A Dem Outlook for November

Here’s a word I never thought anyone would use to describe Senator Dianne Feinstein: “moderate.” But that’s the political twilight zone Democrats find themselves in, now that 28-year-old socialists are heaving the party Left. In California, where the oldest member of the U.S. Senate couldn’t even win her party’s endorsement, people are starting to wonder: could this gamble cost Democrats the midterms?

For Feinstein, the party’s decision to back Kevin de León was even more remarkable this time around, since she trounced him by more than 30 percent in last month’s primaries. Even so, California Democrats announced over the weekend that they were sticking with their guy, insisting that the five-term Feinstein was too much of a “centrist.” That’s news to most of us, who’ve never mistaken anti-gun, pro-abortion, anti-family orthodoxy as anything remotely resembling conservatism. This is, as one California political scientist point out, “the strongest signal yet of just how far to the left California’s Democratic activists have moved, how emboldened they are…” But, as he and others caution, just because the state party is endorsing this over-the-top extremism doesn’t mean American voters are.

“It’s only a signal about the party’s most activist core,” said the University of California’s Thad Kousser, “not a sign that everyday voters are choosing a pure progressive over a pragmatist.” Already, the party’s candidates in other areas are panicking. They see this abandonment of Feinstein as a warning: move Left or move out. Some Democratic House candidates fired off a letter to the California state party, pointing out the devastating ripple effect of their over-the-top extremism. “A divisive party endorsement for U.S. Senate would hurt all down-ballot candidates and our ability to turn out Democrats we desperately need to vote in November,” they caution.

That’s because de León isn’t your garden-variety progressive. This is a candidate, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who would out-radicalize Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) with his campaign to impeach Trump, socialize health care, and open the borders. And while his agenda might attract big party donors, it’s bound to cause a huge split with heartland Democrats who are begging the DNC to get back to basics. When your own party argues you’re “lazy,” “out of touch with mainstream America,” and relying on “too much identity politics” where “winners and losers are picked by their labels” — you’re in trouble.

But that’s the sort of desperation President Trump’s success has created for Democrats. It’s sort of a “derangement syndrome,” John Fund writes, “pushing many [Democrats] into positions that may play well with their base but that will be problematic if they become associated with the party in general elections. Socialized medicine, abolishing ICE, identity politics, political correctness, and sky-high tax rates may quicken the pulse of those who see themselves leading the class struggle.”

Even the more liberal members of the Senate worry where decisions like California’s might lead. This “rift in the nation’s party’s direction,” Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) warns, carries with it some significant risks. The party, he urged, needs to stress “pragmatic ideas,” not “pie-in-the-sky” policies that “might sound great in a tweet, like free college and free health care” (a jab at Ocasio-Cortez’s unrealistic promises). Like a lot of people, he wonders if the Democrats are betting the midterms on a platform light years to the Left of most Americans.

The latest numbers from Brookings would certainly suggest they are. Despite the rise of progressive House candidates (280 this year compared to 97 in 2016), the Establishment is still winning when it counts. “Of course many of the progressive non-incumbents are first-time candidates,” the group explains, “inspired by Bernie Sanders and turned off by Donald Trump. If they stay in politics many of them may do better in future races. But for now their record is… not great.” The more important takeaway for Republicans is this: “Progressive Democrats may not be winning a civil war inside the party. But, if and when Democrats have a chance at power again, progressives will have moved them on some pretty big issues.”

If a woman who’s taken a blowtorch to the First and Second Amendments, declared Christians unfit for public office, and supported partial-birth abortion isn’t liberal enough for the Democratic Party, then it’s a brave new world indeed. Meanwhile, if conservatives want to hang on to their majority, the solution is obvious: be more intentional than ever about highlighting the Grand Canyon-sized gaps in the two parties’ values. In a country that rejected the leftward lurch of Obama, it’s the clearest path to victory.

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


A Rocky Start to Philly Foster Case

Franklin Graham Faces a Brit of Intolerance

Let’s Be Honest: Mexico Is A Bad Neighbor

This is not a shot at Mexicans. They are humans in the exact same way as Americans, Nigerians, Italians, Indonesians and every other people group. In the Christian view, they are made in the image of God. In the American Founders’ view, they like all men are created with inalienable rights granted by God.

But this is a shot at the Mexican government and, to a degree, the Mexican culture. And despite virtually every media story out there fretting and warning about America being a bad neighbor because of Trump’s policies, the actual evidence that Mexico is the bad actor in the relationship is pretty compelling.

We are treated to liberals and Democrats lecturing Americans on being bad neighbors for Mexico, and apologizing to Mexico and the world for being bad neighbors. If you google ‘Mexico is a bad neighbor’ all you get are endless stories about the U.S. being a bad neighbor. Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is hogwash.

If these critics really cared about Mexico’s well-being — and the well-being of Mexicans — they would be more critical of the corruption and culture that has left a fertile land with a great climate, access to two oceans and next door to the greatest economic power in history, in impoverished misery. They would be calling on Mexicans’ better angels, calling them to change and actually become more like the United States with individual liberties and market economics and accountable government.

Trashing America is nothing more than political expediency and opponent demonization that causes yet more division.

So let’s look at Mexico and the United States as neighbors. Who is the better neighbor and worse neighbor?

  • Would a good neighbor send their problems next door? Mexico has an undeniably de facto policy of illegally exporting their poorest citizens, and those of neighboring countries. The 11 to 20 million illegal aliens in the United States today almost universally came here poor, uneducated and untrained. The poorest in a country are always a burden, so Mexico encourages them to head north and does nothing — nothing — to stop them at the border. When we see the trains of migrants from Guatemala or Honduras or other Central American countries, that is being done with the active participation of Mexican authorities. They don’t want those poor people in their country — they have too many of their own — so they usher them on to America. How is that being a good neighbor? Canada doesn’t do any of this.
  • Would a good neighbor criticize you for locking your doors at night so they couldn’t break in? Well, Mexico does. President Trump ran on securing our border with Mexico (because the Northern Border does not require this level of security) and he won election as most Americans understand a sovereign nation needs borders and the ability to determine who comes in and out. Yet Mexican leaders were openly hostile, criticizing Trump, with Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said the U.S. was returning to the “era of the ugly American” and repeatedly called a “useless wall”? Why useless? Because Mexican authorities will continue to find ways to ship the poorest, uneducated residents to their neighbor? They don’t want a wall because they don’t want those residents in Mexico, they want them in the United States sending $28 billion in remittances back to Mexico from America. How is that being a good neighbor? Canada doesn’t do any of this.
  • Would a good neighbor take your generous donations to help them with such ingratitude? The U.S. gives Mexico $320 million in aid annually. Yet is there gratefulness for this generosity? Nothing apparent. They take the money and spend it.
  • Would a good neighbor who has received so many benefits by living next to a generous neighbor openly criticize that neighbor? Absurd, yet that is exactly what Mexican authorities do regularly. Whether it is beefing up our Southern Border security, to increasing citizen IDs or deporting those we find to be here illegally, Mexican authorities criticize the U.S. No gratefulness for unburdening them from their poorest citizens. Just criticism.

No. The case is very strong that the Mexican government is the bad actor in this relationship.

Here’s what America has been doing to be a good neighbor — oftentimes to our own detriment:

  • Accepting some of Mexico’s poorest, providing them with healthcare, schooling and opportunities that they had no chance of getting in their home country. We even teach the children of families that break into our country — in their own language. Now that’s being an awfully good neighbor.
  • Providing $320 million annually in direct financial aid to Mexico. The largest chunk goes to security issues and drug cartel fighting, but also to education and infrastructure. Obviously, a portion of it goes to the graft that is undeniably rampant in the Mexican government.
  • Allowing people who sneak into America to transfer back to Mexico a whopping $28 billion out of our economy and into Mexico’s. We don’t tax it or take a portion of it. We just allow it to exit our country and economy and help the nation on our Southern Border. Of course remittances flow everywhere, but from the United States to Mexico is by far the biggest.
  • Of course, Mexico does not really need to spend much money on a large military because they are an ally and because of their geographic location next to the United States. We essentially act as a deterrent for anyone who would be aggressive against Mexico.

If you look at the relationship, and who benefits the most by far and who gives the most by far, there can be no doubt that the United States is the far better neighbor than Mexico. So maybe American politicians and those supporting them should step back and try to appreciate their own country more, and not paint some romantic and unrealistic picture of Mexico.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Immigration Scandal No One Is Talking About

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act. The featured image is from Sopitas.com.

Soccer Moms Take On Islamic [Sharia] Law In New Book

Valerie L.  Greenfeld

“The best defense is grassroots education,” concludes Valerie L.  Greenfeld concerning domestic jihadist dangers in her new book Backyard Jihad: How Parents Can Detect the Invisible Threat of Radicalization. Her primer for Main Street communities contending with Muslims dreaming dangerous dreams of establishing Islamic states in the West raises important issues for the citizens of the free world in America and beyond who are seeking a first line of civil defense against sharia supremacism.

Greenfield’s book dismisses myths about jihadist terrorism involving disadvantaged individuals turning to violence out of despair. “Contrary to some media reports, those joining terrorist organizations in the U. S. rarely do so as a result of poverty or lack of education, dignity, or occupation,” she writes. “Why leave the U.S. after being fortunate enough to enter the freedom of America?” she perceptively notes of individuals in Islamic immigrant communities who leave America’s Promised Land for jihad in foreign hellholes.

Greenfeld draws upon a 2007 New York City Police Department (NYPD) study to show that recruits to jihad seek to fulfill various longings of the heart. “The prospective recruits are struggling with frustration, anger, loneliness, or disagreement,” she notes. “Finding a new identity or ideology fulfills the need to feel important and included.”

Jihadist recruiters’ techniques are “not unlike telemarketers,” notes Greenfeld. Her telephone interview with German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies Director Daniel Koehler is particularly telling. The “enemy is a sophisticated, psychologically trained jihadi recruiter with huge networks and large coffers of money,” he has explained.

Greenfeld cites the book Son of Hamas by former Hamas terrorist Mosab Hassan Yousef to emphasize the particular Islamic doctrines that can lead to jihadist violence. “Most suicide bombers began as moderates,” Yousef has written, because “Islamic life is like a ladder, with prayer and praising Allah as the bottom rung,” while the “highest rung is jihad.” Accordingly, “American Muslims are more susceptible to radical messaging than non-Muslims,” Greenfield concludes from the NYPD study.

Greenfeld examines how jihadists translate theology into violent action on the basis of a 2009 recruitment manual. “Create vulnerability and isolate them. Talk about heaven and hell,” she explains is the manual’s recommended strategy for recruiters seeking to enlist prospective martyrs. Radicalization “normally happens to those who fear the torment of the afterlife and who come to know that jihad is the salvation from eternal damnation. The result is that jihad is desired and craved,” the manual argues.

Greenfeld analyzes the jihad doctrine’s potential for creating theological ticking time bombs that are often impervious to subsequent defusing through ideological reeducation. “It is uncertain if or when a non-jihadist Muslim will suddenly decide to act on their jihadi fantasies,” she writes. Meanwhile, as numerous de-radicalization failures indicate, Representative Peter King in a conversation with her “didn’t confirm that a feasible, effective program exists that can de-radicalize or rehabilitate terrorists.”

Along with individual acts of jihadist terrorism, Greenfeld warns of a “stealth jihad, an invisible threat of radicalization” presented by those Muslims who have little desire to assimilate into Western societies. “Immigration and procreation are the two most potent waves of invisible recruiting and cultural jihad,” given that orthodox “Islam is not only a religion, it is a way of life, social, political, intellectual, physical.” Therefore, often Islamic proselytization or “da’wa is an invitation to deceive,” such as with claims that Islam in Arabic means peace, when actually the “word Islam means submission.”

Greenfeld examines issues presented by various American Muslim communities, such as the Detroit suburb of “Hamtramck, Michigan, America’s first and only majority Muslim city.” “Five times each day the minaret sounds beginning at 6:00 a.m.” from a local mosque, one fact among others that means that “[s]ome residents are not sure if they are living in Michigan or somewhere in the Arabian desert.” “There is a certain resentment by the original residents, as their lifestyle is pushed aside for the import of a large number of immigrants who don’t intend to blend into the culture that was there before,” she writes.

A Greenfeld reunion in her hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota, prompts interesting immigration policy observations about the influx of Somalis that has formed North America’s largest Somali community. “From the desert heat of Somalia to the cold tundra of 10,000 lakes, why would Somalis choose to live in Minnesota?” she wonders about this Muslim community that has become a source of jihadists in the land of Lake Wobegon. That “Minnesota spends more money per low-income individual on public welfare than any other state” is one significant factor.

Greenfeld notes that “media reporting is not always accurate and usually has a political goal,” something that only abets subversive jihadist influences such as the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in northern Virginia’s “Wahhabi Corridor.” This mosque has numerous terrorism ties, “yet the evidence is not enough to convince politicians representing Virginia’s citizens to close the place down,” she states. In fairness to these lawmakers, it is precisely America’s freedoms that limit the legal possibilities to “close down” groups no matter how extreme, whether promoting jihad or white supremacy. By contrast, she reviews the record of former University of South Florida Professor Sami Al-Arian, ultimately convicted of material support for terrorism. “How do you feel about paying tuition for this guy to teach?” she asks.

Facing such enemies among us, Greenfeld’s homeland security strategy rightly prioritizes civil society taking on the challenge of jihadist ideology. “The extreme ideology must be addressed. While after-school teen programs are nice — they will not solve the problem,” she writes. This includes ever-elusive Islamic reform; thus “tolerance and respect for non-sharia Muslims is imperative — they lead the way to reformation” that “must come from the inside the moderate Muslim community.”

Greenfeld’s book provides a salutary reminder that, as with past totalitarian challenges, victory begins with a battle of ideas that instructs Americans why we fight. This ideological struggle requires a grassroots, Tea Party-like movement that understands lessons such as the fact that “[m]orals and values are best taught with family at the dinner table.” The “power in the United States is not in Washington, D.C., but in homes and neighborhoods around the country. We must return to American values, history and heritage and empower our children to protect our nation.”

The Western World’s Most Depressing Chart

Daniel J. Mitchell Western nations are abandoning the policies that made them prosperous.

by Daniel J. Mitchell

Last week, I shared a graph showing there are more guns than people in the United States, and I wrote that it was the “most enjoyable” chart of the year, mostly because it gets my leftist friends so agitated.

But I’m more likely to share gloomy visuals, including:

  • The “most depressing” chart about Denmark, which shows a majority of the population lives off the government.
  • A “very depressing” chart about the United States, which shows how big business profits from cronyism.
  • The “most depressing” chart about Japan, which shows the tax burden has nearly doubled since 1965.

Now it’s time to add to that list. There’s a website called Our World in Data, which is a great resource if you’re a policy wonk who likes numbers. But some numbers are quite depressing.

For instance, if you peruse the “Public Spending” page, you’ll find a chart showing the dramatic expansion of redistribution spending as a share of economic output.

These numbers are very similar to the table I shared from Vito Tanzi back in 2013, which isn’t surprising since Professor Peter Lindert is the underlying source for both sets of data.

While the above chart is depressing to a libertarian, it’s nonetheless instructive because it confirms my argument that the Western world became rich when governments were very small and redistribution was tiny or even nonexistent.

For instance, nations in North America and Western Europe largely made the transition from agricultural poverty to middle-class prosperity during the “golden century” between the Napoleonic wars and World War I. That was a period when redistribution spending basically didn’t exist, and most nations didn’t even have income taxes (the U.S. didn’t make that mistake until 1913).

Even as recently as 1960, welfare states were very small compared to their current size. Indeed, redistribution spending in Western nations averaged only about 10 percent of economic output, about half the size of today’s supposedly miserly American welfare state.

These points are important because some folks on the left misinterpret Wagner’s Law and actually try to argue that bigger government is good for growth.

P.S. South Korea has been a great success story for the past five decades, but that redistribution trendline is very worrisome.

P.P.S. The trendline for Greece helps to explain why that nation is bankrupt.

P.P.P.S. The chart shows that Canada is better than the United States, though that may not last since Canada’s current prime minister is seeking to undermine his nation’s competitive advantage.

P.P.P.P.S. While fiscal trends in the Western world have been unfavorable, that bad news has been offset by positive trends for trade liberalization. Whether we will see a big step backward because of President Trump remains to be seen.

Daniel J. Mitchell

Daniel J. Mitchell

Daniel J. Mitchell is a Washington-based economist who specializes in fiscal policy, particularly tax reform, international tax competition, and the economic burden of government spending. He also serves on the editorial board of the Cayman Financial Review.

VIDEO: Hannity Interviews Clueless Anti-American Protesters in Londonstan

Sean Hannity decided to go undercover to interview some of the protesters in London. These protesters were asked some simple questions and their answers are revealing.

Here’s Hannity in Londonstan:

RELATED ARTICLE: Former KGB Agent Explains The Brainwashing Of America

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from Instagram.

VIDEO: Pinning The Tail on the Democrat Donkey and Their Push to Disband ICE

On July 12, 2018, I was interviewed by former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Joe Walsh on his program on Newsmax-TV.  I have provided a link to the video of my interview below.

A primary focus of our conversation was the proposed legislation by members of the Democratic Party that would disband ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).  The Republicans, sensing political “blood in the water” are proposing that this bill be brought up for a vote.  As I said on the show, perhaps the Republicans are looking to “Pin the tail on the Democratic Donkey!”

Our discussion ended with another proposed bill, this one by a Republican member of Congress, that would make illegal entry into the United States a felony.  I provided a unique perspective on this proposal that I think will, perhaps, raise some eyebrows.

The Priest’s Role in Marriage Preparation

Fr. Gerald E. Murray: Engaged couples have an instinctive trust that the priest, as a man of God, will tell them what God expects of them in marriage.

Cardinal Kevin Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life, made some provocative remarks about priests and marriage preparation in an interview that appeared recently in the Irish Catholic magazine Intercom. He said: “They have no credibility; they have never lived the experience; they may know moral theology, dogmatic theology in theory, but to go from there to putting it into practice every day . . . they don’t have the experience.”

He also spoke about the priests of the Diocese of Dallas where he served as bishop for nine years: “We have a million and a half Catholics and 75 priests, with a 45 to 50 percent rate of (Mass) attendance. Those 75 priests are not going to be interested in organizing marriage meetings.”

Do priests really lack credibility and interest in preparing couples for the sacrament of marriage? That has not been my experience. Most priests, and more specifically, most parish priests take a lively interest in marriage preparation.

Couples almost always appreciate their efforts as they prepare for marriage. Fr. Roger Landry has described the reality on the ground in most parishes in a recent column. Most priests are credible witnesses to the Church’s teaching on marriage, and they speak with insight – and often wisdom – from their extensive experience dealing with engaged couples, families, and children.

What’s most troubling here are the premises underlying Cardinal Farrell’s remarks. He implies that the primary purpose of marriage instruction is to communicate experiential advice on how husbands and wives can live so as to produce marital happiness and familial harmony. To attain this goal, what couples need is to hear is practical advice from married people who, from their own experiences, will share “best practices” with engaged couples. He also claims that overworked priests would rather not take time from their busy schedules to meet with and instruct couples seeking to be married in the Church.

Marriage preparation programs should include advice on marital life from couples who are serious Catholics and have years of valuable experience in living out the demands of Christian marriage. And many priests are overworked. Yet should we promote the notion that priests should avoid working with engaged couples and are not really suited to this task?

The Betrothal of Raphael and the Niece of Cardinal Bibbienaby Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, c. 1814 [Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD]

Is it really better for them, instead, to dedicate time to other, relatively less important tasks such as building management and office work, which are in fact unavoidable and time-consuming tasks for most parish priests? Isn’t sacramental preparation a vital part of the spiritual paternity of the men ordained to celebrate the sacraments?

I had plenty of instruction in the seminary about Christian marriage, and none about building maintenance and parish office management. The seminary’s priorities were correct.

The number of Catholics seeking to be married in the Church has declined significantly. One reason is the ignorance of many Catholics about the sacramental nature of marriage and their obligations as Catholics. When a couple comes to the rectory seeking to be married in the Church we should view this as an opportunity to give doctrinal and spiritual formation to these obviously good willed, believing people. Who knows? They may tell their friends what a good experience it was to learn from a priest about the state in which they plan to spend the rest of their lives.

Poorly catechized Catholics need to understand Church teaching about the nature and purpose of marriage. Priests spend years in the seminary acquiring a deep understanding of that teaching, and how to explain its truth and value to the people of our times. They are meant to share that doctrinal formation with the laity.

The priest is important in communicating to the couple the seriousness of what they are undertaking. Our laws and social customs largely reject Christ’s doctrine on the indissolubility of marriage. Catholics need to know that fidelity to Christ Himself is central to this matter and that Christ gives the grace to live with fidelity, against all temptations to treat the marriage vows as something that can be lightly abandoned or retracted.

Engaged couples have an instinctive trust that the priest, as a man of God, will tell them what God expects of them and how He will help them. This is not a theoretical matter for abstract consideration. Christ’s teaching on marriage is the foundation for happy and holy marriages.

The spiritual paternity of the priest means that he takes a lively interest in all aspects of the religious formation and growth of the people entrusted to his care. His fatherhood finds particular relevance when he is speaking with those who seek to be mothers and fathers of the next generation of believers.

The priest brings Christ into the picture in a very important way when he sits down and speaks at length with a couple who have come to him for guidance about getting married. His intentional absence from this important time of preparation, because of the misguided claim that he is unqualified and thus unwelcome, would be a disaster for that parish.

When the parish has a fundraising campaign, the advice given by professional fundraisers is that the personal involvement of the priest is vital to the success of the campaign. The more people he speaks with, the more money comes in. This is so even when the priest says at first: “I don’t know anything about fundraising.” He can learn quickly, and the results will show just how valuable he is to the effort.

The same applies even more to marriage preparation.  Success in this case cannot be measured in dollars raised, but rather in the number of well-formed couples who enter marriage with a true knowledge of the greatness of this sacrament, and the assurance that God will assist them at all times to live in loving fidelity to their vows and to their duties as husband and wife.

Fr. Gerald E. Murray

Fr. Gerald E. Murray

The Rev. Gerald E. Murray, J.C.D. is a canon lawyer and the pastor of Holy Family Church in New York City.

EDITORS NOTE: © 2018 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.orgThe Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own. The featured image is by Unsplash/Josh Applegate.

A Gold Star Mother’s Open Letter to Rep. Cohen on his Purple Heart Comment

We received the below letter from America’s Mighty Warriors. As a combat veteran I was deeply hurt by the comments by Representative Stephen Ira Cohen  (D-TN 9th District) saying to fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, “If I could give you a Purple Heart I would.”

Debbie Lee with her son Marc, a fallen hero.

While serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam during Tet of 1968 my company started out with 140 men. By the end of the Tet Counter Offensive we had 90 men left. Many wounded and killed. Each receiving a Purple Heart. Please read the heart felt letter from Debbie Lee, mother of Marc Lee, the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq.

Open Letter to Rep. Cohen,

How dare this member of the House of Representatives compare the 10 hours of testimony that are caused by Strzok’s own actions, lies and manipulations of his investigations, to what our brave warriors endure when they are in the midst of combat. Our Purple Heart recipients have been shot, blown up and many, like Marc, gave their final breath and were posthumously awarded the Purple Heart. Many of our purple heart recipients are missing limbs, can’t walk, or give their loved ones a hug. Many will never be able to speak again. I’m sure that Marc would have loved to testify for Congress, or work for the FBI when he left the SEALs or be able to go home at night to his family.

Rep. Steve Cohen, you are shameful and have disgraced and dishonored our Purple Heart recipients, their families and the real sacrifices that have been made. They paid for you to have the freedom to say your uneducated, absurd, hurtful comments, but they are the consequences of your words. I trust that voters in Tennessee see the real you and that your are voted out. Wouldn’t that be justice if it was a Purple Heart recipient. Who in their right mind would compare the sacrifices of our Purple Heart recipients to consequences suffered while subpoenaed to testify before Congress for your action is trying to destroy our country?

There was no blood shed in that hearing room on Capitol Hill yesterday, no loss of life. Mr. Cohen, as to your comment from a few good men, “You can’t handle the truth”, you, sir, can’t handle the truth that you are ignorant when it comes to our military and the contrast between those who would selflessly sacrifice to defend us and those who would do whatever illegal, immoral thing they could to destroy President Trump. Even if it means destroying our country.

I didn’t listen to all of the testimony yesterday but wondering did Peter Strzok correct Rep. Cohen when he compared him to our Purple Heart Heroes? After all, he did serve in the military and every honorable veteran I know would have confronted that and corrected him.

To our Purple Hear recipients, their families and those who died in combat, I am so sorry you have had additional pain inflicted on you from Rep. Cohen for your sacrifices. We at America’s Mighty Warriors will always be here for you. It’s ironic that I just sent out an email earlier this week to our Purple Heart recipients and Gold Star families for a retreat we are hosting on September 7-10 in Texas. We host these to let you know we will never forget and promise to live lives worthy of their sacrifices.

Rep. Cohen, our actions speak louder than your words. Maybe you should come to the retreat for 10 hours and meet these families, hear their heroic stories of sacrifice and we will put you in a chair and let them question you and see if you change your mind and would profusely apologize for your pain inflicted comments.

Appalled in Arizona,

Debbie Lee
Proud Mother of Marc Lee
First Navy SEAL killed in Iraq 8-2-06


Amputee Veteran Criticizes Sacha Baron Cohen for Disrespecting Military Veterans: ‘How Degrading Can You Be?’

7 Takeaways From FBI Agent Strzok’s Testimony Before 2 House Committees

Scorecard: The 45 Goals in ‘The Naked Communist’ to turn America into a Socialist State

It is very important that everyone realize just how far the Communist Manifesto and its goals have been advanced in the United States since the still relevant book “The Naked Communists” was written over 50 years ago.

George Soros and other rich leftists use some of their billions to finance over 250 socialist/communist/leftist groups in the U.S. that are doing their best to “resist”, undermine our President and his agenda as well as our Constitution and Republic. He is a seditionist and I don’t understand why he hasn’t been charged and convicted for treason. He like many establishment, global RINOs advocate for a New World Order in which America is definitely not first.

Very sobering but thank God for POTUS Trump and his Administration who are reversing Obama’s “fundamental transformation” to socialism.

Anyone who would like to add to the examples of how they have achieved their goals in Comments would be appreciated. This is a work in progress.

You are about to read a list of 45 goals that were spelled out in the 1958 book “The Naked Communist” and were entered into the Congressional Record back on Jan. 10,1963, thanks to Hon. A.S. Herlong, Jr. of FL . As you read this, 54 years later, you may be shocked by the events that have played themselves out. Source – Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35, 01/10/1963.

Among sources include the Democratic Socialists of America’s own website.

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

DONE- The Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is a landmark international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. Opened for signature in 1968, the Treaty entered into force in 1970. It is important to note here that the effort was not one of peace in the world but an effort to weaken the United State’s military might worldwide as the Soviet Union at that time was far behind the US in technology and economy. The failed challenge during the Cuban Missile Crisis earlier in the decade was a signal to the Communist world that they would have to use other tactics.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

DONE – See the Stark Treaty, Cooperative Threat Reduction Program and Obama’s actions to undermine the missile defense system in Poland and elsewhere in Europe and to support Putin in his efforts to strengthen Russian power and reduce US influence. Witness Obama’s mike on event where he asked the Russian President to be patient and that he would have more flexibility “after my election.” Failure of SOS Clinton’s “reset” with Russia; Capitulation to Russia on Crimea and Ukraine and now in Middle East. Iran Nuclear Deal which assures IRAN will have Nukes. As evidence that this willingness to capitulate is not a pursuit of peace but rather the intent to weaken the US, we can look to the staunch opposition by socialist liberals to the Reagan administration’s efforts to put into place the missile defense system which ultimately failed. Other developments that did make it into the US arsenal included the Stealth Bomber but also faced huge opposition from the left.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

DONE – OBAMA declared he intends to reduce our nuclear arsenal by 80% and has stated he will not use nuclear weapons. Obama proposed Sequestration as a means of cutting our military and now is laying down a smoke screen that DOD budget cuts are too deep !!! The current attack against our 2nd Amendment by the Administration & UN could also fit into this category.

It is ironic that Obama’s tactics have been implemented at too quick a pace and are now backfiring on him as we see failure after failure throughout the Middle East. Proving out that UN tactics of disarming the US and other nations are failures.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

DONE – US trades with China and Russia and we have a poor trade balance position with both that decreases the price of goods exported to them and increases the price of goods imported from them. This in turn make the value of the dollar go down in the US and up in terms of our growing debt especially to China. US participation in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement and recent opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba provide further evidence that this tactic is being pursued.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

DONE – Between 1997 and 2013, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, which is an agency of the Federal government, provided $1,946,035,918 in loans and long-term guarantees to banks in Communist China and Russia, according to the Ex-Im Bank’s annual reports. We could surmise that these long term loans were put in place in order to help with the recovery of Russia however we cannot make such a claim for China, a nation that produces at a level second only the US.

It stands to reason that this loan program should have been pulled as a foreign policy tactic when it became evident that both nations intended to continue with their oppressive practices toward their people, were caught many times over attempting to infiltrate and hack into US systems etc. The fact that these loans have continued is evidence that forces in our own government are intent on furthering the cause of Socialism in the US and across the planet.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

DONE – United States foreign aid, similar to United States foreign aid – under the Marshall Plan for rebuilding Europe, foreign aid to Russia was in the billions. The current Administration continues to engage in talks with the Russian regime despite the fact they continue as supporters of our enemies like Syria and Iran. Congress has imposed sanctions after Russia’s takeover of the Crimea and incursion into the Ukraine however they have proven largely ineffective as Russia has taken strategic locations that supply most of the oil for Europe and now have a stranglehold on these resources. Europe must now either find another source of oil or capitulate to Russia’s demands as they realize little support in this matter from the US. Let’s not forget the added pressure of the hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees pouring over their borders. Because Russia is in cooperation with Iran and Syria we can reasonably assume that this is a coordinated effort given the weakness of our president and therefore our military forces.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

DONE– not only are then in the UN, they are on the all important Security Council.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

DONE but thwarted when in 1989 the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain fell and Germany was reunified largely due to the efforts of the Reagan Administration. The threat of socialist influence takeover is again imminent as the economic resources of the European Union falter and the nations of the EU fall one by one back into socialist practices.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

PARTIAL SUCCESS was achieved with the signing of the Partial Test Ban Treatyin 1963, which banned nuclear tests in the atmosphere, underwater and in space. Neither France nor China signed the PTBT. However, the treaty was still ratified by the United States after a 80 to 19 vote in the United States Senate.[8]

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

DONE–but the former nations under the iron curtain were freed in 1989 with the collapse of the USSR.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

ONGOING – the Progressives in our Congress and the current Administration are constantly pressing for this – this is a primary goal of their chief benefactor – George Soros. Their efforts are being slowly achieved through regulations put into place by Federal agencies such as the EPA. The regulations now being put into place by these agencies are slowly steering the US toward control under the UN and a one world government . The Agenda 21 protocol is most certainly a part of this effort and we see the efforts on the left to engage these tactics at every level of our society.

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

DONE – the Communist Party and the Democratic Socialists of America and many other Communist oriented groups are alive and well in America including our major Unions – see the book Barack Obama and the Enemies Within by Trevor Loudon. This is a classic tactic of the socialist/communist left. They use our freedoms against us i.e. free speech. Our leftist lawmakers protect these groups under the guise of free speech and legislators on the right fail to take on the responsibility of recognizing and dealing with destructive and undermining activities. This has now gone to the extreme in our nation as police are being slaughtered by anarchists across the nation.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

UNSUCCESSFUL – to date but trying hard with the help of the ACLU. Pretty obvious that BHO, his AG, Director of Homeland Security and other Constitutional officers are ignoring their oaths of allegiance to the Constitution.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

PARTIAL SUCCESS– there are international patent protections but Russia, China and other countries conduct corporate espionage and can gain access to US patents. It was alleged that Clinton sold some missile guidance system patents to China for a substantial campaign donation. His National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger was arrested stealing classified Secret documents from the National Archives believed to have substantiated this deal. He never served a day in prison.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

DONE -there are 65 members of the House Progressive Caucus who associate with the Democratic Socialists of America. Most other Democrats in Congress are socialists and believe in the nanny state. Progressives own the Senate including many RINOs that help the Democrats. (Rush provided excellent insight on this very subject today)

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

DONE – The Supreme Court has made abortions legal, struck down the Defense of Marriage Act at the Federal Level and also ordered that States with Protection of Marriage Laws even when in State Constitutions are unconstitutional. LGBT rights are now considered as a protected class the same as minorities. The attack on American Christianity and traditional customs, traditions and values continues – prayer has been taken out of schools and public events; attempts have been made to take God out of everything including the national Oath, coinage, National Anthem and religious symbols such as the Ten Commandments and Nativity scenes. Our morals and family structure have declined drastically as dysfunctional behavior increases. 40% of all babies are born out of wedlock (73% among blacks), marriage has declined to less than 50%, gang activity has increased, entitlement living has permeated at least 50% of our society who pay no taxes and illegal immigration continues. Attempts to curb such behavior are met with cries of racism, bigotry, hate crimes, violation of women’s rights, an attack on women’s health care or some other civil rights violation. The UN has placed the United States on their list of nations with poor human rights records and our Attorney General has sued states trying to enforce immigration laws.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

DONE – there is no doubt our public schools K-1-12 & Colleges and Universities are bastions of liberalism and progressivism; our public schools no longer teach traditional values/character development nor the Constitution and often use revisionist history and social studies curriculums and textbooks. Our teacher unions and Fed Dept. of Education dominated education system fights attempts to provide voucher or charter school options; eliminate tenure or impose accountability standards. One of the 8 ways Sal Alinsky advocated to turn a country to socialism was #6) Education – take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school. This is happening with COMMON CORE and other Dept. of Education initiatives. Most states have over a 30% drop out rate from free public high school educations, another root cause of poverty.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL – Most student newspapers/newsletters have a liberal and socialist slant. There is also tacit control of Text Books by progressive College/University Professor authors which has definitely slanted our student texts and often distorted or revised history towards a more liberal and progressive view of the world and life.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

ONGOING – look no further than the recent OCCUPY WALL STREET anarchist activities supported by our President, Vice President and many Progressive members of Congress as well as some City Officials and other government officials such as the Mayors of New York, Oakland and Atlanta and the Director of the National Park Services. Also look at the rise of student flash mobs to rob and loot in many of the Democrat controlled cities. On many college campuses, conservative speakers are not allowed and those conservative students views are restricted to “speaking zones” as a result of liberal student protests.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

SUCCESSFUL – in poll after poll over 85% of the press corps admit to being liberal and voting for Democrats. Editorials and Commentaries across the country are unabashedly biased towards Democrat policies and the Current Administration as are so called news programs of the mainstream media. All of the major networks were undeniably in the tank for Obama in the last election with 4 – 1 favorability ratios for Democrat candidates and 1 – 4 favorability towards Republican candidates. The liberal media throws softball questions at Democrat candidates and “gotcha” questions at Republican or Tea Party movement candidates.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

SUCCESSFUL – There is no doubt that the mainstream Television media and Motion Picture industry and their productions are mostly progressive in nature and often show left wing political bias. Reporting is frequently slanted left as are commentaries and movies. The Obama administration has pushed the “Fairness Doctrine” through the FCC but has not been able to instigate it which would destroy the conservative and profitable radio talk shows. Control over the internet using “net neutrality” has now been implemented by the FCC and could lead to suppression of conservative views on the internet as well as free internet for those already receiving govt. benefits. It should be noted that net neutrality was in effect before Ronald Reagan took office. He successfully got rid of that law. The left is now aggressively pursuing reinstating net neutrality, thinking that a new generation of Americans may once again accept it with the correct persuasion and pressure from other areas of our society.

The left wing entertainment industry have also touted the LGBT movement and multiculturalism in the shows and particularly in their commercials.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL – Art is in the eye of the beholder so you be the judge on this one.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

PARTIAL SUCCESS– From my perspective, there are many ugly and offensive so called art pieces in many museums – remember the controversy over the New York museum where one so called artwork featured a urine filled commode in which an American Flag was draped and the 1st Amendment was cited as the rationale for displaying it. The National Endowment for the Arts subsidized by our taxes funds many leftist artists…..let us not forget “Piss Christ” a highly offensive work which included a crucifix turned upside down in a container of urine. The Catholic church made the mistake of not going strongly after that and other highly offensive pieces that have been aimed at the Church.

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.

SUCCESS – Even network television now uses words that were XXX rated 40 years ago.

There is a huge double standard here as the word police want to reduce free speech by conservatives – Rush Limbaugh is ridiculed and boycotted for calling a Democrat hack lobbying for free birth control at a Catholic college a Slut but Bill Maher can call a Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin a Cunt on his HBO special and get away with it. The Federal govt. changes words it doesn’t like to suit its policies “Obama-Speak” like prohibiting the use of the words Islam or Islamists, eliminating the phrase war on terrorism and the word terrorist from its vocabulary replacing it with such phrases as “extremists” “man-caused disaster”, “workplace violence”etc. Muslims in the U.S. want to eliminate any negative use of Islam or Muhammad from our language in clear violation of our 1st Amendment rights.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

DONE – shows on network, prime time TV today would have been rated XXX several decades ago. Nudity bordering on pornography, sexual displays, obscenity, violence, anti-Christian messages, progressive ideologies, etc. are the standard in most of the mainstream television, movie, and print media today. Remember, in order to have Liberty a people need to have Freedom tempered by morality. The intent of our founding fathers upon designing our Republic was the assumption that Godly people would inhabit our nation and would govern themselves for the most part due to their adherence to the Word of God. The Communists are working hard to eliminate morality leaving us with un-tempered Freedom which is nothing but anarchy.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

DONE – The Supreme Court repealed DOMA and ruled in support of the LGBT community demands. They are now free to legally marry, are featured in gay rights parades and in personnel policies of most major corporations as a ploy to convince American Society they are accepted and are a much larger percentage of the population than they really are. LGBT couples adopt children and School Districts adopt books featuring LGBT people as if they are normal. Our lame-stream media assist them in their activities and goals. Obama has now stated he favors same sex marriages. Even though 33 states had marriage protection laws, 29 of which are inculcated in their Constitutions Federal Courts have now ruled these unconstitutional. The military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law has been repealed by Congress and replaced with an LGBT month and active recruitment of LGBTs. Already, the fastest growing trend of sexual assaults in the military are male on male; morale and good order and discipline have suffered under this social experimentation.

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”

PARTIAL SUCCESS – Black nationalist churches such as that of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright attended by the Obama’s for over 20 years are on the rise. Such churches often preach racists hate towards other races and anti-Americanism. The Unitarian Universalist, Humanist and Scientology movements are examples of “social” religion. There is ample evidence of the ACLU working hard to eliminate Christian traditions in this country. Our government also looks for their interpretation of “Separation of Church and State”, a concept not found in the Constitution but begun by a Supreme Court ruling, in order to prevent our churches from actively being involved in politics especially where church values conflict with government values. IRS tax rules also hamstring the ability of tax exempt churches to be involved in politics – pastors, priests, rabbis, etc. are no supposed to spend more than 20% of their time talking politics from the podium or diesis. However, they look the other way when it comes to the so called churches of Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Louis Farrakhan.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

DONE – the law of the land has eliminated all prayer from schools and public gatherings. In 1962 the Supreme Court again declared that prayer in school was unconstitutional. In 1963 the Warren Court stopped schools from allowing Bible reading in classes. In 1980 the Supreme Court declared that posting the Ten Commandments in a school classroom violated the Constitution of the United States. Removing the belief in God from the Government and schools is #7 Religion – on Sal Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to turn a country socialist.

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

ONGOING – The interpretation of the Constitution as a “living document” is the mantra of liberals and progressive in Congress, the White House and the media. Unfortunately, many in the Libertarian Party have joined the Progressives in this effort. Obamacare is overt proof that progressive politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ignore our Constitution when it suits their legislative purposes. Obama recently challenged the Supreme Court’s authority for “judicial review” as they considered the Constitutionality of Obamacare. Even a Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader-Ginsburg recently stated that our Constitution is not a model for developing foreign powers. Now we have University Professors and others calling for the elimination of our Constitution as outdated. POTUS Obama has said he has a pen and a phone and if Congress won’t act on his agenda he will continue to rule by fiat using Executive Orders, Memos and guidance to federal departments to emplace controlling regulations, recess appointments, etc. It should be noted that a major part of this challenge of the Constitution by the president is a result of a Congress that is failing to speak up and do its job as one of the branches of our government using the system of checks and balances put in place by our founding fathers as a protection from just this sort of behavior. See http://majorityleader.gov/TheImperialPresidency/

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

ONGOING – Progressives and the media rarely mention the accomplishments of our founding fathers and when they do usually to criticize one or more like Thomas Jefferson for being a slave owner, completely ignoring all of his accomplishments. Since these men founded their beliefs in God’s natural laws and sincerely believed liberty and freedom came from God not government, they are in direct conflict with the beliefs of socialists, communists and progressives.

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

ONGOING – Traditional educators tend to be liberal and control School District Administrations and often School Boards. As such they control the textbooks used by the School District. Many school districts teach revisionist history from revisionist textbooks choosing instead to emphasize international history and multiculturalism. In many cases America is made out to be the bad guy in this process – a prime example being the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan during WWII. Civics, American History and the role of our Constitution in ensuring our freedom.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture-education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

DONE – our tax laws and other laws awarding welfare benefits as administered by Federal and State welfare agencies have changed the culture of the US to an entitlement state where 50% or more pay not taxes but get money back. Today, a record number of people are on Food Stamps; Housing Assistance; SSI disability & cash assistance; Medicaid; and other assistance such as free cell phones and cable television. The Federal workers Union is the largest of all the unions and the Teachers Union control our education system. Hundreds of socialist organizations now exist such as moveon.org and media matters, and ACORN. Unions such as the AFL-CIO and the SEIU actively participate in politics supporting most liberal causes and transporting members across states to participate in bashing anyone trying to control spending that involves reduction in union benefits or workers paying more of a fair share.

Additionally, all 8 of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for radicals fit in this category and are being implemented by the Obama Administration

1) Healthcare –Control healthcare and you control the people This has started under the ever changing law and rules of Obamacare.

2) Poverty –Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. Instead of programs to defeat the root causes of poverty which is dysfunctional behavior the govt. and so called minority leaders continue to blame society and racism. Instead action should be taken on the real root causes including dropping out of HS; young, unwed mothers; drug use; gang activity, etc.

3) Debt –Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. Debt has soared by 7T since 2008 and now totals over $18T headed to $20T+ by the time Obama leaves office. The 10T+ that will have accumulated under Obama is more than every other Presidents debt added together. The Fed prints money under QE to artificially prop up the economy and keeps interest rates low to prop up the stock market which is headed for a fall. POTUS and Democrats in Congress consistently push for more taxes – Obamacare adds 20 new taxes.

4) Gun Control –Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state. The 2nd Amendment is under constant attack with the latest push to force gun registration by those deemed to have some mental problems including PTSD. This could include hundreds of thousands of veterans. The next step after national registration is gun confiscation.

5) Welfare –Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)We now are a nanny state with more people on welfare than people working. Looking for work was removed by executive order as a requirement to receive unemployment benefits. Food stamps, SSI benefits, disability pay outs, govt. subsidized housing, free cell phones, etc. are at an all time high.

6) Education –Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school. Ongoing – newest method is Common Core; no child left behind legislation has also been reauthorized.

7) Religion –Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools –Christianity and Jeudism are constantly under attack by intolerant liberals now joined by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Muslim groups all with the help of the ACLU.

8) Class Warfare –Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. Obama’s latest campaign is to push for income equality rather than opportunity meaning wealth redistribution a concept which will kill free market incentives and damage the economy. Progressives are calling for higher progressive taxes on the upper incomes and on corporations.

….in short create a generation of dependent slaves……the left in the US has shown to be quite effective at that while at the same time the right is either playing along, or caught like a deer in the headlights and completely ineffective at dealing with these tactics effectively.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

PARTIAL – Communism and its cells and offshoots are not illegal in the United States. This would also imply eliminating the 2nd Amendment as gun control especially registration leading to confiscation would eliminate a means by which the people are able to fight against TYRANNY. This final act of confiscation recently took effect in Australia. They first made everyone register their guns and then they held a mass confiscation which the citizenry largely obeyed without question.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

DONE – Abolished 1975.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

UNSUCCESSFUL but more and more Federal agencies under the DHS are ignoring our Constitutional rights for habeus corpus and the posse coumatatis laws under the guise of the Patriot Act and NDA bill. Our people are much less trusting of Federal law enforcement agencies for these reasons as well as their huge purchases of ammunition, training using Tea Party movement as bad guys, militarization of equipment, etc. Unfortunately, the FBI under Eric Holder has been politicized as demonstrated by their failure to investigate & arrest the Benghazi attackers and failure to investigate the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

DONE – the most recent and overt example is the SEIU – Service Employees International Union founded by Andy Stern, a co-founder of ACORN who has visited the White House more than anyone in recent years. The SEIU gave over $61M to Obama’s 2007 campaign and many of its over 2M members have participated in thugery across this country to disrupt Tea Party rallies and town meetings and to intervene in grass roots movements to reduce union benefit as a means of controlling out of control spending. See Michelle Malkin » SEIU and the “persuasion of power;” Update: … michellemalkin.com/2009/08/06/seiu-and-the-persuasion-of-power/- Similarto Michelle Malkin » SEIU and the “persuasion of power;” Update: …Aug 6, 2009 … In May, I told you how the Service Employees International Union’s $61 million investment in Barack Obama paid off with cabinet appointments,

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL – Large Wall Street investment banking firms that were bailed out by the Obama administration contributed mega millions to his campaign despite being an easy target of Obama bullying. GE, one of our largest international Corps along with GM and Chrysler, two of our largest manufacturers are in Obama’s pocket. So are the crony capitalists in the green industries Warren Buffet campaigned for BHO policies. Many other businesses also contributed more to BHO than RR in the last election. BHO owns the NLRB who constantly go after those businesses that have relocated or built plants in right to work states.

Free market capitalism, proven to result in higher quality of life and greater degree of prosperity and liberty for a larger number of people than any other system in world history is frequently maligned by progressives, while socialistic, all-powerful nanny state has proven to delivery misery, corruption and serfdom throughout history, is celebrated.

We see the end result of this horrible process during the reign of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. During his rule the nation went from a largely successful economic entity to a socialist state. The Venezuelan government now completely owns 95% of all businesses in the nation. The nation has now returned to horrendous poverty and people are looking to escape. Business owners, teachers, lawyers and others who protested this process disappeared over the years of his regime and this practice continues after his death. Elections are now manipulated so that freedom seeking candidates cannot seek or enter office. It will take a revolution to turn the nation around. Similar events have also occurred in Argentina.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

ONGOING -Certainly, the headshrinkers in our country have become more vocal and adept at classifying and identifying what they call mental illness. Like lawyers, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists have a language all their own that mystifies most Americans and their role testifying in our courts have grown exponentially. Also look at the role they now play in identifying learning disorders like ADHD and OCD among children and the integration of government special learning programs in our schools. One seriously frightening aspect of this process is the medicating of our children who display these “behavioral disorders”. It has become far too easy to diagnose a child as ADHD, ADD or oppositional defiant and begin on psychotropic medications which severely affect them mentally and physically to alter their natural behavior. Even more frightening is the parents’ willingness to accept medications for their child without question.

BHO has issued many Executive Orders in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shootings renewing calls for all kinds of actions on mental health.

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

SUCCESSFUL – When nut jobs like Harry Reid are high-fived by the liberals and someone like Ted Cruz is called a whack job the work is almost done. In the USSR under “Pappa Joe” Stalin any dissent was ruled as insanity. Even more frightening is the trend of so called veterans help organizations like the VA that encourage them identify if they are suffering from PTSD and have a psychiatric exam. We then have pressure from government entities to make these discussions disclosed to government agencies. These agencies can then seize weapons from these veterans. Veterans who have experience with weapons, could use their training to train civilians interested in protecting themselves from a tyrannical government. The implications here are alarming.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

ONGOING -The breakdown of the core family and the ever increasing divorce rates as well as decreasing rates of marriage and increases I births at a younger age and out of wedlock has certainly occurred. The family is no longer neatly defined as a married man and woman with children but now includes single parent homes; homosexual parents; unwed parents; and very young people as parents. The root causes of poverty are related to dysfunctional behavior. All of this discredits the family unit. #2 on Saul Alynski’s Rules for Radicals is to increase the poverty level as high as possible. Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live i.e. a generation of slaves. Under the Obama Administration poverty has increased along with food stamps, disability compensation, free cell phones, govt. housing assistance, etc.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

ONGOING – The importance of the positive role of 2 parents in nurturing and mentoring children has often been replaced with a lack of parenting and the adverse impacts on children. Phyllis Schlafly, who writes a syndicated Commentary, points out that besides Communists, many groups had a motive for wanting to abolish the American nuclear family including the Feminist movement and their cry “Liberation” which meant liberation from husband, family, and care for children as demeaning. In the ’70s and again in 90’s with Hillary Clinton the liberal establishment’s mantra was “It Takes a Village” to raise a child meaning all sorts of government busybodies such as public school administrators, hired consultants, psychologists, custody evaluators, women’s studies courses, and especially, family court judges. Nowhere in this definition can be found parents. Today, the U.S. Census Bureau shows Family Court judges now control the private living arrangements of 46 M Americans and have the power to transfer $40 B between households.

She goes on to write “Political strategists advise candidates to stick to fiscal issues and not talk about social issues, but taxpayers’ money is spent on 78 types of taxpayer handouts to deal with social problems, including 12 food programs, 12 social services, 12 educational assistance, 11 housing assistance, 9 vocational training, 3 energy and utility assistance, school lunch and even breakfast and 3 child-care programs. Nothing but marriage can cut these costs.

It should be noted here that a common practice of communist controlled nations is to remove children from their parents at a very young age and educate/train them so that there is no chance to learn any other philosophy except that of the state. Organizations such as Head Start take children as young as three years of age and begin training them under the influences of the left…..it is free, paid by taxpayers and usually targets children of color

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.

ONGOING -One has to look no further than the incidents of Flash Mobs, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and the Black Lives Matter movement to see this in action. Our current Administration has allied themselves with this 99/1 movement invoking Marxist principles of “fairness” to encourage income redistribution through more taxes on the affluent and on corporations. State and local Police are being marginalized by denigrating their importance, overemphasizing police brutality and a call for a national police force. The current move for gun control and limiting of the 2nd Amendment could fit into this category.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

NA -The United States does not have colonies unless Puerto Rico and the American Samoa are considered. Certainly, Barack Hussein Obama is an anti-colonialist as was his father. This has led to some very poor foreign policies headed by appeasement.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

DONE -President Carter, a progressive liberal insured we lost control of the Panama Canal.

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

UNSUCCESSFUL – So far, we have resisted giving the WC power over US sovereignty despite UN pressure to do so.

Following is from the Preamble of the Democratic Socialists of America in describing Where We Stand.

In the United States, we must fight for a humane public policies that will provide quality health care, education, and job training and that redirect public investment from the military to much-neglected urban housing and infrastructure. Such policies require the support of a majoritarian coalition of trade unionists, people of color, feminists, gays and lesbians and all other peoples committed to democratic change. Our greatest contribution as American socialists to global social justice is to build that coalition, which is key to transforming the power relations of global capitalism.

A strategy for the Next Left involves Social Redistribution–the shift of wealth and resources from the rich to the rest of society – this will require:

1. massive redistribution of income from corporations and the wealthy to wage earners and the poor and the public sector, in order to provide the main source of new funds for social programs, income maintenance and infrastructure rehabilitation, and

2. a massive shift of public resources from the military (the main user of existing discretionary funds) to civilian uses.

HuffPo maligns ‘white Christians’ says ‘White evangelicals will never make America great again’ – Take Action!

Huffingtonpost.com’s most recent racist anti-white, anti-Christian column titled “White evangelicals will never make America great again” was published on July 1, 2018.  If a HuffPost.com article ever denigrates “black” Christians it would most likely lose all advertisers including Hewlett Packard.  But some advertisers are okay with racist articles directed at white Christians.

The Huffington Post has published numerous articles that promote Islamist propaganda.  Huffington Post articles have defended the Muslim Brotherhood, fundraised for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), blamed Christian Islamophobia for worldwide conflict with Muslims, promoted an anti-Semitic blog, encouraged Islamist demagoguery, and promoted other Islamist propaganda.  The Huffington Post has former Al Jazeera journalists writing articles and Huffington Post Arabic is led by hard line Islamists from Al Jazeera.

The Huffington Post published an article written by Ben Piven on January 12, 2017 titled “Why Al Jazeera America Failed, And Why We Need It More Than Ever.”  The subtitle stated “America desperately needs something similar to pioneer this new era of uncertainty and misinformation.”  Ben Piven “was at Al Jazeera for over 5 years, including several years at AJAM in New York City and also in Doha at AJE during the height of the Arab Spring.”

Huffingtonpost.com calls America’s finest, our soldiers racist in its article titled “Becoming A Racist: The Unfortunate Side Effect Of Serving Your Country?” In addition to smearing America’s finest with the racist title it trashes our police as well.

Twenty one examples of Islamist propaganda articles have been provided to Hewlett Packardofficials.

Why  is  it  important  to  urge companies to stop advertising at Huffingtonpost.com?

  • The Huffington Post’s large number of readers and high volume of pro-Islamist reports makes it a leading proliferator of Islamist propaganda in the United States.
  • Islamophobia propaganda is the top tool Islamists use to influence Americans to ignore advancement of Sharia doctrine in the United States.  Unfortunately, it intimidates people to the point of stifling free speech in a manner that hurts public safety and allows Sharia to thrive.
  • The  Huffington  Post’s  frequent  pro-Islamist reporting feeds the Hate America crowd with more reasons to defend Islamists and ignore the harmful direction that results from its acceptance.
  • HuffPost and HuffPost Arab employ several former Al Jazeera reporters and Islamist advocates who have pushed the Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood agenda.
  • Florida Family Association’s opposition campaign educates thousands of officials at American companies about the harm caused by erroneous Islamophobia propaganda and pro-Islamist reporting.  The thousands of emails that company officials receive reveal that there are many Americans who find Islamist propaganda deceitful, harmful and offensive.

Hewlett Packard certainly has the right to advertise in whatever forum it chooses. You have the same right to voice concern regarding the content on such forums and choose to patronize companies that will not spend your consumer dollars supporting Islamist propaganda and spewing hate at Christians, Jews and white people.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Hewlett Packard officials to stop supporting Huffingtonpost.com propaganda with its customers’ money.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to encourage Hewlett Packard officials to stop supporting Huffingtonpost.com vitriolic and Islamist propaganda with its customers’ money.

RELATED ARTICLE: Harvard scholar is wrong: Leviticus NEVER approved of gay sex

The Deep State vs. The Dark State

The FBI IG Report recently presented to Congress demonstrates that the wheels for opening the gates to clean-out the swamp are very rusty but are intermittingly turning; albeit, ever so slightly like the rusty and nearly frozen wheels they are. Some movement is being made in D.C. but sorely much, much less than the predominant majority of Americans could have ever imagined. No longer are there clear and historical examples of Republicans v Democrats. What has become evident is a quickly widening chasm separating those who proclaim and un-hesitantly support the constitutional principles of limited government with respect toward the individual and State sovereignty based on our Judeo-Christian Foundation and values against all others who are aligning with Social Marxism, and the removal of our constitutional heritage and values.

There is a difference between the “Deep State” and the “Dark State.”

The “Deep State” adherents are the long-serving entrenched bureaucrats who are key to making the engine of government function. Presidents come and go, but those in the “Deep State” are 15, 20 and longer in year’s entrenched mid-level managers and upper level managers to which paper work and duties of carrying out the decisions and proclamations of a president must go to be enacted. They sit in very key cubicles and corner offices having worked their way up by knowing how to get along to go along, and to NOT rock the boat of the “Deep State” loyalists who, in many ways, are hand chosen just for such entrenchment. They can effectively misplace paperwork. They can send critical paperwork and files down a very wrong path which will take weeks, if not months, to discover and retrieve. They have an almost unlimited amount of experience gumming up the process of making government ineffective. It requires strong and decisive leaders as Presidential Appointees placed in very strategic positions to compensate for these almost incomprehensible incompetents; which, some are, and many are simply bureaucrats with no skin in the game, and no concept of what is taking place outside the District of Columbia and accompanying commuter communities like Alexandria, Virginia and Bethesda, Maryland to simply name two. Worse…they don’t care what is taking place across the fruited plains.

So…to be clear, the “Deep State” are the very cunning, most screwed and adept managers of keeping all things just as they are, with little to no advancement, and with no one ever becoming wiser. The “Deep State” most senior members are those who actually participate in the briefings to presidential candidates, thereby getting a good close-up assessment of the potential new boss. These close-up meetings actually also allow for decisions to be formulated as to just how much, how deep, and how detailed the information they are to share once a president moves into the Oval. From the late 1990’s the “Deep State” actually became more “in charge” than the public would ever know. This is but another reason the “Deep State” is so intent upon getting rid of Donald Trump. He clearly is not part of the cabal, and Trump represents a massive bomb going off blowing the carefully scripted plans all these years up! They want their power back, and don’t care how they go about it…even if it means coordinating a coop to vacate the Oval Office of the current occupant!

The members of the “Dark State” are a different animal; although, they, too, have gummed-up the effective workings of government to accomplish their goals and agendas; namely, to collapse the United States into the New-World Order, the Global community which will be hedonistic and communistic in style and belief, and worse! The members of this diabolical state are many whose names you are acquainted with; the Clintons, Obamas, Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Mueller, with a list very long, and many within the list not named in publications often. The list does not exclude Republicans, with many on the Republican side like, McConnell, McCain, Romney, Paul Ryan, examples…and include the Bush Family to this list along with still many others who have adopted the global community goal.

The silent coup that continues some 18 months after Mr. Trump’s election is an example of the crisis our Nation faces, but many are placing a spin on the subject. The entire Russian collusion was a product of the Dark State within the intelligence community as well as the State Department working hand-in-hand to defeat, and now Impeach a properly elected President of the United States who was NEVER a member of the Dark State, and who represents all the opposite the Dark State stands for and has been implementing since Reagan. The combining of our Nation’s intelligence agencies along with cooperation from the Department of Justice and the State Department, with coordination coming from the White House is breathtaking, scary, and unprecedented on many levels. The fact that members of the Dark State are still influencing the appointments to serve in key positions for the President is simply one example of how deep and tangled the swamp truly has become. The ruining of lives and careers, finances and families is another example. The ability to develop sophisticated files and manufactured evidence, and then have almost the entire so-called journalist corps blindly and dutifully report and regurgitate such made-up lies is still another example of just how far reaching the Dark State network has evolved. The Department of Justice is so compromised that the IG Report submitted to Congress was a truly BIG DEAL, and enigma. The report is a disappointment given the grave condition of the FBI and DOJ.

The Attorney General is in over his head.

He is a nice and sincere guy, a manager but not a leader. The position was offered to him after Rudy Giuliani refused to accept. There was no question that Jeff Sessions was loyal to Trump, and really to this day remains so. He is simply the wrong guy in a terribly key position, and is in over his head. Compromised…most likely not. Sobered and even scared to piss off the wrong people and show up not healthy, most likely that hypothesis has more merit. The entire DOJ including FBI is compromised by a trilogy of Dark State, Deep State, and members of the Islamic Movement. The entire DOJ structure needs to be cleaned out boldly. Sessions cannot accomplish this, he is not the leader that is needed for such a massive and far-reaching operation as such. A manager, yes; but a leader who can clean the swamp at DOJ, no! Now I would not want to challenge Mark Levin…I really like him and respect his knowledge, brains, and network of friends. So Levin claims Session has been “black mailed” I will not argue. But I also submit my aforesaid statement for your consideration.

We are observing two America’s colliding within the borders of the United States of America.

While sharing insights is still a much needed work, far more so is the preparing of people as to who shall they serve? Shall they serve God or Man? Shall they be loyal to the Judeo-Christian principles our Nation was founded upon, and submit (cooperate) with God’s Law or will they succumb to Man-made doctrine comprised of humanistic and diabolical schemes and dark values? Does America move closer to the God who inspired her, and for which our Founders acknowledged in so many ways, or the seductive Marxist doctrines steadily seeping into our schools, churches, social structure and government? Sitting and listening to speakers entertain is NOT working. People get up from such meetings and return to their life-styles with no action plan, no support systems, and no leadership willing to restore our American principles. Reminding citizens of the profound reasons our Nation was so conceived is more critical today than at any time in our history. People simply are uneducated about how and why America is exceptional (not perfect or without blemish) among ALL nations except Israel. Trump is attempting to make America Great Again because we are unique, and this contributes to why the “Deep State” hates him so.

So…”Deep State” or “Dark State” both entities represent deep states of rebellion. Mr. Trump truly needs the prayers of We the People to accomplish what he was elected to perform – Make America Great Again!


In Unprecedented Move, Rosenstein Asks 100s Of Prosecutors To Review SCOTUS Pick’s Records

Sex, Lies and the Deep State

Florida Republicans Gaetz and Ingolia discuss appointment of Judge Kavanaugh

Matt Gaetz (left) and Blaise Ingoglia

In a special press call via telephone on Wednesday morning, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-D1) and Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) Chairman Blaise Ingoglia (R-FL35) discussed the importance of confirming Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee for the United States Supreme Court, before the midterm elections.  The call was sponsored by the Republican Party of Florida.

The intent of the call was to express confidence in the president’s recent appointment for Supreme Court by the Party.  After making brief introductory remarks, both speakers were asked various questions from the press regarding Judge Kavanaugh.

Chairman Ingolia was asked to discuss the political ramifications of the Judge’s appointment.  He claimed the Republican base was excited and would support the selection.  He also believed Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL), who is fighting a tough race with Governor Rick Scott (R) to retain his senate seat, should quickly give his confirmation of the Judge, otherwise he will appear to be an obstructionist.  The choice puts Sen. Nelson on the hot seat, should he join the blanket opposition by the Democrats he will be giving more fuel to Gov. Scott’s campaign.

When asked if a long delay in the Judge’s confirmation would play to Sen. Nelson’s benefit, Chairman Ingolia cited a poll claiming 56% of the people want a swift confirmation.  He also believes the Republicans were energized by the appointment.

Cong. Gaetz claimed Judge Kavanaugh was a constitutional jurist.  He hasn’t personally read all of the judge’s decisions but is confident the president picked a qualified candidate.  He went on to say, the Judge will defend unborn life.  This led into a discussion on abortion with Chairman Ingolia claiming the Republican base believes pro-life is important.

The Congressman added he sees Judge Kavanaugh more as a William Rehnquist, the late Supreme Court Chief Justice, rather than conservative Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas.

When asked about the use of cannabis in Florida and the law, Cong. Gaetz saw this as a state issue which would probably not make it to the Supreme Court.

The press call was brief and lasted approximately 15 minutes; to hear the audio, click HERE.

Keep the Faith!

RELATED VIDEO: Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: Brett Kavanaugh ‘One of the Most Conservative Jurists in the Country’.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Claire Anderson Twitter: @claireandy.

Nationalism is NOT a Dirty Word!

When did American nationalism become a dirty word? Under Obama of course! Obama’s leftist war against America is a war against American nationalism. America emerged from WWII as the most powerful economic nation on earth and invincible militarily. Enemies of the United States domestically and internationally would need a different strategy to defeat her.

Aesop’s 6th century fable “The Four Oxen and the Lion” offers that strategy.

“A lion used to prowl about a field in which four oxen used to dwell. Many a time he tried to attack them; but whenever he came near they turned their tails to one another, so that whichever way he approached them he was met by the horns of one of them. At last, however, they fell a-quarrelling among themselves, and each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. Then the Lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end of all four. United we stand, divided we fall.”

Uncle Sam illustration WWII.

American nationalism is the common denominator that unifies America which is why the war against America specifically targets American nationalism. Obama’s leftist strategy is one of creating divisiveness within America because divided we fall. This is how it works.

The great conflict in the world today is between nationalism and internationalism. Nationalism supports the national sovereignty of independent countries trading fairly in the global marketplace. Internationalism supports globalism – a globalized one world nation, one world economy, one world language, one world currency, one world flag, one world educational curriculum, one world police force, one world army, and most significantly one world government.

The New World Order of one world government is deceitfully marketed by globalist elites as the universal system for social justice and income equality. The problem, of course, is that the “New” World Order is a return to the very old world feudal system of masters and slaves. There is nothing new about a binary socio-political system having the few elite rulers at the top of the social pyramid and the enslaved masses at the base. Obama’s leftist lemmings are useful idiots participating in their own destruction and do not realize they will end up as slaves in the new world order.

American nationalism is the bulwark against internationalism – united we stand divided we fall. Nationalism transcends individual differences and strengthens America by providing the common denominator that binds us one to the other to protect and preserve the country. Like Aesop’s four oxen we stand together united in common cause to fend off the globalist enemy.

Nationalism is defined by Merriam-Webster as,

“loyalty or devotion to a nation; especially a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.”

Supranational means transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests. Globalism is supranational and Barack Obama is a globalist. 

American nationalism is diametrically opposed to supranational globalism. President Donald Trump is the symbol of American nationalism which is why there is an internationalized effort to overthrow him. Obama is the globalist puppet driving the divisive anti-American resistance movement against President Trump at home. The media soundbites that deceitfully associate President Trump’s patriotic American nationalism with despicable Nazi supremacy are an attack on our exceptional cultural identity designed to produce self-loathing and make nationalism a dirty word.

So, let’s examine the four oxen of American cultural identity that Obama’s divisive resistance movement is relentlessly attacking.

1. Constitution – the single greatest document written by our Founding Fathers guaranteeing individual liberty, the separation of powers, and individual rights. The Constitution provides ordered liberty and supports individualism, national sovereignty, and rejects collectivism and supranational globalism.  Obama’s lemmings and activist judges seek to shred the clarity of the Constitution to make it into a “living” document for their political purposes.

2. Family – the nuclear family has been under attack since the culture war began in the 60s. The stability of the family including its moral commitment to the Judeo-Christian 10 Commandments was shattered by Obama and replaced with a religious tribal loyalty to leftist liberalism. The “new” family lives by the leftist narrative of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism. They welcome diversity of color and sexual orientation but completely reject diversity of thought. The leftist demand for ideological conformity is tyrannical.

3. Education – the reeducation of America through anti-American pro-Muslim globalist educational curricula, Internet censorship, manipulative TV advertising, program content, and the staggering bias of mainstream media editorial reporting all drive America toward collectivism and one world governance. The leftist narrative of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism is the foundation of UN sponsored universal education being used to indoctrinate our children for global citizenship.

4. Military –  Obama’s administration weakened the US military and national defense with the same leftist narrative of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism. His pro-Muslim embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood deliberately disinformed the military about the ideological foundation for jihad and terrorism. He weakened military morale, under-financed and under-supplied the troops, and allowed foreign governments to control strategic Port Canaveral and the Port of Wilmington. The United States military has the singular goal of protecting the sovereignty of the country and its people. Obama’s goal continues to be the weakening of our national defense to make way for supranational globalism.  

The meritocracy is the foundation of all four elements of our cultural identity and national pride. The meritocracy provides unparalleled upward mobility in America which incentivizes excellence in all fields. The meritocracy supports individualism, rejects collectivism, and evaluates actions based on the WHAT of behavior not the WHO. Obama’s leftism abolished the blind justice of the meritocracy in favor of leftist tribalism that exclusively values the WHO of behavior. He politicized the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and State Department and seeded the courts with activist judges – all determined to weaken America and impose one world government.

Here is the problem. Collectivism, whether socialism, communism, or globalism is predatory in nature. Collectivism never provides social justice or income equality for the people – collectivism like feudalism only benefits the ruling elite. The elitist leaders devour the natural resources of the country and exploit the people they rule. President Donald Trump has exposed the left’s globalist war on America and has made American nationalism great again. President Trump supports the oxen against the predatory lion.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Goudsmit Pundicity.

Freedom From Religion Foundation Tries to Bully School Into Removing Prayer From Graduation

The Freedom From Religion Foundation accused a Tennessee school of violating constitutional law by allowing prayer at its graduation ceremony, but the school won’t budge.

Christopher Line, legal fellow with FFRF, wrote in a letter to Catoosa County Schools district that Ringgold High School should not have permitted public prayer at their May graduation ceremony, claiming that it was unconstitutional and that it alienated non-religious students, according to Chattanooga Times Free Press (CTFP). The school district responded, however, that graduation ceremonies were and would continue to be planned by students, and therefore the involvement of prayer was legal.


“The Supreme Court has continually struck down prayers at school-sponsored events, including public school graduations,” Line wrote to Renzo Wiggins, the school board’s attorney, according to CTFP. “… School officials may not invite a student, teacher, faculty member, or clergy to give any type of prayer, invocation, or benediction at a public high school graduation.”

Line claimed that a parent had contacted FFRF to alert them about the use of prayer at the school’s graduation ceremony.

Catoosa County Schools Superintendent Denia Reese responded to Line’s letter, saying that students plan and lead graduation ceremonies and that if FFRF wanted to file a formal legal complaint, the school district’s lawyer would be happy to respond.

“Graduation ceremonies are planned and led by students. If and when the system receives a complaint, the system’s attorney will thoroughly research the allegations, and when he has completed this research he will respond to the Freedom from Religion Foundation explaining how our students can continue to develop graduation programs and lead the ceremonies,” Reese wrote.

Line said that this was the sixth letter that FFRF had sent to Catoosa County Schools since 2013 complaining about a variety of school related events involving religion.

RELATED ARTICLE: Harvard scholar is wrong: Leviticus NEVER approved of gay sex

EDITORS NOTE: Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities for this original content, email licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org. The featured image is of residents of DeSoto County pictured on Sept. 4, 2011 in Hernando, Mississippi while they gathered on the courthouse lawn to pray for and preach against the Supreme Court ruling that bans prayer at public-school events. (Photo: Robert King/Polaris/Newscom)

The Left’s Immigration Con Game: Breaking through the lies about Ellis Island and more.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

With that famous quote George Orwell warned decades ago against history revisionists and that which has come to be referred to as “fake news.”

On July 4, 2018, the New York Post headline read, “Statue of Liberty Climber Identified as Immigrant Activist.”

The Post and other news outlets have identified this ”immigrant activist” as Therese Patricia Okoumou — a 44-year-old originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

How better to celebrate the birth of our nation than stage a dangerous illegal protest against the enforcement of America’s immigration laws at the Statue of Liberty?  Okoumou’s actions threatened to severely damage a precious national landmark and endangered the lives of hundreds of tourists — who had patiently waited in line, then paid a steep admission fee to ferry to Liberty Island — only to be evacuated because of her illegal hijinks.

Officers of the NYPD were also endangered by Okoumou’s stupid trick when they had to neutralize her threat to the public and to the Statue of Liberty when they took her into custody.

According to various reports about Okoumou, she is quite comfortable with both law-breaking and initiating lawsuits against businesses for alleged “racism.”

Ludicrously, it appears she was admitted into the United States lawfully by the very same immigration authorities she is now fighting against.

While she was not alone at the protest demanding an end to ICE, of all the members of the group she reportedly belongs to, “Rise and Resist,” she was the only one to climb the iconic “Lady in the Harbor.”

There is an irresistible irony here.  Last year I wrote an article, “Aliens Trespassing,” in which I discussed the proposed legislation by —  none other than — New York’s Senior Senator Chuck Schumer, who sought to make trespassing on national landmarks a federal crime with a maximum penalty of five years in prison for a conviction.

Schumer’s own press release included a reference to “trespassers from overseas” — in other words, “aliens.”

Yet Schumer, eager to see the demise of ICE along with his fellow travelers of the Democratic Party, apparently could not care less about aliens who trespass on America.

For decades, immigration anarchists have exploited Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and Emma Lazarus’ poem, The New Colossus, falsely portraying the history of immigration and romanticizing the way that America supposedly embraced all new-comers a century ago and lamenting the demise of Ellis Island.

In so doing they have rewritten history, turning the immigration debate into a war of words where slogans based on lies are repeated as frequently as possible.  This is an example of the principle of “The Big Lie” used with great effectiveness by the Third Reich.

An extraordinary film, Forgotten Ellis Island, is a must-see documentary that tells the true story about Ellis Island, and the story is not particularly pretty or romantic.

To begin with, Ellis Island was not a natural island but was constructed on rocks and debris removed during the construction of the massive New York City subway system.  By situating this federal facility on this artificial island, no aliens could come ashore and abscond the way that today aliens exploit the lunacy known as “catch & release” — a policy that incidentally does not only occur along the borders of the United States but,  similarly plagues the integrity of the immigration system from within the interior of the United States.

The only way for aliens to get from Ellis Island to New York City, and hence the U.S. mainland, was by a government-operated ferry.

According to the documentary, Ellis Island included a massive hospital complex that consisted of 22 buildings.

One hundred years ago, Public Health officials worked with immigration inspectors to process the arriving immigrants.  Back then, the most significant concerns with admission decisions centered on health-related issues.

There were two reasons for this: genuine concerns about illnesses being transported into the U.S. and that antibiotics were, then, non-existent.  Epidemics could be devastating.

Aside from public health, the second issue of great concern about immigration then — but one that is never discussed today by immigration anarchists — is whether the arriving immigrants were too weak, mentally ill or otherwise unable to work and support themselves.

Aliens who were ill or deemed too weak or mentally incapable of working were deported, even if it meant that they would be permanently separated from their families.  Families that were determined to remain together had but one alternative: return to their native countries.

Back then, Eastern Europeans, Italians, Jews and others were openly discriminated against and frequently barred from entering the United States.

Today, under the guise of being politically correct, globalists beginning with Jimmy Carter, started modifying the language of the immigration debate to alter the public’s understanding of the issues.

The term “alien” was expunged from the vernacular of INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) employees by Carter when describing foreign nationals present in the United States who demanded that henceforth illegal aliens be referred to as “undocumented immigrants,”  or simply immigrants.

This was not done to be polite or politically correct, but to remove the distinction between lawful immigrants and illegal aliens.

We must stop referring to propaganda as examples of “political correctness” and call it what it indeed is: Orwellian Newspeak.

Incredibly, the dreaded term “alien” was incorporated in the acronym DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).

Today, the media rarely reports that the DREAM Act was an acronym; instead, they link it to the “American Dream,” where illegal aliens are “DREAMERs.”  That “dream,” however, has become increasingly elusive for Americans and lawful immigrants.

As for the DREAMers, the media incessantly describes them as young “immigrants” brought to the United States illegally as children when they had no control over their circumstances.  Thus, they claim, it would be unfair to punish children for the crimes of their parents and, accordingly, it is only reasonable and compassionate to provide them with permanent lawful status and, perhaps, pathways to U.S.citizenship.

Today these “young” aliens could conceivably be in their mid-thirties to qualify as DREAMERs, provided they claim to have been brought to the U.S. before their 16th birthday.

However, no record of entry is created when aliens first enter the United States without inspection.  Routine interviews are impossible, as are field investigations needed to determine the legitimacy of claims because of the significant number of aliens who could jam the existing system to participate in this massive amnesty program.   This boondoggle will serve as an open invitation for epic levels of immigration fraud wherein potentially millions of illegal aliens, some of whom are middle-aged, could successfully game and overwhelm our system, making a further mockery of the U.S. immigration system.

Now immigration anarchists demand the destruction of ICE.

Foreign criminals, drug cartels, and terrorists would love free access to America. Human traffickers would go un-investigated and unpunished.

Greedy employers who fire Americans and hire illegal aliens would have nothing to fear.

Illegal alien parents who endanger their children by smuggling them into the United States would face no consequences for their crimes.

Famed playwright George Bernard Shaw lamented that “We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.” Learning from history requires access to unbiased and factual accounts of the news and of history. Liars and their lies must be exposed and rejected.


The Immigration Scandal No One Is Talking About

How Protest Has Morphed Into A Dangerous Insurgency Movement

New Mexican President To Create Border Force To Stop Illegal Immigrants, Drugs From Central America.

RELATED VIDEO: ‘Refugees’ Admitted to Murder for Drug Cartels, Prostitution, and Sexual Predation

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine. The featured image is by Jonathan McIntosh.