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Columnist TIM BRYCE, and Financial Advisor BERKLY BADGER


The decline of Nonprofits & Religious Institutions, Education, Morality, Food, Politics, Finance, Medicare & Social Security, Medical issues, Insurance, Retirement, Music, Comedy, Reunions, Technology, Election Registration and more.

©Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.

Abortion Is a Spiritual Battle

A national group of Satanists is putting their cards on the table.  They are opposing abortion restrictions and adamantly defending abortion as worship of their god.

Meanwhile, a group of liberal pastors in Maine claims that abortion can supposedly be the Christian thing to do. In an op-ed in the Bangor Daily News, “Why a Christian minister supports abortion rights,” their leader writes of the importance of “reproductive justice.”

Abortion is a spiritual battle. So what does the Bible have to say abortion?

I write this shortly after the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade (and its companion decision, Doe v. Bolton) of January 22, 1973, that gave us abortion on demand. And here we are 63 million abortions later. That’s nothing to celebrate—but much to mourn.

Psalm 106:37 speaks of a time of disobedient Israelites, noting, “They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to false gods. They shed innocent blood…and the land was desecrated by their blood. They defiled themselves by what they did.”

Did Christ ever address abortion? Not directly. But note how His brilliant statement on human relations, the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12), has direct application to the subject of abortion.

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them,” He said in the Sermon on the Mount. You were once an unborn baby. Would you have wanted your mother to kill you in utero? The majority of those mothers feel forced, against their will, to abort.

When Ronald Reagan was running for president in 1980, he was asked why he wasn’t “pro-choice.” He responded, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” Touché.

Dr. D. James Kennedy once said, “If you’re pro-choice, you should get down on your knees and thank God that you’re mother wasn’t pro-choice.”

Some people say that abortion doesn’t kill human beings. And yet everything you and I are—our sex, how tall we will be, the color of our eyes—all of these things were determined at the moment of conception.

And from conception to birth, it’s all one continuous period of growth. The Mayo Clinic documents the humanity and growth of the preborn baby in the womb until birth.

We look back at previous generations, and we say, “How could they have been slave-owners?” Well, I believe future generations will look back at us and ask, “How could they have been so complacent about abortion—especially when they had 3-D sonograms, giving them a window to the womb?”

Many times when a pregnant woman contemplating an abortion gets to see the sonogram of her unborn baby, she changes her mind.

David states in Psalm 139, “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

The prophet Jeremiah says this in the very opening of his book: “The word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’” So, here’s this little unborn baby being appointed a prophet of the nations by God Himself.

Jumping ahead to the New Testament, in Luke 1, we read of two pregnant relatives visiting with each other. Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist, and Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus. Elizabeth says, “As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.” Baby? The Greek word in Luke 1 is brephos, which means baby.

Luke 2:12 says: “The angels told the shepherds, ‘This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.’” The same word, brephos, is used there. Thus, whether in English or in Greek, the word baby is used for born and unborn alike.

The Bible also says that God has made human beings in His image. He has made us a “little lower than the angels” (Psalm 8:5). But many people today believe that we’re essentially “a little higher than the apes.” As the abortion ethic has spread in our culture, like a cancer, it has cheapened human life all the way around.

It’s time we follow the Biblical ethic and treat the unborn as we ourselves would want to be treated. Let them live.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.


Congressman Introduces Bill to Replace “Fetus” With “Unborn Child” in Federal Law

Pro-Abortion Activist Terminates Pregnancy In Live Television Interview

Rioters throw smoke bombs at pro-life Texas students

Biden’s Border Crisis: The Sovereignty That Should Be Respected Is Our Own

The Democrats are suddenly head-over-heels in love with national sovereignty.  When asked why Americans should care about Ukraine, the White House Deputy National Security Advisor said, “Because it goes to a very fundamental principle of all nations, which is that our borders should be inviolate, that our sovereignty should be respected.”  Nancy Pelosi is pushing a new bill called the Defending Ukraine’s Sovereignty Act to guarantee “Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.”  Too bad these Democrat fools don’t feel the same way about their own country.

To them, sovereignty doesn’t matter when it comes to the U.S. southern border.  Sovereignty can take a hike.  Border agents encountered a record 178,840 illegal aliens in December, thanks to Joe Biden’s open borders policies.  This added to the record 2 million illegal aliens encountered at the southern border last year.  The number coming from beyond Central America is up 4-fold.  Deadly fentanyl coming across?  No problem.  Military-age males from terror-prone countries lost in the shuffle?  It’s nothing to worry about.  Reconquista, baby?  We deserve it, sovereignty be damned.

This is the way the Democrats and the Biden administration think.  Our open southern border is a product of their closed minds.  To them, it’s ideology first, not America first.  What was it our DHS Secretary said recently?  Just because somebody is in the country illegally doesn’t mean they should be deported.  They get to stay, under the current regime.  ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ trump national sovereignty any day, in the Secretary’s view.  All bow down to the new god of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  Put your ideological blinders on; equity and inclusion for foreigners is the only thing worth thinking about.

But here’s what fealty to the new god has wrought just recently:  Illegal aliens can present their deportation and arrest warrants as acceptable forms of identification to board domestic flights.  How insane is that?  Just as insane as California loaning millions of dollars to illegal aliens to keep their businesses afloat during the pandemic, not to mention letting them open businesses in the first place.

A seventh-grader in Connecticut died of a fentanyl overdose in a school gymnasium.  I blame the Biden administration.  A Muslim from Britain got a tourist visa and attacked a Jewish synagogue in Texas.  Apparently, he was not in U.S. databases despite being on a U.K. terrorist watch list.  Again, Democrats are to blame.  The Obama administration erased important terrorist databases.  (Phil Haney, you are not forgotten.)  Joe Biden had ended the more rigorous vetting of visa applicants ordered by former President Trump which had emphasized data sharing with foreign countries.

That’s what happens when you don’t care about border enforcement or your own sovereignty.  Things are so bad under Biden, a candidate for Arizona Attorney General who lives 90 miles from the border is telling her kids, if intruders come into the house, shoot them.  This is what happens when you let your country be overrun.  No American should have to live like that.    So, if you crazy Democrat open borders fools are gonna yak about sovereignty, kiss me like you mean it.

Visit The Daily Skirmish

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: The Texas Synagogue Attack and Alien Voting

In this episode, we address 3 major immigration developments. We analyze the new alien voting law in New York City, discuss the massive expansion of publicly-funded healthcare to illegal aliens in California, and answer how the the Texas synagogue terrorist was able to enter the country in the first place.

Listen to Episode 48 of Understanding Immigration.


FAIR’s bi-weekly podcast bringing you the most important news about immigration hosted by Communications Manager Matthew Tragesser, Government Relations Manager Preston Huennekens, and Director of Research Spencer Raley.

RELATED ARTICLE: British Terrorist Situation in Texas Underscores Failures of Current Intelligence and Immigration Systems

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION AGAINST: U.S. Sec. Ed. Miguel Cardona Who’s Behind Labeling Parents as Domestic Terrorists

Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education solicited a National School Board Association letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists.

Conservatives must hold every level of government accountable.

We have a tip sheet for how Sentinels can submit FOIA requests to their local school boards and government.

The Sentinel’s Dave Trabert reported:

NSBA labels parents as domestic terrorists

This is the same organization that last year wrote to the Biden administration, urging them to treat concerned parents like domestic terrorists.  In response, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland directed the FBI to use its authority to identify threats and prosecute concerned parents.

It has since been disclosed that the Biden administration orchestrated the matter.  According to Fox News, NSBA Secretary-Treasurer Kristi Swett recounted that NSBA interim CEO Chip Slaven “told the officers he was writing a letter to provide information to the White House, from a request by Secretary Cardona.”

19 states school board associations have since taken action to withdraw membership, participation, or dues from NSBA according to Parents Defending Education.  Missouri is one of the states that withdrew participation but the Kansas Association of School Boards won’t say if they will follow Missouri’s lead.

KASB will likely continue to support NSBA efforts because former KASB executive director John Heim is now CEO of the NSBA.

WATCH: Virginia School Divides Students Into Masked And Unmasked

Also, please read this The Sentinel shocking article titled “NSBA wants schools to effectively have ‘one free rape’” by Dave Trabert.

Trabert reports:

The National Schools Boards Association (NSBA) and Fairfax County Public Schools want the U.S. Supreme to hear a case that an appeals court judge said amounted to schools asking to get “one free rape” before staff is responsible for inaction.  According to The Daily Wire, the NSBA’s amicus brief pits them against the National Women’s Law Center, the Human Rights Campaign, the National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, and other feminist, liberal, or survivors-rights groups, all of whom filed an opposing friend-of-the-court brief.

Schools have a legal duty to investigate allegations of sexual abuse under federal Title IX law, but NSBA and FCPS claim that being told of an alleged assault doesn’t clear the legal bar of having ‘actual knowledge.’

Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge James Wynn described the background of the case:

“This case involves a sexual assault that a jury found took place on a school bus during a band trip. The plaintiff, “Jane Doe,” sat next to “Jack Smith,” an older student. Doe alleges that Smith repeatedly touched her breasts and genitals and penetrated her vagina with his fingers despite her efforts to physically block him, and that he also repeatedly put her hand on his penis even after she moved it away. She testified at trial during this incident, she felt so “confused,” “shocked,” and “scared” that she was “frozen in fear the whole time.”

“Doe, her friends, and her parents repeatedly reported the incident to the school. Yet a reasonable jury could conclude that these reports were met with deliberate indifference. To summarize just a few pieces of evidence the jury could view in Doe’s favor: school officials took no action to protect Doe or to offer emotional support to her during the five-day band trip; instead, the principal made an inappropriate joke about the incident in an email; after the band trip, the school’s Safety and Security Specialist asked victim-blaming questions such as what Doe was wearing and why she did not scream; and school officials discussed with Doe (but not with Smith!) the possibility of being disciplined for engaging in sexual activity on a school trip.”

The Daily Wire says Shatter the Silence, a group of survivors of sexual assault within Fairfax schools and their families, said in a statement: “The Fairfax County School Board has no shame. Board members plaster their equity commitments on Twitter and pass empty resolutions claiming that inclusion and civil rights guide their governance. In reality, they spend taxpayer money asking the Supreme Court to enshrine a ‘one free rape’ safe harbor for schools that fail to properly investigate allegations of student sexual abuse.”

NSBA and Fairfax County Public Schools are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to block the case against the school system from going to trial.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

The Catholic Church and Islam — The Religions of the Pedophiles and Pederasts?

“Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.” – Adam Smith, Scottish economist, philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure during the Scottish Enlightenment.

We were struck by a statement made by Mohammed Tariqa a Muslim refugee from Afghanistan. Mohammed Tariqa was convicted of sexually assaulting a 3-year old girl at the Quantico Marine Corps Base where he was being housed.

According to court papers, Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture. Efforts to have his statements suppressed were rejected by the judge.

Here is what Mohammed Tariqa is referring to:

The Prophet [Mohammed] (peace be upon him) married her [Aisha] when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet  for nine years (i.e. till his death). (Sahih Bukari 5134)

We have reported on issues that are reaching epidemic proportions including:

  1. Human sex trafficking in America by drug cartels, criminals, Jeffrey Epstein and others.
  2. The failure of the Department of Justice to prosecute pedophiles, given the information that the FBI found at Epstein’s island mansion, in our government and corporations.
  3. The sexual abuse upon under aged boys by pederast priests, bishops and cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church.
  4. The mainstreaming of sodomy in our public schools, colleges, universities, by social media sites like TicTok and in our culture in general.
  5. The pushing of the myth that gender is “non-binary” also known as genderqueer.
  6. The lack of law enforcement efforts to stem this tide of evil that is spreading across America and the world.
  7. The failure of the Catholic Church to punish, excommunicate and/or prosecute the pederasts in the Church.
  8. The failure of school boards to purge sexual and homosexual materials from their curriculums and books promoting sex between adults and children from their libraries.

The Bottom Line

In our column “CULTURE WAR: The Mainstreaming of Pedophilia by Targeting Your Children” we wrote:

Sadly we have seen the mainstreaming of pedophilia. Most recently we have seen pedophilia:

Now we are importing pedophiles into our country like Mohammed Tariqa by the Biden administration.

On August 10th, 2019  reported:

Beyond the main point of the signatures of the founders and main thinkers of the French, postmodern philosophers all demanding that pedophilia be made legal, these guys make a lot of good points.

Also, it is food for thought about how similar the push to make little boys into drag queen strippers for adult men mirrors Afghan Muslim culture.

H/T Xanthippa

So there you have it.

Pedophiles are looking at recruiting the next generation of your children as their perverted sex slaves.

They will brainwash your child into thinking first that he/she are neither just male or female but he and she can choose gender pronouns at will. Facebook, now called Meta, has 58 gender pronouns that their users may choose from!

Then they push your children into the LGBTQ+ community where children, as young as elementary school, are then to far along to resist.

If parents and grandparents fail to stop this then our children, culture and morals are lost.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


26-Year-Old Convicted Trans Child Molester Sentenced to Two Years in Female Juvenile Facility

Lesbian school teacher bans Christian cross because its a ‘gang symbol’

Perverts, pedophiles and pederasts in high offices

VIDEO EXPOSE: The Secret History of Kinsey’s Pedophiles

Pedophiles Believe They Should Be A Part Of The LGBT Community

Florida Sheriff arrests 25 pedophiles including an illegal alien, UBER driver and man in ICE custody

VIDEO: Biden attacks reporter, ‘What a stupid son-of-a-bitch!’ Inflation is a ‘great asset, more inflation!’

At the fraudulent Biden’s latest presser:

“Do you think inflation will be a political liability ahead of the midterms?” Doocy shouted to the president as the press was being escorted out of an event.

“That’s a great asset, more inflation,” Biden scowled sarcastically. “What a stupid son of a b—-.”

It’s on the White House website. The WH generally scrub their transcripts what they don’t like. So we know – they mean to reframe inflation as a “good” thing. They have so little respect for the American people and clearly even less for their ability to think, they think they can sell this poison.


CNN’s Collins: ‘Pretty Clear Biden Knew He Was on a Mic’ During ‘SOB’ Comment

Ukraine Slams Biden For Urging Americans To Leave: ‘Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in LA’

RELATED VIDEO:  Doocy Responds In HILARIOUS Fashion To Biden’s SOB Comment


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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DISASTER: Biden Admin’s Mass Release of Single Adult Males Illegals Across USA

DISASTER: Biden’s December Illegal Border Crossing Numbers Worse Than 3 Previous Years Combined

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration finally released the December numbers for illegal border crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border, which showed a dramatic uptick compared to previous years.

By: Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, January 15, 2022:

“The number of unique individuals encountered in December 2021 was 135,040, a 5 percent increase in the number of unique individuals encountered the prior month,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement. “In total, there were 178,840 encounters along the Southwest land border in December, a 2 percent increase compared to November.”

The 178,840 illegal border crossings for December 2021 was higher than the December totals from 2020, 2019, and 2018 combined when there was a total of 175,353 illegal border crossings.

Mark Morgan, former acting CBP commissioner and Heritage visiting fellow, responded to the news in a statement, saying, “More than a year ago, even as Joe Biden was preparing to roll back President Donald Trump’s effective border security policies, he claimed he did not want to end up with ‘two million people on our border.’ After a year on the job, it’s undeniable that Biden has failed even by his own basic measure.”

“In 12 months, CBP recorded more than two million encounters along the southwest border, a shocking and historic number,” Morgan added. “But that number does not include an estimated 600,000 or more ‘got-aways,’ individuals who cross the border illegally but which Border Patrol is unable to detain. And then there are the ‘turn-backs,’ those who make an effort to cross the border but eventually give up and return to their country of origin. Under Biden, that number was around 400,000. Under Joe Biden, more than three million people have tried to violate America’s sovereignty and illegally enter our country. This is not only the worst border crisis in American history—it’s the worst 12 months for any president when it comes to border security.”

Former acting ICE director Tom Homan said during an interview accused Biden’s border policies to contributing to deaths along the southern border. Homan’s remarks came after a Texas Department of Public Safety officer was killed during a U.S. Border Patrol incident over the weekend.

“Prayers out to Special Agent Salas and his family, it’s always tragic to lose one of the finest,” he said. “But look, I’ve said it many times before: people want to beat up on President Trump, but his [Biden’s] immigration policies are inhumane. Let me be clear when President Trump pushed illegal immigration to a 35, 40 year low, depending on how much you look at illegal immigration… it was down 83%. That saves lives because the most vulnerable people will not make that journey if they know they won’t succeed.”

“And Joe Biden comes in office, destroys all his policies. And what’s the result? Under President Trump last year, there was a total of 254 migrants died crossing that border —the first year under President Biden, that is more than doubled to 557,” he added. “That’s a 119% increase… Add to that over 100,000 overdose deaths, most of it from fentanyl that the DEA says, ‘come across the border.’ Add to that 59 CBP officers who die from COVID because Joe Biden is ignoring Title 42 when it comes to hundreds of thousands of children and family groups to come across with COVID, that affects these agents. So let me tell you something, Joe Biden’s policies are not humane. It’s killing people at a huge rate – more than I’ve ever seen in my career.

RELATED ARTICLE: VIRGINIA: Afghan Muslim refugee convicted of sexually assaulting 3-year-old girl at Quantico Marine base

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIRGINIA: Afghan Muslim refugee convicted of sexually assaulting 3-year old girl at Quantico Marine base

Note that Afghans arrived at “Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, Aug. 27, 2021. The Department of Defense, through U.S. Northern Command, and in support of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security,” provided “transportation, temporary housing, medical screening, and general support for up to 50,000 Afghan evacuees at suitable facilities, in permanent or temporary structures, as quickly as possible.”

“According to court papers, Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture.” He’s right, but Westerners who fear the “Islamophobia” label avoid discussion of this.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet  for nine years (ie till his death). (Sahih Bukari 5134)

This leads to the acceptance of child marriage in the Muslim world and the justification of acts of pedophilia. Of course, not every Muslim ascribes to such acts, but since this is encoded in the Sharia, it cannot be rejected or reformed.

The West has now flung its doors open to masses of unvetted migrants from Afghanistan and other countries where such behavior (and much more, including misogyny, Islamic supremacy, Jew-hatred, the persecution of Christians, etc.) is acceptable.

Afghan refugee convicted of sexually assaulting 3-year-old girl at Quantico

Associated Press, January 24, 2022:

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — A federal jury has convicted an Afghan refugee of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl at Quantico Marine Corps Base where he was housed.

[Mohammed] Tariq was arrested in September at Camp Upshur in Quantico after Marines observed him fondling the girl, who was not related to him, above her clothes on her private parts.

According to court papers, [Mohammed] Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture. Efforts to have his statements suppressed were rejected by the judge.

Tariq, who was brought to Virginia after working alongside U.S. troops in Afghanistan… [Emphasis added]



France awards Order of Merit to mayor accused of using taxpayer money to fund jihad propaganda in schools

Germany: Public broadcaster again making propaganda for the hijab

Germany: Muslim who cofounded group with local Islamic State leader will not be deported

Turkey’s Foreign Minister threatens Greece: ‘They are sponsoring terrorists, they will pay a heavy price’

Germany: Muslim ‘refugee’ douses three female government workers with gasoline, threatens to light them on fire

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

OSHA Pulls Private Vaccine Mandate After Supreme Court Loss

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will withdraw a rule mandating that private businesses with more than 100 employees require that they be vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing against the virus.

OSHA will formally withdraw the rule on Wednesday, according to a document published Tuesday in an advanced version of the Federal Register. The rule, announced in November by President Joe Biden, was immediately challenged by several states and private companies, and the Supreme Court issued a stay on Jan. 13 while federal appeals courts consider its legality.

“After evaluating the Court’s decision, OSHA is withdrawing the Vaccination and Testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard,” the agency wrote in the Register.

The OSHA announcement was first reported by Bloomberg Law.

When he announced the rule, Biden argued that it would reduce the spread of COVID-19 by increasing the number of Americans who received vaccinations against the virus. Vaccines are less effective at reducing the spread of the newly-dominant Omicron variant, although they are still effective at preventing hospitalization and death.

“Some of the biggest companies are already requiring this,” Biden said in defending the rule. “United Airlines, Disney, Tyson food and even Fox News.”

However, OSHA suspended the rule’s enforcement in November, after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay. It never went back into effect.

Other portions of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate plan have also been held up. A federal judge in Texas issued an injunction on Friday preventing the government from mandating that all federal employees and contractors receive COVID-19 vaccines. The judge, Jeffrey Brown, ruled that Biden could not issue such a mandate “with the stroke of a pen and without the input of Congress.”

Several lower court judges also blocked the federal government’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers whose employers receive Medicare and Medicaid funds. However, the Supreme Court ruled that that mandate can remain in effect while its legality is debated at lower courts.



Congressional reporter.

RELATED DATA: VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports: 1,053,828 Reports Through January 14, 2022

RELATED ARTICLE: Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s Vaccine-Or-Testing Rule For Businesses, Allows Healthcare Worker Mandate To Move Forward

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough: Top 5 Key Points About Covid-19.

Biden Administration Quietly Burdened Americans with $201 Billion in Hidden Taxes Last Year, Report Finds

Biden has also imposed 131 million hours of new annual paperwork on Americans.

President Biden campaigned on moderation and a “return to normal.” Yet, on the regulatory front, the Biden administration has been far more aggressive than previous administrations—both Republican and Democratic. At least, that’s the finding of a new report from the center-right American Action Forum (AAF).

Analysts Dan Goldbeck and Dan Bosch reviewed President Biden’s first year in charge. They found that through regulatory actions and executive orders, this administration imposed more than $201 billion in regulatory costs—and 131 million hours of new annual paperwork on Americans.

That’s nearly 40 times more costs imposed than during President Trump’s first year. Yet in perhaps a more apt comparison of presidents from the same party, the report finds that Biden’s regulatory expenses are even three times greater than those incurred during Obama’s first year.

Why are Biden’s regulatory costs skyrocketing? Well, AAF notes that the massive increase under Biden was largely fueled by one uber-expensive regulation regarding greenhouse gas emission standards for automobiles. This example highlights why Americans should care about all of this. After all, aren’t regulations just imposed on businesses?

Not so fast.

While the paperwork might officially regulate General Motors, it is customers who ultimately bear much of this multi-billion-dollar burden via higher prices. In pursuing its “green” agenda via regulatory fiat, the Biden administration is imposing hidden/indirect taxes on American families.

Yet, as AAF’s data show, this isn’t a unique aspect of Joe Biden’s presidency. While it ebbs and flows under different presidents, the regulatory state continues to grow and expand. Americans should be well aware that these incursions come with direct costs for them even if their tax bill doesn’t go up on paper.

When we overlook these costs because the surface-level burden falls on businesses, we fall victim to a common fallacy and fail to properly scrutinize the actions of our government.

This error is what Henry Hazlitt dubbed “the fallacy of overlooking secondary consequences.” In Economics in One Lesson, he rightly decried “the persistent tendency of men to see only the immediate effects of a given policy, or its effects only on a special group, and to neglect to inquire what the long-run effects of that policy will be not only on that special group but on all groups.”

So, yes, it’s understandable that the latest regulations added to the Federal Register might not naturally grab the attention of most Americans. But we should all still care about the unseen burden the federal government imposes on the public with each new rule, regulation, and dictate its bureaucrats come up with.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FULL REPORT: The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots

“At this point, there is simply no question. The COVID shots are an abysmal failure in every way possible. Again and again, data analyses from around the world show a negative correlation between ‘vaccination’ rates and worsening infection rates and other health trends.” – Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots

Here’s an overview of the report The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots an analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola:

British data show the COVID shots are an abysmal failure, as COVID infection rates in the U.K. are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts.

Infection rates are also rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. All in all, these data prove that vaccine passports and mandates are completely pointless.

Data from Scotland show more of the same. Double-jabbed Scots are more likely to be admitted to the hospital for COVID than unvaccinated. Since Omicron became dominant,
COVID case rates are also lower among the unvaccinated than among the single-double- and even triple-jabbed

Internationally, journalists are now starting to try to switch the narrative away from cases, hospitalizations and deaths by pointing out how unreliable these data are. What they don’t admit is that “dangerous misinformants” have highlighted these problems for two years already.

Omicron is blowing huge holes in the pandemic narrative, as it predominantly affects the vaxxed, thus proving mandates and vaccine passports are irrational and useless.

The Scotland Herald by Helen McArdle ,

“Case rates have been lower in unvaccinated individuals than the single, double, or even triple jabbed since Omicron became the dominant variant in Scotland.”

Click here to read the full report: The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots

CLICK HERE: To view Vaxx failures in 2 graphs from four countries.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Hospital Takes Dying Patient Off Heart Transplant List Because He’s Unvaccinated

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. David Wiseman: The vaxx contained more than we’re told, and does more than they said


VIDEO: Fatigue Identified as Major Side Effect of COVID Over-regulation

Thousands of Americans gathered yesterday in Washington, D.C. to protest the federal government’s increasingly unreasonable COVID mandates. One year into President Joe Biden’s term, he has done the opposite of his promise to “shut down the virus, not the country.” Fatigue is a common symptom of COVID-19, but it’s a universal symptom of the ridiculous mask and vaccine mandates that have long outlived their prudence and propriety. As other countries prepare to move on with their lives, President Biden insists that Americans must remain in a prison of our own making.

Strangely, it’s Europe that is leading the way to freedom this time. On Wednesday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the House of Commons that all the country’s COVID restrictions would end this upcoming Thursday. “We must learn to live with COVID in the same way we live with the flu,” added the health secretary. “They have realized that all of these policies that are aimed at slowing the spread of COVID have failed,” said Stanford Professor of Medicine Jay Bhattacharya on “Washington Watch.” COVID “spreads very rapidly despite our best efforts to keep people apart.” Citizens in Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal will once again have the freedom to make their own health decisions. For once, here’s a European trend the U.S. needs to imitate.

Nothing could be further from the contemplation of Biden’s mandarins. Biden failed to excite confidence when challenged in a rare press conference to explain the definition of “fully vaccinated.” Officially, two doses is considered sufficient, but some administration officials advise three doses. Biden sidestepped the question and replied, “every time I speak of it, I say, if you’ve been vaccinated, get your booster shot.” Bhattacharya explained he can’t easily answer that question because it has become “more than just a medical question.” Many cities and states have imposed vaccine mandates for employment and for patronizing restaurants, museums, and libraries. These “essentially make people that are not fully vaccinated second-class citizens,” he said. If the administration redefines “fully vaccinated” to include a booster shot, they create a huge number of second-class citizens with “the snap of a finger.” So it’s a calculation about how much tyrannical invasion of their daily lives the American people are willing to accept.

Underlying Americans’ skepticism of Biden’s vaccine push is the vaccine’s waning effectiveness — both over time and against new variants. “The protection that the booster provides against Omicron is less than the protection that it provided against Delta,” said Bhattacharya. A newly released CDC study from May to November found natural immunity outperforming vaccination alone “by early October,” even before the Omicron variant. It’s not just one study, said Bhattacharya. “The scientific evidence on this is absolutely overwhelming.” Yet the less effective the vaccine becomes, the more President Biden seeks to punish those who resist it.

“Tell people about the scientific evidence. Don’t use it to manipulate people,” Bhattacharya said. “Public trust, once lost, is almost impossible to get back. And public health relies on public trust.” Yet our public health agencies seem to prefer imitating the legacy media in crying “wolf” for a short-sighted advantage.

Meanwhile, “much of Europe is opening up,” said Bhattacharya. “The U.K. is leading the way. There’s no reason the United States shouldn’t be.” Vaccine and mask mandates are far greater violations of personal freedom than a tax on tea. “The right thing is to protect vulnerable people while letting people who are at low risk… just go on with their lives,” he said. The federal government insists people stop living to avoid dying, but that is a false choice Americans should reject.


EXCELSIOR! NY State Supreme Court judge STRIKES DOWN governor’s mask mandate

FULL REPORT: The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots 

DoD whistle-blowers on vaccines – 500% increase in miscarriages, 300% increase in cancer, 1000% increase in neurological

Natural immunity was more effective than vaccines alone against delta variant, CDC study shows

Missouri AG sues over 30 school districts for enforcing mask mandates

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Florida Governor DeSantis is Right on the Costs of Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration “consumes taxpayer money and burdens governmental services.”

We are very concerned about the influx of illegal aliens into the United State and especially to the state of Florida. The costs to Floridian is staggering and harms legal Florida residents dramatically.

In the article Cost of Illegal immigration: Record $135 billion average $8,075 for each illegal, $25,000 in New York the Federation for American Immigration Reform reported:

A continually growing population of illegal aliens, along with the federal government’s ineffective efforts to secure our borders, present significant national security and public safety threats to the United States. They also have a severely negative impact on the nation’s taxpayers at the local, state, and national levels. Illegal immigration costs Americans billions of dollars each year. Illegal aliens are net consumers of taxpayer-funded services and the limited taxes paid by some segments of the illegal alien population are, in no way, significant enough to offset the growing financial burdens imposed on U.S. taxpayers by massive numbers of uninvited guests.

[ … ]

At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend. The sections below will break down and further explain these numbers at the federal, state, and local levels.

Jason Richwine wrote “DeSantis is right about the cost of illegal immigration,” outlining the staggering costs to Florida:

“DeSantis is right to be concerned. Although illegal immigration poses many challenges, the increase in state expenditures is perhaps the most immediate one.

In a recent report for the Center for Immigration Studies, I calculated that Florida spent approximately $2 billion in 2019 on major health and education programs for the nearly 800,000 immigrants who lived in the state illegally before the recent surge.

[ … ]

Of course, assessing the impact of illegal immigration is not simply an accounting exercise. An uncontrolled border has legal, political, and cultural effects that go beyond dollars and cents.

Whatever one thinks of the way the U.S. selects legal immigrants, the process does at least follow the laws passed by Congress. Illegal immigration, by contrast, flouts those laws.”

By far the largest state expenditure on the U.S.- and foreign-born children of immigrants who came illegally is public schooling, which the state must provide regardless of a student’s immigration status.

Extrapolating from Florida’s per-pupil expenditures, educating the children of illegal immigrants cost state taxpayers $1.6 billion in 2019. This figure likely understates the true cost, as it does not reflect the special language training that children of people who came illegally disproportionately require.

Jason Richwine wars:

When President Biden opted to erode security at the border, he also eroded the right of Americans to decide who can and cannot enter their country. Until democratic control over immigration policy is restored, Floridians – and, indeed, all Americans – will continue to pay the price.


Jason Richwine

Jason Richwine is a resident scholar at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: White House defends release of migrants into US after apprehension at border

POLL: 60% of Americans Would Vote FOR ANYONE but Biden if Election Held Today

My takeaway – 40% (and I think that is inflated) of America is mentally ill.

Poll finds 60 percent would vote against Biden if election was held now

By: Mark Moore, NY Post, January 23, 2022:

Six in 10 Americans would vote for someone other than President Biden if the 2024 presidential election was held today — a rate higher than his predecessors Barack Obama and Donald Trump, according to a poll released Sunday.

Asked if the election were held today, 60 percent said they would “probably” or “definitely” vote for someone else, compared to 36 percent who said they would “definitely” or “probably” re-elect Biden, the survey by Fox News shows.

Fifty-two percent said they would vote for someone other than Trump if it were February 2020, and 51 percent said they would select somebody other than Obama if it were August 2011.

The survey also shows the deep dissatisfaction Americans feel for Biden’s handling of the economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, border security and foreign policy.
Joe Biden.
Only 36 percent said they would “definitely” or “probably” re-elect President Biden.
Rick Loomis/Getty Images

The president’s job disapproval rating is at 52 percent, a slight rise from last month, but a 9 percentage point increase from April, while his approval rating is trending in the opposite direction — from a high of 56 percent in June to 47 percent in this poll.

Asked about Biden’s handling of the economy, 58 percent to 41 percent disapprove. When it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic, 52 percent to 46 percent disapprove; 59 percent to 37 percent disapprove of his handling of border security; and 54 percent to 41 percent disapprove of his handling of foreign policy.
2024 poll.
60 percent said they would “probably” or “definitely” vote for someone else other than President Biden in 2024.
Fox News

As bad as Biden’s approval ratings are, Vice President Kamala Harris’ are worse.

The survey found that 54 percent of Americans disapprove of the job she is doing, and only 43 percent approve.

In June, her approval rating was at 50 percent and her disapproval rating was 47 percent.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval ratings are even worse than President Biden’s.

But the overall discontent with the Biden administration doesn’t translate into a significant advantage for congressional Republicans in the 2022 midterm elections.

Forty-four percent said they would vote for the Republican candidate if the election were held today, compared to 43 percent who would go with the Democratic candidate.

Republicans get high marks from voters on their ability to deal with taxes, the federal budget deficit, immigration, crime, and the economy, while Democrats get good grades on climate change, racism, health care, the pandemic and education.
Barack Obama.

Some 51 percent said they would select somebody other than former President Barack Obama if it were August 2011.

But most Americans — 85 percent — said their top concern was inflation and higher prices, above all other issues.

Concerns over high crime came came in second with 81 percent, followed by political divisions at 78 percent, the coronavirus pandemic at 72 percent, North Korean missile tests at 68 percent, the standoff between Ukraine and Russia at 62 percent, migrants at the southern border at 59 percent, voter suppression at 58 percent and voter fraud at 53 percent.

Forty-three percent of Americans believe inflation and high prices will still be plaguing the nation for “more than a year,” while 44 percent think coronavirus will continue to be a major issue for “more than a year.”
Donald Trump.

The poll shows 48 percent blame the federal government’s policies for inflation. Forty-two percent say it’s the result of coronavirus and 9 percent blame both equally.

The poll surveyed 1,001 registered voters between Jan. 16-19.

It has a plus/minus 3 percentage points margin of error.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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