CNN Puts Up Fence Outside Atlanta Headquarters Amid Ongoing Protests

CNN put up a fence around its headquarters in Atlanta on Friday amid ongoing “Black Lives Matter” protests.

Demonstrations continued outside the Georgia state capitol Friday over the death of Rayshard Brooks, who was fatally shot June 12 in Atlanta by a police officer after running away with the officer’s taser. Photos posted by Townhall reporter Julio Rosas show CNN’s nearby headquarters surrounded by the new barrier following damage from an earlier protest that turned into a riot.

The building was attacked by rioters in late May, with the damage including a number of broken glass windows and spray paint on the CNN logo. A video showed the crowd cheering as people threw objects at the windows.

Nationwide protests and riots erupted after the death of George Floyd, a black man who died May 25 after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck for more than eight minutes. Peaceful demonstrations turned into riots in many cities, and the situation has escalated in Atlanta following Brooks’ death.

Protesters burned down the Wendy’s where Brooks was shot when riots began Saturday.

The Atlanta Police Foundation, a charity established to support the city’s mayor and police forces, gave officers a $500 bonus Thursday due to their work during the protests and replaced the vehicles that were destroyed.

After former Officer Garrett Rolfe was charged with murder Wednesday for the shooting of Rayshard Brooks, Atlanta police officers reportedly walked off the job mid-shift.





Phone Audio Shows Dispatcher Was Concerned With George Floyd Response

Here’s How Trump Could Win In November

Two Teenagers Arrested For Vandalizing New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral During Protests

President Trump Warns ‘Looters And Lowlifes’ Against Disrupting Tulsa Rally

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Watch the Satirical Video posted by President Trump that was Banned by Twitter

Twitter is at it again. President Trump retweeted the below political satire video by Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) on his Twitter account. Then Twitter decided that the video was “manipulated media.” Go figure.



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Generals Attack Trump as Democrats Plead for U.N. Interference

If you think the Democrats have gone off the rails with their newest call to defund the police, you’d be wrong. It’s just the latest step in the left’s long-plotted scheme to transform America to socialism. We are one election away. If we react to this wrongly, we are done as a country of law and order.

Last week, President Trump put out a call to send in the troops. Not the National Guard, the military. As if on cue, the typical “deep state” military brass emerged to condemn him as unstable. Many of you recoiled in agreement. Once again, as if on cue, you believed everything they said. Have you learned nothing over the past four years?

The Washington Post published an article headlined, “How Mattis reached his breaking point — and decided to speak out against Trump”. This was designed to make Americans believe General Mattis is a patriot above all else. His supposed “long” silence, as the article explained, earned him a badge of honor. But, is that really deserved?

To believe Mattis kept silent previously is simply a lie. I wrote about his controversial resignation in my book, Rules for Deplorables: A Primer for Fighting Radical Socialism (RFD). After “Trump announced his decision for a troop withdrawal from Syria, Mattis vehemently and publicly opposed. In his resignation letter [December 2018], Mattis wrote that, ‘[B]ecause you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position.” (RFD, pg. 205) Gee, general, thanks for your duty to country.

Mattis knew Trump’s policy well before he joined the President’s team. So, why accept the position in the first place? “The naysayers claim[ed] that as Mattis’ commander, Trump should listen to his generals. Hogwash. Just because a soldier has reached the rank of general, does not make him right on all issues.” (RFD, pg. 207) (For more on how Mattis betrayed his Commander-in-Chief, read my blog from August 31, 2019 entitled, “General Mattis IS the Resistance”.)

Did Mattis fade away into retirement and stoically withhold speaking against his Commander-in-Chief? No. He wrote a book, remember?

Within just six months, in a tell-all no less, he accused the President of being internally divisive especially via his tweeting. “What concerns me most,” Mattis wrote, “is not our external adversaries; [i]t is our internal divisiveness.” In other words, he blamed Trump for all things racist in America. Never mind that Obama stoked racial flames and increased division in our country at every turn.

According to the author of an article entitled, “How Obama Left Us More Racially Divided Than Ever”, one’s opinion of our country is determined by how one views American history. “If you think America is a land of oppression instead of a land of freedom, you will sow social discord. That’s President Obama’s legacy.” I agree. It also explains why we are witnessing such turmoil in our Democrat-controlled cities today. Democrats tend to see the evils in America, Republicans see the good.

With the benefit of hindsight, then, who was right about Syria? The answer may help us understand how best to quell the unrest in our own cities today.

Because of Trump’s pull-out and harsh sanctions against Syria, preventing nearly every country in the world from enabling Assad financially, nearly 80% of his people are now living in abject poverty. Protesters are chanting “[h]e who starves his people is a traitor.” Indeed, Trump’s strategy has not only weakened Assad himself in the region, it has caused massive hardships for his benefactors, our enemies Russia and Iran.

Our President’s policy in Syria could well represent what should become the “Trump Doctrine”; and, it may be remembered as far more effective than anything any general has done during our 18-year war in the Middle East. Will it work here at home?

On June 1, at an impromptu speech in the Rose Garden, Trump threatened to use the Insurrection Act of 1807 to quell the violence in our cities. Shortly after, he made the now-infamous walk to Washington, D.C.’s historic St. John’s Episcopal Church.

General Mattis immediately attacked Trump, accusing the President of trying “to divide us”. He added that, we “are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”. Wow. That sounds suspiciously like the New York Times’ op-ed letter by “Anonymous” several years ago.

Part of that letter, if you recall, criticized Trump for being immature. “Anonymous” stated that Trump’s “erratic behavior would be more concerning if it weren’t for unsung heroes in…the White House…. [I]n this chaotic era…Americans should know that there are adults in the room….” (RFD, pg. 191). Could the letter have been referring to Mattis as one of the “unsung heroes”? If true, he’s more dangerous than I thought.

Mattis has also now said that “[w]e must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution.” Hold accountable? Sounds like a set-up for Trump’s arrest once out of office.

The New York Post reports: “Under the Civil War-era Posse Comitatus Act, federal troops are prohibited from performing domestic law enforcement actions such as making arrests, seizing property or searching people. In extreme cases, however, the president can invoke the Insurrection Act, which allows the use of active-duty or National Guard troops for law enforcement.” It sounds as though Trump would be within his right to send in the troops should things get further out-of-control.

Other top brass weighed in this week to criticize Trump, e.g., former secretaries of defense Ash Carter and William Perry. Carter, a Republican, served under Obama. In 2017, he wrote that if soldiers acted like Trump, he would have “fired people”No love lost there.

Perry, who served under Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, criticized Trump in 2017 for his supposed reckless handling of North Korea, saying he was bringing us closer to a nuclear war. I guess he was wrong.

Former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, Mike Mullen, and Richard Myers have piled on, too. Dempsey, another Obama loyalist, railed against Trump in 2017 for the President’s plans to pardon some of our military’s finest warriors. Most had been convicted of war crimes while balancing trying to save fellow soldiers against impossible rules of engagement imposed by Obama. Dempsey called Trump’s pardons a “Bad message. Bad precedent. Abdication of moral responsibility. Risk to us.” Soldiers be damned. Trump did it anyway.

Mike Mullen served under George W. Bush and Obama. In 2017, he condemned Trump’s “talk of ‘fire and fury’” as bad diplomacy with our adversaries.

Richard Myers now says he’s “glad” he didn’t have to work for Trump. I’m sure the feeling is mutual.

Other prominent voices condemning Trump this past week have come from Mitt Romney, Colin Powell, Lisa Murkowski, and John McCain’s widow. Like those mentioned above, all have one thing in common: hatred for Donald J. Trump. That should tell us all everything we need to know.

The most revealing comment about Trump’s threat to use the military to retake our cities, though, came from former U.S. Forces-Afghanistan commander Gen. John Allen. He said that, “The slide of the United States into illiberalism may well have begun on June 1, 2020. Remember the date. It may well signal the beginning of the end of the American experiment.” Did you catch that? Trump’s handling of the violent protests, to him, demonstrates an anti-liberal intention.

Indeed, every one of these anti-Trumpers is known for the same globalist leanings as shared by liberals. Thus, whether they call themselves Republicans, Independents, or Democrats, their ideologies gel. That commonality has hijacked the killing of George Floyd in a very dangerous way.

On June 3, the Floyd family sent a letter to the United Nations pleading for intervention. “When a group of people of any nation have been systematically deprived of their universal human right to life by its government for decades, it must appeal to the international community for its support and to the United Nations for its intervention,” Floyd’s family attorney Ben Crump said in a press release. This, my fellow Americans, is what all the hoopla is about. And if you think it is not orchestrated by leftist Democrats — and not the Floyd family — you have not been paying attention.

The generals, the Democrats, the Republican elitists, the Democrat Socialists, and the “deep state” are working together towards one common goal and President Trump knows it: a One World Government or New World Order. Defunding the police is a priority.

In their letter, the Floyd family asked the UN “for its help in disarming police officers in the United States of America.” The left is driving the players to reach that very outcome. Could that be why the generals are so vehemently against Trump calling up the military? And, whose side would the military take, the generals or Trump’s?

In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, written in the 70s, he describes thirteen tactics for the left to use in transforming America to socialism. Tactic #10, “the major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure on the opposition”, is upon us. The formation of Antifa and Black Lives Matter began years ago. I warned about them in my book. The attempted coup of Trump’s Administration, the impeachment investigations, the over-exaggerated shut-downs based on phony models, and now the attacks by the generals were all timed to culminate in a complete destruction of the American free-market system. If Venezuela is any example, the transformation could be quick.

It’s no accident that the cities hit hardest by the pandemic, riots, looting and calls for defunding police are all controlled by Democrats. Everything happening now is a three-fold gain. The citizens want free stuff. The Democrat leaders of these cities and states are goading Trump hoping he’ll be blamed for the chaos and lose the election. He cannot fall for that. But, for the top brass and leaders of the country, the goal is on a much grander scale.

President Trump knows this. If you refuse to believe Democrats would sell out their own people, congratulations. You’re playing right into their hands. Alinsky instructs his followers to win by any means necessary. Ethics be damned.

If our President understands Alinsky tactics the way I believe he does, he already has his strategy by using the left’s tactics against them. And, his threat to send in the military will be his last and final move. Before that, however, he has plenty of less risky options available. Among them are Alinsky’s tactics #4 and #11. It’s the only way to win this battle and I believe he knows it.

First, he must allow the blue states to completely fail. Yes, even if it means allowing them to defund their police.

Tactic #4 means to “make the enemy live up to their own book of rules”. Democrats claim to loathe the police? Let them live without order for a while. Why interfere? It’s a state’s right to self-determination. Let ‘em have it. The citizens will eventually beg their leaders to intervene. But, it will be too late.

Blue cities were imploding from poor management even before the pandemic. Now, they’re on life-support. Crime is already increasing. Many will be injured or killed, there’s no escaping that. The chaos will continue until the citizenry rise up and take their cities and states back. Once they themselves are chanting “he who starves his people is a traitor”, they will turn to Trump for help in getting federal bailouts. But, he must refuse, unless concessions are made.

During the 60s, a couple of sociology professors from Columbia University wrote a series of strategy papers designed to implode the American free-market system. Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven (Cloward-Piven) believed that if they could bloat our welfare systems with enrollees, eventually it would go broke. Once that happened, the federal government would have to step in and save the program by infusing it with taxpayer money. Their plan was to continue the strategy until America became a 100% Socialist-controlled country. They never dreamed either political party would join their scheme. Imagine their surprise when the Democrats did, in exchange for votes by giving away “free” stuff. (RFD, pg. 26)

The plan worked so well that by the mid-70s New York City, Democrat-controlled for years, was nearly bankrupt. The Mayor begged then-President Ford to bail them out. At first he refused saying they got themselves into that mess, they could get themselves out. That was the right decision, painful though it may have been. Unfortunately, it was an election year, much like now. Under severe pressure from weak Republicans and Democrats alike, Ford caved. New York City hasn’t learned its lesson to this day. (RFD, pg. 27). The left and Democrats have been partners ever since.

Things are about to get really ugly. Especially if the Governors call in the United Nations. That’s when the real showdown will begin. But, it’s the only way our country can survive what’s coming.

Trump should use Alinsky Tactic #11 against Democrats. By “pushing a negative hard enough, it will break through to a positive”. The chaos caused by Democrats should, hopefully, convince the residents to realize the consequences of out-of-control progressive policies. Trump must require the banning of sanctuary cities that rape a city’s resources dry. No more talk about abolishing the police or I.C.E. Wild spending would have to be under control. Pensions would need overhauls. Voting oversight must be put in place. Illegal immigrants should be deported and not allowed I.D. cards. Hopefully, then, citizens will come to understand the luxuries of the freedoms we have via the law and order our systems provide. And, if they don’t, let them eat cake!

Yes, we have a long road ahead to regain control of our cities and states. But, the alternative is unimaginable.

The Progressives have been working their “Plan” for years, while so many Americans have been asleep. Others of us have been warning for decades that this day was coming. Many have called us conspiracy nuts. We’ve been ridiculed. We’ve been silenced. And we’ve been isolated. No more.

There isn’t time for that now. We must unify against the greatest threat we’ve faced since the Civil War. We still have a chance to save this great country of ours. Otherwise, we can stand idly by while watching America burn to the ground. I won’t give up … not so long as we have a President fighting for us every day.


Cathi Chamberlain

Cathi Chamberlain, aka The Deplorable Author and founder of The Deplorable Report, is a four-time start-up business owner, published author of a self-help book featured on CNN worldwide and owner of the nation’s first all-female construction company. She is a sought-after political speaker and has been a regular contributor on the Salem Media Radio Network. In her book, “Rules for Deplorables: A Primer for Fighting Radical Socialism,” Cathi heavily references Saul Alinsky’s 1970’s blockbuster book, “Rules for Radicals.” She is currently on her “Florida Deplorable Book Tour.” Contact her for your next speaking event at

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like The Revolutionary Act on Facebook.

VIDEO: Trump Momentum in Florida — 20% of Blue Counties Turn RED!

Florida has 67 counties. At the beginning of 2016, there were 32 Republican majority registered counties. Today, there are 46 counties that are Republican counties, with another flipping any day now.

That means that over 20% of the counties in Florida have flipped from Democrat to Republican since Donald Trump became our nominee!

This is a result of the enthusiasm generated by President Donald Trump’s record coupled with our County Republican Parties and local volunteers in each of our 67 counties working hard to register Republicans.

WATCH: Swing state Fla. flipped whopping 20% blue counties red.

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RELATED VIDEO: Black Trump Supporter– Defunding Police Is ‘A Death Wish’

Political Predators Threaten America with Extinction

A predator is defined as an animal that naturally preys on others. Predation is a natural and accepted fact of life in the wild animal kingdom – eat or be eaten is a matter of survival.

A predator is also defined as a person or group that ruthlessly exploits others. Predation is an unacceptable fact of life in the civilized world of ordered liberty and mutuality where predation is a matter of domination, not survival.

Sexual predators live in this group. Sexual assaults, including rape and childhood sexual abuse, are crimes of power, dominance, and submission. Political predators are a variation on the same theme of power. Like sexual predators, political predators commit crimes of dominance and submission against unsuspecting members of society. This is how it works.

Political predators disguise their motives. No stranger ever seduced a child with spinach. Marxist political predators have been seducing American children with leftist anti-American indoctrination in public schools since 1979 when Jimmy Carter established the Department of Education. Political predators launched their Culture War war on America with a disinformation campaign promising social justice and income equality that begins in kindergarten.

Barack Obama, political predator-in-chief, escalated the propaganda campaign against American children with Common Core and its anti-American leftist narrative of moral relativism, historical revisionism, and political correctness. During his seditious two terms, Obama aligned himself with the equally anti-American Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

The longer the radical leftist Democrat party aligns itself with the antisemitic, sharia compliant, Jihadi narrative of submission, the closer the radical Democrat party platform resembles the tyranny of Islamist rhetoric and supremacist sharia law. The word Islam means submission.

Islamists deny Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign country. Today, the leftist Democrat party and its colluding Muslim Brotherhood Islamists in Congress deny not only Israel’s right to exist, they also deny America’s right to exist as a sovereign constitutional republic. The leftist/Islamist/globalist axis of political predators is attempting to take power in November and force America to submit to axis domination.

Aspirations for world domination and the creation of a New World Order are nothing new. English aristocrat Lord Bertrand Russell articulated the plan for the globalist elite’s New World Order in his 1952 classic, The Impact of Science on Society.

After WWII it was obvious that America could not be defeated militarily. Our enemies did not quietly into the night, they reconstituted themselves as social justice warriors with a plan for educational indoctrination that would subvert American culture and destroy America from within. It was Bertrand Russell who explained the value of educational propaganda in the disinformation war:

page 27-28 (Routledge Classics 2016 edition):

It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.

Education should aim at destroying free will so that pupils thus schooled, will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Influences of the home are obstructive; not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten; in order to condition students, verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. . . . It is for a future scientist to make these maxims precise and to discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.

The leftist educational indoctrination launched by Jimmy Carter in 1979 and amplified by Barack Obama, fully actuated the sinister plan of weaponizing education described by Bertrand Russell. The radical leftist Democrat war on America that begins in K-12 ends in anarchy on the streets of America today. The political predators are exploiting indoctrinated Americans and supplying them with financing, bricks, and Molotov cocktails to riot and burn America to the ground.

Political predator-in-chief, Barack Obama, sits in the shadow of the White House directing the 30,000 propagandized members of his Organizing for Action (OFA) “resistance” movement. From his bunker he orchestrates the movements of his shock troops against America-first President Trump. OFA, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, all indoctrinated with the forty-year lie of “institutional racism” are now demanding submission to their black supremacist demands.

The political predators of 21st century America use the Internet for mass social engineering to foment anarchy, race riots, and submission internationally. Anarchy is never the path to peace. It is the tyrannical weapon of political predators who instigate and finance it.

There are no laws without law enforcement. The movement to defund police departments across the country is the planned, paramilitary, tactical strategy to make America totally ungovernable. Overwhelming social chaos will bring calls for a nationalized police force run by “compassionate” radical leftist Democrats who will enforce the leftist narrative taught by Carter’s Department of Education and Obama’s Common Core. The goal of political predators is absolute power.

The infrastructure for a nationalized and then internationalized police force already exists. The International Council for Local Environmental Issues (ICLEI) was formed at the United Nations in New York, September 1990. There are 600 United Nations ICLEI member cities in the United States committed to UN Agenda 21/2030 and its international directives disguised as sustainable environmental policies. United Nations Agenda 21/2030 is the unapologetic globalist movement to create an internationalized New World Order ruled by a one-world government under the auspices of the United Nations. ICLEI has quietly moved into local governments to impose its comprehensive UN Sustainable Development policy dictating international rules for where people live, what they eat, what they drive, how they heat and light apartments or houses.

We have arrived at the time in our history when political predators threaten the extinction of America, our sovereignty, and our constitutional freedoms. The enemies of America are aligned in common cause to defeat America-first President Donald Trump in November. The axis of political predators including leftists, Islamists, globalists, and the communist Chinese who launched the coronavirus, are aligned in common cause to extinguish America as we know her. They do not acknowledge America’s right to exist.

If the axis powers are successful and the Democrats take power in November, the infighting will immediately begin but will not last long. The leftists, including communist organizations Antifa and Black Lives Matter, will lose their globalist funding and dissolve into a paramilitary enforcement organization similar to Hitler’s brownshirts. The foolish sycophants who support leftism and the anarchy it created will be eliminated because there is no place in globalism’s New World Order for agitators including Islamic jihadis.

America must win this war at the ballot box in November while we still have the opportunity to vote.

A predator is defined as an animal that naturally preys on others. Predation is a natural and accepted fact of life in the wild animal kingdom – eat or be eaten is a matter of survival.

A predator is also defined as a person or group that ruthlessly exploits others. Predation is an unacceptable fact of life in the civilized world of ordered liberty and mutuality where predation is a matter of domination, not survival.

Sexual predators live in this group. Sexual assaults, including rape and childhood sexual abuse, are crimes of power, dominance, and submission. Political predators are a variation on the same theme of power. Like sexual predators, political predators commit crimes of dominance and submission against unsuspecting members of society. This is how it works.

Political predators disguise their motives. No stranger ever seduced a child with spinach. Marxist political predators have been seducing American children with leftist anti-American indoctrination in public schools since 1979 when Jimmy Carter established the Department of Education. Political predators launched their Culture War war on America with a disinformation campaign promising social justice and income equality that begins in kindergarten.

Barack Obama, political predator-in-chief, escalated the propaganda campaign against American children with Common Core and its anti-American leftist narrative of moral relativism, historical revisionism, and political correctness. During his seditious two terms, Obama aligned himself with the equally anti-American Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

The longer the radical leftist Democrat party aligns itself with the antisemitic, sharia compliant, Jihadi narrative of submission, the closer the radical Democrat party platform resembles the tyranny of Islamist rhetoric and supremacist sharia law. The word Islam means submission.

Islamists deny Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign country. Today, the leftist Democrat party and its colluding Muslim Brotherhood Islamists in Congress deny not only Israel’s right to exist, they also deny America’s right to exist as a sovereign constitutional republic. The leftist/Islamist/globalist axis of political predators is attempting to take power in November and force America to submit to axis domination.

Aspirations for world domination and the creation of a New World Order are nothing new. English aristocrat Lord Bertrand Russell articulated the plan for the globalist elite’s New World Order in his 1952 classic, The Impact of Science on Society.

After WWII it was obvious that America could not be defeated militarily. Our enemies did not quietly into the night, they reconstituted themselves as social justice warriors with a plan for educational indoctrination that would subvert American culture and destroy America from within. It was Bertrand Russell who explained the value of educational propaganda in the disinformation war:

page 27-28 (Routledge Classics 2016 edition):
It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.

Education should aim at destroying free will so that pupils thus schooled, will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Influences of the home are obstructive; not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten; in order to condition students, verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. . . . It is for a future scientist to make these maxims precise and to discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.

The leftist educational indoctrination launched by Jimmy Carter in 1979 and amplified by Barack Obama, fully actuated the sinister plan of weaponizing education described by Bertrand Russell. The radical leftist Democrat war on America that begins in K-12 ends in anarchy on the streets of America today. The political predators are exploiting indoctrinated Americans and supplying them with financing, bricks, and Molotov cocktails to riot and burn America to the ground.

Political predator-in-chief, Barack Obama, sits in the shadow of the White House directing the 30,000 propagandized members of his Organizing for Action (OFA) “resistance” movement. From his bunker he orchestrates the movements of his shock troops against America-first President Trump. OFA, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, all indoctrinated with the forty-year lie of “institutional racism” are now demanding submission to their black supremacist demands.

The political predators of 21st century America use the Internet for mass social engineering to foment anarchy, race riots, and submission internationally. Anarchy is never the path to peace. It is the tyrannical weapon of political predators who instigate and finance it.

There are no laws without law enforcement. The movement to defund police departments across the country is the planned, paramilitary, tactical strategy to make America totally ungovernable. Overwhelming social chaos will bring calls for a nationalized police force run by “compassionate” radical leftist Democrats who will enforce the leftist narrative taught by Carter’s Department of Education and Obama’s Common Core. The goal of political predators is absolute power.

The infrastructure for a nationalized and then internationalized police force already exists. The International Council for Local Environmental Issues (ICLEI) was formed at the United Nations in New York, September 1990. There are 600 United Nations ICLEI member cities in the United States committed to UN Agenda 21/2030 and its international directives disguised as sustainable environmental policies. United Nations Agenda 21/2030 is the unapologetic globalist movement to create an internationalized New World Order ruled by a one-world government under the auspices of the United Nations. ICLEI has quietly moved into local governments to impose its comprehensive UN Sustainable Development policy dictating international rules for where people live, what they eat, what they drive, how they heat and light apartments or houses.

We have arrived at the time in our history when political predators threaten the extinction of America, our sovereignty, and our constitutional freedoms. The enemies of America are aligned in common cause to defeat America-first President Donald Trump in November. The axis of political predators including leftists, Islamists, globalists, and the communist Chinese who launched the coronavirus, are aligned in common cause to extinguish America as we know her. They do not acknowledge America’s right to exist.

If the axis powers are successful and the Democrats take power in November, the infighting will immediately begin but will not last long. The leftists, including communist organizations Antifa and Black Lives Matter, will lose their globalist funding and dissolve into a paramilitary enforcement organization similar to Hitler’s brownshirts. The foolish sycophants who support leftism and the anarchy it created will be eliminated because there is no place in globalism’s New World Order for agitators including Islamic jihadis.

America must win this war at the ballot box in November while we still have the opportunity to vote.

©All rights reserved.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: ‘Black Lives Matter’ [Video]

DETROIT ( – Planned Parenthood (PP) is the newest vocal supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, despite the cognitive dissonance involved. The abortion giant has demonstrated no regard for human lives in general and black lives in particular.

At least two Planned Parenthood affiliates in different regions of the country are now publicly backing Black Lives Matter. Yet racial equality and respect for human life — particularly black lives — is exactly what Planned Parenthood is not concerned with, recognizes Stan Guthrie, author, minister, and contributing editor for Breakpoint, a Christian website whose content “cuts through the fog of relativism … with truth and compassion.”

Guthrie speaks for countless thinking people when figuratively scratching his head, he points out the clear hypocrisy.

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon states:

Black and Brown communities in the United States have suffered murder, violence, trauma and overt and covert racism perpetrated by white people and white-led systems and institutions throughout our country’s entire history. This state-sanctioned violence and murder is not new, but it is intolerable and horrific and must stop. Black lives matter.

Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast says:

The over-policing of black bodies extends far beyond the actions of individual police officers. It is in our workplaces, our schools, our public institutions. It is in our health care system. It is that same policing of black bodies that makes the promise of reproductive freedom unattainable for so many black people in this country.

The first, obvious contradiction is that Planned Parenthood kills preborn babies. That is a prime money-maker for the abortion giant.

According to Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report for 2018–2019, it committed 345,672 prenatal murders in the United States in fiscal year 2018. That means 1,768 babies every single day. Its approximately 3 million abortions since 2011 is 38% of all surgical abortions committed in the United States.

Black lives: ‘human weeds’ to ‘exterminate’

With regard to race, Planned Parenthood was founded by eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

“Birth control does not mean contraception indiscriminately practiced,” Sanger once said. “It means the release and cultivation of the better elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”

Who she may have meant by “human weeds” was clarified in a letter of Dec. 10, 1939, to Clarence Gamble. Sanger explained the nature of her organization’s outreach to the African-American community, saying: “The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Sanger also said in her writings that immigrants, the “unfit,” the “delinquent and dependent classes,” and the “feeble-minded” should be controlled, if not weeded out.

Contraception, in her mind, was a great tool for doing so. She said it is a “powerful weapon against national and racial decadence.” Ostensibly, Sanger wanted her Birth Control League, the precursor of Planned Parenthood, to use birth control as a weapon against racial minorities as well as the mentally and physically handicapped.

Black Lives Still Targeted

It is no secret that Planned Parenthood tends to target minorities in impoverished areas of the country. “In 2014, 36% of all abortions were performed on black women, who are just 13% of the female population,” reported Jason Riley of the Wall Street Journal.

According to Illinois Right to Life and the 2010 Census, 79% of the Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of minority communities. And this is not without effect. In some cities, such as New York, black abortions outnumber black live births by thousands every year.

This is why groups such as Blacks for Life and have sprung up to defend black babies from the abortion suction machine and black communities from the disproportionate number of babies lost each year due to abortion

As commentators note, Planned Parenthood and Black Lives Matter are certainly strange bedfellows.

RELATED ARTICLE: Vatican Hails BLM as ‘Non-Violent’

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Culture Rape: Our Forefathers Condemned as Immoral — by the Worst Lowlifes Among Us

As statues again come down as our culture is further torn up, something goes unsaid and often unnoticed:

Notable Western historical figures are being condemned as immoral — by the most immoral, decadent, degenerate people among us.

The cultural revolutionaries attacking statues and what they represent, generally speaking:

  • support prenatal infanticide, which claims one million babies yearly in the U.S. and 40 to 50 million worldwide;
  • are products of our Sexual Devolution, meaning they’re what we used to call people of “easy virtue”; in fact, they’re often downright depraved;
  • are vulgar as can be, violating the biblical injunction to rid themselves “of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips”;
  • support socialism, even though it now can be easily known that it’s a system causing death, destruction and misery.

Moreover, consider the following list of virtues and ask yourself how many these revolutionaries embody as a group: charity, chastity, courage, diligence, kindness, faith, hope, honesty, fortitude, justice, temperance, prudence, patience, forgiveness, humility, and love. Why, could even one of them define “virtue”?

So I say to these civilization destroyers: Who the heck are you, you two-bit degenerates, to look down your noses morally at Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Christopher Columbus or, for that matter, the Founding Fathers, whom you’re also attacking? You’re not fit to shine their shoes.

Also generally unasked is this: If everyone associated with slavery is to now be demeaned, discredited and dishonored, who’ll make the cut? With slavery once having been ubiquitous in this world, how many prominent people of ages past were not participants in, enablers of or tolerant with respect to the practice?

Famed ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato, for example, both justified slavery. But historically speaking they weren’t outliers — they were the norm. So a wise person understands that a prerequisite for insight isn’t infallibility, that throwing out the baby with the bathwater (which perhaps appeals to the abortion-crazed) leaves you with an empty past and unguided present.

After all, what would be the result if we did this vis-à-vis technology, language and everything else and rejected all advancements/innovations birthed by people with checkered or “racist” pasts? We’d be left using sticks and stones while grunting.

So is our cultural revolutionaries’ goal their own “Year Zero,” as the past is completely erased? Not exactly, and this brings us to the real prejudice here.

While the rabble rousers claim to be so deeply offended by slavery, interestingly, they never complain about non-Western figures who embraced the practice. Consider Islam’s Mohammed, for example. He was not only a warlord, mass murderer, caravan raider and employer of torture who married a prepubescent girl, but also a slave owner and trader. Yet we never hear leftists rail against his exaltation or imply that his handiwork, the Koran, should be ignored. On the contrary, they’ve often taught children Islam in schools. And no small number of black Americans have embraced that medieval slave owner’s faith.

This double standard was also evident when cultural revolutionaries complained about Orange County, California’s airport being named after late actor John Wayne, who’d made politically incorrect comments about race in a 1971 Playboy interview. Yet they were mum on Louisville, Kentucky’s airport being renamed, just last year, after an individual who said in a 1975 Playboy interview, “A black man should be killed if he’s messing with a white woman.”

That individual was late boxer Muhammad Ali.

If the leftists truly cared about slavery and prejudice, they’d actually applaud white people. Whites likely weren’t the first to practice slavery, after all.

But they were the first to end it.

Whites also aren’t the only ones who’ve exhibited prejudice, but they were the first to make taming it a priority.

So what’s really going on here? The most Machiavellian cultural revolutionaries, the puppeteers, aren’t driven by a desire for justice but power. And you attack those whose power you want for yourself. In balkanized Western nations this means characterizing the power structure as white and then attacking it on that basis.

As for the useful-idiot miscreants in the street, they’re not driven by justice but prejudice. Consider that Philadelphia rioters recently defaced the statue of anti-slavery icon Matthias Baldwin, “who dedicated much of his life before, during and after the Civil War to helping black Americans and championing racial equality,” writes the Western Journal.

Of course, the vandals had no idea who Baldwin was and didn’t care. He’s a dead white male. That’s enough.

Oh, by the way, such ignorance reflects the deadly sin of sloth, which includes intellectual laziness. So it’s yet another indicator of the cultural revolutionaries’ moral stature.

In truth, though, it’s not uncommon for people to make moral judgments reflecting their time and place — and themselves. This brings us to our leftists’ moral blindness, to their lack of self-awareness, which relates to their unforgiving nature.

There are two yardsticks available for making moral judgments: the eternal and the ephemeral. The problem with moderns today — especially the subspecies called “leftists” — is that being moral relativists blind to Truth’s existence, they make everything relative to themselves.

When we recognize Truth (by definition universal, eternal, transcendent and correlative to God’s existence) and use it as a yardstick for making moral judgments and assessing others, yes, their flaws are revealed. They’ll pale in comparison to Truth.

But so will we. For Truth is perfect, but we can never be.

So when a Truth-(God) oriented person views the world, he sees people down low, morally, who can only strive for those heavens of virtue. But he also sees himself right beside them, a brother in brokenness. This breeds humility and a forgiving attitude.

The blind to Truth cannot, obviously, use it to make moral judgments and thus must use another guide. This often is what’s most real to them, what feels best to them, something whose existence they can’t deny: their own emotion. Hence the modern credo, “If it feels good, do it.”

The issue, however, is that deifying one’s feelings by making them arbiters of “right” amounts to deification of oneself. For once your emotions become the yardstick for “morality” — “your ‘truth’” — you can begin to see yourself as perfect. After all, how can you be out of conformity with yourself?

But others will never conform to your god-self perfectly. This engenders a perspective where you see yourself occupying the heavens, in Truth’s place, looking down on the flawed ants who may dare defy your will and foil your plans. This breeds arrogance and unforgiving wrath (ergo, the cancel cultists).

As G.K. Chesterton put it, “It is not bigotry to be certain we are right; but it is bigotry to be unable to imagine how we might possibly have gone wrong.” Our cultural revolutionaries, with their corruption-catalyzed cocksureness, are the ultimate bigots.

Yet in accordance with this, saner citizens must also see not only how they might have gone wrong, but how they actually have. Remember that the cultural revolution couldn’t succeed if the wider society loved our culture as much as the miscreants hate it, if its righteous anger matched the mob’s risible rage. Sadly, though, and reflecting the “demoralization” I wrote about last week, most today just don’t have a strong enough emotional attachment to what once was our common culture.

And to the purposeful and passionate go the victories. Eloi get subjugated by Morlocks every time.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to

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Boston Considers Removing Lincoln Statue That Features Freed Slave

Tearing Things Down Does Not Help Others Rise

Anarchy in Central Seattle Isn’t a ‘Festive Zone’

The Catastrophe of Fatherless America

Much of the mayhem we see today is linked to fatherlessness.

Around this time we celebrate Father’s Day. But fathers in our culture have not recently appeared very important—at least according to Hollywood and other culture-shapers.

We used to have programs like “Father Knows Best” or “Leave It to Beaver” with a respectable father figure. Then we devolved to Archie Bunker on “All in the Family.” He was the stereotypical bigoted, benighted patriarch who was not worthy of emulation.

Then we devolved to Homer Simpson, the buffoonish dad, who was anything but a role model.

Of course, in many households today, there is no dad. And that’s a serious problem. So many of the children in fatherless homes begin life at a serious disadvantage. The breakdown of the family at large has caused a huge crisis in our society. For instance, statistics show that the majority of prison inmates come from broken families.

Fatherlessness is a serious blight on American life. As the family goes, so goes society. And, contrary to what the left says (who spend much of their energy diminishing traditional gender roles and arguing that whatever “family you choose” is just as good as the real thing), fathers are integral to the life of a child.

Take an example. What is it that is devastating the black community today? Many in our current climate would say the main issue is racism. But sociologically, cultural pathologies are linked closely to poverty. And poverty is linked closely to the structure of the family. Government subsidies (by which the left buys votes) has created a permanent underclass of people by subsidizing fatherlessness and unemployment.

Prior to the Great Society, the rate of illegitimacy in the black community was relatively low and families were intact. And as economist Thomas Sowell points out, the poverty rate for African-Americans fell by 40 percent from 1940 to 1960—just before the “Great Society” welfare programs. Today, the illegitimacy rate is over 75%, which is devastating—by virtually all accounts.

I remember many years ago when I attended an “evangelical church” in Chicago that was a little on the liberal side. One of the lay leaders, a man, got up and prayed, and he said, “Our Father, Our Mother….”

I was thinking, “What?!?” So I asked him after the service about the unorthodox prayer.

His response was that that church was in the shadow of the most notorious housing project in the city, Cabrini-Green. Fatherlessness was a huge problem there. Most people growing up there had a negative feeling about their earthly father because he was absent or drunk or abusive. Cabrini-Green was such a disaster that it has since been torn down.

In his book, Hearts of the Fathers, Charles Crismier notes that many American children today lack the “God-ordered earthly anchor for soul security” because dad is not in the home. He notes, “It is well known but seldom discussed, whether in the church house or the White House, that fatherlessness lies at the root of nearly all of the most glaring problems that plague our modern, now post-Christian life.”

For example, take the issue of poverty. Says Crismier, “Children living in female-headed homes have a poverty rate of 48 percent, more than four times the rate for children living in homes with their fathers and mothers.”

He points out that fathers are so important in the Bible, beginning with God the Father, that the words “father,” “fathers,” and “forefathers” appear 1,573 times.

Obviously, children in fatherless homes can survive and even thrive despite that handicap. But what a better thing it is to follow God’s design for the family.

There’s also a link between fatherlessness and unbelief. About 20 years ago, when he was a professor at New York University, Dr. Paul Vitz wrote a book, The Faith of the Fatherless. In that book he showed how famous atheists and skeptics in history had virtually no father figure in their life or a very negative father.

As examples, he cites Voltaire, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean Paul Sartre, Thomas Hobbs, and Sigmund Freud, among others.

Conversely, Vitz found that strong believers often had positive fathers or father figures. In an interview for Christian television, he told me, “I would say the biggest problem in the country is the breakdown of the family, and the biggest problem in the breakdown in the family is the absence of the father. Our answer is to recover the faith, particularly for men, and we’ll recover fatherhood. And if we recover fatherhood, we’ll recover the family. If we recover the family, we’ll recover our society.”

If you’re a father and you stay with your children and you love your wife, you’re a real hero and roll model. Keep it up—our nation is counting on you.

The Democrat Party is No.1 Enemy of the American Republic

Why are Their Thought-Leaders Profoundly Un-American?

America is in chaos, the republic is threatened, and it is confused and showing weakness. We hadn’t been prepared for the war that is being thrust upon us, and as usual our weakness invites aggression. We’ve been seeing this aggression for the last four years, but we didn’t know that the chief source of that aggression is the Democrat Party who are confronting the Republicans for power over us and the political system designed by our Founding fathers. Don’t be surprised by the unfamiliar brute force foreign tactics and methods used by the Dems, they have a partner in these endeavors–Putin’s KGB. The coup d’etat against Trump is going into its fifth year. The Deep State, Communist Tom Perez, and Vladimir Putin have an agenda for America–Socialism in America, otherwise—American cities will burn. And… the burning and clashes with police are underway before your eyes…

The Failed American Intelligence

In one of his speeches in 2018, President Trump mentioned the name of Michael Hayden—he is the man responsible for President George W. Bush seeing the soul in Putin’s eyes. Putin’s soul? It doesn’t exist. What a shame for the American Intelligence! Michael Hayden, however, is not an exception—there was no profound knowledge within the FBI of Russian agenda, her Security Services and their methods, tactics, and dirty tricks. As a result we have been deeply infiltrated by Russian Security agencies for at least several decades. In writing about them, I use the term–KGB. This infiltration is responsible for drastic changes in all corners of our society: the government, culture, media, academia, science, courts, sport, and educational system, dividing us and transforming America’s moral face.

In this extremely dangerous time the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says it’s time for statues of Confederate leaders at the U.S. Capitol to go. She has been in the House of Representatives for thirty years and never addressed the issue. Pelosi’s demand did not surprise me, she has been the leader of all fraudulent actions against President Trump for all four years. She continues acting in cahoots with the criminal leadership of the Dems and their military wing, Antifa. America is now experiencing one of those low moments in its history. It seems to be reflecting and reproducing the terrible events that occurred in the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics–USSR.

The Ideology of Socialism is Already Dead

Democrats have a short memory—they don’t remember the collapse of the USSR in 1991. History is the Mother of all sciences and with a horror I am watching a carbon copy of the Russian Socialist history in America, the events today are reflecting events in Socialist Russia in the past: Violent crowds with enthusiasm were vandalizing monuments and changing the names of the streets in Russia, rewriting history, censuring good books and movies. These exact Socialist tactics are going on in America executed by the Socialist Charlatans and their army Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other anarchists, crafted by the KGB. History is permanent and nobody ever can change it. The generation that ignores history is doomed and has no future!

Another similarity with Russia: a leader of the Socialist Revolution in Russia, Vladimir Lenin proposed the dissolution of police. Do you remember Obama’s negative attitude towards the police? After listening to him, I wrote: “Stalin’s policy of divide and conquer has been implemented in many areas on our society including the race relations… to obtain control of the local law-enforcement to nationalize and federalize it, like Stalin did…Obama began this policy within his first five years–dozens of local agencies are being investigated. Be prepared for open season on policemen and remember…where politics intertwine with organized crime. The police already feel under the siege. Be prepared for a lot of killing of policemen and mob rule in America.” Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, p.135, Xlibris, 2016

What I predicted in 2016, came very fast to America. There was only one established and practiced Socialism in the world, the Soviet one. For your information Socialism in Russia proved its own insolvency, it was unable to produce and collapsed in 1991, in the country it was born, Russia. The KGB had usurped the power in the country from weak leadership and catapulted Vladimir Putin to presidency—this, the Socialist model was reincarnated and Stalin/Andropov’s design for America’s destruction had been revived. You are witnessing now the ‘Cultural Revolution’ in America, the way it was in Russia and China in the 20th century. Be ready for new difficulties our police will endure. Read here: State Authorized Killing of Civilians is a War-Crime, May 27, 2020.

The KGB in America

I have intentionally tied those two names, Andropov was a conduit between Stalin and Putin, and Putin is the devoted disciple of Andropov. Unfortunately the FBI and the vast majority of Americans don’t know that. Let me give you some words about the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov 1967-1982 and the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR in 1982. I will give you a conversation of Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking KGB officer ever to defect to the U.S, with Yuri Andropov:

“In 1972 the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the U.S. As KGB Chairman, Yuri Andropov told me a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America that could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feel safe.  (“Russian Footprints,” by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, August 24, 2008.)

General Pacepa wrote in the same article: “According to Andropov… the Muslims had a taste for nationalism, jingoism, and victimology. Their illiterate, oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch. Terrorism and violence against Israel and her master, American Zionism, would flow naturally from the Muslims’ religious fervor, Andropov sermonized.”  Epilogue, pp.341-342, What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012.

Here is the answer to many questions about our current enemies and how to divide and conquer America. Following the Andropov design, Socialist Charlatans were set, bent, and fixed across the globe, especially in America by the KGB. It was Andropov who developed further Stalin’s design and for America had implemented a simultaneous infiltration of the media and Security Services to destroy the democratic principles of the American Constitutional Republic left to us by our Founding Fathers. Andropov’s agenda was easily succeeded with the help of two American Manchurian Presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, both Democrats. Read here my column: Revelation, April 26, 2018.

I hope you remember the Black Liberation Army created by the KGB in the 1960s. The issue of black and white was fully exploited by the KGB in the 1960s. The Civil Rights Movement was infiltrated in the beginning with by the KGB to inculcate the Civil Rights members in the Russian social model of Socialism, making them Socialist Charlatans. Dozens of them in the name of civil rights have become the members of the Congress. Bob Woodson, a leader of Civil Rights Movement gave a real history of black America that deteriorated during the last fifty years under the domination of Democrat Party. “We have a 9/11 every six months in the black community killing each other.” Read about the work of the Woodson Center…

Bob Woodson in right: blacks are killing blacks by the thousands in Chicago, more killing there than in the war in Afghanistan. The party of slavery, which pushed segregation and incited violence now is collaborating with Putin to destroy the American Republic and President Trump. Dems have exploited the black community for decades and now the blacks grasp it. Fatherless black family is the central problem created by the Dems. The institution of marriage and family were destroyed by the Democrats welfare system, and as a result the black community suffers enormously today… Vladimir Putin is laughing hilariously in the Kremlin—the Democrats achieved such a distraction of America that the KGB could only dream…

Moreover, the Democrat Party ruined the states and cities where the governors and mayors are Dems. Minneapolis and Seattle are the recent examples, where violent hoodlums are fighting the police. Other Blue states will follow them. Considering the latest statements of Nancy Pelosi there is a coordinated chain of events by the Democrat Party, fighting for power before the election. They have no idea of how to govern responsibly, and can’t win in the election by votes—they are doing it by fraud and force, like Bolsheviks did in the Socialist Revolution in 1917 Russia through the Duma (Parliament). In America today Nancy Pelosi is doing the same—she is a Chief Socialist Charlatan-provocateur.

Ideas are not spread by air or wind—people disseminate them, and Socialist Charlatans distributed bad ideas to divide and conquer. The recent Covid-19 pandemic threatened us all, but we couldn’t find an expert to relay on—the medical community was divided as well. That division was created by China that collaborated with the W.H.O. Director Tedros Adhanom, a man recruited by the KGB in 1970-1980s. If you know the history of Ethiopia and Soviet invasion there, you will grasp the truth. The Soviet policy of infiltration into all international organization is even more intact under Putin. I hope a new Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe knows that. Unfortunately, the FBI Director is an empty suit—he doesn’t know the KGB and doesn’t understand that Squad in the Congress, Antifa and Black Lives Matter are crafted and trained by the KGB… I am not sure that the DOJ knows that…

My fellow Americans!

Our National Security is at stake! The power is in your hands to expose and condemn the Democrat Party combatting the American Republic and President Trump. Your future is in your own hands, learn the Truth. Knowledge is POWER!

P.S. The Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch should read my columns and not become Supreme Justice Elena Kagan.

To be continued and at

©All rights reserved.

It Didn’t Start with The Federalist, I was Canceled Before Cancellation was Cool

Everyone is all upset about Google pole-axing the Federalist and Zero Hedge, and rightly so. Twitter is full of warnings from conservatives that if this silencing of dissenting voices isn’t stopped, the freedom of speech will be a dead letter, free society will be a thing of the past, and America will swiftly become a totalitarian state.

I’m sympathetic, but must point out that I’ve been sounding this warning for years, while establishment conservatives, the ones who are feeling the heat now, paid no heed (and the Left celebrated). What has happened now to the Federalist and Zero Hedge is nothing new at all: Google banned me and other foes of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women several years ago. I was also banned by GoFundMe, PayPal (briefly), Patreon, MasterCard, Indiegogo, Amazon Smile, Amazon’s Associates program, and probably others I’ve forgotten. When all that happened, there was no reaction from mainstream conservatives who professed to oppose the progressive Leftist silencing of voices that oppose them.

Why was there no reaction? Because years ago, the establishment right accepted the “Islamophobia” narrative. Leftist organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) told the world that to oppose jihad violence and Sharia oppression was ipso facto “Islamophobic” and hateful. Islamic advocacy groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) relentlessly insisted that all opposition to jihad was “bigotry,” while the establishment media passed on these claims uncritically, never informing the public about CAIR’s unsavory ties. Meanwhile, Dinesh D’Souza told conservatives that unnamed “conservative Muslims” were their natural allies and partners, ignoring the fact that Osama bin Laden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the like are “conservative Muslims.” George W. Bush told them that Islam was a religion of peace.

Others insisted to conservatives that the entire resistance to jihad was “racist” unless it was led by moderate Muslims who claimed that when properly understood, Islam was indeed a religion of peace as Bush said, and that it was wrong to discuss how Islamic jihadis used the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims. A few years ago I sat in a meeting with some of the heads of the leading counter-terror groups in the country, and we discussed a joint initiative. Then one of those leaders pointed out that we were all white men and that our efforts would have no legitimacy unless a moderate Muslim led them. I, on the other hand, thought the truth was true no matter who stated it, but that was distinctly a minority view; everyone else agreed not only that it was prudent to play the Left’s identity politics game in order to gain more mainstream attention and avoid charges of “racism” and “bigotry,” but that it was right to do so, and somehow improper for non-Muslims to want to defend themselves against jihad violence. Those moderate Muslims meanwhile convinced many conservatives that the moderates, that is, a handful of people with tiny organizations, represented a genuine force for reform within the Islamic world, and that this reform was the only hope.

But the primary driving force, as is so often the case, was fear. Establishment conservatives, including the Republican Party, Fox News, National Review, the whole panoply, were terrified of being labeled “racist,” “bigoted,” and “Islamophobic.” To prevent that, they were willing to mute, censor, and cover with euphemisms their response to jihad violence and Sharia oppression. In doing so, they gutted their own effectiveness, because they no longer spoke (if they ever did speak) about the true nature and magnitude of the threat. Instead, they focused narrowly on one aspect of the problem — terrorist attacks — while ignoring or denying the goal of jihad, other forms of jihad, the nature of Sharia, the oppression of whole populations under Sharia, and more.

Fear and cowardice being the hallmarks of American establishment conservatism, foes of jihad were thrown to the wolves. I’ve repeatedly tried to sue the Southern Poverty Law Center for defaming me as a white supremacist, a bigot, and all the rest of it, but I only ever found one lawyer who would take the case. Most others were afraid to go up against the SPLC money machine. The one who was willing wanted $500,000, which I do not have and cannot raise since GoFundMe and the rest are closed to me. Meanwhile, establishment conservative organizations don’t dare to feature me or other foes of jihad terror, as they know what will ensue: a firestorm of protest from the establishment media and the Left, and they’re just not willing to stand up against that. Last November I spoke up in New Hampshire for a local Republican Party group. The local media ginned up hysteria, the state Democratic Party chairman, Raymond Buckley, libeled me as a “white supremacist” and refused to retract, other Democrats called for my cancellation, and several venues did cave in to the pressure. The worst aspect of the whole thing, however, was that the local Republicans obediently fell into line. They fired the local party chairman who had invited me, and replaced him with state Rep. Steven Smith, an embarrassing invertebrate who apologized for my appearance even though he hadn’t attended, hadn’t viewed the video, and had no idea what I said. He just knew that the Democrats were angry, and so he jumped to appease them. And he is, of course, not alone. He should be elected chairman of the Republican National Committee, because the whole thing is as small, weak, and spineless as he is.

All that being said, I am neither complaining nor asking anyone for anything. The ship has sailed; there is no one to ask. I’m merely posting these observations as a record, for as long as it lasts, of how we got here, and a signpost to what is certain to happen next. Just as I have warned many times, the Left is now coming for the establishment conservatives who thought they would be spared if they threw me and others who were targeted by the Left under the bus. That was never true, and everyone knows that now. Nonetheless, probably never-Trump conservatives and others still think they won’t be targeted. They’re wrong. But by the time they find that out, it will be far, far too late.


Pope calls for “establishment of pathways” for hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants to settle in Europe

Israel, in a first, files charges against Muslim parents for underage sharia marriage

In Beirut, Protesters Shout “No to Hezbollah”

Italy: Muslim migrant screaming “Allahu akbar” blocks cars, throws chairs, says Italy is “sh-t”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Excessive Use of Profanity

I’ve noticed profanity has become a natural part of the teenager vernacular lately, perhaps excessively so. I know teachers and parents who are very much concerned with this and are at a loss as to how to handle it. In my school days, we were all well aware of the words but knew better to use them in the presence of adults as schools still practiced corporal punishment back then. If you got out of line, you weren’t just sent to detention, you were swatted with a paddle.

A lot has changed since then. Today, only 18 states in the country allow corporal punishment in schools. As many as 61 countries have outlawed it altogether. I guess this is another area where lawyers have gotten involved and threatened lawsuits on behalf of irate parents who refuse to discipline their own children and subject the rest of us to these clods.

In studying this issue, I noticed all 50 states in the country allow corporal punishment on the part of parents. Yet, I wonder how many parents actually exercise such action. Again, back when I was a kid, if you got out of line, the old man would take a belt to your hide or your mother would wash your mouth out with soap if you spoke foul language (as happened to Ralphie in the movie, “A Christmas Story”). My great grandmother would use a switch or fly swatter if necessary. Such corporal punishment was not unique to my family as just about every kid on the block was keenly aware of the penalties for stepping out of line. It’s called, “cause and effect”; if you screwed-up, you had to suffer the consequences. Believe me, we would have much preferred to have been “grounded” than face the wrath of a displeased parent. Being “grounded” just didn’t exist back then.

I’m not sure why teens use profanity excessively; perhaps it is to appear “cool” or something they learned through the media, but it sure seems they drop the “F-bomb” as if it is a common everyday word. I’m no saint myself when it comes to swearing, but as an adult you realize there is a time and place for everything and you tend to use it more judiciously than our youth. Excessive use of profanity does two things; first, it waters down the effect of the word. Whereas profanity is normally used to stir emotions, inordinate use negates its effect. Second, excessive profanity is a significant indicator of someone’s intellect. Rudimentary language reflects a rudimentary intellect. I am reminded of the old maxim whereby, “Profanity is the attempt of a lazy and feeble mind to express itself forcefully.”

When youth uses profanity in the presence of adults, it does not threaten or embarrass adults as much as it causes the youth in question to lose all credibility in the adult’s eyes. It is just not smart to do. I find it rather amusing when youth resorts to primitive profanity as opposed to articulating their position. It most definitely does not make them look more mature.

As for me personally, I tend to think of profanity along the same lines as Mark Twain who said, “In certain trying circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer.” Amen!

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. This is the perfect gift for youth!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

The Betrayal and the Programming behind Covid 19 – A UK Perspective [Part 3]

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, he is taken away in and for his perversity and iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.  Ezekiel 33:6

Disturbing the Nation

Sir Winston Churchill has now officially gone into isolation; he has retreated to within the four walls of boxed confinement with absolutely no contact whatsoever with the outside world.  The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has decided the very best protection for him against demonstrators who consider his image ‘offensive’, must be hidden away.   It is for his own good.   Does this sound familiar?

I’m wondering how he is surviving inside there, caged up like a trapped bird, dark, with no cool breeze or sunlight on his face, no vision or hope of release whilst perpetrators roam indignant, justified, and apparently free.  Does this sound familiar too?  Despite Churchill’s country welcoming people of all races, colours and religions; for some, he is now the epitome of hatred.

The same hatred has also been applied to the Cenotaph, a war memorial in London, dedicated to fallen soldiers during two world wars.  There are also other monuments and statues which are apparently on a hit-list of sites to be destroyed across the UK.  Some local resident’s who still possess the spirit of patriotism towards their country, are attempting to physically defend the attack’s being planned.

Many people have also called for the resignation of Sadiq Khan.  They believe the monuments should not have been boarded up.   They are part of this country’s heritage.

In relation to London’s historical landmarks, the London mayor had stated that London is:

 “One of the most diverse cities in the world”, but recent Black Lives Matter protests have highlighted the fact that the city’s statues, plaques and street names largely reflect Victorian Britain.

“We must ensure that we celebrate the achievements and diversity of all in our city, and that we commemorate those who have made London what it is – that includes questioning which legacies are being celebrated”

This is very convenient.  One can only imagine what type of statues, plaques and street names may replace Victorian Britain when every single vestige of British history has gone?  Some people may also be wondering what may happen to the statue of Nelson Mandela?

This aside, there are some historical facts about Winston Churchill that are indeed alarming, which although were historically accurate in the early 1900’s may not necessarily detract from his later staunch support and encouragement for Great Britain for which he is more well known?

According to Sir Martin Gilbert who is the honorary member and trustee of The Churchill Centre and also the official biographer of Winston Churchill, it is stated:

When he was Home Secretary (February 1910-October 1911) Churchill was in favour of the confinement, segregation, and sterilization of a class of persons contemporarily described as the “feeble minded.”

The feeble minded, which is the mentally ill or disabled person according to eugenicists, are a burden upon society and a threat to the human race.

It is reported that Winston Churchill sought to implement the sterilization of the feeble minded under the pretext that it was of a Christian and a Scientific duty to help them now they were in this world.   It is reported that Roman Catholic leaders denounced it as contrary to Christian morals and basic human rights and in view of this between 1913 and 1959 detention and not sterilization was chosen for the legislative path for Great Britain and no legislation along any lines was made whilst Churchill was at the Home Office.  It was in 1911 he left his role as Home Secretary and he was made First Lord of the Admiralty in charge of the Royal Navy.

Divide and Conquer

The current demonstrations taking place within the UK have not been peaceful.  There were many police officers who were injured attempting to control the crowds who were taking it upon themselves to deface property and harm others.

It is also shocking that thousands can attend a rally in London to protest about a man who was sadly killed thousands of miles away in another country, but that they cannot see their own enslavement to a form of dictatorship which is currently taking place today in the UK under Covid -19 and how they are being used.

The incitement towards the hatred of white people (because of the color of their skin) plays perfectly into the hands of the puppeteers who are currently using it as a distraction, whilst at the same time creating a further sense of fear by the lawlessness which is currently taking place.  The separation from loved ones which many people are suffering from is being further enhanced.  Mental health issues are naturally increasing.   The puppeteers care nothing for black or white people.  Fear and confusion is their missile.      Elites see us all as ‘feeble minded’.

Unfortunately, The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby recently emerged from his own self-isolation, also decrying the ongoing evil of ‘white’ supremacy and systemic racism.  Thank you Mr Welby for dividing the races and putting lives at further risk.

Conveniently, he made no mention of the millions of Christian lives, both black and white, worldwide, who have died because of their faith, or those who laid down their lives for their fellow man.

Maybe it should have been a time of reminding people of another clergyman and civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, who peaceably made history by stating we are known by our ‘character’ and not the color of our skin?   Decent people most certainly walk arm in arm and kneel together in prayer with that type of attitude.   Together we can be a majority against the unseen minority who are playing games with our lives.

Beware of Eugenicists!

Those who believe in culling the nation and who think they are superior and do not really value human life, no longer have to make their intentions more widely known.  World wars do not have to be created to get rid of men, although civil wars can be useful.  Psychological warfare and race relation wars can be created from afar so that men can destroy each other instead.   This is currently being played out now.

Eugenicists can also hide behind the mask of having your best interests at heart.  They come in many shapes, sizes and colors.

Human experimentation, hormone blockers, sterilization by way of vaccine, lethal injections, euthanasia, abortion and even birth control has all played into the hands of eugenicists, who worship death.   Sexual immorality, starting with the indoctrination of the very young, has also created sexually transmitted infections which have damaged and killed many people, as well as damaging their souls.  Some of our foods and our waters are also intentionally poisoned.

Eugenicists have simply found a way of making it ‘our choice’

In light of what is being orchestrated and planned under Covid-19, people need to research history more thoroughly and then research the beliefs of those who are imposing decisions to be made upon our lives today.  Eugenicists do not die, they just change their strategy.

Disarming Police Forces/Identity Cards/Curfews

In light of how eugenics was used in Nazi Germany to ethnically cleanse the country, important points for all citizens today to discuss are:

  • Is the extreme social distancing which people are being asked to carry out a form of pre-programming to segregate people from each other?
  • Is mask wearing, which is also a form of disguise and a symbol of slavery appropriate in areas ‘outside’ of clinical settings?
  • Should contact tracing and vaccination passports be enforced upon adults and children to identify your perceived cleanliness in society?
  • Should police officers be told to stand down when damage is being done to destroy certain buildings?
  • Should curfews for certain groups of people be put in place?
  • Should the collective worship of an organization outside of a religious building be encouraged or questioned?
  • Should all discussion be banned in favor of what we are to be told?

At the weekend, a Jewish rabbi was stabbed in Stanford Hill, London in an unprovoked attack whilst waiting in line at the bank.  As stated in the article by Jewish Press it was difficult to find any mention of this by the mainstream media.

In view of the lawlessness which is already being created and in light of the rapid destruction and the dismantling of Christian principles within society, on which the order of life and law would perfectly flourish, it should now be perfectly clear that the battle is spiritual.

Chaos has filled the gap, and any order that is now being built upon is evil.  The One World Order is not the order that God created.

When people enquire as to why people did nothing to stop the holocaust which took place in Germany between 1939 and 1941, we may one day ask ourselves the very same question.

What did we do about people who believe in sterilization and de-population?

Churches take note.

John 16:3-4:

They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you about them.


No10 refuse to say if Boris Johnson agrees with controversial new aide on eugenics

Johnson’s “herd immunity” strategy and the London Conference on Intelligence whitewash: Britain’s ruling class and eugenics

Right-on Welby boards the white supremacy bandwagon

The thin blue line is unbreakable, says female mounted police officer who is ‘hanging in there’ in hospital with a punctured lung and broken collarbone after being hurt in Black Lives Matter protest


Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and Switzerland have at different times used sterilisation for the mentally ill. The number of sterilisations in Sweden was 62,000. The most notorious sterilisation legislation was promulgated in Nazi Germany in July 1933, under which more than 150,000 Germans, including many children and babies, judged ‘mentally unfit’ were sterilised, and an equal number killed by gas or lethal injection between 1933 and 1940.

©All rights reserved.

Democrats Bend the Knee to the Cult of Intersectionality

Last week, Democrat leaders in the US House of Representatives, draped in matching stoles made of culturally appropriated African kente cloth, literally bent the knee to the new religion of intersectionality and permanent racial conflict.

For nine long minutes, the Democrats, normally scornful of overt displays of religiosity, struggled to keep their balance as their aging, arthritic knees buckled before TV cameras.

The ostensible purpose of this widely ridiculed exercise was to pay respect to the memory of George Floyd, the 46-year-old African-American man who lost his life, apparently due to a heart attack, as he was aggressively pinned to the ground by members of the Minneapolis police department and begged for help.

Yet what the Congressional Democrats were really doing was enacting a religious ritual, demonstrating their new allegiance to the far-left ideology of intersectionality.

Coined by the black feminist Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in 1989 and developed by the author bell hooks, intersectionality was originally a critique of mainstream “cisgender” feminism as being too white, too upper-class and too heterosexual to speak to the problems faced by black and brown women.

Over the decades, however, intersectionality has evolved into a comprehensive ideology of racial and sexual conflict in which all of life is explained through the lens of permanent oppression.

Every problem experienced by allegedly marginalized groups – from black and Latina women to gays and lesbians – is said to originate with “systemic“ racism or sexism, regardless of evidence.

“[A]ll of the binary dimensions of oppression are said to be interlocking and overlapping,” explains the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, describing the intersectional religion.

“America is said to be one giant matrix of oppression, and its victims cannot fight their battles separately. They must all come together to fight their common enemy, the group that sits at the top of the pyramid of oppression: the straight, white, cis-gendered, able-bodied Christian or Jewish or possibly atheist male.”

Over the past decade, this fringe ideology, once confined solely to the gender studies departments of mid-tier universities, has become more and more mainstream.

Now its dogmas are repeated ritualistically by politicians such as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer but also, increasingly, by “woke” CEOs such as Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, American Airlines’s Doug Parker, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, General Motors’ Mary Barra, and many others.

Robert Johnson, the billionaire founder of the Black Entertainment Network, announced June 1 that the amount of money white Americans should pay to the descendants of black slaves is $14 trillion.

Observers have remarked that the ideology of intersectionality has all the hallmarks of a non-theistic religion. That’s because it appears to be based on blind faith, not evidence.

Numerous academic studies have failed to find evidence of widespread racism in America’s police agencies.

An analysis of all 1,003 fatal shootings by U.S. police in 2019, compiled by the Washington Post’s Fatal Force database, shows that in 2019 police agencies shot and killed 405 white suspects, 250 black suspects and 169 Hispanic suspects.

The overwhelming majority of those shot, however, both white and black, brandished weapons – either guns (601), knives (173) or vehicles being driven at officers (65).

How many unarmed suspects were killed by police?

The answer: 14 unarmed black suspects and 25 white suspects. In addition, most of the black suspects killed by police were shot by black police officers.

In contrast to the 250 black suspects killed by police in 2019, a staggering 6,237 black men and 1,168 black women were murdered in 2018, almost all (93%) by black criminals.

Thus, the evidence shows that the primary threat to the life and safety of black people comes not from the police, as the advocates of intersectionality allege, but from a small number of vicious criminals.

The overwhelming majority of America’s 37 million black citizens are peaceful, law-abiding people who just want to raise their children in safety, but they are preyed upon by a violent criminal underclass that kills 29 times more black people every year than cops do.

“Of the more than three hundred people killed in the streets of Baltimore last year, just about all of them were African Americans,” says black sociologist John Hudgins. “The shooters (killers) were most likely black as well… We must realize that some black people are a much greater threat to other black people than the Ku Klux Klan or the White Citizens’ Councils.”

Yet according to the intersectional religion, the answer to the epidemic of murder among blacks is to eliminate the police entirely – a radical proposal that polls show the overwhelming majority of Americans (65% to 16%) vehemently oppose.

One enlightened disciple of intersectionality – Minneapolis’ City Council president Lisa Bender – told CNN that women who call the police when criminals break into their homes in the middle of the night are doing so out of “a place of privilege.”

Make no mistake: this isn’t politics anymore. This is blind faith.

Indeed, there are literally dozens of videos on the Internet that illustrate this, with self-identified Black Lives Matter activists forcing cowed liberals to literally kneel in their presence enacting ritualistically the alleged advantages of whiteness (such as having a father in the home), and chanting the tenets of the intersectional creed .

And at about the same time that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were bending their knees to the gods of intersectionality, a number of prominent journalists were forced out of their jobs – at the Philadelphia Inquirer and The New York Times, to name two – merely for allowing articles to be published that were critical of looting and rioting in America’s cities.

Free speech and a free press, apparently, are yet more examples of “white privilege” that must be jettisoned in the intersectional new world order.

“Speech is a luxury of class,” K-Sue Park, a legal scholar at UCLA, told The Guardian newspaper in May.

Of course, for national Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer, the rituals of the new intersectional religion seem no more sincerely embraced than Chuck Schumer’s annual donning of a yarmulke or Nancy Pelosi taking communion.

The ritualized bending of the knee seems more a cynical calculation in the Democrats’ never-ending quest for political power – a fact not lost on many black observers.

As a political party, the Democrats were the original defenders of slavery and racial segregation in the South – and, for more than 180 years, they have acted as though they can tell black Americans what to do and how to think.

Joe Biden, their current candidate for president, displayed this same arrogance during an interview May 22.

Slipping into a widely mocked “blacent,” Biden declared that if any African-Americans were having trouble deciding if they were voting for him or for Donald Trump, then “you ain’t black.”

Yes, black lives do matter… and U.S. police appear to use lethal force, against both white and black suspects, too often.

Yet the Democrats cynical embrace of the religion of intersectionality – their advocacy of permanent racial conflict — is an insult to everything America’s black leaders have fought for over the centuries.

From Frederick Douglass to Martin Luther King, Jr., America’s black leaders have challenged Americans to live up to their country’s cherished ideals of freedom and equality , not dismiss them, as the advocates of intersectionality do, as illusions.

Robert Hutchinson

Robert J. Hutchinson is the author of many works of popular history, including, most recently, What Really Happened: The Lincoln Assassination (2020). More by Robert Hutchinson

RELATED ARTICLE: You can’t learn from a history that’s been deleted

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: World-Leading Infectious Disease Expert Explains Why Government Lockdowns Should End

In 2010, The Atlantic said that Dr. John Ioannidis “may be one of the most influential scientists alive.”

The article, written by David H. Freedman, made it clear the Greek-American physician-scientist’s rising star stemmed in part from the fearlessness he demonstrated in challenging bad science in the medical research field.

“[Ioannidis is] what’s known as a meta-researcher, and he’s become one of the world’s foremost experts on the credibility of medical research,” Freedman wrote. “He and his team have shown, again and again, and in many different ways, that much of what biomedical researchers conclude in published studies—conclusions that doctors keep in mind when they prescribe antibiotics or blood-pressure medication, or when they advise us to consume more fiber or less meat, or when they recommend surgery for heart disease or back pain—is misleading, exaggerated, and often flat-out wrong.”

Today, Ioannidis is the C.F. Rehnborg Chair in Disease Prevention at Stanford University. He has authored some of the most cited medical journal articles in history.

Ten years after his glowing profile in The Atlantic, however, Ioannidis finds himself in the crosshairs of media and medical professionals for doing what he’s always done: challenging science he believes is flawed. This time, however, Ioannidis is challenging medical findings of a virus that isn’t just deadly, but deeply controversial.

Ioannidis has become perhaps the leading medical voice against COVID-19 alarmism and government lockdowns.

It began with a March 17 article in Stat that suggested governments around the world were taking sweeping and potentially harmful actions to limit the spread of COVID-19 without sufficient data. Then came a May 5 white paper he authored which suggested COVID-19 was not nearly as deadly as initially feared, a claim later supported by an NPR report that cited research from Johns Hopkins University showing a fatality risk as low as 0.5 percent. Ioannidis’s latest research on the COVID fatality rate pegs the median COVID-19 fatality risk at 0.25 percent, much lower than previous estimates but still about two and a half times higher than the seasonal flu.

Ioannidis’s credentials might be impeccable, but his findings have not been without controversy.

In an impressive piece of medical journalism published at, investigative journalist Jeanne Lenzer and Shannon Brownlee of the Lown Institute detail the withering criticism Ioannidis has received from media and medical professionals alike.

Ioannidis appears unfazed by the attacks, which include (very thin) accusations that his study suffered from an undisclosed conflict of interest.

In the medical journal BMJ, Ioannidis recently explained why he believes government lockdowns should be lifted. (An opposing view is offered by Edward R. Melnick of the Yale Medical School.)

Even if covid-19 is far milder than feared, it can still devastate in specific settings. Massacres in overwhelmed hospitals with contaminated personnel and in nursing homes represent the lion’s share of deaths. Hospital preparedness, universal personnel screening, draconian infection control, and social distancing in these locations are indispensable.

However, blind lockdown of entire populations has questionable added benefits. Locking down healthy, no-risk people and transferring covid-19 patients to nursing homes was absurd. Proponents of “lockdown to flatten the curve” should acknowledge that this gains time for hospital preparedness but that most, if not all, covid-19 deaths will still happen when measures are relaxed—unless effective treatments and/or vaccines emerge. Moreover, the lockdown-to-flatten-the-curve rationale ignores seasonality and espouses 100 year old observational data from a 1918 pandemic with an infection fatality rate 100 times higher than covid-19.

Lockdowns have multiple components. Some, such as avoiding mass gatherings, may work; others may not. Some may even increase the number of covid-19 deaths—for instance, school closures may increase frail relatives’ exposure to children. But, regardless of the combination, lockdowns bring multifarious harms beyond those related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, such as the consequences of health system dysfunction and extended harms eroding health, the economy, and society at large.

Lockdowns implemented during high infectious activity will force infective people to spend more time with frail relatives in cramped spaces. Low wage, essential workers adopt higher risks, and shelters for vulnerable homeless people become infection hotspots, while wealthy, healthy citizens get to stay at home. Stress may also affect our immune responses to respiratory infections. And, with the added horror spread by various media sources, lockdowns represent uniquely stressful experiences.

Under lockdown conditions many patients with acute, treatable conditions (such as coronary syndromes) avoid seeking care. This disruption may be seen in the excess deaths accruing so far in the covid-19 lockdown. Patients with cancer whose treatment is delayed have worse outcomes. And when patients avoid hospitals many health systems suffer financially, furlough personnel, and cut services. Covid-19 overwhelmed a few dozen hospitals, but covid-19 countermeasures have already jeopardized thousands of them.

Prolonged lockdowns fuel economic depression, creating mass unemployment. Jobless people may lose health insurance. Entire populations may witness decreased quality of life and mental health. Gun sales in the US have increased sharply since the lockdown began, with unpredictable consequences.

Underprivileged populations and those in need are hit harder by crises. People at risk of starvation worldwide have already exceeded one billion. We are risking increased suicides, domestic violence, and child abuse. Malaise and societal disintegration may also advance, with chaotic consequences such as riots and wars.

And how long a lockdown is enough? If we open now, will lockdown recur in autumn? Next year? Whenever authoritarianism so wishes? No dictatorship could imagine a better precedent for absolute control.

Lockdowns were desperate, defendable choices when we knew little about covid-19. But, now that we know more, we should avoid exaggeration. We should carefully and gradually remove lockdown measures, with data driven feedback on bed capacity and prevalence/incidence indicators. Otherwise, prolonged lockdowns may become mass suicide.

As Undark points out, Ioannidis’s opposition to lockdowns do not stem from libertarianism or a “Trumpian desire to benefit Wall Street,” but a longstanding skepticism of medical interventionism generally, which he says tends to be missed or downplayed by medical researchers.

Ioannidis may be no libertarian, but many of the lockdown themes he touches will sound familiar to FEE readers—deadly government policies that prohibited nursing homes from screening for COVID-19, soaring suicide, and widespread economic destruction resulting in millions of businesses wiped out and 40 million jobs lost.

While the costs of the lockdowns are apparent to all, less clear is how effective they have been in limiting the spread of the virus. A recent Bloomberg found “little correlation between the severity of a nation’s restrictions and whether it managed to curb excess fatalities.” Norway’s top health official recently stated the lockdowns probably were not necessary. Evidence from a recent JP Morgan report suggests most nations saw COVID infection rates fall after lockdowns were lifted.

These results make sense when one realizes, as studies have shown, that Americans were social distancing before lockdown orders were enforced. This fact brings to mind a quote from Nobel laureate economist F.A. Hayek.

“This is not a dispute about whether planning is to be done or not,” Hayek wrote in The Use of Knowledge in Society. “It is a dispute as to whether planning is to be done centrally, by one authority for the whole economic system, or is to be divided among many individuals.”

Hayek’s point was that centralized planning tends to be irrational because central planners lack the knowledge to make rational decisions. We mustn’t forget that human beings by nature and self-interest will take reasonable steps to protect themselves from a deadly virus. Humans manage risk every single day, and each does so possessing and processing more local knowledge than any central planner can possess.

Government officials no doubt were acting in good faith when they ordered lockdowns, but by removing choices from individuals, businesses, and other organizations they committed what appears to be one of the most costly and ultimately lethal blunders in modern history.

It’s not too late to learn from the mistake. A first step toward that end would be to admit that John Ioannidis is right: The government lockdowns must end.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune.

Bylines: The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

He previously served in editorial roles at The History Channel magazine, Intellectual Takeout, and Scout. He is an alumni of the Institute for Humane Studies journalism program, a former reporter for the Panama City News Herald, and served as an intern in the speechwriting department of George W. Bush.


NPR: “Mounting Evidence” Suggests COVID Not As Deadly as Thought. Did the Experts Fail Again?

COVID-19 Lockdowns are Neither Necessary, nor Scientific, nor Helpful

Selective Social-Distancing Rules Are One of the Great Scams in American Life

Why Non-distanced Social and Commercial Interactions Have Resumed So Quickly

RELATED VIDEO: Multiple Scientists:  C0R0NAVlRUS Altered in Lab to Better Attach to Humans

EDITORS NOTE: This  FEE Daily column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Sheriff David Clarke — Defunding Police Is ‘Buffoonery’!



America’s Sheriff, David Clarke now serves as a Senior Advisor and Spokesman for America First Action, dedicated to supporting the Trump/Pence agenda. He recently retired as the Sheriff of Milwaukee County after nearly 40 years in law enforcement. The Sheriff’s latest book is: Cop Under Fire: Beyond Hastags of Race, Crime and Politics for a Better America and his website: America’s Sheriff

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Adam Andrzejewski is the CEO & Founder of the world’s largest private database of government spending. Adam is a senior contributor at Forbes Opinion and frequent radio and tv opinion commenter.

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Julie Gunlock is a senior fellow at Independent Women’s Forum and leads the organization’s Culture of Alarmism Project. She is the author of the book From Cupcakes to Chemicals: How the Culture of Alarmism Makes Us Afraid of Everything and How to Fight Back. Before joining IWF, Gunlock served as a Professional Staff Member on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and on the House Homeland Security Committee, and on the staffs of Ohio Senators Mike DeWine, George Voinovich, and Tom Coburn. Gunlock has written about food and culture for the New York Post, the Washington Post, New York Daily News, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Forbes, U.S. News & World Report, The Washington Times, National Review and She has offered political commentary on Fox News, TheBlaze TV and other networks

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