OPEN LETTER TO KROGER: Stop Pulling Patriotic Items From Your Shelves!

Dear Kroger,

Do you have any idea how offensive it is for our once-favorite grocery chain to pull patriotic items from its shelves? Do you have any idea where we shall buy our groceries, floral items, paper products, and other such products because your grocery chain has favored those who denounce America over those who embrace this country that embraced our legal immigrant parents fleeing from Nazi atrocities?

Our family fled the remnants of Europe after seven years as Jewish slaves, easy targets of the Nazis who disarmed the populace in order to enslave them and extinguish their lives. We Americans are proud to have ended World War II, which we did not commence but had to intervene in, at grave costs of American lives and limbs and minds.

Removing patriotic products from Kroger’s customers is a bitter reminder of the ugly past that forced “America the Beautiful” to die to defeat National Socialism; for it is today’s socialists who actively disrespect America’s history, Constitution, and traditions, seeking to impose their dictates upon the American People by pressuring corporations to appease their socialist demands.

In short, we love the country that loves us and the corporations that respect this nation.


Beverly Newman
Daughter of a Holocaust Survivor

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©Beverly Newman. All rights reserved.

Gun Ruling Knocks Libs Off Their Rocker

There are some seriously unbalanced liberals running loose out there. They’re losing their minds over the Supreme Court’s gun ruling, among other things.

Most states allow people to carry guns outside the home but, to hear these libs tell it, the Supreme Court’s ruling is ushering in Armageddon.  TV talking head Keith Olbermann said the Supreme Court should be abolished. Libs in the Twitterverse said the Court’s goal is to create chaos and crime to usher in authoritarian government.  Sounds like liberal projection to me, given how libs love Antifa riots, burning cities, and want every criminal to go free.  Joy Reid accused the Court of wanting to “repeal the 20th century” because it actually paid attention to the Constitution.  By the way, Joy, the 20th century ended 22 years ago.  Elie Mystal said the Supreme Court just granted a “right to shoot people.”  Uh-huh.  Actor Rob Perlman said the Court’s decision is for whites only.  That’s crazy.  There was a whole book written about how Martin Luther King and other civil rights leaders were all packing heat – for self-protection, the exact rationale the Court employed yesterday.  New York Governor Kathy Hochul trotted out the tired old argument the Second Amendment only applies to muskets.  That’s like saying free speech only applies to quill pens.  The Founders were well aware technology would advance.  That’s why they put patent protections in the Constitution, to promote scientific progress.  That Hochul would make such a stupid argument that can be demolished in two seconds shows you just how unhinged she is.

Let’s look at some other issues that have upended liberals’ mental equilibrium, lately.

A Democrat chief of staff on Capitol Hill hates Marjorie Taylor Greene so much he vandalized her office, not realizing he was being caught on camera the entire time. Oops.

In another case of Liberal Derangement Syndrome making people overlook the obvious, a climate protester tried to smear cream cake on the Mona Lisa, but it’s behind glass.  Nice try.

Unbalanced Squad member Jamaal Bowman honestly believes civil war will break out in this country if Republicans are elected in November.  I’d go, but I don’t think people should be allowed to carry guns outside the home.

Hillary Clinton said Trump supporters are a “clear and present danger to American democracy.”  That would include me.  This from a delusional woman who started the Trump/Russia collusion hoax and still thinks she won the 2016 election.  Calling Dr. Freud.

Speaking of mental illness, a totally bonkers woman made a video after paying $98 to fill up her gas tank blaming Biden’s inflation on the religious right. I’d ask you to see if you can follow that logic, but there isn’t any.

Antiracist guru Ibram X. Kendi is worried about his daughter who likes playing with a white doll.  He suspects her mind has already been taken over – colonized – by white supremacy.  The guy has a million bucks.  You’d think he could afford to buy his daughter a black doll, if that’s what he wants her to play with.

Buried in all this hilarity is a serious point: civil discourse in this country is suffering because liberals and Democrats are making themselves sick in the head, believing all kinds of nonsense.  I implore you, come back to reality.  I miss our long serious talks about the direction of the country, but you don’t seem to be capable of that, at the moment.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Education Is the State’s Greatest Tool for Propaganda

“It is not difficult to deprive the great majority of independent thought.”

In chapter 10 of The Road to Serfdom, Hayek describes how some of the worst people always end up rising to the top of the political heap. Continuing to touch on this theme in the eleventh chapter, Hayek digs even deeper and discusses the control of information and the very basis of truth in a planned society.

In a society where totalitarianism reigns, truth is found not in objective principles, but in a government’s desired ends. Once these ends have been established, all other forms of information are tailored to reinforce that “truth.” Reason is henceforth thrown out the window and the state’s version of truth is beyond contestation. As George Orwell wrote:

Nazi theory indeed specifically denies that such a thing as “the truth” exists. … The implied objective of this line of thought is a nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future but the past. If the Leader says of such and such an event, “It never happened”—well, it never happened. If he says that two and two are five—well, two and two are five. This prospect frightens me much more than bombs.

But this on its own is not enough to sway entire nations. Instead of the people merely accepting these “truths,” it is important that the state convince them that these truths are their own. When individuals begin to tie their interests to the state’s interests, a terrifying unity occurs, the likes of which can be seen in almost every deceptive dictatorship throughout history.

As Hayek says:

The most effective way of making everybody serve the single system of ends toward which the social plan is directed is to make everybody believe in those ends. To make a totalitarian system function efficiently, it is not enough that everybody should be forced to work for the same ends. It is essential that the people should come to regard them as their own ends.”

In order to do this, all propaganda is orchestrated to reinforce these ends in order to push individuals in the desired direction. Common themes and slogans are repeated over and over again in order to beat these goals into the minds of the people. Anything contrary to the end goal must be squashed immediately. Anyone speaking out against them must also be destroyed in the name of national security. As Hayek says, “But the minority who will retain an inclination to criticize must also be silenced.”

And while most people associate propaganda with political posters and multimedia, there is no greater tool for propaganda than a nation’s education system.

State-Controlled Education

No matter how intelligent an individual may be, almost every person is susceptible to propaganda. This is because, in many instances, most are unaware that they are falling prey to it. It seeps into our lives through all forms of entertainment but most especially through state-sponsored education.

In Nazi Germany, indoctrinating the youth was one of the easiest ways to ensure the fervent support of future generations. Adolf Hitler himself said, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” Children were forced into youth groups where their role in the Third Reich was reinforced continually. Germany even tailored toys, games, and books towards the desired ends of the Reich, ensuring that children would believe whatever they wanted them to believe.

Hayek writes:

If all the sources of current information are effectively under one single control, it is no longer a question of merely persuading the people of this or that. The skillful propagandist then has power to mold their minds in any direction he chooses, and even the most intelligent and independent people cannot entirely escape that influence if they are long isolated from all other sources of information.”

And this was the aim of the Third Reich. If the German people were to not only accept but condone the acts of their government, there was no better way to do it than to teach them young, and lead them to believe that this has always been the case.

Touching on this, Hayek says:

The most effective way of making people accept the validity of the values they are to serve is to persuade them that they are really the same as those which they, or at least the best among them, have always held, but which were not properly understood or recognized before.”

Or, to pull from Orwellian speak, the goal is to make these children believe that “we have always been at war with Eastasia.”

But this deliberate molding of minds does not only occur in young students. In fact, once these children’s minds have been sufficiently indoctrinated, they are passed off to institutions of higher education where a belief in intellectual elitism is then instilled.

The Educated Elite

Trained to learn by rote methods rather than critical thinking, young adults, eager to assert their independence, were thrown into colleges and universities and told that they are now part of the intellectual elite. But from this comes the dangerous tendency to stop questioning the information that is presented to you. After all, your professors are highly regarded for their intellect. Why would they steer you in the wrong direction?

But when these professors begin to present state opinion as unquestioned truth, this is where the real problems arise.

The field of eugenics, for example, was once taught as if it were doctrinal truth. If racial superiority could be “scientifically” proven, or, rather, if the state could assert that this was fact, then questioning this doctrine became heresy.

As Hayek says:

The need for such official doctrines as an instrument of directing and rallying the efforts of the people has been clearly foreseen by the various theoreticians of the totalitarian system. Plato’s “noble lies” and Sorel’s “myths” serve the same purpose as the racial doctrine of the Nazis or the theory of the corporative state of Mussolini. They are all necessarily based on particular views about facts which are then elaborated into scientific theories in order to justify a preconceived opinion.”

And, as has been seen throughout history, once a theory becomes part of the scientific narrative, it contributes to the direction of all societal ends. Hayek comments on this saying, “Thus a pseudoscientific theory becomes part of the official creed which to a greater or lesser degree directs everybody’s action.” While the eugenics example may seem rather extreme, it was very applicable to the time that Hayek was writing.

And while it is not easy in hindsight to understand how an entire population could fall for theories this callous, Hayek reminds us, “It is not difficult to deprive the great majority of independent thought.”

It may be easy to cast blame on the media and the entertainment industry for being natural propaganda machines, but history tells a different story. As we have now seen, state-controlled education is one of the worst and most effective propaganda tools that has ever existed.


Brittany Hunter

Brittany is a writer for the Pacific Legal Foundation. She is a co-host of “The Way The World Works,” a Tuttle Twins podcast for families.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Abortion & Other Socialist Plans to Destroy America — One Down, Two to Go

EDITORS NOTE: This article “Abortion & Other Socialist Plans to Destroy America” was originally published on October 3rd, 2020.

We have been subjected to so many lies, deceptions, disinformation and fraud by agitators and provocateurs for years that most people are disoriented and puzzled. Who is doing that to us? The answer is America’s Socialist Party through its Socialist Charlatans. They are preaching hate to cover-up the crime they have committed for several decades. They are accusing Trump of all sorts of things to divert your attention from the crime they had committed. They have followed Stalin’s postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the adversary in that exact crime.

You can also answer the question by remembering my definition of Stalinist Political Correctness made in 2017: “… Political correctness is a Stalinist policy, driven by a political agenda, a skillfully crafted design of a quintessential system of lies, fraud, and a long-term strategy of war against Western civilization to create a One World Socialist Government under the Kremlin’s rule.”  Stalinist Political Correctness is a mechanism of preventing the Truth from getting out. It is aimed at hiding or masking the Truth. Trump’s negative attitude to PC locked me in as his supporter, because I knew PC and had written about it even before Trump’s presidency. Political Correctness is a monumental weapon to destroy successful capitalism and the political system left to us by the Founding Fathers. America’s Socialist Party (Democrats) has used PC against the American Republic and conservative Republicans for decades…

Abortions: Political Correctness and the Pro-Choice Fraud

It is painful to see how Stalinist Political Correctness continues deceiving and misleading the American public in the 21st century. Abortion is an issue that divides our country and a vivid example of the Dems’ work, armed with Stalinist PC. Their policy has a long history, going back to the 60s. The pro-choice/pro-life framework overlooked the many hidden ways in which the law impacts women’s reproductive freedom. What the abortion debate left out was logic: Yes, logic and the knowledge of Stalinist Political Correctness.

 In my articles written in 2010-2013, I gave several examples of the PC machinery that infiltrated all spheres of our society: politics, culture, art, education, and so on. Those columns have been deleted by the corrupt Obama FBI. Hence, I will present this example in the application of PC exercised by Socialist Charlatans. Abortion is the real issue that divides America, especially the women of America. I had several abortions in my past life in the USSR and it is hard to describe the awful feelings I had after each experience. Besides excruciating physical pain (a surgery without anesthesia), I felt a psychological doom, a combination of grief, guilt, and a black hole in my entire existence. In America, I also found a description of women’s feelings, but it was much softer than mine.

“Many women with unplanned pregnancies believe abortion is their only option. This is what their boyfriends, family, and culture tell them. In moments of vulnerability and confusion, they end up making a choice they never wanted.” What’s a human life worth? Nov. 9, 2015. It is a very true description of some pregnant women’s lives—confusion and vulnerability. I felt that way exactly… Don’t forget—a pregnant woman feels confusion and vulnerability in any culture and country she lives due to the pregnancy, which is changing the chemistry of her entire body and mind, regardless of her race and nationality.

The Mechanism That Fraudulent Political Correctness Operates

The cure is truth, spoken boldly. Yes, and you are the witnesses of the system of incredible lies promoted by the followers of Stalin’s PC. Let’s go to the Truth and analyze the mechanism of Stalinist precepts: They are:

  1. Establishment of a false premise for a future theory or action.
  2. Usage of the false premise as a foundation of the theory or action.

While introducing Stalin in my books, among other epithets, I called him a charlatan of a highest class. Today, I’d like to show you the dreadful harm, which has been brought to the world by Stalinism and his PC. Please, look at the real definition of the word ‘Premise’ in the Dictionary:




a previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion.

“if the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true”



base an argument, theory, or undertaking on.

“the reforms were premised on our findings”

The first example I bring is a misleading meaning to the term “pro-choice,” inculcated by the intimidating power of political correctness used by the Marxist/Socialists. The issue has a long history which grew as a snow ball to the gigantic cultural fraud due to PC. The premise is clear—prevention of pregnancy. Be attentive to the premise—prevention of pregnancy. The Charlatans just moved the time span one bit further and the Republicans, as usual, swallowed the fraudulent hook.

The real pregnancy comes to life by the sexual act and the actual choice is the prevention of that sexual act. The partners, especially a woman, have a choice before a sexual act. It is action taken before the sexual act that prevents pregnancy and not actions after the fact. Using PC, Democrat-Charlatans just reprogrammed the human mind, moving the time span and making the choice after the sexual act, which is a fraud. The abortion issue has become a tool for the Democrats to undermine our traditional culture, and our set of values. Just count the disproportional murder of black fetuses and fatherless black families to see the enormous cultural implications of this leftist fraud.  Unfortunately, this fraud has affected all ethnic groups in America. You see it today–eighteen percent of pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) ended in abortion in 2017.

The issue of abortion is quite complicated one. Besides politics, it is the actual application of medicine mixed with three participants or subjects: the fetus, the woman’s will and the action of a doctor directed to abort the fetus. It doesn’t matter how you see a fetus, an alive child or not—the fetus is there, an integral part of the abortion procedure itself. The scandal revealing Planned Parenthood being related to the sale of babies’ body parts just confirms my point. A woman has a choice, a free choice in America when she is facing and intending to have a sexual encounter. Yes, it is her body… Morally, she ought to decide before the sexual act—THAT is the real choice for any women…

Now, please, combine the previous topic of a fraudulent time issue and abortion, spread nationwide for four decades in America to see an extremely negative cultural implication domestically, created and supported by the Democrats. More than 58 million babies have been aborted in America since 1973, more than 17 million of those were black babies. These are the awful numbers. They testify to the dramatic changes in our culture and moral slide if not outright degradation of our value system successfully created by the Democrat-Charlatans’ fraud. America still has not found the solution…What a shame!

Other Frauds Perpetrated by Socialist Charlatans in America

Abortion is only one of the numerous frauds of different forms and shapes executed by Socialist Charlatans in America. Illegal harvesting of the ballets is one of the most arrogant of them. Yet, it is being allowed in different states. The racial division created by Obama is unprecedented, he politicized the entire society, dividing even the medical community. You saw it. At the time of threat of Chinese coronavirus we become defenseless, as different groups of “experts” couldn’t produce one professional decision. Moreover, some C.D.C. workers are now political activists: Socialist Charlatans are playing with numbers to confuse you.

Socialism’s corruption brought to America’s soil has implemented its modus operandi, which is: lies, deception disinformation and fraud. A fraud in the media is no less haughty and dangerous than in the medical community. Progressive Insurance has advertised the Progressive-Dems on all channels, including cable for years. The show 60 minutes has contrived advertising Progressive Insurance twice during their one hour show and nobody noticed it. What an obnoxious arrogant fraud! The Biden/Harris ticket is the focal point and apogee of that fraud and deserves a separate column… Watch the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and learn about Democrats–Socialist Charlatans.

Knowledge of Russia, her Security Services, and Socialist Charlatans in America is a must. They are not only the Radical Left—they are Socialist Charlatans. I have warned you with this refrain for the last thirty-five years, because I know the importance of this topic. Today, it is not only the Stalinist PC, lies, deception, disinformation and fraud confronting our values and our exceptional political system. We had six Democrat-candidates, vetted and sponsored by the Russian Security Services competing for the U.S. Presidency—they were arrogantly talking about the shape of our democracy! You can see all six on the display when Biden accepted his nomination. Our dysfunctional FBI have not vetted Dems’ candidates, as a result we may be on the path to elect the third America’s Manchurian President! It is a reality in America today… Alas, Sen. Tom Cotton is not the FBI Director…

Our corrupt-dysfunctional FBI and CIA in both Democrat and Republican administrations slept during the collapse of Socialism in the Soviet Union and allowed an abysmal Socialist fraud to become a legitimate issue in America: America’s Socialist mafia and its Socialist Charlatans created a Socialist movement in the heart of America’s Congress—the House of Representatives. You saw the result: how, in militant hatred to Trump’s SOTU speech, it was been ripped up—with criminal intent to confront our unique political system, left to us by our Founding Fathers.

My fellow Americans!

Enough is enough! The momentum in America’s history has come to get in behind President Donald J Trump and defend the exceptionalism of America and our system of government from enemies foreign and domestic. And Mighty God will help us!!!

To be continued or at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Supreme Court Overturns Roe vs. Wade reports:

CV NEWS FEED // The Supreme Court on Friday repealed pro-abortion legal precedents Roe vs. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, returning the matter of abortion to elected officials in each state.

The 5-4 ruling in the case of Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health has long been anticipated by both sides of the political aisle.

Democrats and abortion industry leaders have worked for months devising ways to thwart the ruling, including by enshrining the so-called “right to abortion” in blue state constitutions. Republican lawmakers in at least 18 states, meanwhile, have enacted “trigger” laws to protect unborn life immediately in the event of Roe’s repeal.

“Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion,” wrote Justice Samuel Alito in the Supreme Court majority opinion released Friday:

Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.

CatholicVote President Brian Burch hailed the decision and called on pro-life Americans to immediately act in the interests of cementing the Supreme Court victory at the state and local levels throughout the country.

“Catholics and pro-life advocates across the country celebrate today’s landmark Supreme Court decision as the ‘dawning of a new day in America’ – a long-awaited first step toward the full protection of American women and children,” said Burch:

The Court finally righted the notorious decision in Roe vs. Wade after nearly 50 years of heroic efforts by millions of Americans in pursuit of justice. Nowhere in our Constitution do we find a right to take innocent human life. Further, the humanity of children in the womb has become plain and undeniable thanks to the decades of technological advances since Roe was decided. Millions of women have been coerced, threatened, or forced into a decision they regret. They too are worthy of protection. A dark chapter in our nation’s history has finally been closed.

Burch exhorted the pro-life movement to “resolve to work ever more diligently toward building a culture of life that respects the dignity of both mother and child.”

The Court today has merely allowed state legislators to begin the important task of supporting women in need, and protecting their vulnerable children from the grisly practices of the abortion industry,” he said:

We urge state legislatures along with our federal representatives to move quickly to enact broad protections for women and children, and support for pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and programs that offer real choices for women to keep and love their children.”

CatholicVote Communications Director Joshua Mercer added that he saw a great significance in the date of the ruling, from a Catholic perspective. “Not only was this realized on the day we celebrate the Sacred Heart, but every other year it will fall on the Nativity of John the Baptist — who recognized the humanity of Christ in the womb,” he said.

Continuing Coverage

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced in response to the Supreme Court ruling that abortion is now fully illegal in the Lone Star State. In addition, June 24 is now a state holiday.

Read more.


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Where abortion stands in your state: A state-by-state breakdown of abortion laws

Missouri Becomes First State to Ban Abortions After Supreme Court Overturns Roe

South Dakota Becomes 2nd State to Ban Abortions After Supreme Court Overturns Roe

Arkansas Becomes 3rd State to Ban Abortions After Supreme Court Overturns Roe

Kentucky Becomes 4th State to Ban Abortions After Supreme Court Overturns Roe

Texas Abortion Businesses Close, “Not Taking Appointments Until Further Notice”

Pelosi Lambasts SCOTUS As ‘Radical’ And ‘Extremist’ While Holding Back Tears

Democrats Totally Unglued After Supreme Court Overturns Roe: “Horrifying Decision”

26 States Will Likely Protect Babies From Abortions Now That Roe Has Been Overturned

The Supreme Court Stands Up For the Right to Self-Defense

The Supreme Court’s infamous 2007 decision DC vs Heller recognized that the Second Amendment established a right to bear arms in self-defense. But in the years since, the high court has hardly taken any gun rights cases further fleshing out this precedent—leaving loopholes states have exploited to restrict citizens’ right to self-defense.

No more.

In a seismic 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court just struck down a New York scheme that heavily restricted citizens’ right to carry a firearm in public for self-defense.

The New York policy in question was its “may issue” approach to concealed carry permit applications, which allow citizens to carry a concealed pistol on their person for self-defense. Many states have a permitting process—others have “constitutional carry”—but New York’s was particularly extreme. Not only did it require a basic background check and gun safety certification like many states do, it allowed government officials to deny the application unless the applicant could “demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community.”

That’s right: It made a mockery of our rights and treated them as a privilege, only granting permits to celebrities or people who had explicitly been threatened. Living in a high-crime area or generally wanting to exercise your right to defend yourself wasn’t good enough. This was essentially a way the state worked around the Second Amendment to heavily limit our ability to bear arms.

Thankfully, Justice Clarence Thomas just took a flamethrower to this subjective, unjust system. The court’s decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen strikes down the New York scheme and affirms that “the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home” without needing to accommodate the subjective whims of some bureaucrat.

“We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need,” Justice Thomas writes. “That is not how the First Amendment works when it comes to unpopular speech or the free exercise of religion. It is not how the Sixth Amendment works when it comes to a defendant’s right to confront the witnesses against him. And it is not how the Second Amendment works when it comes to public carry for self-defense.”

“New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment in that it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms,” the majority opinion concludes.

This is a big win for liberty.

The right to life is an inherent human right, and the right to defend your own life from would-be violence is inherent to that right. This is exactly what the Second Amendment was meant to enshrine. It’s great that the Supreme Court is at long last standing up for our inherent right to self-defense—and standing against petty bureaucrats who would leave us at their mercy.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

RELATED ARTICLE: New York’s Unconstitutional Gun Law Was Written By A Notorious, Corrupt Thug

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Planned Parenthood Wages Insurrection at Wisconson State Capitol

Planned Parenthood and abortion insurrectionists took over the Wisconsin state Capitol building on Wednesday, as the GOP was set to uphold a pro-life law that will take effect if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Governor Tony Evers (D-WI) signed an executive order this month calling for the special session to repeal a 173 year-old ban on abortion, noting, “While the governor has the authority to call lawmakers into a special session, lawmakers are not obligated to take action on any bills.”

“Whose choice? Our choice!” dozens, if not hundreds, of protesters chanted inside the Capitol rotunda, protesting the GOP’s expected refusal to overturn the ban. “If we don’t get it, shut it down! If we don’t get it, shut it down! If we don’t get it, shut it down!”

“The people of Wisconsin support access to abortion! Our legislators need to listen and pass the Abortion Rights Preservation Act!” Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin tweeted Wednesday.

Many protesters were wearing Planned Parenthood gear and sporting the abortion provider’s signs.

Despite pressure from loud protesters inside the Capitol, the Republicans in the Senate and Assembly quickly gaveled in and out of Evers’ special session without taking votes to repeal the state’s abortion ban.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

274 Known Connections

PPFA opposes any limitations on access to abortion, including the procedure commonly known as partial-birth abortion, and also opposes mandatory parental notification for minors wishing to undergo the procedure. Approximately one-third of PPFA’s clients are girls younger than 18 who live with one or both parents. Some 97 percent of these girls qualify for federal assistance to reimburse a provider of social services. This is because PPFA teaches its affiliates how to exploit federal “family planning” programs by qualifying as many clients as possible for federal subsidies of pregnancy tests, contraceptives, and abortions covered by Medicaid…

To learn more about Planned Parenthood, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Get Woke, Go Broke: Netflix Massacre – 300 Employees Axed in Largest Layoff Since Subscriber Downturn

I generally do not applaud such news but these woke companies have so disabused their customers, this is well deserved. They can shove their relentless poisonous propaganda back down the hole they crawled out of.

Jedimaster Trump tweeted to P Smith

So not Cuties…

I am shocked that the population is not 80% African American, 45% Gay, Transgender, and 100% in support of Grooming Children…

No wonder Netflix swung from 700 a share to 170…

Maybe they should try catering to the actual population Demographics and Sensibilities

Netflix Massacre: 300 Employees Axed in Largest Layoff Since Subscriber Downturn

By: David Ng, Breitbart, 23 Jun 2022:

The bloodletting at Netflix continued on Thursday as the far-left-wing streamer axed an additional 300 employees worldwide, or about 3 percent of its workforce — the company’s largest layoff since its subscriber downturn in the first quarter.

Netflix handed out pink slips to 216 staffers in the U.S. and Canada, with the remainder of the cuts coming from other regions throughout the world. according to an official statement sent to multiple news outlets.

In May, the streamer laid off 150 employees, or 2 percent of its workforce, as part of its ongoing efforts to cut spending amid a catastrophic subscriber forecast for the months ahead. Netflix said it could lose up to 2 million subscribers in the coming months after unexpectedly losing 200,000 customers in the first quarter of the year.

Reed Hastings, chief executive officer of Netflix Inc., speaks during a news conference in Tokyo, Japan, on Monday, June 27, 2016.

Those layoffs were preceded by smaller staffing cuts in Netflix’s animation department and in-house fan site, Tudum.

Netflix leaders described Thursday’s layoffs as ” very hard for everyone – creating a lot of anxiety and uncertainty.”



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FROM THE HOLOCAUST TO SURFSIDE — The amazing story of the Champlain condo collapse in Surfside, FL.

ISRAEL SHOWCASED is a project of The United West featuring the accomplishments and global contributions of Israel, to the world.

FROM THE HOLOCAUST TO SURFSIDE – A short documentary by The United West about an elite team from Israel’s National Rescue Unit, in the search and recovery efforts at the Surfside, Florida building collapse. The United West team, with Suzi Gold as Host, showcases the turbulent history of the Jews and their continued resilience to overcomes all obstacles and share their experience and talents with all mankind.

Please watch and share this story which features first-time interviews inter-cut with the actual 911 call, in real time! The Surfside unspeakable tragedy, ironically, will uplift you as you watch this story and listen to the survivors and rescue team members.


On Thursday, June 24, 2021, at approximately 1:25 a.m. EDT, Champlain Towers South, a 12-story beachfront condominium in the Miami suburb of Surfside, Florida, United States, partially collapsed. Ninety-eight people died. Four people were rescued from the rubble, but one died of injuries shortly after arriving at the hospital. Eleven others were injured. Approximately 35 were rescued the same day from the un-collapsed portion of the building, which was demolished 10 days later. The main contributing factor under investigation is long-term degradation of reinforced concrete structural support in the ground-level parking garage under the housing units, due to water penetration and corrosion of the reinforcing steel. The problems had been reported in 2018 and noted as “much worse” in April 2021. A $15 million program of remedial works had been approved before the collapse, although no main structural work had been undertaken. Other possible factors include land subsidence, insufficient reinforcing steel, and corruption during construction.

©The United West. All rights reserved.

Mexico: Shelter for Muslim Migrants Opens at U.S. Border, in Tijuana

What could possibly go wrong? Well, so far this year, 50 people on the terror watch list have been apprehended crossing the border. Celebrate diversity!

Shelter for Muslim migrants opens in Tijuana

by Salvador Rivera, Border Report, June 20, 2022:

TIJUANA (Border Report) — A shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana, the first of its kind in all of Mexico.

The Latino Muslim Foundation, based in San Diego and Tijuana, raised half a million dollars to make the facility a reality….

“Being on one of the largest borders in the world, this is a source of pride that we’re here able to help people arriving at the border,” said Sonia Tinico, president of the Latino Muslim Foundation. “We’ll be able to provide shelter for Muslims who are seeking to get to the U.S. or Canada.”

Tinico said migrants will be offered housing, medical care, meals and legal services inside the 8,000-square-foot facility.

“They can pray here and have halal meals that don’t have pork since we don’t eat pork,” she said. “We’ll have separate areas for women and men.”

Tinico also stated the migrants will be offered psychological and dental assistance along with workshops to help asylum-seekers get familiar with North American culture and customs….

RELATED VIDEO: This Week in Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

“Without Logos, the West is lost”

Western society is crumbling as it loses the vital link between faith and reason.

This book provides a wonderfully accessible overview of the evolution of a concept which has been the key to the development of Western civilisation, or we might better say is the hallmark of Western civilisation: the mutual interplay of faith and reason. Gregg shows how this key was sought by the Greeks, found by Judeo-Christianity, and progressively lost during the Enlightenment. He examines the kinds of pathologies which are produced by both faith and reason respectively when they are decoupled from one another.

Gregg starts out with “The Speech That Shook the World” — the Regensburg Address of Pope Benedict XVI in 2006, in which Ratzinger warned of the danger of the uncoupling of faith and reason. The fact that Ratzinger hit the nail on the head with his words here were — sadly — borne out by the violent (and sadly in some cases fatal) reaction of fundamentalists across the Islamic world. But Ratzinger’s words were for the West as much as for anyone else, for the integration of faith and reason which had been the hallmark of the West has been in crisis for a long time now, and the disasters of recent Western history are the bitter fruit of that crisis.

Ancient Greeks

Western civilisation begins with a Greek word and concept: logos, which refers to rational order — one we embody in words. This is in a way the Greek discovery, and it unleashed their philosophical speculations. The irrationality of the gods of Greek religion always seriously trammelled philosophical speculation. Vastly different was the religion of the Jews with its supremely rational God, and the advent of Christianity revealed fully the hidden depths of this rationality (the logos was made flesh) and on the rationality of God is founded the rationality (and freedom) of man.

In the thought of St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), this synthesis of faith and reason is brought to a supreme realisation. At the very same time, however, significant fissures between faith and reason began to appear in the incipient rationalism of the Latin Averroists as well as the incipient fideism of elements within the Franciscan order.

Various developments

Gregg prefaces his discussion of the great disjunction between faith and reason which takes place in the Enlightenment with an important proviso. He cautions the reader against an overly simplistic dismissal of all of Enlightenment thought tout court as anti-ChristianHe is at pains to point out that much of the Enlightenment movement was quite compatible with Christianity, citing the historian Ulrich L. Lehner as saying “only a small fraction of Enlighteners were anti-religious; the overwhelming majority were interested in finding a balanced relation between reason and faith.” He points out the critical engagement of many Catholic intellectuals with the Enlightenment.

Gregg also reminds us that there was not just one Enlightenment, but several, and they differed in their attitude to the faith. The Scottish Enlightenment for instance involved a number of particularly religious men, such as the Presbyterian minister Thomas Reid (1710–1796). The leaders of the American Enlightenment similarly, despite their declarations of separation of Church and State, were mostly very well disposed towards religion in general, and Christianity in particular.

This was, however, not the case in the French Enlightenment. Gregg quotes Joseph Ratzinger’s distinction between “the Anglo-Saxon trend [in Enlightenment thought], which is more inclined to natural law and tends towards constitutional democracy,” from that associated with Jean-Jacques Rousseau, which “ultimately aims at complete freedom from any rule.”

New religions

And even though the work of such Englishmen as Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton and John Locke never shares in the French animus against Christianity, they mark a decided shift away from metaphysical speculation in favour of utility and the empirical and so pave the way to scientism and the two great secularist ideologies of the nineteenth century: Marxism and liberalism. Ironically, although these two systems are prefaced on a rejection of religion (though in a much more virulent manner in Marxism), Gregg points out the quasi-religious character of both:

Like Judaism and Christianity, Marxism has its own canon of sacred books — the works of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, among others — which its adherents study as Jews and Christians study the scriptures. Marxists join a church-like organisation — the Party — with its own faithful (party members), clerical hierarchy (the Central Committee, the Politburo, the general secretary), theologians (Marxist theoreticians), saints (Che Guevara or Lenin, whose embalmed body is venerated in a shrine), and doctrines from which party members may not stray without compromising their orthodoxy.

Even the intellectuals that John Stuart Mill envisages overseeing the implementation of liberalism function as a kind of “clerisy”. It took Nietzsche of course to bring things to their logical conclusion: with the disappearance of God also goes any claim to objective truth (a delusion for the herd), and all we are left with is the will, and in particular the will to power.

Faith alone

In a sense, Nietzsche marks the culmination of the rationalist pathology stemming from the decoupling of faith and reason. The faith side of this binomial has a pathology of its own: fideism. In chapter five, Gregg discusses the origins and implications of the fideism which has come to dominate (as Ratzinger warns in this Regensburg address) the world’s greatest bastion of fideism, which is Islam.

He describes the fateful showdown which took place in Islam between the ninth and twelfth centuries, in which the pro-reason school — the Mutazilites — were defeated by the fideistic, voluntaristic school of the Ash’arites. The implications of this defeat went far beyond Islamic theology, into every aspect of the Islamic worldview, and in a dramatic way into political thought: the perceived mode of divine rule sets the standard for political rule, and so if God’s power is envisaged as tyrannical and mankind’s correct attitude is one of submission (“Islam” means submission) then similarly, political power is conceived of as despotic over a submissive population.

Gregg does not despair for Western civilisation. Decline, he thinks “ is not inescapable”. He considers that those who conceive of a reason as closed to faith must acknowledge that this view created Marx and scientism — with all the destruction they have wrought on the world. On the other hand, those more sympathetic to faith must acknowledge that the Enlightenment has been part of a bulwark against the kind of fideism which has come to dominate the Islamic world. But above all, there will be no recovery without the rediscovery of what made Western civilisation in the first place: the interplay of faith and reason. “Without Logos, the West is lost.”


Fr Gavan Jennings

Rev. Gavan Jennings studied philosophy at University College Dublin, Ireland and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome. He is co-editor of the monthly journal Position Papers. He teaches occasional… More by Fr Gavan Jennings

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

$30K a year, and my kid can’t tell the difference between a boy and a girl

Parents must hold their local school systems accountable for what is taught to their children.

Everything has a price.

Like every American family, our family runs a constant cost/benefit analysis on our lives. There are the small decisions: is it worth the time to drive to Target for the cheaper diapers? Or should I just get the pricier ones at the grocery store? And there are the bigger ones: like, should I live in the suburbs and pay lower taxes but more for car expenses and gas? Or flip that decision?

For our family, one of the toughest decisions was where to send our kids to school. We could send them across the street to the poorly performing public school for free. They’d meet a wide variety of kids and learn some valuable self-advocacy skills, but they would not be academically challenged. For $30k, I could send them to the nearby private school, where they’d benefit from engaged teachers, kids, and families. We’d have to drop the music lessons and fancy trips, but hey — I don’t like Disneyland anyway.

So, with some scholarships, sacrifices, and family assistance, we made the choice to send our kids to a fancy private school. The benefits have been great: warm, caring, patient teachers; outstanding academics; beautiful buildings; even a pretty good lunch. But there’s been a hidden cost, beyond the incredibly painful tuition bills: my kids can’t tell the difference between a boy and a girl.

This seems shocking, I know. How can a concept so obvious, so instinctual that nearly every 2-year-old on the planet can master it, be an idea that my very expensively-educated children don’t understand?

Simple-minded educators

Because some teachers don’t understand it. Because some administrators don’t understand it. And this is where I have to remind myself of something true: half the world is dumber than average.

I know this sounds incredibly snobby. I know this sounds judgmental and awful, but this is true. And this fact helps me take a breath, find some compassion, and slow down.

These teachers are good people. They are kind. They like kids, and want the best for children. They believe that education can make the world a better place. And additionally, they were hired for their people skills: they are empathetic, good communicators, patient, and open-minded. Those are exactly the skills my tuition dollars are paying for.

But these teachers are not well-trained critical thinkers. They were not hired for their ability to analyse complex research studies, nor to follow the various paths of different complex scenarios. They are not philosophers, ethicists, or religious scholars. They are not lawyers or developmental psychologists. They are not endocrinologists or pediatricians. They are experts at connecting to kids and explaining the types of K-12 content that kids should learn. Thank god for teachers and their talents and skills. Our society needs them. But they are not the experts here. They are just trying to do their jobs.

So when faced with the concept of “gender identity” — the idea that “people have an innate feeling of being female or male,” the typical teacher will say “Sure — that makes sense. I’m female, I know it. That’s not a controversial idea.”

When faced with the diagnostic definition of “gender dysphoria”, the idea that “some people have great distress with their biological sex, and wish they were the opposite sex,” these teachers say, “Sure — I know about Jazz Jennings and Caitlyn Jenner. That’s a real thing.”

When faced with the fact of “Disorders of Sexual Development” (formerly known as Intersex conditions), the scientifically observed and natural phenomena of various biological sexual characteristics and markers, teachers say, “Yep — I learned about that once.”

And when urged to consider the negative impacts of the difficulty of being an outlier, and the impacts of social isolation and/or ostracism, the teachers say, “Not on my watch. My cousin was gay and poorly treated. I won’t let any of my kids be bullied or left out.”

So when teachers combine all these ideas and impressions and blend them into their natural “be nice” personalities and “open-minded” natures, they are primed to become believers and advocates of transgender ideology. If Johnny likes skirts and thinks he’s really a girl inside, who are we to judge? We really can’t blame the teachers. They were born this way.

So our society has laid yet another burden of expectation on teachers. They must educate kids, they must socialise kids, they must address and resolve the emotional and behavioural dysfunctions of these kids. And now they must be responsible for nurturing, protecting, and advocating for the “internal feeling of being female or male” for a kid, otherwise they’ll be held responsible for the kid’s ostracism.

This is nuts. These teachers don’t stand a chance.

To the top

So we can’t fight the teachers. We’ve got to get the administrators and school boards to stop, listen, and think. These people were hired to be critical thinkers, to balance different opinions, to consider the different consequences of different choices. They still aren’t likely to read the studies or think through the ethical or philosophical consequences of different complex scenarios, but they are primed to consider one thing above all: legal threats.

Right now, principals and school boards are hiding behind the guidelines that WPATH (an activist-led organisation), the American Psychological Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, and the National Association of Secondary School Principals have created. These organisations have good intentions, but they are also human and flawed (and remember — half their members are below average). Even the ACLU seems to have lost its mind on this topic.

I suggest American parents adopt the “Maya Forstater Approach.” This strategy, based on the case in England, relies on fundamental and constitutional American legal rights: free speech and free religion. I don’t care if you haven’t been to church ever. This is what you say to your school board:

“For scientific, religious, and social reasons, I do not believe that you can change your sex, and I do not want my children to be taught “gender identity”, the belief that you have a gendered soul, and that your gender soul feelings trump your biology. How is your school protecting my family’s religious beliefs and our right to be free from compelled speech?”

Ask your school’s principal this question every Fall. Send it as a statement to your kids’ teachers every fall. Tell them to inform you of any lesson on gender identity before it happens so that your children can have a substitute lesson. Ask them what their policy on requesting pronouns is, so that your child does not feel compelled to use certain speech. Ask them how they balance different opinions on this topic in the community.

I can guarantee you they do not see this as a religious issue, but as a social justice issue. Say the magic words “freedom of religion/freedom from religion” and “freedom of speech” and see if that works. We’ve got a long history of protecting underdogs in this country, and right now the culture glorifies the status of victim. Use this knowledge wisely.

And here’s the thing: this is going to cost you. Be ready. Do the cost/benefit analysis. Whether your kids are getting a free public education or an expensive private one, when you ruffle the feathers of the principal, the winds blow. Then again, if you remain silent, your kid may not understand that sex never changes. Be prepared. Everything has a cost.

This article has been republished from Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT).


Anonymous author

In exceptional circumstances, MercatorNet allows contributors to publish articles anonymously. Sometimes the author’s privacy or safety might be at risk. More by Anonymous author.

RELATED ARTICLE: “Without Logos, the West is lost”

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

True The Vote & Protect America Now Launch

New partnership will equip sheriffs, inform citizens, and protect our elections.

True the Vote and Protect America Now have joined forces in a new partnership to help protect American elections. is an initiative that will provide local sheriffs with information, resources, and tools to support election integrity in their county.

Today, released the following Action Plan:

Voters are understandably confused by constantly changing election rules and increasingly frustrated by lack of leadership. Put simply, they don’t know where to turn should the election processes break down. Our goal is to unite citizens and their sheriffs to work together, ensuring the real voice of America’s vote is heard loud and clear.

Starting immediately, will provide local sheriffs with the information, resources, and tools to have real-time eyes on voting in their counties:

  • Providing information on election laws specific to their state
  • Developing a grants function to provide technology and support for visibility into allegations of violations as reported throughout their county
  • Promoting programs to support citizens and uphold election integrity

Operate a National Election Integrity Voter Hotline to help citizens in getting information and reporting problems. The hotline will be connected to sheriffs’ offices for quick evaluation of incoming information.


Beginning August 1st, will begin an informational campaign to educate voters state-by-state through multiple mediums, including television on election processes and laws.

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, said “Over 80% of Americans are concerned about the lack of integrity in America’s elections. Voters want to be helpful but aren’t sure where to turn in times of trouble. will connect citizens and sheriffs, opening communications to support local law enforcement to engage if the need arises.”

Sheriff Mark Lamb, founder of Protect America Now, said “A sheriff’s primary duty is to the protect the rights of their constituents, which includes their rights as voters. aims to solve this problem and bridge the gap between voters and local law enforcement. Our work will ensure we have secure elections in this country.”

© All rights reserved.

What Does God’s Judgment Look Like?

God, The Rewarder

One meme I heard a long time ago, likely from a song or poem, is: “God’s in His heaven, all’s right with the world”.  This is at best, a ‘half-truth’.  Yes, God is in His heaven (plus everywhere else in the universe), but all is definitely NOT right with the world.

Likely a majority of non-Christians doubt the existence of God, but how many Christians actually believe that God exists?  How many believe He is ‘in control’?  And if they do, exactly what would they mean by God being ‘in control’? Would that mean they believe He is ‘making everything happen’ that we see occurring in this troubled world?  That would be an easy ‘out’, a way for lazy Christians to ‘blame God’ for all the troubles and misery we see, but who fail to study the word for themselves and learn about Who and What God truly is.

One of the basic tenets of Biblical faith, without which one cannot please God, is believing that God IS and is a REWARDER of them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6 KJV).  That reward language sounds pretty good, right?

It seems that, possibly as a result of the ‘prosperity gospel’ that has become so popular in the past 30-40 years, many Christians can easily accept and believe that God is ‘the rewarder’, a sort of supernatural ATM machine, whereby one can simply put their ‘glory card’ in, punch in some number and wait for God to dole out the ‘cash blessings’.

Many who follow the prosperity teaching/teachers seem to consider the amount of money one accumulates in life to be an indicator of true prosperity.  However, the Apostle John, in his third letter, written to a believer named Gaius, said: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John:1 KJV).  But one must ask oneself, just what IS ‘soul prosperity’?  Since the soul is composed of the mind, the will and the emotions, money is not likely a large factor in the prosperity of the soul.  In fact, John seems to be saying that true prosperity is linked to the prosperity of the soul rather than the amount of money one has.  (Watch for a future article, “What IS Soul Prosperity?”).

Please do not misunderstand me.  Even though I truly believe that God is the ‘rewarder’, there are certain conditions that must be met in order to receive anything from God, and one of them is having, and properly using, faith.  You cannot please Him without it and you will never know Who He is until you have developed your faith to a certain level.  How do you do that?  By reading, and reading, and reading God’s word until it becomes a living part of your being.  Paul told us: “So then faith cometh by hearing ang hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17 KJV).  Read the passage from Hebrews 11:6 again and notice the part where it mentions “diligently seeking Him”.  One must seek God and NOT the reward.  Trying to use Christian, godly faith as a supernatural ATM card does NOT qualify as proper use of faith.

I thoroughly believe that, without God, one will not only be in an eternal unsaved state, but will also NOT prosper in this world.  But Satan claimed to have the authority to give the empires of this world to whom he chooses, meaning his followers, the unsaved (See Luke 4:5-7 KJV).  Is that not some form of prosperity?  Since Jesus did not refute that claim, does that sound like a contradiction?  I often quote the famous objectivist author, Ayn Rand, who penned the popular novel, “Atlas Shrugged”.  In it she states: “Contradictions do not exist; Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises.  You will find that one of them is wrong”.  If one of your premises is that the amount of money one has (empires of this world)  equates to true prosperity, then you will NOT see a contradiction in the statements above.  However, if you  sense a contradiction there, you should definitely examine your premises very carefully.

God, The judge

From Actions to Evidence to Warning to Judgment

Another tenet of Biblical faith that is seldom discussed in religious circles is that God is also the JUDGE of all the nations of the world.  He is obviously keeping excellent and very detailed records of all deeds done by both individuals and nations.

In a ‘rule of law’ country, a human judge receives evidence from prosecutors, who receive the same from police; this evidence can then be used to determine whether a person should be charged with a crime, or released.  If charged, it will then be used to determine the guilt or innocence of those accused of wrongdoing.  Sometimes that determination is made by a lone judge, sometimes by a jury of one’s peers.  In either case, in the human system, justice is NOT  always served and innocent people are sometimes imprisoned and/or guilty people go free.  But God is NOT a human judge and thus is NOT prone to punishing an innocent person, nor will He allow a guilty party to go free.

While ‘human judgment’ is witnessed every day in almost every nation, the world has not yet seen true ‘worldwide judgment’ from God, based on the evidence He has of the actions of people on this earth.  However, that does not mean that He has not been collecting and storing that evidence 24/7/365.

All sin is abhorrent in God’s eyes and He will tolerate certain levels of sin for only so long.  When His ‘red line’ is crossed, judgment will follow.  We have witnessed many acts of judgment of certain nations for their actions that seemed to be horrific but none of them qualified as widespread or worldwide judgment.  One example is the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, followed by their utter destruction.

We know there will be a “Day of Judgment” when all deeds done by all men are examined and the eternal destiny of all people is determined.  But there are also times when God forcefully intervenes in the world and brings sudden judgment for offenses He deems worthy of such.  Case in point: God judged the nation of Egypt when they refused to release the Jewish people from slavery (Acts 7:6-8 KJV), and it did NOT end well for Egypt.

But are there events of God’s judgment that we know of in this current time?  I believe so.  There is much evidence of deadly storms and other ‘seemingly natural’ weather events that have left many dead and entire cities devastated in their wake.  Now, those who believe God is in control might also be some of the ones who do not believe that God was responsible for any of those events.  But the evidence of them, especially in correlation with actions taken by the US government that negatively affected Israel on so many occasions, many times within hours of the government’s actions, would indicate that, yes, God does act in judgment when His red lines are crossed.  And His red lines regarding the treatment of Israel are set and unchangeable.  He informed the world of His policy for treatment of the ‘apple of His eye’, the Jewish People.

The Jews, The Gentiles and The Church

The Jewish People

There are three groups of people(s) on this earth that God has historically dealt with.  He has placed many clues throughout His word as to how His dealings with them will go.  The first group is the Jewish people.  Having been chosen as His earthly people who sprang from Abraham and from whom the oracles of God were received, He has called the Jewish people, “The Apple of My Eye”.  I am sure that many people have no idea what that term really means, but it has nothing to do with real apples.  In ancient times, the center of the human eye was called ‘the apple’ because of its round shape.  It is also the most sensitive part of the eye.  To touch that ‘apple’ was very irritating and possibly dangerous to one’s eyesight.

God, in calling the Jewish people ‘the apple of His eye’, is stating that, to touch that ‘apple’ will cause Him serious aggravation and will evoke a possibly serious response from Him.

God has provided His policy, His expectation, of the treatment of the Jewish people, the Apple of His Eye, by all the inhabitants of the world, including Christians.  That policy is stated in Genesis 12:1-3 KJV, and can be directly linked to the judgment that will occur when that policy is contradicted by either Gentiles or Christians.

The Gentiles

These are the people of the earth who are neither Jews nor Christians and who are considered ‘infidels’, unbelievers having or exercising no faith in God.  Not only are they the ‘faithless’, they have been responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews and Christians, and have persecuted God’s people for millennia. There will be Gentiles on earth up to the Millennial reign of Jesus.  These people are completely separate from Jews and the Church and were spoken of by the Apostle Paul, ”That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12 KJV).  They will face serious judgment from God when His time is right.

The Church of God

The Church is the “Body of Christ”, those people who have accepted the redemption from sin and its penalties, offered to all people through the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.  All Christians are to respect and favor the Jewish people for several reasons.  First is that through them we were given the Oracles of God (Romans 3:1-3 KJV).  Through the obedience of the Jewish disciples of Christ, those oracles were passed on to the Gentiles for their redemption and edification.  Anyone that God claims as His ‘special’ people’ are to be honored as such.  The fact that our saviour, Jesus of Nazareth, was and still is a Jew, makes our salvation the result of the work of one man, and Him a Jew.

I doubt there are few true believers who cannot quote Genesis 12:1-3, but how many are aware of the seriousness of God’s words in those three verses?  The King James version says there is a ‘blessing for blessing’ and ‘curse for curse’ involved based on how a person, or a nation, treats the Jews, but it goes much deeper than that.  Some have called it a like for like blessing and curse, but the truer meaning of the words speaks differently.  The KJV says: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse (Strong’s 779) him that curseth (Strong’s 7043) thee:”, but a  better and more accurate translation (my translation) of verse three would be: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that disrespects or makes light of thee, I will utterly despise and destroy.” It boils down to a person making light of, or disrespecting, Abraham is in effect, disrespecting and making light of God Himself.  This is the same as mocking God and we are told in Galatians 6:7, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”.  Remember, every word you speak is a ‘spiritual container’ of what is in the heart.

God does NOT mince words and when He is speaking to Abraham in this passage, He wants us all to know His true feelings on the matter.

So, what does all this have to do with the appearance of judgment?  Hang on, I am going somewhere with this.

What Does God’s Judgment Look Like?

The American Condition

One of the recent presidents of our nation publicly stated that the United States is NOT a Christian nation, and as much as I dislike that person, he was right to a certain extent.  The people of this nation were once God-fearing, God-worshipping people with high moral standards. This was certainly the case in years past when we were considered a “Christian Nation” by nearly every other country in the world,  but that has all changed now, and NOT for the better.  Our country is failing in nearly every category that can be measured.

Former US President Obama endorsed gay “marriage” in 2012; the Supreme Court redefined marriage in 2015.  Recent polls taken in the US indicate that a large number of young Americans who claim to be Christians express support for much of the LGBTQ agenda and are turning their backs on Christianity because they disagree with any teaching from the Bible against homosexuality.  This is an indication that they no longer believe God’s word (Romans 1:27-32 KJV), but instead believe that God’s word is irrelevant in determining the behavior of people.

This wrong belief places such people in the same position as those in Noah’s time when men did what they thought was right, not what God had commanded them to do and they had nearly corrupted the whole of mankind; as a result of their disobedience to God, their judgment was death by the flood of Noah.

The wisdom found in the Proverbs provides many clues as to why a nation fails.  Consider Proverbs 6:6-19 KJV: “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.  How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.  A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.  He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers; Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”

If you cannot see a detailed description of the declining moral status of the United States in these words, you are not looking closely enough.  The United States is currently in the worst moral condition since we became a nation more than 230 years ago.  The psalmist said: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own” (Psalm 33:12 KJV).

If it is a ‘truth of God’ that the nation whose God is the Lord is blessed, then the opposite is also true: Cursed is the nation that  rejects and forsakes God.  This nation is standing on the brink of catastrophe, calamity and chaos.  It matters not where these will come from, only that they are coming as certainly as night follows day.

The ’If – Then’ Condition

In computer programming, there is an “if – then” condition in which, an “if” statement, requiring some specific condition, must be met before another desired result (other action) can successfully occur.  Remember that programming is based on ‘logic’, and trying to get any program to function as desired without using that logic will always result in failure.

If a national acceptance of God brings blessing on a nation, then  a national rejection of God will bring cursing, or judgment on that nation.  This is truth and logic at work and it cannot be read any other way.  The only way the cursing from God can be avoided is through national repentance, and only then if God’s red lines regarding Israel have not been crossed.

Cancellation of Blessings

The Disrespect of Abraham

The US government could easily be accused of ‘disrespecting the offspring of Abraham’ many times during seven of the past eight presidential administrations. There are many instances of America inching up to, if not actually crossing’, God’s redlines:

  • America ‘forcing’ Israel to cede its land to foreigners (many instances in the past 30 plus years)
  • America ‘forcing’ Israel to abandon building on Israeli land while allowing foreigners to do so (ongoing issue)
  • America paying the Palestinians, the known enemies of Israel, to terrorize and murder the Jewish people (US aid to the Palestinian Authority)
  • America, after relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem now trying to reestablish the former US Consulate in Jerusalem that was nothing more than a front for Palestinian sympathies by the US government

The Approach of Judgment

We are seeing events, not just in the US, but around the world, that indicate we are getting closer daily to the judgment of God on this world.  Many nations, indeed most of those in the United Nations, have aligned themselves against Israel and thus against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The once covert, but now open, actions of those nations to belittle and condemn Israel for her actions in defense of her people are showing a hostility that mirrors to some extent, the tirades of Iran in seeking the destruction of Israel and the US.  Their leaders are setting themselves and their countrymen into a battle alignment against Israel and God.  If their actions continue they will soon face God’s anger and judgment as He defends Israel against all her enemies.  What form that judgment will take is unclear at this point.

But, the entire world is beginning to see signs of a coming famine, food shortages caused by both natural and human sources that could easily kill millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, of people.

But  what about the actions of the US leaders and her people?  How close could that judgment be for us?  And what form could it take?  God is not limited in His use of either natural or supernatural forces to execute His judgment.

As stated earlier, God hates ALL sin, whether it be personal or national, and He will judge ALL sin  when His time is right.  We are seeing a massive increase in both personal and national sin.  We are on the verge of witnessing a true state of ‘lawlessness’ in the US that will cause both personal and national devastation and chaos.

In the US we are already seeing signs of impending trouble that could be catastrophic.  Based on the US interfering in the decisions of a sovereign nation, Israel, causing them to be more open to hostility and attack from her neighbors who swear to destroy them, and want to take over the Promised Land for themselves, could that same fate befall us?  Consider these issues:

  • China buying American “Bread basket” farmland
  • China buying American meat packing and food processing companies
  • China buying American news outlet
  • China ‘owning’ American politicians through intimidation and bribery

It has been widely and  long accepted by the American people that China is NOT our friend.  She is currently building up her considerable military arsenal with the goal being to defeat America in a military confrontation, should that event occur.

In addition to the dangers of confrontation between the US and her enemies, we are witnessing a rise in sins against God and His principles.  He clearly spelled out those principles in thousands of verses in the Bible, and there was a time when nearly every mother and father raised their children based on them.  Parents actually read the Bible to and with, their kids and introduced a foundation of truth and wisdom for them to live by and prosper.

Now, the Bible is nearly forgotten as parents prefer to leave the raising of their most precious assets, their children, to others; these ‘others’ have no inherent affection for their kids and are instilling in them satanic principles rather than godly wisdom.  In Hosea chapter eight, the prophet was  talking to the Jewish people about their idolatry, worshipping idols made by hand.  He called their actions, “Sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind”.  Those parents who pass off the responsibility of raising their children by godly principles are a perfect example of sowing the wind.  I suggest you read the entire sixth chapter of Hosea to understand the result of such foolishness.  It produces children who resemble those described by Paul in Romans 1:29-31 KJV and the whirlwind WILL come.

On the national level we see our government ordering its embassies around the world to promote the ungodliness of that agenda by flying the LGBTQ flag at the embassies:

U.S. State Department: Offending the World All Pride Month Long

God, who inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the words of our national anthem, must be appalled at such lunacy.

So, What DOES God’s Judgment Look Like?

As stated earlier, God, who OWNS the earth and everything in it (1 Corinthians 10:26 KJV), is not limited in His methods of bringing judgment.  While many may think of judgment as a terrorist attack, a nuclear attack or a bioweapons attack, in fact it can take a form that most would assume to be a ‘completely natural phenomenon’.

Consider the current issue with a shortage of oil, thus producing a shortage of every kind of petroleum-based fuel such as natural gas (LPG), gasoline and diesel, not to mention a shortage of fertilizer.  Even though these issues may seem to be the result of stupid political decisions, and for the most part, they are, they could as easily be God’s way of pronouncing judgment.  After all, without these resources, farmers cannot plant food that will yield enough to feed the people; starvation results and when that occurs, people will go to any length to get food for their families, up to and including attacking anyone who has food.  This type of action will lead to a state of anarchy and chaos.

If you will allow me, the political actions taken by the US toward Israel has allowed her hostile neighbors to attack the Jewish people and steal their land and goods, so, based on the Genesis 12:1-3 policy that God enacted toward the world in their interactions with Israel, what would be so strange about God allowing/causing the same fate to fall on those who caused Israel to be harmed?  Neither the United States of America, nor any other nation, is exempt from God’s commands or His judgment

The Warnings

Every day, I read more warnings from financial analysts/experts who say a market crash, likely on a worldwide scale, is imminent.  Such a crash would bring almost instant suffering to the American people.  Those who issue such warnings have been extremely accurate with their predictions in the past.  If they are correct, financial collapse could easily be a means of judgment from God.

I have no way of knowing how God will bring His judgment on the world, other than the words in Revelation that speak of the judgments that will occur after the rapture of the Church occurs, but I am more concerned about the judgment that is likely to hit BEFORE the rapture.  No matter what form it takes, it will not be pretty especially for those who choose evil over  good or Satan over God.


We must be constantly prepared for anything that may occur in these perilous days.  Even though judgment is never a pretty sight and one that will make many fail to survive through them, we know that God has not appointed us to wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9 KJV), we must also consider the words found in 1 Peter: ” For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”.  Paul also told us: “ For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world” 1 Corinthians 11:31 KJV).  We are encouraged to always judge ourselves, our actions and our words by comparing them with Gods qword.  If we do this faithfully,  regardless of the form God’s judgment takes, we will only be bystanders and onlookers when the judgment falls on the ungodly.  If we diligently seek to remain in that safe shelter where God IS, we are promised the judgment will not affect us: “Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked”  (Psalm 91:8 KJV).

Read the entire 91st psalm and cling to the words there and do NOT fear the judgment when it appears.  Though a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, we will still be standing and looking for the rewarder and the reward!



VIDEO: Utah Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Becky Edwards EXPOSED


Project Veritas Action has published undercover footage of U.S. Senate Candidate, Becky Edwards (R-Utah), speaking candidly about her intention to “stand up” for abortion.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Project Veritas Action published undercover footage of U.S. Senate Candidate, Becky Edwards (R-Utah), who is seen expressing her willingness to “stand up” for abortion.
  • In the footage, Edwards is approached by a Project Veritas Action Undercover Reporter who initiated a conversation about support for abortion and Edwards says, “I can absolutely guarantee you, I’m your best bet and the only candidate who has even said anything other than, ‘joyful, happy, yay, answer to prayer,’ on what we’re seeing on [overturning] Roe.”
  • Edwards then says, “I’m going to stand up” in reference to abortion. She goes on to expresses her concern for Utah’s trigger law: “…and we have like a trigger law here in Utah that basically is going to make things really – I’m deeply concerned.”

You can watch the full video HERE.

In the footage, Edwards makes comments critical of states with similar laws planned to take effect. “No, no! Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, what the heck? Idaho even!”

Edwards is running to unseat incumbent Senator, Mike Lee. At the time of this writing, Edwards has not responded to a request for comment.


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas exposé is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.