With U.S. Foreign Policy In a Shambles, Secretary of State Blinken Finds Something to Celebrate

My latest in PJ Media:

Those who helped us out during our long military misadventure in Afghanistan only to be left behind in Kabul know that Joe Biden’s handlers are not the most reliable people in the world, but there is one thing they can always be counted on to be, and that is tone deaf. And so on Sunday morning, Secretary of State Antony Blinken looked out on what he had wrought. He saw China emboldened, Afghanistan lost, and Iran more aggressive than ever, and he took to Twitter to give us the perfect response to all the fires he and his colleagues have started or made rage hotter than ever. He tweeted: “Humbled to reach one million Twitter followers as Secretary of State — and especially so because it means that I can share the outstanding work of our @StateDept team with so many at home and around the world. It’s a privilege. Thank you.”

The “outstanding work” of our State Department? You have to admire the man’s chutzpah. To head the State Department during Joe Biden’s dumpster fire regency for Kamala Harris, with the Taliban enjoying billions of dollars’ worth of American military equipment, and China sending increasingly threatening signals about invading Taiwan, and the Islamic Republic of Iran growing more belligerent by the day, and to claim in the face of all that and more that the department is doing “outstanding work,” takes an oddly audacious dishonesty, or a resolute determination to deny the evidence of one’s senses, or both.

Even the fact that Blinken thinks that gaining one million Twitter followers is some kind of affirmation is ridiculous in itself and raises inevitable questions about the man’s priorities. Most of his Twitter feed gives the impression that he is simply a glorified goodwill ambassador; in another tweet on Sunday, Blinken wrote: “Such a pleasure chatting with Senegalese fashion industry icons Xalil and Milcos, who are both @StateIVLP alumni. They are doing dynamic work in Dakar and exemplify the important role artisans and entrepreneurs can play in growing their economies and increasing prosperity.” I’m sure Xalil and Milcos do wonderful work, but this is the Secretary of State of the United States; you’d think he would be embarrassed to be reduced to tweeting about something as world-historical as Senegalese fashion icons. But one of the many things that are beyond the capabilities of Biden’s handlers is embarrassment.

When Blinken does tweet about more pressing matters, he only underscores his own impotence. On November 19, he tweeted, “I condemn the Houthis’ detention of our staff and breach of the compound used by our Embassy in Sana’a prior to our 2015 suspension of operations. The Houthis must immediately release our staff unharmed and vacate the compound immediately.” This was over a week after the Houthis stormed the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a and even longer after they took hostages from among its staff. Why did it take Blinken so long to respond? What did he do beyond take to Twitter to issue this empty condemnation?

There is more. Read the rest here.


Afghanistan: Girl says she was beaten by Taliban jihadi for refusing sex, Taliban denies claim

Muslima who suffered burns while carrying out jihad terror attack demands Israel pay for nose reconstruction surgery

Uganda: Security forces shoot Muslim cleric accused of recruiting for jihad group behind recent massacres

France: Teen converts to Islam, plots jihad massacres at soccer stadium, bar, and shop

Muslim who armed jihadi Mohamed Merah, who murdered seven people, is still in France despite deportation order

France: Imam claims Qur’an translations are ‘not faithful to the original texts and have generated an inhuman Islam’

EDITORS NOTE:  This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Actual Malice’: Rittenhouse Responds To Biden Calling Him A ‘White Supremacist’

Kyle Rittenhouse responded Monday to President Joe Biden’s September 2020 claim made after a presidential debate that likened him to a white supremacist.

Rittenhouse, acquitted Friday by Kenosha, Wisconsin, jury of all five charges related to his August 2020 shooting of three men during a protest, gave an interview to Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson, during which he addressed the president’s characterization of him.

“What did you make of the president of the United States calling you a white supremacist?” Carlson asked his guest.

“Mr. President, if I can say one thing to you, I would urge you to go back and watch the trial and understand the facts before you make a statement,” Rittenhouse responded. “It’s actual malice, defaming my character, for him to say something like that.”

In September 2020, then presidential-candidate Biden claimed after a presidential debate that former President Donald Trump “refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night,” posting a video that showed various “white supremacist” groups, among whom was Rittenhouse.

Wendy Rittenhouse, Kyle’s mother, said Thursday she was “shocked” and “angry” at Biden for accusing her son of being a white supremacist, claiming that Biden took advantage of Kyle to boost his support before the 2020 election.

Following Rittenhouse’s acquittal, Biden said he stood by “what the jury has concluded,” only to later issue a statement, where he expressed his concern with the decision.

“While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken,” Biden said in an official statement released later. “I urge everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law. Violence and destruction of property have no place in our democracy.”




RELATED VIDEO: Kwame Brown Says Kyle Rittenhouse Acted In Self-Defense, Adds People Are Paid To Push ‘Racist Sh*t’


Rittenhouse’s Lawyer Slams Biden For Suggesting Rittenhouse Is A ‘White Supremacist’

‘In Jail For 87 Days’: Kyle Rittenhouse Says His Lawyers Used Him For Political Gain

Cop Fired For Donating To Rittenhouse Says His Actions Were Justified By Trial

Sunny Hostin Says Rittenhouse ‘Wouldn’t Be Alive Now’ If He Was Black

EDITORS NOTE: The Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

This is the 58th Anniversary of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy — And the Silence is Deafening

“And the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility. I welcome it.” – President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

I woke up this morning and looked at the major headlines in newspapers and on social media sites looking for comments and articles on this the 58th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

JFK was assassinated on November 22nd, 1963.  Bob Schieffer from CBS News referred to JFK’s death as the point “When America lost its innocence.”

I was in college on this day in 1963 and our Dean came into our classroom and told us that JFK was killed. We collectively couldn’t believe that our beloved president was dead.

Here’s a JFK Library video titled “The Last Two Days“:

The JFK Library says this about that fateful day in November:

A light rain was falling on Friday morning, November 22, but a crowd of several thousand stood in the parking lot outside the Texas Hotel where the Kennedys had spent the night. A platform was set up and the president, wearing no protection against the weather, came out to make some brief remarks. “There are no faint hearts in Fort Worth,” he began, “and I appreciate your being here this morning. Mrs. Kennedy is organizing herself. It takes longer, but, of course, she looks better than we do when she does it.” He went on to talk about the nation’s need for being “second to none” in defense and in space, for continued growth in the economy and “the willingness of citizens of the United States to assume the burdens of leadership.”

[ … ]

Crowds of excited people lined the streets and waved to the Kennedys. The car turned off Main Street at Dealey Plaza around 12:30 p.m. As it was passing the Texas School Book Depository, gunfire suddenly reverberated in the plaza.

Bullets struck the president’s neck and head and he slumped over toward Mrs. Kennedy. The governor was shot in his back.

The car sped off to Parkland Memorial Hospital just a few minutes away. But little could be done for the President. A Catholic priest was summoned to administer the last rites, and at 1:00 p.m. John F. Kennedy was pronounced dead. Though seriously wounded, Governor Connally would recover.

History Repeats Itself

I happened to be listening to 60s Gold on Sirius XM radio and the host read from a November 21st, 1988 USA Today article by Larry King titled “When History Repeats Itself: The Deaths of Lincoln, JFK.”

I found this article most revealing and wondered why it’s not republished every year on the anniversary day of JFK’s death.

Larry King ended his article comparing Lincoln and JFK with the following revelations:

Abraham Lincoln:

When death came, it came on a Friday. The assassin was a misguided man with a gun. A bullet smashed through the back of the president’s head. The killer was not supported by an organization. Mr. Lincoln was succeeded by a Southerner named Johnson.

John F. Kennedy:

When death came, it came on a Friday. The assassin was a misguided man with a gun. A bullet smashed through the back of the president’s head. The killer was not supported by an organization. Mr. Kennedy was succeeded by a Southerner named Johnson.

Question: Why aren’t the Democrats and Biden holding a memorial service for JFK? After all, JFK was the first Catholic elected president and Biden is the second Catholic elected to that post.


Benjamin Shapell and Sara Willen in their “The John F. Kennedy Centenary” wrote:

Kennedy, the first President born in the 20th century, and 27 years younger than his predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower, had just declared that the torch had been passed to a new generation of Americans“born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage” – and pledged to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” Then he spoke the seventeen words – “And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you –  ask what you can do for your country.” [Emphasis added]

I believe that JFK would not recognize the Democratic Party today. Why? Here’s a few reasons:

  • JFK was a war hero who was elected the first Catholic President of these United States of America. As a Catholic I was overwhelmed by JFK. He was a passionate man, a man dedicated to defending the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
  • JFK was a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association – It was JFK who introduced the lighter AR-15 rifle, in NATO 5.56 caliber, into military arsenals over the objections of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The generals wanted the heavier M-14 rifle in the NATO 7.62 caliber.
  • JFK hated communism – As evidenced by his policies to undermine the former Soviet Union, his operation, known as the “Bay of Pigs” invasion, of Communist Cuba under Castro and his expansion of U.S. military presence in South Vietnam to stand against the North Vietnamese Communists.
  • JFK and his brother Robert were pro-law enforcement and anti-crime – Just look at how AG Robert Kennedy went after organized crime.

I judge people, and presidents, by the content of their characters.

JFK had character. JRB is a caricature.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

These are the scum I want arrested! Yes – I am angry!

“Great things are not done by impulse, but a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent Van Gogh

Like a lot of my readers here in America and abroad, I have been following the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. First let me say I believe with every fiber of my being that this fine young American patriot should never have been charged with a crime, either misdemeanor or felony. This brave young man acted properly and with amazing restraint and trigger control.

Watch As Cheers Erupt Outside Kenosha County Courthouse After Kyle Rittenhouse Acquittal

Anyway. Some of the most disturbing things I saw are as follows. The total disregard to the sanctity of our legal system as displayed by a corrupt DA and a useless and obviously pandering police chief. The intimidation of jurors. The attempted intimidation of the Judge. The threats to a city. A presidential candidate ( Sniffer Joe ) calling Kyle a white Supremist. Top political figures in both houses trying to influence the outcome of a what was a truly politically motivated overcharging of non offenses. The idiotic chatter of so called Hollywood celebrities without an ounce of common sense of understanding between them. The calling of this legal self defense action a work of ‘racism’. Despite the fact that those shot were white as is Kyle.

Maybe insane liberals mix up what racism is. Here is a hint. The actions of BLM and ANTIFA as well as the New Black Panthers and Uhuru are racist. CRT is racist. Just because a white conservative defends himself against white mentally challenged perverts and criminals who are white doesn’t make it a racist crime.

Self defense is the right of every American. Period. This was as true a case of self defense as ever seen.

I am praying that Kyle now sues the pants off everyone who lied about him and the case. The list of those will keep any law firm busy for decades. Starting with Joe Biden.

How about MSNBCs Tiffany Cross who just called Kyle “this little murderous White supremacist.” She should be on the list with all the others. There is ZERO evidence that Kyle was a member of the Proud Boys, a militia or any so called by the left white extremist or supremist group.

OK. Back to the whole prison thing.

I want the DA arrested, charged and disbarred from any legal practice anywhere. He is a disgrace to an already sad and oft times profession and an oath breaker. He not only over charged but wrongly charged intentionally and bowed to pressure from leftist groups, media groups and politicians as opposed to the law he is sworn to follow. His stupidity was there for all to see as he brandished the AR15 around with his figure on the trigger. Dumb doesn’t cover him.

I want the top Law enforcement officials fired. How dare they allow the intimidation of jury members whose photos were openly taken in the courtroom. Whose identities were known and now whose families are in danger. How dare these same top cops allow protests inside the hearing of the jury room as the jurors were attempting to responsibly decide the outcome. These poor people had to listen to the threats to their safety as well as threats made against their families and the town and other cities should they find him not guilty.

It is time that the satanic left give up beating up on this dead drum. He was wrongly charged and a jury of his peers found him not guilty. The country doesn’t need the mentally challenged crime boss Biden calling for protests and objecting to the jury decision, or the likes of his limp wristed Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg saying things like the “pain that the country feels and the frustration that was aroused by the entire case, including the verdict”. Those immoral and ethically challenged Hollywood types need to shut the heck up too! Nobody cares about them. They are nothing but spoilt brain dead clones of the left.

The blatant spread of false propaganda and statements by MSM like MSNBC and CNN et al was disgusting. Statements like MSNBC host Joe Scarborough stated detailing that Rittenhouse shot his firearm 60 times was just pure lies and fantasy. Like when Joy Reid stated Kyle drove 4 hours with his AR 15 to get to the riot, that his firearm was illegal or he illegally crossed state lines etc. were blatant lies told often enough to get sheep to believe them. These so called news agencies need to look deep inside themselves and start cleaning house. They won’t but they will continue growing in irrelevance. People are starting to see through their lies and hypocrisy.

It’s time for Kyle and his family to rest and recover from a traumatic event and to get his ducks in a row and his legal team in place to start suing and hopefully bankrupting a lot of evil perverts and criminal organizations to punish them for the crimes they have and continue to propagate.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

What’s the Connection Between Ghislaine Maxwell’s Sex-trafficking Trial & the Kyle Rittenhouse Case?

“Human trafficking is an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ. It is a crime against humanity.” — Pope Francis

“If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.” — Abraham Lincoln, former U.S. President

While the media was focused on the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconson another trial began against Ghislaine Maxwell on November 16th, 2021 in the Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse in New York City.

Maxwell was charged with grooming underaged girls with Harvey Epstein to be used for sex by high profile politicians and others.

According to Jonathan Rose for MAILONLINE:

A little black book belonging to Ghislaine Maxwell could provide ‘compelling evidence of her guilt’.

US prosecutors claim the contacts book – labelled Government Exhibit 52 – contains potentially incriminating information including the names of her alleged victims.

The document has emerged just days before Maxwell faces a six week trial at federal court in New York over alleged abuse, procurement of young women and trafficking crimes dating back decades.

Who is Ghislaine Maxwell?

Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell is a British socialite known for her association with financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

In a November 18, 2021 The Cut article titled “Everything to know about Ghislaine Marion and  reported:

According to a federal indictment, Maxwell “facilitated” Epstein’s abuse of minor girls for years.

The 2020 federal indictment against Maxwell mirrors claims that many of Epstein’s alleged victims have long made: that Maxwell was a central figure in Epstein’s sex-trafficking ring. “In particular,” the indictment reads, “from at least in or about 1994, up to and including at least in or about 1997, Maxwell assisted, facilitated, and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse victims known to Maxwell and Epstein to be under the age of 18.”

Maxwell started out as a British socialite, and reportedly dated Epstein.

Maxwell is the daughter of publisher Robert Maxwell — in short, she comes from money. Per The Wall Street Journal, she grew up and attended university in England, then moved to the United States in 1991 after her father fell to his death from his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine. (Epstein reportedly used a yacht with the same name to transport women from St. Thomas in the Caribbean to his own private island, which locals have nicknamed “Pedophile Island.”) Exactly how Maxwell and Epstein met is unclear, but the two reportedly dated for a short period of time around 1992, then remained close friends after breaking up. Per a 2002 New York Magazine profile of Epstein, Maxwell — who has been linked to Epstein for more than two decades — “lent a little pizzazz to the lower-profile Epstein.”

She was friendly with a number of notable figures, including Bill Clinton and members of the British royal family.

Over the years, Maxwell has been photographed alongside many prominent, powerful people who are linked to Epstein, such as Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, former Goldman Sachs executive Lloyd Blankfein, and lawyer Alan Dershowitz. Maxwell was even a guest at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in 2010.

She faced sex-trafficking allegations for years, but was never previously charged.

Lawyers have claimed that Epstein and Maxwell acted as the leaders of an “organized crime family,” according to multiple court filings reviewed by the Miami Herald, and that Maxwell helped traffic girls and women to powerful figures. Per the documents, Maxwell lured the alleged victims into the sex ring by offering them modeling, fashion, and educational opportunities. Furthermore, in 2009 depositions, two former house managers testified that Maxwell kept photos of young women in sexual acts.

Nearly a year after Epstein’s death, Maxwell was arrested.

It was notoriously difficult to track down Maxwell, who disappeared from public life around 2016 after the details about her involvement with Epstein surfaced. That year, her Manhattan townhouse sold for $15 million. Afterward, no one knew for certain where Maxwell was. Conspiracies followed, as did an alleged sighting at an In-N-Out in L.A. According to prosecutors, she spent the year before her arrest hiding out at various New England spots. The Times reports that Maxwell changed her email, used a different name on shipping labels, and registered a new phone number under the pseudonym “G Max.”

Read the full article here.

What’s the Link between Ghislaine Maxwell and Kyle Rittenhouse trials?

Answer: Pedophilia, sexual feelings directed toward children and the sex trafficking of minors!

The first man Kyle Rittenhouse shot was Joseph Don Rosenbaum, otherwise known as Jo Jo and Joseph D. Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender. At the time of his death, he was on the Wisconsin sex offender registry for an Arizona child molestation case. At the time of the riots in Kenosha, Rosenbaum served prison time in Arizona for a child molestation case and was on bail for assault in Wisconsin.

According to Heavy.com:

Rosenbaum, who was described by even state witnesses as agitated and belligerent and using a racial slur throughout the night, chased Rittenhouse into the corner of a car lot. A witness, Richie McGinniss, testified that Rosenbaum was lunging to get Rittenhouse’s gun at close range when Rittenhouse shot him.

Joseph Rosenbaum Criminal Record

joseph rosenbaum

Arizona court records. A page from Joseph Rosenbaum’s court records.

Bottom Line

Sex-trafficking, especially the sex trafficking of minors, has deadly consequences. We have covered why grooming of under aged boys and girls is hurtful, harmful and only leads to pain and suffering.

We have reported on Muslim grooming gangs in the United Kingdom. We have reported on drug cartels sex trafficking along our Sothern borders. We have reported on the negatives of child pornography.

Sex trafficking is happening in our homes, churches, neighborhoods, cities, states and in our nation. Human sex trafficking is more than just a crime against an individual, it is a crime against humanity. This sin must be stopped now!

Now we are seeing a wealthy socialite who is an infamous child sex trafficker on trial. We hope that the media will give this case the same level of coverage as they did for the Kyle Rittenhouse case.

Only the media can help stop sex trafficking. This is how we stop this crime against mankind.

We will continue to shed the light of truth on this most evil and despicable sin.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Twitter Suspends Account Giving Updates on the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial



Ghislaine Maxwell jury selection begins for her trial on sex-trafficking charges

Criminal Records Rittenhouse Victims: What Were They?

Everything to Know About Ghislaine Maxwell

Ghislaine Maxwell, Accused of Grooming Victims for Jeffrey Epstein, Arrested in N.H.

Joseph Rosenbaum: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Who were the real vigilantes in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

This high-profile case has reopened the debate about US gun rights and self-defense laws.

Kyle Rittenhouse — the American teenager who killed two Black Lives Matter demonstrators and injured another one— has been found not guilty by a jury. Prior to the trial, left-wing media — and even then-candidate Joe Biden— ceaselessly portrayed Rittenhouse as a white supremacist vigilante who went from one state (Illinois) to another (Wisconsin) on a mission to execute peaceful demonstrators.

As the trial developed, we learned the truth. Rittenhouse had been viciously attacked by the three demonstrators— one of whom had a criminal history— and he acted in self-defense. He has never had any association with white supremacist groups, and although he did go from one state to another, the travel distance was only 20 miles, as he had family connections in both places. Furthermore, he did not violate any law by having possession of a weapon because Wisconsin allows people to carry long-barreled weapons.

Apart from a completely unwarranted obsession with race, this case has once again opened the debate about gun rights and self-defense laws in the United States.

I, for one, do not think it is a good idea to allow an immature young man to walk around with a semiautomatic rifle — as Rittenhouse did that night. Neither do I see much merit in the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. And I believe so-called “stand-your-ground laws” need some reform.

But let’s not lose sight of the most important fact: like it or not, those laws are in the books.

This prompts an important question: should unjust laws be obeyed? Ever since Plato’s Crito, this has been a major dilemma amongst ethicists. Famously — as portrayed in Crito — Socrates refused to escape his death sentence, because he acknowledged that, although that sentence was unjust, citizens must obey the law (even if it is unjust).

Many other commentators, myself included, believe Socrates had the wrong approach. There is no moral duty to obey every unjust law. I certainly would have appreciated it if an SS agent helped someone escape after having violated one of the oppressive Nuremberg Laws.

And indeed, in the United States, there is a long tradition of jury nullification. This happens when jurors believe that a defendant is guilty of the charges, but nevertheless acquit him or her, because the concerned law is very unjust to begin with.

Jury nullification may be a moral procedure, but only insofar as it is used to acquit, never to convict. As the old Latin jurists would have it: in dubio, pro reo (in doubt, for the accused). If a defendant acted under the law, and that law is unjust, the defendant must still be acquitted. Perhaps that should serve as an occasion to begin a conversation and reform the unjust law in the future. But again, the defendant must walk.

Black Lives Matter and left-wing media do not like stand-your-ground laws or the Second Amendment, and their reasons may very well be legitimate.

But harassing a young man who acted in accordance with the law is wrong. As even CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin acknowledged, Rittenhouse may be an idiot, but he is not on trial for that. In Toobin’s words, “this is a tough case for the prosecution because it does seem like he has a plausible case of self-defense… If it were illegal to be an idiot, the prisons would be even more crowded than they are now.”

A functioning democracy such as the United States offers plenty of civil routes for legal changes to be enacted. If you don’t like a particular law, you must attempt to change the law, and you may even try to acquit people charged under unjust laws.

But, if you take action hoping to get someone convicted because you believe his or her behavior is abhorrent —even though it is still legal—, then you have lost your moral standing. In fact, there is a name for those who prefer to bypass legal procedures and harass people, all in the name of morality: vigilantes.

Precisely for that reason, the vigilante in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was not the defendant— who, again, acted in self-defense under the existing laws. The real vigilante was the left-wing media. The Don Lemons and Joy Reids of the world were the ones who didn’t care about legal procedures, and in their dissatisfaction with the current laws, were lusting for blood.

In today’s world, those vigilantes are far more dangerous than the very few weirdos wearing KKK hoods in some remote rural area.


Gabriel Andrade

Gabriel Andrade is assistant professor of medicine at Ajman University, in the United Arab Emirates. He received a PhD from University of Zulia (Venezuela), in 2008. He worked as Titular Professor at University… More by Gabriel Andrade.


EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Last Acceptable Prejudice

David G. Bonagura, Jr.: Parents of large families may grow tired of the jabs and jeers, but will endure them with patience, because they seek God’s approbation and not society’s. 

“I thought you were smarter than that.” “No more!” These are two comments I received from childhood friends whom I saw after many years at a recent wake. They were dumbfounded at the news that I have six children.

As many TCT readers, some whose broods double mine, know only too well, these are among the more polite comments that parents of many children receive from incredulous, jocular, or often hostile people. In this recent encounter, at least these two did not punch below the belt, as the snarkier reactions do. Of that genre, the least personal is the oft-wielded, “Don’t you have a T.V.?”

Our society no longer tolerates derogatory comments about a person’s appearance or ethnicity. It’s not considered acceptable, for the most part, to ridicule a person for his religion, although religion itself is targeted by “enlightened” intellectuals and media personalities. Anti-Catholicism was once dubbed “the last acceptable prejudice.” But prejudiced acts, from derogatory comments to vandalizing statues, are met by legions of defenders, institutional and individual, who will stick up for the faith. At least detractors cannot be anti-Catholic and escape completely unscathed.

Likewise, today we are forbidden from commenting on another’s “lifestyle choice” – or at least certain ones. The supermarket cashier will say nothing to the patron with multiple piercings, tattoos, ripped clothes, and dyed purple hair. Social media platforms will suspend accounts should a user post negative comments about a “lifestyle choice,” even if public admission of that choice was unimaginable just a few years ago.

But when it comes to the “lifestyle choice” of having a large family, personal and social censorship vanishes. After the supermarket cashier allows the “punk rocker” to pass, why must he ask me, “Are they all yours?” as he sees me approach with my children? Do social media platforms exercise vigilance in defense of those ridiculed for having large families? From strangers to local acquaintances, it seems people cannot restrain themselves from making a comment about large families. “They have – like – six kids,” I heard the orthodontist whisper to his new assistant just last week, as if that fact is somehow related to fixing my son’s teeth.

Sometimes, even well-meaning, church-going folks contribute to the denigration of large families. I have heard some variation of “You have your hands full” on a monthly basis for years. More than once after Mass a person has raised his finger to count my children in my presence, as if he could not comprehend what he saw.

Worst of all, though, are the occasional nasty insults my teenage sons receive from their peers about their parents. Their comments cannot be repeated for polite audiences, though they can easily be imagined.

Such cheap shots coming from all sides lead me to this conclusion: animus towards large families is the last acceptable prejudice in America.

Parents of large families know too well that they are outliers in a society that has commodified children instead of seeing them as the purpose of married life. In the Culture of Death, small families are the expectation. After all, many people are now encouraged to think: Who wants to parent little kids for years on end? Doing so would cut into dad’s leisure time and mom’s career.

And now, with climate ideology at a feverish pitch, will small families become not just the norm, but a requirement? Climate experts preach that reducing the number of children born is the most effective way to cut back on carbon emissions. It’s a short leap from ridiculing parents for having many children to pressuring them not to.

The Culture of Death and climate ideology have been dangerously successful in their mission: worldwide there is a population dearth, with governments in Europe and Asia paying families to have more children. By “more” they mean one, two, or, at most, three – as opposed to none. These efforts are not affirmation of the good of children, however, but to ward off the consequences of population collapse. No nation on earth fosters what was once understood as a “typical Irish Catholic family.”

In such a world, large families will remain a prime target. They are signs of contradiction: testaments of life, love, and sacrifice within a culture that has chosen death, apathy, and selfishness. The reflex reactions at the sight of multiple children clearly indicates a guilty conscience.

Since today love for God is the primary motive for Catholic parents choosing to have many children, we find the choice that God presented Israel being realized anew in our secular, de-Christianized age:

I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore chose life, that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice, and clinging to him; for that means life to you. (Dt 30:19-20)

There may never be the equivalent of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights to defend large families from discrimination. That’s fine – we don’t look for earthly protectors. That large families are the last acceptable prejudice speaks more of the persecutors than the persecuted, who know what they are in for. “Because he clings to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.” (Ps 91:14)

Parents of large families may grow tired of the jabs and jeers, but will endure them with patience, because they seek God’s approbation, not society’s. We have the promise of our Lord that social exclusion brings heavenly inclusion. Ironically, with inclusion being avant-garde in today’s enlightened circles, large families are taking the hard path to get ahead: “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.” (Matt 5:11-12)

You may also enjoy:

The Catechism of the Catholic Church The Gift of the Child

George J. Marlin’s The Decline of Working-Class Catholic Families


David G Bonagura, Jr.

David G. Bonagura Jr. teaches at St. Joseph’s Seminary, New York. He is the author of Steadfast in Faith: Catholicism and the Challenges of Secularism and Staying with the Catholic Church: Trusting God’s Plan of Salvation.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.org. The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Negative Impacts of Immigration Policies in California on Its Citizens?

Recently, we have seen an impact of Immigration policies in California on its citizens. As we all know, the country is currently undergoing a significant population increase, and immigration policies in California might affect that growth. It is also important to note that most of the illegal aliens reside in California.

Immigration Policies

The first negative impact of Immigration policies would be the cost involved. It would cost the taxpayers plenty of money. The Los Angeles Times has estimated that the price of educating each California citizen over the years could cost upwards of $5500 per year. It would not be suitable for our economy in the long run.

Secondly, the negative impacts would also be felt in terms of the quality of life. Due to the high population density, many Americans feel less safe. There are more crimes committed by individuals with criminal backgrounds in the United States than in any other country in the world. And it has also been found that some citizens from Mexico are more likely to become criminals due to the climate of fear they have in the U.S.

As more people from Mexico are unable to work in the United States due to the high cost of labor, goods and services would also increase. If the Californian economy depends on the California consumers buying the products and services produced by factories in Mexico, this would also hurt the economy. There will be fewer California consumers out there buying what you are selling! The ripple effect of losing consumer dollars would result in negative impacts on the economy.

Need to Educate the peoples.

One more impact that would occur due to the California immigration policies is the impact on the American workforce. Due to a smaller workforce, businesses will be forced to hire more guest workers from foreign countries. It would mean a more significant strain on already overburdened schools, health care, and social service facilities. Plus, if the American worker is not skilled, he would not be able to do his job because the skills needed are not there. As more California consumers become unemployed, the unemployment rate would increase even higher. Exams4sure is the best place to educate the peoples. Peoples in different cities in the USA covers different kinds of certification to gain the better job for himself/herself. Exams4sure have 3500+ IT Professional Certification Questions for your success.

One positive thing about the above-mentioned negative impacts of the Californian policies on its citizens? One great benefit is the more extraordinary ability for immigrants to contribute to the economy. Because they would have access to better jobs, they would have a greater chance to improve their lot in life. With more people coming into the country, companies will have to increase wages to attract these new workers. And with higher wages, companies will also be able to invest back into the economy, thus creating more jobs.

However, another negative impact would be the increased cost of living due to the new consumers. The consumers would also add to the burden of the already overburdened public sector. If the living costs continue to rise, the state’s budget will be strained to the breaking point, forcing the state to cut down on various services. In turn, more people will find it difficult to pay for the rising cost of living, which will only worsen the already negative impacts of Californian policies on its citizens.

Final Words

Overall, it is essential to understand how the Californian immigration policies can affect the country’s overall well-being. However, one should never lose sight of the positives so that negative impacts are not brought into the picture. As we decide on the future of this great country, we must keep in mind what its strengths are and how to preserve them, especially with the current state of affairs regarding the California economy. Without immigration policies maintaining control, the negative impacts of immigration policies on its citizens would only be felt in the coming years. One should instead focus on conserving and preserving the strengths before trying to add to them through the most invasive measures.

©Mack John. All rights reserved.

NIH Director Warns Truth Tellers ‘Will Be Brought To Justice”

When Truth And Reality Become The Enemy In The Democrat Republic of America.

The Washington Post, the American equivalent of war time Germany media warns us:

Francis Collins wants online misinformation spreaders “brought to justice”

NIH Director Francis Collins has a stern message for the American public: The country has, what he called, an epidemic of misinformation and disinformation. And it’s fueling a dangerous distrust in science.

“Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That’s a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling,” said Collins, who will soon step down as the National Institutes of Health director after serving in both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Collins made his most forceful comments yet against the pervasive spread of falsehoods online to our colleague Yasmeen Abutaleb. He was defending his own colleague, Anthony Fauci, Biden’s chief medical adviser, against the biggest onslaught of angry messages and threats he’s received throughout the entire pandemic.


FDA files: 26,000 ‘nervous system disorders’ from Pfizer vaccine in first 2.5 months

Kyle Rittenhouse is White. Is That Why He Was Acquitted?


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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‘Palestinian’ flags lead at New York City protests against acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse

What does the “Palestinian” jihad have to do with Kyle Rittenhouse’s right to defend himself? Supporting the jihad and opposing Rittenhouse amounts to being in favor of violent actions against innocent people, and denying those people the right to self-defense. It’s an axis of evil.


‘Palestinian’ flags lead at New York City protests against acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse

Biden Proposes Lifting Sanctions on Iran in Exchange for ‘Interim Nuclear Deal’

Imagine If the FBI Hadn’t Targeted Parents, But BLMers or Muslims with ‘Threat Tags’

Der Stürmer: Media Hides Democrats’ ‘Historic’ Migration Expansion

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Were you consulted?

“Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Did the psychos ask your permission or even inform you before they decided to experiment on your body, mind, and soul?

Do you know where the injections are taking you? Those are two of the most pressing questions of all time and few have a clue what’s going on and what journey they’re on.

Below is Archbishop Viganò’s latest statement to the world. It is a noble calling but even he doesn’t grasp the breadth of what’s truly at play. The whole damn world has declared war on humanity! This is a world war for all the marbles. God’s creation versus annihilation. Humanity has been lured down a road to a ‘brave new world,’ a road no one was informed or asked whether they wanted to go on or not.

This worldwide attack on humanity has been a blitzkrieg operation – a 24 month, no time to think, panic-driven attack where it’s now reported over 50% of the world has already started on their fateful transformational journey.

It’s all based on a phony medical claim that doing so was essential to survive. It is a psyop ‘most foul’ as Bob Dylan would call it to lure the world unwittingly to jump on the transformational train. It will consist of an endless series of mind and body altering injections to either kill or transform mankind into cyborgs – a melding of homo sapiens with artificial intelligence (AI).

It appears to be AI-driven by an off-planet alien created extraterrestrial supercomputer whose objective is for the dark aligned (Luciferian types) aliens to gain domination over planet Earth and its inhabitants.
Archbishop Viganó calls on Christians to band together to turn back the ‘Globalists,’ the ‘New World Order.’ the ‘Anti-humanist Alliance’s of this world who he believes is the problem.

Unfortunately, he is only partially correct for these earthly Nazi demons are but surrogates for a much larger more menacing, and challenging adversary.

If the Archbishop wanted to do something worthwhile for humanity, he could start by cleaning up his own house and what’s under it. He correctly notes that most world leaders are in on the ‘Great Reset.’ That would include his boss, Bergliono.

No, his intercessions should be spent invoking Jesus Christ the Creator and Savior of mankind if he truly expects this interdimensional, diabolical attack on humanity to be defeated. We all need to fervently pray for the intervention of the God of the entire Universe. He reigns over all things seen and unseen, including Lucifer and his band of demonic angels who need to be stopped now before Lucifer succeeds at long last to steal the minds, bodies, and souls away from God the Creator.

This war is much bigger than an earthly conflict as Viganó visualizes – it’s an interdimensional Biblical war between good and evil, between the light of eternal life and the darkness of spiritual death.

Following Viganó’s video is a video reporting that the Austrian government is going to start forcing the vaxxing of its unvaxxed citizenry. As I have said before there is no government on the face of the planet that will stop this and they all seem to have LE and the military on their side. Only the Good Lord’s intervention can put an end to it.

RELATED VIDEO: Archbishop Vigano Appeals for a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Kyle Rittenhouse Did NOT Get a Fair Trial

Many people, even some notable commentators, are hailing the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict as a triumph for American justice. In reality, though, the teen rightly prevailed, being found not guilty on all five charges brought against him.

But he did not get a fair trial.

I’m not the first to point out that Rittenhouse never should have been charged in the first place. Anyone with eyes could see from the video footage of that fateful August 25 eve that he was under withering attack and acted in self-defense. Anyone who can read could know that his attackers were lowlifes with criminal records, and one was mentally ill. (This itself doesn’t speak to Rittenhouse’s guilt or innocence, but it does explain the assailants’ aggression.)

Anyone with sense knows that if someone sees you’re holding a rifle and charges you anyway, it’s a good bet he intends to seize the weapon and use it against you. And anyone with a half-functioning conscience would find the arms of Morpheus elusive upon trying to ruin an innocent, civic-minded kid’s life. But this excludes prosecutor Thomas Binger, clearly a man as mean and low and devoid of character (and possibly a sociopath) as any of the rioting Kenosha miscreants whose “virtue” he trumpeted.

Then there was the presiding judge, Bruce Schroeder. After rightful reprimands of Binger for prosecutorial misconduct, I heard some observers call him “based” (the tiresome word du jour), but entirely based in reality he’s not. For one thing, why didn’t he sequester the jury?

Note that as MyLawQuestions.com informs, stating the obvious, a “jury may be sequestered in a high-profile case, or they may be sequestered when it is believed the case is one that would be likely to lead to jury tampering or threats against the members of the jury.” Well? Can you think of a higher profile trial than Rittenhouse’s or one in which it was more likely the jury would be tampered with or threatened?

In fact, it was threatened, implicitly if not explicitly. The New York Times wrote November 10 that Schroeder “frequently complains about media bias and the impact that news coverage can have on prospective jurors.” Well, he should’ve complained less and acted more. And if the Rittenhouse case didn’t’ warrant jury sequestration, then we should wonder why the option even exists in our legal system.

Then there was Binger’s prosecutorial misconduct. Judge Schroeder might have felt better after blowing off steam — chastising Binger for raising an issue in court the judge had proscribed and for questioning Rittenhouse’s right to remain silent — but the damage was done. Add to this apparent violation of disclosure laws by withholding drone video evidence, the possible subornation of perjury and pressuring of a witness to change a police statement, and we should ask: Why was a mistrial with prejudice not declared?

Perhaps the judge himself was intimidated by the mob. But while he appears a man of good will, he simply didn’t meet his obligation to ensure the defendant got a fair trial. Schroeder did not do his job.

Finally, there’s the jury. Given the looming mob, it is commendable that the non-sequestered jurors arrived at the correct outcome. But let’s be clear: The evidence was overwhelming.

Despite this, the jury’s deliberation ran into a fourth day and lasted 23 hours in an open-and-shut case that should have brought an acquittal in 30 minutes. Perhaps we should allow that it might to an extent have been theater, with the jury delay being partially attributable to a desire to appease the mob by appearing to show “due diligence” (maybe). But here’s a point to ponder:

What if Rittenhouse had been equally innocent but the evidence not nearly so overwhelming? Would he have been likewise acquitted? Or would the jurors have had enough rationalization wiggle room in their own minds to render a guilty verdict on one or two charges?

And what of the next hapless soul targeted because he was DWW (Defending While White), who may not enjoy the benefit of such profound exculpatory evidence?

It’s silly to think the non-sequestered jury wasn’t influenced by the intense media propaganda and implied threats to life, limb and family. It all made a difference, just in Rittenhouse’s case, thankfully, not a life-rending difference.

But the teen already has been abused. First by the mob last summer, and then later by the system — for the process is the punishment.

Rittenhouse, and America, were failed by the perfidious prosecutor; the pusillanimous judge; the malevolent media; the depraved Democrat Party; and, to a lesser extent, the dithering jury.

Kyle Rittenhouse was, praise God, acquitted. But he did not get a fair trial.

Contact Selwyn Duke; follow him on GabMeWe, or Parler; or log on to SelwynDuke.com.

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

How the Intercollegiate Socialist Society led to the Bolshevik takeover of Education in America

Today parents are considered by the FBI as “domestic terrorists” if they dare to question what their children are being taught in public schools. The same holds true for our colleges and universities. Opposition to colleges and universities teaching students to hate America is considered “white supremacism.”

When and where did this Marxist takeover of our educational institutions K-20 begin?

It began in the afternoon of September 12th, 1905 at Peck’s Restaurant in downtown New York. That is the date that our current “cultural war” began.

In an article titled “Antonio Gramsci: the Godfather of Cultural Marxism” Bradley Thomas wrote:

There’s little debate that modern-day American universities, public education, mainstream media, Hollywood, and political advocacy groups are dominated by leftists. This is no accident, but part of a deliberate strategy to pave the way for communist revolution developed more than eight decades ago by an Italian political theorist named Antonio Gramsci. [Emphasis added]

The Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS)

The ISS was established to,

“throw light [in America] on the world-wide movement of industrial democracy known as socialism.”

MarxistHistory.org reported:

The Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) was a national non-party group dedicated to the organization of current and former collegians for the socialist cause and the spreading of socialist ideas on campus.

There were at least two isolated cases of socialist organization on campus prior to the establishment of the ISS in September 1905. From about 1901 there was a college socialist club organized at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. In its first year the club had 11 student members and one professor and was limited to confirmed socialists. The membership restriction was loosened in 1904, however, and the club grew, coming to hold weekly discussions on the exploitation of child labor, workplace safety, and other matters of general concern.

The second collegiate socialist club was organized at the University of California at Berkeley. Called the “Social Progress Club,” the group sprung into existence following a lecture by Jack London early in 1905. [fn. Max Horn, The Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1905-1921: Origins of the Modern Student Movement. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1979), pp. 18-19.] [Emphasis added]

The ISS proper was a product of the brain of Upton Sinclair. In December 1904, Sinclair drafted a call for the formation of a group which he called “the Intercollegiate Socialist Society,” which he circulated among leading socialist intellectuals for endorsement. The document was ultimately signed by nine others in addition to Sinclair, including Leonard Abbott, Clarence Darrow, Jack London, Graham Phelps Stokes, and William English Walling, among others. This call was published in various socialist publications in the spring of 1905 and a topic of discussion throughout that summer.

Organizational Meeting — New York, NY — September 12, 1905.

The ISS was formally launched at a meeting held in the afternoon of Sept. 12, 1905 at Peck’s Restaurant in downtown New York. More than 50 men and women were in attendance to give birth to the new organization, including such luminaries as Leonard Abbott, Mary Beard, Crystal Eastman, W.J. Ghent, and Gaylord Wilshire, in addition to a young Junior from Weslyan University named Harry Laidler. Upton Sinclair called the meeting to order.

The gathering decided to accept the name “Intercollegiate Socialist Society” and to open membership to college students, teachers, or graduates.

Students were to be organized into college chapters on each campus and the central organization was to be funded by these local groups remitting a percentage of the dues collected to the national society.

The first slate of officers elected at the Sept. 1905 organizational meeting included the following:

President: Jack London; First Vice President: Upton Sinclair; Second Vice President: Graham Phelps Stokes; Secretary: M.R. Holbrook; Treasurer: Rev. Owen Lovejoy; Executive Committee: Rev. George Willis Cooke, Morris Hillquit, Robert Hunter, Harry Laidler, Katherine M. Meserole, George H. Strobell. Of this group of socialist worthies, only Harry Laidler was actually a current college student. [fn. Max Horn, The Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1905-1921, pp. 1, 9-10.]

Organization proceeded slowly, with the group banned from many campuses by conservative administrators, who generally held veto power over the formation of student organizations in this period. Chapters were often small and their names frequently did not emphasize their connection to the national society or even with the socialist cause, as was the case, for example, with the Wesleyan Social Study Club headed by Harry Laidler, one of the first organized and affiliated with the ISS. A second chapter was formed at Columbia University in New York City, with a student named Walter Lippmann playing the leading role. Over the course of the first three years, affiliated socialist clubs were organized at Harvard, Princeton, Barnard, New York University Law School, and the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to meeting to discuss problems of the day, these groups distributed socialist propaganda and arranged lectures on their respective campuses in an attempt to extend support for the socialist cause.

In May 1907, Jack London resigned as President of the ISS and Graham Phelps Stokes assumed the post.

In the fall of 1907, the ISS Executive Committee decided to hire an organizer on a temporary basis, and a young socialist named Fred H. Merrick went to work in January 1908. From 1907 through 1910, the ISS maintained its office at the Rand School of Social Science in New York City.

In May 1907, Jack London resigned as President of the ISS and Graham Phelps Stokes assumed the post.

Big government is now the “opiate of the people”

Marxists in our public schools, colleges, universities and even trade schools are pushing big government.

So how could socialists begin selling big government and its redistribution of wealth ideology?

First they had to gain unfettered control of production. 

On February 3, 1913 Congress passed and the states ratified the Sixteenth Amendment to our Constitution. Congress grabbed control of production via the federal income tax. America taxed its productivity by tapping every American’s wages. With the millions, then billions, and now trillions of dollars that Congress collected, they could entice or even force the strongest American to take the big government drug.

Then on April 8, 1913 Congress passed and the states ratified the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution which transferred U.S. Senator Selection from each state’s legislature to popular election by the people of each state. These two events made it much easier to collect and distribute big government as now Senators were no longer loyal to their state legislatures or primarily concerned with state sovereignty. Now U.S. Senators, along with U.S. Representatives, saw the value of spreading  the big government drug amongst the people in return for votes.

During the Great Depression Congress created the first “opiate for the masses” and named it Social Security. It was to be a social insurance program run by government, in other words guaranteed government largesse for life. The Social Security Act was signed into law in 1935 by President Franklin Roosevelt. He and Congress said this new drug would keep those unemployed, retirees and the poor financially secure. He called it the New Deal. All we needed to do was just pay in and all would be well.

In 1937 the United States Supreme Court in U.S. vs. Butler validated the Social Security Act and stated that, “Congress could, in its future discretion, spend that money [collected from the income tax] for whatever Congress then judged to be the general welfare of the country. The Court held that Congress has no constitutional power to earmark or segregate certain kinds of tax proceeds for certain purposes, whether the purposes be farm-price supports, foreign aid or social security payments.” All taxes went into the general fund.

Testifying before the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives in 1952, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration said—“The present trust fund is not quite large enough to pay off the benefits of existing beneficiaries”—those already on the receiving end, in other words. In 1955 chief actuary believed that it would take $35 billion just to pay the people “now receiving benefits.”

Bottom Line

Cultural Marxism’s goal is “production for use, not for profit.” The Democratic Party’s goal is “production for use, not for profit.”

Below is a list of ten policies promoted by the Democratic Party that prove they are the party of cultural Marxism. The cultural Marxists in the Democratic Party support:

  1. Green New Deal – read about the Green New Deal
  2. Global Warming/Climate Change – read about the environmentalist movement.
  3. Censorship – read about censorship.
  4. Voter Fraud – read about voter fraud here.
  5. Illegal Aliens – read about illegal aliens.
  6. Sodomy – read about LGBT issues.
  7. The Followers of Mohammed – read about Islamic supremacy.
  8. Infanticide – read about abortion.
  9. Taxing the Rich – read about taxation.
  10. Government Free Stuff – read about government largess.

The Democrats want to buy votes by promising things that they know will, and are, bankrupting America. By bankrupting America the cultural Marxist can then, in the name of saving America, enslave Americans.

Who stood in the way of cultural Marxists? One man, President Donald J. Trump. Now we have Biden and his Build Back Better agenda that leads inextricably toward a Communist state.

On November 20th, 2021 The Daily Caller’s Chrissy Clark reported:

Fitchburg State University’s Diversity Center sent the email following the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial announcing that the school would offer race-based safe spaces for students and faculty. The email claimed that Rittenhouse “shot and killed two people protesting the wrongful death of Jacob Blake in 2020.”

“Kyle was acquitted of all charges in the case after driving to Wisconsin with an automatic rifle,” the email read. It went on to say that the verdict “will undoubtedly impact many in our community,” so the university created safe spaces for students to discuss their “thoughts, emotions, and reflections.”

If this isn’t cultural Marxism then I don’t know what is.

Gird your loins. There’s more cultural Marxism to come, and it will come.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


DC Public Schools Tells Families To ‘Decolonize Their Thanksgiving,’ Describes It As A Day ‘Difficult For Many’

National School Board Org To Host Activist Soccer Player At ‘Equity Symposium’ On ‘Creating Safe Spaces In School’

Biden’s Bolsheviks Clearly Understand that ‘The Goal of Socialism is Communism’

“The goal of socialism is communism.” – Vladimir Lenin

“One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Americans today are faced with a serious challenge. The 2020 election gave us the first Communist administration. We did this to ourselves. Whether or not the 2020 election was stolen or not, what we now have in Washington, D.C., whether you believe it or not, is a Communist regime.

This has become clearer after the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse. The Democrats, like Jessie Jackson, are now in the streets calling for a Communist Revolution.

But thanks to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the legacy media, social media and the Democrat Party, we already have one!

Watch as protesters in opposition of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict chanted for a “communist revolution” on the streets of Chicago Saturday.

“The only solution is communist revolution,” the crowd is heard chanting.

Biden’s Bolsheviks

On November 6 and 7, 1917, leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the Duma’s provisional government. It now appears that Biden has appointed a Bolshevik as his Comptroller of the Currency.

The Conservative View reported on Biden’s Comptroller of the Currency Saule Omarova:

Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s banking system.

Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, according to the Wall Street Journal. As recently as 2019, she was still praising the USSR’s economic system as in some ways superior to our own. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’” [Emphasis added]

Read the full article.

Now Omarova wants to bankrupt America’s oil, coal and natural gas industries for the greater good of climate change. Watch:

Al Gore wants “Big Brother” to watch you if you oppose Biden’s climate change agenda. Watch Al Gore’s latest ‘solution’ to Climate Change is mass surveillance:

How Mandates Are Creating a Communist Regime in America

While mask and Covid jab mandates have harmed Americans in untold ways there is something happening now that is a greater threat to our nation.

Bill Clinton said, “It’s the economy stupid.” Today, “It’s  biofuel mandates, stupid.”

Foundation for Economic Education’s Hans Bader reported:

Across the world, the land substitution effects of biofuels mandates have been profoundly negative.

Biofuel mandates drove up wheat prices in Egypt, triggering riots and contributing to the ouster of pro-American ruler Hosni Mubarak. Egypt is now under a veiled military dictatorship that is far more oppressive and wasteful than Mubarak’s rule, and there is far more terrorism and much less tourism and growth in small businesses than under Mubarak. Related food price increases fueled terrorism and violence in places like Yemen and Afghanistan. They also contributed to hunger and child malnutrition in Guatemala.

In an August 20, 2021 article titled “US nears proposal of biofuel targets for 2021-22” Argus Media reported:

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is close to sending its proposed biofuel blending targets for calendar years 2021 and 2022 for a review at the White House, triggering alarm from agricultural interests that the targets could be lower than they expected.

[ … ]

An internal review at the White House — expected to begin as soon as today — would be the final step before EPA formally proposes biofuel blending targets under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The pending release of the proposal will push Biden’s administration back into the complicated politics of pitting biofuel and agricultural interests against refiners and a mostly-union workforce.

EPA is required to set the minimum volumes of advanced biofuels, cellulosic biofuels and total renewable fuels that need to be blended into the fuel supply each calendar year. The agency was supposed to have finalized this year’s biofuel blending targets by 30 November 2020. But it blew past that deadline under former president Donald Trump, and the Biden administration has missed its own goal to propose the targets by July.

Biden and his administration are pushing for the end of the use of fossil fuels and it’s harming working American families:

With the outlawing of fossil fuels comes the end of the American Constitutional Republican form of government. The revolution is already going strong. The Democrat dictatorship in now in their collectivist sites.

The Biden Bolshevik’s weapons of choice are:

  1. Climate change and the Green New Deal.
  2. Covid jab mandates.
  3. Plus the Democrat controlled Congress’ massive funding of a bigger and more intrusive government.

Three strikes and we the people are left out in the cold, literally. Democrats are hell bent on implementing their Communist troika agenda, a.k.a. Build Back Better.


Biden’s Build Back Better agenda is morphing from a cultural war into a full blown Bolshevik Revolution. The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. The causes of the Bolshevik Revolution were widespread inflation and food shortages in Russia after World War I.

After the collapse of Afghanistan, America’s longest war, Biden inherited an economy from President Trump that was robust, growing, with low inflation, no food shortages with American energy independence.

Biden, since his inauguration, has reversed everything President Trump has done to make America great. Biden’s Build Back Better has, in fact, caused supply chain shortages, rising inflation, food shortages, rising cost for home heating fuel and gasoline prices. Biden and his Bolsheviks are now determined to destroy America’s energy industry for the “greater good” of climate change. Save the planet by destroying mankind.

Cut off the life blood of our economy, fossil fuels, and you turn America into a Communist dictatorship.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has it right. Watch:

The next step is Democrats win every election by a landslide, just like in Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea and Russia.

Welcome to 1984 where there’s a boot on the neck of every American, for ever!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


What the Rittenhouse case tells us about the Democrats and the Right to Defend Oneself

Rittenhouse Protesters Chant For Communist Revolution

With Oil Prices Up More than 60% in a Year Beijing Biden Sells U.S. Oil Reserves Overseas to Asia

How the Nuremberg Code Applies to the Vaccine

Rittenhouse Protesters Chant For Communist Revolution

“The goal of socialism is communism.” – Vladimir Lenin

Protesters in opposition of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict chanted for a “communist revolution” on the streets of Chicago Saturday.

Political activist and Baptist pastor Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow PUSH coalition led the march throughout the city with calls for the Department of Justice to investigate the verdict, according to CBS Chicago.

Footage captured a crowd of people marching the streets with a signs that called Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” and demanded to end the “fascist USA.” The crowd chanted in support of a communist revolution.

“The only solution is communist revolution,” the crowd is heard chanting.

“That’s right, we need communism. That’s what we need. We need that! We need that, sister, we need that very much,” a female demonstrator said.

The protest began around 2 p.m. at the Federal Plaza located on 219 S. Dearborn with hundreds of participants marching to Madison Avenue, then to North State Street and West Randolph, according to the outlet. Jackson called the Rittenhouse verdict “a major blow against justice and open season by the violence of the right-wing military.”

“I’m still very, very disappointed. Just a travesty of justice,” protester Alicia Senior-Saywell said, according to WGN 9. “The illegal gun in possession, the Kenosha police basically deputizing him. All of it is based in racism.”

Rittenhouse was acquitted of five felony charges brought against him on Friday over the fatal shootings of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber at a riot on Aug. 25, 2020, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The then-17-year-old was also charged for the shooting-related injury of Gaige Grosskreutz.

Witnesses testified that Rosenbaum “lunged” towards Rittenhouse in an attempt to grab his AR-15 style rifle, while Huber repeatedly hit him in the head with a skateboard.

Protests erupted in major U.S. cities in opposition to the verdict. In Brooklyn, New York, protesters could be heard changing “every city, every town, burn your precinct to the ground!” Protesters also gathered in front of the Kenosha County Courthouse, where the trial presided.

Police in Portland, Oregon, declared the Friday night demonstrations “riots” after the rioters destroyed the Multnomah County Justice Center’s front gate and threw objects at law enforcement, Fox News reported.

“Due to violent, destructive behavior by a significant part of the crowd, the gathering in downtown Portland is a RIOT. All participants are instructed to proceed away to the WEST,” the Portland Police Bureau announced, according to the outlet.

President Joe Biden suggested that Rittenhouse was a “white supremacist” in a Sept. 20, 2020 video ridiculing former President Donald Trump for “refusing to disavow white supremacists.”





What the Rittenhouse case tells us about the Democrats and the Right to Defend Oneself

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