New Mexico Sheriff Stands for the U.S. Constitution

The Sheriff in each county within the United States of America is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of that county. NO ONE outranks the Sheriff! This fact is little discussed nor understood, but it is a true statement. Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (to which I am a Life Member) teaches this and other significant roles of a duly elected Sheriff. Sheriff Richard Mack, Founder and President of Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) frequently travels the nation teaching Sheriffs and law enforcement the rights and duties of the Sheriff, and the Constitutional authority of the Sheriff in each county across our nation, all 3,143 counties.

Bernalillo County, New Mexico Sheriff John Allen stood strong for the Constitution of the United States, for the citizens rights under the US Constitution, and against a politician who clearly spoke contempt for the very same US Constitution she swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend. Listen to Sheriff Allen’s clear and concise response to a socialist giving an unconstitutional illegal order, the Governor of New Mexico, an order this Constitutional Sheriff stated clearly he shall not enforce or go along with in any sorts.

May we begin to see additional Americans, whether in elected office or not, stand for the rights and privileges granted to us in our founding documents. May we begin to see leaders come forth, not mere managers or those simply willing to straddle the tide and spend energy keeping all sides happy. May we begin to witness Americans standing against the forces of tyranny just like our ancestors the colonists did in 1775. Sheriff Allen’s 4 minute response is strong and to the point. Thank you Sheriff Allen. Thank you Sheriff Mack and CSPOA. Thank you to each Sheriff across our Land who sees their holding the office as a privilege, not a right, and who will stand and defend the rights of WE THE PEOPLE and the exceptional documents and principles that gave us this exceptional nation.

This is what upholding your OATH OF OFFICE looks like!

New Mexico sheriff says he won’t enforce ‘unconstitutional’ gun ban: ‘Protecting the Second Amendment’

Democratic New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is facing widespread pushback from state law enforcement officials following her attempt to ban concealed and open carry permits.

Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen described Grisham’s 30-day “public health order” as “unconstitutional” during a press conference this week despite standing beside the governor during her rollout of the policy.

“It’s unconstitutional, so there’s no way we can enforce that order,” the sheriff said in a Monday news conference. “This ban does nothing to curb gun violence.”

Read more.

©2023. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.


BARR: New Mexico Governor’s Anti-Gun Policy Doesn’t Even Pretend To Be Legitimate

Power Drunk Dem Governor Confirms Another Lockdown ‘Conspiracy’

CNN Host Whips Out New Mexico Constitution, Point Blank Asks Governor If She’s Violating It


The Goal of the Globalists — Satan’s Partners in His Quest to Destroy America

Many Americans are now waking up to the truth about what has been happening to our nation for years: that there are groups of people, some made up of evil people, some made up of utterly ignorant Americans, others who are part of various cabals around the globe that seemingly want to see the demise of the United States of America.

Too many strange events have occurred, and are still occurring, many of them unexplained, creating crisis after crisis, to believe that they all just “happened” on their own. In most cases, the events are political in nature, or have a political basis, and it brings to mind the words of former POTUS, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who said: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” So we seem to be seeing a deliberate, well-planned series of events designed to reduce this nation to a shadow of its former glorious state.

It is not difficult to look a short time into the future and see some catastrophic event(s) turning this nation into a smoking heap of ash, or worse, a third-world toilet with no hope for a future of freedom or liberty that we have known all our lives.

Whether this nation is on a course to imminent disaster because of these unexplained events by the supposed perpetrators, is subject to speculation, and there is another possibility that I will discuss later in this article.

The Return of the Jewish People to their Promised Land

Those of us who are a part of the generation that saw the establishment of the nation of Israel in their own historic homeland on May 14, 1948, in fulfillment of the ‘dry bones’ prophecy in Ezekiel 37:1-14, are aware of how quickly unexpected events can change the world. Before that historic event, the majority of the Jewish people were scattered into nearly every country on earth, awaiting their eternal dwelling place to re-emerge from the dustbin of history.

The Jewish people were nearly ‘counted out’ by the world when they suffered so many lost in the Holocaust after having been persecuted by many nations where they settled. But God has a way of changing things, miraculously, in a short period of time. He was working both overtly and covertly on behalf of His chosen earthly people for many years, and through two world wars, and when His timing was right, the land that had laid so desolate and barren for so long saw the return of thousands of Jewish people from many countries where they had been dispersed beginning in AD 70 after the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans.

Their homeland lay barren for centuries after the Jews were scattered as a result of God’s anger toward them for their rejection of His Son and Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. God, the Master Planner, Who knew the exact day the nation of Israel would be reformed, with the return of hundreds of thousands of Jews from around the world, had everything concerning that return well in hand and no assistance from man was needed to facilitate it. When God decides something will happen on a certain date, it will happen, period.

The renewal of their ancestral homeland did not occur overnight, but since May 14, 1948, the return of the Jewish people to the land given to them eternally by Jehovah, it has blossomed into the land that God predicted it would be upon their return. Israel is a growing and in many respects a thriving nation that has become one of the marvels of the entire  world, even though they are surrounded by many millions of people who have harbored a generational hatred toward Israel and who still threaten their existence continuously and are continually attacking and killing Jews whenever and wherever they can.

U.S. Involvement

The United States, as a result of the action of former POTUS, Harry S. Truman, was the first nation to recognize the new state of Israel in May 1948. Seemingly an ally of the newly formed Jewish nation, the U.S. government gradually became more and more involved in the administration of the Israeli government, even to the point of dictating Israeli policy that was favored by, and favorable to, the U.S. and its leaders, to be accepted by the Israeli government. Much of this policy was directed toward forming a peace between Israel and their surrounding Arab neighbors and, at least in the 80’s and 90’s, involved swapping Jewish land for peace.

Such a “forced” policy may work in areas where the person who originally gave the land to the Jewish people is not directly involved in what happens to the land in question. But all those who believe the word of God that clearly states how God feels about the Jewish people and the land He gave them for an eternal possession, should be incensed about any and all attempts to sidestep God’s declarations and make men the final arbiters of land disputes between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations. Regardless of the number of such “disputes” on the part of Israel’s neighbors, as well as any other nation that might try to force a solution to the disputes, there is no dispute in the mind of God. He spoke His will when He told Abraham: “Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever” (Genesis 13:14).

In God’s mind the ownership of the “disputed land” is settled; He gave it to Abraham and his seed for an eternal inheritance and regardless of what men may say about it, they will not ever change God’s mind.

God chose Abraham to father the people from whom He would provide His means of salvation from the curses on humanity and the earth. He had His plan formulated and ready before He even created man and has NEVER needed the help of men to bring His plan to fruition.

Unfortunately, the misguided leaders of the United States government have, for decades, deemed it their mission in life to decide how the land of Israel will be administered. Their misguided efforts have brought many disasters on our nation, many times within mere hours or days of their arrogant actions toward Israel.

God warned mankind, over and over, about trying to usurp His plans both for Israel and the Gentile nations. His warnings were always clear about what would happen when they were ignored, especially His warnings about Israel and Jerusalem. Those warnings are still very pertinent to the actions we can see regarding the Gentile nations who are hell-bent on usurping God’s authority over Jerusalem. Their actions will not end well for them.

The United Nations, an organization that is nearly 100% against God and His plan for the Jewish people and all of mankind, has been behind the actions to smear and insult Israel. As a world organization having nearly two hundred nation-members, they use their unified clout to push total lies about the Jewish people, especially relating to Israel’s actions against the surrounding nations that want to see Israel destroyed. When events occur involving conflict between Israel and one or more of their close neighbors, especially the events that cost the lives of the terrorists that work so diligently to kill Jews, the U.N. always sides with the terrorists against Israel. The bias is so blatant even a child could see through it. The U.N. member-nations make no attempt to hide their hatred for Israel and those who support the Jewish people.

In many instances, the U.N. has directed its hatred against the United States when this nation stood with Israel and against those who want to see the Jews wiped off the map. It is highly likely that most of the nations in the U.N. now have a growing hatred for the U.S., not just because of our stance in favor of israel, but also because of the way that our government is constantly pushing them around, either with military threats or with financial sanctions against them for one reason or another.

I can only speculate about the feelings of other nations toward America, but if it is true that they have little love for the U.S. government, it would then follow that they would participate, overtly or covertly in any action that would reduce the U.S. influence in the world.

My personal opinion is the the current course of this nation, definitely heading the wrong direction, and seemingly bound for utter destruction, is due to this corrupt nation having banged head first into God’s foreign policy toward all who would curse and disrespect the offspring of Abraham. Let me explain:

In Genesis 12:1-3, God specifically told Abraham how He (God) felt about other peoples and nations treating His (God’s) chosen people, the Apple of His Eye, with anything other than respect and honor. He said to Abraham, “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

A closer word study of verse three reveals more closely what God had intended. The word “curseth” is the Hebrew word “qalal”, Strong’s 7043, pronounced kaw-lal’), meaning to revile, to show contempt for (the feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base or worthless), to scorn, to insult, to disrespect.

The word “curse” used in the same verse is the Hebrew word “arar”, Strong’s 779, pronounced aw-rar’) meaning to execrate (declare to be worthless or abhorrent, to loathe), and to bitterly curse (to declare to be loathed, excommunicated/cut off and  utterly damned/destroyed).

Because the translators of the King James version used the English word “curse” twice, the text is misleading and fails to provide a true understanding of just how contemptible God finds those who treat Abraham and his offspring with disrespect.

The best example of God’s utter disgust with those who disrespect Abraham is the Jewish nation itself. God chose Abraham to be the forefather of the woman who would form and carry the body of Jesus. All his earthly life, Jesus perfectly exhibited God’s love and plan for the Jewish people, including their own redemption, individually and as a nation, and their earthly status as His chosen people, but that was all dependent on the Jews accepting Jesus as their Messiah. When they rejected Him, and approved his crucifixion, God’s anger was kindled and he utterly destroyed their nation. As a people/nation, they disappeared from the earth for 2000 years and wandered into and through many nations who also despised them just for being Jews. Is it not a true indication of how much God respected Abraham that He would destroy the very nation of Israel for the rejection of His Son, himself a Jew?

If God would do that to the people He declared to be the Apple of His eye, how much more likely is it that His wrath will fall on other nations who not only disrespect Abraham, but openly declare their utter hatred for them and openly threaten  to wipe them off the map?

Just as bad as those who issue loud and open threats is the action of any nation that would work, overtly or covertly, to divide the land that God promised to Abraham and his offspring for an ”eternal inheritance”.

The United States, having been greatly blessed because of her initial defense and support of Israel, but now having become so determined to continue interfering with their government and still working to force a peace that would allow for the destruction of Israel, is absolutely NOT exempt from God’s wrath.

Based on the info in the last several paragraphs, it is my opinion that the leaders of the United States, having been guilty of trying to “force a phony peace” between Israel and her Arab neighbors, by encouraging the Jews to “offer their land in exchange for peace”, many times over the past 30 years, are the epitome of “partners with Satan”  who have placed our nation in the physical, financial, moral and spiritual quagmire we are now in.

That “other possibility” I mentioned earlier is that God Himself has decided already the fate of the United States, based on the evil done to the nation of Israel through the many events in which our government leaders have tried to interfere with the plans God has for the Jewish people. The last 50 years have produced a seriously misguided bunch of godless fools who think they know better than God how to “handle” Israel, and that may have placed the US where we are right now, a foundering ship with no clear direction of finding its ways back to where we were  200 years ago, or even 50 years ago.

The many actions of the United States immoral and corrupt leaders which have placed Israel in danger have also made the U.S. a target of God’s wrath, and have given Satan a reason to rejoice as he watched his minions destroy their own nation. Dear Lord God, what a realm of fools politics has produced.

Maranatha and Blessings!

©2023. Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.

Kevin McCarthy Announces House GOP To Launch Impeachment Inquiry Into President Biden

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday that the Republican Party will move forward with an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz and other House Republicans have continued to pressure McCarthy to move forward with an impeachment inquiry. The speaker said he now believes there is enough evidence stemming from the House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight Committee to move forward with an impeachment inquiry into the president.

He made the announcement outside the Speaker’s office in the U.S. Capitol.

“Today, I am directing our House Committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden,” McCarthy said. “This logical next step will give our committees the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the American public. That’s exactly what we want to know: the answers.”

The House GOP was expected to vote on an impeachment inquiry; however, McCarthy did not mention holding a vote to move forward with the inquiry during Tuesday’s statement.


Citing the testimony of two Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblowers, McCarthy said in July that an impeachment inquiry would help Republicans better access documents detailing alleged misconduct from government officials benefiting Hunter Biden. Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik has endorsed McCarthy’s’ position, which Democrats adopted in 2019 during former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment.

In May, Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced articles of impeachment against Biden during a press conference.

White House spokesperson Ian Sams said Tuesday morning that “[t]he House GOP investigations have turned up no evidence of wrongdoing by POTUS [President Biden]. In fact, their own witnesses have testified to that, and their own documents have showed no link to POTUS.”

(This is a developing story. More information will be added as it becomes available.)



Chief national correspondent. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter.


McCarthy Announces Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Citing ‘Serious and Credible’ Allegations

EXCLUSIVE: MTG Breaks Down McCarthy’s Closed-Door GOP Meeting Regarding Possible Impeachment Of Joe Biden

House Oversight Pushes Back On White House’s Claim Of ‘No Evidence’ Linking Joe Biden To Hunter Business Deals


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Chinese Operatives Impersonated U.S. Voters With AI-generated Propaganda During 2022 Elections: Microsoft

The Democrat regime and their social media servants didn’t silence them. Just patriotic Americans.

China-Based Hackers Impersonated US Voters With AI-generated Propaganda During 2022 Elections: Microsoft

By: The Epoch Times, September 7, 2023:

China-based hackers impersonated American voters online and used artificial intelligence (AI) to create and promote divisive online content during the 2022 midterm elections, according to a report by Microsoft.

The effort was part of a series of covert influence operations by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intended to mimic U.S. voters from across the political spectrum and create controversy along racial, economic, and ideological lines, according to the Sept. 7 report.

“Ahead of the 2022 U.S. midterms, Microsoft and industry partners observed CCP-affiliated social media accounts impersonating U.S. voters—new territory for CCP-affiliated [influence operations],” the report reads.

“These accounts posed as Americans across the political spectrum and responded to comments from authentic users.”

The report includes examples of visual content created by Chinese communist actors using artificial intelligence. These included images supporting “Black Lives Matter,” the false claim that “most black people are killed by police,” and more generic anti-American rhetoric.

The report states that the AI-generated content is more “eye-catching” than China’s previous attempts at overseas propaganda and will likely be improved upon and used against Americans in the future.

Keep reading.



China’s Propaganda and Disinformation Landscape — 2021 Snapshot

Chinese Espionage on Westminster: UK MPs Demand PM Rishi Sunak Declare China a ‘Threat’ – Alleged Spy Publishes Declaration Protesting His Innocence

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

INSURRECTION: Left-Wing Terrorists Stormed Speaker McCarthy’s Office to Riot

Is the corrupt DoJ pursing them like the J6 protesters? Will they be hounded, destroyed, imprisoned?

Far-left activists have stormed U.S. Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s office.

A very sad day for Democracy… will they be thrown in prison for years on end for this?

The radical activists stormed McCarthy’s office to riot in favor of a 5 year reauthorization of PEPFAR, a program that addresses the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

When Democrats do this, they are “occupying.”

If Trump supporters do this, they are “traitors.”

HIV protesters occupy House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s office: Seven arrested as activists get on their knees and chant

  • ‘McCarthy – pass PEPFAR now,’ they shouted
  • The money for the global AIDS program ends Sept. 30th unless reauthorized
  • Program is caught up in an abortion rights fight

By Emily Goodin, Daily Mail, , 11 September 2023

A group of protesters stormed Kevin McCarthy’s office on Capitol Hill on Monday, demanding he reauthorize PEPFAR, the HIV/AIDS relief program.

‘McCarthy – pass PEPFAR now,’ they shouted and chanted as they seated themselves on the floor.

U.S. Capitol Police removed them from McCarthy’s office in the Rayburn House Office Building, which is across the street from his official speaker’s office in the Capitol building.

The seven protesters, some wearing t-shirts that read HIV-positive and waving signs calling to ‘end AIDS,’ were handcuffed and taken away.

It’s unlikely McCarthy was in that office as he usually works out of the Capitol building but his staff didn’t immediately respond to’s inquiry. Monday marks the day House members are returning to Washington D.C. after their summer break.

PEPFAR, also known as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, fights AIDS and HIV and the virus that causes it in areas throughout the developing world. It provides funding for prevention, treatment and medication.

PEPFAR funds are credited with saving 25 million lives across the globe. The funds are spread across Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

The activists – from Health GAP (Global Access Project), which is a nonprofit that advocates for those with HIV and Housing Works, a group dedicated to ending homelessness and AIDS – posted video and pictures of their protest all over social media.

‘This global AIDS program has saved 25 million lives. We need a CLEAN 5-YEAR REAUTHORIZATION from Congress,’ Housing Works posted online.

But some conservative Republicans charge that funds from the program’s nearly $7 billion annual budget goes to abortion providers.

President Joe Biden’s administration, the program’s leaders and outside experts vehemently deny this.

Protestors stormed McCarthy’s office to demand that PEPFAR, a global AIDS program, become reauthorized

However, Republican Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey, who heads the subcommittee that controls PEPFAR, is leading the charge to stop the program’s renewal until the anti-abortion restrictions the Biden administration lifted in 2021 are reinstated.

Those restricts prevented groups using PEPFAR funds from discussing abortion as an option.

Democrats argue any pause in funding can harm those fighting the virus.

McCarthy, meanwhile, is dealing with a full plate.

As lawmakers return to Capitol Hill this week, he has to fund the government before the September 30th deadline, deal with a White House request for more aid to the Ukraine and appease conservatives, who want to begin impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden.

He is balancing several balls in the air as the fall session begins.

He became speaker after a deal with the conservative wing of the Republican Party issued a list of demands – including the ability to call a quick vote to ‘vacate the chair’ and remove him from office.

Read more.



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DHS Awards Anti-Terror Grant for LGBTQ Group to Indoctrinate 6-Year-Olds

The Biden administration has awarded an anti-terrorism grant worth more than half-a-million dollars to an LGBTQ activist group, which distributes condoms and “sex education” material, to expand its “in-school support for LGBTQ+ youth” as young as age 6. The manifesto of its school-based group — which is based on the Black Panthers — calls for the “abolition” of the police, the erasure of the U.S. border, and the “reclamation” of all “stolen lands” by indigenous people.

Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL) had received a $530,000 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) grant late this week. Although the TVTP grant is intended “to prevent targeted violence and terrorism,” the grant synopsis explains that the SMYAL “will provide in-school support for LGBTQ+ youth, training for school staff and youth service providers, [and] resilience programming for LGBTQ+ youth ages 6-24.” The grant will address both “the risk of violence and negative mental health outcomes faced by LGBTQ+ youth” in Washington, D.C., and nearby Montgomery County, Maryland.

GSA Networks Seek to Abolish the Police, Borders, and ‘Cisgender Heterosexual Patriarchy’

SMYAL’s latest 990 form states that its members run the “DC Regional GSA,” or Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) Network clubs, which aims to “lead the charge for LGBTQ rights and social justice.” Formerly the “Gay-Straight Alliance,” the group renamed itself the Gender & Sexualities Alliances Network in 2015 to signal that its leaders “have moved beyond the labels of gay and straight, and the limits of a binary gender system.” GSA boasts of 4,000student-run clubs operated by 40 state chapters.

The GSA Network’s “Truth Nine Point Platform” calls for “the Abolition of the Police, ICE, Borders and the Judicial System”; “an End of the Cisgender Heterosexual Patriarchy”; “Reparations for all Indigenous and Black Peoples,” including “Indigenous reclamation of stolen lands”; and “free and non-compulsory education for all ages.”

“The manifesto was inspired by and builds upon the Black Panther Party’s Ten-Point Program, the Young Lord’s 12 Point Program and Platform, and the Third World Gay Revolution,” GSA Network states, as it promises “to bravely and ferociously fight for our communal liberation.” The Black Panther Party “advocated the use of violence and guerilla tactics to overthrow the U.S. government,” according to the FBI.

“We invite our comrades in struggle who align with our principles, including those who have yet to self-determine their relationship to the struggle, to join us in solidarity, coalition, and liberation — remembering the revolution is a relationship,” the GSA Network platform concludes.

SMYAL activists “connect with and provide assistance to teachers, staff, administrators, community members and partners to start and grow local GSAs,” according to its tax filings.

SMYAL Distributes Condoms, Gives LGBT Adults Access to Children without Parental Supervision

The first item listed on SMYAL’s “sexual health” program is “condom distribution.” SMYAL operates a “Peer Health Fellowship” for children ages 13-24: “Fellows serve their their [sic] schools and communities as health educators. Fellows serve their community as role models, leaders, and trusted friends by distributing condoms and safer-sex information,” according to the group’s most recent tax filings.

SMYAL operates numerous youth groups for children who identify as LGBT or “who are exploring or questioning their identities.” The youngest group, known as Little SMYAL, combines children from 6 to 12, although teens may opt to continue attending. The next level includes programs for children from early adolescence through their mid-20s.

“Little SMYAL’s is a group for queer and trans 6-12 year olds to provide young people a safe(r) space hang out [sic] and meet new people,” its website states. “To best meet the needs of our youth, we have programs that are designed for 6 to 9-year-olds (who we call Unicorns) or 10 to 13-year-olds (who we call Rainbows),” the group explains. “If your child is 13, they may choose to continue attending Little SMYALs programs or age up into SMYAL’s drop-in programs for youth ages 13+.”

“Some programs are open to all youth within this 13-24 age range,” SMYAL notes.

SMYAL actively seeks to separate children or adolescents from their parents, asking for access to young children without parental supervision. “We invite caregivers to attend a ‘Welcome to Little SMYALs’ session to make sure their child is ready to participate in future programming. We then encourage caregivers to give their child some space to allow them to meet new friends and participate fully in this environment,” SMYAL’s website states. “[S]ome parents/caregivers have enjoyed getting coffee down the street together during in-person programs.”

SMYAL also offers “clinical services to LGBTQ youth ages 6-24,” including “trauma-enforced yoga, sound healing, and mindfulness.” Its Youth Leadership Development program holds workshops on topics ranging from “allyship” to “gender and sexuality 101.”

‘Beyond Ridiculous’

Giving an anti-terrorism grant to a child-focused LGBTQ activist group is “beyond ridiculous,” Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand. “Anti-terrorism and violence prevention money from DHS is supposed to prevent another 9/11 bombing — actual violent terrorism. It’s not supposed to impose sexual ideologies on children or adults. That’s child abuse and taxpayer abuse.”

“When people say they want to close agencies like the FBI, CIA, or DHS, programs like this one are part of the reason for that sentiment,” she said.

The taxpayer-funded DHS grant will greatly enhance SYMAL’s budget. The $530,000 TVTP grant represents 15% of the $3.6 million in revenue the group reported in 2021. (In all $2,061,623 of its $3,632,170 came from government grants.) SYMAL spent $351,123 promoting the GSA Networks’ agenda. It also spent $350,363 on its Peer Health Fellowship and $302,248 on its Youth Leadership Development Program.

Awarding SMYAL and other politically polarizing organizations DHS grants shows that “the national security industrial complex is too big and too focused on perceived threats to government from American citizens rather than on actual national security threats: cyberattacks on public schools and other organizations; lawlessness at the border; child trafficking rings; drug trafficking rings — all with international ties,” Kilgannon said.

“It’s not the job of DHS to make people feel good about their own sex lives and enforce societal endorsement of sex acts,” she concluded.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


To Prioritize Equity DHS Anti-Terrorism Funds go to Groups Devoted to Underserved Populations

California to Create “Transgender History Month”

‘Public Education Needs to be a Site of Socialist Organizing’: ALA President

PEPFAR Is Subsidizing Abortion Advocacy, Say Lawmakers, Pro-Lifers, and African Leaders

Barna: Discipleship Is a Journey, Not a Destination

Why Every Christian Should Study the End Times


EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Trump Asks Judge To Recuse Herself From 2020 Election Case

Former president Donald Trump filed a motion Monday asking the judge hearing his 2020 election interference case to recuse herself.

The filing argues that Judge Tanya Chutkan, an Obama appointee, should recuse herself from the case, alleging she suggested elsewhere that Trump should be prosecuted and imprisoned. It cites comments Chutkan made in a case she heard in October 2022 involving a January 6 defendant, as well as a case she heard in December 2021.

“Such statements, made before this case began and without due process, are inherently disqualifying,” the filing notes. “Although Judge Chutkan may genuinely intend to give President Trump a fair trial—and may believe that she can do so—her public statements unavoidably taint these proceedings, regardless of outcome.”

The filing quotes a portion of the sentencing transcript for a case involving Jan. 6 defendant Christine Priola.

“[T]he people who mobbed that Capitol were there in fealty, in loyalty, to one man — not to the Constitution, of which most of the people who come before me seem woefully ignorant; not to the ideals of this country; and not to the principles of democracy,” Chutkan said, according to the court filing. “It’s a blind loyalty to one person who, by the way, remains free to this day.”

Trump’s lawyers argue the statement’s meaning is “inescapable—President Trump is free, but should not be.”

On another occasion in December 2021, Chutkan told Jan. 6 defendant Robert Scott Palmer “you have made a very good point, one that has been made before — that the people who exhorted you and encouraged you and rallied you to go and take action and to fight have not been charged,” according to the filing.

“The issue of who has or has not been charged is not before me,” she continued, according to the sentencing transcript. “I don’t have any influence on that. I have my opinions, but they are not relevant.”

Trump was indicted Aug. 1 on four counts relating to his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Chutkan set the trial date in his case for March 4, 2024, the day before Super Tuesday.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.




RELATED ARTICLE: Judge Sets Trump’s Trial Date One Day Before Super Tuesday

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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RFK Jr. Names The Three Major Corporations He Thinks Control The World And How They’re Screwing Us

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doubled-down on claims that three major corporations are destroying America during a Saturday interview on “The Tim Dillon Show.”

RFK Jr. seems to be the only 2024 presidential contender who wants to take on the globalist elites attempting to eradicate the fundamental right to American freedom. And for some reason, no one is taking him seriously.

While chatting with comedian-savant Tim Dillon, RFK Jr. doubled down on his analysis of BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard, whose leadership have made it almost impossible for young Americans to buy homes. As it becomes more difficult to own a property, the quality of career growth and family formation declines nationally.

“Three giant companies, BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard … who all own each other …” RFK Jr. explained. “They’re the biggest companies in the world. Rich, and they … own, I think they own 88 percent of the S&P 500 … and now they’ve decided they’re going to buy every single family home in America. They’re on track now to control, to own the corporate control of 60 percent of the single family homes in America within six years.”

These three companies operate under some type of shell corporation, RFK Jr. continued, and the purpose of their massive housing buy-up is to advance the Great Reset, and enact the will of the World Economic Forum. “You will own nothing, and you will be happy,” is the WEF’s Great Reset motto, and it’s coming to fruition right under our noses.

I was contacted by the corporate communications team at BlackRock in September, who claimed that “BlackRock is an active investor in the U.S. real estate market, but we are not among the institutional investors buying single-family houses.”

I asked Alexander Williams, BlackRock’s rep, to clarify whether they engaged in home purchases through shell and shadow corporations, and to prove that all claims made by RFK Jr. were false. He stopped responding — so you tell me who is the more trustworthy and believable person in this debate?

For what it’s worth, I can’t vote. And I have yet to find any evidence that any politician, from any party, is actually a good person. But at least RFK Jr. is pointing at the real problems in America, those who are causing them and what we can do to stop things from getting worse.



News and commentary writer.


RFK Jr. Claims DNC Created New Rules To Steal Votes From Other Candidates

Yes, Big Media, JFK and RFK Were the Victims of CIA Plots

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Who is Dr. Jill Biden?

Trumpet Brief, published a column titled Who is Running the Show? on September 6, 2023. My preceding column What the Republicans don’t know they need for the 2024 Election, with the same idea of question, had been published September 2, 2023. The difference is that I put the question at the end of the column: What do you think, who is running Biden’s team of Socialist Mafia? In fact, I agree with all analyses in the Trumpet Brief, concerning Obamas. Nevertheless, based on my knowledge of Russian history, Intel, and especially the KGB’s Mafia/Army (my term), I am going to give you my personal version and the answer to the question.

So, what do you think, of who is running Biden’s team of the Evil Socialist Mafia? Socialist Mafia is a political term, it means the fix is in since 2015, the door to the White House is opened by Hunter’s shady dealings with the wife of the Mayor of Moscow. Remember, the overwhelming power of the KGB over all people in high positions in Russia and this Hunter’s linking in Russia means also a connection with Vladimir Putin. The KGB’s Mafia/Army and Vladimir Putin are inseparable and Putin is a devoted disciple of the Stalin/Andropove legacy. This historical line of connections plays an exclusively important role in world politics today—it will explain the Russian policy of “Disinformation”—covering up the TRUTH.

I have recognized the Stalin/Andropove legacy in 2021, insisting on my opinion that the Afghanistan surrender had been designed by Putin and executed by Biden’s White House. I am still sure of that, because I knew the strategy and tactics of the Stalin/Andropove legacy, and I recognized them immediately—I know the KGB’s Mafia/Army tactics and handwriting. Today I have additional evidence of my rightness. The 13 American marines had been killed by the ISIS-K suicide bomber. For your information the Stalin/Andropov legacy had recruited the leadership of Taliban in 1979 and using them today, second, Stalin married the Communist Ideology with Islam and the ISIS movement was created and supervised by the KGB’s Mafia/Army. Read my columns for free and learn about Russia’s never-ending attacks of Western civilization.

When you are familiar with the name Yuri Andropov the KGB Chairman 1967-1982, you also should know that he was the man who designed a simultaneous infiltration into the American Media and American Security Apparatus by the KGB’s Mafia/Aemy. I had this information from my Law School friends working with Andropov. I have served as a defense attorney for 25 years within the legal community of Russia. Only now we can move to America.

It is one thing to infiltrate America, but to infiltrate the White House is a very unthinkable task or agenda, but the KGB’s Mafia/Army had it and was working to find a woman able to do that. Forty-five years ago, Jill Stevenson divorced her husband. The KGB had confidence in her ability, and forty-three years ago a car accident killed Biden’s first wife. Knowing the KGB’s Mafia/Army tactics, I believe it wasn’t a car accident, but assassination to give Jill the opportunity to marry Joe Biden. Knowing that I will write a column about Jill Biden, I sent an email to Jim Jordan to request a police protocol of the mentioned car accident a year ago. We have already corresponded for many years. I don’t know whether he has the needed police protocol for a car accident or not.

Today is September 11, 2023 and our country commemorated 22 years since the tragedy. It is unthinkable, but the nation still doesn’t know that the crime of the 9/11 attacks had been designed and supervised by Russia. I have been writing and showing the ominous face of Russia for forty-two years, calling it the new “Axis of Evil”—North Korea, China, Iran, and Syria under the Russian umbrella. For several years I have been writing about Mexican Cartels, which are in fact, the Russian Cartels established by Stalin in the 20th century and destroying our country from within since. Those Cartels are working to bankrupt capitalism. There are Medical Russian Cartels as well to produce false Covid-19 results and much more…

However, I can’t break through the wall of mistrust and ignorance of reality pertaining to Russia. America doesn’t know Russia and all our troubles are derived from this ignorance: the Dems gun grab, raising crime, inflation, immigration, indoctrination of our children, overwhelming corruption of Biden’s team, and so on. Finally, I found the column, which might have convinced you of my truthfulness. The one page of the column is so craftily and skillfully designed and covers so many current issues that I can’t limit myself by taking only a few quotations from it. The masterpiece should be read as a whole. I am asking Unmuzzled News to forgive me. However, I have no alternative but to publish the entire column. Here it is:

Jill Biden’s ex-husband made one startling revelation about the Biden Crime Family allegations

Joe Biden is not out of the woods when it comes to corruption.

Hunter Biden’s botched plea deal opened up another can of worms.

And now Jill Biden’s ex-husband has just made one startling revelation about the Biden Crime Family allegations.

Five years after the tragic death of his wife and daughter in a car accident, Joe Biden married his current wife, Jill.

Bill Stevenson, Jill Biden’s ex-husband, claimed that Jill met Joe while they were still married, not on a blind date as the Bidens tell it.

Stevenson also claimed that he was targeted by the “Biden Crime Family” back in the day.

Stevenson, who was married to the First Lady from 1970 to 1975, claimed that Joe’s brother Frank strong-armed him into giving Jill their house in divorce proceedings.

Dr. Jill Biden’s divorce from her ex-husband sounds like it got really nasty

He told Newsmax, “Frankie Biden of the Biden Crime Family comes up to me and he goes, ‘Give her the house or you’re going to have serious problems… I looked at Frankie and I said, ‘Are you threatening me?’ And needless to say, about two months later, my brother and I were indicted for that tax charge for $8,200.”

Asked if he believed Joe Biden was behind the sudden tax charge, Stevenson said, “I not only think it, but I know it… I was on the wrong side of them and they have literally come after me for 35 years in a row.”

Stevenson, a Donald Trump supporter, believes that he was targeted the same way Trump has been by the DOJ and the media.

Jill Biden ex’s interview put jaws on the floor with startling allegations about the Biden family’s tactics during split

He continued, “It’s hard to believe what they’re doing to President Trump… I can’t let them do this to a president I love and respect… This is the only reason I’ve come forward. It’s like I said, nothing about the divorce, no bitterness, but Jimmy, Frankie, and President Biden are very dangerous, and it’s tragic. I can’t let them do what they did to me to President Trump. I can’t do it.”

Stevenson’s tax charge vis-à-vis Hunter Biden’s tax charge is a clear example of the two-tiered justice system that exists.

Friends of the D.C. Swamp are protected, and enemies are punished.

Stevenson was hit with felonies while Hunter Biden’s tax charge ran into the millions, and he was offered a misdemeanor plea deal.

The Biden Crime Family was hoping Hunter’s exploits would be swept under the rug, but that has not panned out.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.”

The conclusion is stunning and very gloomy: Russian Intel has been on American soil since 1970s and that fact is missing by the American FBI and CIA. Both still don’t know the KGB’s Mafia/Army and allow it to run the White House. I hope that with the help of Bill Stevenson I answered the question of who Dr. Jill Biden is. The same game has been used in Ukraine to cover up the Dem’s long-term collusion with the Russian Intel. Ukraine is the operation “Disinformation” used by the Putin/Biden conspiracy, to cover up the truth.

Read my columns and learn about Russia and its KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer. Without this information we can lose the American Constitutional Republic designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers.

To be continued and at

VIDEO: James O’Keefe’s Interview with Vivek Ramaswamy

James O’Keefe has embarked on a mission to give voters an unfiltered look into the presidential candidates vying for the nation’s highest office. His interviews aim to peel back the layers of public persona, offering you a glimpse into the candidates’ true selves, beyond the media spin.

The latest installment in OMG’s Presidential Series features James O’Keefe’s conversation with Vivek Ramaswamy, the ultimate outsider gunning for the Republican Presidential Nomination. Ramaswamy is anything but conventional; his unique approach to campaigning has him tied for second place with Mike Pence and Nikki Haley.

An accomplished entrepreneur, Ramaswamy has poured a quarter of a million dollars into his campaign and loaned it an additional $15 million. This significant investment has allowed him to break through the noise, a feat often impossible without the backing of the establishment.

During the hour-long interview, James O’Keefe questions Ramaswamy on his alleged connections to George Soros and explores public concerns that he may be a secret Democrat.

Ramaswamy acknowledges facing inquiries he’s never heard before, as the conversation dives into his Wall Street past and his views on stakeholder vs. stockholder capitalism.

Don’t miss this revealing and thought-provoking interview.

EDITORS NOTE: This O’Keefe Media Group video is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) O’Keefe Media Group, LLC. 2023 .

Records Show Biden Justice Department Set Up Unprecedented Apparatus to Target January 6 Protestors

Washington, D.C. – Judicial Watch announced today it received 90 pages of records from the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, a component of the Department of Justice, in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that detail the extensive apparatus the Biden Justice Department set up to investigate and prosecute January 6 protestors.’’

The documents were uncovered by FOIA lawsuit against the Justice Department and FBI for records related to the death of Ashli Babbitt (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:21-cv-02462)).

A January 25, 2021, confidential draft chart indicates staff assignments. Several “Lead AUSAs” (assistant U.S. attorneys) are listed. One is assigned to “White Nationalist Militias.” Two others are assigned to “Proud Boys.” Another is assigned to “Oath Keepers.”

The chart identifies “Branch 2: Priority Incidents and Subjects.” Its tasks are to investigate “specific incidents comprising the Capitol attack. Branch investigations are staffed by Criminal Division sections with designated lead prosecutors reporting up to their section supervisors:”

To identify and prosecute the individuals and organizations responsible for planting pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC.

To identify and prosecute rioting activity in the “Speaker’s Lobby,” and in particular to determine whether there is civilian criminal culpability for the death of Ashli Babbitt.

To identify and prosecute rioters responsible for the death of USCP Brian Sicknick.

To review force allegations against USCP and MPD officers, including the officer-involved shooting of Ashli Babbitt….

The chart lists “Branch 3: Intake, Assignment and Rapid Indictment” as: “Branch 3 intakes proposed prosecutions against individual rioters and assigns them for horizontal prosecutors; it also may channel individual defendants to Branches 1 and 2 based on those branches’ responsibilities. Branch 3 is the fulcrum of our reactive prosecutorial effort.”

The chart then describes a process for the “rapid indictment” of January 6 defendants:

Phase 1: Command Center (FMC): Co-located prosecutors and law enforcement agents in the command center screen referrals and assign them to Phase 2 or refer them/push up intelligence to Branches 1 and 2.

Phase 2: Complaints (FMC/Details): Cases referred from Phase 1 are assigned to AUSAs, a CTS [likely Civil Trial Section] attorney, and a WFO [FBI Washington Field Office] team who work in coordination with AUSOs/FBI field offices throughout the country to obtain criminal complaints and appropriate process.

Phase 3: Rapid Indictment (FMC): Cases charged out of Branch 3 are funneled to this unit, which will rapidly indict them. Only priority cases and Branch 2 and 3 cases are indicted by vertically organized AUSAs.

Phase 4: Indicted Prosecutions (Criminal Division): Indicted cases are returned/assigned for prosecution. Cases are centrally tracked with ticklers for Speedy Trial Act, discovery, intelligence gathering.

The chart describes “Branch 4: Advance Litigation Support” as “Branch 4 is a litigation, coordination and technology branch that provides support to all three investigative branches. Branch 4 has both litigation and technological responsibilities.”

The chart lists five roles for personnel to carry out:

Mass Data Collection (Process/Litigation): This team will coordinate and handle sensitive search warrants and other process directed at collecting large scale data (e.g., Geofence/Ad Tech).

Media Issues (Process/Litigation): This team will coordinate evidence collection from the media under the Justice Manual and develop litigation strategy for media-related defenses.

Filter (Support/Litigation): This team will develop filter protocols, staff filter reviews, and support filter-related litigation.”

Discovery (Planning/Litigation): This team will coordinate discovery, including protocols, Giglio, and litigation, focused on addressing “One Government” issues.

Litigation Technology (Support/Analysis): This team will stand up and maintain the apparatus tailored to store, process, analyze, and produce the unprecedented amount of data.

“Investigation and Litigation Technology Support Apparatus” lays out the array of technological sources to be use against January 6 defendants. The chart lists “Categories of data” which includes “cell phone records and device location data, cell phone data dumps, ad tech company locational data, financial locational data, social media accounts, email accounts, cloud storage accounts, financial records, flight travel records, and others.”

“Technological needs” listed in the chart include “devoted cloud storage, processing capacity to upload data to analytical and review platforms, analytical tools (e.g., Palantir), devoted review platform accessible across multiple DOJ and law enforcement components, and integration capacity – for purposes of analysis and discovery.”

“Complicating issues” related to the “Investigation and Litigation Technology Support Apparatus” include “unprecedented volume, high number of prosecutors, agents, analysts and support staff involved, data collected by multiple FBI field offices, trial prosecutions,” and others.

“These documents detail a troubling and unprecedented deployment of federal resources to prosecute Americans caught up in the January 6 disturbance. The documents seem to describe a massive political and spy operation masquerading as a law enforcement operation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

previous review of records from this lawsuit highlighted the prosecution declination memorandum justifying the decision not to prosecute U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd for the shooting death of Babbitt.

Judicial Watch is engaged in a comprehensive, independent investigation into the January 6 disturbance:

  • January 2023: documents from the Department of the Air Force, Joint Base Andrews, MD, that show U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd was housed at taxpayer expense at Joint Base Andrews after he shot and killed U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
  • August 2023: A hearing was held in federal court in Judicial Watch’s lawsuit against the U.S. Capitol Police seeking videos and emails concerning the protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Through its police department, Congress argues that the videos and emails are not public records, there is no public interest in their release, and that “sovereign immunity” prevents citizens from suing for their release.

  • November 2021: Judicial Watch released multiple audiovisual and photo records from the DC Metropolitan Police Department about the shooting death of Babbitt on January 6, 2021, in the U.S. Capitol Building. The records include a cell phone video of the shooting and an audio of a brief police interview of the shooter, Byrd.
  • October 2021, United States Park Police records related to the January 6, 2021, demonstrations at the U.S. Capitol showed that on the day before the January 6 rally featuring President Trump, U.S. Park Police expected a “large portion” of the attendees to march to the U.S. Capitol and that the FBI was monitoring the January 6 demonstrations, including travel to the events by “subjects of interest.”


House Oversight Demands Records Of Joe Biden’s Push To Remove Ukrainian Prosecutor Going After Burisma

More secrecy spurs cover-up accusations surrounding death of Obamas’ chef

Ashli Babbitt’s Killer, Capitol Cop Michael Byrd, Gets Rewarded with Promotion: Report

Biden blasted for fundraising as Trump arrested in Georgia: ‘Spikes the football’


EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Labor Stats Show Foreign Workers Gaining Jobs While Native-Born Workers See Decline

The August 2023 Employment Situation survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) drew far more media attention than normal for a monthly economic publication, and for good reason. The survey shows that over 1.2 million native-born Americans lost jobs from July to August 2023. However, over the same period, nearly 700,000 new jobs went to foreign-born workers and boosted foreign-born employment to a record high. This dramatic difference is the product of an immigration system that is not delivering for hardworking American citizens, and a closer look at the long-term trend is even more ominous.

Individual months can show huge swings in employment because of factors like seasonal jobs.  But this particular divide from July to August may foreshadow more bad news. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on the job market and caused employment numbers to crash for both native-born American workers and the foreign-born. The highest ever pre-COVID monthly total of American-born workers was recorded in October 2019. In that month, 131.7 million native-born Americans were employed. Economic recovery for American-born workers has been slow, and since the start of the pandemic that total has only been passed twice: in June and July 2023. As it stands right now, native-born Americans have lost a net 700,000 jobs over five years and full recovery, let alone growth, is yet to come.

The opposite is true for foreign-born workers. Their pre-COVID peak came in February 2019, when 27.8 million foreign-born people (legal immigrants and illegal aliens) held jobs. Since then, foreign-born employment has blown past that record and now stands at an unprecedented 30.4 million. In short, the foreign-born have gained 2.6 million jobs since their pre-COVID high, while the native-born have lost 700,000. This means that all post-pandemic job growth, coinciding with the millions of illegal aliens allowed into the country by the Biden administration, has gone to foreign-born workers. This 3.3 million job gap is an unacceptable consequence of lax border enforcement and an administration (and cheap-labor business interests) intent on flooding the market with low-skill illegal aliens to “solve” a labor shortage that does not exist.

Our current immigration policies are not benefitting American-born workers. Millions of American citizens struggle to find jobs while native-born employment has not recovered from COVID-19. However, the Biden administration’s top priority seems to be letting in as much cheap labor as possible. The number of illegal aliens living in the U.S. has grown to record highs thanks to policies that actively encourage them to enter, and many of these illegal aliens exploit backlogs in the system to work legally for years and compete directly with Americans. Meanwhile, some representatives are even proposing legislation that would effectively let any foreign national who shows up at the border and claims asylum to the U.S. with nearly zero barriers.


Michael Capuano

Michael Capuano joined FAIR in 2022. As a researcher and staff writer, he contributes to the work behind FAIR’s long-form research publications as well as topical content responding to immigration-related issues as they happen.

Before joining FAIR, Michael worked in the Enforcement and Removal Operations Law Division at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during law school at George Washington University and then as an immigration attorney at a Spanish-speaking law firm. Having grown up in Southern California and with experience on both sides of the issue, he is acutely conscious of the importance of the immigration issue to everyday life and the necessity of FAIR’s vision for reform.

Michael’s background before law school was in Urban Studies/Planning at the University of California, San Diego, informing a deep concern for the environment and good urban design, two issues very relevant to the current immigration crisis.

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. © COPYRIGHT 2023 FEDERATION FOR AMERICAN IMMIGRATION REFORM, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

VIDEO: RFK, Jr. warns the DNC is planning to steal the Democrat primary election and give it to Biden

In an email containing the below video titled “This is about you” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains what is going to happen on September 14th, 2023 in Washington, D.C., when the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will meet to confirm the party’s rules or make changes which could amount to stuffing the primary election delegate ballot box.

WATCH: This is About You

In his email JFK, Jr. wrote,

Here’s how it works: Let’s say a candidate gets 60% of the vote in a primary. In a fair election, they would get 60% of the delegates allocated.

However, in 2020 the DNC created a new kind of delegate: the PLEO (Party Leaders and Elected Officials). Only these officials are eligible. They are to be allocated according to vote totals, but since no official will dare provoke the wrath of the DNC by pledging to an insurgent candidate like myself, it means that all of them will go to President Joe Biden.

What that means is that I could win 60% or even 70% of the vote, and still the nomination would go to Joe Biden.

This scheme is a way to stack the deck in favor of party insiders. The DNC is returning to the days of choosing the nominee in backroom political deals. It is a blatant form of election rigging. 

They also have switched the first primary to South Carolina (where Biden did well in the 2020 primary) and taken it away from New Hampshire (where he lost badly). To enforce the switch, they are punishing any candidate who campaigns there by nullifying the NH vote and removing them from the ballot in Georgia, of all places.

I am taking this fight, on behalf of all voters, to the DNC. I have publicly called for real reform, where every vote counts. I have asked to meet with the DNC this week. No response yet.

You can help me show the DNC that the voters want real democracy…

Many expect that after the DNC steals their own primary election that they will then steal the 2024 presidential election as well. As George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Remember how the DNC did this to Bernie Sanders and gave the nomination to Hillary Clinton?

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


We No Longer Talk about Such Things

Anthony Esolen: We are witnessing the complete societal dismissal of any norms regarding sexual behavior between consenting adults, and the refusal to own up to the consequences in human misery.

So the Catholic, trying hard to be faithful in a faithless time, is now to be dismissed – according to a Certain Person in Rome – for being obsessed with sins “below the belt.”  Whether that includes a kick to the groin is not clear.

How about above the belt – in the eyes and in a mind scorched by the evils of a world that has rejected the most fundamental truth about sex?  It is the truth that our Lord affirmed, that “in the beginning God made them male and female,” and “for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” (Mt. 19:4-5)

You may reject that truth initially because you want to have your forbidden pleasure, but the fruit soon disappoints, the inheritance is squandered, the famine strikes, the swine are fat, and you are hungry.  Then to be grappling to the evil is a sin not of intemperance, but of stubborn pride and rebellion; and the common victims of it are staring at a screen, frying their imaginations, with no prospects for a normal family life.

Let me make the distinction.  In “An Incident at Krechetovka Station,” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describes the usual trip for a military transport train overseen by a gentle lad named Gaydukov, who has seen action in the field, and it is that action and his own gentleness that makes him play loose with the rules.

People try to get on the train, and though it is against regulations, Gaydukov cannot bear to see them freezing in the cold and running like mad to catch up with it.  So he lets them on in exchange for some food or drink – for the soldier boys inside are hungry too, and they will let girls on for free, hoisting them up while the train is hurrying along.

Once inside, the girls talk to the boys, they cook some food for them, one of them washes their shirts, and then they huddle on the bunks to sleep and to keep warm, “and some of today’s young women who, like yesterday’s, had not long ago seen their husbands off (and some of the girls too – few could resist it) would lie down and make love to the boys in the shadows away from the lamp.”

That isn’t a good thing.  It is a sin “below the belt.”  But it is at least an understandable human thing, born of frailty, lonesomeness, and the extraordinary circumstances.

Another, and more dubious case.  The film Fanny by Gaslight (1944; also named Man of Evil) features a young woman, Fanny, whose parents run a brothel, but who have at least a twinge of conscience about it, so they send her away to boarding school once she is too old to risk having her see what they are doing.

Fanny ends up being caught between two worlds, the raffish and seedy world of the high-class brothel, where her girlhood friend ends up as a prostitute, and a world of moral uprightness or at least the appearance of it.  She falls in love with a young member of Parliament whose career is on the rise, and he wants to marry her, but his snobbish family intervenes, and Fanny is made to know that she will ruin him by a marriage.

So she ends up becoming his mistress.  That is not, however, the end of the story; it will end with Fanny at the bedside of her lover, who has been shot in a duel and whom she brings back from the brink of death by telling him that she will never leave him, and that they will marry and have a house and children.

We have no war here, but the pressure of evils from various directions, including that same old human frailty, but the evil is not excused, much less held up as admirable.  This too is a sin “below the belt,” but also in the pocketbook and at the posh club where only the right people are admitted.

We no longer talk about such things.  We are talking, again, about the complete societal dismissal of any norms regarding sexual behavior between consenting adults, and the refusal to own up to the consequences in human misery, especially to children growing up in chaotic and often fatherless homes, and to the materially and educationally poor, who are surrounded by what is less and less a society than an inhuman amalgam of individual wills pursuing what they desire.

These are not sins of a warm but misdirected heart.  They are sins that burn hot and then cold, ever colder.  The “hookup” culture is no culture at all.  It is far from the merriment of Shakespeare or Chaucer.  It is grim and angry.

Why should we be surprised?  Sin will always disappoint.  A commitment to sin in principle is no longer weakness but a trade, a business, and the people so committed lock themselves up in what becomes a hedonistic intellectual prison, and when they mock those outside the prison, they toss the key away.  Perhaps they are conscious of tossing it away.  That would then be the definition of mortal sin: to choose a prison you know you can never escape from.

These are sins of an intellect gone bad.  They include a certain malice toward others, too.  For the consequences are everywhere, in loneliness, childlessness, family disintegration, and blood.  To continue upholding the evil principle, then, is to will that those consequences continue; to purchase your pleasure, such as it is, at the expense of a vast and smothering unhappiness; to say that these tens of millions of children will grow up without fathers, because you want your habit, which does not seem to give you much pleasure in any case, and that is that.

And we who have been fighting for those without a voice are told we are obsessed with sins against the Sixth Commandment.  Rather against the Eighth, the Fifth, and the First.

You may also enjoy:

+James V. Schall, S.J.’s On the “Enduring of Evil”

Pope Leo XIII’s The true origin of marriage (from Arcanum, 1880)


Anthony Esolen

Anthony Esolen is a lecturer, translator, and writer. Among his books are Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture, and Nostalgia: Going Home in a Homeless World, and most recently The Hundredfold: Songs for the Lord. He is a professor and writer in residence at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts, in Warner, New Hampshire. Be sure to visit his new website, Word and Song.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. © 2023 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

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— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

If You Only Have Time to Read a Few Select Articles:

*** Federal Court Rules Against FDA over Anti-Ivermectin Posts

*** Florida surgeon general advises people not to get new COVID booster

*** New study shared by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks create dangerous of level toxic compounds linked seizures, cancer

*** Short video: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) explained by James Lindsay

*** Does Social and Emotional Learning Work? Let’s Hope Not

*** Mom’s for Liberty: ‘We Do Not Co-Parent With the Government’

*** The Case Against Gentle Parenting

*** Climate Brainwashing in K-12

*** Report: In Defense of Merit in Science

*** The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to Unravel

*** Improving Science Advice to Governments: Open Peer Review

*** Restoring the Scientific Method and Saving Civilization

*** Nobel Winner Refutes Climate Change Narrative, Points out Ignored Factor

*** Dr. Steven Koonin Questions Conventional Climate Science and Methodology

*** 32-year Reuters veteran reporter comes clean on climate change: “I was wrong”

*** Major Study: 40% of Global Warming Since 1850 is Due to Urban Heat Corruptions

*** The Art of the Steal: Net Zero Is Unattainable

*** The green movement is a disinformation campaign

*** Climate scientist says he ‘left out the full truth’ to get wildfire study published

*** Maui’s wildfire tragedy caused by “green” policies, not warming

*** What the Left Did to Our Country

*** Biden administration violated First Amendment over COVID-19 content on social media, court of appeals rules

*** Direct Government Censorship of the Internet is Here

*** Discrimination, Excommunication, and Indoctrination

*** The US is facing a blackout ‘crisis’ – thanks to green energy

*** Electricity from wind isn’t cheap and it never will be

*** Energy consumption by China (Note complete dominance of fossil fuels!)

*** China is building new coal power so fast that ‘energy transition’ by the West is meaningless

*** Another fairy tale about the levelized cost of renewables

*** Offshore wind project will damage ocean ecosystem with no environmental benefit

*** Offshore wind projects may be cancelled in NJ, according to report

*** This board advises RI on offshore wind’s impacts on fisheries: they all just resigned

*** Wind Energy Fails Texas

*** America’s Wind-Turbine Revolution Is Broken

Secondary Education — SEL:

*** Should a Catholic School be Teaching SEL?

*** Short video: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) explained by James Lindsay

*** Does Social and Emotional Learning Work? Let’s Hope Not

*** Testimony to State Education Committee on SEL (Linda Highland)

*** Short video: Woke Curriculums Have Got to Go!

Public schools are force-feeding kids to comply with a secular worldview

Portland (OR) Schools Establish ‘Equitable Grading Practices’ That Outlaw Zeros for Cheating, Missing Work

Secondary Education — General:

*** Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** Mom’s for Liberty: ‘We Do Not Co-Parent With the Government’

*** The Case Against Gentle Parenting

*** Climate Brainwashing in K-12

*** The Left is Re-engineering the Human Soul and our Children are the Guinea Pigs

*** America First Legal Investigates the Biden Administration’s Efforts to Limit Parents’ Rights by Gutting the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment

NC School Districts’ Lawsuits Against Social Media Companies: Implications and Complexities

Oklahoma School District Hires Drag Queen Elementary School Principal with Child Porn Arrest Record

Schools cutting advisers and tutors as COVID aid money dries up. Students are still struggling

Higher Education Related:

The broke-woke-stroke convergence: Why professors lower standards

Does Tenure Matter?

Artificial Intelligence:

The Danger of the ‘Smart’ Car

US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation…

Report: 90% Of Online Content May Be AI-Generated Garbage by 2026

Greed Energy Economics:

*** New Wind Energy Costs Blow the Doors Off Projections

*** Electricity from wind isn’t cheap and it never will be

*** Another fairy tale about the levelized cost of renewables

Wind farms gaming system to inflate millions earned when asked to halt production

Support for offshore wind sinks as costs soar

Low Interest Shown in US’ First Gulf of Mexico Offshore Wind Auction

Unreliables Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

Cobalt Carnage, Child Labor, and Ecological Destruction

Unreliables (General):

*** The US is facing a blackout ‘crisis’ – thanks to green energy

*** Why wind and solar power are running out of juice

California’s planning a renewable energy project at a scale never before attempted in the world

Maine town in path of proposed power corridor approves moratorium on utility lines

In Blow to Renewables, Ninth Circuit Mostly Upholds FERC’s PURPA Reforms

Wind Energy — Offshore:

*** Offshore wind project will damage ocean ecosystem with no environmental benefit

*** Offshore wind projects may be cancelled in NJ, according to report

*** This board advises RI on offshore wind’s impacts on fisheries: they all just resigned

Wind Industry Money Behind Media Misinformation about Whale Deaths

U.S. Offshore Wind Plans Collapsing

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)

*** Wind Energy Fails Texas

*** America’s Wind-Turbine Revolution Is Broken

Solar Energy:

What happened with Crescent Dunes?

Renewable Solar Comes with Recurring Waste Costs

Nuclear Energy:

Baran confirmation threatens Biden administration climate targets

The Richest Opponents of Carbon-Free Nuclear Energy

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Energy consumption by China (Note complete dominance of fossil fuels!)

*** China is building new coal power so fast that ‘energy transition’ by the West is meaningless

*** AAF on Biden’s Canceling Gas Leases in Alaska

California to expand fossil fuel project Newsom said he was ‘fully committed’ to shutting down

Boston bans use of fossil fuels to power the construction of public buildings

Once Again, Natural Gas Rescued Ontario From Blackouts

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** EV Fail: Car Dealers Turning Away From Electric Vehicles After Learning Harsh Economics Lesson

The Electric Vehicle Is Driving Away with Our Freedom

Nobody wants an electric car

Misc Energy:

*** Consumer Watchdog Launches Campaign Exposing Duke Energy ESG Priorities Over Reliable Power Grid

Rebuke Duke Energy

New Duke Plan Would Add More Nuclear and Natural Gas but No Offshore Wind

More Proof That the “Electrify Everything” Push is a Regressive Tax

Every Problem With The Texas Grid Is Caused By Government Policy

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** The Art of the Steal: Net Zero Is Unattainable

*** Zero Net EV Economic, Climate Benefits and Gov’t Admits It

*** The green movement is a disinformation campaign

*** Climate scientist says he ‘left out the full truth’ to get wildfire study published

*** Major Study: 40% of Global Warming Since 1850 is Due to Urban Heat Corruptions

*** Maui’s wildfire tragedy caused by “green” policies, not warming

*** Seven Proofs: Why Human CO2 does not control the CO2 level or the climate

We Can’t Change Weather, but Can Change the Hysteria Over It

Climate Change “Science” Is Nasty Political Sausage

New York Goes Peak Madness Over Environmental Justice

US Rejects China’s Bid to Hold Climate ‘Hostage’ Over Chips

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Nobel Winner Refutes Climate Change Narrative, Points out Ignored Factor

*** Dr. Steven Koonin Questions Conventional Climate Science and Methodology

*** 32-year Reuters veteran reporter comes clean on climate change: “I was wrong”

*** Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration

*** New study suggests global warming could be mostly an urban problem

*** A CEO Who Doesn’t Equivocate About Climate

How Democrats’ climate change agenda is blocking real change for America

Home insurers cut natural disasters from policies as climate risks grow

Climate Change & Weather

New climate film offers science-based relief from alarmism

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

Left Seizes Election Worker Training Organization

US Election — State Issues:

*** Details of Michigan Voter Roll Integrity

*** NEW Police Report Verifies Law Enforcement Went Door-to-Door Confirming Fraudulent MI Voter Registration Ring

*** Court Finds Arizona’s Signature Matching Process Unlawful in ‘Massive Win’ for Election Integrity

Federal judge defies Congress in ruling against Texas election reform

Wisconsin Lawsuit Won over Illegal Voter Registration Form

Misc US Politics:

*** What the Left Did to Our Country

*** I’m Beyond Furious

*** At War With the Truth

Blame, Trade-Offs, and the Maui Wildfires

Bidenomics Jobs Report: 1.2 Million US Citizens Lost Their Jobs & Were Replaced with 668K Foreign-Born Workers

Pressure Mounts On Left’s Most Notorious Dark Money Network

CNN reveals a phone call Michelle Obama is about to get that will throw 2024 into chaos

Censorship US:

*** Biden administration violated First Amendment over COVID-19 content on social media, court of appeals rules

*** Direct Government Censorship of the Internet is Here

I was canceled by a small-town library. This is why

Government Intel and Security Agencies Behind NGO Demands for More Censorship by X/Twitter

War On Free Speech Means Social Media Users Must Be Free To Moderate Their Content

Societally US:

*** The Charles Kovess Show: How do you pick your trustworthy information?

*** Who are the good guys?

*** America: Land of the Free, Home of the Deluded

Podcast: More Ding Dong From the Profession of Psychology

How “Fact Checkers” Obliterate the Truth

The Incredible Dumbing Down of Americans, as a Crippling Portion of the Population Can No Longer Exercise Independent Thinking

US Politics and Socialism:

*** Discrimination, Excommunication, and Indoctrination

*** Law Schools and the American Bar Association: A Communist Partnership for Dismantling America

These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030

Accepting COVID Dictates Has Consequences – New Mexico Democrat Governor Now Uses Same “Public Health Emergency” To Ban Firearms


*** An Ethical Perspective On The WHO Power Grab

EU’s Digital Services Act no longer conceals Brussels’ mission to kill free speech worldwide

Launch of a New Doorway to Freedom

Religion Related:

Guarding America’s ‘first freedom’

AI: the Despair of Atheism, and the Vision of Faith

The Wave/Particle Duality of Light as a Metaphor for God

Has Humanity Violated God’s Boundaries In Pursuit Of Science?


*** Report: In Defense of Merit in Science

*** The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to Unravel

*** Improving Science Advice to Governments: Open Peer Review

*** Book: The Scientific Method: A Guide to Finding Useful Knowledge

*** Restoring the Scientific Method and Saving Civilization

Education Game-Changer Followup (re the Scientific Method)

Why We Can’t Trust Science Journals


Can the Left and Right Agree on Health Reform?

Evidence Challenging mRNA Vaccine ‘Safe and Effective’ Narrative

Do Forever Chemicals Really Last Forever?

The shrinking number of primary care physicians is reaching a tipping point


*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

*** Latest Developments in Ukraine: August 13th

John Mearsheimer – I Think the Russians Now have the Upper Hand

COVID-19 — Masks:

*** New study shared by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks create dangerous of level toxic compounds linked seizures, cancer

*** COVID-19: What’s in Your Mask?

*** Masks return amid CDC director vow of “Repairing Trust”

I dare the establishment to bring back lockdowns and mask mandates

COVID-19 — Injections:

*** Florida surgeon general advises people not to get new COVID booster

*** Multiple Florida Counties Back Resolution to Ban Covid Shots

*** COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

*** Risk of Stroke Skyrockets with COVID-19 Infection after Vaccination

*** Biden To Fund New COVID Vaccine “For Everybody… Whether They’ve Gotten It Before Or Not”

First Lady Jill Biden (double-vaccinated, twice boosted) tests positive for COVID for the second time

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in its V-Safe Program

Study: Half of Vaccinated People May Never Stop Producing Spike Protein

Inspirational Message To The Unvaccinated

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts

*** Federal appeals court revives lawsuit saying FDA overstepped on anti-ivermectin messaging

*** What You Need to Know About New ‘Eris’ COVID Variant

*** The Public is Weary of the Media’s New COVID Panic

New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab

Japanese Scientists Find that Covid-19 and All of the Variants are Laboratory Creations

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

*** Study: Measuring the COVID Mandates

*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

*** FLCCC Long COVID Treatment Protocol

*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)

*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox

*** Status of US At-Home COVID-19 Tests

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g., PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For past Newsletter issues see the archives from: 2020 & 2021 & 2022 & 2023. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over all thirteen plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put this together — where you can search ALL prior issues, by year. For a background about how the Newsletter is put together, etc., please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2023; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see