The Destructive Generation

The overthrow of the Republic is the legacy of the generation that destroyed this country. Trump is our only shot to save our once great nation. The brilliant, unrivaled historian, Victor Davis Hanson, breaks it down:

The Destructive Generation—Proving America’s Weakest Link

By: Victor Davis Hanson,  June 3, 2024

Governor Ronald Reagan, in his 1967 inaugural address, famously remarked, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Reagan today might have expanded on his theme by declaring that civilization itself is both fragile and can lost by a generation that recklessly spends its inheritance while neither appreciating nor replenishing it—if not ridiculing those who sacrificed so much to provide it.

Such is the noxious epitaph of the Baby Boomer generation that is now passing after a half-century of preeminence and whose Jacobin agendas have nearly wrecked the nation they inherited.

In contrast to them, eighty years ago this week, the Allied powers of World War II—chiefly the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada—landed on five Normandy beaches to begin what Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, supreme commander of the Allied expeditionary forces, would call the great “crusade” to liberate Western Europe from four years of brutal Nazi occupation.

The plan was to land within a few hours and in stormy weather well over 150,000 Americans, British, and Canadians on the Atlantic Coast beaches of France, where they were to charge directly into the fire of tens of thousands of enemy troops. They were to charge uphill in the sand while being fired upon by entrenched German troops occupying the hills above. From there, the beachhead was to serve as the launching pad for two million more troops, who were to somehow drive eastward through France and into Germany to end the war and the devastation the Third Reich had inflicted on the world.

All that was accomplished in the ensuing 11 months. That can-do American generation assumed that impoverished teenagers emerging from the Great Depression, with equipment often inferior to their seasoned German enemies, would, over the ensuing months, surely prove able to route Waffen SS veterans. Many of them were hastily transferred from the murderous Eastern Front, such as the nihilist 2nd SS Panzer Division das Reich (“The Empire”). No matter, the Americans did the impossible in less than a year—from the Normandy beaches to well across the Rhine River.

That same generation went on to save South Korea, build an anti-totalitarian world order, defeat Soviet communism, and pass on to the Baby Boomer generation the strongest economy, military, and political system in history, or, to paraphrase the poet Horace, “monuments more lasting than bronze.” Or so we, the inheritors, thought.

And what are the now septuagenarian and octogenarian children of the veterans of Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima, leaving as their own legacy?

The self-infatuated and do-your-own-thing generation that gave us the Sixties and the counterculture has left the country $36 trillion in debt, now borrowing $1 trillion nearly every three months. Worse, there is not just no plan to balance budgets, much less to reduce the debt, but also no intention to stop or even worry about the borrowing of some $10 billion a day.

The U.S. military is almost unrecognizable to that of just a few decades ago. It was humiliated in Kabul. In surrealistic fashion, it abandoned some $50 billion in lethal weaponry to the Taliban—along with our NATO allies, American contractors, and loyal Afghans. And our supreme command labeled that rout a brilliant retreat. Meanwhile, the military suffers from depleted inventory of key munitions while being short 45,000 annual recruits.

The Pentagon is torn by internal dissension over DEI, woke, anti-meritocratic promotions, and a politicized officer class—well, apart from now also being outmanned and outgunned by the Chinese. Many of the world’s key maritime corridors—the Red Sea, the Straits of Hormuz, the Black Sea, and the South China sea—are apparently beyond our navy’s ability to ensure the world safe transit.

For perceived cheap political advantage, the Baby Boomers destroyed the southern border, most recently allowing in nearly 10 million unaudited illegal aliens. With the disappearance of our national sovereignty, so too was lost the once-cherished idea of a melting pot of legal immigrants arriving in America longing to assimilate, to integrate in self-reliant fashion, and to show gratitude for the chance of something far better than what they left.

The country’s major cities are increasingly medieval, with a million homeless camped on fetid streets. Criminals terrorize the law-abiding. They assume their violence will be contextualized away by vacuous “critical legal” or “critical race” or “critical penal” theories. This generation releases violent felons to prey on the weak and sheds hardly a tear as police officers are shot unnoticed at the rate of nearly one a day.

America’s once great universities—such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and MIT—are now into their fourth year of abolishing much of their prior standards. The youth who sought to wreck them from the outside in the 1960s now succeed in finishing the job as elders on the inside. These bankrupt campuses now adjudicate admissions and hiring by race, tribe and gender and then wonder why their students are entitled, ignorant, and arrogant yet unable to meet the very standards that the universities once insisted were critical to ensuring their preeminence.

Worse, the more elite the campuses, the more they became hotbeds of unapologetic anti-Semitism, gratuitous violence, and hatred for the country’s very institutions that guarantee their own freedom of action and speech. Who taught them and allowed them to think that as they illegally occupied buildings, defaced and defiled monuments, and shouted Jew hatred, they were absurdly entitled to free food deliveries and amnesties?

A rapacious higher education welcomed in profitable anti-American students and billions of dollars in hostile foreign cash from those who mock the laws of their host and feel a covetous America can be bought for 10 cents on the dollar. And as we learned after October 7, they were mostly correct.

Abroad, our nomenklatura opportunistically demonizes a democratic Israel trying to fight a terrorist Hamas that slaughtered 1,200 mostly unarmed citizens at a time of peace in the most grotesque fashion of the 21st century.

Yet our elite cannot distinguish killers from our democratic allies. Hamas deliberately drafted their own citizens to serve as shields to protect the terrorists safely ensconced in the tunnels below—on the sick assurance that Israel would surely try to avoid killing civilian shields whom the cynical Hamas apparat deliberately exposed to protect itself.

America hectors its most loyal ally in a way it does not its chief enemies, communist China and theocratic Iran. Not content with hiding its role in birthing the gain-in-function COVID-19 virus, now with impunity China helps kill 100,000 Americans a year through the export of fentanyl. It sends nearly 30,000 adult males into the US illegally. It relies on the espionage abilities of its students and visitors —and apparently exempt spy balloons—to ensure the People’s Liberation Army’s technological parity with the U.S.

But the greatest baleful legacy of this fading generation is the weaponization of the government against its own perceived American citizen enemies. That bastardization of institutions extends now to the very destruction of the once-hallowed tradition of American jurisprudence.

The degeneration was not just that our government and its political ancillaries cooked up the Russian collusion hoax that warped the 2016 campaign and crippled a presidency—but that, to this day, its unapologetic architects remain smug that they pulled it off and would do it again.

Ditto the efforts of “intelligence authorities” to delude the American people about “Russian disinformation” and the Hunter Biden laptop. The Sixties generation’s new normal is to impeach a president twice, to try him as a private citizen, and to seek to remove him from state ballots.

All that was now characteristic of a generation that learned in the 1960s that if it did not get its way, it would wreck what it could not control. So, it was logical that it sought to pack the court, to end the filibuster, to destroy the Electoral College—and to corrupt the law to achieve political ends. Or as the Sixties generation taught us, “by any means necessary”—an arrogant affirmation of Machiavelli’s dictum that “the ends justify the means.”

Now we are left with a final toxic gift from this generation: the destruction of jurisprudence, a system designed not to easily protect the popular and admired but those often pilloried in the public square, the unorthodox, eccentric, and unliked.

Even Trump’s antagonists know that had Donald Trump been a man of the left, or had he not run again for president, he would never have been charged, much less convicted, of felonies or been punished with nearly a half-billion dollars in legal fees and fines.

We all accept that the charges brought against him by a vindictive and left-wing Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis and Jack Smith—all compromised by either past politicized prosecutorial failures or boasts of getting Trump—have never before been brought against any prior political figure or indeed any average citizen. They were instead invented to target a single political enemy. So what hallowed law, what constitutional norm, what ancient custom, or what Bill or Rights has the fading left not destroyed in order to erase Donald Trump from the political scene?

There is now no distinction between state and federal law. Once a prosecutor targets an enemy, he can flip back and forth between such statutes to find the necessary legal gimmick to destroy his target.

Statutes of limitations are no more as errant prosecutors and political operatives in the legislature can change laws to dredge up supposed crimes of years past, to destroy their political enemies, by employing veritable bills of attainder.

The very notion of an exculpatory hung jury depends on who is to be hung.

Judges can overtly contribute to the political opponents of the accused before them. Their children can profit in the tens of millions by selling to politicos their relationship to the very judge who holds the fate of their political opponents in his hands.

In sum, the First Amendment guaranteeing the right of the defendant to free speech is now not applicable. Asymmetrical gag orders are.

The Fourth Amendment is now torn to shreds by those who boast of “saving democracy.” When the FBI, on orders from a hostile administration, storms into the home of the leading presidential candidate and ex-president’s home, armed to the teeth, treats a civil dispute as a violent felony, and then doctors the evidence it finds, then constitutional insurance against “unreasonable searches and seizures” becomes a bitter joke for generations.

The Fifth Amendment’s protection that no person “shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” has been destroyed when an ex-president cannot summon expert legal witnesses to testify on his behalf and when he cannot bring in evidence that contradicts his accusers. There is no due process when one ex-president is indicted for the very crimes his exempted successor has committed.

The Sixth Amendment’s various assurances are now kaput. No one believes that Trump was tried “by an impartial jury of the State”—not when prosecutors deliberately indicted him in a city where 85 percent of the population voted against him and are by design of a different political party.

No longer will an American have the innate right “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor” when Donald Trump was never informed by prosecutor Alvin Bragg of the felony for which he was charged, with little advance idea of all the hostile prosecutorial witnesses to be called, and with no right to call in experts to refute the prosecution’s bizarre notion of campaign finance violations.

The Seventh Amendment is likewise now on the ash heap of history. The publicity-seeking judge Arthur Engoron, a political antagonist of Trump, warped the law in order to serve as judge, jury, and executioner of Trump’s fate, without recourse to a jury of even his biased New York peers.

The Eighth Amendment will offer assurance no longer to the American people that “excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

Donald Trump was fined $83.3 million in the E. Jean Carroll case for an alleged assault of three decades past, brought by partisan manipulative waving of the statute of limitations, with the politicized accuser having no idea of the year the assault took place, with her accusations arising only decades later when Trump became a political candidate, with her own employers insisting she was fired for reasons having nothing to do with Donald Trump, and with her narrative eerily matching a TV show plot rather than any provable facts of the case.

By what logic was Trump fined $175 million for supposedly inflated asset valuation to obtain a loan that was repaid with interest to banks that had no complaint? Since when does the state seek to inflict such “unusual” punishments for a crime that never before had existed and never will again henceforth?

In sum, our departing weak-link generation leaves us this final Parthian shot— that when a toxic ideology so alienates the people who are rising up to prevent its continuance, then the desperate architects of such disasters can dismantle the rule of law to destroy its critics.

And so, a single generation has broken apart the great chain of American civilizational continuance. But if this weak-leak generation thinks the evil that they wrought is their last word, they should remember the warning of a great historian:

“Indeed men too often take upon themselves in the prosecution of their revenge to set the example of doing away with those general laws to which all alike can look for salvation in adversity, instead of allowing them to subsist against the day of danger when their aid may be required.” – Thucydides 3.84.3



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Hamas Role in the Worst Massacre of Gay People in America

On the anniversary of the Pulse massacre, “Queers for Palestine” rally for their own killers.

Nearly eight years after a Muslim terrorist committed the largest massacre of gay people in American history, LGBTQ Islamic terror supporters blocked the Philadelphia gay pride parade.

“Long live the Intifada,” members of Queers4Palestine chanted, referring to the Islamic terrorist campaign against the Jewish State, chanting that the gay pride parade was just like the KKK and the Israeli army.  “From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever!”

Protesting a gay pride parade in support of Hamas was a fitting prelude to the anniversary of the Islamic massacre at a gay nightclub which had its own Hamas connection.

On June 12th, 2016, Omar Mateen, an Afghan Muslim, conducted his own ‘intifada’ at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, murdering 49 people and wounding over 50 more partygoers.

The terrorist attack at a gay nightclub is commemorated every year in the gay community without a single reference to the fact that Omar was a Muslim terrorist killing for Islam.

Even though Omar Mateen had told coworkers that he had ties to Islamic terrorism, had been investigated by the FBI as an Islamic terrorist (he had convinced the FBI that his coworkers were ‘Islamophobes’) and there are recordings of him pledging allegiance to ISIS during the attack, every anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre makes no mention of the “I” word.

“My name is Islamic soldier,” Omar had told a law enforcement negotiator. “It’s the last month of the Ramadan… I fasted the whole day today. I fasted and I prayed.”

Omar had come from an Islamic terrorist supporting family. His father, who had run for president of Afghanistan, had publicly praised the Taliban. And there was also a Hamas connection.

Omar’s wife, Noor Salman, was born to ‘Palestinian’ parents and her first marriage had been arranged in her father’s “hometown” in Israel’s West Bank. The Salman family owns extensive property in the area including businesses and an apartment in which they live part of the time.

Her mother had cheered Hamas.

“How many snipers from Palestine deserve a bow from our heads as respect to them?” she had posted on Oct 6, 2013, and expressed her support for Hamas official Jamal Al-Taweel.

“My brother and friend, Jamal, rest assured that you are backed by a sister who prays for you night and day, asking Allah to release you from your imprisonment,” she posted.

“A photo included with the post praises one fighter who ‘killed 11 Zionists.’”

One of Salman’s sisters had posted “Solidarity with Gaza.”

The Pulse terrorist’s ‘Palestinian’ wife was arrested and charged with providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization and misleading law enforcement about the attack.

According to authorities, Noor Salman had admitted that she was aware that her husband had bought a rifle, was watching terrorist videos and had even asked her, “What would make people more upset, an attack at Disney or a nightclub?”

“I knew he was going to do something,” she later told the FBI.

Before the attack, Omar told his ‘Palestinian’ wife, “this is the day”. The Justice Department alleged that, “Salman told the FBI that she contrived a cover story” and that when “she was initially questioned by the FBI, Defendant Salman steadfastly claimed to have no knowledge of her husband’s plan to commit an attack or his support for terrorist organizations.”

Defense attorneys claimed Salman had a low IQ and had been tired during her interrogation. A coalition of Islamist, anti-Israel and LGBTQ groups rallied to her defense, contending that she was the real victim because of “Islamophobia.” And a jury chose not to convict her.

Salman was defended by the Muslim Legal Fund of America. The chairman of MLFA is Hatem Bazian: a key figure in the anti-Israel and pro-Hamas movement leading protests in America.

Hatem Bazian, who had a long career of campus antisemitic incitement, co-founded Students for Justice in Palestine whose chapters went on to endorse the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7, and is the co-founder of American Muslims for Palestine which was recently sued by terror victims alleging that the group is providing “continuous, systematic, and substantial assistance to Hamas and its affiliates’ acts of international terrorism.” AMP is being represented by MLFA.

The intimate connection between the pro-Hamas protests and the Pulse massacre is an indictment of groups like Queers4Palestine which take part in a movement that is killing them.

The argument against groups such as “Queers for Palestine” is often tied to how Hamas treats gay people in Gaza, but as the Pulse massacre shows, that’s not just an issue in Gaza.

It’s just as much of an issue for a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Hamas is part of the larger Muslim Brotherhood network. That network includes not only most Islamist groups in America, but also Al Qaeda, which was dominated by a Brotherhood splinter group which in turn helped spin off Al Qaeda in Iraq or ISIS. Omar Mateen pledged his allegiance to ISIS during the Pulse attack after previously claiming to support Al Qaeda and Hezbollah: an Iranian backed terrorist group allied with Hamas that is also waging war on Israel.

The Brotherhood’s bloody fingerprints ultimately extend to the worst massacre of gay people. Organizations within its network then rallied to support and defend the killer’s ‘Palestinian’ wife.

When American gay rights groups rally for ‘Palestine’, Gaza and Hamas, they’re not just supporting the murder of gay people thousands of miles away, but also their own murders.

You simply cannot fix stupid.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Expert: Military’s Pride Posts ‘Prioritize the Trivial to the Detriment of the Significant’

In honor of Pride Month, the U.S. Navy SEALs and Naval Special Warfare Command’s Facebook page shared a post that read, with the words spread out across a rainbow background, “NSW. Dignity. Service. Respect. Equality. Pride.” The Navy SEALs, which are often regarded as one of the U.S. military’s leading and most respected fighting forces, was not able to walk away from the post free of backlash. It “brought a tsunami of criticism and ridicule,” LifeSite News reported. They added, “The message was hugely ratioed, eliciting 7,000 mostly negative comments to just 1,500 ‘likes.’”

One comment, which received significant attention, said, “This is a slap in the face of every special warfare operator that has put their lives on the line for our nation.” Adding to the criticism, the conservative Libs of TikTok, wrote, “The Navy Seals have gone woke. Our elite special forces. This is terrifying.” But it would seem the Navy SEALs were not alone in their promotion of Pride, as the Department of Defense shared a similar post. It stated, “Pride Month is a time to come together to honor the contributions of LGBTQ+ service members. We are committed to ensuring and promoting an atmosphere of dignity and respect for all civilian and military personnel.”

Followers weren’t pleased with that either, as users said things like, “You have purposely made a mockery of our country and my grandfather who died defending it.” Another commented, “Your account is a disgrace to our country. Delete it.” Additionally, someone pointed out, “This is NOT the Department of Defense’s mission. Stay out of the American people’s politics.”

In addition to this backlash, some have acknowledged the fact that June is also Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month — which was also recognized by the Navy after the Pride post. And while other U.S. military social media accounts did not initially share posts related to Pride Month, the Air Force, Navy, Space Force, Coast Guard, and the Pentagon Force Protection Agency now have. Those accounts also received overwhelming backlash.

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin, Family Research Council’s executive vice president, wasn’t surprised by the military’s Pride Month posts. He shared with The Washington Stand, “The negative comments regarding the support for Pride Month reflect the deep-seated sentiments of these sailors and other military personnel regarding the value of this woke program that exists in all the services.”

Boykin continued, “In a world like the one that we live in today, war is inevitable — and being ready for war is the responsibility of all our military leaders. I have not found anyone who can explain how this focus on the LGBT agenda is going to enhance the readiness of our armed forces.” The general added, “I personally applaud those that have the courage to say what they believe, as their expressions reflect the sentiments of the majority of people serving in our military today.”

According to Joseph Backholm, FRC’s senior fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement, the posts reveal a lot about the priorities of the military’s leadership. “This is yet another reminder that our current national leadership prioritizes the trivial to the detriment of the significant,” he shared with TWS.

“In theory,” he continued, “you can maintain military readiness while also posting silly and false things on social media. But we’ve seen plenty of other evidence that politics have caused our military to take their eye off the ball.” Ultimately, Backholm emphasized, “They make these statements because they believe in the cause” they’re representing. He went on to explain how, in their eyes, “negative responses” serve as fuel that “simply affirms how important it is for them to continue on the path.”

While some of the users that left negative comments wondered why the military supports an agenda many people reject, Backholm noted that, at the end of the day, it’s because the branches promoting it “don’t care that most of the country finds it bothersome and that most of the world finds it offensive.” Rather, he observed, “They have no doubt they are correct” in backing it. Backholm concluded, “They believe they are defending the oppressed and anyone who disagrees with them are one of the oppressors.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Biden’s One Big Election Advantage Is Quickly Being Erased

Through the bad polls, disruptive protests and fitness questions, President Joe Biden has continued to have one big advantage over the Trump campaign — but it appears to be fading fast.

While Biden has battled concerns about his age and backlash from the Israel-Hamas war, the president and the Democratic National Committee continued to outraise their Republican counterparts by millions of dollars. As Donald Trump dominated Biden both nationally and across key swing state polls, the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Trump campaign struggled with finances.

But over the last two months, the RNC and Trump campaign have started to make a dent in the cash advantage Biden once had. As Trump world continues to announce record-breaking fundraising statistics, one of Biden’s few apparent edges in a tight election could fall by the wayside, strategists told the Daily Caller.

“Democrats will keep up. It’s not going to be a blowout, money wise, but they expected Trump to lose the ability to raise money by charging him with these over the top prosecutions,” Mark R. Weaver, a GOP strategist, told the Caller.

“They didn’t realize that the liquid they were throwing on the fire was not water, but gasoline,” he added.

Trump’s fundraising blitz started as the GOP primary wrapped up. The RNC and the campaign raised $76 million in the month of April, about $25 more than Biden and the DNC. It was the first time the Trump camp surpassed their competitors in monthly fundraising.

The month prior, the Biden campaign and the DNC brought in $90 million, while Trump and the RNC brought in $65.6 million. In total, Trump’s camp had $93.1 million cash on hand while Biden’s team had $192 million at the end of March.

May is already shaping up to be an even bigger month for the Trump campaign than before. After a Manhattan jury convicted Trump on 34 counts of falsifying business records, the former president’s campaign donation site crashed from an influx of visitors. The campaign later announced that 24 hours after the verdict, it had raised $54.8 million. For the total month, the campaign recently announced it had raised about $141 million. FEC filings revealing fundraising totals for both campaigns in the month of May are not yet available.

The fundraising surge lines up with the unification of the Trump campaign with the RNC. In the spring, Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara and allied operative Michael Whatley became co-chairs of the party organization. Key Trump campaign officials also took positions with the RNC.

“This was a much needed shot in the arm, and although I anticipate Biden and the entire Democratic apparatus having more money, just like they’ve had going back to 2016, Trump needs enough to make sure that they can run the kind of ground game and turnout effort that he needs to win,” Scott Jennings,  a longtime GOP adviser in Kentucky and veteran of numerous campaigns, told the Caller.

Jennings added that a lot of Trump’s support comes from mid- and low-propensity voters and unregistered Americans who are less reliable to turn out on election day.

“When I think about what Trump would do with a massive cash infusion, my mind immediately goes to, oh, he’s going to put this into a ground game to ensure that these mid- to low-propensity voters actually come out. And if he’s able to do that and jack up the turnout among that audience, he’s going to win,” he added.

Trump’s court cases, Weaver told the Caller, have had the opposite impact Democrats and his opponents hoped they would.

“It looked as though [Trump] might get beat in the primaries by Ron DeSantis or someone else, but then the Biden White House and its allies started bringing bogus and over the top charges against Donald Trump, and it angered a lot of people in the middle who see America as a place where the rule of law and due process matter,” Weaver said.

“Biden and his minions thought that they were politically drowning Donald Trump. But what they’re really doing is lifting the tide of his support in such a way that the Biden campaign will start to fall behind in the fundraising game,” Weaver continued, adding that the new influx of funds could cause issues for Biden.

MAGA Inc., the super PAC backing Trump, announced that it raised $70 million during the month of May, the New York Times reported. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) said it had a record breaking day following Trump’s verdict, bringing in $300,000. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) announced that it raised $360,000 after the former president’s guilty conviction.

While Trump’s new loads of cash are noticeable, Democratic strategist Brad Bannon told the Caller that he does not think it would impact the race, because the former president already gets a ton of advertising at virtually no cost.

“I’m inclined to say no for a couple of reasons. One is when there was a big fundraising gap, I didn’t think it mattered much, because Donald Trump makes his own media and he never has to pay for it. If Donald Trump didn’t spend a cent on his presidential campaign for the next five months, I doubt it would make much difference. The reality is, you know, better or worse, he manufactures his own media,” Bannon told the Caller.

Bannon added that he didn’t think most voters, though maybe a small number in swing states, would pay much attention to the ads that the campaigns are poised to spend their cash on. Jennings believes that the cash won’t all go to ads, but instead toward elevating the campaign’s ground game.

“I don’t think they’re worried about it,” Leslie Marshall, Democratic strategist, told the Caller about the Biden campaign. “I think they expected it. If you notice, Biden doesn’t seem to be phased by polls. Biden doesn’t seem to be phased and that worked well for him in 2020.”

Biden’s positioning in the polls now, however, is worse than at the same time in 2020.

While the Biden campaign has not revealed what it raised in May, other affiliated groups are still working to give the president a fundraising edge. Climate Power and Future Forward USA Action, two nonprofit organizations, are planning to spend $50 million on ads that tout Biden’s actions throughout his administration, the Washington Post reported.

Following the Trump verdict, a NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll showed that a majority of registered voters, 67%, think that Trump’s guilty conviction will have no effect on how they’ll vote in the 2024 election. Seventeen percent of Americans said it would make them less likely to vote for Trump.

With five months until the election and variables to change, Jennings told the Caller the latest fundraising news should be encouraging for Republican voters.

“It really ought to give Republicans some optimism about what they’re going to be able to accomplish beyond just your normal TV ads, but with the sort of campaign, mechanics, and infrastructure that’ll be used to turnout all these voters,” Jennings told the Caller.



White House correspondent. Follow Reagan on Twitter.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Competent Loyalists’: Insiders Detail Why Trump’s Campaign Is Firing On All Cylinders Like Never Before

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rep. Mark Green Leads Bid To Reverse Biden Admin’s ‘Politically Motivated’ Gun Restrictions

Republican Tennessee Rep. Mark Green on Wednesday took action to reverse a Biden administration rule placing new restrictions on firearm exports.

The rule, released by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) on April 30, makes a number of changes to licensing requirements that could make it more difficult for firearm manufacturers and sellers to conduct business. Green, who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee, introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the rule, along with 69 other Republicans.

“Congress cannot abandon American firearm exporters to the whims of an administration hellbent on undermining their businesses, their livelihoods, and their constitutional freedoms,” Green told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Congress has the authority to rein in rogue federal agencies—it’s time we used it.”

Republican Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty is introducing the Senate’s version of the CRA.

“This rule is another Operation Choke Point—a politically motivated effort that significantly harms Tennessee manufacturers—and will consequently destroy U.S. jobs and small businesses that support the firearm and ammunition industry,” Hagerty said in an April 30 statement. “The Biden administration has made clear that its goal is to damage the firearm industry that supplies the products that allow Americans to exercise their constitutional freedom. Crushing American exports is just a means to skirt the legislative process and do damage to yet another Biden-disfavored industry.”

The CRA comes on the heels of Green’s introduction of the Stop the Bureaucratic Ineptitude Shuttering Respectable and Upstanding Lawful Exporters Act (Stop the BIS RULE Act) bill in early May, which would prevent federal funds from being used “to finalize, implement, or enforce” the rule.

Green previously told the DCNF the rule would “harm American business owners, hinder the right of people overseas to protect themselves, and will allow China and Russia to fill the void.”

The rule lowers export license validity to one year rather than four, inserts a “crime control” licensing requirement that factors in crime in other countries and applies a “presumption of denial” to export applications to 36 countries deemed high-risk.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said in a statement announcing the new rule that it was designed to protect “America’s national security by making it harder for criminals, terrorists, and cartels to get their hands on U.S.-made firearms,” which she noted “fall into the wrong hands and end up being used in ways that directly undermine U.S. national security and foreign policy interests.”

BIS, an agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce, issued the rule following a 90-day pause on new export licenses for civilian firearms, which was announced in October but ultimately lasted over 180 days.

President Joe Biden has a long history of supporting gun control. As a senator in 1994, he helped pass a ten- year ban on “assault weapons” and continues to advocate for a federal ban.




RELATED ARTICLE: Biden Proposes Increasing Budget Of Agency Pushing Gun Regulations By 30%

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Fly the Gay Flag or Face Punishment: Captain Little Took a Courageous Stand

If there are any lingering doubts about whether the LGBT will browbeat its opponents into submission, the story of Captain Jeffrey Little should lay any misconceptions to rest.

A lifeguard captain of over two decades in the Los Angeles County Fire Department, Little had devoted his life to serving with honor and integrity.

However, in March 2023, the LA County Board of Supervisors imposed a resolution mandating that all county-operated facilities hoist the Progress Pride Flag, a symbol celebrating debauchery, sexual deviancy, and a call to arms against anyone considered cisgender.

As a devout Christian, Captain Little objected to endorsing homosexuality and sought a religious accommodation.

His request was straightforward: he asked not to be required to raise the flag.

Initially, his reasonable appeal was granted, marking a small victory for religious freedom. However, merely two days later, the fire department retracted the accommodation.

On June 22, Captain Little’s Division Chief, Fernando Boiteux, delivered a direct order to him, demanding he raise the Progress Pride Flag.

Boiteux’s message was clear and chilling: “You are an LA County employee; that’s the only thing that matters,” and “Your religious beliefs do not matter.”

Little must have missed that fine print warning on his employee application.

Refusing to be browbeaten, Captain Little held fast to his religious beliefs and was promptly removed from his position the following day.

The brush-off was unequivocal: Forget Little’s First Amendment rights—they are as worthless as shreds of paper blowing in the wind when pitted against the uncompromising demands of the LGBT.

Fortunately, The Thomas More Society has stepped in, filing a federal lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Fire Department on Captain Little’s behalf. They argue that the department’s actions are not only un-American but flagrantly illegal.

Paul Jonna, a Thomas More attorney, voiced the injustice on The Todd Starnes Radio Show, saying Little “courageously stood on principle and asked for a simple religious accommodation—which he is rightfully and legally due—only to be first denied, then threatened, harassed, discriminated against, and retaliated against for his widely shared Christian religious beliefs.”

Imagine that, in the land of the free, a public servant can be cast aside for his religious beliefs and left to grapple with the harsh realities of unemployment and having to find a new way to cover those relentless monthly bills, keep food on the table, and explain to kids why ice cream might become a distant memory.

Jonna continued, “In our great country, Americans can’t even be forced to salute the American flag as a condition of government employment. Yet, in this case, the LA County Fire Department seeks to force Captain Little to personally raise the Progress Pride Flag in violation of his sincere and deeply held religious beliefs—or face termination.”

The lawsuit, filed on May 24, 2024, in the United States District Court, charges the fire department with violating Captain Little’s rights under the First Amendment, federal and state law.

Captain Little’s experience is not an isolated incident.

It reflects a broader trend where individuals with religious convictions are increasingly marginalized, fined, sentenced to sensitivity training classes, or fired for not bowing to the Radical Rainbow Mafia.

The lawsuit seeks to vindicate Captain Little’s religious liberty rights and send a clear message that such blatant religious discrimination has no place in our society.

©2024. Martin Mawyer. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Joe Biden uses D-Day speech to brag about killing Russians

Joe Biden traveled to Normandy, France, on Thursday to join world leaders for the anniversary of the D-Day invasion during World War II.

Biden used his D-Day speech to promote NATO’S war of aggression against Russia.

Biden probably doesn’t remember, but Russia was a U.S. ally during World War II. Without Russia, the Nazis would have almost certainly won that war and we would be living under Nazi rule today. Russia sacrificed more men in World War II against the Nazis than any other nation, by far. It basically wiped out a whole generation of Russian men who bravely defended their homeland against a massive ground invasion by Hitler’s troops. Many Russian civilians also died. A staggering 27 million Russian troops and civilians perished under the Nazi invasion.

But Biden used the commemoration of D-Day to brag about his own ability to kill Russians. This dishonors every one of the few remaining World War II veterans, most of them in their late 90s and early 100s and living out their final days, only to hear weasel politicians like Biden rewriting history.

Biden stood at the podium in Normandy Thursday with a smirk on his face and stated: “They’ve inflicted on the Russian aggression. They’ve suffered tremendous losses in Russia. The numbers are staggering. Three hundred and Fifty Thousand Russian Troops dead or wounded.”

©2024. Leo Hohmann. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: A Russian Just Convicted of Terrorism Illegally Crossed the SW Border

An Administration Hopelessly Adrift

The Biden administration has made a big deal out of the construction of a pier on the coast of Gaza which will supposedly allow the delivery of needed emergency aid to civilians there. Never mind that the real problem in Gaza is that the pirates in Hamas steal all the aid that is delivered. Somebody thought the optics would be good, and we would get points for helping the Palestinians.

A piece of the pier has broken loose and washed ashore. An Army vessel sent to retrieve it has also washed ashore. American military personnel from what we are told we should still consider the world’s mightiest military are standing on the beach watching helplessly. Operations at the pier have been suspended indefinitely.

It is hard to look at those images and not see in them as a metaphor for the entire, disastrous Biden Presidency.

Meanwhile, the Houthis, whom we have supposedly been bombing for months now continue to attack vessels in the Red Sea with impunity. A Greek ship was reported on Tuesday to be taking on water and in danger of sinking after being hit by a Houthi missile.

Not only have the Houthis not stopped their attacks they have expanded them. A few days ago, they struck a vessel in the Mediterranean. They have made clear they intend to continue to do so. Central Command has noted that the threat is real. Nothing has been done and we are waiting for the next ship to be hit.

All of the weapons used by the Houthis in these attacks are supplied in one way or the other by Iran. All of the targeting data they are using to hit ships hundreds of miles away comes from Iran as well. The entire Houthi assault on the world’s shipping is directed by Tehran. There is no indication that the Biden administration intends to do anything meaningful in response.

Instead, the Biden administration intends to continue its policy of rewarding our enemies and enabling them to continue to spread terror throughout the Middle East. On Tuesday it was announced that the U.S. would send $593 million in “humanitarian” aid to Syria. According to the report, the funds are for Syria’s LGBTQ+ community, women’s rights, people with disabilities, and the displaced. How exactly we intend to ensure that the brutal Syrian regime uses the funds for those purposes and not for things like setting the Middle East on fire remains unclear.

Meanwhile the Iranians either already have nuclear weapons or are about to acquire them. When they do so the whole world will change overnight. Tehran will acquire the ability to make good on its threat to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth. It will also have the ability to destroy its Arab opponents like Saudi Arabia. It is highly unlikely Israel will tolerate such a situation, and almost certain that a nuclear-armed Iran means preemptive Israeli strikes and a broader conflict that will consume the region.

The Biden administration’s response to this has been to pressure our allies to back off on condemnation of Iran and to avoid criticism of Iran for its nuclear program. Both Britain and France have indicated they intend to push for censure of Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s member-state board in early June. In addition to pressuring Britain and France to back off the U.S. has pushed a number of other countries to abstain in a censure vote, saying that is what Washington will do.

Assuming they do not already have nuclear weapons. Iran is about to acquire them. We are running cover for them and doing everything we can apparently to guarantee they acquire this capability.

Meanwhile, in this hemisphere, Iran continues to strengthen its relationship with the virulent anti-American regime in Venezuela. Caracas now has Iranian-made missile boats and the missiles with which to arm them. In effect, Iran is handing to Maduro and his cronies the capability to launch a campaign in the Caribbean like that the Houthis have launched in the Red Sea. If they do not already the Venezuelans will soon have the tools they need to shut down commercial shipping routes to and from the Panama Canal and all southern U.S. ports.

Read more.

Originally published by AND Magazine


Sam Faddis

Charles “Sam” Faddis is a veteran, retired CIA operations officer, Senior Partner with Artemis, LLC and published author. With degrees from The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland Law School, he is a contributor to, Newsmax, and The Hill among others. He regularly appears on many networks and radio programs as a national security and counter-terrorism expert.  Sam is the author of “Beyond Repair: The Decline And Fall Of The CIA” and “Willful Neglect: The Dangerous Illusion Of Homeland Security.”

RELATED ARTICLE: It’s Decision Time for Israel in the North as Hezbollah Escalates

RELATED VIDEO: FITTON: “The DOJ Has Been Compromised!”

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

#QueersForPalestine – ‘Axis Of Resistance’ Houthi Imams: ‘The Promiscuous, Deformed, And Homosexuals Were All Created By America’

PalestiniansYemen | Special Dispatch No. 11383

Since the Hamas October 7 massacre, movements such as “Gays for Palestine” and “Queers for Palestine” have become an integral part of the pro-Hamas rallies in the West, supporting the genocidal slogan “From the River to the Sea.”

Earlier this month, MEMRI published a collection of videos of prominent Palestinian Islamic, political, and cultural figures stating that Palestinian people “will not accept a single homosexual” on the land of Palestine, and that homosexuals “should be thrown head first from the rooftop of the tallest building.”[1]

The following is a collection of videos of prominent figures from Ansar Allah, aka the Houthis,  making statements such as “one of the heinous moral crimes of the Israelites in our age is that… they are promoting homosexuality, in violation of human nature and the laws of Allah,” and “the promiscuous, deformed, and homosexuals were all created by America.”

The Iran-backed Houthis, part of the “axis of resistance,” have been assisting Hamas throughout the current Gaza war by firing ballistic missiles at the Israeli city of Eilat. They have also blocked and targeted commercial shipping in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Bab el-Mandeb strait.

It should be noted that Houthi figures have accused Israel, where Gay Pride parades are openly held, of spreading homosexuality. Prominent Palestinian clerics have also accused Israel of bringing homosexuality to the Holy Land. Ironically, were members of movements such as “Gays for Palestine” and “Queers for Palestine” to live in Gaza or in any of the lands of the “axis of resistance,”  they would probably need to seek asylum in Israel.

In February 2024, amid the current Gaza war, an Israeli court decided that Palestinian LGBTQ+ individuals may do this. Tel Aviv District Court Judge Michal Agmon Gonen ruled that “Palestinians threatened due to their sexual orientation can apply for asylum.”[2]

Houthi Friday Sermon In Dhamar, Yemen By Imam Muhammad Al-Mu’ayyad: The Time Has Come For Humanity To Get Rid Of America – The Country Of Evil, Corruption, And Homosexuality; Yemen Will Lead The Jihad Against The U.S., Israel – January 12, 2024

“More than 400 years after America was established, the time has come for humanity to rid itself of that country of evil, corruption, and homosexuality that is America.” (Source: MEMRI TV)

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:

Friday Sermon In Dhamar, Yemen By Houthi Islamic Scholar Muhammad Al-Mu’ayyad: The Jews Lead The U.S., Use It To Spread Moral Corruption On Earth, Seek To Promote Homosexuality, Destroy Muslim Women’s Chastity – June 16, 2023

“One of the heinous moral crimes of the Israelites in our age is that in a dangerous precedent, they are promoting homosexuality, in violation of human nature and the laws of Allah. This heralds divine wrath and divine punishment. Today, the U.S. wants to spread homosexuality all over the world. And what is the position of those so-called Muslims who normalize [relations with Israel]? They will not fear to normalize even homosexuality. We saw how they laid the foundations for prostitution, and how they prepared their societies in Saudi Arabia and in the UAE to accept any deviation, no matter how perverted or heinous it is. They are working on it day and night.”

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:

Houthi Islamic Scholar Dr. Ahmad Al-Shami: The West Has A Double Standard Regarding Freedom Of Expression – Why It Is OK To Burn The Quran But Not The LGBTQ+ Flag? – September 13, 2021

“What did the defeatists and the Americans say? They said that this was freedom of expression. However, when a zealous Christian American burned the flag of the homosexuals – the flag of the people who allow for homosexuality and lesbianism – he was sentenced to 18 years by the court in America. Log on to the BBC website. They talk about it. 18 years in prison.

“Why is burning the Quran considered personal freedom and freedom of expression, while burning the colorful flag hurts the feelings of several thousands depraved homosexuals? Burning the Quran does not hurt the feelings of one billion and 600 million people? This is strange. These are double standards.


“When the official authorities close a certain restaurant, that has a gay logo, then you hear all the crows crowing on Facebook and on social media, and silencing anyone who wants to defend this move, saying: ‘Shut up, don’t say a word,’ accusing anyone who talks [about this] of belonging to ISIS. All you promiscuous and morally depraved [people] are the creation of America. The promiscuous, deformed, and homosexuals were all created by America.”

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:

Lebanese Researcher Ali Fadlallah On Houthi TV: The West Is Weak And Reliant On Technology, While Muslim Fighters Are Strong, Motivated; It’s Good That Tel Aviv Is The Gay Capital Of The World – Gays And Perverts Have No Fighting Spirit – November 11, 2022

“No Western nation can produce this kind of fighters, in terms of face-to-face combat. They defeat them only from afar, using technology and [advanced] weapons.


“The good news is — and this is well known — that Tel Aviv, the [Israeli] entity’s capital is the capital city of the world’s homosexuals. This is good news for us. These people — who are perverted to such an extent in their personal conduct — will never fight.”

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:


Palestinians in America Call for Intifada

Anti-Israel Protestors: Intifada at Home!

Deport Pro-Hamas VISA Holding Protestors!


[1] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11376, #QueersForPalestine – Palestinian Imams: Palestinians ‘Will Not Accept A Single Homosexual On The Land Of Palestine’; ‘Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building,’ June 4, 2024.

reversal/0000018d-83fb-dfd5-adff-dbfbc7a00000, February 7, 2024;, February 5, 2024.

EDITORS NOTE: This MEMRI report with videos is republish with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Army Vietnam Combat Veteran/Political Commentator Slated for the June 10th Sarasota Patriots Meeting

The speaker for the Monday, June 10th, 2024 meeting is Dr. Richard M. Swier, Ed. D., LTC, US Army (Ret.)

Rich will be speaking about the 2024 Presidential Election and dissent against and no appeasement for big government.

Here is a short video of Dr. Rich explaining his latest book DISSENT: The Highest Form of Patriotism.

Sarasota Patriots Meeting begins at 6:30pm at the Covenant Life Church located at 8490 McIntosh Road, Sarasota, Florida.

The meeting is held on the 2nd floor. Doors open at 6:00pm. Meeting begins 6:30, Doors locked 6:45.

A $5.00 contribution requested.


Richard is a 23-year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1990. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Heroism in ground combat operations, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam.

Richard is the Publisher of, an online e-Magazine dedicated to contesting the uncontested absurdities. He is the host of Dissent Television and author of DISSENT: The Highest Form of Patriotism.

©2024. Editorial Board. All rights reserved.

‘What Makes a Man?’ Christian Coalition Publishes Statement on Godly Masculinity

While Pride Month is busy promoting homosexuality and gender confusion, a coalition of Christian men is proclaiming a doctrine of biblical masculinity. On Monday, the men’s chastity and marriage ministry Promise Keepers led a number of other Christian organizations and individuals in issuing “A Proclamation on Godly Masculinity,” which “seeks to establish where leaders and pastors nationwide fall in their position on masculinity, femininity, gender roles and most specifically, Godly masculinity and the role of men in our culture.” The “Proclamation” clarifies God’s design for masculinity, what masculinity is (and is not), and what men are called to do.

Speaking to Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on Monday night’s “Washington Watch,” former Major League Baseball player-turned-entrepreneur David Benham — who, along with his brother Jason, was one of the co-authors of the “Proclamation” — explained that Satan “does not want men to be godly men, biblical men, to embrace masculinity as God designed it.”

“The reason why masculinity is controversial in 2024 is because the world system has set itself against the very design and the image of God for manhood,” he explained. “And so what the world system has done is it elevates perversion and greed and promiscuity and dominance and chauvinism. And then it flips it around and calls its own invention toxic.” Benham further clarified:

“When the church forsakes its conscience and we don’t train up men to be biblical men, to lay their lives down, and then men turn around and use the same power and strength God has given us to stand against injustice — men are using it now to perpetrate evil, to be greedy, to be chauvinist, to dominate, and to do all kinds of evil around this world. And so in the absence of good men, evil men have risen. And that’s where we find this issue with toxic masculinity and all these things that we desperately need to set straight with good male leadership.”

The “Proclamation on Godly Masculinity” explains that “maleness (masculinity) and femaleness (femininity) are essential to building God’s world according to His purposes. The combination of masculinity as expressed by men and femininity as expressed by women reflect the image of the Creator and thus are wholly perfect.” Due to sin, “a man departs from the Godly masculinity in which he was created,” and that “can lead to a multitude of destructive outcomes such as exploitation of others, the pursuit of feminine traits, passivity in the face of injustice and/or oppression of those who are weaker.” But since Christ is God become man, “He is the best embodiment of both humanity and masculinity. By believing in Jesus as God who died and came back to life, and repenting of sin, a person is restored in their relationship to God.”

Thanks to the redemption purchased by Christ’s blood, the statement explains, men can fulfill their masculine purpose “as perfectly demonstrated in the man, Jesus Christ.” The redemption and restoration offered in Christ afford men the opportunity for sanctification, which is deepened as they “deny their sinful desires, pray, study Scripture, and actively look to serve others. They begin to live in the identity their Creator intended. Their desires align with God’s will, causing the peace, joy, unity, and power that Jesus promised to become reality.”

Benham explained that it is necessary to define the terms of Godly masculinity, saying, “We have to define what a true biblical man is. What is manhood? What is masculinity?” The proclamation he co-authored explains that masculinity is “the eternal foundational value present in men who live out the identity, order, and purpose that gives meaning to their lives as God intended.” It necessitates practicing servant leadership, exercising authority in the home and submitting to the authority of God, and living a life of self-discipline.

Godly men are called, the statement reads, to be peacemakers, to act with courage, to promote justice, to display controlled strength, to practice interdependence, and to exercise biblical conviction. “Being a peacemaker requires healthy, humble, and gracious confrontation,” the proclamation explains. “A man is not called to be a peacekeeper, simply trying to keep the peace at all costs. Sometimes, being a peacemaker requires personal risk — confronting the wicked for the sake of the innocent.”

As David pointed out, “In today’s culture, leadership is often associated with dominance. … It’s your way or the highway. That’s not the type of leadership we’re looking at. The type of leadership that we define in Scripture is the leadership of Jesus Christ, the servant leader who sacrificed himself for us, who laid his life down. And that’s truly the essence of biblical masculinity,” he emphasized, “is that a man is tasked, number one, to provide and to protect, to lay his life down, to be the first line of defense. … Thank God for all those moms who are out there doing wonderful things, especially in the absence of good men. But men are tasked with that responsibility. And so now, during Pride Month, especially, now is a time to clearly define what a man is.”

As the declaration explains, “All people experience fear, but courage is standing boldly for Truth anyway.” “Because of the unique call to men to defend and protect, masculinity requires an extra measure of courage. It must come from the core of a man’s character.” It continues, “As the leader in the war against Satan, man has a unique role in confronting injustice, the primary indicator of God’s enemy’s presence and effect.” To do this, men must learn to control their strength, using it “to protect the innocent, defend the oppressed, and stand for justice.”

Interdependence, the proclamation clarifies, is a sort of teamwork among men. “Because of their call to lead, each man must understand his strengths and limitations, recognizing his need to work in relationships and teamwork with others.” The document continues, “Wisdom understands the call to work with others as a team to rescue as many people as possible from sin and bring them to the gift of forgiveness in Christ.”

Finally, the proclamation states, biblical conviction “is a belief that is not negotiable. A man of God refuses to relent on his biblical convictions, no matter what it costs him.” Echoing St. Paul in Philippians 3:8-10, the document concludes, “A man of God considers money, fame, security, and admiration worthless compared to the immeasurable value of standing for Truth, no matter the cost.”

Men can visit to sign the proclamation and “demonstrate your commitment to godly masculinity.”


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Acceptance of Men in Women’s Sports Declining: ‘A Hopeful Sign’

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Scholastic Book Publisher Offers ‘Pride Guide’ to Teachers During LGBT Campaign

This obsession with sexualizing children is indicative of a sick and depraved society. It must stop.

“Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone!”

Scholastic Publishes ‘Pride’ Guide for Teachers, Vows to Distribute LGBT Books Banned by Schools

Book publisher Scholastic announced a “Read with Pride” campaign, providing educators a list of “LGBTQIA+ stories” for “kids and teens” and vowed to use company resources to fight efforts by local school districts and parents to determine what content is appropriate for students.

In its section on “why it’s essential to support LGBTQIA+ youth,” Scholastic states that almost 10 percent of teens in the United States are “lesbian, gay, bi, or trans,” that “about half (52%)” of all Americans who fall under the “LGBTQIA+” umbrella are “people of color,” and that a quarter of children and teens who fit that description …

Continue reading.

Scholastic releases Pride educator guide with resources for fighting anti-LGBTQ+ book bans

The book publisher Scholastic has published a Pride guide giving educators and child advocates a list of LGBTQ+-themed books for children of all ages as well as support resources for mental health and fighting right-wing book bans.

The guide comes eight months after the company was widely criticized for allowing schools to opt out of offering “diverse” books on racial and LGBTQ+ issues at its school book fairs. Though Scholastic introduced the policy to help educators adhere to state legislation and district policies banning queer content and “critical race theory” in schools, it reversed the opt-out policy after authors and educators blamed the company for complying to book banning rather than challenging such bans.

“As a teacher, librarian, educator, or caregiver, how you interact with all children and teens around queerness matters,” Scholastic’s guide states. “What literature you provide them with, and how you talk about both literature and identity, can have an immense, life-changing impact on the young people in your life…. Whether or not they are out to themselves or you, you absolutely know queer children and interact with them in your classrooms, libraries, and communities.”

Continue reading.



Scholastic’s 2024 ’Read with Pride’ Initiative Makes No Attempt to Mask Its Radical Agenda

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GO WOKE, GO BROKE: Washington Post in Dire Straits After Losing Half Their Readers Since 2020

I can’t believe they still have half (!)

Onanism at the Washington Post


Over the past 3 years, The Washington Post has lost half its audience (!!!!), and last year alone the so-called “newspaper” lost $77 million.

An observer might look at those facts and conclude that, perhaps, unless things change the publication will cease to be a going concern. You would think that the reporters, needing their paychecks and with few places to land in a contracting media environment, would want to help keep the place alive.

You would be wrong. Not because they don’t care or even that they are stupid. It’s that they are as blind to reality when thinking about their own jobs and futures as they are about how the rest of the world works. They have other concerns, and reality doesn’t interest them.

As I wrote yesterday, the Post has fired its editor Sally Buzbee and is hiring a new team to right the ship—if righting the ship is even possible.  The publisher met with the newsroom and was quite blunt about why the former editor departed and announced the changes he was making.

Reporters” didn’t like the changes.”

Continue reading.



Trump’s Campaign Donations Shatters Records: $200 Million-Plus in Three Days

Hamas-tied CAIR Top Dog Eulogizes Osama bin Laden’s ‘Spiritual Leader’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FBI rigs 2020 election by denying Hunter’s laptop was real, but somehow it gets admitted to court as evidence

For once I would like to be Hunter Biden’s lawyer.

I would show the 20 minute video of enemy propaganda video pushing the FBI narrative that the Laptop was Russian disinformation.

I would then say that to admit the Laptop was in fact saying that the FBI and the executive branch of the U.S. government are lying.

And either the court itself was therefore accusing the FBI and President Biden of perjury, and either way none of this is credible.

It probably should be thrown out of court. And then Hunter and Joe should be arrested for treason and the FBI defunded for rigging the 2020 election by hiding the laptop which they know they had, and they know was real.

The court is in a pickle. To allow the evidence from the laptop means ignoring something about a billion times bigger than a tweaker with a revolver.

Here is what a Maoist mass-line narrative attack looks and sounds like, and above, is how it was used to disenfranchise every single American. To negate elections.

RELATED ARTICLE: FBI Witness Completely Blows Up Hunter Biden Legal Team’s Laptop Narrative


A proper look at the Biden laptop

Gaetz Stumps Garland Over Alleged Coordination With Anti-Trump Prosecutors | TIPPING POINT

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ISRAELI INVESTIGATION: 2020 Election Fraud by the Democratic Party and U.S. Supreme Court

As America approaches the 2024 Presidential election it is important to understand this Israeli investigations post-election update of the unconstitutional activities of the Democrat Party and U.S. Supreme Court during the 2020 elections.

Below is an Israeli investigations summary, based on the video below, by Israeli journalist Amir Tsarfati on the U.S. 2020 elections fraud on the un-Constitutional activities of the Democrat Party and U.S. Supreme Court in the 2020 Elections- Special Report with a summary.

Please share it with all people as public knowledge based on firm evidence and not on any ideology.

Amir Tsarfati: Post—2020 Elections  Special Report

by Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Mike, Nov 2020

Amir Tsarfati investigated the following and used also an investigation of an Israeli journalist who investigated it.

Following are Israeli investigations about lots of un-constitutional activities of the Democratic Party and U.S. Supreme Court in the 2020 US elections, described in this video  with a summary of key findings:

Democrats created a system to appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and made it easier to change criteria where every single enveloped would be counted, which allowed them to count ballots sent after election day, by people who left the state, without ID and a signature on them, ballots of dead people and ballots without a name-

Dems prepared before a huge bank of DEAD people and kept them in a separate room.

When the real results started coming in from Florida and Texas and they realized Trump had a big lead on Biden of hundreds of thousands of real votes, they realized they were in real trouble and moved in all the fraudulent ballot votes and even started to create fake ballots on the spot, in the counting room.

They released bulks of ballots that were 100% Biden, they started using the engineered fake ballots from the other room and from trucks that started to download TENs of MILLIONS fake ballot envelops-

This happened at 4 AM in the morning and the Republican observers were asked to leave the room

We have a testimony of a woman on it, from that counting room, who said:

“At 4:00 AM vans started coming in. Ferrari came in and boxes were unloaded and immediately were rushed into the counting room. This is when the Republican observers were literally kicked out of the room”.

The governor and Secretary of Pennsylvania said to all their operatives “Whatever it takes, Trump cannot win this state” and the head of the postal service (all three were Democrats) instructed all his people that any envelop would be counted, even if it was sent after elections day (all the above were unconstitutional acts).

In October 2020 the US chief justice made an unconstitutional decision by allowing the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to bypass the legislators and do those illegal actions.

Beforehand, they appealed to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to ease the regulations and allow to count even ballots without a stamp, with no ID or signature- with nothing.

In this case, the Chief Justice of the USA made an unconstitutional decision by allowing the Pennsylvania Supreme Court (with Democrats majority) to do those without going to the legislature in Pennsylvania.

In this case, the USA Supreme Court, in a very odd manner, did not give opinions and explanations. This unconstitutional US Supreme Court created unconstitutional election orders and executive orders.

Dems allow counting ballots three days after election day.

Thousands of people in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania that do not exist or do not live there, voted.

They released bulks of ballots that were 100% Biden,

By using these banks of illegal ballots on Nov 4, it made the voting of 2020 elections not important: 100 MILLION Americans already SUPPOSEDLY VOTED with the illegal ballots.

We caught them on cameras for the following:

At 4 AM in the morning, Boxes were entered from coming-in trucks and it was moved to the counting room immediately (caught on cameras). They threw away ballots for TRUMP after they already separated them ahead of time (they were not allowed to do that).

It was a huge blue wave and not a red wave.


Amir Tsarfati

Amir Tsarfati served in the Israel Defense Forces achieving the rank of major. In 2001, Tsarfati founded a non-profit organization called “Behold Israel“, which is focused on reporting current events and developments and has since expanded to an international ministry with extensive in-person teachings and conferences, and online resources.

©2024. Udi Geva. All rights reserved.

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