“The Numbers Killed by Covid Vaccines So Much Worse than We Thought”

“You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.” – Hillary DePiano

This article written by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice-president of Pfizer!! The video link I have pasted below is a MUST WATCH! Must watch. It is about 20 minutes or less. Take the time. If you are vaccinated understand the possibility that the problems on the film could happen to you. Be pre-warned. Be prepared. Be pre-active.

Here is todays very important blog.

“My good friend Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, with whom we and others wrote a series of open letters to the European Medicines Agency, is utterly distraught.

Listen carefully to Dr. Sucharit  Bhakdi:

He and his colleague, a pathologist, have confirmed that, even in people who’ve died post-covid-19 vaccination and where their death was not attributed to the adverse effects of vaccination, in almost all cases they DID die as a result of the vaccination.

The numbers killed by these vaccines is much worse than what we thought, already.

But it’s what they’ve just discovered that’s much worse.

We knew of blood clots from expressing spike protein.

We were aware of autoimmune attacks on ones own tissues expressing spike protein to which our killer lymphocytes were primed, such as myocarditis.

But what’s new is the revelation that lymph node cells are also being invaded by the gene-based agents and marking THEM for auto destruction.

When you destroy that part of the immune system, which we loosely call “immune surveillance”, every manner of nasty, latent infections, by viruses & also bacteria, explode, uncontrolled.

Hundreds of millions of people are going to die of unrestrained tuberculosis, Epstein Barr virus, toxoplasmosis etc etc etc

AND on top of this, the daily accidental production of cancer cells, normally deleted swiftly by immune surveillance, before they can divide, ceases.

Guess what happens next?

I don’t care where you’ve sat during this ridiculous “pandemic”.

Whether you’ve gone along with it, knowing it was an overreaction. Or even in ignorance.

I am telling you right now:


Please put this on every platform.

Swamp the ‘fact checkers’.

Please do it now.

Rescue our civilization while there are innocents to save, ESPECIALLY our children and grandchildren.

Watch the short video linked below. Then share this blog of Freds far and wide.

Thank you sincerely, Dr Mike Yeadon.

The original source of this article is Mike Yeadon Copyright © Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Mike Yeadon , 2021

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


Dr. Fauci sponsored the creation of COVID-19, and here is the proof.

Dr. Robert Malone with Joe Rogan on Mass Formation Psychosis

RELATED VIDEO: Top five reasons the pandemic originated from the Wuhan Lab.

GENOCIDE 2.0: Are We Witnessing the Beginning of a White Holocaust?

“The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored murder of six million Jews and the persecution of millions more by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.”Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum, St. Louis, Missouri.

As we begin the new year with hope and prayers that our families are kept safe from harm we were shocked by an article sent to us by a reader (H/T TJS). After reading the article we asked ourselves: are we are seeing the rise of an effort to eliminate one group of people because of the color of their skins?

QUESTION: What color of skin is now under attack?

ANSWER: White skin!

The article sent to us was published on January 1st, 2022 by the New York Post titled “NYC will consider race when distributing life-saving COVID treatments” by . Mr. Levine reported:

New York City will take a patient’s race into account when distributing potentially life-saving COVID treatments, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene revealed on their website.

The city will “consider race and ethnicity when assessing individual risk,” reads the agency’s official guidance from Dec. 20, which adds that “longstanding systemic health and social inequities” can contribute to an increased risk of dying from COVID-19.

The guidance applies to both the distribution of monoclonal antibodies and oral antivirals like Paxlovid and Molnupiravir.

“Monoclonal antibody treatments have averted at least 1,100 hospitalizations and at least 500 deaths among people treated in New York City,” the city said in October.

Read more.

QUESTION: Is this not part of a systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored murder of whites by New York City and its collaborators?

The Path to White Genocide

Since 2016 we have witnessed “anti-white rhetoric” building up to the point where, some of those who are white, are living in fear. Fear of being cancelled as a race. Fear of losing their jobs because they are white. Fear of being demonized and even attacked on the streets just because they are white.

It began with the labeling of any and all whites as “racists.”

Statues of white men like Robert E. Lee, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt were torn down by angry mobs or ordered removed by government edicts.

Then it moved to the next level of labeling anyone who is white a “supremacist.”

Then, after the death of George Floyd, was the introduction of Critical Race Theory into our public schools, colleges, universities and even taught by corporations to their employees. Critical Race Theory teaches nonwhites to hate whites and whites to hate themselves for being white.

Then the rhetoric became a passionate call to “kill all whites.” Killing whites metaphorically wasn’t enough. Now whites must be hunted down and killed by all means necessary.

On February 9th, 2016 Black Lives Matter co-founder Yusra Khogali sent out a tweet – that was subsequently taken down – that read:

“Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz.”

On January 9th, 2017 in a column titled “Left’s Mission Accomplished: Blacks Torturing WhitesLloyd Marcus wrote:

Upon hearing that 4 blacks kidnapped and tortured a disabled white man, I wanted to say to the Left (Democrats, mainstream media, Hollywood and Black Lives Matter), “Mission accomplished.” The 4 pieces of pond-scum forced their white hostage to say f*** Trump and f*** white people.

Folks, make no mistake about it. While some on the Left claim to be upset, this is exactly the hate and violence they hope to generate throughout Trump’s entire presidency. A farmer does not plant corn and then is surprised when stalks of corn begin to grow. The Left has been planting seeds of racial hate and division ever since white America elected Obama. Why? Because the Left needed to be able to scream “racism” whenever anyone opposed Obama (their Trojan Horse) implementing their far-left-radical socialist/progressive agenda.

Read more.

America is now reaping what has been sown – in the name of “equality” and “social justice” – a hatred for white people.

To understand just read the Black Lives Matter’s Seven Demands:

  1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office: We are joining Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Cori Bush, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, and others who are demanding Trump be immediately convicted in the United States Senate. Trump must also be banned from holding elected office in the future. Call your members of Congress and demand they support conviction by dialing (202) 224-3121.
  2. Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack: More than half the Republican representatives and multiple senators stoked Trump’s conspiracy theories and encouraged the white supremacists to take action to overturn the election. We are supporting Rep. Cori Bush’s resolution to expel them from Congress for their dangerous and traitorous actions. We also support steps to bar them from seeking another office.
  3. Launch a full investigation into the ties between white supremacy and the Capitol Police, law enforcement, and the military: The Capitol was able to be breached and overrun by white supremacists attempting to disrupt a political process that is fundamental to our democracy. We know that police departments have been a safe haven for white supremacists to hide malintent behind a badge, because the badge was created for that purpose. We also know off-duty cops and military were among the mob at the Capitol on January 6th. Guilty parties need to be held accountable and fired. We are supporting Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s COUP Act to investigate these connections.
  4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms: Trump has always used his digital media platforms recklessly and irresponsibly to spread lies and disinformation. Now it is clearer than ever that his digital media is also used to incite violence and promote its continuation. He must be stopped from encouraging his mob and further endangering our communities, even after inauguration.
  5. Defund the police: The police that met our BLM protestors this summer with assault rifles, teargas, and military-grade protective gear were the same police that, on Wednesday, met white supremacists with patience and the benefit of the doubt, going so far as to pose for selfies with rioters. The contrast was jarring, but not for Black people. We have always known who the police truly protect and serve. D.C. has the most police per capita in the country; more funding is not the solution.
  6. Don’t let the coup be used as an excuse to crack down on our movement: In response to the coup, Politicians have already introduced the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021. We’ve seen this playbook before. These laws are used to target Black and brown communities for heightened surveillance. Republicans are already busy trying to create an equivalence between the mob on January 6th and our Freedom Summer. We don’t need new domestic terror laws, facial recognition, or any other new police power for the state. Our government should protect righteous protest and stay focused on the real issue: rooting out white supremacy. There are enough laws, resources, and intelligence, but they were not used to stop the coup. Our elected officials must uncover why.
  7. Pass the BREATHE Act: The police were born out of slave patrols. We cannot reform an institution built upon white supremacy. We need a new, radical approach to public safety and community investment. President Biden has already drawn on the BREATHE Act in his executive actions calling for racial equity screens in federal programs, investing in environmental justice at historic levels, and engaging with system-impacted communities. The BREATHE Act paints a vision of a world where Black lives matter through investments in housing, education, health, and environmental justice.

The Bottom Line

Book Burning – On May 10, 1933, university students in 34 university towns across Germany burned over 25,000 books. The works of Jewish authors like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud went up in flames alongside blacklisted American authors such as Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller, while students gave the Nazi salute.  They called it “purging.”

What the heck happened in Germany in the ’20s and ’30s? Very intelligent, highly-educated population and they went barking mad. How did that happen? The answer is “mass formation psychosis”. Watch Dr. Robert Malone explain Mass Formation Psychosis:

Fast forward to 2022 and we are seeing another form of purging.

It is the purging of all things white by Black Lives Matter and members of the cancel culture.

Lloyd Marcus, who is black, asked the following:

As a decent human being, you are probably asking, Lloyd, why would Democrats sow lies to grow racial hate in black Americans?”

Answer: The more the Left can get blacks hating and fearing cops and whites, the more blacks will vote for Democrats. The more Democrats in government, the more the Left can force its wacko agenda on Americans.

Lloyd was prophetic in his prediction. Lloyd has since passed away, but his words live on as a warning to all Americans. The “wacko agenda” has now become public policy.

We believe that all men were created equal and our Creator has endowed us with certain inalienable rights – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Democrat Party has sown the seeds of discontent and cannot stop what they have started. Now the Democrat Party, including white Democrats, are reaping the crop of violence, hate, fear and murderous  rage and anger aimed at white straight working class Judeo-Christian men and women.

QUESTION: Can the Democrats’ wacko genocidal agenda be stopped?

ANSWER: We shall see on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Are We Near The End of the Road to Serfdom?

The Road to Freedom


From Cancel Culture to Political Exterminatism

CANCEL CULTURE: New York City Council votes to remove statue of Teddy Roosevelt

Stalin was a ‘Cancel Culture’ Pioneer: The Inside Story on How He Cancelled ‘Hamlet’

Is Biden’s Legacy Really Going to Be the Dismantling of Democracies and the Free World?

The Numbers Killed by Covid Vaccines So Much Worse than We Thought

Bernard Kerik provides batch of documents to Jan. 6 select committee, vows to ‘eviscerate’ Democrat narrative

Trump confidant Kerik surrenders memos to Jan. 6 panel, vows to ‘eviscerate’ Democrat narrative

Memos show Trump team planned pressure campaign ahead of Jan. 6 to shame governors and state officials into investigating suspected election irregularities.

“After the 2016 election, Barack Obama ordered top US intelligence officials to investigate Russian interference in the election. Less than 30 days later, John Brennan authored an official report that claimed the Russians helped Donald Trump win.

That was the LEGIT insurrection:”

“While I appreciate the partisan interests in constantly repeating phrases such as the ‘Big Lie’ or ‘false claims of election fraud,’ the reality is that the claims of election fraud were never fully investigated,” Attorney Timothy Parlatore wrote the committee.

“Without a proper investigation, it is impossible for anyone to state with certainty either that President Biden stole the election through widespread fraud, or that President Trump promoted false claims of election fraud,” he added.

File: ltr.committee.12.31.21.initial disclosures.pdf

Bernard Kerik provides batch of documents to Jan. 6 select committee

The former New York City Police commissioner also provided a “privilege log” describing materials he declined to provide to the committee.

A key adviser to Donald Trump’s legal team in their post-election quest to unearth evidence of fraud has delivered a trove of documents to Jan. 6 investigators describing those efforts.

Bernard Kerik, the former New York City Police commissioner and ally of Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, also provided a “privilege log” describing materials he declined to provide to the committee.

Among the withheld documents is one titled “DRAFT LETTER FROM POTUS TO SEIZE EVIDENCE IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY FOR THE 2020 ELECTIONS.” Kerik’s attorney Timothy Parlatore provided the privilege log to the panel, which said the file originated on Dec. 17, a day before Trump huddled in the Oval Office with advisers including former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, where they discussed the option of seizing election equipment in states whose results Trump was attempting to overturn.

It’s unclear whether the letter is related to the same plan and if Trump knew of its existence. Kerik withheld it, describing it as privileged because of its classification as “attorney work product.”

Another document provided by Kerik to the panel included emails between Kerik and associates about paying for rooms at the Willard Hotel. Kerik had been subpoenaed by the panel on Nov. 8 as part of its investigation into the so-called war room at the Willard Hotel, where Trump allies met to strategize about preventing Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s victory. The panel had originally sent a letter accompanying the subpoena that had incorrectly suggested Kerik was in the war room on Jan. 5, leading Kerik to demand an apology.

The Jan. 6 select committee declined to comment on the new materials.

As part of a seven-page letter to the panel, Parlatore told the committee the former police commissioner would accept a voluntary interview with the panel on Jan. 13, 2022, though he expressed concerns about the conditions of the interview and whether a transcript and recording would be released immediately after, or whether Parlatore could make his own recording of the proceedings.

According to Parlatore, the panel retracted its agreement for a voluntary interview and demanded a deposition instead after he sent his letter to the committee. He expressed dismay at the committee’s retraction of the voluntary interview.

“They seem more interested in creating an appearance of noncompliance than conducting an actual investigation,” he said in a text message.

Another 22-page document, titled “STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS PLAN – GIULIANI PRESIDENTIAL LEGAL DEFENSE TEAM,” describes a 10-day blitz aimed at Republican House and Senate members to pressure them to vote against certifying the 2020 election results. The effort was focused, according to the document, on six swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The document says its primary channels to disseminate messaging on these efforts included “presidential tweets” as well as talk radio, conservative bloggers, social media influencers, Trump campaign volunteers and other media allies. A list of “key team members” supporting the effort included “Freedom Caucus Members” — a reference to the group of hardline House conservatives, some of whom backed Trump’s effort to overturn the election.

Other team members listed include: Rudy Giuliani, “Peter Navarro Team” and “identified legislative leaders” in each of the six swing states.

The document also described a list of actions the group intended to organize, including “protests at weak members’ homes,” “protests at local officials homes/offices” and “protests in DC – rally for key House and Senate members.”

It is unclear if Kerik would appear for a deposition instead of an interview. A Dec. 23 letter to the panel from Parlatore had included disputed claims that the Jan. 6 panel was structurally invalid and called its deposition process “fatally flawed.” The panel has previously rejected those arguments.

Parlatore declined to comment on the withheld documents but said they hoped the committee would agree to conditions allowing the full disclosure of all documents.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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TAKE ACTION: CVS is Putting Racism Ahead of Health

CVS (3.42) is one of 2ndVote’s top-ranked drug stores with a previous score of 3.72 which has recently dropped to a 3.42. But that score might drop even further as company executives spent $600 million on Critical Race Theory (CRT) employee training programs. Fox Business reports that CVS implemented a four-week program last year which required staff to engage in self-reflection about bias and to stop alleged biases by other staff.

The program was launched as other major corporations responded to George Floyd’s death with false claims that America – and, by association, Americans – are racist. As leading CRT critic Chris Rufo noted in September, the program was implemented by a CEO who makes tens of millions of dollars per year, and would mostly impact people making only a few tens of thousands of dollars per year.

We are launching a campaign urging CVS to return to prioritizing customers’ health needs and the well-being of their staff. This is a huge course change for them, and we need your help to redirect CVS to treat their 300,000 employees and millions of customers truly equally – on the basis of their humanity, not their skin color.

The details of the program are outlined in this document, and they go well beyond training staff to view each other through a racial prism. CVS’ vendor partners will be chosen on the basis of their race, not the value they bring to CVS, its staff and customers, and the general public. CVS’ charitable donations will be based upon race, not upon the quality of a charity’s work.

Of course, no corporation can ever be “woke” enough for those who believe America is racist. Just a few months after the initiative launched, an alleged CVS customer harassed a CVS manager who called police on alleged shoplifters. Apparently, $600 million wasn’t enough to convince the customer that CVS cared enough.

2ndVote doesn’t want CVS to take sides on America’s continued debate on how to heal the scars of slavery and racism. Tell CVS to invest their well-earned money into real programs that uplift our citizens instead of teaching their employees to judge a customer based on the amount of melanin in their skin.

Use this link to use your voice TODAY!

With your help, we can show them how to get back on track.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Get Your ‘I Got Canceled Before It Was Cool’ T-Shirt Now

Get it on Zazzle | Get it on Spreadshirt

This isn’t a joke. Already in 2005, soon after The People’s Cube was born, Google canceled us by removing the site from their search registry. Soon afterwards Cafepress canceled our “Che is Dead” t-shirts. In the next few years our numerous products also got canceled by Zazzle and Spreadshirt. Once we signed up on Facebook and Twitter, our posts got repeatedly canceled, our account suspended for days and weeks, our exposure restricted, and our presence shadowbanned.

We got canceled on Wikipedia by the woke public editors before they even called themselves “woke,” and before “cancel culture” became the norm. After a few-month battle to keep our page alive in Wikipedia, we realized it was pointless and gave up trying. At various times we also got canceled by the Department of Defense and AT&T commercial wi-fi networks.

And even before we moved to the U.S., the caring Soviet state had canceled our prospects of any career advancement.

So this t-shirt isn’t a joke, but rather a story of my life. I’ll wear it proudly and I know that many of you will, too.

EDITORS NOTE: This column by Red Square on The Peoples Cube is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Dumbing Down of America Started Here

In the late ’80s and early ’90s, while I was teaching, I noticed a significant change in the goal of education. I usually didn’t care what the curricula or text said; I wanted my students to learn what I learned in school, which helped me make great choices throughout my life. I was teaching my students skills so they could make the best choices for their lives.

It was during this time I noticed that instead of teaching knowledge and skills, the teacher’s manual changed. We were now to focus on feelings and common thought. As a math teacher asking, “how do you feel about 2+2=4?” did not compute. How does that help you balance a checkbook, work a profit-loss statement? So I never asked those questions. The new world order has us focusing on the group, not the individual.

Individual excellence was not as important as the achievement and success of the group. The group got a name, and the group achievement got stars on the wall instead of naming individual students and showing their achievement. Students were given group assignments, and the fast learners were discouraged from finishing so fast. The others had to catch up. The dumbing down of everyone had begun.

This evolution took the entire 22 years I taught, until one term when we came back to school, and there was no more old text for me to use. Everything was now to be done the John Dewey, Modern Education way. That year marked the end of my teaching career.

I attended the John Dewey New School for Social Research, Greenwich Village, NYC. It was there I learned that all subject matter was to be integrated with the same message. Hollywood, the media were all to carry the same message, which would be reinforced in school. The message: The Environment, the destruction of the planet is caused by HUMANS. How evil we are. They were right at that time. The pollution and smog were so bad that it was almost impossible to breathe in some cities. They focused on pollution as the cause of climate change⏤more lies.

In the beginning, the EPA did clean much of the air and water, but somehow it was never enough. The rules got stricter, and prices of items became unnecessarily higher. Try buying a simple item like a gas can. In 2000, a gas can was about four bucks. Today they are over ten bucks. Why? Because now they have to follow insane EPA regulations on gas and oil and the design of the can. Eventually, as many people with power do, they abused their power and closed industries which was the original intent. The lucrative logging industry came to a standstill, and Americans were forced to buy expensive lumber from Canada and overseas. The forests now go up in smoke instead of logging and following good forestry practices, which loggers did. Because they do not allow opposition, We have a choice of one, whatever they give us. My first car was a 1968 Camero. I got to pick the exterior color (white) and the interior color (Hunter Green) Not today. Today we can choose one of the packages the manufacturer selected for us. Sadly our children will never have the individual choices we could make. 

I learned how important messaging is and how you can take a group of people and motivate them to ignore their own will and vote with the group totally. The one controlling communication has the power. If you can isolate people and make them afraid, they will give up almost anything to make the pain disappear. Just look at the present day of forcing mask-wearing and vaccine mandates on an unwilling public.

We learned Cloward and Piven, the Hegalian Dialectic, Cognitive Dissonance, Projection, and the Precautionary Principle. I learned that the ends justify the means of Conspicuous Consumption and Planned Obsolescence. It was then that I realized we were teaching a communist method.

Students were no longer encouraged to think outside the box. Today they must think inside the box. No more individual excellence only collective mediocrity. Today unelected people who had this type of feel-good education are making the new rules which make no sense because the new Globalist is void of logic and reason.

I began to notice how all of these psychological theories had one thing in common⏤as a math teacher; I always looked for the common denominator. They all were fed by EMOTION. What were we teaching in school? EMOTION. Following Edwin Bernays, the grandfather of Marketing and Sales: “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby” – 40 Virginia Slims Cigarette Ads From the Early 1970s, the thinking was once these kids got out of school, they would be guided by their emotions. Once that happens, those in charge using a persuasive argument can control the masses; the talking heads on MSM are perfect examples. Do they actually believe their own lies, or are they controlled because of money and ego?

The brain is like a filing cabinet. A human can only have ONE thought at a time. The other thoughts are in the locked cabinet. So if all you ever deal with and learn in school is emotion, you will never use logic and reason. Today we are living the results of that type of emotional education. For the most part, the 1% of people running the world are sociopaths and nihilists. They have NO emotion and could care less about anyone but themselves. They are on a mission for eternal life. Anything else is just a temporary annoyance. 

With money and power, they control the next level of about 10% of the population. The job of the 10% is to use emotion to spread fear in order to control the sheeple. People who die along the way are just collateral damage in their never-ending quest for money and power—killing off seniors, no big deal. Seniors have become the useless eaters digging into their profit. So they continually tell us that the earth is overpopulated, not enough food – all lies. They know the money pot is finite, and they resent you for having any. This is why every time we get our share, a bubble of destruction is orchestrated to put us back in our place by making sure we lose our assets while they get stimulus money to get richer. The money they have really belongs to us. They essentially stole our money through all kinds of government schemes.

Think about the economy today. People can not return to work because the Globalists have arranged that by overregulation, mandates, lockdowns, government subsidies, and importing cheap labor. Globalists hate America, want to destroy America, and have instituted a strategy called death by 1000 cuts.

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity = DIE

By owning Education, Wall Street, Media, Pharma, and Hollywood⏤they own the messaging. This same messaging is now seen in every agency and industry in America. By owning education, they can ensure obedience and loyalty. The incompetence, corruption, racism, and hatred found in every American agency are staggering.

Do you now understand why the border is open? The middle class was making too much money under Trump. The middle class was finally catching up.  However, according to the Globalists, the American middle class was becoming a bad example for the rest of the world. Obama even told a group of Kenya graduates not to think about air conditioning or cars like Americans. No competition was allowed under communism. No one except the chosen ones can profit as long as the government gets its cut. Enter China with lots of $$$$. 

A new partnership was born with China and the corrupt politicians who arranged favorable trade positions for China to the detriment of Americans. By following the America First plan of President Trump, the Globalists began to see their income and power shrink, and the middle class expanded. How dare MAGA fight back. You are the enemy. Therefore, anything goes, you deserve to be punished. Time for a good crisis, and they have many: Inflation, Covid, Mass Unemployment, High Gas Prices, Drug, Crimes, Murders, Alcohol, Suicide. 

Globalists are in both parties. Globalists must punish their enemies. Their enemy is anyone who disagrees with them. Americans, especially MAGA Americans, disagree. Therefore MAGA Americans are the enemy and deserve to be punished. This punishment of the evil domestic terrorists, MAGA, enables Globalists to justify the political prisoners, riots, mandates, open borders, election theft, censorship. 

We can’t let them get away with dictating to us. We can not allow their lies to stand.

We must be the truth warriors. Stop letting others choose your destiny. 

Is America worth saving?

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke.

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

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Analysis: The Top Governor’s Races To Watch In 2022

Democrats four years ago rode a blue wave to governors’ mansions across the country, flipping Republican-held seats in the Midwest, Northeast and West alike.

Now, however, many of those governors face Republican challengers amid a political environment that looks potentially promising for the GOP, meaning that contentious races may lie ahead in some of the nation’s most pivotal battleground states. Republicans have already had two strong showings in states that lean Democratic, flipping the governor’s seat in Virginia and coming surprisingly close in New Jersey, a state that voted for President Joe Biden by 16 points in 2020.

Governors in less competitive states are also facing primary challengers from the left and right, making for multiple bitter, closely-followed primaries between candidates from different wings of the same party.

Below are states whose races are worthy of following as the 2022 election cycle kicks into overdrive.


Thrown into the center of the political universe in 2020, Georgia is set to remain there in 2022 and beyond. After the state narrowly voted for Biden and Democrats just weeks later flipped both Senate seats — giving Democrats control of the chamber — Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp now faces both a serious Democratic challenger as well as one from within his own party.

Kemp drew the ire of former President Donald Trump after he refused to overturn Biden’s win in the state. Now, former Republican Sen. David Perdue is seeking to oust Kemp, and Perdue has Trump’s backing.

Perdue has alleged that Kemp divided Republicans in the battleground state, going so far as to blame him for his own loss to Democratic Sen. Jon Ossoff in January. While one Atlanta poll showed Kemp with a lead over Perdue, the race became a dead heat after respondents were notified of Trump’s endorsement.

Whoever wins the state’s May primary (or June runoff, if it comes to that) will likely face Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams in November. Abrams narrowly lost to Kemp in 2018, and she has since built a wide national profile.


Republican Kari Lake, a former newscaster, secured Trump’s early endorsement and leads the GOP field to succeed term-limited Gov. Doug Ducey. While Lake leads, she has not cleared the GOP field, which includes state Treasurer Kimberly Yee and former Rep. Matt Salmon.

Secretary of State Katie Hobbs is the Democratic frontrunner. She has repeatedly spoken out against Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was stolen, especially as the Republican state Senate sponsored a Trump-endorsed audit of the votes in Maricopa County.

While general election polling has been scant thus far, the race could be close in a state that Biden barely flipped in 2020. Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly also faces re-election in 2022, setting the stage for two consequential races.


Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer won in a landslide in 2018, and she developed a national profile as her stringent coronavirus policies led her to become a frequent target of Trump. In particular, Whitmer’s personal violations of her own public health policies have made her a top GOP target since she took office.

The leading Republican challenger is retired Detroit police chief James Craig, but the GOP field is far from settled. Wealthy businessman Kevin Rinke recently announced a bid and has the ability to self-fund his campaign, and Trump-tied Tudor Dixon is also running, though both are polling behind Craig.

Two-time Senate candidate John James was also briefly rumored to be mounting a bid early on, but he opted out. Now, with the release of Michigan’s new congressional map, Republicans are reportedly urging James to run in the new 10th district, a seat on metro Detroit’s east side that narrowly went for Trump in 2020. (RELATED: Michigan Approves New US House Map, Two Democrats Say They’ll Run Against Each Other Minutes Later)


Democratic Gov. Tony Evers denied former Republican Gov. Scott Walker a third term in 2018, but the Republican state legislature moved almost immediately to limit his powers. Evers’ reelection effort may be close in a state that Biden won by just over 20,000 votes in 2020, while the Badger State also features a Senate race that could decide control of the 50-50 chamber.

Republican Rebecca Kleefish, Walker’s lieutenant governor, has emerged as an early frontrunner, but the eventual nominee is far from decided. Kevin Nicholson, who briefly tried to oust Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin in 2018, also may run, and while Trump has reportedly urged former Rep. Sean Duffy to launch a campaign, Duffy has not announced a campaign.


Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak flipped the governor’s seat in 2018, and while the state has been friendlier to his party than to Republicans in recent years, it remains a hard-fought battleground nearly every election cycle. Former Republican Sen. Dean Heller, who lost his seat to Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen in 2018, is now seeking a political comeback, and Heller is favored to win the nomination.

While most polls show Sisolak with a narrow lead, several Republican-leaning surveys have given a wider lead to Heller or Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, though he trails Heller in name recognition.


Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis built a national profile throughout the pandemic, railing against restrictions and signing executive orders that banned private businesses from implementing coronavirus-related mandates.

While DeSantis has been rumored to be a 2024 presidential candidate, multiple Democrats are first trying to deny him a second term serving in Tallahassee. Agriculture commissioner Nikki Fried and former congressman and Gov. Charlie Crist are the top two contenders for the Democratic nomination, though polls show DeSantis with a healthy, but not impregnable, lead as Republicans look to continue their electoral success in the state.


Though Gov. Tom Wolf is term-limited, Democrats are rallying around Attorney General Josh Shapiro to succeed him. Shapiro outran Biden in 2020 on his way to getting reelected by five points, and other potential contenders, including Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and Rep. Conor Lamb, opted to run for Senate instead.

The Republican field, however, includes multiple candidates who seek to tie themselves to Trump and his discredited claims that the state’s 2020 election results were rigged. State Sens. Doug Mastriano and Jake Corman are both vying for the nomination as is former Rep. Lou Barletta, who ran an unsuccessful campaign against Democratic Sen. Bob Casey in 2018.

New York

While Republicans may have little chance of winning the governorship in the solidly Democratic Empire State, multiple Democrats have launched primary campaigns against Gov. Kathy Hochul, who took over for former Gov. Andrew Cuomo in August. Hochul has earned praise from several of the state’s most influential figures, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams, but she has not shielded her from members of her party who are trying to block her from being elected to a full term.

Among those are Rep. Tom Suozzi and New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, who represent the moderate and left wings of the party, respectively. Attorney General Letitia James also announced a challenge before reversing course, and outgoing Mayor Bill de Blasio has flirted with a potential bid.

Though Hochul has led in recent polls, she has not clinched the nomination, and whoever wins the state’s primary will enter the general election as the heavy favorite over the GOP nominee.

Odd Ones Out: Kansas and Maryland

Simply put, Kansas is to Democrats as Maryland is to Republicans.

Democratic Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly won in an upset over Republican Kris Kobach in 2018, but now she is one of Democrats’ most vulnerable incumbents in the solid-red state. Kelly is also likely to face Kansas Attorney General Eric Schmitt in the general election, a candidate with fewer vulnerabilities than Kobach.

Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan is term-limited in 2022, making the GOP’s effort to hold the seat much more challenging in a state that Biden won by 33 points in 2020. Hogan built a national profile as a moderate that sometimes clashed with the Trump administration, and he endorsed Secretary of Commerce Kelly Schulz to succeed him. Trump, however, endorsed state lawmaker Daniel Cox, but the former president remains unpopular in the Old Line State, and Cox would likely have almost no chance at winning in the general election.

Democrats seeking the nomination include former Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez and state Comptroller Peter Franchot, as well as some lesser-known candidates.

Ohio and Texas: GOP Primaries that Could Get Testy

While Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott are both favorites to win reelection in their Republican-leaning states, both face primary challengers from the right that have labeled them as insufficiently conservative.

DeWine faces a challenge from former Rep. Jim Renacci, who criticized DeWine’s coronavirus restrictions early in the pandemic and subsequent mandates in an effort to contain the virus. If DeWine prevails, he would face either Nan Whaley or John Cranley, the mayors of Dayton and Cincinnati, respectively.

Abbott lifted coronavirus restrictions earlier than almost any GOP governor, but that was not enough to dissuade Allen West, a former congressman from Florida and a one-time chair of the Texas Republican Party, from seeking to oust him. Abbott also faces a challenge from state Sen. Don Huffines.

Abbott is still favored to win the nomination, and if he does, he will likely face former Senate and presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke in the general election.

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Political reporter. Follow Andrew on Twitter @atrunsky


Cook Political Report Gives GOP Clear Edge Ahead Of 2022 Midterms

‘Run, Ron, Run!’: Trump Endorses Sen. Ron Johnson Before He Even Announces He’s Running

Two Florida School Districts Face Funding Cuts For Defiance Of DeSantis’ Mask Mandate Ban

Ohio GOP Lawmakers Launch Bid To Impeach Gov Mike DeWine Over Coronavirus Mandates

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Trump Announces First Rally of 2022 in Arizona

President Trump’s next rally is on Jan. 15, 2022. We will be seeing many MAGA rallies in 2022, as President Trump intends to have a profound impact on November’s mid-term elections. And you can bet that he will.

Trump announces first rally of 2022 in Arizona

By RSBN Network, December 30th, 2021

President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening that he will be hosting his first MAGA rally of 2022 in Florence, Ariz.

After a two-month rally hiatus, the 45th president is coming back with a bang to kick off the 2022 midterms with a rally on Jan. 15, 2022.

According to the announcement shared via Trump’s Save America PAC, the rally will begin at 7:00 p.m. MST at Country Thunder Festival Grounds.

Doors will open at 2:00 p.m. MST and pre-program remarks will commence at 5:00 p.m. MST before President Trump makes his grand arrival at the fair grounds.

Tickets to the rally can be found HERE.

RSBN will provide unmatched LIVE coverage of the President Trump rally in Arizona. Stay tuned for details.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


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WARNING: CDC Now Treats Unvaccinated The Same As Un-Boosted, Just As DeSantis Predicted

The CDC is moving goalposts again, changing the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ yet again.

CDC Now Treats Unvaccinated The Same As Un-Boosted, Just As DeSantis Predicted

The CDC is moving goalposts again, changing the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ to include a third shot.

By: Shawn Fleetwood, The Federalist, December 31, 2021:

The CDC is moving goalposts again, changing the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ to include a third shot.

In its recently updated guidance on exposure to COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) treats double jabbed individuals that have not received a booster shot the same as unvaccinated ones.

“For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days,” the updated guidance reads. “Alternatively, if a 5-day quarantine is not feasible, it is imperative that an exposed person wear a well-fitting mask at all times when around others for 10 days after exposure. Individuals who have received their booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure.”

The move to change the definition of “fully vaccinated” by the federal health agency was predicted by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last month. During a press conference in Tallahassee, the Republican governor told attendees that “those individuals who have gone through a normal vaccination series for COVID …will be determined to be unvaccinated very soon.”

“They will do that – they are gonna tell you: ‘you’re unvaccinated and you have to get a booster,’” he said, adding that those who choose not to get a booster “could potentially face loss of employment or other types of penalties.”

The comments sparked outcry from legacy media fact-checkers, who were quick to label the governor’s prediction as false. Writing in The Independent, Andrew Feinberg penned an article titled “Fact Check: DeSantis falsely claims vaccinated citizens without boosters could be declared unvaccinated and lose their jobs,” in which he claims that DeSantis was “lying about the possibility that Covid-19 boosters will be used to force people out of their jobs.”

“Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky has repeatedly denied that the Biden administration plans to consider people who do not get boosters to be unvaccinated.” he wrote.

In addition to the recently updated guidelines, government health officials have also publicly indicated that such a change in definition would ultimately occur. During a CNN interview earlier this month, White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci foreshadowed that changing the definition of fully vaccinated to include booster shots is a matter of “when, not if.”

“I don’t see that changing tomorrow or next week, but certainly if you want to talk about what optimal protection is, I don’t think anybody would argue that optimal protection is going to be with a third shot,” he said. “For me, as a public health person, I just say get your third shot – forget about what the definition is. I just want to see people be optimally protected.”

Shawn Fleetwood is an intern at The Federalist and a student at the University of Mary Washington, where he plans to major in Political Science and minor in Journalism. He also serves as a state content writer for Convention of States Action.

Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Afghanistan: Taliban ‘sentences TV to death,’ smashes musical instruments as forbidden in Islam

“‘Imran bin Husain narrated that the Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) said: ‘In this Ummah there shall be collapsing of the earth, transformation and Qadhf.’ A man among the Muslims said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! When is that?’ He said: ‘When singing slave-girls, music, and drinking intoxicants spread.’” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2212)

“It was narrated from Abu Malik Ash’ari that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘People among my nation will drink wine, calling it by another name, and musical instruments will be played for them and singing girls (will sing for them). Allah will cause the earth to swallow them up, and will turn them into monkeys and pigs.’” (Sunan Ibn Majah 4020)

“Narrated Aisha: Abu Bakr came to my house while two small Ansari girls were singing beside me the stories of the Ansar concerning the Day of Buath. And they were not singers. Abu Bakr said protestingly, ‘Musical instruments of Satan in the house of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) !’ It happened on the `Id day and Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, ‘O Abu Bakr! There is an `Id for every nation and this is our `Id.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari 952)

Afghanistan: Taliban ‘sentences TV To Death,’ Destroys Scores Of Musical Instruments

by Zaini Majeed, Republic World, December 30, 2021:

After Kabul befell the hardline Islamist faction Taliban, the group had assured Afghans of “freedom” and that there was “no need to flee the country.” “Don’t be scared,” Afghan TV presenter of a political debate programme told the public as at least eight armed Taliban men surrounded him LIVE on camera. Now, the so-called Taliban that pledged press freedom and “no threats” for TV crew was seen forcing a man to take an oath to “never watch TV” again. And then, the Taliban sentenced a TV to death.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, 29 December in Afghanistan and has rattled the Afghan population. The now-viral footage, first shared by a Pakistani journalist, Hamza Azhar Salam, is doing rounds on the internet and shows Taliban members terrorising households across the central Asian country that was exited by the US troops in August on orders of President Joe Biden as his foreign policy required American forces stationed in Kabul to finally abandon 20-year war and “come home”.

‘Not permissible in Sharia’
In the chilling video, the Taliban that has enforced strict sharia law for governance after the political takeover is seen forcing a man to take an oath that he would never watch TV again. This is purportedly due to the belief among the Islamist extremists that it is not permissible in sharia (Islamic law) to watch TV. The Taliban men are seen smashing a television set and destroying scores of musical instruments including harmonium as it is “haram” [forbidden] in Islam. Pakistani journalist Hamza Azhar Salam who first shared the footage appeared to normalise the behaviour as he stressed that “things can change in future.”

While the Taliban’s act wasn’t condemned, Salam reiterated that the incident was similar to what maulvis [Islamic religious scholars] practised in Pakistan. “They were also against TV, Radio, and other modes of entertainment before they jumped on the bandwagon and now benefit from these platforms,” he said. “Taliban may do the same in due course,” he wrote, sharing the disturbing footage. It remains unclear whether the musical instruments destroyed were lifted from music shops across Afghanistan or that if the owners were punished too….


Afghanistan: Women protesters injured in stampede after Taliban fires shots in the air

When Daniel Greenfield Joined ISIS

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Stalinist’s Now Run America

Knowledge is Power! The absence of knowledge brings chaos and war. We are witnessing this exact predicament in America and the world today. Yet, it is not Marxism, but fraudulent Ideology of Stalinist Soviet Socialism and Chinese Communism that attacks Western civilization from both outside and inside. The Soviet people gave that extremist ideology a special term—Stalinism. That ideology causes all America’s problems and it runs the world today. The knowledge of it is imperative to win the ongoing war against Capitalism…

The foundation of Stalinism was his Political Correctness to mislead and deceive. The PC has been aimed at hiding or masking the truth and replacing it with Stalinist Socialist Dogma. In China, Mao has developed Stalinist policy, strategy, and a program called “The Yenan Way” offering a special kind of deception: “lies, flattery, threats, blackmail, bribery, or outright purchase.” Both policies were aimed at fooling the West. And they did substitute Marxism by Stalinist Dogma, implementing it globally. To learn how Russia created all Cartels in the 20th century of Mexico and Central America, read Chapter 13 and 22 of my book Socialist Revolution in America.

A logical continuation of Stalinism in China is not a coincidence: it took Stalin 29 years to build the Chinese Communist State by the Soviet Military and the KGB Mafia/Army. The Chinese State had been completely mirrored to the Soviet political structure. These two countries are tied by Stalinist Dogma as an umbilical cord of the Stalinist ideology, waging a war against American democracy. Read the details in my book: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012.

Yes, it is not Marxism with its hostile ideological planning to wage global war against capitalism and dismantle private property. To accomplish that agenda, Marxism needed the resources of the government and the Intelligence system–the apparatus of superior forces–cadres of aggressive compulsion. Marx didn’t have it in the 19th century. The victory of the Socialist Revolution in Russia gave Stalin the opportunity to design both: a war strategy and to build that apparatus in the 20th century Soviet Russia… As a former Soviet attorney, I am writing about that ambitious apparatus using the term KGB in all my books and columns for the last thirty years.

History is the Mother of all sciences. As a student of history, I’d tell you that it was Comrade Stalin, who also designed the strategy of war against America. History shows Stalin’s Evil nature. Soon after the end of WWII, when America and Russia had been allies, Stalin began designing a multi-cunning war against America. Here is his prediction as expressed seventy years ago: “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual Life. If you can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”

Stalin’s design revealed a desirable, negative projection of chaos and collapse of America. Look at our country today and you will see cultural breakdown, the devastation close to Stalin’s prediction: Afghanistan, open borders, migration of thousands people, including terrorists from a number of different countries, growing inflation, crime, and self-defeating energy policies. All of that has not magically occurred on the territory of America. No. Bad actors have brought chaos and destruction to America. The wrong ideas cannot be transformed by air or wind—bad people disseminate them.

The wrong ideas are spread to brainwash, intimidate and indoctrinate the opposition on behalf of Socialism. That was the exact mission-duty of the Stalinist KGB’s Mafia/Army by using threat and violence. For your information, Stalin’s ideas were the Orders to the government. After Stalin’s death, his devoted disciples, Yuri Andropov, the KGB Chairman 1967-1982 and Vladimir Putin, developed further Stalinist designs against the West by tactics, methods, and dirty tricks, applying the new technology…

Stalinism in America

To grasp the current chaos in America and the world-knowledge of Stalinism is imperative. Two years after Stalin’s death, it was a decision of the Soviet Defense Council in 1955, the first formal Soviet document declaring war on Western civilization. The document had been written under total control of the KGB. It reveals the launch of “narcotics trafficking against the bourgeoisie and especially against the American capitalists” as a sub-component of a global strategy.

“Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this global strategy…”

Don’t be surprised by the massive spread of different drugs in America by the Chinese Communist State—it is a logical continuation of Stalinism. Drug Overdose Deaths in the U.S. Top 100,000 Annually, CDC, November 17, 2021. Stalinism destroys America’s mind and body, its land and all achievements of the American Constitutional republic for 246 years. I gave you the term Socialist Charlatans for a reason: there are millions of them destroying America the Beautiful in concert with the KGB Mafia/Army. The racist card has been used by the KGB Mafia/Army to divide us since the 1960’s. The first narrative was the “White Oppressors,” then “White Privilege,” today it is “White Supremacy” and Socialist Charlatans are helping the KGB to spread the narrative in the war against American democracy…

Overwhelming politicization and people’s fear permeated all levels and fields of our republic. Stalinism shows itself in the midst of our society. The recent cases proves that. The arson of the Christmas tree on the Fox Square was an act of terror against Christianity and the Republican Party. The criminal had joined the KGB Mafia/Army. The motivation in the Jussie Smollett case was twofold: to promote himself by attracting the media and creating a political hoax of bitter racism in American society. Smollett was undercharged, because he had attempted to help the Democrats and the KGB in their long war against the American republic. Third: Never forget the prosecutors and the media on the Rittenhouse case. They were preparing the Soviet Style “Show Trial,” but had been stopped by wise American citizens—Jurors…

The Democrats demonstrated that war much earlier. Do you remember the 2020th “Summer of Love?” It was a preparation for the 2020 election—574 riots and arsons: burning the Holy Bible and American flag, robbing and destroying four thousand small businesses, killing dozens of people, and injuring 2 thousands cops, and promoting slogans to “Defund the Police” in the Dems-run cities. It wasn’t a crime of poverty, but a deliberate and organized policy of the state and local Progressive Dems. By purposely ignoring the lawlessness they legitimized criminal activities, setting up a new level of criminality. Not punishing crimes in reality produces the repetition of it–recidivism. Socialist Revolution was going on and there was no any outrage…

The Dems in power and criminals on the streets were acting together in unison against the American Constitutional republic of Law and Order… The 2020 “Summer of Love” has encouraged lawlessness and chaos in America, and fostered violence in 2021. Don’t be surprised by organized crime and smash-and grab robberies across the U.S. in crime surges in the Dems run cities. 16 Major American cities have broken records for homicides—a result of the Democrats’ policy. I warned you about Stalinist sinister violence: it has come to America. The Stalinists Dems are waging war against the American Constitutional republic and Republicans…

The same answer applies to the prosecutors appointed in the Dems-run States. DA George Gascon is the one who collaborated with Soros: in my opinion, the latter is the KGB agent. While Gascon was speaking, I found an interesting abbreviation in the background on the wall behind him. It was an abbreviation in Cyrillic: KPCC. That means in Russian: Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This intriguing combination of events reveals the insidious connection of the KGB in America I’ve been writing about for thirty years…

The event on January 6, 2021 is the other example of the Stalinist pattern of the KGB Mafia/Army. The Dems have pre-planned violence on January 6, 2021 to make Trump a guilty party in “inciting insurrection”–a classic KGB’s provocation—Ray Epps is a Red Flag. It also reminds us of the Reichstag fire by a left-wing mob. That is the reason that Trump’s call for the National Guard had been rejected by both Socialist Charlatans: the Mayor Browser and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. These two behave like the Soviet women-apparatchiks—both lie and deceive you with open eyes…

The abortions debate is also a missing ideological component defended by the Democrats. Please read for details my column: Abortions and Perpetrated Fraud in America: My response to ‘NYC 2020 FASHION WEEK’ February 14, 2020. The same advice to Special Prosecutor John Durham. Though Hillary Clinton has a massive legal problem, the main culprit is Bill Clinton. To complete the investigation, I would recommend John Durham to read my latest book: Socialist Revolution in America.

The failed American Intelligence and the FBI

Unfortunately, neither American Intelligence nor the FBI are able to expose Stalinism and investigate it professionally. As I have warned you many times: none of them know Stalinism and its KGB Mafia/Army, having free hands infiltrating America. To perceive the state of affairs within the current FBI, please read Report: Whitmer Kidnap ‘Plot’ In Disarray After FBI’s Questionable Tactics, Agents Arrested, By Rusty Weiss December 17, 2021, The Political Insider. Please, also learn about the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov, who designed a simultaneous infiltration into the American Intel apparatus and the media by the KGB Mafia/Army in the 1960-1970th

The release of long-secret documents from a JFK assassination by National Archive looks like a victory for transparency. It is not. Half a century after Kennedy’s murder, we are still unable to make a thoughtful decision on who the assassin was. Whether it was Lee Harvey Oswald having ties to the KGB or an assassin from Gracie Noel? Those puzzles could be wittingly created by the KGB. I believe that the documents have been kept secret because they expose incompetence or wrongdoing by the CIA, FBI and other agencies. Yes, this is the crux of the matter: those agencies didn’t know Russia and its KGB in 1963 and they don’t know them now in 2021.

As a point man for Obama in Ukraine, Biden has collaborated with Putin since 2013-2014. You saw his “quit-pro-quo” statement to fire a prosecutor who investigated the Hunter case to receive American help–$1billion. Biden was helping Putin to suffocate a young Ukrainian democracy—the prosecutor was fired… Read my columns about Biden vis-à-vis Ukraine.

Every day you are watching Biden’s theatrical performances-propaganda. He is lying, deceiving and defrauding you, because he is not talking with you, but reading over a prompter the text written for him by his staff. You know my opinion about Biden’s staff—several KGB’s agents plus Obama’s holdovers. Using Biden’s diminished cognitive ability, they controlled and planned his presidency, practiced pandemic’s manipulations as a political power to create a typical Stalinist Falsehood in America. To divert your attention from them implementing Socialism, they threaten you with different variants of a Chinese virus. Dr. Fauci helps them. I don’t like Dr. Fauci’s friendly relationship with the General-Director of the W.H.O. Tedros Adhanom. In my view the latter is a KGB agent, a messenger and creator of Stalinist Falsehood in America for many years and Dr. Fauci has become a politician under his influence.

In the beginning of the 1970s, Soviet/Russian expansion in the equatorial Gulf of Aden started by initiating a civil war in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen to bring Socialism into those countries to secure the oil trade to the world. It was a continuation of Stalin’s WWIII in Africa with the same formula and practice: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations. It was the time when Dr. Tedros was recruited, and many other people from Somalia, Kenya, and Yemen have become KGB agents. Knowing the history of Soviet/Russian expansion and its modus operandi could open many dead cases, never resolved in America. I would advise the FBI to check the ‘Squad” and Rep. Omar’s Somali community…

The investigation of coronavirus origins “can open a can of worms.” I know what it means, writing about the real Russia Collusion with the Dems leadership for the last thirty years, while pursuing the Truth. My writing was sabotaged and banned many times. Yes, Russian Collusion is a fact in reality of America—a Collusion of Russia with the leadership of the Democrat Party. Everything you have witnessed during the last five years was an attempt of Socialist Charlatans to cover-up their collusion in the best traditions of Stalinism by accusing Trump of the crime they had committed.… Remember Stalinist postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opponent in this exact crime. Analyze Biden’s speeches and you will see it. Antifa and BLM instigated January 6, 2021, the Dems are reversing it, blaming Republicans. The typical Stalinist’s blame game is now underway in America! Where’s the outrage???

Sen. Joe Manchin is voting “No” to the Biden BBB Bill, but everything can be changed in a New Year 2022 if Sen. Manchin has children. I know Stalinism and had already given you an example of one of the reasons Chiang Kai-shek had lost China to Communists. Reading my book What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, you can learn more about Stalinism around the globe. Democracy in Ukraine threatens Vladimir Putin and he will use the KGB play-book of Stalinism to build back the Russian Empire. But…it is impossible without Ukraine’s territory. Putin will use Biden’s weakness again: time will tell us how…

America missed a big chunk of Russia’s history and therefore is puzzled and disoriented.  In the Jungle of misleading, deceiving, lies and fraud, the year 2022 is a defining year for America—“to be or not to be”. It is the year for the Republican Party to expose Stalinism in America. It does not cancel culture or Wokeism with its spiritual vandalism, but Stalinism with its patterns of brutality, violence and fraud in the process of building Socialism. Yes, the Biden/Putin conspiracy builds and implements Socialism in America. Republicans must stop it. They have very little time—a window from the Chinese Olympics to the US November election. Our enemies can use this time, too—by engineering a more lethal virus…

My fellow Americans! Happy New Year to you!

Happy New Year to America the Beautiful!

To save this country, our freedom and personal liberty for our children and grandchildren, please, learn about Stalinism and read my book Socialist Revolution in America.

It’s now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

The Rise of the Vax Police State and its Enforcers the Vax Passport Schutzstaffel [VPSS]

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984

The public is seeing something that hasn’t happened since the rise of Adolf Hitler. When Hitler came to power he created his own personal police forces know as the SA and SS. These two organizations became both Hitler’s protectors and infamous for their role in arresting, sending to concentration camps and murdering millions of the Nazi Party’s political and religious opponents.

Holocaust Explained reports on Hitler’s rise to power and formation of the SA and SS:

The Nazi Party’s paramilitary organisation were the Sturm Abeilung, more commonly known as the SA. The SA were formed in 1921 and were known as ‘brownshirts’ due to their brown uniform. Initially most members were ex-soldiers or unemployed men. Violent and often disorderly, the SA were primarily responsible for the protection of leading Nazis and disrupting other political opponents’ meetings, although they often had a free rein on their activities.

If Hitler was to gain power democratically, he needed to reform the SA. He set out to change their reputation. A new leader, Franz von Salomon, was recruited. Rather than the violent free rein they had previously enjoyed, Salomon was stricter and gave the SA a more defined role.

In 1925, Hitler also established the Schutzstaffel, otherwise known as the SS. The SS were initially created as Hitler’s personal bodyguards, although they would go on to police the entire Third Reich.

The SS were a small sub-division of the SA with approximately 300 members until 1929. In 1929, Heinrich Himmler took over the organisation, and expanded it dramatically.

Today, we are seeing similar police forces that we call the Vax Passport Schutzstaffel or VPSS used in certain cities, states and nations to enforce the mandates handed down by the Vax Police State.

Today there are 31 nations that require a vaccine passport. In America there are 4 states (California, Hawaii, New York and Louisiana) that issue vaccine passports. We labeled these 35 as “Vax Police States.”

Rise of the Vax Police State

BBC News reported the following countries have implemented Covid vaccine passports:


An EU vaccine “passport” is being introduced across all 27 member nations – plus Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.

Citizens of these nations can download it or obtain a paper copy – at no cost. It is also available to non-EU nationals living legally in member states who have the right to travel to other member states.

Because the UK is no longer in the EU, the certificate is not available to most Britons.

The certificate can be issued if someone has been vaccinated, recently had a negative Covid test or recently recovered from the virus.

Anyone holding the certificate should be exempt from testing or quarantining when crossing a border within the EU.

Other EU nations also have their own certificate or vaccine passport.


Authorities have set up a health pass that will allow people to access restaurants, bars, planes and trains.

At present, venues that accommodate more than 50 people already require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test.

The pass will be required by all adults from the beginning of August and include children over the age of 12 from 30 September.

In order to obtain the pass, people must have proof they are fully vaccinated, recently tested negative or recently recovered from the virus.

On 24 July, about 160,000 people protested across the country against the Covid pass and mandatory vaccinations for health workers.


Israel introduced a vaccine pass earlier this year. It required people to show proof of either vaccination or having recently had the virus. The pass helped increase uptake of the vaccine, especially among younger people.

After infection rates declined, authorities decided to end the scheme.

But the government has now announced plans to reinstate the system amid a recent surge in cases.

The green pass system will only allow those over the age of 12 who are vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19 or who present a negative test result to attend large events and enter certain public spaces, the Times of Israel reports. The new pass will come into effect from 29 July.

The pass will apply to cultural and sporting events, gyms, restaurants and dining halls, conferences, tourist attractions and places of worship.


China introduced a QR code system last year which categorised people into different colours. A green colour allows people to move around without restrictions while someone with a yellow code may be asked to stay at home for seven days.

The codes are a combination of big data and information submitted by the users themselves.

Many public spaces in China require people to show their QR code in order to gain entry.

In March, China launched a digital health certificate that shows the holder’s vaccine status and test results. The certificate is available to foreigners in China as well as Chinese nationals. It is hoped that Chinese citizens will be able to use the certificate as a vaccine passport in other countries in future.

It’s not yet clear which countries China is in discussions with to get its certificate recognised.


In April, the White House ruled out introducing mandatory federal Covid vaccination passports, saying citizens’ privacy and rights should be protected. However four states have active vaccination apps, according to MIT Technology Review.

But some states have also opted to introduce their own measures to try to increase vaccination rates.

California will require all state employees and health care workers to show proof of vaccination or be tested weekly from next month. New York City will adopt a similar measure from mid-September requiring its municipal workers – including police officers and teachers – to be vaccinated or face weekly tests.


At present, inoculated Australians have a digital certificate on their phones but it has no rights attached to it.

The country’s tourism minister Dan Tehan has said that a vaccine passport could give people “the right to be able to travel across borders when there are lockdowns, or if there are parts of a state which have been locked down, because of an outbreak”.

He also said that giving more freedoms to people who are vaccinated would encourage more to get the jab.

States in America that Require or Ban Vax Passports

On August 31, 2021 the MIT Technology Review published a list on the status of each state and vaccine passports or bans as follows:

  • Alabama: Governor Kay Ivey signed legislation to ban vaccine passports. The Alabama House of Representatives voted 76–16 to approve the bill. (Source: AP News)
  • Alaska: Governor Mike Dunleavy issued Administrative Order No. 321, stating that Alaska’s government will not require vaccine passports in order to travel to, or around, the state. (Source: Alaska State Website)
  • Arizona: Governor Doug Ducey issued an executive order banning vaccine passports on April 19 (Source: AZ Governor website), but on May 22, Arizona lawmakers failed to pass a bill banning businesses from requiring vaccine passports. The measure, House Bill 2190, would have prohibited businesses or third-party online entities from asking “whether the person has or has not received a COVID-19 vaccine or a vaccine to address any variant of COVID-19 as a condition for receiving any service, product or admission to an event or venue.” (Source: The Hill)
  • Arkansas: Governor Asa Hutchinson signed a law that prevents state and local governments from requiring covid-19 vaccine or proof of vaccination in order to access services. The state’s majority-Republican senate voted 23–8 to ban vaccine passports. (Source: ABC Little Rock)
  • California: Residents can verify their vaccinations using a service called the Digital Covid-19 Vaccine Record portal, which launched on June 18. (Source: NBC) The state does not require an official vaccine passport, but does mandate that indoor events with at least 5,000 people require vaccination or a negative covid test. Organizers of outdoor events with more than 10,000 people will be encouraged, but not required, to check for vaccination or a negative test, or to require masking. (Source: The Daily Democrat)
  • Colorado: Vaccine passports are not required in Colorado, but state health department officials said in early April that they will at least explore the possibility. (Source: U.S. News/AP)
  • Connecticut: There is no state program for vaccine passports, but in March Governor Ned Lamont maintained that they could be introduced in Connecticut through the private sector. (Source: CT Post)
  • Delaware: Governor John Carney said in a statement that “we’re not going to be in the business of asking people for a so-called vaccine passport.” (Source: WHYY)
  • Florida: Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 2006, effectively banning vaccine passports, blocking any business or government entity from requiring proof of covid-19 vaccination. (Source: FL Governor website)
  • Georgia: Governor Brian Kemp issued an executive order May 25 prohibiting vaccine passports in state government. No vaccine passport will be required for entry into the state of Georgia. State employers cannot have different rules for employees based on vaccination status, unless such rules are implemented using an honor system and no proof of vaccination is required. (Source: GA Governor website)
  • Hawaii: The “Safe Travels Card” appears to be the official moniker for the Hawaii vaccine passport, which is being tested among residents. Travelers will likely use the system for vaccine verification from July 8. (Source: Hawaii Travel Guide)
  • Idaho: Governor Brad Little issued an executive order on April 7 banning the state government from requiring or issuing vaccine passports. (Source: US News/AP)
  • Illinois: No vaccine passport is established currently, but Illinois Department of Public Health officials have said that they are “working to provide this service to individuals.” Public health commissioner Allison Arwady said that the “Vax Pass” will be required to attend concerts and other summer events. (Source: Illinois Policy)
  • Indiana: Lawmakers passed a ban on vaccine passports on April 22. The legislation, HB 1405, forbids the state or local governments from issuing or requiring the documents. (Source: WFYI Indianapolis)
  • Iowa: On May 20 Governor Kim Reynolds signed a law, House File 889, that will withhold state grants and contracts from local governments or businesses that require customers to prove they have received a covid vaccine. The law also prevents state and local governments from including a person’s vaccination status on a government-issued identification card. (Source: Des Moines Register)
  • Kansas: On May 7, lawmakers approved a proposal that includes a ban on vaccine passports, but it has not yet been implemented. Governor Laura Kelly said in April that she has no interest in any state-sanctioned use of the technology. (Source: The Topeka Capital-Journal)
  • Kentucky: Vaccine passports are not required, and State Representative Brandon Reed is drafting a bill that would ban the government from enforcing their use. (Source: NBC KY News)
  • Louisiana: Residents will be able to show digital proof of vaccination via the LA Wallet mobile app, the state’s voluntary license application, as of May 5 (Source: AP News). On June 7, the Louisiana Senate voted 23–12 for state representative Danny McCormick’s House Bill 103, which prevents civil liability for businesses that don’t mandate vaccines and also prevents the state from denying business licenses to those that don’t require a shot. (Source: Lafayette Daily Advertiser)
  • Maine: Officials are not planning on developing a statewide vaccine passport system. Residents are encouraged to bring their immunization record card if they need it. (Source: AP News);
  • Maryland: Vaccine passports are not required, and there is no legislation addressing passports as of now. The biotechnical distribution company MyBioSource.Com surveyed 3,000 Marylanders and found that overall, 63% believe vaccine passports should be used. (Source: CBS Baltimore)
  • Massachusetts: Governor Charlie Baker said on April 8 that he is opposed to vaccine passports, but no ban has been passed. (Source: Boston Globe)
  • Michigan: The state house of representatives passed a bill, HB 4667, on June 2 to ban vaccine passports or any other system where individuals’ civil rights are diminished by vaccine status. (Source: US News)
  • Minnesota: The state senate passed S1589-2 in May, stating that no person must be required to possess, wear, or display any indicator that he or she “received a negative or positive test result or possesses the antibodies for a communicable disease.” The Minnesota Department of Health is prohibited from forcing anyone to participate in contact tracing or digital contact tracing. (Source: Minnesota State Republican Caucus website)
  • Mississippi: Governor Tate Reeves said in April that he doesn’t support vaccine passports, and the state is not pursuing the use of one. (Source: CNN)
  • Missouri: In May the state house and senate approved provisions to HB271, a bill that aims to ban vaccine passports. The bill has not yet been approved or vetoed by Governor Mike Parson. (Source: The Kansas City Star)
  • Montana: Governor Greg Gianforte issued an executive order prohibiting state-sponsored development of vaccine passports or requirements for their use. (Source: Montana State website)
  • Nebraska: Governor Pete Ricketts issued a statement on March 13 saying that the state will not participate in the vaccine passport program. (Source: Nebraska Government website)
  • Nevada: Vaccine passports are not actively banned, but they are not required within the state. US Senator Jacky Rosen said on May 4 that she does not support requiring vaccine passports for local events. (Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal)
  • New Hampshire: State representative Tim Baxter proposed a legislative measure on April 28 looking to bar the required use of passports. The state is currently not developing or requiring them. (Source: NHPR)
  • New Jersey: The state has no plans to implement a vaccine passport system. Governor Phil Murphy has said he’s open to the idea but that the state will follow federal guidance. (Source: Philly Inquirer). On May 6, Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger introduced bill A5607 to prevent the use of vaccine passports. (Source: Inside NJ)
  • New Mexico: There are no requirements for vaccine passports and no plans to develop one.
  • New York: The state has implemented a vaccine passport system, the Excelsior Pass, created by IBM. Vaccine status can be stored digitally on an app, available on the App Store and Google Play store, and can be printed out on the Excelsior Pass website to be brought anywhere. Available languages are English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Haitian Creole, Korean, Bengali, Arabic, Italian, Polish, and Yiddish. (Source: NY State website)
  • North Carolina: On April 21 the state house of representatives urged Governor Roy Cooper to reject attempts to create a vaccine passport system, with 65 Republican lawmakers sending a letter of opposition. Passports are not required in the state. (Source: WCNC Charlotte)
  • North Dakota: Lawmakers passed a limited ban on vaccine passports, and amended the ban into HB1465 on April 29. The law bans state and local governments from requiring proof documents and prohibits businesses—with some exceptions—from requiring customers to present vaccination documents for access, entry, or services. The legislature also passed a resolution, SCR4016, urging Congress to refrain from issuing a vaccine passport. (Source: The Bismarck Tribune)
  • Ohio: Governor Mike DeWine made a commitment that the state will not create or require a vaccine passport, but he has left the issue of private-sector requirements up to individual businesses. The state house of representatives introduced bill HB248 to ban mandatory vaccinations and the use of vaccine passports. (Source: ABC6 Ohio)
  • Oklahoma: Governor Kevin Stitt issued an executive order on May 28 banning state agencies from requiring vaccinations as a condition of entry to public buildings. He also signed SB658, which prohibits schools from requiring covid vaccinations for K–12 students or implementing mask mandates that would apply only to unvaccinated students. (Source: The Oklahoman)
  • Oregon: Vaccine passports are not required. On June 3 state senator Kim Thatcher introduced a bill that would ban any kind of vaccine passport (Source: ABC2 KATU); the Department of Consumer and Business Services said in a May 19 statement that “an employer who requests and reviews verification of vaccination may permit fully vaccinated individuals with such proof to go without masks, face coverings, etc.”
  • Pennsylvania: On May 24, Republicans in the state senate began advancing legislation to prohibit government and school districts from requiring vaccination. The bill applies to state agencies, counties, municipalities and school districts, and bars; it does not apply to private businesses or organizations. (Source: AP News)
  • Rhode Island: Governor Dan McKee said on May 18 that he is leaving it to business owners and employers to decide rules on masking and vaccination for themselves. McKee is not in support of a bill introduced by Republican lawmakers that would prohibit state and municipal agencies and private business from requiring proof of vaccination. (Source: The Providence Journal)
  • South Carolina: Governor Henry McMaster issued an executive order on May 11 that prevents local governments and schools from creating mask mandates. The order also bans local governments, state agencies, and state employees from requiring vaccine credentials. (Source: WebMD)
  • South Dakota: Governor Kristi Noem issued an executive order on April 21 banning the development or use of vaccine passports. (Source AP News)
  • Tennessee: The state senate passed a ban on vaccine passports with SB0858 on April 14; Governor Bill Lee said in April on Twitter that he “opposes vaccine passports,” adding, “The COVID-19 vaccine should be a personal health choice, not a government requirement.” (Source: The Hill)
  • Texas: On June 7 Governor Greg Abbot signed bill SB968, which bans businesses from requiring proof of the vaccine; vaccine passports are prohibited in the state. (Source: Texas Tribune)
  • Utah: A law passed in April, HB308, blocks state government from requiring people to get vaccinated. (Source: Salt Lake Tribune); Governor Spencer Cox confirmed that vaccine passports will not be used in the state. (Source: CBS Local KUTV)
  • Vermont: The state house of representatives introduced a bill, H452, to ban vaccine passports on May 20. (Source: Vermont Daily Chronicle)
  • Virginia: Governor Ralph Northam has not ruled out vaccine passports as a condition for entry into certain places—but in May he said his administration has no plans to use them in the state. (Source: Wavy.Com)
  • Washington: State representative Jim Walsh introduced a bill on April 7 prohibiting vaccine passports. (Source: Washington State House of Representatives website)
  • West Virginia: Vaccine passports are not required, but Governor Jim Justice has not prohibited proof-of-vaccination requirements at any level of government. (Source: Ballotpedia)
  • Wisconsin: Requirements for vaccine credentials are not actively banned, but in April a series of bills were introduced to do so. (Source: CBS Milwaukee)
  • Wyoming: Governor Mark Gordon issued a directive on May 7 preventing state agencies, boards, and commissions from requiring people to show vaccine status to access state spaces or services (Source: Oil City News); state representative Chuck Gray said on June 8 that he is drafting a bill to officially ban vaccine passports in the state. (Source: Oil City News)

The Bottom Line

David Bossie, president of Citizens United, gives The Real Story on a shocking sight at a family restaurant and why everyone who loves freedom and believes in our ‘Bill of Rights’ should be gravely concerned.

Vax Police States are becoming the new normal. These states are using their law enforcement agencies or Vax Passport Schutzstaffel (VPSS) to enforce the use of Vax Passports. Whether they just suggest getting vaxxed, require getting vaxxed in certain jobs or mandate getting vaxxed, it doesn’t matter. Why? Because it is all part of a long term effort to force people to submit to the jab.

As MIT Technology Review noted:

A year ago, vaccines to tackle the covid pandemic seemed like a far-off idea. Today, though, doses have been delivered to almost one-quarter of the world’s people—and some are being asked to prove they’re among them, leading to the rise of so-called vaccine passports.

The needle and now a pill are the new weapons used by the state. They are symbols of the Vax Police State.

Some governments don’t force you, but they just take away everything you hold near and dear away until you submit to the jab.

It’s called tyranny.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Rape Of Great Britain’s Children

This speech by Tommy Robinson is on the rape of British girls by Pakistani Muslim men. It is shocking and sad that Tommy Robinson only gets to speak about this in Russia and not in his homeland Great Britain.

On November 17th, 2019 Jihad Watch’s Joshua Winston reported:

Everywhere Muslims settle, rape and grooming gangs spring up. Whether it be a town, city, village or a new land, rape is what many Muslim men become known for in the West. Every race and culture produce rapists, but none so flagrant and voluminous as Muslims (Pakistanis in particular). There is a new documentary released just now called “Why dad killed mum, my family’s secret.” Tasnim Lowe, the daughter of a young girl who was impregnated at a young age by a Muslim man and then killed along with her family in a fire that he deliberately started, is now seeking answers as to why her mother (Lucy Lowe) was killed.  Read more…

Watch all of this powerful presentation by Tommy Robinson:

In a February 24th, 2016 column titled “EASY MEAT: The Muslims are ‘raping our daughters‘” we wrote:

Peter McLoughlin has written a book titled “Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal.” The book provides a detailed account of how the British media, law enforcement and government looked the other way while an estimated 1 million underage white girls were groomed, by gangs of Muslim men, for the pedophile sex trade over a period of 25 years.

This all happened because of the “sinister power of political correctness” because the victims “were mostly white schoolgirls” while their abusers were “almost entirely Muslims with darker skins. This meant the grooming gangs “could operate with impunity.

This human tragedy and the subsequent cover-up was “more thru omission than through commission.”

Gavin Boby, from the Law and Freedom Foundation, in the forward to the book  notes that, “Despite [Muslims] being only 5% of the [English] population. They work out that Muslims look to be 170 times likelier to do this [groom under-aged children for the sex trade] than non-Muslims… There’s not one case where the [under-aged] girl was a Muslim and the men [pedophile sex traffickers] non-Muslim.”

Boby states, “They’re raping our kids. We’re not raping their kids.”

In the introduction McLoughlin writes:

The sexual abuse of children takes different social forms: from sporadic child abductions, to organized child pornography rings, to abuse by parents or care-home staff. All of it is awful, and none of it should be ignored.

The phenomenon of gangs of [Muslim] men who loiter around schoolgirls, luring them into a life of addiction and prostitution is a distinct category of child sex abuse, but a category that the authorities in Britain have deliberately ignored for 25 years. They ignored it, despite it being clearly put on the national agenda as long ago as 2003, and being known as a local phenomenon in heavily islamized towns as long ago as the late 1980s.

If these groups of men had been white non-Muslims, then action would have been taken decades ago to eradicate the problem as soon as it was identified.

[ … ]

[F]or decades, gangs of [Muslim] men could hang around school gates with impunity. What principally protected these men was the colour of their skin.

With the migration of millions of Muslims to Europe we are seeing this phenomenon now called sexual jihad. The rape and abduction of under-aged girls and boys has become an epidemic.

This book is timely in that it shows that when a duly elected government ignores the rape of its children then citizens take up the fight to protect the most vulnerable.

What lead to this void in enforcing the law against pedophilia?

The government and law enforcement ignoring:

  1. Gangs of Muslim men hanging around school gates in cars.
  2. Schoolgirls contacting police and social services and telling them that they had been abused.
  3. Parents contacting police and social services with their fears and accumulated evidence.
  4. Extended families of Muslim men being associated with the child abuse.
  5. Schoolgirls being abducted or going missing for days on end.
  6. Stories of men luring girls with gifts, then turning them into addicts.
  7. Families having to abandon their daughters to stop the daughter luring other relatives into the clutches of the gangs.
  8. Connections between the grooming gangs and drug dealers.

If you don’t believe this is happening in the United States, think again.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Human sex trafficking is the most common form of modern-day slavery. Estimates place the number of its domestic and international victims in the millions, mostly females and children enslaved in the commercial sex industry for little or no money. The terms human trafficking and sex slavery usually conjure up images of young girls beaten and abused in faraway places, like Eastern Europe, Asia, or Africa. Actually, human sex trafficking and sex slavery happen locally in cities and towns, both large and small, throughout the United States, right in citizens’ backyards.

Appreciating the magnitude of the problem requires first understanding what the issue is and what it is not. Additionally, people must be able to identify the victim in common trafficking situations.

[ … ]

Not only is human sex trafficking slavery but it is big business. It is the fastest-growing business of organized crime and the third-largest criminal enterprise in the world. The majority of sex trafficking is international, with victims taken from such places as South and Southeast Asia, the former Soviet Union, Central and South America, and other less developed areas and moved to more developed ones, including Asia, the Middle East, Western Europe, and North America.

Read more.

Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal is a must read for every parent, grandparent, concerned citizen and elected official.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Second CNN Producer Under Investigation for Allegations of Sexual Offenses Involving Child Victims


Islam – Grooming Gangs

Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal

Are We Now in the Era of the ‘COVID Matrix’ with the Mandated Vaxxed Passports?

“Ever have that feeling where you’re not sure if you’re awake or dreaming?” – Neo [The Matrix]

Are we the people now living in a newly created Matrix? A Matrix created by government mandates? Do you get a feeling of déjà vu? Do you wake up and read the news headlines, or watch television shows, or go to social media sites and wonder if your awake or dreaming?

Do you feel like you’re being told to do something that just doesn’t feel right? Are you being required by your local, state or the federal government to get a Covid Passport to prove your worthiness as a human being? Have the new “Matrix Mandates” superseded your personal healthcare decisions?

Are you now an obedient subject of the Vax Passport Police State (VPPS)?

We are now in a world where you, the un-vaxxed, have become enemies of the state.

Get Jabbed or Go Directly to Jail

In a December 28th, 2021 article titled “The Jackboots Have Arrived – NYPD Begin Arresting Unvaccinated Americans During Indoor COVID Compliance ChecksSundance reported:

Comrades, many American citizens stood jaw agape as they watched Australian metropolitan police departments begin cracking skulls and making arrests for violating COVID rules and restrictions. Yes, it always seemed like Australia, New Zealand and Europe were the beta testing ground to see if police would comply with jackboot arrests of their own community.

Well, now we can see those same tactics being deployed in the U.S.

New York City was the first large metropolitan area to require vaccination identification cards to enter restaurants, bars, dining establishments and various public and private venues.  Now comes the enforcement part.

[ … ]

Then, after the police start getting uncomfortable arresting moms, dads and children, it takes open and vocal public shaming on a large scale toward the officers on a community level to get them to stop.

Remember, when the Chinese government first told the regular army to open fire on the students in Tiananmen Square, the soldiers would not shoot.  The Chinese Communist government then brought in the Mongolian divisions who had no connection to the local community.  You know what happened next.

Read the full article.

In the below video the New York Police Department (NYPD) start deploying vaccination police, and making arrests of people who do not present papers to prove their status:

Don’t have your Vax Passport? Then you get arrested in New York City.

Who is Resisting and Why are they Resisting?

It now appears that even entire police unions are now resisting getting vaxxed. In another December 29th, 2021 article in the Daily Wire titled “Boston Unions Fight Mayor’s COVID-19 Vax Mandate” Tim Meads reported:

Several unions representing city employees in Boston, Massachusetts, are leading the legal battle against Mayor Michelle Wu’s recently announced COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all city workers by February 2022. In several statements given to the Boston Herald, it is clear that Boston unions are not giving up the fight against the mandate.

“Tyranny is here on our doorstep and if we do not act now, in concert with ALL city workers, then we are sealing our own fate,” Boston First Responders United (BFRU) stated recently.

“People are standing up and making their voices heard. We’re standing up for one another and for workers’ rights and civil rights,” Shana Cottone, president of BFRU, told the Herald.

BFRU is reportedly working on a legal effort against the mandate.

Read the full article.

What can you do? Sign the Petition to Stop the Vax Passports

Citizens can now make their voices heard. There’s a website StopVaxPassports.org that has a petition for those who believe in my body, my choice with it comes to getting vaccinated. StopVaxPassport.org petition reads:

We, the undersigned, are very concerned that digital “vaccine passports,” by whatever name, can be used to restrict everyone’s constitutional rights to freedom and privacy which sit at the very heart of our culture and democracy.

“Vaccine Passports” are not merely the digital equivalent of the yellow vaccine cards long used in international travel. According to tech experts, the digital platform used by Vaccine Passports can provide the same totalitarian functionality as used by the Chinese “Social Credit System.

China’s “Social Credit System” gives the government total control over its citizens by tracking and integrating their every individual aspect:  medical history, social media activity, bank accounts, credit cards, shopping, internet searches, residence, employment, criminal history, facial and gait recognition, network of relationships, religious activities, participation (or the lack thereof) in the “Xi-Jinping thought” app, and real-time physical location.

While the “Vaccine Passport” may begin with only carrying digital information on vaccinations, the rest of the functionality of the Chinese Social Credit System can be integrated into the “Vaccine Passport” system in a matter of minutes.  Whether such digital documentation is governmentally issued or produced by corporate sponsors, the practical effect is a platform that, in the wrong hands, could usher in totalitarianism in the United States.

The ominous potential for the unauthorized disclosure of proprietary data and other abuses cannot be overstated, and must not be tolerated. No matter your opinion on the Covid vaccines—some of us are vaccinated and some are not—such a digital passport system is clearly antithetical to the foundational principles of this country and must not be allowed to take root here.

The Bottom Line

Brownstone Institute President and economist Jeffrey Tucker said this about NYC’s COVID-19 mandates, “We’ve lost our minds.”

We couldn’t agree more with Mr. Tucker.

There is a grassroots movement taking place globally. This movement has been named by some as “The Great Awakening.” It is a revolution against those who mandate getting vaxxed and the requirement to have a green “vaxxed passport” or similar ID to go shopping, enter a restaurant, get on an airplane or even take a walk in the streets of towns, cities, some states and even some nations.

It appears that globally we, the people, are not going to take it anymore!

Andrew Surabian in a tweet wrote, My alma mater @AssumptionUMA  is now ridiculously mandating boosters for all students/employees. No scientific justification of course, just pathetic fear mongering.”

In Supernatural Horror in Literature H.P. Lovecraft wrote:

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”

What is happening now is that governments at every level, the legacy media and social media are keeping us in the dark about the true impacts of the Covid virus and the ill effects of getting vaxxed in order to keep us in fear.

We are seeing a new dystopian effort to reshape our thinking into believing that the un-vaxxed, including those with natural immunity, are a threat to us all. The new world order Vax Passport Police State (VPPP) is now traumatizing our children, watch:

But there are many who are resisting. As Rinehart, ‘The Matrix’ (1999), said, “You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. You believe you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously, you are mistaken.”

Today we are all Mr. Anderson and we are not mistaken. The rules do not apply to us. The rules to protect our God given liberties apply to government not we the people.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Denmark study shows vaccinated more likely to catch Omicron.


“OMICRON” BOOMERANG: Are the Masses Finally Waking up to the Coronavirus Charade?

How The Atlantic Council Pulled Over The COVID-19 Matrix On The World

Rep. Biggs Demands Answers From Biden Amin On Why It Might Take Up To 75 Years For Info On COVID-19 Vaccine

VIDEO: Jury is in the mRNA shots destroy your immune system – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Lethal Injection Mandates: RIP Carlos Tejada & Camilla Canepa – Death by Vax

Racist School Board Unanimously Approves Plan to Pay Non-White Teachers More

Inverted Jim Crow. That’s what the Democrats have wrought.

Wildly Racist MN School Board Just Approved an Unthinkable Plan for White Teachers

If you feel like you live in an alternative universe where reductionism replaces logic and superficiality trumps character, here’s more evidence that you may be right. We might just be living in a racist version of The Twilight Zone.

By: Western Journal, December 30, 2021:

The Mankato School Board in Minnesota voted unanimously to pay non-white teachers “additional stipends” based only on the color of their skin, according to BizPac Review. If you happen to be born black or Native American and teach for the school district, you ostensibly deserve to be paid more than your peers.

You don’t have to earn the raise for going the extra mile to help students or for actually doing anything at all. The pay raise is based upon the accident of skin color and nothing else. Forget the fact that nobody gets to determine the color of skin they’re born with.

The chair of the board, Jodi Sapp, is no stranger to controversy. She raised eyebrows when she required parents to give their name and address before commenting on school matters, The Daily Wire reported.

In this latest move, Sapp led the charge to amend district policy so that only non-white teachers are eligible for additional stipends to become mentors to other non-white colleagues.

Whites need not apply. If this isn’t racist, what is?

Not everyone was happy with the vote. Republican state Rep. Jeremy Munson criticized the policy, saying, “Our largest local school district just voted to pay people differently, not on merit, or by the content of their character, but based solely on the color of their skin.”

“This is allowed and encouraged under a revision to Minnesota state Statute 122A.70,” Munson continued. “Mankato Area Public Schools Policy number 466 provides pay for black and native American school staff above which is paid to white employees.”

Board member Erin Roberts defended the policy by saying the policy isn’t a form of segregation.

Vice-chair Kenneth Reid joined Roberts in defending the vote by claiming that, “It creates global citizens at the end of the day.”

Aha! Now it begins to make sense. It’s not The Twilight Zone unless a neo-Marxist move to strip U.S. citizens of the individual human dignity guaranteed by the Constitution can only happen in an alternative universe. In the neo-Marxist world, there are no individuals. Each person is put in a group based on something outside of their control.

Maybe it’s becoming more like The Outer Limits where the audience must relinquish control of the television screen.

Is this a world you would choose to live in? Neo-Marxists are doing everything in their power to strip the individual of the power to choose.

You can’t choose what skin color you are born with, who your parents happen to be or whether you are born rich or poor. But, in America, you are born with the freedom to choose how, as an individual, you will navigate your God-given life. In America, no two lives are the same. Even identical twins experience the world uniquely. Each individual is one of a kind.

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The Mankato School Board decision is akin to saying all German Shepherds are more deserving to be police dogs than their cousin Belgian Shepherds. The individual dog doesn’t matter. No need for contests. No need for training. The German Shepherds, by accident of birth, are more deserving. You get the picture. Don’t let these people do this to your children. You can’t.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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