The Truth About Liberal Policies

Many thanks to Laser List member Jeff Walyus for this fantastic rhetorical approach.  I have found it enormously helpful on many occasions.

The truth about liberal policies is that they hurt people.  Let’s look at just the latest examples.

The New York Times made an astounding admission in November. Democrats run the show in Illinois, California, and New York, and have for decades, but blue states are doing worse than red states in many key respects: lack of affordable housing, disparities in education funding, rising economic inequality – all things liberals and Democrats profess to care about and for which they claim to have all the answers.  The New York Times was brutal in its assessment of blue state results:

… blue states are the problem.  Blue states are where the housing crisis is located.  Blue states are where the disparities in education funding are the most dramatic.  Blue states are the places where tens of thousands of homeless people are living on the streets.  Blue states are the places where economic inequality is increasing most quickly in this country.  This is not a problem of not doing well enough.  It is a situation where blue states are the problem.

Let’s take a closer look at one of those blue states, Washington, out on the Left Coast.  America’s schools are following in the footsteps of Seattle to indoctrinate students on racial equity. But Seattle’s efforts to teach racial equity and ethnic studies have been marked by animus, lies, and worsening results.  Academic achievement as measured by state test scores went down after instruction on “power and oppression” was emphasized over math in 2018.  Pass rates for whites and blacks both dropped.  The response of the schools?  More ethnic studies and less math.  Despite having equity programs for decades, Seattle schools had one of the worst black-white student achievement gaps in the nation, as of 2017.  Liberal policies did not make things better.  They made them worse.

Another admission comes from a liberal book author who worked on progressive causes in San Francisco.  Like other west coast cities, San Francisco adopted policies that enabled homelessness, drug dealing, and crime.  All the problems he set about to solve got worse, instead.  He pins the blame on the liberal mindset that labels people victims and makes excuses for their destructive behavior.  San Francisco is where Walgreens closed 15 stores because shoplifting there is so bad and the penalties for it have been reduced.  Do you suppose the people who walked to those stores for their prescriptions are better off now?

Liberals have pushed Child Tax Credits, food stamps, and super-sized Obamacare subsidies, but a recent report shows people can make more from these programs than from work.  These programs disincentivize work and allow people to stay home and not return to the work force.  Maybe, if you’re a Democrat politician, you like the idea of making people more dependent on government and, thus, on you.  But any normal person can see this is not a healthy development and it’s unsustainable.

Democrats want to massively increase federal spending on transportation which they view as systemically racist.  But more mass transit and fewer cars will hurt the poor.  A study found that cars provide urban households with better access to jobs and economic opportunities than other forms of transportation.  Cars reduce neighborhood poverty exposure by 3 to 4 percent.

Liberals love the teachers unions, but collective bargaining agreements for teachers produce worse outcomes for students, especially minority students.  Liberals also love rent control, but it’s well-known rent control produces housing shortages because it destroys the incentive to build new housing.

Rising homelessness.  Out-of-control shoplifting.  Worse educational outcomes.  Fewer economic opportunities.  Not only do liberal policies not work, they actually hurt people.  In their impulse to make a perfect world and end all human suffering, liberals end up making things worse.  This is why you should not support them, no matter how good they make things sound.  They might be good at dazzling rhetoric, but they’re terrible at good governance.  Which would you rather have?

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Liberal Media Group Creates pro-Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Ad and We Can’t Stop Laughing

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” – Victor Hugo

It’s time for a little laughter given the bleak winter of 2022 and the Biden presidency. What we didn’t expect is that a liberal media group would bring that laughter to us. Call it “sun in spades”, or for our French speaking readers soleil à la pelle, no pun intended.

MeidasTouch is a liberal PAC that was founded in March of 2020 by BenBrett and Jordan Meiselas with the purpose of stopping the reelection of Donald J. Trump.

MeidasTouch’s slogan is “Because Truth Is Golden.” Ironic isn’t it.

MeidasTouch decided to do a political ad favoring Biden and titled it “Let’s Go Brandon.” Watch:

The problem, after you stopped laughing while watching the ad, is that Biden and his administration have either failed in getting their agenda passed, e.g. Green New Deal, federalizing elections, or have failed to accomplish their agenda when passed, e.g. the Infrastructure Bill which does little for infrastructure and is biased in its funding to blue over red states like Florida.

in an article titled “Okay This Is Beyond NUTS, This Pro-Biden Ad Might be the WORST Ad Ever” wrote:

Yes, the claims it makes are, without exception, dumb and baseless. And yes, it looks absolutely horrific; as Ben Dreyfuss put it on Twitter, “This ad looks like it was made on their phone at 3am by someone drunk in an Uber on their way home.” Bingo.

Those facts are bad enough and would make the ad well worth laughing at. But, even more ridiculously and hilariously, someone thought that bringing up the “Brandon” thing in a pro-Biden ad was a good idea!

Yeah, that’s right. They used “Brandon” as an acronym to try to list out Brandon’s accomplishments, none of with are actually real and almost all of which aren’t exactly the issues Americans care about.

We all know that the symbol of the Democrat Party is a jackass, which is funny enough. But MeidasTouch using Let’s Go Brandon in a pro-Biden political ad takes the proverbial cake.

We agree with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who said, “The highest state is laughter.” We are definitely in a high state of laughter. If you want another laugh just watch as liberal media personalities slam Biden’s bureaucracy on COVID-19:

Dumb ass best describes MeidasTouch’s ad.

What do you think? Please leave your comments below.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


FACT CHECK: Aol.’s Absurd Article ‘4 things Biden got right in a bumpy first year’

Biden family received $31 million from Chinese officials with links to China’s Ministry of State Security

These trans TikTok videos are pushing kids over the edge

Social media is fuelling a trans pandemic.


The irony should not be lost on us that a trigger warning is required for an article written for adults about what their kids are watching on the internet. But in the age of social media and trans mass hysteria, this is where we find ourselves.

A brilliant documentary called “The Call is Coming From Inside the House; The Great Awokening” was posted on YouTube on January 16th 2022. Within a few days, it accrued thousands of views. It features extensive footage which has been publicly posted on social media promoting trans identities and trans surgeries, much of which is highly graphic and disturbing.

This documentary compares the recent explosion of trans-identification among our youth to mass hysterias of the past such as the “dancing plague” of the middle ages, and the hysteria of the Salem witch trials, and lays the blame squarely at the feet of social media.

It begins with a general discussion about online social contagion phenomena. During the Covid pandemic, epidemics of  Tourette’s-like tics, and of teens claiming to be suffering from multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder and many other mental health disorders have come to the attention of concerned medical professionals. There is plenty of footage of teens explaining their self diagnosed conditions on social media in the first part of the documentary.

It has been well recognized for some time that eating disorders can be socially contagious, and there is confronting footage documenting teens posting images online of their cachectic bodies and bullying each other to lose weight.

We parents of transidentifying kids have been shouting from the rooftops for some years about the social contagion that is behind the explosion in numbers. However most health professionals are still refusing to acknowledge this, despite the recent awareness of all these similar socially contagious online phenomena.

The documentary features arresting footage of teens on social media talking about their diverse gender identities and their unique pronouns.  Disturbingly there is even one teen claiming to have multiple personality disorder, and explaining that because most of her “alters” are trans, she is going to transition, despite the fact that she is not trans and does not wish to do so.

We then move on to cover trans surgeries, and this is where the trigger warning really cuts in.  Graphic images of girls as young as 13, posing topless to show off the scars from their “top surgery” –  cosmetic double mastectomies – are genuinely shocking, even to us parents, who have been hardened by our exposure to the trans movement.

There are images of smiling surgeons posing with their young patients, and advertising directly on social media to these adolescents to drum up more business for their grisly trade. One photogenic blonde surgeon is shown smiling approvingly as a young trans-identified woman reels off a list of slang terms used for breast amputation including “divest the chest”, “arrest the breast” and “get riddy that tiddy”. Several surgeons then assure your teen that surgery can be personalized in whatever way is “most affirming” including the complete removal of the nipples, or shaping of nipples into “a Christmas tree, or the Star of David”, or whatever other shape is desired.

Teens are informed by influencers that these surgeries are “customizable” and that they can choose to keep or dispose of any body part as desired.  Various possible mindboggling configurations of genitalia are described. Surgeons are then depicted explaining “nullification”, which involves a male who does not “identify with his genitalia”  having them completely amputated, leaving only smooth skin. (Gender mapper has documented that this surgery may be available to boys as young as 17.

Next there is a discussion and graphic images of “phalloplasty”, a procedure which attempts to construct a phallus for trans-identified females by removing a chunk of flesh from the forearm, rolling it up, and attaching it to the groin.  The complication rate is sky-high and the financial cost astronomical.

An apt analogy is next drawn between transgender surgery and the “lobotomy craze” of the 1950s, which left thousands of patients permanently harmed by the time it petered out.

Finally there is a discussion of regret, with interviews with numerous young people explaining how they had no idea what they were getting into, the pressure to rush into irreversible surgeries, and their profound regrets about what they have done to their bodies.

I caution anyone who chooses to watch this documentary to use their discretion. It is truly shocking – but it is what our kids are freely able to access online. Every parent should watch it if they feel able. However there should be no discretion for any politician, journalist, health professional or teacher who is pushing this harmful, abusive ideology to our children. Any who wish to utter one more word about “acceptance and inclusion”, and about how “affirming” medical transition is, should be forced to watch this documentary and imagine their own daughters walking around their homes, topless, sporting flat, scarred chests.

To close, I will describe the two images which, among all this surreal horror,  had the biggest effect on me.  One shows a smiling young woman posing topless with her surgeon to show off her mastectomy result – multiple self harm scars are clearly visible on her arms and abdomen. The other is a short video of a young woman, also topless with fresh mastectomy scars and missing nipples, explaining in an agitated manner how she is getting “phantom nipple pain” and pleading with whoever has “gotten hold of my nipples and is pinching them to stop the “sick game”. There are no words to describe a society which allows healthy body parts to be removed from young people who are clearly in such severe mental distress.

How have we come to this?

Note: If this documentary is taken down by Youtube, you may be able to find it here.

Republished with permission from the Substack blog of Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)


Anonymous author

In exceptional circumstances, MercatorNet allows contributors to publish articles anonymously. Sometimes the author’s privacy or safety might be at risk. More by Anonymous author

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MSNBC commentator says ‘All Your Kids Belong To Us’

The Left is trying to destroy traditional America. Rational Americans must come out in droves in 2022 and 2024 to take down the Left or we will lose this country forever.

The Left: ‘All Your Kids Are Belong To Us’

By The American Conservative, January 20th, 2022

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Progressive commentator Melissa Harris-Perry, in an MSNBC ad:

There’s your bright red line, people. Terry McAuliffe said that parents have no business passing judgment on what their kids are taught at school. This is what so many on the Left believe: that it is their role to liberate children from the troglodytic beliefs of their parents.

They want our kids for themselves. Don’t you get it?

I think this fall, Republican candidates should just run this MSNBC clip over and over, and at the end, just add the slogan: “Had enough? Vote Republican.”

UPDATE: Hello all, I had to spend all the afternoon and evening traveling, and I only just got Internet. I have learned that this Melissa Harris-Perry spot is from 2013. Obviously it might not represent what she thinks today, so I apologize to her if by quoting it, I falsely represented her views today. The clip was massively shared on Twitter yesterday, and it’s worth considering why it sounded plausible and current: because we are watching right now, in real time, in suburban Virginia and elsewhere, the educational establishment — the progressive wing at least, but perhaps I’m being redundant — behave as if they believe that MHP spoke the truth.

Still, I wish I had known this was a 2013 clip. I still would have cited it, because I believe it shows what many on the Left really do believe about kids and parents, but I would have specified its date.


CALIFORNIA: Mom Takes Legal Action Against Teachers Who Allegedly Persuaded 11-Year-Old Daughter She Was A Boy

Denver School Teaches Elementary Schoolers to Support BLM, Be Queer Affirming and to Disrupt Nuclear Family

Dr. Robert Malone Claims COVID Vaccines Can Permanently Damage Children’s Brains, Hearts, Immune Systems

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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How Big Tech Elites Help China Achieve Global Supremacy

Peter Schweizer’s ‘Red-Handed’ exposes Communist China’s Silicon Valley sympathizers

We went from the greatest generation to the absolute worst in three short generations.

The global left has utterly captured the young. morally bankrupt millennial.

How Big Tech elites are helping China achieve global supremacy

By: NY Post, January 23, 2022:

It’s no secret that China wants to surpass the United States in world dominance, yet American elites continue to help the communist’s government’s ambitions rather than treating them as the enemy. In his new book, “Red-Handed,” Peter Schweizer — author of best-sellers such as “Clinton Cash” and “Profiles in Corruption” — outlines the ways top politicians and CEOS get rich off China. In this exclusive excerpt for The Post, he reveals how Big Tech companies have sacrificed privacy and national security in pursuit of Beijing riches.

Blinded by their ambition, Silicon Valley elites are helping Communist China achieve their ultimate goal: “Technology supremacy” over the West.

“Science and technology is a national weapon,” President Xi Jinping has said. “We should seize the commanding heights of technological competition and future development.”

To accomplish this goal, Beijing has created “civilian-military fusion,” which means any technological advance in the civilian market must be applied directly to the military sphere. And they have effectively courted and seduced many powerful people in America’s tech industry to willingly, and sometimes enthusiastically, play along.

In 2015, the Obama Administration held an official State Dinner at the White House for China’s Xi. The East Room was decorated in peach and pink roses. The crowd included two hundred elite guests from the world of government and business. Among them was Mark Zuckerberg, the young-looking cofounder of Facebook, and his wife, Priscilla, who was seven months pregnant. When Zuckerberg finally got his chance to see the guest of honor face-to-face, he made an unusual request: would the communist dictator give his child his Chinese name?

Xi, understandably surprised by the request, declined, saying it was “too great a responsibility.”

It was not the first time the Facebook cofounder had gushed over Chinese officials.

In late 2014, a high-ranking Chinese official named Lu Wei made a trip to Silicon Valley. Lu was a Communist Party hack, the former deputy head of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China. President Xi had recently appointed him to head the “Central Leading Group for Internet Security and Information.” In short, Lu was China’s Internet czar, with the Orwellian job of restricting access to certain ideas and monitoring the flow of information.

The Chinese government had given him plenty of tools to do his job. In 2013, they created a law making it a crime to spread rumors online; if a post deemed untrue received more than five hundred reposts, the original poster could be sentenced to up to three years in prison.

But when Lu visited Facebook’s California headquarters in Menlo Park, Zuckerberg treated him like a VIP. The Facebook head gave him a tour of the new Frank Gehry–designed campus, which boasted the “largest open floor plan in the world.” Later, the two retreated to Zuckerberg’s private office. Lu sat in the CEO’s chair, took a few pictures, and then spotted a familiar book sitting on Zuckerberg’s desk. “The Governance of China” is a 515-page tome containing the speeches and comments of President Xi.

Why was such a book sitting on a capitalist’s desk? Zuckerberg explained to his guest that he bought the book for both himself and his staff as a guide. “I want to make them understand socialism with Chinese characteristics,” he said.

Zuckerberg’s Facebook teamed with Google in 2016 to build an undersea cable that would link San Francisco with Hong Kong, China, and other locations in Asia. The so-called Pacific Light Cable Network would provide better internet and data services to their customers in Asia. But the two American tech superpowers chose to partner with a Chinese company called Dr. Peng Telecom & Media Group to provide the link to Hong Kong.

Dr. Peng was financially backed by the Chinese government’s China Securities Finance Corporation, and worked closely with Huawei and military defense contractors in China. What could possibly go wrong?

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission in 2020 took the unprecedented step of blocking the project. The Facebook-Google cable presented “‘unprecedented opportunities’ for Chinese government espionage,” according to the U.S. Justice Department.

How the tech giants did not see the obvious espionage risk to their plans is a mystery. Or maybe they saw it and did not care.

Schweizer calls out former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, above, for promoting AI work with Beijing.

At the heart of Google’s business strategy is an unquenchable thirst for data, and their dealings in China show they cannot resist tapping any vast resource offered to them.

In 2017, Google announced the opening of an AI research facility in Beijing. The Google AI China Center would include “a small group of researchers supported by several hundred China-based engineers.”

Read the rest….

The head of the venture for Google, Fei-Fei Li, explained, “I believe AI and its benefits have no borders.”

The research at the Google AI China Center includes machine learning that would classify, perceive, and predict outcomes based on massive amounts of data. This is precisely the sort of work that military and intelligence officials would want from AI.
Google’s cooperation with China on AI research occurred the same year that the Chinese Communist Party and government laid out its “artificial intelligence development plan.” A report issued by the Chinese government explains that “AI has become a new focus of international competition,” mastering that technology enhances “comprehensive national power,” and that it would lead to the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Beijing has declared that passing the United States in artificial intelligence is a “national priority.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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Watch as Liberal Media Personalities Slam Biden’s Bureaucracy on COVID-19

Well, well, well. It appears that even liberal stars have turned on Joe Biden and his mandates.

It’s a pandemic of bureaucracy.

They’re beginning to realize that this isn’t about Democrats versus Republicans. It’s all about control versus freedom. Freedom to make your own healthcare decisions. It’s bureaucrats against we the people, that is the issue. Covid is a CONdemic.

Watch: Bari Weiss: It’s the pandemic of Bureaucracy

Leah Rosenberg writes, “Even big name Liberal media personalities are talking common sense about Covid-19, and it’s about time! This is great to listen to.”

Leah is spot on. Enough is enough.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: WHO Recommends Countries Lift International Travel Bans; Proof of COVID-19 Vaxx NOT Required

VIDEOS: China Wins Gold in Tyranny, Oppression & Genocide

From each according to their ability, to each according to their obedience. 

From our friends at Stories of Communism –

  • “In Search of Used Toothpaste” (memoir describes forced labor punctuated by having to fetch drinking water in communist Romania)

IOC to Olympic athletes: keep your mouth shut about China’s atrocities and authoritarianism, we can’t protect you

Chinese state security nabs human rights lawyer, missing since January 11th

China forcing thousands of overseas Chinese to return to China through intimidation, threats, state-sanctioned kidnappings, and other covert and unlawful means

Shades of Soviet ‘medicine’ – China breaks into home, seizes outspoken teacher, takes her to a psychiatric hospital

Woman who underwent forced abortions and sterilization in China seeks asylum in Canada; one baby was born alive, injected with poison, and thrown in a corner to die a painful death

Chinese tykes being taught to kill, bringing to life comic book character who burns class enemies

  • Shocking! In a #CCP’s children’s cartoon book dedicated to the 70th anniversary of #CCPChina, “little red star” Dongzi is portrayed as a hero for burning landlord Hu Hansan to death in his bed! (The English text is translated and added by ACAT speaker Jennifer Zeng)

China poised to ban non-state actors from producing news, operating social media for news outlets, etc. as rulers tighten grip on media

China going after once-lauded social media stars as tax cheat ‘bloodsuckers’ who are creating inequality and jeopardizing Common Prosperity

Official Chinese documents – since removed from the Internet – show extent of global online campaign to whitewash human rights abuses, detail the dirty business of generating content, lure followers, and track critics

  • China has been using thousands of fake social media accounts to spread propaganda and influence policymakers and public opinion concerning human rights abuses in Xinjiang
  • American Maoist has given $65 million to various entities to downplay or deny China’s human rights violations of the Uighurs
  • China Cannot Silence Me – personal story of crimes committed against writer’s family and other Uighurs in Xinjiang
  • Scrutiny of forced labor in Xinjiang leading solar manufacturers to diversify out of the region

Chinese surveillance technology being used to block the Internet, snoop on communications, control the people through smart cards, generate arrests, etc. in Venezuela and Cuba

Florida takes back control of pension funds from outside managers as prelude to divesting from China.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

America Heading for a Systems Collapse

Radical socialism, nationalization, corruption, jailing opponents, and the destruction of constitutional norms

The question is, how can it be stopped?

America Heading for a Systems Collapse?

By: Victor Davis Hanson, January 20, 2022:

In modern times, as in ancient Rome, several nations have suffered a “systems collapse.” The term describes the sudden inability of once-prosperous populations to continue with what had ensured the good life as they knew it.

Abruptly, the population cannot buy, or even find, once plentiful necessities. They feel their streets are unsafe. Laws go unenforced or are enforced inequitably. Every day things stop working. The government turns from reliable to capricious if not hostile.

Consider contemporary Venezuela. By 2010, the once well-off oil-exporting country was mired in a self-created mess. Food became scarce, crime ubiquitous.

Radical socialism, nationalization, corruption, jailing opponents, and the destruction of constitutional norms were the culprits.

Between 2009 and 2016, a once relatively stable Greece nearly became a Third World country. So did Great Britain in its socialist days of the 1970s.

Joe Biden’s young presidency may already be leading the United States into a similar meltdown.

Hard Left “woke” ideology has all but obliterated the idea of a border. Millions of impoverished foreigners are entering the United States illegally — and during a pandemic without either COVID-19 tests or vaccinations.

The health bureaucracies have lost credibility as official communiques on masks, herd and acquired immunity, vaccinations, and comorbidities apparently change and adjust to perceived political realities.

After decades of improving race relations, America is regressing into a pre-modern tribal society.

Crime soars. Inflation roars. Meritocracy is libeled and so we are governed more by ideology and tribe.

The soaring prices of the stuff of life — fuel, food, housing, health care, transportation — are strangling the middle class.

Millions stay home, content to be paid by the state not to work. Supply shortages and empty shelves are the new norm.

Nineteenth-century-style train robberies are back. So is 1970s urban violence, replete with looting, carjackings, and random murdering of the innocent.

After the Afghanistan debacle, we have returned to the dark days following defeat in Vietnam, when U.S. deterrence abroad was likewise shattered, and global terrorism and instability were the norms abroad.

Who could have believed a year ago that America would now beg Saudi Arabia and Russia to pump more oil — as we pulled our own oil leases, and canceled pipelines and oil fields?

Our path to systems collapse is not due to an earthquake, climate change, a nuclear war, or even the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instead, most of our maladies are self-inflicted. They are the direct result of woke ideologies that are both cruel and antithetical to traditional American pragmatism.

Hard-Left district attorneys in our major cities refuse to charge thousands of arrested criminals — relying instead on bankrupt social justice theories.

Law enforcement has been arbitrarily defunded and libeled. Police deterrence is lost, so looters, vandals, thieves, and murderers more freely prey on the public.

“Modern monetary theory” deludes ideologues that printing trillions of dollars can enrich the public, even as the ensuing inflation is making people poorer.

“Critical race theory” absurdly dictates that current “good” racism can correct the effects of past bad racism. A once tolerant, multiracial nation is resembling the factionalism of the former Yugoslavia.

The culprit again is a callous woke ideology that posits little value for individuals, prioritizing only the so-called collective agenda.

Woke’s trademark is “equity,” or a forced equality of result. Practically, we are becoming a comic-book version of victims and victimizers, with woke opportunists playacting as our superheroes.

Strangest in 2021 was the systematic attack on our ancient institutions, as we scapegoated our ancestors for our own incompetencies.

The woke have waged a veritable war against the 233-year-old Electoral College and the right of states to set their own balloting laws in national elections, the 180-year-old filibuster, the 150-year-old nine-person Supreme Court, and the 60-year-old, 50-state union.

The U.S. military, Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, Center for Disease Control, and National Institutes of Health until recently were revered. Their top echelons were staffed by career professionals mostly immune to the politics of the day.

Not now. These bureaus and agencies are losing public confidence and support. Citizens fear rather than respect Washington grandees who have weaponized politics ahead of public service.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, Attorney General Merrick Garland, former FBI heads like James Comey and Andrew McCabe, retired CIA director John Brennan, and Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, have all politicalized and vastly exceeded their professional purviews.

They sounded off in public fora as if they were elected legislators up for reelection. Some lied under oath. Others demonized critics. Most sought to become media darlings.

This governmental freefall is overseen by a tragically bewildered, petulant, and incompetent president. In his confusion, an increasingly unpopular President Joe Biden seems to believe his divisive chaos is working, belittling his political opponents as racist Confederate rebels.

As we head into the 2022 midterm elections, who will stop our descent into collective poverty, division, and self-inflicted madness?

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

Follow me on Gettr. I am there, click here. It’s open and free.

Remember, YOU make the work possible. If you can, please contribute to Geller Report.

Florida House Committee Passes Bill Banning Gender Ideology Discussions In Schools

A Florida House committee passed a bill banning discussions about gender ideology and sexual orientation in primary level classrooms on Thursday.

The House Education and Employment Committee overwhelmingly passed the ”Parental Rights in Education Bill,” also known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, to prohibit teachers from discussing LGBTQ-related issues with primary level students. The legislation intends to protect the “fundamental rights of parents” to choose what their children are taught.

“A school district may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students,” the bill states.

The legislation allows for a parent to pursue “declaratory or injunctive relief” against a school district that violates the new rules. The court may award parents attorney fees and court costs in the midst of the legal action.

The bill also requires school administrators to notify parents if there are any changes to a student’s “mental, emotional, or physical health or well being.” School personnel will be required to encourage students to openly talk with an adult about their wellbeing and are prohibited from withholding any information regarding their child’s physical and mental wellbeing from the parents.

The bill was introduced by Republican Florida state Sen. Dennis Baxley, who said the legislation “defends” a parent’s responsibility, according to The Hill.

“This bill is about defending the most awesome responsibility a person can have: being a parent,” Baxley said. “That job can only be given to you by above.”

Chasten Buttigieg, husband of transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, called out Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for allegedly making his state a difficult place for LGBTQ children to “survive in.”

“This will kill kids, @RonDeSantisFL. You are purposefully making your state a harder place for LGBTQ kids to survive in,” Buttigieg said. “In a national survey (@TrevorProject), 42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide last year. Now they can’t talk to their teachers?”

A separate Trevor Project study found that LGBTQ students learning about the issue resulted in a 23% drop in suicide attempts last year. The Trevor Project’s director of advocacy and government affairs, Sam Ames, said the bill will harm LGBTQ students.

“This bill will erase young LGBTQ students across Florida, forcing many back into the closet by policing their identity and silencing important discussions about the issues they face,” Ames said. “LGBTQ students deserve their history and experiences to be reflected in their education, just like their peers.”

Jon Harris Maurer said teachings about sexuality and gender identity is “prejudicial” and insults LGBTQ students or those with LGBTQ parents. He argued that those that support the bill cannot call themselves “allies of the LGBTQ community.”

The bill requires the Department of Education to review and update school counseling, professional conduct principles and other guidelines to ensure they are in accordance with the new regulations by June 30, 2022.





K-12 Schools Bringing In Drag Queens To Teach Gender Ideology

Virginia’s Parents Revolted Against CRT In Schools. This Is What Their Kids Were Being Taught

Subverting Society by Replacing Biological Sex with Sodomy

Nebraska radical curriculum derailed after pressure by parent’s group

Record-breaking 360 million Christians Persecuted in 2021

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban one of few to speak out.

This shocking news, that 360 million Christians were reportedly persecuted in 2021, would not be tolerated if the victim were any other group, especially Muslims; nor should it be. But when the genocide and persecution of Christians is pointed out, there is virtual silence; then the ever-present accusations of “Islamophobia” enable the abuse to continue unchallenged.

Of all the countries where Christians face the most persecution, Afghanistan is the worst, according to the organization….

Yet globalists are opening the doors of the West to multitudes of unvetted Afghan migrants, while Christians are virtually ignored.

Orbán has been sensible in desiring to protect his country’s Christian heritage in the face of profuse accusations of “Islamophobia.”

There is no other religion that attacks critics and is as hostile to disbelievers as Islam, in keeping with Islamic blasphemy laws and 1,400 years of violent Islamic conquest.

Record-breaking 360 million Christians persecuted in 2021

by John Cody, Remix News, January 20, 2022:

In 2021, almost 6,000 Christians were killed due to their religion. The number increased by 24 percent compared to the previous year, when less than 5,000 cases were recorded. Eight out of ten Christians killed were from Nigeria.

The number of closed, attacked, or destroyed churches has also increased by more than 600 cases. According to the organization, the number of detained Christians for religious reasons increased by 44%.

Although Nigeria featured the most Christians killed, outright persecution is the worst in Afghanistan, where the main cause is the growth in persecution is due to the Taliban following their takeover after President Joe Biden’s chaotic withdrawal from the country. In addition, radical Islamists have access to documents revealing those who converted to Christianity. It is believed that many murders go unreported. The Taliban kill identified men on the spot, rape Christian women or force them to marry. North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Eritrea, and Nigeria follow Afghanistan on a sliding scale.

Often overlooked by the news media, Christians are the most persecuted of any group in the world. In recent years, a record number of attacks on Christians has also been recorded in Europe.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has become one of the few European leaders that have become vocal about the topic, with his government hosting an annual summit on the topic of Christian persecution.

“Hungarians make up 0.2 percent of the world’s population. Does it make sense for such a small nation to stand up and act? Our answer is yes. And your presence, attention, encouragement and the fact that you are here today convinces us of this, not to mention the history of Christianity. The twelve apostles certainly represented a smaller proportion of humanity at their time than Hungarians today, yet we are all here,” Orbán said in 2019……



Texas synagogue jihadi said he was ‘praying to Allah for two years for this,’ railed against ‘f***ing Jews’

Texas synagogue jihadi said last year: ‘I want to kill Jews,’ cops did nothing

Middle East Studies Association Runs Up Against State Anti-BDS Laws

Pakistan: Woman to be ‘hanged by her neck till she is dead’ for Muhammad images on WhatsApp

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Big Tech Strikes Again – Against Research, Science, and Free Speech

On Saturday, YouTube (1.00) banned a licensed therapist for alleged abuse of gay men, following marching orders from graduates of the extreme leftist Southern Poverty Law Center. The group of radicals issued a report which claimed that helping gay men overcome trauma, anxiety, and other mental health challenges is conversion therapy if it results in them being more sexually attracted to women. In other words, the supposed fluidity of a person’s sexuality is only ok if improved mental health results in them remaining on the LGBT spectrum of umpteen genders.

So YouTube has no problem with people becoming more attracted to people of the same sex, or trying to change their gender. It’s only when gay men say they are more attracted to women that the Thought Police come charging in.

At 2ndVote we take a firm position on YouTube banning a licensed practitioner whose work was favorably featured in a peer-reviewed study in 2021, and whose clients find him – often through Google (1.00) searches and YouTube. We find it offensive when the world’s largest advertising company (which is what Google is all about) takes orders from the White House on censoring American citizens, regardless of the accuracy of their speech. The people seeking unbiased expert insights are informed adults making adult decisions, yet that’s not acceptable to the Big Brother alliance.

The key issues here are:

  • YouTube’s ban came on Saturday, with no warning. Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the therapist, was not given a chance to appeal the decision. YouTube didn’t ask him about the study, or Nicolosi’s opposition to conversion therapy, or powerful anecdotes from clients.
  • Planned Parenthood (1.17) is at least as controversial as treating gay men for many of the same mental health challenges which affect the rest of society…but YouTube doesn’t ban them. This is selective bias at its worst.
  • American society overcame bigotry and bans decades ago – or so we thought. Now, Big Tech is taking the position that gay men who become more sexually attracted to women are persona non grata, and that bans are appropriate because extremist ‘fact checkers’ who used to work at SPLC say so.

Science, patients, and society are best served by open debate about the merits of matters like therapy. Instead, mainstream media, Big Tech, and a leftist administration are silencing debate and discussion because it goes against the Left’s propaganda. That violation of our basic freedoms is unacceptable to us, and we hope it’s unacceptable to you. Contact YouTube and let them know that open discussions matter!

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Lord’s Prayer

For many, the Lord’s Prayer is the first prayer that they are taught. For Christians is the quintessential prayer and one that most Christians (Protestants and Catholics alike) have memorized.

The Lord’s Prayer is often said quickly in church services and is not always given the proper attention and thought that it deserves or was originally intended. Digging deeper into the history of the prayer and the Bible verses that it comes from paints a fuller picture of the intention behind this famous prayer.

What Is The Lord’s Prayer?

Jesus taught the Lord’s prayer after spending a session with God. A disciple asked him how they ought to pray to the Father, and this was his reply:

I’ll quote the prayer from KJV of Mathew 6:9-13 as it’s clearer and extensive.

“After this manner, therefore, pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”

It’s a simple prayer but powerful as it speaks to God’s heart. Children will not only quickly memorize, but it will also sustain them for years.

The Lord’s Prayer In History

The first version of the Lord’s prayer in Old English came out in AD 995 and Wycliffe in AD 1325. Both texts were translated from Latin Vulgate.  This is one of the earliest translations of the Bible to modern English.

Over the years, the Lord’s prayer has been translated into different languages across the globe. Today, there are at least five versions of the prayer in use.

The Anglican church accounts for three versions, while the Roman Catholic Church uses the other two.

The version we use today was adopted by the early Christian communities and taught to new converts.

As one of the oldest and most important prayers to Christians, it’s not surprising that it’s also one of Christianity’s most controversial prayers.

This came to the limelight when Pope Francis suggested that some parts of it need to be changed as it, apparently, wasn’t “a good translation.”

Now, I don’t want to bring conflicting ideas about the prayer. I’ve studied the scriptures over and over again, and I don’t believe the word of God is subject to any error.

The Lord’s Prayer In Bits

To better understand the Lord’s prayer, we must dissect it into pieces to get the main message Christ wanted to teach us.

I hope and pray that my understanding will give you a new revelation and strength when praying.

Our Father,”

Have you ever addressed your father with his first name? If you were so daring, you must have got a stern look.

When a child begins to call a parent by their name, it means that there is a lack of connection in their relationship. It shows disrespect and an attempt to distance oneself from the parent.

But it’s far more different when you call Him father or dad.

I researched the meaning of “father” and got many results. But a definition by the Marriam Webster dictionary piqued my interest. It states that “father” means “source.”

In this regard, Jesus knows that God is the source of life, mercy, love, and grace. This is a sign of submission, respect, obedience, and acknowledgment that the Lord God is the creator of all living things.

It also implies an intimate and loving relationship that Jesus has with God. It’s not like he was directing the prayer to a bullying parent, cosmic depot, or a stern paternal judge.

Who Art In Heaven,”

Where does God dwell? It’s in Heaven.

He doesn’t live in the sky, on another planet, or the universe. He was there before the beginning, and it was through Him that all things came into existence.

This line states that God is above what we think He is. Our thoughts don’t limit Him. By calling Him from his dwelling place, it also shows that you believe He is an existing God.

He is not like the carved idols that you can place in your bedroom or pictures of your idol you hang on the wall. He is the supreme God with a heavenly Kingdom.

Hallowed Be Thy Name;”

Hallowed mean holy. It’s the first step in the Lord’s prayer where you enter the adoration stage. The text implies that the name of the Lord shouldn’t be used in vain, with disrespect, or taken lightly.

Why do you think most non-believers (and a few believers) swear with God’s name? Why do they use swear words relating to God and Jesus?

I had a similar experience a few months ago. A friend ordered pizza for lunch, and there was a mix-up. The waiter brought the wrong type of pizza, and my friend exploded in rage, cursing with the words “Jesus Christ!”

I was taken aback. Not because the waiter made a mistake but my friend, who was a believer misusing the name of Jesus. You must have had a similar experience.

The reason is in this verse, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain” (Exodus 20:7). Let me make it clear.

There is a dark force in the life of a man that causes them to break the command. The many times you do it; unfortunately, you get used to it.

For this reason, it becomes impossible for God to hear your prayer if you don’t direct Him as a holy Father.

“Your Kingdom Come”

Many theologians have had conflicting views about this text. Some say the kingdom of God already came since Jesus lived on earth 2000 years ago.

Another group says that God’s kingdom came on Pentecost’s day when the Holy Spirit poured on the disciples. The rest says the kingdom of God will come when Christ returns during the post-millennial period.

While these are very conflicting ideas, I’ll take a different approach that speaks to your current state.

This text is preparing us for the next phrase about God’s will be done in us. The will of God can’t happen in the flesh. The flesh is tainted with sin, and the Lord will only dwell in a holy place.

The body must be under the direction of the Holy Spirit for Him to start working. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” (1 Corinthians 6:19)

Before God uses anyone, He must first fill him with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the power behind every miracle, sign, and wonder, and these are the will of God.

Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It’s Done In Heaven

Now that you’ve asked the kingdom of God to come, He can now do His will. This implies that he can only work in a place where He dwells.

And you ask, What is the will of God?

On many occasions, Christians think that the will of God must be something positive. If it isn’t, it’s the devil at work. Sadly, the devil has used this thinking to lead many astray.

We only love God when it’s well with us but point the finger at Him when things become a mess. Still, does it mean that God does evil?

Let me assure you that God is not evil, and He’ll never be. The Bible says, “His works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he” (Deuteronomy 32:4).

Satan is behind every evil. But in some cases, God allows Him to inflict us with pain to teach us something. Job is an excellent example of the “collaboration” between God and Satan. And God was proud of Him when he stood the test.

Either way, God wants us to welcome Him to do His will in our lives. We don’t have to do much but surrender. As Jesus said, the wind blows, but no one knows where it comes or goes; so is everyone led by the spirit. (John 3:8)

In simple terms, Jesus meant that anyone willing to surrender to the spirit (will of God) won’t mind where the Holy Spirit is directing Him. As meek as a child on the mother’s bosom, we should be calm in the arms of God.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

In this appeal, Jesus is teaching that we should ask God for daily bread. This is not only physical food but also spiritual food, which is the word of God.

Our physical body requires food for strength to enable us to perform our daily duties. Likewise, our spiritual body needs food to become strong.

By this text, the focus changes from God’s majesty to provision. It’s only the Lord who can supply our physical needs regardless of our abilities to get them.

Jesus says in Luke: 12:24, “Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn, yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!

With this understanding, we can confidently approach God’s throne and ask Him what we need. And the exciting thing is that he already knows the content of our hearts. The act of prayer is a sign of faith that He can provide.

And Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors

Other versions call debtors “trespasses,” which means a sin of offense.

The text implies that no human being is perfect. We are susceptible to disobeying the word of God. This often happens when we walk in the flesh.

Do you remember the time you sinned against God, and you knew it very well?

God knows that the human flesh is easily tempted by its desires, which takes us away from Him. But this doesn’t mention that we should stay in sin.

James 1:12 quotes, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

Because God is a loving and merciful God, He will always forgive us.

Since we also have those that wronged us, God requires us to forgive them. Jesus gave a good parable about this in Mathew 18:21-35. If we don’t forgive, likewise, God won’t forgive us.

“And Lead Us Not Into Temptation”

This verse has brought a lot of contention for years. Some people argue that God can’t tempt us. Others say that the passage means God should protect us from falling into temptation.

James says, “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one.” (James 1:13)

Further down in the same chapter, he says that what leads us into temptations is our own evil desires.

It’s not God that tempts but Satan. God can allow Him to tempt us for various reasons. This is clear in the old and new testament. Even Paul says God can’t allow us to be tempted beyond what we’re able to overcome (1 Corinthians 10:13).

What does this imply?

We are conquerors, even in the severest temptation. God knows that we can handle trials, and that’s why he let it come to us.

But Deliver Us From Evil

We are living in the kingdom of Satan (the world). The earth isn’t our home and we are surrounded by so much evil.

No human being has the power to save himself. We are made of earthly flesh that is susceptible to disease, sin, and death. We need the saving hand of God to deliver us from evil.

Solomon quotes in Proverbs 21:31, “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.

In a deeper meaning, we can do all our humanly preparation to save ourselves, but all will be for naught.

The good thing about the Lord is that He has marked us with a seal (the Holy Spirit), which keeps us safe. We only need to surrender to his direction and wait for his salvation.

“For Thine Is The Kingdom and Power and the Glory Forever, Amen.”

This is the last line of the Lord’s prayer. As we can see it takes us back to revere the name of the Lord. At this point, we’ve relayed all our needs to God, and we just need to adore Him again one last time.

The phrase adores God by acknowledging that He is not only the creator of the earth and the universe but also the kingdom of heaven.

All the power and glory will remain under His authority. In short, we’re telling God that nothing is hard for Him, and He is capable of doing whatever we asked Him.

Importance Of The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s prayer is not only an essential prayer guide for new believers. It also teaches the right approach that makes an effective prayer. These are:

  • How to address God
  • Acknowledging God
  • How to make an effective adoration
  • Confession of sins
  • Making a request


The Lord’s prayer plays a critical role in Christianity. It’s the center of connection to God because we use the same words the son of God taught us to pray to the Father. It reveals a deep understanding of prayer and opens a new dimension of our approach to God.


Alex Shute, MBA

Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. His passion is to serve the global Church and bring people of diverse backgrounds together to learn & grow.

EDITORS NOTE: This FaithGiant column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

America’s Sissy Problem

Sissy: “A person regarded as effeminate or cowardly.”

Soy boy: “A pejorative term often used in online communities to describe men lacking masculine characteristics.”

A reader of ours sent a link to a very interesting The American Mind article titled “China’s Sissy Problem—and Ours” by John Mac Ghlionn.

We have been concerned about the “sissyfication” of America’s boys, and girls, for some time.

Claremont Institute researcher and essayist John Mac Ghlionn wrote:

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has made a concerted effort to banish so-called “sissy men” from society. “Morally flawed” men are no longer welcome. Men, we’re told, should look a certain way—no makeup, no high heels. Moreover, they should have resilience and a desire to seek meaningful employment. Some prominent authors argue that Beijing’s effort will backfire. Will it? Possibly, but when it comes to crackdowns, the CCP is frighteningly effective. If in doubt, just look at what is occurring in Hong Kong, a sprawling, once free-wheeling city with a population of 7.5 million, where free speech has died a swift and brutal death.

But perhaps worse we are now seeing free speech dying a swift and brutal death here in America, with a population of 330 million. Social media has now censored the truth about gender being binary and have banned it, because it doesn’t fit their narrative, as being against their collectivist social justice “community standards.”

This has led to our youth growing up not understanding what is happening to them culturally. In America today young boys are being neutered via verbal fiat.

Generation Z boys, and girls, are growing up without strong male, and female, role models.

The Sissyfication of America

Ghlionn in his column China’s Sissy Problem—and Ours notes:

It’s important to make clear that this piece is not an attack on homosexual men; it’s an attack on sissies. There is a difference between the two. In his latest special, Sorry, Louis CK finished the show with a joke about American men. Today, according to Louis, gay men carry themselves with an air of authority, purpose, and meaning. They keep themselves in good shape and dress appropriately. Straight men, on the other hand, have become notably weaker, both physically and mentally; many of them lack the characteristics that we would have associated with previous generations of men. They are sloppy, weak-willed, and overly apologetic. They dress terribly. At the end of the joke, which is much funnier than I just made it sound, the audience applauded and let out a collective roar. Why? Because Louis’s joke resonated. He articulately expressed what so many of his fans were already thinking. The United States, too, has a crisis of masculinity—one even worse, perhaps, than China’s.

QUESTION: Aren’t gays by definition sissies?

Actually if you go to a gay pride parade you see men dressed as sissies, wearing chains, in dresses with heavy make-up and acting effeminate. Not sure who Louis CK is referring to.

QUESTION: Are Ghlionn and Louis CK afraid of being labeled homophobic? So, does this make Ghlionn and Louis CK sissies?

We are seeing more and more films featuring gays and lesbians. We are seeing non-binary (a.k.a. gender queer) athletes competing in women’s sports. We are seeing men dressed up like a woman reading books to elementary school students. We are seeing graphic under age sex oriented books in public school libraries. And we have reported on the growth of Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) clubs in our public schools.

This is all part and parcel of the culture war against boys in general and manhood in particular.

Mainstreaming Pedophilia

In our column “CULTURE WAR: The Mainstreaming of Pedophilia by Targeting Your Children” we warned:

Sadly we have seen the mainstreaming of pedophilia. Most recently we have seen pedophilia:

We have reported on efforts by groups such as B4U-ACT and the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to indoctrinate children into believing that sex with men by children is not only normal but encouraged.

Dr. Judith Reisman in her 2016 column “They’re mainstreaming pedophilia!” wrote:

Alfred Kinsey’s ongoing sexual anarchy campaign has no end in sight.

Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17 [2015]. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Adhering to the Kinsey principle of lulling “straights” into a false sense of security, pedophile dress was largely conservative – short hair, jackets, some ties and few noticeable male ear piercings.

Matt Barber and I sat in the back of the meeting room among roughly 50 activists and their “mental health” attending female enablers. “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” keynoted “Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., as founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.”

However, the sex clinic was initially founded by John Money, Ph.D., to give judges “leeway” to keep child molesters out of jail. Money (deceased), a pedophile advocate, also called for an end to all age-of-consent laws. Dr. Berlin was his disciple.

Sissies and Soy Boys

We do have men, real men, who carry themselves with an air of authority, purpose and meaning. Most of these men are active duty military, in law enforcement, are first responders and veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Today instead of real “alpha” males we have “soy” boys.

As Ghlionn reported:

For generations, the sissy has been a frowned-upon character in American life. Only recently it has become a respected, even institutionalized lifestyle. California’s Silicon-Valley stereotype of the “soy boy”, a demasculinized consumer of a meatless, synthetic diet, is now national. [Emphasis added]

Sadly, since the end of the draft, those who serve are all volunteers and make up about 1% of our male population. The other 99% have never sacrificed themselves in service to the nation. The problem lies in the group of Gen Z boys that have never become real men by serving, rather they are demanding bigger government to serve them regardless of their needs to work for a living. Because Gen Z boys vote for a living.

Sissyfication and Single Parenthood

Today we have seen manhood, and womanhood, denigrated to the point where if you mention that gender is binary you are ostracized from society. We are seeing men competing in women’s sports. We are seeing the normalization of sodomy to the point that sissy men dressed as a woman are reading books to grade school students.

But there’s something deeper going on in America.

As Ghlionn points out:

[A]ccording to a Pew Research Center study, rates of children living in single-parent households have never been higher. In fact, the U.S. now boasts the highest rate of children living in single-parent households in the world. As the study notes, “3% of children in China, 4% of children in Nigeria, and 5% of children in India live in single-parent households.” In the U.S., meanwhile, the rate is a staggering 23 percent. At least 80 percent of the country’s single-parent homes are headed by single mothers.

Absolutely nothing good comes from father absence—which, according to a report published by the U.S. Department of Justice, “has a strong and significant effect on both female and male levels of violence,” including “homicide and robbery.” Children look to their fathers to lay down the rules and enforce them, and learn to do so through imitation.

The Bottom Line

On August 10th, 2019  reported:

Beyond the main point of the signatures of the founders and main thinkers of the French, postmodern philosophers all demanding that pedophilia be made legal, these guys make a lot of good points.

Also, it is food for thought about how similar the push to make little boys into drag queen strippers for adult men mirrors Afghan Muslim culture.

H/T Xanthippa

So there you have it.

Pedophiles are looking at recruiting the next generation of your children as their perverted sex slaves.

They will brainwash your child into thinking first that he/she are neither just male or female (binary) but they can choose their (non-binary) gender pronoun at will. If this doesn’t emasculate our boys, and girls, I don’t know what will!

Then they push your little boy, and girl, into the LGBTQ+ community where by then they’re to far along to resist.

If parents and grandparents fail to stop this then our children are lost for ever!

It’s time to man up.

Ditch the soy, stop being a sissy. Take charge of your lives or we will see Generation Z sissies take over our nation.

We need real men, and women, to take charge in our families, communities, culture, society and nation.

Cowards don’t lead and leaders aren’t cowards.

Edmund Burke wrote:

 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Sissies are evil. We need good men!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


‘What Is a Woman?’: Matt Walsh Appears on ‘Dr. Phil,’ Presses ‘Non-Binary’ Individuals on Gender

26-Year-Old Convicted Trans Child Molester Sentenced to Two Years in Female Juvenile Facility


What Gen­er­a­tion Z Doesn’t Get About America’s Economic Pie

Gen­er­a­tion Z. Born between 1995 and 2010, they are ​racial­ly and eth­ni­cal­ly diverse, pro­gres­sive and pro-gov­ern­ment” accord­ing to Gen Z data from the Pew Research Cen­ter.

Growing up is a bitch as Generation Z chick YV discovers confiscatory taxation. Watch:

Fed a steady diet of economic lies by anti-capitalists in our society, the Millennial [and Gen­er­a­tion Z] generation has been tricked into believing that the wealthy get rich only by stealing an oversized slice of America’s economic pie. By taking more than their fair share, the narrative goes, greedy corporate CEOs leave little but crumbs for everyone else. Such fallacious thinking is referred to as the zero sum theory of economics, the idea that there’s only one finite-sized pie to go around, and that one person taking a large slice means someone else will go hungry.

In truth, America does not have a finite economic pie.  Rather, it has a virtually unlimited supply of ever-evolving economic pies of varying sizes waiting to be made by enterprising people of every race and every income group.

The biggest such pies are made by high-profile capitalists like Warren Buffet, a Democrat, and Charles Koch, a Republican, both of whom generously share their self-created economic pies not only with a myriad of charitable organizations, but also with hundreds of thousands of well-paid employees who eagerly work for their thriving corporate empires.

Millions of other economic pies are made by less famous job creators, those whose small businesses provide more than 80% of America’s private sector employment. Still more economic pies are made by the 160 million people who comprise the backbone of our economy, men and women who earn a slice of their country’s widespread prosperity simply by getting up and going to work so they can provide for themselves and their family by working hard and learning to live within their means.

Unfortunately, there will always be some who habitually make bad decisions, financial or otherwise. Frustrated that self-created problems have kept them from participating in the American dream, they bitterly complain that someone else made off with their share of the pie.  With nothing but crumbs on their plates, these economically ignorant people are prime targets of the party whose election success depends upon inciting class hatred, the means of gaining political power outlined in an 1848 manuscript titled The Communist Manifesto.

A new poll commissioned by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that 70% of Millennials are likely to vote for a socialist in 2020. Since socialism-loving Millennials are so obsessed with wealth disparity, here are a few questions for them:

  • If wealth disparity is a bad thing, can aggrieved Millennials explain why so many filthy rich Democrats —Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Oprah, Al Gore, the Clintons, the Obamas, etc. — selfishly cling to the lion’s share of their enviable fortunes, rather than giving away, say, 80% of what they have to the poor?
  • Can Millennials explain how corporate CEOs are any more to blame for wealth disparity than the filthy rich Democrats named above?
  • Can they explain how society is hurt when wealthy job creators like Warren Buffet and Charles Koch use their accumulated capital to create even more good-paying jobs?

If Millennials troubled by wealth inequality reflect on those questions, they will (1) stop blaming others and get to work on a plan for earning a share of their country’s bountiful prosperity, and (2) realize that the party telling them that socialism will make their lives better is playing them for fools.

Millennials might want to read this Jewish World Review article about the unmitigated havoc socialism has inflicted on country after country after country.

John Edison. All rights reserved.

Reich Tells Democrat Senators to Give Kyrsten Sinema ‘the Backs of Their Hands’

After the Democrat voting legislation was shot down in the U.S. Senate Wednesday night, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich took to Twitter to encourage Democrat senators to give obstructionist Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema “the backs of their hands.”

“Tonight, Republican senators lined up to shake Kyrsten Sinema’s hand,” Reich tweeted. “Democratic senators should have given her the backs of their hands.”

Had a Republican politico tweeted this call for violence, the shrieking outrage from the left would have been deafening. But they never scold their own, especially since his violent misogyny was directed at a Democrat woman who did not fall in line with the radical left’s agenda. So instead, it was the leftist media silence that was deafening.

More independent-minded figures called Reich out for his message, however. Journalist Glenn Greenwald — no right-winger but a journalist courageous enough to criticize far-left lunacy — responded on Twitter, “What are Democrats supposed to do to Sen. Sinema with ‘the backs of their hands’, @RBReich?”

“Feminists sure got quiet on this one,” tweeted conservative Stephen L. Miller.

Reich is a prime example of the fact that just under their facade of tolerance, compassion, and inclusiveness, the left is full of violent hatred for their political opponents, and that includes fellow Democrats who vote from their conscience instead of a lust for power.

Robert Reich

51 Known Connections

A former Secretary of Labor during the first term of President Bill Clinton, Robert Reich is currently the University Professor and Maurice B. Hexter Professor of Social and Economic Policy at Brandeis University. In 2001, Brandeis named Reich to co-direct an undergraduate program for “Social Justice and Policy” at the university’s Heller Graduate School. In announcing the new program, the university touted its devotion to the “problems of social equity” and its commitment to exploring the connection between “social values and practical policies.”

To this founding vision Reich has stayed true. With its focus on “the gap between richer and poorer citizens,” and its declared intention to determine what can be “done to reverse this trend,” the undergraduate course Reich teaches seems modeled more on a policy think tank that is bent on fashioning a political agenda, than on a university curriculum concerned with the pursuit of knowledge. Even the course’s title, “Wealth and Poverty,” hints at its political tilt, echoing as it does the zero-sum certitudes of leftist strategists like Reich, who perceive economic issues as a pitched Darwinian battle between rich and poor.

To learn more about Robert Reich, click here.

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