China Unleashes New Mutant COVID Strain

Make no mistake, this is 21st century warfare.

I don’t believe anything coming out of China but I do believe they are setting us up for another bio-weapon attack. If we had leadership that actually loved and cared about this country, we would not cower and mask and hide. We would live our lives and use the defense production act to return all of our supply chains to our shores. Instead, they punish Americans while sucking up to China.

They don’t care ow many of their own they kill, it’s all in the cause of China’s world domination.

Fears heighten about a new mutant COVID strain as cases skyrocket in China

By Isabel Keane, NY Post, December 29, 2022:

Chinese health authorities are racing to catch new mutant COVID strains, as more than a third of Omicron variants detected in the crushing wave of infections slamming the country have resulted in larger outbreaks.

Over the past three months, China has detected over 130 sublineages of Omicron, including BF.7, a variant incredibly adept at evading immunity and believed to be behind the current surge in infections.

Xu Wenbo, head of the National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, said last week that China plans to track the virus centers around three city hospitals in each province. There, samples will be taken from sick walk-in patients as well as from patients who die.

Wenbo confirmed that 50 of the 130 Omicron versions found in China had resulted in outbreaks.

He said the country is working to create a national genetic database so it can monitor how each strain evolves and study each mutation’s possible impacts on public health.

Every new infection creates a new chance for the virus to mutate. With COVID spreading rapidly in China, as many as 248 million people — nearly 18% of China’s population — came down with the virus in the first 20 days of December.

The country of 1.4 billion has done a complete reversal of its “zero COVID” policy earlier this month. The abrupt policy shift has caused China’s largest outbreak of COVID infections since the start of the pandemic and left hospitals swamped, turning away ambulances and unable to care for some critical patients.



China Makes Move That Could Infect the Whole World Again

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Internet: A Pandora’s Box of Threats to Our Children

The Internet has opened up a Pandora’s Box of threats to our children. These threats include grooming by online predators for sexual abuse or to be sex trafficked; having sexually explicit images and videos shared online that will haunt our children for the rest of their lives; exposure to pornography; messages encouraging harmful sexual behavior like sexting, hookup sex, and more; and the mental health impacts of seeing countless objectifying messages.

We believe a critical aspect of child online safety is the availability of caregiver controls on any device or platform where children are likely to be found. We are taking steps to ensure technology companies prioritize child safety and give parents more power.  

According to a Bark’s 2021 Annual Report that analyzed over 3.4 billion messages across platforms:

  • 68.97% of Tweets and 90.73% of teens encountered nudity or other sexual content.
  • 9.95% of tweens and 20.54% of teens of teens encountered predatory behaviors.

Thanks to your partnership, we are making significant progress in transforming the Internet into a safer place for children. Here are just a few highlights from the past year:

  • Our lawsuit against Twitter for facilitating and profiting from sexual abuse images of two young boys continues to move forward in the federal courts. It is presently pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
  • In August, Snap Inc. released its first set of parental controls, named “Family Center”, providing parents with the ability to view their children’s friends and report suspicious accounts. NCOSE participated in discussions and official expert consultations around the Family Center development.
  • After a half-dozen consultations with NCOSE, Apple announced multiple improvements to their parental controls, named “Screen Time”. These improvements included defaulting content restrictions based on a user’s age, and providing a “checklist” of safety features to ensure parents know what is available for them to protect their children.
  • Meta implemented numerous changes which NCOSE and our allies have been advocating for them to make for several years. In mid-November, Meta announced they would be defaulting settings to higher safety levels for 13-15-year-old users on Facebook and Instagram. These defaulted settings make it much harder for teens and “suspicious accounts” to interact with each other, and increase messages and educational tools meant to prevent sextortion and self-generated sexually explicit images. Earlier in the year, Instagram also restricted content for teens under 16 to the highest safety setting (though teens are able to change this and other settings – something we hope will be changed through more parental oversight tools).
  • This year Congress introduced SIX bills on online child safety, five with bipartisan support! Congress hasn’t addressed these issues in a serious way since the early 2000s!

Thanks for your continued support.

Thank you for believing a better world is possible!

©NCOSE. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: DeSantis Admin Threatens Venue’s License For Hosting ‘Explicit’ Drag Show That Minors Could Attend


Levine Calls for Censorship of ‘Misinformation’ Surrounding Child Sex Changes

In an address to the Federation of State Medical Boards in New Orleans in May, the Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine called on tech corporations to censor “misinformation” about child sex changes.

Levine, a man who identifies as a woman, remarked that health professionals “must continue and expand their work to address health misinformation directly.” He added, “I’d like to just talk briefly about another area of substantial misinformation that is directly impacting health equity in our nation, and that is the health equity of sexual and gender minorities.”

Levine went on to say, “There is substantial misinformation about gender-affirming care for transgender and gender diverse individuals” and claimed that America is “facing an onslaught of anti-LGBTQI+ actions at the state levels across the United States,”

Biden’s administration official defended so-called “gender-affirming care,” a set of medical interventions that seek to change an individual’s sex. ​​”The positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute,” Levine added.

Yes, it is in dispute.

He also doubled down on his advocacy for censorship, saying, “We need to use our clinicians’ voice to collectively advocate for our tech companies to create a healthier, cleaner information environment.”

Translation: The Biden administration needs to take totalitarian control of the flow of information in this country.

But an overwhelming majority — 70 percent — of the 1,851 respondents to a recent poll from Harvard Harris favor “new national laws protecting internet and social media users from corporate censorship.” 72 percent of Democrats, 69 percent of Republicans, and 71 percent of independents favor the legislation.

Rachel Levine

3 Known Connections

During a Pride Month Town Hall which was live-streamed by the Democratic National Committee in late June 2022, Levine accused “opponents of LGBTQ equality” of “target[ing] trans and queer youth to score political points.” “Every major medical association agrees: gender-affirming care is life-saving, medically necessary, age-appropriate and a critical tool for health care providers,” added Levine. “As a pediatrician, when it comes to making sure kids are healthy and happy, I know how important care that affirmed someone’s true identity can be.” In response to Levine’s remarks, Florida Department of Health spokesman Jeremy T. Redfern told Fox News Digital: “The Surgeon General is opposed to experimental and irreversible medical treatments on children and teenagers that suffer from gender dysphoria. The idea that this makes anyone at the Department of Health an ‘opponent of LGBTQ equality’ is nothing more than a poorly attempted character assassination.”

To learn more about Rachel Levine, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

One group of Americans has the highest fertility in the world. It doubles every 20 years.

In the 1400s the printing press revolutionized Europe, enabling mass distribution of printed material fast. The Reformation roiled Europe in the 1500s, in no small measure due to Gutenberg’s invention. In the wake of Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli came a variety of sects, including the radical Anabaptists, who believed in adult baptism and strict separation of church and state. In 1693 the Anabaptists splintered into three sects, including the followers of one Jakob Ammann. They called themselves Amish.

About the Amish

Amish organize into districts governed by an Ordnung (set of rules) that governs personal attire, domestic life, and work. Today the Ordnung forbids use of electricity, automobiles, telephones and a range of modern labor-saving devices. The Ordnung must be strictly obeyed under penalty of shunning or even excommunication. Implementation of the Ordnung may vary in different communities. It is intended to promote the virtues of hard work, humility, rural life, and separation from the world. Their inspiration comes from James 1:27: “To keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (NIV).

Weary of persecution and the world around them, in the mid-1700s about 500 Amish arrived in the New World, settling mostly in Pennsylvania. In the 1800s about 1500 more came, settling in the Midwest. Most Amish are descended from about 200 families who crossed the Atlantic.

Population and fertility

“Over the last century the Amish population has doubled on average every 19.63 years,” according to the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Pennsylvania’s Elizabethtown College, which further states:

“The North American Amish population grew by an estimated 183,565 since 2000, increasing from approximately 177,910 in 2000 to 361,475 in 2021, an increase of 103.2 percent.”

In 1992 there were 125,000 Amish in the US. By 2020 there were 350,000, an almost 180 percent increase.  The US population increased approximately 29 percent during that period, thus the Amish population growth rate was six times that of the US (including immigration). That is exponential population growth, though it begins from a very low base.

Today there are 375,000 Amish in America.

Amish live in districts, each comprising roughly 30 families. When a district surpasses that, a new district is formed. A new district is founded every 3.5 weeks. Associated districts form settlements. From 2000 to 2021, the Amish gained 290 new settlements. Present in 31 US states, they have recently established districts in four Canadian provinces and single districts in Argentina and Bolivia.

At home the Amish speak a form of German known as Pennsylvania Dutch. Due to their rural customs, personal privacy (Amish do not keep photographs as they are believed to cultivate vanity) and lack of technology, surveys of the Amish are an inexact science. Several groups may be considered a variant of Amish, but with fertility research the accepted criteria for Amish is that they speak Pennsylvania Dutch and have no household phones. That group consistently averages close to seven births per female.

Were the Amish a separate country, they would be right up there with Niger (6.9) contending for the world’s highest fertility rate. Amish fertility was the basis for demographer Lyman Stone’s 2018 paper “How Long Until We’re All Amish?

I occasionally encounter Amish in my travels, and once visited a workshop where a father and his four sons made buggy wheels. They were back-ordered for months.

Reasons for population growth

Like other Christians, Amish see children as a gift from God.

Their lifestyle incentivizes having children. Without the efficiency and productivity of technology, children are essential to work the farm, do the chores and look after their parents in old age. (Amish do not participate in Social Security.) Simply put, they value familial cooperation through labour over efficiency and productivity. Requiring more labour (children) engenders cooperation and close familial bonds without the worldly distractions of university, cinema, social media, bars, etc. There is no social atomization among the Amish. They believe that labour-saving technology would breed idleness. Amish are exempt from schooling past the eighth grade by the US Supreme Court’s ruling in Wisconsin v. Jonas Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972).

Another growth factor is that Amish have the highest retention rate of any religion or denomination in America at almost 90 percent. In adolescence Amish youth are allowed to leave their communities virtually free of constraints in a rite of passage called Rumspringa (jumping or hopping about). Baptism comes after they return.


There is evidence of some very slight decline in Amish fertility, though similar declines have been previously observed. Provided the current Amish growth rate holds, in 215 years their population is projected to be larger than the current US population of 327 million. It would be interesting to stick around and see if that pans out.

Amish farms and businesses are usually quite profitable. They pay cash for farms. Amish have the lowest rates of depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia of any American demographic.

The Amish are not without critics. Some regard them as a cult. Like any population, they are not immune from occasional criminal or deviant behavior. Conformity is expected or demanded, depending on your point of view. Those who stray from the Ordnung are shunned (a traumatic ordeal) or even excommunicated. They keep to themselves and do not proselytize or encourage outsiders to join. They are pacifist and do not serve in the military. A small number leave Amish communities as adults.

After observing life among the Amish, Business Insider published an article headlined, “If you want to be happier, should you be a billionaire or be Amish?”

The Amish are obviously doing something right. Their faith and largely pre-modern lifestyle works for them.

What works for the rest of us?


Louis T. March

Louis T. March has a background in government, business and philanthropy. A former talk show host, author and public speaker, he is a dedicated student of history and genealogy. Louis lives with his family… More by Louis T. March.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Vaxxed Pilots Should Not Fly

NOTE: This article originally appeared on the, on November 10th, 2021

Incident 1: As an American Airline plane was descending towards southwest Florida, the pilot in command (PIC) began convulsing and had a cardiac arrest. While the plane was on autopilot, the co-pilot pulled the PIC from his seat and tried to administer CPR. But his efforts were in vain, the pilot was dead. The co-pilot returned to his seat and squawked 7700, the international transponder code for “I have an emergency.” The plane landed safely, but the co-pilot was put on administrative leave for having left his seat and endangering the aircraft.

“It was later determined that the PIC had a fatal heart attack caused by myocarditis, a known side effect of the Covid-19 vaccinations. He had received his second dose of the vaccine two weeks before that flight. His last physical was three months prior, and his doctor had given him a clean bill of health.”

Incident 2: The second fatality took place a week later, this time, anAirbusA321, headed from DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) for LAX. Midway through the flight, the co-pilot complained he had chest pains but chalked it up to having eaten a spicy meal before departure. He told the PIC it was indigestion.

As the plane flew at 32,000 ft. over the New Mexico/Arizona state line, the co-pilot started convulsing and vomiting on the flight controls. The PIC contacted Air Traffic Control, requesting permission to make an emergency landing in Albuquerque, NM, but ATC, after consulting American Airlines, denied the request and compelled the PIC to complete the flight to LAX.

The co-pilot died in his chair, also from acute myocarditis. He had gotten his second vaccination—Pfizer—21 days ahead of that fateful flight. “The PIC was put under a gag order and told not to discuss the incident with anyone under threat of losing his job.

All Such Pilot Deaths Now Classified: There is a systematic effort going on now to prevent the public from knowing about pilots getting ill or dying in the air. The airlines don’t want to lose money, and the administration doesn’t want the public to know the true dangers of the vaccine.

British Air Lost Four Pilots Within One Week: World Tribune reported that on June 7, 2021, a tweet told of four British Air pilots who passed away within a week of each other. What did they all have in common? They all had taken the Covid jabs within 20 days. One was age 35, the others between 40 and 50. Of course, British Air is saying that the deaths are purely coincidental. They want no public scrutiny.

Does this explain why there are mass numbers of pilots and flight attendants refusing to get the jab? At least Southwest has backed down and is no longer requiring such for their employees, but the other airlines are, and are having to lay off thousands who refuse to endanger their own lives with the jabs.

Related Tweet:

In a June 18th, 2021 TheBL article titled Four British Airline Pilots died in one week, Airline dismisses the vaccine link, but few convinced Laura Enrione,

British Airways lost four of its pilots this week, and social media believed the cause of the death was related to their vaccination against the CCP Virus. However, it has not been confirmed that all four pilots had been vaccinated.

Earlier this week, a recording of an unidentified male voice emerged on social media claiming that there had been three pilots belonging to British Airways (BA) who passed away soon after they took the COVID-19 vaccine shots.

“They’ve had the third BA pilot die in the last seven days, yeah? Third pilot dead in the last week,” says the voice who asserted he learned of the news via their friends. “The first two guys were in their forties and fifties; this guy, mid-thirties, perfectly fit, no underlying conditions. He gets his second jab and he’s dead within days, exactly the same with the first two.”

According to the voice, their deaths prompted the BA to have “crisis talks” with the government on whether they should still have pilots administered with the currently available jabs.

“The issue with that of course is that about 80%, according to my friend in BA, 80-85% have been injected,” he continued, saying it was a “serious issue” for only those that will be allowed to keep on flying, which was 10% of them.

[NOTE: In 2021 Twitter immediately blocked this account]

HUGE …. 3 British Airways pilots have DIED of the COxxVID vaxxine in the past 7-days, and BA are now in crisis talks with the UK Government about whether or not their vaxxinated pilots should be allowed to fly.85% of all British Airways pilots have already been vaxxinated.
— 404_Not_Found (@4_04_Not_Found)June 17, 2021

Soon after, Twitter users were passing around a picture of four condolence books allegedly of the four BA pilots who recently died.

In an announcement on Friday, June 18 The British Airways soon confirmed they indeed lost four pilots, and the picture was accurate. However, they affirmed that the deaths were not linked to the COVID-19 vaccine.

“Sadly four members of our pilot community passed away recently. Our thoughts are with their family and friends. However, there is no truth whatsoever in the claims on social media speculating that the four deaths are linked. Helen,” wrote British Airways on Twitter.

Reuters soon released a fact-check to diffuse the situation, reviewing that the UK’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) confirmed with them there has not been any “crisis talk” with Britain’s flagship air carrier.

Read more.

The Facts

Here’s the data from 2020 on Covid deaths:

U.S. Population Involved Fatally With Corona Virus ( %) Eight (8) Month Timeline — Monday, 6 July 2020

129,000                              0.04%


331,000,000                    100.0%



Effectively Zero percent.

World Population Involved Fatally With Corona Virus (% ) Eight(8) Month Timeline — Monday, 6 July 2020

534,000          0.007%


7,530,000,000          100.0%



Effectively Zero percent.

“Facts are stubborn things – whatever may be our wishes, inclinations or dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” — John Adams

©DEACON. All rights reserved.


2 foot long “clot” pulled from a living person is the new normal if you are vaccinated

Do vaccines cause autism? It sure looks like it to me.

mRNA vaccines appear to be 100% successful at preventing freedom and independent thought

Covid mRNA Vaccines Increase Risk of Infection

‘Tragic’: Cities Use Federal COVID-19 Money to Fund Abortion, Planned Parenthood

In city governments across the United States, officials are seeking to use federal COVID-19 funds intended to preserve life to fund abortion and benefit the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, an outcome pro-life leaders call a “tragic” and foreseeable misuse of funds.

Earlier this month, Toledo’s city council proposed ordinance 530-21, which would spend $100,000 in American Rescue Plan funds to pay for Ohio women to travel out of state to obtain an abortion. The funds would go to the Agnes Reynolds Jackson Fund, one of the nation’s network of abortion funds, which defer but do not cover the full price of an abortion — a decision that has outraged state pro-life leaders.

Meanwhile the city of Rochester, New York, has selected Planned Parenthood of Central and Western NY as one of 20 members of its “Rochester Peace Collective,” which will split $5 million in American Rescue Plan funding. Mayor Malik Evans, a Democrat, said the organizations deserve these “front-end investments,” because have the ability “to intervene in the lives of people who maybe have been impacted by violence.” The Toledo ordinance also says its terms are “necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property.”

Yet pro-life advocates say abortion is violence, not health care. “It is tragic to see the abortion industry once again exploiting a health crisis as a way to line their pockets with taxpayer funding,” Connor Semelsberger, director of federal affairs at Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand.

“Using funds allocated for COVID recovery to enable the taking of innocent lives and the harming of mothers and their children is both unjust and immoral,” said Roman Catholic Bishop Daniel E. Thomas. “It is our responsibility as faithful servants of God to spearhead legislation to make it easier for mothers and fathers to flourish economically so they can provide a loving and thriving home for their families.” The Ohio-based Center for Christian Virtue, a state affiliate of FRC, set up a webpage enabling Ohioans to contact Toledo City Council members and politely voice their opposition. “It’s hard to imagine a more gross abuse of taxpayer dollars,” said CCV President Aaron Baer. He may find a receptive audience: Council member Vanice Williams, who supports abortion-on-demand, opposes the measure, because “we really need to hone in on what we spend these ARPA dollars on.”

Similarly, in Rochester, pro-family advocates oppose the $225,000 grant for Planned Parenthood’s sex education program, as it uses taxpayer dollars to link minors to Planned Parenthood’s website.

These cities, which have not yet acted, are far from alone in using federal health care funds to promote abortion. In July St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones, a Democrat, signed a bill using $1 million of federal COVID relief funds to pay for abortion travel, or childcare, for women seeking to have an abortion — something she said fulfilled her campaign promises and dovetailed with her political philosophy. “I said I would fight like hell to make sure St. Louisans can access the reproductive health care they need,” she vowed. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt, a Republican, filed a lawsuit against the measure immediately.

“Atlanta; Chicago; Columbus, Ohio; Fresno, Calif.; Nashville and Davidson County, Tenn.; New York City; and Seattle directed state or municipal funding to abortion access. Cuyahoga County, Ohio; and St. Louis, Mo., directed funding from the American Rescue Protection Act to abortion access,” reported the far-Left Nation magazine.

Pro-life advocates say the outcome was anything but a surprise. “As the American Rescue Plan Act was being assembled Family Research Council and many other groups warned that” the ARPA funding would underwrite elective abortions “unless the bill clearly defines what healthcare funding can and cannot be used for, or has explicate language to prevent it from subsidizing abortion.”

“The American Rescue Plan Act lacks key abortion funding restrictions,” Semelsberger warned FRC readers at the time. “This is government irresponsibility at its worst,” said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.

Upon passage of the $1.9 trillion plan — which took place in March 2021, as COVID had already begun to recede and the economy was rebounding — Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson hailed President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Democratic congressional leaders as “health care champions” for preserving abortion funding in the American Rescue Plan.

“As Roe becomes a fainting memory it is important to remember that there is no longer a federal right to an abortion as established by our courts and therefore should not be subsidized on the taxpayer’s dime,” Semelsberger told TWS.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Intelligence Briefing: Healthcare Issues Directly Related to Illegals and Refugees Flowing into the U.S.

Attached is an Intelligence Briefing on Healthcare directly related to Illegals and Refugees flowing into the United States. The briefing is a portion of both an oral presentation and a longer version delivered directly to Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. The attached was requested by a senior member of the Trump Presidential Campaign, and with additional information not mentioned here, President Trump read all content which helped lead to the focused decision to build the wall along the southern Border of the United States.

The oligarchy now running American politics and national decision-making have not simply overlooked the southern Border or incompetently managed the crisis at the border. A deliberate and diabolical work is at hand to collapse the border and integrity of the United States, and bring America into the global order of government no longer respecting national sovereignty. Groupings of countries divided into ten regions world-wide comprising the New-World Order is taking place in plain sight. A clear example is the southern Border of America. Illegally streaming into America are people from over 160 countries; many are single young males, gang members, children shipped as sex slaves, and traffickers of various kinds. None have been checked for medical conditions. This heinous pending crisis is not discussed or reported in any manner or platform but is waiting to raise its’ ugly head.

Jean Rice, RN, BSN nationally known medical subject-matter specialist was a co-author on the final Intelligence Healthcare Briefing that was delivered to President Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. Jean joined me making the oral presentation to a closed-door, invitation only briefing at the Arizona State Capitol in September 2016. Medical specialist Jean Rice has appeared on ARIZONA TODAY discussing the probable medical crisis given the influx of illegals simply being passed into our country. Border Patrol and related law enforcement are extremely limited in multiple ways, and cannot accomplish their job! Border Patrol and related law enforcement are commanded to “stand down” and not perform their main function, which is, to protect our border and national sovereignty, and to screen each individual attempting entrance into the United States.

Make no mistake…our nation is under assault, and such attack is allowed by Biden and his entire group in power along with sold-out members of Congress.

We have almost come full circle to what our founders experienced. They, too, were being “played” by a despot and alcoylites who detested what God had ordained here in North America and our Forefathers were developing. I pray Americans fall to their knees quickly and seek God’s intervention.

Intelligence Briefing/Healthcare Issues Medical Time Bomb – Illegals and Refugees flowing into the United States



TO: Mr. Donald J. Trump
Republican Nominee for President of the United States

Dr. Ben Carson
Senior Advisor to Republican Nominee Donald Trump

RE: Medical challenges spreading across the United States traced to illegals and Refugees

DATE: September the 9th, 2016

While the rhetoric regarding illegal crossings flowing into America and the concomitant influx of Middle Eastern “Refugees” into targeted States rages, the intelligence contained in this Briefing Summary transcends the debates, issues of political correctness, and politics in general. The content herein stated is already at a critical stature, and could quickly spiral out-of-control and represent a pandemic set of circumstances. You will receive unvarnished candor about the growing concerns health care professionals already are confronting in over twelve states, and multiplying.

This memorandum stems from a formal closed-door Intelligence Briefing I provided at the Arizona State Senate on August 17th, 2016. We are now about one month later, and the conditions in multiple states, including the Border States of Arizona, California, and Texas are reportedly more challenging, and purposefully kept under the public radar.

Among the most remarkable acute diseases arriving with illegals are: scurvy, measles, chicken-pox, acute explosive diarrhea with third-world bacterial agents, and unknown bacteria and parasites attempting to resist antibiotics, as well as pernicious and new forms of lice and worms. It is well known, but concealed and not reported to local and State health officials by the Federal Government, large segments of the unaccompanied children coming into America are seriously ill coupled with remarkable malnourished syndrome. Additionally, numbers of TB cases are increasing rapidly, including treatment resistant TB.

The Federal Government has now increased the speed and volume of third-world populations into the United States; interestingly, especially into politically conservative states. The calculated work of the Feds has led to Muslims by the thousands from mostly terribly underdeveloped and deteriorating Muslim countries, including those Islamic Nations hostile to the United States, now arriving. The U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest has presented official figures depicting a massive spike in Green Cards for Middle Easterners; most notably, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, and Iran. In 2014 (the most recent year for which data is available) the U.S. awarded Green Cards to 103,901 immigrants from Middle Eastern countries entitling the holder to permanent legal status, federal benefits, and a direct path to US citizenship. This is a 32% increase from the 78,917 given the year prior. These numbers do not reflect the numbers of illegals and Middle Easterners successfully entering America from our unsecure southern Border. There are unknown numbers of third-world humanity stemming from Haiti, Central America, and South America.

The influx of humanity that is being discarded by these third-world Muslim countries is astounding, and fearful. These people bring nothing of value with them; no skills, no education, no work ethic or even moral framework. In point of fact, the preponderant majority of these people are hardened

criminals, many purposefully released from prisons, and warriors who have only known civil war and strife by opposing gangs and warlords. Their health conditions are terrifying which will demand a response to stem epidemic.

For the first-time, medical professionals this past June found a person in Pennsylvania carrying a bacteria resistant to antibiotics. This finding is highly disturbing, and health officials are sobered and alarmed. In the past two weeks, a high school in Manhattan, Kansas experienced an outbreak of unknown type of bacteria or parasite creating bloody diarrhea, coughing and fever in over 150-students. Parents were asked to collect specimens from their children for lab exams. Refugees dumped in Vermont, North Dakota, Nebraska, Maryland have acute TB. This past week in Riverside, California, two cases of Leprosy have now been found on grade-school age children; Lab samples were sent to a specialty lab in Louisiana for confirmation but it will take 2-weeks for a definitive diagnosis. Here in Arizona, over 100-cases of chlorine resistant bacteria were discovered in a couple of city operated pools.

At the federal level there is silence coupled with denial. At the state level, for at least upwards of fifteen states, there is horror as to what they are challenged with now, and concerned with in months ahead.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other agencies coordinating mass refugee resettlement are quick to reassure the public that NO problems exist, that speculation is merely politically motivated. But data from health services in the States of Florida and Indiana belie that claim. These two states have aggressively been combatting the out-of-control refugee resettlement program fully underway in America. The health services in these two states have confronted the political hogwash and typical political speak oxymoron spilling out from various federal agencies, especially CDC. As an example, State of Florida Health Officials caught the
listing refugees as diagnosed with TB as, “Active Tuberculosis – noninfectious.”

Among the most serious responsibilities an Elected Official has upon being sworn into office is the responsibility to provide for the protection and welfare of the citizens to whom he/she serves. A ticking medical time bomb exists across America with the ever increasing rise of illegals from third-world countries, and the refugee relocation program sponsored by the Washington establishment. A Clear and Present danger that knows no political ideology or party or candidate, but is stealthily spreading seeking new places to hide and take up residence. The chance for contracting a vicious disease mentioned in this report becomes ever significant, and this statement is NOT political rhetoric.

Respectfully submitted,


Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist
Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment
Private-Sector Intelligence Analyst
U.S. Border Intelligence Group
ASIS International
Association For Intelligence Officers
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals – Arizona ATAP
International Association Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts

Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Transgender Agenda Losing Support: Poll

Although left-wing activists often say they represent “the right side of history,” a well-regarded poll finds that support for a key item of the LGBTQ agenda has collapsed faster than virtually any other issue: Significantly fewer Americans support allowing men to use women’s restrooms in 2022 than in 2016.

“Americans are 17 percentage points more likely to favor” laws requiring the two sexes to use separate restrooms “today than they were in 2016, when the question was first asked,” according to the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI). “In fact, 2022 saw the sharpest uptick of strong support for requiring transgender people to use bathrooms based on their” sex.

“Typically, opinion does not move so quickly on such issues,” PRRI notes.

Americans of all political views became less supportive of this plank of the LGBTQ agenda over the last six years, with registered independents switching their views completely. “In 2016, most independents opposed” laws respecting female privacy, “but by 2022 a small majority favored these laws,” the polling firm states in an article published on December 15.

Surprisingly, the number of Democrats backing restroom privacy laws has grown by four points in 2022 (31%) over the level in 2016 (27%), according to PRRI’s 2022 American Values Survey.

Support for laws respecting privacy in intimate settings spans all racial and ethnic backgrounds, religions, and nearly all generations. A majority of multiracial (53%), Hispanic (52%), and white Americans (51%), as well as half of black Americans (50%), told PRRI they support legally established zones of privacy where people disrobe. Only college-educated white people, registered Democrats, people not affiliated with any religion, and those under the age of 30 tend to favor sexually mixed restrooms, the poll finds.

One likely reason for the seismic change is increasing public awareness of physical and sexual assaults inflicted by men against women inside restrooms. Last week, details emerged that a male who identifies as female physically attacked two teenage girls in a female restroom inside the Edmond Memorial High School in Edmond, Oklahoma. The nation’s restrooms have been the sight of numerous assaults and acts of voyeurism stretching all the way back to 1999. Recent incidents include:

  • “Two Loudoun County Public School (LCPS) officials have been indicted in Virginia on charges related to attempts to cover up two sexual assaults in a girls’ bathroom and in an empty classroom perpetrated against female students by a male student” who identified as “gender fluid,” The Washington Stand reported last week;
  • In March, an 18-year-old male exposed his genitals to a child inside a gender-neutral restroom in Wisconsin’s Rhinelander High School;
  • A five-year-old girl said a male student who identified as “gender fluid” sexually molested her inside the restroom of Oakhurst Elementary School in Decatur, Georgia, on November 16, 2017. The school district violated Title IX by failing to adequately investigate the incident, according to a 2020 ruling from the Office of Civil Rights in the Trump administration’s Education Department; and
  • Police arrested a man for indecent exposure inside a women’s restroom in Charlotte, North Carolina, in July 2016.

Similar outrages have occurred in intimate facilities other than restrooms:

  • The Daily Mail reported this month that prison authorities transferred convicted child rapist Brett David Sonia, who now identifies as Brooke Lyn Sonia, to Washington Correctional Center for Women, reportedly leaving women “petrified” they will be victimized next;
  • In July 2016, police arrested a man for recording a young girl changing her clothes inside a Target changing room. Sean Patrick Smith, who identified as woman named “Shauna Patricia Smith,” reportedly told police that he exploited Target’s celebrated, transgender-friendly policies to record several young women undressing. Smith entered a guilty plea to one count of video voyeurism in October 2016; and
  • Officials accused voyeurs of recording similar, surreptitious videos in Target’s multi-sex changing rooms in MassachusettsNew Hampshire, and Texas in 2016 alone.

The real difference on the issue comes down to ideology, not age, PRRI states. The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, and Generation X oppose opening restrooms to transgender people. Americans aged 30-49 are evenly split, while those 18-29 support transgender restroom use. But the report notes that Millennials and Gen Z who belong to the Republican Party side with older Republicans in backing restroom privacy legislation.

“Generational divisions, then, are largely attributable to differences in the generations to identify with the Democratic or Republican Party,” says the survey. “If younger cohorts start identifying more with the Republican Party,” support for restroom privacy will increase.

“It is not guaranteed that demographic change means a destiny of victory for LGBTQ equality,” concludes PRRI.

Values play a strong role in how citizens view transgender restrooms. A majority of “members of all religious groups support requiring transgender individuals to use bathrooms that correspond to their sex,” notes PRRI, “including three in four white evangelical Protestants (75%), 64% of other Christians, 58% of white mainline Protestants, 57% of Black Protestants (57%), 53% of white Catholics, 51% of Hispanic Catholics, and 50% of non-Christian religious Americans.” Yet only 34% of the Nones support gender privacy.

Americans who believe there are only two sexes are also three times more likely to support separate restroom and changing spaces than those who believe in gender fluidity (69% vs. 23%).

What’s more, the poll’s results fall to the left of many other surveys; for instance, a 2016 WPA Opinion poll found two-thirds of all Americans oppose transgender restrooms. PRRI’s declining numbers indicate public support has eroded even more than the report lets on. The title of the report announcing these results, “Challenges In Moving Toward A More Inclusive Democracy,” reflects PRRI’s pique.

PRRI also complains that “Americans who most trust far-right news outlets” are “notably more likely to support” restroom privacy (84%), even more than those whose first news choice is Fox News (78%). Americans who “most trust mainstream outlets are much less likely to support” female restroom rights (44%).

Time magazine ran an article in 2016 titled, “Transgender Bathroom: Advocates Say ‘Predator’ is Myth.” A year later, CNN asserted that “there is no evidence” that policies giving males access to female’s intimate spaces “lead to attacks in public facilities.”

Nearly two out of three people who stopped or curbed their viewing of CNN (61%) agreed that “one of the reasons I find myself watching CNN less often is because of its liberal/left-wing bias,” according to a new poll from the Media Research Center.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


Omnibus Bill Includes over $11 Million in LGBT Special Interest Projects

Trans-Identifying HHS Official Admits Gender Transition Procedures Can Cause Sterility

Republican Cracks Down on Trans Bathroom Policies After High School Restroom Assault

EDITORS NOTE: This The Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

LinkedIn Joins the Social Media ‘Cabal’ Censoring the Truth about the 2020 Election, Covid Vaccines and Biden

Just when you thought that the thought police, no pun intended, couldn’t get more draconian we are learning that sharing the truth is now absolutely verboten on LinkedIn.

Our LinkedIn account was “restricted” due to “multiple violations of LinkedIn’s User Agreement and Professional Community Policies” against “sharing content that contains misleading or inaccurate information”.

Here are the content links we shared on LinkedIn that got us restricted (i.e. shadow banned, blacklisted):

  1. Content Creation Time: Wed, 09 Dec 2020 13:32:05 GMT, shared – ELECTION UPDATE: Chances of Biden winning PA, MI, GA, WI Independently after Trump ’s early lead is less than 1 in a quadrillion: – Dr. Rich Swier
  2. Content Creation Time: Sat, 07 Nov 2020 11:54:11 GMT, shared – a picture which said “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” – Joe Biden, October 24, 2020
  3. Content Creation Time: Fri, 23 Apr 2021 14:17:27 GMT, shared – Covid Vax: Largest Human Biological Experiment in World History with Unknown Long-term Consequences – Dr. Rich Swier

Item #2 is most interesting in that we posted a picture of Biden based upon a statement on Twitter by Biden on voter fraud. Here’s the video:

Here is a list of “misleading or inaccurate information” posted on Twitter by the White House.

We wonder if LinkedIn fact checked this information?

The Bottom Line

Twitter is now the go to free speech platform since it was acquired by Elon Musk. Since taking over Elon has released what have become know as the “Twitter Files.”

The most recent release, Twitter File #7, exposed the following:

  • The FBI requested take action on what it determined to be misinformation, which included jokes from small Twitter accounts about voting dates.
  • FBI e-mails to Twitter asking for assessment of terms of service violations and “location information” about accounts that allegedly “spread misinformation about the upcoming election.” Some of those accounts were permanently suspended.
  • How the 2016 “Russian election interference” hoax influenced the FBI’s 2020 operations into reviewing American social media posts.

This pattern of determining “misinformation” appears to be the basis of our restriction on LinkedIn by their internal thought police (FBI handlers?).

Sadly, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms, are anything but free speech platforms. Rather they resemble the efforts of INGSOC to restrict and eliminate language that conflicts with the Democrat party’s and Biden White House’s narratives.

LinkedIn is now a part and parcel of the Biden’s “Ministry of Truth”, that is their truth and not the real truth.

Will there be a LinkedIn whistleblower who will bring out the truth on who is behind this? We certainly hope so.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out

The horror. The Democrats new form of birth control and abortion.

VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out

By Brian Lupo, Gateway Pundit, December 19, 2022:

The vaccine is “safe and effective” according to our very own CDC, FDA and Federal government.

Nothing to see here.  Pay no attention to the 4,070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths, as reported by the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).  The VAERS system is the federal government’s method of monitoring vaccine injuries through real-time reporting.  As reported through

But what’s not getting a lot of attention is the unbelievable spike in miscarriages and stillbirths.  The following charts show the dramatic increases according to OpenVAERS:


Miscarriages as a result of a non-Covid vaccine seemed to spike in 2008 around the HPV vaccine.  That number was just over 160 cases (165).  In 2021 and 2022, we have seen 3,379 and 1,445, respectively, related to the COVID vaccines.


Miscarriages as a result of a non-Covid vaccine seemed to spike in 2008 around the HPV vaccine. That number was just over 160 cases (165). In 2021 and 2022, we have seen 3,379 and 1,445, respectively, related to the COVID vaccines.


It is worth mentioning that it is estimated by a Harvard study that only a small percentage of actual VAERS injuries get reported. The process is cumbersome for doctors and nurses and there are whistleblowers who have claimed they are “discouraged” for lack of a better term, from writing VAERS reports. The actual number is likely significantly higher.

Remember that anomaly in the number of injuries reported as well as the discouragement when you consider the increase in myocarditis cases as well as deaths:

Go, read the rest…..


RELATED ARTICLE: 15 More UK Doctors From Many Fields Come Out Publicly Against The Vaxx



Pfizer Has Stopped Its COVID Vaccine Clinical Trial in Pregnant Women

COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousand fold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis

MIT Scientist Warns Parents NOT TO GIVE CHILDREN Vaccine, Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease In Young People

Researchers Prove Link Between Deaths and COVID-19 Vaccines

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trans-Identifying HHS Official Admits Gender Transition Procedures Can Cause Sterility

Rachel Levine, a biologically male senior official at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) who identifies as a transgender woman, recently stated publicly that he was happy to have undergone gender transition procedures later in life because it allowed him to have children. Experts, however, are pointing out that the policies promoted by Levine favor allowing minors to undergo gender transition procedures despite the fact that such procedures can lead to permanent sterility.

At a recent public event, Levine stated, “If I had transitioned when I was young, I wouldn’t have my children. I can’t imagine a life without my children.”

Levine expressed relief about having not undergone gender transition procedures such as receiving puberty blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones as a minor, which can cause irreversible, permanent sterility. Notably, however, Levine publicly advocated for minors to in fact be able to undergo such treatment in July. “We really want to base our treatment and to affirm and to support and to empower these youth not to limit their participation in activities and sports, and even limit their ability to get gender affirmation treatment in their state,” he said.

The Biden administration has backed statements like this up with policies. In July, Biden’s HHS proposed a rule that revised Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to include “sexual orientation and gender identity” and “reproductive health care services” including “pregnancy termination” to existing “protections against discrimination on the basis of sex.” Critics say the rule would have forced conscientious-objecting health care workers to violate their religious beliefs, not only through having to carry out abortions but also having to carry out gender transition surgeries to remove healthy organs and administer puberty blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones. In December, a federal appeals court agreed, ruling that the proposed rule violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The administration has also endorsed gender transition procedures for minors in a series of documents, and administration officials have endorsed using taxpayer dollars to fund these procedures.

Meanwhile, a number of individuals who have detransitioned out of the transgender lifestyle after having undergone irreversible procedures as minors have expressed disillusionment and regret at the prospect of how it will affect their future families. Chloe Cole says she was pushed into undergoing a double mastectomy at age 15, and is heartbroken that she will be unable to breastfeed her future children. “Adrian” has similarly been left “despairing and sterile.” Other examples of those who were pushed into transition procedures and have come to regret them abound.

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens, the director of the Center for Family Studies at Family Research Council, noted the disparity between what studies show and the actions of the Biden administration.

“Levine’s comments are illustrative of a psychological disconnect that is embedded in the approach and the implementation of transgenderism,” she told The Washington Stand. “Every front that you look at with the transgender ideology, you see this disconnect between science and the practice, the ethics and the practice, the knowledge of what we know about development and the practice. It is the most disassociated ideology.”

She continued, “Here we have from the very top someone who is illustrating this very dynamic by saying, ‘In my personal life, I’m so grateful that I didn’t transition as a child so that I was able to have what I wanted, but let me impose this on everyone else.’ It’s distressing and at the same time not surprising because it is such an apropos representation of an ideology that promotes disassociation — the right hand literally does not know what the left hand is doing.”

Bauwens, who formerly worked as a clinician providing trauma-focused treatment to children, pointed to a seemingly willful ignorance of science on the part of the Biden administration.

“For someone who is in Health and Human Services and isn’t aware of the studies that are going on in other government agencies that have clearly shown that most brains aren’t even developed until 25 — disregarding all of that knowledge and imposing your own view, which isn’t even your own experience,” she observed. “This approach is not rooted in science, so there’s no grounding in the scientific method onto practice, and everything we know about scientific ethics and protecting vulnerable classes of people — which children are included in that class — that’s just thrown by the wayside.”


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Breasts

All I want for Christmas is my two front breasts.  You see, I dabbled in political transgenderism.  I believed what the communist transgender activists told me, in what the doctors and psychologists were selling me so they could line their own pockets, and in what my supposedly supportive school counselors were pushing me to do even though I wasn’t sure.  But now I regret it – big time.  It’s the worst mistake I’ve ever made and I’ve screwed up my life.

I was 13 when it started.  I started thinking maybe I was in the wrong body.  “If you don’t like your body, that’s a sign you’re trans,” social media influencers said.  I thought transitioning would help me with my depression and suicidal thoughts.  Change my name and pronouns and all my troubles would disappear.  Lots of girls around me were transitioning, it was contagious.  One visit to Planned Parenthood was all it took.  They acted like they had the answer to my every problem even though they didn’t even know me from Adam or Eve.  I started taking testosterone and it was like some monster took over my life.  I was irritable.  I wanted to hurt people.  I hurt myself, instead, and ended up in the emergency room.  I started to grow a beard.  My voice changed into a squeak.  I didn’t go out socially, anymore.  I stopped taking testosterone 18 months later and this whole cycle stopped, but not one adult tied my personality changes to the testosterone in all that time.  They just told me I had ‘internalized transphobia’.  What a crock.

I had my breasts removed.  I remember feeling awful when I looked down and saw the gashes on my chest.  But I believed once I was a boy, I would have the self-confidence I had always craved.  The drugs, the surgery – none of this was really making me a man.  I was just kidding myself.  I was living a lie.  I was trying to pass as male but was scared to death every moment I would be found out, that my new genitalia was just a prosthetic.  I considered surgery for a real one, but then I would have ended up with urinary problems and loss of all sexual feeling.  And it still wouldn’t have been real, just a piece of my arm muscle relocated down south.

The trans community lied to me.  They told me feeling uncomfortable in my own body was about transgenderism when it was just a normal part of growing up.  They didn’t tell me the damage I was doing to myself was irreversible.  They told me my family didn’t understand me so they were my family now, just like a cult.  The trans influencers on YouTube looked really cool.  They told me top surgery would bring me so much joy.  So I was meeting all these attractive, confident transitioners online but felt lonelier than ever.  They kept me from making real friends and finding other ways to cope with the feelings I was having.  The path they laid out for me was really very confusing.  My attraction to men didn’t go away, so what was I going to be – a gay trans guy?  I was more confused than ever.  I was in such a broken place.  But the doctors and mental health professionals told my parents that, unless I were affirmed in transitioning and in finding my true ‘gender identity’, my ‘authentic self’, I would kill myself.  I hear pushy professionals like that are starting to get sued for malpractice and for ruining young lives for their own profit.  Good.  It’s about time.

And when I started to question my transitioning, all my supposed friends became toxic and turned against me.  Now that I’m detransitioning, they just call me a bigot.  I see now they never did care about me.  They only cared about burning up people like me to build their political movement.  I wasn’t a person; I was a battleground.  I’ve reached out to a couple of people I knew from those days, but they’ve shunned me entirely.

I’d like to have children, someday.  I don’t know if that will be possible.  I certainly won’t be breast-feeding them, that hope burned up in a medical waste incinerator.  Breast implants make my clothes fit better.  I might have reconstructive surgery, I don’t know.  But what is better now is that I accept myself as myself.  I am what I am.  I found a community of detransitioners, and that’s helped.

Santa, I destroyed my life.  I’m not going to tell you I’m a victim.  I did this to myself, but I did have help.  I got used by a lot of people for their own agendas – the activists, the social media influencers, the profiteers, all of them.  They knew exactly what they were doing and they manipulated me every step of the way.  Tell a psychologist you’re a tomboy and they say right back, ‘Oh, you’re transgender’ and put you on hormones the next day.  It’s not right, telling children that right off the bat.  It’s sick.  People need to wake up.  This whole communist political transgenderism trip is intended to tear society apart and it’s doing a good job of it.

Santa, I know you can’t give me my life or even my breasts back.  But you can warn people political transgenderism is about the worst lump of coal they could ever wish on anybody.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.



U.S Intel Withholding Key Information About Covid Origins

If they could keep their role in the assassination of a U.S. president under wraps for fifty years, a global bio-weapon is a piece of cake.

Report: U.S. Intelligence Agencies Are Keeping From Congress Key Information About Covid Origins

By: Jordan Boyd, The Federalist, December 15, 2022

U.S. intelligence agencies are obstructing congressional oversight by failing to disclose relevant information about Covid-19’s origins and potential connections to a Chinese bioweapons program, finds a new report from the Republicans on the House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence. The HPSCI Republicans led by Rep. Brad Wenstrup of Ohio found “indications that SARS-CoV-2 may have been tied to China’s biological weapons research program and spilled over to the human population during a lab-related incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).”

U.S. intelligence agencies, along with corporate media and Big Tech, scrambled at Covid’s release to censor suggestions the virus leaked from a lab working on gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Publications such as The Federalist that reported on evidence for the lab leak theory were punished by internet censors.

Wenstrup confirmed during a press conference on Thursday that “right now, there’s no evidence that it came from nature.” He also said China’s communist government likely benefitted from misleading reports that Covid originated in a Chinese wet market, instead of from a government-run lab.

“Since the People’s Republic of China has not been transparent in sharing information, the IC is uniquely situated to provide relevant information. However, the IC has thus far failed to inform the public and failed to keep its Congressional oversight committees fully informed about what it knows,” the report states. “The IC owes the American people greater transparency on the information it already has and must be fully transparent to those in Congress with oversight responsibility.”

Instead of “adequately” addressing lab leak theories, the committee said various intelligence agencies — including the CIA, FBI, DHS, the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Defense Intelligence Agency, the Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, and the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security — “downplayed the possibility that SARS-CoV2 was connected to China’s bioweapons program based in part on input from outside experts.”

Not only did intelligence bureaucrats fail to disclose to Congress which “experts” they relied on to reach that conclusion, they also omitted important information from the declassified version of their classified assessment.

These discrepancies, the committee stated, “could have been shared without damaging national security” but were not supplied. Even after “dozens” of rounds of congressional demands, intelligence agencies failed to “disclose to the public its confidence level regarding this bioweapons assessment.” They also “failed to correct claims” in accordance with new information that “undermined a key assertion in the report.”

Keep reading….



FBI Had 80 Agents Monitored Joke and Satire Accounts To Silence Conservatives

FDA Now Says Pfizer’s COVID-19 VACCINE Linked to Blood Clotting

Freed J6 Political Prisoner, Former West Virginia Delegate Denounces Kevin McCarthy

Trump Vows To Dismantle ‘Censorship Cartel’ If He’s Re-Elected—An Apparent Nod To Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ Release

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Here Are The Republicans Who Voted Against Reinstating Troops Who Refused The Vaccine

Four Republican senators joined Democrats in shooting down an amendment to a massive defense authorization package that would have reinstated troops discharged for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the Senate 83-11 Thursday night, and along with it a provision overturning the Biden administration’s service-wide vaccine requirement. Republican Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill re-enlisting thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40.

“These were direct orders from commanding officers,” Cassidy said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation, referring to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who announced the vaccine mandate. “I voted to end the COVID vaccine mandate in the military, but it is not Congress’s place to intervene in the chain of command and set a precedent for military personnel to ignore direct orders.”

The Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have separated at least 8,400 active duty and reserve troops for spurning the Department of Defense’s (DOD) August 2021 requirement that all servicemembers receive the COVID-19 vaccine, according to information the DOD provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation. While the bicameral defense bill released late Tuesday directs the Pentagon to rescind the mandate, it stopped short of requiring the military to restore discharged troops to their prior positions or provide reparations.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas reintroduced a portion of the AMERICANS Act, which revoked the Department of Defense’s vaccination mandate, that was left out of the final NDAA text ahead of the vote Thursday.

“It is absolutely unacceptable that the Biden administration is trying to coerce our men and women in uniform to violate their conscience and religious beliefs, let alone on an issue as polarizing as the COVID-19 vaccine. The AMERICANS Act will ensure that these and similar efforts to politicize our military on this issue are blocked,” Cruz said in a statement after introducing the act with his Republican co-sponsors in May.

Defense leaders continue to maintain that ensuring the overall health of individual servicemembers, including by receiving complete doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, is a “readiness issue.” The White House reiterated support for the vaccination mandate on Dec. 5, Fox News reported.

Romney, Collins and Rounds did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.





CNN Host Presses White House Covid Czar On Military Vax Mandate: ‘Do You Think It’s A Mistake?’

Japan Reverses Course, Announces Largest Military Buildup Since WWII Amid Rising China Threat

The US Is Preparing For The Possibility Of War With China — In Space

The Army Has Approved Just 20 Permanent Religious Vaccine Exemptions Out Of Thousands Of Requests

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

The Abortion Lobby’s Got a Brand New Lie

The abortion lobby is out there with a new claim: restrictions on abortions kill women.  The claim is based on a study from the Commonwealth Fund, a pro-abortion group, that purportedly found, “Maternal death rates in 2020 were 62% higher in states that ban or restrict abortion than in states where the procedure is still accessible.”  The study was widely publicized and led to headlines like Dobbs decision is “devastating” U.S. maternal health.

It’s all a crock.  In the first place, the study looked at public health data from 2018 to 2020, long before the Dobbs decision.  So any claim the study shows Dobbs, which was decided in 2022, has killed women is complete nonsense.

Second, this is a classic case of the intervening variable.  The claim is made that A causes C but, in reality, A is associated with B and it’s B that is causing C.  Let me put it to you this way:  Ice cream cones cause death.  That’s ridiculous, right?  But eating ice cream is associated with hot weather which can lead to death.  The Commonwealth Fund study creates the misimpression that abortion restrictions cause death.  But abortion restrictions are more common in southern states which, due to lower income and education levels, have worse maternal health outcomes overall.  It’s the lower income and education levels that are the problem, not restrictions on abortion.

This is borne out by data from around the world which shows some countries that are the most restrictive on abortion have some of the lowest maternal mortality rates.  This is true in Poland and Chile, and was also true in Ireland before abortion was legalized in 2018.  This fits with the fact that over a thousand OB-GYNs and other maternal health experts signed a declaration in 2019 that abortion is never necessary to save the life of the mother.  Any supposed link between restrictions on abortion and high maternal mortality is further debunked by data showing twice as many women die in the two years after an abortion than after a live birth, with complications from abortion like sepsis and hemorrhaging contributing to the result.

The nail in the coffin, though, is the fact that the U.S. does not have complete maternal mortality statistics. Data collection is inconsistent and problematic, as the Washington Post has reported.  As a result, there is no official annual count of pregnancy-related fatalities, and no official maternal mortality rate.  Thus, anyone making claims about abortion restrictions and maternal mortality is just pulling numbers out of the air.   This is not surprising.  It’s happened many times before.  Former CBS reporter Bernard Goldberg described in his books how pressure groups cook up phony numbers, feed them to the press, then sit back and watch as their willing accomplices in the media spread the lies everywhere.  So here we have a pro-abortion group, the Commonwealth Fund, feeding incomplete data to their friends in the press which has publicized the incomplete numbers widely, no questions asked.

Finally, there’s a disconnect between the claim abortion restrictions kill women and the ‘ask’.  You’d think the ‘ask’ would be to get rid of restrictions on abortion.  But that’s not what they’re asking for.  It’s a bait-and-switch.  They’re asking for increased social spending on Medicaid and other government programs to address maternal health overall.  The White House wants almost half a billion dollars extra to spend on maternal health.  The true agenda is to grow the government and create full employment for leftists.  They’ll ride any horse – including scaring people about abortion restrictions – to get there.  The Commonwealth Fund has been lobbying for increased government health spending for a long time and, if truth be told, what it really wants is an all-encompassing government-run single-payer healthcare regime.  But it will need more than a pack of lies about restrictions on abortion and maternal health outcomes to justify it.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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RELATED ARTICLE: Killing Unborn Children Will Never Solve Maternal Mortality