How Cultural Marxists In Our Midst Are Grinding Christianity Down

During a pre-election prayer session in support of Black Lives Matter, the pastor of St. Xavier Catholic Church in New York City instructed white congregants that they must renounce their white privilege to help “transform the church culture.” Using the noble cause of racial equality as a fig leaf, Black Lives Matter is in fact a violent political organization whose Marxist ideology is anti-American—anti-Christian—in the most profound meaning of those terms. In many churches across America, cultural Marxists in the pulpit are quietly supplanting traditional Christian values with those of the hammer and sickle.

“Cultural Marxism” is the gradual process of grinding down western democracies by subverting the pillars of their culture, the structures and institutions of family, religion, education, politics, law, the arts and the media, as they provide the social cohesion necessary to a functioning society. Challenge the legitimacy of these institutions, and a capitalist society can be overthrown from within without firing a shot. Known as the father of cultural Marxism, 20th century Italian communist Antonio Gramsci summarized his stratagem for dismantling Christian nations thusly:

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.

Gramsci referred to his stratagem as “the long march through the institutions,” i.e. infiltrating a society’s cultural institutions and gradually supplanting their traditional values and principles with those of communism. Operating via stealth and deception, Gramsci’s disciples in this country have diligently labored to grind down every cultural institution in America, including its predominant religion, Christianity.

Communism cannot flourish in a society with a strong religious footing. In his best-selling book, “The Naked Communist,” former FBI Special Agent Cleon Skousen listed 45 communist goals to subvert America from within. Two of those goals pertain to diminishing Christianity:

Goal No. 27 calls on communist warriors to infiltrate churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Revealed religion is based on Scripture; the communist concept of social religion teaches citizens to look to government, rather than God, for their daily salvation. Scriptural religion is about individual salvation; social religion is about collective salvation, a concept that does not exist in Christianity. In many churches on the religious left, the communist goal of replacing revealed religion with social religion has largely been accomplished, as evidenced by the constant refrain of religious-left pastors who sermonize about their undying commitment to the cause of “social justice.” The term refers to justice within a society that allocates wealth according to Marxism’s foremost command: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

Goal No. 28 calls on communist warriors to infiltrate schools and eliminate prayer and every type of religious expression on the grounds that it violates the principle of separation of church and state.

Cultural Marxism has a simple message to Christians: sit down and shut up. In attempting to drive Christianity from the public square, cultural Marxists in our midst, nearly all of whom vote Democrat, routinely mock and ridicule Christianity and its believers. The following sacrileges were carried out by members of the entertainment industry:

  • Bill Maher began one of his programs on HBO with an attack on Christianity by comparing Holy Communion to gay sex.
  • On his nationally-syndicated radio show, Howard Stern said, “If I was president, I would have you pro-lifers gassed. I would have you marched into the ovens.”
  • Upon receiving an award for her cable reality show, comedienne Kathy Griffin said, “A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this. No one had less to do with this award than Jesus. All I can say is suck it, Jesus.”
  • In an episode of HBO’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” the star of the show, Larry David, urinated on a picture of Jesus.
  • In an in-your-face to Christians, the Netflix film, “The First Temptation of Christ,” portrays Jesus as a homosexual, and depicts God the Father as a lecherous seducer of women.
  • Using “diversity, equity and inclusion” as justification, cultural Marxists throughout our society regularly scold, threaten and punish Christians, as well as censor religious activities by Christians and Christian organizations:
  • Employee of major package shipper ordered on administrative leave for wearing a Christian cross on her dress while at work.
  • Christmas decorations banned at Florida’s turnpike toll booths.
  • NBC edited out “under God” from pledge of allegiance sung by children during broadcast of U.S. Open golf tournament.
  • Pentagon orders Air Force officer to remove Bible from his desk.
  • Court of Appeals upholds school district’s ban on Christmas carols.
  • The ACLU filed suit to force removal of 8-foot cross erected on remote federal land to honor soldiers killed in war. See video about the Mojave Desert Cross here.
  •  Army warns soldiers that pro-life Christians are “tearing the country apart” and constitute a “radical threat to the nation.”
  • Obama DOJ defunds at-risk youth program after it refused to ban prayer.
  • VA hospital refuses “Merry Christmas” cards sent by 4th graders to sick and wounded veterans.
  • High school prohibits valedictorian from telling how Jesus changed his life.
  • Military base takes down Nativity scene after atheists complain.
  • Federal judge prohibits high school band from playing “How Great Thou Art.”
  • Texas school bans Christmas trees, red & green colors from holiday party due to fear of “offending others.”
  • “Introduction to Humanities” professor fails student because she refused to renounce her Christian faith.
  • University prohibits Christian club from setting up table at meet-and-greet for new students.
  • Children banned from saying ‘Merry Christmas’ at elementary school’s “Winter Party.”
  • High school prohibits students from praying together, cites “separation of church and state.”
  • University de-certifies campus Christian club for insisting on having a Christian as its leader.
  • Government tells ministry that feeds the poor to remove portrait of Jesus.
  • University’s diversity guidelines warn: “Make sure your holiday party isn’t a Christmas party in disguise.”

The above instances are but the tip of a massive iceberg aimed squarely at driving every vestige of Christianity from the public arena.

Disciples of Antonio Gramsci have infiltrated top leadership positions of every major branch of the Christian religion, including the Catholic Church. In February 2020, Pope Francis announced his support for the Global Education Pact, a United Nations-backed initiative that will usher in a “new humanism,” under which God “withdraws” so all of humankind can be “free.” Under the Pact, children of the world will be indoctrinated with social justice (Marxist) propaganda designed to pave the way for a New World Order under the banner of global communism. Operating by stealth and deception, Marxists have seized control of the Vatican in a way that went virtually unnoticed by most Catholics until after the fact, just as Gramsci planned. While pretending to do God’s bidding, Marxists in the Vatican hiding under the ecclesiastical robes of the Christian faith are knowingly subverting their professed religion from within.

To understand the importance of religion to a free society, please consider watching and sharing the brief presentation below by Harvard Business School professor, Clay Christensen.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

THEIR PLAN: Overwhelm the System to the Point that The People are Forced to Ask the System for Help!

The Democrat’s plan is devilishly simple: Overwhelm the System to the Point that The People Ask the System for Help!

The Democrats plan is becoming crystal clear as we approach the 2022 midterm elections.

Their targets: Anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

Here’s how they do it and how they are overwhelming the system to the point where every American is now in the position of kowtowing to the system or fighting against the system.

It’s a multistep process that has been ongoing for over a decade.

1. Fear

The first step is to strike fear into the hearts of each of us.

Examples include:

  • Using the Covid pandemic, and government mandates, to control the people’s lives, liberties and jobs.
  • Mandating that everyone get vaccinated.
  • Forcing the LGBTQIE+ agenda in our schools, our communities and in our government, including our military.
  • Forcing their green agenda of eliminating all fossil fuels in order to save the planet.
  • Potentially starting a nuclear war or at least have we the people live in fear of a nuclear Armageddon.
  • Arresting Christians who are pro-life, while giving those who actually violate the law by firebombing and defacing pro-live centers a pass.
  • Raid the Mar-a-Lago home of a former President of the United States.
  • Cheat on the November 2022 midterm election and beyond.

2. Mis, Dis and Malinformation

It is easy to overwhelm the system and the people if all of the major legacy media and social media are pushing mis, dis and malinformation.

Here’s just the latest example of how they overwhelm us.

Today the legacy and social media are censoring the truth about topics like:

  • Russian collusion by President Donald J. Trump.
  • That the mostly peaceful demonstration on January 6th, 2021 was really an insurrection.
  • Hunter Biden’s laptop does contain damning information that is a threat to our national security.
  • That parents questioning what is taught to their children in public schools is a form of domestic terrorism.
  • That being a straight, white male is racist and bigoted.
  • That one can choose their gender pronoun.
  • That mankind can control the worlds climate.
  • That the Covid vaccines are unhealthy and even deadly.
  • That eliminating all fossil fuels will destroy the American economy and put the United States into a subordinate position on the world stage.
  • That Biden and his administration are actually not building back better anything.
  • That the Biden economy is going strong when in fact we are in a recession and a bull market.

On  June 16th, 2022 The Republican Daily reported in an article titled Remember the Disinformation Governance Board? Here They Go Again, It’s Even Worse Now, With Kamala reported,

Remember the Disinformation Governance Board? They supposedly had stopped that after the uproar over it, but White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that the work would continue.

It sounds as if they just might have repackaged it, shifted Departments, renamed it, and put Kamala Harris in charge now. Instead of Big Brother, we now can have Big Sister. And the wording here may be even more troubling because they’re already talking about the internet platform effect.

They’re calling it an internet policy task force, with the goal of “developing programs and policies” to protect “public figures” and journalists from “disinformation,” “abuse” and “harassment.”

A presidential memorandum establishing the new task force describes a sweeping mission to protect people who seek out a role in public life from online critics.

“In the United States and around the world, women and LGBTQI+ political leaders, public figures, activists, and journalists are especially targeted by sexualized forms of online harassment and abuse, undermining their ability to exercise their human rights and participate in democracy, governance, and civic life,” the memo says.

“Online abuse and harassment, which aim to preclude women from political decision-making about their own lives and communities, undermine the functioning of democracy.”

The new task force’s members include other Biden heavy hitters, such as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The panel will hold its first meeting Thursday afternoon. Within 180 days, it will submit to President Biden a blueprint that “outlin[es] a whole-of-government approach to preventing and addressing technology-facilitated gender-based violence, including concrete actions that executive departments, agencies, and offices have committed to take to implement the Task Force’s recommendations.”

Within a year, the board will issue a report with “additional recommendations and actions” advising broader steps that can be taken by internet platforms, state and local governments and schools, the document says.

In other words, going back to what everyone thought the Disinformation Board was supposed to be about — stopping criticism and questioning of the regime. How is this even real, questioning public figures and journalists is baked into the very nature of being American–as part of that thing we call the Constitution? The announced purpose seems even more dystopian than the prior board. Not to mention that they’re already saying they’re going to be targeting changes on internet platforms.

Read more.

3. Spreading Myths

At the Yale University Commencement on June 11th, 1962 President John F. Kennedy said, “For the great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.

Here are some myths that persist to allow government to overwhelm the system,

  • Increasing spending and the public debt does not cause inflation or a recession.
  • That the bigger and more powerful the government the better it is for the people and democracy.
  • America is a democracy, not a constitutional republic.
  • More regulation of business is good for business.
  • The role of government is to help.
  • The role of law enforcement is to protect the innocent.
  • The role of the judicial system is to be blind and provides equal justice under our laws.
  • That taxing the rich will help our economy, even though once the rich are taxed they find ways to reduce their tax burden via loopholes provided by the government.
  • Bullying for me is good but not for thee.

The Three Great Myths

On June 25, 2021, Biden signed an Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce. According to a White House fact-sheet, the Executive Order, among other items:

  • “Establishes a government-wide initiative to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all parts of the Federal workforce. 
  • charges all Federal agencies with reviewing within 100 days whether employees who are members of underserved communities face barriers to employment, promotion, or professional development within their workforce.
  • Directs agencies to seek opportunities to establish or elevate Chief Diversity Officers within their organizations.
  • Expands diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training throughout the Federal workforce.
  • Directs agencies to ensure that the Federal health benefits system equitably serves LGBTQ+ employees and their dependents by expanding access to comprehensive gender-affirming health care.”

This single action created a massive bureaucracy to push the three myths of diversity, equity and inclusion.

The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, reads:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

What Jefferson, and the founding fathers, understood that while men are created equal by God, once born they, via nature and nurture, become different not equal. Some are stronger, have a higher IQ, are more prone to success, have families, have children and grandchildren and have hopes and dreams for the future.

It doesn’t matter what the color of ones skin is, what matters in the long run is the content of ones character.

However, Jefferson understood that the role of government was to protect and defend our individual rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If government fails to protect these rights then the Declaration of Independence demands:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotismit is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Perhaps the three greatest and most “persistent, persuasive and unrealistic” myths are diversity, equity and inclusion. These myths have taken the idea of “equal justice under the law” and turned it on its collectivist head. These myths threaten “abuses and usurpations” and are leading America toward “absolute despotism.”

These myths are race based and by definition racist policies.

Those who promote “diversity, equity and inclusion” want these myth for some but not for all Americans.

4. Lie then Deny

Lie and deny are the Biden, Harris and Democrat Party’s mantras leading into the 2022 midterms, 2024 presidential election and beyond.

Biden, Harris and the White House have been lying and denying on issues like:

  1. Kamala Harris repeatedly stating that there is no border crisis.
  2. Biden, Kamala Harris, Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortes, Al Gore and the Department of Energy believing that mankind can control the weather and climate by changing they’re behaviors, i.e. going green, buying all electric cars, stop all fossil fuels, stop eating meat, etc.
  3. Biden’s policies that male and female are inter-changeable and one can choose their personal pronouns and gender at will.
  4. Biden and his Department of Education believing that it is the governments duty to teach underaged children, K-3, about sex and any parent who speaks out against this is designated as a domestic terrorists by Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland.
  5. Being queer (LGBTQ+) is a healthy behavior and life choice that must be encouraged, promoted, funded and even mandated.
  6. Taking Covid vaccines is the only right thing to do. Not to get vaxxed is a form of fascism.

Some examples of Biden lying and denying on the U.S. economy include:

  1. Saying there is no inflation. Biden in a statement released Thursday, July 28th, 2022 said, “Coming off of last year’s historic economic growth — and regaining all the private sector jobs lost during the pandemic crisis — it’s no surprise that the economy is slowing down as the Federal Reserve acts to bring down inflation.” In 2021 there was no historic economic growth. The Federal Reserve just warned that the economy will get worse, not better.
  2. America’s gross domestic product fell by 0.9% on an annualized basis from April through June 2022 according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. It is commonly understood that to be in a recession there must be two consecutive quarters of the country’s gross domestic product shrinking. The Business Cycle Dating Committee officially defines when the U.S. economy is in a recession, and they define a recession as involving “a significant decline in economic activity that is spread across the economy and lasts more than a few months.” In other words America is in a recession.

Lie and Deny is their mantra and we the people are to believe that War is Peace—Freedom is Slavery—Ignorance is Strength. It’s 1984 all over again.

It is only be a matter of time before they come for us.


America First Legal Sues 14 Federal Agencies for Refusing to Disclose the Biden Regime’s Takeover of Election Administration

‘You Will Be Bullied To Death’: ‘The Five’ Call Out Liberals’ Treatment Of Conservative Minorities

‘Medical Safeguarding’ Of Kids ‘Should Not Be A Political Issue,’ Detransitioners Argue In Letter To Attorney General

A group of individuals — previously identified as transgender and desisted from their perceived identity — submitted a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for the end of “gender affirming” care for minors, according to a letter published Friday.

The letter is signed by the group Detrans United and seven individuals, including outspoken detransitioner, Chloe Cole. Cole began hormone treatments at the age of 13 and obtained a double mastectomy at age 15. She desisted from her transgender identity and speaks out against medical transition for minors.

The letter to Garland denounced the alleged “uncontrolled medical experiments being performed on children in hospitals in the name of ‘gender affirming care.’”

“The medical safeguarding of children should not be a political issue,” the letter reads.

The detransitioners’ letter to the attorney general serves as a response to a letter from the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Children’s Hospital Association endorsing the “gender affirmation” model and calling on the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute those speaking out against it.

The detransitioners argued in the letter that the “gender affirming” endorsements “run counter to the recommendations of other countries, such as Sweden, Finland, and the U.K., who have conducted systematic reviews of evidence and concluded, unanimously, that the risks and uncertainties outweigh any known benefits.”

“We also cannot ignore the harms being carried out against countless children in the name of ‘gender affirmation’ that constitute much more than mere threats—we bear the literal scars of this medical violence,” the letter continues.

As individuals who pursued “irreversible hormone treatments and surgeries” because they “uttered the word ‘gender,’” the letter briefly describes the hardships of speaking against gender ideology. Detransitioners claim that unlike the “joyful and supportive communities that welcome all who transition” there is “no such loving community” awaiting them.

“Instead, we are routinely harassed and browbeaten into silence for being an inconvenience to popular narratives about ‘gender,’” the letter reads.

The Biden Department of Justice declined to comment on whether the department plans to investigate on behalf of “gender-affirming” medical institutions.



Education reporter.


Billion-Dollar Transgender Industry Leaves Broken Families and Lives

Federal Judge Declares Federal Guidelines on Pronouns, Unisex Bathrooms Unlawful

Journalists Vow To Continue Exposing Child Sex Change Procedures Despite Calling For DOJ To ‘Prosecute’ Them

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Florida Department of Health: Surgeon General Now Advises AGAINST COVID-19 Vaccines for Males Ages 18-39 Years Old

The diabolical Biden regime must follow suit and reinstate all those brave souls who stood firm and refused the experimental jab.

Research (and an escalating injury nd death rate) has shown adolescents and young adults are at increased risk for myocarditis after receiving mRNA vaccinations (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) for COVID-19.

Florida study shows mRNA COVID vaccines kill kids

They did a study. We’ve been lied to.

By: Steve Kirsch, Oct 8, 2022

Tallahassee, Fla. — Today, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has announced new guidance regarding mRNA vaccines. The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety.

This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group. Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks.

As such, the State Surgeon General recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Those with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when making this decision.


Press Release


New guidance




‘Medical Safeguarding’ Of Kids ‘Should Not Be A Political Issue,’ Detransitioners Argue In Letter To Attorney General

BIDEN’S NUCLEAR WAR: US Buys $290 Million Worth of Drugs in Preparation for Nuclear Bomb

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Woke meltdown as Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs stands by Kanye West’s ‘White Lives Matter’ T-shirt

Kanye Explains Why He Wore “White Lives Matter” Shirt

Kanye West is determined to keep on wearing his “White Lives Matter” t-shirt, which he sported at his Paris Fashion Week show, despite fierce backlash from the public and within his own entertainment industry. His point is not in the least that black lives don’t matter. Instead, he is distancing himself from and countering the woke hatred of the Marxist, thieving, destructive Black Lives Matter movement, which did nothing for black Americans. West’s shirt also achieves something else: it provides the picture of a successful and wealthy black man in America who embraces the white population. This is a nightmare for the woke. While they convulse in rage over West’s t-shirt, along comes another problem for them: entertainment icon Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs has stepped up in support of West.

Although Diddy stated that the t-shirts were “very tone-deaf,” he also stated that people “don’t have to condemn Kanye or cancel him.”

Vanity Fair described P Diddy as “the artist and mogul” who is “defining his next era,” and goes on:

The man who turned hip-hop culture into a global lifestyle brand in the go-go 1990s has a lot to think about during the cultural upheaval of the 2020s. “I am the happiest I’ve ever been in life, I laugh the most, I smile the most, I breathe the most,” he tells me. In a word, Combs has love on his mind.

It doesn’t behoove the woke, the Black Lives Matter movement, or its political and financial supporters, to see a black man happy. If BLM operated from a place of respect and love for blacks, its core vision would align with that of Martin Luther King Jr., to unite whites and blacks. BLM should also be advocating against the genocide of blacks in Nigeria and for the victims of black-on-black crime in inner cities, and confronting the epidemic of single parent households in the black community. Instead, the group zeroes in on the perpetual narrative of white oppression of blacks, stirring up interracial tensions and undermining the rule of law, all while lining their pockets, helped along by the ADL, which states on its website:

“White Lives Matter” is a white supremacist phrase that originated in early 2015 as a racist response to the Black Lives Matter movement, which arose to protest against police brutality against African-Americans and garnered considerable publicity in 2014 for protests in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting death of Michael Brown at the hands of a Ferguson police officer.

In the view of the ADL, Kanye West is supporting “white supremacy,” and Diddy is encouraging it. The ADL has lost its way.

The woke have been trying in vain to downplay Diddy’s support. Years ago, Diddy faced his own backlash when he stated:

“Yes #BLACKLIVESMATTER ! But no one will respect us if we as a people don’t have any respect for our own black lives. We are committing genocide on ourselves. We are always looking for scapegoats.”

The Washington Examiner reports:

“Everyone knows Black Lives Matter was a scam,” Kanye said. He’s right. The Black Lives Matter movement was built on the lie that Michael Brown was a poor defenseless victim of a racist police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2015. The myth that he submitted and was shot anyway — “Hands up, don’t shoot” — was a lie. Physical evidence showed that Brown attacked Officer Darren Wilson and attempted to get his gun before he was shot.

Back in June, BLM refused to help a black Chicago pastor raise money for community center for youth education and job training, while the group’s leaders squandered millions of dollars.

If racism and discrimination are to be countered in Western society, it should be from the standpoint that “all lives matter.” America is long past the civil rights area. Immigration and multiculturalism have also contributed to rapid change. The BLM portrait of America is inconsistent with the America that voted in a black president, while Arab countries, Iran, China and the like are not likely to vote in a member of a visible minority anytime soon. Divisive, woke propagandists and Marxist ideologues are narrow-minded; hate the West and are driven to tear it down. Kudos to Kanye West and Diddy. Diddy’s support of Kanye West also represents support for truth and free speech. The ability to reasonably discuss dissent is the mark of a civilized society, which the Left has significantly eroded with violence, intimidation, lies and suppression.



Kanye West On Tucker Carlson Discussing Why He’s Pro-Life

Kanye Sits Down with Tucker

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

‘Palestinian’ in Israel kidnapped, brought to ‘Palestinian’ territory, beheaded for homosexuality

A hadith depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’” (Sunan Abu Dawud 4462)

Gay Palestinian living under asylum in Israel murdered, beheaded in Hebron

by Jack Mukand, Times of Israel, October 6, 2022:

A gay Palestinian man living under asylum in Israel was murdered and beheaded Wednesday in the West Bank city of Hebron. The unnamed suspect, who was arrested by Palestinian police near the scene of the crime soon after committing it, recorded the act in a video that he uploaded to social media before his capture.

The victim was 25-year-old Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, who according to reports on Ynet and Channel 12 had been living in Israel for the past two years as an asylum-seeker after authorities acknowledged his life would be in danger if he returned to Palestinian territory.

It was not immediately clear how or why the young man ended up in Hebron. Friends of Abu Murkhiyeh in Israel alleged he was likely kidnapped to the West Bank before his murder, though it was not clear that they had evidence of this….



Gay Palestinian Kidnapped From Israeli Safe house, Beheaded and Dismembered in Hebron

Islamic scholar: ‘If you do not beat your wife, she might end up beating you’

’65-year-old American born in Egypt’ demands to see pope, smashes two sculptures at the Vatican

DR Congo: Muslims enter village and murder 10 people, including Christian pastor, torch 25 homes

Iranian Government Focuses its Fury on the Kurds

UK: Liz Truss walks back vow to ‘lead as a conservative,’ heads to Prague with ‘our European friends’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hurricane Ian Annihilates Biden’s Green Agenda: Electric Vehicles ‘Spontaneously Combust Along Florida’s Roadways’

Biden and his Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg have made it their sole mission to “go green” by eliminating every vehicle in America that uses fossil fuels and replace them with all electric vehicles (EVs). Buttigieg even called for a “nationwide ban on gas cars.”

Well, it’s ironic that Hurricane Ian showed just how dangerous and wrong headed this policy truly is.

Watch this report from Fox 35 in Orlando, Florida:

Fox 35 reported,

A top Florida state official warned Thursday that firefighters have battled a number of fires caused by electric vehicle (EV) batteries waterlogged from Hurricane Ian.

EV batteries that have been waterlogged in the wake of the hurricane are at risk of corrosion, which could lead to unexpected fires, according to Jimmy Patronis, the state’s top financial officer and fire marshal.

“There’s a ton of EVs disabled from Ian. As those batteries corrode, fires start,” Patronis tweeted Thursday. “That’s a new challenge that our firefighters haven’t faced before. At least on this kind of scale.”

“It takes special training and understanding of EVs to ensure these fires are put out quickly and safely,” he continued in a follow-up tweet. “Thanks to [North Collier Fire Rescue] for their hard work.”

Read more.

Here’s a related tweet by Jimmy Patronis,

BizPacReview in an article titled Abandoned water-logged electric vehicles spontaneously combust along Florida roadways: report reported,

Where in the world is Pete Buttigieg when you need him?

The hardest-vacationing man in the Biden regime smiled and avoided definitively answering questions when probed by host Neil Cavuto on Fox News’ “Your World” Tuesday. But what are the transportation secretary’s thoughts on earth, wind and FIRE?

His beloved initiative to make electric vehicles commonplace – a currently failed endeavor he is likely to cleverly disown posthaste – isn’t going quite as planned.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, reports indicate that local fire departments in Florida are busy extinguishing car fires from electric vehicles abandoned in the storm.

Evidently, the batteries in the water-logged autos begin to rapidly corrode and then combust, explained Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s chief financial officer and state fire marshal on Twitter.

“There’s a ton of EVs disabled from Ian,” he tweeted. “As those batteries corrode, fires start.”

“It takes special training and understanding of EVs to ensure these fires are put out quickly and safely,” Patronis tweeted.

Read more.

Here’s another report from the North Collier Fire Rescue District in Florida,

In another report the Washington Post in an article titled A Tesla was in a junkyard for three weeks. Then it burst into flames by noted,

A white Tesla Model S was sitting in a Rancho Cordova, Calif., wrecking yard earlier this month — having been severely damaged in a collision three weeks earlier — when it suddenly erupted in flames.

When firefighters arrived, the electric car was engulfed, according to the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District. Every time the blaze was momentarily extinguished, the car’s battery compartment reignited, the fire department wrote in an Instagram post. Firefighters and wrecking yard workers tried turning the car on its side to aim water directly onto the battery pack. But “the vehicle would still re-ignite due to the residual heat,” the department wrote.

So they tried something else: They used a tractor to create a pit in the dirt, managed to get the car inside, then filled the hole with water. That allowed the firefighters to submerge the battery pack and ultimately extinguish the fire, which burned hotter than 3,000 degrees, Capt. Parker Wilbourn, a fire department spokesman, told The Washington Post.

We have reported on the up and downsides of owning an all electric vehicle.

Here are some links about electric vehicles (EVs) for our readers to review at their leisure:

Which Burns Faster, Wind Turbines or EVs?

FACT: All Electric Vehicles (EVs) Are Powered by Coal, Uranium, Natural Gas or Diesel-Powered Energy

Biden’s Trans. Sec. Buttigieg Wants NATIONWIDE Ban on Gas Cars

And even solar panels too,

Amazon Takes Solar Rooftops Offline Following Major Fires, Electrical Explosions

Going green is a myth that just keeps on giving thanks to Hurricane Ian.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Answer to EVs in 58 seconds.


Bjorn Lomborg: Truths about Electric Cars

Electric vehicles and the evacuation of Florida

FLORIDA: Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd doesn’t mince words, ‘Shoot looters on sight’

TL, one of our readers, sent us a link to an article by Citizen Free Press in an email adding,

I worked a bank robbery case with Grady when he was a rookie, my how he has changed over the years.

Grady Judd is the sheriff of Polk County, Florida and has served in this position since 2005.

Citizen Free Press in an article titled Sheriff Grady Judd doesn’t mince words… Shoot looters on sight… reported,

‘Shoot looters like grated cheese’

About Sheriff Grady Judd

Grady Judd began his career at the Polk County Sheriff ’s Office (Florida) in 1972 as a dispatcher. After transferring to the Patrol Division in 1974, he quickly progressed through the ranks – holding every rank from Sergeant to Colonel. Polk County overwhelmingly elected Grady to serve as Sheriff in 2004.

Sheriff Judd has earned higher education degrees through the Masters level – having obtained both Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from Rollins College. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Senior Management Institute for Police, the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar, and the FBI National Executive Institute. He was a participant of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP).

Sheriff Judd has taught as an adjunct professor at both the University of South Florida and Florida Southern College. He is a Polk County School Board Hall of Fame inductee, a past recipient of Polk State College’s prestigious Distinguished Alumni Award, the 2008 Boy Scouts of America Distinguished Citizen Award, Protect Our Children Junny Award, the 2013 Callyo’s Leaders in Online Child Protection Award, as well as the 2013 Church Women United Human Rights Award. He is a past President of the Florida Sheriffs Association and the Major County Sheriffs of America, a national organization serving counties with a population of 500,000 or more.

Grady has been married to Marisa since 1972, and they have two adult sons and 13 grandchildren.

©Citizen Free Press. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Sheriff Tells Homeowners How to Handle Looters

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Orders the Renaming of All Military Bases & Assets Honoring the Confederacy

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” — George Orwell, 1984

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Destroying America’s history continues unabated.

What’s next?

Maybe just save time and burn all the history books?

Austin orders renaming of military bases, assets honoring the Confederacy

Stars and Stripes • October 6, 2022

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday directed senior defense leaders to begin changing the names of military bases and assets honoring the Confederacy, bringing the Pentagon in line with recommendations issued by a congressional commission.

Austin said he agreed with the findings of the Naming Commission, a group convened by Congress to purge the military of commemorative references to the Confederacy, and is committed to implementing the renaming plan as soon as possible.

“The installations and facilities that our department operates are … powerful public symbols of our military,” Austin wrote in a memo to senior officials. “The names of these installations and facilities should inspire all those who call them home, fully reflect the history and the values of the United States and commemorate the best of the republic that we are all sworn to protect.”

The secretary said he established a working group to review the commission’s report, develop a plan of action and oversee the full implementation of the renaming recommendations. Defense Department leaders and the service branches must hold off until Dec. 18 to begin part of the process due to a mandatory 90-day waiting period required by Congress. Changes to the Pentagon’s memorialization and naming processes can begin immediately, however.

Commissioners spent 18 months reviewing more than 1,100 assets linked to the Confederacy, including installations, ships, monuments, symbols and paraphernalia. Their first report called for the renaming of nine Army bases: Fort Benning in Georgia, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Gordon in Georgia, Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, Fort Hood in Texas, Fort Lee in Virginia, Fort Pickett in Virginia, Fort Polk in Louisiana and Fort Rucker in Alabama.

The second report focused on assets at the U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Naval Academy, recommending West Point take down a famous portrait of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, while the third and final report addressed all other property under the jurisdiction of the Defense Department.

The list of recommended changes includes the renaming of guided-missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville, which was recently deployed to the East Sea to carry out exercises with Japan and South Korea amid provocations by North Korea, and the stripping of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia to its base.

It is projected to cost an estimated $62.5 million to carry out the renaming work.

“The department’s implementation of the commission’s recommendations … will give proud new names that are rooted in their local communities and that honor American heroes whose valor, courage and patriotism exemplify the very best of the United States military,” Austin wrote.



Svetlana Shkolnikova covers Congress for Stars and Stripes. She previously worked with the House Foreign Affairs Committee as an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow and spent four years as a general assignment reporter for The Record newspaper in New Jersey and the USA Today Network. A native of Belarus, she has also reported from Moscow, Russia.

©Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Challenges Are Mounting For Our Woke Military

U.S. State GDPs Compared to Entire Countries

It’s pretty difficult to even comprehend how ridiculously large the US economy is.

Click here to view the U.S. State GDPs Compared to Entire Countries map.

The map above (click to view and enlarge) matches the economic output (Gross Domestic Product) for each US state (and the District of Columbia) in 2018 to a foreign country with a comparable nominal GDP last year, using data from the BEA for GDP by US state (average of Q2 and Q3 state GDP, since Q4 data aren’t yet available) and data for GDP by country from the International Monetary Fund. Like in past years, for each US state (and the District of Columbia), I’ve identified the country closest in economic size in 2018 (measured by nominal GDP) and those matching countries are displayed in the map above and in the table below. Obviously, in some cases, the closest match was a country that produced slightly more, or slightly less, economic output in 2018 than a given US state.

It’s pretty difficult to even comprehend how ridiculously large the US economy is, and the map above helps put America’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $20.5 trillion ($20,500,000,000,000) in 2018 into perspective by comparing the economic size (GDP) of individual US states to other country’s entire national output. For example:

  1. America’s largest state economy is California, which produced nearly $3 trillion of economic output in 2018, more than the United Kingdom’s GDP last year of $2.8 trillion. Consider this: California has a labor force of 19.6 million compared to the labor force in the UK of 34 million (World Bank data here). Amazingly, it required a labor force 75% larger (and 14.5 million more people) in the UK to produce the same economic output last year as California! That’s a testament to the superior, world-class productivity of the American worker. Further, California as a separate country would have been the 5th largest economy in the world last year, ahead of the UK ($2.81 trillion), France ($2.79 trillion) and India ($2.61 trillion).
  2. America’s second largest state economy—Texas—produced nearly $1.8 trillion of economic output in 2018, which would have ranked the Lone Star State as the world’s 10th largest economy last year. GDP in Texas was slightly higher than Canada’s GDP last year of $1.73 trillion. However, to produce about the same amount of economic output as Texas required a labor force in Canada (20.1 million) that was nearly 50% larger than the labor force in the state of Texas (13.9 million). That is, it required a labor force of 6.2 million more workers in Canada to produce roughly the same output as Texas last year. Another example of the world-class productivity of the American workforce.
  3. America’s third largest state economy—New York with a GDP in 2018 of $1.68 trillion—produced slightly more economic output last year than South Korea ($1.65 trillion). As a separate country, New York would have ranked as the world’s 11th largest economy last year, ahead of No. 12 South Korea, No. 13 Russia ($1.57 trillion) and No. 14 Spain ($1.43 trillion). Amazingly, it required a labor force in South Korea of 28 million that was nearly three times larger than New York’s (9.7 million) to produce roughly the same amount of economic output last year! More evidence of the world-class productivity of American workers.
  4. Other comparisons: Florida (about $1 trillion) produced almost the same amount of GDP in 2018 as Mexico ($1.19  trillion), even though Florida’s labor force of 10.2 million less than 20% of the size of Mexico’s workforce of 59 million.
  5. Even with all of its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia’s GDP in 2018 at $683 billion was below the GDP of US states like Pennsylvania ($793 billion) and Illinois ($863 billion).

Overall, the US produced 24.3% of world GDP in 2017, with only about 4.3% of the world’s population. Four of America’s states (California, Texas, New York and Florida) produced more than $1 trillion in output and as separate countries would have ranked in the world’s top 16 largest economies last year. Together, those four US states produced nearly $7.5 trillion in economic output last year, and as a separate country would have ranked as the world’s third-largest economy.

Adjusted for the size of the workforce, there might not be any country in the world that produces as much output per worker as the US, thanks to the world-class productivity of the American workforce. The map above and the statistics summarized here help remind us of the enormity of the economic powerhouse we live and work in.

So let’s not lose sight of how ridiculously large and powerful the US economy is, and how much wealth, output, and prosperity is being created every day in the largest economic engine there has ever been in human history. This comparison is also a reminder that it was largely free markets, free trade, and capitalism that propelled the US from a minor British colony in the 1700s into a global economic superpower and the world’s largest economy, with individual US states producing the equivalent economic output of entire countries.

This article is reprinted with permission from The American Enterprise Institute.


Mark J. Perry

Mark J. Perry is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus.


EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What’s the Most Important Issue for the Liberty Movement to Focus On?

There are many great candidates, but there’s one that stands above the rest.

One of the problems with large social movements is that it can be difficult to figure out which issues to focus on, and the liberty movement is no exception. There are thousands of ways the government has inserted itself into our lives, and each of them represents an opportunity for change in a pro-liberty direction.

The good news is that we have thousands of libertarians, many of whom have picked their own niche topics of interest to focus on, which means we can fight this battle on multiple fronts simultaneously. But while the decentralized nature of this movement is certainly one of its strengths, it sometimes makes it hard to build momentum on the topics that are more important.

The question then arises, if we wanted to pick a specific topic to emphasize, which topic should that be? Stated differently, what issue is the most important when it comes to scaling back government intrusion in our lives?

To help us decide, let’s take a look at some of the top contenders, in no particular order.

One of the biggest issues with the US government is undoubtedly its Military Industrial Complex. The $782 billion defense budget is a massive waste of resources, and the civil liberties violations associated with the surveillance state are nothing to scoff at either. Add in war and all other kinds of foreign intervention, and it becomes pretty clear just how big this problem has become.

Barriers to immigration may not be something we think about every day, but they have life-changing consequences for millions of people. Lifting these barriers would not only be a win for human rights, it would also provide tremendous economic benefits as people take advantage of the opportunities that become available.

I still remember the day I first found out America had the highest incarceration rate in the world. I was stunned then and I remain stunned to this day. The War on Drugs in particular has put thousands of people behind bars for non-violent offenses, and harmful practices like civil asset forfeiture and no-knock raids are commonplace. Countless lives have been needlessly destroyed because of this inhumane system.

While social issues often get the spotlight, economic issues are arguably just as important, especially when it comes to the Federal Reserve. As Ron Paul has regularly pointed out, central banking has been responsible for so much of the corruption, war, and poverty that we have seen in recent decades, and anyone who’s been keeping an eye on rising prices can tell you just how much damage it can cause.

Free expression is one of the pillars of a free society. Without the freedom to say and publish what we see fit, we have no means of calling attention to injustice or arguing for our ideas. Fortunately, free speech has many protections in the US, but we’d be naive to think this means we’re in the clear. Government pressure has already prompted Big Tech platforms to censor many important discussions, and surveys show Americans increasingly support the government stepping in to restrict “false information” online. If public dialogue breaks down even more, the consequences could be serious.

Many argue the Second Amendment is the key to defending every other liberty, and they have a point. As history has shown time and again, it’s hard to tyrannize an armed population. At the end of the day, those who have a means of defending themselves will have a far better chance of preserving their liberties than those who don’t.

Though all of the issues mentioned above are important, the issue that takes the top spot in my books is one I haven’t mentioned yet.


The main reason education is so important is that it is the key to all the rest. The first step for achieving change on any issue is teaching people about it. And we will struggle to do that effectively as long as the government has a virtual monopoly on teaching the next generation.

Think about it. Kids spend 12 years of their life in government schools, learning government-approved history, geography, literature, economics, and civics, being taught to obey authority, standing for the national anthem and reciting the pledge of allegiance. We’re talking 50 million kids in any given year. This isn’t some minor intrusion in our lives. There’s a public school in just about every neighborhood in America.

In addition to public schools being generally pro-government by their very nature, there is also evidence they tend to have a distinct “big-government” bent. For instance, among high school teachers in the US there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans. For English teachers, the ratio is 97 Democrats for every three Republicans.

In his book The Corrupt Classroom, education researcher Lance Izumi summarizes the state of public education in this regard. “Far from being mere anecdotal incidents—and there are a lot of these—,” he writes, “political bias is becoming systemic in public school systems and has turned many public schools into indoctrination centers for progressive ideologies and causes.”

Of course, there’s no guarantee private schooling will be a panacea for these biases, but there is evidence it might be able to help.

Aside from the clear indoctrination potential, there are also profound social and economic problems with public schooling. On the social side, compulsory schooling laws represent a fairly significant civil liberties violation. We don’t often think of it this way, but statutes regulating education are ultimately coercive and thus interfere with the freedom of parents, educators, and students to teach and learn as they see fit.

Economically, public education is of course one of the biggest government expenditures, but it’s also a tremendous waste of kids’ time and potential. So many opportunities for growth and learning (and in the long run, economic productivity) are crushed because of this regimented system that tries to force every kid into the same box.

So what can we do about it?

Clearly, we need to go after the government schooling system with well-crafted arguments and sound reasoning. But just as importantly, we need to be creating alternatives: private schools, homeschool networks, YouTube channels, blogs, podcasts, TV shows, conferences, seminars, webinars, articles, books…all of it. As John Taylor Gatto once said, “there isn’t a right way to become educated; there are as many ways as fingerprints.”

In short, we need to take education back into our own hands. Free speech and gun rights and all the other issues are great, but the way we make progress on them is by committing to learn and to teach, not just as kids, but as adults too. Because it’s only by teaching and learning that we will win each of these individual battles, and ultimately, the war for freedom.

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Putin: Crazy like a Fox?

Recently, Professor Victor Davis Hanson said of President Biden:

“An addled and non-compos mentis Joe Biden only nominally remains the leader of the West.”

Hanson describes President Putin as,

“Aged, ailing and paranoid.”

For the leaders of two of the world’s nuclear powers to be out of their minds at the same time does not bode well for humankind. But Biden* might not be the first deranged U.S. President.

Dr. Sigmund Freud thought President Woodrow Wilson was, at times, deranged. In 1966, Dr. Freud, and former U.S. Ambassador William C. Bullitt, co-authored: Thomas Woodrow Wilson: A Psychological Study. The authors claimed that Wilson’s Super Ego sabotaged the Treaty of Versailles and prevented Wilson from accepting the reasonable compromises offered by U.S. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge with regard to the League of Nations Treaty. For sure, Wilson had a medical history of debilitating strokes. For the last two years of his presidency a major stroke put his second wife, Edith Galt Wilson, in virtual charge of the White House. Wilson’s well-documented rants against African-Americans add context to the idea that Woodrow Wilson was mentally ill for part of his life.

Fast forward to Vladimir Putin whose failing health and paranoia do not disqualify Putin from being crazy like a fox. Putin, like the late Rodney Dangerfield, complains,

“I don’t get no respect.”

But he should. After all, Russia saved Western Europe from the Mongol hoards, defeated Napoleon, and defeated Hitler when the Allies who, without Stalin’s Russia, did not have enough military power to defeat Hitler.

Although Napoleon looted Moscow for 36 days, the even more militarily powerful Germans have twice almost brought the totality of Mother Russia to her knees. Recall, In 1914, the Germans humiliated Russia at the Battle of Tannenberg. Many Russians believe there is something in the German character that compels them to militarize and march to the East, in search of lebensraum. Recall, crushing Poland in its path, German military might charged for Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad, killing millions of Russians and scorching the earth along the way.

Maybe a vengeful Putin is using his invasion of Ukraine toward a larger objective: the total destruction of Germany’s ability to ever attack Russia again. But wait, even a feebly-led U.S. cannot permit NATO-member Germany to be destroyed. So, maybe Ukraine is a diversion away from gas pipelines being shut down and even sabotaged. Ergo: Putin may have opted for a “strategy of the indirect approach” Chess game:

Chess move one, fund Germany’s Green Movement. Then, induce the Germans to shut down all coal-fired and nuclear-powered energy sources, relying solely on solar and wind. Chess move two, once Germany is totally dependent on Russia for heat, wait for Old Man Winter. Rather than freeze to death, the Germans might agree to leave NATO, dismiss their armed forces, and dismantle their defense industry. The U.S. and NATO would be helpless to stop such a process.

But Putin’s plan — assuming this is it — isn’t working. Instead. Germany is drawing closer to NATO. Thus, a castrated Germany is probably not the bequest the aging, ailing, and paranoid Putin will be able to leave to Mother Russia.

Nota Bene: As Mike Tyson said,

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Suggested reading: The Morgenthau Plan. A 1944 memorandum from then Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. entitled: Suggested Post-Surrender Program for Germany.

Strategy: The Indirect Approach” by Sir Basil H. Liddell-Hart, 1954.

©2022. William Hamilton. All rights reserved.

U.S. Adds Fewest Jobs This Year As Labor Market Cools

The U.S. labor market cooled once again in September, adding the fewest jobs this calendar year, according to a Friday morning report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), fueling investor hopes that the Federal Reserve might reduce the intensity of its anti-inflation campaign.

The U.S. added 263,000 jobs in August, slightly higher than investor expectations, a meaningful drop from August’s addition of 315,000, and half the 528,000 added in Julyaccording to the BLS. The unemployment rate edged down to 3.5% in September, from 3.7% in August, with 5.8 million Americans currently unemployed, beating investor expectations.

The decline in job growth is another sign that the red-hot labor market is beginning to cool after job openings plunged 10% to 10 million in September from 11.1 million in August, according to a Tuesday BLS report. This slowdown is likely to be welcomed by investors, who hope that loosening labor conditions might prompt the Federal Reserve to reduce the intensity of its anti-inflation campaign, according to CNBC.

Members of the Federal Open Market Committee, the Fed group that sets its policy on interest rates, have been consistent in their messaging that high interest rates and elevated levels of inflation are expected to last at least another several months. The battle against inflation is still “in the early days,” said President Raphael Bostic of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, according to CNBC.

Wages grew by 5% over the past 12 months in September without accounting for inflation, according to the BLS. In August, wages were up 5.2% over the previous 12 months, without accounting for inflation, but once inflation and a reduction in the average hours worked were considered, earnings actually decreased by 2.8% in August, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“Despite the stronger wage growth due to the tightness of the labor market, a majority of workers are finding their wages falling even further behind inflation,” Fed researchers wrote in a Tuesday report on wage growth published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas on Tuesday.

A small minority of workers saw significant real wage growth, while the proportion of workers who saw wages decline fell slightly from pandemic-era highs to 53.4%, the highest rate since 2011, the Fed researchers reported. Amongst those that saw wages decline, the median decline was 8.6%, far greater than the typical range of a 5.7% to 6.8% decline seen in the past 25 years.

Earnings data for September is due on Sept. 13, alongside inflation data in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a measure of the inflation faced by typical urban households in the U.S.




RELATED ARTICLE: Wages Took Their Worst Hit In 25 Years: REPORT


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Florida, In 32 Days You Vote For A Builder Or Bullsh**er—Choose Wisely

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leads a three day rebuilding of hurricane ravaged bridges.

Watch as Governor Ron DeSantis came to Frank Rendon Park in Daytona Beach Shores on Friday, October 7 to give an update on Florida’s extraordinary recovery effort following the catastrophic damage left by the path of Hurricane Ian across the Florida peninsula.

Here are a few more tweets to help understand what Governor DeSantis is really doing for the people of the Sunshine state:

While Charlie Crist works on a three day suntan. 

Charlie Crist’s campaign is based on name calling not his record in Congress or his voting consistently in support of every Pelosi/Schumer/Biden policy, e.g. open borders, grooming children for sex with pedophiles, pederasts and perverts, getting oil from a dictator in Venezuela, pro-abortionist, pro-defund the police, pro-higher taxes, pro-BLM and voted for policies which have lead to a nationwide economic recession and bull stock market.

Here’s Charlie saying I don’t want your vote. We agree, we won’t be voting for him.

This tweet says it all about Charlie and his Democrat Party.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: “Simply Unfathomable” — DeSantis Rebuilt A Hurricane-Destroyed Bridge In Three Days (VIDEO)

VIDEO: WPATH Gender Affirming Doctor Expresses Concern for Mental Capacity & Informed Consent of Minors For Transition Surgeries


Project Veritas released a new video today which shows medical professionals associated with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health [WPATH] discussing the regret many underage people go through after gender-affirming surgery.

Dr. Daniel Metzger was recorded during a video conference meeting where he highlighted some of these findings:

  • Dr. Daniel Metzger, WPATH: “We try to talk about it [transgenderism], but most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to talk about it really — in a serious way. That’s always bothered me, but you know, we still want the kids to be happy.”
  • Dr. Metzger: “The Pediatric Endocrinology Society meeting — some of the Dutch researchers gave some data about young adults who have transitioned and have reproductive regret.  Like, regret, and it’s there, and I don’t think any of that surprises us.”
  • On October 3, The American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Medical Association, and The Children’s Hospital Association called on U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to investigate those who expose the transgender surgery industry for its potential harm to children.
  • According to Forbes, the transgender surgery industry is a $200B+ market.

You can watch the video HERE.


In Truth,

Project Veritas Team

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas expose is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.