI refused to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding.  Of course that confirms what I have known about the progressive left for years.

Those on the left, do not give a rat’s behind about the numerous atrocities being inflicted upon numerous individuals around the world. Unless it fits their agenda to feign concern.  Their so-called concern is part of an overall mission to undermine the ongoing operation of Christianity and perhaps even the United States as well.  A clarifying example, the left’s homosexuals are victims campaign is not at all about freedom or especially not liberty. In fact it is all about trying to delegitimize and annihilate Christianity. That is why to this day, they have exhibited more concern about forcing a cake baker to go against his or her Biblical teachings, than about the daily physical onslaught of murder and mayhem against non-Muslims and unborn babies.

Our magnificent Declaration of Independence points out our unalienable rights to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” But the progressives who pretend to be in favor of liberty, protection of life, and the pursuit of happiness decry that concept for Christians. In fact, they equate a Christian operating according to his beliefs with aggression against homosexuals. Yet they still remain almost mute about the horrendous physical abuse homosexuals face throughout the Muslim dominated Middle East.  Another lefty Tim Cook, CEO of Apple seems to project the belief that Christians in America should be prevented from operating according to their beliefs.  Can Tim cook really believe that his selective focus only against Christians is tolerant, wholesome, freedom loving and humane behavior?

Yet on the other hand, according to a recent World magazine report, Mr. Cook traveled to the Middle East to try and nail down deals on behalf of Apple.  Homosexuality is completely outlawed in most of that part of the planet. Participants in unnatural sexual acts between men are punished by hanging, being stoned to death, burned alive or simply tossed from the top of a building.  The recently signed Religious Protection Law in Indiana was a mere reflection of the federal law passed and signed during the administration of President Bill Clinton in 1993. The protests and angst over the Indiana Religious Protection Law was not at all about protecting people from inequality or maltreatment of any kind.

The deafening silence in regards to the thousands of monthly victims of Muslim led abuse, is more than enough evidence of the utter hypocrisy of those who say they are so concerned about inequality.  An individual deciding to follow his religious and moral beliefs is not committing the sin of inequality by not baking a cake for a homosexual wedding.   I think that those seeking to find Christian business owners to try and force them to go against their beliefs are disingenuous, evil and cowardly.  I doubt we will hear or see any of them going against Muslims to try and force them to stop their murderous ways. Remember, the United States of America was founded with a major inclusion of Christian principles, ethics and beliefs. Thus the progressives who hate and discriminate against Christianity, the Constitution, Federalist Papers, etc. are as president Obama said, out to “fundamentally change America.”

Wake up my fellow Americans! The rights you lose could be your own.

May God Bless America and may America Bless God.

Maya Angelou’s quote on USPS stamps is ‘fake but accurate’

PEOPLE MAG: Maya Angelou Memorial Stamp Features Quote from a Different Author

A stamp commemorating author and poet Maya Angelou was unveiled Tuesday morning in Washington D.C. And while the ceremony featured addresses by Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey, a matter not addressed at the ceremony was the apparent misattribution of the quote on the “Forever” stamp.

Next to a photo of Angelou reads the text, “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”

Those words may recall the title of Angelou’s 1969 autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but they were actually written by Joan Walsh Anglund, 89, in the 1967 book A Cup of Sun, according to the Washington Post.

Living in New York around 2005, I once saw a flyer advertising Maya Angelou’s appearance before NYU students that had exactly the same “bird” quote. The flyer was posted at the entrance to one of the left-wing churches around NYU that lends its space to events held by communists and other progressives, including a party to celebrate the release of Lynn Stewart from prison, which I attended undercover with a video camera.

At the time I thought it was a fairly good line coming from a poet, but coming from a prog it leaps into a completely different paradigm. I rephrased it in my head to say, “A prog doesn’t talk because he/she/it has an answer, a prog talks because he/she/it has a Party-approved narrative.”

It so happened that I was on my way to give a speech to the NYU Young Republicans Club about the People’s Cube, so I started my speech by talking about Maya Angelou’s flyer I had passed a few doors down the block. I gave them my translation from the prog language – how it would have sounded if Maya Angelou were high on truth serum. This is why I still remember this line almost ten years later.

Most importantly, Maya Angelou was still alive and well then; she must have seen and approved of the flyer with the “fake” quote, or her agent did. That means the line had been attributed to her for many years, she knew about it, and did nothing to stop it.

Putting the quote on a stamp wasn’t simply an error on the part of the Postal Service. It has become a logical extension of her disingenuous legacy as a mediocre poet who was promoted and celebrated due to her politics and who is mostly remembered by one line that wasn’t even hers.

The symbolic falseness of the stamp makes an appropriate monument to such a legacy – one of the many insignificant and unsightly monuments to progdom in arts that are littering America’s artistic graveyard, with the exception that Michelle Obama’s and Oprah Winfrey’s participation in its unveiling take this symbolism to a whole new level.

Indeed, Maya Angelou was truly the Barack Obama of poetry and she knew it.

Let’s help the Postal Service in creating a replacement stamp with a different quote. Correct wording, attribution, and spelling are optional.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

The U.S. and Germanwings Flight 9525 Have Something in Common

Just as the Co-Pilot, Andreas Lubitz, in his single-minded madness “Locked Out” the Pilot of Germanwings FLT 9525 from the cockpit, preventing him from altering the course to avoid a major air disaster; the aircraft increased speed to 434 miles per hour as it approached the ground, while the 150 passengers, gripped with fear in the pits of their stomachs, were forced to helplessly ride the aircraft’s 8 minute decent into its explosive destruction,

obama open this door cartoon

For a larger view click on the image.

Obama “Locked Out” the U.S. Congress and American people in his single-minded madness preventing them from altering his Marxists policies, that are leading the Republic to its destruction. Patriotic America Citizens have been gripped in fear in the pits of their stomachs as they are being forced to helplessly watch Obama’s 8 year plan to employ illegal Executive Orders, disobey Federal Laws, and violate the U.S. Constitution, in order to destroy the Free Enterprise System that created the most successful economic engine in the history of mankind. For 6 years, Obama has been aggressively trying to “CHANGE” the Republic into a Socialist/Marxist State, when Marxist/Socialism has failed everywhere it has ever been tried in the last 120 years.

American citizens have witnessed Obama’s change in policies, as he:

“Locked out” the American people while he destroyed the most successful National Health Care system in U.S. history that worked for 350 million Americans and forcibly replaced it with the failed Socialist Obama Healthcare Program that only 7 million Americans have subscribed to.

“Locked out” the U.S. Congress and Conservative Americans while he his appointees at the IRS prevented conservative political groups from organizing to exercise their right to vote, a right guaranteed to them by the Bill of Rights, while at the same time Obama appointees at the IRS gave Muslim Groups Tax-exempt status.

“Locked out” the U.S. Armed Forces and prevented them from saving the lives of 4 Americans who were murdered in the Battle of Benghazi by Radical Islamic Terrorists, because Obama refused to issue “Cross Border Authority” that prevented the deployment of armed and ready Air Force aircraft that were less than 2 hours away.

“Locked out” the U.S. Congress, ICE, and the US Immigration Service, while Obama continues to unilaterally violate Federal Immigration Laws and Regulation to issue millions of Work Permits and Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens while allowing “only” Muslims refugees to enter the U.S. through the UN Refugee Program and giving them a fast track to U.S. Citizenship without investigating their backgrounds to determine whether they have ties to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

“Locked out” the Congress and the demands of millions of Americas to close the wide open southern border, as it has been successfully closed in the San Diego Sector, in order to prevent Al Q’ieda, ISIL, and other Radical Islamic Terrorists from walking into the US.

“Locked out” U.S. Intelligence Agencies and the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s recommendations to implement contingency plans to prevent the ongoing genocide of thousands of Syrian and Assyrian Christians, and to prevent ISIL’s conquest of millions of acres of territory on the Plains of Ninveh, in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Northern Africa, etc. for over a 2 year period.

“Locked out” the recommendations and warnings of Central Command, the U.S. Iraqi Embassy, and the National Security establishment, not to prematurely pull out all U.S. Military Forces from Iraq, which then permitted a defeated Al Q’ieda and ISIL to regroup and to reconstitute their military organization to threaten the Middle East and the world with their brand of Radical Islamic Terrorism.

“Locked out” the U.S. Congress which was required by law to approve any exchange of 5 of the most dangerous Radical Islamic Taliban Terrorist Generals incarcerated in Gitmo, for a U.S. Army deserter. The “FLAGRANT LIE” given by the Obama administration for the exchange was “We leave no man behind”,

  1. We witnessed Obama leave 4 Americans behind, including 2 Navy SEALs, to be murdered in Benghazi by Radical Islamic Terrorists, while there were armed aircraft less than 2 hours away that could have saved their lives, but the U.S. Armed Forces was prevented from rescuing of the 4 Americans, because Obama refused to execute “Cross Border Authority” which would have been required to authorize a military rescue mission
  2. We witnessed Obama leave Sargent Andrew Tahmooressi, USMC behind (an Iraqi War Combat Marine Veteran suffering from PTSD) to be tortured in a Mexican prison for over 7 months; his only crime was to mistakenly cross the wide open southern border because of bad signage on the U.S. side of the border,
  3. Since January 2012, for over 1600 days, the American people have been witnessing Obama leave Sargent Amir Hekmati, USMC behind (an Iraqi War Combat Marine Veteran) to be tortured in an Iranian prison; his only crime was to seek and obtain permission form the Iranian Government, in advance, to visit his dying grandmother.

“Locked out” the U.S. Congress, and provisions of the U.S. Constitution that requires Congress approve the International Treaty that Obama is entering into with Iran, while the American citizens and United States Sunni allies in the Middle East are gripped by fear in the pits of their stomachs as they are being forced to helplessly watch the world’s most dangerous sponsor of state terrorism being provided with the ability to develop nuclear weapons, on a silver platter by Obama, with which they will be able to attack friendly U.S. Sunni allies in the Middle East, Israel, NATO, and the United States.