VIDEO: The Real Victims of a Reckless and Lawless Immigration Policy


A Voice for the Victims Killed by Illegal Aliens.

President Barack Obama has made it the policy of his administration to look the other way when it comes to those illegally crossing our borders. Hillary Clinton supports Obama’s immigration policy and pledged to go further stating on January 6, 2016:

We need comprehensive immigration reform with a path to full and equal citizenship. If Congress won’t act, I’ll defend President Obama’s executive actions-and I’ll go even further to keep families together. I’ll end family detention, close private immigrant detention centers, and help more eligible people become naturalized.

Presidential “executive action” on “comprehensive immigration reform” is code for “open borders.”

On September 17, 2016 GOP Candidate for President Donald J. Trump said he will if elected:

Restore integrity to our immigration system by prioritizing the interests of Americans first. Enforce our immigration laws-at the border and at the workplace. Build a border wall and end sanctuary cities. Send criminal aliens home. Welcome those who embrace our way of life, but keep out immigrants and refugees who don’t through rigorous vetting.

Please watch the speakers at the Remembrance Project luncheon in Houston, Texas on September 17, 2016 including Donald Trump’s speech:

The House of Representative Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security met on April 19, 2016. Chairman Trey Gowdy in his opening statement said:

Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. Either the current state of the law or the refusal to enforce certain aspects of our law allow for the release of tens of thousands of criminal aliens into American communities. This has and will continue to have real and tragic consequences. So it’s imperative that we understand this, regardless of your political ideation and, frankly, regardless of your views on immigration reform.

Surely, we can all agree that protecting the public from violence and lawlessness is the preeminent function of government.

Please take the time to watch this entire video to understand why illegal immigration is a national security threat:

Chairman Gowdy went on to note:

Whatever else you may think government can or should be doing, national security and public safety have to make the list somewhere. For me, they make the top of the list, and I think that’s true for most people, which is why it is unconscionable that between October of 2011 and December of 2014, ICE released criminal aliens over 100,000 times.

According to ICE, those released have been convicted of more than 10,000 assaults, more than 800 sexual assaults, more than 400 homicide-related offenses, and more than 300 kidnappings. Today, there are over 350,000 known criminal aliens in the United States who are not detained by ICE, 350,000.

That number may not get your attention. Statistics rarely do. So I want you to think about it this way: The number of criminal aliens living in the United States, not in custody, not separated from society, is larger than the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; larger than the city of Lexington, Kentucky; larger than the city of Anaheim, California.

Immigration has become the major issue on the 2016 campaign. Illegal immigration impacts federal, state and local budgets, public and private schools, the economy, healthcare, public safety and national security. It may be the defining issue on November 8th.

The two candidates could not be further apart on this issue. Hillary Clinton will continue what President Obama has been doing and do even more to protect illegal aliens. Donald Trump will reverse what President Obama has done and do even more to enforce the rule of law and America’s sovereignty.

Choose wisely who you think can best deal with this issue by watching the above videos. Know this issue!

Tax Friendly Counties in Florida: Only 7 out of 67 or 10.5%

There are 67 counties in this Sunshine State and only seven (7) are “sales tax friendly” holding at 6%. These counties can operate their budgets and manage their money with as little pressure as possible placed upon their citizens ensuring the harder you work the more you keep. Excluding, of course, the corrupt IRS at the federal level and the illegal confiscation of your wealth in local property taxes.

Here is the list of counties with a 6% sales tax in the great state of Florida.

  1. Martin County
  2. Okaloosa County
  3. Palm Beach County
  4. Collier County
  5. Marion County
  6. Lee County
  7. Broward County

Martin County – 6% also borders Palm Beach County (6%) St Lucie County 6 1/2% – Okeechobee County at 7%.

I would suggest the TEA Party conservatives and all citizens in the higher taxed counties cross the county border and shop in Martin County and Palm Beach County.

Gas – clothes – car repairs – new furniture purchases – new appliance’s etc. Then write letters to companies in the high taxed counties and let them know you are no longer shopping with them due to the high tax base surcharge above the 6%

Okaloosa County borders Santa Rosa County soon to be 7% and Walton County at 7%. I recommend all patriots living in Santa Rosa and Walton County shop in Okaloosa County. This would also include Escambia County that operates at a 7 1/2% fleecing of its citizens.

Santa Rosa County is being ran by a Fascist group of Obama interns. They doubled the gas taxes on us in January 2016 – they emotionally destabilized folks into voting for a sales tax increase to 7% and now these slimy RINO golems are going to try and raise the property taxes on us on September 20th. These boys need a lesson in constitutional governance.

Anyway – Palm Beach County is at 6% which borders Martin County at 6% – Broward 6% – Hendry 7% – Glades 7% and Okeechobee 7%. Same story. Cross county lines for all purchases from high tax to lower taxed counties.

Collier County at 6% borders Monroe County at 7 1/2% – Lee County 6% – Hendry 7% – Broward at 6%.

Looks good here. The folks in the higher taxed counties have more choices to cross the county line to shop and purchase gasoline etc.

Marion County 6% – borders Alachua at 6% – Putnam County 7% -Volusia County 6 1/2 % Lake County 7% – Sumter County 7% – Citrus 6% and Levy 7%.

Lee County should do pretty well at 6%. It borders Desoto County that fleece their citizens at a 7 1/2 % tax rate – Collier is good at 6% – Hendry County fleeces its citizens 7% – Sarasota County 7% and Glades County at 7%.

Lee and Collier County should be reaping all the financial benefits from its low tax base surrounded by tax and spend liberal counties.

Broward County at 6% borders Dade County 7% – Palm Beach County 6% – Collier County 6% and Hendry County at 7%.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Only 7 counties in Florida that can manage a budget – the rest are fleecing you dry.

They are sucking money out of your wallets faster than a Planned Parenthood vacuum pump to fund their $100,000 plus salaries – to purchase their antiquities and gold embossed bides.

Start inquiring into the salaries of all your county and city employees. Find out what they make. This will help explain the high sales tax bases. Lots of folks move to Florida from New York to escape high taxes and they bring their Marxist ideology with them and start burying us in taxes.

You will find some of these leaches are sucking over $130,000 a year from your taxpayer coffers in salaries while only working 5 hours a day with expense accounts and travel accounts. Its a racket.

Lets start fighting these miscreant bottom feeding cockroaches. Start with public emails and finally at the ballot box. All emails are public record under Florida Sunshine laws – So the party is about to begin.

The Brenda Snipes/Tallahassee Disenfranchisement of Broward Voters

By Ruth Roman and Rich Gabbay

Investigative Report – Part III

brenda snipesIn my previous articles (here and here) I revealed Supervisor of Elections, Dr. Brenda Snipes has ignored both Federal and Florida Statutes by refusing to cleanse ineligible voters from the voter rolls of Broward County, Florida.

It was disclosed to Dr. Snipes that some 190 Broward voters who voted in the March 2016 Presidential Primary also voted in the April, 2016 New York State Presidential Primary. To date, Dr. Snipes did not respond to the Florida Statutory request, and has once again chosen to ignore public activism challenging the abuse of her position as Broward Supervisor of Elections.

In 2013, Florida Secretary of State, Ken Detzner, issued a directive which sought to define and tighten the integrity of the absentee ballot choice from its creation source to the security of the S.O.E.’s main election offices. Just three days before the commencement of early voting in the August 2016 Primary Election, Ms. Snipes issued a press release. A creative interpretation of Florida Statute enabled Snipes to decree that up to 10 ballots at a time could be “voted” at 11 of the 20 early voting sites, when only (2) is allowed per person under Florida Statues. On the surface, one would consider this an expeditious voter-processing improvement. But, in reality it appears to be a larger insidious strategy to usurp and corrupt the lawful execution of the electoral process.

What follows is this writer’s speculation derived from the logical progression of recent events. Follow that: the maintenance of voter rolls that inflate by 15-20% the actual count facilitates Snipe’s strategic activities in the following manner.

In October, 2015 all (registered or ACTIVE?) 1.1 million plus Broward registered voters received a Vote-By-Mail Information Brochure encouraging them to request Vote-By-Mail ballots in future elections. It follows, that some 150,000-200,000 questionable recipients at questionable addresses, such as UPS offices, received this invitation. (If 20% of these questionable “unknown origin requests” were returned then perhaps 30,000-40,000 phantom ballots may be processed in the November 8th election.) The potential of voter fraud is further enhanced because the questionable “unknown origin requests” Vote-By-Mail ballots deposited in multiple lots at multiple precincts are in the possession of Ms. Snipes and her staff. Even more disturbing, reports reveal prior elections have received numerous counting and scanning complaints in the absentee ballot reporting process. Furthermore, voter fraud potential is enhanced because Florida Statutes forbid absentee ballots submitter’s addresses from being made public, so how can they be audited?

Recently, S.O.E. Dr. Brenda Snipes made the news again, when the primary election results in Broward County were put on the election’s web page by her office a half hour before the closing of the polls. Regardless of whether this was directly attributable to Snipes or not, her authority as S.O.E. makes her responsible for the outcome, which is a third class felony violation of Florida Statutes. Secretary of State, Ken Detzner fired off memos to Broward’s State’s Attorney, Michael Satz and Sheriff Scott Israel, requesting an investigation. Meanwhile Ms. Snipes reflexively produced an affidavit signed by a machine operator who claimed it was his fault. If it was determined that Ms. Snipes be “held harmless,” why after 13 days has there not been a definitive statement by Satz? Odds are though, that she will be granted a pass on this incident, setting the precedent for the “machine failure” excuse in the November Presidential Election when highly suspicious partisan tallies are posted.

The General Election is now less than two months away. Our elected officials, Florida Secretary of State, Detzner, Attorney General, Bondi and Governor Scott have failed to prioritize the issue of voter fraud and thereby they themselves have become unwarily complicit enablers of voter disenfranchisement. We call upon our Tallahassee officials to enforce Florida Statues to sanction or remove, by executive order if necessary, our rogue and notorious Supervisor of Elections, Dr. Brenda Snipes.

There is an unbroken theme here, election after election, Snipes enables and contributes to voter fraud, violates election statutes, and Secretary of State, Detzner, seems impotent or pressured not to reign in this staff’s flawed math, missing cartons of ballots, “cranky machines” are but some examples. All the while, she has never, not once taken personal responsibility for the questionable outcomes. Indeed, why would she when there have never been any consequences for her ineptitude or misdeeds? To date, Dr. Snipes has not responded to the Florida Statutory request, and once again has chosen to ignore public activism and has continued to abuse her position as Broward County Supervisor of Elections.

SOS Directive 2013 Ken Detzner by Media Trackers Florida on Scribd

RELATED ARTICLE: Broward County Creates Phantom District to Allow Illegal Voting

Demand Congressmen and Senators Defund Refugee Resettlement


Take action now to voice your strong opposition to any additional refugee funding

Is there anyone in Washington, aside from a handful, who actually care about American lives? When confronted with obvious threats to our national security and personal safety, wouldn’t a normal response of an elected leader, especially one from the Grand Old Party, be one of concern? As it stands now the GOP playbook will end up killing Americans.

On my recent, self-inflicted trip to our nation’s capital to actually meet with my Congressman and other congressional aides to express concerns over the dangerous Refugee Resettlement program, I found nothing but excuses and anything but a fighting spirit.

No wonder so many people balk when you try to encourage them to call their congressman or senator with a concern about a policy or government program that is affecting you and your community financially or in regards to safety security. And Refugee Resettlement is and will affect all those areas, but many in Congress seem to be playing a dangerous game by not listening to the experts who have said over and over that this program is not safe.

Senator Jeff Sessions just released Obama’s request of 110,000 Refugees for fiscal year 2017. No telling if the extra 15,000 will be Syrian or not. In a release by the good Senator, he stated,

“Despite opposition by the American people, a documented link between terrorism and individuals admitted to the United States as refugees, and over $19 trillion in debt, the Obama Administration has committed the United States to admitting 110,000 refugees during Fiscal Year 2017—a roughly 57 percent increase in the number of refugees the United States admitted as recently as FY 2015, and a roughly 29 percent increase from the Administration’s target for FY 2016.”

Senator Sessions understands the gravity of this issue and has been fighting for fair and lawful immigration for years. He states,

“Despite a clear nexus between immigration and terrorism, and warnings from top officials in his own Administration about their inability to properly vet refugees, President Obama remains in denial ‎about the dangers that his policies pose to the United States. Instead of taking a sober assessment of the ‎dangers that we face, and analyzing the immigration histories of recent terrorists so that we can more effectively safeguard our immigration system from being infiltrated, the Obama Administration leads the United States down a dangerous path – admitting as many refugees as possible from areas of the world where terrorists roam freely, and granting a temporary amnesty to Syrians living in the United States illegally. And contrary to the assertions made by many, the potential for future terror activity is real.”

So again, the American people must make their voices heard and alert their congressmen and senators about defunding this program. Gone are the days when you could expect your elected officials to be apprised of the issues at hand and vote in accordance to what benefits the American people. Now, more than ever, keeping the status quo and getting reelected is the goal of most of those who have been placed in elected positions by the people of their districts.

The trend must be to put persons of integrity into elected positions who understand the Constitution and then following up, the most important step, by constituents keeping that elected official accountable for every move they make.

There are several ways to get your elected official’s attention. Please call not only your elected officials but also those in the leadership positions who could bring about a defunding of the Refugee Resettlement Program this month. Also use their Twitter accounts to bring attention to this critical matter.

Suggestions and contacts to follow:

#CCOT Target House #FreedomCaucus before September 15th, tell them to halt all funding for expanded Refugees

#CCOT .@Jim_Jordan Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #OHpol

#CCOT .@RepJBridenstine Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans First! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #OKpol#CCOT

.@RepKenBuck Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #COpol

#CCOT.@RepDeSantis Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #FLpol

#CCOT.@RepJeffDuncan Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans First! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #SCpol

#CCOT.@RepTrentFranks Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans First! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #AZpol

#CCOT.@replouiegohmert Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #TXpol

#CCOT.@RepMGriffith Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #VApol

#CCOT.@CongressmanHice Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #GApol

#CCOT.@SteveKingIA Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #IApol

#CCOT .@CynthiaLummis Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #WYpol

#CCOT.@RepMickMulvaney Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #WVpol

#CCOT.@RepScottPerry Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #PApol

#CCOT.@congbillposey Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #FLpol

#CCOT.@RepSanfordSC Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #SCpol

#CCOT.@TXRandy14 Halt all funding for expanded refugee program – Americans demand it! #MAGA #FreedomCaucus #AmericaFirst #TXpol

Here is the info via Jim Simpson for the leadership:

Please call GOP House leaders to include a moratorium on the resettlement of refugees from countries where terrorists groups are prevalent in the upcoming continuing resolution (short-term spending bill). The numbers listed below will connect you directly to their leadership offices. There are additional talking points below the phone numbers.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy– (202) 225-4000(202) 225-4000GOP Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers — (202) 225-5107(202) 225-5107Appropriations Committee Chair Hal Rogers — (202) 225-4601(202) 225-4601Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte — (202) 225-5431(202) 225-5431*

*Last year, FBI Director James Comey told a Congressional panel that the United States can run background checks “until the cows come home”, but our government simply doesn’t have access to all the databases necessary to fully vet incoming refugees.

* Nearly 500,000 refugees have been resettled in the U.S. since 2009 — roughly 70 percent of all the refugees resettled by the United Nations each year. There has been little to assure us that these programs are capable of screening out present and future criminals and terrorists who often exploit the chaos of emergency migrations. And the programs show little regard for the multiple long-term fiscal costs imposed on the local receiving communities that already are suffering from the same depressed wages and low labor force participation rates as the rest of the United States.

* The United States should not be resettling what would be only a tiny fraction of the current flow of refugees and migrants from the other side of the world. Instead, we should join other nations in providing for the greatest comfort to the greatest number of people fleeing their destabilized countries. The Center for Immigration Studies has determined that we can help 12 refugees in safe zones in their home regions for every 1 refugee resettled in the United States.

More Leadership:


Homeland Security Chair Mike McCaul — (202) 225-2401(202) 225-2401

GOP Policy Chair Luke Messer — (202) 225-3021(202) 225-3021

Majority Whip Steve Scalise — (202) 225-0197(202) 225-0197

Speaker Paul Ryan — (202) 225-0600(202) 225-0600

Keep up the fight!

‘Thou Shalt Not Speak…’

Not to bear false witness is the Ninth Biblical Commandment, and for journalists it should be the first; yet, 10 words used daily and even hourly by the media have for decades permeated the written and spoken word, all of them patently false:

  1. “settlers”
  2. “Palestine”
  3. “West Bank”
  4. “died”
  5. “attacker”
  6. “Palestinians”
  7. “occupied territories”
  8. “refugee camps”
  9. “settlements”
  10. “insane.”

Instead, the accurate terms are:

  1. “Jews” or “Israelis,” referring to people building permanent residences, neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, businesses, public amenities, and houses of worship
  2. “Israel,” being the only independent nation in the particular area, with a long-established body of laws, history of commerce and industry, and being formally recognized by the countries of the world (No independent nation of “Palestine” has ever existed in history.)
  3. “Judea and Samaria,” being the legal names for the regions of Israel where Jews have lived for thousands of years
  4. “murdered,” referring to Jews from infancy through elderly whose lives are ended through acts of Arab or Muslim violence committed upon them
  5. “Islamic terrorist,” being a person whose religious ideology compels him to commit acts of violence against persons of other religions and their property
  6. “Arabs” or “Muslims,” referring to stateless peopleliving in the region of present-day Israel  and whose fellow Arabs and Muslims slaughtered and/or rejected their entry into existing Arab and Muslim nations, with sizes many hundreds of times larger than the tiny State of Israel
  7. “Judea and Samaria,” being regions administered by Israel through her victory in the defensive 1967 War and lawfully recognized under international law, historical precedent, and Biblical rights
  8. “cities” and “towns,” referring to the places where the Arabs and Muslims rejected for generations by their own people live in apartments and homes with full amenities and standards of living often better than in American inner cities
  9. “communities,” being areas of development for residential and commercial purposes under the laws of the State of Israel, including public governmental institutions, medical facilities, well-maintained neighborhoods, public utilities, private enterprises, and international industries
  10. “Islamist,” referring to a person whose religious doctrines drive him to commit acts of violence against those who are not of his own Muslim persuasion, their family members of all ages, and their property.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness” against the Jewish State through fallacious and inflammatory terms that re-write history and re-define a miraculous nation and its People, Divinely established and blessed, using words and images to make news rather than to report it as it truly is.  In truth, every news coverage that uses the word “Palestine” is ab initio false; since no nation of “Palestine” ever existed. Likewise, every news report about the “West Bank” has renamed geographic regions of Israel legally called “Judea and Samaria.”

When reporters have become falsification wordsmiths and historical revisionists, the world loses, as is certainly the case in this epoch of time.  Words matter, and history matters.  Lies matter especially when they determine history.

Lest we forget the horrific lessons of history’s lies, all of us, be we journalist or not, must use the words of truth to tell Israel’s story.  As it was explained to me by my student, Robbyn, like Joshua and Caleb, who corrected the false reports of their 10 fellow spies sent by Moses to survey the Holy Land before entering it to give an accurate assessment to the Jewish People, “We have to correct a bad report …. We have an obligation to fight a bad report” lest we will wander and be buried in a desert of lies.  

Since 2009 U.S. Has Spent $73 Million to Register Immigrant Voters

Months after the Obama administration spent $19 million to register new immigrant voters that will likely support Democrats in November, it’s dedicating an additional $10 million in a final push as the presidential election approaches. The money is distributed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Homeland Security agency that oversees lawful immigration, to organizations that help enhance pathways to naturalization by offering immigrants free citizenship instruction, English, U.S. history and civics courses. Officially, they’re known as “citizenship integration grants.”

Since 2009 USCIS has doled out $63 million in these grants to prepare more than 156,000 resident immigrants in dozens of states for U.S. citizenship, according to the agency’s figures. Besides the free classes, Uncle Sam also offers immigrants free “naturalization legal services,” the latest USCIS grant announcement states. “Recipient organizations serve both traditional immigrant destinations and new immigrant getaway cities in 21 states,” the USCIS document reads. The latest $10 million investment will prepare approximately 25,000 residents from more than 50 countries, according to the agency. More than a dozen states—including California, New York, Florida, Washington and Ohio—with large resident immigrant populations are being targeted as well as cities with huge immigrant populations such as Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington D.C.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been aggressive in promoting its citizen integration grant program this year, offering large sums to recruit new groups that can offer immigrants the services they need to become citizens. Clearly, the ultimate goal is qualifying as many immigrants as possible to vote since they tend to cast ballots for Democrats. “We intend to award about $1 million to first-time recipients in the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program for fiscal year 2016,” the agency’s grant announcement states. “If you represent one of these organizations, or know of an interested organization, we strongly encourage that organization to consider applying. Additionally, another $9 million will fund programs that provide both citizenship instruction and instruction and naturalization application services.” Some might consider this a cash giveaway.

This is part of a broader, government-wide initiative launched by the president to “strengthen federal immigrant and refugee integration infrastructure.” The mission is to facilitate life in the U.S. for immigrants and refugees by enhancing pathways to naturalization, building welcoming communities and providing “mobile immigration services in underserved communities.” To carry out this important mission Obama created a special Task Force on New Americans chaired by his Domestic Policy Director, Cecilia Muñoz, the former vice president of the powerful open borders group National Council of La Raza (NCLR). Millions of taxpayer dollars have funded the task force’s various enterprises, including multilingual media campaigns promoting immigrant rights. The goal is to “strengthen civic, economic and linguistic integration and to build strong and welcoming communities,” according to a report issued by the task force. In the end communities will be strengthened by welcoming all residents, the administration assures.

Practically every federal agency is participating in the effort by contributing resources and creating programs to help immigrants. For example the Department of Labor (DOL) is implementing “new workforce programs” for the “new Americans” and the Department of Education is promoting “funding opportunities” to assure that the immigrants “are provided the tools they need to succeed.” The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is collaborating with other agencies to release a career and credentialing toolkit on “immigrant-focused career-pathways programs.” The Department of Justice (DOJ) and USCIS are making sure the new Americans have worker rights and protections and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is launching a two-year pilot to assure that non English speakers have “meaningful access to housing programs” subsidized by American taxpayers.


“Segregation” Is Now Progressive? Cal State LA Offers Black-Only ‘Safe-Space’ Housing

Obama Nominates Muslim Lawyer to Federal Court

Globalism and the Death of the American Dream

On August 22, 2016, U.S. News & World Report published the sobering article, “Dream On:Growing inequality has made the American ‘rags to riches’ story more myth than reality.

While the Labor Department boasts about an unemployment rate of approximately 5 percent, the reality is that the statistic ignores the plight of tens of millions of working age Americans who have given up looking for work and are therefore not a part of the labor force.

Furthermore, that 5 percent unemployment figure does not note how many American workers are underemployed or working at part-time jobs.

The original concept of the “American Dream” depended on the growing middle-class where anyone who was willing to acquire a good education and work hard might write the next “American success story.”

Prior to World War II, the immigration laws of the United States were enforced by the Labor Department and were designed to shield American workers from foreign competition. The politicians of “The Greatest Generation” understood that for America to succeed, Americans needed to succeed.

Back then, major U.S. corporations saw in American school children their future employees and made certain to provide scholarships and training programs to entice American students to pursue studies in what is now referred to as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines.

Today, most major corporations have morphed into multinational companies that no longer say a “Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag and to the republic for which it stands…” but to the bottom line.

The result has been to make it more difficult for American workers to move up the economic ladder to attain their thin slice of “The American Dream.”

This is not limited to unskilled and semi-skilled workers either.

Consider this excerpt from the U.S. News & World Report article that was predicated on a recent study by Michael Carr and Emily Wiemers of the University of Massachusetts, published at the Washington Center for Equitable Growth:

“Many factors probably contribute to the slow but significant decrease in mobility. These same factors reduce the value of college education, even as the cost of college has increased greatly. Globalization reduces the earning power of even educated workers, for example as computer programming moves offshore. Changes in work structures take earning power away from even the most highly educated: For example individual physicians earn less than they did, while more goes to the large health care providers that employ them. Even knowledge-intensive jobs can be automated, with investment advisers now facing competition from computer programs that allocate capital. Finally, with growing inequality, the rungs on the economic ladder are farther apart, so it takes a bigger increase in earnings to jump from one rung to another.

“As inequality mounts, and our society slowly becomes more stratified, political unrest will increase. This unrest has transformed the presidential election campaign. Regardless of who wins, the pressure will grow to find more equitable ways to expand opportunities and to share the wealth that results.”

While the report noted off-shoring of high-tech jobs as a contributing factor, it must also be pointed out that, increasingly, more foreign high-tech workers with H-1B visas and foreign students who are provided with increasing time in which to work in the U.S. under the guise of “optional practical training” are displacing ever more American workers and suppressing the wages of all of these professionals.

The only thing “exceptional” about these foreign workers is that they are willing to work for exceptionally low wages under exceptionally adverse conditions.

While Americans at the top of the economic food chain benefit most from profits of their companies, most other Americans find themselves running up a “down economic escalator” that is accelerating.

Consequently more Americans than ever before are finding it increasingly difficult to succeed. They are losing their disposable incomes.

It is not unusual for journalists on talk shows to question why the U.S. economy has not improved. Perhaps the answer they are seeking can be found in the destruction of the middle-class consumer base that traditionally formed the foundation for the demand for goods and services that kept the American economy humming.

This is a classic example of “killing the goose that laid the golden egg.” In point of fact, Americansmust do well for America to do well.


How Hispanics, Blacks Have Fared in Obama Economy

How Washington Has Hurt Native Americans

The Numbers That Show Planned Parenthood About Abortion, Not Women’s Health

The Art of the Steal

Hillary doesn’t want a fair fight. Or even an unfair fight. She wants to cripple the GOP so it can’t fight at all. It’s the ultimate rigged election…

We’re a little more than two months from the November 8th election and everyone knows that all Democrats, a good number of Republicans and conservatives, and almost the entire media have been agonizing over and militating against the fact that billionaire businessman Donald Trump is the last man standing in a contest that pits him against Crooked Hillary for the presidency of the United States.

But why are no professional political commentators—on TV, radio, or in print—explaining exactly why Mr. Trump is such a mortal threat? After all, he has proven himself to be an upright citizen, a wildly successful businessman, the bestselling author of over a dozen books, a philanthropist, the father of five respectful and loving children the eldest of whom are also impressively contributory members of society, the representative of every value Republicans and conservatives traditionally stand for—low taxes, fewer regulations, secure borders, a strong military, strict conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, et al—and significantly a person who has never been accused of being complicit in the deaths of U.S. servicemen, under the ominous investigation of the FBI, or operating an international money-laundering slush fund that compromises the national security of the United States.

Here is the answer: It’s all about the deal!

Underneath the veneer of “service” our elected politicians purport to be driven by, underneath the “ethical standards” our financial centers pretend to operate, and underneath the gauzy illusion of objectivity the media pretend they represent, the so-called culture of the D.C.-Wall St.-media complex is all about cozy arrangements that inevitably line the pockets of those engaged in the following kinds of local, regional, national and international deals, to name but a few:

  • pay-to-play deals
  • greasy-palm deals
  • foundation slush-fund deals (sound familiar?)
  • mutual back-scratching deals
  • hush-hush deals
  • access-to-power deals
  • good-stories-in-the-media deals (sound familiar?)
  • bad-stories-in-the-media-about-your-political-enemies deals (yep)
  • sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll deals
  • immense wealth-producing lobbyist deals
  • On and on…

You get the picture. In all these “arrangements,” either people with limited power (meaning with limited money, like most politicians when they start out) always get “persuaded” (meaning bought) to do what they know is wrong, but they just can’t resist the irresistible aphrodisiacs of money and power; or people with piles of money engage in schemes that increase their wealth and power exponentially. Some deals are actually legitimate, but too many dealmakers are involved in cynical collusion or corrupt collaborations.

In the political world, with notable—but pitifully few—exceptions, there is little difference between a “strict conservative” like Paul Ryan and a far-left ideologue like Nancy Pelosi. Whether it’s a deal that’s bad for America like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the dumbed down so-called standards of Common Core, or facilitating the building of nuclear bombs by the terrorist state of Iran, both left and right somehow find ways to bathe in the same swamp.


Speaking of journalists, who exactly are these seekers of truth, intrepid investigators and earnest news readers who so often seem unable to control the impulses to blurt out their own leftwing two-cents worth (read CBS’s Norah O’Donnell, the entire staff of NBC and MSNBC, Fox’s Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith, the staff of Reuters, et al)? How can they get away with their biases with such total impunity?As “Deep Throat” advised The Washington Post journalists Bob h4Woodward and Carl Bernstein during the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, “follow the money.” It’s always about the money.

It’s because, as Ashley Lutz at Business Insider reports, only six organizations are now responsible for 90 percent of all of the “news” we read, watch and listen to. That’s right—in 1983, there were 50 media companies, today only six! They include:

  • GE (Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures, Focus Features).
  • NewsCorp (Fox, Wall St. Journal, NY Post, et al).
  • Disney (ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, Marvel Studios)
  • Viacom (MTV, Nick Jr., BET, CMT, Paramount Pictures)
  • Time Warner (CNN, HBO, TIME, Warner Bros.)
  • CBS (Showtime, Smithsonian Channel,, Jeopardy, 60 Minutes)

In other words, the Shepard Smiths and Norah O’Donnells of the media world are simply obedient servants to the tastes, political predilections, and often greed of their bosses, who all happen to be globalists engaged in the massive, multibillion-dollar deals described above. They only reflect the biases of their owners, the people who pay their salaries.

The media, however, seem to be in a downward spiral. Most national news magazines are in their death throes, as is the entire dinosaur newspaper industry, including The NY Times, which still gets mention on the nightly news, but has utterly lost the credibility and cachet it once had.

What about TV’s influence, including cable? If the ratings NBC received for its Olympics coverage is any sign, this medium is being eaten alive by the likes of Netflix and other media alternatives. Gary North writes about the statistical irrelevance of cable news, citing the fact that The Drudge Report gets about one-billion page views a month. In contrast, the approximately 115,000 households in the U.S., which account for roughly 225-million adults, give cable shows like MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show and Fox News’ The Kelly File a paltry 400,000 viewers apiece—a literal drop in the viewership ocean.

“Are we supposed to believe,” Mr. North asks, “that either Ms. Maddow or Ms. Kelly has any significant influence, or even marginal relevance, for the American body politic, or body anything else?” Their audiences offset each other, he says, but “even if they reinforced each other, we could not hear them. They would still be background noise.”

Emmett Tyrell Jr., founder and editor of The American Spectator, sums it up quite neatly: “With the trashing of Donald Trump and the “celebration of a career criminal, the mainstream media have become passé.”

But they keep trying, as we see from the insults, outbursts, lies, character assassination, and general hysteria being hurled in Trump’s direction every day. The entire establishment is running scared. NY Times reporter Jim Rutenberg was all in knots a few weeks ago when he wrote—clearly with the blessing of his editors—journalists were justified in writing openly “oppositional” articles about Trump—objectivity out, bias in. Now why do you suppose those editors approved of this journalistic malpractice?

Because the Times is in on the globalist deals—big time! As are the hedge-fund moguls, the wolves of Wall Street, the political establishment both right and left, the Big Pharma honchos, all those foreign princes and sultans and tin-pot dictators, both friends and enemies of the U.S., as well as all the donors to the Clinton Foundation slush fund, who are all slurping from the same trough.

Shamefully, of the 154 meetings Ms. Hillary had during her tenure in the State Department, 85 were with donors to the Clinton Foundation—to the tune of $156 million dollars! That is how the crooked system worked quite seamlessly until Donald Trump questioned, challenged, and damned it!


Robert Smith explains in that a Trump victory in November “won’t end well for the global elites” who inhabit “New York, DC, Boston, and San Francisco—or wherever else ivory towers, mahogany-paneled offices, pricey secured buildings, and gated communities are found. Trump’s election would have reverberations overseas, too, in London, Paris, Berlin…”

Smith continues: “The worldview among many of our elite is anti-nation—dare we say—anti-American, anti-law and order, anti-tradition, anti-faith (with exceptions carved out for Islam), anti-durable values and enduring truths, like marriage between a man and woman, and family, as defined by a man, woman, and children. The elite, so very cosmopolitan, have evolved past antique beliefs and ways.”

In other words, a Trump victory would utterly destroy the global monopolies these poohbahs have built up over the past several decades—all those cozy deals shot to hell!

Not if Hillary wins, says Smith. “A Hillary victory means…a doubling-down by the elite, as they act with renewed zest to secure their interests—versus the national welfare. Divide to conquer.” [my bullet points below, but Smith’s words):

But if Trump wins, the nightmare for the globalists and the ones they take orders from, particularly billionaire radical leftist George Soros, is that Donald Trump is onto all the tricks and sleights-of-hand and financial hocus-pocus involved in their massive accumulation of wealth and power, and therefore will be highly successful in dismantling them.


One more thing: Trump—looking 20 years younger than his 70 years and exhibiting tireless energy and passion—is on the campaign trail non-stop and not depending on the self-glorifying media to get his message across.

In stark and rather pathetic contrast is 68-year-old Hillary, who most of the time looks exhausted, her hair matted, her face haggard, her outfits wildly inappropriate—such as the wool winter coat and long black slacks she wore to a fundraiser in 100-degree heat on Martha’s Vineyard—her horrific screech-owl voice producing more cringes than applause.

While numerous websites, including liberal ones, show pictures of her being helped upstairs, losing her balance, and zoning out in the middle of sentences, and articles insist that she has Parkinson’s disease, a neurological malady, or early dementia, I don’t join that chorus. As an R.N. with clinical experience, I believe that people with cancer or Parkinson’s or Type A diabetes or any number of maladies can lead active, productive, responsible lives. But her stubborn refusal to release her medical records fuels the suspicion not only that she’s hiding something but that she is simply not up to the job.

And now, publisher and editor of, Thomas Lifson, writes in his blog that Hillary has no scheduled events until September 26th!

“Just how frail and exhausted is Hillary Clinton?” Lifson asks. “Surely, she does not need 5 weeks of rest to prepare for her presidential debate. If she did, that would be a terrible indicator of fitness for office. If you look at [her] campaign calendar… there are 15 listed events. However, if you really look at it, what you notice is that Secretary Clinton is not actually attending 14 of these events; they are being attended by surrogates. Go check for yourself.”


The craven cabal of the Obama regime—or cartel as Trump calls them—has almost gotten away with opening our borders to anyone who crosses them, including jihadists whose only goal is to murder Americans, but who Democrats plan to register to vote by the millions.

They’ve almost gotten away with socializing our medical and our educational systems, both of which seem to be imploding on their own, thank you.

They’ve almost gotten away with trampling on the Judeo-Christian moral foundation that has elevated our country to among the loftiest in the world; demoralizing the heroic police forces that protect us day and night, 365; undermining our once-vibrant and strong military into a laboratory of preposterous, politically-correct positions and postures; spitting consistently on our magnificent Constitution; and compromising our once-flourishing system of capitalism and free markets. This is the short list.

I say almost because the forces I’m describing are essentially incompetent, as proven by their utter failures for over five decades! They’ve tried. They’ve had the media on their side. They’ve had untold billions backing their anti-American (and did I mention anti-Semitic?) schemes.

And yet, one man comes along, throws their p.c. speech out the window, speaks truth to power, exposes their malevolent plots, and all of them squeal like stuck pigs and double down on their efforts to keep the old corrupt network in place by defeating him in November. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that every Trump event attracts multi-thousands of enthusiastic supporters, while Ms. Hillary has trouble attracting even 100 probably-paid-for supporters. Does the media report this dramatic disparity? Never.


But liberals are an obdurate lot, and their goal is not to win but to steal the election. After all, who but Democrats have elevated election fraud to a virtual art form? Every time they’re losing, they magically find several bags of uncounted votes to put their candidate just barely over the top.

Remember ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), the crooked group that received $53 million in federal funds and engaged in massive voter fraud, including registering dead voters or voters with the names of various Disney cartoon characters? The group was finally outed by conservative activists Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe who used hidden cameras to expose ACORN employees advising them how to avoid taxes, et al. The U.S. Congress cut ACORN’s funding and the group eventually disbanded, but continued to operate—to this day—under new names.

Clearly, this is one organization the Trump organization should watch with eagle-eyed vigilance!

In a stunning, must-read, three-part series—here, Part 1 by Katy Grimes, here, Part 2 by Megan Barth and here, Part 3 by Katy Grimes, Grimes begins with a chilling quotation from Joseph Stalin: ”…The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

Grimes and Barth report the massive election fraud that took place during the California primary in June (2016).

  • Thousands upon thousands of California voters showed up at their designated polling stations only to discover that their party registration had been changed, or they were dropped entirely from the rolls. And it was evident this was done from within the state’s electronic voting system.
  • “A group from Princeton needed only seven minutes and simple hacking tools to install a computer program on a voting machine that took votes for one candidate and gave them to another,”
  • Recent DNC delegate manipulations made it so nearly every primary and caucus magically favored Hillary Clinton, despite the millions of winning votes going to Sanders” [and the probability that he won].
  • Recently, three liberal federal judges (two appointed by Pres. Clinton, one by Barack Obama) overturned voter-ID laws—in Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Texas—claiming they were racially discriminatory.

Of course, we all know what happened in the fiasco of a 2012 presidential election, largely as a result of liberals’ aversion to voter identification cards. According to writer Rev. Austin Miles:

  • Voting machines, supplied by George Soros, were rigged to automatically receive an Obama vote, no matter who the voter actually voted for.
  • In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).
  • In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.
  • NOTE: Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote.

Barth says: “If the DNC was willing and able to rig a primary election, what would prevent them from doing the same in a national election—-especially in the battleground states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin”?

She cites a study on Democrat fraud in multiple states, the conclusion of which was that election fraud is occurring and benefitting Hillary Clinton—especially in states that use unaccountable, electronic voting machines.

The Heritage Foundation has published a detailed list of approximately 200 cases of voter fraud from across the country.

Sit down for this one: “What’s more, two of the three companies that control the electronic voting machine market, Dominion Voting and H.I.G. Capital (i.e. hart Intercivic) are on the list of big money donors that donated to the Clinton campaign, as shown by the DNC documents leaked by Guccifer 2.0.”

These stories are nowhere to be found in the mainstream media. Either is this video of a Diebold machine spitting out incorrect votes.

Here’s another stunner. According to Dean Garrison at, not only did Reuters rig a major poll to show Hillary winning when Breitbart News was reporting a 17-point swing towards Trump and away from Hillary, but now we learn that Thomas Reuters, owner of the Reuters News Service, is among the top-tier donors ($1.5 million) to the Clinton Foundation!

Reuters is not alone. When was the last time you heard a poll result from ABC-TV that had Trump in the lead? Yet look at this report from the network itself, posted less than two weeks ago, on August 17, 2016.

This is why Donald Trump’s warnings about possible voter fraud in November are right on target.

This is why Donald Trump’s warnings about possible voter fraud in November are right on target.


So far, in spite of the virtual assault on Donald Trump by the media, nothing has worked to diminish his popularity. So desperate are the powers-that-be to maintain the corrupt status quo, and to defeat the biggest nemesis they’ve ever faced, that they’ve enlisted the top tech companies in the world—Apple, Twitter, Google and Instagram—to defeat the dreaded Donald Trump, writes Liz Crokin in

“Apple isn’t the only corporation doing Clinton’s bidding. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange said Clinton made a deal with Google and that the tech giant is `directly engaged’ in her campaign.” She says that Eric Schmidt—chairman of Alphabet, the parent company of Google—is also on board with the Clinton machine. Assange claims this was to ensure Clinton had the “engineering talent to win the election.”

“Twitter is another culprit,” Crokin says, by banning conservatives and Trump supporters and changing “its algorithms to promote Clinton while giving negative exposure to Trump.”

Buzzfeed, too, is in on the biased reporting, and Instagram “has also banned accounts that depict Clinton in a negative light.” Then there is Facebook, which “has a long history of shutting down pages and blocking conservative users while promoting progressive voices…”

CNN, of course is a leader of dishonest reporting. The other day, Crokin reports, “CNN set aside nearly half of its air time…to various recent controversies involving the Trump campaign—1 hour, 24 minutes, and 18 seconds over three hours.” In contrast, the program only devoted 27 seconds to news that the Obama administration secretly airlifted $400 million in cash to Iran, or that “the payment was sent on `an unmarked cargo plane.’ [CNN], therefore, devoted over 187 times more coverage to Trump than to the millions to Iran.”


And Mr. Trump should remember what writer Daniel Greenfield spells out in exquisite detail:

“Hillary Clinton has never won an honest election. And she isn’t about to start trying to win one now. Her favorite kind of race is rigged. Deeply unpopular and deemed untrustworthy by huge numbers of voters, she plans to win by panicking Republicans into abandoning Trump to `save’ themselves. Her weapon of choice is the media.”

Greenfield continues, “Hillary doesn’t want a fair fight. Or even an unfair fight. She wants to cripple the GOP so it can’t fight at all. It’s the ultimate rigged election….

“The game has been rigged in all the familiar ways, from media bias to voter fraud, but only Republican defeatism can hand her the White House.”

RELATED ARTICLE: In Historic Move, Virginia Legislators File Contempt Motion Against McAuliffe Over Felon Voting

‘Clinton Cash’: The Official Full Documentary Movie

Below is the full version of Clinton Cash a documentary of how Bill and Hillary used their offices to gain donations to the Clinton Foundation. It documents Hillary’s fraud, waste and abuses of power.

Here is the full version of Clinton Cash:



EDITORS NOTE: Read who wish may donate to have Clinton Cash translated into Spanish and caption for the hearing impared to inform Hillary’s base and others of her transgressions. To donate please go to this PayPal link:

Concord Coalition: It’s the Federal Budget, Stupid!

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Projections released today by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) provide further evidence that candidates for federal office should address the nation’s worsening budget problems, according to The Concord Coalition.

“Voters are hearing a lot of expensive new proposals from candidates but not so much about how to keep the nation’s debt from growing on an unsustainable path,” said Robert L. Bixby, Concord’s executive director. “Today’s CBO report, which projects a rising debt burden over the next 10 years and beyond, shows why voters should expect candidates to offer credible policies to put us on a better course.”

The new report updates the budget and economic projections that CBO made earlier this year for the coming decade. Its baseline budget projections are based on current law and do not take into account deficit-increasing policies that tend to get passed on a yearly basis, such as the extension of various tax breaks.

CBO projects that Fiscal Year 2016 will close in September with the first increase in the deficit as a share of the economy since 2009, when the country was struggling with the fiscal consequences of the Great Recession. At$590 billion, the annual deficit will be $152 billion larger than in 2015 and $56 billion higher than the agency estimated in March. However, the 10-year cumulative deficit estimate of $8.6 trillion is $700 billion lower than the March projection — primarily due to lower projections of interest rates.

The report shows growing pressure on the federal budget as the result of an aging population and rising health care costs. These factors increase the costs of Social Security and Medicare — just to provide the same services to more recipients.

“As in the past,” Bixby says, “CBO is pointing toward a structural mismatch between the federal government’s spending and tax policies. With a strengthening economy, elected officials should address this mismatch as soon as possible to put the budget on a more responsible course and avoid saddling future generations with massive government debt.”

Two reports earlier this summer also underscored the nation’s fiscal challenges. The CBO’s Long-Term Budget Outlook, released last month, makes clear that unless fundamental changes are made, federal finances will deteriorate even further after 2026. In June the Medicare and Social Security trustees issued their annual reports, calling for prompt reforms to put those critical programs on more sustainable paths.


The Concord Coalition is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to fiscal responsibility.

Since 1992, Concord has worked to educate the public about the causes and consequences of the federal deficit and debt, and to develop realistic solutions for sustainable budgets. For more fiscal news and analysis, visit and follow us on Twitter: @ConcordC

RELATED ARTICLE:  CBO Projects Return of Massive Federal Deficits

Floridian Douglas J. Band: The Man Behind the Clinton Foundation

Sarasota, Florida has become the epicenter of the Clinton Foundation scandal. Why? Because the man who created the Clinton Global Initiative hails from this normally low key Sunshine State city. His name is Douglas J. “Doug” Band.

trump band

President Bill Clinton and Douglas J. Band (right).

There would be no “Clinton Foundation” or “Clinton Global Global Initiative”, if it weren’t for Doug Band.

According to Wikipedia:

Band is the youngest of four children of David and Myrna Band. A native of Sarasota, Florida, Band earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida with a major in English and a minor in Ethics.

[ … ]

Band is an American businessman and lawyer. He was the former personal assistant and counselor to President Bill Clinton and he assisted in creating the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).

Jon Susce, publisher of the Sarasota Phoenix, in an email stated, “A  friend told me recently he played golf with Band here in Sarasota and during the course of the match Bill Clinton called Band 4 [four] times. My friend also suggested to Band that he write a tell all book and he could retire a multi millionaire—-Band said he would not live to enjoy [the] profits and anyways Band was already a multimillionaire through [his] Clinton connections.”


Douglas J. “Doug” Band

The Washington Post notes in their article “A porous ethical wall between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department“:

IN ANOTHER election year with an opponent who is not so obviously unqualified, last week’s revelations about connections between Hillary Clinton’s State Department and the Clinton Foundation would have been bigger news. Though it is an exaggeration to claim that Ms. Clinton ran her agency as a pay-to-play operation, the latest unearthed emails from the Clinton State Department nevertheless reveal that the ethical wall she was supposed to have built between herself and her family’s organization was not impermeable enough.

Two email conversations revealed by the conservative activist organization Judicial Watch show that staff on both sides of that wall were in contact. Both conversations involved Douglas J. Band, head of the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009, when the emails were written, and top Clinton aides. In the most concerning, Mr. Band pressed Clinton confidantes Huma Abedin and Cheryl D. Mills to connect Gilbert Chagoury, a major Clinton Foundation donor, with a senior State Department official. Mr. Chagoury says that no meeting took place and that he just wanted to pass information about the political situation in his native Lebanon to the relevant diplomatic official.

Still, Ms. Abedin responded encouragingly to Mr. Band’s request.

[Emphasis added]

band with clinton

David Band, center, stands next to former President Clinton in 2009. The other adults in this picture are Myrna Band, Amy and Steve Band, Greg and Alexandra Bank, Doug Band and Roger Band. The Bands hosted Clinton for a fundraiser. CORRESPONDENT PHOTO / CORRESPONDENT PHOTO / MARY M

The Band family is no stranger to fraud and scandal. 

Kevin L. McQuaid in a January 2011 Sarasota Herald Tribune article titled “An elite Sarasota society is fractured” wrote:

David S. Band’s life for decades has been the stuff of envy, but these days, there is a lot not to be jealous over.

The attorney-turned-real estate investor faces more than a half-dozen lawsuits alleging fraud and other misdeeds. Several real estate deals have gone bad, costing him millions of dollars in unexpected expenses, lost income and future appreciation.

The business setbacks have also soured a string of decades-long friendships and fractured Sarasota’s wealthy elite, a once tight bunch that has fueled the region’s artistic and cultural institutions.

Read more.

The Band’s invested in and owned a share in Sarasota News Now (SNN) Channel 6 until it went bankrupt.

Sarasota Magazine reported in October 2009:

[Bill] Clinton mentioned that he had been to Florida “a zillion times’ during his campaigns, and had always wanted to come to Sarasota, the hometown of his longtime assistant, Doug Band, son of well-known Sarasotans David and Myrna. (Doug’s brother, Roger, is a doctor who also frequently accompanies Clinton on overseas trips to keep him healthy.)

Doug Band is the man behind the Clinton Foundation. He is the brains and legal strength that created it. It appears he may have forgotten what he learned in his ethics classes at the University of Florida?


Newly released Clinton emails shed light on relationship between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

Scandal at Clinton Inc.: How Doug Band drove a wedge through a political dynasty

Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation

A porous ethical wall between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department

Our World: Soros’s campaign of global chaos

Iran takes Obama’s ransom and then takes more hostages

Surrounded by his yes-men at the Pentagon on August 4, President Obama, with trademark smugness, hammered the media and his political opponents for claiming that his $400 million cash payment to Iran in January was tied to the simultaneous release of four American hostages.

“We do not pay ransom for hostages,” the President declaimed.

Just two weeks later, State Department spokesman John Kirby acknowledged in response to a reporter’s question that Iran’s release of the hostages was “contingent” upon the $400 million cash payment.

Much of the elite media continues to see Emperor Obama clothed in all his finery. But increasingly, the American people now see him for what he is: a bald-face liar.

This president is a master at projecting his own failings on his opponents. Dripping with contempt, he accurately explained why ransom payments were bad, and why his administration — and no administration past or future — would engage in such behavior. Except that he did.

The problem, of course, is that paying ransom to hostage-takers only encourages them to take more hostages. It was true when Jimmy Carter released billions of dollars of Iranian assets as he was heading out the door of the White House in January 1981, and it is true today.

The money-for-exchange in January wasn’t the first time that President Obama has caved in to the demands of terrorists. One week before the ransom payment, Iran captured a U.S. naval patrol boat and 10 American sailors, claiming they had strayed into Iran’s territorial waters, and brazenly paraded them blindfolded on Iranian TV — just as Khomeini’s “students” did with U.S. diplomats in 1979.

By design or good fortune, the incident occurred early in the morning of Obama’s last State of the Union speech. Obama pretended it hadn’t happened and dispatched Secretary of State John Kerry to apologize to the Iranians.

The message sent to Iran’s Islamic thugs was simple: you hit us and the United States will reward you, not punish you.

Iran is responding predictably — by taking more hostages.

Gholamreza “Robin” Shahini, 46, traveled to Iran this May to visit his family in the northern city of Gorgan just days after graduating from San Diego State University.

He had come to the United States 16 years earlier, became an American citizen, and worked his way up. He eventually bought a pizza shop that he sold to go back to school.

In mid-July, goons from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps burst into his mother’s home, presented a search warrant, and took him into custody. He was only allowed to meet with a lawyer when he had a medical emergency last week.

On Monday, he was brought into court and charged with “acting against national security,” “participating in seditionist protests in 2009” and “collaborating with the Voice of America,” family members tell me. A hard-line publication called him an American spy and absurdly claimed he had been sent to Iran “on a mission from the U.S. government … to create chaos in the country.”

Those are serious charges that could lead to a lengthy jail sentence, and perhaps – given the Islamic regime’s current execution rampage — much worse.

In his August 4 comments, President Obama claimed that his administration “stood up an entire section of interagency experts who devote all of their time to working with these families to get these Americans out, but those families know that we have a policy that we don’t pay ransom.”

Another lie.

No one from the administration has met or even spoken with any member of Robin Shahini’s family. Worse, State Department spokesman John Kirby and Secretary of State John Kerry have refused to answer questions from reporters about the case.

I attempted to reach various offices at the State Department last week when I initially wrote about Shahini’s plight but received no reply. Today, after contacting Kirby, an official said that the State Department has “seen reports of the detention in Iran of a person reported to be a U.S. Citizen,” and was “looking into it.”

One additional lie that has gotten little attention: Kirby today repeated Obama’s claim that the $400 million “was Iran’s money,” and was the resolution of a dispute over Iranian payments to the United States for military equipment before the 1979 Revolution.

The problem is, the $400 million in the Iran’s frozen Foreign Military Sales account at the Pentagon was paid out to victims of Iranian state terrorism in December 2000 by then President Bill Clinton. At least, that’s what the Clinton administration told the families.

“We all believed that Iran would pay our damages, not U.S. taxpayers,” said Stephen Flatow, a New Jersey real estate lawyer whose 19-year-old daughter was murdered by Iranian-backed terrorists in a 1995 bus bombing. “And now, 15 years later, we find out that they never deducted the money from the account. It makes me nauseous. The Iranians aren’t paying a cent.”

This obscene $400 million cash payoff to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has provided much-needed cash for Iran’s terrorist operations overseas and is an insult to the American victims of Iranian state terrorism and their families.

Worse: it has put a price tag on any American citizen who travels to Iran, starting with the roughly 30,000 Iranian-Americans who visit family in Iran every year.

Once you start rewarding terrorists, their demands just never seem to end.

Kenneth Timmerman is author of Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in 2006. He is a Donald Trump supporter.


Obama’s Cash Deal Encourages Iran to Take More Hostages

Tim Kaine Boycotted Netanyahu Speech, Backed Iran Deal

Clinton’s VP pick Kaine: Promoting jihadis in America in exchange for cash

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Hill.

Muslim Migrant who died fighting for the Islamic State got Federal Welfare and Food Stamps

That is the headline, but what has the Leftwing media done in Maine?  They are attacking the governor because he released the information thus not respecting the Islamic terrorist’s privacy in death!  Ahhhh!

Robyn Merrill

Robyn Merrill (left) speaking at the State House in support of continued state welfare for the many refugees and asylum seekers arriving in Maine.

By the way Governor LePage is one of only a few governors who have had the guts to criticize the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program over the years.

Here is the news at Maine Public Radio:

Gov. Paul LePage has pounced on the recent unsealing of court documents showing an Iranian refugee who resettled in Maine and later joined the terror group ISIS.

But the governor’s eagerness to use Adnan Fazeli’s radicalization here to rail against welfare benefits for refugees may have led him to run afoul of a federal law designed to protect the identities of welfare recipients and their families.

State officials have not confirmed that Fazeli, or his family, received welfare benefits when he lived in Maine between 2009 and 2013. According to federal laws governing food stamps and cash assistance, they’re not supposed to.

“It’s concerning if that was indeed reported by Maine officials because federal law is clear that people’s confidentiality should be protected,” says Robyn Merrill, director for Maine Equal Justice Partners, an advocacy group for the poor.

Merrill’s concerns were raised by a report in the Boston Herald in which Maine state officials are quoted as saying that Fazeli, and his family, received cash and food stamp benefits. [Here is one of several stories about the terrorist on welfare in Maine—ed]

Those benefits, known also as SNAP and TANF, are federal programs, funded mostly with federal tax dollars.

According to federal rules, the identities of benefit recipients are confidential — only law enforcement, immigration officials and state administrators are allowed to know who receives the benefits.***

Those same officials, according to the law, “must adequately protect the information against unauthorized disclosure.”

The Herald story also contained an interview with LePage, who told the newspaper that the Fazeli case prompted him to order a review of all benefit programs for refugees.

More here.

***Now how does the claim by Maine Equal Justice Partners square with a law we told you about in the previous postwhere the federal ‘Work Opportunity Tax Credit’ is available to businesses that hire people (refugees!) who are on welfare, including food stamps.  If there is supposed to be secrecy surrounding one’s status as a welfare recipient, how is a company which wants to take advantage of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit know which welfare programs the refugee (the prospective employee) is receiving?
It seems everyone is allowed to know who is on welfare, but you! the taxpayer paying for it all!

For new readers, our Maine archive is here.


Iranian refugee who lived in Freeport fought, died for ISIS

Report: Illegal Migrants From Terror-Linked Countries Surging at Southern Border

“Anti-refugee rhetoric” fueling controversy in southern elections

German asylum seekers refuse to work: ‘We are Merkel’s guests’

Decisions on Muslim migration made by leftist politicians have become a scourge on the German people and other European citizens, who have witnessed the slow metamorphosis of their peaceful communities while they pay with their tax dollars for the recklessness of their leaders such as Angela Merkel. Tens of thousands of crimes and assaults have been committed by Muslim migrants in Germany, but these are less of a concern to the politicians who walk with their security detail and their bank accounts intact.

Even in the midst of the Muslim migrant crisis in Germany, Mayor Bernd Pohlers of the eastern town of Saxony Waldenburg, where the asylum seekers refused to accept work, stated his concern about this latest piece of news playing “into the hands of those opposing the mass migration,” evincing yet again the all too familiar stench of political posturing and a cruel disregard for those who cast their votes in trust.

“German asylum seekers refuse to work insisting ‘We are Merkel’s GUESTS’”, by Siobhan McFadyen and Monika Pallenberg, UK Express, August 18, 2016:

ASYLUM seekers in Germany are refusing to undertake work to counteract boredom – using Chancellor Angela Merkel’s generous hospitality as an excuse.

According to mayor Bernd Pohlers of the eastern town of Saxony Waldenburg, the asylum seekers refused to accept the work that was offered to them after they arrived in the country.

The local council spent £600 arranging for the men to have uniforms but were stunned when they were told they would not complete it because they were “guests of Angela Merkel”.

While asylum seekers are not allowed to work under immigration rules within the EU, they are allowed to do voluntary work.

However officials in the district of Zwickau came up with a plan to help encourage those without employment to get back to work and to help them become more accepted within the local community.

In order to do this they created voluntary jobs which included a nominal payment of £18 for 20 hours work.

But all of the male residents of the local refugee accommodation who initially agreed to get involved in the charitable activities quit after discovering there was a minimum wage £7.30 (€8.50) in Germany.

The men had been picked up and offered transportation from their paid-for housing where they are also given food and then dropped home.

Mayor Pohlers said: “It was subsequently argued by these people that they are guests of Mrs. Merkel and guests do not have to work.

“Furthermore, they were of the opinion that there is a minimum wage (€8.50) in Germany, and that this had to be paid by the City Waldenburg.”

Despite attempts at mediation the asylum seekers refused to return to work.

Mayor Pohlers added: “In a specially convened meeting with an interpreter the authorities explained the rules again.

“Unfortunately, no agreement could be reached on the continuation of the measure.”

Now all seven of the jobs have been scrapped.

The mayor spoke out in a bid to highlight the issue of the asylum crisis in Germany.

He said he is aware his statements could play into the hands of those opposing the mass migration.

However after having raised money from the local community to help aid the asylum seeker’s transition into the community, he felt compelled to speak out…..

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Florida Ground Zero for Voter Fraud: Broward County Supervisor Changes Absentee Ballot Rules

Part II:  Investigative Report on Voter Fraud in Florida

In my previous article, I revealed that a lawsuit had been filed against Broward County Supervisor of Elections Dr. Brenda Snipes, which alleges that voter rolls have not been properly maintained, in accordance with federal law.  Moreover, citizen complaints against Dr. Snipes to clean up the voter rolls date back to October 2015 and no overt actions have been taken to address this.

Another component of voting that has a potential for fraud is Early Voting, which provides a minefield of opportunities for a determined S.O.E. to change the outcome of an election, which is executed through voter dilution and is the ‘tool of choice’ for those engaging in election fraud.  This was evident in a Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement investigation of the 1997 Miami mayoral election which uncovered massive fraud involving more than five thousand absentee ballots, which resulted in the overturning of the election itself.

In Broward County, S.O.E. Snipes and her Registration Director, Mary Hall has received the following registered complaints during Regular and Early Voting:

  • Poll workers were not asking potential voters for their ID’s
  • Poll workers did not challenge potential voters when their signature did not match their ID
  • Eyewitness testimony that Broward poll workers were instructed not to ask for a proper ID
  • Individuals returning to vote twice were not challenged
  • No early voting sites were established in many Republican districts
  • Partisan ratio of scanners in precincts
  • Insufficient number of scanners in Republican districts resulting in long lines of people to wait vote (in the hot sun)
  • Voters were instructed to place their ballots in a box when the only assigned scanner in that precinct malfunctioned
  • Favored Democrats by adding early voting sites in their districts
  • Disenfranchisement tactic: No ballots at selected sites because they ran out of ballots
  • Disenfranchisement tactic: Doors locked at designated opening time of early voting site
  • Disenfranchisement tactic: Closing early voting sites earlier than posted
  • Busloads of H.S. students dropped off to vote and then bribed with lunches
  • Ballot-stuffing empirical eyewitness account of a 6” pile of un-scanned but filled out ballots placed in collection well of a scanner by an IT worker

Now a red flag is raised after Dr. Snipes recently submitted a press release in which she states that she has changed the rules; this time with absentee ballots, which she has renamed ‘vote by mail ballots.’ The press release states that people can bring up to 10 absentee ballots to 11 of the 20 Early Voting Sites.  This unethical procedure is a first, as no previous election has permitted Absentee Ballots to be “voted” at an Early Voting Site.  In the past, Absentee ballots could be mailed in by the voter or turned in at the S.O.E.’s office or the auxiliary S.O.E office.  The number of ballots that could be turned in by any one person had a limit as well. Florida statues state’ “Any elector may designate in writing a person to pick up the ballot for the elector; however the person designated may not pick up more than two vote-by-mail absentee ballots per election, other than the designee’s own ballot.” Could this be a subliminal manipulation leading to widespread voter fraud?  It certainly appears to be suspicious especially because there is no reasonable way to monitor this activity with so many early voting sites. Furthermore, an alarm is raised because of the unpredictable timing of this rule change, three days before the execution of early voting, which begins Saturday, August 20th.

Despite the fact that a lawsuit has been filed against Dr. Snipes for dereliction of duty for not maintaining proper voting rolls, now she is OVERTLY VIOLATING FLORIDA VOTING STATUTES.  Where is the oversight to reign in a rogue S.O.E that has the power to change laws?

The voting public needs to insist that Tallahassee will provide prosecutors and then issue a warning right before Election Day that fraudsters will be prosecuted.  It should be made universally known, that a person who commits or attempts to commit any fraud in connection with voting, uses a fraudulent ballot, or votes more than once in an election can be convicted of a felony of the third degree and fined up to $5,000, and /or imprisoned for up to five years, in accordance with Florida Statue 101.657.

RPOF letter to Brenda Snipes on violating Florida law governing vote-by-mail ballots dated November 2nd, 2016:



Fox News: Florida GOP Will File Voter Fraud Lawsuit Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

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Florida Absentee Ballot Rules