Why are Muslims Banning Christmas?

Somalia and Brunei have both just banned Christmas celebrations in their respective countries, citing Islamist justifications. The bans mirror similar restrictions placed on Christianity in other countries that implement sharia as state law. For example, in Saudi Arabia public practice of Christianity or any religion other than Islam is banned. There are no Churches permitted in Saudi Arabia.

But why do Islamists want to target those of other faiths?

The answer lies in a doctrine of supremacy, which holds that Islam must be the dominant religion. This dominance was upheld in previous eras when Islamic empires such as the Ottoman Empire imposed jizya, a special tax on recognized non-Muslim faiths, termed ‘people of scripture.’ These specifically included Christians, as well as Jews and Zoroastrians. Those groups entered into dhimmi, a pact of protection, in which the subjugated groups paid a protection tax and recognized the supremacy of Islam in return for exemption from conscription and the protection of the Muslim state.

These dhimmis were also subject to a host of other restrictions.

In Brunei and Somalia non-Muslims resident in the country for whatever reason will be able to quietly observe Christmas in their homes, but public expressions of their faith will be forbidden.

It is based on these theories of supremacy which date back to eras in which Islamic empires reigned over their non-Muslim subjects in a similar way to the subjugation of non-majority-Christian groups in Europe prior to the modern era.

Many Muslims oppose the subjugation of non-Muslim groups in Muslim majority societies. Some theologians believe that the institutions of jizya, dhimma and the associated restrictions and humiliations are inappropriate and not applicable in the modern age.

Islamic Scholar Sheikh Usama Hasan, of the UK’s Quilliam Foundation, has conducted extensive research in this area and presented the various approaches in his report From Dhimmitude to Democracy. He charts the development of Islamic thought towards a model of equality between all faith groups.

As we see from the news, there are many Islamist leaders who disagree with that model and would prefer to return to one of subjugating non-Muslims.


Muslims Refuse to Split from Christians in Kenya Attack

FBI Arrests Lead Islamic State Recruiter in Minnesota

Somali Women’s Minister Proposes Ban on FGM

Blaming the Victims of Rape in Somalia

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by © Jason D’GReat Creative Commons.

Different Players Same History

Almost everyone knows that history repeats itself, much like a merry go round. The merry go round goes in a circle, you see a particular horse, it disappears as the merry go round revolves, but at the precise regular interval the same figure reappears again.  In a sense, history is no different (but with one exception) that in the circle of history that repeats itself, unlike the merry go round the characters do change.

For example, seventy four years ago during December of 1941 the world was under extreme threat from both the Nazis and the nation of Japan.  Leading up to the fateful year, Neville Chamberlain, the appeasing Prime Minister of Great Britain endangered that great empire by pandering to the Nazis.  Chamberlain’s continued weak posture resulted in Hitler feeling free to rain down bombs throughout the United Kingdom capital of London.

The good news is the Chamberlain’s woeful ways were not the cornerstone on the long term outcome of Great Britain during World War Two.  Even though V1 rockets destroyed hundreds of square miles of the fabled city, they did not wipe out the resolve of the people to overcome the enemy.  The good news was that the Chamberlain persuasion wasn’t the final word on how Great Britain and the West would encounter and defeat the enemies of freedom.

The good news was that the Chamberlain persuasion was not the final word on how Great Britain and the allies would engage the enemies of freedom.  There was a man named Sir Winston Churchill, the English statesman who was born in 1874 and destined for a magnanimous rendezvous with destiny.  For years, during the unfruitful regime of Chamberlain, Winston Churchill was either ignored or shouted down by the progressive leaning members of Parliament who refused to believe Churchill’s call to stand up to the Third Reich was the way to go.

Of course, history would prove that all of the kissing of Hitler’s backside that Neville Chamberlain could muster would only embolden Hitler’s horrors against the British Empire.  But alas, insanity gave way to Godly wisdom and Churchill would hear from Heaven and join forces with Franklin D. Roosevelt, the American president who strategized with Churchill and great generals like Patton, Eisenhower and Sherman.  Those divine connections led to the eventual victories over both Germany and Japan.  Mr. Roosevelt was also a great comforter to the American people during the war.  His radio broadcast fireside chats and prayers for America and victory became legendary.

But the bottom line is, those who sought to wreak havoc throughout the world were ultimately defeated.  The resolve to face down and defeat evil was almost always there, despite the horrendous mistakes of Chamberlain and even the earlier hesitation president Roosevelt to enter America into the fray of World War Two.  But ultimately, history was made and “Happy Days” were here again, which set the stage for what became the greatest increase in the standard of living and freedom for mankind in the history of the world up to that time.

Today history is being repeated, via the mission of oppression of the Obama administration.  His fierce loyalty to those seeking to destroy America is exhibited in the refusal to allow a full throttle American assault against the Muslim terrorists who have vowed to destroy us.  This turn of events displays an even more egregious than the boot licking policies of Britain’s Chamberlain which preceded victory under Churchill and Roosevelt.

Obama’s feckless leadership and shallow policies of appeasements have weakened the United States and strengthened the resolve of those who have vowed to kill, steal from and destroy those who differ from Islam and sharia law.

Despite the current low ebb of American governance, I am firmly convinced that the pages of history shall soon turn and reveal a dramatic and positive change in the state of affairs regarding war with those on the march against the Christian inspired land of liberty, called the United States of America.  Just as Churchill and Roosevelt set the tone for victory against the enemies of freedom during their time, so will our next president be inspired to properly lead this republic not only toward victory, but to greatness as the sweet land of liberty so envisioned by the founding fathers.

History does repeat itself, but it is ultimately up to us which history will be repeated and becomes the direction our nation takes in the future.  As former president George W. Bush stated “we are the deciders.”  Will we repeat or continue the decline and misery of the Carter and Obama years, or do we repeat the history of greatness and power like America experienced during the years of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan?

I can promise you that without repentance to almighty God who shed his grace upon our blessed republic for our foolish choices including certain ones voted to the presidency, we will continue to repeat the failures of our present era. Thus America will remain on her slippery slope to oblivion.  The current decline and worse are the goals of the progressive democrats, rinos and sharia law trolls.

But if your desire is to witness the rebirth of America, she must first be reborn spiritually.  The founding fathers recognized the importance of and our need for our heavenly Father’s grace and sought His wisdom and guidance regularly.  “The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity…I will avow that I believed and now believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God”:  John Adams, Second President.

If God was good enough for the founding fathers, he is more than good enough for “We the People” today.  Let us together seek his wisdom, so that the history repeated in our time is good for us, our children and our children’s children.

God Bless you and Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas 2015 – from The United West

I and some of The United West elves take a few moments to thank everyone for a great 2015 and wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Do you hear what I hear?

Christmas carols are inspirational and one of my favorites is the Little Drummer Boy. Here is the Harry Simeoni Chorale singing the original version of a carol that sends the right message – the celebration of God’s greatest give to mankind – birth of baby Jesus.

Please enjoy this wonderful song. A very Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us at DrRichSwier.com.

Connecting the Dots in Chicago: Most 2015 shootings in Black Neighborhoods

Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun ownership laws in the United States. So where do most of the shootings in Chicago occur? In black neighborhoods.

The Chicago Tribune released a graphic of shooting victims to date in 2015. In 2015 to date there have been 2,901 shootings. In 2014 there was a total of 2,587. Shootings are up by 314 and the year is not over.

The map below left shows where people were shot in Chicago, broken down by community area. Darker shades of blue indicate a greater numbers of victims in those community areas. The map on the right is of the African American population in Chicago according to the 2011 census.

Do you see the correlation?

black population in chicago map

Blacks in black neighborhoods are most likely to be involved in a shooting. Perhaps it is time to arm the law abiding black citizens of Chicago? Perhaps the Black Lives Matter people in the featured image need to talk to blacks in Chicago?

Guns don’t shoot people, people shoot people. In Chicago it is black people shooting black people.

RELATED ARTICLE: What Rising Murder Rates in U.S. Cities Mean for 2016

2015: The Year of Leftist Speech Codes? The New Left’s monstrous movement turns on its own!

In 2015, leftists in the media and academia began criticizing the leftist mobs seeking to shut them down.  Kirsten Powers, the left-of-center commentator at Fox News, came out with a book titled, The Silencing: How the Left Is Killing Free Speech.

Northwestern University film professor Laura Kipnis, after being slapped with a Title IX lawsuit for her essaySexual Paranoia Strikes Academe,” made it to The Chronicle of Higher Education’s “2015 Influence List.” The 1972 law was intended to protect against sexual discrimination and misconduct.  Kipnis’s crime was to criticize new consensual-relations codes governing professor-student dating.  For opining that the codes infantilized students and increased the power of administrators, she was accused of creating a hostile environment and was greeted by mattress-carrying protestors (following Columbia art student, Emma Sulkowicz who claimed an ex-boyfriend raped her).

leftist students speech codesAfter the kangaroo court proceedings, Kipnis wrote “My Title IX Inquisition” for the Chronicle, expressing surprise that students would protest someone like herself, a feminist who hadn’t sexually assaulted anyone.  Kipnis had assumed that “academic freedom would prevail.”

“The whole thing seemed symbolically incoherent,” she mused, claiming that most of her academic colleagues, including “feminists, progressives, minorities, and those who identify as gay or queer,” live “in fear of some classroom incident spiraling into professional disaster.”

This rang true.  A piece in Vox titled “I’m a Liberal Professor, and My Students Terrify Me” by an anonymous professor had gone viral.

Kipnis noted, “It’s astounding how aggressive students’ assertions of vulnerability have gotten in the past few years. Emotional discomfort is regarded as equivalent to material injury, and all injuries have to be remediated.”

Todd Gitlin, proud veteran leader of the 1960s “youth movement,” also criticized the youth, after some students at Columbia had proposed that syllabi contain “trigger warnings.”   He told them “You Are Here to Be Disturbed.”  By “here” he meant the college classroom, a place where many veterans of the 1960s campus takeovers found themselves comfortably ensconced with tenure.  Gitlin himself is at Columbia.  In character with those of his generation, he referred back to the “changes for good” they had instituted, including recognizing that speech acts can lead to a hostile environment and accordingly changing word usage, for example, replacing “girl” with “woman,” and “Negro” with “African-American.”  But, Gitlin warned, that does not justify “censorious policy.”

Kirsten Powers, who was born at the height of the “youth movement,” in 1969, believes the grizzled veterans, and writes, “While watching the illiberal left in action, it’s easy to forget that it was the political left that championed free speech in America.  During the Vietnam War era, the targeting of left-wing anti-war activists at the University of California-Berkeley for their dissent launched what came to be known as ‘The Free Speech Movement.’”

Powers takes the self-defined “free speech movement” at Berkeley as true to its name,  perpetuating myths promulgated in school lessons and in the media—by veterans of the movement, Todd Gitlin, being one of the most influential.  What we are seeing today as we close out 2015 with the forced or attempted ouster of insufficiently politically correct faculty and administrators, is a continuation of the policies of the 1960s New Left.

“Silencing” is in the DNA of the New Left and its progeny, today’s student protestors.

Mario Savio, the Berkeley student credited with beginning the free speech movement, admitted that the issue of “free speech” was a “pretext” to “arouse the students against the existing role of the university.”  That existing role is the search for truth through reasoned debate and evidence, and the appreciation for higher and beautiful things.

The acquiescence to Savio’s demands to use university space for political mobilizing led to waves of student protests.  But “debates” were conducted through bullhorns.  Negotiations were conducted by commandeering buildings and taking hostages.  Scientific labs and scholarly papers were destroyed.  People were hurt, sometimes killed.

The goal was to subvert the academy, and its methods, and make it into an adjunct for activism.  Todd Gitlin easily segued from leader of the largest student activist group, SDS, to teaching a self-glorifying history of the SDS.  History professor Howard Zinn did the same.  Today, City University history professor Angus Johnston describes himself as both a “historian and advocate of American student organizing.”

In his recent article in the Chronicle, “Student Protests, Then and Now,” Johnston attributes the resurgence of student protest to racial discrimination, sexual assault and harassment, and rising tuition and debt.  He and the student protestors, however, give little empirical evidence of discrimination or harassment.  He states, “The origins of today’s student complaints are deep and in many cases intractable, and the more accustomed activists become to protesting, the more readily they will mobilize in response to new provocation.”  Indeed.

It is a wonder that left-wing professors should complain now that their intellectual progeny have turned the p.c. microscope on them, and increasing its magnification.

The tenured leftists ignored or disparaged warnings of those like New York University Philosophy Professor Sidney Hook, who wrote in 1968, “If the university is conceived as an agency of action to transform society in behalf of a cause, no matter how exalted, it loses its relative autonomy, imperils both its independence and objectivity, and subjects itself to retaliatory curbs and controls on the part of society on whose support and largesse it ultimately depends.”

Hook, in that same article, stated a truth that few dare utter today: “it is preposterous for callow and immature adolescents who presumably have come to the university to get an education to set themselves up as authorities on what research by their teachers is educationally permissible.” Yet, many of the 1960s student protestors retain their youthful arrogance into old age.

One of these is Mark Rudd, leader of the Columbia takeover in 1968, co-founder of the terroristic SDS offshoot group Weatherman, and retired math professor.

Writing in his 2009 memoir, Underground: My Life in SDS and the Weathermen, the then 61-year-old Rudd sees nothing wrong with his actions as an undergraduate student who refused to listen to professors who were refugees from Nazi Germany.  They pled for free speech as students planned to block CIA recruiters on campus.  Believing in the “’neutral’ and ‘objective’ character of the university,” the refugees “identified SDS’s antiwar activities with the actions of Nazi students at German universities in the thirties.”

Rudd recounts, “This was a frightening image, even to us in SDS.  ‘What if every small group had the power to silence whomever they wanted—such as you?’ asked the old liberals.  ‘Isn’t there an absolute right to free speech?’”

Rudd, however, aligns CIA recruiters with the Nazi SS, citing the Nuremberg Trials that “established that it is the legal and moral responsibility of the individual not to comply with orders that constitute war crimes.”  Blazing forward with the false analogy, Rudd bars further discussion.  The intervening decades have brought him no enlightenment or humility.

Like many of his generation, Rudd spent his career proselytizing to the young, captive audiences in his classroom.  He brags about it in his memoir.  His website features photos of his 1968 mug shot and the Columbia takeover, and description of his work organizing student activists for environmental justice, unionization, and Palestinian rights, and against “war and militarization.”

The eight-day occupation of Columbia University was repeated metaphorically in faculty votes in the ensuing decades. As dissenting professors like Sidney Hook retired they were replaced by hires who put up barricades to traditionalists. They even held workshops on how to get past the old “mossbacks” on hiring committees.  I experienced this as a graduate student at the University of Georgia in the 1990s.  The Chronicle of Higher Education gave space in the 1980s and 1990s to “Ms. Mentor” for a column in which she advised aspiring feminist academics on how to get through the academic gates with subterfuge that ranged from altering modes of dress to scholarly papers.  As a result, the humanities have been transformed.  History specialization that focuses on the environment, gender, and sexuality predominates.  My field, English, is now an auxiliary for gender and ethnic studies.

Ironically, on the Chronicle’s “influential list,” next to Kipnis, are such notables as “Trigger-Warning Catalyst” Bailey Loverin, “Sexism Fighter: Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett,” and “Silence Breaker: Concerned Student 1950.”  The last is a group that used megaphones to make “demands” at the University of Missouri, which spurred a nationwide rash of similar “demands,” so far at 73 campuses.  They forced out the president.  The clenched fist is their symbol.

I must admit to feeling a bit of schadenfreude as I read about leftist professors and administrators being in fear of their students.  As a traditionalist and an adjunct professor, I lived in fear too—of department chairs and administrators.  These fears proved real, when I was told no classes were available for me, after my dissenting views became known to higher-ups.

In contrast, Kipnis, rather than losing her job, received kudos from fellow liberals. Conservative outlets came to her defense.  It was a conservative publishing house, Regnery, that published Kirsten Powers’ book.

But without fundamental changes, we can expect to see more inquisitions.  Another inquisition is underway against Harvard University professors for daring to question the accuracy of a documentary about rape on campus.  But I wonder: Will liberal academics defend the free speech of conservatives and allow them on campuses?

Or will the mobs of “callow and immature students” finally shut down the little fiefdoms that leftist academics have carved out for themselves?  I would not be sad about that.

Pentagon uses forged document to show Islamic State in ‘desperation’ mode and ‘beginning to feel the pressure’?

More Baghdad Bob antics from the Pentagon.

“Desperate: Pentagon Peddles Suspect Docs to Prove ISIS ‘Evil,’” by Jordan Schachtel and Edwin Mora, Breitbart, December 22, 2015:

Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren highlighted what may be a forged document to insist that the Islamic State is in “desperation” mode and “beginning to feel the pressure” of the U.S.-led coalition’s efforts against the terror group.

Throughout its rampage across the Middle East, the Islamic State has committed mass executions against innocent men, women, and children, using brutal methods to torment and end innocent lives. There exists overwhelming evidence that the Islamic State has persecuted and executed religious and ethnic minorities, for no reason other than the fact that they do not follow Islam. The holy warriors frequently brag about their actions, and post videos of their savage execution methods on social media. They have beheaded countless individuals, and burned others alive, showcasing their barbarism for the world to see.

The United States government, in its information campaign against the jihadi group, has sought to highlight these atrocities. But this time, the Pentagon appears to have overstepped its bounds.

On Tuesday, Pentagon Spokesman Col. Steve Warren tweeted: “ISIL fighters ordered to dress as ISF [Iraqi Security Forces] and commit atrocities before fleeing Fallujah,” attaching a document purportedly drafted by the Islamic State.

The purported Islamic State flier orders citizens of Fallujah to blow up mosques, to “assault some women,” and to kill “civilians, torture them and film them.” It also calls for the filming of executions, among other inhumane actions.

In a conference call with reporters Tuesday, the Pentagon spokesman said the supposedly recovered documents provide that Islamic State is “beginning to feel some of this pressure that we’ve been applying to them.” According to Col. Warren, the document was obtained by Iraqi security forces from a unit within the Islamic State.

Russian state-media and some U.S. publications have quickly picked up on the spokesman’s post and conference call with reporters, assuming the documents are accurate and legitimate.

“Clearly, this isn’t the behavior of a legitimate government or of a legitimate military force,” he said. “It’s the behavior of thugs, it’s the behavior of killers and it’s the behavior of terrorists,” Warren added.

“The reason I bring this up is to illustrate where ISIL is right now. I would submit to you that we’re starting to see a change in their behavior that may be related to some desperation,” the Pentagon spokesman said.

The document, however, appears to be a forgery, as there are factual, chronological, and locational issues with the flier.

For one, the memo is dated 1436. The current Islamic year is 1437.

Secondly, the document is signed by the Islamic State’s “Ninawa Province.” But Fallujah is not located in Ninawa Province. Fallujah lies in Anbar Province.

It also requests that Islamic State fighters send execution videos to Al Arabiya (headquartered in Saudi Arabia) and Al Jazeera (headquartered in Qatar), the two predominant Sunni networks in the Middle East. Yet, Islamic State has its own sophisticated media presence.

There are other more subtle errors in the Arabic language version, which has been pointed out by social media users in response to the Pentagon spokesman’s post.

Breitbart News has found that the memo is at least over two months old, as it was posted by an Iraqi man on social media on October 16.

Islamic State supporters and others have taken to Twitter, highlighting the spokesman’s tweet and citing it as proof that the U.S. government is not to be trusted….

Pennsylvania: Muslim teen indicted for aiding the Islamic State

Argentina starts flushing the Communists

In Buenos Aries, Argentina today the new capitalist freedom loving government is beginning the process of flushing the Marxists out to sea. They are opening the gates to the newly installed rotor rooter septic tank Communist removal system out to the Pacific Ocean.

Mauricio Macri, President of Argentina.

Meet the new Capitalist freedom loving President of Argentina.  Senor Mauricio Macri. He is the guy in the suit.

Mr. Donald Trump is really excited  that the new capitalist team in Argentina is singing off the same sheet of music as he is.  Time to clean up the mess in South America.  Brazil is next.   They will enjoy working together in 2017.

Today the land fill clean up begins in Argentina.  Next year in the USA.

Argentina’s new government has  just fired the country’s chief media regulator.

They told him him his services as the “Marxist propaganda machine”, a.k.a. head of the AFSCA television and radio watchdog commission, were terminated.

Comrade Martin Sabbatella was openly working against Argentina’s new  center-right freedom loving capitalist President Mauricio Macri.

So he was ceremoniously  thrown out the back door of his former office in his PJ’s clutching a copy of the Karl Marx manifesto given to him perhaps by BHO and his Winnie the Poo bear?

The President of Argentina also shredded the Socialist central bank chief’s employment record by forcing him out of a job. Comrade Alejandro Vanoli was forced to resign.  Adios buddy maybe President Obama has a job someplace at the U.S. Federal Reserve for you?

President  Macri’s  is firing these miscreants and replacing them with a team willing to implement his free-market policies.

Obama’s puppet hand maiden the former Communist leader of Argentina  is fired.  She is terminated.  All together boys and girls…..  say…. ADIOS COMRADES.

A new era of freedom and free market capitalism is about to turn Argentina into a happy, free and prosperous country.

RELATED ARTICLE: Venezuela Attacks U.S. Website for Telling the Truth about Inflation

Snopes during White House visit produces Barack Obama’s genuine birth certificate

Snopes.com, which brands itself as “the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation,” has recently made a claim that any stories about its alleged ties to the White House, as well as to Democratic activist groups and donors, are nothing more than “urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.”

Snopes.com representatives, hereinafter referred to as SNOPES, made this statement at a recent meeting with Democratic activist groups and donors that happened at the White House.

SNOPES further promised to up their game debunking anything “fishy” anyone says about Obama, his administration, the Democratic activist groups and donors, or their proxies, as well as about their alleged ties with SNOPES.

SNOPES supported their statement with a substantial list of news stories and rumors they had discredited without any joint effort or coordination with Democratic organizations, which should serve as definitive proof of the Internet company’s uncoordinated, disjointed, and disorganized position on political issues.

In one example, SNOPES had proven without a shadow of a doubt that when a young Barack Obama registered at Columbia as a foreign student, it didn’t mean that he was a foreigner, or a student, or Barack Obama. Being registering at Columbia as “Barack” didn’t mean he was registered as “Barry Soetoro,” or anyone else impersonating anyone else, and that a man who was born in Nairobi wasn’t also simultaneously born in Honolulu and Jakarta; it should appear reasonable that a man with audacity can be born in several places at any one time, or “reborn,” or beamed to Earth from the dreams of his father, or someone else’s father – an explanation that should have satisfied anyone not totally deranged.

SNOPES had also clarified the confusion over the social security card issued to young Barry in Connecticut, a state that only gives such cards to those who were born and lived there. According to SNOPES, the fact that young Obama never visited Connecticut didn’t mean that he was the John Smith who had the same social security number and who had died decades before Barry was born, as clearly evidenced by the undeniable fact that the deceased had never filed a complaint of identity theft, nor had there been any record of a police report filed against Barry Soetoro in 1922. Furthermore, a dead man in one state having the very same number as one living in another didn’t mean that that Barack Obama’s younger self was not born ever, or that he never lived somewhere, which proves, ipso facto, that Barack Obama was indeed born and lived somewhere sometime.

Proving the skeptics wrong, SNOPES further produced Barack Obama’s genuine birth certificate printed from a real PDF file with five certified and notarized digital layers, which they copied from the Daily Kos website and reproduced on a vintage Hewlett-Packard inkjet printer using authentic 1961 HP ink cartridges. That the certificate contained a computer font from Microsoft Word was later explained in a signed statement from Bill Gates, assuring SNOPES readers that Windows operating system existed prior to Obama’s birth, as further evidenced by the 1954 movie Rear Window, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring James Stewart with Grace Kelly.

The SNOPES statement was followed by a short Q&A, during which former broadcast professional, Dan Rather, insisted that Obama’s four known birth certificates, as well as his multiple social security numbers and his sealed student records at Columbia contained proof that George. W. Bush was in Kenya during the Mau Mau uprising and could not have landed on the moon at the same time to meet with Dick Cheney, who was an extraterrestrial organizing the hobbits to assassinate JFK as Oliver Stone had claimed.

Before leaving the room, SNOPES took a moment to wipe off their fingerprints from the microphone and the podium, as well as to thoroughly debunk the allegation that they had ever been in that room, or ever met with the White House team, or contributed money to Barack Obama’s campaigns of 2007 and 2011 respectively – a statement that the White House immediately confirmed, adding, “but it wasn’t enough.”

EDITORS NOTE: A special thanks to Komrade Kommissar General Vassily Ilyich Chernobylski for major contributions to this reporting. This political satire column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

What Christmas is all about, especially for Iraqi and Syrian Christian Refugees

Iraqi refugee children pray for their meals on Iraq during the Christmas for Refugees program

Iraqi refugee children pray for their meals.

Over 4,000 Iraqi Christian and Syrian refugee children (normally ages 6 – 12, receiving no church assistance, but who have registered through a church) and their entire families are being given a genuine Christmas, in spite of their shocking circumstances.  The Christmas for Refugees program is about encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christian families.  Many believe that Christians are the most persecuted group in the world today.

This Christmas, the Christmas for Refugees project, headed by William J. Murray, expanded inside Iraq, as well as in Lebanon and Jordan to touch the hearts of Middle East refugees with not only food, games, Bibles, and gifts, and some blankets, but with a specific Christmas presentation of the real meaning of Christmas.

Each participating family receives either a parcel of about $50 worth of food staples to last at least a week, or a voucher for $50 or $60 worth of food depending on availability of local food stores willing to participate.

William J. Murray, who is known for his outstanding work of helping persecuted Christians, is the son of one of the most famous atheists and Marxists in America, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, founder of American Atheists. When she enrolled William in the school in the early 1960s, she was enraged at prayers and mentions of God in the school setting. Her lawsuit led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling officially banning Bible reading in American public schools in 1963.

Bill Murray, founder of Christmas for Refugees, prays over children and their Christmas meal inside Iraq

Bill Murray, founder of Christmas for Refugees, prays over children and their Christmas meal inside Iraq.

One dozen Christmas events for refugee children were arranged in Lebanon, six were held in Jordan and for the first time, two large events of more than 300 children each was held in Iraq itself.  Bill and his wife Nancy Murray personally participated in two events in each country.

As a Board Member, I also did some fact-finding efforts into new Iraqi areas and towns for next year’s expansion.  My ministry, Love-Link Ministries, has once again partnered with Christmas for Refugees.  No advance public advertisements are made of the events in order to insure the security of each site; to better protect the children and their refugee parents.  In fact, for security sake, the sites and coordinators of the Lebanon and Iraqi events are not made public.

Murray states, “If the funds were available, the list of children would be in the tens of thousands. The program size doubled in 2015 and we hope to double it to 8,000 children in 2016!”

Multiplied thousands of evacuated Iraqi Christian refugees have literally escaped to the country of Jordan.  Most had only enough time to flee with just the clothes on their backs.  Many are from the Iraqi city of Mosul, where ISIL fighters raided their homes and sections of town and gave them a choice:  “Renounce your faith or we will shoot you!” reports several refugees in unison.

Bill Murray sadly relates:  “There are many touching moments during these events. At one event in Lebanon a very young girl, perhaps five years old, began to cry when she realized the event was over and she would have to go back to the refugee area her family lived in. Other touching times include the children involved in genuine play away from the problems that face their families.

“The most rewarding aspect of the Christmas for Refugees program is the moment the children forget the tragic situation their families are in, while participating in our Christmas program that includes puppet shows, singing, games and a hot Christmas meal.”

christian refugee children

Christian refugee children.

In Aman, Jordan, joining Bill was Isam Ghattas, President of Manara Ministries, to make a seemingly joyful Christmas season, regardless of the dilemma of these refugees.  Isam Ghattas tells:  “Joseph Stalin once said, ‘A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.’  For Christians, however, one single death some 2,000 years ago made all the difference as it provided salvation from eternal death to millions of people.  Jesus Christ lived and prescribed two ingredients that constitute a panacea for people’s foremost spiritual malady; SIN!  These are SALT and LIGHT.

“Christians has since used symbols to denote their allegiance to Christ and express their faith; first the fish then the cross symbol some 400 years after Christ’s death.  Recently, another sign has emerged but this time from the enemy ISIS stigmatized the houses of Assyrian Iraqis from Mosul with the letter to denote Nasara (Christians).

“Christians need to turn these calamities and persecutions into opportunities to serve the afflicted.  As the number of world refugees has reached 60 million this month, Syrians being the highest nationality among them, Christians are invited to embody Christ’s panacea by the “word that sustains the weary” (Isaiah 50:4).  Christians must first be this salt and light as they heed a life of sanctity, faith and love.

“Therefore behooves the church to sustain these refugees with their basic needs (food, water, shelter, medicine, clothes) but also with a touch of mercy and love that preserves their dignity.  Having lived this ‘salt and light’ sharing the Good News with them becomes an easy thing to do!  And Christmas for Refugees is doing just that!”

Murray, facing some obstacles, not to mention at one point being only 30 miles from ISIL-controlled territories, felt led of God to expand the program this year into two areas of Iraq, near Erbil, the capital city of Kurdistan.  Murray is aggressively planning for next year to further help develop relief to those who suffer, no matter what our news headlines say.

“It’s all about the children and how they can briefly escape their terrible, ongoing circumstances as displaced refugees,” Nancy Murry painfully relates.

Over two million Syrian refugees have crossed over into Lebanon making up for one-third of the country’s entire population.  Not quite as bad, but Jordan is experiencing a similar displacement of refugees squeeze on their economy.  Most refugees, even though they want to work, are not allowed to work in Jordan.  The economy of Iraq remains in shambles, causing more Iraqi people to seek relief, not just mere “handouts,” but life-saving food, clothing and shelter.

Bill summarizes: “Courtesy of ISIL, Christians around the world are finally beginning to truly understand the horrible conditions refugees face.  And for Christian refugees, it is much, much harder.  I pray that many more Christians will see the plight and send urgently-needed donations.”

Against the backdrop of staggering, appalling surroundings, out of the very depths of despair, one can hear the laughter of children as they play and experience a Christmas that they will remember for the rest of their lives.  After all, it is just like a Christmas they once knew.  The tears and smiles from the parents as they receive their much-needed food, is priceless.

That is exactly what Christmas is all about, not just about the birth of a Saviour, but about true compassion and love shown, just like our Lord showed.

Even the most desperate experienced the true gift of Christmas!

EDITORS NOTE: Rev. Bob Armstrong is a published author or co-author of numerous books, this month is the release of “Beware: Earthquakes Prophesied” (Creation House), as well as “Razor’s Edge: from Bin Laden’s Home to Divine Appointments,” “Stop the Y2K Madness,” among others.  These may be ordered on his ministry website:  www.lovelinkministries.com.  He is also an ordained minister for over three decades and has trained 50,000 pastors in 13 countries in leadership conferences.  He heads up an evangelical and humanitarian organization for three decades called Love-Link Ministries.  He has traveled in 47 countries.  He and his wife Kim, and daughter Brittany reside in Bradenton, FL.  He serves on the boards of several ministries. (bobkimandb@gmail.com)

Tampa’s Al Qassam Mosque on Muslim who stabbed Jews: ‘May Allah shower him with mercy’

Read what the email the Al Qassam Mosque sent honoring a Palestinian terrorist killed by Israeli forces committing a stabbing attack on Jews in Jerusalem. See corroborating story below with pictures.

This is a great example of the duality of Islam. We have the Imam of the al-Qassam Mosque denouncing terrorism pubicly. Yet when these same Muslims think no one is looking they honor those who are committing the violence in terrorism “May Allah shower him with mercy” the Tampa Mosque leaders write below.

Hassan Shibly of CAIR is connected to this Mosque who hosted the North American Imam Federation.

Connect the dots and you have a wide net of Muslim Americans who support those who honor Palestinian Jihadis murdering Jews in Israel.


Date: Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 1:18 PM
Subject: [Tampa-Muslims**مسلمي-تامبا] Azaa Tonight at ICT Masjid Al-Qassam 8pm

استشهد الأخ عنان محمدابو حبسة
العزاء الليلة بعد الساعة
الثامنة مساءً في مسجد القسام لمدة يوم واحد فقط والشهيد قريب الإخوة فرج ابو ناصر وعماد ونضال وزياد عبد المحسن زغلول
نسأل الله أن يتغمده بواسع رحمته وعظيم مغفرته وأن يلهم ذويه جميل الصبر وحسن العزاء
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم

Br. Anan Mohammad Abu Habsa was shot and killed by Israeli occupation forces in Palestine.
Azza at ICT Masjid Al-Qassam tonight after 8pm for one night
He is the cousin of BRS. Faraj, Emad, Nidal and Ziad Hasan
May Allah shower him with His mercy~ Ameen.
May Allah grant patience to his family during these difficult times.
ICT Masjid Al-Qassam 5910 E. 130th Ave Tampa, FL 33617


Two Palestinians And Two Israelis Killed In Jerusalem
Wednesday December 23, 2015 20:53 by IMEMC & Agencies

Israeli sources have reported, Wednesday, that the police killed two Palestinians after carrying out a stabbing attack in Jerusalem, and that one Israeli died of stab wounds, and the other was accidentally shot and killed by the Police.


The incident took place in Bab al-‘Amoud area; the Israeli police said policewomen opened fire on the Palestinians, accidentally wounding an Israeli, who died of his wounds.

Palestinian sources later said the two slain Palestinians have been identified as Issa Assaf, 21, and Anan Abu Habsa, 20, from the Qalandia refugee camp. Both are former detainees who were held by Israel.

The Israel army and police closed the entire area, including the Old City, while dozens of additional officers and soldiers were deployed.

Israeli daily Haaretz has reported that the man who was accidentally killed by the police has been identified as Ofer Ben-Ari, 46, the second was identified as Mordechai Birmacher.

Below is my November 17, 2015 column exposing the terrorist ties of the Al Qassam Mosque.

Tampa, Florida Terrorist Supporting Al Qassam Mosque

Muslim terrorist Dr. Abdul Mawgoud Dardery was invited to speak on November 11 and 13, 2015 at the Al-Qassam Mosque – Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), 5910 E. 130th Avenue, Tampa, FL 33617, 813-985-9433.

Dr. Dardery is the foreign relations committee spokesman for the Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC).  The ERC according to their website exists to overthrow the current Egyptian government and replace it with Egypt’s past president Mohammad Morsi, a self declared Muslim Brotherhood leader.

Dr. Dardery is an exiled Muslim Brotherhood Shura Council member and Egyptian Parliamentarian with a history of open support for Hamas, a US designated foreign terrorist organization.

Dr. Dardery is a ‘terrorist’ because the ERC is an arm of The Muslim Brotherhood which was designated a terrorist organization by Egypt, Bahrain, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Al Qassam Mosque Born Out of Hate And Intolerance

The infamous convicted Florida terrorist Dr. Sami Al-Arian in his Hamas funding trial USA v. Al-Arian,03-CR-77, “Exhibit A” said the ICT-Al Qassam Mosque was named after Izzedin al-Qassam.  Izzedin al-Qassam was so loved by Muslim terrorists he was the inspiration for the Islamic Jihad movement, says Palestinian scholar Ziad Abu Amr.

The ICT-Al  Qassam Mosque was incorporated by convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian in 1992.  Federal investigators say that, at the time, Al-Arian was the North American leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

In this video clip Sami Al-Arian openly says,”…Jihad is our path, victory to Islam, Death to Israel…”

Sami Al-Arian doubled down on his hate speech calling Jews “monkeys and pigs” and warned against recent peace efforts aimed at ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, at a 1991 Islamic Committee for Palestine Conference in Chicago, IL, Steve Emerson reports.

To date no member of the Al-Qassam Mosque has publicly condemned Sami Al-Arian for his hate filled rhetoric and funding of Islamic terrorism.

The bigotry and hate Sami Al-Arian founded the ICT Al-Qassam Mosque on years ago, was reaffirmed with the invitation of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist Dr. Abdul Mawgoud Dardery.

The current owners of the ICT Al Qassam Mosque, according to Hillsborough County records, is the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).   NAIT’s terrorist ties to the Muslim Brotherhood were exposed during the largest terrorist funding trial in American history, United States v. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, et al. Richardson, Tx.

NAIT holds title to approximately 70% of the Mosques in the United States.  Including Imam Mohammad Musri’s notorious Islamic Society of Central Florida Mosque in Orlando, FL. In June of 2009, Mohammad Musri’s Mosque was caught on film hosting a Hamas fundraiser.


The next time you hear about Hamas firing their Qassam rockets at Israeli civilians imagine the pride emanating from the Islamic Community of Tampa Al Qassam Mosque.

If the Muslims of Tampa were not proud of the all the dark, bigoted, and hate filled associations the word Al Qassam generates, why would they name their most revered place of worship the Al Qassam Mosque?

I propose the current Al Qassam Mosque leadership take sensitivity training classes because they have no idea how offensive everything associated with the Al Qassam Mosque founding and terrorist sympathies are to America’s freedom, liberty, and Representative Republic.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on FamilySecurityMatters.com.  Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Give Yourself a Great Gift for Christmas: Liberation From Political Correctness

truth and political correctnessThe dictionary defines a phobia as “an abnormal or irrational fear of a specific thing…” Therefore, a phobia is a mental illness. I am fed up with the Left being allowed to decree that everyone repulsed by two men kissing on national TV is mentally ill; abnormal and irrational (homophobic).

In response to SCOTUS ruling in favor of same sex marriage some Americans said, “What’s the big deal? Who cares if homosexuals marry?” These naive Americans did not realize the ruling was only the beginning of government forcing Americans to condone homosexuality. Despite not having the authority to do so, in essence, SCOTUS made it a crime to choose not to actively participate in the normalization of homosexuality.

Regardless of religious or moral convictions, non-compliance with government mandated embrace of homosexuality has resulted in putting people out-of-business and even jailed; a Vermont pastor sentenced to a year in jail for refusing to marry a homosexual couple. 

Yes, the Left uses the tactic of attaching the word “phobic”, telling us we are stupid, bigoted or crazy, whenever we reject them forcing its radical anti-God and anti-American agenda down our throats.

To the majority of Americans who realize that America and Christians are under attack by Islamist, the Left (Obama) says we are Islamophobic. In other words, we are mentally ill, irrational and abnormal – crazy. 

In 2016, to save the lives of Americans and restore our great nation, it is crucial that Americans have a “Network” moment. As instructed in the movie, “Network”, Americans must throw open their windows and yell, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” 

Rush Limbaugh recently pointed out that not long ago, political correctness demands were laughed at; thought too absurd to be implemented. Today, PC dictates are mainstream, enforced with an iron-fist and wrecking havoc across America; endangering and enslaving Americans.

When I was a black kid growing up in the projects of Baltimore, anyone who allowed a bully to push them around was called a “chump.” My fellow Americans, we have been allowing the Left to make chumps of us for far too long. Frankly, I am sick of it. In 2016, “Screw PC!” And, I’m not crazy!

Just before Christmas, I made a deposit at my bank’s drive-through. My favorite teller (a middle-age Hispanic woman) greeted me with, “Happy Holidays.” Then she asked, “Do you say the right (PC) thing, Happy Holidays?” I replied, “I say, Merry Christmas.” A huge smile of relief swept over her face. She responded with a hearty, “Merry Christmas Mr Marcus!”

Patriots we have had a very challenging, heartbreaking and yet hopeful year. Atop my grown up Christmas list is that we who love freedom and America grasp the seriousness of what we are up against. I pray that we are gifted with the courage to liberate ourselves from the bullying of PC; enabling us to restore liberty and save our God given freedoms which includes free speech.

Here’s me singing, “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.” 

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas performed by Lloyd Marcus from Lloyd Marcus on Vimeo.

Enjoy and May God Bless Us Everyone!

How the Energy Industry Makes Christmas (and Life) Magical

I’m writing this from John Wayne Airport in Orange County, contemplating just one small example of the wondrous, high-energy world we live in. This morning I swam in the Pacific Ocean. Tomorrow I will be snowboarding at Snowbird, a resort in Utah. I hope I never lose the ability to appreciate how magical it is that human beings can roam the earth so quickly and freely.

It will take just over two hours to take me and my fellow passengers to Salt Lake City. If you ask any of them how they’re getting to Salt Lake City, they’d say “I’m flying.” But what does that mean? What it really means is that certain people are flying us–not just the pilot, co-pilot, and flight attendants, but also the airline that coordinates flights, the manufacturers that build planes, and, closest to my heart, the people who work day-in/day-out to fuel the planes–the people who work in the oil industry.

It’s important to think about energy not just in terms of fuels but in terms of people because it helps us think about things more justly. Certain individuals are taking once-useless ancient dead plants and transforming them into a state-of-the-art liquid hydrocarbon fuel (jet fuel) that we voluntarily pay for because it is the best way (by a long shot) to get us anywhere we want with almost magical speed. Yet, in popular vernacular this is an “addiction to fossil fuels” or “Big Oil selling us dirty energy.” This wildly inaccurate vernacular enables opponents of fossil fuels to perpetrate a horrendous injustice, as occurred recently in Paris. They can fly on planes, which means–choose to use the products created by the virtuous fossil fuel industry, on the implicit premise that the positives far outweigh the negatives–while condemning those who are carrying them through the sky.

This is my view: either use a product and take full moral responsibility for it–or don’t. Invent something better or wait till someone else invents something better or live like the 99% of human beings who didn’t have fossil fuels. But don’t spit on the people who make your life magical.

I’m not directing that sentiment toward subscribers to this list but rather the people and ideas you may well encounter during the Christmas season. I hope that these thoughts serve as a good reminder that the high ground belongs to those who create, with all the challenges that entails, not those who simply consume and criticize. And when you do meet creators during the Christmas season, thank them. Without what they do, we could not have the comfort and enjoyment that typifies this time of year.

On a related note, I’ll repeat a message from last week and remind you of 3 potential gifts that one of your loved ones might enjoy—or that you might enjoy for yourself. Each of these gifts is designed to be, above all, empowering.

How to Talk to Anyone About Energy

As you gather around the table this holiday season, you’re no doubt going to hear some inflammatory comments about our addiction to fossil fuels, climate change deniers, a renewable future, and fracking earthquakes. And you know that these comments can lead to long, drawn out, and ineffective discussions.

What if there were a way to make your discussions far more enjoyable and effective? In “How to Talk to Anyone About Energy” I’ve broken down the exact method I use to turn almost any conversation into a pleasant, influential, and to-the-point experience. The course includes 6 easy-to-understand video modules plus a database of powerful talking points, a flowchart of how to have an effective conversation, a checklist of rules to follow in every conversation, and real-life footage of the principles in action.

If you want to buy yourself a Christmas present, this may be the one to get. Or if you know a couple friends or students who would like to feel more confident in conversation, you can change their lives. I promise it will. In the words of one enrollee, “every time I [had] a discussion with others about fossil fuels and the environment it still always seem[ed] to end in an emotional ‘you don’t know what you’re talking about’…. this course has provided me with a great framework with which to approach these conversations in a strategic way to persuade others without harming the relationship.”

The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels

Did you know The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels is available in hardcover, ebook, MP3 CD, and Audible? However you like to read (or listen).

You can also get large bulk discounts for your group or company—but you need to order this week.

I Love Fossil Fuels T-Shirts

I’ve found this shirt to be the perfect thing to wear to dozens of occasions—from anti-fossil fuel rallies to Presidential debates to family gatherings to beach parties. Get your own—I highly recommend green—make a confident statement and provoke lots of interesting conversation.

Click here to get the shirts.

Power Hour: Dr. Richard Keen on the Truth About Temperature

On the latest episode of Power Hour, I talk to Dr. Richard Keen, Meteorologist Emeritus at the University of Colorado and an official temperature measurement collector. Ever wonder where the numbers on global temperature graphs come from–and how accurate they are? Dr. Keen gives you an insider’s view.

Listen to this Power Hour episode.

As always, if you’d like to suggest a new guest for Power Hour, or have me appear on your show, you can send me an email at support@industrialprogress.net, or just reply to this one.

Wannabe Career Politicians in Florida: Raise my salary, extend my term in office now!

Every two years, during Congressional and Presidential election cycles, certain career political wannabees in the Florida legislature float a bill to raise their salaries and extend their term in office. Well, 2016 is no different.

Are these Florida legislators committing political suicide? 

John Fund in his National Review column “The Return of Term Limits” writes:

A Gallup poll released last Friday found that a full 75 percent of Americans believe that corruption in government is widespread. That’s up by nine percentage points since 2009, when only 66 percent felt that way. So it’s no surprise that a populist revolt is in full swing.

Bernie Sanders, a socialist who rails against government ties with Wall Street, is leading front-runner Hillary Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire. Three Republicans who have never held office — Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, and Ben Carson — are way ahead of veteran GOP governors and senators in the race for the GOP nomination.

A recurring theme in the campaigns of several Republicans this year is support for term limits.

Read more.

It is important to understand who is for eliminating term limits. 

Those who reject any attempt to limit the terms of politicians include but are not limited to: career politicians, unions, Democrats, establishment Republicans (a.k.a. GOPe), lobbyists and incumbents.

Term limits exist in the Sunshine State because in 1992 Floridians voted, by an overwhelming 77%, to limit the terms of their legislators. Florida Term Limits reports:

A Quinnipiac University poll dated April 15, 2009, shows that across Florida, 79% of respondents opposed extending state legislative term limits from eight to 12 years. According to the executive summary, “Opposition is strong among all political groups and throughout the state.”

This is right in line with a 2010 poll that suggests that 78 percent of Americans support term limits on the U.S. Congress, including 84 percent of Republicans and 74 percent of Democrats and independents

Click here to see which states have voted to limit the terms of their state legislators.

Term limits do the following:

  1. Undermine the power of lobbyists, who depend on long term relationships with career politicians.
  2. Reduce the influence of money and special interests on politicians.
  3. Stop the professional politician. NOTE: Some politicians once term limited out of office seek another office to stay in the political game.
  4. Empower the people.

U.S. Term Limits president Philip Blumel notes, “Florida’s legislature is among the best because of term limits. Legislatures are like marriages, some are functional and some dysfunctional. Florida’s is a good, term limited, marriage.”

Many believe that Florida’s part time politicians at every level should be paid a part time salary. Many favor making the Florida House of Representatives terms 4 years, the same as the Florida Senate, School Boards, City/County Commissioners, Constitutional Officers and the Governor. This will help State Representatives focus on their legislative duties and be less concerned about raising money for the next election cycle.

I am being interviewed by ABC Channel 7 News today on these issues. I will post the video when it airs tonight.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the video report on extending term limits and salary increase on the Alan Kohn show on ABC Channel 7 News in Sarasota, Florida:


Florida legislators propose increasing term limits – Miami Herald

Lawmaker proposes big pay raise for Florida Legislature – Miami Herald

EDITORS NOTE:  The featured image of the Florida State Capitol building in Tallahassee is by Scott McIntyre.

11 Outrageous Failures in the GOP’s Trillion Dollar Bill by James Bovard

Republican congressional leaders are like a football coach who believes the secret to winning is to punt early and often. House Speaker Paul Ryan and others are claiming victory over the 2,000-plus page appropriations bill, but this is a “no boondoggle left behind” $1.1 trillion nightmare.

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers’ press release claims that the omnibus bill “helps to stop waste and administrative overreach.” Instead, the bill ravages both paychecks and freedom. No wonder White House spokesman Josh Earnest gushed Wednesday: “We feel good about the outcome.”

Here’s the tip of the iceberg of the bill’s outrages:

  1. The bill fails to block President Obama from delivering up to $3 billion to the United Nations Green Climate Fund, a partial product of the Paris climate summit. Republicans initially planned to block such funding unless the Senate was permitted to vote on the U.N. climate treaty. But since the omnibus bill failed to prohibit such payments, Obama will soon deliver $500 million in U.S. tax money to the fund — despite the legendary record of U.N. programs for corruption worse than Chicago.
  2. The bill fails to block perhaps the Environmental Protection Agency’s greatest land grab — its “waters of the United States” decree that seizes federal jurisdiction over 20 million acres that are sometimes wet. The EPA’s wetland crackdowns have been trounced by numerous judges. Republicans faltered even though the Government Accountability Office reported Monday that EPA had engaged in illegal “covert propaganda” to promote this policy.
  3. It provides more than $3.7 billion for economic and military aid to Afghanistan, though an Agency for International Development study recently warned that some projects “actually had the perverse effect of increasing support for the Taliban.” Afghan relief continues to be a hopeless mess; the AID inspector general reported last week that the agency’s highly touted new monitoring system was used for less than 1% of grants and contracts.
  4. It fails to block the imminent proclamation of Food and Drug Administration regulations that could severely impact the sale of most of the cigars now marketed in the U.S., as well as ravaging the burgeoning e-cigarette industry (which experts say provides a healthier alternative to cigarettes).
  5. The omnibus bill failed to include a provision to end Operation Choke Point, a Justice Department-Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s crackdown that pressured banks to cancel the accounts of gun stores, coin dealers, payday lenders and other disfavored industries in what Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., derided as “weaponizing government to meet their ideological beliefs.”
  6. The average federal worker is already paid more than $100,000 a year in total compensation, but the budget deal failed to block Obama from giving them a 1.3% raise — though many, if not most, taxpayers received zilch raise this year.
  7. The bill extends the earned income tax credit without reforming it — though the IRS estimates that up to 25% of all handouts under the law are fraudulent or otherwise improper.
  8. The omnibus bill dropped a House provision that would have required stronger evidence for federally proclaimed Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Earlier official guidelines have been widely discredited and are often blamed for contributing to the nation’s obesity crisis, but the same dubious evidence standard can be used in the future.
  9. The bill provides almost $27 billion for public housing and Section 8. That includes an almost half a billion dollar increase for subsidized rental vouchers, despite the long record of havoc in neighborhoods where recipients cluster. The omnibus bill also dropped provisions to curb the Department of Housing and Urban Development from bankrolling fair housing entrapment-like operations or enforcing new regulations to bludgeon localities with a lower percentage of minorities than the national averages.
  10. Some provisions of the bill seem harebrained even by Beltway standards. Republicans were justifiably outraged by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ “Fast and Furious” operation, which authorized sending more than a thousand guns to Mexican drug cartels.
    Section 276 of the omnibus bill prohibits federal agents from providing guns to anyone he “knows or suspects … is an agent of a drug cartel, unless law enforcement personnel of the United States continuously monitor or control the firearm at all times.”
    So the G-man is supposed to keep his finger on the suspect’s trigger at all times, or what? Perhaps it would be too easy to cease giving weapons to drug dealers.
  11. Perhaps the most appalling part of the omnibus are the provisions that authorize tech and communication companies to secretly provide your personal data to federal agencies — no search warrant required.
    The American Civil Liberties Union warns that this information “can be used for criminal prosecutions unrelated to cyber security, including the targeting of whistle-blowers under the Espionage Act.”
    Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., rightly warns that a vote for the omnibus bill is a “vote to support unconstitutional surveillance on law-abiding Americans.”

While Congress made scant effort to protect average Americans from rampaging regulators, it hustled to include a provision requesting the Capitol Police to permit sledding on Capitol Hill. The “sled free or die” provision was a “bipartisan win,” according to the Washington Post. It is regrettable that there was little or no bipartisan interest in curbing federal power beyond spitting distance from the Capitol Dome.

House Freedom Caucus member Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., summarized the GOP leadership’s wacky reasoning: “Give the Democrats what they want now so next time they won’t want as much.”

Republicans have been thunderously promising for decades to protect Americans against federal waste, fraud and abuse. At this rate, Republicans’ credibility gap will soon rival the $18 trillion federal debt.

Reprinted with permission from USA Today.

James Bovard

James Bovard

James Bovard is the author of ten books, includingPublic Policy Hooligan, Attention Deficit Democracy, and Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty. Find him on Twitter @JimBovard.