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1020 search results for: censorship


Elon Musk And His Businesses Faced Multi-Agency Crackdown From Biden Admin In 2023

In the first full year of Elon Musk’s ownership of Twitter — now X, President Joe Biden’s administration repeatedly targeted the billionaire and his companies, taking regulatory action against them throughout 2023. Several agencies under the Biden administration launched investigations and instituted other consequential reviews into Musk’s businesses. Entities including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Department of Justice (DOJ), […]


American Fascism: How Soviet Socialism is Devouring Our American Dream

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within… The traitor is the carrier of the plague. You have unbarred the gates of Rome to him.” — Cicero Similar idea was expressed by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we […]


The Only Free Speech the Left Believes In Is Praising Hamas

Human Rights Watch complains that Facebook is taking down posts in support of Hamas. The Senate’s Censor-in-Chief who spent years howling that Facebook wasn’t censoring enough speech is attacking Facebook for censoring speech. Hamas speech. Senator Elizabeth Warren dispatched a letter whining that Facebook is suppressing “Palestinian voices”. The letter was endorsed by, among others, […]


‘If You Can’t Win, Cheat’: Trump World Responds To Colorado Supreme Court Keeping Him Off Ballot

Former President Donald Trump’s attorneys, family and campaign blasted the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling on Tuesday that bars him from the state’s presidential ballot. The court decided that Trump was disqualified under provisions of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in a 4-3 ruling Tuesday. “Unsurprisingly, the all-Democrat appointed Colorado Supreme Court has ruled against President […]


AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Checkout the 2023, 2022, 2021 & 2020 archives, plus asterisked items below. If you like the Newsletter, signup for my free Critical Thinking substack. — This Newsletter’s Articles, by […]


On Islamic Apostasy Laws: How they’re Becoming Insidiously Normalized in the West, and Worse, Applied

From time to time circumstances or one’s own thoughts can bring us back to some older videos, almost always that have been censored off of the usual platforms, and it becomes either relevant again, or a good reminder of the subject to repost them. RIAR Foundation published the linked essay on the nature of Islam’s apostasy […]


MUST WATCH: If I Were the Deep State I Would…

We have seen many short videos about the “Deep State” but this one beats them all, by a long shot. WATCH: If I were the Deep State… Paul Harvey? No, but sure sounds like him. Since the inauguration of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. he, and the deep state, have: Pulled out of Afghanistan while leaving […]


Congress Stops NewsGuard

Radical, anti-American subversives have overtaken our most critical government agencies. It should chill every bone in the American body politic. In this instance, leftist destroyers blocked military recruitment ads on many conservative media outlets. Think about that. Defense Bill Pushes Back Against NewsGuard, Woke Media Monitors Pentagon dollars will not be allowed to be spent […]


Meta Will Censor Adult Detransitioners but Not Pornographic Content for Minors

In September, detransitioner Chloe Cole, widely known for her testimony about the dangers of transgender operations, was censored on Instagram so that her content would not appear to non-followers in any capacity. As the warning she received stated, “Your account and content won’t appear in places like Explore, Search, Suggested Users, Reels, and Feed Recommendations.” For several […]


Al Gore: Ban Free Speech, Just Like Guns, to Save the Planet

“They ought to be banned, they really ought to be banned.” — Al Gore While most people forgot about Al Gore a decade ago, the 75-year-old environmental tycoon with a net worth in the hundreds of millions (also a former vice president) has doubled down on his flavor of green fascism in the name of […]


Ivy League University Leaders Resign Amid Outrage Over Handling Of Campus Antisemitism

The University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) president and Board of Trustees chairman both announced their resignation on Saturday, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian. UPenn President Elizabeth Magill faced widespread criticism following a hearing of the House of Representatives Education and Workforce Committee on Dec. 5, where she refused to say that calling for the genocide of Jews would violate the university’s […]


Maryland: Marxist Teachers Union official makes list of wealthy Jews she calls ‘gluttons and thieves,’ blames Trump

“Fear is leading to censorship. I hope this person gets anti-imperialism and joins us in the struggle … No war but class war!” No Marxist should be getting anywhere near our schools, but today they’re in control. Meanwhile, this hate-filled creature epitomizes how the Left’s identification with the “Palestinian” jihad — which they cast as […]


BOB EHRLICH: It’s Not All Doom And Gloom. Here Are Some Signs Of Progress Against The Woke Onslaught

So much has gone wrong over the past three years that it is easy to simply ignore good news, including signs of progress against the woke onslaught. And so, a brief, happy reminder that inflection points still exist – that there are increasing numbers of people ready, willing and able to contest the Obama/Biden led […]


Records Show Federal Agency ‘Real-Time Narrative Tracking’ to Take Down Social Media Posts During 2020 Election

Washington, D.C. — Judicial Watch announced today it received 44 pages of records in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show a close collaboration between DHS’s Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) and the leftist Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) to engage in “real-time narrative tracking” on all […]