NYT Gives Democrats Marching Orders On El Paso Shooting

It is to be expected that Democrats will coldly attempt to score political points from the tragic shootings in Texas and Ohio. Integrity-free politicians will do anything to get elected or stay in office.

The combined shootings over the same weekend will predictably create a call for more gun laws that would do nothing to reduce violence or even gun violence in the United States, as is painfully clear in our ongoing lab testing between states and cities with strict gun laws and those with very few.

But the El Paso shooting will get most of the attention, because it combines the left’s loathing of guns with its reflexive use of the word-weapon “racism” all the time. El Paso is a springboard for blaming all Republicans for guns and blaming President Trump for creating a violent anti-immigrant atmosphere.

And inconveniently, the shooter in Ohio was a known supporter of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. His Twitter biography reads, “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” And he supported strict guns laws! All of which means this will be forgotten as quickly as the shooter who shot up the Republican softball team and was a rabid Bernie Sanders supporter.

Ever the opportunist, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke jumped on this immediately on Face the Nation Sunday. “I’m saying that President Trump has a lot to do with what happened in El Paso yesterday,” he said. Trump “sows the kind of fear, the kind of reaction that we saw in El Paso yesterday.”

But the New York Times, which all leftists and Democrat political leaders read and take cues from, essentially wrote the party talking points for them, right from the “news analysis” lead:

At campaign rallies before last year’s midterm elections, President Trump repeatedly warned that America was under attack by immigrants heading for the border. “You look at what is marching up, that is an invasion!” he declared at one rally. “That is an invasion!”

Nine months later, a 21-year-old white man is accused of opening fire in a Walmart in El Paso, killing 20 people and injuring dozens more after writing a manifesto railing against immigration and announcing that “this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”

There you go, Democrats. It’s spelled out with citations for you by your allies at the New York Times.

Talking Point: Trump used the word “invasion” and the shooter used the word “invasion.”

President Trump said Sunday after the shootings: “Hate has no place in our country, and we’re going to take care of it.” On Monday, he tweeted:

“We cannot let those killed in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, die in vain. Likewise for those so seriously wounded. We can never forget them, and those many who came before them. Republicans and Democrats must come together and get strong background checks, perhaps marrying…this legislation with desperately needed immigration reform. We must have something good, if not GREAT, come out of these two tragic events!”

But here’s how the New York Times summed it up for readers:

“Hate has no place in our country, and we’re going to take care of it,” the president said, declining to elaborate but promising to speak more on Monday morning. He made no mention of white supremacy or the El Paso manifesto, but instead focused on what he called “a mental illness problem.”

This is a beautiful example of why Trump needs Twitter and every Republican needs communications outlets that bypass the Democrat media establishment. Does anyone even doubt that in 2019, with zero culture of white supremacy, that anyone who believes in such garbage has mental issues? And just because President Obama would dive in with very few facts doesn’t mean Trump should.

Talking Point: Trump refuses to acknowledge his role in whipping up hate. 

What’s really interesting is that in the shooter’s manifesto, he states clearly that his views on immigration “predate Trump,” because even a deranged mass murderer knows what the media and Democrats are going to do with his evil act.

The Times acknowledges the “predate Trump” statement but dismisses it. “But if Mr. Trump did not originally inspire the gunman, he has brought into the mainstream polarizing ideas and people once consigned to the fringes of American society.”

Perhaps the Times has forgotten, but immigration has been one of the most polarizing debates we’ve had for many years. The Times stopped covering it much — and nothing on kids in cages at the border — during President Obama’s eight years, but it turns out that reality still happens even if the Times does not report it. Illegal immigration has been divisive for decades and tens of millions of Americans’ frustration had reached a boiling point long before Trump. It’s part of what got him elected.

But here’s the summary, which you can expect to hear coming out of Democrats’ mouths.

“While other leaders have expressed concern about border security and the costs of illegal immigration, Mr. Trump has filled his public speeches and Twitter feed with sometimes false, fear-stoking language even as he welcomed to the White House a corps of hard-liners, demonizers and conspiracy theorists shunned by past presidents of both parties. Because of this, Mr. Trump is ill equipped to provide the kind of unifying, healing force that other presidents projected in times of national tragedy.”

The Times conveniently forgets how President Obama stoked racial animus after Ferguson, after Baltimore and after Trayvon Martin. Trump may be ill-equipped, but Obama proved repeatedly he was. The Times is silent on that point, because the actual point of their coverage is to set the stage for Democrats to attack Trump and all Republicans.

But this: “he welcomed to the White House a corps of hard-liners, demonizers and conspiracy theorists shunned by past presidents of both parties.” The Times does not name these people, nor point out the haters previous presidents have invited because of political alliances.But it’s a politically useful salvo.

Talking Point: Trump has even invited racist anti-immigration hard-liners to the White House.

El Paso Mayor Dee Margo got it right when, after CNN’s Jake Tapper repeatedly tried to get him to link the shooting with Trump’s language: “I’m focusing on El Paso. There’s evil in this world and it’s unfortunate.”

Don’t expect to get that reality check from the Democrats or their media.

RELATED ARTICLE: Five outrageous reactions to Dayton and El Paso tragedies from Democrats and mainstream media

RELATED VIDEO: President Trump’s remarks on the weekend shootings in Texas and Ohio.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Why Florida’s ‘Red Tide Task Force’ is doomed to fail and waste taxpayer’s money

When ever there is a naturally occurring problem, like red tide, the first impulse by politicians is to create a task force to look at the naturally occurring problem.

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis announced in a press release on August 2nd, 2019:

[T]he appointments of 11 expert researchers and leading scientists to the recently re-organized Red Tide Task Force. The Governor was joined by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Secretary Noah Valenstein and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Executive Director Eric Sutton. For over 15 years, this Task Force had been inactive and without funding until it’s re-organization by FWC today at the direction of Governor DeSantis. Governor DeSantis originally called for the re-organization of the task force on his second day in office via Executive Order 19-12.

The Red Tide Task Force will focus on the causes of Red Tide and will be supported by FWC’s Center for Red Tide Research, which received $4.8 million in the budget,” said Governor DeSantis. “My administration will continue to press forward to find solutions and empower our brightest minds to help protect our environment. The issues of Red Tide are complex, but with the appointments of these leading scientists and researchers, we hope to make a difference.” [Emphasis added]

Read the full press release.

How Government Gets Red Tide (Karenia brevis) Wrong

If you go to the Center for Disease Control fact sheet on red tide (Karenia brevis or K-brevis) you will find this information:

Algae are vitally important to marine ecosystems, and most species of algae are not harmful. However, under certain environmental conditions, microscopic marine algae called Karenia brevis (K. brevis) grow
quickly, creating blooms that can make the ocean appear red or brown. People often call these blooms “red tide.”

K. brevis produces powerful toxins called brevetoxins, which have killed millions of fish and other marine organisms. Red tides have damaged the fishing industry, shoreline quality, and local economies in states such as Texas and Florida. Because K. brevis blooms move based on winds and tides, pinpointing a red tide at any given moment is difficult.

Red tides occur throughout the world, affecting marine ecosystems in Scandinavia, Japan, the Caribbean,and the South Pacific. Scientists first documented a red tide along Florida’s Gulf Coast in fall 1947, when residents of Venice, Florida, reported thousands of dead fish and a “stinging gas” in the air, according to Mote Marine Laboratory. However, Florida residents have reported similar events since the mid-1800s. [Emphasis added]

The first report of red tide was by Angelo Heilprin, an American geologist, paleontologist and naturalist in 1886. Heilprin visited the Manatee River and Little Sarasota Bay and found, “thousands upon thousands of carcasses [of dead fish] heaped up in continuous banks” killed by “red tide.” Heilprin wrote about red tide in his May, 1887 book Explorations on the West Coast of Florida.

For 133 years the world, and Florida in particular, has known about red tide and a fix is not in the offing.

“Red Tide Task Force” is Doomed

Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website only shows predictions and areas currently impacted by red tide. The Commission’s website states, “FWC reports on the current status of Karenia brevis blooms using tables, static maps, and interactive Google Earth maps. Archived status maps can be found in our Flickr gallery.”

So does anyone have a solution to red tide?

Surf Rider Foundation’s Mara DiasHolly Parker note:

Red tides are naturally occurring, but there is ample evidence that shows nutrient pollution can fuel blooms, making them larger and longer lasting. Learn more about this here. Worse still, warming waters associated with climate change appear to be helping these blooms thrive in areas that haven’t been affected by algae blooms historically.

The nutrient pollution that fuels algal blooms comes from many different sources- runoff from agriculture and landscaping fertilizers, leaky septic tanks and aging sewage infrastructure, and stormwater and urban runoff.

Note how Dias and Parker try connecting red tide to “climate change” to create a boogeyman effect. Actually according to NASA the climate is cooling as we are experiencing a solar minimum (few or no sunspots), which makes the oceans cooler.


Sid Perkins of the Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences of the United States of America reports:

Red tide blooms are natural events, not manmade, notes Robert Weisberg, a physical oceanographer at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg, FL, who has been studying red tides in the Gulf of Mexico for decades. The blooms have been known to strike the Florida coasts since the 1500s when Spanish explorers mentioned warnings from Native Americans not to eat fish caught in discolored waters, he adds. [Emphasis added]

So what needs to happen to reduce, but not eliminate the “naturally occurring” red tide blooms is to stop fertilizing, repair leaky septic tanks, fix our sewage systems and stop urban runoff?

But this won’t stop red tide blooms. Why? Because they are naturally occurring.

Florida scientists like Weisberg have been studying red tide for decades to no avail. Spending $4.8 million dollars won’t stop the “naturally occurring” red tide blooms today, tomorrow or in the foreseeable future. Stopping us from fertalizing will only harm Florida’s farming and tourist industries. No one comes to Disney World to see dead plants that have haven’t been properly fertilized, right?

Floridians must understand that like “naturally occurring” hurricanes, red tide blooms are with us forever. We just need to prepare for them both.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: We Already Have the World’s Most Efficient Carbon Capture Technology

El Paso: The Real Root Causes of Mass Shootings

In the El Paso shooting’s wake, evident is the same wash-rinse-repeat pattern. There are the inevitable calls for gun control by demagogues concerned only about people control, those who put the onus on whites when most mass shooters are non-white, and propagandists who blame the “Right” when most violence originates with the “Left.” It’s quite tiresome, really. In truth, the main underlying cause of increased mass-murder events — and so much evil in general — is a severe philosophical/spiritual malaise besetting our nation.

Were gun control the remedy here, mass shootings would be rare.

Not only were there fewer firearm laws many decades ago, but in 1940s and ‘50s New York City, boys would often take guns on the subway because they had rifle clubs at school. So is access to firearms really the problem’s root cause?

As for the El Paso shooter’s motivation, our immigrationism combined with left-wing environmental concerns, there are people who will do evil in a cause’s name regardless of its nobility or ignobility. The real question here is, boiled down: Why are we seeing so much more evil in America now than in bygone days?

Many people find it ironic that the El Paso shooter’s father is a mental-health therapist. I find it unsurprising. I used to work with children, and “social scientists” often had horribly behaved kids (in fact, a psychologist’s young son was involved in the theft of $300 at the business where I worked).

These anecdotes absolutely relate to a much wider phenomenon. Psychologists have done much to shape modern parenting habits — and thinking in general — in today’s society, and, of course, they tend to epitomize what they peddle.

“Psychology” is a Greek word meaning “study of the soul,” ironic since today the field is soulless. While once part of philosophy, psychology was divorced from it in the 19th century in an effort to make it a science. This was a grave mistake.

Science confines its study to the material world, to what can be observed and measured within it. This means that, from a scientific standpoint, man can only be a physical being, an organic robot comprising chemicals and water.

In this vein and very much to the point, morality — properly understood as something transcending man — cannot exist, by science’s lights. Can you see a principle in a Petri dish or a moral under a microscope?

This idea was reflected in a man I know of who once said, “Murder’s not wrong; it’s just that society says it is.” How can the wholly scientific — that is to say, the wholly atheistic — argue with him?

A person of faith could say, “No, that’s not true because God exists, and divine law dictates homicide’s wrongness.” Of course, that murder-winking man could dispute this theist’s “data” (i.e., that God and His law exist), but he cannot dispute his logic; it’s airtight.

(Note here that logic is not an answer, but simply a method by which answers are found. Thus, the answers will only be as good as the data fed into the system.)

But what can the atheist say? His data is exactly the same as the murder-winking man’s. Under his world view, society is all there is to say that murder is wrong — because society is all there is to say anything. It then all boils down to Greek philosopher Protagoras’ belief, “Man is the measure of all things.”

This engenders what’s often called moral relativism, the notion that what we call morality changes with the time, place and people. In reality, though, it essentially is moral nihilism. For if man’s “values,” which really are just people’s preferences, are all there is, then morality doesn’t actually exist.

This idea has swept society, as evidenced by a Barna Group research company study I often cite. It found that, in 2002 already, a minority of Americans and only six percent of teens believed in Truth (absolute by definition), with a majority saying, quite oxymoronically, “Truth is relative.”

Forget Protagoras, the problem with this is that it also boils down to occultist Aleister Crowley’s maxim, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” Moral relativism/nihilism is the ultimate justification. Rape, kill, steal — commit mass murder? Who’s to say it’s wrong? Don’t impose your values on me, dude.

This moral relativism/nihilism — along, of course, with the godlessness of which it’s a corollary — is our deep cultural malaise. It has been encouraged by modern psychology and so many other things; it is why, while we once viewed misbehavior and criminality as moral problems, we now too often consider them psychological problems. In other words, the organic robot is malfunctioning, a result of a defect in its hardware (genetics) or software (programming).

Translation: Forget that mythical thing called morality; we need to find out what kind of chemical intervention or programming alteration (or future gene therapy) can correct the machine’s operation.

This cultural malaise is devastating. Stop believing in something (i.e., morality) and you’ll cease learning about it; this is why most today can’t explain what virtues (“good moral habits”) are, let alone enumerate any great number of them (charity, diligence, chastity, honesty, prudence, etc.).

Moreover, if you neither believe in nor understand something, it follows that you’ll have neither the inclination nor capacity to teach it. Is it any surprise, then, that moderns are doing such a poor job imparting morality to children?

Returning for a moment to the El Paso shooter, do you want to bet that he and his father aren’t part of the morally relativistic/nihilistic majority? How likely is it that dad provided old-fashioned discipline and inculcated his son with virtue?

Interestingly, I’ve long pointed out that when people can no longer reference Truth when making moral decisions, the only yardstick they have left is emotion. Ergo, the modern credo, “If it feels good, do it.” Barna’s study vindicated this, mind you, finding that most Americans now “base their moral choices on feelings.”

Contributing Factors in Our Moral Decay

Given that emotion is holding sway, we should ask: What’s shaping feelings today? Entertainment is, largely, and it does much to stoke man’s animal nature. Just consider, for instance, the mindless, gratuitous violence; prurient content; and morally nihilistic messages in modern movies and television programs.

Note something else also, and this is where I get pushback even from conservatives and (especially) libertarians, as it slaughters many people’s sacred entertainment cows and, they fear, may imply censorship’s necessity. Studies have shown that 15 years after television’s introduction — and this is true the world over — crime increased precipitously. (I explored this in-depth here.) Now consider that the Internet is TV10.

Video games are a factor as well (and this is where I really get pushback). Lt. Col. David Grossman, one of the world’s foremost experts on what he calls “killology,” contends that simulated video-game participatory violence (and the extreme violence on TV) amount to the kind of conditioning/desensitization used to inure soldiers to killing.

Then, of course, with mass shootings there’s also the psychotropic-medication factor and the copycat phenomenon. As to the latter, in a morally relativistic/nihilistic world where all is vanity, mass murder can be an alluring ticket to fame for those wallowing in meaninglessness.

Yet it all comes down to morality, or to a lack of morality — or, even more precisely, to a lack of belief in it. Note here that the six percent of 2002 teens who believed in Truth simply reflect a pattern, as each succeeding generation is more relativistic/nihilistic than the last. This also corresponds to the generational increase in wickedness. It’s as strong a correlation as you’ll find anywhere.

Say what you will about TV, the Internet, video games, violence or mass murder, it can’t be right or wrong if there is no right or wrong. It’s the ultimate self-evident reality: How can you build a moral society when its shades-of-gray people don’t even believe in morality?

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab (preferably) or Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com


The Obama Administration holds the record for the largest number of mass shootings

Does Ideology or Personality Drive Domestic Terrorism?

Exposing the Lie That Trump Supporters Are Racists

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren and Antifa

Posted by Eeyore:

Washington Times, Aug. 4 2019

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, rifle-wielding Connor Betts rampaged through a Dayton entertainment district, killing his sister and eight other people and leaving dozens of others wounded before police killed him.

“I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding,” he wrote in one tweet, according to Heavy.com.

Please read the rest here.

EDITORS UPDATE August 5, 2019: In the New York Post column Dayton shooter Connor Betts was in a ‘pornogrind’ metal band: report Chris Perez reports:

Read more here.

EDITORS UPDATE August 6, 2019: Paul P. Murphy, Konstantin Toropin, Drew Griffin and Scott Bronstein from CNN report:

A Twitter account that appears to belong to Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts retweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters.

The most recent tweet on the @iamthespookster account was on August 3, the day of the shooting, when he retweeted a post saying, “Millenials have a message for the Joe Biden generation: hurry up and die.” He also retweeted messages supporting Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Read more here.


So Much For Being ‘Peaceful’: Antifa Attacks Reporters And Conservatives In Portland (Again) 

Antifa Protestor Suggests Portland Police Commit Suicide 

Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris Fundraise Off Tragic Shootings Hours After Dozens of People Killed

Media Ignores How Dayton Shooter Was Liberal Who Supported Pro-Abortion Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders

We Have Lost Any Ability to Unite on Solutions to Mass Shootings 

Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened And The 2nd Amendment Is Not Negotiable

El Paso Mayor Has The Perfect Response When Asked About Trump’s ‘Racism,’ White Nationalism 

Here’s What We Know About The El Paso Shooting 


President Donald J. Trump gave his remarks on the weekend shootings in Texas and Ohio in the White House Diplomatic Reception Room.

Trump Addresses The Nation Following Shootings In El Paso, Dayton .

VIDEO: Why Welfare Hasn’t Cured Poverty

More than five decades, several welfare programs, and $25 trillion later, the welfare system has utterly failed the poor.

The poverty rate remains mostly unchanged, and tens of millions of Americans are dependent on government assistance.

Currently, the United States spends about a trillion dollars a year on 80 different federal, state, and local welfare programs.

About 40 million Americans are considered poor. If we divided that $1 trillion among those 40 million people, we could give each person approximately $25,000 a year, or $100,000 a year for a family of four.

We’re clearly spending a lot of money, so why have we not ended poverty?

Our welfare system discourages work. It discourages families from staying together. And it encourages dependence on government.

In other words, welfare keeps the poor poor.

In many cases, welfare has harmed the very people it was supposed to help, especially children.

Why has this happened?

As welfare benefits grew over the years, they increasingly served as a substitute for a working parent.

As the taxpayer became the family breadwinner, that encouraged many men to stop upholding their responsibilities, leaving more and more women as heads of single-parent households.

On the other side of the coin, single mothers were discouraged from marrying the fathers of their children because that reduced their benefits.

Sadly, the cycle continues today as many children who grow up on welfare eventually follow in their parents’ footsteps when they have families of their own.

So, what do we do?

First, we have to understand that the problem with the current system is that it discourages work. Work is the fastest and most effective way to get out of poverty and become prosperous.

Welfare programs should be designed to offer temporary help while encouraging able-bodied recipients to find work and become self-reliant.

In states that have implemented time limits and welfare-to-work requirements, recipients have received job training, found jobs, and increased their incomes dramatically. They’ve also dropped off the welfare rolls.

Second, we must continue to create the jobs that help recipients transition to work.

As we’ve seen in just the past few years, cutting taxes on individuals and businesses and cutting regulations that hinder business growth are the keys to massive new job creation, high levels of employment, and increased wages for workers.

Most Americans want a social safety net that helps those who can’t help themselves and they want to help the poor find meaningful work.

We’ve learned through decades of experience that throwing more money at poverty doesn’t end it. Temporary assistance, jobs training, growing the economy, and promoting self-sufficiency do.

As we wage the war against poverty for the next generation, let’s fight smarter.


Portrait of Genevieve Wood

Genevieve Wood advances policy priorities of The Heritage Foundation as senior contributor to The Daily Signal. Send an email to Genevieve. Twitter: .


I Know From Experience This Urban Agenda Would Lift Baltimore and Other Cities

Baltimore Blues

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Candace Owens interview with Steve Bannon

Candace Owens interviews Steve Bannon. They are down on our Southern border illuminating the realities of the immigration crisis, the border wall, the logistics, the economics, Trump’s efforts, private efforts, the people who live there, etc.

Please watch:

Give the Law Enforcement Officer’s the teeth to stop ANTIFA in their tracks!

As an American who believes in the goodness of our Constitution, I grew concerned about Canada attempting to legislate “Islamophobia” as hate speech.  For this reason I connected with PEGIDA Canada which is a Pro-Canada entity. I went and gave speeches, met with Canadian patriots who love Canada and was educated on the differences between Canadian government vs. America’s government.

Antifa was there my first time speaking. Things were okay until they started to put on masks. This was in London, Ontario where the Mayor called PEGIDA white nationalists. I found this label amusing since natives, whites and people of different races were part of  PEGIDA Canada.

They only want to promote Canadian values over shariah. PEGIDA Canada actually prays in public for the Muslims who are attacked, bombed, maimed, etc. by Islamists who love shariah! But Canada had a law against wearing masks in public, BUT most of the cops knew nothing about that in London.

After the masks came on an Antifa member punched a 70 year old man. I was there. I saw it. Every time I have been there Antifa puts on their masks and then attacks! The last time I saw them put on their masks and race ahead of us. They tried to stop us from going towards our cars. The Toronto police intervened! Antifa formed a practiced line holding flag poles. The police formed a practiced line on their bikes and pushed them back. One Antifa hit a cop in the head with a flagpole and the dogpile was on! I was profusely thankful for their work that day keeping us safe from the fascist commies.  Even the Toronto Police would tell Antifa they were the commies. In fact Toronto police protected Antifa that day in Nathan Phillips Park, telling them they could not bring their commie signs because the Vietnamese were celebrating being free of Communism for 50 years! That action saved Antifa from getting their clocks cleaned.

For this reason a number of patriots in Canada and the USA have gotten together to promote sanity and make law enforcement’s job easier! We decided we need to enable the police to do preventative things to make people safer. The best preventative measure a local cop can do is insist no one wears masks. This is not so some Big Brother device can record your face! It is so the criminal element does not feel free to do something criminal. Think about this! Laws are made for the criminals, period!

As a Special Education Teacher, I believe simple things are often the best solutions to complex problems! So, we must enable the police to stop the small things, which is a big part of community policing.

No masks, then no one feels free to attack because they can be seen AND IDENTIFIED! Who wears masks in a bank? Bank robbers! Who wears masks in a store? Robbers! Who wears masks in public? Why do people go in government buildings or get on public transportation while wearing masks. So, they can rob or beat someone without a camera recording their identity! Isn’t it better to think ahead and stop something before it happens?

The following idea for a proposed law in each state was brought forward and developed off of a law in Virginia. Their statute is tweaked giving the local law enforcement officer more teeth! Virginia does not know what it means to be cold, so this New Yorker added in the cold weather exception.

Substitute your state or province for the print in red and get your state senator or Canadian government official in your province to work on this! Let’s help the police protect us by giving them the teeth to do the job!

Prohibition of wearing of masks in public and private places; exceptions

Purpose: to increase security in all public places covered under the jurisdiction of NEW YORK STATE, and promote civil harmony and assimilation in a climate of increasing public safety issues.

  1. It shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age to, with the intent to conceal his/her identity, wear any mask, hood or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place, or upon any private property in NEW YORK STATE without first having obtained from the owner or tenant thereof consent to do so in writing. Persons who do not meet the exceptions listed below will be charged with a Class B Misdemeanor.
  2. It shall not be lawful for a person over the age of 16 to conceal his/her identity, wear any mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, on any form of public transportation or within any government building in the STATE OF NEW YORK. Persons who do not meet the exceptions listed below will be charged with a Class B Misdemeanor.
  3. It shall not be lawful for a person over the age of 16 to conceal his/her identity, wear any mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, at any political gathering or protest. Persons who do not meet the exceptions listed below will be charged with a class E Felony.

However, the provisions of this section shall not apply to persons

  • wearing traditional holiday costumes;
  • engaged in professions, trades, employment or other activities and wearing protective masks which are deemed necessary for the physical safety of the wearer or other persons;
  • engaged in any bona fide theatrical production or masquerade ball; or
  • weather is determinedly cold and the event is OUTSIDE where it is colder than 10 degrees Fahrenheit and facial coverings are deemed necessary and protective; or wearing
  • a mask, hood or other device for bona fide medical reasons upon

(a) the advice of a licensed physician or osteopath and carrying on his person an affidavit from the physician or osteopath specifying the medical necessity for wearing the device and the date on which the wearing of the device will no longer be necessary and providing a brief description of the device, or

(b) the declaration of a disaster or state of emergency by the Governor in response to a public health emergency where the emergency declaration expressly waives this section, defines the mask appropriate for the emergency, and provides for the duration of the waiver.

Another Budget, Another Load Of Boulders On Our Children’s Backs

We should not be sleeping well at night, but not for the reasons you are thinking.

Yes, there is the threat of socialism and open borders and unnecessarily fanned racial strife amongst other general insanities. But there is the reality that every single year we are binding our children as indentured servants. Right now. It’s happening. And it is shameful.

You may not have seen it, but D.C. is entering into another irresponsible and immoral budget agreement where the politicians, the bureaucrats and the D.C. establishment get what they want — and future Americans get the shaft.

I warned that “draining the swamp” was going to be far, far bigger than a single president or a single election. It will take a change of who we send to Washington on an ongoing basis, which means that Americans need to think differently than we’ve been trending. That’s a tall order and it’s a challenge to be optimistic about it.

Even after promising last year to never again bust the budget in a compromise agreement that piles on the debt, President Trump appears ready to do just that with the support of both Republicans and Democrats. When everyone agrees on spending, you know that the American taxpayer is about to get nailed — or more specifically, future taxpayers. But hey, it’s for two years, which pushes it past the next election as per the normal arrangement, so the hacks get to skate on the issue.

Yet it appears that by all polls, the national debt barely ever even shows up even at the bottom, and probably the number of views this article will likely get, that no one really gives a rat’s hiney about the budget and the debt. It’s just not all sexy and loud and Us versus Them. Too bad. Because eventually it’s fatal. And it’s immediately immoral.

I keep using that word. It does mean what I think it means.

In 2018, the per capita debt for Americans was $65,600 — about 50 percent more the national average income for a year. So if you took all of everyone’s income for an entire year, you wouldn’t come close to erasing the debt — plus you wouldn’t fund the government that year. And everyone would die.

But worse, it was $62,100 in 2017. For every trillion-dollar annual deficit, the per capita debt load increases about $3,400 per year. That actually does come due, and it won’t be Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell paying it. So by the end of this budget deal, the debt per capita will be $72,400 — $10,000 more per person than in 2017.

Yes. That’s immoral.

Of course this comes about because of the decades of irresponsible spending and spending and spending, and the constant brinkmanship of the Continuing Resolutions that allow for larded up pork projects and no cuts because of the threat of a government shutdown. The GOP should have figured out by now that the shutdown issue is a media creation that virtually no Americans outside of some government employees and contractors notice even with the incessant media coverage.

And there is the deadline for the U.S. missing debt payments in September because of the spending cap, which is obviously not worth the piece of paper it was scribbled on in crayon as they just lift it every year, or in this case, every other year. The budget is not about spending or taxing, it’s about whether we use the “crisis” of a government shutdown or the “crisis” of not making a debt payment that requires whatever spending free-for-all we have to swallow.

Here’s the gist of yet another horrible deal.

The spending increase that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin agreed to would raise current budget caps by $320 billion over two years. The increase is a paltry $30 billion less than Democrats sought. They got 90 percent of what they wanted.

Further, Noah Rothman wrote on Bloomberg:

“If split evenly over two years, that would equal a $17 billion increase for defense and $17 billion increase for domestic programs in 2020 over 2019 levels, giving Democrats the parity they sought for increases in both categories of spending.”

The Trump team wanted to partially offset the increases with savings from entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid that are not subject to annual budget caps. But of course, that did not happen. And don’t be fooled by the $320 billion number. That is the budget cap issue. The deficit is expected to be about $1 trillion each year. Because the Swamp always wins.

So the Democrats got essentially everything they wanted. This is what I meant when saying that one election of one president could not change the corruption level of the D.C. establishment.

But whatever — just another trillion dollars dumped on our children and grandchildren while we debate the really big issues of rats in Baltimore, Trump’s tweets and who had the best sound bite at the Democrat debates.

A few lonely Republicans have remained opposed to the irresponsible spending.

“I paid off a third of the state debt when I was governor of Florida,” Sen. Rick Scott said on CNBC Wednesday ahead of Thursday’s vote. “There’s no focus up here on the debt. We can’t have $22 trillion worth of debt and growing a trillion dollars a year and it not have a consequence at some point.”

That’s right. But obviously we’re doing it anyway. The vote was 67-28. Scott went on.

“We’ve got to have a legitimate conversation about how do we spend our money up here, let’s stop the waste, let’s live within our means, we do it at the state level,” he said. “I paid off $10 billion worth of debt and cut $10 billion worth of taxes. We cut 20 percent of our regulations. And we added 1.7 million jobs. This is all doable, but you’ve got to make choices. Up here what happens is everyone gets everything, so there’s no tough choices made.”

But even Scott, when pushed gently, would not name the big dogs in the debt — the ever-growing entitlement trifecta of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. We can eliminate entire agencies and squeeze out waste, fraud and abuse, but it won’t close the trillion-dollar annual gap. The Swamp knows what needs to be done, and has no intention of doing it.

No, we should not be sleeping well at night. We are loading up our offspring to pay off debts they did not incur.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Think Progress in a Tizzy over Trump’s Description of the Diversity Visa Lottery at Ohio Rally

He just loves twisting their tails as he did in the Ohio rally two nights ago. And, I am so glad he brought up the truly insane Diversity Visa Lottery.

Here we have Think Progress, a preeminent Progressive website that’s been around for nearly 15 years (but losing its luster we see) attempting to get your minds right on how the Diversity Visa Lottery really works (according to them) and how Trump is a dummy.

If you missed it, you might first go back and see my post of last week where I told you that the big winners of the insane green card lottery this year were Russia and Egypt—WTH! We don’t have enough Russians and Egyptians in the US yet!

Here is Think Progress on Trump in Ohio,

Trump reveals he has no idea how the diversity visa lottery works

At a campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday night, President Donald Trump painted a wildly inaccurate picture to his supporters of how the diversity visa lottery program works.

The diversity visa lottery program awards roughly 50,000 green cards each year to citizens from various underrepresented countries to legally live and work in the United States. In turn, lottery recipients “diversify” the U.S. population: in order to qualify for the lottery, an individual must meet a number of merit-based factors, including a certain level of education or comparable work experience.

Stop right there.  In that Miami Herald article I quoted last week, we learned that:

Overall, the winner must have at least a high school diploma or its equivalent, or two years’ work experience over the past five years in an eligible occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience.

Can you imagine how easy it would be to falsify that type of information when the applicants are coming from hellhole third world countries!

Think Progress goes on:

In Trump’s mind, however, the diversity visa lottery functions as some kind of Powerball for criminals.

“And you pick people out of the lottery,” Trump said Thursday night, gesturing as if he were picking names out of a hat. “Well let’s see, this one is a murderer, this one robbed four banks, this one I better not say, this one another murderer, ladies and gentlemen, another murderer.”  [LOL! A Trumpian description sure to make Leftwingers heads explode!—ed]

Oh good security screening!

Because the diversity visa lottery is self-selecting, it is not up to individual countries — as Trump appears to believe — to decide which of its citizens can be considered for a green card. In addition to the education requirements, all recipients of the visa undergo background checks, health examinations, security screenings, and interviews by consular officers before their arrival in the United States.

And, much to my surprise in the very next paragraph reporter Rebekah Entralgo confirms exactly what Trump is saying:

Trump has frequently railed against the diversity visa lottery program, even threatening to eliminate the program altogether in 2017, after a lottery recipient from Uzbekistan carried out an extremist attack in New York City, killing eight people.

See Fox News on November 1, 2017:

NYC terror attack suspect, Sayfullo Saipov, entered US through Diversity Visa Program

Need I say more? So much for security screening!

Tell the President he is right-on—Democrat lottery system it surely is!—and it must go!

RELATED VIDEO: Trump campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio. – PBS NewsHour

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Germany: Muslim who murdered man with sword in broad daylight is ‘Palestinian’ claiming to be Syrian ‘refugee’ [Video]

“War is deceit,” said Muhammad (Bukhari 4.52.268).

“Breaking: sword murderer apparently lived under false identity in Germany,” translated from Eilt: Schwertmörder lebte anscheinend unter falscher Identität in Deutschland,” JournalistenWatch, August 1, 2019 (thanks to Searchlight Germany):

Stuttgart – The alleged murderer who attacked and killed a 36-year-old German with a sword on Wednesday evening in broad daylight is said to be a Palestinian who claims to have been a Syrian refugee.

According to Stuttgarter Zeitung, the 30-year-old alleged sword killer is said to be a Palestinian known to the police, who has acquired a Syrian identity. Once again, the German state has apparently accepted his data completely unchecked. The “Syrian” is said to be living in Germany for four years and is registered with the authorities as Issa M. (28). The authorities will now determine whether the perpetrator really is another person, according to the Stuttgarter Nachrichten. The “Syrian” Issa M. yesterday slaughtered a man with several blows and stabs in a block of flats in Stuttgart after a quarrel his former roommate in front of numerous eyewitnesses. And we say again: Thank you, Mrs. Merkel.


Islamists like These States.

Pence Speaks Out In Defense Of Christian Woman Punished In Iran For Converting From Islam

Just a Few Questions for Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch

NATO ally Germany refuses to back U.S. in Gulf out of fear of Iran

RELATED VIDEO: Maryland — BDS Occupies Takoma Park.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

California: Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter had “reading material on white supremacy and radical Islam”

He railed against “Silicon Valley white twats,” so it’s unlikely that he was a white supremacist, contrary to establishment media claims. But although he had material on jihad, he doesn’t seem to have been a committed Muslim, or a Muslim at all; he is more likely to have been a hate-filled individual with a thirst to do people harm than a committed jihadi.

In any case, it is characteristic of the establishment media to ignore the Islamic material that Legan had and play up the white supremacist material, as you can see in the SFGate’s headline.

Report: White supremacist materials found in Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter’s home,” by Katie Dowd, SFGate, July 31, 2019:

A search of the home of Santino Williams Legan, the man law enforcement says shot and killed three people at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, has turned up materials on white supremacy and radical Islam, according to a report from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Federal law enforcement sources told the Chronicle that the makings of “massive attack” were found in the Walker Lake, Nevada rental home where the shooter was staying. Among the items found were a gas mask, “numerous” hard drives, a bulletproof vest and “reading material on white supremacy and radical Islam.”

An Instagram account purportedly belonging to the shooter also referenced white supremacist ideology, recommending “Might is Right” by Ragnar Redbeard.

Written under a pseudonym in the late 1800s, the book is a defense of Anglo-Saxon and male supremacy, and argues that weakness shows moral inferiority. It is also full of anti-Semitic rhetoric….


Just a Few Questions for Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch

NATO ally Germany refuses to back U.S. in Gulf out of fear of Iran

RELATED VIDEO: Maryland — BDS Occupies Takoma Park.

EDITOR NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Are Muslims ‘Slaves’ Under Islam? Listen to the Debate

In the podcast below, former ISIS bride Tania Joya (now an ex-Muslim) and Muslim reformer Shireen Qudosi answer the question: Are Muslims slaves under Islam?

Joya and Qudosi met up on Capitol Hill where both were discussing Clarion Project’s new film, Kids: Chasing Paradise.

Joya appears in the film and Qudosi is Clarion’s national correspondent. In this provocative interview by The Hill, Qudosi is also asked to defend Clarion Project from accusations by the Southern Poverty Law Center that Clarion Project is a hate group.



Test Case for Trump: US ISIS Bride Wants to Come Home

Tania Joya: How I Was Radicalized

Muslim Reform Movement Kicks Off in Washington, D.C.

PODCAST: Christian Nationalism? The Left’s Latest Attempt to Silence Believers

By FRC’s David Closson, Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview

A coalition of left-leaning church leaders recently launched a project “Against Christian Nationalism.” In their statement they cite “Christian nationalism” as a “persistent threat to both our religious communities and our democracy.” At best, the project is a solution in search of a problem — at worst, it’s an attempt to drive conservative Christians out of the public square.

According to the statement, “Christian nationalism seeks to merge Christian and American identities, distorting both the Christian faith and America’s constitutional democracy. Christian nationalism demands Christianity be privileged by the State and implies that to be a good American, one must be Christian.”

As David Barton, president of Wall Builders, pointed out on “Washington Watch” Tuesday, the problem with this statement lies in how “Christian nationalism” is defined. Clearly, these left-leaning church leaders (which includes Jim Wallis who advised President Obama and Tony Campolo who advised President Clinton) are seeking to redefine nationalism in a way that implies something sinister about conservative Christians who love their country.

No one is seriously arguing that “to be a good American, one must be a Christian.” This points to the insincere motives of this movement; simply put, theologically liberal Christians are fearful of the gains social conservatives have made in the last few years, and they are attempting to sideline faithful Christians by creating what Barton describes a “radioactive term” to sully their reputation.

But Christians who love their nation have nothing to apologize for; in fact, they should be emboldened to enter the political arena with the courage of their convictions. As David Barton points out, the vast majority of Americans do love their country and identify as Christian. In short, patriotism is a virtue, not a vice. As Barton notes, quoting one of the Declaration of Independence signers, “The Declaration says that patriotism is a religious and moral duty because if you love your country, you will want what’s best for it. And if you want what’s best for it, that’s going to bless everyone who lives in the nation… loving your country and seeking what’s best for it is a blessing.”

However, a broader point about “Christian Nationalism” and the idea of America as a Christian nation is raised by this story which deserves further comment. Is belief that America is a “Christian nation” equivalent to Christian Nationalism? To answer this question, it is important to carefully define terms.

First, if by “Christian nation” we mean America was influenced by Christian principles at the founding, it is difficult to argue the reverse. Clearly, Christianity provided the principles of equal rights and human dignity that motivated the founders. Moreover, the majority of the Founding Fathers were Christians who generally believed in the truth of the Bible. Christianity remains the largest religion in the United States. Finally, Christian beliefs still provide the intellectual background for many of our cultural values such as respect for human dignity, the need to care for the disadvantaged, and respect for the rule of law. In all of these senses, America could be called a “Christian nation.”

However, in another sense — surveying the cultural landscape today — we are not. Are the majority of Americans Bible-believing, born-again Christians? No. Do Christian values dominate the perspective promoted by the government, media, and universities in America? No. Does the government compel people to follow a Christian church? No, because this would violate the first amendment of the Constitution. Do people have to profess Christian faith to be citizens or have equal rights under the law in this country? No. Are Christian ideas welcomed and accepted by many in “elite” circles of public opinion? No. In these senses, America is not a “Christian nation.”

The irony is that many of the activists behind this attempt to demonize conservative Christians participating in politics see an “evangelical bogeyman” under every rock, and still proceed to argue that Christians somehow overwhelmingly dominate the culture. The reality is far different.

Thus, in conversations about “Christian nationalism,” it is important to define the terms. When someone alleges that America is or is not a “Christian nation” it is important to determine what they mean by the phrase. Clearly, America is indebted to Christian morality in significant ways.

All Bible-believing Christians reject “white supremacy” and “racial subjugation” which backers of the “Against Christian nationalism” campaign claim is inherent to Christian nationalism. However, this is a redefinition of terms and an attempt to drive patriotic Christians from the public square at a time when social conservatives are making tremendous gains on life and religious liberty at the state and federal level.

Christians ought to affirm God’s providential working in history. The material blessings of the United States are not unconnected from the Christian morality that has under girded our country, and Christians should continue to exert their influence at all levels of government, while allowing a free marketplace of ideas that allows for open debate and religious freedom.

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Baltimore Ravings: The Remedy for America’s Cities

Libs Screech at Mario Lopez’s Honesty

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

CAIR Islamophobia Report: A First-Class Fraud

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has jumped in on the effort to paint its opponents as “Islamophobes,” the latest twist in the Left’s never-ending effort to smear opponents with names like “racist,” “xenophobe,” etc. And while this repulsive strategy makes a mockery of the First Amendment and has reduced American political dialogue to infantile, elementary school name-calling, its true goal is to marginalize, deplatform and defund its opponents, especially those that pose a threat to its subversive agenda. This paper exposes for all to see, just how transparently dishonest and hypocritical CAIR and its allies in the Red-Green Axis truly are in this their latest “Islamophbia” report, and links them to the worldwide effort of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to impose blasphemy laws against anyone who would speak ill of any aspect of Islam.

CAIR Islamophobia Report- A First-Class Fraud PDF

The Left has become increasingly aggressive about silencing its critics. In late June 2019, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released its latest undercover video showing Google’s frightening institutional bias and its apparent intention to manipulate public opinion to influence the 2020 elections. Google is just one of many on the Left seeking to mislead, discredit, defame, and silence the Left’s opponents. But they are not alone. In what we have called the Red-Green Axis, Islamic groups in the U.S. and abroad have partnered with the Left to silence anyone who questions any aspect of Islam, including Islamic terrorism. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) recently published its latest effort in a piece titled Hijacked by Hate: American Philanthropy and the Islamophobia Network.

It would be a joke, but it isn’t funny. “Islamophobia” is the latest in a long list of contrived “phobias” invented by the Left and its Muslim allies to continue the Left’s time-honored vilification tactic. It is an unscrupulous, intellectually dishonest way of dealing with legitimate criticism that has reduced political discourse in the U.S. to infantile, elementary school name-calling. The Left owns this outcome, but the Muslims are catching up.

First, we must ask: what is “Islamophobia?” Well, CAIR doesn’t exactly say. That is understandable, because if they told you what it means, you would laugh out loud. But one of their collaborators was honest enough to put it in a Facebook post (which wasn’t blocked by Facebook, BTW, unlike some posts critical of Islam). Here’s a screen shot of the post.

Meanwhile, we have Boko Haram’s gruesome mass slaughters in Nigeria, Al-Shabaab engaged in mass terror attacks in Somalia and Kenya, Abu Sayyaf kidnapping and murdering in the Philippines, countless individual and group acts of barbaric terrorism throughout the West, and the Islamic State beheadings everywhere – all doctrinally justified by the Qur’an, Sunna and Islamic Law (shariah).

If this is not Islam, then Islam is the most misunderstood religion in world history. There is literally no parallel in any other religion—although it should be noted that, according to a widely-used textbook in U.S. madrassas (Islamic schools), indeed, “Islam is not a religion,” but rather a complete way of life. And while we struggle to cope with this deadly onslaught, CAIR and its proxies are aggressively inserting Islamic teachings in public schools (while Christianity is equally aggressively banned), engaging in relentless lawsuits attempting to insinuate Islamic Law into U.S. courts, colluding with the Left in its various acts of subversion and sedition, and viciously attacking anyone who protests.

No, Esam, we are not the haters. You are! And your list is a bad joke, especially as it contains terms like jihad and terrorism that are to be found throughout the Islamic canon (notably the Qur’an itself!), as well as the perfectly doctrinal assertion about Islam not being a religion.

But it’s no joke. He is serious. And this is not just anyone. Esam Omeish is “Chief of General and Laparoscopic Surgery” at INOVA Alexandria Virginia hospital. Omeish is a former leader of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) — both prominent Muslim Brotherhood groups. He is also a founding board member of the Dar al Hijra mosque in Falls Church, VA.

Dar al Hijra’s former Imam is the infamous Anwar al-Awlaki — mentor to Fort Hood terrorist, Nidal Hassan and others. Al-Awlaki was later killed in a CIA drone strike in Yemen. Hassan, along with two of the 9-11 terrorists, attended the mosque during 2001, when Awlaki was Imam. Another attendee was Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, an al-Qaeda member convicted of attempting to assassinate President George W. Bush.

Can we say Islamic Terrorists?

If we do, we are… wait for it… Islamophobes! It turns out that this compendium merely details what the Organization for Islamic Cooperation defines as Islamophobia. The OIC is the world’s largest Islamic group, and the second largest intergovernmental organization in the world — including 56 nations and the Palestinian Authority. It wields substantial influence over the United Nations, and was able to convince the U.N. to insert its blasphemy definitions into UN Resolution 16/18Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons based on religion or belief.

Would that include “negative stereotyping” or violence against Christians and Jews? Ah, no. It is all about Islam, the only “religion” the U.N. has ever cared about.  And according to Islamic Law, anything that gives offense to Muslims by criticizing Islam in any way whatsoever, whether true or false, is slander – a criminal, even capital, offense against Islam. If, for example, you criticize Islam for Islamic terrorism, you are guilty of “incitement to violence.” So Islamic terrorism is our fault! According to the OIC, this kind of talk should be criminally prosecuted under Islamic blasphemy & slander laws, and while Resolution 16/18 pays lip service to free speech concepts, its true goal is to criminalize speech critical of Islam.

These people are the real haters. Let’s be clear about that. And they express their hate by trying to destroy those who expose them, meanwhile living comfortably in the most generous, free, affluent nation in the world. They define the term “parasite.”

So, let’s expose this “Islamophobia” report for the fraud it is. Its purpose is to attack those foundations providing income for CAIR’s enemies, the so-called “Islamophobia Network,” to starve them out of existence. As Center for Security Policy (CSP) Vice President for Research and Analysis Clare M. Lopez wrote in May 2019, “the clear intent of the report and the list is to provide a target list of philanthropic organizations to be shamed, shunned, and ultimately pressured into divesting from support of those groups deemed by CAIR to be “Islamophobic.”

CAIR claims that this network benefits from donations made through shadowy organizations called Donor-advised Funds. There are numerous such funds, including Fidelity, Schwab, Tides, Proteus, Vanguard, and others. These funds allow donors to remain anonymous. In today’s hyper-partisan atmosphere, where the Left and its Muslim allies are constantly seeking to expose, doxx and threaten donors, who can blame them?

But how can CAIR criticize others? CAIR gets money from Schwab and Proteus, according to Foundation Search. And while it has not received anything from Fidelity or Vanguard recently, many of its Muslim Brotherhood allies have. The Islamic Society of North America has received $176,600 from Fidelity, and $79,500 from Vanguard. The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and the Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA), also receive donations from Fidelity and/or Schwab.

In fact, Vanguard, Schwab, Fidelity, Tides and other donor-advised funds are major financiers of the Left, and donations to non-Left groups are tiny by comparison. CAIR’s characterization of these funding sources is a fraudulent misdirection in this report. CAIR’s true goal in publishing this screed is to intimidate those funds from offering any money at all to CAIR’s political enemies.

CAIR’s Xenophobe Network

CAIR’s report claims that 39 xenophobic “hate” groups comprise a nefarious network receiving “billions” in “dark money” from those evil donor-advised funds. Never mind their definition. This is an absurd exaggeration, and it is factually incorrect:

  1. There were 46 groups listed in the report, not Can CAIR even count? NPR endorsed this report: Can NPR count? Did they even bother?
  2. Collectively, these 46 groups received approximately $1.4 billion over three years – about $450 million in one year, not “billions.”
  3. Two-thirds of this income was received by one organization, Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).

Hard to fathom, but yes, CAIR considers the 700 Club to be part of a vast, dark “Islamophobia” network.

But let’s consider: if CBN’s annual income is removed, the other 45 receive an annual total of $145.1 million/year. It becomes immediately apparent why CBN was included. Without it, CAIR cannot us the “B” word, and even with it they have to count up three years. Of course, the CAIR report does not break the numbers out by organization, so you wouldn’t automatically know that most of this “network” was in fact the 700 Club.

Spread across the 45 organizations, excluding CBN, gives an average annual revenue of $3.2 million each. Literally, a hill of beans in the non-profit world, and nothing like the billions in funding received by the Left.

See the table below. Figures are taken from each organization’s nonprofit tax returns (linked in the table). While they pay no taxes, they are still required to file, but sometimes file quite late. All of the figures in the table below and the other tables in this report for that matter, were taken from the most recent tax return, usually 2016 or 2017, but a few were for 2018.

CAIR’s $1.5 Billion Xenophobe Network
Revenues Assets
1 Christian Broadcasting Network $308,099,729 $142,691,721
2 American Future Fund $29,401,632 $2,838,387
3 American Center for Law and Justice $22,801,099 $1,224,787
4 American Family Association $19,068,393 $28,683,191
5 Foundation for Defense of Democracies $9,039,436 $18,973,604
6 Center for Security Policy $6,548,493 $1,967,835
7 Middle East Media Research Institute $6,262,533 $1,532,913
8 David Horowitz Freedom Center $5,976,459 $650,572
9 National Review Institute $5,689,857 $9,660,370
10 Concerned Women for America $5,596,942 $191,832
11 Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting $5,363,477 $7,632,375
12 Middle East Forum $4,361,751 $5,463,633
13 American Civil Rights Union $3,119,465 $1,250,047
14 Clarion Project $3,005,986 $2,074,817
15 Gatestone Institute $2,159,819 $120,750
16 Investigative Project on Terrorism $2,056,982 -$137,257
17 Eagle Forum & Defense Fund (10 Chapters) $1,810,441 $29,351,809
18 Religious Freedom Coalition $1,529,083 $438,276
19 Lawfare Project $1,392,062 $790,780
20 American Freedom Law Center $1,276,078 $530,871
21 Christian Action Network $1,098,170 $80,590
22-46 All Others $8,298,096 $7,045,532
TOTAL $453,955,983 $263,057,435

Most of these groups are involved in many and different issues: so, to call them part of any kind of “network” is absurd. Consider the National Review (NR) for example. Founded by William F. Buckley, NR is one of the oldest conservative publications in the U.S. Except for a few writers, it is also one of the last Never-Trump holdouts. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)? How about the American Future Fund (AFF)? AFF turns out to be a group that promotes “conservative, free market ideals.” That does not sound “Islamophobic” to me.

Besides being groups that CAIR/SPLC hates there is actually little, if any connection, among these 46 groups. Not a “network” of any kind, let alone “dark.”

Only four make over $10 million/year. Most struggle just to keep their doors open.  More than half (represented by line 22-46) are not even worth mentioning separately. Combined, these 25 organizations realized just $8.3 million in their latest year. That averages out to about $332,000 each. Some earn less than $100,000. Two take in nothing at all. Most have only one or a few staff members. This vast network looks more and more like a guppy the closer you look.

Finally, the role of donor-advised funds is exaggerated. For example, of approximately $24 million CBN has received from various donors since 1999 according to Foundation Search, less than 18 percent came from donor-advised funds. Most of the rest came from individual family foundations, Christian foundations, and others. Conversely, CAIR’s network of conspirators, which I have dubbed the Red-Green Axis, thrives on donor-advised dollars.

So, CAIR’s characterization of this “Xenophobe network” is fraudulent on its face. It is also indicative of the group’s shoddy workmanship — alone enough to mistrust its assertions. So, let’s now take a look at CAIR’s Red-Green Axis network. This really is a multi-billion-dollar network. And you don’t even have to add years.

CAIR’s Multi-Billion Dollar Red/Green Axis Network
Annual Net
Islamic Groups Revenues Assets
ACCESS $27,488,567 $37,871,650
CAIR & CAIR Foundation $14,026,522 $11,663,463
Islamic Circle of North America $8,351,219 $20,337,153
International Institute of Islamic Thought $7,559,412 $963,220
Muslim American Society $4,381,563 $3,676,152
Muslim Legal Fund of America $3,576,412 $71,496
Islamic Society of North America $3,481,603 $1,601,028
Muslim Advocates $2,376,533 $1,553,085
MPAC Foundation $2,093,657 $1,084,022
Pillars Fund $1,906,122 $2,015,940
Constitutional Law Center for Muslims $1,700,636 $17,225
Muslim Public Affairs Council $1,552,024 $417,529
North American Foundation of Islamic Services $1,248,598 $814,284
Council of Islamic Organizations $937,397 $611,099
EMGAGE Foundation $740,752 $199,613
Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America $330,871 $384,048
U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations $100,795 $3,434
Washington Trust Foundation, Inc. $13,896 $4,923,358
North American Islamic Trust* NA $300,000,000
Subtotal $81,866,579 $388,207,799
Collaborators & Supporters
American Civil Liberties Union $380,810,055 $470,408,742
ACLU Foundation $146,251,550 $342,625,524
Southern Poverty Law Center $136,373,624 $449,834,593
Anti-Defamation League $65,971,077 -$16,541,031
Industrial Areas Foundation $6,028,449 $4,792,009
TOTAL $817,301,334 $1,639,327,636
* Assets estimate based on news reports. No public information exists.

Compare and contrast this network with CAIR’s contrived Xenophobe “network.” Virtually all of the listed Muslim groups are Muslim Brotherhood fronts. Many, including CAIR, are also named by the Justice Department as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation HAMAS terror financing trial — the largest of its kind in the U.S.

The SPLC and ACLU work hand in glove with CAIR all the time. In fact, SPLC’s Heidi Beirich contributed to the CAIR report. No wonder it is such shoddy work. The ALCU’s conservative counterpart is Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law and Justice. The ACLJ received $22.8 million, according to its most recent IRS filing. The ACLU amassed over $500 million in the same year, 23 times that of ALCJ. Kind of like Sasquatch being attacked by a gnat. Saul Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation and even the ADL are now working with these Islamic groups as well.

The Six “Islamophobes” CAIR Really Hates

CAIR singles out six “Islamophobe” groups for particular animus. CAIR claims in the report that they have collectively received $125 million from various funders (including those evil donor-advised funds). Where did they get all that money? CAIR provides no citations or explanations in the report. You just have to take their word for it. These groups receive nothing like that, even if you add up multiple years. Here are the facts from each organization’s most recent tax return:

CAIR’s $125 Million Islamophobia Network
Revenues Assets
ACT for America $128,631 $1,053,938
American Freedom Defense Initiative $405,658 $516,119
American Freedom Law Center $1,276,078 $530,871
Center for Security Policy $6,548,493 $1,967,835
David Horowitz Freedom Center $5,976,459 $650,572
Middle East Forum $4,361,751 $5,463,633
TOTAL $18,697,070 $10,182,968

Whoops! Not quite $125 million, eh? Unlike CAIR, you can check my work by simply clicking on the hyperlinks in those tables. Most of these groups are living on a shoestring budget. CAIR knows this but purposely doesn’t mention it.

So how much does poor little CAIR take in annually? Look at the Red-Green Axis table. All by itself, CAIR receives $14.0 million annually through its foundation and network of offices, and has amassed $11.6 million in net assets, more than the six “Islamophobes” combined.

Additionally, an organization called the Washington Trust Foundation, holds another $5 million in real estate assets owned by CAIR. In its own words, the Washington Trust’s purpose is “To support the purposes of CAIR Foundation, Inc….” And guess who runs the Trust? None other than “Islamophobe” expert Esam Omeish.

But why single out these six small organizations for particular attention? That’s where the rubber meets the road, because while almost all of the 46 organizations listed in the Islamophobia Network table focus on a broad range of issues, and are not “networked” in any meaningful way, those six singled out for particular vilification are the ones that have been very effective at exposing and pushing back against CAIR’s subversive onslaught.

Take David Yerushalmi’s American Freedom Law Center (AFLC). It has battled CAIR in court numerous times and has never lost a case against them. This tiny organization with half a million in assets, has forced CAIR to pony up millions for its misguided lawfare.

For example,  CAIR has agreed to pay significant legal fees and other compensation to plaintiffs in two cases represented by the AFLC:  a June 2019 Virginia case and  an April 2019 case in Oklahoma. Both cases revealed CAIR engaging in significant fraud against the plaintiffs. And each time, CAIR relented when it became clear that the alternative was to carry the case to trial. Going to trial would expose CAIR to a close examination of its terrorist connections and subversive agenda. CAIR demurred.

CAIR is plainly not a “social welfare” organization, a designation required for 501.c.3 tax-exempt designation. They are afraid of losing it, and these six organizations are a major threat. They have been effectively exposing CAIR’s association with terrorists (especially the Palestinian terrorist group, HAMAS), and the subversive agenda that follows the Muslim Brotherhood “Civilization Jihad” plan for the Brotherhood in America, specifically:

The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.

In response, what is CAIR’s vile, unethical answer? Savage these groups and their funders in an attempt to starve them of funding. What would CAIR do if it had the unbeatable political power it is hoping to obtain with the Left’s help? One shudders to think.

With the media, Hollywood, the education establishment, and a major political party totally owned by the hard Left and more than willing to echo your messages, destroying your opponents through defamation is a pretty good business model, too. All you need do is abandon all ethics, integrity, morality, and any interest in the truth. Right up Nihad Awad’s alley, and he has made $723,000 over the past three yearsdoing so.

Branches and off-shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood are responsible for virtually all Islamic terrorism in the world. In a declassified secret FBI memo, an informant disclosed that the Muslim Brotherhood’s “ultimate goal is to enforce, by ‘violence if necessary,’ the Islamic Revolution on all non-Islamic Governments,” including the United States.

This Islamophobia report is just the latest in a long line of assaults by CAIR and Co. against their political enemies. It is a form of pre-violent-stage terrorism that does not yet kill individuals directly but attempts to destroy their ability to earn an income and continue their work, while intimidating would-be allies.

A not insignificant number of individuals associated with CAIR have been convictedof terrorism-related charges over the years, although the Muslim Brotherhood has chosen to avoid terrorism in favor of subversion in the U.S. because it is a more effective strategy for the moment. CAIR’s Awad has publicly allied himself with both the PLO and HAMAS terrorist groups in the past, and CAIR refuses to denounce HAMAS.

As urgent as international threats undeniably are and will continue to be, top level U.S. national security leadership attention must be turned to the domestic insurgency threat posed by the subversive, jihadist agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and the rest of the Islamic Movement in this country. CAIR is undoubtedly the lead Brotherhood front group driving this threat, but its top position within the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) and, in turn, its close working relationship with the pro-Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS-supporting regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, add a further and foreign dimension to the threat that must not be ignored.

To counter this threat, the U.S. government must reverse the Great Purge of 2011-2012, which, under Brotherhood supervision, removed all training curricula as well as language from official USG usage that accurately identified the inspirational/motivational role of Islamic doctrine for all Islamic terrorism. The professional instructors who once taught this enemy threat doctrine and their courses must be restored government-wide, with USG backing and funding.

Finally, the declassification of PSD-11 (Presidential Study Directive 11), which reportedly in 2010 laid forth the blueprint for the Obama administration’s new supportive relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, is an absolute priority. Absent its declassification, it will remain impossible for those responsible to be held fully to account and very difficult to reverse its ongoing malign effects on our national security.

The Trump administration must confront the Muslim Brotherhood’s many tentacles in the U.S. Federal law enforcement should begin a renewed effort to investigate Brotherhood groups in the U.S. and at the very least, revoke CAIR’s tax exempt status. It is plain from this report that CAIR is not a “civil rights” organization, but one intent on imposing the Muslim Brotherhood’s malevolent “…grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…

Lawsuit Filed Challenging Constitutionality of California Law Requiring Trump’s Tax Returns

SAN DIEGOAug. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, a California native and candidate for the 2020 Republican Party nomination for President of the United States, has filed a federal lawsuit in the United States District Court in the Southern District of California challenging California Senate Bill 27, or the so called “Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act” signed into law on July 30 by Governor Gavin Newsom.

De La Fuente, who is challenging President Trump for the 2020 Republican Presidential nomination, said,

“all Republicans must stand united in demanding that state officials be held to account when they threaten fundamental rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.”

California’s law would require presidential candidates to file their 5 most recent tax returns in order to appear on California’s presidential primary election ballot. In his pleadings, De La Fuente argues that this violates the Qualifications Clause of Article II, section 1, clause 5 of the United States Constitution and federal statutory law which guarantees that federal income tax returns remain confidential.  He also argues that this violates the First Amendment guarantee that state governments cannot force speech, even of political candidates.

De La Fuente, who prevailed in lawsuits against other states relating to unconstitutional ballot access laws and regulations during his independent bid for President in 2016 says,

“If voters want a candidate to release their tax returns, voters are free to withhold their vote from candidates who do not. Personally, as a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for President, I will be releasing my last 5 years of tax returns voluntarily. However, California’s requirement to make federal income tax returns public as a condition of ballot access is unconstitutional. It is not a valid ‘ballot access’ restriction, because it has nothing whatsoever to do with the proper regulation of the ballot, such as preventing frivolous candidates from appearing, or to ensure that elections are conducted in an orderly manner.”

In the Politico column Trump lawyer to California: See you in court Jeremy B. White reports:

President Donald Trump’s lawyers immediately signaled today they will challenge a California law requiring Trump to disclose his tax returns if he wants to appear on primary ballots in the state.

“The State of California’s attempt to circumvent the Constitution will be answered in court,” Trump attorney Jay Sekulow said in an emailed statement shortly after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law.

California has become a theatre of the absurd.

UPDATE: (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of four California voters to prevent the California secretary of state from implementing a new state law requiring all presidential candidates who wish to appear on California’s primary ballot to publicly disclose their personal tax returns from the past five years (Jerry Griffin et al. v. Alex Padilla (No. 2:19-cv-01477). The suit alleges that the law unconstitutionally adds a new qualification for candidates for president. Judicial Watch’s clients include a registered Independent, Republican, and Democrat California voter. Read more.

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